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Connect the behavior characteristic to the hormones Aggression

Superior mathematical and spatial skills Breast growth Sensitive Superior verbal skills

Oestro gen

Testoster one

Facial Hair Menstruation Deep Voice Muscle growth

Hormones and problems in gender development

Some evidence suggests that, when there is a discrepancy between genetic and physical gender, hormonal problems during pre-natal development may be involved. o Androgenital Syndrome occurs when an XX foetus is exposed to excessive amounts of androgens which masculinise the female foetus and result in the development of male rather than female sex organs. The size of the penis ranging from being a very over-enlarged clitoris to being a large penis capable of full erection is often enlarged; however, the testes are usually underdeveloped. The baby will loo male but is chromosomally female. !s the brain has been sub"ect to masculinising hormones, these pseudo-hermaphrodites will tend to behave in more #masculine$ ways. The condition can be caused by excessive activity of the mother$s adrenal glands producing androgens during pregnancy. o !ndrogen Insensitivity Syndrome - a a Testicular Feminising Syndrome - is the result of an X% foetus becoming feminised by a lac of exposure to male hormones, with the conse&uence that, even though the internal female parts have been absorbed, the body tries to develop female sex organs. These pseudo-hermaphrodites have only a very short vagina and, having no womb, are infertile and cannot menstruate. They are often taller than most women. o 'owever, Daphne Went, famously, was an X% pseudo-hermaphrodite who lived successfully as a woman despite having a % chromosome and ( testes where most women have ovaries. !t puberty she did not develop pubic hair or start to menstruate in spite of developing breasts and female contours as a result of oestregen. )aphne went on to marry. *hen she failed to conceive, she consulted her doctor and eventually was presented with the disturbing facts that she was a he and had no internal female organs. !ccording to + ,oldwyn -./0/1, in

spite of the terrible shoc , still felt she was a woman and decided to live as one, she and her husband adopting ( children. )aphne is thought to be one of about 233 sufferers in the 45.

Brain lateralization
The brain is specialized to concentrate certain tasks into certain areas !hilst the tasks can be carried out on both sides o" the brain# studies show that certain tasks are more localized than others Write the tasks on the brain side where it is localized. Art Maths logic language visual imager& music "ace recognition speech


Gender differences in Brain lateralization

The $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ which connects the % hemispheres o" the brain is larger in $$$$$$$$$$$ than $$$$$$$$$$$ This means that $$$$$$$$$$$$ use both sides o" the brain easier than $$$$$$$$$$$$$ when completing tasks However# i" one side o" the brain is damaged e g due to a stroke# $$$$$$$ma& be more a""ected than $$$$$$$$$$$ The gender di""erences in brain lateralization mean that males and "emale can per"orm tasks at di""erent levels o" skill For instance "emales are generall& better at $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Males generall& per"orm better at $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$



"emales# "emales# "emales# males# males# males# map reading# "ace recognition# maths# spatial awareness# corpus callosum# manual de'terit&# verbal skills

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