Texture Analysis Implementation and Use

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Texture Analysis  Implementation and Use

Ronald J. Pandol
Mentor: Apurva Mehta
Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource, SULI Student

August 13, 2009

What is (crystalline) texture?

Mouse enamel, magnetotactic bacterium, abalone aragonite

platelets, and sponge spicule each have texture.

Diraction physics
Representation of texture
Results from Cu sample
Plans for future development
Basic Diraction Physics

Bragg Diraction
Basic Diraction Physics

Diraction physics
Representation of texture
Results from Cu sample
Plans for future development
How is texture represented?
Pole Figures
A planar projection of the diraction image
Superposition of diraction rings recorded at dierent
goniometer angles, with an equal area projection
Point intensities proportional to the density of points on the
reciprocal sphere
Basic Diraction Physics

The projection of the diraction rings onto a planar surface, with

the rotation of the sample, gives a pole gure. Each ring location
corresponds to a dierent pole gure
Studying texture at SSRL

The x-ray sources at SSRL and beamline facilities provide a suitable

laboratory for texture analysis.

Experimentation at SSRL would benet from a texture analysis

Studying texture at SSRL

The x-ray sources at SSRL and beamline facilities provide a suitable

laboratory for texture analysis.

Experimentation at SSRL would benet from a texture analysis

Diraction geometry

{χ, θ, ∆} → {φ, ψ}
Pole gures  projections of the reciprocal sphere

From the 2D pole gures, the 3D texture orientation space must be

determined. This is a complex mathematical inversion process
similar to tomogrophy. Solutions are not unique.

Diraction physics
Representation of texture
Results from Cu sample
Plans for future development
Application of texture analysis procedure

Example diraction image for Cu target sample

Application of texture analysis procedure

Incomplete-interpolated and completed pole gures for Cu

diraction Data, 111 index.
Application of texture analysis procedure

Incomplete-interpolated and completed pole gures for Cu

diraction Data, 200 index.
Application of texture analysis procedure

Incomplete-interpolated and completed pole gures for Cu

diraction Data, 220 index.
Application of texture analysis procedure

Incomplete-interpolated and completed pole gures for Cu

diraction Data, 311 index.

Diraction physics
Representation of texture
Results from Cu sample
Plans for future development
What next?

Plans for further development:

Other pole gure inversion methods may be used.
A comparative study may reveal that one algorithm works
better for this data set.
Complete automation

Apurva Mehta

Matt Bibee

James (Randy) Groves

Marc Davidson

Karen Magid

Stanford Linear Accelerator Center

Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource

Stanford University

Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships

Department of Energy

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