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GMR Group

Established: Industry: Location: Founder Employee Strength: About company GMR Grou! is an in"rastructural co#!an$ head%uartered in Bangalore& 'he co#!an$ (as "ounded in 1978 )$Grandhi Mallikarjuna Rao& *#!lo$ing the +u)lic +rivate +artnershi! #odel, the Grou! has success"ull$ i#!le#ented several iconic in"rastructure !rojects in -ndia& 'he Grou! also has a glo)al !resence (ith in"rastructure o!erating assets and !rojects in several countries including 'urke$, South ."rica, -ndonesia, Singa!ore and the Maldives& .lthough the co#!an$ started (ith .gri )ased industries like /ute0Sugar0Bre(eries )ut slo(l$ #oved in the -n"rastructure s!ace over the !ast decade& 1o( the GMR grou! interests lie in areas o" .ir!orts, *nerg$, High(a$s and 2r)an -n"rastructure& 'he co#!an$ (as involved in the construction o" Rajiv Gandhi -nternational .ir!ort 3 H$dera)ad and Sa)iha G4k5en -nternational .ir!ort in 'urke$& GMR is also involved in the e6!ansion and #odernisation o" -ndira Gandhi -nternational .ir!ort in South 7est 8elhi& .ir!orts 9!erated )$ GMR are:

1978 Construction Services HQ: Bangalore Grandhi Mallikarjuna Rao 17

-ndira Gandhi -nternational .ir!ort, South 7est 8elhi Rajiv Gandhi -nternational .ir!ort, H$dera)ad Sa)iha G4k5en -nternational .ir!ort, :stan)ul

Vision: GMR Grou! (ill )e an institution in !er!etuit$ that (ill )uild entre!reneurial organi;ations #aking a di""erence to societ$ through creation o" value& Values and Belie s: Hu#ilit$ 'ea#(ork and Relationshi!s <earning Res!ect "or -ndividual *ntre!reneurshi! 8eliver the !ro#ise Social Res!onsi)ilit$ !roducts: .ir!ort *nerg$

High(a$s 2r)an -n"rastructures S!orts =8elhi 8aredevils> ?oundations

"elhi "arede#ils GMR has "ora$ed into s!orts )$ !ro#oting the -ndian +re#ier <eague =-+<> cricket tea# @ 8elhi 8aredevils& GMR S!orts o(ning the 1ational Ca!italAs tea# has )een hel!ing it connect (ith the citi;ens o" 8elhi& GMR looks at its !artici!ation in the -+< as a serious and dedicated venture, re!resenting a )road3)ased o!!ortunit$ s!ectru#& ?a#ous Boll$(ood !la$)ack singer Bailash Bher has sung the tea# anthe# 3 CBhel ?ront ?oot +eC a&k&a& D+la$ .ggressivel$C& -t is !la$ed at ever$ 8elhi 8aredevils #atch& $SR Acti#ities 'he$ are also activel$ involved in co##unit$ service as a !art o" Cor!orate Social Res!onsi)ilit$&E1F 'he Grou!As co##it#ent to inclusive gro(th is achieved through its Cor!orate Social Res!onsi)ilit$ ar# @ the GMR Garalaksh#i ?oundation =GMRG?>& GMRG? (orks (ith the under3!rivileged sections o" the co##unit$ in all the locations (here the Grou! has )usiness interests& Latest %e&s '()*:


Key Events, Milestones and Achievements

'he second HI M7 unit o" GMR Ba#alanga *nerg$ <i#ited =GB*<> (as declared co##erciall$ o!erational on 11 1ove#)er J 1H& +o(er !roduced "ro# GB*< is )eing su!!lied to GR-8C9 <i#ited in 9disha in line (ith the long3ter# +o(er +urchase .gree#ent& GMR High(a$s <td has signed a de"initive agree#ent (ith -ndia -n"rastructure ?und =--?> to divest 7KL stake in GMR 2lundur!et *6!ress(a$s +rivate <i#ited =MG2*<A>& 'he transaction is su)ject to closing conditions custo#ar$ to such transactions& --? e#erged as success"ul )idder in )u$ing #ajorit$ stake in G2*<, (hich attracted strong interest "ro# several #ajor investors "ro# -ndia and a)road& 'his is a second #ajor divest#ent in GMRAs roads !ort"olio in less than N #onths& 'he second unit o" the JOH M7 !o(er !lant o" GMRAs *MC9 *nerg$ <i#ited has )een s$nchronised (ith the grid and has achieved "ull load o!eration on J7 .ugust J 1H& 'he GMR Grou! is setting3u! *MC9 *nerg$ <i#itedAs N M7 !o(er !lant at 7arora in Chandra!ur 8istrict o" Maharashtra& +o(er generation co##enced "ro# the "irst unit o" H M7 in March J 1H& GMR Ba#alanga ther#al +o(er +lantPs Jnd 2nit s$nchroni;ed& 7ith the s$nchroni;ation o" the second unit, the co#)ined generation ca!acit$ o" the GMR Grou! has reached 18HN M7 'he 18 M7 Bajoli Holi H*+ success"ull$ signed Contracts "or Main Civil 7orks +ackages3<ot 1 Q <ot J (ith Ga##on -ndia <i#ited, !aving (a$ to co##ence !roject construction ?irst HI M7 2nit o" GMRAs Ba#alanga +lant )eco#es Co##erciall$ 9!erational Mac%uarie SB- -n"rastructure ?und ac%uires #ajorit$ stake in GMR /adcherla *6!ress(a$s <td =G/*<> ?irst unit o" GMRPs Ba#alanga 'her#al +o(er +lant s$nchroni;ed (ith the Central grid&


27-Au -13

11-!uly2"13 2#-May2"13 3"-Apr-13 13-$e%-13


!ro ile + ered: Business Development Role &usiness 'evelopment (nit - CARGO, Hub Development and FTZ )ndicative *ro+ects 1. Prepare a business ase and implementation plan !or settin" up o! an AF# at C$ennai. %. C$al& out an in entive plan !or FF'CHA(s'Airlines to drive ar"o t$rou"$put. ). *ap t$e Frei"$ters net+or& in ,ndia and prepare a standard de & !or value o!!erin"s at RG,A based on re on!i"ured net+or&. -. Prepare'.alidate /usiness plan !or Peris$ables 0 12press terminals b3 ta&in" inputs !rom proposed volumes potential stud3 b3 Consultant !ro ile + ered: Marketing &usiness 'evelopment (nit - Commer ial 1. /en $mar&in" FOR14 sales at RG,A and D,A5 and improvin" sales penetration at RG,A. %. /en $mar&in" RG,A as advertisin" destination and identi!3 t$e tar"et ate"ories !or advertisin" at RG,A ). Fare Tra &in" and Trans!er Passen"er #urve3 -. To identi!3 ate"or3 "aps in retail in domesti departures in H3derabad Airport 6. To stud3 t$e pri e per eption o! F0/ in domesti departures in H3derabad Airport 7. To identi!3 lo ation pre!eren e !or a spa in H3derabad airport. 8. To develop a on ept 0 !ind out t$e .iabilit3 o! Airport 5o3alt3 Card. 9. To develop Airport .illa"e 12pansion Plan. :. Trans!er Des& and APTDC ounter servi e improvement and Airline #atis!a tion #urve3. 1;. To understand passen"er bu3in" be$avior at Dut3 Free Retail 11. To ompare e!!e tiveness o! sales !or e o! HDFR5 +it$ onventional retail stores. T$e pro<e t +ould be de ided based on t$e ompeten 3, interests o! t$e sele ted andidate and t$e business re=uirement.

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