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Buddy Check for Linnea Czerney

Hi Linnea, Let me start this buddy check by saying that you created a great portfolio. I enjoyed going through all your pages and getting to you know a little. You did an outstanding job of showing us what your path through MSUs MAET program looked like. Your home page is well constructed and easy to read. The Color scheme you chose works well and I really like the way you created that logo of your last name. It gives an identity to the page. I like that you were able to give a quick round up of your educational past and present and set the stage for the following pages of your portfolio. Only thing that I might change would be to eliminate the icons at the bottom of the page. They seem to be the same ones that are on your navigation bar. It might seem a little repetitive but thats just my opinion. Your Meet the Teacher and Teaching Philosophy pages were both well done and well written. I enjoyed reading about your role in your school. I think it is pretty great that you get to spend time with many different students from various grade levels. I am sure that helps keep your day moving and having fun at the same time. Congrats on the 4.0 in your classes and your upcoming graduation. I am in the same boat as you in that I will also be graduating this Fall and with a 4.0. I am planning on flying to the graduation and hope to see you there if you make it out there. It sounds like you had the travel bug planted at an early age and that must give you some great experiences that allow you to connect to different types of students. Your Teaching philosophy page did a great job of showing your passion for education. It is great to see how much of an influence this program has had on your teacher. Considering how important technology is in our students daily lives, it is awesome that you are enhancing their learning by introducing them to many new technologies. I loved that your student would connect having fun with their learning. That is something that many teachers forget about when they create their lessons. Students should enjoy their education and it is up to the teacher to create an environment to facilitate that. It is obvious that your students are lucky to have you as their teacher. You might want to change the font size on it because it a little small compared to the first two pages I visited. Also, adding a few images to these two pages might add to the visual appeal. It is apparent by the first four pages that you put a lot of time into creating and improving your portfolio because your resume page is great as well. Even though you offer a lot of information, you do it in a way that is easy to read and understand. You divided up the sections well and the addition of images makes your resume visually appealing. I really like the quotes you began the resume with. A few things that could enhance this page would be to put active links to the images you put. Especially the links that lead to schools. That way the person viewing your resume can take a quick look at what schools you attended looked like. Also, you might want to add a PDF version of this if someone wanted to print it out. Never mind, I just saw it at the

bottom of the page. I thought that was one another set of links to the various pages of your portfolio. Sorry. Your annotated transcript page was very well done. I liked the way you divided up your courses by semester and especially that you added the instructor feedback for each course. Those comments add to the effectiveness of this page and show the great work and effort you have given in this program. Your descriptions of each course are well constructed and do a great job of explaining what the course was about and what you learned from each course. I do not know if this is a mistake but you have Fall 2013 twice. Was the first one supposed to be Summer of 2013? Something you might think about would be to put a few examples of work you did for these classes that are not going on your showcase page. Just a thought. Once again, you did a great job of creating your showcase page. You know, Im getting kind of tired of praising you so much. Why couldnt you do some lazy work so I could give you some constructive criticism? Just kidding! Your introduction paragraph shows many of the highlights of your path through this program. The many examples of good work you have done in this program show how you have mastered many of the technological tools you have been exposed two over the course of this program and that you implemented them with skill. I clicked on all your active links and they all go to where they are supposed to go. There are no broken links on this page. Your Goal Statement was did a good job of expressing the feelings that many of us have after we graduate college. Were done with our college days and now we have to tackle the real world. The Now what thoughts creep into our minds and we try to make a plan for our near future. This short essay did just that. You were able to properly describe what you were feeling how it affected you when you began your career. Your early experiences also taught you the lesson of how important it is to keep going and continue being a lifelong learner. Your Future as a learner essay took this this sentiment to the next step. I agree with what you said about pacing yourself through this program. I feel kind of the same way. We got so much, so quick that we had to make some major changes to the way we taught that it would have been nice to have more time in between. It would be great to get your PhD but it looks like you have a system that will keep you learning and moving forward. Especially since technology changes all the time and by the time we master a technology, it is sometimes outdated. I like that you listed a series of goals because you gave yourself some short team and long term goals to keep you going. It sounds like you definitely have the urge to learn and I am sure you will continue to push yourself. I really liked your title for your synthesis essay. It shows your thinking through some of the great accomplishments of your life. I really like how you broke down this essay into sections. It makes it much easier and much more interesting to read. Overall, great job once again!!

Last thing, I clicked on your last section and there was nothing there. I am sure you will be working on that in the near futre.

Very nice job!!


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