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STA 257H1 F, Section L0101, Fall 2011 PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS I Time and place: M 3-5, place ES1050,

W 3-4, place MS2158, web-site: on Portal. Instructor: Dragan Banjevic (, office SS6025, tel: 9780673 (at office hours), 978-6937 (otherwise), office hours: M 5-6. Textbook: Wackerly, Mendenhall and Scheaffer, Mathematical Statistics with Applications,

7 ed. with the student solutions manual.

Warning: This afternoon section of the course (L0101) is completely independent of the evening section (L5101) (as well as tests and final). So make sure you are registered in the right section! Marking scheme: Ten short quizzes 16% (in tutorials), Term test 34% (Oct 24, 2h, in class time, room TBA), Final exam 50% (3h, in exam period). Term test and the final are closed book exams, without aids except a non-programmable calculator. A formula sheet will be provided. There are no make-up tests or quizzes. If you miss Term Test with a valid reason, its weight will be shifted to the final (and the final covers the complete course). For it, you must submit appropriate documentation to the course Instructor or the Departmental Office (SS6008) within two weeks of the test (not to TAs!). Print on it your name, student number, course number and date, denoted by Term test. If documentation is not received in time, your test mark will be zero. Tutorials: Tutorials are on Wednesdays, 4-5, beginning on September 21. Tutorial assignments (alphabetically) and locations: TBA. There will be a short quiz at the end of every tutorial, starting on September 28. There are 10 quizzes. Your best 8 quizzes will be counted. There are no make-up quizzes or excuses for absence. Missing quizzes will be assigned zero mark. Important announcements, additional examples, past tests/exams and other course info will be posted on the course website. Check it regularly. Calculation: You will need a basic scientific hand-calculator, with statistical functions, and experience in working with it (start using it from the first day). Inability to work with it will not be an excuse. Programmable calculators are not allowed on quizzes, term test and final exam. Dont forget this. Assignments: Practice problems will be assigned weekly in the class, for you home preparation. They are not to be handed in. The solutions will not be posted. You may discuss them in tutorials or ask for help at OH. Course outline: Almost all of the course material is covered by the textbook. Some theoretical results might be considered in more detail. This is a first course in mathematical statistics, with emphasis on the probability theory. Topics to be covered: probability models, random variables, discrete and continuous distributions, multivariate models, large-sample limiting results, some statistical applications. This corresponds to Chapters 1 to 7 of the textbook. A good background in basic calculus is an asset.

Practice problems, Chapter 2: September 17: 2.3, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.11, 2.13, 2.15, 2.19, 2.27, 2.29, 2.33.

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