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Weather Modification Inc.

October 2008

Alberta Hail Suppression Project 2008 Final Report

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Weather Modification Inc.

October 2008

Alberta Hail Suppression Project 2008 Final Report

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Terry W. Krauss, PhD


A Program for Seeding Convective Clouds with Glaciogenic Nuclei to Mitigate Urban Hail Damage in the Province of Alberta, Canada

by Weather Modification Inc. 3802 - 20th Street North Fargo, North Dakota U.S.A. 58102 for Alberta Severe Weather Management Society Calgary, Alberta Canada October 2008

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October 2008

Alberta Hail Suppression Project 2008 Final Report

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This report summarizes the activities during the 2008 field operations of the Alberta Hail Suppression Project. This was the thirteenth year of operations by Weather Modification Inc. (WMI) of Fargo, North Dakota under contract with the Alberta Severe Weather Management Society of Calgary, Alberta. 2008 was the third year of the third 5-year contract cycle for this on-going program that started in 1996. The program continues to be funded entirely by private insurance companies in Alberta with the sole intent to mitigate the damage to urban property caused by hail. The cloud-seeding project was made an on-going program in 2001 because the insurance losses due to hail were approximately 50% less than expected during the first five-year contract period 19962000. Calgary and Red Deer have seen >30% increases in population in the last 10 years, and the property values have more than doubled during this time. Calgarys population exceeded 1 million two years ago. A similar hail storm that caused $400 million damage in Calgary in 1991 would almost certainly now cause more than $1 billion damage today. Several billion dollar hail storms have occurred in the USA in the last 5 years. The project design has remained the same throughout the period, except that a fourth seeding aircraft was added to the project this summer to improve seeding coverage on bad storm days. The program was operational from June 1st to September 15th, 2008 and only storms that posed a hail threat to an urban area, as identified by the projects weather radar situated at the Olds-Didsbury Airport, were actually seeded. The project target area covers the region from High River in the south to Lacombe in the north, with priority given to the two largest cities of Calgary and Red Deer. 2008 was an above average summer for large hail inside the project area and outside the project area. Hail was reported within the project area on 41 days this past summer. Larger than golf ball size hail fell on July 9th west of Crossfield. Golf ball size hail was reported on June 17th west of Lacombe, July 4th near Caroline, July 6th west of Carstairs, July 9th near Lacombe, July 13th near Rocky Mountain House and Three Hills, July 26th west of Olds, and on August 8th in Red Deer. Walnut size hail was reported on two other days (July 18 and 27). For the entire Province of Alberta, the Alberta Agriculture Financial Services Corporation in Lacombe reported hail damage to crops on 86 days (1 day in May, 23 days in June, 27 days in July, 22 days in August, and 13 days in September). Golf ball size hail was reported outside the project area on 4 additional days (July 10, 15, 16, and Aug 21). Data from crop insurance claims indicates that crop damage in 2008 was approximately double the historical average and one of the worst years on record. In general, the weather in the project area this summer was cool and wet in June, and then warmer and humid during July, and then relatively hot and dry in August. There were an above average number of days with high humidity in July which provided the atmospheric conditions for very severe thunderstorms. There were thunderstorms reported within the project area on 75 days this summer and this was the highest frequency of thunderstorm days since the project started tracking these statistics in 1996. The number of hail days and days with large hail (greater than walnut size) was also above average. A highlight of the season was WMIs participation in a research project called UNSTABLE (Understanding Severe Thunderstorms and Alberta Boundary Layers Experiment) from July 9-23, and based at the Olds radar site. UNSTABLE was a field study designed to improve our understanding of processes leading to convective initiation and severe thunderstorm development over the Alberta foothills. The field component of UNSTABLE was designed in two parts, a pilot field study in 2008 (July 9-23, 2008) and a larger, full-scale experiment planned for 2011. The purpose of the 2008 pilot project was to test critical instrumentation and measurement strategies to answer some key UNSTABLE science questions. Hailstop-1 was outfitted with special instrumentation to measure temperature, humidity, and wind in the boundary layer, as well as cloud physics probes to measure cloud particle characteristics. Results from the pilot project will be used to refine the science overview and operations plan for the full-scale project in 2011. Through UNSTABLE we ultimately aim to improve the accuracy and timeliness of summertime severe weather watches and warnings, assess the ability of the numerical models of Environment Canada to resolve relevant processes and provide
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useful numerical guidance, and refine existing conceptual models for severe thunderstorm development over Alberta and the western Canadian prairies. The project was largely funded by Environment Canada with participation by the Universitys of Alberta, Calgary, and Manitoba plus Weather Modification Inc. During this season, there were 112 aircraft flights totaling 194.7 flight hrs on 48 days with operations. A total of 56 storms were seeded during 54 seeding flights (127.3 hrs) on 26 days on which seeding took place. There were 17 patrol flights (25.2 hrs), 23 test flights (19.3 hrs), and 6 public relations flights (1.6 hrs). There were 12 special research flights (21.3 hrs) using Hailstop 1 (N234K) for the UNSTABLE research project during July. The amount of silver-iodide nucleating agent dispensed during the 2008 field season totaled 122.942 kg: consisting of 1648 ejectable (cloud-top) flares (32.96 kg seeding agent), 548 end-burning (cloud-base) flares (82.2 kg seeding agent), and 113.5 gallons of AgI-acetone solution (7.782 kg seeding agent). Four specially equipped cloud seeding aircraft were dedicated to the project. One Piper Cheyenne II and a Cessna 340A were based in Calgary, and a Beech King Air C90 and C340 were based in Red Deer. The procedures used in 2008 remained the same as for the previous years, except for the one additional C340 airplane in Red Deer. The Calgary office and aircraft were stationed at the former Morgan Air hangar at the Calgary International Airport. A WMI Red Deer office was set up in the AvTech hangar at the Red Deer Regional Airport (formerly Hillman Air). The aircraft and crews provided a 24-hr service, seven days a week throughout the period. Eight fulltime pilots and three meteorologists were assigned to the project this year. Three pilots in Red Deer were sub-contracted from Sky Wings Aviation Academy. In addition, former WMI cloud seeding pilots (Gavin Lange, Craig Lee, Ben Hiebert, and Mark Friel), presently working in Alberta for other companies, were used on their days off or during special leave to fly on the project. Four other pilots were also trained during the summer and served as captains and co-pilots for short periods. Overall, the personnel, aircraft, and radar performed exceptionally well and there were no interruptions or missed opportunities in the service. High speed Internet was once again installed at the Calgary and Red Deer offices for the pilots so that they could closely monitor the storm evolution and storm motion using the radar images on the web. Numerous public relations activities occurred this year. Dr. Terry Krauss was interviewed by Global TV on July 7th and by City TV and CBC TV on July 8th. The Weather Network visited the radar and flew on Hailstop 1 on July 9th. The Discovery Channel flew on Hailstop 1 on July 17th. A journalist from the BBC in London visited the radar and Calgary office on June 10th. Axa Pacific Insurance sent two groups, of 11 and 14 persons respectively, to the radar site on September 2nd and 9th. All of the media coverage was positive. All of the projects radar data, meteorological data, and reports have been recorded onto a portable hard drive as a permanent archive for the Alberta Severe Weather Management Society. These data include the daily reports, radar maps, aircraft flight tracks, as well as meteorological charts for each day. These data can be made available for outside research purposes through a special request to the Alberta Severe Weather Management Society. A formal statistical evaluation of the hail suppression program is still not possible without acquiring more comprehensive, detailed, high resolution property insurance claim data. Preliminary assessments from unofficial reports within the insurance industry indicate that the program has been a financial success but this has not been verified. The crop-damage statistics, however, do not indicate a reduction in hail for the target area. Furthermore, there appears to be a trend towards increasing hail within the target area over the past few years, and this is expected to continue into the near future, especially if La Nina conditions continue. The fact that the crop damage data does not show a reduction in crop damage within the target area may be explained by the fact that hailstorms are not seeded if they do not threaten a town or city. This also means that any reduction in property insurance payouts is not due to climate change since there has been an increase in storm activity.

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Alberta Hail Suppression Project 2008 Final Report

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The 2008 field operations ran quite smoothly and, once again, there are no major recommendations for program improvements or upgrades. The following recommendations are presented for consideration by the ASWMS and WMI senior management next year. It has been 13 years since the program started. There are many new people in the insurance industry in Central Alberta who are not familiar with the history of the program and details of the current cloud seeding project. Two very successful information seminars were given at the Olds radar site for the staff of the AXA Pacific Insurance Company this past summer. It is recommended that similar information seminars be given as part of the Alberta Insurance Council accreditation program. The intent of this training course would be to inform the insurance industry about the background, organization, and methodology of the cloud seeding project so that support for the program can continue based on current and accurate information. Finding sufficient, qualified pilots continues to be a challenge for the program. Advertising and recruiting of pilots should be started earlier next spring. Application for Foreign Work Permits for US pilots should also begin early next spring since we now have ample justification to demonstrate shortages of qualified staff in Alberta based on our experiences in the past, especially 2007 and 2008. Another possibility is to investigate sub-contracting pilots from local aviation companies (e.g. Morgan Air and Sky Wings Aviation Academy) since these companies offer job security and have become employers of our former pilots in the past. There continues to be a need for more detailed property damage data in order to assess the effectiveness of the seeding program. Several of the larger insurance companies have been contacted to request detailed property damage data. The intent is to conduct an anonymous assessment of trends in the loss-to-risk ratios of property damage so that insight into the financial effectiveness of the program may be determined.

T. W. Krauss, Ph.D. October 2008

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October 2008

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WMI wishes to acknowledge the continuing, kind support of Todd Klapak (President) and Catherine Janssen (Chief Financial Officer) and the entire Board of Directors of the Alberta Severe Weather Management Society (ASWMS). The understanding, support, and cooperation of the ASWMS are greatly appreciated. A number of organizations and people deserve recognition and thanks. The cooperation of these people and agencies are very important to make the project a success and much more enjoyable. The cooperation of NAV Canada is greatly appreciated and acknowledged. Several persons deserve special recognition: Richard Hubbs of the Edmonton Area Control Center; and Mark McCrea, Scott Young, and Brent Lopushinsky of the Calgary Terminal Air Operations. The excellent cooperation by the ATC once again played a very important role in allowing the project pilots to treat the threatening storms in an efficient and timely manner as required, often directly over the city of Calgary. Rob Cruickshank, Alberta Financial Services Corp. (AFSC) in Lacombe is thanked for providing the crop insurance information. For the thirteenth year, special thanks go to Bob Jackson for sharing his office and hangar at the Olds-Didsbury airport, used for the radar and communications control center. Tim Morgan and Gavin Lange of Morgan Air are sincerely thanked for their cooperation and assistance in providing very scarce office and ramp space at the Calgary airport this season, and for providing cloud seeding pilots and aircraft maintenance when required. Dennis Cooper of Sky Wings Aviation Academy in Red Deer is acknowledged for providing co-pilots in Red Deer and for providing support for the Red Deer operations in general. Neil Taylor (Environment Canada, Edmonton) and Craig Smith (Enivornment Canada, Saskatoon) are thanked for their co-operation, assistance and support during the UNSTABLE research program.

WMI wishes to acknowledge the contributions of the staff who served on the project during the summer of 2008: meteorologists (Jason Goehring and Dr. Viktor Makitov), electronics-radar technician Barry Robinson, pilots in command (Robert Gorman, Zac Glass, Joe Wiley, Jeff Allen, Joel Zimmer, Daniel Haines, Craig Lee, Jason Schellenbaum, Ben Heibert, Mark Friel, and Michael Plouffe); the copilots (Steward Van Male, Conlan Besner, Aaron Cyman, Athena Chapman, and Treena King), and the aircraft maintenance engineers (Gary Hillman and Dale Campbell). The staff performed very well as a team. The support of the WMI corporate head office in Fargo ND is acknowledged, specifically: Patrick and James Sweeney, Randy Jenson, Hans Ahlness, Jody Fischer, Bruce Boe, Dennis Afseth, Cindy Dobbs, Mark Grove, Erin Fischer, and Mike Clancy are gratefully acknowledged.

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Figure 1: Jim Sweeney (WMI Vice President) and Dr. Terry Krauss (WMI VP and Project Manager).

Figure 2: Meteorologists Jason Goehring and Dr. Viktor Makitov.

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Figure 3: Gary Hillman (Aircraft Maintenance) and Barry Robinson (Electronics Maintenance).

Figure 4: Instructor Pilots Jody Fischer and Zac Glass.

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Figure 5: Pilots Jeff Allen and Joel Zimmer.

Figure 6: Pilots Robert Gorman and Joe Wiley.

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Figure 7: Pilots Steward Van Male and Aaran Cyman.

Figure 8: Pilots Conlan Besner and Jason Schellenbaum.

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Figure 9: Pilots Ben Hiebert and Michael Plouffe.

Figure 10: Pilots Athena Chapman and Treena King.

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .............................................................................................................................. 4 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS............................................................................................................................... 7 TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................. 13 LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................................................... 15 LIST OF TABLES....................................................................................................................................... 16 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 17 THE 2008 FIELD PROGRAM .................................................................................................................... 18 PROJECT OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................................................... 19 PRIORITIES ............................................................................................................................................... 20 CONCEPTUAL HAIL MODEL ................................................................................................................... 22 HAIL SUPPRESSION HYPOTHESIS ............................................................................................................... 22 PRECIPITATION EFFICIENCY ....................................................................................................................... 24 OPERATIONS PLAN ................................................................................................................................. 25 ONSET OF SEEDING .................................................................................................................................. 25 IDENTIFICATION OF HAIL PRODUCING STORMS............................................................................................ 26 CLOUD SEEDING METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................... 26 NIGHT TIME SEEDING ................................................................................................................................ 27 STOPPING SEEDING .................................................................................................................................. 27 SEEDING RATES ....................................................................................................................................... 27 SEEDING MATERIALS................................................................................................................................. 28 FLARE EFFECTIVENESS TESTS .................................................................................................................. 30 Summary Of CSU Tests..................................................................................................................... 31 PROGRAM ELEMENTS AND INFRASTRUCTURE ................................................................................. 32 GROUND SCHOOL ................................................................................................................................... 33 PUBLIC RELATIONS................................................................................................................................. 33 UNSTABLE (UNDERSTANDING SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS AND ALBERTA BOUNDARY LAYERS EXPERIMENT)............................................................................................................................ 34 FLIGHT OPERATIONS .............................................................................................................................. 38 AIR-TRAFFIC CONTROL ............................................................................................................................. 38 CLOUD SEEDING AIRCRAFT ....................................................................................................................... 40 Piper Cheyenne II ............................................................................................................................. 40 Beech King-Air C90.......................................................................................................................... 41 C340A Aircraft .................................................................................................................................. 41 RADAR CONTROL AND COMMUNICATIONS CENTER ........................................................................ 43 RADAR ....................................................................................................................................................... 44 RADAR CALIBRATION CHECKS ................................................................................................................... 46 AIRCRAFT TRACKING GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS) ......................................................... 48

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SUMMARY OF SEEDING OPERATIONS ................................................................................................. 48 FLIGHTS ................................................................................................................................................... 49 SEEDING AMOUNTS ................................................................................................................................... 49 COMPARISON OF 2008 WITH PREVIOUS YEARS .......................................................................................... 50 STORM TRACKS ........................................................................................................................................ 55 WEATHER FORECASTING ...................................................................................................................... 56 CONVECTIVE DAY CATEGORY (CDC)......................................................................................................... 56 COORDINATED UNIVERSAL TIME ................................................................................................................ 57 DAILY BRIEFINGS ...................................................................................................................................... 57 METEOROLOGICAL STATISTICS .................................................................................................................. 57 FORECASTING PERFORMANCE ................................................................................................................... 59 THE HAILCAST MODEL .............................................................................................................................. 62 JULY 27TH, 2008 CASE STUDY: A SEVERE STORM OVER CALGARY. ............................................................. 63 CLIMATE PERSPECTIVES ........................................................................................................................... 65 EL NIO/SOUTHERN OSCILLATION (ENSO) DISCUSSION ............................................................................ 68 ALBERTA CROP HAIL INSURANCE RESULTS ................................................................................................ 69 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................................................... 71 REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDED READING .................................................................................. 72 APPENDICES............................................................................................................................................. 76 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. ORGANIZATION CHART .............................................................................................................. 77 DAILY WEATHER AND ACTIVITIES SUMMARY TABLE 2008 .................................................... 78 AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS FLIGHT SUMMARY 2008 ................................................................ 112 FLIGHT SUMMARY TABLE 2008................................................................................................ 114 FORMS ........................................................................................................................................ 118 SPECIFICATIONS FOR PIPER CHEYENNE II AIRCRAFT ........................................................ 122 SPECIFICATIONS FOR BEECHCRAFT KING AIR C90 AIRCRAFT .......................................... 123 SPECIFICATIONS FOR CESSNA C-340 AIRCRAFT ................................................................. 124 GROUND SCHOOL AGENDA..................................................................................................... 125 WMI AIRBORNE GENERATOR SEEDING SOLUTION.............................................................. 126 DAILY METEOROLOGICAL FORECAST STATISTICS 2008..................................................... 127 PROJECT PERSONNEL AND TELEPHONE LIST ..................................................................... 131

AIRCRAFT FLIGHT SUMMARY:............................................................................................................... 92

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Figure 1: Jim Sweeney (WMI Vice President) and Dr. Terry Krauss (WMI VP and Project Manager)................8 Figure 2: Meteorologists Jason Goehring and Dr. Viktor Makitov. ......................................................................8 Figure 3: Gary Hillman (Aircraft Maintenance) and Barry Robinson (Electronics Maintenance). ......................9 Figure 4: Instructor Pilots Jody Fischer and Zac Glass. .......................................................................................9 Figure 5: Pilots Jeff Allen and Joel Zimmer........................................................................................................10 Figure 6: Pilots Robert Gorman and Joe Wiley. ..................................................................................................10 Figure 7: Pilots Steward Van Male and Aaran Cyman........................................................................................11 Figure 8: Pilots Conlan Besner and Jason Schellenbaum. ..................................................................................11 Figure 9: Pilots Ben Hiebert and Michael Plouffe. ..............................................................................................12 Figure 10: Pilots Athena Chapman and Treena King. .........................................................................................12 Figure 11: The average number of hail days per year, based on the 19511980 climate normals of Environment Canada (1987) and taken from Etkin and Brun (1999).........................................................................................17 Figure 12: Map of southern Alberta showing the project target area (Figure courtesy J. Renick). ....................20 Figure 13: The conceptual model of hailstone formation and hail mitigation processes for Alberta (adapted from WMO, 1995). This schematic figure shows the cloud seeding methodology at feeder cloud tops and cloudbase for a mature hailstorm...................................................................................................................................23 Figure 14: A three-dimensional schematic figure of an Alberta hailstorm, showing the cloud seeding methodology within the new growth zone..............................................................................................................24 Figure 15: Precipitation efficiency for High Plains convective storms. Known supercell hailstorms are labeled S. Storms that produced rain only are labeled R (Browning, 1977).....................................................................25 Figure 16: A photo of a cloud seeding plane dropping ejectable flares during a cloud seeding penetration (photo courtesy John Ulan). ..................................................................................................................................27 Figure 17: Photograph of a burning BIP flare.....................................................................................................28 Figure 18: Pilot Joel Zimmer attaching the ejectable flare racks on the belly of the King Air C90 seeding aircraft designated as Hailstop 3...........................................................................................................................29 Figure 19: Burn-in-place (BIP) flares on the wing of HailStop-1.........................................................................29 Figure 20: Yield of ice crystals (corrected) per gram of pyrotechnic versus cloud supercooling temperature (T<0C). Open diamond symbols are for experiments with cloud LWC (liquid water content) of 1.5 g m-3, while the filled symbols are for experiments with LWC equal to 0.5 g m-3. ....................................................................30 Figure 21: Times for 63% (diamond symbols) and 90% (square symbols) ice formation versus supercooling (T<0C) for the ICE pyrotechnic aerosols. Open and filled symbols are for cloud LWC (liquid water content) of 1.5 and 0.5 g m-3, respectively. ..............................................................................................................................31 Figure 22: A schematic of the operational elements of the Alberta Hail Suppression Project. ...........................32 Figure 23: A photo of the group from Axa Pacific Insurance that visited the radar on September 2nd..............34 Figure 24: A photo of Hail Stop-1 (N234K) with the special cloud physics instrumentation used for UNSTABLE. ...........................................................................................................................................................35 Figure 25: A photo of Erin Tompson (Environment Canada Saskatoon) launching a radiosonde balloon on July 8th for UNSTABLE. ................................................................................................................................................36 Figure 26: Comparison of the vertical profile of temperature and dew point measured by Hailstop-1 with the radiosonde balloon on July 8th. ............................................................................................................................36 Figure 27: Comparison of the vertical profile of wind speed and direction measured by Hailstop-1 with the radiosonde balloon on July 8th. ............................................................................................................................37 Figure 28: Schematic figure showing aircraft cloud seeding block altitudes required for Air Traffic Control (ATC). ....................................................................................................................................................................39 Figure 29: Piper Cheyenne II aircraft (N234K) designated as Hail-Stop 1 shown with Captain Bob Gorman at the Olds-Didsbury Airport. ....................................................................................................................................40 Figure 30: Beech Craft King-Air C90 aircraft (N911FG) designated as Hail-Stop 3 shown at the Olds-Didsbury Airport....................................................................................................................................................................41 Figure 31: C340A aircraft (N457DM) designated as Hail-Stop 2 and configured to seed with droppable flares, end-burning flares, and AgI acetone burners........................................................................................................42 Figure 32: C340A aircraft (N98560) designated as Hail-Stop 4 and configured to seed with flares, end-burning flares, and AgI acetone burners.............................................................................................................................42 Figure 33: Dr. Viktor Makitov in the communications control room, showing the CIDD and TITAN, displays. 43 Figure 34: TITAN dual-display showing the various radar pictures and satellite photo available to the radar controller on 29-July-2006. ...................................................................................................................................44

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Figure 35: WMI-NCAR CIDD display showing radar reflectivity data and topography. A vertical cross-section and clear-air outflow boundary are also shown....................................................................................................44 Figure 36: WMI C-band radar at the Olds-Didsbury airport. .............................................................................45 Figure 37: Radar calibration of RDAS digital counts to equivalent radar reflectivity power (dBZ) for the WMI radar at Olds-Didsbury during the 2008 field season. ..........................................................................................47 Figure 38: Aircraft Global Positioning System (GPS) flight tracks, and real-time information via the AIRLINK telemetry system on July 26, 2008. ........................................................................................................................48 Figure 39: The frequency of occurrence and cumulative distributions of aircraft take-off and landing times for all flights as a function on time during 2008. ........................................................................................................49 Figure 40: Amount of seeding material dispensed per operational day in 2008. ................................................50 Figure 41: Map of all hailstorm tracks during 2008............................................................................................55 Figure 42: Maximum Reflectivity map for the storms on 27-July-2008. ...............................................................64 Figure 43: Aircraft tracks for Hailstop 1(green), 2(white), 3(blue), and 4(yellow) on 27-July-2008..................65 Figure 44: Daily and accumulated rainfall for Calgary from Oct. 21, 2007 to Oct. 21, 2008. ............................66 Figure 45: Daily and accumulated rainfall for Red Deer from Oct. 21, 2007 to Oct. 21, 2008. ..........................66 Figure 46: Departures from normal Precipitation during the summer of 2008 in Canada. .................................67 Figure 47: Departures from normal Temperature during the summer of 2008 in Canada. .................................67 Figure 48: Pacific Ocean sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies for the period October 2007 to October 2008. ......................................................................................................................................................................68 Figure 49: Alberta Financial Services Corp. straight hail insurance loss-to-risk ratio and loss-ratio statistics for the entire Province of Alberta from 1978 to 2008. ................................................................................................69 Figure 50: Alberta Financial Services Corp. straight hail insurance loss-to-risk ratio trend analysis from 1978 to 2008 for the entire Province of Alberta, separating the periods into before WMI seeding prior to 1996 and after WMI seeding from 1996 to 2008...............................................................................................................69 Figure 51: Alberta Agriculture Financial Services Corp hail insurance loss-to-risk statistics from 1981 to 2008 for the municipalities in the Target Area, Downwind, North and South of the project area.................................70

Table 1: Canadian census figures (2006 versus 2001) for the largest towns and cities in the project area. .......21 Table 2: Yield results of ICE flares........................................................................................................................30 Table 3: Characteristic times for effective ice nuclei depletion and rate data. (LWC = 1.5 g m-3 points are average values)......................................................................................................................................................31 Table 4: A list of special research flights conducted for UNSTABLE. ..................................................................37 Table 5: Radar parameter calibration values for the ALBERTA-WMI WR100. ...................................................46 Table 6: Radar transmitted power calibration values measured during the 2008 season. ...................................46 Table 7: Operational Statistics for 1996 to 2008. .................................................................................................52 Table 8: Cloud seeding flares usage comparison by aircraft. EJ refers to 20 gm ejectable AgI flares. BIP refers to 150 gm burn-in-place AgI flares. The AgI solution burn rate is 2.5 gal per hour. ..........................................53 Table 9: Description of Convective Day Category (CDC) Index ..........................................................................56 Table 10: Summary of daily atmospheric parameters used as inputs for the daily forecast of the CDC during 2008. ......................................................................................................................................................................58 Table 11: Summary of daily forecast atmospheric parameters on 41 hail days during 2008. .............................59 Table 12: Table of the Observed versus Forecast days with Hail and No-Hail for the summer of 2008.............60 Table 13: Table of Forecast versus Observed CDC daily values 2008................................................................61 Table 14: Annual Summary of Convective Day Categories (CDC)......................................................................61 Table 15: Table of Forecast versus Observed CDC daily values using HAILSCAST during the summer of 2008. ...............................................................................................................................................................................62 Table 16: Probability of detection (POD). false alarm ratio (FAR) and critical success index (CSI) performance of HAILCAST and WMI from 2002 to 2008. .........................................................................................................63

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Hailstorms pose a serious threat to property and crops in the province of Alberta. Historically, claims for agricultural hail damage are received on an average of 50 days each year between 1 June and 10 September (Summers and Wojtiw, 1971). The most recent climatology of hail in Canada was published by Etkin and Brun (1999) in the International Journal of Climatology. The average number of hail days per year, based on the 19511980 climate normals (Environment Canada, 1987) is shown in Figure 11. The contours were hand drawn, based primarily upon about 350 weather stations. The highest frequency of hail in Canada occurs in Alberta between the North Saskatchewan River and the Bow River, immediately downwind of the Rocky Mountain foothills. This region is often referred to as hail alley.

Figure 11: The average number of hail days per year, based on the 19511980 climate normals of Environment Canada (1987) and taken from Etkin and Brun (1999). Etkin and Brun (1999) point out that the period 19771993 was associated with substantial increases in hail-observing stations. As the 19511980 hail climatology was mostly based on pre-1977 data, it had a relatively coarse resolution in comparison. An updated Alberta hail climatology for 19771993 has since been completed. It has a greater resolution than the national climatology, and shows the importance of some topographical features, such as the Rocky Mountains. The influence of local topographical features on mesoscale hail frequency is a major control. After 1982, hail frequencies in Alberta showed a significant increase. The City of Calgary is in a region that normally gets between 3 and 4 hailstorms each year.
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By overlaying the hail frequency map with the population density map, the region of greatest financial risk to insurance companies covers the area from Calgary to Red Deer and Rocky Mountain House. For this reason, this is the region that was selected as the target area for the hail suppression program. Insurance claims due to hailstorms in urban areas worldwide have generally escalated over the past 10 years. Denver Colorado was pounded by golf-ball to tennis-ball sized hail on July 11, 1990, and damages reached a record (for the U.S.A. at that time) $625 million. In Canada, the damages associated with the severe hailstorm that struck Calgary on September 7, 1991 exceeded $416 million (Insurance Bureau of Canada, 2004). Insured claims from the hailstorm that struck Sydney Australia on April 14, 1999 were approximately $1.5 billion, making it the most damaging event in Australian insurance history. A study by Herzog (2002) compiled and summarized the hailstorm damages in the USA for the period 1994-2000 for the Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS). Verified hail losses amounted to $2.5 Billion per year, with the actual amount possibly being 50% higher. Personal building losses totalled $11.5 Billion (66%), commercial building losses totalled $2.7B (15%), and vehicles accounted for $3.3B (19%). More recently, the most damaging hailstorm ever recorded in the USA moved from eastern Kansas to southern Illinois on 10 April 2001, depositing 2.5 to 7.5 cmdiameter hailstones along a 585 km path, over portions of the St. Louis and Kansas City urban areas collectively created $1.9 billion in damage claims from a 2-day period, becoming the ninth most costly weather catastrophe in the United States since property insurance records began in 1949 (Changnon and Burroughs, 2003). Estimates of the average annual crop loss to hail have also continued to increase with time, from $50 million annually in 1975 (Renick, 1975) to more than $150 million annually during the period 1980 1985 (Alberta Research Council, 1986). Actual insured crop losses are typically in the $80M range annually. The new Alberta Hail Suppression Project was initiated in 1996 as a result of the increased frequency of damaging hailstorms in Alberta, compounded by an increasing population inside an area of high storm frequency. It is the first project of its kind in the World to be entirely funded by private insurance companies with the sole objective of reducing the damage to property by hail. At this time, Alberta Crop Insurance and the Provincial and Federal Governments do not contribute financially to the project, although they stand to benefit from the seeding. Weather Modification Inc. (WMI) has been a leader in the field of hail suppression since the early 1960's. With extensive knowledge and experience in the cloud seeding industry, WMI is best known for its successful hail suppression operations in the northern Great Plains and other cloud modification services around the world e.g. Argentina, Mexico, India, Indonesia, Mali and Saudi Arabia. WMI was awarded the first contract to conduct the Alberta Hail Suppression Project in April 1996 by the Alberta Severe Weather Management Society. The project was made an ongoing program of the Alberta insurance industry in 2001 because of the drop in hail damage costs in Alberta, counter to the trend in the rest of the country and the World. The contract calls for the provision of all personnel and equipment for a turnkey system of cloud seeding and related services for the purpose of reducing hail damage to property in south-central (Calgary to Red Deer) Alberta. The organization chart of the project is shown in Appendix A.


In 2008, WMI conducted the operational cloud-seeding program from June 1st to September 15th. The project is based upon the conceptual model, methodology, and research results of the long-term hail research project conducted by the Alberta Research Council from the late 1960s through 1985 (Alberta Research Council, 1986) and by WMI in North Dakota (Smith et al, 1997). The present program utilizes the latest cloud seeding technology available, incorporating several notable improvements over previous projects in the province. These improvements include: New fast-acting, high-yield mixtures for the silver-iodide flares and acetone solution. The flares are manufactured by Ice Crystal Engineering (ICE) of North Dakota. The new generation ICE

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pyrotechnics produce >1011 ice nuclei per gram of AgI at -4C, and produce between 1013 and 1014 ice nuclei per gram of pyrotechnic between -6C and -10C. CSU isothermal cloud chamber tests indicate that at a temperature of -6.3C, 63% of the nuclei are active in <1 min, and 90% active in 1.12 minutes. This high yield and fast acting agent is important for hail suppression since the time-window of opportunity for successful intervention of the hail growth process may be less than 10 minutes. Use of the latest GPS tracking and advanced TITAN (Thunderstorm Identification Tracking Analysis and Nowcasting) computer software to accurately display the aircraft locations on the radar displays to improve the controlling of aircraft and facilitate the direction of seeding operations to the most critical regions of the storms. Injection of the seeding material directly into the developing cloud turrets as the most frequent seeding method. Use of experienced meteorological and aviation staff to direct the seeding aircraft as well as to accurately identify the proper regions of storms for seeding;

The target or "protected" area is shown in Figure 12 and focuses on the area from Lacombe in the north, to High River in the south, with priority given to the cities of Calgary and Red Deer. In 2007, the target area was increased slightly towards the east to include the town of Strathmore and some of the smaller towns east of the QEII highway. Three aircraft specially equipped to dispense silver iodide were used. Two aircraft (one Piper Cheyenne II and one C340) were based in Calgary and two aircraft (one Beechcraft King Air C90 and one C340) were based in Red Deer. The radar is located at the Olds-Didsbury airport. The radar coordinates are 51.71 N Latitude, 114.11 W Longitude, with a station elevation of 1024 m above sea level. The WMO station identifier is no. 71359 and the ICAO identifier is CEA3. The project area dimension is approximately 240 km (N-S) by 120 km (E-W) or 28,800 sq km.

The project has two main objectives: Conduct cloud seeding using 4 aircraft with experienced crews to suppress hail for the purpose of reducing damage to property; Operate a C-band weather radar and collect weather information by skilled professional meteorologists for purposes of storm identification, accurate storm tracking, optimal direction of aircraft to conduct cloud seeding for hail suppression purposes, and the collection of a data archive that may be used for the scientific assessment of the program's effectiveness.

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Figure 12: Map of southern Alberta showing the project target area (Figure courtesy J. Renick).

Table 1 lists the 2006 census figures for the cities and towns within the project area. Priority is given according to population, which is related to the risk of property damage. This list was posted in the radar control room as a constant reminder to the meteorologists of the priority when allocating resources to storms on any given day. The biggest increases in population have occurred in Cherstermere, Airdrie, Okotoks, Strathmore, Blackfalds, and Sylvan Lake. Project meteorologists made special note of the fact that the combined population of Turner Valley and Black Diamond is almost as large as Blackfalds or Didsbury. Storms that do not threaten a town or city are not likely to

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be seeded. Also, most storms are not seeded after they cross the QEII highway, except for storms east of Airdrie and Calgary that might threaten Strathmore. Table 1: Canadian census figures (2006 versus 2001) for the largest towns and cities in the project area. Priority Geographic name Canada Alberta Calgary Metro Area 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Calgary Red Deer Airdrie Okotoks Cochrane Lacombe High River Strathmore Sylvan Lake Chestermere Innisfail Olds Rocky Mountain House Ponoka Blackfalds Didsbury Turner Valley & Black Diamond Three Hills Carstairs Crossfield Sundre Rimbey Penhold Vulcan Irricana Bowden Bentley Trochu Eckville Beiseker Delburne Linden Population, 2006 31612897 3290350 1079310 988193 82772 28927 17145 13760 10742 10716 10225 10208 9564 7316 7248 6874 6576 4571 4275 3808 3089 2656 2648 2518 2252 1961 1940 1243 1205 1083 1005 951 804 765 660 Population, 2001 30007094 2974807 951494 879003 67829 20407 11689 12041 9384 9383 7621 7503 3856 6943 6607 6208 6355 3116 3932 3474 2902 2254 2399 2277 2154 1729 1762 1043 1174 1040 1033 1019 838 719 636 % Change 5% 11% 13% 12% 22% 42% 47% 14% 14% 14% 34% 36% 148% 5% 10% 11% 3% 47% 9% 10% 6% 18% 10% 11% 5% 13% 10% 19% 3% 4% -3% -7% -4% 6% 4%

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33 34 35

Acme Caroline Cremona

656 515 463

648 556 415

1% -7% 12%


The hail suppression conceptual model is based on the results of the former research program of the Alberta Research Council and the experiences of WMI in the USA, Canada, Argentina, and Greece. It involves the use of silver-iodide reagents to seed the developing feeder clouds near the -10C level in the upshear, new growth propagation region of hailstorms. The silver-iodide reagents initiate a condensation-freezing process and produce enhanced concentrations of ice crystals that compete for the available, super-cooled liquid water in a storm and help prevent the growth of large damaging hail. The seeding also initiates the precipitation process earlier in a cloud (cell) to speed up the growth of cloud hydrometeors via an ice-phase (graupel) to rain mechanism instead of continuing to grow to damaging hail.

Hail Suppression Hypothesis

The cloud seeding hypothesis is based on the cloud microphysical concept of "beneficial competition". Beneficial competition is based upon the documented deficiency of natural ice nuclei in the environment and that the injection of silver iodide (AgI) will result in the production of a significant number of "artificial" ice nuclei. The natural and artificial ice crystals "compete" for the available supercooled liquid cloud water within the storm. Hence, the hailstones that are formed within the seeded cloud volumes will be smaller and produce less damage if they should survive the fall to the surface. If sufficient nuclei are introduced into the new growth region of the storm, then the hailstones will be small enough to melt completely before reaching the ground. Cloud seeding alters the microphysics of the treated clouds, assuming that the present precipitation process is inefficient due to a deficiency of natural ice nuclei. This deficiency of natural ice has been documented in the new growth zone of Alberta storms (Krauss, 1981). Cloud seeding does not attempt to compete directly with the energy and dynamics of the storm. Any alteration of the storm dynamics occurs as a consequence of the increased ice crystal concentration and initiation of riming and precipitation sized ice particles earlier in the clouds lifetime. The cloud seeding is based on the conceptual model of Alberta hailstorms which evolved from the experiments and studies of Chisholm (1970), Chisholm and Renick (1972), Marwitz (1972a,b,c), Barge and Bergwall (1976), Krauss and Marwitz (1984), and English (1986). Direct observational evidence from the instrumented aircraft penetrations of Colorado and Alberta storms in the 1970's and early 1980s indicates that hail embryos grow within the time evolving "main" updraft of single cell storms and within the updrafts of developing "feeder clouds" or cumulus towers that flank mature "multi-cell" and "super-cell" storms (see e.g. Foote, 1984; Krauss and Marwitz, 1984). The computation of hail growth trajectories within the context of measured storm wind fields provided a powerful new tool for integrating certain parts of hail growth theories, and illustrated a striking complexity in the hail growth process. Some of this complexity is reviewed in the paper of Foote (1985) that classifies a broad spectrum of storm types according to both dynamical and microphysical processes thought to be critical to hail production. Hail embryo sources identified by Foote (1985) include the following: Embryos from first-ice in a time-developing updraft Embryos from first-ice in the core of a long-lived updraft Embryos from flanking cumulus congestus Embryos from a merging mature cell Embryos from a mature cell positioned upwind Embryos from the edges of the main updraft Embryos created by melting and shedding Embryos from entrainment of stratiform cloud Embryos from embedded small-scale updrafts and downdrafts
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Recirculation of embryos that have made a first pass through the updraft core

The growth to large hail is hypothesized to occur primarily along the edges of the main storm updraft where the merging feeder clouds interact with the main storm updraft (WMO, 1995). The mature hailstorm may consist of complicated airflow patterns and particle trajectories, therefore, the cloudseeding cannot hope to affect all embryo sources but attempts to modify the primary hail formation process. In other words; the cloud seeding cannot attempt to eliminate all of the hail but can reduce the size and amount of hail. Studies of the internal structure of large hailstones in Alberta and elsewhere have shown that hailstones can have either a graupel hail embryo or a frozen drop hail embryo. The different hail embryos indicate different growth histories and trajectories and illustrate the complexity within a single hailstorm. The present seeding methodology attempts to compete with the graupel embryo process. Drop hail embryos are thought to originate from secondary sources (shedding from large existing hail stones, or via a recirculation process at the edge of the main updraft). The seeding can only reduce the hail with drop embryos if the liquid water can be reduced to limit their growth, or if the dynamics of the storm can be affected to eliminate the recirculation processes that formed the drop embryo in the first place. A schematic diagram of the conceptual storm model showing the hail origin and growth processes within a severe Alberta hailstorm is shown in Figure 13. A three-dimensional schematic figure of an Alberta hailstorm is shown in Figure 14, showing the cloud seeding methodology in the new growth zone.

Figure 13: The conceptual model of hailstone formation and hail mitigation processes for Alberta (adapted from WMO, 1995). This schematic figure shows the cloud seeding methodology at feeder-cloud tops and cloud-base for a mature hailstorm.

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Figure 14: A three-dimensional schematic figure of an Alberta hailstorm, showing the cloud seeding methodology within the new growth zone. As mentioned previously, cloud seeding cannot prevent or completely eliminate the occurrence of damaging hail. We presently do not have the ability to predict with any certainty exactly the amount and size of hail that would occur if cloud seeding did not take place. Therefore, we do not have the ability to predict with certainty the net effect of the seeding. Our purpose is to seed the new growth zone of hailstorms and observe the amount and type of precipitation at the surface, as well as the radar reflectivity characteristics of the storm before, during, and after seeding. We expect that the successful application of the technology will yield a decrease of damaging hail by approximately 50% of the amount that would have occurred if seeding had not taken place. This goal is consistent with the results reported in North Dakota (Smith et al, 1997) and in Greece (Rudolph et al, 1994). The decrease in hail can only be measured as an average over time (e.g. 5 years) and over an area and then compared with the historical values for the same areas. Because of these uncertainties, the evaluation of any hail mitigation program requires a statistical analysis. Both seeded storms and unseeded storms have variability and populations of seeded and unseeded storms overlap in all measurements of their characteristics.

Precipitation Efficiency
A common question about cloud seeding concerns the effect on the rainfall. Krauss and Santos (2004) analyzed two years of Alberta radar data and concluded that seeded storms produced more rain than non-seeded storms of the same height. The seeding effect was estimated to increase the mean rainfall volume (averaged for categories 7.5 to 11.5 km height storms) by a factor of 2.2 with an average 95% confidence interval of 1.4 to 3.4. The seeded storms lived longer (+50%), had greater mean precipitation rates (+29%), and had greater mean total rain area-time integrals (+54%). There is a general (yet false) assumption by the public and some scientists that thunderstorms operate at near 100% efficiency in producing rainfall, therefore, any modification of the hail, or causing the rainfall to start earlier, may limit the amount of precipitation that can fall later in a storms lifetime, down wind of the project area. There have been numerous studies of the fluxes of air and water vapor through convective clouds and these are summarized in Figure 15.

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Precipitation efficiencies can vary widely from as little as 2% for storms studied by Marwitz (1972) and Dennis et al. (1970) to near 100%. Marwitz (1972) and Foote and Fankhauser (1973) show that in the case of High Plains storms there is an inverse relation between the precipitation efficiency and the environmental wind shear in the cloud-bearing layer. The least efficient storms tend to be supercell hailstorms; the highly efficient storms tend not to produce hail. The average wind shear on hail days in Alberta is approximately 2.5 x 10-3 sec-1. This average shear value corresponds to an average precipitation efficiency of approximately 50%. It is logical that the production of large, damaging hail is a result of the natural inefficiency of the storm to produce rain. Therefore, the introduction of more precipitation embryos earlier in a clouds lifetime is highly advantageous to the initiation of precipitation earlier, making the cloud more efficient as a rain producer, and in the process reducing the amount and size of the hail. Increasing the rainfall from a hailstorm by 20% due to the seeding is a very achievable goal, and means that less water is lost either via the entrainment of dry environmental air through the sides and top of the cloud, or water lost to ice crystals that are exhausted out of the anvil at the top of the troposphere and which eventually sublimate back to the vapor phase at high altitudes.

Figure 15: Precipitation efficiency for High Plains convective storms. Known supercell hailstorms are labeled S. Storms that produced rain only are labeled R (Browning, 1977).

The following guidelines represent the current state of the science of hail suppression operations being applied by Weather Modification Inc.

Onset of Seeding
In order for cloud seeding to be successful, it is the goal of the program to seed (inject ice nucleating agents) the developing "new growth" cloud towers of a potential hail producing storm at least 20 minutes before the damaging hail falls over a town or city within the target zone. For the Alberta project, the principle targets are the towns and cities within the project area. Since 20 min is the minimum time reasonably expected for the seeding material to nucleate, and have the seeded ice

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crystals grow to sufficient size to compete for the available super-cooled liquid water in order to yield positive results, a 30 min lead time is generally thought to be advisable.

Identification of Hail Producing Storms

The height of the 45 dBZ contour was a criterion tested in the Swiss hail suppression program. The Swiss research indicated that all hailstorms had 45 dBZ contours that exceeded the 5C temperature level (Waldvogel, Federer, and Grimm, 1979). There was a False Alarm Rate (FAR) of 50%, largely because some strong rainstorms also met the criterion. However, it is preferable to make an error and assume that a heavy rainstorm is going to produce hail than to mistakenly believe that a hailstorm is only going to produce heavy rain. Studies of Alberta hailstorms also indicated that 50% of all Alberta hail storms had a maximum radar reflectivity greater than 45 dBZ, higher than the -5C level (Humphries, English, and Renick, 1987). The Russian criteria for hail identification stated that the height of the 45 dBZ contour had to exceed the height of the 0C isotherm by more than 2 km (Abshaev, 1999). Similarly, the criteria used by the National Hail Research Experiment in the USA 1972-1974 for a declared hail day was defined by radar maximum reflectivity greater than 45 dBZ above the -5C level (Foote and Knight, 1979). Our experience suggests that the Swiss/Alberta/Russian/USA criterion is reasonable (Makitov, 1999). The physical reasoning behind it is simply that high radar reflectivity implies that significant supercooled liquid water exists at temperatures cold enough for large hail growth.
3 In Alberta, the TITAN cell identification program was set to track any cell having >10 km of 40 dBZ reflectivity, extending above 3 km altitude (MSL). Each cell tracked by TITAN was then considered to be a potential hail cell, therefore, this represents our seeding criteria. A storm is a seeding candidate if the storm cell (as defined by TITAN) is moving towards, and is expected to reach, a town or city within the target area in less than 30 min.

Cloud Seeding Methodology

Radar meteorologists are responsible for making the "seed" decision and directing the cloud seeding missions, incorporating the visual observations of the pilots into their decisions. Patrol flights are often launched before clouds within the target area meet the radar reflectivity seeding criteria, especially over the cities of Calgary and Red Deer. These patrol flights provide a quicker response to developing cells. In general, a patrol is launched in the event of visual reports of vigorous towering cumulus clouds or when radar cell tops exceed 25 kft height over the higher terrain along the western border on days when the forecast calls for thunderstorms with large hail potential. Launches of more than one aircraft are determined by the number of storms, the lead time required for a seeder aircraft to reach the proper location and altitude, and projected overlap of coverage and on-station time for multiple aircraft missions. In general, only one aircraft can work safely at cloud top and one aircraft at cloud base for a single storm. The operation of four aircraft is used to provide uninterrupted seeding coverage at either cloud-base or cloud-top and/or to seed four storms simultaneously if required. Factors that determine cloud top or cloud base seeding are: storm structure, visibility, cloud base height, or time available for aircraft to reach seeding altitude. Cloud base seeding is conducted by flying at cloud base within the main inflow of single cell storms, or the inflow associated with the new growth zone (shelf cloud) located on the upshear side of multi-cell storms. Cloud top seeding can be conducted between -5C and -15C. The 20 g pencil flares fall approximately 1.5 km (approximately 10C) during their 35-40 s burn time. Figure 16 shows a cloud seeding plane dropping flares. The seeding aircraft penetrate the up-shear edges of single convective cells meeting the seed criteria. For multi-cell storms, or storms with feeder clouds, the seeding aircraft penetrate the tops of the developing cumulus towers on the upshear sides of convective cells, as they grow up through the -10C flight level.

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Figure 16: A photo of a cloud seeding plane dropping ejectable flares during a cloud seeding penetration (photo courtesy John Ulan).

Night Time Seeding

Occasionally, with embedded cells or convective complexes at night, there are no clearly defined feeder turrets visible to the flight crews or on radar. In these instances, a seeding aircraft will penetrate the storm edge at an altitude between -5C and -10C, on the upshear side (region of tight radar reflectivity gradient) and seed by igniting an end-burner flare and injecting droppable pencil flares when updrafts are encountered. If visibility is good below cloud base, nighttime seeding at base is also performed. Lightning can often help provide illumination at the cloud base.

Stopping Seeding
Strictly speaking, if the radar reflectivity criteria are met, seeding of all cells is to be continued. However, seeding is effective only within cloud updrafts and in the presence of super-cooled cloud water, i.e. the developing and mature stages in the evolution of the classic thunderstorm conceptual model. The dissipating stages of a storm should be seeded only if the maximum reflectivity is particularly severe and there is evidence (visual cloud growth, or tight reflectivity gradients) indicating the possible presence of embedded updrafts. Storm cells being tracked by TITAN may not be seeded if there are no other indications of updraft or super-cooled liquid water, or if the storm does not threaten a town or city.

Seeding Rates
A seeding rate of one 20 g flare every 5 sec is typically used during cloud penetrations. A higher rate is used (e.g. 1 flare every 2 to 3 sec) if updrafts are very strong (e.g. greater than 2000 ft/min) and the storm is particularly intense. A cloud seeding pass is repeated immediately if there are visual signs of new cloud growth or if radar reflectivity gradients remain tight (indicative of persistent updrafts). If not, a 5 to 10 min waiting period may be used between penetrations, to allow the seeding material to take effect and the storm to dissipate, or for visual signs of glaciation to appear or radar reflectivity values
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to decrease and gradients to weaken. This waiting period is meant to reduce the waste of seeding material and help assure its optimum usage. Calculations show that the seeding rate of one flare every 5 sec will produce >1300 ice crystals per litre averaged over the plume within 2.5 min. This is more than sufficient to deplete the liquid water content produced by updrafts up to 10 m/s (2000 ft/min), thereby preventing the growth of hailstones within the seeded cloud volumes (Cooper and Marwitz, 1980). For effective hail suppression, sufficient dispersion of the particles is required for the AgI plume from consecutive flares to overlap by the time the cloud particles reach hail size. The work by Grandia et al. (1979) based on turbulence measurements within Alberta feeder clouds indicated that the time for the diameter of the diffusing line of AgI to reach the integral length scale (200 m) in the inertial subrange size scales of mixing, is 140 seconds. This is insufficient time for ice particles to grow to hail size, therefore, dropping flares at 5 sec (assuming a true-airspeed of 80 m/s) intervals should provide sufficient nuclei and allow adequate dispersion to effectively deplete the super-cooled liquid water and reduce the growth of hail particles. The use of the 20 gm flares and a frequent drop rate provides better seeding coverage than using larger flares with greater time/distance spacing between flare drops. In fact, the above calculations are conservative when one considers that the center of the ice crystal plume will have a greater concentration of ice crystals. For cloud base seeding, a seeding rate using two acetone generators or one end-burner flare is typically used, dependent on the updraft velocity at the cloud base. For an updraft >500 ft/min, generators and consecutive flares per seeding run are typically used. Cloud seeding runs are repeated until no further inflow is found. Acetone burners are used to provide continuous silver iodide seeding if extensive regions of weak updraft are found at cloud base and in the shelf cloud region. Base seeding is not conducted if only downdrafts are encountered at cloud base, since this would waste seeding material.

Seeding Materials
WMI exclusively uses silver-iodide formulation flares manufactured by Ice Crystal Engineering (ICE) of Davenport, ND. The ejectable flares contain 20 gm of seeding material and burn for approximately 37 sec and fall approximately 4000 ft. The end-burning or burn in place (BIP) flares contain 150 gm of seeding material, and burn for approximately 6 min. A photograph of a burning BIP flare test is shown in Figure 17.

Figure 17: Photograph of a burning BIP flare.

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Silver-iodide is dispensed using droppable/ejectable (shown in Figures 16 and 18) and/or end-burning pyrotechnics (Figures 17 and 19) and/or acetone burners (shown in Figures 31 and 32). In 2008 the WMI acetone generators performed very well and the level of required maintenance decreased significantly. Crews kept a close watch on igniter rods, valves, nozzles, and seals in order that the generators operated reliably. Details of the silver-iodide acetone solution are given in an Appendix. Arrangements were once again made with Solution Blend Services, a Calgary chemical company to pre-mix the acetone seeding solution. All required handling, mixing, storage, and labelling requirements were satisfied.

Figure 18: Pilot Joel Zimmer attaching the ejectable flare racks on the belly of the King Air C90 seeding aircraft designated as Hailstop 3.

Figure 19: Burn-in-place (BIP) flares on the wing of HailStop-1.

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Flare Effectiveness Tests

The Cloud Simulation and Aerosol Laboratory (cloud chamber) at Colorado State University has tested the ice nucleating ability of aerosols produced from cloud seeding flares for many years (Garvey, 1975). Note: The CSU laboratory has now stopped this service and a new testing facility to conduct these standardized tests is desperately needed for the cloud seeding industry. The latest ICE pyrotechnics were tested at CSU in 1999 and the results are reported in DeMott (1999). Aerosols were collected and tested at nominal temperatures of -4, -6 and -10C. At least two tests were done at each temperature, with greater emphasis placed on warmer temperatures. Liquid water content (LWC) was 1.5 g m-3 in most tests, but was altered to 0.5 g m-3 in a few other experiments. In this way, information concerning the rate-dependence on cloud droplet concentration was obtained. The primary product of the laboratory characterization is the "effectiveness plot" for the ice nucleant which gives the number of ice crystals formed per gram of nucleant as a function of cloud temperature. Yield results for the ICE flares at various sets of conditions are shown in Figure 20 and are tabulated in Table 2.
Supercooling (C)
5 10 0 1.00E+10
___________ ___________



)oryp 1-g #( dleiY




July 1999 ICE Pyro

Figure 20: Yield of ice crystals (corrected) per gram of pyrotechnic versus cloud supercooling temperature (T<0C). Open diamond symbols are for experiments with cloud LWC (liquid water content) of 1.5 g m-3, while the filled symbols are for experiments with LWC equal to 0.5 g m-3. Table 2: Yield results of ICE flares.

Pyro ICE

Temp (C) -3.8 -4.0 -4.2 -4.3 -6.1 -6.3 -6.4 -10.5 -10.5 -4.2 -6.0

LWC (g m-3) 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.5 0.5

Raw Yield (g-1 AgI) 3.72x1011 9.42x1011 1.66x1012 2.15x1012 6.01x1013 5.44x1013 6.22x1013 2.81x1014 2.34x1014 1.41x1012 7.42x1013

Corr. Yield (g-1 AgI) 3.87x1011 9.63x1011 1.70x1012 2.21x1012 6.13x1013 5.56x1013 6.34x1013 2.85x1014 2.37x1014 1.45x1012 7.73x1013

Raw Yield (g-1 pyro) 4.01x1010 1.02x1011 1.80x1011 2.32x1011 6.49x1012 5.87x1012 6.72x1012 3.03x1013 2.87x1013 1.53x1011 8.01x1012

Corr. Yield (g-1 pyro) 4.18x1010 1.04x1011 1.84x1011 2.39x1011 6.62x1012 6.00x1012 6.85x1012 3.07x1013 2.91x1013 1.57x1011 8.34x1012

Yield (per pyro) 8.36x1011 2.08x1012 3.67x1012 4.77x1012 1.32x1014 1.20x1014 1.37x1014 6.15x1014 5.81x1014 3.14x1012 1.67x1014

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Tests were also performed using the method of DeMott et al., (1983) to determine the characteristic times for effective ice nuclei depletion, and these are summarized in Figure 21 and Table 3.

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 2
y = 4.723x 2 R = 0.8552 63%

_________ _________ y = 57.483x 2 R = 0.8298 90%


Time (minutes)

Supercooling (C)



Figure 21: Times for 63% (diamond symbols) and 90% (square symbols) ice formation versus supercooling (T<0C) for the ICE pyrotechnic aerosols. Open and filled symbols are for cloud LWC (liquid water content) of 1.5 and 0.5 g m-3, respectively. Table 3: Characteristic times for effective ice nuclei depletion and rate data. (LWC = 1.5 g m-3 points are average values)

Pyro type WMI

Temp (C) -4.0 -4.2 -6.3 -6.0 -10.5 -10.5

LWC (g m-3) 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.5

k (min-1) 1.093 0.713 1.775 0.724 3.200 2.488

kdil (min-1) 0.023 0.019 0.038 0.028 0.045 0.040

kact (min-1) 0.935 0.694 1.737 0.696 3.155 2.448

T1/e (min) 0.94 1.44 0.48 1.43 0.32 0.41

T90% (min) 4.32 5.71 1.12 5.21 0.73 0.94

Yield Corr. 1.023 1.028 1.020 1.041 1.014 1.016

Summary Of CSU Tests

The primary results obtained in this series of tests of new ICE flares may be summarized as follows (DeMott, 1999):

1. The aerosol particles produced by the new ICE pyrotechnics were highly efficient ice

nucleating aerosols. Yield values were approximately 1x1012, 5x1013 and 3x1014 ice crystals per gram pyrotechnic at -4, -6 and -10C in 1.5 g m-3 clouds in the CSU isothermal cloud chamber. Improvement compared to the previous pyrotechnic

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formulation used by ICE was modest at -6C, but most significant (factor of 3 increase in Yield) at -4C.

2. The ICE pyrotechnics burned with a fine smoke and a highly consistent burn time of ~37

3. Rates of ice crystal formation were very fast, suggestive of a rapid condensation freezing

process. The balance of observations showed no significant difference in the rate data obtained at varied cloud densities, supporting a conclusion that particles activate ice formation by condensation freezing.

The CSU isothermal cloud chamber tests indicate that, on a per gram basis of pyrotechnic, these values are comparable to the best product available worldwide in the pyrotechnic format. High yield and fast acting agents are important for hail suppression since the time-window of opportunity for successful intervention of the hail growth process is often less than 10 minutes. More information about the ICE flares can be found on the internet at .


A schematic diagram of the operational elements for the hail suppression project is shown in Figure 22. Details of the individual elements are described in more detail in the following sections.

Figure 22: A schematic of the operational elements of the Alberta Hail Suppression Project. The radiosonde (weather balloon) depicted in Figure 22 was part of the system on a limited bases during 2003 and 2004, when WMI participated in the Alberta GPS Atmospheric Moisture Evaluation (A-GAME) research project with the University of Calgary, and from July 8 to 22, 2008 in support of the UNSTABLE research project (described in more detail in a later section). From those experiments we learned that the ETA/NAM model from the USA does an excellent job in predicting the main features of the atmospheric profile for Calgary and Red Deer. Although subtle details of inversion layers and moisture layers may not be resolved, the meteorologists have generally sufficient information about the instability of the atmosphere to construct a good forecast. One of the greatest

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gaps in our knowledge and data concerns the presence, absence, or timing of trigger mechanisms for the onset of convection. The increasing availability of near real time surface and satellite images via the internet is improving this situation. All meteorological information was received via the internet. WMI no longer needed a commercial agreement with Environment Canada.

A ground school was conducted prior to the commencement of the project field operations on May 30th, 2008 for all available project personnel. Ground School was held in the training room at ING Insurance in downtown Calgary. Operational procedures about who does what, where, when and why, as well as general conduct and reporting requirements were presented and reviewed at the ground school. Two representatives of NAV Canada in Calgary and Edmonton participated in the ground school. A copy of the Ground School Program, as well as copies of the Flight Log and Radar Log forms, are included in the Appendices. The ground school training topics included: i. program overview and design, project area, target areas, and priorities ii. overview of operations and procedures iii. cloud seeding hypotheses for hail suppression iv. cloud seeding theory and techniques v. aviation weather problems and special procedures vi. aircraft controlling techniques and procedures vii. seeding aircraft equipment and characteristics viii. weather radar equipment and basic principles ix. basic meteorological concepts and severe weather forecasting x. weather phenomena, fronts, and storms xi. daily routines and procedures xii. communications procedures xiii. computers, documentation, and reporting procedures xiv. safety, security precautions and procedures

Numerous public relations activities occurred this year. Dr. Terry Krauss was interviewed by Global TV on July 7th and by City TV and CBC TV on July 8th. The Weather Network visited the radar and flew on Hailstop 1 on July 9th. The Discovery Channel flew on Hailstop 1 on July 17th. A journalist from the BBC London visited the radar and Calgary crews on June 10th. All of the media coverage was positive. It has been 13 years since the program started. There are many new people in the insurance industry in Central Alberta who are not familiar with the history of the program and details of the current cloud seeding project. Axa Pacific Insurance sent two groups of 11 and 14 persons to the radar site on These information field trips were very well received and appreciated. A September 2nd and 9th. photo of the group from Axa Pacific Insurance that visited on September 2nd is shown in Figure 23. It is recommended that similar information seminars be given as part of the Alberta Insurance Council accreditation program. The intent of this training course would be to inform the insurance industry about the background, organization, and methodology of the cloud seeding project so that support for the program can continue based on current and accurate information.

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Figure 23: A photo of the group from Axa Pacific Insurance that visited the radar on September 2nd.


A highlight of the season was WMIs participation in a research project called UNSTABLE (Understanding Severe Thunderstorms and Alberta Boundary Layers Experiment) from July 9th to 23rd, and based at the Olds radar site. The project was largely funded by Environment Canada with participation by the Universities of Alberta, Calgary, and Manitoba, plus Weather Modification, Inc. UNSTABLE was a field study designed to improve our understanding of processes leading to convective initiation and severe thunderstorm development over the Alberta foothills. The field component of UNSTABLE was designed in two parts, a pilot field study in 2008 (July 9-23) and a larger, full-scale experiment planned for 2011. The purpose of the 2008 pilot project was to test critical instrumentation and measurement strategies to answer some key UNSTABLE science questions. The principal scinetific investigators were as follows: Neil M. Taylor: Hydrometeorology and Arctic Lab, Environment Canada, Edmonton David Sills: Cloud Physics and Severe Weather Research Section, Environment Canada, Toronto John Hanesiak and Julian C. Brimelow: Centre for Earth Observation Science (CEOS), University of Manitoba Jason A. Milbrandt: Recherche en Prvision Numrique [RPN] (Numerical Weather Prediction Research Section), Environment Canada, Montreal Craig D. Smith: Climate Research Division, Environment Canada, Saskatoon

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Geoff Strong: Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta (Adjunct), Edmonton Susan Skone: Department of Geomatics Engineering, University of Calgary Patrick J. McCarthy: Prairie and Arctic Storm Prediction Centre, Environment Canada, Winnipeg It is worth noting that Dr. Jason Milbrandt and Julian Brimelow worked as meteorologists for WMI on the Alberta Hail Suppression Projects in the past, and have since gone on to earn advanced degrees. Hailstop-1 was outfitted with special instrumentation to measure temperature, humidity, and wind in the boundary layer, as well as cloud physics probes to measure cloud particle characteristics. A photo of N234K with the special cloud physics instrumentation is shown in Figure 24.

Figure 24: A photo of Hail Stop-1 (N234K) with the special cloud physics instrumentation used for UNSTABLE. Special upper air soundings using instrumented radiosonde balloons were conducted at the OldsDidsbury airport during the research field program. A photo of Erin Tompson (Environment Canada Saskatoon) launching a radiosonde balloon on the first day of the program on July 8th is shown in Figure 25. A graphical comparison of the vertical profile from the surface to 5 km MSL (16 kft) of temperature and dew point measured by Hailstop-1 with the radiosonde balloon on July 8th is shown in Figure 26. A graphical comparison of the wind speed and direction measured by Hailstop-1 with the radiosonde balloon on July 8th is shown in Figure 27. The temperature, dew point and wind measurements of N234K agreed well with the radiosonde and are considered to be of equal quality.

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Figure 25: A photo of Erin Tompson (Environment Canada Saskatoon) launching a radiosonde balloon on July 8th for UNSTABLE.

Figure 26: Comparison of the vertical profile of temperature and dew point measured by Hailstop-1 with the radiosonde balloon on July 8th.

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Figure 27: Comparison of the vertical profile of wind speed and direction measured by Hailstop-1 with the radiosonde balloon on July 8th. Results from the pilot project will be used to refine the science overview and operations plan for the full-scale project in 2011. Through UNSTABLE the ultimate goals are to improve the accuracy and timeliness of summertime severe weather watches and warnings, assess the ability of the numerical models of Environment Canada to resolve relevant processes and provide useful numerical guidance, and refine existing conceptual models for severe thunderstorm development over Alberta and the western Canadian prairies. A list of special research flights conducted for UNSTABLE is given in Table 4. Table 4: A list of special research flights conducted for UNSTABLE. ALBERTA UNSTABLE RESEARCH PROJECT 2008 unstable 24:51 = Operations Flights UTC UTC hr:mm flights TOTALS = 12 24:51 Date Engine Engine Total (UTC) Aircraft On Off Time 08-Jul-08 N234K 18:22 18:54 00:32 08-Jul-08 N234K 22:41 23:11 00:30 08-Jul-08 N234K 23:29 23:57 00:28 09-Jul-08 N234K 16:22 19:16 02:54 09-Jul-08 N234K 22:33 23:05 00:32 09-Jul-08 N234K 23:26 00:41 01:15
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Hours UTC 12 Take-off 18:35 22:45 23:33 16:40 22:47 23:34


hr:mm 21:19 Air Time 00:18 00:22 00:17 02:31 00:16 01:03
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Landing 18:53 23:07 23:50 19:11 23:03 00:37

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10-Jul-08 12-Jul-08 13-Jul-08 20-Jul-08 21-Jul-08 22-Jul-08

N234K N234K N234K N234K N234K N234K

00:47 17:58 16:00 17:26 20:30 16:42

01:16 22:08 20:05 20:51 23:27 20:16

00:29 04:10 04:05 03:25 02:57 03:34

00:53 18:15 16:30 17:40 20:41 17:04

01:13 22:02 19:58 20:48 23:22 20:12

00:20 03:47 03:28 03:08 02:41 03:08

Three specially equipped cloud seeding aircraft were dedicated to the project. The aircraft and crews provided 24 hr coverage, seven days a week throughout the period. Two aircraft were stationed in Calgary and one aircraft in Red Deer. This permitted close proximity to storms and fast response to launch decisions. Delays in launching from Calgary were minimized thanks to the co-operation of Nav-Canada air traffic control in Calgary. When convective clouds were detected by radar, the seeding aircraft were placed on standby status. Aircraft on standby status are able to launch and reach a target cloud within 60 min after the request to launch has been made by the controlling meteorologist. When seedable clouds are imminent, the seeding aircraft are placed on alert status. Aircraft on alert status are able to launch and reach a target cloud within 25 min after the request to launch. Aircraft were available and prepared to commence a seeding mission at any time and the seeding of a storm often continued after darkness with due regard to safety.

Air-Traffic Control
Prior to the start of field operations, arrangements were made with NAV Canada managers of Air Traffic Services in Calgary and Edmonton to coordinate the cloud seeding aircraft operations. Permission was granted to file pre-defined flight plans for the project aircraft, with special designations and fixed transponder codes. The designated aircraft were as follows: Hail-Stop 1 for the Cheyenne II airplane (N234K) based in Calgary, Hail-Stop 2 for the C340 aircraft (N457DM) based in Calgary, HailStop 3 for the King Air C90 aircraft (N911FG) stationed in Red Deer, and Hail-Stop 4 for the C340 aircraft (N98560) based in Red Deer. Direct-line telephone numbers were used to notify air traffic controllers of cloud seeding launches. Aircraft were launched to a specific location identified by VOR and DME coordinates, or town. Distinct air traffic clearance was given to project aircraft within a 10 nautical mile radius of the specified storm location. Cloud top aircraft were given 2,000 ft clearances above their altitude and 7,000 ft below their altitude. Cloud base aircraft were given a +/- 1,000 ft altitude clearance. This procedure worked very well in general. On a few occasions, seeding aircraft were asked to climb to a higher altitude over the city of Calgary or to suspend seeding for a few minutes (<10 minutes) to allow other commercial aircraft to pass below them. The ATC clearances and codes are shown in Figure 28.

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Figure 28: Schematic figure showing aircraft cloud seeding block altitudes required for Air Traffic Control (ATC).

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Cloud Seeding Aircraft Piper Cheyenne II

The Cheyenne II is a high performance twin-engine turboprop aircraft that has proven itself during seeding operations. The Cheyenne II stationed in Calgary, Hail Stop 1 (N234K), is shown in Figure 29. In Alberta, two pilots are used at all times for improved communications and safety. Standard equipment includes full dual VFR/IFR instrumentation, pressurized cabin, and emergency oxygen. The Cheyenne II has full de-ice equipment and is particularly well suited for flying in icing conditions for extended periods of time. These conditions are common at seeding altitudes within the thunderstorms of Alberta. The longer mission times of this aircraft can provide coverage of the entire project area if required, allowing significant savings in aircraft, fuel and personnel costs. The added performance of the Cheyenne II means that it has sufficient power to climb safely above the dangerous icing zone (-10C to -15C) if required, or descend to lower and warmer altitudes to de-ice and quickly climb back up to feeder cloud-top seeding altitude. It can also provide accurate measurements of cloud conditions and cloud temperature. A third seat was provided for training or observing purposes. The major advantages of the Cheyenne II are as follows: 4 hour duration or more for longer seeding missions and better seeding coverage; lower Jet fuel price per liter; reserve power for severe icing conditions; high speed for rapid response or ferry between target areas; and higher margin of safety; The specifications of the Cheyenne II are given in an Appendix. All three aircraft were equipped with flare racks carrying 306 droppable flares containing 20 grams of AgI and also 28 end-burning flares containing 150 grams of AgI for seeding at cloud base. The Cheyenne II was also equipped with GPS navigation system, onboard weather avoidance radar, and a VHF radio system for direct contact with operational personnel at the communications and control center.

Figure 29: Piper Cheyenne II aircraft (N234K) designated as Hail-Stop 1 shown with Captain Bob Gorman at the Olds-Didsbury Airport.

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Beech King-Air C90

Figure 30: Beech Craft King-Air C90 aircraft (N911FG) designated as Hail-Stop 3 shown at the Olds-Didsbury Airport. A photo of the Beechcraft King Air C90 designated Hail Stop 3 (N911FG) is shown in Figure 30 at the Olds-Didsbury Airport. The specifications of the King Air C90 are given in an Appendix. The King Air was similarly equipped as the Cheyenne II. The Cheyenne II and King Air C90 are both high performance twin-engine turboprop aircraft that have proven themselves during seeding operations.

C340A Aircraft
Cloud seeding was also conducted using two Cessna 340A aircraft equipped with ejectable flare belly racks, wing mounted flare racks, and acetone burners. The aircraft registered as N457DM was designated as Hail-Stop 2 (shown in Figure 31) and the aircraft registered as N98560 was designated as Hail-Stop 4 (shown in Figure 32). The C340A aircraft is a pressurized, twin-engine, six cylinder, turbocharged and fuel-injected all weather aircraft. The C340 aircraft also has a weather avoidance radar and GPS navigation system. Complete specifications for the C340 are given in an Appendix. The C340 aircraft carried 306 20-g pencil flares and 24 150-g end-burning flares and two 7 US gallon acetone burners. Although the C340 can seed at cloud top, its performance is rather limited in known icing conditions. Therefore, the C340s are used primarily as cloud-base seeders.

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Figure 31: C340A aircraft (N457DM) designated as Hail-Stop 2 and configured to seed with droppable flares, end-burning flares, and AgI acetone burners.

Figure 32: C340A aircraft (N98560) designated as Hail-Stop 4 and configured to seed with flares, end-burning flares, and AgI acetone burners.

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The projects radar control room consists of the Airlink computer with radio telemetry modem for GPS tracking information, as well as the TITAN computer and display, and the meteorological data acquisition (Compaq) computer. Controllers communicated with the seeding aircraft using a VHF radio at 122.95 MHz frequency. The controlling duties were shared by Terry Krauss, Jason Goehring, and Viktor Makitov (shown in Figure 33). An upgraded TITAN radar display and analysis computer system was installed in 2004 (shown in Figure 34). The new TITAN was able to display several new hail parameters that gave the meteorologists additional information to improve identification of hailstorms and improved the direction of the aircraft to the most important hail growth regions of the storm. The TITAN radar images were sent to the WMI web server at 5-min intervals, although there were often missing images in the web archive which were blamed on computer problems and interruptions in the microwave internet connection at the radar. A more reliable radar file transfer routine will be investigated for the future. High speed Internet was installed for the pilots in Calgary and Red Deer so that the pilots could closely monitor the storm evolution and motion. This gave the pilots better knowledge of the storm situation they were going to encounter when they were launched.

Figure 33: Dr. Viktor Makitov in the communications control room, showing the CIDD and TITAN, displays.

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Figure 34: TITAN dual-display showing the various radar pictures and satellite photo available to the radar controller on 29-July-2006. A new Configurable Interactive Data Display (CIDD) computer system was installed in 2004. The new CIDD system was routinely set to display an animated 1-hour movie loop of the higher resolution polar radar data, super-imposed on a terrain map background. An example of the WMI-NCAR CIDD (Configurable Interactive Data Display) system used this year is shown in Figure 35.

Figure 35: WMI-NCAR CIDD display showing radar reflectivity data and topography. A vertical cross-section and clear-air outflow boundary are also shown.

The WMI C-band weather radar is located at the Olds-Didsbury Airport Hangar #4 (Jackson hangar). The radar coordinates are 51.71 N Latitude, 114.11 W Longitude, with a station elevation of 1024 m above sea level. The WMO station identifier is #71359 and the ICAO airport identifier is CEA3. An upgraded C-band weather radar was installed in 2003. The new radar was very reliable and is more sensitive than the previous, older unit, and was able to detect clouds earlier in their development cycle. The radar performed very well and there were no major interruptions in service.
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The radar is an Enterprise Electronics Corporation WR-100, C-band radar with an 8-ft diameter antenna. A picture of the radar is shown in Figure 36. The WMI C-band (5 cm wavelength) radar is tower mounted and enclosed in a radome to provide safe, all weather operation. The nominal specifications of the C-band radar are: peak power = 250 kw, minimum detectable signal = -107 dBm, circular beam width = 1.65 deg. The minimum detectable signal corresponds to approximately 10 dBZ at 100 km range. A complete list of specifications for the C-band radar is given in the following section. An uninterruptable power supply (UPS) is used to assure there were no losses of service in the event of a power surge or drop. A gas-powered generator was used to provide emergency backup power in the case of a power failure. Line power was very reliable at the airport during the summer and there were only a few momentary lapses in line-power during particularly bad lightning storms. The UPS and emergency generator worked very well. On September 16th the radar was shut off for the season; however, the tower and radar transmitter and display equipment have remained in place until next year. The radar antenna was raised 8 ft in 2001 in order to provide more clearance above nearby buildings that had been constructed at the Olds-Didsbury Airport. The base elevation radar scan was set to 0.8 degrees elevation in order reduce the amount of ground clutter, yet still provide a good viewing angle of the low-level precipitation at far ranges, especially over Calgary and Red Deer. The radar transmitter is located inside a garden shed built directly under the radar tower (shown in Figure 36). th The radar shed is insulated and air-conditioned. The radome was last repainted on August 25 , 2006.

Figure 36: WMI C-band radar at the Olds-Didsbury airport. The radar data acquisition computer RDAS is programmed to control the radar antenna such that a complete volume scan of 18 elevation steps, up to 45 elevation, was performed about every 4.8 min. The RDAS computer sends the polar coordinate radar data to the TITAN computer via a local area

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network and the TITAN computer performs the Cartesian transformation and records a permanent archive of all of the scans. The polar data were stored and displayed on the CIDD computer. All of the TITAN volume-scan radar data collected during 2008 have been recorded on CD-ROM. The GIF PPI picture files created every 5 min, have been archived onto CD-ROM.

Radar Calibration Checks

The quantitative use of radar requires that various parameters of the system be measured and calibrated. The WMI WR100 C-band radar located at the Olds-Didsbury Airport is used to direct seeding aircraft in the Alberta Hail Suppression Project. As such, it needs to provide accurate values of radar reflectivity along with range, azimuth and elevation. Assuming that all the terms relating to the electrical components and propagation of the radar beam are constants and if we always assume we are looking at water, a simplified radar equation takes the form (Rinehart, 1997):

z = C pr r2
Thus, calculating radar reflectivity factor z is simply a matter of getting the power from a target of known range (times a constant). The WR100 parameters and calibration values are shown in Table 5. The RDAS radar acquisition software performs digital signal processing to simulate a quadratic response of the receiver output (Terblanche, 1996) and uses a reference range of 100 km. Table 5: Radar parameter calibration values for the ALBERTA-WMI WR100. value Pulse PRF Freq 0.000003 256 5.64E+09 Duty cycle = Pulse * PRF Log -5.523 2.408 9.751 Db -55.23 24.08 97.51 -31.15 -107 -160.96 Units Sec Sec-1 Sec-1

Minimum detectable signal = Nominal Radar Constant for range in nmi (in the RDAS-TITAN convention)


The radar was found to be very stable from day to day and the radar transmitted power did not vary by any significant amount from May 27 to September 8. The WR100 transmitted power values measured during the summer are shown in Table 6. Table 6: Radar transmitted power calibration values measured during the 2008 season. Date 27 May 08 5 June 08 10 June 08 15 June 08 22 June 08 Power (dBm) 83.7 83.7 83.7 83.7 83.7 Power (kw) 234 234 234 234 234 Notes Installed new thyrotron tube Calibrate

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25 June 08 30 June 08 8 July 08 10 July 08 15 July 08 23 July 08 30 July 08 9 Aug 08 14 Aug 08 22 Aug 08 16 Aug 08 29 Aug 08 4 Sept 08 8 Sept 08 11 Sept 08

83.7 83.7 83.7 83.7 83.7 83.7 83.7 83.7 83.7 83.7 83.7 83.7 83.7 83.7 83.7

234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234


Figure 37: Radar calibration of RDAS digital counts to equivalent radar reflectivity power (dBZ) for the WMI radar at Olds-Didsbury during the 2008 field season. When a radar is modified or repaired, it is important to check and/or recalibrate the RDAS computer which converts the raw radar video signal into a digital value (i.e.; number of RDAS counts) representing a known power (i.e.; equivalent dBZ value at 100 km range). The output power of the transmitter was measured regularly. The RDAS calibration curve was checked for accuracy at the start, mid-season, and again at the end of the season. The calibration tests measured during the summer of 2008 are shown in Figure 37. The calibrations show a change of less than 1 dB between the early calibration and the calibration at the end of season, for the radar reflectivity range between

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20 and 50 dBZ. This very minor change in calibration did not affect the identification and tracking of hail producing storms. The final calibration check for a radar system is a measurement of the pointing accuracy of the antenna. To check the antenna alignment and accuracy, the dish is pointed at the sun and its position coordinates in azimuth and elevation are cross-referenced to the accurate, known position of the sun at that exact time of day. The exact position of the sun can be determined using a computer program designed for that specific purpose. The pointing accuracy of the system was also verified numerous times by confirming the position of the aircraft relative to the position of an isolated echo.


The WMI weather radar control and communications center was equipped to receive and record data from the aircraft GPS position telemetry system. The GPS system displays the exact position of the aircraft superimposed on the radar PPI display to enable the controller to accurately direct the seeding aircraft to optimum seeding locations within the storm system. The colour coded aircraft position on the PPI display enabled radar controllers to discriminate between each project aircraft. The Airlink tracking system had its own PC as a dedicated aircraft tracking system. The real-time aircraft Global Positioning System (GPS) flight track display of AIRLINK on July 26th 2008 is shown in Figure 38.

Figure 38: Aircraft Global Positioning System (GPS) flight tracks, and real-time information via the AIRLINK telemetry system on July 26, 2008. Airlink also displays when seeding events take place, but the locations of flare drops and location of the acetone generator usage are not displayed on the track in Figure 38 to reduce clutter in the figure.


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A brief summary of each day indicating the weather and operational activities is given in an Appendix. Further details regarding flight times, and the amount of seeding are given in the Flights and Operations Summary tables in the Appendices.

During this season, there were 112 aircraft flights totaling 194.7 flight hours on 48 days with operations. A total of 56 storms were seeded during 54 seeding flights (127.3 hours) on 26 days on which seeding took place. There were 17 patrol flights (25.2 hours), 23 test flights (19.3 hours), and 6 public relations flights (1.6 hours). There were 12 special research flights (21.3 hours) using Hailstop 1 (N234K) for the UNSTABLE research project during July. The amount of silver-iodide nucleating agent dispensed during the 2008 field season totaled 122.942 kg. This was dispensed in the form of 1648 ejectable (cloud-top) flares (32.96 kg seeding agent), 548 burn-in-place (cloud-base) flares (82.2 kg seeding agent), and 113.5 gallons of AgI-acetone solution (7.782 kg seeding agent). The distribution of take-off and landing times as a function of time of day is shown in Figure 39. Most of the flights were between 1 pm and 9 pm. The 50% percentile for take-offs is 2 pm and the 50% percentile for landings is approximately 4 pm. The convective storms in Alberta have a strong diurnal cycle associated with the period of daily maximum temperature. In Alberta, the temperature usually cools off sufficiently when the sun goes down, to no longer support continued deep convection. Occasionally, however, a passing cold-front or upper-level disturbance is strong enough to trigger evening convection, therefore, nocturnal storms cannot be ruled out. This is in contrast to the storms and experiences of WMI in Mendoza, Argentina where half the storms occurred after sunset.

Figure 39: The frequency of occurrence and cumulative distributions of aircraft take-off and landing times for all flights as a function on time during 2008.

Seeding Amounts
The amount of AgI dispensed on each day of operations in 2008 is shown in Figure 40. There were 4 days on which >10 kg of seeding material was dispensed during 2008. These were the days that all four airplanes seeded: July 4, 13, 26, and 27. In comparison, there were 4 days in 2007, 8 days in 2006, 6 days during 2003 and 2005 on which >10 kg was dispensed, and 16 days >10 kg during
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2004. There were fewer days with storms, fewer storms, and less seeding, but when the storms formed they tended to be very severe and relatively long-lived, so the amount of seed material per storm was about average compared with other years.

Figure 40: Amount of seeding material dispensed per operational day in 2008.

Comparison of 2008 with Previous Years

Table 7 gives a list of the operational statistics for the past thirteen years of the Alberta Hail Suppression Project. These statistics can be useful for planning purposes. This summer had an above average number of aircraft missions and flight hours due to the addition of the fourth seeding airplane. However, the amount of seeding per day, per hour, and per storm was average. The amount of AgI per storm was slightly above average. This corroborates the hail crop-insurance data that indicates the storms during 2008 tended to be more severe and longer-lived than average. A summary of the flare usage, by aircraft, during the past 13 years is given in Table 8. The biggest change to the program was the addition of a Cessna 340A (Hailstop 4) in Red Deer. The Cessna 340s (Hailstop 2 and Hailstop 4) are used mainly as cloud base seeding aircraft because they have less performance than the two turbine aircraft and are equipped with the liquid AgI solution burners. Hailstop 1 in Calgary has been a Piper Cheyenne II for all 13 years, and Hailstop 2 in Calgary has been a Cessna 340A for all 13 years. Hailstop 3 in Red Deer was a C340 for 4 years (1996-99), a Cheyenne II in 2000, 2003 and 2005, and a Beach King Air C90 in 2004, 2006, 2007, and 2008. The advantages of the C90 are that it has slightly longer endurance for increased seeding time, and good performance for reaching the far western regions of the target area near Rocky Mountain House in a reasonable amount of time (e.g. <30 min). All aircraft remained serviceable for the entire operational period, and there were no major maintenance issues that compromised seeding. The best seeding coverage consists of seeding a storm simultaneously using two aircraft; one at cloud base and another at cloud top (-10 C) along the upwind side of storm. The Cheyenne II and King Air aircraft have proven themselves as excellent cloud-top seeders. The seeding strategy has been to stagger the launch of the seeding aircraft, and use one aircraft to seed at cloud base and one aircraft at cloud top when the storm is immediately upwind or over the highest priority areas. However, if multiple storms threaten three or more areas at the same time, generally only one aircraft is used on each storm, or the aircraft are concentrated on the highest population area around Calgary. All four

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aircraft were called into action for seeding on July 4, 13, 26, and 27. The addition of the fourth aircraft definitely improved the seeding coverage on those four days.

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Table 7: Operational Statistics for 1996 to 2008.

Alberta 2008 Storm Days with 26 Seeding Aircraft 112 Missions Total Flight 194.7 Time (hrs) Number of Storms 56 Seeded Total Seeding 122.9 Material (kg) AgI/day 4.7 AgI/hour 1.0 AgI/Storm 2.2 Eject 1648 Flares BIP flares 548

2007 19 76

2006 28 92

2005 27 80

2004 29 105

2003 26 92

2002 27 92

2001 36 109

2000 33 130

1999 39 118

1998 31 96

1997* 38 92

1996* 29 71

Total Average 388 1265 29.85 97.31













2468.5 189.88















99.7 5.2 0.9 2.4 1622 413

214 7.6 1.1 3.3 4929 703

159.1 5.9 1.0 2.3 3770 515

270.9 9.3 1.2 3.0 6513 877.0

173.4 6.7 1.1 2.2 4465 518.0

124.2 4.6 0.8 2.3 3108 377.0 80.3

195.0 5.4 0.9 2.0 5225 533.0 140.8

343.8 10.4 1.3 2.5 9653 940.0 141.3

212.7 5.5 0.8 1.3 4439 690.0 297.5

111.1 3.6 0.6 0.7 2023 496.0 193.8

110.8 2.9 0.6 1.0 2376 356.0 144.3

163.3 5.6 1.0 2.2 3817 542.0 80.5

2300.9 176.99 5.95 0.95 2.11 53588 4122.15 7508 577.54

Acetone 113.5 77 145.4 94.2 132.7 92.6 (gal) th th June 15 to September 15 during 1996 and 1997.

1733.9 133.38

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Table 8: Cloud seeding flares usage comparison by aircraft. EJ refers to 20 gm ejectable AgI flares. BIP refers to 150 gm burn-in-place AgI flares. The AgI solution burn rate is 2.5 gal per hour.


Hailstop 1 Calgary Cheyenne II


Hailstop 2 Calgary C340


Hailstop 3 Red Deer King Air C90, Cheyenne II, or C340


Hailstop 4 Red Deer C340



64.5 953 EJ, 88 BIP 40.0 979 EJ, 81 BIP 54.0 3217 EJ, 179 BIP 49.1 2750 EJ, 169 BIP 83.2 5574 EJ, 359 BIP 63.9 3598 EJ, 250 BIP 57.1 1994 EJ, 163 BIP 62.4 3174 EJ, 216 BIP

44.3 0 EJ, 171 BIP, 26.8 hr 41.2 0 EJ, 155 BIP, 30.8 hr 70.2 72 EJ, 248 BIP, 58.2 hr 44.8 0 EJ, 121 BIP, 37.7 hr 62.2 0 EJ, 196 BIP, 53.1 hr 54.2 0 EJ, 130 BIP, 37.1 hr 49.3 2 EJ, 73 BIP, 32.1 hr 74.8 4 EJ, 215 BIP, 56.3 hr

50.8 695 EJ, 169 BIP C90 King Air 34.1 643 EJ, 177 BIP C90 King Air 66.0 1640 EJ, 276 BIP C90 King Air 63.9 1020 EJ, 225 BIP Cheyenne II 82.1 939 EJ, 322 BIP C90 King Air 45.5 867 EJ, 138 BIP Cheyenne II 51.0 1112 EJ, 141 BIP Cheyenne II 68.1 2093 EJ, 102 BIP Cheyenne II

35.1 0 EJ, 120 BIP 18.6 hrs C340

2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001

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2000 1999

89.5 4755 EJ, 379 BIP 91.3 3795 EJ, 313 BIP 62.2 1880 EJ, 107 BIP 70.2 1828 EJ, 62 BIP 61.6 2128 EJ, 143 BIP

77.4 164 EJ, 193 BIP, 56.5 hr 81.4 244 EJ, 197 BIP, 59.6 hr 68.4 134 EJ, 199 BIP, 29.2 hr 58.0 264 EJ, 128 BIP, 25.9hr 45.8 895 EJ, 192 BIP, 9.4 hr

97.4 4734 EJ, 368 BIP Cheyenne II 78.6 400 EJ, 180 BIP, 59.4 hr C340 59.4 9 EJ, 190 BIP, 48.3 hr C340 60.0 284 EJ, 166 BIP, 31.8 hr C340 51.7 794 EJ, 207 BIP, 22.8 hr C340

1998 1997


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Storm Tracks
A map of all hailstorm tracks (determined by radar) during 2008 is shown in Figure 41. July was the busiest month and there were a number of long-lived storms or super cells during July. There were at least seven severe storms that tracked across or within the city limits of Calgary, and five other severe storms that were near misses, but still caused some damage in the urban suburbs that surround Calgary. In general it was another very active year around Calgary, and the seeding planes could not let the storms go when they passed Calgary city limits due to the urban sprawl that has increased downwind of Calgary, especially in the Chestermere and Strathmore areas.

Figure 41: Map of all hailstorm tracks during 2008.

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The daily forecast for the hail project was routinely prepared each morning by one of the meteorologists at the Radar, and presented at the weather briefing telephone conference call at 12 noon. The forecast time period for verification was considered to be 24 hrs, spanning the period from 6am to 6 am. The primary input data used for the forecast included the following: Regional analyses at 250 mb, 500 mb, 700 mb. Upper air sounding data from Edmonton or Kelowna ETA model forecast soundings for Calgary, Red Deer, Sundre, and Rocky Mtn. House. Public and Aviation Forecasts Severe weather charts Numerical model forecasts (GEM, ETA/NAM) Satellite pictures Radar pictures from Environment Canada facilities at Strathmore and Carvel. All of the meteorological data downloaded via the internet during the field season have been stored on CD-ROM and a portable hard-drive for future reference purposes.

Convective Day Category (CDC)

The purpose of the weather forecast is to declare a daily Convective Day Category (CDC) that best describes the conditions that are expected for the day. The CDC (Strong, 1979) is an index that gives the potential for hailstorm activity and seeding operations. A description of the weather conditions for each CDC is given in Table 9. The distinction between the -2 and -1 category is sometimes difficult, since overcast or prolonged rain eventually breaks up into scattered showers. The maximum VIL pixel values were used for forecast verification purposes of hail size in the absence of surface hail reports. Radar VIL values were used within the project area or buffer zones on the north, east, and south sides (not including the mountains or foothills of the western buffer zone). This may have increased the number of hail days from the early years, which relied on a human report of hail fall at the surface; however, it is believed to be a more realistic measure of hail. There were a few days when pea size hail 2 was reported and the VIL was < 10 kg/m . These cases were classified as +1 days, and surface reports supersede the radar criterion. The +1 category minimum hail size was assumed to be 5 mm since this is a common minimum size for hail used by numerical modelers. Smaller ice particles < 5mm diameter are generally called snow pellets or graupel particles. Table 9: Description of Convective Day Category (CDC) Index CDC -3 Strategy No Seed Description Clear skies, fair weather cumulus, or stratus (with no rain). No deep convection. Towering cumulus, alto-cumulus, alto-stratus, or nimbostratus producing rain for several hours or weak echoes (e.g. virga). Scattered convective rain showers but no threat of hail. reports of lightning. Convective echoes < 40 dBZ. No


No Seed


No Seed

Patrol flights and potential seeding.

Thunderstorms (at least one) but no hail. VIL < 10 kg/m2 within the project area or buffer zones on north, east, and south sides.

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+1 +2 +3 +4 +5

Seed Seed Seed Seed Seed

Thunderstorms with pea or shot sized hail (0.5 to 1.2 cm diameter). 10 kg/m2 < VIL < 20 kg/m2 Thunderstorms with grape sized hail (1.3 to 2.0 cm diameter). 20 kg/m2 < VIL < 50 kg/m2 Thunderstorms with walnut sized hail (2.1 to 3.2 cm diameter). 50 kg/m2 < VIL < 100 kg/m2 Thunderstorms with golfball sized hail (3.3 to 5.2 cm diameter). VIL > 100 kg/m2 Thunderstorms with greater than golfball sized hail (>5.2 cm diameter).

Various meteorological parameters are also forecast in addition to the CDC. These parameters are used in developing a seeding strategy and are passed on to pilots during the weather briefing. The meteorological parameters are recorded each day and archived for future analysis. A summary of the daily meteorological parameters is given in a later section and the full table of parameters is given in an Appendix.

Coordinated Universal Time

The standard reference time chosen for the project field operations is coordinated universal time (UTC). This time was formerly called Greenwich Mean Time (GMT or Zulu time) and is the accepted international standard of time for general aviation and meteorological observations, reporting, and communication. In Alberta, UTC is 6 hrs ahead of local Mountain Daylight time. For example, 12 noon local is equal to 1800 UTC, and 6 pm local is equal to 2400 or 00 UTC. This causes some confusion since many of the thunderstorms occurred late in the day and span the 6 pm local time which is midnight or 00 hrs UTC. The standard convention incorporated by the Alberta project is to report all aircraft, radar, and meteorological times in UTC, however, the summary tables are all organized according to the local calendar storm day with respect to Mountain Daylight Time for convenience.

Daily Briefings
All project staff participated in a telephone conference briefing session each day at 12 noon sharp. Teamwork depends on good communications, and all staff were required to attend the daily briefing. This briefing session included a debriefing summary of the previous days operations (if any), discussion of the weather situation, presentation of the weather forecast and operational meteorological statistics, predicted hail threat, cloud base heights and temperatures, upper level winds, storm motion, equipment status reports, and operational plans for the day. After the briefing, crews were put on telephone standby or asked to remain at the airport on stand-by. All staff were equipped with cell telephones to allow quick access and constant communications day or night.

Meteorological Statistics
A complete listing of the daily meteorological statistics is given in an Appendix. A summary of the important daily atmospheric parameters used as inputs for the daily forecast of the CDC and threat of hail is given in Table 10. A comparison of these atmospheric parameters with last year indicates that 2008 was cooler (heights of temperature levels decreased from those observed in 2007), and more unstable. Cloud base heights were also generally cooler. The atmosphere was generally more unstable in 2007 compared with 2008 and the wind speeds aloft were greater last year which contributed to the formation of longer-lived storms. There were fewer hail days in 2007 than 2008 but the hail days in 2007 tended to be more severe.
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Table 10: Summary of daily atmospheric parameters used as inputs for the daily forecast of the CDC during 2008.

FCST CDC Precip. Water (in) 0C Level (kft) -5C Level (kft) -10C Level (kft) Cloud Base Height (kft) Cloud Base Temp (C) Maximum Cloud Top Height (kft) Temp. Maximum (C) Dew Point (C) Conv Temp (C) CAPE (J/kg) Total Totals Lifted Index Showalter Cell Direction (deg) Cell Speed (knots) Storm Direction (deg) Storm Speed (knots) Low Level Wind Direction (deg) Low Level Wind Speed (knots) Mid Level Wind Direction (deg) Mid Level Wind Speed (knots) High Level Wind Direction (deg) High Level Wind Speed (knots) Observed CDC

-0.14 0.73 10.98 13.33 15.85 9.31 3.45 27 21 9 20 393 53.3 -1.46 -1.10 268 21 277 14 261 17 261 26 258 50 0.12

All Days (107) StdDev Max Value

1.66 0.17 2.05 2.15 2.22 1.65 2.83 6.54 4.88 2.85 6.3 361 4.0 2.09 2.16 56 8 81 6 65 7 62 11 61 25 1.91 4 1.19 15.9 18.4 20.7 15.2 10.9 40.0 33.0 15.0 36.0 2161 60.5 5.3 5.6 345 40 360 30 360 40 355 55 360 115 5

Min Value
-3 0.43 6.6 9.2 12.0 5.5 -3.3 12.0 10.0 2.0 9.0 0 40.6 -6.5 -6.2 35 1 5 4 10 1 5 5 5 10 -3

2008 was an above average summer for large hail both inside and outside the project area. Hail was reported within the project area on 41 days this past summer. Larger than golf ball size hail fell on July 9th west of Crossfield. Golf ball size hail was reported on June 17th west of Lacombe, July 4th near Caroline, July 6th west of Carstairs, July 9th near Lacombe, July 13th near Rocky Mountain House and Three Hills, July 26th west of Olds, and on August 8th in Red Deer. Walnut size hail was reported on two other days (July 18th and 27th). For the entire Province of Alberta, the Alberta Agriculture Financial Services Corporation in Lacombe reported hail damage to crops on 86 days (1 day in May, 23 days in June, 27 days in July, 22 days in August, and 13 days in September). Golf ball size hail was reported outside the project area on 4 additional days (July 10, 15, 16, and August 21). Data from crop insurance claims indicates that crop damage in 2008 was approximately double the historical average and one of the worst years on record. A summary of the important daily forecast atmospheric parameters on the 41 days on which hail was reported is given in Table 11. These values represent typical conditions for hail days in Alberta. These statistics help put the Alberta project clouds in context with other hail suppression projects around the world. Furthermore, these values can be used to initialize numerical models for research purposes.
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Table 11: Summary of daily forecast atmospheric parameters on 41 hail days during 2008.

FCST CDC Precip. Water (in) 0C Level (kft) -5C Level (kft) -10C Level (kft) Cloud Base Height (kft) Cloud Base Temp (C) Maximum Cloud Top Height (kft) Temp. Maximum (C) Dew Point (C) Conv Temp (C) CAPE (J/kg) Total Totals Lifted Index Showalter Cell Direction (deg) Cell Speed (knots) Storm Direction (deg) Storm Speed (knots) Low Level Wind Direction (deg) Low Level Wind Speed (knots) Mid Level Wind Direction (deg) Mid Level Wind Speed (knots) High Level Wind Direction (deg) High Level Wind Speed (knots) Observed CDC

1.07 0.75 10.74 12.97 15.41 9.06 4.12 30 21 10 19 613 55.8 -2.73 -2.43 254 22 270 14 251 17 246 25 244 46 2.00

Hail Days (41) StdDev Max Value

1.08 0.17 1.98 2.01 2.04 1.55 2.68 6.09 5.27 2.66 6.0 434 2.2 1.51 1.61 64 8 76 6 69 6 64 11 52 24 1.14 4 1.16 14.8 17.0 19.4 13.2 10.9 40.0 33.0 15.0 34.0 2161 59.6 0.6 0.7 340 40 360 30 345 30 340 55 355 115 5

Min Value
-1 0.43 7.5 9.9 12.1 5.6 -3.3 16.0 13.0 5.0 9.0 37 51.2 -6.5 -6.2 35 5 5 4 45 1 45 5 120 10 1

In general, the weather in the project area this summer was cool and wet in June, and then warmer and humid during July, and then relatively hot and dry in August. There were an above average number of days with high humidity in July, which provided the atmospheric conditions for very severe thunderstorms. There were thunderstorms reported within the project area on 75 days this summer and this was the highest frequency of thunderstorm days since the project started tracking these statistics in 1996. The number of hail days and days with large hail (greater than walnut size) was also above average.

Forecasting Performance
The following tables indicate the forecasting performance for the summer season with respect to the forecast and observed weather conditions as defined by the Convective Day Category or CDC within the project area. A CDC greater than zero indicates hail. The forecasts were verified by the weather observations as reported by Environment Canada, crop insurance reports received from the Agriculture
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Financial Services Corp. in Lacombe, and also by public reports of hail in the press, radio, and television, as well as by the reports from project personnel. The Vertical Integrated Liquid (VIL) radar parameter was also used as a verification tool, but secondary to actual hail reports. Referring to Table 12: Hail fell within the project area on 41 of 107 days (38%), leaving 66 days without hail (62%). The forecast was correct in forecasting no-hail on 53 of 66 observed no-hail days (80%) and correctly forecast hail days on 28 of 41 days (68%). The forecast failed to correctly forecast hail on 13 of 41 days (32%) and incorrectly forecast hail (false alarm) on 13 of the 66 days when no-hail was observed (20%) but that also means that on 13 days hail did not fall of the 41 days on which hail was forecast (32%). The Heidke Skill Score (HSS) for WMI this past year (from Table 12) was 0.486. The HSS varies from 1 for no skill to +1 for perfect forecasts. The skill is considered significant if HSS>0.4. The HSS for the WMI forecasters indicated skill but was not great. Seven of the 13 bust forecasts were on days with pea size hail, which is very difficult to forecast; especially when the atmosphere is very cold and almost every thunderstorm is capable of producing pea size hail. The other 6 bust forecasts were on days with grape size hail and on 4 of those days, thunderstorms were forecast. Overall, the WMI meteorologists did a good job with forecasting large hail this year. The Critical Success Index (CSI) is the ratio of the successful hail forecasts divided by the sum of all hail forecasts plus the busts. The CSI does not incorporate the null event (no-hail forecast and no-hail observed), and is also a popular measure of the skill of forecasts. The CSI for WMI this past year was 0.518. Referring to Table 13: The exact forecast weather type (CDC) was observed on 52 of 107 days or 49% of the time. The forecast was correct to within one CDC category on 90 days or 84% of the time. Unfortunately, there were 6 days when grape sized hail fell and hail was not forecast, although thunderstorms were forecast on 4 of those days. Overall the WMI forecasters and Hailcast displayed considerable skill in forecasting large hail since all 9 days with walnut or larger size hail were correctly forecast to produce large hail. It can be stated that there were no major surprise storms this year. Table 12: Table of the Observed versus Forecast days with Hail and No-Hail for the summer of 2008.

Observed Days No Hail Hail FCST Days No Hail FCST Days Hail Totals 53 [80%] 13 [20%] 66 [62%] 13 [32%] 28 [68%] 41 [38%]

Totals 66 [62%] 41 [38%] 107

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Table 13: Table of Forecast versus Observed CDC daily values 2008.

Observed Convective Day Category (CDC) Weather 2008 -3 -3 -2 -1 0

14 1 4 2 3 6 1 1 2 5 15 10 2 7 9 1 2 4 6 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 1



14 10 15 27 27 10 3 1 0 1


1 2 3 4 5

15 7 10 34 17 15 2 6 Percent correct exact CDC category = 52/107 = 49% Percent correct within one CDC category = 90/107 = 84% Number of times no-hail observed when no-hail was forecast = 53/66 (80%) Number of times hail observed when hail forecast = 28/41 (68%) Percentage Correct for Hail & No Hail forecasts = 81/107 (76%) Bust forecast: i.e. hail observed when no hail was forecast = 13/41 (32%) False alarm: i.e. hail forecast and none observed = 13/66 (20%)


A table showing the break down of CDC values for each of the past 13 seasons is shown in Table 14. This year had above average number of large hail days, and above average number of thunderstorm days. In general, Alberta had a cool and showery summer, with frequent thunderstorms and many tended to be severe and produced larger hail than the historical average for the previous 12 years. Table 14: Annual Summary of Convective Day Categories (CDC) -3 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 27 7 14 21 13 -2 21 19 24 18 21 -1 12 6 2 8 8 Observed CDC 0 1 2 11 28 29 24 26 5 19 23 22 18 12 11 8 10 9 3 3 3 2 2 2 4 1 0 4 1 9 5 1 0 1 1 1 Totals 93 93 107 107 107
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2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Totals Average Max Min

20 27 24 11 13 19 15 15 226 17.4 27 7

4 8 7 4 13 14 17 7 177 13.6 24 4

19 20 20 28 22 15 15 10 185 14.2 28 2

18 16 28 29 28 24 26 34 321 24.7 34 11

19 15 8 15 17 19 17 17 214 16.5 23 5

18 17 12 11 9 5 8 15 145 11.2 18 5

5 3 2 3 1 6 5 2 39 3.0 6 1

4 1 5 5 2 3 2 6 43 3.3 9 0

0 0 1 1 2 2 2 1 13 1.0 2 0

107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 1363

The Hailcast Model

The HAILCAST model (Brimelow, 1999, Brimelow et al, 2006) was again used this summer to objectively forecast the maximum hail size over the project area. HAILCAST consists of two components, namely a steady-state one-dimensional cloud model and a 1-dimensional, time dependent hail model with detailed microphysics. The reader is referred to Brimelow (1999) for a detailed explanation of the model. ETA forecast soundings for Red Deer and Calgary were downloaded daily from the Storm Machine website. A decision tree scheme was used to determine whether or not the soundings should be used to initialize the model. The decision tree is based on the work of Mills and Colquhoun (1998). The decision tree logic was described in detail in the 2003 final report. Basically, the Hailcast model was not supposed to be run if the atmospheric profile showed significant inhibition at 700 mb (approximately 10 kft) or warming > 1 C aloft during the day. Table 15 shows the Hailcast Forecast versus Observed table st th of Daily CDC values for the period June 1 to September 15 2008. Table 15: Table of Forecast versus Observed CDC daily values using HAILSCAST during the summer of 2008. Hailcast CDC -3 No Run or No Hail +1 +2 +3 +4
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-2 6 1

Observed CDC -1 0 +1 9 1 13 15 3 3 4 10 2 1

+2 3 4 4 3 1

+3 +4 +5 1 1 1 3 2 51 31 13 11 1
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+5 15 7 10 34 17 15 2 6 1

0 107

The probability of detection (POD), false alarm ratio (FAR), Heidke Skill Score (HSS), and Critical Success Index (CSI) performance of HAILCAST and WMI from 2002 to 2008 are shown in Table 16. Table 16: Probability of detection (POD). false alarm ratio (FAR) and critical success index (CSI) performance of HAILCAST and WMI from 2002 to 2008. POD HAILCAST POD WMI FAR HAILCAST FAR WMI HSS HAILCAST HSS - WMI CSI HAILCAST CSI - WMI 2008 .80 .68 .35 .20 .43 .49 .52 .52 2007 .82 .76 .30 .11 .46 .66 .50 .62 2006 .69 .69 .31 .14 .35 .55 .42 .53 2005 .84 .61 .45 .18 .31 .42 .40 .42 2004 .91 .60 .47 .30 .39 .51 .51 .49 2003 0.76 0.86 0.56 0.16 0.33 0.63 0.39 0.59 2002 0.81 0.83 0.34 0.33 0.56 0.59 0.57 0.59

The performance of the HAILCAST model in 2008 was very good. The probability of detection of hail events was 0.80, which was higher than the WMI forecaster. However, the false alarm ratio of HAILCAST in 2008 was 0.35 indicating that hail was forecast on 23 of 66 days when hail was not reported. Perhaps the hail fell only in the foothills and not within the project area, however, the reliability of the Hailcast forecast suffered because of this. There were only 8 Bust days (20%) which is very good; that is, 8 of the 41 hail days were not forecast, but one of the days had golfball size hail. On 4 of the 8 bust days, only pea size hail was observed. Hailcast failed to correctly forecast three grape size days and one golfball size day. At the time of this report, a critical analysis of whether Hailcast was properly run or not-run on these large hail days has not been conducted. It is possible that the decision tree routine of parameters that decide when it should be run was not followed properly. Also, any failures in the ETA model to accurately predict the atmospheric sounding will directly lead to error in the Hailcast model. The HSS for Hailcast was 0.43 due to the many false-alarms, which is slightly above the value of 0.4 which is generally considered to be the threshold level of skill. The CSI for Hailcast was .52, exactly the same as the CSI for the WMI forecaster. These results demonstrate that while HAILCAST is a useful tool it has weakness similar to many models and the results need to be interpreted within the context of the overall meteorological situation, taking into consideration other synoptic, meso-scale, or dynamical aspects that are not included in the one-dimensional model. One must also keep in mind that the input to Hailcast was routinely the 12 hr prognostic soundings of the ETA model. It is important to look at the full 24 hours of forecast soundings to use as input for Hailcast. Further research into the refinement of the Hailcast decision tree is warranted, and extra care must be taken to input the proper sounding.

July 27th, 2008 Case Study: A severe storm over Calgary.

The Maximum Reflectivity radar map showing the integrated storm tracks on July 27th, 2008 is shown in Figure 42. This was the second heaviest day of seeding during 2008. All four aircraft flew seeding missions, totaling 9 hours and 32 minutes of flight time. Two long-lived storms and two short-lived storms were seeded. Storms formed along the foothills and tracked across the project area in a long line running N to S. The most severe storms went from Cremona to Beiseker (Storm #1) and from Bragg Creek to Strathmore (Storm #2). Quarter size hail (25 mm) was reported near Cremona. The aircraft tracks on July 27th 2008 are shown in Figure 43. At 1:29 pm HS4 started cloud base seeding Storm #1 NW of Cremona. At 2:14 pm HS3 also started seeding this storm at cloud top when it

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was west of Carstairs. At 2:44 pm HS3 stopped seeding and returned to Red Deer. At 3:25 pm HS4 stopped seeding after the storm passed east of the QEII highway, and returned to Red Deer. HS1 was launched at 1:27 pm to patrol SW of Calgary. HS1 started cloud-top seeding storm #2 over SW Calgary at 2:17 pm. HS1 continued seeding this storm until 4:18 pm, when this storm was near Strathmore. HS2 was airborne at 2:39 pm and started cloud-base seeding storm #2 over Calgary at 2:41pm. HS2 stopped seeding this storm as it passed Strathmore at 4:21 pm and returned to Calgary. HS1 was launched a second time at 6:04 pm when a storm developed quickly west of Airdrie. HS1 started seeding storm #3 at cloud base at 6:29 pm over Airdrie. HS1 stopped seeding storm #3 east of Airdrie at 6:46 pm, as the storm had decayed to a rain shower. HS1 was then redirected to SW Calgary to patrol new development. HS1 started seeding storm #4 southwest of Springbank at 6:57 pm. HS1 stopped seeding storm #4 at 7:09 pm and returned to Calgary. Figure 43 shows the good coverage of flight tracks and overlapping tracks over Calgary for HS1 and HS2.

Figure 42: Maximum Reflectivity map for the storms on 27-July-2008.

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Figure 43: Aircraft tracks for Hailstop 1(green), 2(white), 3(blue), and 4(yellow) on 27-July-2008.

Climate Perspectives
The daily and accumulated rainfall for Calgary and Red Deer from October 21st, 2007 to October 21st, 2008 are shown in Figures 44 and 45 respectively. Both Calgary and Red Deer received frequent showers during May and June. Calgary had frequent but smaller rain showers during July and August but Red Deer had fewer showers in July and dropped below the long-term average. The summer rain showers were sufficient to give Calgary above average rainfall for the year (+21%). Red Deer received slightly below average rainfall (-9%). For the 90 day period June 10th to September 10th, Calgary received 34 mm less than the average rainfall (-18.7%) and Red Deer received 53.7 mm less than the average rainfall (-23.6%). The radar site at Olds received considerably more rainfall totaling 296.7 mm between June 1st and September 15th.

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Figure 44: Daily and accumulated rainfall for Calgary from Oct. 21, 2007 to Oct. 21, 2008.

Figure 45: Daily and accumulated rainfall for Red Deer from Oct. 21, 2007 to Oct. 21, 2008. Regions of Canada with departures from normal precipitation during the summer of 2008 are shown in Figure 46. Regions of Canada with departures from normal temperature during the summer of 2008 are
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shown in Figure 47. The summer of 2008 in southern Alberta was near normal for precipitation and temperature. For the Canadian Prairies as a whole, the summer (June 1 to August 31, 2008) ranked as the 18th coolest (-0.2 C below average temperature), and the 14th wettest (+14.9% more than average precipitation) when compared with the 61-year period 1948 to 2008. Previous research (Krauss and Santos 2004) indicated that the cloud seeding increases the rainfall; therefore, the increased rainfall around Calgary, compared with the surrounding area, is consistent with our previous findings.

Figure 46: Departures from normal Precipitation during the summer of 2008 in Canada.

Figure 47: Departures from normal Temperature during the summer of 2008 in Canada.

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El Nio/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Discussion

The links between sea surface temperatures in the Pacific Ocean and the weather and climate of Alberta are not clearly defined, however, there has been a slightly positive correlation between hot, dry summers and El Nio (warm ocean) conditions; and wet, stormy summers with La Nia (cool ocean) conditions. For example; the last major La Nia was in 2000 which was accompanied by an above average number of severe storms and increased hail damage in Alberta during the summer of 2000. In last years final report, we speculated that a continuation of a cooler Pacific Ocean La Nia condition could result in a cooler, wetter, and stormier Alberta summer of 2008. This indeed seems to have been the case. Pacific Ocean sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies for the period October 2007 to October 2008 are shown in Figure 48 ( A cooler-ocean La Nia situation developed last summer and extended through the winter of 2007-2008. However, the sea surface temperatures began to warm in the eastern Pacific in February. ENSO-neutral conditions have been in place since June 2008, but the atmospheric circulation over the western and central tropical Pacific continued to reflect lingering aspects of La Nia. The resulting atmospheric circulations featured enhanced low-level easterly winds and upper-level westerly winds in the central Pacific, with convection enhanced over Indonesia and suppressed over the central Pacific. Overall, the oceanatmosphere system remains consistent with ENSO-neutral conditions. Most of the dynamical and statistical SST forecasts indicate a continuation of ENSO-neutral conditions (0.5C to 0.5C in the Nio-3.4 region) into the first half of 2009. While the model spread continues to include possibilities ranging from El Nio to La Nia, the recent decrease in subsurface and surface temperatures favors a return to La Nia over the development of El Nio. However, based on current atmospheric and oceanic conditions, recent trends, and model forecasts, ENSO-neutral conditions are expected to continue into early 2009. This discussion is a consolidated effort of the National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration (NOAA), NOAAs National Weather Service, and their funded institutions. Oceanic and atmospheric conditions are updated weekly on the Climate Prediction Center web site (El Nio/La Nia Current Conditions and Expert Discussions). The effects on the 2008 Alberta summer appeared to be an increase in the number of storms in southern Alberta and drier conditions in northern Alberta. Certainly the months of June and July were cooler and wetter than average and consistent with the positive La Nia correlation. The shift to neutral conditions coincided with warmer and drier conditions in August. Certainly the connections between ENSO and Albertas summer weather deserve further research.

Figure 48: Pacific Ocean sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies for the period October 2007 to October 2008.

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Alberta Crop Hail Insurance Results

Figure 49: Alberta Financial Services Corp. straight hail insurance loss-to-risk ratio and lossratio statistics for the entire Province of Alberta from 1978 to 2008.

Figure 50: Alberta Financial Services Corp. straight hail insurance loss-to-risk ratio trend analysis from 1978 to 2008 for the entire Province of Alberta, separating the periods into before WMI seeding prior to 1996 and after WMI seeding from 1996 to 2008.

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Figure 49 shows the annual Loss-to-Risk ratios, and Loss-Ratios for the Province of Alberta as determined by the straight hail crop insurance statistics collected by the Alberta Financial Services Corp. in Lacombe, Alberta. These statistics are for the entire province of Alberta. The average loss-torisk ratio for the period 1978 to 1995 (before WMI seeding) is 4.4% and the average for the period 1996 to 2008 (with WMI seeding) is 4.5%. A polynomial trend analysis for the two periods is shown in Figure 50. Eight of the first ten years with WMI seeding (1996-2005 inclusive) had below-average hail damage. The hail damage during 2000 and 2004 appeared as spikes with above-average hail damage. However, the last 3 years have had an exponential increase in crop hail damage.

Figure 51: Alberta Agriculture Financial Services Corp hail insurance loss-to-risk statistics from 1981 to 2008 for the municipalities in the Target Area, Downwind, North and South of the project area. Figure 51 shows the annual Loss-to-Risk ratios from 1981 to 2008 for municipalities within the target area compared with municipalities downwind of the project area, north, and south of the project area. These results are not completely final at the time of this report in mid-October; however, these data are thought to be sufficiently accurate and representative of the situation. For the purpose of this analysis, the project Target area consists of the municipalities of Red Deer, Mountain View, Rocky View, Foothills, and Lacombe. The polynomial trend lines fitted to the data in Figure 51 indicate several things: The project area has the highest average hail damage in the Province and can still lay claim to the moniker Hail Alley, although municipalities south of Calgary had greater hail damage in 2008 and one of the worst hail years on record. There is an increasing trend in hail damage for the last seven years and the variability also seems to be greater for the target area. The hail damage in the north has remained relatively constant.

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Conclusions and Recommendations

A formal statistical evaluation of the hail suppression program is still not possible without acquiring more comprehensive, detailed, high resolution property insurance claim data. Preliminary assessments from unofficial reports within the insurance industry indicate that the program has been a financial success but this has not been verified. The crop-damage statistics, however, do not indicate a reduction in hail for the target area. Furthermore, there appears to be a trend towards increasing hail within the target area over the past few years, and this is expected to continue into the near future, especially if La Nia conditions continue. The fact that the crop damage data does not show a reduction in crop damage within the target area may be explained by the fact that hailstorms are not seeded if they do not threaten a town or city. This also means that any reduction in property insurance payouts is not due to climate change since there has been an increase in storm activity. The 2008 field operations ran quite smoothly and, once again, there are no major recommendations for program improvements or upgrades. The following recommendations are presented for consideration by the ASWMS and WMI senior management next year. It has been 13 years since the program started. There are many new people in the insurance industry in Central Alberta who are not familiar with the history of the program and details of the current cloud seeding project. Two very successful information seminars were given at the Olds radar site for the staff of the AXA Pacific Insurance Company this past summer. It is recommended that similar information seminars be given as part of the Alberta Insurance Council accreditation program. The intent of this training course would be to inform the insurance industry about the background, organization, and methodology of the cloud seeding project so that support for the program can continue based on current and accurate information. Finding sufficient, qualified pilots continues to be a challenge for the program. Advertising and recruiting of pilots should be started earlier next spring. Application for Foreign Work Permits for US pilots should also begin early next spring since we now have ample justification to demonstrate shortages of qualified staff in Alberta based on our experiences in the past, especially 2007 and 2008. Another possibility is to investigate sub-contracting pilots from local aviation companies (e.g. Morgan Air and Sky Wings Aviation Academy) since these companies offer job security and have become employers of our former pilots in the past. There continues to be a need for more detailed property damage data in order to assess the effectiveness of the seeding program. Several of the larger insurance companies have been contacted and detailed property damage data requested. The intent is to conduct an anonymous assessment of trends in the loss-to-risk ratios of property damage so that insight into the financial effectiveness of the program may be determined.

T. W. Krauss, Ph.D. October 2008

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Dennis, A.S., C.A. Schock, and A. Koscielski, 1970: Characteristics of hailstorms of Western South Dakota. J. Appl. Meteor., 9, 127-135. Dixon, Michael, and Gerry Wiener, 1993: TITAN: Thunderstorm Identification, Tracking, Analysis, and Nowcasting - A Radar-based Methodology. J. Atmos. and Oceanic Technol., 10, 6, 785-797. English, M., 1986: The testing of hail suppression hypotheses by the Alberta Hail Project. Preprints, 10th Conf. Weather Modification, Arlington, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 72-76. English, M., and T.W. Krauss, 1986: Results from an Alberta hailstorm seeding experiment. Presented 1st Intl. Cloud Modeling Workshop/Conf., Isree, FRG, July 1985, 79-84. Environment Canada 1987. Climate Atlas of Canada, Map Series 3, Pressure, Humidity, Cloud, Visibility, and Days with Thunderstorms, Hail, Smoke and Haze, Fog, Freezing Precipitation, Blowing Snow, Frost, Snow on the Ground, Ministry of Supply and Services, Cat. No. EN5663:3-1986. Environment Canada El Nino website - Etkin, D., and S. E. Brun, 1999: A note on Canadas hail climatology: 1977-1993. Int. J. Climatol. 19: 13571373. Ferrier, B.S., 1994: A two-moment multiple-phase four-class bulk ice scheme. Part I: Description. J. Atmos. Sci., 51, 249-280. Ferrier, B.S., W.-K. Tau and J. Simpson, 1995: A double-moment multiple-phase four-class bulk ice scheme. Part II: Simulations of convective storms in different large-scale environments and comparisons with other bulk parameterizations. J. Atmos. Sci., 52, 1001-1033. Foote, G. B., and C. A. Knight, 1979: Results of a randomized hail suppression experiment in northeast Colorado. Part I. Design and conduct of the experiment. J. Appl. Meteor., 18, 1526-1537. Foote, G.B., 1984: The study of hail growth utilizing observed storm conditions. J. Climate. Appl. Meteor.,23,84-101. Foote, G.B., 1985: Aspects of cumulonimbus classification relevant to the hail problem. J. Rech. Atmos., 19, 61--74. Foote, G.B., and J.C. Fankhauser, 1973: Airflow and moisture budget beneath a northeast Colorado hailstorm. J. Appl. Meteor., 12, 1330-1353. Foote, G.B., T.W. Krauss, and V. Makitov, 2005: Hail metrics using conventional radar. Proceedings: th 16 Conf. On Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification, Amer. Meteor. Soc., Boston. Garvey, D.M., 1975: Testing of cloud seeding materials at the Cloud Simulation and Aerosol Laboratory, 1971-1973. J. Appl. Meteor., 14,883-890. Glossary of Meteorology, American Meteorological Society, Boston, Massachusetts, 1959. Grandia, K.L., D.S. Davison and J.H. Renick, 1979: On the dispersion of silver iodide in Alberta hailstorms. Proceedings: 7th Conf. on inadvertent and planned weather modification, Amer. Meteor. Soc., Banff.56-57. Harris, E.R., 1981: Sierra Cooperative Pilot Project: Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact. Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, 196 pp. Howell, W.E., 1977: Environmental impacts of precipitation management: Results and inferences from Project Skywater. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Vol. 58, 488-501. Humphries, R.G., M. English, and J. Renick, 1987: Weather Modification in Alberta., J. Weather Modification, 19, 13-24. Insurance Bureau of Canada, 2001: Facts of the General Insurance Industry of Canada. Insurance Bureau of Canada, Toronto. 44 pp. Kain, J.S., and J.M. Fritsch, 1993: Convective parameterization for mesoscale models: The Kain-Fritsch scheme. The Representation of Cumulus Convection in Numerical Models, Meteo. Monogr., No. 46, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 165-170. Kitzmiller, D. H., and J. P. Breidenbach, 1995: Detection of Severe Local Storm Phenomena by Automated Interpretation of Radar and Storm Environment, Techniques Development Laboratory, Silver Spring, MD, NOAA Technical Memorandum NWS TDL 82. (33 pages) Kitzmiller, D.H., W.E. McGovern, and R.E Saffle, 1995: The WSR-88D severe weather algorithm. Wea. Forecasting, 10, 141-159. Kong, F. and M.K. Yau, 1997: An explicit approach to microphysics in MC2. Atm. Ocean. 33, 257-291. Krauss, T.W. 1981. Precipitation Processes in the New Growth Zone of Alberta Hailstorms Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Wyoming, Laramie, 296 pp. Krauss, T.W., 1989: An assessment of seeding rate. Greek National Hail Suppression Program 1988 Annual Report. Edited by Rudolph et al., INTERA Report M88-490, Calgary, 5.2 to 5.4. Krauss, T.W., 1998: Radar responses to seeding of hailstorms in Alberta. 14th Conf. Wea. Mod., AMS, Everett, WA, 632-635.
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Krauss, T.W., R.T. Bruintjes, and H. Martinez, 2000: A new hail suppression project using aircraft seeding in Argentina. J. Weather Mod., Vol. 32, 1, 73 - 80. Krauss, T.W., and J.D. Marwitz, 1984: Precipitation processes within an Alberta supercell hailstorm. J. Atmos. Sci., 41, 1025-1034. Krauss, T.W. and V. Makitov, 2001: An overview of the Mendoza hail suppression program 2000. Proceedings, 15th Conf. Inadvertent and Planned Weather Modification, Amer. Meteor. Soc., Albuquerque, New Mexico. Krauss, T. W., and J. Renick, 1997: The new Alberta hail suppression project. J. Weather Mod., Vol. 29, 1, 100 - 105. Krauss, T.W., R.E. Rinehart, J.L. Kollegger, and S.A. Kozak, 1998: VIL as a predictor for hail in Alberta. Preprints, 14th Conference on Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification, Everett, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 589-592. Krauss, T.W., and J.R. Santos, 2004: Exploratory analysis of the effect of hail suppression operations on precipitation in Alberta. Atmospheric Research, Vol. 71, 35-50. Krauss, T.W., W.Shaw, A.A.Sinkevich, V.S.Makitov, 2006: Cloud seeding in India and physical and statistical assessment of the results. Journal of Meteorology and Hydrology, Russia, V7, 24-33. Landscheidt, T., 1999: Solar activity a dominant factor in climate dynamics, Landscheidt, T. 1999:Trends in pacific decadal oscillation subjected to solar forcing, Landscheidt, T. 1999: Solar activity controls El Nino and La Nina, Makitov, V., 1999: Organization and main results of the hail suppression program in the northern area of the province of Mendoza, Argentina. J. Weather Modification, 31, 76-86. Marwitz, J.D., 1972a: The structure and motion of severe hailstorms. Part I: Supercell storms. J. Appl. Meteor., 11, 166-179. Marwitz, J.D., 1972b: The structure and motion of severe hailstorms. Part II: Multicell storms. J. Appl. Meteor., 11, 180-188. Marwitz, J.D., 1972c: The structure and motion of severe hailstorms. Part III: Severely sheared storms. J. Appl. Meteor., 11, 166-179. Marwitz, J.D., 1972d: Precipitation efficiency of thunderstorms on the High Plains. J. Rech. Atmos., 6, 367-370. Mather, G. K., M. J. Dixon, J. M. DeJager, 1996: Assessing the potential for rain augmentation The Nelspruit randomized convective cloud seeding experiment. J. Appl. Meteor., 35, 1465-1482. Meyers, M.P., R.L. Walko, J.Y. Harrington and W.R. Cotton, 1997: New RAMS cloud microphysics. Part II: The two-moment scheme. Atmos. Res., 45, 3-39. Milbrandt, J.A. and M.K. Yau, 2003: Analysis of the role of the shape parameter in bulk microphysics parameterizations and a proposed triple-moment approach. Submitted to J. Atmos. Sci. Miller, R., 1972: Notes on Analysis and Severe-Storm Forecasting Procedures of the Air Force Global Weather Central. Air Weather Service Technical Report 200 (Rev), United States Air Force, Chapters 5 and 7. Mullayarov, V. A., V.I. Kozlov, and R.R. Karimov, 2001.:Relation of thunderstorm activity to cosmic ray variations. In: ISCS 2001 Abstracts. Solar Variability, Climate and Space Weather. NOAA PDO website - Ramanathan, V., B.R. Barkstrom, and E.F. Harrison, 1989: Climate and the earths radiation budge. Physics Today, 22. Rasmussen, E.N., and D. O. Blanchard, 1998: A baseline climatology of sounding-derived supercell and tornado forecast parameters. Weather and Forecasting, 13, 1148-1164. Renick, J., 1975: The Alberta Hail Project: Update 1975. J. of Weather Mod., 7, no. 2, 1-6. Rinehart, R. E., 1997: Radar for Meteorologists. 3rd Edition, Rinehart Publications, P.O. Box 6124, Grand Forks, ND. 58206-6124. 428 pp. Rosenfeld, D., W. Woodley, T.W. Krauss, V. Makitov, 2006: Aircraft Microphysical Documentations from Cloud Base to Anvils of Hailstorm Feeder Clouds in Argentina. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Vol. 45, No. 9, pp 12611281. Ross, C., and P. Woloshyn, 1986: Effect of Hail and Drought on Major Crops in Alberta. Alberta Agriculture Report. Edmonton. 34pp. Rudolph, R., and C. Ganniaris-Papageorgiou, 1991: Effects of cloud seeding on hail insurance statistics in northern Greece. Paper presented at the 2nd Conf. on Hail Suppression. Yugoslavia.
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Rudolph, R.C., C.M. Sachiw, and G.T. riley, 1994: Statistical evaluation of the 1984-88 seeding experiment in northern Greece. J. Weather Modification, 26, 53-60. Schnur, R., T. W. Krauss, F. Joe Eley, and D. Lettenmaier, 1997: Spatiotemporal analysis of radarestimated precipitation during the BOREAS Summer 1994 Field Campaigns. J. of Geophysical Research, vol. 102, D24, 29,417-29,427. Shabbar, A., 1997: El Nino. Environment Canadas web page. Downsview, Ont. Sheremata, D, 1998: Hail Busters: Shooting for the clouds. Canadian Geographic, Vol. 118, No. 5, 6670. Smith, P.L., L.R. Johnson, D.L. Priegnitz, B.A. Boe, and P.W. Mielke Jr., 1997: An exploratory analysis of crop hail insurance data for evidence of cloud seeding effects in North Dakota. J. Applied Meteor., 36, 463-473. Smith, P. L., and L. R. Lemon, 1997, Characteristics of Radar Echoes from Hailstorms. 31st CMOS Congress, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, pp 66. Stanley-Jones, M., 1996: Radar systems, Theoretical & Practical Measurement Procedures, unpublished manuscript, 112 pp. Strong, G. S., 1979: A convective forecast index as an aid in hail suppression evaluation. Proceedings, 7th Conf. Inadvertent and Planned Weather Modification, Amer. Meteor. Soc., Banff, 2pp. Strong, G. S., and W. D. Wilson, 1983: The Synoptic Index of Convection, Part I: Evaluation of the Single-Valued Index, 1978-82. 17th Annual CMOS Congress, Banff. Atmos. Sci. Dept., Alberta Research Council, Red Deer. 29-37. Summers, P. W., and L. Wojtiw, 1971: The economic impact of hail damage in Alberta, Canada and its dependence on various hailfall parameters. Preprints, Seventh Conf. of Severe Local Storms, Kansas City, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 158-163. Svensmark, H. & Friis-Christensen, E.: Variation of cosmic ray flux and global cloud coverage a missing link in solarclimate relationships. J. Atm. Sol.Terr. Phys. 59 (1997), 1225. Terblanche, D. E., 1996: A simple digital signal processing method to simulate linear and quadratic responses from a radars logarithmic receiver. J. Atmos. And Oceanic Tech., 13, 533-538. University of Washington PDO website - Waldvogel, A., B. Federer, and P. Grimm, 1979: Criteria for the detection of hail cells. J. Appl. Meteor., 25, 1521-1525. Winston H. A., and L. J. Ruthi, 1986: Evaluation of RADAPII Severe Storm Detection Algorithms. AMS Bulletin, VOL 67, 145-150. Ziegler, C.L., 1985: Retrieval of thermal and microphysical variables in observed convective storms. Part 1: Model development and preliminary testing. J. Atmos. Sci., 42, 1497-1509.

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APPENDICES A. B. C. D. E. Organization Chart Daily Weather and Activities Summary Table Aircraft Operations Summary Table Flight Summary Table Forms Weather Forecast Worksheet WMI Radar Observer Log WMI Seeding Aircraft Flight Log F. G. H. I. J. K. L. Specifications for Piper Cheyenne II Aircraft Specifications for Cessna C-340 Aircraft Specifications for Beechcraft King-Air C90 Aircraft Ground School Agenda Airborne Seeding Solution Daily Meteorological Forecast Statistics Project Personnel and Telephone List

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Alberta Severe Weather Management Society

Board of Directors Todd Klapak, Chairman

Chief Financial Officer Catherine Jenssen

Project Manager Dr. Terry Krauss

Weather Modification Inc. Patrick Sweeney President

Meteorology Forecasting and a/c Control

Vice-President James Sweeney

Aviation Pilots

Aircarft Maintenance and Electronics

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20060606 21z



Date 2008 June 01, Sunday

Weather Weak upper jet extends from northern AB into southern MB. Ridge is over south AB, but a low is along the WA coast spinning PVA into the area from the south late in the day. The atmosphere is slightly unstable across the area with daytime heating. Thundershowers developed in the foothills during the early afternoon but first moved into the project area after 00Z. By 05Z these scattered thundershowers had diminished to areas of RA throughout the night. 50 max dBz. Tmax YC = 19.2 C and no rain. Tmax QF = 20.6 C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 19.7 C and no rain in automatic weather station and 0.7 mm rain in the rain gauge.

Activities Summary All 4 a/c conducted test flights along the foothills W of Sundre. Weak thundershowers remained over the foothills. HS2: 2050-2230: 1 BIP, 10 min acetone test HS4: 2056-2126: QF to YC no seeding HS1: 2100-2214: 3 EJ, 1 BIP test HS3: 2147-2336: 2 EJ, 1 BIP test HS4: 2300-0008: 1 BIP test. YC to QF

June 02, Monday

Low-pressure center is located over the Southern part of BC province. High-pressure ridge is crossing the Northern part of AB from the NW to the SE and moving to the East slowly. Strong PVA core is approaching to the Southern border of BC from the West. Both soundings are slightly unstable and humid. Embedded thundershowers over the mtns and foothills W of YC slowly drifted over the city in the afternoon. Max cell top= 6.5 km, 47 max dBz, 5.2 max VIL. Pea size hail reported in SE Calgary. Tmax YC = 14.6 C and 1.2 mm rain. Tmax QF = 14.4 C and 0.2 mm rain. Tmax Radar = 13.4 C and no rain in automatic weather station and 0.9 mm rain in the rain gauge.

HS3 conducted a test flight from QF to RM. HS1 was launched at 2222Z after pea size hail was reported in SE Calgary. YBW reported snow grains. HS1 was airborne at 2244Z but their track did not display on titan due to a computer power problem. HS1 conducted several seeding passes of marginal, embedded, weak cells over Calgary city and then RTB at 2318Z. HS3: 1958-2046: no seeding. HS1: 2240-2330: 7 EJ, 1 BIP; Calgary storm

June 03, Tuesday

High-pressure ridge has formed over the Northern part of AB province. Low-pressure center is located over the Southern border of SK province and moving to the East slowly. Both soundings are slightly unstable and humid. Two bands of rain moved through the project area from east to west. The first band of light rain in the morning and early afternoon, the second band in the late afternoon and evening. The second band had embedded thundershowers. 45 max dBz. Tmax YC = 13.0 C and 4.2 mm rain. Tmax QF = 17.2 C and 3.6 mm rain. Tmax Radar = 12.1 C and 4.6 mm of rain in automatic weather station and 5.9 mm of rain in the rain gauge.

No aircraft operations.

June 04, Wednesday

High-pressure ridge and surface High-pressure center remain located over AB province. Low-pressure center is located N of BC province. Cold front is approaching to the target area from the North. Both soundings are unstable and humid.

HS1 was launched at 1718Z to storm #1 east of YC, moving to the west. HS1 was airborne at 1740Z, and seeded storm #1 on the north edge of YC. HS1 stopped seeding at 1822Z as storm had diminished and then patrolled to the east of Airdrie. HS1 RTB at 1934Z.
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Storm #1 moved slowly from east to west on the northern edge of Calgary in the late morning and early afternoon. Scattered weak thundershowers drifted from east to west through the project in the afternoon and early evening. Max cell top= 9.5 km, 50 max dBz, 7.5 max VIL. Tmax YC = 16.5 C and 1.0 mm rain. Tmax QF = 20.0 C and 0.6 mm rain. Tmax Radar = 17.3 C and no rain in automatic weather station and 0.6 mm of rain in the rain gauge. June 05, Thursday Low-pressure center and Low-pressure trough are approaching to AB province from the West. Surface Lowpressure center is located over the border between AB and BC. Strong PVA core is located S of BC province. Both soundings are unstable and humid. Scattered weak thundershowers developed in the late morning and persisted through the afternoon. The strongest cell moved over Olds around 2030Z with Viktor reporting pea size hail. After 21Z, all cells weakened with areas of rain remaining through the night. 42 max dBz. Tmax YC = 20.8 C and 0.4 mm rain. Tmax QF = 22.5 C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 19.7 C and 3.0 mm of rain in automatic weather station and 3.9 mm of rain in the rain gauge. June 06, Friday Low-pressure trough and surface Low-pressure center are located over the target area. Cold front is crossing the Southern part of AB province from the NW to the SE and moving slowly to East. . Both soundings are unstable and humid. Few areas of rain in the morning and afternoon. Embedded thundershowers around Calgary in the early afternoon. Pea size hail reported in Calgary around 2030Z. Funnel cloud and tornado on the ground reported near Heisler (NE of Stettler). No injuries were reported. Tmax YC =13.5 C and 2.2 mm rain. Tmax QF = 13.1 C and trace of rain. Tmax Radar = 12.0 C and 0.3 mm of rain in automatic weather station and 10.4 mm of rain in the rain gauge. June 07, Saturday High-pressure center is located over the Northern part of Alberta province. Two Low-pressure centers are located over the Northern part of BC and over the Southern part of SK. Surface Low-pressure center is located N of BC. Cold front associated with the BC Low-pressure center is approaching to the target area from the North. Both soundings are slightly unstable and humid. Clockwise flow around upper High in N SK causes clouds in central Alberta to track towards the West. One particularly severe cell formed NE of Stettler and reached 11.5 km tops and 50 dBZ. EC reported several inches of dime size hail NE of Stettler at 3 pm, and some golf ball size hail. Weather in the project area was mostly cool and wet, with very gusty northerly winds. Pea size hail reported west of Sundre in the morning and in Innisfail during the afternoon.
Weather Modification Inc.

HS4 was launched at 1901Z for a patrol and training flight north of Airdrie. HS4 was airborne at 1912Z. HS4 made a few passes at cloud base and did a short generator burner test. HS4 RTB at 2004Z. HS1: 1740-1959: 15 EJ; N Calgary storm HS4: 1912-2030: 2 min acetone test HS2 performed a training flight from YC to the Olds-Didsbury airport and back. HS2: 1841-1913: YC to Olds-Didsbury. HS2: 2035-2057: Olds-Didsbury to YC.

No aircraft operations.

No aircraft operations.

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Tmax YC = 10.6C and 35 mm of rain. Tmax QF = 14.8C and 25.8 mm of rain. Tmax Radar = 11.7C and 34.5 mm of rain in automatic weather station and 25 mm of rain in the rain gauge. Date 2008 June 08, Sunday Weather A weak south to north jet streak is positioned over western AB. Two upper lows are influencing the area, one along the southern SK border, the other by the AK panhandle. Weak PVA is covering the area. The atmosphere is mostly saturated and stable. Overcast skies with light RA in the morning. Multiple bands of SHRA in the afternoon and early evening, with a few lightning strikes detected in the western project. 37 max dBz. Tmax YC = 13.4C and 2.4 mm of rain. Tmax QF = 14.4C and 8.4 mm of rain. Tmax Radar = 12.9C and 5.6 mm of rain in automatic weather station and 6.5 mm of rain in the rain gauge. June 09, Monday Main jet stream to the south over the northern US with a weak south to north jet over northern AB. Upper, closed low is along the BC/WA coast. Weak PVA covering the area again today. The atmosphere is moderately unstable with cool air aloft. Widespread thundershowers moved through the project in the afternoon with 8 mm diameter hail in Olds around 00Z. Areas of rain continued throughout the night and into the morning. 48 max dBz, 3.4 max VIL. Tmax YC = 14.9C and 0.8 mm of rain. Tmax QF = 16.1C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 14.8C and 13 mm of rain in automatic weather station and 18 mm of rain in the rain gauge. HS2 was launched after the briefing to conduct a patrol, test flight west of YC. HS2 was airborne at 1914Z and found that their onboard weather radar was not working, so they RTB in order to have the radar serviced ASAP. HS3 was launched at 1931Z to patrol weak TSRA near RM. HS3 was airborne at 2003Z and patrolled the foothills and mtns W of RM and Sundre, RTB at 2047Z. HS4 was launched at 2003Z to patrol the foothills at cloud base. HS4 was airborne at 2041Z and patrolled at cloud base the region from Caroline to Cremona, and then Olds and Innisfail as TSRA drifted into the project area and moved northward. HS2: 1910-1939: no seeding W of YC. HS3: 2000-2113: no seeding W buffer zone. HS4: 2036-2300: no seeding, patrol area. No aircraft operations. Media: Arif Nurmohamed (BBC London, UK program director) visited the radar site and Calgary airport hangar office to discuss filming in July for a documentary on Climate Change and Geo-Engineering; a program involving cloud seeding to counter the effects of climate change. Activities Summary No aircraft operations

June 10, Tuesday

Main jet stream from north to south off the BC coast. Upper, closed low over western MT, spinning PVA up into the project area. Very little movement is expected from the low over the next day. The atmosphere is cold and saturated with some low level instability. Cloudy and cold, with rain and showers over the project area all day. Embedded convection in the afternoon with a few titan cells in the north part. Pea size hail and grape size hail reported in NW Red Deer in the early afternoon. Very heavy rain with small hail mix near Didsbury in the late afternoon, becoming steady rain overnight. A funnel cloud was reported near Strathmore, causing EC to issue tornado watches across the project area. YYC has received 160 mm rain since May 24 and 80 mm so far in June. 45 max dBZ, 5.5 km cell top height, 4.3 max VIL

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Tmax YC =10.9 C and 27,2 mm of rain. Tmax QF =12.2 C and 16.6 mm of rain. Tmax Radar = 10.9 C and 22.9 mm of rain in AWS and 20.0 mm of rain in wedge gauge. June 11, Wednesday Deep cold upper Low centered in MT. Long wave trof axis along AB-SK border. Strong Jet stream off BC coast bringing very cold air to WA state and NW US. Aspen ski area in CO reopens! Main disturbance area is SE AB. Weaker disturbance approaching area into NW AB today. Atmos is very cold and unstable below 20 kft. NE wraparound flow over project area at low and mid levels. Rain band across project area in the morning, becoming sct TSRA in the afternoon. Pea size hail was reported in Red Deer, W of Didsbury, in NE Calgary, and in Airdrie. 45 max dBz, 3.1 max VIL. Tmax YC = 11.0 C and 16.6 mm rain. Tmax QF = 14.5 C and 3.0 mm rain. Tmax Radar = 12.5 C and 5.3 mm of rain in AWS and 2.8 mm wedge gauge. June 12, Thursday Small, short-wave ridge over the project area today as the large, cold Low moves into SK and MB to the east. Skies clear and warmer temperatures result. The next Low pressure system and associated Jet Stream area over the BC coast. A weak short-wave disturbance passes over the ridge and project area in the afternoon, triggering a line of TSRA. A few small thunderstorms in late afternoon and early evening. Pea size hail was reported in Red Deer and Calgary from short-lived cells. 48 max dBz, 5.3 max VIL. Tmax YC = 18.2C and 2.8 mm rain. Tmax QF = 19.8 C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 17.9 C and 0.4 mm of rain in the wedge gauge. HS1 was launched at 1936Z to patrol and possibly seed cells W of Airdrie. At 2004Z HS1 was airborne from YC. At 2030Z HS1 started seeding a cell N of Cochrane. At 2036Z HS1 stopped seeding and continued patrolling in the same area. At 2105Z HS1 RTB. HS3 was launched at 1945Z to patrol cells W of Innisfail. At 2019Z HS3 was airborne from QF. At 2030Z HS3 was patrolling the line of cells W of Didsbury at cloud base. At 2052Z HS3 RTB. HS1: 2008-2113: 0 EJ, 1 BIP HS3: 2013-2110: no seeding, patrol area.

HS3 was launched at 2135Z to patrol cells over Sundre. At 2206Z HS3 was airborne. At 2236Z HS3 started seeding a cell S of Didsbury. At 2303Z HS3 stopped seeding and was redirected to patrol the area over Red Deer. At 2320Z HS3 started seeding a new growing storm over Red Deer. At 2333Z HS3 stopped seeding and started patrolling the area over Sylvan Lake. At 0007Z HS3 RTB. HS2 was launched at 2142Z to patrol and possibly seed cells over Calgary. At 2214Z HS2 was airborne. At 2230Z HS2 started cloud base seeding a cell over the NW corner of Calgary. At 2303Z HS3 stopped seeding and started patrolling the area W of Didsbury. At 2354Z HS2 started seeding a cell NW of Didsbury. At 0015Z HS2 stopped seeding and RTB. HS3: 2207-0013: 1 EJ, 3 BIP. Seed storms over Carstairs and Red Deer. HS2: 22:08-0036: 4 BIP, 188 min acetone burners. Seed storms over Calgary and Didsbury.

June 13, Friday

Low pressure system moves into NW AB. A weak cold front crosses the project area today with TSRA and cooler temperatures in the late afternoon and evening. Main Jet Stream is south of AB. Project area is in a zone of upper divergence conducive to TSRA. Line of thunderstorms covering most of the project area moved through in the early afternoon. Environment Canada reported penny size hail (1.9 cm) from the line of cells located over the project area. Weak thundershowers were present during the late afternoon and evening. Max cell top= 9.5 km, 51 max dBz, 11.5 max VIL. Tmax YC = 18.0C and 4.2 mm of rain. Tmax QF = 18.9C and 7.8 mm of rain. Tmax Radar = 16.8C and 10.2 mm of rain in AWS and

HS2 was launched at 1918Z to patrol developing storms SW of Didsbury. At 1934Z HS2 was airborne. At 1944Z HS2 started cloud base seeding a cell NW of Airdrie. At 2009Z HS2 stopped seeding that cell and was redirected to SW of Calgary.. At 2040Z HS2 started cloud base seeding the new growth zone over the NW border of Calgary. At 2120Z HS2 started seeding a cell over Carstairs. At 2132Z HS2 seeded a cell W of Didsbury. At 2142Z HS2 stopped seeding and RTB. HS1 was launched at 1950Z to patrol SW of Calgary. At 2013Z HS1 reported a mechanical problem and the flight was canceled. HS3 was launched at 2013Z to patrol over
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15.5 mm of rain in wedge gauge.

Airdrie. At 2025Z HS3 was airborne. At 2052Z HS3 started seeding a cell over Calgary. At 2122Z HS3 seeded a cell over Airdrie. At 2132Z HS3 stopped seeding and started patrolling the over Calgary and later NW of Cochrane. At 2238Z HS3 RTB. HS4 was launched at 2013Z to patrol SW of Sylvan Lake. At 2032Z HS4 was airborne. At 2040Z HS4 started seeding a cell SW of Sylvan Lake. At 2121Z HS4 stopped seeding and was redirected to a storm approaching Lacombe. At 2132Z HS4 started seeding over Lacombe. At 2156Z HS4 stopped seeding and started patrolling area E of Red Deer and then over Gull Lake and then over Sylvan Lake. At 2202Z HS4 RTB. HS2: 1935-2159: 0 EJ, 13 BIP, 78 min acetone burners. Seed storms over Airdrie, Calgary, Carstairs and Didsbury. HS3: 2022-2301: 12 EJ, 10 BIP. Seed storms over Calgary and Airdrie. HS4: 2029-2243: 0 EJ, 12 BIP, 72 min acetone burners. Seed storms W of Penhold and over Lacombe.

June 14, Saturday

Jet stream is to our south over the northern US. Upper low over western AB is weakening as it moves over the area. Strong PVA on the south side of the low over the area this afternoon. Slight upper level warming, but the atmosphere is still unstable despite low surface dewpoints across the project area. A few scattered SHRA in the afternoon and evening, with some lightning detected in the northern project areas. 44 max dBz, 2.8 max VIL. Tmax YC = 14.8C and 0.4 mm of rain. Tmax QF = 14.8C and 0.6 mm of rain. Tmax Radar = 13.3C and 4.3 mm of rain in AWS and 0.7 mm of rain in wedge gauge.

No aircraft operations.

Date 2008 June 15, Sunday

Weather Weak jet pushing into western BC with the main flow well to the south. The remains of the upper low exist over east central AB with the strongest PVA (Positive Vorticity Advection) just to the east of the project area. Slight atmospheric warming, but the atmosphere is unstable. Scattered showers across the northern half of the project area during the afternoon with some lightning detected. 42 max dBz, 3.0 max VIL. Tmax YC = 17.5C and no rain. Tmax QF = 16.7C and 1.4 mm of rain. Tmax Radar = 17.0C and no rain.

Activities Summary No aircraft operations

June 16, Monday

Weak jet over southern BC and passing to the north of the project area. Broad ridge has formed over southern AB and SK with upper low remaining off BC coast. Weak PVA scattered over the area today. The atmosphere is moderately unstable over the foothills but only slightly

No aircraft operations.

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unstable over the project area with low dewpoints in the south. Nice warm day with a few showers through the central project during the afternoon with a few lightning strikes detected. 42 max dBZ. Tmax YC = 22.8C and no rain. Tmax QF = 21.9C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 20.6C and 0.5 mm of rain in the AWS and 0.7 mm of rain in the wedge gauge. June 17, Tuesday Jet-streak over the western US with the nose up into far southern AB. The upper low is still off the BC coast and the ridge has moved eastward over SK. A short wave trof moves through the project this evening. A surface low is in eastern AB with a cold front passing through the project in late afternoon. The atmosphere is moderately unstable with warm temperatures. Storms started forming in the early afternoon over the mtns W of RM. Most of the storm activity remained to the north. One particularly severe storm formed near Nordegg and tracked across the northern part of the project area to Lacombe and Ponoka. A cold front crossed the Red Deer area around 23Z with very gusty winds, and pea size hail was reported in Red Deer. Max cell top= 13.5 km, 54 max dBz, 17.4 max VIL. Global TV reported marble size hail at Gull Lake from Storm #1, also strong winds close to 100 km/hr, which destroyed a metal barn. Suspected tornado in the Lacombe area, but unconfirmed by Environment Canada. Weather Network reported golf ball size hail W of Lacombe and another report of golf ball size hail NE of Rocky. Tmax YC = 24.1C and no rain. Tmax QF = 25.1C and 1.0 mm of rain. Tmax Radar = 23.9C and no rain. HS3 was launched at 2022Z to developing storms W of RM. HS3 was airborne at 2032Z and started seeding Storm #1 NW of RM at 2046Z at cloud top. HS3 continued seeding until the storm passed N of the RM airport and no longer posed a threat. HS3 then descended to cloud base to de-ice and then patrol the storm at cloud base. HS3 resumed seeding Storm #1 at cloud base at 2149Z because the storm was a threat to Lacombe and Ponoka. The storm was very severe, reaching a max cell top of 13.5 km, 54 dBZ, and 20.6 max VIL. HS3 stopped seeding #1 at 2241Z when the storm no longer threatened Lacombe and Ponoka. HS3 was RTB at 2300Z but was delayed due to strong winds and severe turbulence over QF associated with the frontal passage. HS4 was launched at 2227Z to take over for HS3. HS4 was airborne at 2248Z and patrolled storms that were triggered by the passage of the cold front over Red Deer. HS4 started seeding Storm #2 at cloud base over Red Deer at 2325Z. HS4 stopped seeding #2 at 2340Z after the storm passed Red Deer. Pea size hail was reported in Red Deer. HS4 then patrolled W of Innisfail and was RTB at 0027Z. HS3: 2030-2327: 105 EJ, 22 BIP; Storm #1 from Rocky to Lacombe . HS4: 2247-0035: 3 BIP; Storm #2 over QF. June 18, Wednesday Jet-streak extends through WA into western MT and will swing up through the area overnight. Stationary low off BC coast and ridge over SK. A short wave trof passes through the project this afternoon and evening. The atmosphere is unstable but with weak wind flow. A few thundershowers moved through the project during the afternoon. Storm #1 developed south of Sundre at 1830Z and moved to Innisfail before weakening to a rain shower at 2130Z. Storm #2 also formed south of Sundre at 21Z and moved to Olds before weakening at 23Z. A few showers remained during the evening hours. Report of pea hail near Balzac. Max cell top= 7.5 km, 51 max dBz, 7.0 max VIL. Tmax YC = 21.9C and no rain. Tmax QF = 19.5C and 4.0 mm of rain. Tmax Radar = 18.6C and 0.3 mm of rain in the AWS and 5.5 mm of rain in the wedge gauge. HS1 was launched at 1950Z to development near Sundre. HS1 was airborne at 2014Z. HS1 started seeding Storm #1 at 2029Z. HS1 continued to seed as the storm slowly moved NE until 2120Z when the storm was diminishing. HS1 then patrolled near Didsbury and Airdrie before RTB at 2155Z. HS3 was launched at 2034Z as Storm #1 was approaching QF. HS3 was airborne at 2045Z and started seeding Storm #1 at 2055Z. HS3 found no good inflow and stopped seeding at 2102Z. HS3 patrolled near Innisfail until 2155Z when directed to Storm #2. HS3 started seeding Storm #2 at 2205Z. HS3 stopped seeding at 2221Z as the storm was diminishing. HS3 RTB at 2244Z with no more development. HS1: 2012-2210: 27 EJ, 1 BIP; Storm #1 near Innisfail. HS3: 2042-22:54: 2 BIP; Storm #1 near
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Innisfail, Storm #2 W of Olds. June 19, Thursday Weak jet over central AB and SK. Low still off the BC coast, with a ridge building over AB today. Weak PVA remains over the area during the afternoon and the atmosphere is only slightly unstable. Sunny and nice day. A weak SHRA moved through the north buffer around Ponoka from 06Z to 09Z. 24 max dBz. Tmax YC = 19.7 C and no rain. Tmax QF = 19.1 C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 18.9 C and no rain. June 20, Friday High-pressure ridge and surface High-pressure center are located over the target area. Low-pressure trough is approaching to BC province from the West. Jet PVA core is located SW of AB province. Both soundings are slightly unstable. A few SHRA in the foothills during the late afternoon. A weak thundershower moved through Red Deer during early evening hours. Thunder was reported in Red Deer. 41 max dBz. Tmax YC = 22.4 C and no rain. Tmax QF = 22.4 C and 2.1 mm of rain. Tmax Radar =21.9 C and no rain. June 21, Saturday High-pressure ridge and surface High-pressure center remain located over AB province. Low-pressure trough is approaching to the target area from the West and now is located over BC province. Both soundings are unstable and capped at the low level. Mostly sunny and warm day with Cu. TSRA approached High River from the south in the evening but passed to the SE. 45 max dBZ, 9.5 km cell top, 5.8 max VIL. Tmax YC = 26.6 C and no rain. Tmax QF = 26.8 C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 25.9 C and no rain. Date 2008 June 22, Sunday Weather Low-pressure trough and surface Low-pressure center are located over AB province. Cold front is moving through the target area. The jet stream core is approaching to AB province from the West. Both soundings are unstable and humid. Showers across the whole of the project area during the morning and early afternoon with some lightning detected. Tornado reported over the Killam area (NE of Stettler). Tmax YC = 20.7 C and 1.1 mm of rain. Tmax QF = 20.3 C and 9.4 mm of rain. Tmax Radar = 16.9 C and 2.8 rain on the weather station and 3.3 mm rain on the rain gauge. June 23, Monday Low-pressure trough has formed over BC province and moving slowly to the Est. Surface High-pressure center is located over the border between BC and AB provinces. Weak jet stream core is located S of the target area. Both No aircraft operations. Activities Summary No aircraft operations No aircraft operations. No aircraft operations. No aircraft operations.

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soundings are unstable and humid. Mostly sunny weather during the day. Convective clouds development late afternoon and during the night. Heavy rains and thunderstorms over the target area. Tmax YC = 21.0 C and no rain. Tmax QF =22.2 C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 21.4 C and no rain. June 24, Tuesday Low-pressure system has formed over the Western part of BC province. Cold front is approaching to AB province from the West. Surface Low-pressure center is located E of the project area. Both sounding are unstable and humid. Mostly sunny weather during the day. Convective clouds development over the mountains in the afternoon. Three cells crossed the western part of the project area from the NW to the SE. One of them was located S of Sundre. The second one NW of Airdrie and the last one between Airdrie and Calgary. Tmax YC = 18.0 C and 11 mm rain. Tmax QF = 18.1 C and 26.4 mm rain. Tmax Radar = 17.6 C and 11.2 mm of rain in the AWS and 3.6 mm of rain in the wedge gauge. June 25, Wednesday Low-pressure trough is approaching to AB province from the West. Surface High-pressure center is located S of the project area. Jet stream core is located over the border between AB and BC. Both sounding are unstable and humid. A few SHRA formed over the foothills west of Rocky after 17Z. One cell (storm #1) intensified to a thunderstorm near Caroline around 19Z. This storm slowly moved ESE through Bowden by 2040Z, through Three Hills and out of the project area by 23Z. The storm was strongest near Three Hills. A little larger than pea size hail was reported in Bowden and Environment Canada reported golf ball size hail near Innisfail. Max cell top= 8.5 km, 53 max dBz, 9.7 max VIL. Tmax YC = 21.6C, Td 10 C, and no rain. Tmax QF = 20.3 C, Td 9 C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 20.4 C Td 12 C, and 0.3 mm rain. June 26, Thursday Significant upper trof passes today. Upper Low and sfc Low in N AB. Fast moving cold front crosses project area during the mid-afternoon causing rapid temperature drops, rapid pressure rises, and very gusty winds. Peak gust at radar was 44 kts at 5:10 pm. Jet stream aligned along Rocky Mtns pointing south. Warm and moist at low levels and cold air advection aloft makes atmosphere unstable. Low dew points during cold front passage limited convection in the project area. -TSRA in the project area, mostly E of Red Deer. More severe TSRA north of project area. Pilot report of funnel cloud near Leduc and RCMP report of brief tornado touchdown near Leduc. No sig rain and no hail in project area. Tmax YC = 22.4 C, Td 4 C and no rain.
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HS2 was launched at 2212Z to patrol the western project area. HS2 was airborne at 2225Z and proceeded towards Sundre. At 2242Z, HS2 was directed towards showers developing west of Calgary. HS2 patrolled west of Calgary until RTB at 0043Z with no convective growth. HS2: 2222-0053Z: patrol west of Calgary.

HS4 was launched at 1927Z to the storm west of Innisfail. HS4 was airborne at 1942Z. HS4 started seeding storm #1 at 1952Z, west of Innisfail. HS4 stopped seeding storm #1 at 21Z as the storm had crossed the QE2 highway. HS4 patrolled the Olds area then around Rocky before RTB at 2156Z with no new storm development. HS4: 1940-2216Z: 67 min acetone generator, Storm #1 Bowden.

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Tmax QF = 20.4 C, Td 12 C and 0.2 mm rain. Tmax Radar =20.4 C, Td 10 C and no rain. June 27, Friday Big ridge building over BC and AB border. Jet stream pushes far north in northern BC and AB with anti-cyclonic flow over AB, warming, and subsidence. Very stable atmosphere. Warming temperatures and sunny skies with only fair weather cumulus clouds. First nice and mostly clear day of the summer. Only a few Cu and Ci clouds reported across the project. Tmax YC = 20.4 C and no rain. Tmax QF = 21.1C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 20.5 C and no rain. June 28, Saturday High-pressure ridge and surface High-pressure center remain located over the project area. Cold front is approaching to AB province from the West and now it is located over the Western part of BC province. Strong jet stream core is located over the Northern border of AB and another one is located over the Eastern part of SK. Both soundings are stable. Another nice, sunny and dry day. Some Ci reported but no convective clouds. Tmax YC = 26.3 C and no rain. Tmax QF = 25.9 C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 24.7 C and no rain. Date 2008 June 29, Sunday Weather High-pressure ridge remains located over AB province. Surface High-pressure center is located over the Southern border of AB. Weak cold front is approaching to the target area from the NW. Jet stream core is located over the Northern borders of AB and SK.. Both soundings are unstable with a strong inversion cap at lower levels, which should prevent convection. Sunny weather during the day. Some CI and CiSt in the evening. Tmax YC = 30.9 C and no rain. Tmax QF =31.4 C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 30.1 C and no rain. June 30, Monday Low-pressure trough has formed over the project area. Surface Low-pressure center is located over AB province. Jet stream core is crossing SK and MB provinces from the West to the East. Both soundings are extremely unstable and humid with a weak inversion cap at lower levels. Warm temperatures (high 20s) and very high humidity (dew point at QF reaches 18 C). Thunderstorms formed over the mtns around noon and moved off the mtns crossing Calgary, Okotoks, and High River and also Sundre. Associated cold-front passed the radar at 01Z with strong N winds gusting to 33 kts. Widespread, weak thunder showers across the area in the evening. Max cell top 15.5 km, 52 max dBZ,, 15.0 max VIL HS2 was launched at 1822z to patrol the foothills near Sundre. HS2 started seeding Storm #1, a cell SW of Calgary near Pridis, at 2048Z. This storm became the most severe storm of the day and tracked eastward along Highway 22X. HS2 seeded this storm continuously until it dissipated near Okotoks at 2213Z, and then RTB. HS1 was launched at 2105Z to a storm developing W of Springbank. HS1 was airborne at 2130Z and started seeding at cloud base Storm #2 at 2136Z. This storm diminished to a SHRA by the time it reached the city of Calgary. HS1 started seeding Storm #3 W of Okotoks at 2224Z and stopped seeding #3 at 2248Z. HS1 patrolled around Okotoks until 0004Z and then RTB. Activities Summary No aircraft operations No aircraft operations. No aircraft operations.

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Tmax YC = 29.0 C and 1.8 mm rain. Tmax QF = 27.3 C and trace of rain. Tmax Radar = 26.5 C and no rain in the AWS and trace of rain in the wedge gauge.

HS3 was launched at 2155Z to possibly help out over Calgary. HS3 was airborne at 2208Z and headed towards Calgary but was called to patrol over Sundre, since the Calgary storms were diminishing. HS3 started seeding Storm #4 W of Sundre at 2338Z at cloud base. The storm diminished quickly and HS3 stopped seeding at 2350Z and resumed patrol. All cells diminished to weak SHRA after 00Z and HS3 RTB at 0024Z. HS2: 1854-2227Z: seed 14 BIP, 84 min R Generator. Storm #1 Pridis to Okotoks. HS1: 2125-0014Z: seed 10 BIP. #2 SW of Springbank. #3 W of Okotoks to High River. HS3: 2204-0039Z: seed 2 BIP. #4 Sundre.

July 01, Tuesday

High-pressure ridge has formed over BC province and moving slowly to the E. Short wave Low-pressure trough is located over the Southern part of AB province. Jet stream core is crossing SK province from the NW to the SE. Both soundings are unstable and humid with a weak inversion cap in Red Deer. A thunderstorm developed in the southern project east of High River around 1540Z and then diminished to rain by 1730Z. An area of rain then persisted in the south project through the afternoon. Max cell top= 8.5 km, 49 max dBz, 11.0 max VIL. Tmax YC = 21.2C and no rain. Tmax QF = 23.5C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 22.9C and no rain.

HS3 was launched at 1828Z for takeoff around 1855Z. HS3 was airborne at 1902Z and proceeded to Turner Valley. HS3 found no seedable targets and then patrolled north of Cochrane. HS3 RTB at 2034Z as no cells were developing. HS3: 1856-2056Z: patrol N of Cochrane.

July 02, Wednesday

A weak jet extends from west central SK to southern MB. Ridge axis is still to the west over BC with PVA blanketing the area through the afternoon. The atmosphere is saturated early, but slowly drying and then becomes unstable in late afternoon. Area of rain in the southern project area in the morning, then clearing to the east by 21Z. Thundershowers over the foothills throughout the afternoon but diminished as moved into the project. 36 max dBz. Tmax YC = 21.8C and 0.2 mm of rain. Tmax QF = 23.5C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 21.6C and no rain.

No aircraft operations.

July 03, Thursday

Weak jet over central SK. Ridge axis is now centered over AB but a short wave trof cutting through the ridge moves through the project during the afternoon. The atmosphere is unstable due to high temperatures and dewpoints, despite upper level warming. The atmosphere is capped over the project area. A few thundershowers over the foothills during the afternoon, but diminished they moved into the western project area. A line of thunderstorms in BC moved over the mountains in the evening and through the project from 04Z to 07Z. Max cell top= 12.5 km, 52 max dBz, 14.1 max VIL. Tmax YC = 28.5C and no rain.

No aircraft operations.

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Tmax QF = 28.5C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 27.2C and no rain. July 04, Friday South of north jet just to the west of the area over the mountains. Ridge axis has moved to the east and is over SK. A short wave trof is moving through the area during the evening, but some PVA moves into the project during the afternoon ahead of the trof. The depth of the low level moisture is questionable, but should be enough to produce high instability. Thunderstorms developed in the western project areas beginning after 2130Z. The storms near YC moved NE while the storms in the north moved slowly eastward. By 0130Z all storms had diminished and were east of the QE2. Max cell top= 13.5 km, 56 max dBz, 21.7 max VIL. Golfball size hail was reported from storm #2. EC reported 3 cm hail and Ed Verkaik reported 1 inch hail from storm #2 in the Caroline area. Grape size hail (1.5 cm) was reported at the Hillman farm and pea to marble size hail (0.5 to 1.5 cm) was reported in and east of Innisfail. Tmax YC = 29.1C and 6.6 mm of rain. Tmax QF = 27.4C and 0.4 mm of rain. Tmax Radar = 26.9C and 1.0 mm of rain in AWS and 1.2 mm of rain in the wedge gauge. HS4 was launched at 2030Z to patrol area N of Sundre. At 2056Z HS4 was airborne and directed to cell S of RMH. At 2228Z HS4 started cloud base seeding cell (Storm #2) over Caroline and continued seeding this cell until Sylvan Lake. At 2337Z RTB. HS2 was launched at 2127Z to patrol area SW of Calgary. At 2157Z HS2 was airborne. At 2206Z HS2 started cloud base seeding the cell W of Airdrie (Storm #1). At 2306Z HS2 stopped seeding and started patrolling area NE of Calgary. At 2310Z HS2 RTB. HS1 was launched at 2239Z to patrol area over Calgary city but then flew north to the big storm headed for Red Deer. At 2308Z HS1 was airborne. At 2340Z HS1 started seeding cell SW of Sylvan Lake (Storm #2). At 0042Z HS1 (top) and HS3 (base) started seeding a new target W of Innisfail. At 0115Z HS1 stopped seeding this cell E of Innisfail and started patrolling. At 0138Z HS1 RTB. HS3 was launched at 2250Z to patrol area W of Sylvan Lake. At 2312Z HS3 was airborne. At 2321Z HS3 started seeding cell SW of Sylvan Lake. At 0042Z HS3 was redirected to a new target and started cloud base seeding cell W of Innisfail. At 0121Z stopped seeding this cell and at 0126Z RTB. HS4: 2053-2342Z: 14 BIP, 71 min acetone generator time; #2 Caroline to QF. HS2: 2155-2319Z: 15 BIP, 102 min acetone generator time; #1 Airdrie. HS1: 2308-0201Z: 140 EJT, 6 BIP; #2 QF, #3 Innisfail. HS3: 2312-0133Z: 12 EJT, 18 BIP; #2 QF, #3 Innisfail. July 05, Saturday The nose of a jet is over southern BC. A weak ridge is over the BC/AB border this afternoon moving through overnight. Mostly neutral vorticity over the area today. Upper level warming of the atmosphere producing only mid and low level instability over the project area. Weak thundershowers in northern project during the afternoon. Stronger storm developed near Caroline around 2330Z, and moved eastward during the evening passing just north of Innisfail. Max cell top= 9.5 km, 54 max dBz, 12.9 max VIL. Tmax YC = 24.6 C and 0.3 mm rain. Tmax QF = 24.2 C and trace of rain. Tmax Radar = 23.3 C and no rain. Date 2008 July 06, Sunday Weather Low-pressure trough is approaching to the project area from the West. Surface Low-pressure center is located over the S part of AB province. High-pressure ridge is located over the border between AB and SK and moving Activities Summary HS3 was launched at 1958Z to patrol area over Sylvan Lake. At 2014Z HS# was airborne. At 2113Z HS3 started cloud base seeding cell SW of Didsbury. At 2228Z HS3 reported tornado No aircraft operations.

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to the East slowly. Jet stream core is crossing the project area from the NW to the SE. Both soundings are unstable and humid. Isolated showers developed across the project area after 19Z and later became weak thundershowers. The strongest thunderstorm developed around 21Z NW of Cremoa and tracked to the east, then diminished near Carstairs before 2230Z. A new storm developed on the outflow from the Carstairs storm. This new storm formed a tornado as the storm was developing at 2228Z. Reports of golf ball hail west of Carstairs. Pea to marble size hail in Penhold. Max cell top= 11.5 km, 54 max dBz, 12.9 max VIL. Tmax YC = 21.5C and 1.4 mm of rain. Tmax QF = 22.4C and 1.4 mm of rain. Tmax Radar = 21.3C and 17.3 mm of rain in the AWS and 18 mm of rain in the wedge gauge. July 07, Monday Jet is over central BC with the nose extending to the SE over the southern project region. A weak ridge axis is over eastern BC. Areas of PVA cutting through the ridge over the project during the afternoon. Upper level warming early, and then cooling in late afternoon, giving moderate instability. Thundershowers developed along the foothills N of Cochrane in the afternoon. HS2 reported pea size hail in the air. 9mm diameter hail was reported at the Calgary airport weather station from Storm #1 at 2201Z. Max cell top= 10.5 km, 50 max dBz, 8.6 max VIL. Tmax YC = 20.4 C and 16.6 mm rain. Tmax QF = 20.1 C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 18.8 C and no rain in the AWS and 0.2 mm of rain in the wedge gauge.

on the ground 4 nm NNW of Airdrie. At 2230Z HS3Z stopped seeding and started patrolling NW of Airdrie. At 2300Z HS3 RTB. HS1 was launched at 2102Z to patrol are over Cochraine. At 2127Z HS1 was airborne. At 2137Z HS1 started cloud top seeding the same cell SW of Didsbury, which HS3 started earlier. At 2231Z HS1stopped seeding and started patrolling N of Calgary. At 2324Z HS1 started cloud top seeding two cells over Calgary city. At 0008Z HS1 stopped seeding and started patrolling E of Calgary. At 0019Z HS1 RTB. HS3: 2012-2313Z: 13 BIP, #1 Cremona to Carstairs. HS1: 2125-0031Z: 86 EJ, 4 BIP, #1 Cremona, #2 Calgary. HS2 was launched at 2016Z to developing thundershowers N of Cochrane. HS2 was airborne at 2038Z and investigated a storm N of Cochrane. HS2 encountered pea size hail at 2043Z and started seedingStorm #1 at 2048Z at cloud base. HS2 continued to seed Storm #1 as it tracked across Calgary from the NW corner to the SE. HS2 stopped seeding #1 at 2234Z and RTB at 2301Z. HS3 was launched at 2121Z to seed Storm #1 at cloud top. HS3 was airborne at 2135Z and started seeding #1 when the storm was over N Calgary at 2157Z. HS3 continued to seed the storm until it cleared the City to the SE. HS3 stopped seeding at 2234Z and RTB at 2238Z. HS2: 2035-2311Z: 22 BIP, 212 min acetone generators; Storm # 1 Cochrane to Calgary. HS3: 2132-2306Z: 136 EJT, 7 BIP; Storm # 1 Calgary. Public Relations: T. Krauss was interviewed by Global TV Calgary about the Airdrie tornado.

July 08, Tuesday

High pressure ridge has formed over AB province. Surface High-pressure center is located over the border between AB and BC. Jet stream core is located N of the project area. Both soundings are slightly unstable and humid. Mostly sunny during the afternoon. Thunderstorm developed north of the project area after 00Z and moved SE through Lacombe and out of the area by 04Z. Pea size hail reported east of Red Deer. Max cell top= 8.5 km, 51 max dBz, 9.3 max VIL. Tmax YC =23.0 C and no rain. Tmax QF = 22.4 C and trace of rain. Tmax Radar = 21.4 C and no rain.

HS1 and HS3 flew to Olds to participate in the media conference to publicize the start of the UNSTABLE research project. There was a good article about the research and WMIs participation in the Olds Gazette paper. T. Krauss was interviewed by Global TV, CTV, City TV, and CBC.

July 09, Wednesday

Low-pressure trough is approaching to the project area from the West. Surface Low-pressure center is located over the Southern part of AB province. Jet stream core is

UNSTABLE Research Flight #1. HS1 conducted a morning flight consisting of spiral profiles and a transect across a moisture
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crossing BC and AB provinces from the West to the East. Both soundings are unstable and humid. Three waves of thunderstorms formed along the foothills and moved through the project area. First one from 19Z to 22Z, second wave from 00Z to 06Z and the third wave from 07Z to 09Z. 25 mm diameter hail was reported near Irricana in the afternoon. Golfball size hail was reported north of Lacombe and around Bentley in the late afternoon. Larger than golfball hail fell near Crossfield in the evening. Max cell top= 11.5 km, 55 max dBz, 19.6 max VIL. Tmax YC = 25.9 C and no rain. Tmax QF = 20.3C and 5.8 mm of rain. Tmax Radar = 20.0C and 6.9 mm of rain in the AWS and 20.5 mm of rain in the wedge gauge.

boundary in the foothills W of Cremona. HS4 was launched at 1926Z to patrol the thunderstorms that were forming in the foothills and moving eastward. HS4 was airborne at 1948Z and patrolled W of Airdrie but did not seed. These storms only became severe E of the QEII and one of the storms produced 25 mm hail near Irricana. HS4 RTB at 2219Z. HS1 took off at 2334z from Olds to a severe hail storm N of Rocky. Onboard was T. Krauss and Caaleb Trott (a camera man from The Weather Network). HS1 started seeding Storm #1at 0004z at cloud base and stopped seeding at 0014z to return to Olds. HS3 was launched at 0053Z to intercept Storm #1 NW of Lacombe. At 0107Z HS3 was airborne. At 0116Z HS3 started cloud base seeding Storm #1 over Rimbey in the buffer zone. At 0220z HS3 stopped seeding this cell E of Lacombe and started to patrol in the same area. At 0243Z HS3 RTB. HS3 was launched a second time at 0313Z to intercept a new Storm #2 NW of Red Deer. At 0328Z HS3 was airborne. At 0327Z HS3 started seeding Storm #2 NW of Red Deer. At 0405Z HS3 stopped seeding and RTB. Public Relations: The Weather Network conducted an interview at the radar and then flew with HS1 on a seeding mission of a storm N of RMH. HS1: 1640-1911Z: UNSTABLE research flight #1. No seeding HS4: 1943-2231Z: Patrol. No seeding HS1: 2247-2303Z: YC Olds HS1: 2334-0037Z: 2 BIP, Storm #1 N of RMH HS! : 0053-0113Z: Olds YC HS3: 0104-0250Z: 16 BIP, Storm #1 Rimbey and Lacombe. HS3: 0322-0409Z: 9 BIP, Storm #2 Red Deer.

July 10, Thursday

Low-pressure trough and surface Low-pressure center are located over AB province. Jet stream core is crossing the Southern parts of BC and AB provinces from the W to the East. Both soundings are unstable and very humid. Cloudy, cool and rain. One stronger thundershower moved through north Calgary from 2140Z to 2230Z and then through Strathmore by 2310Z. 10 mm snow pellets were reported at Springbank airport in the afternoon. The ground was covered with pea size hail in W Calgary. Cold core funnel reported to the NW of Red Deer. Max cell top= 7.5 km, 46 max dBz, 3.5 max VIL. Tmax YC = 15.9 C and 8.6 mm of rain. Tmax QF = 13.6 C and 2.8 mm of rain. Tmax Radar = 13.3 C and 629 mm of rain in the AWS and 16 mm of rain in the wedge gauge.

HS3 was launched on a patrol flight at 1925Z. HS3 was airborne at 2010Z and patrolled from RMH to the Cremona region and then RTB. HS1 was launched at 2205Z after Springbank reported 10 mm snow pellets. HS1 was airborne at 2230Z and made a few seeding passes of the storm near Strathmore at 2251Z. However, conditions were very weak with no significant liquid water. HS1 RTB at 2322Z. HS3: 2010-2117Z: Patrol foothills. HS1: 2230-2338Z: 6 BIP; Storm #1 Strathmore.

July 11, Friday

High-pressure ridge has formed over BC province and moving slowly to the Fast. Surface High pressure center

No aircraft operations.

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is located over the Southern part of BC province. Jet stream core is located S of SK province. Both soundings are slightly unstable with inversion cap at lower levels. Nice mostly sunny day during the afternoon. Light convective showers moved through the NE corner of the project during the evening. No lightning was detected. 31 max dBz. Tmax YC = 18.2 C and 3.0 mm of rain. Tmax QF = 19.8 C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 17.9 C and no rain. July 12, Saturday High-pressure ridge remains located over AB province. Surface High pressure center has formed over the border between BC and AB provinces. Jet stream core is located over the project area. Both soundings are slightly unstable with inversion cap at lower levels. Upper level clouds moved into the area late in the afternoon. Convective showers late in the evening in the north project and areas of rain overnight into the morning. 25 max dBz. Tmax YC = 23.0 C and no rain. Tmax QF = 22.5 C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 22.1 C and no rain. Date 2008 July 13, Sunday Weather Weak short wave Low-pressure trough has formed over the border between BC and AB provinces. Surface Lowpressure center is located over the S part of BC province. Jet stream core is crossing the S part of BC and AB provinces from the W to the E. Both soundings are unstable with the inversion cap at low level. Storm #1 developed NW of Rocky around 21Z and moved SE passing just south of QF airport around 00Z. The storm continued to move SE and diminished near Drumheller around 0140Z. Storm #2 developed NW of Rocky after 23Z and moved SE, diminishing south of Sylvan at 0050Z. Storm #3 developed at 00Z near Caroline and moved SE. The storm had passed through Olds by 0140Z and continued to move SE through the evening. Max cell top= 11.5 km, 55 max dBz, 15.9 max VIL. Environment Canada reported Loonie size hail from storm #1 early and then golf ball size hail near Three Hills. Geoff Strong reported grape to walnut size hail near Torrington. Terry reported pea to grape size hail from storm #3 in Olds, and Environment Canada reported quarter size hail from storm #3. Tmax YC = 22.6C and 9.8 mm of rain. Tmax QF = 21.4C and 9.0 mm of rain. Tmax Radar = 21.4C and 4.8 mm of rain in AWS and 7.5 mm of rain in wedge gauge. Activities Summary UNSTABLE Research Flight #3. HS1 conducted a convective boundary transect from Caroline to near Limestone mountain. HS2 was launched at 1929Z. HS2 was airborne at 1954Z and proceeded to patrol west of Sundre. HS2 was started seeding storm #1 NW of RM at 2141Z. HS2 stopped seeding storm #1 at 2239Z and RTB as HS4 started seeding. HS4 was launched at 2214Z. HS4 was airborne at 2232Z. HS4 started seeding storm #1 at 2235Z. HS4 continued to seed storm #1 until it was SE of Innisfail. HS4 stopped seeding at 0015Z and RTB as the storm was leaving the area. HS3 was launched at 2242Z. HS3 was airborne at 2323Z (after delays due to door warning light). HS3 started seeding storm #1 at 2331Z at cloud top. HS3 stopped seeding storm #1 at 0004Z and was directed to storms #2 and #3. HS3 started seeding storms #2 and #3 at cloud base at 0011Z. HS3 stopped seeding storm #3 at 0155Z west of Didsbury and RTB as the storm was leaving the area. HS1 was launched at 0035Z. HS1 was airborne at 0053Z. HS1 started seeding storm #3 at 0111Z at cloud top, west of Olds. HS1 stopped seeding storm #3 at 0140Z as the storm was diminishing and crossing the QEII. HS1 patrolled west of Didsbury until RTB at 0251Z, as there was no more cumulus growth. UNSTABLE Research Flight #2. HS1 conducted a soil moisture transect from QF and north to near Pigeon Lake. HS1: 1815-2202Z: UNSTABLE research flight #2. No seeding.

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Aircraft flight summary:

HS1: 1630-1958Z: UNSTABLE research flight #3. No seeding. HS2: 1953-2311Z: 10 BIP, 80 min acetone generator time; storm #1 Rocky. HS4: 2228-0026Z: 23 BIP, 177 min acetone generator time; storm #1 W Sylvan to E Innisfail. HS3: 2314-0214Z: 80 EJT, 18 BIP; storm #1 Innisfail, storm #2 RM to QF, storm #3 Caroline to E Olds. HS1: 0056-0315Z: 12 EJT, 5 BIP; storm #3 Olds. July 14, Monday Strong upper jet from west to east directly over project area. Nearly zonal flow across the area. PVA over the northern project in the morning and afternoon and then a short wave trof moves through overnight. The atmosphere is more unstable in the south but still unstable in the north also with cooler temps. Areas of rain in the morning mostly in the northern project area. SHRA in the north project in the early afternoon. Then SHRA overnight with some embedded lightning and thunder. Tmax YC = 17.5C and 0.8 mm of rain. Tmax QF = 18.8C and 8.4 mm of rain. Tmax Radar = 16.9C and 2.5 mm of rain in AWS and 1.5 mm of rain in wedge gauge. July 15, Tuesday Strong upper jet to the south the area along the Canadian/USA border. Mid level flow remains mostly zonal over the area with some short wave trofs passing through. Surface low moving into southern AB but should remain out of the project. The atmosphere is slightly unstable. Cloud cover with showers in the morning. Thunderstorms developed along foothills around 20Z and moved eastward. The strongest cell occurred near Vulcan. 1.2 cm hail reported E of High River and 2.0 cm hail reported near Vulcan. A tornado was reported near Vulcan. Golfball size hail was reported near Lomond (outside the project area to the East). Golfball and larger hail was reported in Lethbridge. Tornadoes were reported W of Medicine Hat at Burdett and Seven Persons. Tmax YC = 16.7C and 2.8 mm of rain. Tmax QF = 17.2C and a trace of rain. Tmax Radar = 16.3C and 2.8 mm of rain in AWS and 1.5 mm of rain the wedge gauge. A storm developed in the north buffer zone around 20Z and HS4 was launched on patrol from QF at 2000Z. HS4 was airborne at 2027Z and patrolled at cloud base in the Eckville area. HS4 continued to patrol W of Sylvan Lake and then near Dickson Dam, but the storm did not threaten any towns and then died. HS4 RTB at 2225Z. Storms started to intensify and produce lightning along the foothills W of Cremona and so HS1 was launched at 2016Z and HS2 was launched at 2025Z because the storm was tracking towards Airdrie and Calgary. HS1 was airborne at 2043Z and climbed to 16 kft to patrol the region N of Cochrane. HS2 was airborne at 2050Z and patrolled at cloud base (6200 ft MSL) E of Cremona. HS2 started seeding Storm #1 N of Cochrane at cloud base at 2143Z. HS1 started seeding Storm #1 at cloud top at 2149Z. HS2 continued to seed until the storm was 3 mi N of the YC airport and they stopped seeding at 2247Z and RTB. HS1 continued to seed Storm #1 until 2302Z, and then stopped as the storm passed over the Calgary VOR. The storm intensified at 2317Z and so HS1 resumed seeding #1 east of Calgary at 2326Z. HS1 descended to cloud base to deice and seed at cloud base at 2350Z. HS1 stopped seeding at 0020Z and RTB. The storm passed to the south of Strathmore. Aircraft flight summary:
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HS4: 2018-2243: Patrol. No seeding. W Red Deer. HS2: 2046-2251: 9 BIP, 62 min acetone generator. Storm #1 Cochrane to Balzac. HS1: 2035-0035: 190 EJT, 15 BIP; Storm #1 Cochrane to Strathmore. July 16, Wednesday Jet remains to the south of the area along the Canadian/USA border. Upper low moving southward through BC, but still mostly westerly flow across the area. A fast moving short wave trof moves through the project in the early afternoon. The atmosphere is unstable, but upper levels become dry late in the afternoon with high pressure moving into the area. Showers were forming over the foothills by 18Z. A stronger cell developed around 20Z near Cochrane and moved SE through SW Calgary by 2140Z. Another cell developed near Rimbey around 2030Z and moved towards Red Deer. Max cell top= 10.5 km, 51 max dBz, 12.4 max VIL. Tmax YC = 18.8 C and 1.0 mm rain. Tmax QF = 19.4 C and trace of rain. Tmax Radar = 17.7 C and 0.3 mm rain in AWS. HS2 was launched at 1913Z to patrol thundershowers developing W of Springbank. HS2 called with a gyro instrument problem at 1940Z and did not take off. The HS2 mission was cancelled because the showers were not very Intense at the time. HS1 was launched at 2000Z to patrol the intensifying thundershowers W of Springbank. HS1 was airborne at 2019Z and started seeding storm #1 at cloud top at 2033Z near Springbank. HS1 stopped seeding storm #1 at 2145Z as the cell had cleared Calgary area. HS1 patrolled near Turner Valley/Black Diamond until RTB at 2225Z with no more developing clouds. HS3 was launched at 2026Z. HS3 was airborne at 2050Z. HS3 patrolled around Red Deer. HS3 started seeding storm #2 at cloud base at 2148Z as the storm was passing over Red Deer. HS3 stopped seeding storm #2 at 2208Z as the storm had cleared the city. HS3 RTB at 2225Z. Aircraft flight summary: HS1: 2015-2236Z: 20 EJT, 7 BIP; Storm #1 Springbank-Calgary. HS3: 2046-2230Z: 3 BIP; Storm #2 Red Deer. July 17, Thursday Upper Low in BC. Ridge building over S AB. Main Jet stream is SW and W. SE flow below 8 kft advecting moisture across project area. Atmosphere is unstable but capped around 13 kft, however the cap is weaker in the north part of area. Thunderstorms formed in the foothills and drifted slowly into the project area and died. Quarter to loonie size hail reported W of Caroline. Pea size hail at Sundre. Max cell top 11.5 km, 52 max dBZ, 15.2 VIL. Tmax YC = 22.6 C and no rain. Tmax QF = 23.1 C and 1.0 rain. Tmax Radar = 21.9 C and 6.3 mm in wedge, 6.1 mm AWS rain. HS1 was launched at 2136Z to patrol area SW of Okotoks. At 2227Z HS1 was airborne and was directed to Turner Valley & Black Diamond. At 2238Z HS1 started cloud base seeding cell W of High River. At 2253Z HS1 started climbing to cloud top. At 2300Z HS1 resumed seeding at cloud top. At 2315Z HS1 stoped seeding and RTB. HS3 was launched at 2224Z to patrol area W of Caroline. At 2245Z HS3 was airborne. At 2300Z HS3 patrolled Lime Stone Mountain and at 2326Z descended to cloud base E of Caroline. At 0055Z HS3 started cloud base seeding cell W of Sundry. At 0119Z HS3 started seeding a new target W of Cremona. At 0203Z HS3 stopped seeding and RTB. Public relations: HS1 flew with the Discovery Channel. Aircraft flight summary: HS1: 2225-2342Z: 43 EJT, 2 BIP; Storm #1 W of High River. HS3: 2240-0226Z: 16 BIP; Storm #2 Sundre. Storm #3 Cremona. July 18, Friday Upper Low near elbow of AB and BC border, moving into project area. Jet core wraps around Low into S-AB. PVA HS1 was launched at 1854Z to patrol area over Springbank. At 1919Z HS1 was airborne. At
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and cooling over the project makes a dangerous situation. Cold front passing YC in late afternoon. Atmosphere is moist at low levels and very unstable. Cool day with widespread TSRA formed in the foothills and tracked across the project area mid-day. All cells produced pea size hail with heavy amounts reported in Didsbury around noon and later over the QEII. Inches deep hail stopped traffic W of Calgary. The most severe cell formed W of Springbamk and tracked SE and then moved E along highway 22X passing between Calgary and Okotoks. Golfball size hail and larger reported near Okotoks but this has not been confirmed. Radar return was not indicative of such large hail. Twoonie size (28 mm diameter) reported SW of YC. Drifts of small hail reported in many locations around Calgary. 10.5 km max cell top, 49 max dBZ, 11.8 VIL. Tmax YC = 18.4 C and 5.6 mm rain. Tmax QF =17.2 C and 0.2 mm rain. Tmax Radar = 15.7 C and 4.2 mm wedge, 4.6 mm AWS rain. July 19, Saturday Upper Low has moved in SK. Upper Ridge and surface high pressure building into the area from the SW. Atmosphere is warming at all levels. Jet stream is still far to the south and east. A weak upper disturbance will cross over the ridge to the NW in the late afternoon. Atmosphere is still unstable. Two very small and weak showers in the NE part of the project in the morning and early afternoon. Otherwise, a nice and beautiful day with only Cu, Ac, Ci, and TCU reported. 22 max dBz. Tmax YC = 22.6C and no rain. Tmax QF = 22.2C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 21.8C and no rain. Date 2008 July 20, Sunday Weather Upper jet over BC staying north of the project area. Ridge over southern half of AB and low off AK coast. Negative vorticity across the area all day. The atmosphere is warming and mostly stable and dry. A nice, sunny and mostly clear day. Only a few Cu, Ci, and Ac clouds reported. Tmax YC = 26C and no rain. Tmax QF = 25.9C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 24.9C and no rain. July 21, Monday Upper jet over central BC and northern AB, staying north of the area. Upper low moving through the NW Territories giving SW flow across the area. Negative to neutral vorticity over most of the project area today except to the NW corner. The atmosphere is unstable and less capped in the NW. Warm and sunny day with only a very few Cu, Ac, Ci, Sc and TCU during the afternoon and evening. Humidex at

1928Z HS1 started cloud base seeding The cells line W of Calgary. At 1951A HS1 started to climb to cloud top seeding the same cell. At 1959Z HS1 started to patrol area SW and S of Okotoks. At 2054Z HS1 continued patrolling area SE of Okotoks. At 2110Z HS1 RTB. At 1932Z HS2 was launched to cloud base seeding the same cluster of cells W of Calgary. At 1951Z HS2 was airborne. At 1953Z HS2 started cloud base seeding the main cell of the cluster W of Calgary. At 2139Z HS1 RTB. Aircraft flight summary: HS1: 1917-2128Z: 5 BIP, Storm #1 Springbank to Pridis. HS3: 1945-2158Z: 15 BIP, 169 min acetone generator time.

No aircraft operations.

Activities Summary UNSTABLE Research Flight #4. HS1 conducted a forest-crop moisture boundary transect in the Caroline area.

Aircraft flight summary:

HS1: 1740-2048Z: UNSTABLE research flight #4. No seeding.

UNSTABLE Research Flight #5. HS1 conducted a dry line transect in the Rocky Mountain House area.

Aircraft flight summary:

HS1: 2041-2322Z: UNSTABLE research flight #5. No seeding.

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QF reached 33C. Weak thundershower in the NW corner of the project area from 11Z to 1330Z. 42 max dBz, 3.0 max VIL. Tmax YC = 30.2C and no rain. Tmax QF = 30.5C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 28.7C and no rain. July 22, Tuesday Main jet over northern AB with a secondary jet from southern AB into central SK. A trof is along the west coast and a ridge well to the east giving strong SW flow across the area. Multiple short wave trofs around the region today. Warm air aloft remains over the project giving only slight instability. Fairly nice afternoon with more clouds in the western project area. Some rain began in the NW by 00Z and then more widespread rain with embedded thundershowers from 04Z to 09Z. 44 max dBz, 3.0 max VIL. Tmax YC = 20.4C and a trace of rain. Tmax QF = 20.1C and 0.4 mm of rain. Tmax Radar = 19.1C and 0.3 mm of rain in wedge gauge. July 23, Wednesday Weak jet nosing into southern AB. Upper trof just to the west, moving through project area overnight. Lots of PVA associated with the trof beginning to move into the area during the afternoon. The atmosphere becomes unstable with cooler air aloft moving into the area. Areas of rain moved into the area from the west beginning after 2130Z and lingered through the evening with some light rain overnight. Embedded thundershowers during the afternoon and early evening. Max cell top= 5.5 km, 47 max dBz, 6.0 max VIL. Tmax YC = 20.7C and 0.2 mm of rain. Tmax QF = 21.4C and 7.8 mm of rain. Tmax Radar = 20.0C and 1.8 mm of rain in AWS and 1.8 mm of rain in the wedge gauge. July 24, Thursday Main jet is now to the SE of the project area. Upper level trof is moving out of the area in the morning and will be over SK by late afternoon. A ridge is building in behind with the axis over BC yet today. Neutral vorticity over the area behind the trof. The atmosphere is slightly unstable, but is warming and dry. Nice and sunny day with only Cu, Ac, Ci, and Cf clouds reported. Rainfall amounts come from early morning rain showers. Tmax YC = 22.2C and 3.6 mm of rain. Tmax QF = 23.5C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 22.6C and 0.3 mm of rain in AWS. July 25, Friday Weak jet from northern SK to southern MB. Ridge axis directly over project area this afternoon. Weak short wave across the project and then strong PVA moves into southern project overnight. The atmosphere is slightly unstable but very dry. Another nice and sunny afternoon with only a few Cu, Ci, and Ac. More clouds Ac clouds moved into the western project in late evening and overnight, with light showers in
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UNSTABLE Research Flight #6. HS1 conducted a convective initiation mission west of Cochrane.

Aircraft flight summary:

HS1: 1704-2012Z: UNSTABLE research flight #6. No seeding.

No aircraft operations.

No aircraft operations.

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the south Saturday morning. 22 max dBz. Tmax YC = 25.1 C and no rain. Tmax QF = 25.8 C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 24.2 C and no rain. July 26, Saturday Low-pressure trough is approaching to AB province from the West. Surface Low-pressure centers are located NW and S of the project area. Weak jet stream core is located S of BC province. The atmosphere is unstable and humid. Severe storms formed over the foothills W of Caroline and W of Calgary and tracked E across the project area. The most severe storms passed over Olds and Calgary. Loonie size hail was reported near Olds. Jason G reported 2.1 cm hail NE of Olds. 1.5 cm hail fell at the radar at 2309Z. Tmax YC = 28.1 C and 1.8 mm of rain. Tmax QF = 25.9 C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 25.9 C and 15 mm of rain in AWS and 12.5 mm of rain in the wedge gauge. HS3 was launched at 2047Z to investigate storms developing W of Caroline. HS3 was airborne at 2105Z and then started seeding at cloud base Storm #1 SW of Caroline at 2114Z. At 2159z HS3 started to climb to cloud top. At 2326Z HS3 stopped seeding and RTB. HS4 was launched at 2124Z to help with Storm #1, after cell tops grew to 12.5 km. HS4was airborne at 2152Z. At 2200Z HS4 started cloud base seeding #1 N of Sundre. HS4 seeded #1 until the storm passed E of the hwy QEII. HS4 stopped seeding at 0002Z and RTB. HS2 launched to the area W of Calgary at 2159Z.. At 2225Z HS2 was airborne. At 227Z HS2 started cloud base seeding Storm #2 SW of Calgary and continued seeding until the cell crossed the E border of the city. At 0028Z HS2 stopped seeding and RTB. HS1 Launched to the area West of Calgary at 2209Z. At 2230Z HS1 was airborne and started to climb to cloud top. At 2242Z HS1 started seeded Storm #2 SW of Calgary and continued seeding until the cell passed E of the city. At 0011Z HS1 was redirected to seed a new target Storm #3 SW of Calgary. At 0034Z HS1 stopped seeding #3 and started to patrol SW of Calgary. At 0052Z HS1 resumed seeding #3 over SW Calgary. HS1 stopped seeding #3 at 0134Z. HS1 RTB at 0137Z. HS3: 2101-2342: 224 EJ, 21 BIP Storm #1 Caroline to Olds. HS4: 2146-0020: 22 BIP, 180 min acetone. Storm #1 W of Olds to E of Olds. HS2: 2218-0039: 20 BIP, 177 min acetone. Storm #2 across Calgary. HS1: 2228-0151: 222 EJ, 9 BIP over Calgary. Activities Summary HS4 was launched at 1857Z to investigate cells SW of Sundre. At 1916Z HS4 was airborne. At 1929Z HS4 started cloud base seeding Storm #1 NW of Cremona. At 2026Z HS4 continued seeding this cell together with HS3. At 2125Z HS4 stopped seeding E of hwy QEII and RTB. HS1 was launched at 1927Z to patrol SW of Calgary. At 1949Z HS1 was airborne. At 2017Z HS1 started cloud top seeding Storm #2 over SW Calgary. At 2218Z HS1 stopped seeding this cell near Strathmore and RTB. HS3 was launched at 1942Z. At 1957Z HS3 was airborne. At 2014Z HS3 started cloud top seeding Storm #1 when it was W of Carstairs. At 2044Z HS3 stopped seeding and RTB.

Date 2008 July 27, Sunday

Weather Low-pressure trough has formed over the border between AB and BC provinces. Surface Low-pressure center is located over the Southern part of BC. Jet stream core is crossing the Southern part of AB from the W to the E. The atmosphere is unstable and humid with a weak subsidence inversion at the low level. Storms formed along the foothills and tracked across the project in a long line running N to S. The most severe storms went from Cremona to Beiseker (Storm #1) and from Bragg Creek to Strathmore (Storm #2). Quarter size hail (25 mm) was reported near Cremona. Max cell top= 12.5 km, 54 max dBz, 21.6 max VIL. Tmax YC = 23.5 C and 14 mm of rain. Tmax QF = 23.4 C and 1.4 mm of rain. Tmax Radar = 22.9 C and 2.3 mm of rain in AWS and 3.2

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mm of rain in the wedge gauge. .

HS2 was launched at 2019Z to seed Storm #2 over W Calgary. At 2039Z HS2 was airborne. At 2041Z HS2 started cloud base seeding Storm #2 over Calgary. At 2221Z HS2 stopped seeding this cell over Strathmore and RTB. HS1 was launched a second time at 0004Z when a storm suddenly developed W of Airdrie. HS1 was airborne at 0023Z and started seeding Storm #3 at cloud base at 0029Z when the storm was over Airdrie. HS1 stopped seeding #3 E of Airdrie at 0046Z, as the storm had decayed to a SHRA. HS1 was then redirected to SW Calgary to patrol new development. HS1 started seeding Storm #4 SW of Springbank at 0057Z. HS1 stopped seeding #4 at 0109Z and RTB at 0116Z.

Aircraft flight summary:

HS4: 1912-2150: 19 BIP, 229 min acetone HS1: 19:47-22:35: 188 EJ, 10 BIP HS3: 1954-2100: 123 EJ, 7 BIP HS2: 2036-2236: 14 BIP, 202 min acetone HS1: 0024-0124: 6 BIP. July 28, Monday High-pressure ridge has formed over the border between AB and BC provinces. Surface High-pressure center is located over the project area. Jet stream core is crossing the S part of SK and MB from the W to the E. The atmosphere is slightly unstable with the weak subsidence inversion at low levels. Rain showers in the eastern project area in the morning, lasting until 16Z. Then clear skies the rest of the day with only a few Cu and Ci reported in the afternoon. 35 max dBz. Tmax YC = 22.7 C and trace of rain. Tmax QF = 22.6 C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 22.2 C and 0.3 mm of rain in AWS and 0.3 mm of rain in the wedge gauge. July 29, Tuesday High-pressure ridge has moved to the E and located over SK province. Low pressure trough has formed over the border between AB and BC provinces. Surface Lowpressure center is located over the project area. Strong jet stream core is approaching to the S part of AB province from the W. The atmosphere is unstable with the subsidence inversion at low levels. Mostly clear afternoon. Thundershowers developed west of Rocky after 01Z, but didnt move much and diminished by 05Z north of Rocky. Mid level cloud cover with light rain from 04Z to 09Z, as a cold front moved through the project, and then widespread rain after 12Z. Max cell top= 6.5 km, 47 max dBz, 5.2 max VIL. Tmax YC = 26.0 C and no rain. Tmax QF = 26.2 C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 24.3 C and no rain in AWS and 3.2 mm of rain in the wedge gauge. July 30, Wednesday High Low-pressure center is located over the N part of AB province. Surface Low-pressure center is located NE of the project area. Strong jet stream core is crossing the S No aircraft operations. No aircraft operations. No aircraft operations. Robin Seacombe visited the radar.

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part of AB and SK provinces from the W to the E. The atmosphere is slightly unstable with the subsidence inversion at low levels. Cloudy with widespread rain in the morning and early afternoon. Thundershowers over the central project during the afternoon with pea size hail in Olds at 2125Z. The strongest storm occurred near Three Hills. Max cell top= 8.5 km, 51 max dBz, 6.6 max VIL. Tmax YC = 20.7 C and 0.6 mm of rain. Tmax QF = 18.9 C and 0.4 mm of rain. Tmax Radar = 17.9 C and 3.6 mm of rain in AWS and 0.7 mm of rain in the wedge gauge. July 31, Thursday High-pressure ridge has formed over AB province. Surface High-pressure center is located S of the project area. Strong jet stream core is located over the S part of BC province. The atmosphere is slightly unstable and dry with the subsidence inversion at low levels. Nice day with lots of Ci and Ac clouds covering the area, with thicker cloud cover in the northern project late in the evening. Tmax YC = 22.2C and no rain. Tmax QF = 22.2C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 21.2C and no rain. August 01, Friday Large upper low pressure and trof approaching AB with upper Low centered N of Edmonton. Jet stream over project area running SW to NE. Cold front passes across project during the afternoon. Atmosphere is relatively cold and dry but unstable, especially below 20 kft. Dew pts around 10 C in the north and 6 C in the south. Clouds increased in the afternoon, so the max temps of the day were early in the afternoon. A few sct, weak thundershowers tracked across the N part of the project affecting Red Deer and Innisfail. No hail was reported. Tmax YC = 24.4 C and no rain. Tmax QF = 24.2 C and 0.4 mm rain. Tmax Radar = 22.9 C and no rain. August 02, Saturday Upper cold core Low centered in N SK. Project area in NW flow and cold air. Weak disturbances crossing area. Atmos is cold and unstable, but relatively dry at the low levels. Dew pts near 8 C in the north and 6 C in the south. Jet stream is far to the S and SE. Winds relatively weak aloft giving weak dynamics for storms. Areas of showers and thundershowers developed across the project during the afternoon and lingered into the evening hours. Storm #1 developed near Cochrane around 22Z and slowly tracked into north Calgary and had diminished to rain by 2320Z. Steward reported ice pellets, less than pea size, in QF at 2307Z from a small rainshower. Tmax YC = 19.5C and trace of rain. Tmax QF = 20.9 C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 18.3 C and no rain. HS2 was launched at 2117Z. HS2 was airborne at 2140Z and proceeded to patrol north of Cochrane. HS2 started seeding storm #1 on the east side of Cochrane at 2236Z. HS2 stopped seeding storm #1 at 2333Z as the storm had diminished over north Calgary. HS2 RTB at 2348Z with no growing clouds. No aircraft operations. No aircraft operations.

Aircraft flight summary:

HS2: 2137-2357: 5 BIP and 114 min acetone.

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Date 2008 August 03, Sunday

Weather Upper cold Low in N MB. Trailing trof extends from N SK into SE AB. Jet stream is in Montana. Residual vorticity and moisture crossing S AB early in the day with SHRA south of Calgary. Ridge starts to build into the project area in the afternoon and evening. Atmos is still cold and moist and slightly unstable, but the dynamics are very weak with weak winds aloft. Lots of air mass, popcorn showers developed across the project. Some stronger convection existed producing thunder and lightning and 5 mm size hail at YC at 2011Z. Max cell top= 6.5 km, 47 max dBz, 6.3 max VIL. Tmax YC =18.5 C and 6.8 mm of rain. Tmax QF = 21.3 C and trace of rain. Tmax Radar = 17.6 C and 0.3 mm of rain in AWS and 0.3 mm of rain in the wedge gauge.

Activities Summary No aircraft operations

August 04, Monday

High-pressure ridge has formed over the project area. Two surface High-pressure centers are located over the border between BC and AB provinces and S of AB. Weak short wave trough is approaching to the N part of the project are from the W. The atmosphere is slightly unstable with a subsidence inversion at low levels. Tmax YC = 23.4 C and no rain. Tmax QF = 24.1 C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 23.5 C and no rain.

No aircraft operations.

August 05, Tuesday

Strong High-pressure ridge is building over BC province. Surface High-pressure center is located over the border between BC and AB provinces. Two jet stream cores are located N of AB and S of SK provinces. The atmosphere is slightly unstable with a subsidence inversion at low levels. Tmax YC = 22.6 C and no rain. Tmax QF = 23.7 C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 21.8 C and no rain.

No aircraft operations.

August 06, Wednesday

High-pressure ridge is located over the project area. Surface High-pressure center is located over the border between AB and SK provinces. The atmosphere is slightly unstable with a strong subsidence inversion at low levels. Tmax YC = C and no rain. Tmax QF = C and no rain. Tmax Radar = C and no rain.

No aircraft operations.

August 07, Thursday

Ridge axis over AB-SK border. Slight cooling at 500 mb will increase instability. Jet stream approaching project from the SW. Weak vorticity disturbance in N AB and SE BC. High heat and moisture at the surface makes the atmosphere very unstable, but the moisture is confined to a shallow surface layer. Mostly sunny and hot across the project area. A few showers over the foothills and western project areas during the afternoon. Thundershowers formed after 05Z in the northern project area and lasted throughout the night. Max cell top= 9.5 km, 47 max dBz, 7.5 max VIL. Tmax YC = 30.4C and no rain.

No aircraft operations.

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Tmax QF = 30.9C and 2.4 mm of rain. Tmax Radar = 29.5C and no rain. August 08, Friday A small, upper jet is over southern AB. Ridge axis remains along the AB/SK border, but warm air is moving into the area from the SW. A short wave trof passes through the NW project area during the evening hours. High surface temperatures and dewpoints producing a very unstable atmosphere, but is capped at low levels. Showers developed along the foothills in the afternoon. Some moved into the area near RM and Sundre. In the evening, a quasi-stationary storm complex formed over SE Red Deer causing lightning, thunder, hail and heavy rain for several hours. Mostly marble size hail was reported from Red Deer but Env Canada had reports of loonie size (27 mm) hail and 4 cm diameter hail with some damage. Max hail size measured by Joel Zimmer was 3.6 cm at his parents house. Max cell top= 13.5 km , 52.5 max dBz, 16.5 max VIL from Red Deer storm. 57 max dBZ SW of radar. Tmax YC = 28.8 C and no rain. Dew pt near 13 C Tmax QF = 30.5 C and 22.4 mm rain. Dew pt near 14 C. Tmax Radar = 27.8 C and 5.5 mm rain. Dew pt near 15 C. HS2 was airborne for a test flight to the Olds Radar at 2049Z. At 2109Z HS2 landed at the Olds airport. At 2147Z HS2 was launched to patrol W of RMH. At 2155Z HS2 was airborne and at 2228Z started patrolling storms W of RMH. At 2322Z HS2 was redirected to some storms W of Sundre. At 0025Z HS2 started cloud base seeding Storm #1 W of Sundre. At 0120Z the storm diminished and HS2 stopped seeding and RTB. HS4 was launched at 0140Z to patrol W of Sundre. At 0147Z HS4 was airborne from Red Deer. At 0200Z HS4 started to patrol a storm NE of Sundre. At 0213Z HS4 was directed to a storm N of Cochrane. At 0258Z HS4 started to patrol the area S of Sundre. At 0321Z HS4 was directed to a rapidly developing storm over SE Red Deer. At 0334Z HS4 started cloud base seeding Storm #2 over SE Red Deer. At 0410Z HS4 stopped seeding and RTB in order to land before the storms closed the Red Deer airport. HS1 was launched at 0509Z to patrol SW of Calgary. At 0537Z HS4 was airborne and started to patrol S of Calgary. At 0609Z HS1 RTB because the storms passed W and N of Calgary without threatening the city.

Aircraft flight summary:

HS2: 1945-2006 Flight to Olds airport. HS2: 2210-0141 108 min acetone. Storm #1 W of Sundre. HS4: 0144-0414Z: 6 BIP, 66 min acetone. HS1: 0535-0621Z: Patrol flight. August 09, Saturday Ridge axis over SK. Cold Low over VR Island moving into BC next 24 hrs. Jet stream wrapped around Low to the west. SW flow over project area. Hot and moist at the lower levels makes atmosphere very unstable. Weak dynamics Mostly sunny and hot afternoon over the project area. Thunderstorms moved across the mountains during the afternoon and entered the project area by 0040Z. Areas of rain lasted in the project area until 04Z. The strongest cells occurred in the NW project area. Max cell top= 11.5 km, 48 max dBz, 7.8 max VIL. Tmax YC = 29.7C and no rain. Tmax QF = 27.9C and 5.2 mm of rain. Tmax Radar = 26.8C and 0.5 mm of rain in AWS and 0.4 mm of rain in the wedge gauge. Date 2008 August 10, Sunday Weather Strong upper low over central AB/BC border, moving through area overnight. South to north jet ahead of low over project area during afternoon. Strong PVA moving through the area during the day and overnight. The atmosphere is slightly unstable. Mostly cloudy in the south throughout the afternoon with
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HS4 was launched at 0100Z to patrol SW of RMH. At 0109Z HS4 was airborne. At 0125Z HS4 started cloud base seeding Storm #1 SE of RMH. HS3 continued seeding this storm until 0248Z when the storm was located E of Red Deer. After that HS4 RTB. HS3 was launched at 0243Z to patrol a cluster of cells over Red Deer. At 0257Z HS3 was airborne and started patrolling over Red Deer. At 0351Z HS3 RTB since there was no further storm development.

Aircraft flight summary:

HS4: 0116-0306Z: 4 BIP, 160 min acetone, Storm #1 RMH - Red Deer. HS3: 0258-0357Z: Patrol flight. Activities Summary No aircraft operations

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clearing skies in the north. Light rain showers in the Calgary area after 23Z and then more widespread rain in the eastern project by 04Z lasting until 10Z. Lightning detected from the rain showers in the eastern project area. 37 max dBZ. Tmax YC = 21.8C and no rain. Tmax QF = 22.9C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 22.1C and no rain. August 11, Monday Upper low centered to the east of the area. Jet on backside of low over the southern project with strong PVA still influencing the area during the morning and afternoon. The atmosphere is slowly warming as the low moves away, but still slightly unstable in the north. Light rain area in the northern project during the morning. Showers beginning in late afternoon lasting through the evening, with some rain overnight. A few lightning strikes detected. 40 max dBZ, 2.4 max VIL. Tmax YC = 18.8C and no rain. Tmax QF = 18.3C and 0.8 mm of rain. Tmax Radar = 16.2C and no rain. August 12, Tuesday Upper low now centered over SK, but still influencing the area early in the day. Weak jet along the AB, SK and MT border. PVA on backside of low over the project in the morning, then NVA during the afternoon and a short wave trof moves over mountains during the night. The atmosphere is warming with only slight instability. Light showers in the eastern project in the morning and early afternoon. Clouds cleared during the afternoon, and then a few light showers in the north overnight into Wednesday morning. 36 max dBZ. Tmax YC = 22.8 C and no rain. Tmax QF = 21.2 C and 3.2 mm of rain. Tmax Radar = 20.6 C and no rain. August 13, Wednesday High-pressure ridge has formed over the W part of AB province. Surface High-pressure center is located over the border between BC and AB provinces. Two jet stream cores are located N and E of the project area. The atmosphere is slightly unstable with a subsidence inversion at low level. Few areas of light showers lingered through the morning in the north project area. Skies clearing during the afternoon. 35 max dBZ. Tmax YC = 23.9 C and no rain. Tmax QF = 24.5 C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 21.8 C and no rain. August 14, Thursday Strong High-pressure ridge and surface High-pressure center are located over the project area. Jet stream core is crossing the area N of AB and SK provinces from the W to the E. The atmosphere is very stable. Nice, mostly sunny day with only a few Cu, and Ci reported over the area.
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No aircraft operations.

No aircraft operations.

No aircraft operations.

No aircraft operations.

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Tmax YC = 25.8 C and no rain. Tmax QF = 27.7 C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 24.9 C and no rain. August 15, Friday High-pressure ridge and surface High-pressure center remain located over the project area. Weak short wave trough has formed over the border between BC and AB provinces. Jet stream core is located N of the AB province. The atmosphere is slightly unstable with the strong inversion cap at low levels. Another nice, sunny and warm day. Very few clouds. Tmax YC = 28.9 C and no rain. Tmax QF = 29.2 C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 27.7 C and no rain. August 16, Saturday High-pressure ridge remains located over AB province. Surface Low-pressure center has formed N of the project area. Cold front is approaching to the Northern part of the project area from NW. Jet stream core is located N of AB province. The atmosphere is unstable with a small inversion cap at the low levels. Weak thundershower near Rocky during the morning hours as a cold front moved through the northern project area. The line of showers diminished as it moved eastward and was completely diminished by 19Z. Skies the rest of the day were mostly clear with a TCU around QF from 22 to 23Z. 34 max dBZ. Tmax YC = 29.1 C and no rain. Tmax QF = 28.6 C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 26.8 C and no rain. Date 2008 August 17, Sunday Weather High-pressure ridge still dominating the weather over the project area. Surface High-pressure center is located over the border between AB and BC provinces. Weak short wave trough has formed NW of the project area. Jet stream core remains located N of AB province. The atmosphere is unstable and humid with a subsidence inversion at low levels. Thunderstorms started developing along the foothills after 20Z and moved eastward into the project. First cells diminished by 22Z in the western project areas, with the second wave of development moving through the project area. Storm #1 developed just SW of Caroline around 22Z, and moved east, just south of Innisfail before diminishing by 0030Z. Storm #2 developed around Cochrane at 0030Z and tracked eastward through Calgary as a line of thunderstorms. Storm #2 diminished east of Calgary at 0210Z. Jason Schellenbaum reported pea size hail east of Innisfail at 0004Z from storm #1. Springbank airport reported 7 mm hail at 01Z from storm #2. Max cell top= 12.5 km, 55 max dBz, 11.6 max VIL. Tmax YC = 30.6 C and 2.4 mm of rain. Tmax QF = 30.0 C and no rain. Activities Summary HS4 was launched at 2317Z to the storm approaching Innisfail. HS4 was airborne at 2332Z and started seeding storm #1 at 2336Z at cloud base over Innisfail. HS4 stopped seeding storm #2 at 0014Z as the storm was east of Innisfail. HS4 was directed to development around Cochrane. HS4 started seeding storm #2 at 0106Z over Springbank. HS4 stopped seeding storm #2 at 0204Z, as the storm was E of Calgary and RTB with no more development. Aircraft flight summary: HS4: 2330-0229Z: 16 BIP, 92 min acetone generator time; Storm #1 Innisfail, Storm #2 Springbank to E YC. No aircraft operations. HS1 flew a test flight from YC to QF and then a return flight from QF to YC. No seeding.

Aircraft flight summary: HS1: 2005-2031: test, YC to QF. HS1: 2117-2142: test, QF to YC.

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Tmax Radar = 28.7 C and 0.5 mm of rain in AWS and 0.4 mm of rain in the wedge gauge. August 18, Monday High-pressure ridge is moving slowly to the E and now its axis is located over SK province. Weak short wave trough has formed over the project area. Surface Low-pressure center is located S of BC province. Jet stream core remains located N of AB and SK provinces. The atmosphere is unstable with a weak subsidence inversion at low levels. The warmest day of the summer across the project area and most of southern AB. 34.0C in Calgary set a record high for the day. Drumheller and Medicine Hat both reach a high temperature of 38.1. Showers formed over the foothills after 20Z. One thunderstorm moved through the far NW corner of the project area around 2130Z, and then some showers in the north and west through the evening. Max cell top= 10.5 km, 49 max dBz, 10.3 max VIL. Tmax YC = 34.0C and no rain. Tmax QF = 33.0C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 32.2C and no rain. August 19, Tuesday South to north orientated jet over southern AB. Ridge axis over SK, with a strong low off the AK coast. Short wave trof moves through project area in late afternoon and evening. Cold front passing through during the afternoon. The atmosphere is very unstable ahead of the front. Very light rain moved into the project from the south beginning around 2230Z. More widespread rain area by 02Z lasting until 05Z in the project area, with some thundershowers between 02Z and 0330Z. Max cell top= 7.5 km, 51 max dBz, 7.6 max VIL. Strong thunderstorm developed over Stettler around 0315Z and moved NE. Tmax YC = 26.5C and 0.2 mm of rain. Tmax QF = 25.8C and a trace of rain. Tmax Radar = 26.1C and 5.1 mm of rain in AWS and 4.5 mm of rain in wedge gauge. August 20, Wednesday Upper low along the west coast starting to move inland towards AB. Short wave trof moves through the project in the morning and early afternoon. East to west orientated cold front from east central SK through central AB. The atmosphere is slightly unstable. Weak thundershower in the north buffer during the morning hours, and a band of light rain moved through the project in the late morning hours. Storm #1 developed SW of Rocky around 22Z and slowly moved SE, before diminishing north of Sundre at 02Z. More TS formed NW of Rocky by 01Z and slowly moved eastward passing through Red Deer around 07Z. Max cell top= 12.5 km, 55 max dBz, 16.5 max VIL. Tmax YC = 22.4C and 0.2 mm of rain. Tmax QF = 22.4C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 20.9C and 0.2 mm of rain in wedge gauge. August 21, Thursday Upper, closed low moving through southern AB during the late afternoon. Strongest PVA on the SE edge of the low, HS2 was launched at 2052Z to patrol over Sundre. At 2158Z, HS2 was airborne. At 2252Z HS2 started cloud base seeding Storm #1 SW of RMH. At 0053Z HS2 stopped seeding Storm #1 N of Sundre and RTB. HS3 was launched at 0110Z to patrol N of Sundre. At 0136Z, HS3 was airborne. At 0152Z HS3 started to patrol area W of Sundre. At 0224Z HS3 was redirected to a new target NW of RMH. At 0242Z HS3 started to patrol over RMH. At 0343Z HS3 RTB. Aircraft flight summary: HS2: 2155-0124Z: 28 BIP, 91 min generator, Storm #1 N of Sundre. HS3: 0132-0358Z: patrol Sundre and Rocky. No aircraft operations. No aircraft operations. HS3 flew a test flight from QF to YC. HS3 then performed a patrol flight. HS3 was airborne out of YC at 2252Z. HS3 patrolled around Rocky until RTB at 0003Z with all clouds icing out below 20 kft. Aircraft flight summary: HS3: 2022-2047Z: test from QF to YC. HS3: 2252-0016Z: patrol Rocky, YC to QF.

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but still some weaker PVA on north side over the project area. The atmosphere is unstable, especially early in the day, and saturated. Rain in the north part of the project all day. Calgary area was partly cloud until noon and had some sunny breaks and got quite hot with a max temp of 18.3 C. This triggered stronger convective clouds and thundershowers SE of Calgary. More intense thunderstorms just outside the project area to the SE. Heavy rain from Olds to Red Deer. Tmax YC = 18.3 CC and 13.2 mm rain. Tmax QF = 14.2 C and 41.2 mm rain. Tmax Radar = 14.1 C and 31.0 mm rain in the AWS and 40.0 mm in the wedge gauge. August 22, Friday Upper ridge and high pressure building over the project area from the west. Relatively cool airmass at low levels and warm air advection aloft makes the atmos very stable. Jet stream cores are far to the SE and also off the west coast of BC. Mostly sunny day with fair weather cumulus clouds. Tmax YC = 18.9 C and 1.6 mm rain. Tmax QF =18.8 C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 18.5 C and no rain. August 23, Saturday Large ridge of high pressure over AB. Jet core off BC west coast with associated cold front that will affect our weather on Monday. Weak short wave disturbances in the upper SW flow are deflected north and weakened considerably over AB producing only increasing mid and high-level clouds. Atmos is very stable. Conditions remain mostly sunny and warm. Clouds in the afternoon, mostly As, Ac, ACSL, and Ci. A very nice, warm, day. Tmax YC = 23.0 C and no rain. Tmax QF = 22.8 C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 21.9 C and no rain. Date 2008 August 24, Sunday Weather Large high pressure ridge over the project area, with the ridge axis located over SK. A strong Jet stream in BC is pushing very warm air into N AB and stabilizing the atmos over the project area. Upper short-wave disturbances have associated clouds in BC but they are weakened considerably by the ridge when they reach AB. Cold front located in N BC approaching AB. Increasing mid and high-level clouds over the project. No deep convection since atmos is very stable and dry, although low level moisture is increasing. Lots of alto-cumulus cloud cover across the project in the afternoon and evening, producing weak radar echoes from virga in the late afternoon and evening. 14 max dBz. Tmax YC = 25.3C and no rain. Tmax QF = 26.9C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 25.6C and no rain. August 25, Monday Upper, cold trof over southern BC this afternoon passing through the area Tuesday morning. Strong south to north jet over AB ahead of trof. Surface cold front moving HS1 performed a test flight to the south and east of YC. HS1 was airborne at 1918Z and landed at 2025Z with no developing storms. Activities Summary No aircraft operations No aircraft operations. No aircraft operations.

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through project in late afternoon with strong PVA behind front. The atmosphere is unstable in the northern project area. SHRA formed west of Sundre to west of Rocky beginning around 2030Z. By 22Z, weak thundershowers developed in the NW project area and lasted until 02Z, when widespread rain started moving in and lasted through the evening and overnight. Max cell top= 6.5 km, 46 max dBz, 5.0 max VIL. Tmax YC = 21.9C and a trace of rain. Tmax QF = 21.1C and 2.4 mm of rain. Tmax Radar = 19.5C and 0.5 mm of rain in AWS and 1.7 mm in wedge gauge. August 26, Tuesday Upper trof moving through southern AB in the morning and will be along the AB/SK border by late afternoon. Strong jet ahead of trof with weaker winds but cold air behind. Weak band of PVA over the project during the afternoon. The atmosphere becomes slightly unstable during the afternoon behind trof passage. Cloudy, cool and rain in the south during the morning. Clouds clearing in early afternoon and a few thundershowers developed along the foothills after 2030Z. One cell tracked through Olds and Didsbury and the other through north Calgary. YC reported TSRAGS at 2256Z. Max cell top= 7.5 km, 47 max dBz, 6.4 max VIL. Tmax YC = 15.7C and 9.6 mm of rain. Tmax QF = 16.8C and 3.0 mm of rain. Tmax Radar = 15.3C and 2.5 mm of rain in AWS and 1.5 mm in wedge gauge. August 27, Wednesday Strong jet over central BC, extending southward along the mountains into MT. Upper low over northern MB with trof to the south. Nearly zonal flow over AB and BC for coming days. Short wave trof moves through the project overnight as warmer upper air moves into the area. The atmosphere is slightly unstable during the afternoon. SHRA in the northern project around 18Z. Thundershower moved through central project between 20Z and 00Z. 44 max dBz, 2.6 max VIL. Tmax YC = 17.5C and trace of rain. Tmax QF = 17.2C and trace of rain. Tmax Radar = 15.3C and 1.0 mm of rain in AWS and 0.7 mm in wedge gauge. August 28, Thursday Strong jet over project, extending from central BC coast to southern SK. Mostly zonal flow over AB, with a small ridge in BC. Short wave trof just to the north of the project area during the afternoon. The atmosphere is again slightly unstable, despite upper level warming. Rain showers and weak thundershowers formed in the NW and tracked across the north part of the project area. The most intense cell tracked over Lacombe. Max cell top= 7.5 km, 49 max dBz, 6.7 VIL. Morning low temperatures at Sundre and Rocky Mountain House were 1.5C and 0.4C, respectively.
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Aircraft flight summary: HS1: 1918-2025Z: test flight, no seeding.

HS1 performed a test flight to the south and east of YC. HS1 was airborne at 2025Z and landed at 2118Z. HS1 was then launched at 2213Z as storm was nearing Calgary from the NW. HS1 was airborne at 2237Z and patrolled near Springbank. HS1 RTB at 2250Z. Aircraft flight summary: HS1: 2025-2118Z: test flight, no seeding. HS1: 2236-2308Z: patrol Springbank, no seeding.

No aircraft operations.

HS4 flew a test flight from QF to YC in the morning. HS4 then returned to QF in the afternoon on a patrol flight since weak rain showers were forming over the foothills and tracking eastward across the project area. A very weak rain shower crossed over the radar at 1932Z. HS1 was launched at 2035Z to patrol the Sundre area. HS1 called on VHF radio over Sundre at 2148Z but had a problem with only one radio working. HS1 was sent RTB at 2201Z in order to have the radio serviced.

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Tmax YC = 20.7C and no rain. Tmax QF = 20.3C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 19.7C and no rain.

HS3 was launched at 2138Z to investigate a thundershower that was headed toward Lacombe. HS3 was airborne at 2214Z and headed north, but the thundershower had diminished and no longer posed a hail threat. HS3 continued to patrol the north part of the project area until 2305Z and then RTB since no new convective development was present. No seeding was conducted. Aircraft flight summary: HS4: 1630-1705: test flight QF to YC. HS4: 1857-2006: patrol flight YC to QF. HS1: 2120-2218: patrol flight near Sundre. HS3: 22:12-23:23: Patrol flight near Lacombe and then Sylvan Lk, RM, and Sundre.

August 29, Friday

Strong upper jet from southern BC and directly over project. Weak ridge moving through in the early afternoon with a trof over central BC. Weak PVA moves into the project in the afternoon. Surface low forming to the NW of the project during the afternoon. The atmosphere is slight unstable again during the afternoon. Rain over the mountains beginning around 2130Z lasting through the evening with some lightning during the evening, but not moving into the project area. Thicker mid level clouds with rain from 06Z to 08Z in the eastern project. Tmax YC = 23.2C and no rain. Tmax QF = 23.2C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 22.8C and no rain.

HS4 conducted 3 test flights in the morning. Aircraft flight summary: HS4: 1536-1610: test flight QF to BW. HS4: 1756- 1847: test flight BW to BW. HS4: 1910-1939: test flight BW to QF.

August 30, Saturday

Upper jet extending from western WA through central AB into northern MB. Deep, cold trof over southern BC and NW US. Short wave trof moves into the project in the late afternoon and evening. The atmosphere is slightly unstable over the foothills but mostly stable over the project area with low dewpoints. Rain showers formed in the foothills in the afternoon and tracked across the central part of the project area bringing periods of rain to the central part of the project. One of these SHRA produced a few strikes of lightning west of Didsbury in the late afternoon but remained very weak. Widespread cloud and rain moved into the project area in the evening and temperatures dropped to low single digits. Main weather story is Hurricane Gustav, presently near the Cayman Islands as a Category 3 storm (wind speed >180 kph) and has killed 71 people in the Caribbean and has a projected path towards New Orleans. Tmax YC = 15.7C and no rain. Tmax QF = 15.9C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 14.3C and 10.2 mm of rain in AWS and 21 mm in wedge gauge.

HS1 conducted a test flight in the morning. Aircraft flight summary: HS1: 1545-1635: test flight YC to YC. No seeding.

Date 2008 August 31, Sunday

Weather Upper Low-pressure center is located over the S border of BC province. Low pressure trough is approaching to the Southern part of AB province from the SW. Surface High-pressure center is located over the project area. Jet

Activities Summary No aircraft operations

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stream core is crossing the Eastern part of AB province from the S to the N. The atmosphere is slightly unstable and humid. Widespread rain in the morning, slowly breaking up during the afternoon and ended by 00Z. 36 max dBz. Tmax YC = 6.9C and 10.4 mm rain. Tmax QF = 9.1C and 3.6 mm rain. Tmax Radar = 7.1C and 12.4 mm of rain in AWS and 3.0 mm in wedge gauge. September 01, Monday Surface High-pressure center remains located over the project area. Low-pressure trough is located S of AB province and moving to the E slowly. Jet stream core is crossing the Eastern part of SK province from the S to the N. The atmosphere is slightly unstable. A convective shower formed to the NW of Sundre during the early evening but diminished in the western project area. 24 max dBz. Hurricane Gustav comes ashore near New Orleans as a category 2 storm. Tmax YC = 12.6C and no rain. Tmax QF = 14.6C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 13.6C and no rain. September 02, Tuesday High-pressure ridge has formed over the project area. Low-pressure trough is approaching to AB province from the West. Jet stream core is crossing BC province from the NW to the SE. The atmosphere is slightly unstable with a subsidence inversion at 600 mb level. A nice mostly sunny afternoon with a few Cu. Mid level cloudiness overnight producing weak echoes from virga. 26 max dBZ. Tmax YC = 17.9C and no rain. Tmax QF = 18.4C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 17.4C and no rain. September 03, Wednesday Low-pressure trough is located over the project area. High-pressure ridge is building over the Western part of BC province and moving slowly to the East. Surface Lowpressure center is located over the Northern part of AB. Strong jet stream core is crossing the Western part of BC province from the N to the S. The atmosphere is slightly unstable. Cool temperatures and windy by late afternoon. Scattered areas of light rain began in the morning with weak thundershowers in the east buffer during the afternoon. Most of the rain had ended by 00Z. Max cell top= 5.5 km, 43 max dBZ, 4.1 max VIL. Tmax YC = 14.8C and 0.2 mm of rain. Tmax QF = 13.4C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 11.5C and no rain. September 04, Thursday Low-pressure trough has moved to the East and now its located over SK province. High-pressure ridge remains located over the Western part of BC province. Surface High-pressure center is located over the project area. No aircraft operations. No aircraft operations. Public Relations: Eleven people from Axa insurance visited the radar in the afternoon. HS3 flew from QF to Olds and back for the Axa visit. Aircraft flight summary: HS3: 1739-1753Z: QF to CEA3, 1 BIP test. HS3: 2145-2204Z: CEA3 to QF. No aircraft operations.

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Strong jet stream core is crossing the BC province from the NW to the SE. The atmosphere is slightly unstable. Lots of fair weather Cu across the area and southern AB. Convective showers mostly in the northern project from 1930Z to 2230Z, then areas of rain into early evening. 33 max dBz. Tmax YC = 15.2C and no rain. Tmax QF = 16.2C and no rain. Tmax Radar =15.4C and no rain. September 05, Friday Low-pressure trough has formed over the border between BC and AB province. High-pressure ridge remains located over BC province. Strong jet stream core is located W of the project area. The atmosphere is slightly unstable and humid. Scattered rain showers formed over the project area in the late afternoon with a few lightning strikes in the north part of the project. Max reflectivity was 43 dBZ along the north project border with a 3.3 VIL. There were no titan cells. Tmax YC = 15.1 C and 0.2 mm rain. Min temp 3.5 C. Tmax QF = 14.5 C and 2.2 mm rain. Min Temp 5.1 C Tmax Radar = 13.4 C and Trace of rain. September 06, Saturday Meridional (north-south) flow over the project area. Cold trof in SK and warm ridge building off BC coast. Jet stream along the Rocky Mtns and Cont. Divide. Project is in the cold, unstable air mass. A short-wave disturbance passes over the project in the afternoon triggering convective showers across the area but mostly in the western half. A few lightning strikes were recorded, mostly in the NW part of the project. Tmax YC = 14.4 C and 1.0 mm rain. Tmax QF = 14.0 C and Trace of rain. Min Temp 0.3 C Tmax Radar = 13.5 C and 1.5 mm rain in gauge. Date 2008 September 7, Sunday Weather Project area is in the cold air of a large, upper trof with its axis in MB. A ridge of high pressure is trying to build in BC but slowly. The jetstream axis is aligned N-S over central AB. Weak disturbances in the upper flow cause frequent, scattered rain showers. The atmos is unstable but the upper dynamics are relatively weak. Cold upper air temperatures mean that hail can form easily in relatively shallow convective showers. Scattered rain showers and weak thundershowers drifted across the project area in the afternoon. Only one titan cell was observed around 5 pm in the foothills SW of Turner Valley. The cell had a max top of 6.5 km and 42 max dBZ. Max reflectivity in the project area was 41.5 dBZ and a max VIL of 2.1 in the north buffer zone. Dew point temps in the 5 to 6 C range. Tmax YC = 13.7 C and 1.2 mm rain. Tmax QF = 15.1 C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 13.2 C and 1.3 mm rain. September 8, Monday Ridge of high pressure moved into AB today. Weak disturbances in the flow over the ridge bring only mid and high-level cloud. Warming aloft produces a stable No aircraft operations. Activities Summary No aircraft operations No aircraft operations. No aircraft operations.

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atmosphere with only layer clouds. No jet streams affecting Alta weather. Tmax YC = 18.6C and no rain. Tmax QF = 19.1C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 19.2C and no rain. September 9, Tuesday Low-pressure trough has formed over AB province. Cold front is approaching to the project area from the North. Jet stream core is crossing the Western part of AB province from the North to the South. The atmosphere is unstable and humid. Tmax YC = 15.3C and 0.6 mm of rain. Tmax QF = 11.7C and 2.8 mm of rain. Tmax Radar = 12.3C and 0.5 mm of rain in AWS and 1.2 mm in wedge gauge. HS1 flew from YC to Olds for the AXA visit. Public Relations: 14 people from AXA insurance in Calgary visited the Olds radar site and spent time talking with pilots and meteorologists, learning about the cloud seeding project. All had a good time! Flight Summary: HS1: 1831-1849: YC to Olds. 1 BIP burnt as a demonstration on the ground. HS1: 2151-2208: Olds return to YC. No aircraft operations.

September 10, Wednesday

High-pressure ridge is approaching to the project area from the West. Surface High-pressure center is located over the border between BC and AB provinces. Strong jet stream core is crossing the Northern part of BC and AB from the West to the East. The atmosphere is stable and dry. Clear with only a few Cu, Ac and Ci. Tmax YC = 15.8C and no rain. Tmax QF = 16.5C and 04 mm of rain. Tmax Radar = 15.7C and 0.3 mm 0f rain in AWS and 0.0 mm in wedge gauge.

September 11, Thursday

Weak short wave trough has formed N of the project area. Surface High-pressure center remains located over the border between BC and AB provinces. Jet stream core is located over AB province. The atmosphere is slightly unstable and dry with a subsidence inversion cap at 700 mb level. Sunny and warm September afternoon with mostly clear skies with Cu and Ci. Band of rain moved into the NW project area after 1130Z. 33 max dBz. Tmax YC = 23.9C and no rain. Tmax QF = 24.6C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 23.4C and 0.3 mm of rain.

HS2 was launched at 2037Z to conduct a patrol and test flight. HS2 was airborne from YC at 2120Z and flew to the Sundre area at 10 kft. HS2 RTB at 2200Z. Flight Summary: HS2: 2113-2215: Test flight. No seeding.

September 12, Friday

North to south orientated jet over BC. Trof axis extending from north of SK to southern AB, moving through project area during the afternoon. Strong PVA over the area with the trof. The atmosphere is unstable and saturated early, and then dry air moves in overnight. Rain had started in the early morning in the northern project area. By late morning, most of the northern half of the project area had rain, then during the afternoon the southern half was covered with rain. Embedded thundershowers during the mid afternoon, with snow in mountains. Rain had ended by 06Z, then clearing skies overnight. Hurricane Ike made landfall at Galveston, TX around 11 pm CDT as a category 2 storm.

No aircraft operations.

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Tmax YC = 16.7C and 6.2 mm of rain. Tmax QF = 12.1C and 2.8 mm of rain. Tmax Radar = 12.7C and 5.6 mm of rain in AWS and 5.8 mm in wedge gauge. September 13, Saturday North to south jet now along AB/SK border. Big ridge dominating the western US and Canada starting to influence project area today. Short wave trof moves through the western project in the evening, but the atmosphere is very dry and stable. Mostly sunny and nice day, with a trace of Cu. Also, Ac, Ci and Acsl clouds during the afternoon with Ac covering the north half project in the evening. Tmax YC = 16.5C and no rain. Tmax QF = 16.8C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 16.4C and no rain. Date 2008 September 14, Sunday Weather Big high-pressure ridge firmly in control over western Canada and the US. Strong upper jet over the top of the ridge, well to the north and east of the project area. The atmosphere is still dry and stable. Another nice, sunny and mostly clear day with only Ac and Ci clouds reported. Tmax YC = 21.6C and no rain. Tmax QF = 20.8C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 21.6C and no rain. September 15, Monday Big ridge still in place over the western Canada and US area. Upper jet extending from Yukon to the SE into central MB. Weak short wave trof over the northern project area during the late afternoon and evening, but the atmosphere continues to be dry and stable over the project area. Another beautiful, sunny and mostly clear day across the project area. Tmax YC = 26.6 C and no rain. Tmax QF = 26.8 C and no rain. Date 2008 September 14, Sunday Weather Big high-pressure ridge firmly in control over western Canada and the US. Strong upper jet over the top of the ridge, well to the north and east of the project area. The atmosphere is still dry and stable. Another nice, sunny and mostly clear day with only Ac and Ci clouds reported. Tmax YC = 21.6C and no rain. Tmax QF = 20.8C and no rain. Tmax Radar = 21.6C and no rain. September 15, Monday Big ridge still in place over the western Canada and US area. Upper jet extending from Yukon to the SE into central MB. Weak short wave trof over the northern project area during the late afternoon and evening, but the atmosphere continues to be dry and stable over the project area. No aircraft operations. YEAR END PARTY! Activities Summary HS2 conducted a test flight in the morning. Flight Summary: HS2: 1553-1642: Test flight. No seeding. No aircraft operations. YEAR END PARTY! Activities Summary HS2 conducted a test flight in the morning. Flight Summary: HS2: 1553-1642: Test flight. No seeding. No aircraft operations.

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Another nice, sunny and mostly clear day across the project area. Tmax YC = 26.6 C and no rain. Tmax QF = 26.8 C and no rain.

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Total flight hrs.= 194:44 hrs:min flares flares min. 695 113.5 169 gallons 35:08 0 120 1116 56 Air Time total AgI(gm) 32960 82200 7782 122942


Grand EJ flares= Grand Total BIP flares= Grand Total acetone=

1648 548 2723

TOTALS June subtotals July subtotal Aug. subtotal Sept. subtotal DATE Storm_Day 01-Jun-08 02-Jun-08 04-Jun-08 05-Jun-08 09-Jun-08 11-Jun-08 12-Jun-08 13-Jun-08 17-Jun-08 18-Jun-08 24-Jun-08 25-Jun-08 30-Jun-08 01-Jul-08 04-Jul-08 06-Jul-08 07-Jul-08 08-Jul-08 09-Jul-08 10-Jul-08 12-Jul-08








10:15 47:45 5:57 0:35 HS1 FLT TIME 01:14 00:50 02:19

52 901 0 0 N234K EJ FLARES 3 7 15

14 73 0 1

13:59 18:45 9:41 1:51 HS2 FLT TIME 01:40

0 0 0 0 N457DM EJ FLARES 0

33 105 33 0

290 1004 313 0 min ACETONE 10

17:16 25:24 7:35 0:33 HS3 FLT TIME 01:49 00:48

120 575 0 0 N911FG EJ FLARES 2 0

40 128 0 1

11:47 12:24 10:57 0:00 HS4 FLT TIME 01:27 01:18

0 0 0 0 N98560 EJ FLARES 0 0 0

16 78 26 0

141 657 318 0 min ACETONE 0 2 0

23 26 7 0 122942 Daily AgI (gm) 729 290 306 0 0 150 1407 6069 5850 990 0 191 4140 0 11484 4270 7676 0 4050 300 0





storms 0 1 1 0 0 1 4

00:54 00:29 01:05 0 1 02:28 02:24 01:58 27 1 02:31 02:49 02:53 03:06 00:57 04:10 01:08 03:47 0 140 86 0 0 0 0 10 6 4 02:36 0 2 2 0 02:48 03:33 01:24

0 0 0 0

0 0 4 14

0 0 118 78 01:13 00:57 02:06 02:39 02:57 02:12 1 12 105 0 3 10 22 2 02:36 0 0 67 02:14 01:48 0 0 12 3 72 0 0 0 02:24

7 2 2 0 1 4 0

0 0 0 0 0

0 14 15 22 0

0 84 102 212 0 02:35 02:00 02:21 03:01 01:34 00:31 02:33 01:07 0 0 25 0 0 0 12 0 136 2 0 18 13 7 02:49 0 14 71

3 2 1 0 2 1 0

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October 2008

Alberta Hail Suppression Project 2008 Final Report 13-Jul-08 15-Jul-08 16-Jul-08 17-Jul-08 18-Jul-08 20-Jul-08 21-Jul-08 22-Jul-08 26-Jul-08 27-Jul-08 02-Aug-08 05-Aug-08 08-Aug-08 09-Aug-08 15-Aug-08 17-Aug-08 18-Aug-08 20-Aug-08 25-Aug-08 26-Aug-08 28-Aug-08 29-Aug-08 30-Aug-08 02-Sep-08 09-Sep-08 11-Sep-08 14-Sep-08 00:35 0 1 01:02 00:49 00:50 0 0 00:33 01:07 01:25 00:58 0 0 0 0 0 0 01:11 03:29 0 28 91 01:49 02:26 00:51 0 0 00:46 0 0 03:52 0 0 108 00:59 05:47 04:00 02:21 01:17 02:11 03:08 02:41 03:08 03:23 03:48 12 190 20 43 0 0 0 0 222 188 5 15 7 2 5 0 0 0 9 16 02:21 02:00 02:20 0 0 0 20 14 5 177 202 114 01:10 02:41 01:06 02:13 0 15 169 03:18 02:05 0 0 10 9 80 62 01:44 03:46 03:00

Page: 113 80 0 0 18 3 16 01:58 02:25 0 0 23 0 177 0 3 1 2 3 1 0 0 0 224 123 0 0 21 7 0 02:30 0 01:50 02:59 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 4 16 66 160 92 02:34 02:38 0 0 22 19 180 229 3 4 1 0 2 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 01:44 01:54 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10975 7577 1900 3560 3483 0 0 0 20740 15852 1076 0 1397 1057 0 2663 0 4460 0 0 0 0 0 150 150 0 0

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Operations Flights TOTALS Date (UTC) 01-Jun-08 01-Jun-08 01-Jun-08 01-Jun-08 01-Jun-08 02-Jun-08 02-Jun-08 04-Jun-08 04-Jun-08 05-Jun-08 05-Jun-08 09-Jun-08 09-Jun-08 09-Jun-08 11-Jun-08 11-Jun-08 12-Jun-08 12-Jun-08 13-Jun-08 13-Jun-08 13-Jun-08 17-Jun-08 17-Jun-08 18-Jun-08 18-Jun-08 24-Jun-08 25-Jun-08 30-Jun-08 30-Jun-08 30-Jun-08 01-Jul-08 flights Aircraft HS2 HS4 HS1 HS3 HS4 HS3 HS1 HS1 HS4 HS2 HS2 HS2 HS3 HS4 HS1 HS3 HS3 HS2 HS2 HS4 HS3 HS3 HS3 HS1 HS3 HS2 HS4 HS2 HS1 HS3 HS3

UTC 112 Engine On 20:33 20:47 20:35 21:30 23:00 19:48 22:27 17:30 19:07 18:24 20:26 18:53 19:38 20:22 19:48 19:55 22:01 21:57 19:23 20:21 20:17 20:25 22:40 19:56 20:38 22:14 19:30 18:37 21:12 21:59 18:39


hr:mm 227:00

UTC 112 Takeoff 20:50 20:56 21:00 21:47 23:11 19:58 22:40 17:40 19:12 18:41 20:35 19:10 20:00 20:36 20:08 20:13 22:07 22:08 19:35 20:29 20:22 20:30 22:47 20:12 20:42 22:22 19:40 18:54 21:25 22:04 18:56


hr:mm 194:44

Total 1648 eject 0 0 3 2 0 0 7 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 12 105 0 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 548 endburn 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 4 14 12 10 22 3 1 2 0 0 14 10 2 0

minutes 2723 acetone 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 118 78 72 0 0 0 0 0 0 67 84 0 0 0

gallons 113.5 Type test test test test test test seed seed test test test test patrol patrol seed patrol seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed patrol seed seed seed seed patrol



Min 113.5 2723 10

Storm-Day Sub-totals 194:44 06:10 1648 5 548 4

Gms Seed Amt. per flight 179 0 210 190 150

122942 seed amt per day 729

gms # storms 56

Engine Off 22:34 21:35 22:20 23:42 00:12 20:50 23:35 20:03 20:34 19:15 21:03 19:43 21:16 23:06 21:18 21:16 00:16 00:42 22:06 22:48 23:06 23:30 00:40 22:15 23:00 00:55 22:22 22:30 00:17 00:42 21:01

Total Time 02:01 00:48 01:45 02:12 01:12 01:02 01:08 02:33 01:27 00:51 00:37 00:50 01:38 02:44 01:30 01:21 02:15 02:45 02:43 02:27 02:49 03:05 02:00 02:19 02:22 02:41 02:52 03:53 03:05 02:43 02:22

Landing 22:30 21:26 22:14 23:36 00:08 20:46 23:30 19:59 20:30 19:13 20:57 19:39 21:13 23:00 21:13 21:10 00:13 00:36 21:59 22:43 23:01 23:27 00:35 22:10 22:54 00:53 22:16 22:27 00:14 00:39 20:56

Air Time 01:40 00:30 01:14 01:49 00:57 00:48 00:50 02:19 01:18 00:32 00:22 00:29 01:13 02:24 01:05 00:57 02:06 02:28 02:24 02:14 02:39 02:57 01:48 01:58 02:12 02:31 02:36 03:33 02:49 02:35 02:00

01:38 03:37 00:54 04:06

7 15

1 2

0 290 300 6 0 0 0 0 0

290 1 306 1

02:02 04:34 07:17 1 12

1 7 36 118 150

150 0 470 937 2323 2006 1740

150 1407 6069

1 2 2 4 2 1

04:45 04:10 02:31 02:36 08:57

105 27

25 3

5400 450 690 300 0 67 191 2340 1500 300

5850 990

1 1 1 1

191 4140

1 1 2 1




Weather Modification Inc.

October 2008

Alberta Hail Suppression Project 2008 Final Report 04-Jul-08 04-Jul-08 04-Jul-08 04-Jul-08 06-Jul-08 06-Jul-08 07-Jul-08 07-Jul-08 08-Jul-08 08-Jul-08 08-Jul-08 08-Jul-08 08-Jul-08 09-Jul-08 09-Jul-08 09-Jul-08 09-Jul-08 10-Jul-08 10-Jul-08 10-Jul-08 10-Jul-08 10-Jul-08 12-Jul-08 13-Jul-08 13-Jul-08 13-Jul-08 13-Jul-08 14-Jul-08 15-Jul-08 15-Jul-08 15-Jul-08 16-Jul-08 16-Jul-08 17-Jul-08 17-Jul-08 18-Jul-08 18-Jul-08 20-Jul-08 21-Jul-08 22-Jul-08 HS4 HS2 HS1 HS3 HS3 HS1 HS2 HS3 HS1 HS1 HS1 HS3 HS3 HS1 HS4 HS1 HS1 HS1 HS3 HS3 HS3 HS1 HS1 HS1 HS2 HS4 HS3 HS1 HS4 HS1 HS2 HS1 HS3 HS1 HS3 HS1 HS2 HS1 HS1 HS1 20:40 21:38 22:50 22:57 20:03 21:10 20:27 21:25 18:22 22:41 23:29 18:31 23:06 16:22 19:35 22:33 23:26 00:47 00:58 03:18 19:39 22:15 17:58 16:00 19:40 22:20 22:45 00:43 20:09 20:30 20:36 20:07 20:32 22:13 22:30 19:09 19:38 17:26 20:30 16:42 23:44 23:22 02:07 01:37 23:17 00:37 23:17 23:10 18:54 23:11 23:57 19:00 23:34 19:16 22:37 23:05 00:41 01:16 02:56 04:14 21:21 23:53 22:08 20:05 23:17 00:34 02:23 03:18 22:46 00:40 22:56 22:42 22:38 23:48 02:30 21:33 22:01 20:51 23:27 20:16 03:04 01:44 03:17 02:40 03:14 03:27 02:50 01:45 00:32 00:30 00:28 00:29 00:28 02:54 03:02 00:32 01:15 00:29 01:58 00:56 01:42 01:38 04:10 04:05 03:37 02:14 03:38 02:35 02:37 04:10 02:20 02:35 02:06 01:35 04:00 02:24 02:23 03:25 02:57 03:34 20:53 21:55 23:08 23:12 20:12 21:25 20:35 21:32 18:35 22:45 23:33 18:42 23:12 16:40 19:43 22:47 23:34 00:53 01:04 03:22 20:10 22:30 18:15 16:30 19:53 22:28 23:14 00:56 20:18 20:35 20:46 20:15 20:46 22:25 22:40 19:17 19:45 17:40 20:41 17:04 23:42 23:19 02:01 01:33 23:13 00:31 23:11 23:06 18:53 23:07 23:50 18:57 23:28 19:11 22:31 23:03 00:37 01:13 02:50 04:09 21:17 23:38 22:02 19:58 23:11 00:26 02:14 03:15 22:43 00:35 22:51 22:36 22:30 23:42 02:26 21:28 21:58 20:48 23:22 20:12 02:49 01:24 02:53 02:21 03:01 03:06 02:36 01:34 00:18 00:22 00:17 00:15 00:16 02:31 02:48 00:16 01:03 00:20 01:46 00:47 01:07 01:08 03:47 03:28 03:18 01:58 03:00 02:19 02:25 04:00 02:05 02:21 01:44 01:17 03:46 02:11 02:13 03:08 02:41 03:08 0 0 140 12 0 86 0 136 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 12 0 190 0 20 0 43 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 15 6 18 13 4 22 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 16 9 0 2 0 0 10 23 18 5 0 15 9 7 3 2 16 5 15 0 0 0

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Weather Modification Inc.

October 2008

Alberta Hail Suppression Project 2008 Final Report 26-Jul-08 26-Jul-08 25-Jul-08 26-Jul-08 27-Jul-08 27-Jul-08 27-Jul-08 27-Jul-08 28-Jul-08 02-Aug-08 05-Aug-08 08-Aug-08 08-Aug-08 08-Aug-08 08-Aug-08 10-Aug-08 10-Aug-08 15-Aug-08 15-Aug-08 17-Aug-08 18-Aug-08 18-Aug-08 20-Aug-08 21-Aug-08 25-Aug-08 26-Aug-08 26-Aug-08 28-Aug-08 28-Aug-08 28-Aug-08 28-Aug-08 29-Aug-08 29-Aug-08 29-Aug-08 30-Aug-08 02-Sep-08 02-Sep-08 09-Sep-08 09-Sep-08 11-Sep-08 HS3 HS4 HS2 HS1 HS4 HS1 HS3 HS2 HS1 HS2 HS3 HS2 HS2 HS4 HS1 HS4 HS3 HS1 HS1 HS4 HS3 HS3 HS2 HS3 HS1 HS1 HS1 HS4 HS4 HS1 HS3 HS4 HS4 HS4 HS1 HS3 HS3 HS1 HS1 HS2 20:53 21:35 22:08 22:16 19:02 19:35 19:45 20:26 00:13 21:30 18:48 19:25 21:57 01:42 05:24 01:07 02:46 19:45 21:05 23:23 20:10 22:42 21:24 01:22 18:49 19:55 22:25 16:15 18:36 21:12 22:06 15:26 17:34 19:01 15:30 17:29 21:40 18:21 21:47 20:59 23:44 00:26 00:43 01:54 21:58 22:37 21:03 22:39 01:27 00:05 20:11 20:10 01:47 04:17 06:31 03:14 04:00 20:36 21:46 02:35 20:52 00:20 01:28 04:04 20:31 21:34 23:13 17:13 20:11 22:24 23:26 16:12 18:53 19:44 16:45 17:57 22:09 18:50 22:13 22:22 02:51 02:51 02:35 03:38 02:56 03:02 01:18 02:13 01:14 02:35 01:23 00:45 03:50 02:35 01:07 02:07 01:14 00:51 00:41 03:12 00:42 01:38 04:04 02:42 01:42 01:39 00:48 00:58 01:35 01:12 01:20 00:46 01:19 00:43 01:15 00:28 00:29 00:29 00:26 01:23 21:01 21:46 22:18 22:28 19:12 19:47 19:54 20:36 00:24 21:37 18:55 19:45 22:10 01:44 05:35 01:16 02:58 20:05 21:17 23:30 20:22 22:52 21:55 01:32 19:18 20:25 22:36 16:30 18:57 21:20 22:12 15:36 17:56 19:10 15:45 17:39 21:45 18:31 21:51 21:13 23:42 00:20 00:39 01:51 21:50 22:35 21:00 22:36 01:24 23:57 20:05 20:06 01:41 04:14 06:21 03:06 03:57 20:31 21:42 02:29 20:47 00:16 01:24 03:58 20:25 21:18 23:08 17:05 20:06 22:18 23:23 16:10 18:47 19:39 16:35 17:53 22:04 18:49 22:08 22:15 02:41 02:34 02:21 03:23 02:38 02:48 01:06 02:00 01:00 02:20 01:10 00:21 03:31 02:30 00:46 01:50 00:59 00:26 00:25 02:59 00:25 01:24 03:29 02:26 01:07 00:53 00:32 00:35 01:09 00:58 01:11 00:34 00:51 00:29 00:50 00:14 00:19 00:18 00:17 01:02 224 0 0 222 0 188 123 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 22 20 9 19 10 7 14 6 5 0 0 0 6 0 4 0 0 0 16 0 0 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0

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Weather Modification Inc.

October 2008

Alberta Hail Suppression Project 2008 Final Report 14-Sep-08 HS2 15:40 16:45 01:05 15:53 16:42 00:49 0 0

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Weather Modification Inc.

October 2008

Alberta Hail Suppression Project 2008 Final Report

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Weather Modification Inc.

October 2008

Alberta Hail Suppression Project 2008 Final Report

Page: 119

Daily Forecast Sheet

Weather Modification Inc.

October 2008

Alberta Hail Suppression Project 2008 Final Report

Page: 120

WMI Radar Observer Log

Weather Modification Inc.

October 2008

Alberta Hail Suppression Project 2008 Final Report

Page: 121

WMI Seeding Aircraft Flight Log

Weather Modification Inc.

October 2008

Alberta Hail Suppression Project 2008 Final Report

Page: 122


SPECIFICATIONS FOR PIPER CHEYENNE II AIRCRAFT Full deicing capabilities Power Type, Turboprop twin engine PT6A-28 engines 9000 lbs gross weight 5018 lbs empty weight 3982 lbs useful load 620 hp per engine 283 kts max speed 269 kts recommended cruise 75 kts stall dirty 382 gals fuel capacity 31,600 feet all engine service ceiling 14,600 feet single engine service ceiling 2,710 feet per minute all engine rate of climb 660 feet per minute single engine rate of climb 1980 feet for take off over 50 foot obstruction 1410 feet for take off ground roll 2480 feet land over 50 foot obstruction 1430 foot land ground roll 34 ft. 8 in. length 12 ft. 9 in. height 42 ft. 8 in. wingspan

Weather Modification Inc.

October 2008

Alberta Hail Suppression Project 2008 Final Report

Page: 123



Full deicing capabilities Power Type, Turboprop twin engine PT6A-21 engines 9650 lbs gross weight 6382 lbs empty weight 3268 lbs useful load 550 hp per engine 208 kts max speed 185 kts recommended cruise 74 kts dirty stall 384 gals fuel capacity 30,000 feet all engine service ceiling 14,200 single engine service ceiling 1500 feet per minute all engine rate of climb 350 feet per minute single engine rate of climb 3100 for take off over a 50 foot obstruction 2250 feet take off roll 1730 feet for landing over 50 foot obstacle 800 foot landing roll 35 ft 6 in length 14 ft 3 in height 50 ft 3 in wingspan

Weather Modification Inc.

October 2008

Alberta Hail Suppression Project 2008 Final Report

Page: 124


SPECIFICATIONS FOR CESSNA C-340 AIRCRAFT Power Type, Turbocharged piston twin engine 6290 lbs gross weight 4184 lbs empty weight 1802 lbs useful load 310 hp per engine 280 mph max speed 263 mph rec. cruise 82 mph stall dirty 183 - 203 gals fuel capacity 29,800 feet all engine service ceiling 15,800 feet single engine service ceiling 1650 feet per minute all engine rate of climb 315 feet per minute single engine rate of climb 2175 feet for take off over 50 foot obstruction 1615 feet for take off ground roll 1850 feet land over 50 foot obstruction 770 foot land ground roll 34 ft. 4 in. length 12 ft. 7 in. height 38 ft. 1 in. wingspan

Weather Modification Inc.

October 2008

Alberta Hail Suppression Project 2008 Final Report

Page: 125




ING Orange Grove Training Centre 12th floor - Energy Plaza East Tower 311 - 6th Ave SW, Calgary
Friday, May 30th , 2008 8.45 9:00 9:15 10:00 10:20 11:30 12:00 1:00 2:00 Terry Krauss (Project Manager) - Welcome and staff introductions Jim Sweeney (Vice-President, WMI) Todd Klapak President Alberta Severe Weather Management Society Introductory remarks from the Insurance Industry perspective Terry Krauss: Hail program overview and Status of Hail Suppression Concepts Break Terry Krauss Review and Summary of 1996-2007 Operations Discussion session Jason Goehring - Meteorological data sources and severe weather forecasting Lunch break ATC controlling procedures - Nav-Canada Mr. Scott Young, Supervisor YYC TCU - Edmonton Control Centre Mr. Brent Lopushinsky, Operations Specialist Calgary Tower Jody Fischer (WMI Chief Pilot) - Aviation weather and special procedures Cloud seeding aircraft and equipment Targeting and seeding rates Aircraft Flight Forms Storm tracking and directing cloud seeding aircraft from the radar Break Gary Hillman & Gavin Lange - Aircraft maintenance procedures Terry Krauss - Duties and responsibilitiesDaily routines and procedures Communication and reporting Meteorological Data Cloud Seeding Chemical Inventory Daily Storm Summaries Weekly and Monthly Summaries Safety and emergency procedures Teamwork Discussions end of Day 1 ground school Evening social "ice-breaker" and Dinner Bonterra Trattoria: 1016 8 Street SW, Calgary 403-262-8480

3:00 3:30

5:00 6:00

Saturday, 31 May 2008 10:00 Afternoon: Visit & Set up WMI-Calgary airport office at Morgan Air 840 McTavish Road NE, Calgary, AB T2E 7G6 Set up Calgary, Olds-Didsbury, and Red Deer offices.

Weather Modification Inc.

October 2008

Alberta Hail Suppression Project 2008 Final Report

Page: 126



Chemical Formulation: 2% AgI - 0.5 NH4I - 0.1 C6H4Cl2 - 1.0 NaClO4 Recommended Burn Rate: ~2.0 gph Nucleation Mechanism: Condensation Freezing Total Solution Weight: 33.5 lbs. Volume: ~ 5.0 gallons, (20 liters) scale for other amounts Seeding Aerosol: AgI0.85AgCl0.15NaCl Chemical Formulati on AgI NH4I C6H4Cl2 NaClO4 Molecular Wt.(g/mole) 234.77 144.94 147.00 140.48 Mass (g) Weight (lb.) 0.67 0.21 0.042 0.40 Volume (gal) n/a n/a n/a n/a


Silver Iodide Ammonium Iodide Paradichlorobenzene Sodium Perchlorate, 99% Water Acetone

304.2 93.9 19.0 181.8

H2O (CH3)2CO

17.99 58.08

607.7 or less 13985.5

1.34 30.84

0.202 4.645

Note: Sodium Perchlorate, anhydrous can be utilized in the formula by adjusting the weight or mass to include 0.34 lb or 158.1 g respectively, although proper handling becomes more difficult. Water amounts should be increased to 1.40 lb or 630 g (0.21 gal). NOTE: Use 2.4 urinal pucks (85 gram Paradichloro-benzene) for 205 litre barrel of acetone. Mixing procedures are as follows: 1.) Combine AgI and acetone in a 5 gallon container and begin stirring; 2.) Combine ammonium iodide, sodium perchlorate and water in another small container and stir until the solution is clear and cool (caution the perchlorate is a strong oxidizer and needs to be done at room temperatures, don't do this in a hot hanger) 3.) Add the ammonium iodide, sodium perchlorate and water mixture to the stirring silver iodide/acetone slurry; 4.) Continue mixing until the solution is clear; 5.) Add the paradichlorobenzene anytime after you have added container #2 and the solution is beginning to clear; 6.) Continue mixing for another 10 minutes until very clear; and 7.) Pump the solution into the aircraft generator immediately after mixing or store in an appropriate labled sealed container. Storage containers can be either stainless or plastic (polypropelyene). Supplier: Solution Blend Service, 2720 7th Avenue N.E., Calgary, AB, T2A 5G6 403-207-9840

Weather Modification Inc.

October 2008

Alberta Hail Suppression Project 2008 Final Report

Page: 127

Date 2008


FCS Preci 0C -5C -10C Cloud Cloud Maxi Temp. Dew Conv CAPE Total Lifted Show Cell Cell Storm Storm Low Low Mid Mid High T p. Level Level Level Base Base mum Maxi Point Temp (J/kg) Totals Index alter Direct Speed Direct Speed Level Level Level Level Level CDC Water (kft) (kft) (kft) Heigh Temp Cloud mum (C) (C) ion knots ion knots Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind (in) t (kft) (C) Top (C) (deg) (deg) Direct Speed Direct Speed Direct Heigh ion knots ion knots ion t (kft) (deg) (deg) (deg) High Obser Level ved Wind CDC Speed knots

01-Jun 02-Jun 03-Jun 04-Jun 05-Jun 06-Jun 07-Jun 08-Jun 09-Jun 10-Jun 11-Jun 12-Jun 13-Jun 14-Jun 15-Jun 16-Jun 17-Jun 18-Jun 19-Jun 20-Jun 21-Jun 22-Jun 23-Jun 24-Jun 25-Jun 26-Jun 27-Jun 28-Jun 29-Jun 30-Jun

0 0 0 1 1 0 1 -2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 2 1 0 -2 0 0 1 0 1 2 -3 -3 -3 3

0.73 0.71 0.70 0.68 0.69 0.46 0.72 0.60 0.51 0.69 0.59 0.57 0.53 0.49 0.52 0.63 0.66 0.59 0.60 0.70 0.89 0.71 0.75 0.73 0.69 0.60 0.59 0.73 0.98 1.14

10.2 9.8 9.2 9.9 10.2 7.9 8.4 8.2 8.8 7.5 8.0 9.3 9.2 8.3 8.5 10.4 10.8 10.5 10.6 10.8 12.5 10.2 10.5 10.4 10.2 9.5 10.9 14.0 15.2 14.1

12.6 12.3 12.2 12.2 12.2 9.9 10.8 10.9 10.5 10.5 10.4 11.5 10.9 10.0 10.8 12.5 12.6 12.2 12.3 13.0 14.6 12.3 12.7 12.7 12.0 11.2 14.6 16.9 17.4 16.4

15.3 8.7 3.5 23 14.9 8.4 3.3 30 14.9 6.0 6.0 24.7 14.5 11.5 3.3 31 14.5 9.2 2.8 34 12.1 9.2 -3.3 19 13.6 6.3 4.5 18 13.6 6.9 3.2 17 12.8 8.4 1.0 28 13.4 5.6 4.5 16 13.2 6.3 3.7 18 13.9 8.5 2.5 23 13.1 8.5 1.8 28 12.2 8.5 -0.9 25 12.9 8.1 0.9 25 14.7 9.9 0.5 27 14.7 9.7 2.3 31 14.1 10.8 -1.0 30 14.1 11.3 -2.0 25 15.4 11.5 -1.5 24 16.9 11.9 1.4 35 14.7 9.4 1.8 28 15.2 9.8 2.0 26 15.2 8.1 5.2 29 14.3 9.3 2.7 28 12.9 8.3 3.4 27 17.6 9.7 2.2 12 19.5 NC NC NC 19.8 15.2 -0.2 39 18.9 9.6 10.9 39

21 16 16 20 21 13 13 13 16 13 13 19 18 17 17 22 24 21 21 23 26 18 22 18 21 21 22 27 30 30

7 10 9 11 10 6 10 8 6 8 7 6 7 5 7 7 8 7 5 6 9 10 7 10 9 8 5 10 14 15

18 342 16 309 15 58 19 403 19 838 12 37 13 118 10 88 13 576 9 64 11 87 14 332 14 496 13 344 13 305 18 272 23 874 17 489 16 274 22 108 27 396 20 244 19 342 17 433 19 515 14 789 26 6 30 0 34 688 28 2161

54.3 53.9 51.1 51.6 56.8 55.0 51.8 53.8 59.6 52.8 52.5 56.6 59.0 58.3 57.8 55.9 58.0 57.2 56.1 53.6 54.5 53.3 56.0 56.2 58.5 60.5 45.8 47.6 51.1 58.6

-1.5 -1.4 0 -1.4 -3.5 -0.4 0.1 0 -3.1 0.3 0.6 -2.5 -3.3 -2.3 -2.2 -2 -4.4 -2.8 -2.0 -1 -2.5 -1.4 -2.3 -2.6 -3.7 -4.9 2.6 0.7 -1.6 -6.5

-1.5 -1.2 0.4 0.4 -2.7 -0.2 0.7 -0.3 -3.4 0.7 0.7 -2.2 -3.3 -1.9 -1.9 -1.9 -3.2 -2.5 -1.9 -0.8 -2.2 -0.8 -2.3 -2.8 -3.5 -4.2 2.9 0.9 -1.2 -6.2

170 250 55 175 200 295 90 245 215 80 35 330 260 275 300 265 240 235 265 270 243 285 255 275 265 290 315 300 285 300

10 5 10 5 15 15 20 15 5 15 20 30 30 15 25 30 25 15 20 20 20 25 15 15 30 35 30 20 20 20

215 235 90 180 225 290 85 280 210 110 70 5 285 310 330 295 270 265 290 290 260 310 280 300 295 330 345 320 300 340

10 5 5 5 15 5 10 5 5 10 15 15 20 10 15 15 20 15 15 10 10 20 10 10 20 25 20 15 10 10

160 255 75 185 200 300 85 300 140 55 45 340 280 300 300 255 240 245 245 250 205 290 250 285 270 305 300 285 275 335

10 10 10 5 20 25 20 15 5 15 20 25 20 10 20 20 20 15 15 15 10 25 5 15 20 40 20 15 15 15

220 175 50 140 200 185 45 210 200 100 50 340 250 270 305 275 230 230 265 275 245 280 250 260 265 290 320 300 280 295

10 5 10 10 15 5 15 10 10 20 20 30 35 15 30 30 35 20 25 20 25 30 20 15 40 40 40 30 25 20

235 165 235 190 210 155 120 175 195 135 130 215 250 275 285 270 230 235 260 285 260 240 265 270 260 305 320 315 255 275

30 20 10 10 25 30 25 40 15 25 35 15 35 30 45 50 65 45 40 60 40 35 80 55 65 55 90 35 40 40

0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 2 1 1 2 0 1 0 4 1 -1 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 -3 -3 -3 2

Weather Modification Inc.

October 2008

Alberta Hail Suppression Project 2008 Final Report Date 2008

Page: 128 High Obser Level ved Wind CDC Speed knots

FCS Preci 0C -5C -10C Cloud Cloud Maxi Temp. Dew Conv CAPE Total Lifted Show Cell Cell Storm Storm Low Low Mid Mid High T p. Level Level Level Base Base mum Maxi Point Temp (J/kg) Totals Index alter Direct Speed Direct Speed Level Level Level Level Level CDC Water (kft) (kft) (kft) Heigh Temp Cloud mum (C) (C) ion knots ion knots Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind (in) t (kft) (C) Top (C) (deg) (deg) Direct Speed Direct Speed Direct Heigh ion knots ion knots ion t (kft) (deg) (deg) (deg)

01-Jul 02-Jul 03-Jul 04-Jul 05-Jul 06-Jul 07-Jul 08-Jul 09-Jul 10-Jul 11-Jul 12-Jul 13-Jul 14-Jul 15-Jul 16-Jul 17-Jul 18-Jul 19-Jul 20-Jul 21-Jul 22-Jul 23-Jul 24-Jul 25-Jul 26-Jul 27-Jul 28-Jul 29-Jul 30-Jul 31-Jul

1 0 0 4 1 2 1 0 3 1 -2 -2 2 2 1 1 2 2 -1 -3 0 1 0 -2 -1 2 3 -1 1 0 -3

1.06 1.01 0.95 0.97 0.80 0.87 0.75 0.79 0.76 0.68 0.57 0.85 0.78 0.60 0.77 0.67 0.79 0.70 0.66 0.91 0.89 1.10 0.86 0.67 0.64 0.83 0.78 0.64 0.85 0.63 0.71

12.7 12.6 14.2 13.4 12.3 10.9 10.7 10.9 10.9 8.8 10.2 11.5 11.0 11.2 10.7 10.4 11.5 10.2 11.2 13.5 13.7 12.4 11.3 11.3 12.8 12.9 11.9 11.3 12.6 9.1 10.8

15.2 15.4 16.6 15.8 14.7 13.3 12.9 13.4 13.2 11.3 11.8 13.8 13.1 12.9 13.1 12.7 13.6 12.5 13.6 16.1 16.3 15.2 14.3 13.4 15.8 15.0 13.8 13.7 14.9 11.4 13.5

18.0 18.1 19.0 18.3 17.4 15.9 15.6 15.9 15.8 13.8 13.9 16.4 15.5 15.5 15.5 15.0 16.0 14.9 16.6 18.8 19.2 17.8 16.5 16.7 18.3 17.4 16.2 16.6 17.8 13.8 16.5

9.4 8.8 11.4 10.3 11.0 8.2 9.5 9.7 9.0 7.1 10.8 10.3 9.2 9.9 7.2 8.5 8.8 8.5 9.6 10.1 11.1 6.9 7.4 9.1 11.3 11.8 10.3 10.3 10.4 10.8 10.8

7.5 7.3 5.2 7.6 3.8 6.9 3.5 3.2 5.5 4.0 -2.1 3.0 4.2 3.8 6.2 4.1 5.8 4.8 3.7 5.8 5.2 9.7 8.0 4.9 3.6 3.2 4.6 2.3 5.2 3.3 -0.2

36 30 38 40 34 35 30 28 34 24 21 25 27 31 28 30 35 32 29 25 32 29 29 31 35 36 35 23 32 23 14

24 24 28 27 26 22 22 23 23 14 19 24 21 23 17 19 23 19 23 27 30 22 20 23 27 27 24 22 27 17 22

11 12 13 15 10 13 9 9 12 9 3 8 10 8 9 9 9 9 8 12 13 12 11 10 9 11 12 10 12 10 7

23 22 27 26 21 20 18 21 20 13 18 24 21 18 15 17 21 13 19 25 30 18 17 18 24 26 23 23 26 17 22

598 309 621 1120 462 1079 456 358 1151 373 186 290 395 681 261 564 1083 862 352 91 381 256 373 486 450 798 1183 121 428 209 7

54.0 51.0 53.7 57.7 54.0 56.4 55.7 54.9 57.3 55.8 55.7 54.4 55.6 57.6 54.5 56.6 56.5 57.8 53.1 50.3 50.8 50.3 53.9 52.7 52.4 56.2 59.1 51.9 51.9 52.2 47.7

-2.6 -1.4 -2.5 -4.5 -2.2 -3.8 -2.6 -2.3 -3.9 -1.5 -1.5 -2.1 -2.9 -3.7 -1.7 -2.8 -3.8 -3.7 -1.5 -1.0 -1.4 -1.4 -2.6 -1.7 -1.8 -3.5 -4.8 -1.0 -2.0 -0.9 1.7

-3.1 -1.1 -2.5 -5.2 -2.2 -3.6 -2.5 -2.0 -3.8 -1.8 -1.5 -1.9 -2.6 -3.8 -2.1 -2.6 -3.2 -3.7 -1.2 -0.5 -0.8 -1.1 -2.4 -1.1 -1.2 -3.3 -4.8 -0.7 -1.1 0.4 1.9

340 295 260 235 285 270 300 275 270 255 330 290 285 285 260 295 260 255 300 280 255 250 255 320 255 245 255 290 240 275 270

5 10 20 35 20 20 30 25 30 25 30 25 35 30 30 25 20 20 20 15 25 25 25 20 10 20 20 20 20 20 25

325 315 285 265 310 295 330 320 305 275 360 320 315 310 295 335 260 280 335 295 275 270 285 340 265 275 285 325 245 315 295

4 5 10 25 15 10 20 20 20 15 20 15 20 25 15 15 10 10 15 10 15 15 10 10 10 15 15 15 15 15 20

230 260 250 240 280 270 300 290 270 255 310 285 290 285 270 305 225 275 300 255 250 215 285 320 205 240 264 295 220 290 255

1 10 10 25 15 15 20 25 25 10 25 20 25 20 20 15 10 15 20 15 15 15 10 15 5 15 15 15 15 25 20

290 300 265 230 280 265 295 290 275 245 340 305 275 280 265 310 250 240 315 280 245 245 250 320 245 250 243 295 220 270 265

10 15 25 40 20 25 35 35 40 30 35 30 35 50 30 20 20 20 20 20 35 30 20 20 20 30 24 25 30 15 35

250 305 265 210 270 240 295 300 280 260 330 285 280 275 255 270 265 240 340 305 245 220 215 320 260 255 255 325 215 225 270

40 30 25 65 40 40 75 90 80 65 60 50 85 100 65 40 25 35 55 25 45 65 65 30 40 55 40 75 35 10 90

1 0 1 4 1 4 2 2 5 2 -1 -1 4 0 2 2 2 3 -1 -3 0 0 0 -3 -1 4 3 -1 0 1 -3

Weather Modification Inc.

October 2008

Alberta Hail Suppression Project 2008 Final Report Date 2008

Page: 129 High Obser Level ved Wind CDC Speed knots

FCS Preci 0C -5C -10C Cloud Cloud Maxi Temp. Dew Conv CAPE Total Lifted Show Cell Cell Storm Storm Low Low Mid Mid High T p. Level Level Level Base Base mum Maxi Point Temp (J/kg) Totals Index alter Direct Speed Direct Speed Level Level Level Level Level CDC Water (kft) (kft) (kft) Heigh Temp Cloud mum (C) (C) ion knots ion knots Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind (in) t (kft) (C) Top (C) (deg) (deg) Direct Speed Direct Speed Direct Heigh ion knots ion knots ion t (kft) (deg) (deg) (deg)

01-Aug 02-Aug 03-Aug 04-Aug 05-Aug 06-Aug 07-Aug 08-Aug 09-Aug 10-Aug 11-Aug 12-Aug 13-Aug 14-Aug 15-Aug 16-Aug 17-Aug 18-Aug 19-Aug 20-Aug 21-Aug 22-Aug 23-Aug 24-Aug 25-Aug 26-Aug 27-Aug 28-Aug 29-Aug 30-Aug 31-Aug

1 0 0 -1 -2 -3 0 1 1 0 -1 -1 -1 -3 -3 1 0 1 2 0 1 -3 -3 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 1 -1 -1

0.66 0.71 0.78 0.76 0.72 0.71 0.92 0.97 0.94 0.67 0.70 0.94 0.87 1.19 0.82 1.04 1.16 0.93 0.84 0.90 0.75 0.59 0.87 0.80 0.93 0.43 0.59 0.60 0.81 0.47 0.58

10.6 10.0 10.0 11.7 11.6 14.1 13.6 13.8 13.8 10.9 9.5 11.5 11.8 15.8 15.9 14.1 14.8 14.8 12.8 11.5 9.8 10.9 13.5 14.8 10.6 9.0 8.9 9.6 12.0 9.2 6.6

12.5 12.3 12.8 13.9 14.6 16.9 15.7 16.1 16.3 12.5 11.9 14.2 14.7 18.3 18.4 16.9 17.0 16.9 15.0 14.0 12.6 14.2 16.3 17.5 12.9 10.8 11.1 11.8 14.6 11.2 9.2

15.0 14.8 15.5 17.0 17.3 18.9 18.2 18.6 18.5 14.9 14.5 17.3 17.7 20.7 20.6 20.2 19.4 19.2 17.5 16.6 15.3 16.9 18.9 20.2 15.7 12.9 13.4 14.2 17.2 13.3 12.0

8.9 8.7 8.4 10.9 9.5 11.5 11.4 10.4 11.0 10.7 8.6 7.6 7.6 9.9 11.1 9.9 10.3 13.2 10.3 7.8 7.3 8.9 10.1 11.5 7.3 9.2 9.0 8.5 9.8 9.8 5.5

4.7 3.4 4.2 1.8 4.9 4.6 4.5 8.4 5.2 0.4 2.6 7.2 8.3 6.8 6.5 8.6 9.2 3.3 5.8 6.8 5.9 2.7 2.4 3.3 7.4 -0.5 -0.3 2.8 4.7 -2.1 2.8

27 30 30 29 29 NC 32 37 35 25 24 21 23 NC NC 36 37 34 34 30 28 13 NC NC 25 23 23 22 29 17 13

22 20 20 23 24 27 29 30 29 22 21 22 22 27 30 29 30 33 27 21 17 20 23 28 21 17 18 21 23 16 10

8 8 7 10 9 11 10 14 9 6 7 11 12 11 13 14 15 14 11 12 9 6 8 10 10 5 4 8 10 2 6

19 506 16 572 17 316 24 163 22 291 30 177 30 647 29 1450 29 483 20 277 17 222 18 93 21 203 31 0 36 290 30 921 33 1333 34 725 26 715 19 374 13 494 22 0 29 0 33 0 21 374 13 344 15 147 18 276 19 318 15 53 9 60

53.1 55.5 52.9 50.3 52.8 49.7 54.6 57.8 53.3 55.8 54.0 49.1 50.2 44.8 47.6 50.5 56.2 53.5 54.0 51.2 55.4 47.5 42.9 43.3 51.9 58.6 54.2 55.1 53.1 50.5 51.3

-2.5 -2.3 -1.3 -0.2 -1.3 -0.4 -3.0 -5.4 -2.6 -2.1 -1.3 -0.1 -0.9 1.8 0.0 -1.0 -4.8 -3.2 -3.5 -1.6 -2.4 1.9 3.9 2.1 -2.5 -2.8 -1.1 -2.4 -1.8 1.3 1.8

-1.1 -2.0 -0.8 0.1 -1.5 -0.1 -2.5 -5.2 -2.1 -2.2 -0.9 0.3 -0.8 1.8 0.6 -1.5 -4.5 -1.7 -2.2 -0.6 -2.6 2.2 4.1 3.5 -0.5 -2.6 -0.4 -1.4 -1.7 1.4 2.4

250 305 330 315 340 265 250 205 230 220 305 320 320 345 270 290 290 220 210 230 225 295 280 240 225 300 325 290 255 245 170

30 25 20 25 20 15 20 10 15 20 25 35 30 20 10 25 20 20 35 20 15 15 20 30 30 25 25 40 35 20 1

280 340 360 355 10 270 280 265 250 250 340 350 5 25 265 340 300 240 245 260 250 325 300 260 255 335 345 325 285 270 245

25 15 15 15 15 10 15 5 12 20 15 20 20 10 5 15 10 15 25 15 10 10 10 20 25 20 15 30 30 25 5

260 310 325 310 345 240 240 175 225 245 305 315 335 350 260 300 265 200 220 235 265 290 275 235 220 300 315 295 245 260 70

25 25 20 15 15 10 15 5 15 15 25 30 35 20 5 15 15 15 25 15 15 20 15 20 10 25 25 30 35 10 5

240 310 330 330 335 265 265 260 220 215 310 325 335 5 250 315 290 215 210 240 210 300 280 230 220 305 325 295 265 240 200

45 20 15 25 25 20 25 20 20 30 20 40 35 20 10 25 20 25 45 25 15 20 20 45 50 25 25 55 45 50 15

245 265 355 330 15 265 250 235 215 200 300 360 345 5 260 290 295 235 200 215 190 310 270 225 210 320 310 295 265 235 210

95 25 10 35 45 35 55 75 35 65 60 20 70 35 25 35 35 25 75 35 30 50 30 30 115 60 45 115 105 105 75

0 0 1 0 -2 -3 0 4 0 0 0 -1 -1 -3 -3 0 2 1 1 1 0 -3 -3 -2 0 2 0 2 -2 0 -2

Weather Modification Inc.

October 2008

Alberta Hail Suppression Project 2008 Final Report Date 2008

Page: 130 High Obser Level ved Wind CDC Speed knots

FCS Preci 0C -5C -10C Cloud Cloud Maxi Temp. Dew Conv CAPE Total Lifted Show Cell Cell Storm Storm Low Low Mid Mid High T p. Level Level Level Base Base mum Maxi Point Temp (J/kg) Totals Index alter Direct Speed Direct Speed Level Level Level Level Level CDC Water (kft) (kft) (kft) Heigh Temp Cloud mum (C) (C) ion knots ion knots Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind (in) t (kft) (C) Top (C) (deg) (deg) Direct Speed Direct Speed Direct Heigh ion knots ion knots ion t (kft) (deg) (deg) (deg)

01-Sep 02-Sep 03-Sep 04-Sep 05-Sep 06-Sep 07-Sep 08-Sep 09-Sep 10-Sep 11-Sep 12-Sep 13-Sep 14-Sep 15-Sep

-1 -2 0 -2 -1 1 1 -2 0 -3 -2 0 -3 -3 -3

0.48 0.50 0.58 0.57 0.64 0.59 0.57 0.72 0.67 0.45 0.70 0.71 0.44 0.48 0.58

7.8 9.2 7.8 8.5 8.1 8.5 8.8 9.8 8.2 9.7 11.9 8.9 10.0 13.4 13.9

10.2 11.1 9.9 10.5 10.6 10.6 10.7 12.5 10.5 12.5 14.1 11.6 13.0 15.8 16.1

12.4 13.2 12.5 12.9 13.1 13.0 13.1 15.4 13.3 15.9 16.5 14.2 15.8 18.6 18.5

7.6 9.5 6.7 8.2 6.9 8.0 8.3 8.6 6.9 8.8 10.6 7.4 10.3 11.1 11.1

-0.3 -1.1 3.7 0.7 2.7 1.2 1.4 1.6 3.7 1.2 1.6 4.6 -1.4 -0.7 1.9

16 16 27 20 23 26 23 14 30 NC 18 25 NC NC NC

13 18 14 16 14 14 16 18 15 18 24 16 18 21 26

5 5 7 5 6 4 5 5 7 6 7 8 4 4 7

14 18 12 14 14 12 14 19 10 20 26 13 21 29 32

26 89 388 180 151 336 342 0 357 0 7 390 0 0 0

53.7 50.0 56.5 54.3 55.2 57.4 57.8 45.7 54.5 43.8 49.9 55.6 43.8 40.6 47.3

0.6 1.2 -1.7 -0.7 -1.0 -2.0 -2.6 3.4 -1.4 3.8 0.2 -2.1 3.9 5.3 1.4

0.7 1.8 -1.2 -0.1 -0.5 -1.8 -2.2 3.4 -0.5 4.7 0.6 -1.8 4.6 5.6 1.7

335 290 340 315 325 325 320 315 335 335 290 275 315 320 295

10 15 15 25 20 15 25 30 10 15 25 30 25 30 30

325 320 350 355 355 355 360 330 350 5 310 305 350 350 325

5 10 10 15 15 10 15 20 10 10 15 20 15 20 20

10 275 345 330 330 310 320 305 360 290 290 300 290 300 300

10 10 15 15 10 10 15 25 15 15 20 10 15 20 20

295 300 280 325 320 325 315 305 275 355 275 265 330 325 285

10 15 10 30 25 25 25 30 10 25 30 40 35 40 40

220 285 320 330 320 325 350 290 265 360 285 265 335 345 275

30 30 25 50 50 70 110 65 35 90 55 65 60 60 65

-1 -2 2 -1 0 0 0 -2 0 -3 -2 0 -3 -3 -3

Average -.14

StdDev 1.66 Max 4.00 Min -3.0

0.73 10.98 13.33 15.85 9.31 3.45 27.16 21.35 8.76 0.17 2.05 2.15 2.22 1.65 2.83 6.54 4.88 2.85 1.19 15.90 18.40 20.70 15.20 10.90 40.00 33.00 15.00 0.31 7.10 8.80 11.30 2.90 -3.10 11.00 10.00 2.00

20.2 393.1 6.3 360.5 36.0 2161. 8.3 0.00

53.3 -1.46 -1.10 4.0 2.09 2.16 60.5 5.30 5.60 38.2 -6.30 -6.50

268.1 21.41 277.4 14.36 260.9 16.79 261.2 25.79 258.2 49.86 0.12 55.74 7.74 80.70 5.80 64.91 6.89 62.48 10.80 60.73 24.66 1.91 345.0 40.00 360.0 30.00 360.0 40.00 355.0 55.00 360.0 115.0 5.00 20.00 1.00 5.00 1.00 20.00 5.00 20.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 -3.00

Weather Modification Inc.

October 2008

Alberta Hail Suppression Project 2008 Final Report

Page: 131



Weather Modification Inc.

October 2008

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