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Earth Changes and the Ascension of Planet Earth

The Earth Changes: Planet Earth and Humanity are rapidly approaching major Earth Changes as part of an "End of Age" period for all the inhabited orlds ithin our !ni"erse# Those of us ho are prepared for our "Ascension" ill soon be mo"ing up to the $ifth %imension from our present &rd %imensional Physical World# The follo ing trilogy of NEW EARTH 'oo(s) along ith lin(s to other related boo(s all a"ailable as free do nloads) ill supply a complete resource of information) e*planation) and encouragement for those ho ould no prepare themsel"es for their Ascension to an uplifted and reju"enated Ne Earth# Book I: THE HIGHER KNOWLEDGE 'oo( + begins ith a complete sur"ey of the creation of our ,rand !ni"erse and of our Planet Earth-!rantia) (no ledge hich as first handed do n to us by Celestial sources in ./&0 in The !rantia 'oo(# 'oo( + also deals ith further esoteric (no ledge on the subjects of E"olution) 1arma and Reincarnation) and helps to clarify many of the 2uestions and dilemmas facing e"ol"ing Humanity on this challenging Planet today# +t also lays a foundation for a full understanding of the significance of the Earth Changes to come# Chapters:
.3 The Creation of our ,rand !ni"erse 43 The Creation of Planet Earth-!rantia &3 $ree Will) 1arma and 5orality 03 6ibration and %ensity 73 8ur Higher 9elf and T in 9ouls :3 The ;earning Planet <3 %eath and Re"ie =3 'irth and ,ro th /3 Ascending to !nity .>3 The Cleansing of %ar(ness ? The Return to ;ight

Deutsche bersetzung: 'DIE NEUE ERDE' - Buch 1: Das Hohere W sse! http:""###$the!e#earth$or%"D eNeueEr&eBuch1$ht'(



'oo( ++ begins by bringing together the many prophecies) both historical and contemporary) of the major Earth Changes predicted for the beginning of the Ne A2uarian Age to commence by the year 4>.4) reinforced by geological e"idence of past uphea"als) ith an e*planation of their deeper significance as part of a Higher Plan for a ,reat !ni"ersal "End Cycle" of e"olutionary de"elopment# No is a time of personal choice# 9ome ill mo"e up ith Earth to a higher "ibrational plane) hile others must begin a ne e"olutionary cycle again at the present dense physical le"el else here# The destiny of each depends largely on personal conduct) on spiritual and mental preparedness for the higher "ibratory pattern and le"el of li"ing hich ill come into being on the ne ly cleansed Ne Earth# The important supporti"e role of our e*traterrestrial "9pace 'rothers" in"isibly surrounding us ith their great $leet of 5otherships and of their smaller 9cout Craft @"$lying 9aucers"A is thoroughly e*plained) along ith the latest regular "!pdates" on the coming Earth Changes gi"en through the ,alactic $ederation as ell as by Creator 9on Christ 5ichael ho is the acting 9o"ereign of our ;ocal !ni"erse of Nebadon in hich Planet Earth resides#

Introduction to the Coming Changes .3 Ancient Prophecies 43 A History of !phea"al &3 Prophets of 8ur Time 03 Cleansing Planet Earth 73 The Higher Plan :3 Time for Choice <3 The $lying 9aucers =3 Home on a 5othership /3 Planning a Ne World .>3 Earth Changes3 !pdates from the ,alactic $ederation of ;ight ? Christ 5ichael

Deutsche bersetzung: 'DIE NEUE ERDE' - Buch +: D e ,er-!&eru!%e! &er Er&e http:""###$the!e#earth$or%"D eNeueEr&eBuch+$ht'(.

Book III: LI/E IN THE NEW )GE presents a "ision of life on the "Ne Earth") our Planet cleansed and reju"enated) inhabited no by a more spiritually enlightened $ifth %imensional Human Race# 'oo( +++ ta(es the reader on a gentle tour of a typical community in the Ne Age from the countryside to the central city# %escriptions of housing and transport) urban li"ing) or( and recreation) relationships ith animals and

.3 5emories of "The Ar(" 43 A Ne ,eography &3 A Rural Ride 03 E*ploring a Hillto n 73 Home on a Created Hillside :3 ,ro th and ;earning <3 Wor( and Economics =3 The County Center /3 The Re ards of ;eisure .>3 Politics and Participation

the en"ironment are combined ith functional detail on economic) political and administrati"e systems#
Deutsche bersetzung: 'DIE NEUE ERDE' - Buch 0: Le1e! ' Neue! 2e ta(ter http:""###$the!e#earth$or%"D eNeueEr&eBuch0$ht'(.


Copyright B 4>.> by ;a rence ? 5ichael 9artorius with the exception of credited quotations.
C$irst published on the +nternet3 5arch .//:D

A selected 'ibliography pro"ides a detailed description and current a"ailability of boo(s 2uoted) and others co"ering important aspects of Ne Age philosophy and Earth Change predictions3 The NEW )GE BOOKLI*T $or additional 2uoted material) please chec( our NEW E)RTH RE)DER You might also like to isit our other !e" pages and free #ook downloads:

3(a!et Earth: E4tre'e 5akeo6er Chr st 5 chae( )TON's Earth Cha!%es 7 )sce!s o! 3(a! )rch 6e o8 Ga(act c /e&erat o! 5essa%es 199:-+;;< THE UR)NTI) BOOK - The Celestial Hierarchy and Story of Planet Earth The INNER E)RTH 7 Rea(' o8 )%hartha - Voyages of discovery into the Hollo Earth D e I!!ere! Er&e 7 Re ch &er )%hartha - Entdec!ungsreisen in die "nnere Erde .5= Co!tact # th /(= !% *aucers. 1= D !o Kraspe&o! .5e !e Ko!takt ' t 8( e%e!&e! U!tertasse!. - D !o Kraspe&o! .I' I!!ere! &er Rau'sch 88e. .)*HT)R CO55)ND - 3ro>ect: Wor(& E6acuat o!. throu%h Tue((a .)*HT)R - ) Tr 1ute - co'p (e& 1= Tue((a ./u(( C=c(e. 1= R p(e= We11 .The Eter!a( 3 (%r '. 1= R p(e= We11 .L 8e )8ter Death ! the U!see! Wor(&s. - Book I - Through )!tho!= Bor% a .L 8e )8ter Death ! the U!see! Wor(&s. - Book II - Through )!tho!= Bor% a .THE RETURN O/ LIGHT. - #evelations of the Creator $od Horus THE L)W
The Princi%le of &on-"n'ury governing social and %olitical relationshi%s for the &e Earth

The )rt o8 Goo& Go6er!'e!t Ne# )%e Go6er!'e!t The Eco!o' cs o8 3rosper t= Baro?ue 5us c e4presses the !atura( or&er o8 the U! 6erse

Baro?ue 5us c CDs 8or 3eace a!& Re(a4at o!

3re( ' !ar= Dra8t o8 the Ope! !% )&&ress to Earth 1= the Ga(act c /e&erat o! o! the r / rst Co!tact Ho# to 1eco'e a /ru tar a! The 3orta(s o8 L %ht: Cha!!e( !% Earth's *p r tua( H erarch= 5ark-)%e 3er o& a!& 3ro%ra': 3repar !% 8or the *eco!& Co' !%


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