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Thriller texts that I am familiar with

The 4 texts that I will be collecting information on will vary from films, TV dramas and video games. Films: The Shawshank edem!tion and " #erfect $etaway TV dramas: %exter Video games: $rand Theft "&to V

The Shawshank


Director of this film: Frank %arabont Release date: '(rd Se!tember )**4 in "merica. The +, official release date was )-th Febr&ary )**.. It was re/release in the +, )-th Se!tember '004 as a )0 year anniversary release. 1ertificate / ). Plot: "ndy %&fresne is a yo&ng and s&ccessf&l banker whose life changes drastically when he is convicted and sentenced to life in !rison for the m&rder of his wife and her lover. This film was set in the )*402s. "n "merican film. 3ver ),000,000 &sers on imdb have s&bmitted a rating on this film 4),0-),.*) to be exact5 and it2s overall rating is *.( which in my o!inion is a very high and deserved rating. " &ser commented and said this 63ne of my all time favo&rites. Shawshank edem!tion is a very moving story abo&t ho!e and the !ower of friendshi!7 which I totally agree with. It was ama8ingly made and is a great ada!tation from the Ste!hen ,ing book. #eo!le who see this film realise was an ins!irational film this really is and how it can really show !eo!les emotions.

eview from oger 9bert: The film was reviewed twice by oger 9bert and he decided to rate a 4 star film review of this. "t the beginning of his review he says 6The Shawshank edem!tion is a movie abo&t time, !atience and loyalty7 which I agree with beca&se the two men in !rison "ndy %&fresne 4Tim obbins5 and ed 4:organ Freeman5 have life long !rison sentences to their names and the films begins with the sentence of "ndy and his life from then on. The ;&ote relates to the !risoners serving their time as they need time, !atience and loyalty with each other to s&rvive and the viewers of the film need to stick with them film thro&gho&t so that yo& &nderstand exactly what ha!!ens in the lead &! to the esca!e. The film has exactly these ( things in it and the a&diences can relate to it. It2s a s&!erb film which in my o!inion sho&ld be 4 and a half or even . stars. " classic film which will always be memorable. I es!ecially love the way he had !lanned the esca!e over years and no one had any cl&e abo&t it &ntil he was gone. It was mesmerising and st&nned me when I saw it and everything then clicked into !lace is was so intrig&ing. "wards < =ominated for aro&nd (- awards and won )' s&ch as "S1 "ward and >iterary "ward This is my favo&rite !art of the film beca&se the !eo!le at Shawshank realise what2s going on when they find the hole behind the !oster and how long it took "ndy to esca!e with the most canny and witty !lan that worked !erfectly. htt!:??www.yo&t& BSmf8fg':C

:ise en Scene 1haracter ty!es

"ndy is !ortrayed as a normal !risoner who is ;&iet and D&st getting thro&gh his time in !rison. Ee is wearing the same clothes as the other !risoners beca&se he is one of them. Ee blends in with the crowd and doesn2t raise any attention. The director made his character this way beca&se all along, "ndy had a !lan to esca!e Shawshank and needed to be a clever by not raising awareness to his esca!e. It shows how intelligent his character is which relates to a criminals c&nningness. ed was the same sort of character as "ndy, ;&iet, !eacef&l and D&st living o&t his !rison sentence. "s "ndy has friends with ed, there were no abnormalities abo&t "ndy2s behavio&r so wasn2t s&s!ected of anything. The esca!e took "ndy )* years to esca!e which relates to the generic as!ect of the s&s!ense beca&se the film goes along and as the !lan &nveils and yo& see each ste!, yo& come to realise how ama8ing the !lan t&rned o&t to be. There is antici!ation that something is going to ha!!en in the end.

" #erfect $etaway

Director: %avid Twohy Release date: )4th "&g&st '00* in the +,. "merican Thriller. Storyline: 1liff and 1ydney go to Eawaii for their honeymoon. Fhile Do&rneying the co&!le enco&nters ,ale and 1leo, two hitch hikers and =ick and $ina, two s!irits who hel! g&ide them thro&gh the D&ngles. This honeymoon ;&ickly t&rns way to terror when 1liff and 1ydney learn abo&t a grisly m&rder that occ&rred nearby and reali8e that they2re being followed by others that fit the descri!tion of the killers. There have been 4(,G)4 &sers who2ve rated this film and together the film has an average of H.4 stars o&t of )0. #ersonally I really like this film as it was set in an exotic !lace and ke!t yo& g&essing thro&gho&t the film. I wo&ld have given this film an G o&t of )0 as it was interesting and an overall s&ccessf&l film. This film isn2t the most !o!&lar and I fo&nd a &ser who rated it G o&t of )0 and commented 6From beginning to end, I was totally drawn in7 and this ha!!ened to me, I co&ldn2t take my eyes off of it. "t the beginning of this review the &ser said 6%o not b&y into the negative comments7 I agree with this and tho&ght the same.

There was a review of this film by oger 9bert and he gave it ( o&t of 4 stars. "s he watched the film he tho&ght 6"t one !oint in the film, I wondered abo&t something, and then tho&ght, nahhh, co&ldnIt be. 1o&ld be7 which !roves the mystery towards the film and the 2kee! yo& g&essing2 !art of the film kee!s yo& involved with it. Ee like the film as it worked for him. Ee believed there were certain as!ects that need im!rovement b&t overall it was a good film. So there are ( co&!les, ' main and one odd, mysterio&s co&!le who yo& instinctively think it2s them b&t certain things that ha!!en in the film make yo& change yo&r mind. In the end, it2s the least likely !eo!le who are the killers which comes as a shock and then I was intrig&ed to know how they !lanned this and it was certainly not what I had in my mind. I agree with obert 9bert beca&se it co&ld be im!roved b&t the film as a whole was very enDoyable and well worth watching. "wards / =ominated for TF1" "ward in '0)0 Eere is the official movie trailer for the film " #erfect $etaway htt!:??www.yo&t&

:ise en Scene 1haracter Ty!es

This film has generic as!ects from character ty!es which shows the shock factor with the tension and s&s!ense of the storyline trying to link the correct co&!le with the m&rders. It has the more significant as!ects in it The main co&!le are on a honeymoon on an exotic island. The seem normal b&t the other two co&!les seem strange as they look a bit like !sycho!aths . "ll characters are dressed as if they are on holiday, cam!ing so nothing abo&t their looks make them seem evil so it kee!s &! the g&essing game. They all seem sneaky and strange b&t the aim is to !ick o&t the correct m&rderers. "s the film !rogresses, yo& kee! on changing yo&r mind abo&t who done it, kee!ing the s&s!ense going. It gives a sense of &ncertainty and antici!ation to find o&t the details in f&ll. "s the characters have their own !rofiles, the generic as!ect of a mystery is that there is a case that needs to be solved which is in antici!ation to the thriller which comes from the characters actions. Co& find o&t in the end that it is in fact the main co&!le who are the criminals which is s&r!rising as the film seems to be abo&t them and their diffic&lties on holiday. That is therefore the work of criminal masterminds. Fhich shows a well tho&ght o&t thriller film with !lenty of tension and s&s!ense.


Creator: %evelo!ed by Kames :anos Kr Release date: It was released )0th K&ly '00- in the +,. 1ertificate < ). Overall storyline of this Drama: It is all abo&t a man named %exter. Ly day he is a blood s!atter !attern ex!ert for the :iami :etro #olice b&t by night he has a totally different !ersonality, he2s a serial killer. Ee only kills !eo!le who fit a !rolific moral code. "n "merican TV drama. There have been a total of ()),(-4 &ser ratings on imdb and the overall rating of * stars which shows how !o!&lar and s&ccessf&l this !rogramme is. I think that this rating is a!!ro!riate as I really like this drama and I2m really into it. " &ser on imdb commented 6I2m ready to !roclaim this the best show c&rrently on TV7 and 6%exter is a socio !ath, someone with no h&man feelings and hence no nat&ral, inner moral com!ass, and he has an &n;&enchable blood l&st that drives him to kill7 this is why %exter is s&ch a !o!&lar !rogramme beca&se yo& get these feelings abo&t him and the story lines are interesting. "ltho&gh as yo& get thro&gh some e!isodes, yo& start the &nderstand that %exter starts getting these feeling and he is a good g&y who is D&st doing what he knows and that is killing the bad !eo!le in society.

There was a review on the $&ardian abo&t the finale of %exter and it wasn2t reviewed in the same mood as from the first ever season of %exter. "fter eight seasons, %exter was finally ending b&t didn2t get the best review and was said to be 6being !atchy, &nfoc&sed and, at times, slo!!y7 which disa!!ointed some !eo!le b&t thro&gho&t all of the e!isodes, I st&ck with it and still like it so I kind of disagree with the comment. I for one still enDoy it b&t am yet to see the last season. I find it great how that at season ), %exter was D&st a man who was a !olice officer and a serial killer. "fter a while, yo& got to know his character and realised he isn2t as bad as yo& might think. Ee looks very innocent b&t very mysterio&s and yo& can tell when he2s &! to no good. The !lots work well and it conveys all the conventions of a serial killer and a !olice officer in one !ersonality. " great !rogramme and well worth watching. "wards < =ominated for )0* and won (. s&ch as 9mmys and $olden $lobe "wards This is the season ) !romo for %exter. It doesn2t show too m&ch b&t that is all !art of the mystery behind this man called... %exter. htt!:??www.yo&t& $9*I


:ise en Scene

The generic conventions for %exter come thro&gh his character. Eis Dob role is a Forensic Llood S!latter "nalyst. Lehind closed doors tho&gh, he is a serial killer. =o one ex!ects him to do what he does which adds to the thrill of the !rogramme. There is a lot of tension and s&s!ense from his character beca&se yo& never know if he2ll be ca&ght or not or whether something will go wrong. 9ven tho&gh he is a mass killer, yo& &nderstand his feelings and emotions and can connect with him which is im!ortant to a !rogramme as it connects the a&dience with the main character which the director has done a great Dob of here. Ee is clothed like a blood analyst sho&ld be and is a very sneaky man. Ee blends into the crowd and beca&se of his Dob title, wo&ldn2t be ex!ected to do what he does.

$rand Theft "&to V

Director: od 9dge Release date: )-th Se!tember '0)( Storyline: 1haracters who travel aro&nd com!leting ;&ests and missions. The are three ex criminals who do daring and dangero&s heists which can set them &! for life. "ltho&gh there is more to it than D&st com!leting heists. Co& can walk or drive aro&nd ca&sing chaos aro&nd the neighbo&rhood which can event&ally get the !olice involved and yo&2ll be fighting against the !olice. Co& can !&rchase g&ns, steal cars and do many &nnat&ral things which are )00O illegal. 1ertificate < )G. "merican.

There have been G(4G ratings on imdb and have a combined total of *.* stars o&t of )0. I think this game is definitely )0 o&t of )0 beca&se it2s really f&n and addictive. Co& can do so many things on it which entertain me for ages. $rand Theft "&to games hadn2t been as good in the recently made ones so it need im!rovement and has been s&ccessf&l and the following imdb &ser commented 6%riving cars, !lanes, boats, bikes and motorcycles is s&!er f&n again7 which is agreeable as it2s more realistic and it m&ch more !o!&lar as the ratings are showing.

" review on $rand Theft "&to V by the $&ardian. The review goes on abo&t how it has vis&alised the other Thriller games similar to this and !revio&s $T" games and have &sed the !ositives and negatives of all of them and made the greatest $T" game ever. " ;&ote from the $&ardian review on this game is 6a da88ling b&t monstro&s !arody of modern life7 this is showing the realisation of the game and how violent the game is. It is by far one of my favo&rite games and even tho&gh it !ortrays a life of crime and !&nishment, it2s addictive and allows yo& to do things that yo& wo&ld never do yo&rself, ever. I agree with this review as it tells &s how they2ve made it better from other games and it isn2t D&st another normal Thriller game, it2s the best. $&inness Forld ecords < 1&rrently hold - s&ch as the fastest entertainment !ro!erty to gross P) billion and best selling video game in '4 ho&rs Eere is the trailer for $rand Theft "&to . htt!:??www.yo&t&"8Dn+s

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