Esercizi Per Il Miglioramento Della Respiro en

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Exercises to improve ones ActiVe breathing and

ActiVe Relaxation/mental training

(after a training session)
Training length minutes of AcTive Breathing
1-2 hours 15 min.
3hours 20 min.
4 or more hours 25 min.

1. Lay flat on the floor (not in the bed!);

2. Bend your knees (or keep them flat on the floor), keep your feet flat on the floor
and distant from each other;
3. Place your hands on your chest (not crossed);
4. OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING; your breath (rhythm, deepness, ease), your muscles
and your state of mind/feelings;
5. After a moment (ca 2-3 min.) take a breath as deep as you can and hold it for at
least 4 sec. and as long as is comfortable without use of much effort. Than in a
relaxation of the thorax, an exhale (important to allow this exhale to be without a
muscular contraction, ie just relax completely and let the air out without force or
constraint) repeat 10 times;
6. Now allow your breathing to move freely as your body wishes. Follow what FEELS
most natural and what your body DESIRES (quick/slow, deep/shallow etc) ca. 1-2min
observe without influencing; your breath (rhythm, deepness, ease), your muscles
and your state of mind/feelings;
7. Repeat step 5 but now to only 70% of maximum inhale volume;
8. Now allow your breathing to move freely as your body wishes. Follow what FEELS
most natural and what your body DESIRES (quick/slow, deep/shallow etc) ca. 1-2min
observe without influencing; your breath (rhythm, deepness, ease), your muscles
and your state of mind/feelings;
9. Repeat step 5 but now to only 50% of maximum inhale volume;
10. Now allow your breathing to move freely as your body wishes. Follow what FEELS
most natural and what your body DESIRES (quick/slow, deep/shallow etc) ca. 5 min
observe without influencing; your breath (rhythm, deepness, ease), your muscles
and your state of mind/feelings;
11. Repeat steps 5 to 10 and continue until target time has been reached.

Active Naturopatia and Joshua Gillis

Research, innovation and application for a drug free athlete TODAY!!
Conscious Breathing

1. Lay flat on the floor (not in the bed!);

2. Bend your knees(or keep them flat on the floor),, keep your feet flat on the floor
and distant from each other;
3. Place your hands on your chest (not crossed);
4. OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING; your breathe (rhythm, deepness, ease), your muscles
and your state of mind/feelings;
5. After a moment (2-3 min.)
a) inhale for 4 second
b) pause for 1 second
c) exhale for 3 second
d) pause for 1 second

Repeat steps a) to d) 4 times isolating the breath to each of the following areas:

I. Upper thorax
II. thorax
III. abdomen

note: smooth easy and controlled breathing is VERY important when moving from the
paused part of the breath...!

Breath enlargement

1. Lay flat on the floor (not in the bed!);

2. Bend your knees(or keep them flat on the floor),, keep your feet flat on the floor
and distant from each other;
3. Place your hands on your chest (not crossed);
4. OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING; your breathe (rhythm, deepness, ease), your muscles
and your state of mind/feelings;
5. After a moment (2-3 min.)
a) take a full breath
b) Freeze your thorax and abdomen
c) try to push the air out of the part of the lungs you are
breathing into without letting the air go. For 4-7 seconds
d) Stop pushing and relax your body
e) than slowly let your body naturally exhale the air

Repeat steps a) to d) 4 times isolating the breath to each of the following areas:

I. Upper thorax
II. thorax
III. abdomen
note: smooth easy and controlled breathing is VERY important and you should
always use your body to gage the intensity of the effort...! You should always stop the
exercise at any moment you feel uncomfortable or in doubt…! This is a very powerful

Active Naturopatia and Joshua Gillis

Research, innovation and application for a drug free athlete TODAY!!
exercise and should only be done once one has already good control of the “Conscious
Breath” exercise!!

4 Superior Breathe

1. Lay flat on the floor (not in the bed!);

2. Bend your knees(or keep them flat on the floor), keep your feet flat on the floor and
distant from each other;
3. Place your hands on your chest (not crossed);
4. OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING; your breathe (rhythm, deepness, ease), your muscles
and your state of mind/feelings;
a) 7 seconds to FULL inhalation
b) to a pause of 10 to 25 seconds, or more if you feel comfortable
c) 5 seconds to FULL exhalation
d) to a pause of 10 to 25 seconds, or more if you feel comfortable

Note: this exercise can be done sitting as well... This exercise is one of the most peaceful
and mind quieting exercises… When one has entered into the rhythm of the Superior
Breath one starts to rebalance ones brain wave patterns, hormones, and all bodily

Active Naturopatia and Joshua Gillis

Research, innovation and application for a drug free athlete TODAY!!

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