Comparison (Comparación)

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COMPARISON (COMPARACIN) Cuando queremos hablar de similitudes y diferencias podemos utili ar ad!

eti"os en su forma comparati"a# $%amples&

Max is taller than Judy. Youre more intelligent than me.

O podemos utili ar (not) as (ad!eti"o) as:

Her hair is as long as mine. This ones not as interesting as his first book.

Recuerda que 'not as interesting as( means 'less interesting than)#

THE SAME AS/DIFFERENT FROM $%presiones *different from y *t!e same as se emplean para hacer comparaciones& Example: Shes ery different from her sister. (+i,nifica que son muy distintas)# !ndre" is the same age as #ily. (+i,nifica que tienen la misma edad)# *-he same se puede utili ar con sustanti"os#

"Com#$eta $a se%&nda ora'i(n de forma )&e si%nifi)&e $o mismo )&e $a #rimera (&ti$i*ando &n m+,imo de - #a$a.ras): .oth Mar/ and +tella ha"e the same colour eyes# Ste$$a/s e0es are t!e R$+P0$+-A& same colour as Mar1/s2

3I4E5PRONO6NS / 3I4E :


1o utili amos cuando el se,undo t2rmino de la comparaci3n es un PRONOM.R$4 un +0+-AN-I5O o un ,erundio#

$%amples& 6a"e loo/s li/e his father (aqu7 "a se,uido de un sustanti"o) 6on)t act li/e me8 (aqu7 "a se,uido por un pronombre)

AS& 1o utili amos cuando el se,undo t2rmino de la comparaci3n es un "erbo4 una proposici3n o una preposici3n# $%ample& 6on)t do as I do 8 (si,ue la estructura que hab2is "isto en el *rephrasin,9& A+:+0;$-O: 5$R.O A0<I1IAR)


THE< THE 5COMPARATI;E 0tili amos esta estructura para cosas que ocurren !untas# $%amples& T!e more mone0 I ha"e t!e faster I spend it# T!e !arder you =or/4 t!e $ess you(ll ha"e to do it later# T!e more t!in%s they buy4 t!e !arder they need to =or/#

$!ercicio de rephrasin,& >ou spea/ more lan,ua,es4 you =ill find tra"el easier# -he more? (-he more lan,ua,es you spea/4 the easier tra"ellin, =ill be for you#)

S6CH A5AD8ECTI;E5NO6N/ SO5AD8ECTI;E *+o9 y *such9 son dos palabras que se utili an para intensificar& el ad!eti"o que les si,ue 3 el (ad!eti"o): sustanti"o que les si,ue

SO :A6;$-I5O (O A65$R.IO) $%ample& I =as so impressed =ith the soundtrac/ of the film that I =ent out and bou,ht the C6 the ne%t day# -his food is so ,ood# @*+o9 se utili a delante de ad!eti"os y ad"erbios& que no "an se,uidos de sustanti"os $%ample& I am so tired4 I =ill ha"e to ,o to bed# antes de *much94 *many94 *little9 and *fe=9# $%ample& >ou shouln(t eat so m&'!2

S6CH:(AR-AC01O): (A6;$-I5O):+0+-AN-I5O# $%ample& +he has s&'! a =onderful "oice that it seems a shame to dub her films into $n,lish# -his is s&'! ,ood food#

@*+uch9 se utili an con o sin un ad!eti"o delante de& sustanti"os contables en sin,ular (tambi2n se necesita el art7culo *aBan9)# $%ample& +he(s ,ot s&'! a =onderf&$ >oi'e2 +ustanti"os incontables and sustanti"os contables en plural (no hace falta el art7culo)# $%ample& Our nei,hbours are s&'! friend$0 #eo#$e2

*+o9 y *such9 se pueden utili ar los dos con una proposici3n introducida por *that9 para hablar de resultados o consecuencias# $%amples& It =as s&'! a .orin% #$a'e t!at =e decided to lea"e# It =as rainin, so !ard =e had to stop the car#

$<$RCI+$+& +O B +0CC D# -he ,irl =as so beautiful4 e"eryone stared at her# +he =as############################## ,irl that e"eryone stared at her#

(+he =as such a beautiful ,irl that e"eryone stared at her)#

E# It =as such hot =eather4 I sat in the ,arden all the day# -he =eather =as ################################ that I sat in the ,arden all the day# (-he =eather =as so hot that I sat in the ,arden all the day)# F# It =as such a surprise I didn(t /no= =hat to say# I =as so ############################################## I didn(t /no= =hat to say# (I =as so surprised that I didn(t /no= =hat to say)#

G# -he bo% =as so hea"y that =e couldn(t lift it# It =as such ################## ########################### that =e couldn(t lift it# (It =as such a hea"y bo% that =e couldn(t lift it)#

H# -hey =ere such nau,hty children that they =ere punished by the teacher# -he children =ere ########################### that they =ere punished by the teacher# (-he children =ere so nau,hty that they =ere punished by the teacher)#

I# -he $n,lish lan,ua,e is so important that many people learn it e"ery day# $n,lish is ###################################### lan,ua,e that many people learn it e"ery day# ($n,lish is such an important lan,ua,e that many people learn it e"ery day)#

J# +arah =as such a youn, ,irl that her parents =ouldn(t lea"e her alone# +arah =as ########################### that her parents =ouldn(t lea"e her alone# (+arah =as so youn, that her parents =ouldn(t lea"e her alone)#

K# -hese people are so poor that they al=ays need help# -hey are ########################### ########################### that they al=ays need help# (-hey are such poor people that they al=ays need help#)

-his year is so stressful that I can(t ,o out on many =ee/ends# -his is####################################################### -CA- I CAN(- LO O0- ON MAN> M$$N$N6+ (-his is +0CC A +-R$++O01 >$AR -CA- I CAN(- LO O0- ON MAN> M$$N$N6+#) >ours is such an e%cellent idea that it(s hard to belie"e# >our idea#################################################### -CA- I-(+ CAR6 -O .$1I$5$# (>our idea I+ +O $<C$11$N- -CA- I-(+ CAR6 -O .$1I$5$#) -his coffee is so stron, that I can(t drin/ it# -his is######################################### -CA- I CAN(- 6RINN I-# (-his is +0CC +-RONL COOO$$ -CA- I CAN(- 6RINN I-#) -his coat =as so e%pensi"e that nobody could afford it# It =as############################################ -CA- NO.O6> CO016 AOOOR6 I(It =as +0CC AN $<P$N+I5$ COA- -CA- NO.O6> CO016 AOOOR6 I-#)

CONDITIONA3: IF/6N3ESS Me(ll ha"e the party outdoors if it isn(t cold# 0nless? 0nless it is cold4 =e(ll ha"e the party outdoors#

>ou must be ei,hteen years old if you =ant to buy alcoholic drin/s in a bar# >ou cannot? >ou cannot buy alcoholic drin/s in a bar unless you are ei,hteen years old#

>ou should call an ambulance only if there is an emer,ency# 6o not? 6o not call an ambulance unless there is an emer,ency#

-he cheque is not "alid =ithout your si,nature# 0nless you? 0nless you si,n the cheque4 it isn(t "alid#


Senten'e Transformation Pra'ti'e Oor each question4 complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first# 6se no more t!an t!ree =ords2 A) -his blac/ coat is cheaper than the bro=n one# T!e .$a'1 'oat is not t!e .ro=n one2

C) -he party finished sooner than I thou,ht it =ould# T!e #art0 didn/t finis! D) I couldn)t ha"e run any faster# I ran I 'o&$d2 I t!o&%!t it =o&$d#

E) >ou and I are different si es# :o&/re not as me2

F) I)m less fit no= than I used to be# I/m not AN+M$R+& I &sed to .e2

A) as e%pensi"e as4 C) as late as4 6) as fast as4 $) the same si e4 O) as fit as#

@Com#$eta $as ora'iones de modo )&e $a se%&nda ten%a &n si%nifi'ado simi$ar a$ de $a #rimera< &ti$i*ando $a #a$a.ra en ma0@s'&$as: (OAR) -he film =asn(t nearly as ,ood as I thou,ht it =ould be# -he film ?? I thou,ht it =ould be#

(-he film =as far =orse than I thou,ht it =ould be#)

(+A6) +he(s happier than she used to be# +he isn(t ? =as before#

+he isn(t as sad as she =as before#

($N;O>A.1$) I("e ne"er had such a borin, time on holiday# -his is? holiday I("e e"er had#

-his is the least en!oyable holiday I("e e"er had#

(P0I-$) Nate has sli,htly more e%perience than the others# -he others don(t ha"e? Nate#

-he others don(t ha"e quiet as much e%perience as Nate#


>our dau,hter isn(t as pretty as mine# My dau,hter? My dau,hter is prettier than yours#

A mon/ey is not as hea"y as an elephant# An elephant? An elephant is hea"ier than a mon/ey#

I don(t si,n as =ell as my cousin does# My cousin? My cousin si,ns better than I do#

-he east of +pain is =armer than the Mest# -he =est of +pain? -he =est of +pain is not as =arm as the east# B -he east of +pain is less =arm than the east#

+tayin, at home is better than ,oin, out# Loin, out? Loin, out is =orse than stayin, at home# B Loin, out is not soBas ,ood as stayin, at home#

;ane is more intelli,ent than Mi/e is# Mi/e isn(t? Mi/e isn(t so intelli,ent as ;ane is# B Mi/e isn(t as intelli,ent as ;ane is#

+usan(s hair is shorter than Celen(s# Celen(s? Celen(s hair is lon,er than +usan(s# B Celen(s hair is not soB as short as +usan(s# # -he domestic fli,hts are cheaper than the international ones# -he international fli,hts? -he international fli,hts are more e%pensi"e thanBnot soB as cheap as the domestic ones#

Marcus coo/s much better than Alan# Alan? Alan coo/s much =orse than Marcus# B Alan doesn(t coo/ soB as =ell as Marcus#

A "an costs more than a motorbi/e# A motorbi/e is? A motorbi/e is cheaper thanB not soB as e%pensi"e as a "an#

-he Mercedes =as bi,,er than the Opel# -he Opel =asn(t? -he Opel =asn(t soB as bi, as the Mercedes#

Andre= is youn,er than his brother# Andre=(s brother? Andre=(s brother is not soB as youn, asBB older than he is#

>our =atch is cheaper than mine# My? My =acth is more e%pensi"e thanBBnot soB as cheap as yours#

Ce li/es no"els better than drama# Ce doesn(t? Ce doesn(t li/e drama as much as no"els#

+he had e%pected better results in her e%ams# Cer e%am results =ere? Cer e%am results =ere not soBas ,ood asBB =orse than she had e%pected#

+he doesn(t li/e children as much as her husband does# Cer husband? Cer husband li/es children moreB better than she does#

Charles learned Russian more easily than I did# I didn(t? I didn(t learn Russian as easily as Charles#

I cannot spea/ Lerman as =ell as you# >ou? >ou can spea/ Lerman better than me#

It =as the hottest country that she had e"er "isited# +he had? +he had ne"er "isited a hotterB such a hot country#

-hey learnt less than they had e%pected# -hey didn(t?

-hey didn(t learn as much as they had e%pected#

+he is the most patient person I ha"e e"er met# I ha"e? I ha"e ne"er met a moreBsuch a patient person#

.urt used to study more than his sister# .urt(s sister? .urt(s sister used to study less than he did# Bdidn(t use to study so B as much as he did#

Chinese is more difficult to learn than $n,lish# It? It is more difficult to learn Chinese than $n,lish# B easier to learn $n,lish than Chinese#

My dau,hter is more hard@=or/in, than the other children in her class# -he other children? -he other children aren(t soB as hard@=or/in, as my dau,hther# -he other children are less hard@=or/in, than my dau,hter#

My sister /no=s Carla better than I do# I don(t? I don(t /no= Carla soBas =ell as my sister does#

-here =ere more boo/s than ma,a ines in the library# -here =eren(t? -here =eren(t soBas many ma,a ines as boo/s in the library#

+he sin,s better than anybody in our choir# Nobody? Nobody in our choir sin,s as =ell as she does#

>our hand=ritin, is much clearer than mine# My hand=ritin, is not? My hand=ritin, is not soB as clear as yours#

It =as the most beautiful son, I had e"er listened to# I had ne"er? I had ne"er listened to such aB a more beautiful son,#

$mma is the best pediatrician in the hospital# Nobody? Nobody in the hospital is as ,ood a pediatrician asB a better pediatrician than $mma#

I don(t li/e animals as much as you do# >ou? >ou li/e animals betterB more than I do#

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