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1. Put the verb into the correct form. One exercise is done for you.

1.-Ian eats breakfast. (eat) an apple for

2.- Ana __________ (read) a book all the nights.

3.- I _____________ (swim) every morning.

Present simple by Jos Alfredo Martnez Santos is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento 3.0 Unported License. Creado a partir de la obra en

4.- John and Michel ____________ (live) in New York.

5.- He ________ (love) to cook.

6.- Lena _________ (sing) in the parties to get extra money.

7.- They _____________ (play) soccer every afternoon.

Present simple by Jos Alfredo Martnez Santos is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento 3.0 Unported License. Creado a partir de la obra en

8.- Mrs. Brown always _________ (go) to the supermarket with her sun.

9.- They usually _________ (eat) pizza.

10.- Alan ____________ (be) a teacher.

11.- She ___________ (study) for the next exam.

Present simple by Jos Alfredo Martnez Santos is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento 3.0 Unported License. Creado a partir de la obra en

2.- Now, make negative sentences as in the example.

My mom makes the bed: My mom does not (doesnt) make the bed 1.- Julia runs 10 kilometers per hour _________________________ 2.- We like candies ______________________________. 3.- They live in Rome _______________________________. 4.- I usually watch TV _____________________________. 5.- I speak English with my friends ____________________ .

3.- Now, make questions as in the example.

My mom makes the bed: Does my mom make the bed? 1.- You play the guitar ______________________. 2.- They go for a walk _______________________. 3.- Ana cleans the house _____________________. 4.- Bob works in the supermarket ________________________. 5.- They ride their bikes every Sunday _______________________.

KEY PART (1) PART (2) 1.doesnt run- 2. dont like- 3. Dont live- 4. Dont watch- 5 dont speal. PART (3) 1.-Do you play the guitar? 2.-Do they go for a walk? 3.-Does Ana clean the house? 4.-Does Bob work in the supermarket? 5.-Do they ride their bikes ever Sunday?

Present simple by Jos Alfredo Martnez Santos is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento 3.0 Unported License. Creado a partir de la obra en

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