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Noyce METS News

November/December 2013
Noyce Mathematics Education Teaching Scholars at North Carolina State University Producing highly qualified mathematics teachers who are prepared to use technology and research-based practices in teaching high school mathematics, and have strong content understanding

December 2013 Graduations

NCCTM Conference: Oct 31-Nov 1

A New Ph.D.: Dr. Ayanna Perry, one of our program managers, recently defended her dissertation research, Equitable Spaces in Early Career Mathematics Classrooms. Ayanna found that each teacher, all Noyce practicing teachers, were able to provide equitable instruction for all of their students and that as beginning teachers, they excelled at choosing tasks to support their students learning. We are very proud that our practicing Noyce Scholars engage in equitable instruction! Her dissertation will be linked on our Noyce website. Ayanna will be a Mathematics Teacher Developer with the Knowles Science Teaching Foundation where she will continue to support high school mathematics teachers. We will miss you! You rock, Dr. Perry. A New M.S.: Jenna Rice recently completed her thesis research Teachers Use of Technology to Solve an Informal Inference Problem. Her results showed that overall, most preservice teachers in her sample (n=57) across several institutions exhibited reasoning at the highest levels. These teachers are able to use technology to design simulations and collect repeated samples to make informal inferences, which hopefully will transfer to their ability to teach this important concept in the Common Core Standards for Mathematics. She has earned a M.S. degree and will plans to continue teaching at Lee Early College. Congratulations Jenna!

The preservice scholars-Matthew, David, Stephanie, and Katlyn- did an awesome job presenting at their first professional mathematics conference! They developed and spoke about engaging, high level tasks with Dr. Hollebrands, Emily, and Michelle. Access their functions tasks and statistics tasks here!

Ayanna presented on her dissertation, Equitable Spaces in Mathematics Classes. Access her presentation here!

Access all of our presentations and publications at our website.

Giving Back to the Profession

Karen Klein was recently named co-department head at Sanderson High and is hosting a student teacher this semester. Congratulations Karen for taking this step to be a leader! Karen says, Hosting a student teacher is a rewarding experience. It is an opportunity to share the best of you. As more Noyce Scholars gain experience, we hope that you will be able to support student teachers and other beginning teachers as leaders in the field.

Noyce METS staff are planning our first Summer Institute from June 23 - 25, 2014 at NC State. This will be a great opportunity for us to get back together and learn with each other! We intend for this summer institute to support you in developing strategies that you can use in your own classrooms. Each attendee will receive a $300 stipend. Plus we have funds to pay for travel to Raleigh (airfare, mileage, hotel). If you live close by, we can pay for mileage each day from your home to campus. If you live far, we will get you here by plane, train, or automobile and pay for a 2-night hotel stay! PLEASE COMPLETE THE SURVEY that we sent to you in email if you have not already so that we can plan activities that will enrich and benefit you the most! If you have any questions, contact us.

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Dont forget to use our new Dropbox folder, common core teaching materials. When you find or use materials that you think are particularly helpful (or just generally helpful), please upload them to share with the rest of us. If we all share a few files, then you should all have a great electronic resource that you can use for your current and future classes. Visit our Wiki to see what our staff and other scholars post that can be helpful. You can email Michelle or Emily to see if we have helpful material on a particular subject/content that we can post. Dont forget you can also access all fund request forms on the wiki! Please share when you participate in any professional development opportunities or other activities that might be beneficial to other scholars! You can either email us or else post on our Wiki. Dont forget to visit our Noyce website at for updates and information. You can also find information about your funds and archived newsletters there. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact: Michelle Cetner at, Emily Thrasher at, or Hollylynne Lee at

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