Observation Protocol 1

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TS, 2009-2010

Department of Language Teaching Methodology Observation and Analytic Protocol

Trainee Teacher: Raya Zhivkova Observation Date: 2 th October 2 ! Time: "tart: #$:#% &nd: #$:% "chool: #'' "O( ) Mentor Teacher: *liyana +lagoeva "ection ,: +asic descriptive information -include details about teacher. grade level. details about students/ This is #2th grade and teacher really understands the problems teenagers have and tries to make them forget at least during the class all the things that bother them0 &nglish is their second language. so they have five &nglish classes a 1eek0 The student2s book they are using is )&nglish in Mind2. a book divided in 1riting. listening. reading. vocabulary and grammar sections0 The teacher encounters a problem 1ith lack of tape recorder. so she reads the listening e3ercise or asks a student to read it0 , problem 1ith this particular class: most of the students 1ere late. since this 1as student2s first class for the day. as the teacher later e3plained to us0 "ection +: Teaching and learning procedures Procedure (contents and participation structure, instructional time, etc.) Opening The teacher starts the lesson 1ith translation task0 Teacher spends one to t1o minutes 4ust to tell them 1hat they are supposed to do0 "tudents 1ork individually. they are ready after a couple of minutes and they are asked to read the ans1ers one by one0 Only the first three front benchers are active and teacher tries to encourage the rest of the class to speak. especially those students 1ho are not paying attention0 Teaching and learning activities , reading e3ercise 5 1hole class is active since they are asked to take turns0 Teacher e3plains unfamiliar 1ords in &nglish and asks students to give synonyms. e3plain in &nglish or give the +ulgarian e6uivalent0 7ocus on grammar points and some useful phrases. too0 The ne3t is gap5filling e3ercise0 8olunteers do it0 Those 1ho do not listen are supposed to ans1er The reading practice improves pronunciation as 1ell as helps students learn ne1 1ords and * think that by encouraging students to provide synonyms the 1ord is learned easier0 9rammar points 1hich are put for1ard to during the e3planation of the 1ords are also very useful since they sho1 the students ho1 the particular 1ord is used and also help *n my opinion. this is a good start because it makes all the students feel the 1orking atmosphere and become active as soon as possible and in that 1ay the efficiency of the class 1ould be improved0 Analysis, Evaluation, Recommendation

Number: 1

TS, 2009-2010

additional 6uestion and if still not pay attention. students understand that grammar is not 4ust set they are punished by having to re1rite the te3t of useless rules that cannot be put into practice. several times for home1ork0 but that it is crucial to kno1ing to speak 1ell0 :losing "tudents are given the last $min0 to read the task and try to do the e3ercise 1hich 1ill be checked after the break0 "tudents are asked not to be late for the ne3t class0 This is a good 1ay to keep all the students busy until the very last minute of the class0 The remark at the end is there to remind them that it 1ill not be tolerated if they are late for the second time that day0

"ection :: Overall ratings of the lesson -include summaries of the ob4ectives and contents of the lesson/ The teacher starts the lesson 1ith translation task: she dictates si3 sentences in L# and gives students ' min0 to translate them in &nglish0 The students should be familiar 1ith Modal verbs. as this is re6uired in order to translate the sentences correctly0 *n my opinion. this is a good start since the rest of the class 1ill be confined to vocabulary learning0 :ouple of students is good in doing this task 1hich sho1s that they are familiar 1ith the grammar and the vocabulary of both of the languages0 Teacher also tries to make the students 1ho are not listening translate a sentence. 1hich is a good 1ay to make all of the students active and also sho1s the students 1hat they should try to improve0 Teacher corrects the mistakes on the spot0 , reading e3ercise follo1s0 *t is introduced by a 6uestion about hypnoti;ing. since the te3t is about <ashpirovsky. a famous hypnoti;er0 The 1hole class is active since they take turns in reading0 =articular stress is put by teacher on those 1ords that are not pronounced correctly and she 1rites them on the 1hiteboard but only after the 1hole te3t has been read0 Teacher e3plains those and other unfamiliar 1ords in &nglish and asks students to provide synonyms. to e3plain in &nglish or give the +ulgarian e6uivalent0 The reading practice improves pronunciation as 1ell as helps students learn ne1 1ords and * think that by encouraging students to provide synonyms the 1ord is learned easier0 >ere the teacher also focuses on certain grammar points ?from 1hich 1e can see that the students should be familiar 1ith gerund @ e30 A1ill succeed in doingAB. as 1ell as on some useful phrases ?e30 his face turned grey. he gave a long cryB0 The ne3t is gap5filling e3ercise. for 1hich students are given % min0 to look at0 8olunteers do the e3ercise and teacher asks additional 6uestions connected to this e3ercise and the te3t0 Those 1ho do not listen are supposed to ans1er the 6uestion and if still not pay attention. they are punished by having to re1rite the te3t several times for home1ork0 7inally. students are given the last $min0 to read the task and try to do the e3ercise 1hich 1ill be checked after the break0 This is again vocabulary e3ercise 1hich can also be helpful 1ith 1riting task "tudents are asked not to be late for the ne3t class0 "ection D: Overall assessment of the 6uality of the lesson -is this a good lesson. 1hyC/ * believe that this is a very good lesson since the teacher made almost all of the students 1ork. at least a little bit. but having in mind that this is #2th grade 1hich have as their only preoccupation the prom night and in 1hich university to enroll. this is great success0 ,lso. the points made during this lesson are very useful for the students0 "ection &: Recommendation -ho1 can the efficacy of the lesson be improvedC/

TS, 2009-2010

The only ob4ection * have concerning this lesson is that teacher spends time to make the students 6uiet and attentive0 This time can be made much more useful by spending it for e3ample for talking e3ercise. 1hich 1ill improve students2 vocabulary and grammar skills. too0

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