GD Guidelines

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Important Factors in a GD 1. Communication a.

Communication does not mean being verbose but being precise; its better making a few sensible points, rather than talking repeatedly with shallow points b. Do not get into arguments, it will be marked negatively. Interject, do not argue c. Listening is as important as talking, when someone is speaking listen carefully to what is being said, so that you can interject effectively d. If you are interjecting, interject after someone has finished making their point, do not butt in when someone is speaking, let the speaker finish e. Aggressive communication: talking loudly, excessive usage of hands, pointing at people, etc. is not appreciated f. Do not use slang or sms text language, use formal English g. If you are using jargon excessively, explain what the jargon means, the GD coordinator may not understand the jargon you use 2. Presence & Awareness a. Please appear for a GD in formals, with proper appearance b. Do not be casual or laidback in the GD, participate with energy and enthusiasm, get completely involved in the GD c. Involvement is not just talking but listening as well d. For awareness, please read a business paper and a national news daily every day, read a business magazine every week 3. GD Management a. Remember its a Group Discussion, let other participants speak, trying to dominate the discussion by stopping others from speaking will not go down well b. Lead the discussion in other ways: Start the discussion, guide the discussion, intervene when other speakers are on a tangent, summarize the discussion c. If you want to agree or disagree with other speakers, agree or disagree on issues and facts, not on emotion 4. Case GDs a. In Case GDs a case/problem will be given, and you will be asked for an analysis b. The case/problem will often be ambiguous for example: A Reliance Retail store is seeing sales fall, how will you increase sales c. Given that the problem is ambiguous, its important to bring a structure/framework into the GD the analysis of the case must be structured d. In Case GDs, the approach/analysis is important not the answer, dont try and reach an answer quickly, in the GD spend time on the analysis e. A measured, well-thought out analysis, with attention to details, and out-of-the box thinking is required f. In the analysis you must integrate your management concepts, if the case is on increasing market share for example you must use marketing concepts g. In a financial case you must use financial concepts

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