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Hannah Pledge Audience Research Questionnaire This questionnaire is to help me find out more about what my target audience

wants included in a social realism film. With the results collected through this research, I will make more definite decisions about my opening sequence of a social realism film. 1. Do you think voiceovers are an effective way of telling the story at the beginning of the film? (Please circle below) Yes Why? . . 2. Do you prefer titles shown on screen with the action, or shown alone in a separate shot? With action Alone in a separate shot No Depends

3. In the opening of a film, in order, what is most important thing to be established? (Please circle below) Location Characters Plot

4. What colour title would you expect a social realism to have? Tick below. Black [ ] White [ ] Orange [ ]

5. On a scale of 1-10 how important do you think dialogue is in a social realism film? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

6. Do you think its better to introduce fewer characters in the opening of a film (less than 5) or more characters? (Please circle below) Fewer More

7. What three words best describe a classic location of a social realism film? Pick three from below. Graffiti [ ] Streets [ ] Gritty[ ] Fencing [ ] Undergrounds [ ] Alleyways [ ] 8. My current ideas for a plot include a young character (a boy). Do you think its a good idea to have a younger character as a main character, rather than older? Yes [ ] No [ ] Depends [ ]

9. If you answered depends, please explain why you said this? . . Thank you for your time!

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