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Edition III, November 2013, Rev. 2

2013 Logistic Partner Romania

L Lo og gi is st ti ic c P Pa ar rt tn ne er r F Fu un nd da at ti ia a R Ro om ma an na a d de e A Av vi ia at ti ie e
B Bd d. . I I. .C C. . B Br ra at ti ia an nu u, , B Bl l. . D D5 5, , A Ap p. . 3 3, , P Pa ar rt te er r; ; 1 13 30 00 05 55 5 T Ta ar rg go ov vi is st te e, , J Ju ud d. . D Da am m o ov vi it ta a, , ! !" "# #A A$ $I IA A
T Te el l% % & &' ' 0 0( () )) ) * *3 3) )* *3 3+ + , , & &' ' 0 0( (+ +5 5 + +( (( (* *+ +5 5; ; - -a a. .% % & &' ' 0 0) )' '5 5 + +0 0+ +0 0' '' '; ; / /0 0m ma ai il l% % i in n1 1o o2 2l lo og gi is st ti i3 3p pa ar rt tn ne er r. .r ro o

w ww ww w. .l lo og gi is st ti ic cp pa ar rt tn ne er r. .r ro o


Foreword ..................................................................................................................... 3

I. Currency, Exchange and Travellers Checks .................................................... 5

II. Emergency Services ............................................................................................ 7

III. Transportation ...................................................................................................... 8

IV. Driving in Romania .............................................................................................. 11

V. High Detail Digital Map of Romania .................................................................... 13

VI. Accomodation ....................................................................................................... 14

VII. Food, Drink, Tobacco ........................................................................................... 16

VIII. Internet in Romania .............................................................................................. 18

IX. People .................................................................................................................... 19

X. General Safety and Comfort tips ......................................................................... 20

L Lo og gi is st ti ic c P Pa ar rt tn ne er r F Fu un nd da at ti ia a R Ro om ma an na a d de e A Av vi ia at ti ie e
B Bd d. . I I. .C C. . B Br ra at ti ia an nu u, , B Bl l. . D D5 5, , A Ap p. . 3 3, , P Pa ar rt te er r; ; 1 13 30 00 05 55 5 T Ta ar rg go ov vi is st te e, , J Ju ud d. . D Da am m o ov vi it ta a, , ! !" "# #A A$ $I IA A
T Te el l% % & &' ' 0 0( () )) ) * *3 3) )* *3 3+ + , , & &' ' 0 0( (+ +5 5 + +( (( (* *+ +5 5; ; - -a a. .% % & &' ' 0 0) )' '5 5 + +0 0+ +0 0' '' '; ; / /0 0m ma ai il l% % i in n1 1o o2 2l lo og gi is st ti i3 3p pa ar rt tn ne er r. .r ro o

w ww ww w. .l lo og gi is st ti ic cp pa ar rt tn ne er r. .r ro o


Dear independent traveler,

We decided to write this guide after having the experience of organizing the 2012
International Paragliding Championships of Romania (Priseaca Open 2012) and the
2013 Romanian Pre Paragliding World Cup (Priseaca Open 2013), both remarcably
successful and also the biggest airsports events in Romania so far.

Pilots from all continents attended our both events and, before or during their stay, we
had to answer a lot of questions and to provide all kind of travel informations and tips to
our competitors.

Thus, we found out that there was no effective travel guide for Romania so far.

And, because Romania is an incredible and wonderful country that you really should
discover, we considered using our experience in order to issue this comprehensive guide
that, were sure, it will help you during your wonderful Romanian journeys.

Some people prefer visiting a country using the all-inclusive services of travel agencies,
which, most of the times, provide carefree trips and, of course, this is one nice way to do
it but, in the same time, this kind of tourism does not give you all time you desire in order
to completely relish places, people and traditions or to attend all possible locations and
events. It can also be more expensive this way.

Other people, those who travel for business, transit or the more adventurous tourists,
prefer to do it by themselves, alone or as a bunch of friends, and they are those we like
to refer to as independent travelers. In fact, it is our intimate thinking that this is the
most interesting and best detail providing way to understand, taste and sense a country,
its people, its traditions, backgrounds and realities.

Of course, independent travels require certain planing, organization, preparations,
informations and precautions.

L Lo og gi is st ti ic c P Pa ar rt tn ne er r F Fu un nd da at ti ia a R Ro om ma an na a d de e A Av vi ia at ti ie e
B Bd d. . I I. .C C. . B Br ra at ti ia an nu u, , B Bl l. . D D5 5, , A Ap p. . 3 3, , P Pa ar rt te er r; ; 1 13 30 00 05 55 5 T Ta ar rg go ov vi is st te e, , J Ju ud d. . D Da am m o ov vi it ta a, , ! !" "# #A A$ $I IA A
T Te el l% % & &' ' 0 0( () )) ) * *3 3) )* *3 3+ + , , & &' ' 0 0( (+ +5 5 + +( (( (* *+ +5 5; ; - -a a. .% % & &' ' 0 0) )' '5 5 + +0 0+ +0 0' '' '; ; / /0 0m ma ai il l% % i in n1 1o o2 2l lo og gi is st ti i3 3p pa ar rt tn ne er r. .r ro o

w ww ww w. .l lo og gi is st ti ic cp pa ar rt tn ne er r. .r ro o

This Independents Traveler Guide to Romania intends to provide you the detailed
information you might need in order for you to efficiently plan your first Romanian

We will continue updating and upgrading this guide, according to new
situations/questions coming from you, the independent travelers. Thus, please feel free
to communicate us your sugestions and questions, regarding things you might not find in
this guide today, by writing us at We will comply.

Our guide is not intended to contain places to visit or history&tradition facts because
those you can easily find in regular travel guides, Wikipedia or other online resources. In
fact, our work is intended to contain general travel information&tips and, very important,
those informations, things and facts you cannot usually find on the internet or in
regular travel guides. It is our intention to give you the main simple knowledge you
need in order to prepare your trip, manage yourself here and, thus, have an excellent
freeminded stay in our country.

However, about Romania, the main things to know is that it is a safe and wonderful
country, having very nice and hospitable people and, definitely, many of the most
beautiful women in the world. Of course, just like in any other civilized country, there
are some things and rules you should be aware of and respect. But, even if Romania is
an EU member, this country is not at all boring like some other EU countries.

We wish you a great time in beautiful and fascinating Romania!

Daniel MATEI
President of the Romanian Foundation for Aviation and Mountain Sports

L Lo og gi is st ti ic c P Pa ar rt tn ne er r F Fu un nd da at ti ia a R Ro om ma an na a d de e A Av vi ia at ti ie e
B Bd d. . I I. .C C. . B Br ra at ti ia an nu u, , B Bl l. . D D5 5, , A Ap p. . 3 3, , P Pa ar rt te er r; ; 1 13 30 00 05 55 5 T Ta ar rg go ov vi is st te e, , J Ju ud d. . D Da am m o ov vi it ta a, , ! !" "# #A A$ $I IA A
T Te el l% % & &' ' 0 0( () )) ) * *3 3) )* *3 3+ + , , & &' ' 0 0( (+ +5 5 + +( (( (* *+ +5 5; ; - -a a. .% % & &' ' 0 0) )' '5 5 + +0 0+ +0 0' '' '; ; / /0 0m ma ai il l% % i in n1 1o o2 2l lo og gi is st ti i3 3p pa ar rt tn ne er r. .r ro o

w ww ww w. .l lo og gi is st ti ic cp pa ar rt tn ne er r. .r ro o

I. Currency, Exchn!e n" Tr#e$$er% Chec&%

a. The Romanian currency is Leu (plural: Lei), also known as RON.

b. The National Banks main currencies exchage rates at the date of this edition (14

of November, 2013) are:

1 Euro = 4.4536 lei
1 USD = 3.3152 lei
1 GBP = 5.3218 lei

The inflation rate is very low in nowadays Romania so, most probably, the
exchage rates will remain quite similar for a long period.

Commercial banks and exchange offices usually provide 1.5% - 3% different
exhange rates.

Daily exchange rates (National Bank and main commercial banks) are displayed
on the Home page of our website.

c. Normally, at banks and regular exchange offices, you will obtain about 4.35 to
4.40 Lei for 1 Euro.

d. DO NOT exchange money in airports, railway stations, international bus stations
or border points: there you will be charged extra fees or they will give you a poor
rate (you might encounter a 10% to even 20% loss sometimes). If you really need
some local money, exhange just a small amount, only enough for you to reach the
closest populated/town area (or until morning when banks and regular exchange
offices open). There, you will easily find plenty of commercial banks and exchange
offices. Exchange offices will be visibly marked as EXCHANGE or CASA DE
SCHIMB or SCHIMB VALUTAR. In order to exchange, you will need your ID or
Passport. In some exchange offices, they will agree to do it even if you dont have
those with you.

e. Banks exchange almost any kind of currency. Regular exchange offices only
exchange Euro and USD (some of them also GBP). Border point exchange offices
also exchange and sell neighboring country currency (however, it wont be the
best rate).

L Lo og gi is st ti ic c P Pa ar rt tn ne er r F Fu un nd da at ti ia a R Ro om ma an na a d de e A Av vi ia at ti ie e
B Bd d. . I I. .C C. . B Br ra at ti ia an nu u, , B Bl l. . D D5 5, , A Ap p. . 3 3, , P Pa ar rt te er r; ; 1 13 30 00 05 55 5 T Ta ar rg go ov vi is st te e, , J Ju ud d. . D Da am m o ov vi it ta a, , ! !" "# #A A$ $I IA A
T Te el l% % & &' ' 0 0( () )) ) * *3 3) )* *3 3+ + , , & &' ' 0 0( (+ +5 5 + +( (( (* *+ +5 5; ; - -a a. .% % & &' ' 0 0) )' '5 5 + +0 0+ +0 0' '' '; ; / /0 0m ma ai il l% % i in n1 1o o2 2l lo og gi is st ti i3 3p pa ar rt tn ne er r. .r ro o

w ww ww w. .l lo og gi is st ti ic cp pa ar rt tn ne er r. .r ro o

f. The proper ways to exchange money in Romania are:

i. Go to any bank at least about this, the Romanian banks are serious
and, apart than some other countries, anybody can exchange money in
a bank here, just have your passport or your ID card with you.

Hint: some banks, such as more important agencies of the BCR (Banca
Comerciala Romana), have automatic exchange machines with
bilingual menu (RO/EN) at their front. There, you can exchange money
24 hours a day.

ii. Go to an exchange office in the cities please ask if they charge any
exchange fees before you hand them the money. Most of these offices
do not charge exchange fees.

iii. You can use your card in ATM machines for local currency withdrawal
they will give you their banks exchange rate which is just fine. You can
find ATMs almost everywhere in town areas, in airports, railway
stations, also in some border points.

WARNING: Avoid apparently nice persons offering you good exchange rates on
the street! If you accept dealing with those independent exchange professionals,
you have serious chances to be severely cheated!

g. You can use Travelers Checks in banks but they will charge fees, also in very few
and very expensive hotels. The best way to go in Romania is cash or card.

L Lo og gi is st ti ic c P Pa ar rt tn ne er r F Fu un nd da at ti ia a R Ro om ma an na a d de e A Av vi ia at ti ie e
B Bd d. . I I. .C C. . B Br ra at ti ia an nu u, , B Bl l. . D D5 5, , A Ap p. . 3 3, , P Pa ar rt te er r; ; 1 13 30 00 05 55 5 T Ta ar rg go ov vi is st te e, , J Ju ud d. . D Da am m o ov vi it ta a, , ! !" "# #A A$ $I IA A
T Te el l% % & &' ' 0 0( () )) ) * *3 3) )* *3 3+ + , , & &' ' 0 0( (+ +5 5 + +( (( (* *+ +5 5; ; - -a a. .% % & &' ' 0 0) )' '5 5 + +0 0+ +0 0' '' '; ; / /0 0m ma ai il l% % i in n1 1o o2 2l lo og gi is st ti i3 3p pa ar rt tn ne er r. .r ro o

w ww ww w. .l lo og gi is st ti ic cp pa ar rt tn ne er r. .r ro o

II. E'er!ency Ser#(ce%

a. Emergency number: for any kind of real emergencies (including police abuse,
which is unlikely), please call the 112 phone number (911 also works). They can also
speak English. Please do not call them if you only have a flat tire or so.

b. Emergency services are very effective and highly competent in Romania (at least
most of the times and in town/city areas). You can usually rely on their fast arrival and
professional conduct.

c. However, most public Romanian hospitals are kind of creepy and the personal
can be quite careless sometimes. Small attentions might help. In case of surgery,
doctors and anesthesiologists might name their unofficial price (even if thats illegal).
The salaries in the public health system are very low, also not enough staff. Its
always better to be transferred to a private clinic in a major city. Those are
really good but expensive. A comprehensive medical travel insurance is

d. Pharmacies are almost everywhere and not expensive. For antibiotics,
dangerous medicines and sedatives you will need a prescription. For that, you can
visit a doctor. We recommend a private one (this will save your nerves and time). It
will cost you 50-100 lei. In order to easily find one, ask a young policeman (many of
the young ones speak English), a Taxi driver or at the reception of any hotel. You can
also ask about that in a public hospital, they will either serve you quickly, either they
will be happy to get rid of you.

L Lo og gi is st ti ic c P Pa ar rt tn ne er r F Fu un nd da at ti ia a R Ro om ma an na a d de e A Av vi ia at ti ie e
B Bd d. . I I. .C C. . B Br ra at ti ia an nu u, , B Bl l. . D D5 5, , A Ap p. . 3 3, , P Pa ar rt te er r; ; 1 13 30 00 05 55 5 T Ta ar rg go ov vi is st te e, , J Ju ud d. . D Da am m o ov vi it ta a, , ! !" "# #A A$ $I IA A
T Te el l% % & &' ' 0 0( () )) ) * *3 3) )* *3 3+ + , , & &' ' 0 0( (+ +5 5 + +( (( (* *+ +5 5; ; - -a a. .% % & &' ' 0 0) )' '5 5 + +0 0+ +0 0' '' '; ; / /0 0m ma ai il l% % i in n1 1o o2 2l lo og gi is st ti i3 3p pa ar rt tn ne er r. .r ro o

w ww ww w. .l lo og gi is st ti ic cp pa ar rt tn ne er r. .r ro o

III. Trn%)*r++(*n

a. For those arriving to Romania by airplane/bus/train, the best way to go is to book
and rent a car having a navigation system, in due time. Usually, car rental
companies agree to transfer you at no or very low rates. Please ask them about
this when booking. Ask Mr. Google, he will return a lot of car rental companies in
Romania, some really cost-effective and, also, some expensive but theres a lot of
room for choice.

b. Taxis are not expensive but the overall costs for long distances will become
important and they will also charge you for their return kms for trips outside the
city/town (today, in Bucharest, the capital of Romania, the average price for
boarding is 1.6 lei and then 1.6 lei/km; in other cities/towns it can reach up to 2.5
lei for boarding and 2.5 lei/km night rates are about 20%-25% higher).

c. However: in airports and important railway stations, the Taxis are way more
expensive. You should avoid those by taking a bus (which is cheap) to the first
populated area. There you will find plenty of Taxis charging the normal rates.

d. Be aware: Romania also has some fake Taxis (non-licensed or driven by some
nasty kind of violent sharks). If you use their services, it will be very expensive
and they might also become really violent if you argue about the price. In order to
avoid those, you should take few elementary precautions:

Check the inscriptions/label on the cars in order to be sure its a company
and not an independent Taxi (company owned ones have big company
logo/name stickers and sometimes some sort of big plastic constructions
on their tops).

Check that the car has an electronic meter/counter and a fixed radio
transceiver (not handheld as those are usually used by sharks to steal
the orders of companies).

The rates should pe visibly printed on the car check to be the same on
the electronic meter/counter. Also ask the driver before boarding (some
drivers are able to speak English or French).

L Lo og gi is st ti ic c P Pa ar rt tn ne er r F Fu un nd da at ti ia a R Ro om ma an na a d de e A Av vi ia at ti ie e
B Bd d. . I I. .C C. . B Br ra at ti ia an nu u, , B Bl l. . D D5 5, , A Ap p. . 3 3, , P Pa ar rt te er r; ; 1 13 30 00 05 55 5 T Ta ar rg go ov vi is st te e, , J Ju ud d. . D Da am m o ov vi it ta a, , ! !" "# #A A$ $I IA A
T Te el l% % & &' ' 0 0( () )) ) * *3 3) )* *3 3+ + , , & &' ' 0 0( (+ +5 5 + +( (( (* *+ +5 5; ; - -a a. .% % & &' ' 0 0) )' '5 5 + +0 0+ +0 0' '' '; ; / /0 0m ma ai il l% % i in n1 1o o2 2l lo og gi is st ti i3 3p pa ar rt tn ne er r. .r ro o

w ww ww w. .l lo og gi is st ti ic cp pa ar rt tn ne er r. .r ro o
You should try to tell the driver that you only have few money and, thus,
you should ask him to tell you the approximative cost of the trip to your
destination, he should be able to give you a rough evaluation. If you see
him trying hard to avoid the answer, then you should take another Taxi!

Always memorize, write or note into your phone the number on the
registration plates of the Taxi before boarding/approaching the driver.

If, before traveling, you have the chance to check the approvimative
distance to your destination and print the route from Google Maps or
something similar, please show this to the driver, so that he understands
you have the right idea and thus you have a better chance to avoid the
extra fraudulent detour kms.

The best way to avoid unpleasant Taxi issues is to previously check on
the internet, find and note the names and phone numbers of local Taxi
companies and, when you need a ride, just call a company number and
only board in a car that specificly comes for you and bears the company
name/logo. Inside cities, you wont have to pay for picking up but just for
your ride. If you are outside the city, perhaps you will have to pay
something extra in some cases. Usually, dispatch operators speak English
so they can understand where to send the car for you.

e. Public transportation inside the cities/towns is quite OK, cheap and safe in most
of the cases.

f. However, please avoid boarding in public transportation at late hours, especially
in suburbs and when you notice dubious persons and lots of vacant seats
(imagine that Romania has its own Bronx replicas even if only few).

g. In urban areas you will find buses or mini buses. Some major cities also have
trams and Bucharest also provides a good subway network.

h. Airports: Romania has several airports, covering the country quite well. You can
find them all on the internet. Several companies operate local flights but, of
course, flying can be quite expensive.

i. Also, all over the country, there are lots of small private airfields and lots of
small private airplanes (from 2 seaters to bigger Cessnas or even multiengines).
All sizes private helicopters, gyrocopters and microlights/ultralights are also
available. In case of need/urge, you can contact us ( in
order to obtain immediate air departure from/to any location inside Romania, at
the best local rates. Exiting the country requires customs and border checks to be
performed on an international airport.

L Lo og gi is st ti ic c P Pa ar rt tn ne er r F Fu un nd da at ti ia a R Ro om ma an na a d de e A Av vi ia at ti ie e
B Bd d. . I I. .C C. . B Br ra at ti ia an nu u, , B Bl l. . D D5 5, , A Ap p. . 3 3, , P Pa ar rt te er r; ; 1 13 30 00 05 55 5 T Ta ar rg go ov vi is st te e, , J Ju ud d. . D Da am m o ov vi it ta a, , ! !" "# #A A$ $I IA A
T Te el l% % & &' ' 0 0( () )) ) * *3 3) )* *3 3+ + , , & &' ' 0 0( (+ +5 5 + +( (( (* *+ +5 5; ; - -a a. .% % & &' ' 0 0) )' '5 5 + +0 0+ +0 0' '' '; ; / /0 0m ma ai il l% % i in n1 1o o2 2l lo og gi is st ti i3 3p pa ar rt tn ne er r. .r ro o

w ww ww w. .l lo og gi is st ti ic cp pa ar rt tn ne er r. .r ro o
j. Trains: nowadays Romanian trains are really nice and much cheaper than in
other EU countries. Traveling by train can be more expensive than traveling by
bus but its also more reliable and comfortable. For informations about trains and
departures, please visit the nationals railway company passenger division
websites: and

k. Long distance buses: theres a wide variety of long distance buses and mini-
buses in Romania. Traveling is cheap but sometimes they are crowded. We
advice you to avoid the crowded mini-buses (up to 20 seats) because, during the
last years, those were involved in a certain number of severe accidents. Best long
distance ground travel in Romania is by train or by big buses. In order to reach a
departure station, you can ask a Taxi driver, a young policeman (many of the
young ones speak English), somebody at the reception of a hotel or, for major
cities, just check the internet.

l. Hitch-hiking is very common in Romania even if not all the times the first car
stops. Stretch you hand and be patient. Sometimes you will have to pay for the
ride, according to distance, but its not going to be expensive. For short distances,
usually few lei will do. Displaying a sheet of paper showing your desired
destination is a good thing to do. However, during night, it is unlikely for a car or
truck to stop and take you. People just prefer not to take risks. For such situations,
buses and coaches should solve your problem.

L Lo og gi is st ti ic c P Pa ar rt tn ne er r F Fu un nd da at ti ia a R Ro om ma an na a d de e A Av vi ia at ti ie e
B Bd d. . I I. .C C. . B Br ra at ti ia an nu u, , B Bl l. . D D5 5, , A Ap p. . 3 3, , P Pa ar rt te er r; ; 1 13 30 00 05 55 5 T Ta ar rg go ov vi is st te e, , J Ju ud d. . D Da am m o ov vi it ta a, , ! !" "# #A A$ $I IA A
T Te el l% % & &' ' 0 0( () )) ) * *3 3) )* *3 3+ + , , & &' ' 0 0( (+ +5 5 + +( (( (* *+ +5 5; ; - -a a. .% % & &' ' 0 0) )' '5 5 + +0 0+ +0 0' '' '; ; / /0 0m ma ai il l% % i in n1 1o o2 2l lo og gi is st ti i3 3p pa ar rt tn ne er r. .r ro o

w ww ww w. .l lo og gi is st ti ic cp pa ar rt tn ne er r. .r ro o

IV. Dr(#(n! (n R*'n(

a. Driving in nowadays Romania is safe. Due to the efforts of the authorities to
enforce increasingly severe road laws, the number of accidents is diminushing
each year. You have to know that the autorities are truly commited to reduce the
number of life loses on the roads. This is why the Romanian road code is quite
severe regarding alcohol, speed, railway crossing and priority rules.

b. Romanian road/driving rules and road signs are the international standard ones.
Also, the Romanian rode laws are mostly similar to other ones in the EU.

c. Dont drink and drive. This is serious. The Romanian road code has zero
tolerance for alcohol. Bellow the crime limit your driving license will be suspended
for 3 months. The crime limit is 0.8 and the government anounced a decrease
to 0.5 in short time (sometimes, this can be reached after less than 2 beers).
Above the crime limit, you will face prosecution and risk imprisonment between 1
and 5 years (but, if you have no criminal record and there were no human victims,
you will usually get a suspended prison sentence but, then, if you comit a new
crime, you will have to do that time). However, the best way to go is not driving
after drinking. Usually, when going out for a drink, most Romanians take a Taxi.

d. Speed limits: in the localities 50 km/h (also 60 or 70 km/h in some in these
cases, you will see a clear sign when entering); outside localities 90 km/h;
highways 130 km/h (but we dont have so many of these). Police has state of the
art radars here and they are allowed to use the pulse mode, so hold your horses.
If you speed in excess of 50 km/h above the legal limit, your driving license will be
suspended for up to 3 months. The government anounced a decrease of the
excess license suspension limit to 30 km/h in short time.

e. When other drivers blink their lights, you are about to meet a police patrol. Pay
attention, adjust speed, no funny maneuvers.

f. The Romanian roads are improving each year now but we still have some not so
good ones here and there.

g. Bring you patience with you and, where the road is not so good, please swear the
politicians and not the country.

L Lo og gi is st ti ic c P Pa ar rt tn ne er r F Fu un nd da at ti ia a R Ro om ma an na a d de e A Av vi ia at ti ie e
B Bd d. . I I. .C C. . B Br ra at ti ia an nu u, , B Bl l. . D D5 5, , A Ap p. . 3 3, , P Pa ar rt te er r; ; 1 13 30 00 05 55 5 T Ta ar rg go ov vi is st te e, , J Ju ud d. . D Da am m o ov vi it ta a, , ! !" "# #A A$ $I IA A
T Te el l% % & &' ' 0 0( () )) ) * *3 3) )* *3 3+ + , , & &' ' 0 0( (+ +5 5 + +( (( (* *+ +5 5; ; - -a a. .% % & &' ' 0 0) )' '5 5 + +0 0+ +0 0' '' '; ; / /0 0m ma ai il l% % i in n1 1o o2 2l lo og gi is st ti i3 3p pa ar rt tn ne er r. .r ro o

w ww ww w. .l lo og gi is st ti ic cp pa ar rt tn ne er r. .r ro o
h. If the police stops you, you have a better chance than us because, generally, if
your deed is not so severe, they might be friendly because you are a tourist.
Obviously, this doesnt mean that you can push the limits to far.

i. However, do not try to bribe policemen. Apart of what you have maybe heard,
the times are changing here. New/young policemen have a more European
mentality (at least an important number of them). However, the Romanian penal
code states that, if the bribe is required by the bribed one without being previously
ofered/proposed by the bribing one, then the bribing one is not to be held
reponsible for the bribe. However, Romania still has some serious corruption
issues and, the best way to help us getting better, is to never offer bribe. The
correct thing to do, when you are asked for bribe, is for you to immediately call
112 and report it.

j. Even if you have a navigation system, its always good to also have a detailed
Romanias printed map with you. It will give you the general image and help you
understand directions and plan your trip better. Just like everywhere, major cities
maps are also available in hotels, gas stations, airports, main railway stations and
book shops.

k. Car repair workshops and wheel workshops are plenty and easy to be found in
towns, also on major roads. The usual Romanian terms used for car repairs are
AUTO SERVICE or SERVICE AUTO. The wheel workshops are dispalyed as
VULCANIZARE. As for the price, its better to always ask for the total cost of the
intervention before they start fixing your car. If you dont like the price, then find
another workshop, it shouldnt be to far.

l. Fuel stations are almost everywhere in Romania. In order for you to be sure of the
fuels quality, avoid small individualy owned stations and only refuel at bigger
network stations such as Petrom (the best!), OMV, Agip and Mol. Their fuel prices
are quite similar.

m. At the date of this edition, the usual fuel prices are: Diesel regular 5.9 lei/lt; Diesel
super 6.3 lei/lt; Petrol regular 5.8 lei/lt; Petrol premium/super 6.2 lei/lt.

n. Avoid parking where youre not supposed to. In many cases, your car will be
blocked until you pay the fine. It towns/cities, they can even tow your car away
and retrieving it will cost you a lot of time and money (600-2500 Lei).

L Lo og gi is st ti ic c P Pa ar rt tn ne er r F Fu un nd da at ti ia a R Ro om ma an na a d de e A Av vi ia at ti ie e
B Bd d. . I I. .C C. . B Br ra at ti ia an nu u, , B Bl l. . D D5 5, , A Ap p. . 3 3, , P Pa ar rt te er r; ; 1 13 30 00 05 55 5 T Ta ar rg go ov vi is st te e, , J Ju ud d. . D Da am m o ov vi it ta a, , ! !" "# #A A$ $I IA A
T Te el l% % & &' ' 0 0( () )) ) * *3 3) )* *3 3+ + , , & &' ' 0 0( (+ +5 5 + +( (( (* *+ +5 5; ; - -a a. .% % & &' ' 0 0) )' '5 5 + +0 0+ +0 0' '' '; ; / /0 0m ma ai il l% % i in n1 1o o2 2l lo og gi is st ti i3 3p pa ar rt tn ne er r. .r ro o

w ww ww w. .l lo og gi is st ti ic cp pa ar rt tn ne er r. .r ro o

V. ,(!h De+($ D(!(+$ M) *- R*'n(

a. For Garmin road or outdoor/trail GPS units, you can use the high detail digital map of

b. It is very useful for drivers, hikers, cyclists or any kind of travelers and, definitely, its
higly recomended to the independent travelers.

c. It provides unprecedented detail and informations: roads (including the new or
changed ones), paths in the forrests, mountain trails, topography, POIs, 3D routable
plans of historical objectives and sites, cabans in the mountains, off-road trails,
detailed Danube Delta and many more that you wont find in any other GPS

d. In order for you to obtain a VAT free such map of Romania for your Garmin GPS unit,
please contact us at before ariving in Romania (because, if
you buy it here, you will also have to pay the Romanian 24% VAT). We are licensed
to provide the dowload link and unlock key for each Garmin unit ID. The map can be
also provided in PC version (but no Mac, Android or Windows Mobile versions so far).

L Lo og gi is st ti ic c P Pa ar rt tn ne er r F Fu un nd da at ti ia a R Ro om ma an na a d de e A Av vi ia at ti ie e
B Bd d. . I I. .C C. . B Br ra at ti ia an nu u, , B Bl l. . D D5 5, , A Ap p. . 3 3, , P Pa ar rt te er r; ; 1 13 30 00 05 55 5 T Ta ar rg go ov vi is st te e, , J Ju ud d. . D Da am m o ov vi it ta a, , ! !" "# #A A$ $I IA A
T Te el l% % & &' ' 0 0( () )) ) * *3 3) )* *3 3+ + , , & &' ' 0 0( (+ +5 5 + +( (( (* *+ +5 5; ; - -a a. .% % & &' ' 0 0) )' '5 5 + +0 0+ +0 0' '' '; ; / /0 0m ma ai il l% % i in n1 1o o2 2l lo og gi is st ti i3 3p pa ar rt tn ne er r. .r ro o

w ww ww w. .l lo og gi is st ti ic cp pa ar rt tn ne er r. .r ro o

VI. Acc*'*"+(*n

a. Just like everywhere in the world, you can usually rely on

b. Unfortunately, only a small part of the hotels and pensions in Romania have a
contract with

c. However, you can easily find a clean and afordable place to sleep in Romania.
Look for Hotel, Pensiune or, in Transylvania, sometimes, Zimmer Frei or

d. The prices are for all pockets. A double room with bathroom normaly costs
between 80 and 140 lei/night. Sometimes breakfast in included. When it is not,
you can still have nice breakfast in the location for good prices (usually about 20

e. Of course, in major cities and resorts, you can also also find expensive/luxury
acomodation if you desire and, anyway, there, the general acomodation prices
can also be a little higher than usual.

f. Remote or non-touristic rural areas can be sometimes really scarce in
acomodation posibilities. In such cases, you should find the hall of the village
(Primaria) or the police station (Politia). There you should find guidance. If
there are no pensions in the area, please ask the officials to help you in finding
bed and breakfast in some local house. As Romanians are hospitable people, this
shouldnt be a problem. In such a case, paying 50 lei (sometimes even less) for
one room in a village house should do. Breakfast should usually be about 10-15

g. If you are an independent traveler, then you should arrange your acomodation
before night falls because, afterwards, it can become quite hard in remote areas.

h. Campings can be found in most tourist resorts (its the same word in Romanian).
They provide only basic services but the rates are very low (few Euros will do).

i. However, in Romania, you can camp almost everywhere, it is something
common. If you are not in a tourism developed area, village people will usually

L Lo og gi is st ti ic c P Pa ar rt tn ne er r F Fu un nd da at ti ia a R Ro om ma an na a d de e A Av vi ia at ti ie e
B Bd d. . I I. .C C. . B Br ra at ti ia an nu u, , B Bl l. . D D5 5, , A Ap p. . 3 3, , P Pa ar rt te er r; ; 1 13 30 00 05 55 5 T Ta ar rg go ov vi is st te e, , J Ju ud d. . D Da am m o ov vi it ta a, , ! !" "# #A A$ $I IA A
T Te el l% % & &' ' 0 0( () )) ) * *3 3) )* *3 3+ + , , & &' ' 0 0( (+ +5 5 + +( (( (* *+ +5 5; ; - -a a. .% % & &' ' 0 0) )' '5 5 + +0 0+ +0 0' '' '; ; / /0 0m ma ai il l% % i in n1 1o o2 2l lo og gi is st ti i3 3p pa ar rt tn ne er r. .r ro o

w ww ww w. .l lo og gi is st ti ic cp pa ar rt tn ne er r. .r ro o
accept tents in their yards for 1-2 days with no charge. You can also camp in
forrests or near the road but, if you dont know how to choose the safe camping
place, its better not to.

j. Camping in the mountains is something very common here. However, before
camping you should ask the locals if they have bear issues in the area. Bear
population in Romania has increased during the last years and they tend to
become to bold sometimes.

k. Do not store food inside the tent! This is the best invitation for bears.

l. Always remember to take away the garbage at departure. The Romanian
nature is superbe, please help us keep it this way.

L Lo og gi is st ti ic c P Pa ar rt tn ne er r F Fu un nd da at ti ia a R Ro om ma an na a d de e A Av vi ia at ti ie e
B Bd d. . I I. .C C. . B Br ra at ti ia an nu u, , B Bl l. . D D5 5, , A Ap p. . 3 3, , P Pa ar rt te er r; ; 1 13 30 00 05 55 5 T Ta ar rg go ov vi is st te e, , J Ju ud d. . D Da am m o ov vi it ta a, , ! !" "# #A A$ $I IA A
T Te el l% % & &' ' 0 0( () )) ) * *3 3) )* *3 3+ + , , & &' ' 0 0( (+ +5 5 + +( (( (* *+ +5 5; ; - -a a. .% % & &' ' 0 0) )' '5 5 + +0 0+ +0 0' '' '; ; / /0 0m ma ai il l% % i in n1 1o o2 2l lo og gi is st ti i3 3p pa ar rt tn ne er r. .r ro o

w ww ww w. .l lo og gi is st ti ic cp pa ar rt tn ne er r. .r ro o

VII. F**", Dr(n&, T*.cc*

a. In Romanian supermarkets, prices of most food and beverages products are quite
similar to the ones in the EU, sometimes smaller or bigger but not so much.
Bread, anyway, is much cheaper than in Western Europe (one regular bread is
0.7-0.9 lei).

b. The price for one 0.5 lt local beer can/bottle is about 2.5-3 lei, one bottle of quality
wine is 14-20 lei and the price for one 0.7 lt bottle of well-known brand whisky or
vodka is 45-60 lei.

c. The Romanian traditional alcoholic drink is Tuica (to be pronounced Tzuika). It is
a distilled spirit obtained out of fermented plums (also grapes, apples, mirabelles,
apricots and pears). It is unanimously appreciated by locals and all tourists who
tasted it. It has a special unique flavor. Try it!

d. Extremelly strong versions of Tuica are to be found in Transylvania region and
their names are Palinca and Horinca (be very careful with those, youre drunk long
before you know it!).

e. You can find Tuica in supermarkets (priced like any other spirit) but it wont be
exactly the real thing. The best way to find the true Tuica it is to ask in the villages
for locals making it at home. That is the best Tuica you can find and it will also be
very cost-effective (10-15 lei/lt no excise).

f. Romanian wines are well known for their quality. You should definitely try them
while here. Some very good wineries/brands: Murfatlar, Recas, Castel Huniadi,
Niculitel, Jidvei, Samburesti, Budureasca, Cotnari, Odobesti. Some exceptional
Romanian grape/wine varieties: Cramposie, Zghihara, Babeasca, Braghina,
Feteasca (Alba, Neagra and Regala), Sarba.

g. Romanian beer, also, has a very good quality, just dont buy the cheapest beer
you can find in supermarkets.

h. Beer hint: you can buy quality beer for beter price to volume ratio if you choose
the 1 or 2 lt plastic bottles (some good brands: Ursus, Ciuc, Bergenbier,

L Lo og gi is st ti ic c P Pa ar rt tn ne er r F Fu un nd da at ti ia a R Ro om ma an na a d de e A Av vi ia at ti ie e
B Bd d. . I I. .C C. . B Br ra at ti ia an nu u, , B Bl l. . D D5 5, , A Ap p. . 3 3, , P Pa ar rt te er r; ; 1 13 30 00 05 55 5 T Ta ar rg go ov vi is st te e, , J Ju ud d. . D Da am m o ov vi it ta a, , ! !" "# #A A$ $I IA A
T Te el l% % & &' ' 0 0( () )) ) * *3 3) )* *3 3+ + , , & &' ' 0 0( (+ +5 5 + +( (( (* *+ +5 5; ; - -a a. .% % & &' ' 0 0) )' '5 5 + +0 0+ +0 0' '' '; ; / /0 0m ma ai il l% % i in n1 1o o2 2l lo og gi is st ti i3 3p pa ar rt tn ne er r. .r ro o

w ww ww w. .l lo og gi is st ti ic cp pa ar rt tn ne er r. .r ro o
Timisoreana) which can be as low as 7-8 lei/2 lt bottle and 4 lei/1 lt Ursus beer
bottle (very good!).

i. Avoid bottles of wine larger that 0.7 lt or very low priced (under 10 lei): those are
low or no quality. If you dont take this advice, you have all the chances to deeply
regret it, especially after drinking that poison. Also, avoid cheap spirits.

j. One 20 cigarettes pack is 13-15 lei. As long as its just tobacco, you can smoke on
the street and in open spaces. You can also smoke while driving, in most
bars/pubs, restaurants and clubs. Some of them also have non-smoking areas.
You cannot smoke inside institutions, hospitals, trains, buses but this is the same
all over the civilized world.

k. Towns abound in restaurants and pubs. In the countryside, except from pension
ones, the are only few and rare restaurants and a lot of smoky rural bars that its
better to be avoided when customers are really drunk. However, along major
roads, you will encounter plenty of restaurants.

l. Restaurant hint: choose only the restaurants where you see a lot of people,
activity and cars in the parking. The food is good and fresh there. Same applies to
trucker restaurants along the major roads if you see a lot of trucks in one place.

m. Also, in towns and cities, between noon and 3 p.m., you can have their daily offer
(Meniul Zilei) for very low prices (12-13 lei in towns and 20-25 lei in cities). It
usually includes soup or ciorba (sour soup very good!), main course (e.g. steak
and fries or beans with smoked meat) and desert (small cookie or pankakes);
sometimes it also includes one 0.5 lt bottle of water. If youre in a hurry, in some
major gas stations (Petrom, OMV) you can eat quite decent daily meals for 13-20
lei (these usually include some schnitzel/pane, fries and Coke). Anyway, its
always better to eat in a restaurat. Just make sure its not that kind of place
avoided by local people.

n. Except for few ones in major cities and resorts, Romanian restaurants are non-
expensive. You can pay the same price in a regular restaurant as in a McDonalds.
For example, without alcohol (but with water and Coke), two people lunch will
usually be around 40-60 lei if you dont go for the fancier stuff like seafood, lamb
cutlet or beef muscle. One soup is between 5-9 lei, including bread, and one main
dish should be between 12 and 20 lei. One 0.5 lt bottle of water will be between 4
and 5 lei in a restaurant.

o. In retaurants and pubs, alcoholic drinks are also afordable: one beer is 5-10 lei,
one bottle of quality wine is 25-50 lei, spirits are 10-15 lei/50 ml. Certain clubs in
major cities and tourist resorts might be very expensive, though.

L Lo og gi is st ti ic c P Pa ar rt tn ne er r F Fu un nd da at ti ia a R Ro om ma an na a d de e A Av vi ia at ti ie e
B Bd d. . I I. .C C. . B Br ra at ti ia an nu u, , B Bl l. . D D5 5, , A Ap p. . 3 3, , P Pa ar rt te er r; ; 1 13 30 00 05 55 5 T Ta ar rg go ov vi is st te e, , J Ju ud d. . D Da am m o ov vi it ta a, , ! !" "# #A A$ $I IA A
T Te el l% % & &' ' 0 0( () )) ) * *3 3) )* *3 3+ + , , & &' ' 0 0( (+ +5 5 + +( (( (* *+ +5 5; ; - -a a. .% % & &' ' 0 0) )' '5 5 + +0 0+ +0 0' '' '; ; / /0 0m ma ai il l% % i in n1 1o o2 2l lo og gi is st ti i3 3p pa ar rt tn ne er r. .r ro o

w ww ww w. .l lo og gi is st ti ic cp pa ar rt tn ne er r. .r ro o

VIII. In+erne+ (n R*'n(

a. Believe it or not, Romania is one of the countries with the best internet coverage
in the EU. Internet here is fast, non-expensive (or free) and its almost

b. Most gas stations, bars/pubs, restaurants, city centres, hotels, pensions etc.
provide free Wi-Fi. If theres a network key, ask the waiter/bartender. Public
libraries also provide free using of computers connected to internet. Unfortunately,
they are not so many.

c. The 3G GSM networks are usually very good in urban areas and along major
roads. Most of the country is GSM covered but not everywhere you will have 3G.

d. In rural areas without 3G/Wi-Fi, go to hall of the village, school or even to the
church. They will be happy to help you.

e. Vodafone, Orange, Digi and Cosmote GSM networks also provide USB 3G
wireless internet devices and the necessary prepaid SIMs for your laptop but
those are quite expensive (about 300-350 lei for the device and limited internet
access), so look for one only if you have to.

L Lo og gi is st ti ic c P Pa ar rt tn ne er r F Fu un nd da at ti ia a R Ro om ma an na a d de e A Av vi ia at ti ie e
B Bd d. . I I. .C C. . B Br ra at ti ia an nu u, , B Bl l. . D D5 5, , A Ap p. . 3 3, , P Pa ar rt te er r; ; 1 13 30 00 05 55 5 T Ta ar rg go ov vi is st te e, , J Ju ud d. . D Da am m o ov vi it ta a, , ! !" "# #A A$ $I IA A
T Te el l% % & &' ' 0 0( () )) ) * *3 3) )* *3 3+ + , , & &' ' 0 0( (+ +5 5 + +( (( (* *+ +5 5; ; - -a a. .% % & &' ' 0 0) )' '5 5 + +0 0+ +0 0' '' '; ; / /0 0m ma ai il l% % i in n1 1o o2 2l lo og gi is st ti i3 3p pa ar rt tn ne er r. .r ro o

w ww ww w. .l lo og gi is st ti ic cp pa ar rt tn ne er r. .r ro o

I/. Pe*)$e

a. Romanian people are, in most cases, warm, hospitable, helpful and proud
(remember proud and always have the respect with you). The traditions and the
national spirit at are kept in high regard here.

b. The percent of university educated people is one of the highest in Europe.

c. Unlike many other EU destinations, English is widely spoken here, especialy
among young ones, even in rural areas. Many elders also speak French.

d. Whenever you need the help/assistance of local people, dont hesitate to ask for
it, they will be glad to oblige even if, sometimes, they will heave to bear certain
costs (like someone who will give you a ride with his/her car and on his/her fuel or
someone who will offer you a free meal).

e. You might also have the surprise to discover that most Romanians prefer to rather
give than take. You will also observe that most Romanians will have no reserves
in inviting you in their houses and at their tables, hapilly sharing their food and
drink with you. The poor/non-rich ones are the nicest and the warmest, thats for

f. When entering a house as a guest, it is a common thing do remove your shoes in
the lobby (unless your host tells you not to). You will usually receive a pear of

g. Teens are very sociable. Theyre happy to make friends and always ready for fun
and crazy parties. Actually, Romanians have it in their blood.

L Lo og gi is st ti ic c P Pa ar rt tn ne er r F Fu un nd da at ti ia a R Ro om ma an na a d de e A Av vi ia at ti ie e
B Bd d. . I I. .C C. . B Br ra at ti ia an nu u, , B Bl l. . D D5 5, , A Ap p. . 3 3, , P Pa ar rt te er r; ; 1 13 30 00 05 55 5 T Ta ar rg go ov vi is st te e, , J Ju ud d. . D Da am m o ov vi it ta a, , ! !" "# #A A$ $I IA A
T Te el l% % & &' ' 0 0( () )) ) * *3 3) )* *3 3+ + , , & &' ' 0 0( (+ +5 5 + +( (( (* *+ +5 5; ; - -a a. .% % & &' ' 0 0) )' '5 5 + +0 0+ +0 0' '' '; ; / /0 0m ma ai il l% % i in n1 1o o2 2l lo og gi is st ti i3 3p pa ar rt tn ne er r. .r ro o

w ww ww w. .l lo og gi is st ti ic cp pa ar rt tn ne er r. .r ro o

/. Gener$ S-e+y n" C*'-*r+ T()%

a. As previously explained, Romania is a safe and welcoming country.

b. However, just like everywhere else, few precautions are to be taken.

c. Avoid walking at night in poor suburbs. Poor villages are safe but, still, its better to
avoid walking in dark areas.

d. Avoid cheap bars where you see a lot of drunk and dubious people.

e. In moutain areas/towns, do not feed or tease the bears (even if they might seem
harmless sometimes, theyre not!). You can enjoy the view but stay within a safe
distance, preferably inside a house or a car.

f. The tap water is drinkable almost everywhere, except Bucharest and few other
major cities. Ask locals before drinking tap water.

g. Do not buy alcoholic drinks displayed near the road. In many cases they are fake.

h. Avoid prostitutes and especially those who pick their clients along the road or in
parkings. Imagine the worst.

i. Danube Delta is unique in the world and its one of the best places to visit in
Romania. However during nights, billions of mosquitos unleash their thirst for
blood. Have some efficient mosquito repellent skin lotion with you.

j. Drugs, even Marijuana, are strictly prohibited in Romania and the law is severe,
especially when you are caught at border points. Remember this.

k. Facing penal proceedings is going to be very unpleasant in Romania. Prisons
are quite medieval. Respecting the criminal law is the best way to go so stay out
of trouble.

l. However, if it happens for you to be under investigation remember these few

L Lo og gi is st ti ic c P Pa ar rt tn ne er r F Fu un nd da at ti ia a R Ro om ma an na a d de e A Av vi ia at ti ie e
B Bd d. . I I. .C C. . B Br ra at ti ia an nu u, , B Bl l. . D D5 5, , A Ap p. . 3 3, , P Pa ar rt te er r; ; 1 13 30 00 05 55 5 T Ta ar rg go ov vi is st te e, , J Ju ud d. . D Da am m o ov vi it ta a, , ! !" "# #A A$ $I IA A
T Te el l% % & &' ' 0 0( () )) ) * *3 3) )* *3 3+ + , , & &' ' 0 0( (+ +5 5 + +( (( (* *+ +5 5; ; - -a a. .% % & &' ' 0 0) )' '5 5 + +0 0+ +0 0' '' '; ; / /0 0m ma ai il l% % i in n1 1o o2 2l lo og gi is st ti i3 3p pa ar rt tn ne er r. .r ro o

w ww ww w. .l lo og gi is st ti ic cp pa ar rt tn ne er r. .r ro o
- in Romania, you have the right to remain silent and you have the right to be
assisted by a lawyer;

- if you cannot pay/appoint a lawyer, you will receive one for free;

- But: its better not to accept being assisted by a lawyer brought or suggested to
you by your prosecutors because this might not really be your lawyer;

- if you dont know a trusted lawyer in the area, you can contact us (or ask your
prosecutors to do it they have to) via the contact details on the footer of this
guide or on; we will provide you a very good and trusted
lawyer, no matter where you are in Romania; of course, it wont be for free but you
will have the safest and best defense;

- before making any statements and having any discussions with your prosecutors,
its always better to discuss the issues with your lawyer and to be assisted by
him/her during proceedings; in order to do this, you can always say It is my clear
intention to cooperate with the prosecution but, in order for me to be correctly
defended, I will make statements only after consulting the lawyer I choose and
only in his/hers presence;

- if detained, please imagine your fellow inmates might be informers, no matter
what they say or how they look/act.

m. Policemen are usually helpful but also very proud. Its better to avoid arguing with
them unless you really have to. Always express your arguments using a calm

n. Smiling and showing respect to people and the coutry will always help.

You might find it useful to print this guide
and have a copy with you while traveling.

Have a wonderful stay in incredible Romania!
Your Romanian all-fields connection

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