Aurora-Trinity Newsletter Nov13

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November 2013 Newsletter

Communion Worship Services:
"unday, #ovember $rd % &'th

Special Worship Services:

All Saints Sunday Sunday November 3rd We will be remembering family members and friends who have died over the years with the lighting of candles. Food Shelf Sunday Sunday, November 3rd - Aurora Sunday November 10th - Trinity Please give to this worthy cause, as we Feed Bodies with the Love of Jesus Thankoffering Servi e November 10th- !"00 a#m#$%&NT 'orshi( at Aurora This is a joint service with women from BOTH churches artici ating in the service. !efreshments will follow the service. Thanksgiving Servi e 'ednesday, November )*th + ,"30 (#m# $%&NT 'orshi( at Trinity

****Daylight Savings Time Ends****

Daylight Savings Time ends on Sunday, November 3rd. Remember to switch your clocks back 1 hour on Saturday night!

Trinity Mitten Tree

The annual Trinity (itten Tree will be u "unday, #ovember $ through "unday, )ecember *. Please donate new or clean, gently used mittens, gloves, scarves, hats, soc+s or any other winter accessories. These items will be donated to the Blooming Prairie ,hristmas Wish Tree roject, Blooming Prairie -lementary school, and Blooming Prairie Boys and .irls ,lub. Please hel s read the warmth this holiday season.
2013 Oyster-Chili Supper
The 2013 Oyster !hili Su""er will be held Sunday# $ovember 2%th& 'our donation(work sli" is included in the newsletter& )* you have any +uestions# you can contact ,ob Thurnau or -ngie .ensen&

,leaning of the /urora +itchen will be on Tuesday, #ovember 01th at 12$3 .m. Please lan on hel ing, as many hands ma+e fast wor+. "nac+s will be rovided.


itchen Cleanin!:

are soliciting *rom within our congregations& )* you have any interest or you know o* someone# either *ull time or "art time# "lease contact 6astor .on or .eanne 6ichner to discuss& /e will consider any interests&

Study "# $slam-%nderstanding the &uslim 'aith!

"outh an# $amilies Corner:

November Con%irmation Sche#ule: Wednesday, #ovember 1th % &$th at 12$3

The *inal dates o* the )slam study will take "lace on Tuesday# $ovember 12th at 1530 "&m& at Olivia;s Restaurant and Thursday# $ovember 4th 9 1%th at <530 "&m& at -urora& (ur"ra and Trinity Chur)h *"int C"un)il &eeting October 16, 2013 Jeannie ichner ca!!ed the meetin" to order at 6:30 p.m. a#tor Jon !ead $# in prayer and ta!%ed abo$t &'eedin" Mind# (ith the )ove o* Je#$#& (hich i# o$r "oa! *or 201+. ,oth co$nci!# tho$"ht thi# (a# a very "ood !i#t and than%ed the committee *or their hard (or%. -ecretarie# report (a# approved a# read. Business: Making Joint Decisions-Jeannie, .ich and a#tor Jon di#c$##ed option# *or (hen (e need to ma%e deci#ion# that a**ect both ch$rche#. /*ter #ome di#c$##ion the co$nci! decided that each ch$rch (o$!d di#c$## and then have one vote per ch$rch. Organist - 0ebbie i# re#i"nin" and 1mi!y aape ha# come *or(ard to he!p part time. Budget Process - ,$d"et ha# been moved to Oct 30th #o it can be approved at November meetin" and then /$rora (o$!d not have a 0ecember meetin". Dates: /$rora 2hri#tma# ro"ram 0ec. 13th at 4am -ervice 'ir#t 2omm$nion - On!y one #t$dent #o a#tor Jon (i!! coordinate (ith the *ami!y /!! -aint# -$nday - Nov 3rd 5han%o**erin" -ervice - Nov 10th - 5hi# i# a 6oint #ervice (ith (omen *rom ,O57 ch$rche# participatin" in the #ervice. .e*re#hment# (i!! *o!!o( the #ervice. 2hri#tma# -ervice# 2hri#tma# 1ve- 3:00 p.m. at /$rora 8Note time chan"e9 2hri#tma# 0ay - 4:00 a.m. at 5rinity )enten -ervice# - /$rora to do #o$p #$pper# at 6:00 (ith ch$rch at 6:+3 on Wedne#day ni"ht# (ith 5rinity havin" the 6oint one on March 26th 6:00 #$pper and 6:+3 ch$rch. Ma$ndy 5h$r#day - ::00 p.m. at 5rinity ;ood 'riday - ::00 p.m. at /$rora 1a#ter Mornin" - ::00 -$nri#e -ervice at /$rora <:00 ,rea%*a#t at /$rora 4:00 -ervice at /$rora 10:+3 -ervice at 5rinity

&i!h School "outh 'roup: Wednesday, #ovember &$th at 12$3 .m( Aurora Sun#ay School The /urora "unday "chool will begin racticing for the ,hristmas Program on "unday, #ovember &3th. 4ur erformance will ta+e lace on "unday, )ecember &5th during the 6233 a.m. Worshi "ervice. Please be sure to hel your little blessings ractice their arts at home.

"oun! A#ults 'roup

Thank you to everyone who came to the last 'oung -dults gathering& /e had a lot o* *un!! /e had so much *un# that we decided to do the same thing in $ovember& There*ore# the ne0t 'oung -dults 1rou" will be meeting on 2riday# $ovember 3th at 4530 "&m& 6astor .on and 7auren are gracious enough to let us meet at their house again& 6lease *eel *ree to bring an a""eti8er(snack i* you would like 9 your own beverage& /e ho"e that you can make! S"read the word!

Prairie (anor /u7iliary will be meeting at &2$3 .m. on (onday, #ov. 05th.

-rairie .anor"

November Council Meetin!s:

Trinity Council: Monday, Nov. 11th 6:30 p.m. Aurora Council: Wed., Nov. 20th -6:30 p.m. &Organist/Pianist


-*ter many years o* "laying *or -urora 9 Trinity# Debbie1ehring has made the decision to ste" down as organist so she might be able to s"end more time with her *amily and also sit together with them during worshi" services& :owever# she has agreed to stay on until we *ind a re"lacement& To begin the search# we

Ne=t 6oint meetin" March 26th 201+ *o!!o(in" Wedne#day ni"ht #ervice at 5rinity Motion to ad6o$rn the meetin" .e#pect*$!!y #$bmitted, Jodi >ec% +e,sletter $n#"rmati"n Deadline
6lease have all in*ormation *or the December newsletter and calendar to 7isa by Mon. Nov. 18thSend your in*o to5 auroratrinityo**ice=gmail&com or you can call >04 %>< 04%0&

'eedin" Mind#
With the )ove o* Je#$#
/# many o* yo$ %no(, thi# pa#t year, (e have been *oc$#ed on the theme o* Feeding Bodies with the Lo e o! Jesus" /!on" (ith thi# theme, (e #et o$t #ome "oa!# to he!p $# !ive into thi# mi##ion and *oc$# *or the year. 5o be hone#t, *or a variety o* rea#on#, #ome o* the "oa!# (ent rea!!y (e!!, and #ome o* them never even #a( the !i"ht o* day. 5hat i# 6$#t ho( it "oe# #ometime#. We !earn *rom o$r #$cce##e# and o$r *ai!$re#. What ha# ama?ed me, tho$"h, abo$t thi# pa#t year ha# been (atchin" #o many o* yo$ embody thi# mi##ion *oc$#. @ cannot te!! yo$ ho( many time# @ heard #ome o* yo$ brin" $p a ne( idea *or o$r ch$rche# and then *o!!o( it $p by #ayin", A5hat (o$!d *it into o$r mi##ion "oa! o* *eedin" bodie#, tooBC 5hro$"h that, yo$ too% $# beyond o$r mi##ion "oa!# and into ne( territory (e hadnDt dreamed o* yet. 5hro$"ho$t thi# year, (e have rai#ed money *or and !earned abo$t the 7o#pita!ity 7o$#e in O(atonna, (e 8a"ain9 "ave money to #$pport the *i"ht a"ain#t Ma!aria, (e bro$"ht mea!# to *ami!ie# (ith ne(born#, (e #tarted a re!ation#hip (ith 5rinityD# Mea!# o* 7ope pro"ram, (e "ave a(ay 10 *ree mea!# to the /eb!e#%iver #$pper, a!on" (ith many other mini#trie# that cared *or peop!eD# bodie#. 5han% yo$ *or yo$r commitment to thi# *oc$# *or the year. ,$t ;od i#nDt ca!!in" $# to 6$#t care *or peop!eD# bodie#. We be!ieve that ;od i# ca!!in" $# to *eed the peop!e o* ;od in body, mind, and #pirit. 5here*ore, in 201+, (e move on to a ne( *oc$# Feeding Minds with the Lo e o! Jesus. O$r Mi##ion 2ommittee ha# been hard at (or%, deve!opin" #ome "oa!# *or $# in the comin" year. / co$p!e o* month# a"o, they co!!ected idea# *rom yo$ abo$t ho( (e can care *or peop!eD# mind in the comin" year. With tho#e idea# and more, the Mi##ion 2ommittee decided to #et #ome broader "oa!#, a!on" (ith #ome #peci*ic initiative# to achieve tho#e "oa!#. 7ere are the three "oa!#, and 6$#t #ome o* tho#e c!ear action# to meet them: 1). Grow educational opportunities within the parish EO**er an ad$!t c!a##F#ermon #erie# on the -ma!! 2atechi#m E-tart a re"$!ar ,ib!e #t$dy on -$nday mornin"# E5eachin" and 1d$cation aro$nd menta! hea!th 2). Support local and global mind-related ministries E,$i!d #choo! %it# *or )$theran Wor!d .e!ie* E-$pport the ,oy# and ;ir!# 2!$b o* ,!oomin" rairie a(arene## o* Nationa! /!!iance o* Menta! @!!ne## 8N/M@9 3). Deepen relationships within the parish E0inner #ma!! "ro$p# E-tart a pari#h prayer chain E-tart a A)i*eD# -tre##or#C -$pport ;ro$p 5hi# i# 6$#t the be"innin" o* #omethin" that @ hope (i!! brea% open and #$rpri#e $# in bea$ti*$!!y cha!!en"in" and $ne=pected (ay#. @ !oo% *or(ard to thi# ne=t year (ith a!! o* yo$ and hope yo$ (i!! 6oy $# in thi# e**ort to *eed both o$r mind# and the mind# o* o$r nei"hbor# (ith that $nconditiona!, $n(averin" !ove that (e #ee in Je#$#.

Pastor Jon


E.C( &eeting -

ednesday/ Septem0er 21/ 2013


Our meeting began at <530"m with 11 ladies in attendance& .odi ?eck o"ened the meeting with devotions& The minutes o* the .une 13# 2013 meeting were read and a""roved with no corrections or additions& -ngie gave the Treasurer;s Re"ort& ,alances on hand as o* 3(31(13 were5 !hecking @<3#123&%AB Savings @2#3>3&<3# and @1#3A4&3% in the O""enheimer *und& )t was noted that all bills *rom the *airstand have been "aid e0ce"t she has received no invoice *rom .ohn;s -""liance& !hecks have not yet cleared the bank thus a large amount in checking& Discussions took "lace regarding the Diner& 1ross Recei"ts were @%2#3<2&>% and Disbursements were @23#3<%&A<# with a $et 6ro*it o* @1%#%A4&>3& Overall# things seemed to run +uite smoothly& - motion was made a seconded that we "ut the ti" money o* @343 towards the 6layground C+ui"ment 2und& Dn*inished(Old ,usiness5 1E 2eedback was given regarding the Summer /orshi" Services& -ttendance was low at Fonday night services and Sunday services were well attended& -ll agreed we should continue ne0t year& 2E 6layground C+ui"ment has arrived& - committee is being *ormed to determine best site location on the church grounds and get it installed& 3E -ngie noted she will "ack u" the items *or the Fama 6roGect and get shi""ed& $ew ,usiness5 Fission disbursements *rom "roceeds o* the diner were discussed& - motion was made and seconded that we give @<#>00 to the *ollowing organi8ations5 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o -urora ,uilding 2und&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&@1#000 7ocal Red !ross&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&@>00 7ocal Salvation -rmy&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&@>00 Steele !ounty 2ood Shel*&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&@>00 Steele !ounty !lothesline&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&@>00 1ood Carth Hillage&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&@>00 !enter *or 2amily Dnity&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&@>00 7utheran Seminary# St&6aul&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&@>00 Steele !ounty !risis Resource !enter&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&@%00 6roGect :ome&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&@%00 !hrist Through :el"ing :ands# 2aribault&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&@300 7utheran Social Services&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&@300 7utheran /orld Relie*&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&@300 :os"itality :ouse&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&@300

Our Thanko**ering Service will be Sunday# $ovember 10th& This will be a .oint Service with Trinity& The /elca ,oard will be in charge o* coordinating the service& .oanne $egstad o* 7utheran Social Services o* Finnesota will "reach the gos"el message& .odi has agreed to lead the service# however# volunteers are needed *or readers and ushers& .odi "resented in*ormation on the Tri -nnual /elca !onvention in !harlotte# $! on .uly 2% 24# 201%& She is considering attending and invites others to Goin her& De"ending on how many wish to attend# /elca may hel" "ay *or the cost& - discussion took "lace regarding what we should do *or a !hristmas activity& Fany were in agreement to again attend the /omen;s !hristmas !andlelight Dinner at !hrist !ommunity church in /aseca to be held December < Ath& The meeting was adGourned with lunch served by the /elca ,oard& Res"ect*ully# Jeanne Pichner

/C7!- Secretar

/urora Lutheran ,hurch ,ouncil (eeting 4ctober &1, 03&$

The regular monthly meeting of the /urora Lutheran ,hurch ,ouncil was held on 4ctober &1, 03&$. The members resent were Jeanne Pichner, Jodi 8ec+, Brett Paa e, Paul 8orbel, !oberta Jensen, Pastor Jon )avis, /lycin Prestegard, Jared Prestegard, The meeting was called to order by President Jeanne Pichner and Pastor Jon lead us in rayer. Secretary)s report2 The minutes from the "e tember &*, 03&$ meeting were a roved as read.

Treasure)s report: The re orted financials were a roved as follows2 "e t. 9ncome2 : 1,3&6.&$ "e t. -7 enses2 : ',;'5.0& <ear To )ate 9ncome2 :11,&36.*1 <ear To )ate -7 enses :51,105.$5 *astors +eport: Pastor Jon tal+ed to our new bisho , "teve )el=er, about visiting our church and a date has been set for him to lead the worshi and communion on (arch &1th with lunch to follow the church service. ,n%inishe# -usiness: ,onstitution > The synod has loo+ed at our revised constitution and said it loo+s very good. We need to follow our old constitution so a co y of the new constitution will be available in #ov. for congregation members. We will have to a rove this at our annual meeting in 03&; and then ratify it at the 03&5 annual meeting so & more year until this is done. New -usiness: > We need someone to chec+ the furnaces again. There is confusion on which controller is for which furnace as there is $ controllers for 0 furnaces. Brett will contact someone and handle this. >)onation envelo es have been laced at the funeral homes in 4watonna. >Two eo le have shown interest in ossibly laying during church art time. >The budget meeting is scheduled for 4ctober $3 th. The meeting was adjourned. The ne7t council meeting will be held on #ovember 03th, 03&$ at 12$3 .m. !es ectfully "ubmitted Jodi 8ec+>Bac+ u "ecretary )ates to remember #ov &3th > Than+offering "unday #ov 0;th > 4yster?,hili "u er

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