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TOPIC:Transmission of heat SUBJECT:Science CLASS:7th GROUP MEMBERS:Nabila Din Muhammad (2012-1431) Hina Arshad (2012-1441)

Institute of Education & Research Punjab University, Lahore.

Transmission of heat Objectives

Explain the flow of heat from hot body to a cold body. Explain conduction, convection and radiation through experimentation. Recognize the three modes of transfer of heat from environment. Suggest how birds can glide in the air for hours. Describe the working and principle of vacuum flask.

Definition of heat:Heat is the form of energy that flows between two samples of matter due to their difference in temperature. Usually denoted by the variable Q
(Anne Marie Helmenstine)

In physics , chemistry, and thermodynamic:Heat is energy in transfer between a system and its surroundings by processes other than work or transfer of matter. Heat is a form of energy and is obtained from different sources.

Heat may flow across the boundary of the system and thus change its internal energy.

Transfer of heat Definition:The transfer of heat from one object to the other is called transmission of heat. The transfer of heat is normally from a high temperature object to a lower temperature object.

Heat (thermal energy) always moves from hot places to cold places. This is called heat transfer. Sometimes you want to make it easy for heat to go from one place to another. Sometimes you want to keep heat in one place.

How heat is transferred:-

Process of heat transfer

Heat is transmitted by three different methods. Transfer of heat, direct from burner to beaker is called process of conduction. Transfer of heat by the movement of molecules of water from down to upward direction is said to be convection process.

The process by which you get heat without material medium is called radiation.


The source of heat for our planet is the sun. The sun's energy moves through space, then through the earth's atmosphere and finally reaches the earth's surface. The sun's radiation warms the earth's atmosphere and surface and becomes heat energy. This heat energy is transferred through the atmosphere by one of three mechanisms: 1. Radiation 2. Conduction 3. Convection

This type of heat transfer can be observed on sunny days. You face will feel warm when you are standing in the sun. The sunlight is absorbed by your face and warms you face, without warming the air around you. The energy from the sun that is absorbed by your face is called radiant energy or radiation. Radiation is the transfer of this heat energy by electromagnetic waves.

Conduction is the transfer of heat from one molecule to another within a substance.. When heat is transferred through conduction, it flows from warmer to colder regions and will transfer more rapidly with greater temperature differences. The rate of heat transfer through conduction also depends on whether the substance is a good conductor

Convection is the transfer of heat through the movement of a fluid, such as water or air. This type of heat transfer can occur in liquids and gases because they move freely, making it possible to set up warm or cold currents. Convection occurs

naturally in the atmosphere on a warm, sunny day.

Transfer of heat
Imagine your teacher has brought packets of dates to distribute in your class. The teacher has three options

Option 1: The teacher can give a packet of dates to first student and
ask him\her to pass it to the next student and then next student pass on further .in this way each one of you will receives a packet without moving from your place.

Option 2: The teacher can ask students to line up and come to the
table one by one .after receiving the packets every students move back to his \her seat.

Option 3: The teacher can just throw a packet towards each one of u
without any movement on your part. Much the same way heat energy transfer from hot body to a cold body.

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