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Fig. 1.

Edward Scissorhands Poster Art (1949)

Review By Adam Stone!
Edward Scissorhands Review

Edward Scissorhands, by Tim Burton in 1990. A beautiful tale of love and a story about the struggle to fit in. Taking a lot of inspiration from the classic story of Frankenstein, this film does a very good job of creating a magical feel about it, helped along by the entrancing music. Peter Travers of RollingStone Reviews explains that Edward Scissorhands is a richly entertaining update of the Frankenstein story is the year's most comic, romantic and haunting film fantasy. (P. Travers, 1990). Edward Scissorhands had a relatively stunning budget of around $20,000,000, which is around $56,362,352 nowadays. So its safe to say that no expense was spared in the effort to make this film as immersive and magical as possible. The Film Begins in a bedtime story fashion, setting the scene for a fairytale film from the very start. It can be argued that this film is Tim Burtons most personal films, more designed to reflect Burtons struggle through life as a slightly out there individual. This can be shown by the very fact that there is a giant gothic mansion in a nice and neat suburban city. Showing that Burton was a character-filled, misunderstood and rather scary person that refused to change with the pressures of conformed society. Illustrated perfectly when Pegg Boggs (Dianne Wiest) first explores the giant mansion, finding herself very uncomfortable in the house, yet very curious. This could be a Burton attempting to reference his audiences approach to his way of thinking. Finding it Uncomfortable, yet extremely interesting.

Fig. 2. Edward Scissorhands Poster Art (1949) - Boggs and the Mansion

Edward Scissorhands Review

Dont go. The first words we hear from Edward (Johnny Depp) in the film, instantly makes the viewer feel a deep pity for this lost and lonely soul. It can be said that the Mansion and Edward are one with each other, much like the normal people of the suburban town are one with the town. All wearing colours to mach their individual settings and stereotypical personalities. Some examples are: Edward, wearing black on black with a pale face (matching the mansions dark and dusty appearance) would instantly suggest that hes a dangerous, scary and strange character. However, these assumptions are cast aside when watching the film as we find out that Edward wouldnt intentionally hurt a fly. On the other hand, we find the people of the Suburban town wearing bright pastel colours with tanned complexions which would suggest to the viewer that they are a friendly people, but we grow to find out that they are mostly gossiping, using and almost evil in the way that they all treat Edward. With Peg (and family) being an exception.

Fig. 3. Edward Scissorhands Poster Art (1949) - Finding Edward, Dont Go

A part that can be considered as one of the more touching moments in the film happens just before Pegg finds Edward. She finds a board above a straw bed that is cluttered with old newspaper and magazine cut-outs that Edward has put there in an attempt to learn the customs of regular society. On the board we can see some home design magazine cut-outs, some clean teeth and even

Edward Scissorhands Review

some religious references. Despite all this, the newspaper cut-out that says Boy born without eyes reads with hands strikes the viewer as most touching. The reasons why Edward has taken an interest in this image could be plenty. One reason could be that Edward was taking an interest in other disabled people and their struggles to overcome what holds them back. Another reason, and particularly darker reason could be that Edward might rather be blind than have scissors for hands. This theory is particularly supported by what is said beneath he large print He feels heat of the words, that might be to show Edwards never-ending frustration that he can never touch anyone (including himself) without hurting them, he can also never feel the warmth of someones body or be intimate with anyone. Which for a man is extraordinarily frustrating, given the stereotypical sexual intentions of man.

Fig. 4. Edward Scissorhands Poster Art (1949) - Mementos

! The words I have a doctor friend that can help you are said to Edward at least twice during the film, but no doctor ever shows up. Possibly representing Burtons struggle as a child with the people around him frequently offering help where it wasnt necessary. In an attempt to absorb him into normal society which is made to seem rather nightmarish in this film.

Edward Scissorhands Review

Fig. 4. Edward Scissorhands Poster Art (1949) - Conformed Society

! Despite all the great aspects of this film, its easy for some people to feel slightly detached from the film and its message. It could have something to do with the level of awkwardness felt when watching the film, especially in Edwards scenes. CM from Time Out agrees that the film remains curiously hollow. (CM, 1990). Its not hollow in a bad way, more, hollow in a meaningful way. As if the film was designed to make the viewer feel this way. Perhaps to show how Edward feels so hollow. Film4 reviews describe Edward Scissorhands as Visually, stylistically and emotionally stunning. Many other top critics agree that this film is one of Cinemas greats. A timeless classic, and so this beautiful love story is nothing to be scoffed at.

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Edward Scissorhands Review


(Fig. 1.) - Edward Scissorhands Poster Art (1990) [Poster] (Fig. 2.) Boggs and the Mansion - Edward Scissorhands (1990) from Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. Directed by: Tim Burton. [Film Still] (Fig. 3.) Finding Edward, Dont Go - Edward Scissorhands (1990) from Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. Directed by: Tim Burton. [Film Still] (Fig. 4.) Mementos - Edward Scissorhands (1990) from Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. Directed by: Tim Burton. [Film Still] (Fig. 5.) Conformed Society - Edward Scissorhands (1990) from Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. Directed by: Tim Burton. [Film Still] [1] - IMDb. (1990): Edward Scissorhands (1990) [online] [2] - Peter Travers, RollingStone Reviews. (1990): Edward Scissorhands (1990) [online] [3] - CM, Time Out. (1990): Edward Scissorhands: Time Out says (1990) [online] [4] - N/A, Film4. (1990): Edward Scissorhands (1990) [online]

Edward Scissorhands Review

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