Journals of The House of Burgesses Volume 7

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of the


of Burgesses
of Virginia

1742--1747 1748--1749



The Houfe

of Burgeffes

of Virginia

Five Hundred Copies


from Type

No. /'<3

of the







Edited by

H. R.






Introductory Note


Journal, 1742 Journal, 1744 Journal, 1745
Journal, 1746 Journal, 1747 Journal, 1748












S. S. P.




: : : :: :

: :

: : : :

: : ;

Burgeffes for the Allembly

of 1742-47.

Henry Scarburgh'
George Douglas' Jofhua Fry
Jofeph Scott*


Ifle of

William Randolph* Benjamin Cocke Robert Harris^


Edward Booker
John Wall
Lunsford Lomax John Baylor


John Chifwell Richard Randolph John Boiling John Simmons Jofeph Gray
Lewis Burwell'o Carter Burwell George Braxton John Robinfon, Speaker

James City



Elizabeth Citv

Benjamin Harrifons King & Queen Richard Kennon William Weftwood King George Merritt Sweny (Swinney) William Beverley King William

Charles Carter

Henry Turner

Thomas Weft"
James Power"

Fairfax *

James Gamett Lawrence Wafhington

Samuel Earle [Andrew?] Campbell Lewis Burwell' Beverley Whiting

Louifa :'}

Edwin Conway
Robert Mitchell
Charles Barrett



Abraham Venablc* Ralph Wormeleys Gawin Corbin

p. 128) It is

Henry Scarbvirgh died fome time before Odlober



1744 (fee

not certain



' On May 21, 1742, the Houle paffed a refolution to the efFe<5t that William Andrews, and not George Douglas the fitting member, had been eleAed to ferve as burgefs for Accomac (pp. 31). On the next dayi however, ferious charges were preferred againft Andrews, an inveftigation of which refulted in his being expelled the Houfe (pp. 32-33). A new eleAion was ordered (p. 53) and Mr. Douglas was reelecfled. 3 By a law paffed at the fecond feffion of this Affembly, Albemarle was formed from Goochland. It acftvially became a county on the firft of January, 1744 (old ftyle). It was reprefented firft in the third feffion of the Affembly, meeting February 20, 1745 (old ftyle). Jofhua Fry was one of its reprefentatives, but the name of the other does not clearly appear. * The eledlion of Mr. Jofeph Scott was declared void by the Houfe on Jime 5, 1742 (p. 52). A new eleAion refulted in the return of Mr. Samuel Cobbs. 5 Benjamin Harrifon died before the opening of the third feffion, and on the day of the opening the Houfe petitioned the governor to order a new election for filling the vacancy (p. 155). His fucceffor was probably William Randolph (p. 168). ' The county of Fairfax was formed from Prince William county by a law paffed at the firft feffion of this Affembly (fee p. 70, and Hening, V, 207, 208). The burgeffes from Fairfax did not take their feats until the fecond feffion of this Affembly. 7 Mr. Lewis Burwell having been appointed a member of the Council after the clofe of the firft feffion of this Affembly, the Houfe, on the day of the opening of the fecond feffion, petitioned the governor to iffue a writ for a new election (p. 77). Mr. Samuel Buckner was ele<fted to fucceed him, who, having accepted a "place of profit" under the executive branch of the government (p. 155), was fucceeded by Francis Willis. * William Randolph died (p. 155), and was fucceeded by George Carrington. 9 Robert Harris accepted the office of furveyer (p. 77), and was fucceeded by William Meriwether. ' Col. Lewis Burwell died (p. 81), and was fucceeded by Benjamin Waller. " Thomas Weft, having died (p. 77), was fucceeded by Bernard Moore. " James Power accepted the office of clerk of court (p. 77), and a new ele(!tion was afked for by the Houle. He was, however, reelecfted. '3 The county of Louifa was formed from Hanover by a law paffed at the firft feffion of this Affembly (fee p. 70, and Hening ,V, 208, 209). The burgeffes from Louifa took their feats at the fecond feffion. ' Abraham Venable was unfeated on conteft, and the conteftant, Robert Lewis, was declared to have been elected in his ftead (p. 125). '5 Ralph Wormeley having accepted an "office of profit" (p. He was, 77), a new eledtion was ordered. however, reele<5led.


: :

: :



Lemuel Reddick William Baker

William Baffett-* William Gray William Crawford


Henry Fitzhugh'^


New Kent


John Cargill'* John Ruffin

William Hanvood
Daniel McCartys



Samuel Boufh" Littleton Eyre Matthew Harmanfon


Andrew Monroe
William Nelfon'* Edward Digges Philip Ludwell

Northumberland Peter Prefley Samuel Blackwell Henry Downs'' Orange Robert Slaughter" Richard Bland" Prince George Francis Eppes William Fairfax" Prince William

Will iamfburg

John Hutchins
John Harmer"

Thomas Harrifon"


Anthony Walke
Jacob EUigood


& Mary



John Woodbridge
William Fantleroy William Waller
Francis Thornton

Attorney -General

new eleaion (p. 77), but it i6 William Baffett dying, an addrefs was made to the governor to order a does not certainly appear in the Journals who was ele<fted to fucceed him. court of Norfolk county, and the governor was afked 7 Samuel Boufh accepted the office of clerk of the by the Houfe to order a new election (p. 71). Boufh was reeledled. 8 Henry Downs, it having been proved that before his eledtion to the Houfe he had been com'iAed of felony and theft, was on May 11, 1742, expelled from the Houfe (p. 11). '9 Robert Slaughter was declared not duly elefted, June 5, 1742, and the governor was afked to iffue a writ for an elecftion of a member to ferve in his ftead, and of one to ferve inftead of Henry Downs, expelled Who took the place of the It feems that Cieorge Taylor was returned in place of one of thefe.
(P- S3)-

other, has not been definitely afcertained. "> Richard Bland accepted a "place of profit" (p. 155), but


reeledled to the Houfe.

" William

Fairfax having been advanced to the Council



Colville fucceeded


in the

Houfe. " According to Stanard's "Colonial Regifter", Major [Richard?] Blackburn reprefented Prince William county in the 3rd, 4th, and sth feffions of this Affembly. This, however, feems to be a miftake; for a Mr. Harrifon was granted a leave of abfence from the House on March 27, 1746 (p. 204). This muft have been Mr. Thomas Harrifon, as Mr. Benjamin Harrifon had died before that time (p. 155). Mr. Blackburn is mentioned only once in the Journals (p. 198), and it has not been poffible to determine the county he Poffibly he fupplied the vacancy occafioned by the death of Benjamin Harrison of Charles reprefented. There were City, though it feems more probable that William Randolph fucceeded Benjamin Harrifon.

two William Randolphs in this Affembly. (See Note 8.) '3 Henry Fitzhugh died (p. 77), and was fucceeded by James Waugh. 4 John Cargill died (p. 77), and was fucceeded by Richard Cocke. s Daniel McCarty died (p. 77), and was fucceeded by George Lee. William Nelfon, promoted to the Council (p. 155), was fucceeded by Thomas Nelfon, fecretary of

not known.

John Harmer accepted the pofition of coroner (p. 236), but the refult of a new eleAion if held is The Affembly, very foon after the governor was afked to order a new eleiStion, was prorogued,


later diffolved.

Edward Baradall died

Mr. Lee

(p. 77),

and was fucceeded by Beverley Randolph.

addition to Mr. George Lee), a Mr. Edwards, and a Mr. Cimningham were members of the Houfe for this Affembly, but it has not been poffible to afcertain the counties for which they fat. (See
7, 189,



Burgeffes for the Alfembly

of 1748-49.


John Bufhrode
George Lee


Robert Todd Peyton Randolph,


Thomas Nelfon, Sec* Edward Digges

Philip Ludwell




& Mary
Beverley Randolph


Thomas Nellon was advanced

to the Council (p. 148),

and was fucceeded

the Houfe

by John


Introductory Note,


^olume contains the Journals of the Houfe of Burgeffes for two AffembHes,

the Affemhly of


The former of thefe Affem1 742-1 747 and that of 1748-49. had five feflions the latter onh' one, but a very long and bufy one. There

in exiftence, fo far as



to the Editor, only one complete fet of the


original Journals of the


for thefe

two Affemblies, the

belonging to the heirs of

the late

M''' C. W. Coleman, of Williamfbiirg, Va., who kindly allowed that fuch of them be copied as were defired. The locations of the other copies known to be in America are as follows: there is a defective copy (lacking pages 1-8) of the Journal for the feffion beginning May 6, 1742, in the Library of Congrefs; a perfedl copy of the Journal for the feffion beginning September 4, 1744, in the Virginia State Library; an imperfecft copy (lacking pp. 47-50, which have been torn out) of the Journal for the feffion beginning February 20, 1745 (old ftyle), in the Virginia State Library; and an imperfedt copy (lacking pp. 89-181) of the Journal for the feffion beginning October 27, 1748, in the Fortunately, the Coleman copies are all perfedl, with the exception Librar}^ of Congrefs. the feffion beginning March 30, 1747, has no title page. Where that the Journal for poffible, the Journals in the Library of Congress and the Virginia State Library have been followed in obtaining the text of the reprints in this volume; but when neceffary, the Coleman Journals ha\'e been reforted to. As heretofore, the aim has been to make the text a faithful reproduction of the originals fo far as the phrafeology, fpelling, pundluaIt has not tion, capitalization, ufe of italics, and peculiarities of type are concerned. been thought neceffar>', however, to make the title pages follow the originals in abfolutely all the different ftyles of type exhibited by them, or to make the lines of all the matter printed on the title pages correfpond rigidly with the original lines. Nor does the vignette appearing on all the title pages of the reprints in this volume correfpond with the

vignettes of the originals, which are of feveral patterns




fpecial fignificance.

In the Journals in this volume there


evidence that the original Journals were

printed from day to day by the public printer, a copy being delivered to each member,

and that

in cafe a

daily iffues

member wifhed a bound fet, it was neceffary for him to preferv-e the and have them bound together at the clofe of the feffion. On p. 402, in a

paper copied from the Virginia Gazette fetting forth the Council's fide of a controverfy then being carried on between the Houfe and the Council appears a reference to printed Journals of the Houfe for two days of the feffion which was then in progrefs; and on " p. 41 is fet forth the duty of the public printer in part in the following language He will print the governor's fpeech, and the addreffes of both Houfes, and the journal of this Houfe, e\^ery feffion and deli\-er a copy of each of them to every member He will print the public laws of CA^ery feffion, and deliver a copy of them ftitched, to He will deliver a copy ever>' member, and every juftice of the peace in the Colony of the laws of every feffion, well bound, to the fecretary's office, and to every county
: ; : ;


court in the Colony." Since the word "ftitched" is ufed in connection with the copy of the adts of Affembly, and not in connection with the copy of the Journal fince the public printer was to deliver only one copy of the Journal to each member; and lince it is evident

that the Journals were printed each day or at leaft every few days the ftatement made above, that the member who wifhed a bound et was compelled to fave the daily Further evidence that this was the iffues and have them bound, feems reafonable.

found on an examination of the only two copies of the Journals of the Houfe for In the 1 748-1 749 feffion feen the Library of Congrefs copy and the Coleman copy. each of thefe the addrefs of the Council to the governor appears on an unnumbered fheet It is inferred that the two collectors of thefe Journals bound in between pages 4 and 5 the Council printed on a feparate fheet, to the printer the addrefs of with fets, their fent Parks), to be bovmd, and that he, or his workmen, and binder (moft certainly, William placed the fheet in the pofition defcribed (rather than at the beginning of the volume) It was unneceffary to fend the feparately printed fpeech of the for greater fecurity. address of the Houfe, for both the fpeech and the addrefs were contained governor and It is, in truth, probable that the ufelefs feparate printing of thefe was in the Journals. no longer kept up for had it been, the governor's fpeech and the two addreffes would alcafe, is

moft certainly have been printed together on two fheets as was the cafe before this, as proved by more than one fpecimen. This method of fecuring the bound volumes of the Journals probably accounts for their peculiar fcarcity at the prefent time.' The lifts of members of the Houfe have been taken from Stanard's "Colonial Regifefpecially the Journals themfelves. ter," but carefully compared with the fources

is confirmed by an item contained in the Virginia Gazette for January 5, 1738 (old ftyle), "The Remainder of the Jovimal of the Houfe of Burgeffes, which was not compleated at the Riling of the Assembly, is printed, and fent to the Gentlemen in the feveral Counties, who are entitled to them." This feffion of the Affembly ended on December 31. Later on it feems that the Journal was iffued as a whole at the clofe of the feffion, as well as in parts during its progrefs; for in Rind's Gazette for June 9, 1768, there appears the following advertifement: "Juft publifhed, and to be Sold by the Subfcriber, the Journal of the Houfe of Burgeffes, for the laft

'This view


feffion of


William Rind."

This feffion of the Affembly ended April

16, 1768.

the year 700 a reprefentative of SINCE throne of Spain, and in


the Houfe of Bourbon had fat upon the a fecret union (afterwards known as the "Family 1733 Compact") had been entered into by the government of that coimtry with the


government of France, the objedl of which was to deftroy the commercial power England, which fince the treaty of Utrecht (17 13) had been rapidly expanding. Emboldened by this compact, the Spanifh minifters entered upon a progreffive inter-

commerce that greatly enraged the Englifh nation, whofe clamors compelled Robert Walpole, England's peace-loving prime minifter, to declare war againft Spain. This he unwillingly did in 1739. Conducting the war, howexer, with little vigor, he found at laft that his bribed Parliamentary majority had
ference with Englifh

away from him, and early in 1742 he refigned. He was fucceeded as prime by Lord Wilmington, the influential men in the miniftry being, however. Lord Cartaret, an able chief of foreign affairs, and the two Pelhams, who underftood the methods of bribery made popular by Walpole. This miniftry had to face a much ftronger enemy than Spain, with France as her rather inadlive ally; for the war of the Austrian Succeffion was now on, and Maria Therefa, befet by France, Spain, Pruffia, and Bavaria, looked for fupport to England, Holland, and Hanover. Both George II and Cartaret


were eager for the conteft, the former on accovmt of his perfonal diflike to his nephew, Frederick II, of Pruffia, and his delire to prevent the eledtor of Bavaria from becoming emperor, and the latter becaufe he knew that fooner or later the conteft with France for commercial and colonial fupremacy would have to be fought out, and thought that in the prefent emergency every effort fhould be made to prevent France from adding to her territory and power by abforbing the Auftrian Netherlands, and, not only that, but to incapacitate her from carrying on colonial and maritime war by compelling a concentration of her energies on the conduct of the war in Europe. Hence Briiifh money, Britifh troops, and Hanoverian troops in Britifh pay were forthcoming. It was in this war that the victory of Dettingen was won (July 27, 1743) by George II at the head of Anglo-Hanoverian troops. But the two Pelhams were jealous of Cartaret, and his foreign policy was not clearly underftood at home. He was attacked as favoring Hanover rather than England, and as inclining too much to the wifhes of the king rather than thofe of Parliament, one of his principal critics being William Pitt, who, though he lived long enough to fee the wifdom of "conquering Canada on the plains of Germany," now infifted on attacking France at fea and in her colonies. Hence, toward the clofe of the year 1744, Cartaret was forced to retire from the cabinet, and for more than a decade the Pelhams were fupreme. The war continued, indeed, on the continent, but with not much fuccefs to the Englifh. On May 11, 1745, the Englifh army was defeated in the bloody battle of Fontenoy, inflidting, however, great loffes on the French. But in order to relieve the continent of thefe troublefome Englifhmen and to drive, if poffible, the Hanoverian Houfe, the inveterate foe of the French, from the throne of England, the ministers of Louis XV had determined to take up the caufe of the Yoimg Pretender, who was promifed 15,000 men with whom to land in Scotland. Thefe men were adlually affembled at Dunkirk, but a ftorm having fcattered the tranfports, they were brought back to the main army in Flanders. The Young Pretender, however, refolved to proceed, relying upon the afiedlion of the Highlanders for the Houfe of Stuart and the reported difaffection of the Lowlanders and fome of the Englifh to the Houfe of Hanover. Then came the Rebellion of '45, as it is called; reaching its zenith at Prefton Pans on September 21, The withdrawal of 1745, and going down in darkness at Culloden on April 16, 1746.


French a chance, which they feized, to But Englifh troops were back again in the o\-errun the Auftrian Netherlmtds in 1746. a defeat at Lawfelt on the 2^ of July, fuftered they though Netherlands in 1747, and along the Rhine and in Italy, Auftrians the French, having fared badly againft the
the Englifh

army from Flanders had

gi\-en the

confented to treat for peace. In the meanwhile, fighting had been going on between England on the one hand and at firft Spain and then Spain and France on the other in other parts of the world than the continent of Europe. Porto Bello had been captured in 1 739, but the expedition A defcent of the Spaniards on againft Carthagena in 1741 had difaftroufly failed.
Georgia had been foiled in 1742.

In 1744 Cape Breton Island had been taken, and before In India the this and later a conflidl had been kept up along the Canadian frontier. French and the Englifh had come into collifion, to the decided advantage of the former

under Dupleix. Commodore Anfon had led a fuccefsful expedition againft the Pacific ports of South America and had captured much treafure. By the treaty of Aix la Chapelle (figned in 1748), which ended the war, the few conquefts which England, Spain, and France had refpedlively made were all reftored to The great the difguft of the Englifh colonifts in America and of the French in India.

queftion of maritime



fupremacy was


to be fettled in the

Seven Years'

War, waged only a few years

Affembly of 1742-4.3.
Firft Seffion.

Affembly began on the 6**' of May, 1742. Of a memberfhip of feventy-four, there were prefent on the day of opening all but three. Governor Gooch had not long before come back from the unfuccefsful expedition against Carthagena, fome of the troops taking part in which had been enlifted in Virginia, and it is poffible that to the intereft aroufed by his recent return may be attributed the unufually good attendance. War with Spain was ftill going on, but intereft in it had become almoft extindl in Virginia a fadt attefted in more ways than one by the Houfe of Burgeffes at this feffion. For example, to the fuggeftion of the governor, made in his opening fpeech, that a bill be paffed obliging the mafters of all fhips and veffels coming to Virginia for trade to pay the tonnage duty in powder and ball', the Houfe made reply, that fuch a law would be attended with great inconvenience and would not be of any advantage to the Colony and to his recommendation that money be voted for the repair of the batteries and for keeping them and Fort George^ in a conftant pofition of defenfe, it replied that thefe defirable objedts ought by all means to be


feffion of this

but that the expenfe should be defrayed out of the duties appropriated by Further, a bill was paffed by the Houfe, to which, however, the Coimcil failed to agree, repealing the adt for the better fecurity of the country in the prefent time of danger, in fo far as its provifions applied^to training, muftering, and exercifmg the militia-'. Evidently, fo far as the Houfe was concerned, the war fcare was over. This feffion, accordingly, in refpedl to the procedure of the Houfe and the matters


aft of Affembly for that purpofe3.

it adled on, is entirely typical of other feffions at which there was no extraordinary excitement brought about either by foreign war or unfortunate mifunderftanding and con-

between the two chambers of the General Affembly and at which only the ufual bufinefs of an Affembly was condudled in the ufual manner. As foon as poffible after the opening of the feffion the committee of privileges and eledlions, the committee of public claims, the committee for courts of juftice, the committee of trade, and the committee of propofitions and grievances were named. The committee of privileges and eledlions was compofed at the ftart of eleven members;

that of public claims, of fifteen; that for courts of juftice, of fixteen; of trade, of nine; and of propofitions and grievances, of twenty-eight, the number on a committee cor-

refponding fairly well (as will be feen on a clofe examination of the proceedings) with the amount of bufinefs tranfadled by that committee. Befides thefe ftanding committees, the Houfe, as occafion required, made ufe of fpecial committees, and for the difcuffion
of the weightier matters brought to its attention refolved itfelf into a

committee of the



this feffion, as at others, the governor's fpeech

was confidered through the

agency of the committee of the whole, and one of the queftions brought to its attention, namely, the continuation and improvement of the all-important tobacco law, was thus

many times after the firft draft of the bill propofed to be paffed had been fubmitted to the Houfe by a fpecial committee appointed for that purpofes. As inftances of other fpecial committees dealing with important matters, attention may be drawn to the fpecial committee named on June 1 1 to examine the treafurer's accounts^i
volume; alfo Hening, II, 466. were at Yorktown and Gloucefter Point. Fort George was at Old Point Comfort. From the very earlieft days of the Colony there had been a fort at Old Point, but this having been allowed to fall into difrepair Fort George had been built in the years of preparation for the war with Spain which was at this time being languidly waged. Some very interefting papers relating to the land on which Fort George was built are preferved in the Virginia State Library. They are printed in "The Virginia Magazine of Hiftory and Biography" for July, 1909, pp. 268-271.


p, 4 of this




Hening, II, 466; III, 345, 491. See p. 28. See pp. 13, 31, 36, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 49. See p. n.


committee being fimilar to one appointed at each regular feffion; the committee named June i6 for "proportioning the public levy"; and the one named the fame day

"examining the inrolled


committees indicate well enough the character of the matters referred to them but attention may be drawn to one of the duties of the committee for courts of juftice, which was, to inpe(5l the journals of the preceding feffion and prepare a ftatement as to the ftatus of matters which has been left over, and to report to the Houfe what laws of a temporary nature had expired fmce the clofe of the preceding feffion or would foon expire, with their opinion as to which of them fhould be revived or continued. The neceffity for this procedure arofe from the fa(ft that it was the cuftom to pafs ads (of which may be mentioned the adls laying duties on liquors and flaves imported and the afts for the infpedlion of articles exported) which were to be in effedt only a certain number of years. The order to the committee for courts of juftice of the Houfe of Burgeffes for this firft feffion to perform this duty was given on May 8, the fecond day after the opening of the feffion*. One of the temporary laws whofe amendment and continuance it recommended, was the great tobacco law of the Colony, to which the governor had already direifted the attention of the Houfe. All the propofitions and petitions reported by the committee as having been left unadled upon by the Houfe at the preceding feffion there were nine of them were referred to the committee of thofe being the days of legiflation propofitions and grie\ances"=, which at this feffion many local and private matters was, as ufual, in reference to on petition and legiflation the largeft and bufieft committee of the Houfe. The committee of public claims appears to have done this feffion fomewhat more than its ufual proportion of work, fince claims from the widows of thofe who had died by difeafe or been killed largely the former in the expedition againf t Carthagena now began to make their appearance". The number of contefted eledlions and the throughnefs with which all cafes of conteft were examined into, as well as the thoroughness with which all accufations againft fitting members were examined," show the fenfitiveness of the Houfe in regard

The names

of the ftanding

its members and alfo their qualifications. Nor did the Houfe feek to diminifh the number of contefts. It rather invited them; for when a motion was made to the effedl that if any petition againft a fitting member fhould be adjudged frivolous the complainant fhould be compelled to "make fatisfaction to the fitting member," it was rejedled.-3 In the Journal for this firft feffion is feen more clearly probably than in the Journal for any other feffion the procedure gone through with in fettling the public levy. The committee of the Houfe for apportioning the public levy was named on June i6. The next day this committee reported to the Houfe that it had, "according to order, fettled the proportion of the public levy; and ftated the fame in a book." This was forthwith read and agreed to by the Houfe, and the chairman of the committee was ordered to carry the book to the Council for their concurrence. Later the fame day the Council informed the Houfe that they had agreed to the book, when, immediately, Mr Conway, the chairman of the committee, prefented a bill for raifing the public levy. This was received, and read the firft time; then immediately read the fecond time; and ordered

to the purity of the eledlion of


See p. 63. See p. 8. See p. 15. See p. 10.

It is of intereft to

note that at leaft two of thefe claims that came up for acflion this feffion were Since their hufbands muft ha\e been, of courfe, free negroes or mu(p. 37). lattoes, an indication is thus given of the fecial pofition of the private foldiers enlifted in Virginia for the Carthagena expedition. Reference to the law under which thefe enliftments were made (Hening, V, 94, 96) fhows that they were largely compulfory, it being provided that in cafe any able-bodied man not being a. voter were to be found anywhere in the Colony who had no vifible means of fupport, he might be imprefented

by mulatto women

preffed for the fervice.

" For example,


fee the cafe of Mr.

Henry Downs





p. 8.


The next day it was read the third time by the Houfe, paffed, taken to the Council, and immediately paffed by that body; and on the following day figned by the governor, with the other adts paffed at that feffion of the Affembly.'s The public le\n/ was a certain amount of tobacco to be paid by each tithable in the Colony toward defraying public expenses. The period covered by the payment was ufually from the beginning of one feffion to the beginning of the next; but the period
to be engroffed.'*

covered by the payment provided for in this a6t was from May 22, 1740 (the day of opening of the fecond feffion preceding, the only bufinefs tranfadled at the feffion immediately preceding being the voting of a fum of five thoufand pounds for the Carthagena expedition) to May 6, 1742, the day of opening of the feffion at which the
prefent law




legiflation enacted

was confiderable


amount, and fome of


of unufual


Befides the tobacco law* and the public levy already referred to, the

General Affembly paffed laws continuing for fpecified times the adls laying duties on flaves and liquors, in order that the amount to be fecured by the public levy might

be decreafed; and an acl fomewhat analogous to the great tobacco adl in that



paffed for the purpofe of preventing frauds in the trade in certain other articles exported

from the Colony. The title of this was "An adl for infpedting, weighing, and ftamping all pork and beef packed in the Colony or imported for fale, before the fame fhall be fold here or fhipped for exportation and to amend the ac?t intituled An adl for afcertaining the gauge of barrels for pork, beef, tar, and pitch." This adt was in amendment and continuance of adts paffed before for the fame purpofe, notably one paffed in 1705, and contained more rigorous provifions not only for gauging the barrels ufed in making
fhipments but alfo for infpedting the contents.-' An adl the defign of which was to obviate fome of the inconvenience arif ing from the ufe of tobacco as the currency of the Colony in the fettlement of public accounts, had as its title "An adl to allow perfons not concerned in making tobacco to difcharge levies and officers' fees in money." This tentative adt was to be in force only until the clofe of the next feffion of Affembly.'* Under the fyftem that had come into exiftence fhortly before this time of appointing as treafurer of the Colony the man who had been at the opening of the feffion chofen fpeaker of the Houfe, John Robinfon, having been eledted fpeaker, was duly made

by an adl which was paffed in juft the fame way as any other adl." There had been a great increafe in the number of men engaged in driving cattle from the provinces to the north to thofe to the fouth of Virginia, and thefe on their way through were but too apt to take the cattle of the inhabitants, under the pretenfe that it was almoft impoffible in many cafes to feparate them from their own droves. To prevent this ftealing, a law was paffed requiring every fuch perfon immediately on croffing into the Colony to produce a manifeft, certified by a juftice of the province from which he came, giving a clear defcription of the cattle in the drove; and the manifeft was to be fhown in the fame way in each county paffed through. And in order that the importation of horfes might be difcouraged (it being fuppofed that the ftock already in the Colony was fufficient), the fame law laid a duty on each horfe, mare, or colt imported. This adl was to be in force only till the end of the next feffion of


At this feffion of the Affembly Fairfax county was formed from Prince William, Louifa from Hanover, and a portion of King and Queen taken from that coimty and added to Caroline. Three towns were eftablifhed, Leeds, Suffolk, and Richmond."

's '*

See See

p. 67. p.

The tobacco law regulated the public tobacco warehoufes, the

etc, etc.

infpecftion of tobacco, its fhipment, the

currency of notes, " Hening, V, 8 Hening, V, 9 Hening, V, '" Hening, V, '" Hening, V,

164-168. 168-170, 173-174. 176-181.

185, 191-197, 199-202, 207-209.


Second Seffion.
The opening day
of the fecond feffion

after the clofe of the firft feffion {June 19, 1742). Houfe did not this feffion proves the fadl that the

was September 4, i744, more than two years The firft record in the Journal for have the power of choofing all its

"Clement Read, Gent, having taken the oaths appointed the oaths of allegiance and fupremacy, to be taken by a(5t of Parliament, inftead of virtue of his commiffion from the lieutenwas, by teft, the oath of abjuration and the The fergeant at arms'3 and the Houfe." ant-governor, fwom clerk-affiftant to the the other officers (a chaplain clerk and his affiftant were named by the governor;
this record being,

were chofen by the Houfe. In his opening fpeech the governor called attention to the need of devifing means perfedling the laws againft all of enforcing the provifions of the tobacco law, advifed forms of vice, and afked that money be given for defraying expenfes incident to making the Treaty of Lancafter and for preparing the Colony for both defenfive and offenfive war, the battle of Dettingen having been won by the Englifh king, and French animofity being efpecially turned for this reafon againft that king's poffeffions and even againft


feveral door-keepers)

his tenure of the Englifh throne.^*

After confideration of the governor's fpeech in committee of the whole houfe feveral times, the Houfe determined to draw up an humble addrefs to his majefty to
congratulate him on his victory at Dettingen, and to affure him of their ftrong loyalty In the addrefs prepared the Council later joined. The to his perfon and his family.

Houfe refolved that the tobacco law fhould be further amended; as

with the governor's efpecial
of vice

alfo, in


fhould be the

ads then

in force for the fuppreffion

Accordingly the proper machinery was at once the feffion the governor had the fatisfadlion of figning clofe of at the fet in motion, and the three laws given on pages 232-236, 225-2 26, and 2 29-231, of the fifth volume of Hening's


for the reftraint of gaming.

firft of which embodied, beyond a doubt, an improvement in the tobacco law, and the latter two of which, though reading well, were probably never of very much effedl on the morals of the people. The adt embodying the efforts of the General Affembly to legiflate the people into goodnefs had as its title "An adt to explain

Statutes atLarge, the

and amend an adt intituled an a<5l for the effectual fuppreffion of vice and reftraint and punifhment of wicked, blafphemous, and diffolute perfons," and was merely amendatory of an adl paffed at the OdobCT-, 1705, feffion of the Affembly, which was itfelf a confolidation, with amendments, of the various laws whofe enadlment had called for fo much of the time of the General Affembly from the very firft feffion of its exiftence. Governor Gooch was a fincerely religious man of the old fchool, thinking that wars and afflidtions were vifited upon peoples by Providence on account of their fins and that it was the duty of government to fee that thefe fins were reduced in number. Hence his fuggeftion to the General Affembly. The Affembly was made up of men, who, if not quite fo religious as the governor, were indifpofed to be thought lefs fo; and confequently they haftened to follow in his lead. Nearly all the fins which from the beginning of recorded government it has been found moft difficult to regulate, received attention in this adt. But for the fuppreffion of gambling a fpecial adl was paffed, which was, however, merely amendatory of adls already in exiftence defigned
to eradicate that evil.

was refolved that

fince the

Treaty of Lancafter would undoubtedly refult in a

great increafe in the quit-rents, his


majeftyinto whofe private purfe thefe quit-rents probably be pleafed to pay out of the amount arifing from the prefent quit-rents the expenfes incident to that treaty. As for repairing the forts, it was refolved that this expenfe ought to be met out of the duties already appropriated for that purpofe by adt of the Affembly.'s No new duties were needed. Nor did the Houfe See p. 75.
'3 '*

See p. 154. See pp. 75, See Note 3.



look favorably on the propofition that men for the war fhould be allowed to be enlifted in Virginia, claiming that uch enliftments would refult in the weakening of the Colony. In accordance with this view, a refolution was adopted that an addrefs be made the

governor calling on him to prevent the enltftment in the Colony of any perfon for fervice beyond its limits; and though the committee of the whole had adopted a refolution that a veffel, properly armed, equipped, and maimed, fhould be provided as a guard to the coaft, the Houfe itfelf refufed to agree."* On the fubjed of the war the Houfe was not very greatly excited. The danger was not fufficiently near to caufe extraordinary expenditures to be looked upon with favor, and the difaftrous termination of the expedition formerly entered into produced,

no doubt, a decided


nation toward a fimilar venture. Hence the Houfe was content to exprefs its loyalty to the Hanoverian line, and to do what it could to keep the able-bodied men of the Colony at home againft the day of a poffible clofer approach of the enemy.

The governor was more interefted in the condudt of the war; hence when the committee addreffed him afking that he would not permit the enliftment of men in the Colony defigned for general fervice, he replied that he could by no means grant the requeft. The overwhelming majority of the Houfe was, however, in favor of the
adtion already taken;


the day after this refolution againft enliftment had


been paffed, a motion was made that

for the fupport of vote of 46 to 14. Later ftill, for the "more frequent exercife of the militia in this time of danger."'* one of the coaft counElizabeth City coimty, when, in accordance with a petition from ties, a bill had been brought in for the piirchafe of a veffel to protedt the trade of the

hundred pounds be given "to aid the revenue the forts and fortifications in this Colony," it was defeated by a Later on, it even reftifed to concur in a bill paffed by the Council

Colony, though


commanded enough

fupport to caufe



to the con-

fideration of the committee of the whole, and was



for the

the final adtion taken was the adoption of a refolution, Houfe refolving itfelf into a committee to draw up the report upon the
the better fecurity and guard
of the fea-coaft

committee difcuffed twice, "That the order of the day



and trade

of this Colony, be referred

This was equivalent to the rejecftion of the bill, for the fe'ennight.""* was taken on October 17, when the bufinefs of the Affembly was in fuch condition that it was feen that a prorogation was clofe at hand. The final efforts of thofe in favor of more active war meafures were made on October 23, the fecond day before the clofe A bill which had been of the feffion, but they were as unfuccefsful as preceding ones. introduced earlier, having as its objedt the purchafe of arms for the defenfe of the country, was decifively defeated, as was a motion that the Houfe pafs a refolution to give five himdred poimds to "aid the revenue for the fupport of the forts and fortifications in this Colony," and alfo a motion that leave be given to bring in a bill for expending a fum of money in powder and ball.'' The nimiber of laws paffed by the Affembly at this feffion was even greater than the number paffed at the firft, being forty -fix as againft thirty-three. The excefs was, however, made up rather of local and private adts than of general ones. Of the latter,


be noted as being the moft important perhaps, in addition to the three already referred to, "An adl for the relief of certain creditors," a very technical one dealing with the legal procedure neceffary in the recovery of debts due the inhabitants of Virginia from perfons not refiding in Virginia but having property there ;3' an adt making provifion againft invafions and infurredtions, merely extending the operation of
the law already in force,
36 j


but foon to expire, defigned to


the militia effedlive

See p. 98. See p. 100. 8 See p. 116. 29 See p. 138. 30 See p. 145. 3" In order to fecure the royal affent to this meafure before the Englifh merchants could have a chance to oppofe it, very unufual fteps were taken. See "Journals of the Houfe of Burgeffes, 17S2-17SS." P- 46, Petition of John Tayloe.


Second Seffion.
The opening day
of the fecond feffion

after the clofe of the firft feffion

this feffion proves the fadl

was September 4, 1744, more than two years The firft record in the Journal for the power of choofing all its have not did that the Houfe
19, 1742).

"Cletnent Read, Gent, having taken the oaths appointed oaths of allegiance and fupremacy, to be taken by a<ft of Parliament, inftead of the of his commiffion from the lieutenvirtue was, by teft, of abjuration and the
this record being,

the oath



clerk-affiftant to the


The fergeant

at arms"3
officers (a

and the


his affiftant

were named by the governor; the other

and feveral door-keepers) were chofen by the Houfe. In his opening fpeech the governor called attention to the need of devifing means perfeAing the laws againft all of enforcing the provifions of the tobacco law, advifed
forms of vice, and afked that money be given for defraying expenfes incident to making the Treaty of Lancafter and for preparing the Colony for both defenfive and offenfive war, the battle of Dettingen having been won by the Englifh king, and French animofity being efpecially turned for this reafon againft that king's poffeffions and even againft
his tenure of the Englifh throne."*

After confideration of the governor's fpeech in committee of the whole houfe feveral times, the Houfe determined to draw up an humble addrefs to his majefty to congratulate him on his victory at Dettingen, and to affure him of their ftrong loyalty
to his perfon

In the addrefs prepared the Council later joined. The Houfe refolved that the tobacco law fhould be further amended as alfo, in accordance with the governor's efpecial defire, fhould be the a(5ts then in force for the fuppreffion Accordingly the proper machinery was at once of vice and for the reftraint of gaming.


his family.

fet in

motion, and at the clofe of the feffion the governor had the fatisfa<$tion of figning the three laws given on pages 232-236, 2 2 5-226, and 229-231, of the fifth volume of Hening's Statutes atLarge, the firft of which embodied, beyond a doubt, an improvement in the tobacco law, and the latter two of which, though reading well, were probably never of

very much efied on the morals of the people. The adt embodying the efforts of the General Affembly to legiflate the people into goodnefs had as its title "An adt to explain and amend an a(5l intituled an adt for the effedlual fuppreffion of vice and reftraint and punifhment of wicked, blafphemous, and diffolute perfons," and was merely amendatory of an adl paffed at the Ocfobcr, 1705, feffion of the Affembly, which was itfelf a confolidation, with amendments, of the various laws whofe enadlment had called for fo

Affembly from the very firft feffion of its exiftence. Gooch was fincerely Governor a religious man of the old fchool, thinking that wars and afflidtions were vifited upon peoples by Providence on account of their fins and that it was the duty of government to fee that thefe fins were reduced in number.
of the time of the General



his fuggeftion to the General Affembly.

The Affembly was made up



not quite fo religious as the governor, were indifpofed to be thought

lefs fo;

and confequently they haftened to follow in his lead. Nearly all the fins which from the beginning of recorded government it has been found moft difficult to regulate, received attention in this adt. But for the fuppreffion of gambling a fpecial adt was paffed, which was, however, merely amendatory of adls already in exiftence defigned
to eradicate that evil.

was refolved that

fince the

Treaty of Lancafter would undoubtedly refult


majeftyinto whofe private purfe thefe quit-rents wentwould probably be pleafed to pay out of the amount arifing from the prefent quit-rents the expenfes incident to that treaty. As for repairing the forts, it was refolved that this expenfe ought to be met out of the duties already appropriated for that purpofe by adt of the Affembly.^s No new duties were needed. Nor did the Houfe
great increafe in the quit-rents, his



See p. 75. See p. 154. See pp. 7s, See Note 3.



war fhould be allowed to be enlifted in Virginia, claiming that fuch enliftments would refult in the weakening of the Colony. In accordance with this view, a refolution was adopted that an addrefs be made the governor calling on him to prevent the enliftment in the Colony of any perfon for fervice beyond its limits; and though the committee of the whole had adopted a refolution that a veffel, properly armed, equipped, and manned, fhould be provided as a guard to the coaft, the Houfe itfelf refufed to agree. On the fubjedl of the war the Houfe was not very greatly excited. The danger was not fufficiently near to caufe extraordinary expenditures to be looked upon with favor, and the difaftrous termination of the expedition formerly entered into produced, no doubt, a decided difinclination toward a fimilar venture. Hence the Houfe was content to exprefs its loyalty to the Hanoverian line, and to do what it could to keep the able-bodied men of the Colony at home againft the day of a poffible clofer approach of the enemy. The governor was more interefted in the condudt of the war; hence when the committee addreffed him afking that he would not permit the enliftment of men in the Colony defigned for general fervice, he replied that he could by no means grant the requeft. The overwhelming majority of the Houfe was, however, in favor of the adlion already taken; for when the day after this refolution againft enliftment had been paffed, a motion was made that fix hundred pounds be given "to aid the revenue for the fupport of the forts and fortifications in this Colony," it was defeated by a Later on, it even refufed to concur in a bill paffed by the Council vote of 46 to 14. Later ftill, for the "more frequent exercife of the militia in this time of danger."'* when, in accordance with a petition from Elizabeth City county, one of the coaft counties, a bill had been brought in for the purchafe of a veffel to protedl the trade of the Colony, though it commanded enough fupport to caufe its commitment to the confideration of the committee of the whole, and was by this committee difcuffed twice, the final adtion taken was the adoption of a refolution, "That the order of the day for the Houfe refolving itfelf into a committee to draw up the report upon the bill for the better fecurity and guard of the fea-coaft and trade of this Colony, be referred till Monday fe'ennight."'' This was equivalent to the rejedlion of the bill, for the adlion was taken on October 17, when the bufinefs of the Affembly was in fuch condition that it was feen that a prorogation was clofe at hand. The final efforts of thofe in favor of more adlive war meafures were made on October 23, the fecond day before the clofe A bill which had been of the feffion, but they were as unfuccefsful as preceding ones. purchafe introduced earlier, having as its objedl the of arms for the defenfe of the country, was decifively defeated, as was a motion that the Houfe pafs a refolution to give five hundred pounds to "aid the revenue for the fupport of the forts and fortifications in this Colony," and alfo a motion that leave be given to bring in a bill for expending a fum of money in powder and ball. 3" The number of laws paffed by the Affembly at this feffion was even greater than the number paffed at the firft, being forty -fix as againft thirty-three. The excefs was, however, made up rather of local and private adls than of general ones. Of the latter,
look favorably on the propofition that
for the



be noted as being the moft important perhaps, in addition to the three already

"An adl for the relief of certain creditors," a very technical one dealing with the legal procedure neceffary in the recovery of debts due the inhabitants of Virginia from perfons not ref iding in Virginia but having property there ;3- an adt making provifion againft invafions and infurredlions, merely extending the operation of the law already in force, but foon to expire, defigned to make the militia effedlive
referred to,
See p. 98. See p. 100. 8 See p. 116. '9 See p. 138. i See p. 145. 3' In order to fecure the royal affent to this meafure before the Englifh merchants could have a chance to oppofe it, very unufual fteps were taken. See "Journals of the Houfe of Burgeffes, 1752-1755," p. 46, Petition of John Tayloe.


and fuppreffing infurredion "An aft to amend the law for courts;" an aft for continuing the adt proving wills in the General Court and county aft laying an impofition an internal already in force for laving a duty on liquors; an tax on fkins and furs for the better fupport of William and Mary College, which merely



amended a former

adt on the fubjed


largely increafing the tax;


adl to


altering the court days in an a(5l declaring the law concerning attachments; and for Accomack and Atnelia;" "An adl to prevent frivolous and vaxatious fuits;" an adl Chriftians," to teftify in all cafes to allow free negroes, mulattoes, and Indians, "being reference to the titles and boundin adl an claffes; involving members of thofe three preventing difputes between one of aries of land, the objedl of which was the very worthy neighbors, this adl being, of courfe, merely amendatory of former adls on the fubjedl; an adl fettling the fees which might be charged by public officials for the various fervices they were called upon to perform; an adl amending the adl paffed at the preceding feffion for preventing theft by cattle drivers paffing through the Colony; an adl prefcribing the procedure in certain criminal trials; an adl for dividing the county of Goochland, whereby Albemarle coimty was formed; and an adl eftablifhing the town
of Port Royal.3'

Though, however, the legiflation carried through at this feffion was confiderable in quantity and good in quality, the feffion is not now o interefting on that account perhaps as for other reafons. In the firft place, it fumifhes a very early example of
the printing of a bill for the convenience of the members of the Houfe in the refolution adopted by the Houfe on the i6th of October, "That the bill for relief of infolvent debtors and for effedlual difcovery and equal diftribution of their eftates, be printed, "sj In the fecond place, the feffion fumifhes many illuftrations of the care taken by On the 2 7th of September it was reported the Houfe to maintain its rights and privileges. county, had faid that if a bill paffed King William of Auftin, Houfe that John to the
for eredling a middle parifh in that covmty, M"'

Power and M' Moore (the two members from King William) fhould never fee the capitol again, and that if he lived in the upper parifh he would raife a body of men and come down and drive the Houfe of Burgeffes It was at once refolved that in uttering the faid words John Auftin into the river. was guilty of a high crime and mifdemeanor, and that he be fent for in the cuftody The fpeaker iffued the warrant. The fame day the Houfe, of the fergeant at arms. being informed that the Reverend M' Fife had in a fermon preached in Norfolk the preceding Sunday refledled on two members of the Houfe, it was ordered that the information be referred to the committee of privileges and eledlions, which fhould examine into the matter and report to the Houfe. On October i, John Auftin appeared
with profufe apologies and, in the language of the Journal, "made his fubmiffion." He was, accordingly, difcharged out of cuftody, paying fees. In the cafe of M"' Fife, however, the committee of privileges and eledlions was difcharged on September 28 from further confideration of the information. On October 10, it was refolved by the Houfe^ "That it is a breach of privilege for any court martial to proceed to judgment againft any member of this Houfe during the time of his privilege." The occafion of this refolution does not appear, but its objedl was, evidently, to render the members of the Houfe immune during the fittings of the Houfe from profecution for failure to attend to such military duties as might under ordinary circumftances devolve upon them. On October 12, the Houfe, being informed that William Nugent had beaten James Lavie, one of the door-keepers of the Houfe, it was refolved that in fo doing Nugent was guilty of a breach of the privileges of the Houfe, and that he be taken into cuftody by the fergeant at arms. On October 13, Nugent, having expreffed his forrow to the Houfe at incurring its difpleafure, was reprimanded, and difmiffed, on the payment of fees. But the moft notable inftance of the jealoufy of the Houfe of its dignity grew out of an incident happening in a conference held by members of the Houfe and members of the Council on the fubjedl of an amendment propofed by the Council to a bill paffed

All the laws

paHed at

this feffion are given in

Hening, V, 220-309.



p. 136.


feems that one of the members of the Coimcil's committee fat in the it on, handed to the chairman of the committee of the Houfe, M'' Carter, a paper which he faid contained the reafons of the Coimcil for adhering to their amendment to the bill under confideration. When this circumftance was reported to the Houfe, it was immediately ordered that M'' Carter go up to the Coimcil with a meffage, to the effeft that fince no member of a conference committee appointed by the Council had ever acfted in this manner before, the Houfe of Burgeffes interpreted the condu(5t as an intended affront; and they defired to know whether the member had a(5led thus by diredlion of the Coimcil, and whether the Coimcil claimed that at a conference their members had a right to remain covered while the members reprefenting the Houfe of Burgeffes fhould fit with their heads bare. M"' Carter was the Council that the Houfe refufed to inform accept the paper till they had had alfo to anfwer to their queftions. The next morning promptly came the reply, difavowing on the part of the Council any defign whatever to offend, fince their member expe<5ted that when he put on his hat the other members would do likewife; and expreffing the hope that the members of the two chambers might unite to carry on the public bufinefs amicably and thus bring the feffion to a profperous ending.34 The third refpedl in which this feflion of theGeneral Affembly was fomewhat different from other feffions was in the a(5tivity of the Council in the origination of bills. At other feffions only occafionally did bills originate in the Council, but at this feffion the Council paffed and fent to the Houfe at leaft feven for its approval. The titles of thefe were: i. "An adl, for continuing an adt made in the firft year of his majefty's reign,

by the Houfe.


conference with his hat on, and, having

intituled an a<Jt for making more efifedlual provifion againft invafions and infurre(5tions, and one other adt intituled an adt for continuing and amending the aforementioned adl."" 2. "An adl for the more frequent training and excercifing the militia of this Colony in this time of imminent danger. "3* 3. "An adt to enable the Nottoway and Nanfemond Indians to fell certain lands, and for other purpofes therein mentioned."" 4. "An adt for the relief of certain creditors. "38


adt to fettle the diftribution of the falary


allowed by his majefty to the Council of this Colony."39

juftices of every


adt to



county court to eredt pounds. "40 7. "An adt to amend the law for proving wills in the General Court. "f Two of thefe, the fecond and the fixth, were rejedted by the Houfe the other five, fome with amendments, were agreed to. The Coimcil, poffibly becaufe it was more under the influence of the governor than was the Houfe, confiftently exhibited greater eagemefs to put the Colony in a proper condition for war, and this fadt probably explains why it orginated and paffed the firft two bills whofe titles are given above. The Houfe agreed to the firft and rejedted the fecond becaufe, though it was willing to fee the continuance of the adtivity of the militia called for by the law then in force, it was unwilling that more be done. There feems to be no fpecial reafon why the other bills fhould have originated in the Council, though two of them (the fourth and the feventh) dealt with matters in which the members of the Council the Council on its judicial fide being the fupreme court of the Colony ^were experts. The circumftances neceffitating the enadtment of the Council's falary adt were thefe: By the adt of the fourth of Queen Anne (1705) for eftablifhing the General Court and for regulating and fettling the proceedings therein the judges of this court the governor and the members of the Council were on entering into office required to fwear that they would not take any fee except the falary by law provided. His majefty had now out of his own revenues granted the fum of fix hundred pounds fterling as a falary to the members of the Council for attention to their duties as a part of the execu;



38 39


See p. 141. See p. 109. See p. 110. See p. 117. See p. 135. See p. 139. See p. 14.3. See p. 143.


The obje<5l of the law now made was to fet forth that the Council duties, fmce the law paffed in could legally accept this pay for attending to executive judges. as condud their 1705 had reference merely to
tive of the Colony.

Third Seffion.
on February 20, 1745 (old ftyle), by a the news from England in reference him of by reception fpecial call of the governor on In his opening fpeech the Pretender. to the uprifing of the followers of the Yotmg governor difcourfed at length on the enormities of the Roman Catholic tenets which the

The Affembly met

to begin its third feffion

fuccefs of the Stuart caufe would force bers to fhow their utter deteftation of

upon the Englifh people; calling upon the memthem and of the Pretender who fought to fubfti-

them in England for the enlightened principles of Proteftantifm. He ftrongly advifed them to follow the example of their brethren in England and enter into an affociation obliging themfelves to fupport with their lives and fortunes the perfon, family, and government of King George II. Another matter he brought to the attention of the members of the General Affembly was the fadl that the law fupplying in large part funds for the maintenance of William and Mary College would foon expire. He alfo recommended to the care of the Affembly two regiments of Englifh foldiers which, deligned for garrifoning Louifburg, the ftronghold on Cape Breton Ifland lately captured from the French, had been driven by ftress of weather to Virginia and had arrived in


of provifions of all kinds.

an appropriate reply was made, and the Houfe proceeded at once to On the fourth day of the feffion the Covmcil fent that they had refolved to draw up an addrefs to his Houfe inform the to meffage a affociation. The Houfe immediately agreed to join. majefty and to enter into an During the progrefs of the feffion the addrefs and form of affociation were duly drawn up and figned."' By joint refolution of the two chambers a fum of fix hundred dollars was very fhortly provided for the relief of the two regiments.43 In the "Adl for reducing the laws made for laying a duty on liquors into one adt of Affembly," figned by the governor on the laft day of the feffion, provifion was continued for the fupport of William and Mary College. The Houfe even went beyond in one refpe($l the recommendations made by the governor at that time, and paffed a refolution, to which the Council promptly agreed, directing the treafurer of the Colony to pay the governor two hundred pounds to be by him prefented through agents to the Six Nations. This was in reality the amount to be paid for the land given up to Virginia by the Indians according to the terms of the Treaty of Lancafter. At the preceding feffion, it will be remembered, when the governor recommended the payment, the Houfe had rather imgracioufly, confidering the unufual expenditure neceffitated by the war, diredled the attention of the governor to the quitrents as being the proper fource of payment. The adlions of the Houfe, in conjundlion with the Council, correfponded fo clofely with the recommendations made that the governor could not refrain in his fpeech of prorogation from complimenting the Affembly on the diligence, vigor, and unanimity with which the bufinefs of the feffion had been


this fpeech

confider its various recommendations.


In addition to the adts and the refolutions already referred to, the Affembly had paffed one refolutionfor payment of the falary of William Parks, Public Printerand

Many of thefe were private and local ads of no very great importance (with the exception of one for forming the county of Lunenburg from Brunfwick), and moft of the general ads were either fimply in continuance of ads paffed before or fimilar in their objeds. There was one, however, which, indicating the growth of the Colony, may be noted. This was "An ad to amend the ad for eftablifhing the General Court," and provided for longer feffions of the General Court in April and in Odober for attending to the increafed bufinefs coming up. A fecond, namely, the ad
twenty -nine ads.
regulating a ttorneys, according to which attorneys were required before being allowed

See p. 175. See pp. 164, 168.


to pracftice to pafs examinations given as introducing a

nefs, is

them by duly appointed examiners,






of clofe attention.

a great many The work of examining all thefe or amended, o that confiderable confufion refulted. and bringing them into an agreement was too great to be undertaken by a General Affembly working in the ufual way. Therefore the expedient was adopted of appointIf ready, the committee ing a committee on revifal which might fit during recefs. was to report to the General Affembly at its next meeting; if not, at fome future meetNot even a diffolution of this Affembly was to bring to an end the committee, ing. which was empowered to continue its work and report to the newly eledled General Affembly." The committee confifted of three members of the Council, namely, John Robinfon, John Blair, and William Nelfon and fix members of the Houfe, namely, John Robinfon, Jr., M'' Secretary Nelfon, Richard Randolph, William Beverley, Beverley Whiting, and Benjamin Waller, fix of whom were to conftitute a quorum (whereof at leaft two
laft revifal

third adt, on account of its importance and unufualThis was the adl for the revLfal of the laws. Since the new laws had been paffed, and many of the old ones repealed

were to be members of the Council and four members of the Houfe). If any councilor died or refigned, his fucceffor was to be named by the governor; if any burgefs died or refigned, his place was to be filled by appointment by the fpeaker of the Houfe, or in cafe of the death or difability of that officer by the remaining burgeffes on the committee.'s


at the preceding feffion of the Affembly there were feveral incidents fhowing the
its rights

jealoufy of the Houfe in regard to

least one;


privileges, fo at this feffion there




this fhowed, in addition, the care of the


for the rights of the people.

feems that at a court of the county of Northumberland held the i$^^ of February, 1745, for proof of public claims and for the reception of propofitions and grievances,*' a propofition to cut off from the county of Northumberland and add to Lancafter certain territory, this propofition being figned by William Steptoe and feveral others, was handed

by Steptoe and one or two of his fellow figners to the court, which refufed to receive and certify it unlefs thofe prefenting it would allow the erafure of the names of the
abfent figners, on the plea that thefe fignatures might have been illegally obtained. Two of the jtiftices were Peter Prefley and Samuel Blackwell, members of the Houfe of

Houfe was drawn up by Steptoe and his affociates comThe petition was on prefentation referred, this being the ufual routine, to the committee of propofitions and grievances, which on afcertaining its nature reported to the Houfe that as the queftion of the privilege of members of the Houfe was involved it fhould be referred to the committee of privileges and eledlions. On report of the committee of privileges and elections the Houfe refolved that the faid juftices, in refufmg to receive and certify the propofition, had adled "illegally, arbitrarily, and contrary to the rights of the people." The motion was made at once and carried that M'' Samuel Blackwell (who happened to be in the Houfe at the time) be reprimanded in his place for his offence. The fpeaker duly carried out the order of the Houfe, and M"^ Blackwell, expreffmg forrow for the error, afked pardon for the condudl to which the Houfe had taken exception. It was further ordered that feveral others named as involved fhould be fent for in cuftody of the fergeant at arms to anfwer their mifdemeanors.<' A few days afterwards the Houfe received a petition from thefe (M"' Prefley
petition to the

plaining of the adlion of the court.

excepted) fetting forth that they were deeply fenfible of their misfortune in having
incurred the difpleafure of the Houfe, and affuring the Houfe that their offenfe proceeded altogether from error of judgment. Whereupon the offenders were brought to the bar of the Houfe, reprimanded, and difcharged after paying fees. The Houfe being later informed that four additional members of the court were equally guilty with thofe

feat of

As a matter of facfl, a diffolution did occur before the committee was ready to report. This was by the controverfy arifing at the March, 1747, feffion of the Affembly over the removal of the
government from Williamfburg.
All the laws paffed at this feffion are given in Hening, V, 310-400.


See p. 180. See p. 181.


already dealt with, their cafe was alfo inquired into; and they met with the fame treatment meted out to their fellows.** Finally, on March 19, 1745, M-- Prefley, who up to him, reprimanded by the this time had been abfent, was, on expreffions of forrow from cuftody, paying fees". charged from dif Houfe, and the of order the to fpeaker, according

Fourth Seffion.
third feffion of the
1"' of

Affembly ended on the

la"" of April, 1746,

July. bc^an on the 1 fufficient amount to it was propofed that the Affembly fhould vote a of enlifting in Virginia and tranfporting to the northward a number of men intended to fene in an expedition againft Canada. The feffion had to be opened by the prefident of the Council a(5ting in place of the governor, on account of the ficknefs of the latter. The prefident explained that the men propofed to be raifed were from the day of their enliftment to enter into the king's pay; hence the amount advanced by Virginia w^ould certainly be returned, but the amount was needed at once; and fince the Colony was equally interefted in the expedition with the mother country and the other colonies, it Certainly this would be a graceful thing for the Colony to pay a part of the expenfes. was a good opportimity for the Houfe to fhow^ by their zeal and energy the fincerity of It was fuggefted their recent affurances of being among the king's moft loyal fubjedts. that fince the governor was not in proper phyfical condition to give clofe attention to the detailed expenditure of the amotmt to be voted, a committee fhould be appointed
for that purpofe.s


fhortnefs of the recefs



and the fourth by the fadl that pay the expenfe

was made in the governor's was very brief, lafting only from July 11 through July 16, only two bills being paffed, two joint refolutions agreed to, and a joint addrefs to his majefty drawn up congratulating him on the vi(5lory obtained "over the Rebels at Ivernefs") was condudled between the Houfe and the
ufual addrefs

made by

the Houfe to the governor



this, all

the bufmefs of the feffion (which

prefident of the Council.

The main

features of the adt for raifing the


to defray the expenfes of getting


together the troops for the expedition againft

Canada were

that four thoufand pounds

fhould be raifed for this purpofe;

a loan bearing


fhould be raifed immediately by means of intereft and fecured by the duties on liquors and flaves; that the

money fhould be expended by a




of which,

fome from the

Coxmcil and fome from the Houfe, were


in the bill

which fhould account to the

next General Affembly; and that arms for the troops might be taken from the public magazine, a ftridl account being kept of the value of the arms fo fumifhed and the amoimt charged againft the four thoufand pounds.s'

Fifth Sesffion.


The next feffion of the Affembly, which continued from March 30, 1747, through 18, was alfo an unufual feffion, having been called together in order that provifion might be made for rebuilding the capitol, which had been deftroyed by an incendiary
fhortly before.


This feffion was far from an harmonious one, the fadl developing that the majority of the members of the Houfe were in favor of removing the feat of government from


See See

p. 188. p.


note that the committee was appointed in the adl paffed, no fuch committee having been appointed in 1740, when money was voted for enlifting the men to ferve in the Carthagena expedition, it being provided in the law then enaaed that the treafurer of the Colony pay the money direAly to the governor;

It is interefting to

and that the prefent acftion was referred to as a precedent in 1754, when the acrimonious difpute was going on between the Houfe of Burgeffes and Governor Dinwiddie over the appointment of a fimilar committee to fupervife the expenditure of the money propofed to be voted for the conduft of the war againft the French and Indians, Dinwiddie infifting that the expenditure of the money fhould be wholly under the fuper\'ifion of the executive and that the appointment of the committee would be a blow at the royal prerogative. (See "Journals of the Houfe of Burgeffes, 1752-1755," p. XIX). s See Hening, V, 401-404.


Willianifburg to fome point


acceffible to the majority of the inhabitants of the

Colony, their defire being prevented of accomplifhment by the oppofition of the governor and the Council. Only five laws'' were aftually paffed by this Affembly, and of thefe, four were either private laws or local, and one was fpecial, namely, "An adt for paying the burgeffes wages in money for this prefent feffion of Affembly," the laft adl being fimilar to thofe paffed for the fame purpofe at nearly every feffion of the General Affembly both before this and after fmce the year 1730, when it was enadted that, when the condition of the treafury jiiftified, the burgeffes fhould be paid in money from the central treafury- of the Colony inftead of in tobacco, by the cotmties refpedlively as was the cafe before^the burgeffes certainly always finding it more convenient to be paid in this way, and it probably, too, being, as always alleged in the preambles of the

"a great eafe to the poorer fort of people, by leffening the levy by the poll. " It was but natural that comparatively prompt payment in a tmiverfal currency fhould be preferred to delayed payment in a local one. The governor informed the General Affembly in his opening remarks that he would not have called them together till the report of the committee on revifal was ready but

for the unfortunate




for getting the

until the

Affembly was called together, and




means to reftore the capitol that the was ready for occupancy, the

the ufe of the college building had been tendered for holding meetings of

the Affembly and the huftings court building in Willianifburg for holding fefiions of the General Court. 53

In the addrefs drawn up by the Houfe in reply to the governor's opening fpeech is the firft intimation of the defign of the Houfe to remove the feat of government. In this
of the Houfe affure the governor of their delire to eredl a good and and they endeavor to win his fupport by faying that "to lay the foundation of a new city, to raife this building in a place commodioufly fcituated for navigation," would complete the glory of the governor's adminiftration and tranfmit his "name with the higheft luftre to the lateft ages." This very fkilfully worded addrefs clofes with the congratulations of the Houfe on his honor's promotion to the dignity of

addrefs the


fufificient edifice;

a baronet. 54

The Houfe, having maturely confidered the matter

to feveral refolutions, in fubftance as follows



of the whole,


that fince Williamfburg was remote from the center of population of the Colony and a place unfit for trade and navigation, the
feat of government fhould not be continued there, but that a town fhould be eftablifhed on the lands on the Pamunkey river then owned by William Gray and New Year Smith, who fhould be paid ;2,3oo current money for their holdings, 400 acres of which fhould, by a committee appointed for the purpofe, be laid out in lots and ftreets for the town; and that this committee fhould be empowered to fee to the erection there of public buildings cofting ;i2,ooo. The money was to be raifed b}'- a duty of one fhilling on each hogfhead of tobacco exported from the Colony, a tax of twenty fhillings on every coach and chariot, ten fhillings on every four wheel chaife, and five fhillings on every two wheel chaife. Since the inhabitants of the city of Williamfburg would be fufferers from the removal, fome allowance fhould be made A bill was ordered to be brought in purfuant to thefe refolutions. When the bill, which had the title "A bill for eftablifhing a town on Pamunkey river, and other purpofes therein mentioned," was reported from the committee, it was fought vigorously at every ftage, the unufual liberty being allowed counfel for the city of Williamfburg to come before the Houfe and prefent objedlions to the Bill but it was finally paffed by a vote of forty-three to thirty-three and

s' The five laws paffed at this feffion are not given in full by Hening only their titles he having been unable to fecure copies of them. Copies are, however, to be found in the Public Record Office, London, with copies of other adls not fecitfed by Hening. It is hoped that thefe may be printed in a volume fupplementary to Hening's coUecftion. 53 See p. 236. s* See p. 239. The title had not long fince been conferred on Governor Gooch as a reward for his faithfulnefs in the adminiftration of the affairs of his office and for his attachment to the Houfe of Hanover. 55 See p. 243.

f ent

was "For appointing perfons to view the places and landings on Pamunkey river, and on James river, from the falls to the mouth of Appamattox," and the second, "For eredting this Colony, "s* The a building for the prefervation of the public records and papers of purpofe of the latter was probably to fecure temporary accommodations for ufe till the completion of the buildings on the Pamunkey. This bill was agreed to with amendment by the Council. Several conferences held on the fubjedl were only promotive of antagonifm and bittemefs,?' the managers from the Council evidently behaving in an overbearing and irritating manner, and, in refufing to reduce to writing at the firft meeting their reafons for infifting on their amendment to the Houfe bill, in a manner, as claimed by the Houfe, in confiidl with conftant parliamentan,' pradlice and deftrudtive of the harmony that ought to fubfift between the two Nothing could be done to improve the feeling that had arifen, and nothing branches. remained but for the governor to prorogue the Affembly, which he did on the i8th of April in a fpeech made up of a mild homily on the virtues of moderation and of an expreffion of opinion that the failure of the bill for eftablifhing a town on the Pamunkey did not fumifh a valid excufe to the Houfe for leaving the Colony unprovided with a proper place for holding the courts of juftice. The Affembly was prorogued to the

difclofes its fate, no aftion to the Council, where, fo far as the Journal of the Houfe paffed by the Houfe; the first, taken whatever. Two fubfidiary bills were alfo

See See
p. 248. p. 249.

in July.


AfTembly of 1748-49.
Governor Gooch was a fympathizer with the Council in its ftand in reference to the removal of the feat of government; and when it was found that the Houfe as then made up could not be brought to abandon its attempt, he prorogued the Affembly again, and finally, diffolving it, called a new Affembly. A comparifon of the lifts of members of the Houfe for the two Affemblies fhows conliderable change in the memberfhip. No doubt the members of the Council, men of influence and ufually large land holders in every fedtion of the Colony, had been exerting themf elves in the eledlion. Certain it is that the new Houfe, though by no means yet entirely manageable in the matter of removal, was very much more fo than was the old. The General Affembly met and what proved to be its only feffion on October 27, 1748, and the feffion for its firft continued through May 11, 1749, though a long recefs was taken from December 17 to



In his opening fpeech, the governor called attention

the prime bufinef s to be attended to

the eredlion



what he confidered


a capitol

recommending ftrongly

Williamfburg as its fite, and urged harmony and difpatch, giving expreffion to the opinion that Providence, in putting an end to the war with France and Spain, had feemed to intervene in the intereft of concentration of attention on this moft important matter. The other great work to be accomplifhed was the difpofition of the report of the committee for the revifal of the laws. The firft matter gave rife, as in the preceding feffion, to a bitter conteft, throughout which and even after its clofe there were outbreaks of confiderable feeling. The
Houfe, after confidering the governor's fpeech in committee of the whole, refolved that a bill be brought in on the fubje<5t of the removal fimilar in every refpedl to the bill brought in at the former feffion, with the exception that it was refolved that the town

be eftablifhed on the land of Richard Littlepage on the Pamunkey and that the inhabitants of Williamfburg be paid ;)6,ooo. A yea and nay vote was not taken on this refolution, and the majority by which it paffed is not given; but judging from the fate
of the bill


in, it

muft have been very narrow.

committee was named to

ftill at work framing with a member of the

draw up the
bill, M''

All this time excitement ran high.

While the committee was


Blair, a


of the Council, in a converfation

Houfe, pointed to M"^ John Robinfon, Jr., fpeaker of the Houfe, who happened to pafs and ufed the following language: "There goes the man who is at the bottom of this hellifh fcheme and has told feveral lies, and advanced many things that he knew to be falfe," and more to the fame effedl. This having been reported to the Houfe, that body promptly paffed a refolution that M'' John Blair in uttering thefe falfe and malicious expreffions had highly refiedled on the honor of the fpeaker of the Houfe of

and that he be charged before the Council with the words, and that the Council be defired to proceed againft him and to inflidl the punifhment merited by fo grave an offenfe againft the Houfe. 58 A committee was duly appointed to carry up the charge and refolutions to the Council. Fortunately the matter could be amicably arranged. The fame day the Council fent a written meffage to the Houfe to the effe(5l that that body had inquired into the charge, and that M"' John Blair had admitted making ufe

but that he expreffed his forrow therefor, they proThe Council hoped, therefore, that there would be no breach between the two chambers to obftrudl the tranfadlion of the important bufinefs they were met to confider. The Houfe expreffed
of the objedlionable expreffions,

ceeding rather from a hafty temper than premeditation.


as fatisfied. readinefs of the Council to proceed in this matter in accordance with the
its effecft,


fuggeftion of the Houfe had

p. 290.

no doubt,


changing fomewhat the fentiment



Houfe on the queftion of the removal. At any rate, when, the next Pamunkey river was reported to the Houfe, day, the bill for eftablifhing a town on mature confideration had ordered, though it was a meafure which the Houfe after very forty-one to thirty-fix; and on the of vote by a reading fecond it was defeated on its


of the

fame day a bill was prefented for rebuilding the capitol in the city of Williamfburg, and paffed by a vote of forty to thirty-eight. sp The bill was paffed by the Council without amendment, and was one of the firft figned by the governor on December 17, the day of the adjournment of the Affembly for the recefs. But even thus the fight was not over, being a game of wavering majorities. On April 10, after the long recefs, a motion was made, and carried by a vote of thirty-eight to thirty-two, that leave be given to bring in a bill for eftablifhing a town near Newother purpofes therein mentioned.'" A caftle, and eredling public buildings, and for committee was appointed to bring in the fame. The bill was brought in the next day. The vote on its fecond reading ftood forty-two to twenty-nine. A motion that the fecond reading of the bill be deferred until the following Tuefday was defeated, and the The next day the bill was paffed by a vote of forty to bill was ordered engroffed. thirty-eight, and fent to the Council, by which, of courfe, it was promptly rejedled. The a6t for rebuilding the capitol at Williamfburg had already been figned by the governor, and this exhibition of returned ftrength on the part of thofe favoring a removal




ftrained relations exifting between the

interefting cafe.

Before the adjournment a

for dividing the counties of together again in March, the exadl ftatus of this


two chambers fhows itfelf in the folbill had been introduced into the Orange and Goochland. After the Affembly came

not being readily determined

from the Journal of the Houfe, a committee was appointed to fearch the Journal of the The committee confifted unfortunately in the main of the very men who Council.

had been notably adlive



of the


of the feat of

government from

Williamfburg. When this committee demanded the Journal from the clerk of the Council (the Council being then in feff ion) it was informed after a time by him that he

had been diredled by the Council to fay that before any fuch fearch would be permitted the Council would have to be informed by meffage from the Houfe of the appointment When this adtion was reported, the Houfe fent a meffage to the of fuch a committee. Council to inquire whether its clerk adled in this matter on inftrudtion or not. The report was brought back that the Council had made anfwer that a reply would be fent Accordingly the next day the meffage, brought by the by a meffenger of its own. meffenger Council's ufual (M'' Walthoe, the clerk of the Council), was received that the members of the Houfe had told the clerk of the Council, while the Council was in feffion, that they had been appointed to make the fearch, and that the clerk had been directed to make to them the ftatement quoted. Whereupon the Houfe adopted two refolutions, to the effect firft, that it was the undoubted right of the Houfe to fearch the Journals of the Council for proceedings of that body on any bill or other matter fent from the Houfe to the Council; and fecond, that the Council's adtion was a high infringement of the privileges of the Houfe, tending to interrupt that harmony which fhould always fubfift between the two branches of the law-making body.*The next move in the controverfy was made by the Council, when the prefident of that body afked the fpeaker of the Houfe to inform the Burgeffes of the willingnefs of the Council to "keep up a good con-efpondence" with the Houfe, and, being apprehenfive of the ill effedt of the meffage and the anfwer which had paffed fome time before between the two, of its defire that they be erafed from the journal of each chamber.'^ The propofal was agreed to by the Houfe. This occurred on the 28th of March. But the affair was not even yet ended. The day before this feeming reconciliation between the two chambers, namely, on March the 27th, the Council had ordered fpread




See p. 301. See p. 361. See pp. 335-337. See p. 347.


minutes an extended account of the controverfy, citing precedents to fhow that it was the Houfe which had departed from conftitutional ufage, it having always been the cuftom when the Houfe wifhed to know anything contained in the Journals of the Council for a requeft for fpecified information to be made, and no right of general It was ordered infpedlion of the Council's proceedings having ever before been claimed. in the Virginia be publifhed in controverfy by the Council that this account of the matter Gazette, this a6tion being taken in order that the public might, in coming to a conclufion as to the merits of the difpute, have fet before it all the fa(5ts in the cafe and not be left



with merely what was given in the printed Journals of the Houfe.3 The publication fo that it was not till was delayed in the Virginia Gazette, however, for fome time William Parks, the I ith of May that it was brought to the attention of the Houfe. public printer, immediately fummoned before the bar of the Houfe, explained that he had been forced to print the matter by pofitive order from the Council. It was at once ordered that a meffage be fent to the Council to acquaint them with the proceedings taken in reference to William Parks, and with the allegations made by Parks

in his defence,


to inquire whether the Council


really given the order as afferted.

Soon the anfwer came, delivered by the Council's own meffenger, that the Council admitted authorfhip of the paper complained of and affumed refponfibility for the order
given to the public printer to publifh it in the Gazette. This meffage being received, it was ordered that a committee be appointed to prepare an anfwer to it and that the committee withdraw at once for that purpofe. This was the laft day of the feffion, however, and very fhortly after the appointment of the committee came a meffage from the governor commanding the immediate attendance of the Houfe in the Council

members of both chambers his honor figned among the number there not being foimd, eftablifhing the town on the Paniunkey river, of which fince it bill for of courfe, the paffed the Houfe and was fent to the Council nothing more was heard. The governor then made his fpeech of prorogation. One may well imagine the fuUen glances paff ing between the honorable members of the Houfe and the honorable members of the Council during the delivery of this chara(5leriftic fpeech, made up in part of compliments to the members of the Affembly on the good work done in connedlion with the revifal of the laws and the ordinary legiflative routine of the feffion, and of recommendations to a fteadfaft continuance in zeal for king, country, and religion.'s The governor's commendation of the members of the Affembly for the work accomVery foon after the opening of the Affembly the replifhed, was deferved to the full. port of the committee appointed to revife the laws was taken under conlideration by the Houfe. The report confifted of three parts: firft, it recommended the repeal of a number of laws as being obfolete, ufeless, or otherwife provided for; fecond, it recommended that certain other laws be allowed to remain in force without amendment; and third, it prefented in the fhape of bills for the adtion of the Houfe the other laws then in force, each bill confifting either of a law amended or of two or three laws on the fame fubjedt confolidated.6^ The firft two fedlions of the report were at once agreed to, the


in the prefence of the


refolves that were ready for him,

committee for courts of

of courfe, of their

juftice being ordered to bring in


for the repeal of the adts

fpecified in the fecond fection remaining in force, Later on in the feffion the Houfe determined to tranffer one of the laws put by the committee on revifal in clafs two to clafs one, and accordingly ordered the committee on courts of juftice to embrace it in the bill to be handed in for the repeal of the laws that were ufelefs. In courfe of time the committee reported the
fpecified in the firft fedlion





It is

evident from the wording of this paper that the Journals were printed and diftributed from day

to day.

home for the recovery of his health had been granted. Governor Gooch had been in Virginia twenty-two years. His adminiftration may be looked on as a fucceffful one, the refult of prudence and diligence rather than of the exhibition of a high order of ability.

See, in explanation of this delay, "Calendar of State Papers" (Virginia), Vol. I, p. 243. In this addrefs Governor Gooch gave notice that his requeft for permiffion to return

See pp. 277-381.


waspaffed. The bills prepared by the committee on revifal were introduced into the Houfe from time to time as it fuited the convenience of the Houfe, and in their paffage fubjeded to the fame forms of procedure as were other bills they were read the fame number of times, fometimes confidered in committee of the whole, frequently amended, and in one or two inftances thrown out. And when they came to the Council,



thought proper made amendments of its own or rejedled the amendments of the Houfe. Hence the paffage of any one of thefe bills was by no means a perfundlory matter. The work done in attending to the whole mafs was enormous. But the committee of revifal had confidered only permanent and public a(5ls not
that body



temporary or private ones. Hence the committee for courts of juftice was obliged at this feffion, too, to go over the laws to fee which were about to expire and to recommend

which of thefe fhould be continued. This it did, and many of the moft important laws on the ftatute books (notably thofe for impofing duties on flaves and liquors, and the laws in reference to the infpe(5tion of the various articles exported tobacco in parIn addition, the Affembly had to difpofe ticular) were thus brought up for a(5lion.' of the vaft number of petitions, propofitions, and claims which would naturally be prefented to an Affembly meeting after a long intermiff ion and it inherited alfo much bufinefs which had been deferred by the preceding Affembly at its fourth and fifth both of which had been called for fpecial purpofes. Many of the petitions and feffions propofitions gave rife to bills (fuch, for inftance, as bills for eftablifhing new ferries and new towns, for difeftablifhing certain veftries, for removing obftruAions in rivers, and for releafing certain lands from the operation of the law of entail, etc.), which had to be fought out in the two chambers and between them. Not by any means did all the bills introduced paf s and not all of thofe which did become laws are given by Hening in his coUedlion of Statutes at Large, he having failed to find thirty-one of the eighty-nine to which the governor finally affixed his fignature.** The fifty-eight which he did include cover three himdred and fifty -nine pages.'' They conftitute a mafs of well digefted legiflation which is a worthy monument of the ability of the leaders of the Colony at the middle of the eighteenth century.



See p. 275. See Hening, VI, 200, 201, 210-212, 214. Hening, V, 408-558; VI, 9-214.






Begun and held

the Capitol, the Sixth

in the

City of
in the


Day May,

Fifteenth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign



by the Grace

of God,

Great- Britain, France,



Defender of the

Faith, &c.


the Year
Seflion of

of our Lord 1742:


Being the


Printed by




of the

liament, inftead




SEVENTY One Members took the Oaths appointed

of the

to be taken by Adl of ParOaths of Allegiance and Supremacy; and took and fubfcribed the Oath of Abjuration, and alfo fubfcribed the Teft: And the Houfe having attended the Governor, and being returned, M'' Carter put the

Houfe in Mind of the Governor's Commands to make Choice of a Speaker; and did nominate and recommend M'' Henry Fitzhugh, as a Gentleman of known Ability and

and entirely equal to that Truft. Then M"' Conway propofed M'' Robinfon, who was Speaker of the former Affembly, and had acquitted himfelf in the Employment with Honour and Reputation. And after a Debate, the Queftion was put by the Clerk; and M'' Robinfon being chofen Speaker, was condudled to the Chair by Two of the Members. Ordered, That a Meffage be fent to the Governor, to acquaint him, that this Houfe had made Choice of a Speaker; and to know his Pleafure, when the Houfe fhall attend, to prefent him: And that M'' Conway, M"" Lewis Burwell, M'' Harrifon, and M'' Richard Randolph, do carry the faid Meffage. They accordingly withdrew; and being returned, M'' Conway reported, That the Governor was pleafed to fay, he would fignify his Pleafure to the Houfe in that Matter, by a Meffenger. A Meffage from the Governor was deli\'ered by M'' Francis.

It is the Governor's Pleafure that the Houfe immediately attend him in the CouncilChamber, and prefent their Speaker. The Houfe, in Obedience to the Governor's Commands, went up to the CovmcilChamber, and prefented their Speaker: And the Gov^emor was pleafed to declare his Approbation of their Choice.

Then M"' Speaker, in Behalf of the Houfe, petitioned the Governor, That they might enjoy their antient Rights and Privileges: Such as Freedom of Speech and Debate; Exemption from Arrefts; and Prote<$lions for their Eftates. That they may have Power over their own Members; and the fole Right of determining their own Elections. And laftly, for himfelf, that his Miftakes might not be imputed to the Houfe. To which the Governor anfwered, that he fhould take Care to preferve the Houfe in thefe and all other their juft Rights and Privileges. And being returned, and the Mace laid on the Table, M"" Speaker reported. That the Houfe had attended the Governor in the Council-Chamber And that he had been pleafed


Of which he had, to prevent Miftakes, delivered in at the Table; where it obtain 'd a Copy: Which he read, and afterwards was again read, and is as follows:

make a Speech

to the Council.and this



of the Council,


Speaker, and Gentlemen of the Houfe of Burgeffes,

under fuch civil Combinations, than when living the great Purpofe for which feparately, is the Origin of all Communities, their Rife, and to which all take muft Laws our all Government was formed, whence has been purfued with Advantage muft be turned; and this mutual
of Faring better


for every Man perfonally to the Care and Concern of Societies, too numerous Number; and as the ExSelecft in a vefted appear, are, by common Confent,

our Confultations

much Wifdom and Addrefs by former

Affemblies; I


confident you are



Attention to their Intereft, whofe Prugether with a firm Refolution to give the like and that by confining your Debates to Choice; dence hath led them to make You their

Principle upon which my Adminiftration is that fingle, but fignificant Queftion, the zealoufly your Endeavours. unalterably fixed, the Good of the Whole, will be equally and Article of your Conmoft material in the approved, often the Meafure fo


cern, will, I prefume, be


thought to merit your Suffrage,

of its Ufefuhiefs.

who have been

fo long the


and are now the Judges

Gentlemen of the Houfe of Burgeffes,

IN a Letter from

their Excellencies the

Lords Juftices

of Great-Britian,



be laid before you, I am of a Bill, obliging the Mafters of

required to


to you, as His Majefty's Pleafure, the

for that Purpofe be

Ships and Veffels trading hither, to pay the





Powder and


and that the Law




IN Compliance therefore with what, by His Majefty's Order, is propofed to us, for our ProteAion, and the Annoyance of the Enemy, you will, I am perfwaded, think it neceffary to compleat the Repair of our Batteries, and appoint annual Salaries for fuch Officers and Gunners as fhall be deemed fufficient, during the War, to keep Them, and Fort George, in a conftant Pofture of Defence; the Fund which hitherto defray 'd thofe
Expenses, not being in Circumstances to bear fuch Dedu(5lions. THIS, allow me to say, is a Demand, your own Safety, and an Incitement of equal Weight, the Security of any Part of your Coimtry, lays Claim to: And if, when thefe Appointments come under your Confideration, you fhall be difpofed to advife with Me,

be prepared for you, and on all Occafions be glad to confer with you, in what fo evidently tends to your Credit, and will advance your Character; for, your Honour and Prosperity are my only Aim and my Duty to the King, and my Efteem for the Colony,


with the Relation


ftand in to


are the Sentiments which animate


diredt all



of the Council,

and Houfe

of Burgeffes,


People, in the full


of their Religious


Civil Rights,



same Shelter and Protedlion, let our Behaviour be fuch, as will Teftify the Purity of our Intentions, and Warrant the Continuance of thofe invaluable Privileges; not doubting, tho' the Sword is unfheathed, and the Profpeft at prefent dark and dubious, but by the Magnanimity of His Majefty's Royal Mind, and the Wifdom of His Councils, we fhall foon fee His Government and Kingdoms, by the Bleffing of GOD, Triumphing over Hostile Power, and Crowned at last with an Happy Peace. Refolved, That an humble Addrefs be made to the Governor, for his kind and aflectionate Speech to the Council, and this Houfe to congratulate him on his fafe Return to his Government from his long and dangerous Expedition againft the Spaniards; and aUo
no Addition to
their Happiness, unlefs




of the

Health And to affure his Honour that we fhall be readyto concur with him in any Meafures that tend to the Honour of His Majefty, and the Good and Safety of this Government. Ordered, That a Committee be appointed to draw up an Addrefs to the Governor
alfo for the


of his


upon the and

faid Refolution


it is

referred to

M' Conway, M' Harrifon,


Lewis Bur-

N elfon, to prepare and bring in the fame.




will take the

Governor's Speech into Confideration on



Ordered, That the Re\-. M"" Thomas Dawfon be appointed Chaplain to this Houfe; and that he attend to read Prayers every Morning, at Ten o'Clock. Ordered, That William Francis, James Lavie, John Collet, and Robert Wager, be appointed Door-keepers to this Houfe; and that they give their Attendance accordingly. Ordered,

That the Houfe be adjoum'd


To-morrow Morning, Ten








a Committee of Privileges and Ele(5lions be appointed, of the following




M"" Lomax, M' Whiting. And they are to meet and adjourn from Day to Day; and to examine, M''

W W McCarty, William Randolph, W Power, and


Richard Randolph,



Lewis Burwell,

in the



Returns of Writs for Eledling Burgeffes to ferve in this prefent General Affembly, and compare the fame with the Form prefcribed by Law And to take into their Confideration, all fuch Matters as fhall or may come in Queftion, touching Returns, Elections,

and Privileges and to report their Proceedings, with their Opinions thereupon, from Time to Time, to the Houfe. And the said Committee is to have Power to fend for Perfons, Papers, and Records, for their Information.


That a Committee

of Public Claims be appointed, of the following Per-

W Turner, M' W Weftwood,


M"" Beverly,









M"- Boiling,

W Car

M"- Mitchell, M"-



they are to meet and adjourn from Day to Day, and take into their Confideration Public Claims which fhall be prefented to the Houfe, during this Seffion; and to

when they have gone through the faid Claims. And all persons that have any Claims, are to deliver them to the Clerk, and he is to deliver the fame to the faid Committee, of Courfe. And they are to have Power to fend for Perfons, Papers, and Records, for their Information.
report their Proceedings, with their Opinions thereupon, to the Houfe, Ordered,


That a Committee

for Courts of Juftice

be appointed, of the following

Perf ons


M' Jofeph Gray, M^ Hutchifis,

Ur Lotnax,

W Fantleroy, W Douglas, W Cocke,


M- Eppes, M' Harris, M^ William Randolph,

W Garnet,

M' Reddick,

M^ Power, M' Waller, M^ Baker, and

M' Weft.
Confideration they are to meet and adjourn from Day to Day, and take into their fuch other Matters, as fhall, from Time to all Matters relating to Courts of Juftice, and And the faid Committee are Proceedings. their report and Time, be referred to them; their Information. for Records, have Power to fend for Perfons, Papers, and




That Five



of the foregoing

Committees, be a




make a Committee.
Ordered, That M'' Gary be appointed Clerk to the Committee for PubHc Claims. that M' Bealc be appointed Clerk to the Committee of Courts of Juftice.


That a Committee


Trade be appointed,

of the following Perfons

M' Nelfon,



M' Braxton, M' Bonfh,

M-^ Hutchins, M^ Harmer, M' Walke. M' Richard Randolph, and And they are to meet and adjourn from Day to Day, and take under their Confideration, all Things relating to the Trade of this Colony, and all fuch Matters, that fhall be, from Time to Time, to them referred and report their Proceedings. And the faid Committee are to have Power to fend for Perfons, Papers, and Records, for their Information. Ordered, That M'' Wehh be appointed Clerk to the Committee of Trade. M' Conway reported. That the Perfons appointed, had, according to Order, prepared an Addrefs to the Governor: Which he read in his place, and afterwards Where the fame was again twice read, and agreed to by the delivered in at the Table Houfe, without any Amendment and is as follows
; : ;


and Dominion of Virginia, now met in General Affembly, humbly beg Leave to congratulate You upon Your fafe and happy Return to this Your Government, from the dangerous Expedition againft our profeffed Enemies the Spaniards; and on the Recovery of Your Health, for which we were under the deepest Concern And at the fame Time, to Return You our fmcere Thanks, for Your ver\' effeclionate and obliging Speech, to the Council, and this Houfe. IT is with Hearts full of Duty and Gratitude, we acknowledge Your conftant and zealous Endeavours for the true Intereft and Good of this Colony, during the whole Time of Your wife and fteady Adminif tration And we do affure Your Honour we will, upon all Occafions, be ready to concur with You in any Meafures that may tend to the Honour of our moft Gracious and Excellent Sovereign, and the Profperity and Safety of This His moft antient Colony Motives which have always animated and directed Your Actions, and which fhall be the conftant Rule of Ours. WE will ufe our utmoft Endeavours to teftify the Purity of our Intentions by our Behaviour, and to preferve to us the Continuance of thofe ineftimable Privileges we at prefent enjov firmly relying on the Magnanimity and Wifdom of His Majefty, which, by
: . : ;


His Majefty's moft dutiful and

loial Subjedls,

the Burgeffes of the Colony


by the Affiftance of GOD, we doubt not, will procure him the Victor}' over all His Eneand, in the End, a happy and lasting Peace. Ordered, That the faid Addrefs be fairly tranfcribed, and prefented by the whole


That the Committee who prepared the fame, do wait on the Governor, to when the Houfe fhall attend, to prefent it. Refolved, That in all Cafes of controverted Elections, to be heard at the Bar of this Houfe, or before the Committee of Privileges and Elections, the Petitioners do, by themfelves, or by their Agents, within a convenient Time to be appointed, either by the Houfe, or the Committee of Privileges and Eledlions, as the Matter to be heard fhall be, before the Houfe, or the faid Committee; deliver to the Sitting Members, or their Agents, lifts of the Perfons intended by the Petitioners to be objefted to, who voted for the Sitting Members, giving in the faid Lifts the fe\-eral Heads of Objection, and diftinAnd that the Sitting guifhing the fame againft the Names of the Voters excepted to. Members do, by themfeh'es, or their Agents, within the fame Time, deliver the like Lifts, on their Part, to the Petitioners, or their Agents.


his Pleafure


That the Houfe be adjoum'd


To-morrow Morning, Ten







the Report of the Commiffioners appointed, purfuant to an Act of Affem-



in the

Twelfth Year of His Majefty's Reign, \or

the Relief of certain

Perfons who were Sufferers, in the Lofs of the Records of the County of Nanfemond, be referred to a Committee And it is accordingly referred to M''

Reddick, M"' Baker, M"" Simmons,

and AP Jofeph Gray. Conway reported, That the Committee had, according to Order, waited on the Governor, to know his Pleafure when the Houfe f hould attend him with their Addrefs And that he was pleafed to fay, he would fend a Meffage to the Houfe when he was

ready to receive it. The Houfe being informed, that M'' Henry Downs, a Sitting Member, has been guilty of many fcandalous Practices of which he has been convidled, and thereupon received condign Punifhment, Ordered, That the faid Information be referred to the Committee of Privileges and Eledlions: And that they do examine the Matter thereof; and report the fame, as it fhall appear to them, with their Opinions thereupon to the Houfe. Ordered, That a Committee of Propofitions and Grievances be appointed, of the following Perfons

M"' Fitzhngh,

W Whiting,

M'' M'' M"'



M'' Fairfax,

Richard Ratuiolph,

M^ Braxton,

W Wormley,
M'' Lee,


N elfon,

M'' Benja-.nin




Lewis Burwell,

M'' Carter Burwell,



M' Ludwell,
M'' Corbin,






William Gray,


Lewis Burwell,




that they are to meet and adjourn from Day to Day, and to take into their Confideration, all Propofitions and Grievances that fhall come legally certified to this Affembly; and report their Proceedings, with their Opinions thereupon, to the Houfe, from Time


fuch Propofitions and Grievances are to be delivered to the Clerk of the Houfe, and by him to the faid Committee, of Courfe. And the faid Committee are to have Power to fend for Perfons, Papers, and Records, for their Information. A Petition of M^ Samuel Biukner, complaining of an undue Election of M"- Lewis




Burwell, to ferve as a Burgefs in this prefent General Affembly, for the




Alfo a Petition of M' Richard Jones, complaining of an undue Eledlion of M"' Jofeph Scott, to ferve as a Burgefs in this prefent General Affembly, for the County of Amelia. Alfo a Petition of M^ William Andrews, complaining of an undue Ele(5lion of M' George Douglafs, to ferve as a Burgefs in this prefent General Affembly, for the County

were feverally prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the feveral Petitions be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Privileges and Ele(5lions That they examine the Matter of the faid Petitions and report the fame, with their Opinions thereupon, to the Houfe. A Motion being made, That if any Petition againft a Sitting Member, fhall be judged frivolous and vexatious, that the Petitioner be compelled to make Satisfadlion to the Sitting Member And the Queftion being put thereupon, It paffed in the Negative. Refolved, That the faid Motion be Rejedled. A Petition of the Inhabitants of Goochland Cotmty, for appointing a Ferry in the faid Covmty, from the Land of Robert Carter, over to the Land of Afhford Hughes. AKo a Petition of feveral Inhabitants of the aforefaid County, praying That the Ferry appointed by Law, from Jacob Michauxe's Land, on the South Side of 7aw^5River, to the Land on the oppofite Side, near the Court -hoiafe, may be continued. Alfo another Petition from feveral other Inhabitants, on the South Side of James


River, to the fame Purpofe.

Chickahominy be altered, and appointed from Goodall's to Hanmer's Point, or Williams's were feverally prefented to the Houfe, and received.
Alfo a Petition of
of the Public Ferry over

Thomas Cowles, Keeper

River, at Goodall's, praying, That the


of the faid Ferry




That the

faid feveral Petitions be referred to the Confideration of the


mittee of Propofitions and Grievances:


That they examine into the

feveral Matters

and report the fame, with

their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.

That a Negro Man Slave belonging to the Petitioner, and convidled in Goochland Court, of the Murder of a Negro Woman belonging to the Petitioner, had alfo been the Occafion of the Death of another Negro
Petition of Jofeph Anthony, fetting forth.


of the Petitioner's;

and praying fuch

Relief, as to this





was prefented to the Houfe.


the Queftion being put. That the faid Petition be paffed in the Negative.


That the faid Petition be Rejeded. That M' Reddick, and M' Corbin, be added to the Committee of Trade. Ordered, That M' Waller be appointed Clerk to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances and aKo to the Committee of Privileges and Eledlions. Ordered, That the Committee of Courts of Juftice, infpecfl the Journals of the laft Seffion; and prepare and draw up a State of the Matters then depending, and undetermined, and the Progrefs that was made therein; and report the fame to the Houfe. That they do aKo examine what Laws have expired, fmce the laft Seffion, and infpedl


fuch Temporary' Laws, as will expire with the End of this Seffion, or are near Expiring; and report the fame to the Houfe, with their Opinion, which of them are fit to be re\'ived

and continued.

That the Houfe be adjourned


Monday Morning, Eleven


: :

Monday May




Speaker informed the Houfe, That he had in his Hand, the Inftructions of the Lords Jtiftices, mentioned in the Governor's Speech; which he had Directions to lay before the Houfe.


Meffage from the Governor was delivered by



I am commanded by the Governor, to acquaint this Houfe, that his Honour is now ready to receive their Addrefs in the Council-Chamber. M'' Speaker, with the Houfe, went up and being returned, reported, That he had, with the Houfe, attended the Governor in the Council-Chamber, and prefented the Addrefs of this Houfe to him. To which he was pleafed to return the following answer


my fincere and hearty Thanks for your very affedionate Addrefs: If any Thing could make me more fenfible of the Obligations I am under, to the great Overruler of the World, it would he your kind Congratulations for my Return; which, with the Teftimony you are pleafed to give to my Conftancy, in adhering to the Duties of my Station, I efteem as my great Felicity, and fhall be always ambitious of the Credit of having my Condud fo well fupported; nor can I have any Doubt of your Readinefs to concur with Me in fuch Meafures as will be for the Honour of His Moft Excellent Majefty, or the Welfare of This His moft antient Colony. M"" Conway, from the Committee of Privileges and Ele<5tions, reported. That the Committee had had under their Confideration, the feveral Writs for electing of Burgeffes, to fer\-e in this prefent General Affembly: And had agreed upon a Report; which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table Where it was again read
Return you



as follows:

appears to this Committee, That the Returns of the feveral Writs for Eledting Burgeffes for the Counties of Accomack, Amelia, Brunfwick, Charles-City, Caroline,


King and Queen, LanMiddle fex, Norfolk, Northumberland, Orange, Princess-Anne, Prince George, Richmond, Surry, Warwick, and York: And the Retiams of the Writs for Electing a Burgefs at James-Town, the CoUege of William and Mary, and the Borough of Norfolk: And the Return of the Writ for EleAing a Citizen for the City of Williamfburg, are made in the Form prefcribed by Law. And that the Returns of the feveral Writs for Electing Burgeffes for the Counties of Effex, Goochland, Henrico, King William, King George, Nanfemond, Northampton, NewKent, Prince William, Stafford, Spotfylvania, and Weftmoreland, are not made in the Form prefcribed by Law. Ordered, That the Returns of the refpeAive Sherifs of Effex, Henrico, Goochland, King George, Nanfemond, Prince William, New-Kent, Weftmoreland, Northampton,
Elizabeth-City, Gloucefter, Hanover, James-City, Ifle of Wight,

and Stafford, be amended by the Clerk, at the Table. they were amended accordingly. Ordered, That the Sheriff of King William be fent for, in Cuftody of the Serjeant at Arms, to amend his Return.


That M"' Fitzhugh, M' Harrifon, and M"^ Fairfax, be added to the Committee of Privileges and Elections M' Fitzhugh, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported. That the Committee had had imder their Confideration, feveral Propofitions, from feveral Counties, to them referred: And have come to divers Refolutions thereupon; which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table. Ordered, That the faid Report do lie on the Table.


M' Attorney reported. That the Committee
for Courts of Juftice, had, according to

Order, infpe<5led the Journals of the laft Seffion of Affembly and prepared and drawn up a State of the Matters then depending, and undetermined, and the Progrefs that was



Which he


and afterwards deHvered

in at the


where the

fame was again twice read And thereupon. Ordered. That the Propofitions from the Counties of Effex and King George, for Repealing the A(5l, for amending the Staple of Tobacco; and for preventing Frauds in
His Majefty's Cuftoms.
Alfo the Propofitions from the Counties of Prince William, Stafford, Weftmoreland, Richmond, King George, and Henrico, for eredling new Warehoufes, therein mentioned. Alfo, That the Propofition from the County of Prince William, for raifmg the Rents of the Warehoufes in that County. Alfo, That the Propofal of Jofhita Fry and Robert Brooke, to make an exadl Sun-ey of this Colony, and to print and publifh a Map thereof; in which fhall be laid down the Bay, the navigable Rivers, with their Soundings, Counties, Parifhes, Towns, and Gentlemens Seats, and whatever elfe is remarkable. Alfo, That the Propofition from the County of King and Queen, for erecfling a new Warehoufe on Thomas Turner's Land, in that County. Alfo, That the Propofition from the County of Norfolk, for eredling a new Warehoufe at Bridge Landing, in that County. Alfo, That a Petition of fundry Perfons, whofe Names are thereunto fubfcribed, in Behalf of themfelves, and others, the Inhabitants of the County of Prince William; praying, That a Town might be ere(5led at the Ferry kept on both Sides Occoquan River And alfo, That the Rents of the Warehoufes in the faid County, might be increafed. Alfo, That a Propofition from the Coianty of Prince William for eredling a Town at the Head of Quantico in that County. Alfo, That a Petition of William Parks, Printer, recommended by the Governor and Council, to the Confideration of the Houfe, praying. That he might be allowed for printing Infpedtors Notes and Books, the fame that he formerly agreed for, and received: And alfo a Motion made, to the fame Purpofe Which were feverally referred from the laft Seffion of Affembly, to the Confideration of this; be referred to the Committee of

and Grievances. That all Public Claims, referred from the laft Seffion of Affembly, to the Confideration of this, be referred to the Committee of Public Claims. M'' Attorney reported. That the faid Committee had alfo, according to Order, examined what Laws ha\-e expired fmce the laft Seffion of Affembly; and have infpedted fuch Temporary Laws as will expire with, or foon after the End of this Seffion: And had agreed upon a Report which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at

the Table.

That the faid Report do lie on the Table. The Order of the Day being read, the Houfe, upon a Motion, Refolved itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to confider of the Governor's Speech: And after fome Time fpent therein, M"" Speaker refumed the Chair; and M' Fitzhugh reported, from the Committee, That they had had under their Confideration, all the Parts of the Governor's Speech And had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon but not having Time to draw up the Report, the Committee had dire<5led him to move for Leave to fit again. Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to draw up the faid Report, To-morrow.


That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning Eleven




M'. Conway,


i i

Elections, reported,

from the Committee

of Privileges

they had had under their Confideration, the Information againft M'' Henry Downs, a Sitting Member, to them referred; and had examined the Matter thereof, and heard the faid M"" Downs Whereupon it appeared to the Committee, from the Tranfcript of a Record of the Court of Prince George County, in Maryland, produced to the Committee, duly attefted by the Clerk, and certified imder the Public Seal of the faid County, That at a County Court of the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary of that Province, held at Marlborough Town, in and for the County aforefaid, on the Twenty Seventh Day of June, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty One, Henry Downs, together with Edward Brown, and James Jones, all of the faid County, were indicted of Felony, in ftealing one Sheep, of a white Colour, of the Price of Ten Shillings, the property of a certain Perfon unknown, on the Twenty Ninth Day of Auguft then laft paft, at a Place called the Chapel, in that County And that the faid Downs, upon his Arraignment, the fame Twenty Seventh Day of June aforefaid, did confefs himfelf guilty of the Felony and Theft, fo as aforefaid laid to his Charge, and put himfelf upon the Grace and Mercy of the Court. And thereupon, it was confidered by that Court, that the fame Henry Downs, by the Sheriff of that County, from the Bar to the Whipping-Poft, fhould be taken and there being ftripped naked, from the Waift upwards, receive on his bare Back Fifteen Lafhes well laid on, by the Sheriff aforefaid, fo that the Blood appear: And that after the Whipping aforefaid, the faid Henry Downs, by the Sheriff aforefaid, be put on the Pillory, for and during the Space of Half an Hour. And afterwards, the faid Henry Downs, the fame Twenty Seventh Day of June aforefaid, was, with the Confent of one Jacob Henderfon, Clerk, (his Mafter) fold by the Court aforefaid, for One Year and Nine Months, to one John Middleton, Planter, to difcharge the Fees of the Conviction aforefaid. But the faid Henry Downs, the Sitting Member, denied, before the Committee, that he was the fame Henry Downs mentioned in the faid Record But it appeared to the Committee, from the Teftimony of feveral Gentlemen, Members of this Houfe, That the faid Henry Downs, the Sitting Member, had lately confeffed himfelf to be the fame Henry Downs, mentioned in the Record aforefaid. Therefore, upon the Whole, the Committee had come to feveral Refolutions; which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table where the same was read. And the faid M"' Henry Downs was heard in his Place, and withdrew. Then the Refolutions of the faid Committee were again read, and agreed to, by the Houfe, Nemine Contradicente, as follows
; : ;


Refolved, That the faid Henry Downs having been convicted of Felony and Theft, and punifhed, as aforefaid, is unworthy to fit as a Member in this Houfe. Refolved, That the faid Henry Downs, for the Caufes aforefaid, be expelled this


That the


Henry Downs be difabled to


and Vote as a Member


this Houfe, during this prefent General Affembly.

Several Petitions from feveral Inhabitants of the County of WefUnoreland, not

being certified, were prefented to the Houfe.


the Queftion being put. That the

the faid Petitions be received, It paffed in the Negative.


That the

faid Petitions be Rejected.

Petition of


Weft, Proprietor of the Warehoufes, at Hunting-Creek, in the

County of Prince William, praying. That the Rent of the faid Warehoufes be raifed. AKo, a Petition of Richard Higgins, of the aforefaid County, praying fome Allowance from this Houfe, for two white Sen-ants inlifted to ferve in the laft Expedition; which the Clerk having omitted to certify, by Mistake, were prefented to the Houfe, and received.

That the faid Petitions be referred to the Confideration of the Committee Propofitions and Grievances: And that they do examine the Matters thereof; and


report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. A claim of John Shelton, of the County of Hanover, which

was certified and returned Committee of Public Claims, through by the to the laft Seffion of Affembly, and the Negleifl of the Clerk of the faid County, in not certifying, that a Warrant of Outlawry was iffued againft a Negro Wench, therein mentioned, was presented to the Houfe,

That the faid Claim be again referred to the Committee of Claims And the Matter thereof: and report the fame, with their Opinion thereexamine that they do

upon, to the Houfe.

M' Carter reported, from the Committee of Trade, That the Committee had had under their Confideration, feveral Matters: And that they had agreed upon a Report; which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table; where the same was again twice read, and agreed to, by the Houfe, with an Amendment, as follows Refolved, That all Pork and Beef, packed in this Colony, and imported from Carolina, or any other Place, be infpec^ted, weighed, and ftamped, by fwom Officers, before the

be f hipped for Exportation.


That the Committee


Trade do prepare and bring

in a Bill,

pursuant to

the faid Refolution.

M' Conway, from the Committee of Privileges and Elecflions, reported. That the Committee had had under their Confideration, the Petition of M"' Richard Jones, to them referred, complaining of an undue EIe(5lion and Return of M' Jofeph Scott, to fer\-e as a Burgefs in this prefent General Affembly, for the County of Amelia; and had partly heard, as well the Petitioner, as Sitting Member, by their Council: And had come to divers Refolutions thereupon which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table Where the fame were again twice read and with an Amendment to one U| of them, agreed to, by the Houfe.
; :

That the Perfons who \'oted at the faid Ele(5lion, whofe Freeholds are queftioned, either by the Petitioner, or Sitting Member, be examined, upon Oath, before the Sheriff of Amelia, whether they be Freeholders, or not; except fuch of them as did

fwear to their Freeholds at the Election.


Witneffes, before the Sheriff of Amelia, as to the Freeholds of

at the Ele<5lion;
fhall fwear to the fame before the Sheriff.

That the Petitioner and the Sitting Member be at Liberty to examine any Perfons who voted
although fuch Persons fwore to their Freeholds at the Eledlion, or


That as well the Petitioner as Sitting Member


do, at leaft

Four Days

before the Examination of their Witneffes, deliver to each other a Lift of the Names of the Voters objedled to And that it be an Inf trudlion to the Sheriff to examine how
of, and paid Quit-Rents for the Lands or Tenements, in Right of which they voted at the EleAion: And that he return the Examination to the Committee on Wednefday come Fortnight.

long fuch Voters have been in Poffeffion

Ordered, That M"^ Scott have Leave to abfent himfelf from the Service of this Houfe Wednefday come Fortnight. A Petition of Abraham Abney, was prefented to the Houfe, and read, fetting forth, That he hath for fome Time paft, experienced a fafe, eafy, and fpeedy Cure of the Cancer, by fome Simples of the Natural Growth of this Colony which he has the utmoft Reafon to believe a certain Remedy, in the moft inveterate Cafe of that Sort. That he apprehends the Difcovering fuch a Secret muft be of general Benefit to the Public; and as fuch, will merit the Confideration of this Houfe. And praying. That upon his giving proper Satisfaction of the Ufefulnefs and Efficacy of the Method of his Cure, this Houfe will give him fuch Encouragement and Reward, as they fhall think reafonable.


That the

faid Petition



on the Table,

for the Perufal of the


: ;


A Petition of M"' Thomas-Wright Belfield, complaining of an undue Eledtion of M' Henry Downs, and M' Robert Slaughter, to ferve as Burgeffes in this prefent General Affembly, was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Privileges and Ele(5lions: And that they do examine into the Matter thereof; and
report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.

whole Houfe, to draw up the Report of the faid Committee, in Anfwer to the Governor's Speech And after fome Time fpent therein, M' Speaker refumed the Chair; and M"' Fitzhugh reported, from the Committee, That they had, according to Order, drawn up the Report which he read in his Place, and then delivered it in at the Table; where the fame was again twice read, and agreed to, with Amendments, as follows

Upon a Motion made,

the Houfe Refolved

into a


of the


That the Adl,



the Staple of Tobacco;

and for preventing Frauds

Amendments. Refolved, That the paffing a Bill, for obliging all Mafters of Ships, and other Veffels trading hither, to pay the Duty of Tonnage in Powder and Ball, will be attended with great Inconvenience, and will not be for His Majefty's Service, or any Advantage to
in His Majefty's Cuftoms, ought to be further continued, with
this Colony.


That the repairing our Batteries, and appointing annual Salaries for fuch and Gunners as fhall be deemed fufficient, during the War, to keep them and

Fort George in a conftant Pofture of Defence,

Refolved, That the Expence


ought to be defrayed out of the Duties appropriated, by Ad; of Affembly, for that Purpofe: And that an Addrefs be made to the Governor, that he will give Direcftions to the proper Officers

of the faid Repairs


to lay before this Houfe, a true State of thofe Duties.


That M' Fitzhugh, M"" Carter, M' Attorney, M"' Richard Randolph, Nelfon, M' Wormley, and M' Ruffin, do prepare and bring in a Bill, pursuant to the Refolution, for continuing the A(5t, For amending the Staple of Tobacco; and preventing Frauds in His Majefty's Cuftoms, with Amendments. And that it be an Instruftion to the faid
Committee, to reduce the feveral Acts made for that Purpofe into one Bill. Ordered, That M' Carter, and M'' Richard Randolph do wait on the Governor with the Addrefs, purfuant to the Refolution for that Purpofe.

M' Fitzhugh reported, That the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances had had vmder their Confideration, divers Propofitions from feveral Covmties, to them referred And had come to several Refolutions thereupon; which he read in his Place, and then delivered it in at the Table; where the fame were again twice read, and agreed to, by
the Houfe, as follows:

That the Propofition from the County of York, for further continuing the Adl, intituled, An Ad, For amending the Staple of Tobacco; cni preventing Frauds in His Majefty's Cuftoms, is reafonable. Refolved, That the Propofitions from the Counties of Lancajter, King George, Effex, Orange, and York, for Repealing the Adl, intituled, An A(5l For amending the Staple of Tobacco; and preventing Frauds in His Majefty's Cuftoms, be Rejected. Refolved, That the Propofitions from the Counties of Lancafter, Northumberland, and Northampton, for Reviving the Adt, intituled, An A<51 for Deftroying Crows and Squirrels in the Northern Neck, and the Eaftem Shore, are reafonable. Ordered, That M"' Conway, M' Mitchell, M' Pre fly, M'' Blackwell, Harmanfon, and M'' Eyre, do prepare and bring in a Bill, purfuant to the faid Refolution. Then a Motion was made. That it be an Instrudlion to the faid Committee, to make

the faid Bill a general



the Queftion being put thereupon, It paffed in the



That the


Motion be

Petition of Frances Greenhill,

That Leave may be given, to bring

was prefented to the Houfe, and read; praying, a Bill, to enable her to fue, and be fued, as a Feme

living (who hath left her upwards of Twenty Years:) difpofe of her Lands, and other Eftate, by Deed or and And Feme Sole may, by Law. as a Will, in the fame Manner Ordered, That ^I^ Attorney do prepare and bring in a Bill, according to the Prayer

Sole, in Cafe her




alfo to enable her to


of the faid Petition.

and Common-Council Men, of the read; praying, That Leave may and City of declaring the Qualifications of and be given to bring in a Bill, as well for explaining Perfons, entitled by the Charter of the faid City, to vote at an Eledion of a Citizen

Petition of the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen,

Williamfburg, was prefented

to the Houfe,

for the faid City, as enlarging the Jurifdi(5lion of the Courts of Huftings, within the fame.




Harmer and


Attorney do prepare and bring in a



to the Prayer of the faid Petition.


That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning, Eleven


Wednefday May^

12, 1742.
A(5l of



Member having taken


the Oaths appointed to be taken by


liament, inftead of the Oaths of Allegiance

fubfcribed the

of Abjuration,

and Supremacy, and taken and and fubfcribed the Teft, was admitted to

his Place in the


The Houfe being informed, that the Sheriff of King William attended at the Door Cuftody, to amend the Return of the Writ for eledting a Burgefs to fer\'e in this

prefent General Affembly, for the faid County:

That he do amend



and that he be difcharged from any further

had awaited on the Governor with


Carter reported. That the Perfons appointed,

the Addrefs, purfuant to the Refolution for addreffmg him, to give Diredlions to the

proper Officers, to lay before this Houfe a true State of the Duties appropriated by A6t of Affembly, for repairing our Forts And that he was pleafed to anfwer, an Account

fhould be laid before this Houfe.




Rnfpn be added to the Committee of Trade.

Petition of Zachary Lewis,

was prefented

Allowance for Sacco, a Negro Slave, belonging to feer, and fled to avoid Punifhment, was found to have hanged himfelf. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Public Claims And that they do examine the Matter thereof; and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. A Petition of M"' Landon Carter, complaining of an undue Elecflion and Return of M' William Fantleroy, to ferve as a Burgefs in this prefent General Affembly, for the County of Richmond, was prefented to the Houfe, and read.

and read; praying an him, who ha\-ing murdered his Overto the Houfe,

Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the

of Privileges

Committee and Elections: That they examine into the Matter thereof; and report the
appear to them, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.

fame, as



Martha Catlet, Widow and Adminiftratrix of Thomas Catlet, late of County of Caroline, deceafed, was prefented to the Houfe, and read praying, that Leave be given to bring in a Bill, to enable her, or fuch other Perfon, as the Houfe fhall think fit, to fell and difpofe of 300 Acres of Land, or thereabouts, lying on Rappahannock River, in King George County which the faid Thomas, in his Life-time, purchafed of Col. William Woodford, in order to pay and fatisfy the Debts of the faid Thomas, the Perfonal Eftate left by him, not being fufificient to difcharge the fame. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, according to the Prayer of the faid Petition: And that M"^ Carter do prepare and bring in the fame.
Petition of
; ;


was presented to the


Petition of the Infpeclors at Wamwright's Warehoufe, in I fie of Wight County, Iloufe. And the Queftion being put, that the faid Petition be

received, It paffed in the Negative.

That the

faid Petition be Rejected.

A Petition of the Juftices of the County of I fie of Wight, was prefented to the Houfe, and read praying an additional Rent for the Warehoufes at Wainwright's, in order to reimburfe them the Charge of building Three new Ones there. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Public Claims: And that they do examine the Matter thereof and report the fame, with their Opinion
: ;

thereupon, to the Houfe.

The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Report made on Monday laft, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; And the fame being twice read, was agreed to by the Iloufe, as follow.s: Refolved, That the Propofitions from the Counties of Richmond, Stafford, Prince William, and Prince George, for further continuing an A(5t, intituled. An Ac^t, For
the Staple of Tobacco;

and preventing Frauds in His Majefty's Cuftoins, are



A<5t, intituled,

That the Proportion from the County of King and Queen, for repealing An Adt, For amending the Staple of Tobacco; and preventing Fraiuis

His Majefty's Cuftoms, be reje(5led. Refolved, That the Pro])ofition from the County of Richmond, for obliging lofpecTtors to certify in their Notes, the particular Quality of the Tobacco in every fuch Note
mentioned, be Rejected.

That the Propolition from the County

of Surry, for prohibiting Servants

and Slaves to trade, deal, or make Crops for their own Ufe; and to ref train their Mafters from giving them a Licence for that Purpofe, be Rejected. The Houfe also proceeded to the Confideration of the Report from the Committee of Courts of Juftice, touching fuch Laws as have expired fmce the laft Seffion of Alfembly and fuch Temporary Laws as will expire with, or f oon after the End of this Seffion of Affembly. And the fame being twice read. Part thereof was agreed to, by the Houfe,

as follows

That the Ac^,




Security of the Country in the prefent



Danger, which will expire the

to be further Continued.

2d Daj' of May, in the Year of our Lord 1743, ought not

laying a Duty on Liquors;

and the A(S;, for laying a Duty which have been Continued and Amended by feveral fubfequent Adls; And alfo one other A(ft, for laying an additional Duty upon Slaves, to be paid by the Buyers; and, for encouraging Perfons to enlift in His Majefty's Service and for preventing Defertion, fo far only as relates to the additional Duty upon Slaves; which feveral Adts will Expire on the Firft Day of July, in the Year of our Lord 1744, ought to be further Continued. Refolved, That the Ac^, for ameitding the Staple of Tobacco; ami for preventing Frauds in His Majefty's Cuftoms; which has been Continued and Amended by feveral fubfequent Acts, and will Expire on the Ninth Day of November next enfuing, ought to
That the
A(Sl, for


Slaves, to be paid by the Buyers;

be further Continued, with Amendments.

this Seffion,

That the Adt, That the AA,


for appointing a Treafurer,



Expire at the



ought to be Continued.
for alloiving Fairs to kept in the



of Fredericksburg,


will expire at


of this Seffion of Affembly,

ought to be Continued with



to the Refolution of the faid Committee,

to the



Ad for

prolonging the


for bringing Tobacco

Pnblick Warehoufes, and for Sale of Transfer Tobacco, which Expired, ought to be Re\ived during the prefent Infpedlion. The Houfe difagreed.

That the

faid Refolution be Rejected.


Ordered, I'hat a Bill or Bills be brought

purfuant to the faid Refolutions agreed

by the Houfe.


that the Committee for Courts of Juftice do prepare

and bring

in the fame.

was made, That Leave be f,nven to bring in a Bill, to prevent Senants from making Crops of Tobacco, and can->'ing the fame to the Warehoufes in their own Names; And the Queftion being put thereupon, It paffed in the Negative. Refolved, That the faid Motion be Rejected. M' Conway i-eported, from the Committee of Privileges and Eledtions, That the Committee had had under their Confideration the Petition of M' Samuel Buckner, to them referred, complaining of an tmdue Eledtion and Return of M"' Lewis Burwell, to ferve as a Burgefs in this prefent General Affembly, for the County of Glocefter: And had partly heard, as well the Petitioner, by his Council, as the Sitting Member; and had agreed upon a Report: Which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table; where the fame was again twice read, and agreed to, by the Houfe, as fol-



That the Perfons who voted at the faid Eledtion, whofe Freeholds are by the Petitioner, or Sitting Member, be examined upon Oath, before the Sheriff of Glocefter, whether they be Freeholders, or not, on Thurfday Se'ennight, at the Court-houfe: The Petitioner, and the Sitting Member, giving each other Lifts

queftioned, either

Days before the Examination. Member, be at Liberty to examine Witneffes before the Sheriff of Glocefter, at the Da}' and Place aforefaid, as to the Freeholds of any Perfons who voted at the Eledtion, although fuch Perfons fhall fwear to the fame before the Sheriff. And that the Sheriff return the Examination to the Committee, on Monday Se'ennight. M"" Conway alfo reported, from the faid Committee, That they had had under their Confideration, the Petition of M"" Thotnas -Wright Belfield, to them referred, complaining of an undue Election and Return of M"" Henry Downs, and M'' Robert Slaughter, to ferve as Burgeffes in this prefent General Affembly, for the County of Orange: And had partly heard as well the Petitioner, by his Council, as M'' Slaughter, the Sitting Member And had come to a Refolution thereupon; which he read in his Place, and then deli\'ered in at the Table; where the fame being again twice read, was agreed to, by the Houfe, with an Amendment, as follows: Refolved, That the Petitioner, and Sitting Member, be at I^iberty to examine Witneffes before George Taylor, and Edward Spencer, Gentlemen, Juftices of the Peace for the County of Orange, or either of them, at the Court-houfe of that County, as to the
of the


of the Voters objected to, at least three


That the




Matter of the faid Petition. And that the faid Juftices, or either of them, return the Examination to the Committee, on this Day Three Weeks. Upon a Motion made, Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, for repealing the Adt, intituled, An AcT;, For the better Security of the Country in the prefent Time of Danger. And that the Committee for Courts of Juftice do prepare and bring in the fame.

M' Fitzhugh reported, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, That the Committee liad had under their Confideration, divers Propofitions from feveral Counties, to them refcn-ed And had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table. Ordered, That the faid Report do lie on the Table. An Account of the Infpedlors of Bowler's Warehoufe, in the County of Effcx, of Tobacco burnt in the faid Warehoufe, was prefented to the Houfe, and received. Ordered, That the faid Account be refen-ed to the Committee of Public Claim? And that they do examine the Matter thereof; and report the fame, with their Opinion there:

upon, to the Houfe.


That the Houfe be adjourn 'd


To-morrow Morning Eleven






13, 1742.


Petition of Matthew Wills, of

Warwick County, praying, That a Ferry might

be appointed from Mulberry-I fland Point, in the faid County, to Cocket's, in Ifle of Wight County.

a Public Ferry

AKo a may

Petition of William Hardy, of Ifle of Wight County, praying,


be appointed from Cocket's, in

berry-I fland Point, in

Ifle of Wight County, over to MulWarwick County; were feverally prefented to the Houfe, and

That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances: And that they do examine into the feveral Matters thereof; and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. M'' Carter, from the Committee of Trade, reported, That they had had under their Confideration, the Laws now in Force, relating to the Exportation of Pitch and Tar: And that they had come to a Refolution thereupon; which he read in his Place, and then delivered it in at the Table; where the fame was again read, and agreed to, with an


as follows:

That the A(5l made in the Fourth Year of the Reign of Queen Anne, For afcertaining the Gauge of Barrels for Pork, Beef, Tar, and Pitch as to fo much thereof, as relates to the Penalties laid upon Perfons exporting or offering for Sale or Barter, Tar or Pitch, in Barrels of lefs Size than by that A<5t limited, or not filled with clean Tar, or true made Pitch ought to be amended. Ordered, That the Committee of Trade do prepare and bring in a Bill, purfuant to

the faid Refolution.


Motion was made, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, for amending the Act, An A(5l, For the better Regulation of the Militia. And the Oueftion being put

thereupon. It paffed in the Negative.

Motion be rejedted. and Gerrard Alexander, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; praying, That an Adl may be paffed, for vefting in them, the Fee-Simple and Inheritance of certain Lands therein mentioned, of which they are feverally feifed in Fee Tail; in order to make Provifion for their younger Children. Ordered, That M"' Fitzhugh do prepare and bring in a Bill, purfuant to the Prayer

That the

Petition of John

of the faid Petition.

The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Report of the Committee of and Grievances, made on Wednesday laft; and went through Part thereof: Which being twice read, was agreed to, with an Amendment, by the Houfe,
as follows:
Refolved, That the Propofition from the Coimty of Stafford, for altering the Method Trying Adlions, brought on Accounts by Practicers of Phyfick, be Rejedled. Refolved, That the Propofition from the Coimty of Lancafter, for permitting Recoveries to be made, for Wagers won on Horferacing, to the Value of Fi\-e Pounds, or One Thoufand Pounds of Tobacco, and the Service of the Petition and Summons in Suits for recovering fmall Debts, be limited to Three Days only, be Rejected. Refolved, That the Propofition from the Counties of King George, King William, and Stafford, for holding Quarterly Courts, and to oblige the Juftices to attend fuch

Courts, be Reje($led.
Refolved, That the Propofition from the County of Orange, to oblige Owners of convidled Ser\^ants, to defray the Expence upon Criminal Profecutions againft fuch Servants, be Rejected. Refolved,

from any


That the Propofition from the County of Orange, for exempting the County which may happen, by Occafion of a Debtors breaking Prifon, be Rejected.

That the Propofition from the County of Orange, to prevent Drovers of from driving away Cattle from the Southward through this Colony to the Northward, which they pafs, is through Counties with them the Cattle of the Inhabitants of the


That the Propofition from the County of Orange, for preventing for the a-crofs the faid Rivers, future, the ObftruAion of fmall Rivers, by raifmg Mill-Dams reafonable. is by which the Paffage of Fifh may be hindered, explaining fo Refolved, That the Propofition from the County of N an femend, for much of the AA made in the Fourth Year of the Reign of her late Majefty Queen Anne, clearing of Ships; for intituled. An AA, For preventing Frauds in the Ciiftoms, and in prevent the Cafting and prohibit to and afcertaining Colledors and Naval Officers Fees; Colledlors and Naval Ballaft, and dead Bodies into Rivers and Creeks, as relates to the

Officers Fees,




Confideration of a Grievance from the County of

King and Queen, concerning


That the Act made in the Fourth Year of the Reign of her late Majefty Oueen Anne, For Encouragement of building Water-Mills, be amended. Refolved, That the Propofition from the County of Prince William, for dividing that County by a Line to be drawn from the Head of Chappowamfick, to the Head of Difficult

Run, be RejeAed. Refolved, That the Propofition from the County of Prince William, for dividing that County, in the fame Manner, as the Parifhes in the faid County are divided, is reafonable. Refolved, That the Propofition from the Borough of Norfolk, for obliging Seafaring Men, being Houfe-keepers in this Colony, to pay Public, County, and Parifh Levies, is

That the Propofition from the County of Veftrymen may be fufificient to hold a Veftry, or Effex, for declaring what Number of make an Order; and for diffolving all Veftries once in Seven Years, and electing new Upon which a Debate arofe; and the Queftion being put, the Veftries, be Rejeded.


to the Refolution of the Committee,

Houfe divided.

No's go forth ea s, I


49 Ordered, That the further Confideration of the faid Report be referred 'til To-morrow. M' Fitzhugh reported. That the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances had had under their Confideration, divers Propofitions from feveral Counties, to them referred And had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon; which he read in his Place, and then

No s,

Houfe difagreed.

in at the Table.

Ordered, Ordered,

That the


Report do


on the Table.

That the Houfe be adjourned

To-morrow Morning, Eleven



14, 1742.


Account from the Infpecftors of Wainwri^t'^ Warehoufe, in the County of Ifle of Wi^t, of Tobacco burnt in the faid Warehoufe, was prefented to the

That the


of Public Claims the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. The Houfe proceeded to the further Confideration of the Report from the

Account be referred to the Confideration of the And that they do examine the Matter thereof and report


and Grievances, made on Wednefday And the fame was read, and Part thereof agreed to, by the Houfe and is as follows Refolved, That the Propofition of the Borough of Norfolk, for allowing the Inhabitants of that Borough to difcharge their Public Dues in Money, at a certain Rate to be fet by the faid Coimtv Court Annually, is reafonable.
mittee of Propofitions
: ;


That the Propofition from the Borough of allowing the Court of Huftings of that Borough the fame Jurifdid;ion as the Norfolk, for
to the Refolution of the Committee,


Court of Huftings in the City of Williamfburg, is reafonable, The Houfe difagreed. Ordered, That a Bill be brought in, purfuant to the Propofition from the County of Effex, for declaring what Number of Veftrymen may be fufificient to hold a Veftry, or make an Order; and for diffolving all Vef tries once in Seven Years, and eledling new


it is

referred to the


of Propofitions

and Grievances to prepare

and bring

in the fame.

That a Bill or Bills be brought, purfuant to all the other Refolutions agreed by the Houfe And that the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances do prepare

and bring in the fame. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Report from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, made Yefterday And the fame was read, and Part thereof was agreed to, by the Houfe, as follows Refolved, That the Propofitions from the Counties of Richmond and Northumberland, for repealing fo much of the A6t made in the Thirteenth Year of His Majefty's Reign, intituled, An A(ft, For the better Security of the Country in the prefent Time of Danger, as relates to the difciplining and exercifmg of the Militia, are reafonable. Refolved, That the Propofition from the County of Accomack, for reviving the Adl, For deftroying Crows and Squirrels in the Northern Neck, and on the Eaftem Shore,



That the Propofition from the County


Accomack, for repealing the Adt,

of Accomack, for difcontinuing

obliging Conftables to view Tobacco Fields, be Reje(5led.


That the Propofition from the County

Patrollers in that County, be Rejedted.

That the Propofition from the County of Accomack, for obliging Vagrants to fatisfy their Levies by Servitude, be Rejedled. Refolved, That the Propofition from the County of Accomack, for obliging County Court Clerks to draw Indentures for binding out poor Orphans, without Fee or Reward,

be Rejedled.

That the Propofition from the County

of Accomack, allowing Juftices of

the Peace to iffue Executions againft the Bodies of Debtors, not being Freeholders, on

Judgments obtained before them, be Rejedled. Refolved, That the Propofitions from the Counties of Accomack, and Spotfylvania for holding a Debtor to Bail, on Suits brought for the Recovery of fmall Debts, be
of Store Accounts,

That the Propofition from the County of Spotfylvania, for allowing Copies proved in the Court of the County where the Merchant refides, and by the Clerk, to be given in Evidence on the Trial of Suits brought on fuch That the Propofition from the County
of Spotfylvania, for allowing a
in all Suits

Accounts, be Rejedled.

Lawyer's Fee, of Seven Shillings and Six Pence, to be taxed in the Cofts, brought by Petition, be Rejedled.

That the Propofition

of the Freeholders

and Inhabitants

of the



Fredericksburg, to prevent the building


Chimnies, and for pulling


fuch as

and to reftrain Hogs from going at large in the faid Town, is reafonable. Refolved, That the Propofition from the County of Orange, for amending the Adl, intituled. An Adl, To reftrain the keeping too great a Number of Horfes and Mares; and for amending the Breed, be Rejedled. Refolved, That the Petition of Richard Higgins, to be paid for Two Servants inlifted
are built

for Soldiers in the late

Expedition againft the Spaniards, be Rejedled.



That the Petition

Thomas Cowles, Keeper

Chickahominy River, at GoodaU's, for altering the Name ing it from GoodaU's to Hanmer's Point, or Williams's, is reafonable.

Ferry over of the faid Ferry, and appointof the Public


That the Propofition from the County of Prince William, for Ere<flmg a new Warehoufe for Infpe<fling Tobacco, on the Land of the Hon. Tltomas Lee, Efq; at

the Falls of Patou-mack, is reafonable. Refolved, That the Propofition from the Coionty of King George, for Ere<$ling a new Warehoufe for Infpe<5ling Tobacco, on the Land of M' George Morton, in that County,


Refolved, That the Propofition from the County of I fie of Wight, for Ereding a new Warehoufe on the Eaft Side of Pagan Creek, oppofite to the Infpe<5lion at Wainuright, in that County, to be under one Infpedtion, is reafonable. Refolved, That the Propofition from the County of Orange, for Erecting a new Warehoufe for Infpecting Tobacco, at the Falls of Rappahannock, on the Land of M' Francis

Thornton, be Rejeifted.


to the Refolution of the Committee,

Accomack, for providing Seals for

That the Propofition from the County of the feveral Courts of Record in this Colony, be

Alfo to another Refolution of the Committee, That the Propofition from the County of Effex, for enabling the Juftices of the County Courts to make Contracts for building Bridges, and making Caufeways, to be paid for by Annual Paiments, that may be binding

on themfelves, and their Succeffors,

The Houfe


purfuant to the Propofition from the County of Ordered, That a Bill be brought Accomack, for providing Seals for the feveral Courts of Record in this Colony. Alfo a Bill, purfuant to the Propofition from the County of Effex, for enabling the
Juftices of the County, to


Contracts for building Bridges, and making Caufeways,

by Annual Paiments, that may be binding upon them, and their Succeffors. And it is referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances to prepare and bring in the fame. Ordered, That it be an Inftru(tion to the Committee appointed to bring in a Bill, for continuing the A(t, intituled. An Act, For aynending the Staple of Tobacco; and preventing Frauds in His Majefty's Cuftoms, with Amendments, to receive a Claufe or Claufes, purfuant to the feveral Refolutions, for appointing a Warehoufe on the Land of the Hon. Thomas Lee, Efq at the Falls of Patovmtack, in Prince William Coimty Alfo for appointing a new Warehoufe on the Land of M'' George Mortcni, in King George County And alfo for appointing a new Warehoufe on the Eaft Side of Pagan Creek, in Ifle of Wight Covmty, oppofite to the Infpection at Wainwright's, in that Coimty, to be xmder one Infpection. Alfo, That it be an Inftruction to the Committee appointed to bring in a Bill, for continuing the Act, intituled. An Act, For allowing Fairs to be kept in the Town of Freder: :

icksburg, with


to receive a Clavife or Clattfes, purfuant to the Refolution,

for preventing the building of



Chimnies, and for pulling

at large in the

down fuch as are already

of Fredericksburg.


for reftraining

Hogs from going






be an Inftruction to the faid Committee, to receive a Claufe or

Claufes for reftraining


Hogs from going at large, in the Town of Urbanna. Ordered, That the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances do prepare and bring a Bill or Bills, purfuant to all the other Refoluticjns agreed to, by the Houfe.

Bill for fettling certain

Lands, Part of the Eftate of Thotnas

Catlet, deceafed, for


the Paiment of his Debts, was prefented to the Houfe, and read the
Ordered, That the faid Bill be read a fecond


Time immediately


was accord-

ingly read a fecond Time.




That the faid Bill be committed to M' Carter, M' Turner, M' Waller, M' Baylor, and M' Lomax: And that they do examine into the Allegations

and report the fame, with

Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.

Petition of Elizabeth Kee, letting forth. That her


Hufband was

flain in

the late

Expedition againft the Spaniards, at Cartliagena and praying, fuch a Subfiftance, as to this Houfe fhall feem fit, was prefented to the Houfe, and read.


That the

faid Petition be referred to the



that they do examine the Matter thereof

Committee of Public Claims: and report the fame, with their Opinion

thereupon, to the Hovife.


Fitzhugh reported, That the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances had had

imder their Confideration, divers Propofitions from feveral Coxmties, to them referred And had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon which he read in his Place, and then deUvered it in at the Table. Ordered, That the faid Report do lie on the Table.


That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning Eleven




15, 1742.


Bill to

fell and difpofe of certain Lands, and other Will, notwithftanding her Hufband, Jofeph Greenhill, Deed or Eftate, by fhall happen to be living; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read

enable Frances Greenhill to




Ordered, That the faid Bill be read a fecond Time.

Petition of Elizabeth Moff, fetting forth. That her Hufband, who fer\ed as a Lieutenant in the late Expedition againft the Spaniards, died foon after his Arrival


praying. That this Houfe will

make fuch

Provifion for her Support, as they

fhall think


Alio a Petition of Rebecca Jones, fetting forth, That her Hufband being inlifted to ferve as a Soldier in the late Expedition againft the Spaniards, died at Jamaica; and praying fuch Relief, as to this Houfe fhall feem fit.

That the faid Petitions be referred to the Committee of Claims And that examine the Matters thereof; and report the fame, with their Opinion therethey do

upon, to the Houfe.

Petition of feveral Barbers 'Prentices in the City of William fhurg,

was prefented

to the Hovife.


the Queftion being put, That the faid Petition be received, It paffed

in the Negative.



That the faid Petition be Rejedled. That M"^ Leifis Burwell have Leave to be abfent from the

Ser\-ice of this




Petition of M"' George Braxton, the Younger,

was prefented

to the Houfe,


read; praying, That a Bill might be brought

in, to confirm his Title to 420 Acres of Land, Part of a greater Tra<ft, called Mantapike, which he hath purchafed of William Banks, and whereof the faid Banks is feifed in Fee Tail and for fettling a Water Grift Mill, and

394 Acres of Land, in the County of King William, of greater Value, whereof he is feifed in Fee Simple, to the fame Ufes. Ordered, That M"" Power do prepare and bring in a Bill, according to the Prayer of
the faid Petition.



Wormle^' have Leave to be abfent from the Service of this Houfe

of Claims, reported.

Ttiefday next.
M'' Beverley,

from the Committee


iinder their Confideration feveral Matters to

Refolutions thereupon; which he read in his


That the faid Committee had them referred And had come to feveral Place, and then deUvered in at the Table.

That the


Report do


on the Table.

and for Electing new and other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read the firft Time. AKo a Bill, for continuing the Adl, intituled. An Adt, For laying an additional Duty upon Slaves, to be paid by th^ Buyers; and for encouraging Perfons tn inlift in His Majefty's Service; and for preventing Defertion as to fo much thereof, as relates to the faid additional Duty, was read the firft Time.
Bill, for

Diffolving the prefent Veftries in this Colony;



A(5l, for tlie better Security of the Alfo a BiU, for repealing the Adl, intituled, An Time. Country in the prefent Time of Danger, was read the firft laying a Duty upon Liquors, For A(5l, An intituled. Ad, the continuing Alfo a Bill, for

was read the



continuing the Ad, intituled. An A<51. For laying a Duty upon Time. Slaves, to be paid by the Buyers, was read the firft Time. fecond read a be Bills laid the Ordered, That Ordered, That the Houfe be adjourned 'til Monday Morning, Eleven o'Clock.



Bill, for



17, 1742.
the Staple of Tobacco;



for reducing all the

Laws made. For amending


for preventing Frauds in His Majefty's Cuftoms, into one was read the first Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be read a fecond Time.


of Affembly,

Complaint from the Inhabitants of Stringer's Parish in Northampton County, againft the Veftry of the faid Parish, was prefented to the Houfe, and read.

That the faid Complaint be referred to the Confideration of the Committee Propofitions and Grievances: And that they do examine the Matter thereof; and

report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. M' Carter, from the Committee of Trade, reported, That the Committee had proceeded to the further Confideration of several Matters relating to the Trade of this

Colonv: And had come to feveral Resolutions thereupon; which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table. Ordered, That the laid Report do lie on the Table. A Petition of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the County of Prince George,
praying. That the Warehoufe at Powell's Creek, in the faid County,


be revived,

was prefented to the Houfe and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition do lie on the Table. M' Fitzhugh, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported. That Committee had had tmder their Confideration, divers Propofitions from the County the of Goochland, to them referred: And had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon; which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table. Ordered, That the faid Report do lie on the Table. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Report from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, made on Friday laft: And the fame was read, and Part thereof agreed to, by the Houfe, as follows Refolved, That the Propofition from the Cotmty of Norfolk, for giving a Reward
for killing Bears, be Rejedled.





That the Propofition from the County of King William, for giving Leave and his Affigns, to build a Bridge over Mattapony River, at Aylett's

Warehoufe, be Rejedled.

That the Propofition from the County of King and Queen, for dividing that County, by a Line to be run from the Edge of Effex Coimty, on the Upper Side of William Wood's Plantation, a South West Course, to Morocofick Creek; and for adding the Upper Part to Caroline, is reafonable. Refolved, That the Propofition from the County of King and Queen, for Dividing County the by a Line to be run from the Mouth of Beverly-Run, then up the faid Run to the Mouth of Reedy-Branch, thence up that Branch to Col. Beverly's Mill, and thence an Baft Course to the Ridge of Effex County and for adding the Upper Part to Caroline

County; be Rejeded.

That the Propofition of feveral of the Inhabitants of Dryfdale Parifh, in King and Queen County, for moving the Court -houfe to the Center of that County; and to be divided from King and Queen, and added to Effex County, be Reje<5led. Refolved, That the Propofition from the County of Kin-:^ and Queen, againft dividRefolved,

ing that County, be Rejedled.

Refolved, That the Propofition of Jofeph Ball, Efq; and Thomas Edwards, for allowing a certain Salary or Fees to the Profecutors for the King, in the County Courts,

be Rejedled.

That the Propofition from the County of Amelia, for allowing longer Time to cultivate and improve new Lands and for reftraining Perfons from petitioning

for large Tracts,




Confideration of a Grievance from the County of Brunfwick, complaining,

that Sherifs and CoUedlors exadt exorbitant Prices for Tobacco for Public Dues, from

who make


That the Grievance ought to be redreffed. Refolved, That the Proposition from the County of Elizabeth-City, for ere(5ting a Pound at or near the Town of Hampton, for Beafts breaking into lawful Inclofures in

that County,



That the Propofition from the County



George, for erecting a


at Bray's Church, in that Coimty,


of the Public Ferry in Prince William County, over Patoumiack River to Maryland, to have his Ferriage increafed, Refolved,

That the Petition

John Hereford, Keeper

be Rejedled.

have a Ferry appointed from the faid Floyd's, over Patowynack River to Powel's Landing in Maryland, is reafonable. Refolved, That the Propofition from the County of Prince William, for appointing a Ferry from the Land of Jofias Clapham, in that County, over Patounnack River, to John Neilfon's, in Maryland, be Reje(5led. And to the Refolution of the Committee, That the Propofition from the County of King William, for clearing the Rivers Mattapony and Pamunkey, at the Charge of the

That the Petition

of Ebenezer Floyd, to



alfo to another Refolution of the

Committee, upon Confideration of a Propofition from the County of King William, concerning Burgeffes Wages, that the Law in that RefpecT;, ought to be amended. The Houfe difagreed. Ordered, That it be an Inftruction to the Committee appointed to bring in a Bill,


Borough of Norfolk, to difcharge their Public Dues in Money, at a certain Rate to be fet by the County Court, Annually, to receive a Claufe or Claufes, purfuant to the Refolution for redreffmg the Grievance from the County of Brunswick, complaining. That the Sherifs and Colle<5lors exacSl exorbitant Prices for Tobacco for Public Dues, from Perfons who make none. Alfo that it be an Inftru6lion to the Committee, appointed to bring in a Bill, for altering the Name of Goodall's Ferry, and appointing it from Goodall's to Hamner's
for allowing the Inhabitants of the

Point, or Williams's, to receive a Claufe or Claufes, purfuant to the Refolution, for

appointing a Ferry from Ebenezer Floyd's, over Potowmack River, to Powel's Landing,


That the Committee

of Propofitions

in a Bill or Bills, pursuant to all the other Refolutions agreed to

and Grievances, do prepare and bring by the Houfe.

Bill, for

reviving the Adl, For deftroying Crows and Squirrels, in the Northern

Neck, and Eaftem Shore, was read the first Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be read a fecond Time.

That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning, Eleven






18, 1742.

Ferry from Mulberry-Ifland Point to Cockett's, was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Proportions and Grievances: And that they do examine the Matter thereof; and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. M'' Carter, from the Committee of Trade, reported. That the Committee had had under their Confideration, the prefent State of the Tobacco Trade in Foreign Parts: And had come to a Refolution thereupon; which he read in his Place, and then dehvered
in at the Table.

Petition of




Oppofition to the Petition, for appointing a


That the Confideration


of the faid

Report be referred


Thurfday next.

Upon a Motion made,

Houfe be called over on Thurfday next. A Petition of the Juftices of Spotfylvania County, was prefented to the Houfe, and read fetting forth, That the Affembly in the Year 1 740, did allow them an additional Rent of Twelve Pounds per Annum, from the tenth Day of November, 1738, for building a new Warehoufe at Fredericksburg; which the Treafurer does not think himfelf juftifiable in paying, after the Time of paffmg the Refolve for it And praying. That the Rent now due, and growing due, for'the faid Houfe, may be allowed them, at the Rate aforefaid. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Claims: And that they do examine the Matter thereof; and report the fame, with

their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.

Bill, for

Dividing the County of Prince William, was prefented to the Houfe,

and read the


Alfo a Bill, Part thereof to the County of Caroline. Alfo a Bill, for continuing the A(5l, intituled,
in the

Time. for Dividing the County of King and Queen, and Adding the Upper



For allowing Fairs


be kept



of Fredericksburg. alfo a Bill, for appointing a Treafurer.


That the faid


be read a fecond Time.

fell and difpofe of her Lands and other Eftate, notwithftanding her Hufband, Jofeph Greenhill, shall happen to be by Deed or Will, living; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read the fecond Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be committed to M' Harrifon, M"' Kennon, Rtiffin, Bland, and M'' Eppes: And that they do examine into the Allegations "W Cargill,


to enable Frances Greenhill to


and report the Matter, as



appear to them, with their Opinion thereupon,

to the Houfe.

A Bill, for infpedling, weighing, and ftamping all Pork and Beef packed in this Colony, or imported for Sale, before the fame fhall be fold here, or fhipped for Exportation:




the Adl, intituled,

for Pork, Beef, Tar,

and Pitch

For afcertaining the Gauge of Barrels was prefented to the Houfe, and read the first Time.



That the

faid Bill be read a fecond Time.


Bill, for

reviving the Adl, intituled,


Adl, For deftroying Crows and Squir-

in the Northern Neck,

and Eaftem Shore

was read a fecond Time.



the Queftion being put, That the faid Bill be committed,


paffed in the


Then the Queftion was

That the

faid Bill be ingroffed,

and read a




paffed in the Negative.

Petition of


That the faid Bill be Rejeaed. James Reid, Proprietor of the Public Warehoufes at Urbanna, prayThat the Rent of the faid Houfes might be increafed, was prefented to the Houfe,




That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee And that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, Claims of PubHc with their Opinion thereupon to the Houfe.

M'' Fitzhugh, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported. That the Committee had had under their Confideration, divers Propofitions from feveral Counties to them referred: And had come to several Refolutions thereupon; which

he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table: Where the fame were again twice read and Part thereof agreed to, by the Houfe, as follows Refolved, That the Propofition from the County of Henrico, for Eredling a new Warehoufe, for Inspe<5ling Tobacco, at the Store Landing, on the North Side of Appa;

mattox River, on the Land of


M'' Pride, in

that County, be Rejedted.

of Amelia, for Eredling a new Tobacco, at Fleet's Landing, on the Land of William Kennon, Junior, in Henrico County, be Rejefted. Refolved, That the Propofition from the County of Prince William, for Erecfting a Town at the Head of Qiiantico, in that Coimty, be rejefted. Refolved, That the Propofition from the Counties of Weftmoreland and Stafford, for Erecfbing a new Warehoufe at a Place called Difhman's Landing, on the Land of Richard Bernard, on Upper Machotick Creek, be Rejedted. Refolved, That the Propofition from the County of Prince William, for Removing the Public Infpeclion, on Occoquan River, in that County, from the Place where it is now eftablifhed, to the Ferry Landing, on the faid River, be Rejedted. And that the Propofition from the fame County, for continuing the faid Infpedtion where it now is,

That the Propofition from the County


for Inspedling


reaf enable.

That the Propofition from the County of Stafford, for Eredling a new Warehoufe for Infpecling Tobacco, on the Land of William Cave, at the Head of Patowmack Creek, in that County, is reafonable. Refolved, That the Propofition from the County of Hanover, for Dividing that County, by a Line to be run from the Mouth of Little Rocky Creek, on the Courfe of South Twenty Degrees Weft, 'til it interfedls the Dividing Line between Goochland and Hanover Coimties, is reafonable. Refolved, That the Propofition from the County of King and Queen, for Eredling a new Warehoufe for Infpedling Tobacco, at Thomas Turner's, Plantation, in that Coimty,

be Rejedled.

That the Propofition from the County


King William,

for Eredling a

new Warehoufe

for Infpedling Tobacco, at Crenfhaw's Ferry, in that County, be



That the Propofition from the County


King William,

for Eredling

new Warehoufes

County, and at Walker Town, in King and Queen Coimty, to be under one Infpedlion, be Rejedled. Refolved, That the Propofition from the County of New-Kent, for Reviving the Public Warehoufes at Tafkanafk and difcontinuing the Public Warehoufes, at Hog-Neck, be Rejedled.
for Infpedling Tobacco, at Waller's Ferry, in that


That the Propofition from the County

of Norfolk, for Eredling a



for Inspedling Tobacco, at the Great Bridge Landing, in that County,

That the Propofitions from the County of Richmond, for Eredling a new Warehoufe for Infpedling Tobacco, at the Head of Rappahannock Creek, a little below the Main Bridge, to be under one Infpedlion, with the Public Warehoufe at Naylor's

Hole, are reafonable.

That the Propofition from the County of Richmond, for Eredling new Warehoufes for Infpedling Tobacco, within Rappahannock Creek, near the old WareRefolved,

houfes, at Naylor's Hole, inftead of the faid old Warehoufes,



County of Weftmorelandjor Eredling new Lower Side of A^--">; R--' -\- ? -^; VVareho^^e for Orphan of M^ Pa/n.^/..... deceafed; Xttf^-fhell Point, on the Land of the AugufHne Washington Gent, oppofite ^d on the Lower S>de of Maddox, on the Land ofMartin, to be under the fame InspecLand of John tothc Public Warehoufes. on the
from the Refolved That the Propofition Infpeding Tobacco, on the
tion with the

refpecftively. is Warehoufes appointed on thofe Rivers Propofition from the County of the That And to the Refolution of the Committee. for Infpedling Tobacco, on the Land Nmhumberland, for EreAing a new Warehoufe County, be Rejedled. Point, on Mattapony River, in that of James Leans, at Monday's

The Houfe


and Gnevances, do Ordered That the Committee of Propofitions for Dividing the County of Hanover, by a Lme to in a Bill pu'rfuant to the Refolution, on a Courfe of South Twenty Degrees Weft, run from the Mouth of Little Rocky Creek, Line between Goochland and Hanover Counties. til it interfeas the Dividing Majefty's Revenue of Two Shillings per Hogfhead. arifmg in the
to the Twenty Fifth Day of April, Colony, from the Twenty Fifth Day of Odober, 1741, was read. thereof Title the 1742. was prefented to the Houfe. and the Perufal of the Members. for Ordered, That the faid Account do lie on the Table, Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Report from the Committee of

prepare and brmg

An Account

of His



and Grievances, made Yefterday


the fame was read, and agreed to,

by the Houfe, as follows Refolved, That the Propofition. for Dividing Goochland County, be referred to the Confideration of the next Seffion of Affembly. Refolved, That the Propofition againft Dividing Goochland County, be referred to
the Confideration of the next Seffion of Affembly. Refolved, That the Propofition, for appointing a Ferry in Goochland County,

from a

Gut, on the


of Richard

M' Tarlton


Mosby, on the South Side of James River, to the Land of North Side of the River, oppofite to the faid Mofby's Landon the
for appointing a

ing, is reafonable.


That the Propofition,

Robert Carter's Land, to the



Ferry over James River, from Afhford Huglies, in the County of Goochland, be


That the Propofition, for appointing a Ferry over James River, near Elkfrom the Land of Col. Benjamin Harrifon, to the Land of M'' Allen Howard, in Goochland County, be Rejedled. Refolved, That the Propofition, for appointing a Ferry from the Land of James Fenley, over the Fluvanna River, to the Land of William Cabbell, oppofite thereto, in the County of Goochland, is reafonable. Refolved, That the Propofition, for appointing a Ferry from the Land of Tucker Woodfon. over James River, to the Land of Paul Micheaux, near Goochland Court-houfe,

And that the Propofition againft it, be Reje(5led. Confideration of a Propofition, for appointing a Ferry from the Bennit Goode, over James River, between the Lands of Philip Lightfoot, Efquire, John Planing, in Goochland County;



Land of and Col.

faid Goode's Land, a-crofs James River, to the faid Fleming's Land, will be con\-enient for Travellers. Ordered, That it be an Inftruclion to the Committee appointed to bring in a Bill, for altering the Name of Goodall's Ferry; and appointing it from Goodall's to Hanmer's Point, or Wtlliams's, to receive a Claufe or Claufes, purfuant to the feveral Refolutions, for appointing a Ferrv-, in Goochland County, from a Gut, on the Land of RicJtard Mojby on the South Side of James River, to the Land of Mr Tarlton Fleming, on the North Side of the faid River, oppofite to the faid Mofby's Landing. Alfo for appointing a Ferry from the Land of James Fenley, over the Fluvanna River, to the Land of Wtlham Cabbell, oppofite thereto,


That a Ferry from the


Goochland County.




aKo, for appointing a Ferry from the



Bennit Goode, over James River,

to the Land of Col. John Fleming, in Goochland County. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Report from the Committee of
to, by the Houfe, as follows That the Meafure and Gauge of all Pipe, Hogfhead, and Barrel Staves and Heading, and of Shingles, be afcertained. And that none of thofe Commodities, of lefs Dimenfions, than the Gauge afcertained, be expofed to Sale here, or exported,


made Yefterday And the fame was read, and agreed



under a Penalty.

That the Committee


Trade do prepare and bring



purfuant to

the faid Refolution.

of Claims,

The Houfe aKo proceeded to the Confideration of the Report from the Committee made on Saturday laft And the fame was read, and agreed to, with Amend:

ment, as follows:


Confideration of the Petition of Zachary Lewis, praying an Allowance for his



who murdered

his Overfeer;

and afterwards, to avoid the Punifh:


of the Law, hanged himfelf


That the Allegations

of the faid Petition are true


that the faid Zach-

ary Lewis ought to be allowed, for the faid Negro, Forty Pounds Current Money, by the

Upon Confideration of the Claim of John Shelton, for an Allowance for a Negro Wench, who was outlawed and murdered by another Negro; Refolved, That the Allegations of the faid Claim are true And that the faid Shelton ought to be allowed Thirty Five Pounds Current Money for her, by the Public. Upon Confideration of the Memorial of the Infpedlors at Wainwright's Warehoufe, Refolved, That the Nett Tobacco burnt at the faid Warehoufe, ought to be paid for, by the Public, to the Proprietors thereof, at the Rate of Twelve Shillings and Six Pence for every Hundred. Upon Confideration of the Memorial of the Infpe<5lors at Bowler's, Refolved, That the Proprietors of the Tobacco burnt at the faid Warehoufe, ought to be allowed by the Public, Twelve Shillings and Six Pence per Hundred for Crop Tobacco; and Eleven Shillings and Six Pence per Hundred for Transfer Tobacco. Ordered, That it be an Inftruc?tion to the Committee of Claims, to allow the faid Claims respectively, in the Book of Claims. A Bill, for Dividing the County of Prince William, was read the fecond Time. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed. A Bill, for Repealing the Adl, intituled. An Adl For the better Security of the Country in the prefent Time of Danger, was read the fecond Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be committed to M'' Attorney.


That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning, Eleven




19, 1742.

Repealing the Adl, intituled, An Adt, For the better Security of the Country in the prefent Time of Danger Which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table Where the fame were again twice read, and agreed to, by the Houfe. Ordered, That the faid Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. M'' Harrifon reported. That the Committee, to whom the Bill, to enable Frances Greenhill to fell and difpofe of her Lands, notwithftanding her Hufband, Jofeph Greenhill, fhall happen to be living; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was committed, had examined into the Allegations thereof, and found them to be true And that they
: : :


Attorney reported. That he had



to the



had made an Amendment to the
ered the


which he read

with the Amendment,

in at

and afterwards delivwas agam twice fame the Where the Table:
in his Place,

and agreed to. be Ingroffed. Ordered That the faid Bill, with the Amendment, for Eledlmg new Veftries. Colony; this in A Bill for Diff Giving the prefent Veftries and the Blanks filled Time; the fecond and other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read and two Amendments made at the Table.

by the lioufe.


That the

faid Bill be Ingroffed.

had, according to Order, M' Fitzhngh reported. That the Committee appointed, and Erecting the Upper Part prepared a Bill, for Dividing the County of Hanover; fame was received, and read the firft Time. thereof, into a diftind County: And the

Explaining and Amending the for obtaining Letters of Laws, directing Security to be taken, upon granting Certificates And the fame was received, and read the firft Admi'niftration of Inteftates Eftates.

M' Attorney moved


Leave to prefent a

Bill, for


Time. A Petition of Nathaniel Harrifon, praying an Allowance for a Negro Slave belonging And to him, killed by a White Man, in his own Defence, was prefented to the Houfe. in the It paffed Negative. received. be Petition the Queftion being put, that the faid

That the

faid Bill be read a fecond


That the

faid Petition be Rejedled.

Petition of the Juftices of


George, praying.

That the Houfe



them the Expence they were at, in hiring a Houfe for the Reception of Tobacco, at Gibfon's Warehoufes, in the faid County. Alfo a Petition of James Garton, late of Spotfylvania County, but now of the County
of Lancafter;

praying to be allowed his Claim for his travelling Expences and Attendance, as an Evidence for the King, againft Benjamin Sadler, who was indi(5led for Murder; which, through Miftake, he did not apply to the Clerk of the General Court,
to infert in his Records; were feverally prefented to the Houfe,




That the faid Petitions be referred to the Confideration of the Committee Claims: And that they do examine the Matter thereof; and report the fame, with

their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.


Claims of Acquilla Snelling, for taking up Three


Negros. therein

Alfo a Claim of William Kennon, for taking

up a Runaway Negro; were feverally

prefented to the Houfe. and received.





refpecftively, in
Bill, intituled.

be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Claims, to allow the faid the Book of Claims.
Adl, for the Repealing the Adl, intituled.





the better

Security of the Country in the prefent to the training, muftering,





as to fo


thereof as relates


exercifing the Militia,

was read the third Time.

up to the Council, for their Concur-

That the faid Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Attorney do carry the

faid Bill


M' Fitzhngh, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported. That the Committee had had under their Confideration, divers Propofitions from feveral Counties, to them referred: And had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon; which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table Where the fame were again twice read, and agreed to, by the Houfe, with an Amendment, as follows Refolved, That the Propofition from the County of Prince William, for Eredling a Town at the Ferry over Occoqnan, on both Sides of the faid River,

be Rejeded


That the Propofition from the County of Amelia,' for Eredling a Bridge Appamattox River, at William Towns's, near Janata, be
Rejected; the

Cafe being already

Law in





That the Propofition from the County

of Orange, for appointing Truftees

to receive Subfcriptions for building a Bridge over

Rappidanne River, at Germanna


for obliging the Juftices of that

County, to levy the Remainder of the Charge on

their Tithables, be Rejedled.

That the Propofition from the County of Orange, for Building a Bridge over the River Rappidanne, at Germanna, by Subfcription, is reafonable. Refolved, That the Petition of the Churchwardens and Veftry of the Upper Parifh, in Nanfemond County, for felling certain Lands therein mentioned, devifed by the Will of William Cadowgan, deceafed, to charitable Ufes; and for purchafmg other Lands, of equal Value, to the fame Ufes, is reafonable. Refolved, That the Complaint from the Inhabitants of Hungar's Parifh, in Northampton County, againft the Veftry of the faid Parifh, concerning the Difpofal of the Pews in the new Church, be Rejedled. Ordered, That the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, do prepare and bring in a Bill or Bills, purfuant to the feveral Refolutions agreed to, by the Houfe.


That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning, Eleven




20, 1742.

Exportation: And to amend the Adl, intituled. An Adl, For afcertaining the Gauge of Barrels for Pork, Beef, Tar, and Pitch was read the fecond Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be committed to the Committee who prepared the fame. M"' Fitzhugh, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported. That the Committee had had under their Confideration, the Petition of William Parks, Printer, to them referred And having examined the Matter thereof, and heard the faid Parks, had come to a Refolution thereupon which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered
: ;

Bill, for infpedling,

weighing, and ftamping

Pork and Beef, packed

in this

Colony, or imported for Sale, before the fame fhall be fold here, or fhipped for

in at the Table.

Report do lie on the Table. M'' Douglas moved for Leave to prefent a Bill, for Deftroying Crows and Squirrels on the Eaftern Shore And the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be read a fecond Time.

That the



Power, according to Order, prefented a

Bill, for

vefting certain entailed Lands,

Parcel of a greater Tract therein mentioned, in George Braxton, the Younger, in Fee


And the fame and read the firft Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be read a fecond Time. A Petition of Henry Hacker, Proprietor of the Public Warehoufes at the Capitol Landing, praying an additional Rent for the faid Warehoufes, was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition do lie on the Table. A Petition of Mary Grayfon, Widow, of Spotfylvania County, praying to be allowed her Claim for her late Hufband's travelling Expences and Attendance, as an Evidence againft Benjamin Sadler, who was indicted for Murder; which, through Miftake, he did not apply to the Clerk of the General Court, to infert in his Records, was prefented to the Houfe, and received. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Claims And that they do examine the Matter thereof and report the fame, with their
Simple; and for fettling other Lands, of greater Value, to the fame Ufes.

Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.



^ Thof thP Tall of the




Tral made



Tuefday next. the Committee of ^ ^^^ ^^P^'" ^^^" to. by the Houfe. And the fame was read, and agreed

Houfe be referred


"-^:^:; ?^:Sddrefs

of this Houfe.



to^Ma^ and

The diftreffed State and of Great-Bntatn; reprefenting. a Petit on to the Parliament Export; which muf^ our occafioned by the Reftramt on Decay of our Tobacco Trade, Expedient left Staple: And there bemg no other ^not fpeedilv remedied, deftroy our H.s Majefty Branch of the Britifh Commerce to befeech or Pre^r^^ation of this valuable may Majefty His that and Confederation Parliament, to take the fame mto and h their Export of free his Subjedls of this Colony, a be gracioufly pleafed to grant unto fuch Limitations, as to His Majefty s WifTobacco to Foreign Markets direcftly. under


a,, ^ and M' Fttzhugh, and M^ Attorney, do preOrdered That the Committee of Trade, purfuant to the faid Refolution. pare and bring in an Addrefs. and a Petition, William, was read the A Bill, intituled. An Adt. For Dividing the County of Prince


appear neceffary.


third Time;

and the Blanks filled up. Refolved, That the faid Bill do pafs. the Council, for their Concurrence. Ordered, That M^ Fairfax do carr>' the Bill up to fecond A Bill, for continuing the Aft. For laying a Duty upon Liquors, was read the


That the

faid Bill be

committed to M^ Nelfon, M' Harmer,



M' Braxton.
continuing the A61. intituled. An Aft. For laying an additional Duty upon Slaves, to be paid by the Buyers; and for encouraging Perfons to inlift in His Majefthereof, as relates to the faid ty' s Service; and for preventing Defertion; as to fo much



Duty was read the fecond Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be Ingroffed. A Bill, for dividing the County of King and Queen; and Adding the Upper Part thereof to the County of Caroline, was read the fecond Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be Ingroffed. A Claim of Francis Little, for taking up a Runaway Negro, therein mentioned. Alfo a Claim of Rice Broach, for taking up a Runaway Negro; were feverally prefented to the Houfe. and received. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudion to the Committee of Claims, to allow the faid

Claims refpeAively. in the Book of Claims.


Bill, for

continuing the

A(5l, intituled,



For allowing Fairs

to be

kept in the


Fredericksburg, was read the fecond Time.

M' Thornton, and M"" Beverly. A Bill, for continuing the A<5t, intituled. An A6t, For laying a Duty upon Slaves, to be paid by the Buyers, was read the fecond Time, and the Blank filled up. Ordered, That the faid Bill be Ingroffed. A Bill, for dividing the County of Hanover; and Eredling the Upper Part thereof into a diftindl County, was read the fecond Time, and one of the Blanks filled up. Ordered, That the faid Bill be Ingroffed.

That the

be committed to


Petition of the Truftees of the


of Fredericksburg,

was recommended, by the

Governor and Council, to the Confideration of the Houfe. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances: And that they do examine the Matter thereof; and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.

That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning, Eleven o'Clock.




21, 1742.

Harmer, according to Order, prefented a Bill, for Explaining the Charter granted to the City of Williamsburg; and for Enlarging the Jurifdidlion of the Court of Huftings, within the faid City And the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be read a fecond Time. A Bill, for reducing the Laws made, For amending the Staple of Tobacco; and for preventing Frauds in His Majefty's Cuftoms, into one Adl of Affembly; was read the fecond Time, and committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe. Refolved, That this Houfe will, on Tuefday next, refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, upon the faid Bill. Ordered, That M'' Hutchings have Leave to be abfent from the Service of the Hotife 'til this Day Se'ennight: And M'' Boiling 'til Tuefday next. A Petition of Henry Fitzhugh, Efq; Proprietor of the Public Warehoufes at Boyd's Hole praying, an additional Rent for the faid Warehoufes, was prefented to the Houfe
: ;







That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of that they do examine the Matter thereof; and report the fame, with their

Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. Ordered, That it be an Inftru<fbion to the Committee of Claims, to make the fame Allowances for the Rents of feveral Warehoufes, in the Book of Claims, to November, 1742, that were made, purfuant to the Refolution of the Houfe, in 1740, to November, in that Year. M'' Conway, from the Committee of Privileges and Eledlions, reported, That the
their Confideration, the Petition of M"" William Andrews, to complaining of an undue Eledlion and Return of M"' George Douglas, to ferve as a Burgefs in this prefent General Affembly, for the County of Accomack And that upon examining the Matter, M'' Douglas, the Sitting Member, did acknowledge, before the Committee, That a greater Number of legal Freeholders voted at the Eledlion for M'' Andrews, the Petitioner, than for him, the faid Douglas. And that they had come to a Refolution thereupon; which he read in his Place, and afterwards

Committee had had under



delivered in at the Table

Where the fame was again twice


and agreed


by the

Houfe, as follows:



George Douglas, the Sitting Member,


as a Burgefs in this prefent General Affembly, for the



not duly Eledled, to ferve of Accomack.

William Andrews, the Petitioner, is duly Eledled to ferve as a Burgefs in this prefent General Affembly, for the County of Accomack. Ordered, That the Return of the writ, for Electing a Burgefs to ferv^e in this prefent General Affembly, for the County of Accomack, be amended, by Erazing the Name of George Douglas; and Inferting the Name of William Andrews. Ordered, That the Confideration of the Report from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, made Yefterday, be referred 'til Tuefday next.

That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning, Eleven




22, 1742.

Member having taken

the Oaths appointed to be taken by Adl of Parliament,

inftead of the Oaths of Allegiance

and Supremacy, and taken and fubfcribed

the Oath of Abjuration, and fubfcribed the Teft, was admitted to his Place in the Houfe.

M' Fitzhugh, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported. That the Committee had had under their Confideration, the Petition of Matthew Wills, and

Point, Ferries over James Ri^er. from Mulberry-Ifland Richard Hardy for appointing and from CockeVs Place called Cocket\ in Ijle of Wight County in Warwick County, to a appomtmg the faid agamft Wills, Emamiel Alfo the Petition of to Mulberry-Ifland thereupon; which he Refolutions And had come to feveral

delivered in at the Table: Where the fame were again read in' his Place, and after^\-ards follows: twiceread. and agreed to, by the Houfe. as River, at the Places petitioned for, will be Refolved, That the Ferries o\er James





convenient for Travellers. , ., t^ Emamiel Wtlls, agamft the laid Femes, be Refolved, That the Petition of the faid


a Bill, be an Inftrudlion to the Committee appointed to bring appointing it from GoodaU's to Hanmer's for altering the Name of Goodall's Ferr>-; and purfuant to the Refolution, for Claufes, or Claufe Point, or Williams's, to receive a County, to a Place called Warwick in Paint, _ppoi'nting Ferries from Mulberry-Ifland a Mulberry-Ifland. Cocket's in I fie of Wight County; and from Cocket's to



The Houfe being informed. That M'' William Andrews, a Sitting Member, has been guilty of many male and fcandalous Practices, in the Office of an Infpeftor;
That the faid Information be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Privileges and Elections: And that they do examine the Matter thereof; and report the fame, as it fhall appear to them, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. M' Fitzhugh reported, That the Committee appointed, had, according to Order, prepared a Bill, for Enabling the Juftices of the County Courts to make Contradls, which may be binding upon themfelves, and their Succeffors. And alfo a Bill, to oblige the Juftices of the County Courts to provide Public Seals. And the fame were feverally received, and read. Ordered, That the faid Bills be read a fecond Time. A Bill, intituled, An Adl, for Diffolving the prefent Veftries in this Colony; for Ele<5ling new Veftries, and other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read the third Time. Refolved, That the faid Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"" Fitzhngh do carr>^ the faid Bill to the Council, for their ConcurOrdered,

A Petition of the Juftices of the County of Effex, praying to be reimburfed the Expence they ha\e been at in building a Warehoufe at Bowler's, to fupply the Place of one burnt down there; was prefented to the Houfe, and received. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Claims: And that they do examine the Matter thereof; and report the fame, with
their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.

A Petition of Henry Potter, fetting forth, That he had been at great Trouble in attending the Soldiers that were taken ill, during their Stay in Virginia; and had aKo fumifhed them with a large Quantity of Medicines, for which he had not been fufficiently

to the Houfe,

and praying fuch Relief, as to this Houfe fhould feem meet; was prefented and read. And the Queftion being put, that the faid Petition lie on the
That the
faid Petition be

Table, It paffed in the Negative.



Petition of the Officers of His Majefty's Cuftoms in this Colony, praying. That additional Fees may be fettled for feveral extraordinary Services, which they are obliged to perform, was prefented to the Houfe, and read.

That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee and Grievances: And that they do examine the Matter thereof; and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe ^^' Committee, to whom the Bill, for continuing the Adl. .> T^a^^aI'^^"'^,!'''"' mtituled. An Adl, For Fairs to be kept in the Town
of Propofitions
of Fredericksburg,

was committed,

mitted, That they had




to the Bill:

Which he read

in his

and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table Where the fame were again twice read, and agreed to, by the Houfe. Ordered, That the faid Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. M'' Waller moved for Leave to prefent a Bill, for preventing the building of Wooden Chimnies in the Town of Fredericksburg, and pulling down fuch as are already built therein; and to reftrain Hogs from going at large in the Towns of Fredericksburg, and Urbanna. And the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be read a fecond Time.

That the Houfe be adjourned


Mofiday Morning, Eleven o'Clock.

Monday May

24, 1742.


prepared a

Fitzhugh reported. That the Committee appointed, had, according to Order, Bill, for building a Bridge over the River Rappidanne, at Ger;

manna, by f ubfcription and to provide for the Support thereof: And the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be read a fecond Time. Upon a Motion made. That M"' Samuel Buckner have Leave to withdraw his Petition, complaining of an undue Eledlion and Return of M'' Lewis Burwell, to ferve as a Burgefs in this prefent General Affembly, for the County of Glocefter, It paffed in the

That the Committee of Privileges and Elections be difcharged from pro-

ceeding further thereupon.

and Edward Ranfdell, Infpetftors of Nominy WareThat Seven Hogfheads of Tobacco were ftolen out of one of the houfe; Public Warehoufes under their Infpedtion; and praying. That this Houfe will allow them fuch Relief, as they fhall think fit was prefented to the Houfe. And the Queftion bePetition of Nicholas Minor,
fetting forth,

ing put, that the faid Petition be received, It paffed in the Negative.

That the faid Petition be Rejedted. Conway, from the Committee of Privileges and Eledlions, reported, That the Committee had had under their Confideration, the Information againft M'' William Andrews, a Sitting Member, to them referred: And had examined the Matter thereof; and heard M'' Ayidrews, by his Council: Whereupon, it appeared to the Committee, That the faid Andrews, whilft he was Infpedtor, was guilty of ver\^ enormous Mifdemeanours and male Pradlices in that Office, in Breach of his Oath, and the Duty of his faid Office And that he was by the Governor and Council turned out of the faid Office, for the fame and ordered to be left out of the Commiffion of Peace for Accomack County And had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon; which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table Where the fame were again read, and agreed to, by the

Hotife, as follows

That the faid M'' William Andrews having been guilty of very enormous Mifdemeanours and male Pradlices in the Office of an Infpedlor, in Breach of his Oath, and the Duty of his faid Office, is unworthy to fit as a Member in this Houfe. Refolved, That the faid M"' Andrews, for his faid Mifdemeanours, be expelled this


That the faid


Andrews be difabled to


and Vote,

as a

Member in


Houfe, during this prefent General Affembly.

That an Addrefs be made to the Governor, to order a new Writ to iffue another Burgefs to ferve in this prefent General Affembly in the County of Accomack, in the Room of the faid William Andrews, who is expelled this Houfe. And that M'' Scarburgh do attend the Governor with the faid Addrefs.
for Eledling

fell and difpofe of her Lands to enable Frances Greenhillto GreeMl Will, notwithftandmg her Hufband. Jofeph and othe Eftates, by Deed or Purpofes therem mentioned, was read the third happen to be living; and for other

Bill, intituled,

An Ad,



That the faid Bill do pafs. ^ .v, the faid BiU up to the Council, for their ConOrdered, That M^ Harrifon do can-y



An Ad,

for continuing the



An Ad. For

laying a

was read the third Time. Duty upon Slaves, to be paid by the Buyers, pafs. Refolved, That the faid Bill do Bill up to the Council, for their ConOrdered, That M^ Attorney do cany the faid

Bill, intituled,


Ac^t, for

Dividing the County of Hanover; and





Ui)per Part thereof into a diftind County. Alfo a Bill, intituled. An Ad, for Dividing the

Adding the Upper Part thereof to the County of


County of King and Queen; and Caroline, were feverally read the third

Ordered, currence.

That the faid Bill do pafs. That M' Fitzhngh do carrj' the

faid Bills

up to the Council,

for their


IV Conway reported. That the Committee

of Privileges

and Eledions had had

under their Confideration. the Petition of M'' Landon Carter, to them referred, complaining of an undue Eledion and Return of M^ William Fantleroy, to ferve as a Burgefs in this prefent General Affembly, for the County of Richmond: And had heard as well the


his Coimcil, as the Sitting


Member; and examined divers Witneffes.

touching the Matter of the faid Complaint Whereupon, it appeared to the Committee, That in the Morning of the Day of the Eledion, one William Jordan, an open Abettor
of the Intereft of M'' Fantleroy, did, according to his

Appointment, meet


of M"'

who were Freeholders, at the Public Bridge over Rappahannock Creek, on the Main Road to the Court-houfe. and brought with him about 2 Gallons of Rum, and treated the Company with Drams And that M'' Fantleroy, the Sitting Member, in Company with one M'' Barnes, a Friend of M"' Carter's, in their Way to the CourtFantleroy's Friends,



Dram to M'' Barnes: That the and drank Drams, and finifhed the Rum near the Court-houfe; and that feveral of the Company were meiry with Liquor, when they came to the Court-houfe. That at the taking of the Poll, about Four or Five of the Freeholders who voted for M-- Woodbridge and M'' Fantleroy, the Sitting Members, appeared to be intoxicated with ftrong Liquors; and none who voted for M^ Carter ai)peared to be fo, except one Thomas Lewis. That one William Lewis, an Ordinary-keeper, ftood at the Bar, and when feveral of the Freeholders were asked whom they would vote for. before they could anfwer, he would anfwer, for M' Fantleroy and M^ Woodbridge which fome contradided, and fome did not. That a few Days after the Election, one Hall, who was polled thereat, came to M-- Carter, and entreated him not to profecute him; declaring, that M^ Fantleroy's Friends had made him drunk, and perfwaded him to vote for M^ Fantleroy againft M^ Carter, tho' he had no Vote. That the faid Jordan, after the Eledion, confefs'd he had given Liquors at former Eledions, and at this Eledion; and would give a Hogfhead, or a Hundred Gallons of Rum, rather thanM;Car/er. the Petitioner, fhould go Burgefs; and that he never fhould go Burgefs: And that if the Petitioner fhould have him brought to the Bar of this Houfe. he the faid Jordan would have him indided for Perjury, at the Williamfburg Eledion. But it did not appear to the Committee, That M^ Fantleroy ufed any unfair Pradices himfelf; or that any were ufed at his Defire: And had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon; which he read m his Place, and afterxvards delivered in at the Table: Where the fame were again twice read; and M^ Fantleroy ordered to withdraw.
came amongft them, and

Fantleroy drank a

ftopt again at a Place called the Mill-Hill,


That that Freedom which ought to be hath been greatly invaded by M' Jordan. Alfo to another Refolution of the faid Committee, That M'' William Fantleroy is not duly eledled and returned a Burgefs, to ferve in this prefent General Affembly, for
to the Refolution of the Committee,
in all Ele<5lions,



the County of RicJimcnid

And alfo to another Refolution of the faid Committee, That

the faid William Jordan,

by treating the Freeholders with ftrong Liquor, in the Morning of the Day of Eledlion, The is guilty of a great Mifdemeanour and Breach of the Privilege of this Houfe.
Houfe difagreed. Refolved, That that Freedom which ought to be maintained in all Eledlions, hath not been invaded by M'' Jordan. Refolved, That M'' William Fantleroy is duly eledled and rettimed a Burgefs, to ferve in this prefent General Affembly, for the County of Richmond. Ordered, That the Serjeant at Arms, with the Mace, introduce the faid Fantleroy
to his Place in the Houfe.


Bill, intituled,
to be kept in the


Adt, for continuing the A6t, intituled.



For allowing


of Fredericksburg, was read the third Time, and a Blank




That the faid Bill do pafs. That M'' Fitzhugh do carry the

faid Bill

up to the Council,

for their



A Bill, for Deftroying Crows and Squirrels on the Eaftern Shore, was read the fecond Time, and the Blanks filled up. Ordered, That the faid Bill be Ingroffed.

That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning, Eleven




25, 1742.

THAT Monday

Reddick have Leave to be abfent from the Service of this Houfe



A Bill, to veft certain entailed Lands, Parcel of a greater Tradt therein mentioned, in George Braxton, the Younger, in Fee Simple and for fettling other Lands, of greater Value, to the fame Ufes, was read the fecond Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be committed to M"" Power, Baylor, and M'' Weft, Lomax: And that they do examine into the Allegations thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. A Petition of Lewis Delony, fetting forth. That Two Negro Slaves ran away from his Plantation, in the County of Brunfwick, and being Outlawed, were afterwards found dead; and praying fuch an Allowance, as to this Houfe fhall feem fit. Alfo a Petition of John Mtmdell, Keeper of the Public Goal; fetting forth. That


Carter, deceafed, late



of the Public Goal, built feveral

Houfes on the Prifon

own Expence and that his Widow infifts to be paid for the faid Houfes by the Petitioner: And alfo, that the Garden belonging to the Prifon, is intirely decayed: And praying. That this Houfe will make fuch an Allowance as to enable him to make
Lots, at his

Satisfadlion for the faid Houfes,

to the Houfe,


inclofe the faid

Garden; were feverally prefented


and read. That the faid Petitions be referred to the Confideration of the Committee Claims: And that they do examine the Matter thereof; and report the fame, with

Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. The Houfe, according to Order, proceeded to the Confideration of the Report from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, made on Thnrfday laft And the fame

was twice



OrdmJ, That
the faid Report be re-committed Others, Freeholders of the County of Ameha, Petition of Edward Booker, and Scott was unduly Richard Jones having complain'd that M^ Jofeph

the County of Amelia: And that the Committee eleded and returned a Member for having ordered, that the Sheriff of the faid County appointed to examine into the fame, enquire into the Right every Perfon obje^ed to by fhould attend at the Court-houfe, to compounded the Matter with M^ Jones, by engaging each Party had to Note; M^ Scott was prefented to at, in difputing the faid Eledtion to pay all the Expences he had been

fetting forth

That M^

the Houfe,


and read. . ^ to the Confideration of the Committee Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred examine the Matter thereof; and report Privileges and Eledlions: And that they do

the Houfe. the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to after this Day Se'ennight. Refolved, That no Petition fhall be received Fitzhugh reported. That the Committee appointed, had, according to Order,


not concerned in making Tobacco, to difcharge Seafaring Men, being Houfe-keepers Levies, and Officers Fees, in Money; and to oblige received, and read the firft Time. in this Colony, to pay Levies: And the fame was
prepared a

for allowing Perfons

That the faid Bill be read a fecond Time. Upon a Motion made, Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, to repeal the Ads made in the Seventh Year of George the Firft; and one other A<51 made in the Fifth and Sixth Years And that M^ Harrifon do preof George the Second, relating to the Killing of Wolves

pare and bring in the fame. A Meffage from the Council, by M'' Francis. That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Adl, for continuing the Adt, intituled, An A(5l, For laying a Duty upon Slaves, to be paid by the Buyers, without any Amend-



that they have

Dividing the County of Prince William.

this Houfe.

made fome Amendments to the Bill, intituled. An Adl, for To which they defire the Concurrence of

The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, upon the Bill, for reducing the Laws made, for amending the Staple of Tobacco; and for preventing Frauds in His Majefty's Cuftoms, into one A(5l of Affembly. And after fome Time fpent therein, M'' Speaker refumed the Chair; and M'' Fitzhugh reported, That the Committee had made fome Progrefs in the Bill and had diredled him to move the Houfe, that they may have Leave to fit again. Refolved, That this Houfe will. To-morrow Morning, refolve itfelf into a Committee

of the

whole Houfe, to confider further the faid





Fantleroy being indifpofed, have Leave to be abfent from the

Service of this Houfe.

Upon a Motion made,




for altering the


be an Inftrudion to the Committee appointed to bring in a Bill, of GoodaU's Ferry; and appointing it from Goodall's to Hanmer's

Point, or Williams's, to receive a Claufe or Claufes to eredt a Ferry of Rappahannock, oppofite to Frederickfburg.

on the North Side

Petition of the Inhabitants of James-City County, praying,

That the Infpedlion

at the College Landing, might be removed to a Place called Mercer's Landing; was prefented to the Houfe. And the Oueftion being put, That the faid Petition be received, It paffed in the Negative.

That the

faid Petition be Rejedled.


That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning, Eleven o'Clock.

; ;




26, 1742.

5ei''r/>', from the Committee of Public Claims, reported, That the Committee had had under their Confideration, feveral Petitions to them referred: And had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon which he read in his Place, and Where the fame was again twice read aftei-vi'ards delivered in at the Table the Houfe, as follows agreed to, by thereof Part and


Confideration of the Petition of Elizabeth Kee,


That the Allegations of the faid Petition are true And that an Allowance of Five Pounds, for and towards her Relief and Maintenance, will be fuflficient. On Confideration of the Petition of Lewis Delony, for an Allowance for his Two Negro Slaves, that were outlawed, and found dead Refolved, That the Allegations of the faid Petition are true: And that the faid Lewis Delony be allowed by the Public, Fifty Two Pounds Twelve Shillings and Six Pence Current Money for his faid Two Slaves. And to the Refolution of the Committee, on Confideration of the Petition of Elizabeth Mofs: That the Allegations of the faid Petition are true; but that fhe is not entitled to any Allowance by Law, her deceafed Hufband, Francis Mofs, being a Lieutenant in the Late Expedition againft the Spaniards, and dying a natural Death And alfo another Refolution of the faid Committee, on Confideration of the Petition of Rebecca Jones, Widow That the Allegations of the faid Petition are true but that fhe is not entitled to any allowance by Law, James Jones, her deceafed Hufband, dying a natural Death at Jamaica; The Houfe difagreed. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Claims, to allow Elizabeth Mofs, Widow, the Sum of Fifty Pounds Current Money Alfo, Rebecca Jones, and ElizaAnd alfo to make beth Kee, Widows, being Mulattos, the Sum of Five Pounds each. the other Allowance, purfuant to the Refolution agreed to, by the Houfe, in the Book

of Claims.



That the Committee, to



Bill, for

vefting certain

entailed Lands, Parcel of a greater Tradt therein mentioned, in George Braxton, the Yoimger, in Fee Simple; and for fettling other Lands, of greater Value, to the fame Ufes, was committed, had examined the Allegations thereof; and found them to be


That the faid


be Ingroffed.

County of Effex, praying an additional Rent for the Warehoufes at Jones's Infpedtion, upon Pifcataway, in the faid County, to reimPetition of the Juftices of the


them the Expence

of building

a new Warehoufe there; was prefented to the

Houfe, and read.


That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee Public Claims: And that they do examine the Matter thereof; and report the fame,

with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. M"' Fitzhiigh, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported, That the Committee had had under their Confideration, the Petition of divers of the Inhabitants of the lower Part of the Parifh of Albemarle, in the County of Surry; praying. That a new Church may not be built in the Parifh, according to an Order of their Veftry: And that a Bill may be brought in, for building a new Church in that Parish, convenient to the Petitioners. Alfo a Petition of the Veftry, and divers of the Inhabitants of the
faid Parifh,


oppofmg the and had come to


mentioned Petition

feveral Refolutions thereupon;


and afterwards delivered in at the Table to, by the Houfe, as follows Refolved, That the firft mentioned Petition oppofmg it, be reje(5ted.

heard the Parties on both which he read in his Place, Where the fame was again twice read, and

And had




that the Petition


in a Bill,

That the Committee

of Propofitions

and Grievances, do prepare and bring



purfuant to the faid Refolution. d , ^ the Pubhc Ferry, at Swan s Potnt praymg A Petition of William Clinch, Keeper of was prefented to the Houfe, for Sheep, Cattle, and Hogs; to be aUowed a larger Ferriage be referred to a ComPetition the faid the Queftion being put. That


mittee, It

paffed in the Negative. be rejeded. /?f/b/w(f. That the faid Petition

Petition of



Gilmer, fetting forth, That her

,, ^ ^ being one Hufband


, the Solof


diers inlifted in this

Relief, as this Houfe Goverment, died at Jamaica; and praying fuch

Elections, reported, That the M' Conway, from the Committee of Prvilieges and of Edivard Booker, and Committee had' had under their Confideration, the Petition them referred; complaining of a corrupt Others, Freeholders of the County of Amelia, to and M^ Richard Jones, in comMember, Sitting Agreement between M^ Jofeph Scott, a pounding a Difpute between them, upon a Petition referred to the Committee, comScott, to ferve as a Burgefs, in plaining of an undue Eledlion and Return of the faid M^ had partly heard William and County; faid the for this prefent General Affembly, Member Whereupon it appeared Booker, one of the Petitioners, and M^ Scott, the Sitting to the Committee, That before the Day appointed for examining into the Rights of the Freeholders who voted at the Eledion, purfuant to the Refolutions of the Houfe, M'" Jones, the Petition, did write a Letter to the Sheriff of that County, fignifying to him. That M^ Scott and he had made diligent Search into each other's Poll; and that he foimd the Right of Eleftion to be in M'' Scott's Favour; and therefore defired the Sheriff to make Return of the fame. Whereupon the Sheriff, at the Day appointed to examine into the Right of the faid Eledlion, did return to the Committee, That M"' Jones, the Petitioner, having examined both Polls, had agreed the Right of Eledlion to be in M"' Scott; nor did the faid M"' Jones attend the Committee on that Day, or fend anyMeffage or Excufe: And had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon. Refolved, That the Witneffes to the fubjedl Matter of the faid Freeholders Complaint, be examined, Viva Voce, before the Committee, on Friday Se'ennight. Refolved, That the faid M"^ Richard Jones be fent for, in Cuftody of the Sergeant at Arms, to attend the Committee, on Friday Se'ennight. The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to confider further of the Bill, for reducing the Laws made, For amending the Staple of Tobacco: and for preventing Frauds in His Majeft/s Cuftoms. And after fome time fpent therein, M^ Speaker refumed the Chair; and M' Fitzhugh reported. That the Committee had made a further Progrefs in the Bill; and had direfted him to move for Leave

of their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.

was prefented to the Houfe, and received. to the Confideration of the Committee Ordered That the faid Petition be referred Matter thereof; and report the fame, with Claims: And that they do examine the




of the

That this Houfe will. To-morrow Morning, refolve itfelf into a Committee whole Houfe, to confider further of the faid Bill. Ordered, That M-- Weft have Leave to be abfent from the Ser\ace of this Houfe, 'til


M' Fitzhugh reported, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, That the Committee had had under their Confideration, the Petition of the Officers of His Majefty's Cuftoms in this Colony, to them referred; praying additional Fees

to be allowed them, for certain extraordinary Services therein mentioned. And had come to a Refolution thereupon; which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the TableWhere the fame was again twice read, and agreed to, by the Houfe, as followsRefolved, That the faid Petition be Rejefted; the Fees already allowed by Law

being fufficient.

That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning, Eleven o'Clock.





27, 1742.


Petition of William Cole, Proprietor of the Public Warehoufes at Swinherd's

praying to he allowed an additional Rent for the faid Warehoufes, was prefented to the Houfe, and read.

That the

faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the


of Claims:


that they do examine the Matter thereof; and report the

fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.

Nelfon reported, That the Committee, to whom the Bill, for continuing the Adl, An Act, For laying a Duty upon Liquors, was committed, had made feveral Amendments to the Bill Which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the


Amendments, do lie on the Table. and Grievances, reported. That the Committee had had under their Confideration, the Petition of the Feoffees and Truftees of the Town of Frederickfhurg, in the Cotmty of Spotfylvania, to them referred;

That the

faid Bill, with the

Fitzhugh, from the Committee of Propofitions

praying. That a Bill


be brought


for vefting 243 fquare Poles, lately belonging

and 220 fquare Poles, belonging to John Lewis, Gent, to Henry in the faid Truftees, and thofe who purchafed under them and for obliging the Executors of the faid Henry Willis, (to whom his lands are devifed, for Paiment of his Debts,) and the faid John Lewis, to accept of a reafonable Confideration for their faid Lands; and for compelling John Royfton, and Robert Biickner, the Perfons from whom the Town Land was purchafed, or thofe claiming under them, to pay the fame And have examined into the Matter, and agreed upon a Report; That it appeared to the Committee, that by an Aft of the General Affembly, made in the Firft Year of His prefent Majefty's Reign, For Ereding a Toivn in each of the Counties of Spotfylvania, and King George, 50 Acres of Land, Parcel of a Tradt, belonging to John Royfton, and Robert Buckner, of the County of Glocefter, lying on the South Side of the River Rappahannock, in the County of Spotfylvania, were direcled to be funeyed and laid out, taking in the whole Breadth of the faid Tract of Land upon the River, by the Sun-eyor of the faid County; and were vefted in certain Tmftees therein named, to be laid out in Lots and Streets, and fold, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned: And the faid Truftees were to pay the faid John Royfton, and Robert Btickner, out of the Money arifmg from the Sale, after the Rate of Forty Shillings for ever>' Acre, of the faid Fifty Acres of Land; and all the 0^e^plus Money which fhould be raifed by the Sale, was to be applied to Public Ufes, for the Benefit of the Inhabitants of the faid Town. That after the paffmg the faid Act, George Hotne, then Sur\-eyor of the faid County of Spotfylvania, did furvey and lay out Fifty Acres of Land, for the faid Town of Fredericksburg; and divided the fame into Lots and Streets, and returned a Plan thereof, to the Truftees, who made Sale of the Lots, according to the faid Plan But the original Bounds not being kept up, and Purchafers building very irregularly, the faid Truftees did, on the i8th Day of March, 1739, caufe the Bounds of the faid Town to be re-furveyed by William Waller, the prefent Sur\'eyor of the County And by that Survey, it appears, that the Bounds of the faid Town, as the fame were laid out by the faid Home, contain Fifty Acres and one Third of an Acre of Land, and includes 243 fquare Poles of the Land of the faid late Henry Willis, deceafed, at the lower End of the Town; and 220 fquare Poles of the Land of the faid John Lewis, formerly belonging to M'' Francis Thornton, of King George County, at the Upper End of the Town which have been laid out into Lots and Streets, and fold. It alfo appeared to the Committee, That when the faid Town was firft laid out, the Bounds of the Lands of the faid Henry Willis, and Francis Thornton, were not truly known; and their Lands were included, by Miftake, inftead of fo much Land of the faid Royfton, and Buckner, at the back Part of the Town And that the Miftake was not difcovered 'til the Re-fur\'ey, in March, 1739. That the faid Henry Willis, in his Life-time, purchafed of the faid Robert Buckner, his Part of the Tradt aforesaid; which
Willis, Gent, deceafed;
; : : : ; :


lots or Half Acres, and Streets, adjoining to the Town; Part has been lately laid out into that the Lands of the faid Royfton and Buckner, and fold at about 8 . 7 5. a Lot: And the Town Bounds, is a Moiety of 410 fquare Poles which ought to have been included in the Quantity of Land taken from the faid Henry out of each of their Parts; fo that by him purchafed of the faid Robert Buckner, Willis exceeds the Quantity of Land And had the Town Bounds, 38 fquare Poles. which' ought to have been included in Refolutions thereupon; which he read in his Place, and afterwards


to feveral were again twice read, and with Amenddelivered in at the Table: Where the fame ments, agreed to, by the Houfe, as follows of Fredericksburg, as the fame were laid Refolvcd, That the Bounds of the Town the i8th Day of March, 1739, be Spotfylvania, of out by the Sun^eyor of the County deceafed, and John Lewis, Willis, eftablifhed; and that the Lands of the faid Henry

and thofe claiming under thereby included, be vefted in the Truftees of the faid Town, Money arifen, or to arife, of the out fame, the for paying them; they the faid Truftees the Executors of the faid to Shillings Forty from the Sale of the Lots in the faid Town,
and Ten Pounds to the faid Lewis. Refolvcd, That that Part of the Petition, praying. That the faid John Royfton, or thofe claiming under him, may be compelled to repay the faid Trioftees, the Purchafe


of the 205 fquare Poles of his

Land, intended to be included within the Bounds

Town, by M if take left out, be Rejeded. Ordered, That M'' Waller, and M"' Thornton, do prepare and bring in a Bill, purfuant to the Refolution agreed to, by the Houfe. M'' Fitzhtigh reported, That the Committee appointed, had, according to Order, prepared a Bill, for appointing feveral Ferries; and altering the Name of a former Ferry And the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be read a fecond Time. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendments made by the Council, to the Bill, for Dividing the County of Prince William: And the fame being feverally read, were agreed to, by the Houfe. Ordered, That M'' Fairfax do carry the Bill to the Council, and acquaint them, That this Houfe have agreed to the Amendments by them made, to the faid Bill. The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to confider further of the Bill, for reducing the Laws made, For amending the Staple of Tobacco; and for preventing Frauds in His Majefty's Cuftoms, into one Ad of Affembly. And after fome Time fpent therein, M-- Speaker refumed the Chair: And M-^ Fitzhugh reported. That the Committee had made a further Progrefs in the Bill; and had direded him to move for Leave to fit again. Refolved, That this Houfe will. To-morrow Morning, refolve itfelf into a Committee
of the faid

of the


whole Houfe, to confider further of the faid Bill. That the Chaplain do attend to read Prayers every^ Morning, at Nine


That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning, Ten o'Clock.



28, 1742.

White, for taking up Three Runaways, therein mentioned, were prefented to the Houfe. Ordered, That it be an Inftruction to the Committee of Claims, to allow the faid Claims in the Book of Claims. Upon a Motion made.

AVO Claims of Samuel

Margin ''n'^f'J^c'



^^""^ '


'" ^ ^'^^' ^^^ ^''^^^^^ ^he Parifh of Saint

7^^^^^^ tnXr\Vt,l7 and M' Chtfwell, do prepare and bring in the fame.

P^"^^= And that M^ Harris,

. :


Bill, intituled,


Adl, for Deftroying Crows

and Squirrels on




was read the third Time. Refolved, That the faid Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Conway do carry the

faid Bill to the Council, for their Concturence.

Bill, intituled,


A($t, for

vefting certain entailed Lands, Parcel of a greater

Trad; therein mentioned, in George Braxton, the Younger, in Fee Simple; and for settling other Lands, of greater Value, to the fame Uses, was read the third Time.

That the faid Bill do pafs. That M'' Power do carry the faid Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence M' Carter reported. That the Committee, to whom the BiU, for infpecling, weighing, and ftamping aU Pork and Beef in this Colony, or imported for Sale, before the fame



be fold here, or fhipped for Exportation: And to amend the AcT;, intituled, An the Gauge of Barrels for Pork, Beef, Tar, and Pitch, was committed; A<5t, had made feveral Amendments to the Bill Which he read in his Place, and afterwards

For afcertaining

delivered in at the Table.

That the faid Bill, with the Amendments, do lie on the Table. A Petition of Thomas Todd, of the Coimty of King and Queen; praying, That 600 Acres of Land, devifed by his Grandfather, Thomas Todd, unto Bernard Todd, Son of Richard Todd, and the Heirs of his Body, in Tail Male which, by the faid Bernard's Death, the Petitioner became feifed of, may be vefted in him in Fee Simple, upon his fettling other Lands, of greater Value,' in Lieu thereof; was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That M'' Braxton do prepare and bring in a Bill, according to the Prayer

of the faid Petition.

Fitzhugh reported. That the Committee appointed, had, according to Order, prepared a Bill, for Explaining the Law concerning CoUedlors and Naval Officers Fees

and read the first Time. That the faid Bill be read a fecond Time. Ordered, M'' Fitzhugh aKo, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported. That the Committee had had under their Confideration, the Petition of William Parks, Printer, and their Report thereupon, to them recommitted: And had examined the Matter thereof, and agreed upon a Report That it appeared to the Committee, from the Journals of this Houfe, of the 7th of Jime, 1732, That a Petition of the faid William Parks, was prefented to this Houfe, and read; praying. That the Houfe would eftabUfh fuch a Salary, for Printing the Laws, Proclamations, and Journals of Affembly, for Public ^Ufe, as might enable him to continue and carry on his Bufinefs of Printing in this Colony: Which Petition was ordered to lie on the Table; and a Committee was appointed to receive his Propofals; and they were ordered to report the fame, with And on the loth Day of the fame Month, the their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. faid Committee reported. That they had received the Propofals of M'' Parks, for Printing the Laws and Journals; and agreed upon a Report thereupon, as followeth: "Your "Committee have, according to Order, received the Propofals of Mr William Parks, "Printer, which are, that for the Sum of 120 Pounds per Annum, he will Print the "Governor's Speech, and the Adreffes of both Houfes, and the Journal of this Houfe, "every Seffion; and deliver a Copy of each of them to e^'ery Member That he will Print "the Public Law^s of every Seffion, and deliver a Copy of them ftitched, to every Member, "and every Jtiftice of the Peace in the Colony: And that he will deliver a Copy of the ''Laws of every Seffion, well bound, to the Secretary's Office, and to every- County "Court in the Colony. Upon Confideration of the faid Propofals, your Committee But as the Clerk of this Houfe will lose, "are of Opinion, that they are reafonable. Perquifite of his Office, ariling from the Copies of "by thefe Propofals, a confiderable "the Laws for the Secretary's Office, and the feveral County Courts; and that he will, "notwithftanding, have confiderable Trouble and Care, in correcfting the Prefs, and mak"ing the Tables; your Committee are of Opinion, that befides the usual Allowance, "as Clerk, and for the Four fair Copies of the Journals, and the Laws, which must ftill "be
the fame w-as received,
; :


Whereof 50 Pounds every Seffion be allowed him the further Sum paid to the aid of 120 Pounds per Annum, be "unon it was Refohed, That a Salary mentioned the faid Matters feveral the Printing "William Park, in Confideration of commence fhould at the Salary Propofals; and that his Report according to the faid the Council agreed; Half Yearly." To which Refolve, 'End of'that Seffion, to be paid That on the Fifth Day of December, give his Affent. and the Go^e^lor was pleafed to this Houfe; praying. the faid William Parks, was prefented to I- .8 another Petition of Things which were to Bufmefs, in Printing thofe That in Regard to the Increafe of his the taking of? the Drawback of the Duty upon be printed at the Public Expence, and him; which Petition was then ordered Paper an additional Salary might be allowed by the Members of the Houfe: And on the i8th Day to lie on the Table, to be perufed proceeded to the Confideration of the faid Petition; and of the fame Month, the Houfe Pounds per Annum fhould be paid thereupon Refohed, That an additional Salary of 80 from the laft of that Inftant To which Refolve, to the faid William Parks, to commence Before the pleafed to give his Affent. the Council alfo agreed; and the Governor was this printed the Houfe, of Direaions by had, Parks paffing of which Refolve, the faid paffmg the faid the Refolve. at And Private Ads of the Two laft preceeding Seffions Houfe did alfo Order, That the faid M"- Parks fhould Print, in his Gazettes, the Naval
'be written, there


Officers Quarterly Lifts of Entries


and Clearances, with the Cargoes of Veffels in this Colony And the Governor and Council did alfo Order, That the faid M-^ Parks fhould Print all the Proclamations, and fuch Orders of Council, as their Honours fhould think For which Service he was, 'til then, fit to be publifhed, to be sent to all the Counties Two Shillings a Hogfhead. Their Impoft of the paid out of the Money arifmg from Honours did alfo enjoin him to Print Promifory Notes and Receipts for the Duty on Slaves; and to give as many of them as fhould be required, to the Perfons who fhould have the Selling of Slaves, without any other Fee or Reward, than his Salary. That on the 1 6th Day of June, 1740, upon a Motion made, this Houfe Refolved, That the faid M"^ Parks fhould be obliged, for the Salary of 200 Pounds a Year, to Print the Infpedtors Notes and Books, without any further Allowance. It alfo appears to this Committee, That before the paffing the laft Refolve, the faid M' Parks was Annually paid by the Treafurer of this Colony, for the faid Infpe(5tors Notes and Books, after the Rate of Three Half Pence a Sheet; which amounted, one Year with another, to near 70 Pounds: And that fince the paffmg the faid Refolve, the faid M'' Parks hath Printed and Delivered out Infpedtors Notes and Books, to the Amount of 119 /. 125. 6 d. And had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon; which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table: Where the fame were again read, -and agreed to, with fome Amendments, by the Houfe, as follows: Refolved, That the faid William Parks be allowed ii() I. 12 s. 6 d. befides his

Salary, in full Satisfaction for



Public Services by

him hitherto perform'd.


/. per Annum be allowed the faid William Parks, Time, to the next Seffion of Affembly, for his Salary, and as a full Recompence, for Printing and Delivering Infpedlors Notes and Books, Notes and Receipts for the Duty on Slaves, Printing Proclamations, and other Afts of Goverment, and all other

That the


of 230

Public Services he
Ordered, cun-ence. Ordered,



obliged to perform.

That M- Convuay do carry the faid Refolve to the Council, for their ConThat
it be an Inftrudion to the Committee of Claims, to make the Allowof Claims, purfuant to the other Refolution agreed to, by the Houfe.


m the


The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to confider further of the Bill, for reducing the Laws made. For amending the Staple of Tobacco; and for preventing Frauds in His Majefty's Cuftoms, into one of Affembly. Aiid after fome Time fpent therein, M^ Speaker refumed the Chair: And M^ FrtzJmgh reported. That the Committee had made a further Progrefs in the Bill; and had direded him to move for Leave to fit again.



Refolved, That this Houfe will, To-morrow, refolve whole Houfe, to confider further of the faid Bill.

into a


of the


That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning, Ten




29, 1742.

M' Anthony Walke, a Member of this Houfe, was prefented to and read; praying an Allowance for a Negro Man, who, to avoid Punifhment for breaking open his Store, fled, and drowned himfelf. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Claims: And that they do examine the Matter thereof; and report the
Petition of

the Houfe,

fame, with their Opinioi;i thereupon, to the Houfe.

M"^ Beverly,

from the Committee

of Claims, reported.

That the Committee had had


under their Confideration, divers Petitions to them referred And had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon; which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at
the Table.

That the


Report do


on the Table.

Bill, to pull down the Bridge built a-crofs Pamunky River, at Newcastle-Town, purfuant to the A(5t of Affembly, made in the Year And the Queftion being put thereupon. It paffed in the Negative. 1740.


moved for Leave to

bring in a


That the

faid Motion, be Rejedted.

Upon a Motion made.

making the faid Bridge more commodious: And it is referred to M'' Attorney, M' Fitzhugh, M"' Power, Beverly, and M'' Hedgman, to prepare and bring in the fame. The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to confider further of the Bill, for reducing the Laws made, For amending the Staple of Tobacco; and for preventing Frauds in His Alajefty's Cuftoms, into one Adl of Affembly. And after fome Time fpent therein, M"" Speaker refumed the Chair And M'' Fitzhugh reported. That the Committee had made a further Progrefs therein; and had directed him to move for Leave to fit again. Refolved, That this Houfe will, on Monday next, refolve itfelf into, a Committee the whole Houfe, to confider further of the faid Bill. of

That Leave be given to bring

Bill, for


That the Houfe be adjourned


Monday Morning, Ten




31, 1742.


Harris, according to Order, prefented a Bill, for Dividing the Parifh of

Saint Martin, in the County of Hanover;

diftindl Parifhes:


and Eredting the fame into the fame was received, and read the first Time.



That the

faid Bill be read a fecond Time.

Upper Parifh of the County of Nanfemond; praying, That Part of the faid Parifh might be added to the Parifh of Suffolk, in the same County, was prefented to the Houfe. And the Queftion being put. That
the faid Petition be received. It paffed in the Negative.

Petition of fundry the Inhabitants of the

That the

faid Petition be Rejedled.


Petition of the Juftices of the Counties of Princefs-Anne and Norfolk, fetting That they were obliged to give an additional Salary of Twelve Pounds, in order to procure Inspedlors to ferve at the Warehoufes in thofe Counties; and praying. That the Houfe will reimburfe them that Money.


forth, That a Negro Man Slave, belongPetition of /ohn Lewis, Efq; fetting for breaking open and robbing the Prifon, put into ing to him, was apprehended and and to avoid the Punifhment of the Law, Store of Meffieurs Whiting and Montague;

Mio a

he broke Prifon. and

That a Negro Man Slave, a Petition of Charles Brown, fetting forth. ran away, and burnt his Kitchen; and belonging to Two of the Petitioner's Children, Confideration of the Houfe therein. the praying and himfelf being outlawed, hanged


this Iloufe will

made his Efcape. and had never fince been heard make him fuch Allowance, as they fhall think fit.


and praying.



were feverally prefented to the Houfe, and read. Confideration of the Committee Ordered, That the faid Petitions be referred to the and report the fame, with thereof; Matters the examine they do of Claims: And that
their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.




Eyre have Leave to be abfent from the Ser\4ce of the Houfe




M^ Richard Rcindolph moved for Leave to prefent a Bill, to explain and amend Part of an Ad. intituled. An Adl Direding the Duty of Surveyors of Land; atid afcertaining And the fame for fo much as relates to iffuing Plots or Copies of Sur\^eys. their Fees



and read the Ordered, That the faid


be read a fecond Time.



to oblige the Juftices of the

County Courts to provide Public



read the fecond Time.


That the faid


be committed to M' Beverly, M"" Attorney,




A Bill, for enabling the Juftices of the County Courts to make Contracts, which may be binding upon themfelves, and their Succeffors, was read a fecond Time; and an Amendment made to the Bill, at the Table.

That the

faid Bill be Ingroffed.


to explain the


concerning CoUedlors and Naval Officers Fees, was read

the fecond Time.


That the faid

be committed to









to Order, refolved itfelf into a

Committee of the whole Houfe, Laws made. For amending the Staple of Tobacco; and for preventing Frauds in His Majefty's Cuftoms, into one Adt of Affembly. And after fome Time fpent therein, M-- Speaker refumed the Chair: And M-Fitzhugh reported. That the Committee had made a further Progrefs in the faid Bill; and had directed him to move for Leave to fit again. Refolved, That this Houfe will. To-morrow Morning, refoh-e itfelf into a Committee
to confider further of the Bill, for reducing the
of the

The Houfe, according

whole Houfe, to confider further of the faid




That the Houfe be adjourned

To-morrow Morning, Ten o'Clock.

Tuefday, Jun e



a Motion made.

That the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances be difcharged from preparing a Bill, for impowering the Veftry of the Upper Parifh A anfemond, to fell certain Lands, devifed by the Will of William Cadowgan,

deceafed. to charitable Ufes.


ofAmte Williams, fetting forth. That her Hufband. Henry Williams. was mhfted a Soldier m this Colony, and died on the Ifland of Cuba; and praying, That this Houfe will take her Cafe into Confideration, was prefented to the Houfe, and rePetition


of Claims:


That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee that they do examine the Matter thereof; and report the fame, with

Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. M'' Attorney, according to Order, prefented a Bill, for making the Bridge over Pamunky River, at Newcaftle-Town, more commodious: And the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be read a fecond Time. M.' Fitzhugh, according to Order, prefented a Bill, to impower the Juftices of Elizaheth-City County, to ered; Pounds; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned: And the

fame was received, and read the firft Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be read a fecond Time. M'' Beverly, from the Committee of Claims, reported. That the Committee had had under their Confideration, the Petition of John Lewis, Gent, to them referred: And had come to a Refolution thereupon; which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table Where the fame was again read, and agreed to, by the Houfe, as


That the Allegations of the faid Petition are true And that the Petitioner by the Public, for the Slave therein mentioned. be allowed 35 Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Claims, to make an AllowRefolved,


ance in the Book of Claims, purfuant to the faid Refolution. A Petition of Richard Littlepage, praying, That a Ferry


be appointed over


River, from his Landing to the oppolite Side,


called Taylor's Landing;

was prefented to the Hovife, and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition do


on the Table.
Bill, for

Harrifon, according to Order, prefented a

for killing

RepeaUng the

Adl, giving a


Wolves; and


other Adls relating thereto:



alfo the A6t, for

leffening the

and for preventing Frauds in obtaining for killing young Wolves Wolves Heads: And the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be read a fecond Time. A Petition of the Upper Inhabitants of the County of Orange, was recommended by the Governor and Council, to the Confideration of the Hotife; praying, that a duty may be laid on all Horfes drove through this Colony, from the Northward to the Southward and aKo upon all Cattle drove from the Southward to the Northward; and for other


Certificates for

Purpofes therein mentioned. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances: And that they do examine the Matter thereof; and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. A Petition of John Holt, praying, That the Bridge over Hog-Ifland Creek, may be kept at the Public Charge, was prefented to the Houfe. And the Queftion being put.

That the

faid Petition be received, It paffed in the Negative.


That the faid Petition be Rejected.

Bill, intituled.


Adt, for enabling the Juftices of the




be binding upon themfelves, and their

County Courts, to make Succeffors, was read the

third Time.

That the faid Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"" Beverly do carry the faid Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to confider further of a Bill, for reducing the Laws made. For amending the Staple of Tobacco; and for preventing Frauds in His Majefty's Cuftoms, into one Ad; of Affembly. And after fome Time fpent therein, M'' Speaker refumed the Chair: And M'' Fitzhugh reported. That the Committee had made a further Progrefs in the Bill; and had directed him to move for Leave to fit again. Refolved, That this Houfe will. To-morrow, refolve itfelf into a Committee of the

whole Houfe, to confider further of the faid



A Claim

of fohn Taylor, for taking

up a Runaway Negro, therein mentioned, was

to the

prefented to the Houfe,



and received. be an Inftrudion


of Claims, to allow the faid


Claims, in the


of Claims.

That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning, Ten o'Clock.

fFednefday, Jun e 2 , 1742.

Dri\ers paffing with Cattle through this Colony and for laying a Duty upon Horfes imported And the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Ordered. That the faid Bill be read a fecond Time. M^ Fitzhngh, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported. That the Committee had had under their Confideration, divers other Propofitions and Grievances, to them referred; And had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon; which he


Fitzhtigh. according to Order, prefented


for preventing Loffes


read in his Place, and aftenvards delivered in at the Table. Ordered, That the faid Report do lie on the Table.

the Commiffioners appointed, purfuant to an Ad; of Affembly,

of His Majefty's Reign,

Reddick reported, That the Committee appointed to enquire into the Report of made in the Twelfth Year

For the Relief of certain Perfons who were Sufferers in the Lofs of the Records of the County of Nanfemond, find, that the faid Commiffion is returned; but that there are no Depofitions taken, purfuant thereto. A Bill, for making the Bridge over Pamiinky River, at Newcaftie-Town, more commodious, was read the fecond Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be committed to M^ Attorney, Fitzhugh, Carter, and M"^ Richard Randolph. Reddick moved for Leave to prefent a Bill, for the Relief of thofe Perfons who were Sufferers in the Lofs of the Records in the County of Nanfemond, whofe Loffes have not been already provided for And the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be read a fecond Time. A Meffage from the Council, by M'' Nelfon: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for Dividing the County of Hanover; and Ereding the Upper Part thereof into a diftind County.

Alfo to the
kept in the

Bill, intituled,

An Ad,

for continuing the

Ad, For

allowing Fairs






Alfo to the


An Ad,

for deftroying

Crows and


on the

Eaftern Shore.


And alfo to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for enabling the Juftices of the County Courts make Contrads, which may be binding upon themfelves, and their Succeffors, with-

out any Amendments.


that they have paffed a

Bill, intituled.


intituled, Veftries appointed:

An Ad, for explaining and amending To which they defire the Concurrence of this

to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to confider further of the Bill, for reducing the Laws made. For amending the Staple Tobacco; and for preventing Frauds in His MajeftVs Cnftoms. into one of A femb y. And after fome Time fpent therein M^ Speaker refumed the Chair: And M Frtzhngh^rom the Committee, reported. That they had gone through the Bill; but not haying Time to draw up the Report, the Committee had directed him to move for

The Houfe, according


Leave to nt again.

''''' ^"^' To-n^on-ow. refolve wholf Houfe,'7^f whole to draw up the faid Report. Upon a Motion made.




into a


of the



That Leave be given to bring

in a Bill, to oblige the Infpedlors to


the laft


of Aiiguft, for this prefent Year.


that NP Fitzhiigh do prepare

and bring

in the fame.


Ingroffed Bill from the Cotincil, intituled,


A&,, for explaining

the Aft, intituled, Veftries appointed,

a fecond Time.

was read the


and amending Time: And ordered to be read

That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning, Ten


Thurfday, June



Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Report from the Committee and Grievances, made Yefterday; And the fame was read, and agreed to, as follows Refolved, That the Propofal of Jofhua Fry, and Robert Brooke, to make an exaft Suney of this Colony, and to print and publifh a Map thereof; in which fhall
of Propofitions


be laid down the Bay, the Navigable Rivers, with their Soundings, Counties, Parilhes, Towns, and Gentlemens Seats, and whatever elfe is remarkable, be referred to the Confideration of the next Seffion of Affembly.

That the Propofition from the County of Prince George, for Di\-iding the Parifh of Briftol, in that County, and Eredting the fame into Two diftinct Parilhes; and for obliging the Inhabitants of the Lower Parifh to repay to the Inhabitants of the Upper Parifh, a proportionable Part of the Expence for Erefting the Churches, and Purchafmg the Glebe in the Lower Parifh, is reafonable. Refolved, That the Petition of the Infpedlors at the Public Warehoufes at Shoccoe's, in Henrico County, for an additional Salary to be allowed them, for the Time they have attended the faid Warehoufes, fmce the General Affembly in May, 1740, longer than they were obliged to attend, be Rejedled. Refolved, That the Petition of the Infpedlors at the Public Warehoufes at Warwick, in Henrico County, for an additional Salary to be allowed them, for the Time they have attended the faid Warehoufes, fmce the General Affembly in May, 1740, longer than they were obliged to attend, be Rejedted. Refolved, That the Proportion from the Inhabitants of Charles Parifh, in the Count}' of York, to have that Parifh enlarged, be Rejedled. Refolved, That the Propofition from the Coimty of Henrico, for eftablifhing the Town of Richmond, in that County, as the fame is now laid off, or may be laid off, is


Upon Confideration of the Propofition from the County down the Town of Nanfemond; and Erecting a new Town
in that



for putting

at Conftance's Warehoufe,

Covmty; That fo much of the faid Propofition, as relates to putting down the Town of Nanfemond, be Rejefted. Refolved, That a Town to be erefted at Conftance's Warehoufe, will be commodious for Trade and Navigation. Ordered, That the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, do prepare and bring in a Bill or Bills, purfuant to the feveral Refolutions agreed to, by the Houfe. And that it be an Inftrudlion to the faid Committee, to receive a Claufe or Claufes in the Bill, for eftablifhing the Town of Richmond, in the County of Henrico, as the fame is now laid off, or may be laid off, for allowing Fairs to he held in the faid Town. M"' Fiizhugh, according to Order, prefented a Bill, to oblige the Infpec^ors to attend at the Warehoufes 'til the Laft Day of Auguft, in this prefent Year. And the fame was received, and read the firft Time.



That the That the


be read a fecond Time. be Ingroffed.


the fame

was read a fecond



whom the Bill, to obhge the Juftices M' Beverley reported, That the Committee to Public Seals, was committed, had made feveral Amendof the County Courts to provide aftenvards delivered m at the Table. ments thereto: Which he read in his Place, and Amendments, be Ingroffed. Ordered, That the faid Bill, with the
Leave to prefent a Bill, for preventing the Playing at cerfame was received, and read the firft Time. tain Games therein mentioned: And the Time, It paffed in the And the Queftion being put. That the faid Bill be read a fecond







That the faid



be Rejeded.

M' Burwell moved mentioned, from being


Leave to prefent a




And lifted in the Militia the Queftion being put. That the faid Bill be read a fecond Time, It

exempt certain Perfons therein fame was received, and read the

paffed in the Negative. Refolved, That the faid Bill be Rejeded.

M' Attorney reported, That the Committee to whom the Bill, for making the Bridge over Pavinnky River, at Newcaftle-Town, more commodious, was committed, had made feveral Amendments to the Bill Which he read in his Place, and afterguards delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table: Where the fame were again read, and agreed to, by the Houfe. And the Queftion being put, That the faid Bill, with the

Amendments, be Ingroffed, It paffed in the Negative. Refolved, That the faid Bill be Rejedled. M' Conway, from the Committee of Privileges and Elecftions, reported. That the Committee had had under their Confideration, divers Depofitions taken, and returned,
purfuant to the Refolution of this Houfe, touching the fubjed; Matter of the Petition of M"^ Thomas-Wright Belfield; complaining of an undue Eledlion and Return of M"' Robert

Member, and M' Henry Downs, to ferve as Burgeffes in this prefent And had come to feveral Refolutions in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table: Where the thereupon; which he read fame were again read and thereupon Ordered, That the faid Report be re-committed. M' Carter, from the Committee of Trade, reported. That the Committee had, according to Order, prepared an Addrefs to His Majefty, and alfo a Petition to the ParSlaughter, a Sitting

General Affembly, for the County of Orange:

many Difadvantages that His Majefty's Colony labour imder, through want of the fame Liberty to export their Tobacco diredly to Foreign Markets, that the Sugar Colonies have, of exporting their Sugars: Which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table.
liament of Great-Britain; complaining of the
Subje(fts in this


That the

faid Addrefs

and Petition do Ue on the Table


for the Penafal of

the Members.

Nelfon moved for Leave to bring in a

to Repeal the Adl. intituled,



and maintain a Bridge over Nottoway River; and permit a Bridge to be built, by Subfcription, over Pamnnky River; and to provide for the Support thereof, as to fo much thereof, as relates to the faid laft mentioned

to obhge the Juftices of Surry County, to repair



That the

the Queftion being put thereupon. It paffed in the Negative. faid Motion be Rejedled.

Then M^ Hedgman moved for Leave to bring in a BiU, to obhge the Juftices of Hanmer and King William Counties, to make the faid Bridge more commodious. And the
Queftion being put thereupon. It paffed in the Negative. Refolved, That the faid Motion be Rejeded.
to Order, prefented a Bill, to prevent the Obftrudlion of the Paffage of the Fifh towards the Heads of the Rivers, by Mill-Dams ereded a-crofs the Rivers; and the fame was received, and read the firft Time.

M' Fitzhugh, according


That the

faid Bill be read a fecond Time.


according to Order, prefented a Bill, to repeal a Part of the A(5l, intituled. An Adt, for Encouragement of building Water-Mills and to explain another Part of the faid Act and the fame was received, and read the firft Time.



That the faid Bill be read a fecond Time. Ordered, That JofephGray have Leave to be abfent from the Service

of this





The Hovife, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, draw up the Report upon the Bill, for reducing the Laws made. For amending the to Staple of Tobacco; and for preventing Frauds in His Majefty's Cuftoms, into one Adt And after fome Time fpent therein, M"" Speaker refumed the Chair And of Affembly. M'' Fitzhugh reported, That the Committee had, according to Order, drawn up the faid Report: And had made feveral Amendments to the Bill; which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table. Ordered, That the Confideration of the faid Report be referred 'til To-morrow.

Bill, intituled,


Adl, to oblige the Infpedtors to attend


the Laft



Atiguft, in this prefent Year,

was read the third Time. Refolved, That the faid Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Fitzhugh do carr>' the faid Bill to the Council,

for their Concur-


A Bill, for appointing feveral new Ferries; and altering the Name of a former Ferry, was read the fecond Time. Ordered, That the Bill be committed to M"' Ruffin, M^ Ludwell, and M"" Simmons. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Petition of Richard Littlepage: And the fame was read. Ordered, That it be an Inftruftion to the Committee, to whom the Bill, for appointfeveral new Ferries; and altering the Name of a former Ferr\-, was committed, to ing receive a Claufe or Claufes, for appointing a Ferry from the Land of Richard Littlepage, over Pamunky, to the Land of Claiborn,now in the Tenure of the Reverend JDawiV/ Taylor.

That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning, Ten


Friday, June 4, 1742.


Eppes have Leave to be abfent from the Service of this Houfe, 'til Wednefday next. Upon a Motion made, Ordered, That M'' Thomas Todd have Leave to withdraw his Petition, to veft certain entailed Lands therein metioned, in him the faid Todd, in Fee Simple; and for fettling other Lands of greater Value, to the fame Ufes And that the Committee appointed to prepare a Bill for the faid Purpofe, be difcharged from the fame. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendments to the Bill, for reducing the Laws made, for amending the Staple of Tobacco; and for preventing Fra^uis in His Majefty's Cuftotns, into one Adl of Affembly; and the fame were read, and Part thereof agreed to, by the Houfe. Ordered, That the faid Bill, with the Amendments be ingroffed. A Meffage from the Council, by M'' N elfon: That they have agreed to the Bill, To oblige the Infpedors to attend at the Warehoufes



the laft



Auguft, in

this prefent


And aKo

to the Refolve, for allowing William Parks, from this


Seffion of Affembly, 230



for his Salary, for all

Time 'til the next Pybhc Sendees he is now

of this Houfe,

obliged to peform; without

That Wednefday next,



any Amendments. Cocke have Leave to be abfent from the Service


and Elections, reported, That the yV Conway from the Committee of Privileges Petition of M^ Thomas-Wright Belfield. Committee had had under their Confideration, the undue Eledion and Return of M^ Robert Slaughter, to them referred; complaining of an lately expelled this Houfe, to ferve as Burgeffes, a Sitting Member, and AP Henry Downs, the County of Orange and the Depofitions of divers in this prefent General Affembly, for taken and returned, purfuant to the Witneffes, as to the fubjecl Matter of the Petition, That it appeared to the ComReport, to a agreed Rcfolution of this Houfe; and have M- Henry Downs, M' ThomasSlaughter. mittee, from the faid Depofitions, That M^ Robert Thomas Chew, M' Zachariah Taylor, M^ William Ruffell, and M^ Wright Belfield, the Poll was opened on Friday fames Wood, ft'ood Candidates for the Eledion; and that

November laft, about Twelve of the Clock. That as foon as the Snow, and Timothy Terrill, and Poll was opened, John MacCoy, Honorius Powell, John Manner, and made fuch a feveral others, throng'd into the Court -houfe in a riotous to go out of the Court -houfe, obliged were Candidates Difturbance, that the Sheriff and
the Twentieth



and the People appeas'd: And that the faid M-- Cheiv, whilft he was on the Bench, called for a Bowl of Punch, and had it brought to him; upon which the Sheriff stay'd the Poll, and faid he would not have any Punch drank on the Bench, but wou'd have a fair Eledion; to which M"' Cheiv replied, he would have Punch, and drink it, and that the Sheriff fhould not hinder him. That as foon as the Tumults were appeas'd, the Candidates and Sheriff retum'd into the Court-houfe, and proceeded in taking the Poll: M'' Jonathan Gibfon, and John Newport, the Under-Sheriff, at their Defire and Permiffion, ftanding at each of the Court-houfe Doors, with drawn Swords acrofs the Doors, in order to let the Voters pafs in and out quietly and regularly in their That after the Under-Sheriff was placed at the Door, one M"" John Riicker Polling. came to the Door, and demanded Entrance, which he had; and then the faid Rucker threw the Under-Sheriff and another Perfon headlong out of the Doors and when the

the Houfe




Under-Sheriff recovered his Poft, the faid Rucker infifted to clear the Doors, fo that

everyone might have free Entrance, and feized the Under-Sheriff's Sword with both his

Hands, endeavouring to break it, which the Under-Sherift" prevented, by drawing it through his Hands. That then one John Burk came to the faid Riicker's Affiftance, and laid violent Hold on the Under-Sheriff, who was refcued by the By-ftanders. That towards Night, M^ Gibfon quitted his Poft at the Door, and immediately the People
throng'd into the Court-houfe in a drunken riotous Manner, one of
the Clerk's Table, and dancing
to adjourn the Poll


the Papers, fo that the Sheriff


them jumping upon was unable to clear

the Bar, or the Clerks to take the Poll


defired the Sheriff Eight of the Clock the next morning which he refuf 'd to do, unlefs the Candidates would give him Bond to indemnify him, faying, that by Law he was oblig'd to compleat the Election on the Day appointed, or to return the two foremoft Candidates as Burgeffes; and feveral of the Candidates agreeing to give fuch Bond, the

Whereupon the Candidates

Under-sheriff, by Direction of the High-Sheriff, adjourned the Poll 'til Eight of the Clock next Morning; and thereupon a great many of the Freeholders who had not voted, returned home and M^ Chew and M^ Belfield went to M- Belfield's Houfe, near the Court;

M^ Rnffell to fee Juftice done them in their Abfence. That when the had prepared a Bond ready for the Candidates figning, M^ Riiffell carried it to M^ Belfield's, and offered it to M' Chew and M' Belfield to execute, who refufed, faying the Poll was adjoum'd, and their Friends gone home. That when the faid Ruffell returned to the Court-houfe, and the Sheriff underftood that the Candidates would not fign the Bond, he caufed Candles to be lighted about Eight of the Clock at Night, and opened the Poll; and thereupon M' Ruffell, with feveral of the Freeholders, went into the Court-houfe, defiring the Sheriff to clear the Bar, and fuffer thofe Freeholders to be polled; which he refufed, and immediately proclaimed M^ Slaughter and M^ Downs duly elected, to ferve as Burgeffes for Orange County; notwithftanding M^ Ruffell, m Behalt ot himfelf and M^ Belfield, forbid him fo to do. And that a great many of the Freeholders returned the next Morning according to the Adjournment, in order to
houfe, defiring


give their Votes,


and were difappointed. It alfo appeared to the Committee, that the did, before and during the Time of the Eledlion, give feveral large Rucker John Bowls of Punch amongft the People, crying out for thofe Perfons who intended to vote for M"' Slaughter, to come and drink of his Punch and that the faid Rucker ftood at the

Court -houfe, and kept out thofe Perfons who were M'' Belfield's Friends and after the Eledion was over, confeffed he had won feveral Piftoles, upon M'' Slaughter's being Wherefore, upon the whole Matter, they had come to feveral elec^ted the firft Burgefs. Refolutions, which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table.

Ordered, Ordered,

That the faid Report do



on the Table.

That the Houfe be adjourned

To-morrow Morning, Ten

Saturday, June



from the Committee of Public Claims, reported, That the Committee had had under their Confideration, feveral Petitions to them referred And had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table Where the fame were again read, and agreed to, by the Houfe, with an Amendment, as follows Refolved, That the Allegations of the Petition of Charles Brown, in Behalf of Two of the Petitioner's Children, John and Mary Brown, for a Negro Man, of the faid Children's, who burnt the Petitioner's Kitchen; and to avoid the Punifhment of the Law, ran away, and was outlawed, and then hanged himfelf are true And that the faid John and Mary ought to be allowed 30 Pounds for the faid Slave, by the Public: And that the ]\Ioney be applied towards the Purchafmg of another vSlave, for the fame Ufes. On Confideration of the Petition of the Juftices of Norfolk and Prince fs- Anne, to be reimburfed the Sum of 24 Pounds, which they paid to the Infpedlors in the faid Counties, more than their ufual Salary fettled by Law Refolved, That the Allegations of the faid Petition, are true And that they ought to be reimburfed the faid Charge of 24 Pounds, by the Public. On Confideration of the Petition of Anthony Walke, Gent, the Committee ha\-ing reported, That it does not appear to them, that the Negro Man, Av2os, therein named, was confederate with the other Negro Devonfhire, therein alfo named, in the Felony for which the faid Devonfhire was convidted, and executed: And that the Petitioner only endeavoured to apprehend, whip, and examine him, about Two Pair of Virginia Shoes; telling the faid Amos, if he could prove he had been Confederate with the faid Devonfhire, he would profecute him for it Upon which the faid Amos broke away from his Ovei-feer, and drowned himfelf: Refolved, That the faid Petition be Rejedted. Ordered, That it be an Inftruclion to the Committee of Claims, to make the feveral



Allowances agreed to, by the Houfe, in the Book of Claims. A Member returned upon a new Writ, having taken the Oaths appointed to be taken by Aft of Parliament, inftead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy; and taken and fubfcribed the Oath of Abjuration; and alfo fubfcribed the Teft: was admitted to his Place in the Houfe.
M"' Contvay, from the Committee of Privileges and Elecftions, reported. That the Committee had had under their Confideration, the Petition of Edward Booker, and others, Freeholders of the County of Amelia, to them referred; complaining of a corrupt Agreement between M"" Jofeph Scott, a Sitting Member, and M'' Richard Jones, in compounding a Difpute between them, upon a Petition referred to the Committee; complaining of an undue Election and Return of the faid M"' Scott, to ferve as a Burgefs, in this prefent General Affembly, for the faid County: And had fully heard as well the faid Edward


; :

and examined divers Witneffes, upon the Booker as the faid M^ Scott, and M^ Jones; appeared to the Committee, That the Saturday Matter' of the Complaint: Whereupon it into the Rights of the Freeholders who voted before the Day appointed, for examining went to the Clerk's Office, to inform himat the Eledion, M^ Scott, the Sitting Member, after he had been there fome Time, M' And the fame: felf from the Records, concerning And after fearching the Records, he delivered Jones alfo came for the fame Purpofe. Scott's Pole, to M-- ScoU; and a Difcourfe a Lift of the Freeholders objedled to, in M' M' Scott asked M^ Jones, why he Controverfy, their arifmg between them, concerning it a Crofs and Pile Chance. calling Charge, run them to fuch an Expence and

would That the fame Day, at a Mufter at the Court-houfe, M-- Scott offer'd M-" Jones, if he would drop his Pretenfions to the Election, to pay him the Expences he had been at about it To which M^ Jones did not then agree but that they afterwards agreed, that whichever fhould pay the other his of them fhould be found to have the Right of the Eledlion, Charges: And that thereupon, M^ Jones did write the Letter to the Sheriff, already That the Expences reported to this Houfe; and did nor further profecute his Petition. Three were Pounds and NineM'' Jones, computed and agreed to be paid by M"' Scott, to teen Shillings, as they had both confefs'd but the Rights of the Freeholders who voted at the Eledion, not being examined into, purfuant to the Refolution of this Houfe, it cannot appear to the Committee, whether the faid M'' Scott, or M'' Jones ought to reprefent the faid County Wherefore, upon the whole Matter, they had come to a Refolution which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table Where the fame was again read, and agreed to, by the Houfe, with fome Amendments, as follows Refolved, That the faid M' Scott, and M' Richard Jones, are each of them guilty of an Infringement of the Liberties of the People a Mifdemeanour and Breach of the Privileges of this Houfe And that therefore the Election of the faid M'' Scott, be made void. Ordered, That an Addrefs be made to the Governor, to order a new Writ to iffue for Elecfling a new Burgefs, to ferve in this prefent General Affembly, for the County of Amelia, in the Room of M"" Jofeph Scott: And that M' Booker do wait on the Governor,

with the faid Addrefs.

fetting forth, That he hath attended the Committee and Eledion, according to the Order of this Houfe: And that he acknowledges his Fault, and is truly forry for what he has done; and praying to be difcharged out of Cuftody, paying Fees; was prefented to the Houfe, and read. And the Queftion
of Privileges

A Petition of M^ Richard Jones,

being put thereupon, It paffed in the Affirmative.

That M' Richard Jones be difcharged out of Cuftody, upon paying Fees. That John Collet, being appointed Door-keeper to the Council, be difcharged from giving his Attendance, as Door-keeper to this Houfe.

Petition of William Ford, praying to be appointed Door-keeper, in the


John Collet, now appointed Door-keeper to the Council, was prefented to the Houfe, and read. And the Queftion being put thereupon. It paffed in the Negative. Refolved, That the faid Petition be Rejedled.
Dividing the Parifh of Saint Martin, in the County of Hanover; and EreAing the fame into Two diftind Parifhes, was read a fecond Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be committed to M' Harris, and M-- Chifwell.
Bill, for

Bill, for

the Relief of thofe Perfons


of the


who were Sufferers in the Lofs of the Records Nanfemond, whofe Cafes have not yet been provided for, was read the

lecond Time.


That the faid Bill be Ingroffed. Thomas Broadrib, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; praying to be appomted Door-keeper in this Houfe, in the Room of John Collet, now appointed Door-keeper to the Council. And the Queftion being put thereupon. It paffed in the

Petition of


Ordered That Thomas Broadrib be appointed Door-keeper to this Houfe, in the of John Collet: And that he attend accordingly.



The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Report from the Committee of Privileges and Eledlions, made Yefterday. And the fame was read, and with an Amendment, was agreed to, by the Houfe, as follows Refolved, That M"' Robert Slaughter, the Sitting Member, is not duly eledted and
returned a Burgefs, to ferve in this prefent General Affembly, for the Cotmty of Orange. Refolved, That M"' Richard Winflow, Sheriff of the County of Orange, John Rucker,

John Burk, John MacCoy, Honorius Powell, John Snow, and Timothy Terrill, are guilty of great Mifdemeanours, and Breaches of the Privileges of this Houfe. Ordered, That the faid Richard Winflow, John Rucker, John Burk, John MacCoy, Honorius Powell, John Snow, and Timothy Terrill, be fent for, in Cviftody of the Serjeant at Arms. Ordered, That an Addrefs be made to the Governor, to order a new Writ to iffue, for Electing new Burgeffes, to ferve in this prefent General Affembly, for the Cotmty of Orange, in the Room of M"' Henry Downs, expelled this Houfe, and M'' Robert SlaughAnd that M'' Beverley do wait ter, who is not duly ele(5led, to fer\'e for the faid County. on the Governor, with the faid Addrefs.

That the Houfe be adjourned


Monday Morning, Ten


Monday, June




Conway, from the Committee of Privileges and Eledlions, reported, That

the Committee had had tmder their Confideration, the Return of the Writ,

for Ele(5ling a Burgefs, to ferve in this prefent General Affembly, for the

County of Accomack: And had come to a Refolution thereupon; which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table Where the fame was again read, and agreed to, by the Houfe, as follows Refolved, That the Return of the faid Writ is made, in the Form prefcribed by Law. M"" Conway reported. That the Committee, to whom the Bill, for explaining the Law, concerning Colledlors and Naval Officers Fees, was committed, had made feveral Amendments thereto; which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the

Bill, with the Amendments, do lie on the Table. preventing the building of Wooden Chimnies in the Town of Fredericksburg, and pulling down fuch as are already built therein; and to ref train Hogs from going at large in the Town of Fredericksburg, and Urbanna, was read the fecond Time;


That the faid

Bill, for

and a Blank



and an Amendment made to the

faid Bill be Ingroffed.


at the Table.

That the

M"' Fitzhiigh,

according to Order, prefented a

Bill, for

Eredting a


at Bray's

Church, in the County of King George.

Alfo a
Bill, for Ere(5ling


at Conftance's Warehoufe, in the




Alfo a

Bill, for

Dividing the Parifh of Briftol, in the County of Prince George and

Two diftindl Parifhes; and other Purpofes therein mentioned; fame the were received, and feverally read the firft Time. Ordered, That the faid Bills be read a fecond Time. M"" Carter, according to Order, prefented a Bill, for afcertaining the Meafure and Gauge of all Pipe, Hogfhead, and Barrel Staves and Headings, and Shingles And the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be read a fecond Time. M"' Harris reported. That the Committee, to whom the Bill, for Dividing the Parifh of Saint Martin, in the County of Hanover, and Eredling the fame into Two diftind;
Eredling the fame into




and aftenvards to, by the Houfe. be Ingrolled. Ordered That the Bill, with the Amendment, the Amendments to the Bill, for The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of Pork and Beef packed in this Colony, or iminfpeaing weighing, and ftamping, all here, or fhipped for Exportation: And to ported for Sale, before the fame fhall be fold Gauge of Barrels for Pork, Beef, amend the Ad, intituled. An Adl, For afcertaining the agreed to, by the Houfe. Tar and Pitch: And the fame were read, and be Ingroffed. Amendments, Ordered. That the faid Bill, with the

thereto Which he read in his Place, was committed, had made an Amendment fame was agam read, and agreed delivered in at the Table: Where the

The Houfe


proceeded to the Confideration of the



to the Bill,

for continuing the


An Ad. For

laying a

Duty upon Liquors: And the

agreed to, by the Houfe. fame were read; and Part thereof, with fome Amendments, Ingroffed. be Amendments, Ordered, That the faid Bill, with the Ingroffed Bill, from the Council, for explaining and amending the Ad, intituled,


Veftries appointed,
faid Bill be

was read the fecond Time.



the Queftion being put. That the



paffed in the Negative.


Then the Queftion was


That the faid

be read a third Time,

paffed in the

Rejeded. A Bill, for explaining and amending the Laws, direding Security to be taken, upon the granting Certificates for obtaining Letters of Adminiftration of Inteftates Eftates, was read the fecond Time, .-^nd the Queftion being put, That the faid Bill be committed.

That the

faid Bill be


paffed in the Negative.

Then the Queftion was put. That the faid



be Ingroffed, It paffed in the Negative.

That the faid Bill be Rejeded. A Meffage from the Council, by M"' N elfon That they have made an Amendment to the Bill, for Dividing the County of King and Queen and adding the Upper Part thereof to the County of Caroline To which
; :

they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe.


Bill to

allow Perfons, not concerned in


making Tobacco, to difcharge Levies and

Officers Fees in

Money and to oblige Seafaring Men, being Houfe-keepers in this Colony, pay Levies, was read the fecond Time. Ordered, That the Bill be committed to M"^ Attorney, M' Boufh, and M' Elligood. A Bill, to impower the Juftices of Elizabeth-City County, to ered Potmds and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read the fecond Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be Ingroffed. Ordered, That the Houfe be adjourned 'til To-morrow Morning, Ten o'Clock.

Tuefday, June




M' Crajord have Leave to go Home,

Bill, intituled,

for the


of his Health.

An Ad,

for providing Public Seals for the feveral


Courts of this Colony, was read the third Time. Refolved, That the faid Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Fitzhugh do carry the faid Bill up to the Council, for their Con-

A Bill, intituled, An Ad, for the Relief of thofe Perfons who were Sufferers in the Lofs of the Records of the County of Nanfemond, whofe Cafes are not already provided for, was read the third Time.

That the

faid Bill




Ordered, That M"" Reddick do carry the faid Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Report from the Committee of And the fame was read; and Part thereof agreed Claims, made on Saturday Se'nnight to, by the Houfe, with an Amendment, as follows: Refolved, That the Juftices of the County of Spotfylvania, be allowed 12 /. a Year,

additional Rent, from the loth

for building



November, 1740, to the loth of November, 1742,

Two new Warehoufes

at Fredericksburg Infpedtion.

That the Petition of James Reid, Proprietor of the Public Warehoufes at Urbanna, for an additional Rent for the faid Warehoufes, be Rejedled; he being already allowed 13 /. a Year; which is a Rent fufficient. Refolved, That the Petition of the Juftices of I fie of Wight County, to pay them for Three old Warehoufes at Wainurighfs, which were burnt, be Rejedted; they having already received for Rent, ahnoft double the Sum which the faid Warehoufes coft. Refolved, That the Juftices of the County of Effex be allowed 3 /. additional Rent
for one Year,

from the loth

of November,

741, to the loth of November, 1742, for build-

ing a

new Warehoufe

at Jones's Infpetftion, at Pifcataway.



That Henry Fitzhugh, Efq

Proprietor of the Public Warehoufes at Boyd's

Hole, in Stafford County, be allowed the additional

of November, 1736, to the loth of Noi'ember, 1742;

November, 1741, to the loth of November, 1742, Two new Warehoufes, at that Place.

Rent of 50 5. a Year, from the loth and of 50 s. a year, from the loth of to reimburfe him the Charge of building

That the

Juftices of Effex

County be allowed

to reimburfe


the Charge of building a

new Warehoufe

at Bowler's Infpecftion, in the



one that

was burnt down. Refolved, That the Petition of William Cole, Proprietor of the Public Warehoufes at S'diinherd's, for an additional Rent, for repairing a Warehoufe at that Infpection, by Order of Charles-City County Court, be Rejected. And to the Refolution of the Committee, on Confideration of the Petition of John Mundell, Keeper of the Public Goal, to be allowed for feveral Houfes ftanding on the Prifon Lots, claimed by the Widow of John Carter, late Goaler; and for the Charge of inclofmg the Garden belonging to the faid Prifon; that the faid Petition be Rejecl;ed. And aho to another Refolution of the faid Committee, on Confideration of the Petition of Mary Gilmer, Widow That the Allegations of the faid Petition, are true but that fhe is not entitled to any allowance, by Law, William Gilmer, her deceafed Hufband, dying on his Paffage to Jamaica. The Houfe difagreed. be allowed to the Widow of John Carter, deceafed, Refolved, That the Sum of 18 for the Expence he was at, in building the faid Houfes: And that the Garden of the Prifon be paled in, and paid for, out of the Public Money. Ordered, That it be an Inftruction to the Committee of Claims, to make an Allowance,
: ;


purfuant to the faid Refolution: Alfo to allow the Sum of 10 /. to Mary Gilmer: And alfo to make the feveral Allowances agreed to, by the Houfe, in the Book of Claims.
M'' Beverley,

from the Committee

of Claims, reported,

That the Committee had had


under their Confideration, the Petition of Anne Williams, Widow, to them referred And had come to a Refolution thereupon; which he read in his Place, and aften\^ards delivered in at the Table Where the fame was again read, and agreed to. by the Houfe, as fol:


That the Allegations of the faid Petition, are true: And that the faid Petitioner ought to be allowed 10 /. her deceafed Hufband dying at Cuba. Ordered, That it be an Inftruction to the Committee of Claims, to make the faid

Allowance in the Book of Claims.


That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning, Ten




IVednefday, June 9, 1742.





and Time. of Affembly, was read the third do pafs. Bill Refolved, That the faid Bill to the Council, for their ConcurOrdered That M' Randolph do can^^ the faid
pf' Tobacco;

Aft, for reducing the for preventing Frauds in

Laws made. For amending the Staple His Majefty's Cuftoms, into one Aft


That M^ Wormley have Leave to be abfent from the

Serx'ice of this


Tuefday next.

That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning, Ten o'Clock.

Thurfday, June 10, 1742.


Treafurer laid his Accounts before the Houfe; and the Title thereof



That the


Accounts do


on the Table, for the Perufal of the


Members. from the Committee

of Trade, reported.

That the Committee had had

of this Colony with the And had come to a RefoPlantations: American Weft-Indies, and other His Majefty's lution thereupon which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table. Ordered, That the faid Report do lie on the Table. M"^ Ruffin reported, That the Committee, to whom the Bill, for appointing feveral new Ferries; and altering the Name of a former Ferr\', was committed, had made feveral
their Confideration, the prefent State of the




Which he read

in his Place,

and afterwards delivered the


with the Amendments, in at the Table. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, do

lie on the Table. M' Fitzhugh, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported, That the Committee had had under their Confideration, the Petition of the Inhabitants of that Part of Orange County, called Augufta, to them referred; praying. That a Tax of 2 5. per Annum may be laid on every tithable Perfon in that Part of the faid County of Orange, called Augufta: And that a Duty may be impofed on all Horfes and Cattle, drove thro' the faid Inhabitants, from the Northern or Southern Provinces: And a Penalty of 5 /. for ever\- Offence, may be inflifted on Perfons killing Deer, out of Seafon; and the Offenders be bound to their good Behavior. And that the Captains of the MiUtia, at every

General Mufter, in Septetnher, Yearly,

pay the fame to

may receive the faid Tax, Duty, and Fines; and James Patton, John Chriftian, and John Buchanan, or fome other Perfons, who may be impowered to lay out the Money arifmg therefrom, in hiring Perfons to kill and deftroy the Wolves among the faid Inhabitants; and in relieving their Poor, clearing Roads, and building Bridges: And that the faid James Patten, John Chriftian, and John Buchanan, may perform the fame, without Fee or Reward; and


account for the Money arifmg, as aforefaid, before the Captains of the Militia. And had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon; which he read in his Place, and afterwards
delivered in at the Table.

That the


Report do

Petition of Richard Winflow, Sheriff of the

he had furrendered himfelf, in of this Houfe: .\nd that he being now truly fenfible of his Offences, is heartily forr>' for the fame; and is ready to fubmit to what this Houfe fhall pleafe to order; was prefented to the Houfe, and read.

on the Table. County of Orange; fetting forth, That Cuftody of the Serjeant at Arms, purfuant to an Order

That the faid Richard Win-flow be brought to the Bar of the Hoiife; that he receive a Reprimand from the Chair and that he then be difcharged out of Cuftody,

paying Fees. Accordingly he was brought to the Bar; and M'' Speaker fpoke, as follows: M'' Richard Winflow, This Houfe have Refolved, That you have been guilty of a great Mifdetneanour and Breach of the Privilege of this Houfe, in obftruding the Orange Eledion But in Confideration af your Confeffion and Submiffion, they have been fo favourable to

you, as


command me





further to acquaint you,

Reprimaytd you; and I do reprimand you accordingly: That it is their Pleafure, that you be difcharged out of

Cuftody, paying Fees.

from Drivers pafling with Cattle thro' this Colony; and for laying a Duty upon Horfes imported; was read the fecond Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be committed to M'^ Harrifon, M'' Beverley, and M"" Reddick. M'' Waller, according to Order, prefented a Bill, to veft certain Lands therein mentioned, in the Feoffees and Truftees of the Town of Fredericksburg, and thofe Perfons who have purchafed under them. And the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be read a fecond Time. A Bill, to Repeal a Part of the Ac5t, intituled. An Adl for Encouragement of building Water-Mills And to explain another Part of the faid Adl, was read the fecond Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be Ingroffed. A Bill, to prevent the Obftruction of the Paffage of Fifh towards the Heads of the Rivers, by Mill-Dams erected a-crofs the Rivers, was read the fecond Time. And the Queftion being put, That the faid Bill be committed. It paffed in the Negative. Then the Queftion was put. That the faid Bill be Ingroffed, It paffed in the Negati\-e. Refolved, That the faid Bill be Rejedted. A Bill, for Dividing the Parifh of Briftol, in the County of Prince George, and Erecting the fame into Two diftincl Parifhes; and other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read the fecond Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be committed to M'' Bland, and M'' Eppes. And that it be an Inftruclion to the faid Committee, to receive a Claufe or Claufes, to obhge the Parifh of Dale to fell the Glebe formerly belonging to Briftol Parifh; and which, upon the Divifion of the faid Parifh, fell into Dale Parifh; and to pay Briftol Parifh their proportionable Part of the Value of the faid Glebe. A Bill, for Erecting a Town at Bray's Church, in the County of King George, was read the fecond Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be committed to M"" McCarty, M"" Carter, and M'' Turner. A Bill, for Explaining the Charter granted to the City of Williamfburg, and for Enlarging the Jurifdiclion of the Court of Huftings, within the faid City, was read the fecond Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be committed to M'' Harmer, M"" Attorney, M"' Fitzhugh, M' Nelfon, M'' Harrifon, and M'' Power. A Bill, for Repealing the Act, giving a Reward for killing Wolves; and Repealing
to prevent Loffes


other Acts relating thereto:


alfo the Adt, for leffening the


for killing

young Wolves; and for preventing Frauds in obtaining Certificates for Wolves Heads, was read the fecond Time. And the Queftion being put. That the faid Bill be Ingroffed,

paffed in the Negative.


BiU be Rejedted. A Bill, for building a Bridge over the River Rappidanne, at Germanna, by Subfcription; and to provide for the Support thereof; was read the fecond Time. And the Queftion being put. That the faid Bill be Ingroffed, It paffed in the Negative. Refolved, That the faid Bill be Rejedted. A Motion was made, That the Houfe be adjourned. And the Queftion being put

That the

thereupon. It paffed in the Negative.

and amend Part of an Adl, intituled, An Adl, directing the Duty fo much as relates to if f uing Plots of Surveyors of Land and afcertaining their Fees for or Copies of Suneys, was read the fecond Time. Waller, and Ordered, That the faid Bill be committed to M-" Richard Randolph,


to explain



That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning, Ten


Friday, June ii, 1742.




Booker ha\-e Leave to be abfent from the Service of this Houfe,



day next.
M'' Beverley,

from the Committee of Public Claims, reported. That the Committee had examined and confidered all the Public Claims, which had been And had agreed upon a Report, which he had entered in laid before them this Seffion a Book; and he delivered the Book in at the Table. Ordered, That the faid Report do lie on the Table, for the Perufal of the Members. Upon a Motion made, Ordered, That the Treafurer's Accounts be referred to the Confideration of M'' Carter, Harrifon, M"" Richard Randolph, M"" Nelfon, and M"" Braxton: And that they do examine the feveral Articles of the faid Accounts; and report the Ballance, as it fhall

appear to them, to the Houfe.


That the Committee

of Propofitions

and Grievances be difcharged from

proceeding any further on any Petitions, relating to Infpedtors Salaries, and the Rents of the Warehoufes.

Fitzhngh, according to Order, prefented a Bill, for Eftablifhing the

Richmond, in the County of Henrico; and allowing Fairs to be kept therein: fame was received, and read the firft Time.

Town of And the

That the faid Bill be read a fecond Time. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendment propofed by the Council, to the Bill, for Dividing the County of King and Queen; and adding the Upper Part thereof to the County of Caroline And the fame was read, and agreed to, with fome Amendments. Ordered, That a Meffage be fent to the Council, to acquaint them, That this Houfe hath agreed to the Amendment, by them propofed to the faid Bill, with fome Amendments And that M"" Braxton do go up with the faid Meffage. The Houfe alfo proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendments to the Bill, for appointing feveral new Ferries; and altering the Name of a former Feny: And the fame were twice read; and Part thereof, with fome Amendments, agreed to, by the
: :


of Nanfemond, was read a fecond Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be committed to M-- Reddick, and M-- Baker. A Motion was made. That the Houfe immediately proceed to the Confideration of the Addrefs to His Majefty, and Petition to the Parliament Whereupon a Debate arofe and the Queftion being put thereupon. It paffed in the Negative. Refolved, That this Houfe will take into Confideration the faid Addi-efs and Petition

Bill, for

That the faid Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. Ereding a Town at Conftance's Warehoufe, in the County

on Tuefday next.


That there be a

Call of the Houfe,

on Tuefday next.



for afcertaining the Meafure and

and Headings, and


Gauge of all Pipe, Hogfhead, and Barrel was read the fecond Time; and a Blank filled up,

and Two Amendments made to the Bill. Ordered, That the faid Bill be Ingroffed. A Bill, to veft certain Lands therein mentioned, in the Feoffees and Truftees of the Town of Fredericksburg, and thofe Perfons who have purchafed under them, was
read the fecond Time.
Ordered, That the faid Bill be Ingroffed. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Report from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, made Yefterday: And the fame was read, and agreed to, by the Hotife, as follows Refolved, That the Part of the faid Petition, which prays for a Tax of Two Shillings to be raifed, colledted, and applied, according to the Petition, is reafonable. Refolved, That the other Parts of the faid Petition, for laying a Duty upon Horfes and Cattle; and a Penalty on Perfons killing Deer at unfeafonable Times, be Rejected. Ordered, That the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, do prepare and bring in a Bill, purfuant to the Refolution agreed to, by the Houfe. A Bill, intituled, An A(5l, for infpedling, weighing, and ftamping, all Pork and Beef packed in this Colony, or imported for Sale, before the fame fhall be fold here, or fhipped And to amend the Adl, intituled. An A(5l, For afcertaining the Gauge for Exportation Pork, Barrels Beef, Tar, and Pitch, was read the third Time, and the Blanks for of





That the faid Bill do pafs. That M"" Carter do carry the That

faid Bill


to the Council, for their Concur-


Nelfon have Leave to be abfent from the Service of this Houfe

to Repeal a Part of the Act, for



A Bill,

An A(5t,


of building

and to Explain another Part of the faid Adt, was read the third Time. And That the faid Bill do pafs, It paffed in the Negative. Refolved, That the faid Bill be Rejected. A Bill, intituled. An Adt, for Dividing the Parifh of Saint Martin, in the County of Hanover, and Eredting the fame into Two diftindt Parifhes, was read the third Time. Refolved, That the faid Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Harris do carry the faid Bill up to the Council, for their Concurthe Queftion being put,

Bill, intituled,


Adl, for continuing

and amending the

Adt, intituled.



For laying a Duty upon Liquors, was read the third Time. Refolved, That the faid Bill do pafs.



Attorney do carry the faid Bill up to the Council, for their Concur-


Bill, intituled,


Adt, for preventing the building of

Wooded Chimnies

in the

of Fredericksburg,


and pulling down fuch as are already built therein; and to Hogs from going at large in the Towns of Fredericksburg, and Urbanna, was
That the faid Bill do pafs. That M'' Waller do carry the

read the third Time.



faid Bill

up to the Council,

for their


That the Committee, to whom the Bill, for explaining the Charter granted to the City of William fbtirg; and for enlarging the Jurifdidlion of the Court of Huftings, within the faid City, was committed, had made feveral Amendments thereto Which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table: Where the fame were again read, and agreed to, by the Houfe.



with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. the Adl. to encourage SettleWall mo\-ed for Lea%-e to prefent a Bill, to make And the fame was extenfive: more ments on the Southern Boundar>' of this Colony, received, and read the firft Time. Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be read a fecond Morning, Ten o'Clock. To-morrow 'til That the Houfe be adjourned

That the

faid Bill,


Saturday, June 12, 1742.


their life.

M' Sweney have Leave to be abfent from the Service

of this Houfe,



day next.


Fitzhiigh, according to Order, prefented



for laying a

Inhabitants of Angus fta

Alfo a

County and appropriating the

Tax on the Money arifmg thereby,

Bill, for


obliging the Veftry of the Parifh of Albemarle, in the County of Surry, Church, convenient for the lower Inhabitants of the faid Parifh And the

fame were



feverally read the

That the faid Bills A Meffage from the Council, by M'' Staunton: That they have made feveral Amendents to the Bill, for reducing the Laws made, For amending the Staple of Tobacco; and for preventing Frauds in His Majefty's Cuftoms,
Ordered, into one A<5t of Affembly.

Time. be read a fecond Time.


Alfo to the
of her Lands,

Bill, intituled. An Adl. to enable Frances Greenhill to fell and difpofe and other Eftate. by Deed or Will, notwithftanding her Hufband, Jofeph fhall happen to be living; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned: To

which they

defire the

Concurrence of this Houfe.

Bill, intituled,


that they have agreed to the



to veft certain entailed

Lands, Parcel of a greater Traft therein mentioned, in George Braxton, the Younger, in

Fee Simple; and for fettling other Lands, of greater Value, to the fame Ufes, without any Amendment. And that they have agreed to the Amendments by this Houfe propofed. to the Amendments by them made, to the Bill, for Dividing the County of King and Queen; and adding the Upper Part thereof to the County of Caroline. The Houfe proceeded to take into their Confideration, the Book of Claims: And Part thereof was read, and agreed to, by the Houfe, with fome Amendments.
Ordered, That the further Confideration of the faid Book, be adjourned 'til Monday next. A Meffage from the Council, by M' Staunton: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An A(5t, for preventing the building Wooden Chimnies in the Town of Fredericksburg, and pulling down fuch as are already
built therein

and to


Hogs from going

at large in the


of Fredericksburg,

and Urbanna.
Alfo to the
Bill, intituled.

in the Lofs of the

An Adt, for the Relief of thofe Perfons who were Sufferers Records of the County of Nanfemond, whofe Cafes have not already
County of Hanany Amendments.

been provided



alfo to the Bill, for Dividing the Parifh of Saint Martin, in the

and Eredling the fame



diftind Parifhes; without


that they have

made fome Amendments

Adl, intituled,

to the Bill, intituled,

and amending the



An Ad; for conFor laying a Duty upon Liquors: To

which they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendments propofed by the Council, to the Bill, for reducing the Laws made. For amending the Staple of Tobacco;


and for preventing Frauds in His Majefty's Cuftoms, into one Adl of Affembly And the fame were read, and Part thereof agreed to, by the Houfe. Ordered, That a Meffage be fent to the Council, to acquaint them, That this Houfe have agreed to fome of the Amendments by them propofed to the faid Bill; and disagreed to others: And that they defire they will pafs the faid Bill, with the Amendments agreed to. And that M'' Randolph do go up with the faid Meffage. M"' Reddick reported. That the Committee, to whom the Bill, for Erecting a Town at Conftance's Warehoufe, in the County of Nanfemond, was committed, had made feveral Amendments thereto Which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table: Where the fame were again twice read; and Part thereof agreed to, by the Houfe, and fe\ eral Blanks in the Bill filled up. Ordered, That the faid Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. Ordered, That M'' Kennon have Leave to be abfent from the Sendee of the Houfe, 'til Wcdnefday next. M'' Randolph reported. That the Committee, to whom the Bill, to explain and amend Part of an Adl, intituled, An Ac^, direcfting the Duty of Surveyors of Land; and afcer: :

taining their Fees; for fo


as relates to iffuing Plots or Copies of their Surveys,

was committed; had made feveral Amendments thereto: Which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table Where the fame were again twice read, and agreed to, by the Houfe. Ordered, That the faid Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. A Meffage from the Council, by M'' Staunton: That the}' recede from the Amendments by them made to the Bill, intituled. An Act, for reducing the Laws made. For amending the Staple of Tobacco; and for preventing Frauds in His Majefty's Cuftoms, into one Act of Affembly; which were difagreed to, by this Houfe; and have paffed the Bill, with the Amendments agreed to.


That the Houfe be adjourned


Monday Morning, Ten


Monday, June


Bill, for


Bland reported. That the Committee, to


Dividing the

Parifh of Briftol, in the County of Prince George,


diftinct Parifhes

and Eredting the fame and other Purpofes therein mentioned, was com:

thereto Which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table. Ordered, That the faid Bill, with the Amendments, do lie on the Table. M"' Harrifon reported. That the Committee, to whom the Bill, for preventing Lof fes from Drivers paf fing with Cattle through this Colony and for laying a Duty upon Horfes imported, was committed; had made feveral Amendments thereto: Which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the mitted,

had made



That the faid Bill, with the Amendments, do lie on the Table. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendments propofed by the Council, to the Bill, to enable Frances Greenhill to fell and difpofe of her Lands, and other Eftate, by Deed or Will, notwithftanding her Hufband, Jofeph Greenhill, fhall happen to be living; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned: And the fame were twice read, and agreed to, by the Houfe. Ordered, That M'' Attorney do acquaint the Council, That the Houfe hath agreed to the Amendments, by them made, to the faid Bill. M'' Attorney reported, That the Committee, to whom the Bill, to allow Perfons, not concerned in making Tobacco, to difcharge Levies, and Officers Fees, in money; and to oblige Seafaring Men, being Houfekeepers in this Colony, to pay Levies, was committed

committed; had made



Which he read
in at the Table.

in his Place,


Amendments, afterwards 'dcli^ered the Bill, with the Amendments, do lie on the Table. the with Bill, faid Ordered, That the of the Book of Claims: And the other Confideration The Houfe refum'd the further thereto: And the Allowances of made Part thereof was read, and an Amendment was agreed to, by the Houfe. the feveral Officers being added, the Book was Council, for their Concurrence. Ordered, That M-- Beverley do carry the Book to the


that he do wait on the Governor, and defire his Affent. A Meffage from the Council, by M"" Staunton:

That they have made fe\eral Amendments to the Bill, intituled, An A(5t, for inthis Colony, or imported fpedling, weighing, and ftamping, all Pork and Beef, packed in Exportation And to amend the for for Sale, before the fame be fold here, or shipped Ad, intituled. An Ad, For afcertaining the Gauge of Barrels for Pork, Beef, Tar, and Pitch: To which they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe. A Bill, intituled, An Adl, for Explaining the Charter granted to the City of Willuunf:



for Enlarging the Jurifdidion of the

Court of Fluftings. within the faid City.

was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the faid Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"' Attorney do cany the

faid Bill to the Council, for their


M' Fitzhugh mo\ed for Leave to prefent a Bill, for paying the Burgeffes Wages in Money, for this prefent Seffion of Affembly. And alfo a Bill, for Repealing Part of an Aft, intituled. An Act, to prevent frivolous and vexatious Suits; and to regulate Attomies pracftifmg in the County Courts: And the fame were received, and feverally read the first Time. Ordered, That the faid Bills be read a fecond Time. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendment propofed bv the Council, to the Bill, intituled, An Act, for continuing and amending the Act, intituled. An Adl, For laying a Duty upon Liquors And the fame was twice read, and difagreed to, by the Houfe. Ordered, That a Meffage be fent to the Council, to acquaint them. That this Houfe cannot agree to the Amendment by them propofed to the faid Bill: And that they defire they will pafs the Bill, without the amendment. And that M-^ Attorney do go up

with the faid Meffage.

An Act, for continuing the Adt, intituled. An Act, For laying an Duty upon Slaves, to be paid by the Buyers; and for encouraging Perfons to inlift in His Majefty's Service; and for- preventing Defertion; as to fo much thereof, as relates to the faid additional Duty, was read the Third Time; and a Blank in the Bill
Bill, intituled.






That the faid Bill do pafs. That M' Attorney do carry the

faid Bill

up to the Council,

for their



A Name

intituled. An Adl, for appointing feveral new Ferries, and altering the a former Ferry; and for other Puipofes therein mentioned, was read the third Time.



That the faid Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Fitzhugh do carry the

faid Bill to the Council, for their ConcuiTence.




Adl, for afcertaining the

fhead. Barrel Staves, Headings,



Meafure and Gauge of all Pipe, Hogwas read the Third Time And the

Queftion being put. That the faid Bill do pafs. It paffed in the Negative Refolved, That the faid Bill be Rejedled. A Meffage from the Council, by M-- Staunton:

That they do infift upon their Amendment to the Bill, t.numg and amending the Adl, intituled. An Adl, For laying



Adl, for con-

Duty upon Liquors.


Bill, intituled,


A6t, to explain

directing the


of Surveyors of

as relates to iffuing Plots or Copies of

and amend Part of an A(5t, intituled. An AcT;, Land: and afcertaining their Fees; for fo much, Sun.-eys, was read the third Time.
Bill to the Coimcil, for their



That the faid Bill do pafs. That M"' Richard Randolph do carry the faid



Bill, intituled.


Act, for erecting a


at Conftance's Warehoufe, in the

Nanfemond, was read the third Time. That the faid Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"" Reddick do carry the faid Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. A Bill, intituled, An Act, to veft certain Lands therein mentioned, in the Feoffees and Truftees of the Town of Fredericksburg, and thofe Perfons who have Purchafed under them, was read the third Time. Refolved, That the faid Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Waller do carry the faid Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence.



That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning, Ten o 'Clock.

Tuefday, June 15, 1742.

Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendments to the Bill, to allow making Tobacco, to difcharge Levies, and Officers Fees, in ?>Ioney; and to oblige Seafaring Men, being Houfekeepers in this Colony, to pay Levies And the fame were read, and Part thereof agreed to, by the Houfe; and an Amendment made to the Title, and another to the Body of the Bill, at the Table: and the Blanks filled up. Ordered, That the faid Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. A Meffage from the Council, by M'' Staunton: That they have agreed to the Book of Claims, without any Amendment. The Houfe being, according to Order, called over, proceeded to the Confideration of the Addrefs to His Majefty, and Petition to the Parliament: And the fame were And after a Debate, the Queftion being put. That the faid Addrefs and feverallv read.
Perfons, not concerned in


Petition be agreed to. It paffed in the Negative.

That the faid Addrefs and Petition be Rejected. A Meffage from the Council, by M"' Staunton: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Act, for Explaining the Charter granted to the City of Williamfburg; and for Enlarging the Jurif diction of the Court
of Huftings,

within the faid City.

Bill, intituled. An Act, for appointing feveral new Ferries, and altering the Name of a former Ferr\' and other Purpofes therein mentioned, without any Amendments.

Alfo to the

That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning, Ten


IFednefday, June 16, 1742.

Turner and

Beverley reported. That he had, according to Order, waited on the Governor,

with the Book


of Clams And that he had given his Affent thereto. That the Committee, for proportioning the Public Levy, be appointed of the following Perfons: M"' Conway, M"" Beverley, M-" Ruffin, M"'



That a Committee, for examining the InroUed Bills, be appointed of the following Perfons M-- Fairfax, M' Whiting, M^ Lomax, M^ Bland, M^ Power, and M' Waller.



for his

further Sum of Fifty Pounds, Motion being made. That George Webb be allowed a Two laft Years Serxices. as Clerk to the Treafurer: And the Queftion being put



paffed in the Affirmative. That it be an Inftrudtion to the Committee


to examine the

Treafurer's Accounts, to

the faid Allowance therein. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendments propofed by the ftamping. all Pork and Beef, packed Council, to the Bill, for infpecfling. weighing, and the fame fhall be fold here, or fhipped for in this Colony, or imported for Sale, before An A6t, For afcertaining the Gauge of intituled. A(ft. the amend Exportation And to


Barrels for Pork, Beef, Tar,

and Pitch


the fame were twice read,

and agreed


by the Houfe. Ordered, That M-- Carter do carry the Bill to the Council and acquaint them. That the faid Bill. this Houfe have agreed to the Amendments by them propofed to from the Council, in the Meffage of The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration

Relation to their


to the Bill, intituled,

An Ad,

for continuing

and amend-

For laying a Duty upon Liquors: Which Amendment ing the difagreed to, by the Houfe. was again twice read, and Ordered, That a Meffage be fent to the Council, to acquaint them. That this Houfe cannot recede from their Dif agreement to the faid Amendment And that they defire they will not infift on the fame. And that M' Attorney do go up with the faid Meffage. Ordered, That M'' Bonfh have Leave to go Home. A Bill, for laying a Tax on the Inhabitants of Augufta County; and appropriating the Money arifing thereby, to their Ufe. was read the fecond Time; and committed



to M'' Bei>erley.

The Houfe proceeded

twice read, and agreed

to the Confideration of the


to the



explaining the Law, concerning Colle<5lors,

and Naval

Officers Fees

And the fame were

by the Houfe.
with the Amendments, be Ingroffed.

That the

faid Bill,

Meffage from the Council, by


That they recede from the Amendment by them infifted on, to the Bill, intituled, An Aft, for continuing and Amending the Adl, intituled. An AS:, For laying a Duty
upoti Liquors.

at Bray's Church,

M' McCarty reported. That the Committee, to whom the Bill, for Erecfting a Town was committed, had made feveral Amendments thereto Which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table: Where the fame were again twice read, and agreed to, by the Houfe and the Blanks in the Bill filled up. Ordered, That the faid Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. Ordered, That an Addrefs be made to the Governor, to order a new Writ to iffue,
: ;


Eleaing a Burgefs, to ferve

Norfolk; in the


the faid County.


in this prefent General Affembly, for the County of Samuel Boufh, who has accepted of the Office of Clerk of And that M' Hutching do wait on the Governor, with the faid

of M--

A Bill, for Repealing Part of an Ad, intituled, An Ad, to prevent frivolous and vexatious Suits; and to regulate Attomies practifmg in the County Courts, was read the fecond Time. And the Queftion being put, That the faid Bill be committed.

paffed in the Negative.


That the

faid Bill be Ingroffed.

by M-- Staunton: That they have made fome Amendments to the Bill, intituled. An Ad. to veft certain Lands therein mentioned, in the FeotTees and Truftees of the Town of Fredericksburg, and thofe Perfons who have purchafed under them To which they defire the Con:

A Meffage from the Council,

currence of this Houfe.

that they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. Conftance's Warehoufe, in the County of Nanfemond.


An Ad,


Ereding a Town at

Adl to explain and amend Part of an Adt, intituled, Land; and afcertaining their Fees; for fo much, as relates to iffuing Plots or Copies of Sur\'eys, without any Amendment. Upon a Motion made, Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, to reftrain Lawyers, practifing at the General Court, and County Courts, from taking exorbitant Fees: And that M"" Reddick, and M'' Dmiglas, do prepare and bring in the fame. Fitzhugh, M"' Randolph, The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendments propofed by the Council, to the Bill, to veft certain Lands therein mentioned, in the Feoffees and Tniftees of the Town of Fredericksburg, and thofe Perfons who have purchafed under them And the fame were read, and agreed to, by the Houfe. Ordered, That M'' Fitzhugh do acquaint the Council, That this Houfe hath agreed to the Amendments by them made, to the faid Bill. A Bill, to make the A(5t, to encourage Settlements on the Southern Boundary of And the Queftion being put, this Colony, more extenfive, was read the fecond Time. That the faid Bill be Ingroffed, It paffed in the Negative. Refolved, That the faid Bill be Reje(5led. A Bill, for paying the Burgeffes Wages in Money, this prefent Seffion of Affembly, was read the fecond Time. And the Queftion being put. That the faid Bill be committed. Then the Blanks were filled up. It paffed in the Negative. Ordered, That the faid Bill be Ingroffed. Upon a Motion made, Ordered, That John and Gerrard Alexander have Leave to withdraw their Petition, to veft in them, the Fee Simple and Inheritance of certain Lands therein mentioned, And that the Committee appointed to of which they are feverally feifed, in Fee Tail. prepare and bring in a Bill, according to the Prayer of the faid Petition, be difcharged from the fame.
Alfo to the
Bill, intituled,



A<5t, for direcfling



of Surveyors of

impower the Juftices of Elizabeth-City, to eredt Pounds; and other Purpofes therein mentioned; was read the third Time; and an Amendment
Bill, intituled.


Adt, to





That the faid Bill do pafs. That M"' Weftwood do carry the

faid Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence.

Bill, intituled,



to allow Perfons, not concerned in

difcharge Levies,


Officers Fees, in

making Tobacco, to Money, was read the third Time; and the Blanks

in the Bill filled up.



That the faid Bill do pafs. That M"" Fitzhugh do carry the

faid Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence.


A Bill, for eftablifhing the Town of Richmond, in the County of Henrico

Fairs to be kept therein

and allowing

was read the fecond Time and the Blanks


in the Bill filled up.



That the faid Bill be Ingroffed. That M'' Power have Leave to be abfent from the Service

of this Houfe,

Friday next.

That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning, Ten


Thurfday, June 17, 1742.

That the Committee, to whom the Bill, for laying a Tax on the Inhabitants of Augufta Coimty; and appropriating the Money arifing thereby, to their Ufe, was committed had made feveral Amendments thereto Which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table Where the fame were again twice read, and agreed to, by


Beverley reported,

the Houfe.


That the

faid Bill, with the

Bill, intituled.


Amendments, be Ingroffed. Part of an Adt, intituled. Repealing AA, for


Aft, to pre-

vent frivolous and vexatious Suits; and Courts, was read the third Time. Burgeffes Alfo a Bill, intituled. An Adl, for paying the Time. third Seffion of Affembly, was read the

to regulate Attomies practifing in the



m Money, this prefent

for their

That the faid Bill do pafs. M' Fitzhugh do carry the That Ordered.



up to the Council,


M' Reddick, according to Order, prefented a Bill, to prevent Lawyers exacting or read the firft Time. receiving exorbitant Fees And the fame was received, and Ordered, That the faid Bill be read a fecond Time. M' Carter reported, That the Committee appointed, had had under their Confideragreed upon a Report: ation, the Treafurer's Accounts, to them referred: And had

in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table. the faid Report do lie on the Table. That Ordered, The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendments to the Bill, for preventing Loffes, from Drivers paffmg with Cattle through this Colony; and for laying a Duty upon Horfes imported And the fame were twice read and with an Amendment, agreed to, by the Houfe and feveral Blanks in the Bill filled up. Ordered, That the faid Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. A Bill, intituled. An A61, for Ereding a Town at Bray's Church, in the County of King George, was read the third Time and an Amendment made to the Bill, and a Blank

Which he read





That the faid Bill do pafs. That M"^ McCarty do carry the faid

Bill to

the Council, for their Concur-

The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendments to the Bill, for Dividing the Parifh of Briftol, in the County of Prince George; and Eredling the fame into Two diftindl Parifhes; and other Purpofes therein mentioned: And the fame were twice read; and with an Amendment, agreed to, by the Houfe; and Two Blanks in
the Bill



That the

faid Bill, with the

Bill, for

appointing a Treafurer, was read a fecond

faid Bill be Ingroffed.

Admendments, be Ingroffed. Time And the Blanks


in the

Bill filled up.


That the



to oblige the Veftry of the Parifh of Albemarle, in the

for the


of Surry, to

new Church, convenient

That the

Lower Inhabitants

of the faid Parifh, was read

the fecond Time; and the Blanks in the Bill



faid Bill be Ingroffed.

Meffage from the Council, by M"' Staunton: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Adl, to impower the Juftices Elizabeth-City County, to ered; Pounds; and other Purpofes therein mentioned.
Alfo to the
Bill, intituled.



Adl, for Repealing Part of


to prevent frivolous

and vexatious

an A<5t, intituled. An Adt, and regulate Attomies practifing in the County

Alfo to the

Bill, intituled,


Adl, for paying the Burgeffes





this prefent Seffion of Affembly.

And alfo to the Bill, intituled. An Acft, to allow Perfons, not concerned in making Tobacco, to difcharge Levies, and Officers Fees, in Money; without any Amendments. A Bill, intituled. An Adl, for eftablifhing the Town of Richmond, in the County of Henrtco; and allowing Fairs to be kept therein; was read the third Time


That the faid Bill do pafs. That M' Randolph do carry the faid

Bill to the Council, for their






Adl, to explain the

Law, concerning


and Naval

Officers Fees,

was read the third Time. Refolved, That the faid Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"" Nelfon do carry the

faid Bill to the Council, for their Concur-


Meffage from the Council, by M"" Staunton: That they have made feveral Amendments to the Bill, intituled, An Adl, for Eredling a Town at Bray's Church, in the County of King George: To which they defu-e the Concurrence of this Houfe. The Houfe took the faid Amendments into their Confideration And the fame being twice read, were agreed to, by the Houfe.

to the


M"" Carter

do acquaint the Council, That

to the faid Bill.


Houfe have agreed

Amendments by them propofed


to prevent

the fecond Time; the Table.


Lawyers from exacting or receiving exorbitant Fees, was read and the Blanks filled up, and Two Amendments made to the Bill, at

That the faid Bill be Ingroffed. M' Conway reported. That the Committee appointed, had, according to Order, fettled the Proportion of the Public Levy; and ftated the fame in a Book: Which he delivered in at the Table And the fame was read, and agreed to, by the Houfe. Ordered, That M"' Conway do carry the faid Book to the Council, for their Concur:


Meffage from the Council, by M"' Staunton: That they have made fome Amendments to the Bill, intituled. An Adt, to explain the Law, concerning Colledlors and Naval Officers Fees. And that they have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Adl, for eftablifhing the Town of Richmond, in the County of Henrico; and allowing Fairs to be kept therein; without

any Amendment. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendment propofed by the Council, to the Bill, for explaining the Law, concerning CoUedlors and Naval Officers Fees And the fame was twice read, and difagreed to, by the Houfe. Ordered, That M' Nelfon do acquaint the Council, That this Houfe cannot agree to

the faid

Amendment And

that they defire they will pafs the


without the Amend-


A Bill, intituled, An Adl, for laying a Tax on the Inhabitants of Augufta County; and appropriating the Money arifing thereby, to their life; was read the third Time. Refolved, That the faid Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Beverley do carry the faid Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence.

Meffage from the Council: That they have agreed to the Book of Propofitions. M'' Conway prefented a Bill, for raifing a Public Levy And the fame was received and read the firft Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be immediately read a fecond Time And it was accord: :

ingly read.


That the



be Ingroffed.


Bill, intituled,


Adl, to oblige the Veftry of the Parifh of Albemarle, in the

a new Church convenient for the lower Inhabitants of the faid was read the third Time. Refolved, That the faid Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Ruffin do carry the faid Bill to the Coimcil, for their Concurrence.
of Surry, to eredl


That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning, Ten




Friday, June i8,

with Cattle through this




An AA,

for preventing Drivers paffing

and Two Blanks in Refolved, That the faid Bill do pafs. Bill to the Council, for Ordered That M' Harrifon do carry the faid
Bill, intituled,

imported, was read the third Time; Colony and'for laying a Duty on Horfes made to the Bill. the Bill filled up, and an Amendment

their Concurrence.


Adl, for appointing a Treafurer,

was read the

third Time.


That the faid Bill do pafs. carry the faid Ordered, That M' Leivis Burwell do

Bill to the Council, for their


from the Council, by M' Staunton: made, to the Bill, intituled, An A(5t, That they infift on the Amendment by them Officers Fees. Naval and to explain the Law, concerning Colledors Adt, for laying a Tax on the An And that they have paffed the Bill, intituled, the Money arifmg thereby, to their Inhabitants of Augufta County; and appropriating

without any Amendment.


Bill, intituled.

An Ad,

for dividing the Parifh of Briftol, in the


erefting the

fame into


diftindl Parifhes;

County of Prince and other Purpofes therein

mentioned, was read the third Time and the Blanks in the Bill filled up. Refolved, That the faid Bill do pafs. Concurrence. Ordered, That M' Bland do carry the faid Bill to the Council, for their A Bill, intituled, An A6t, for raifing a Pulic Levy, was read the third Time.

That the faid Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Conway do carry the faid Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Report upon the Treafurer's Accounts: And the fame was read. Refolved, That the faid Accounts do pafs. Ordered, That M' Carter do carry the faid Accounts to the Coimcil, to be paffed

by them.

Meffage from the Council, by M' Staunton: That they have paffed the Bill, intituled. An Adl, for appointing a Treafurer. Alfo the Bill, intituled. An A(5l, for raifing a Public Levy.


alfo that they

have paffed the Treafurer's Accoimts.

The Treafurer appointed, acquainted the Houfe, That he intended to offer to the Governor, as Securities for the faid Office,' M"' Benjamin Harrifon, M' William Beverley, George Braxton, and M"' Beverley Whiting: And the Houfe were fatisfied of their


Meffage from the Coimcil, by M'' Staimton: That they have paffed the Bill, intituled. An Adl, for preventing Lawyers receiving
or exacting exorbitant Fees.


that they have

made an Amendment

to the Bill, intituled.

An Adl,

for dividing

the Parifh of Briftol, in the County of Prince George,

diftindl Parifhes;

and eredling the fame into two


and other Purpofes therein mentioned. The Houfe took into their Confideration, the faid Amendment And the fame was twice read, and agreed to, by the Houfe. Ordered, That M' Bland do acquaint the Council, That this Houfe have agreed to the Amendments by them propof'd, to the faid Bill.

Meffage from the Cotmcil That they have paffed the Bill,



Adt, for preventing Loffes,

from Drivers

paffing with Cattle through this Colony; Ordered,


for laying a

Duty upon Horfes imported.


That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning, Ten



Saturday, June



Petition of

John Rucker, John McCoy, Honorius Powell, and Timothy Terrill fetting forth, That they had furrender'd themfelves into the Cuftody of the Serjeant at Arms, purfuant to an Order of this Hotife: And that they were truly fenfible of their Offences, and unfeignedly forry for the fame and prom;

Behaviour fhould be fuch, for the future, as not to incur the Difpleafure of this Houfe; was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the faid John Rucker, John McCoy, Honorius Powell, and Timothy And that they receive a Reprimand from Terrill, be brought to the Bar of the Houfe the Chair: And that they then be difcharged out of Cuftody, paying Fees. They were accordingly brought to the Bar; and M'' Speaker fpoke, as follows. John Rucker, John McCoy, Honorius Powell, and Timothy Terrill, This Houfe have Refolv'd, That you have been guilty of great Mifdemeanours and Breaches of the Privileges of this Houfe, in obftru^ing the Orange Eledion: But in Consideration of your Confeffion and Submiffion, they have been fo favourable to you, as to command me only to reprimand you; and I do reprimand you accordingly: And I am further to acquaint you. That it is their Pleafure, that you be difcharged out of Cuftody, paying Fees. M'' Fairfax reported. That the Perfons appointed, had, according to Order, examined the InroU'd Bills; and re<5tified fuch Miftakes as were found therein: And that the fame were truly Inrolled. Ordered, That M"^ Fairfax do carry the Inrolled Bills to the Council, for their Conifing their


Meffage from the Council That they have infpected the Inroll'd Bills; and are fatisfied they are truly InroU'd. A Meffage from the Governor, by M"" Staunton:


The Governor commands the immediate Attendance of this Houfe in the Council Chamber; and that you bring with you, fuch Bills as are ready for his Affent. And M"^ Speaker, with the Houfe, went up accordingly; and the Governor was
pleased to give his Affent to the following Public

and Private


An Ad,

paid by

for reducing the Laws made, for amending the Staple of Tobacco; and for Frauds in His Majefty's Cuftotns, into one Ad of Affembly. Ad, for continuing the Ad, intituled, An Ad, for laying a Duty upon Slaves, to be

for continuing

An Ad,

and amending




An Ad,

for laying a


upon Liquors.

An Ad, for infpeding, weighing,

or imported for Sale, before the

and ftamping


Pork and

Beef, packed in this Colony,


fhall be fold here, or fhipped for Exportation:







An Ad,

for afcertaining the


of Barrels for Pork, Beef, Tar,

and Pitch.



allow Perfons, not concerned in

making Tobacco,
for fo


difcharge Levies,


other Fees, in


An Ad,

explain and

amend Part


an Ad,

An Ad,

direding the Duty

Surveyors of Land; and

afcertaining their Fees;


as relates to iffuing Plots

or Copies of Surveys.

An Ad,
tious Suits;

for repealing Part of

an Ad,


An Ad,

prevent frivolous

and vexa-


to regulate

Attornies pradiflng in County Courts.

An Ad, for paying the Burgeffes Wages in Money, for this prefent Seffion of Affembly. An Ad, for appointing a Treafurer. An Ad, for enabling the Juftices of County Courts to make Contrads, which may be
binding upon themfelves, and their Succeffors.

An Ad,

to oblige the


to attend at the



the Laft




in this prefent Year.



An AA,

Drivers paffing with Cattle through this Colony; for preventing Loffes frotn

for laying a

An Ad, to An Ad, for raifing a Public Levy. An Ad, for the Relief of thofe Perfons who

Duty on Horfes imported. exorbitant Fees. prevent Lawyers exading or receiving

were Sufferers in the Lofs of the Records

have not already been provided for. of Nanfemond, whofe Cafes adding the An Ad, for dividing the County of King and Queen; and
thereof to the

Upper Part


County of Caroline. Ad, to impmver the juftices

of Elizabeth-City County, to ered

Pounds; and

Purpofes therein mentioned. An Ad, for laying a Tax on the Inhabitants of Augufta County, and appropriating
thereby arifing, to their Ufe.
for appointing feveral



An Ad,




altering the



a former Ferry;

Purpofes therein mentioned.

for eftablifhing the

An Ad,
ing Fairs



Richmond, in



Henrico; and allow-

to be

kept therein.

An Ad, for ereding a Town at Bray's Church, in An Ad, to veft certain Lands therein mentioned,



King George.

in the Feoffees and Truftees of the

An An Ad,

Fredericksburg, and thofe Perfons who have purchafed under them. Ad, for ereding a Town at Conftance'5 Warehoufe, in the County of Nanfemond.
for continuing the



An Ad,

for alloxving



be kept in the

of Fredericksburg.

An Ad, for deftroying Crows and Squirrels on the Eaftem Shore. An Ad, for explaining the Charter granted to the City of Williamsburg
ing the Jurifdidion of the Court of Huftings, within the faid City. An Ad, for dividing the County of Prince William.


for enlarg-



for dividing the



Hanover; and ereding


Upper Part

thereof into

a diftind County.

An Ad,

for preventing the building of

burg, and pulling

at large in the

down Town of Fredericksburg, and Urbanna.

of Saint

fuch as are already built therein;

Wooden Chimnies in the Town of Fredericksand to reftrain Hogs from going

Martin, in the County of Hanover; and ered-

An Ad,

for dividing the

ing the fame into


diftind Parifhes.

An Ad, for dividing the Parifh of Briftol, in the County of Prince George; and ereding




diftind Parifhes;



to veft certain

George Braxton,


and other Purpofes therein mentioned. Trad therein mentioned, in Younger, in Fee Simple; and for fettling other Lands, of greater
entailed Lands, Parcel of a greater

Value, to the fame Ufes.

An Ad, to enable Frances Greenhill to fell and difpofe of her Lands, and other Eftates, by Deed or Will, notwithftanding her Hufband, Jofeph Greenhill, fhall happen to be living;
for other

Purpofes therein mentioned.


The Governor


his Affent to the following Refolve of the

to, viz.


of Burgeffes,

which the Council had agreed

For paying the

Sirni of




to William Parks, from this Time, to the

next Seffion of Affembly, for his Salary, and as a full Recompence, for Printing and Delivering Infpe<5lors Notes and Books, Notes and Receipts for the Duty on Slaves,
Printing Proclamations,

and other Ads


Govermnent, and


other Public Services




obliged to perform.






the following Speech

Gentlemen of the Council,

M' Speaker,

and Gentlemen

of the


of Burgeffes,

have now finifhed the Bufinefs of this Seffion: And tho', in the Variety of Concernments you have had to adjuft, you have not been diverted from making the common Utility the Rule of your Proceedings; yet, you mvift allow me to fay, One Thing has been negletfled. However, as what is paft muft be fubmitted, when you prefumed the Demand would be fatisfied; and fmce, in all Events, provided we are not wanting to ourfelves, the fureft Policy, is to depend upon the Divine Favour; Let us (till Fear God, and Honour the King: Imploring the Prote(5tion of that infinite Power, who, when he pleafes, can make the Wars to ceafe in all the World, by encouraging Religion, and promoting Induftry and Frugality among all Orders and Degrees, throughout the Colony; and in paying a chearful Obedience to the Commands of His Vicegerent. But as thefe are Principles your own Temper will fuggeft, and I am fenfible your private Affairs require your Prefence, I fhall keep you no longer, than, with wifhing all of you Health and Happinefs, to declare. That I have thought fit to Prorogue this Affembly to the Firft Thurfday in September next And this Affembly is accordingly Prorogued to that Time.




Houfe fe



to be held at the Capitol^ in the City

of Williamsburg^ on Thurfday the Sixth Day of May^ in the Fifteenth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord II. by the Grace of God, of Great-Britain^ France^ and Ireland^ King, Defender of the Faith, &c. And from


thence continued, by feveral Prorogations, to Tuefday the Fourth Day of September, in the Eighteenth Year of His faid Majesty's Reign,

and in the Year of our Lord 1744: Second Seffion of this AfTembly.

Being the


Printed by

William Parks,







Tuefday, September 4

Gent, having taken the Oaths appointed to be taken by

Adl of Parliament, inftead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy,

Oath of Abjuration, and the Teft, was, by Virtue of a Commiffion from the Honourable the Lieutenant-Governor, fwom Clerk- Af (iftant to the Houfe; and alfo fubfcribed the Teft, was admitted to his Place in the Houfe. Six Members returned upon new Writs, having taken the Oaths appointed to be taken, by Adl of Parliament, inftead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and taken and fubfcribed the Oath of Abjuration, and alfo fubfcribed the Teft, were admitted to their Places in the Houfe.


Meffage from the Governor was delivered by M"' Walthoe. M' Speaker, The Governor commands the immediate Attendance of this Houfe

in the Coimcil-


M' Speaker, with the Houfe, went up accordingly; and being returned, he reported, That the Houfe had attended the Governor in the Coimcil-Chamber, and that he was pleafed to make a Speech to the Council, and this Houfe; of which, to prevent Mif takes, he had obtain 'd a Copy: Which he read, and afterwards delivered in at the Table; where the fame was again read, and is as follows
Gentlemen of the Council,


Speaker, and Gentlemen of the Houfe of Burgeffes,

you the pure Dictates and AfTe(5tions of my Heart, in faying, I exceedingly rejoice to meet you thus happily reaffembled, after fo long a Recefs; occafioned by the Management of an Affair I was much affedled with, and willing to finifh, before I called you together, and renewed my lincere Affurance, that to promote the Welfare of this Colony, fhaU be the conftant Subjedt of my Study and Meditation. IN your Retirement, no doubt, the like Concern for the Public Good, muft have engaged your Attention and if our joint Endeavours after it, have been in any Inftance difappointed, you will impute it not fo much to a Want of new Laws, as a Difregard to thofe fubfifting; which, I am perfuaded, you are come prepared to redrefs and
Shall deliver to


TO this End,

the Cafe of the Merchants, whofe Freight


become greatly diminifhed

by a fhameful Impofition upon the Infpe(5lors, must be fubmitted to your equitable Confideration and I hope, by the wife and diffufive Temper of Mind, which has been fo well cultivated within thefe Walls, to fee all Licentioufnefs and Immorality more
effedually reftrained,

and that epidemical and

fatal Vice of


intirely fuppreffed.


Gentlemen of



of Burgeffes,

Treaty of Peace and Friendfhip have with the Advice of the Council, concluded a feated to the Weftward Inhabitants, our for with the Northern Indians; and procured thofe Nations claimed which Mountains, a quiet Poffeffion of all the Lands to
of the

a Right.
before you, will receive the Treaty, which with fome Letters, fhall be laid in your Readinefs to difcharge moft fubftantial Evidence of being perfedlly approv'd, Gentlemen to whom we are the to Recompence grateful the Expenfe of it, including a




indebted, for their Trouble


and prudent Management




vindidlive Difpofitions Money Settlement, and out of Compaffion to a People whofe Lands, to effe(5l this Agreeonly can fubdue, the humane Expedient of purchafmg thofe fure I am, you will Meafure, eligible moft the deemed ment, would at any Time be in Command, from had it I when think it the higheft Prudence at that Junfture, Defence againft a more formitheir Excellencies the Lords Juftices, to provide for our dable Power, over whom His Majefty, at the Hazard of His Sacred Perfon, moft eminently diftinguifhing Himfelf in the Battle of Dettingen, obtained a glorious Victory, by H is Wifdom and Magnanimity; and tho' only an Auxiliary in that juft Caufe, yet as the French Court if our great Leader alone animated the whole Alliance, the Intrigues of intended Him, an Invafion of againft Effort defperate into a turned immediately were ftand Crown, and now recorded by a His Pretender to His Dominions, in Favour of a


for the Prefen-ation of the Lives of

our Fellow-Subjedls in that fcattered

Declaration of War.

UNDER a due Senfe therefore of

Wars we

the Indignity offered to our Sovereign,

and of the

are engaged in, that our Refentment may infpire us with proper Refolutions, you muft allow me to recommend to you, the Neceffity of repairing the Batteries at York and Gloucefter, making Provifion for a Garrifon to be kept at Fort George, and putting ourfelves into fuch military Pofture, that we may not only be able, by God's Affiftance, to repel any fudden Attempt that may be made upon this Dominion, but be in a Condition, if called to it, to affift our Neighbours, or, if required, to attack our Ene-

Eftimate of our prefent Happinefs; and convince our inveterate Adverfaries, that we are determined not to exchange our Religion for the Abfurdities of Rome, nor part with our Liberty for the Tyranny of




fhall exhibit the trueft



of the Council,


of the


of Burgeffes,

have mentioned to you, are of the greateft Concernment them into your ferious Confideration and pay fuch a fuitable and fteady Regard to our prefent Exigencies that our Diligence, in the Service of our King and of Cotmtry, may be applauded by our Friends; and that our Enemies may have nothing to hope for from our Negligence. Refolved, That an humble Addrefs be prefented to the Governor, to return him the Thanks of this Houfe, for his kind and affedlionate Speech, to acknowledge his great Care and Vigilance, his Zeal and fteady Adherence to the Intereft of this Colony,
the feveral Matters
to us,



confident you will take

Endeavours to maintain the Honour of the Crown, and the Rights and Liberties of the People, may be bleft with Succefs; and to affure him of our Readinefs to concur with him in all fuch Meafures as fhall be neceffary, to manifeft our Zeal for our moft gracious Sovereign, and fecure the Tranquility of
this Colony.

to exprefs our ardent Wifhes, that all his

Ordered, That a Committee be appointed to draw up an Addrefs to the Governor, upon the faid Refolution And it is referred to M' Corbin, M- Ludwell, and M^ Bland, to prepare and bring in the fame. Refolved, That this Houfe will take the Governor's Speech into Confideration, on

Thurfday next.

Ordered, That an Addrefs be made to the Governor, to order new Writs to iffue, for eleding a Burgefs to ferve in this prefent Seffion of Affembly, for the County of Stafford, in the Room of Henry Fitzhugh, Efq; deceafed.

Alfo a
for the

new Writ new Writ


for eledling a Burgefs to ferve in this prefent Seffion of Affembly,


of Weftmoreland, in the


of Daniel

McCarty, Gent, deceafed.

Alfo a
for the

for electing a Burgefs to ferve in this prefent Seffion of Affembly,

in the

King William,


Thomas Weft, Gent, deceafed.


Alfo a

new Writ

for eledling a Burgefs to ferve in this prefent Seffion of Affembly,

for the College of

William and Mary, in the Room of Edward Baradall, Efq deceafed. Alfo a new Writ for electing a Burgefs to ferve in this prefent General Affembly,

for the


of Surry, in the



John Cargill, Gent, deceafed.

Alfo a
for the

new Writ

for elecfting a Burgefs to ferve in this prefent General Affembly,


County of New-Kent, in the Room of William Baffet, Gent, deceafed. Alfo a new Writ for eledling a Burgefs to ferve in this prefent General Affembly, the Coimty of Hanover, in the Room of Robert Harris, Gent, who, fince the lat
hath accepted of the Office of Surveyor. Alfo a new Writ for electing a Burgefs to ferve
in this prefent


General Affembly,

for the



King William,

in the


of M''

James Power, who, fmce the

hath accepted of the Office of Clerk of a Court. Alfo a new Writ for elefting a Burgefs to ferve in this prefent General Affembly, for the Coimty of Middle fex, in the Room of Ralph Wormley, Efq; who, fmce the laft Seffion of Affembly, hath accepted of the Office of Naval Officer. Alfo a new Writ for eledling a Burgefs to ferve in this prefent General Affembly, for the County of Prince William, in the Room of William Fairfax, Efq; who hath been promoted to be one of His Majefty's Honourable Council, fmce the laft Seffion of
Seffion of Affembly,


for the

new Writ

for eledling a Burgefs to ferve in this prefent General Affembly,


Room of Lewis Burwell, Efq who hath been promoted to be one of His Majefty's Honourable Council, fince the laft Seffion of Affembly. Ordered, That M"' Ludwell do attend the Governor with the faid Addrefs. Ordered, That the Reverend M'' Thomas Dawfon be continued Chaplain to this Houfe; and that he attend to read Prayers every Morning, at Ten of the Clock. Ordered, That William Francis, James Lavie, Robert Wager, and Thomas Broadribb, be continued Door-keepers to this Houfe; and that they give their Attendance accordCounty
of Gloucefter, in the



That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning Eleven


W^ednefday, September




the Committee of Privileges and Elections be revived, and confift of the


following Perfons



W Richard Randolph,

William Randolph,


Harrifon, and

M' Whiting,

they are to meet and adjourn from Day to Day and to take into their Confideration, fuch Matters as fhall or may come in Queftion, touching Returns, Eledlions, and



to report their Proceedings, with their Opinion thereupon, from


to Time, to this Houfe.

And the faid Committee


to have

Power to fend

for Witneffes,

Perfons, Papers,

and Records,

for their Information.



That the Committee

of Propofitions

and Grievances be revived, and


of the following Perfons

Conway, M' Simmons,



W Harrifon, W Richard Randolph, Walke, w


M' Woodbridge, U^ Whiting,



W Nelfon, M' W William Gray, W Bland,



M' Wafhington, and


come, legally certified, to this Affembly; all from And to report their Proceedings, with their Opinions thereupon, to the Houfe, the delivered to be are to Grievances and Time to Time And all fuch Propofitions they have And Courfe. the Houfe, and by him to the faid Committee of
Propofitions and Grievances, that

into their Confideration And they are to meet and adjourn from Day to Day and to take

Clerk of


to fend for Perfons, Papers,

and Records,

for their Information.


That the Committee

of Courts of Juftice be revived,


confift of the

following Perfons:
M'' Carter,

M^ Fantleroy, M^ Cocke, M' Lomax, M' Eppes, M' Reddick, M' Garnet, Randolph, William M"M^ Baker. M' Waller, and And they are to meet and adjourn from Day to Day; and to take into their Confideration, all Matters relating to Courts of Juftice, and all fuch other Matters as fhall,

W Jofeph Gray,

from Time to Time, be referred to them: And report their Proceedings. And the faid! Committee are to have Power to fend for Perfons, Papers, and Records, for their


That the Committee


Trade be revived, and

confift of the following]


M' Nelfon, M' Harmer,



W Walke,

W Boufh, U' W Reddick, and



Richard Randolph,


they are to meet and adjourn from Day to Day; and take under their Confidera-1 Things relating to the Trade of this Colony; and all fuch Matters as fhall be,I from Time to Time, to them referred: And report their Proceedings. And the faidj


tion, all

Committee are to have Power to fend

laft Seffion

for Perfons, Papers,

and Records,

for their Infor-

That the Committee for Courts of Juftice, do infpedl the Journal of thel and prepare and draw up a State of the Matters then depending and undetermined and the Progrefs that was made therein and report the fame to the Houfe. That they do examine what Laws have expired fince the laft Seffion and infpedl fuchi Temporary Laws as will expire with the End of this Seffion, or are near expiring; and! report the fame to the Houfe, with their Opinion, which of them are fit to be revived and continued. Ordered, That the Clerks of the feveral Committees, be continued in their refpe(5tive


Corbin reported, That the Perfons appointed, had, according to Order, prepared an Addrefs to the Governor Which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table; where the fame was again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe, without

any Amendment



as follows



His Majefty's moft Dutiful and Loyal Subjects, the Burgeffes of Virginia, now met in General Affembly, humbly beg Leave to return your Honour our hearty Thanks for your kind and affedlionate Speech, at the Opening
of this Seffion.

Minds are filled with the moft lively Sentiments of Gratitude, when we refie(ft how firmly you are attached to the Honour of the Crown, and how zealous at the fame Time to support the Rights and Liberties of the People. FROM a juft Senfe of the Bleffmgs derived to us, by o equal and fo fteady a Condu(5l, we cannot help declaring, with the greateft Ardour and Affedlion to your Perfon and Government, that we will give all poffible Difpatch to the Public Bufinefs, as it fhall, from Time to Time, be brought before us that as the People we reprefent feel the Happinefs of your Adminiftration, fo you. Sir, may feel the Eafe of it And from a dutiful Regard to the Honour and Dignity of our moft gracious Sovereign, and a juft Concern for the Intereft of our Country, which we fhall always look upon as indifpenfable Obligations, we have the greateft Satisfaction in affuring your Honour, that we will concur with you in every Meafure that is neceiiary, with that Chearfulnefs and Affecftion which becomes a Houfe of Burgeffes, tender and jealous of the Honour of the Crown, careful and foUicitous for the Welfare and Profperity of this Colony. Ordered, That the faid Addrefs be fairly tranfcribed, and prefented to the Governor, by the Speaker and the whole Houfe. Ordered, That the Committee who prepared the fame, do wait on the Governor, to know his Pleafure when the Houfe fhall attend, to prefent it.
; :


That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning Eleven


Thurfday, September 6, 1744.


returned upon a new Writ, having taken the Oaths appointed to be taken by Adl of Parliament, inftead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and taken and fubfcribed the Oath of Abjuration, and alfo fubfcribed the Teft, was admitted to his Place in the Houfe. M' Corbin reported, That the Committee had, according to Order, waited on the


Governor, to
that he


his Pleafure


the Houfe fhould attend

him with

their Addrefs

was pleafed

to fay he

would fend a Meffage to the Houfe, when he was

ready to receive

Beverley Randolph be

added to the Committee

of Propofitions



Meffage from the Governor was delivered by M' Walthoe.



the Governor to acquaint this Houfe, That his ready to receive their Addrefs in the Council-Chamber.

am commanded by




M"^ Speaker, with the Houfe, went up; and being returned, reported, That he had, with the Houfe, attended the Governor in the Coimcil-Chamber, and prefented the Addrefs of this Hoiofe to him To which he was pleafed to return the following Anfwer

my fincere Thanks for your truly loyal and affedionate Addrefs. If I could receive greater Satisfadion than from the dutiful Regard you exprefs for the Honour

Gentlemen, / Give you

and Dignity
your Country, it would Croum, unth the juft Concern far the Intereft of Promife of concurring with me in every neceffary Meafure; be in the Reliance I have on your Welfare and Profpertty dethe Defence of the Colony, on which its for I make no doubt, but the moft expedient. pend, will, at this Junaure, be thought you to difpatch the Public Bufinefs, with that induce will Confiderations
of the


Proceedings heretofore with Pleafure, Unanimity and Agreetnent I liave obferved in your you, I have fo great a Value for your and can cmnmend with Juftice. And I do affure the fame Methods I obtained it. Efteem, that I fhall endeavour to preferve it by


Meffage from the Governor was delivered by



the Governor to wait on this Houfe with the Releafe for Lands George the Second; together with from the Six Nations of Indians, to His Majefty King the Journal of the Treaty with the fame Indians. That the Releafe and Journals lie on the Table, for the Perufal of the

W Speaker,

am commanded by


That the Order of this Houfe for taking the Governor's Speech into their Confideration this Day, be put off 'til Monday next. Ordered, That the Committee of Claims be revived, and confift of the following

M"" Beverley,

W Turner, W Weftwood, W W Hedgman, W Wall, M' W Crawford,

Boiling, Mitchell,



Harmanfon, M^ Rujfin, M' Swinney,





M' Eyre, and

M' Cobbs.

and take into their Confideration Houfe during this Seffion; and to report their Proceedings, with their Opinions thereupon, to the Houfe, when they have gone through the faid Claims And all Perfons that have any Claims are to deliver them And they to the Clerk, and he is to deliver the fame to the faid Committee, of Covirfe. are to have Power to fend for Perfons, Papers, and Records, for their Information. Ordered, That M'' Cary be continued Clerk of the Committee of Claims. M' Harrifon reported. That the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances had had under their Confideration, divers Propofitions from feveral Counties, to them referred, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon; which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where Part thereof, being twice read, was agreed to by the


they are to meet and adjourn from


to Day,

public Claims, which fhall be prefented to the

Houfe, as follows
Refolved, That the Petition of the Diredors and Truftees of Suffolk Town, in Nanfemond County, for confirming the Titles of the refpeftive Inhabitants, Owners and

Proprietors of the Lots in the faid


the Wife of Jethro Sumner, and


Town, and quieting them, from the Claim of Marall Perfons claiming under her, is reafonable. That the Propofition from the County of Prince William, for enabling the

Juftices of that County, to agree with the Juftices of Fairfax, for fupporting Occoquan Ferry, at the Expence of both Counties proportionately, is reafonable.

public Ware-houfes at

That the Propofition from the County of Amelia, for difcontinuing the Bermuda Hundred, and eredling new Warehoufes in their Stead, at John Ofborn's, in Henrico County, be rejeded: And that the Propofition from the fame County, againft it, is reafonable.

And to the

Refolution of the faid Committee, That the Propofition from the County

of Fairfax, for maintaining Occoquan Ferry, at the


of that

County and Prince


William County, be


The Houfe



That the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances do prepare and bring


purfuant to the faid Propofition.


That the further Confideration

That a
Bill or Bills

of the faid Report, be referred






purfuant to the Refolutions agreed to by that the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances do prepare and
be brought

bring in the fame.

Claim of Abraham Baily, for taking up one Runaway Negro therein mentioned. Alfo a Claim of Samuel Hancock, for taking up a Runaway Servant Man therein

AKo a Claim of William Bertrand, for taking up one Negro Man therein mentioned, were feverally presented to the Houfe, and received. Ordered, That it be an IrLftru(5lion to the Committee of Claims, to allow the faid
Claims refpedlively in the


of Claims.

That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning Eleven


Friday, September 7, 1744.


Carter, from the Committee of Courts of Juftice reported. That they had, according to Order, infpecfted the Journals of the laft Seffion of Affembly; and had prepared and drawn up a State of the Matters then depending and

undetermined, and the Progrefs that was made therein, and had agreed upon a Report; which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where the fame was again twice read, and thereupon Ordered, That the Propofition for dividing Goochland Covmty; alfo the Propofition
againft dividing the faid County.

AKo, That the Propofition of Jofhua Fry and Robert Brooke, to make an exacT; Survey of this Colony, and to print and publish a Map thereof; in which fhall be laid down the Bay, the navigable Rivers, with their Soundings, Counties, Parifhes, Towns, and Gentlemens Seats, and whatever elfe is remarkable; which were feverally referred from the laft Seffion of Affembly, to the Confideration of this, be referred to the Committee of Propofitions

and Grievances.

Conway, from the Committee of Privileges and Ele<5lions reported, That they had had iinder their Confideration, the Returns of the Writs for eledling Burgeffes to fer\'e in this prefent General Affembly, for the Coimties of Norfolk, Amelia, Orange and Fairfax, and the College of William and Mary, and had agreed upon a Report; which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where the fame was again
twice read,

and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows Refolved, That the Returns of the faid Writs, for eledling Burgeffes for the Counties of Orange and Norfolk, are made in the Form prefcribed by Law And that the Returns of the faid Writs, for eledling Burgeffes for the Counties of Fairfax and Amelia, and the College of William and Mary, are not made in the Form prefcribed by Law. Ordered, That the Returns of the faid Writs be amended, by the Clerk at the Table; and they were amended accordingly. Ordered, That an Addrefs be made to the Governor, to order a new Writ to iffue, for eledling a Burgefs to ferve in this Prefent General Affembly, for the Cotmty of

James-City, in the

of Lewis Burwell, Gent, deceafed. Ludwell wait on the Governor for that Purpofe. A Petition of M'' Robert Lewis, complaining of an vmdue Eledlion and Return of M' Abraham Venable, to ferve as a Burgefs in this prefent General Affembly, for the County of Louifa, was prefented to the Houfe, and read.




to the Confideration of the Committee Ordered That the faid Petition be referred That they examine into the Matter thereof, and report of Privileges and Elections: their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. the fame, as it fhall appear to them, with Negro therem menA Claim of John Waller, Jun. for taking up one Runaway
. .

William Short, for taking up one Runaway Negro therem mentioned, received. were feverally prefented to the Houfe, and Committee of Claims, to allow the faid the Ordered, That it be an Inftrudion to

AUo a Claim


Claims refpedively in the Book of Claims. Two Members returned upon new Writs, having taken the Oaths appointed to be of Allegiance and Supremacy, and taken by Ad of Parliament, inftead of the Oaths alfo fubfcribed the Teft, were adand taken and fubfcribed the Oath of Abjuration, mitted to their Places in the Houfe. Elections, to be heard at the Bar of Refolved, That in all Cafes of controverted
this Houfe, or before the


of Privileges


Eledlions, the Petitioners do,

by themfelves or by their Agents, within a convenient Time, to be appointed, either by the Houfe or the Committee of Privileges and Eledlions, as the Matter to be heard
be before the Houfe, or the faid Committee, deliver to the fitting Members, or their Agents, Lifts of the Perfons intended by the Petitioners to be objedled to, who voted for the fitting Members giving in the faid Lifts, the feveral Heads of Objedion, and diftinguifhing the fame, againft the Names of the Voters excepted to: And that

the fitting



by themfelves or

their Agents, within the

fame Time, deliver

the like Lifts on their Part, to the Petitioners or their Agents. Ordered, That M' Scarborough be added to the Committee of Claims.
Ordered, That

M' Hatchings be added to the Committee of Trade and Courts


That M' Doiiglafs be added to the Committee of Courts of Juftice. Ordered, That nine of the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, be a fufificient Number to make a Committee; and five of all other Committees. M"' Harrifon, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances reported. That the Committee had had under their Confideration, divers Propofitions from feveral Counties to them referred And had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table, where the fame were again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows Refolved, That the Propofition from the County of Goochland, for appointing public Ferries at Charles Lynchers Plantation, and on M'' Benjamin Cocke's Land, on the

Northanna, in that County, will be convenient for Travellers,




That the Propofition from the County of Goochland, for appointing a


public Ferry a-crofs James River, on the

Willis's Creek, in that

Land of Afhford Hughes, near the be convenient for Travellers, is reafonable.



That the Propofition from the Cotmty of Richmond, for repealing fo much of the Law as obliges Juftices of the Peace to fend an able bodied Man in their Room, or to give their own perfonal Attendance at Mufters, be rejedled. Refolved, That the Propofitions from the Counties of Richmond and Northumberland, for repealing fo much of the Adl, To reftrain Sheriffs and other Officers, from making urtrcafonable Seifures and Diftreffes, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, as makes it unlawful for any Juftice to make out an Execution on a Judgment by him granted out of Court againft the Body of any Debtor, be rejedled. Refolved, That the Propofition from the County of Richmond, to amend the Adl For the better Prefervation of the Breed of Deer, and preventing unlawful fhooting; and to add a Claufe, prohibiting any Perfon, not poffeffed of a certain Freehold Eftate in Lands, from keeping any Hounds or Beagles, under a Penalty, be rejedled. Refolved, That the Propofition from Effex County, to reftrain Hogs from running at large in Tappahanock Town in that County, be rejedled.


Ordered, That a Bill or Bills be brought in, purfuant to the faid Refolutions agreed by the Houfe; and that the Committee for Propofitions and Grievances do prepare and bring in the fame. Ordered, That M"" Harrifon and M'' Beverly have Leave to be abfent from the Service of the Houfe tmtil Monday next.


That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning Eleven


Saturday, September 8, 1744.


Speaker laid before the Houfe, the Letters mentioned in the Governor's Speech; which being read, were ordered to lie upon the Table. M'' Conway reported, from the Committee of Privileges and Eledlions,

That the Committee had had imder their Confideration, the Return of the Writ for eledling Burgeffes to ferve in this present General Affembly, for the County of Louifa; and had agreed upon a Report: Which he read in his Place, and afterwards
delivered in at the Table, where the

fame was again twice read; and agreed


by the

Houfe, as follows:



appears to this Committee, that the Return of the faid Writ

faid Committee,


in the


Form prefcribed by Law. Conway alfo reported, from the

That the Committee had had

under their Confideration, the Petition of M'' Robert Lewis, to them referred, complaining of an undue Eledlion and Return of M"' Abraham Venable, to ferve as a Burgefs in this prefent General Affembly, for the Coxmty of Louifa and had partly heard as well the

Petitioner as the fitting

Member, by

their Council,

and had come to

divers Refolutions


Which he read

in his Place,

fame being again twice read, Refolved, That the Perfons who voted at the faid Election, whofe Freeholds are queftioned either by the Petitioner or fitting Member, be examined, upon Oath, before Ambrofe Jofhua Smith, John Carr, and John Starke, Gentlemen, Juftices of the Peace for the Covmty of Louifa, or any of them, at the Court-houfe of that Coimty, whether they be Freeholders or not? except such of them as did fwear to their Freeholds at
the Eledlion.

and then delivered in at the Table; where the were agreed to by the Houfe, as follows


That the Petitioner and fitting Member be at Liberty to examine Witneffes the faid Juftices, or any of them, as to the Freeholds of any Perfons who voted

at the Eledlion, altho' fuch Perfons fwore to their Freeholds at the Elecflion, or fhall

fwear to them before the Juftices.

That as well the Petitioner as the fitting Member, do, at leaft a Week before the Examination of their Witneffes, deliver to each other, a Lift of the Names of the Voters objedled to; and that it be an Inftrudlion to the faid Juftices, to examine how long fuch Voters have been in Poffeffion of, and paid Quit-Rents for the Lands or Tenements, in Right of which they voted at the Eledlion And that they return the Examination to the Committee on Monday come Four Weeks. A Petition of Elizabeth Bannifter, fetting forth. That her Hufband being one of

Company; for His Majefty's Service in and praying fuch Relief as to this Houfe fhall feem fit, was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Public Claims; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion
the Soldiers enlifted in Captain Wafhington's
the Weft-Indies, died there;

thereupon, to the Houfe.

Claim of James Talbot, for taking up

Two runaway


was prefented

to the

Houfe, and received.





be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Claims, to allow the faid

of George Goodloe, late





of Claims.

many Services the faid George Goodloe had Sheriff of Caroline County, fetting forth this Houfe, concerning a difputed performed, as Sheriff, in Obedience to an Order of between John Martin and Jonathan Gibfon, for which he had never received

Petition of

John Minor and Diana Goodloe, Executors



and praying the Confideration

of the Houfe,

was prefented

to the

Houfe, and read.

That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Public Claims; with their Opinion and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame,

thereupon, to the Houfe. Two Members returned upon


Writs, having taken the Oaths appointed to be

taken by

Ad of Parliament, inftead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and taken

of Abjuration,

and fubfcribed the Oath



alfo fubfcribed the Teft,

were admitted to

their Places in the Houfe.

That the Houfe be adjourned


Monday Morning Eleven


Monday, September lo, 1744.


Petition of Jofeph Molton, Jun. fetting forth.

That a Slave




was murdered lais fometime afterwards foimd dead And that notwithftanding he made Application to a Juftice to outlaw him, he failed to do it; and praying the ConfidOverfeer's Wife, endeavoured to


his Efcape, but

eration of the Houfe therein.

Duty at a Mufter, under Capt. Matthew Wills, he was unfortunately wounded; and had been at a very confiderable Expence in paying a Surgeon for attending him, and dreffing his Wounds; and praying fuch Relief as this Houfe fhall think fit.
Alfo a Petition of Litler Herbert, fetting forth.


in performing his

Alfo a Petition of Robert Powell, fetting forth. That a Slave of his abfented himfrom his Service, and being outlawed, was afterwards found dead, with feveral ftolen Goods by him; and praying fuch an Allowance as to this Houfe fhall feem fit, were feverally prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the faid Petitions be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Claims And that they do examine the feveral Matters thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. A Petition of John Chew, fetting forth. That a Negro Woman belonging to him, ran away and that having outlawed her, fhe was, about two Months after, found dead, and praying the Relief of this Houfe; was prefented to the Houfe, and read.


of Claims?

the Queftion being put. That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee It pa ffed in the Negative.

That the faid Petition be Rejedled. That M' Venable have Leave to be abfent from the Senace of this Houfe. A Claim of Richard Bennet, for taking up a Runaway therein mentioned, was prefented to the Houfe, and received. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Claims, to allow the faid Claim in the Book of Claims.



A Petition of Margaret Anderfon, fetting forth, That her Hufband died in Jamaica, His Majefty's Service, on the late Expedition. Alfo a Petition of Sarah Williams, to the fame Purpofe. Alfo a Petition of Elizabeth Mannell, to the fame Purpofe.
Alfo a Petition of Catharine Williams, to the fame Purpofe, were feverally pre-

fented to the Houfe, and read.


That the faid Petitions be referred to the Confideration of the Committee that they do examine the feveral Matters thereof; and report the fame, Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. their with The Order of the Day for taking the Governor's Speech into Confideration, being

of Claims



The Houfe Refolved

Governor's Speech:


into a


of the whole Houfe, to confider the

fome Time fpent therein, M'' Speaker refumed the Chair; That the Committee had had the Governor's Speech imder their Confideration, and had made fome Progrefs therein; but not having Time to go through the fame, had diredled him to move for Leave to fit again. Refolved, That this Houfe will again refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to Confider further of the Governor's Speech, To-morrow. M"" Carter informed the Houfe, That M'' Samuel Earl, a fitting Member, had not been a Freeholder, at the Time of his Eledlion, above Six Months. Ordered, That the Confideration of the faid Information, be referred to the Committee of Privileges and Eledlions And that they do examine the Matter thereof and





report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.


That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning Eleven


Tuefday, September ii, 1744.

Harrifon, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported, That the Committee had had tmder their Confideration, a Propolition from the Covmty of Richmond, for amending and explaining, or repealing fo much of the Adl, For fettling the Titles and Bounds of Land, and preventing unlawful Shooting and Ranging thereupon, as relates to Proceffioning the Boimds of Lands; and had come to a Refolution thereupon; which he read in his Place, and then delivered


in at

the Table.

That the Report do lie on the Table. That M'' Beverley be added to the Committee of Privileges and Eledlions. M"" N elfon reported, That the Committee of Trade had had under their Confideration, feveral Matters relating to the Trade of this Colony, to them referred; and had come to a Refolution thereupon; which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at


the Table.

That the faid Report do


on the Table.

A Petition of Robert Spilsbee Coleman, was prefented to the Houfe, and read;

That Seventeen Acres of the Town called Tappahannock, was, by an exact Survey made by Robert Brooke, Surv^eyor of Effex Cotmty, foimd to be within the Bounds of his Land; and praying that this Houfe will pay him for the faid Land, according to the prefent Value of it. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances: And that they do examine the Matter thereof; and
report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.

from the Committee for Courts of Justice, reported. That the Committee had, according to Order, examined what Laws have expired fince the laft Seffion of Affembly; and infpe<5led fuch Temporary Laws as will expire with or foon after the End of this Seffion of Affembly And had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon; which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table. Ordered, That the Report do lie on the Table. M"' Carter moved for Leave to prefent a Bill, to explain and amend an A6t, intituled, An Ad to prevent frivolous and vexatious Suits; and to regulate Attornies, pradifing in the County Courts: And the fame was received, and read the First Time.





That the Bill be read a Second Time. A Motion being made, To-morrow? That the Order of the Day be referred 'til


pa ffed tn







will again refolve itfelf into a

Committee, to confider


further the Governor's Speech, To-morrow.


That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning Eleven


IFednefday, September 12, 1744.

FOUR Members taken by


returned upon new Writs, having taken the Oaths appointed A(5l of Parliament, inftead of the Oaths of Allegiance and to be Supremacy, and taken and fubfcribed the Oath of Abjuration, and alfo fubfcribed the Teft, were admitted to their Places in the Houfe.

That M^ Richard Tunftall be appointed Clerk to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and alfo to the Committee of Privileges and Elections, in the Room of M' Benjaviin Waller, who is elefted a Burgefs for the County of James-City. Ordered, That M' Benjamin Waller be added to the Committee of Privileges and EleAions; and alfo to the Committee for Courts of Juftice. Ordered, That M' Wormley be added to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances.

Petition of

Henry Wythe was prefented to the Houfe and read,

fetting forth,

That a Slave belonging to him, being about to be apprehended, on Suspicion of having poifoned his Overfeer, ran away, and being out-lawed, drowned himself, in order to
prevent his being taken
faid Slave.

and praying


Houfe to make him fome Allowance

for the

of Claims:

That the

faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the



that they do examine the Matter thereof;

and report the fame, with

their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.

The Houfe, according to Order, Refolved itfelf into a Committee, to confider further the Governor's Speech: And after fome Time fpent therein, M' Speaker refumed the Chair; and M' Conway reported, That the Committee had had the Governor's Speech under their Confideration, and had made a further Progrefs therein; but not having Time to go through the fame, had diredled him to move for Leave to fit





again refolve


into a Committee, to confider

further of the Governor's Speech, on



of Propofitions

That M' Ludwell be added to the Committee


and Griev-

ances; and alfo to the Committee of Trade.


was prefented

to the

Henry Tomlinfon, for taking up a Runaway Negro, therein mentioned, Houfe and read.

Alfo feveral Claims of Robert Dudley, for Services therein mentioned. AKo a Claim of William Taliaferro, late Sheriff of the County of King and Queen,
for Four Hundred and Eighty Pounds of Tobacco, levied Hearndon, who lived in Caroline County.

that County, on James




Claims refpedlively


be an Inftruftion to the Commitee of Claims, to allow the faid the Book of Claims.

M^ Harrifon, according to Order, prefented a Bill, To eftablifh and confirm the Bounds and Titles of Lands, held in the Town of Suffolk, in the County of Nanfemond; and the fame was read the Firft Time. Ordered, That the Bill be read a Second Time.


The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Report from the Committee of made Yefterday; and the fame being twice read, was agreed to by the Houfe,


as follows





Provifion be


for the Relief of infolvent Debtors;

be for the Advancement of Trade and public Credit, if legal and for the effectual Difcovery
in a Bill,

and equal Diftribution of their Eftates. Ordered, That the Committee of Trade do prepare and bring
the faid Refolution.

purfuant to



Richard Vernon, for a Service therein mentioned, was prefented to the

Houfe, and received.

Ordered, That it be an Inftrudion to the Committee of Claims, to allow the faid Claim in the Book of Claims. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Report from the Committee of


and Grievances, made Yefterday; and the fame being twice




agreed to by the Houfe, as follows


For fettling the Titles and Bounds of Lands, and and Ranging thereupon, as relates to Proceffioning the Bounds of Land, ought to be amended. Ordered, That the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances do prepare and
fo of the Adl,



preventing unlawful Shooting

bring in a


purfuant to the faid Refolution.

Petition of


Briftol, fetting forth,

That her Hufband being

inlifted in


Majefty's Service, to ferv'e on the late Expedition againft the Spaniards, died.

Alfo a Petition of Margaret Guy, to the fame Purpofe. Alfo a Petition of Sarah Drighoufe, to the fame Purpofe
to the

were feverally prefented

Houfe, and read.



That the faid Petitions be referred to the Confideration of the Committee And that they do examine the Matters thereof, and report the fame, with
explain and


Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.

Bill to

amend an

A6t, intituled,

An Ad


prevent frivolous


vexatious Suits,


to regulate

Attornies practifing in the County Courts,

was read a

Second Time.

That the faid Bill be committed to the Committee for Courts of Juftice. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Report from the Committee for Courts of Juftice, made Yefterday; and the fame being twice read, Part thereof was agreed to by the Houfe, as follows. Refolved, That the Adl of Affembly, made in the Twelfth Year of the Reign of his present Majefty, intituled. An Ad, for the better Regulating and Colleding certain Officers Fees, and other Purpofes therein mentioned, which will expire at the End of this Seffion of the General Affembly, ought to be continued, with Amendments. Refolved, That the Adl of Affembly, made in the Fifth and Sixth Years of His Majefty's Reign, intituled, An Ad, for laying a Duty on Liquors: And another Adl of Affembly, made in the Twelfth Year of His Majefty's Reign, For continuing and amending the fame: And alfo one other Adl of Affembly, made in the Tenth Year of His Majefty's Reign, intituled, An Ad, for laying a Duty on Liquors imported by Land, and better fecuring the Duty upon Slaves; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, as to fo much thereof as relates to the faid Duty upon Liquors imported by Land: And likewife one other Ad; of Affembly, made in the Fifteenth Year of His prefent Majefty's Reign, For continuing and amending the faid Three feveral Ads; all which will expire on the laft Day of July, 1746, ought to be reduced into One Ad; of Affembly, and conOrdered,

That the Adl

of Affembly,


in the Fifteenth


of the



His prefent Majefty, intituled,



for preventing Loffes from Drivers paffing mith


Cattle through this Colony,


for laying a

at the


of this prefent Seffion

Duty upon Horfes imported; which wiU expire of the General Affembly, ought to be continued, with



Year of the Reign of or receiving exorbitant exading Lawyers His prefent Majefty, intituled. An Ad, to prevent Affembly, ought General which will expire at the End of this prefent Seffion of the

That the Ad;

of Affembly,


in the Fifteenth

to be continued, with

That the Adl


to the Refolution of the Committee,



in the

Ad, for reducing the Fifteenth Year of the Reign of His Laws made, for amending tlte Staple of Tobacco; and for preventing Frauds in His Majefwhich will expire the Ninth Day of November, ty' s Cuftoms, into One A&. of Affembly; The Houfe difagreed. Amendments, 1746, ought to be continued, with
prefent Majefty, intituled.
faid Adl ought not to be continued. Refolution of the Committee, That the A(ft of Affembly, made another And intituled, An Ad, to allow in the Fifteenth Year of the Reign of His prefent Majefty, and Levies charge Officers Fees in Money Per fans not concerned in making Tobacco, to dif which will expire at the End of this prefent Seffion of Affembly, ought not to be con-



That the

alfo to

tinued, the

Houfe difagreed. Refolved, That the faid Ad ought to be continued, with Amendments. Ordered, That the Committee for Courts of Juftice, do prepare and bring in a Bill, purfuant to the Refolution for continuing, with Amendments, the Adl of Affembly,

Twelfth Year of His Majefty's Reign, intituled. An Ad, for the better Regulating and Colleding certain Officers Fees; and other Purpofes therein mentioned. And alfo a Bill, purfuant to the Refolution for continuing, with Amendments, the


in the

A<3; of



in the Fifteenth


of His prefent Majefty's Reign, intituled,

An Ad,

prevent Lawyers exading or receiving exorbitant Fees.

in a Bill,

That the Committee

of Propolitions

and Greivances do prepare and bring


purfuant to the Refolution for continuing the Adl of Affembly, made in the Fifteenth Year of His prefent Majefty's Reign, intituled. An Ad, to allow Per fans not
concerned in making Tobacco,

Money. And alfo a Bill, purfuant to the Refolution for continuing, with Amendments, the Adl made in the Fifteenth Year of the Reign of His prefent Majefty, intituled. An Ad, for preventing Loffes from Drivers paffing with Cattle through this Colony; and for laying a Duty upon Horfes imported. Ordered, That the Committee of Trade do prepare and bring in a Bill, purfuant to the other Refolution agreed to by this Houfe. A Petition of the Inhabitants of the Town of Richmond, praying, That an Adtj may be pafs'd, For preventing the Inhabitants of the faid Town, for the future, from\ building Wooden Chimnies, or fuffering their Hogs to run at large, was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committe of Propofitions and Grievances: And that they do examine the Matter thereof; and

difcharge Levies and Officers Fees in

report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.

Upon a Motion made.

That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, to repeal fo much of the Adl, made Eighth Year of the Reign of His prefent Majefty, To prevent the Building Wooden Chimnies in the Towns of York and Gloucefter; and for pulling down as are already
in the



Hogs and Goats frmn going at large in the faid Town as relates to the reftraining Hogs and Goats from going at large in the faid Town And that M^ Nelfon do prepare and bring in the fame.
built therein;



of of

York, York:


That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning Eleven o'Clock.



Thurfday, September 13, 1744.

M'' Hutchings have Leave to be abfent from the Service of this Houfe, 'til Tuefday next. A Petition of the Veftry of St. Mary's Parifh, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, That fundry of the Inhabitants of Dryfdale Parifh, have petitioned to be added to their Parifh; and praying their Petition may not be granted.


of Propofitions

That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee and Grievances: And that they do examine the Matter thereof; and

report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.

That M' Power be added to the Committee of Privileges and Eledions; and aKo to the Committee for Courts of Juftice. Ordered, That M'' Moore be added to the Committee of Proportions and Grievances. M' Harrifon, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances reported, That the Committee had had under their Confideration, divers Propofitions from feveral Coimties, to them referred and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon Which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table; where the fame were again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows Refolved, That the Propofition from the County of Prince William, for dividing the
; :

Parifh of Hamilton, in that County,




That the Propofitions from the Coimty of Goochland, for dividing that Coimty, by a Line to be run from the Point of the Fork of James River, a North-Eaft Courfe, to Louifa County Line; and from the faid Point of the Fork, a diredt Courfe to Brook's Mill; and from thence, the fame Courfe continued to Appamattox River, are
Refolved, That the Propofition from the County of Goochland, for dividing that County by James River, and the South Branch thereof, called the Fluvanna, be rejedled. Refolved, That the Propofition from the County of Goochland, againft a Divifion of the faid Coimty; and for exempting the Inhabitants of the Frontier Parts of that County from the Paiment of Levies for a few Years, be rejedted. Refolved, That the Propofitions from the County of Goochland, for dividing the Parifh of St. James's, in that County, by James River, and the Fluvanna, are reafonable. Refolved, That the Propofition from the Coimty of Goochland, for afcertaining the Bounds of King William Parifh, in that County, be reje<5ted. Refolved, That the Propofal of Anthony Gavin, Minifter of St. James's Parifh, in Goochland Coimty, for impowering the Veftry to fell the old Glebe of that Parifh, on the North Side of James River; and to purchase another in a more convenient Place, is

and Grievances, do prepare and bring And that it be an Inftrudtion to the faid Committee, to receive a Claufe or Claufes in the Bill, for dividing the County of Goochland, by a Line to be run from the Point of the Fork of James River, a North-Eaft Courfe to Louifa County Line and from the faid Point of the Fork, a diredt Courfe to Brook's Mill; and from thence the fame Courfe continued to Appamattox River, to eredl the new County into a diftindl Parifh. Ordered, That M"' Meriwether be added to the Committee of Claims. A Petition of John Boiling, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; praying an Allowance for a new Warehoufe, built at Appamattox Point. Ordered, That the Confideration of the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Claims And that they do examine the Matter thereof and report the fame, with their

That the Committee

of Propofitions


Bill or Bills,

purfuant to the faid Refolutions

Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.



Suffolk, in the

and confirm the Bounds and Titles of Lands, held in County of Nanfemond, was read a Second Time.






That the


be committed to the Committee of Propofitions and Griev-

Motion being made,

his Wife, That a Bill for that That Notice be given to Jethro Sumner, and Margaret Queftion being put. That the QuefPurpofe is brought into this Houfe; and the previous the in Affirmative. pa It [fed Motion? tion be put upon the faid Then the Queftion being put on the faid Motion? // paffed in the Affirmative. Sumner, and Margaret his Wife, purfuant Refolved, That Notice be given to Jethro

to the faid Motion.

Then a Motion was made, That fome Perfon in the County of Nanfemond, do privily examine the faid MarAnd tranfmit a Certificate of the faid Bill? garet Sumner, Whether fhe affents to the fame to the Committee to whom the faid Bill is committed And the Queftion being

put thereupon?

It paffed in the Negative.

That the Motion be rejedled. Privileges and Elections, reported. That the M"" Conway, from the Committee of the Matter to them referred, concerning Confideration, Committee had had under their this Houfe, for the County of the Qualification of M"' Samuel Earl, to fit as a Member of which he read in his Place, and thereupon; Refolution to a come had And Frederick:
afterwards delivered in at the Table; and is as follows: Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the faid M' Earl


Upon which, a Debate



and the Queftion being put thereupon, the Houfe

Noes go


Noes 8 Yeas 45

That the faid M"' Earl is duly qualified. Ordered, That it be an Inftru(5lion to the Committee, appointed to prepare and! bring in a Bill, to repeal fo much of the Adl, made in the Eighth Year of His prefent Majefty's Reign, To prevent the Building Wooden Chimnies in the Towns of York andi Gloucefter; and for pidling down fuch as are already built therein: And to reftrain Hogs and Goats from going at large in the faid Town of York, as relates to the reftraining Hogs

and Goats from going

York, to receive a Claufe or Claufes, to repeal fo much of the Adl, For preventing the Building Wooden Chimnies in the Towni Fredericksburg, and pulling down fuch as are already built therein; and to reftrain Hogs\ from going at large in the faid Town of Fredericksburg, and Urbanna, as relates to thej reftraining Hogs from going at large in the Town of Fredericksburg.
at large

in the faid




was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fettingj Father being, in his Life-time, feifed in Fee-Simple, of a very valuable Eftate in Lands, by his Laft Will and Teftament, did devife the faid Lands to his Sons Ralph Page, your Petitioner, Carter Page, and John Page, with divers Remainders and Limitations over, in Cafe of Failure of Iffue of their Bodies; and did bequeath to his]
Petition of


Page, Efq;


Sons John Page, Matthew Page, and Robert Page, and to his Two Daughters, Mary andl Lucy Page, Legacies amounting to Seven Thoufand Pounds Sterling And that foon after the Death of your Petitioner's Father, his faid Sons, Ralph and Carter, departed this Life, without Iffue whereby the Land devifed to them, becomes vefted in your Petitioner And your Petitioner's faid Father, at the Time of his Death, was confiderably
: ;

indebted unto feveral Perfons in Great-Britain, and in this Colony, more than the Value of his Slaves and Perfonal Eftate amounted to: For the Paiment of which, together

with the Legacies, he prays. That a

Tradls of Land, therein mentioned.



be paffed, to impower him to






Carter do prepare

and bring



according to the Prayer of


the faid Petition.

Ordered, That the Conlideration of the Report from the Committee of Propofitions and Griveances, referred to this Day, be further referred 'til Wcdnefday next. Three Members returned upon new Writs, having taken the Oaths appointed to be taken by Adl of Parhament, inftead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and taken and fubfcribed the Oath of Abjuration, and alfo fubfcribed the Teft, were admitted
to their Places in the Houfe.


That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning Eleven


Friday, September 14, 1744.


Petition of Elizabeth Copeland, fetting forth,

That her Hufband died



Majefty's Service, on the late Expedition:

Alfo a Petition of Frances Bourn, to the fame Purpofe; were feverally

prefented to the Houfe, and read.

of Claims:


That the Confideration of the faid Petitions be referred to the Committee that they do examine the Matters thereof, and report the fame, with

Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. M'' Harrifon, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported. That the Committee had had under their Confideration, the Petition of Robert Spilsbee Coleman, to be paid for Seventeen Acres of Land, lying and being in Tappahannock Town, in Effex County, laid off by Adl of Affembly, and order'd to be purchafed of one Benjamin Goodrich, who pretended a Right to the faid Land; but by a Survey of the faid Coleman's Land, made by M'' Robert Brooke, Surveyor of the faid County, it appears, that the faid Seventeen Acres of Land, Part of the faid Town of Tappahannock, is within the Bounds of the faid Coleman's Land: And had come to a Refolution thereupon; which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table; where the fame was again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows

That the

faid Petition




Confideration of a Petition from fundry Inhabitants of the County of Prince

Land to be laid off for a Town, betwixt Fox Branch, above Leonard Baker's, and below Quantico Warehoufes, and Quantico Church, in the faid
William, for Sixty Acres of


That the faid Petition be rejedled. That M'' Beverley and M"' Garnet do prepare and bring in a Bill, purfuant to the Refolution agreed to by this Houfe. M"' Beverley, from the Committee of Claims, moved for the Diredlions of this Houfe, whether the feveral Claims of the Patrollers for fcouring the Mountains; and aKo, whether the whole Charge of the Perfons whofe Waggons were preffed, to carry the Arms up to the Mountains, ought to be allowed? And it was thereupon Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the faid Committee, not to allow the Claims of the Patrollers; and to regulate the Charge for the Waggons, where it appears to be


M"" Ludwell moved for Leave to prepare and bring in a Bill, for reducing the Laws made concerning the Qualifications of Voters, and Candidates for Burgeffes to fer\'e in the General Affembly, and regulating Eledlions, into One A(5l; and for amending the

feveral Deficiencies of thofe

Laws: And the Queftion being put thereupon?


pa ffed

in the Affirmative.




Ludwell do prepare and bring in the fame.

Harrifon, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported, that

the Committee


had had under their Confideration, divers Propofitions from feveral and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon Which he read in his Place, and

and aftemards delivered
in at the

Table; where the fame being again twice read, were


toby the Houfe, as follows: ^ . r. Stratton-Major Parifh, in the County of Refolved That the Petition of the Veftry of Glebe of the faid Parifh; and to King and Queen, to be impowered to fell the prefent good and fufficient Glebe, for the Ufe of apply the purchafe Money towards buying a reafonable. the Minifter of the faid Parifh, is Divifion Upon Confideration of a Propofition from the County of Brunfwick, for a below the Horfe Roanoke, where it croffes of the faid County, from the County Line and alfo a Petition from the faid Foard, to ftrike Nottoway River, near the Fork thereof; fame, County, againft the Divifion of the Confideration of the next SefQon Refolved, That the faid Petitions be referred to the
of Affembly.

That the Propofition from the County of Nanfemond, for a Warehoufe fame Infpedlion as that be eredled at Anthony Holladay's Point, to be under the


Sleepy Hole, be rejeAed. Refolved, That the Petition from fundry Inhabitants of the County of Prince George, to put the Warehoufes at Maycox and Jordan's, under feparate Infpedlions, be rejedted.

That a Propofition from the Inhabitants of Dryfdale Parifh, in King and Queen and Caroline Counties, to be divided, by a Line from the Dogue-Town Bridge, on Mattapony River, to the Line of St. Mary's Parifh; and that the Lower Part thereof remain a feparate Parifh, and the Upper Part thereof be added to St. Mary's Parifh,

be rejeded: And that the Petition to them referred, againft the Divifion of the faid Parifh, and adding Part thereof to St. Mary's Parifh, is reafonable. Refolved, That a Petition from the County of Fairfax, to them referred for a Ferry to be kept from the Land of Jofias Clapham, to the Land of John Nelfon, be reje(5led.



Buckner be added to the Committee for Courts of Juftice.



That the Houfe be adjourned

To-morrow Morning Eleven


Saturday, September 15, 1744.

it be an Inftrudlion to the Committee, to whom it is referred to prepare and bring in a Bill, for impowering the Veftr>' of St. James's Parifh, in Goochland County, to fell the old Glebe of that Parifh, on the North Side of James River, and to purchafe another in a more convenient Place, to receive a Claufe or Claufes, for impowering the Veftry of Stratton-Major Parifh, in the County of King and Queen, to fell the prefent Glebe of the faid Parifh; and to apply the Purchafe Money towards buying a good and fufficient Glebe for the Ufe of the Minifter of the faid


Parifh, purfuant to the Refolution for that Purpofe.

A Petition of John Evans, Jim. praying. That he may have the Liberty of keeping the Public Ferry over Pifcataway Creek, in Effex County Alfo a Petition of Henry Reeves, praying. That he may be allowed to keep a Public
Ferry from his Landing,

Effex County, to the Land of William Fantleroy, in Rich-

mond County; were


and read. That the faid Petitions be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances And that they do examine the Matters thereof, and

feverally prefented to the Houfe,

report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. M^ Harrifon, according to Order, prefented a Bill, For dividing the Parifh of Hamilton, in the County of Prince WiUiam, and ereding the fame into Two diftind Parishes; and other Purpofes therein mentioned: And the fame was read the Firft Time. Ordered, That the bill be read a Second Time.


That William Brent, late of the County of Stafford, deceafed, having a Title to a great Eftate in Lands in the Province of Maryland, did commence Suit for the faid Lands in the faid Province, and recovered the fame there; upon which the Parties concerned, appeal'd to England, and that feveral Perfons in Great-Britain advanced large Suras of Money to enable the And that foon after the Recovery of the faid faid Brent to carry on the faid Appeal Lands, he return 'd to Virginia, and died, leaving your Petitioner his Executor; and that the Lands and real Eftate of the faid Deceafed, are now vefted in his eldeft Son, William Brent, to whom your Petitioner is Guardian; and that his Debts, particularly thofe in England, are left tmpaid, and that his perfonal Eftate is exhaufted in paying his other Debts and praying, That he may be enabled to apply the Rents and Profits that arife from thofe Lands, to the Difcharge of his Debts, was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That M' Harrifon do prepare and bring in a Bill, according to the Prayer
Petition of Peter Hedgntan, a
of this Houfe, fetting forth,


of the faid Petition.

and James Gibfon, fetting forth. That they were fummoned to attend the Court of Oyer and Terminer, as Venire-Men, but were prevented from coming Time enough by the Inclemency of the Weather; and praying this Houfe will allow them their travelling Charges Alfo a Petition of Frances Lynn, fetting forth. That her Hufband died in His Majefty's Service, on the late Expedition; and praying the Confideration of this Houfe therein; were feverally prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the Confideration of the faid Petitions be referred to the Committee of Claims: And that they do examine the Matters thereof; and report the fame, with
Petition of George Holden

Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.


That the Houfe be adjourned


Monday Morning Eleven


Monday, September 17, 1744.




Thornton have Leave to be abfent from the Houfe, for the Recovery

of his Health.

For dividing the Parifh of Hamilton, in the County of Prince William, and ereding the fame into Two diftind Parifhes; and other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read a Second Time. Ordered, That the Bill be committed to M' Colvill and M-- Wafhington. A Motion being made. That the Order of the Day for the Houfe refolving itfelf into a Committee, to confider further the Governor's Speech, be referr'd 'til To-morrow?

paffed in the Affirmative.


Houfe will again refolve itfelf into a Committee, to confider further the Governor's Speech To-morrow. A Claim of John Johnfon, for taking up a Rtmaway, therein mentioned, was prefented to the Houfe, and received. Ordered, That it be an Inftruction to the Committee of Claims, to allow the faid



Claim in the Book of Claims.

the Committee

M' Harrifon, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported. That had had under their Confideration, divers Propofitions from feveral Counties; and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon: Which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table; where the fame being again twice read, were agreed to by the Houfe, as follows Upon Confideration of a Propofition from the County of Fairfax, for appointing a Public Ferry acrofs Patowmack River, near the Mouth of Broad-Run, oppofite to the Land of David Dehay, in Prince George Covinty, in Maryland,


That the faid Propofition be reje<aed. That the Petition of John Sneed, of the County

of Carohne, to

have an

Aa made

Credit for

againft Tippling-Houfes, be rejeded. WtUtamsof a Petition from the Ordinary-Keepers of the city of Confideration Upon That great Inconveniences, as well as burg, and the Towii of York, fetting forth, from an Adl of Affembly, paffed arifen, have Bufmefs, manifeft Loffes in their Way of Public Houfes, from giving keeping Perfons in the Year of our Lord 1734, Preventing more than Twenty Shillings in Liquor, to any Perfon in One Year And further,

die indebted to an Ordinary-Keeper, without making if any Perfon fliould happen to Inclinations to be ever fo honeft Provifion for the Paiment of his Debts, fuppofmg his anfwer the Paiment of any cannot whilft living, yet his Executors or Adminiftrators

Debt; and praying a Repeal of the faid Adl of Affembly. Refolved, That the faid Petition be Rejeded.

Jofhua Fry and Robert Brooke, to them referred, to make an exa(5l Sur\'ey of this Colony, and to print and publifh a Map thereof; in which fhall be laid down, the Bay, the navigable Rivers, with their Soundings, Coimties, Parifhes, Towns, and Gentlemens Seats, and whatever eKe is remarkable, be rejefted. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, to amend the A(5l, intituled. An Ad for better regulating Ordinary-Keepers, and Retailers of ftrong Liquors, and to prevent their giving Credit; and to difable them to maintain any Adion, or recover any Money, Tobacco, or other Commodity, for fuch Liquors fold upon Credit: And that M"" Nelfon do

That the Propofition


prepare and bring in the fame. M' Carter, according to Order, prefented a

Bill, To enable Mann Page, Efq; to fell and difpofe of certain itttailed Lands, to raife Money for the Paiment of his Father's Debts, and Performance of his Will; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned; and the fame was read the First Time. Ordered, That the Bill be read a Second Time. M"" Beverley, from the Committee of Claims, reported. That the Committee had had under their Confideration, divers Petitions to them referred; and had come to feveral

Refolutions thereupon

Which he read

in his Place,

and afterwards delivered

in at the

Table; where the fame being again twice read, were agreed to by the Houfe, with an

Amendment, as
band died


of the Petition of Elizabeth Manuel, fetting forth. That her HuTHis Majefty's Service, on the late Expedition, Refolved, That the Allegations of the faid Petition are true; and that she ought to be allowed Ten Pounds for Relief. j

On Confideration

Alfo the Petition of Margaret Anderfon, to the fame Purpofe, Refolved, That the Allegations of the Petition are true and that fhe ought to be allowed Ten Pounds for Relief.

Alfo the Petition of Sarah Williams, to the fame Purpofe, Refolved, That the Allegations of the Petition are true; and that fhe ought to be allowed Ten Pounds for Relief. Alfo the Petition of Catharine Wilfon, to the fame Purpofe.
Refolved, That the Allegations of the Petition are true; and that fhe ought to be allowed Ten Pounds for Relief.

Alfo a Petition of Henry Wythe, fetting forth, That a Slave belonging to him, being about to be apprehended, on Sufpicion of his having poifoned his Overseer, ran away, and being out-lawed, drowned himfelf, to prevent his being taken;

That the Allegations

of the Petition are true;

and that he ought

to be

allowed Thirty Pounds.

Alfo a Petition of Jofeph Molton, Jun. fetting forth, That a Slave of his having his Overfeer's Wife, endeavoured to make his Efcape, but was sometime afterwards found dead; and notwithftanding he made Application to a Juftice to outlaw him, he failed to do it,



Refolved, That the Allegations of the faid Petition are true; and that he ought allowed Thirty Pounds. be to Alfo a Petition of Robert Powell, fetting forth, That a Slave of his abfented himfelf from his Servnce; and being out-lawed, was afterwards found dead, with feveral ftolen

goods by him,

and that he ought to be allowed Thirty One Potmds. And alfo a Petition of Litler Hubbard, fetting forth. That in performing his Duty
of the faid Petition are true:

That the Allegations

under Capt. Matthew Wills, he was xinfortimately wounded; and had been very confiderable Expence, in paying a Surgeon for attending him, and dreffing at a
at a Mufter,


That the Allegations

for Relief.

of the Petition are true;

and that he ought to be


Twenty Pounds


be an Inftrudtion to the Committee of Claims, to


the feveral

Allowances, purfuant to the faid Refolutions.


That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning Eleven


Tuefday, September


of the in the


from the Committee of Claims, moved for the Diredtions how they should levy the Charge for taking up Rimaways County of Frederick? And it was thereupon


Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the faid Committee, to levy the fame on the County where the Mafter of the Rimaway refides. Ordered, That M'' Boufh have Leave to be abfent from the Service of the Houfe

Tuefday next. M"' Wafhington reported. That the Committee to whom the Bill, For dividing the Parifh of Hamilton, in the County of Prince William, and ereding the fame into Two diftind Parifhes; and other Purpofes therein mentioned, was committed, had made an Amendment thereto: Which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered the Bill, with the Amendment, in at the Table; where the fame was again twice read; and thereupon Ordered, That the faid Bill be re-committed to M"' Beverley, M"^ Carter, M' Colvill, and M'' Wafhington. M' Harrifon, according to Order, prefented a Bill, For dividing the County of Goochland; and for dividing the Parifh of St. James, in that County; and for other Purpofes


Alfo a


the Sale of feveral Glebes


the fame were feverally read

the First Time.

That the faid Bills be read a Second Time. Harrifon reported. That the Committee of Propolitions and Grievances had had under their Confideration, a Petition from the County of Nanfemond; fetting forth. That when the dividing Line was nm between the Parifh of Suffolk, and the Upper Parifh, in the faid County, it was in Order to make the Number of Tithables near equal in both Parifhes; but fince the Divifion thereof, great Numbers of People have fettled in the Upper Parifh, by which means the Number of Tithables amoimt to more than Twelve Hundred; whereas in the Parifh of Suffolk, they amoimt to no more than Six Himdred, and fometimes under that Number; and praying that the Parifhes aforefaid may again be divided, and that the Divilion be as foUoweth: To begin at the Head of Piigh's Creek, thence down the fame to Nanfetnond River; thence down the River to the Mouth of the Weftern Branch; thence up the Branch to I fie of Wight County Line a fmall Diftance below Everard's Mill: Which Divifion will


of Tithables in the faid Parifh of Suffolk, to be within One Hundred Refolution thereupon; which Nineteen of the Upper Parifh. And had come to a



the Table; where the fame being he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at again twice read, was agreed to by the Houfe, as follows Refolved, That the faid Petition is reafonable. Ordered, That the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, do prepare and bring

purfuant to the faid Refolution. M' Nelfon, according to Order, prefented a Bill, To repeal Part of an Ad, intituled, An Ad, to prevent the Building Wooden Chimnies in the Towns of York and Gloucefter; and for pulling down fuch as are already built therein: And to reftrain Hogs and Goats


frotn going at large in the faid



York; and

for other

Purpofes therein mentioned:

And the fame was read the Firft Time. Ordered, That the Bill be read a Second Time.
M' Nelfon, from the Committee of Trade, reported, That the Committee, upon further Confideration of feveral Matters relating to the Trade of this Colony, to them referred, had agreed upon a Report Which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in

at the Table.

That the faid Report do lie on the Table. a Motion made. That the Order of the Day for the Houfe refolving itfelf into a Committee, to confider further the Governor's Speech, be referred 'til To-morrow? Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee, to confider further


the Governor's Speech To-morrow.


Petition of William Walker, Proprietor of the Public

Warehoufes at Hog-Neck,

praying to be allowed an additional Rent, for building a


new Wharehoufe and



and alfo for shingling the Two Warehoufes, which were before eredled was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the Confideration of the faid Petition be referred to the Committee Claims: And that they do examine the Matter thereof; and report the fame, with

their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.

To enable Mann Page, Efq; to fell and difpofe of certain intailed Lands, for the Paiment of his Father's Debts, and Performance of his Will, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned; was read a Second Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be committed to M"^ Carter, M' William Randolph, M' Benjamin Waller, M' Williajn Waller, Moore, M"' Nelfon, M'' Digges, and M"" Chifwell: And that they do examine into the Allegations thereof; and report the Matter as it

to raife



appear to them, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.


That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning Eleven


Wednefday, September 19, 1744.

Claim of William Taylor, for taking up a


Negro, therein mentioned,

of Claims, to allow

was prefented to the Houfe, and received. Ordered, That it be an Inftruction to the Committee
the faid Claim in the


of Claims.

Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, for giving a Reward for killing Wolves in the County of Frederick, to be levied on the Inhabitants of the faid County, by the Court and for altering the Court-Day of the faid County And that M^ Campbell and M' Earl do prepare and bring in the fame. M' Carter, according to Order, prefented a Bill, For amending and continuing the Ad, for the better Regulating and Colleding certain Officers Fees; and other


therein mentioned.


That the




on the Table.


The Houfe, according
of the

to Order, refolved


into a Commitee, to confider further

therein, M"" Speaker refumed the from Conway, the Committee, reported, That they had had the GoverChair; nor's Speech imder their further Confideration, and gone through the fame; but not having Time to draw up the Report, the Committee had directed him to move for Leave

Governor's Speech



fome Time fpent










will refolve itfelf into

a Committee, to draw up the faid

Report, To-morrow.

A Petition of Robert Farifh, fetting forth, That a Negro Man belonging to him, having attempted the Murder of a Negro Woman alfo belonging to him, and imagining he had fucceeded in his Defign, ran away; and after having been outlawed Two Months, was found dead in the Woods; and praying the Confideration of this Houfe therein,
was prefented to the Houfe, and read. And the Question being put. That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee It pa ffed in the Negative. of Claims? Refolved, That the faid Petition be rejected. Ordered, That the further Confideration of the Report from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, which was referred to this Day, be referred 'til To-morrow.

That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning Eleven


Thurfday, September 20, 1744.


Harrifon, according to Order, prefented a

Gent, to lay out


To impower Peter Hedgman,

Rents and Profits of certain intailed Lands therein mentioned, whereof William Brent lately died feifed, towards paying the Debts
of the faid Decedent;

and apply

for other

Purpofes therein mentioned:


the fame

was read the




That the

be read a Second Time.

Petition of the Veftry of St. Margaret Parifh, in the Counties of Caroline


King William, fetting forth, That the faid Parifh, in its prefent Situation, is very inconvenient; and that Eight Hundred Tithables taken from the faid Parifh, and Two Hundred and Fifty from the Parifh of St. John, adjacent thereto, would form a very fufificient middle Parifh; and praying that the faid Parifhes may be divided, by Lines fpecified in the Petition, was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances: And that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, as it fhall appear to them, with their Opinion thereupon, to the

Harrifon reported, That the Committee appointed had, according to Order, prepared a Bill, For dividing the Upper Parifh of Nanfemond Ccnmty, and adding Part

thereof to Suffolk Parifh.

For continuing and amending the Ad, intituled, An Ad, to allow Perfons not concerned in making Tobacco, to difcharge Levies and Officers Fees in Money and the fame were received, and feverally read the firft Time. Ordered, That the faid Bills be read a Second Time. M' Beverley, from the Committee of Claims, moved for the Direction of the Houfe, whether the Committee fhould allow a Claim of William Hodges, for a Negro of his, who being charged with Felony, and committed to Goal for the fame, died the Night



before his Tryal.

Ordered, That it be an Inftrudtion to the Committee of Claims, to allow the faid Claim in the Book of Claims.



That a Ferry may be eftablifhed from his Petition of Jofeph Morton, praying. George, to the Landmg of Mrs Sarah Brooke, Leeds-Tawn, in the County of King

in /-/e;c


report the fame, M' Carter reported,

and read County; was prefented to the Houfe, to the Confideration of the Committee referred be Ordered That the faid Petition do examine the Matter thereof; and they Propofitions and Grievances: And that with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. That the Committee



Bill, 7 o




Money for the Paiment of his and difpofe of certain intailed Lands, to raife Purpofes therein mentioned, other and for his Will; Father's Debts and Performance of Allegations thereof, and found them to be true: was committed had examined into the the Bill; which he read m his Place, and And that they had made an Amendment to in at the Table; where the fame Amendment, the Bill, with the
Efato fell

afterwards delivered

the Houfe. being twice read, was agreed to by Amendment, be Ingroffed. the with Bill, the Ordered, That up a Runaway therein mentioned: taking for A Claim of James Pratt, Service; were prefented to the Houfe, and fame Alfo feveral other Claims for the




be an Inftrudlion to the Committee


Claims, to allow the faid

Claims refpeAively in the The Houfe, according to Order, refolved


of Claims.


into a Committee, to

Committee, in Anfwer to the Governor's Speech: from the Time fpent therein, M' Speaker refumed the Chair; and M"- Conway reported Which he read Report the up drawn Order, to Committee, That they had, according


of the faid


draw up the after fome

and afterwards delivered in thereof agreed to as follows Part read, and Refolved, That an humble Addrefs be
in his Place,

at the Table; where the fame was again twice

made to His Majefty, to congratulate Him at Dettingen; to exprefs our Abhorrence, French upon His Vidtory, obtained over the and declare our utter Deteftation of thofe Meafures, carried on in Concert with the Enemies of His Crown, in attempting an Invafion of His Kingdom, in Favour of a Popifh Pretender; and to affure His Majefty, in the ftrongeft Terms, of our Loyalty
and firm Attachment to His Royal Perfon and Family. Refolved, That the Ad, For reducing the Laws made, for amending the Staple of Tobacco; and for preventing Frauds in His Majefty' s Cuftoms, into One Ad of Affembly, ought to be amended. Refolved, That the Adl, For the effedual Suppreffion of Vice, and Reftraint and Punifhment of wicked, blafphemous, and diffolute Perfons, ought to be amended. Refolved, That the Adl, To prevent the Recovery of Money, or other valuable Things won on Wagers; and for the more effedual Reftraint of Gaming at Ordinaries: And aKo the Adl, for preventing exceffive and deceitful Gaming, ought to be amended. Refolved, That His Majefty's Quit-Rents will be greatly increafed by the late Treaty of Peace, concluded with the Northern Indians; and therefore we make no Doubt His Majefty will be gracioufly pleafed to order the Expence of it to be difcharged out of
that Revenue.

That the Expence of Repairing the Forts and Batteries, ought to be the Duties appropriated by Adl of Affembly for that Purpofe. out of charged


That the

of this Colony, will

fuft'ering Men to be inlifted, in Order to their being carried out tend greatly to the Weakning, as well as Impoverifhing this Dominion.


permit any Perfon to

That an humble Addrefs be prefented to the Governor, that he will not inlift Men, in Order to their being carried out of the Colony.


to the Refolution of the Committee,

of the Country, to carry

One Himdred and

That a Veffel be provided, at the Expence Fifty Men, for the Guarding of our Coaft, and

the Protedlion of our Trade, the Houfe difagreed.




Conway, M' Corbin,

Benjamin Waller, and M^


do preOrdered,

pare an Addrefs to His Majefty, purfuant to the Refolution for that Purpofe.

That M'' Harrifon, Reddick, and M'' Braxton, do addrefs the Governor, not permit any Perfon to inlift Men, in Order to their being carried out of this Colony, purfuant to the Refolution for that Purpofe. Ordered, That the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, do prepare and bring in a Bill or Bills, purfuant to the other Refolutions agreed to by the Houfe.

That he



That the further Confideration of the Report from the Committee of and Grievances, which was referred to this Day, be further referred 'til


certain Officers Fees;

For amending and continuing the Ad, for the better Regulating and Colleding and other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read the Firft Time. Ordered, That the Bill be read a Second Time,


That the Houfe be adjoum'd


To-morrow Morning Eleven


Friday, September 21, 1744.



Lee be added to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances. Petition of Margaret Wheeler, fetting forth, That her Hufband died in His Majefty's Service on the late Expedition, was prefented to the Houfe,

and read. That the

faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the



that they do examine the Matter thereof;

Committee and report the fame, with


Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, to amend the A(5t, made in the Fourth Year of the Reign of Queen Anne, intituled, An Ad, for Encouragement of building of Water Mills: And that M'' Corbin do prepare and bring in the fame.

addreffed the Governor, that he would not permit any Perfon to


Harrifon reported, That the Committee appointed, had, according to Order, inlift Men, in order this And that being carried out of Colony he was pleafed to anfwer. He was to their forry the Houfe of Burgeffes fhould afk what he could by no Means grant. A Petition of fundry Inhabitants of the County of Goochland, praying, That the Juftices of that County may be compelled to remove the Court-houfe to the moft convenient Place, on the South Side of James River, was offered to the Houfe; and the Question being put, that the faid Petition be received?

Refolved in the Negative.

A Petition of Charles Ewell, fetting forth. That a Slave belonging to him, and the Rappahannock Iron-Mine Company, ran away, and committed divers Felonies; and that he obtained a Proclamation of Outlawry of a Magiftrate, but before it was figned by another Juftice, the faid Slave was furrounded by the Neighbours, and refufmg to furrender, was by them fhot dead; and praying the Confideration of the Houfe therein, was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Claims And that they do examine the Matter thereof and report the fame, with


Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.

M'' Harrifon, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported. That they had had under their Confideration, divers Propofitions from feveral Counties and

had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon Which he read in his Place, and afterwards deUvered in at the Table. Ordered, That the faid Report do lie on the Table. A Petition of Elizabeth Smith, Executrix of the Laft Will and Teftament of Robert Smith, of the County of Caroline, deceafed, fetting forth. That the faid Robert Smith, by his Will, ordered Sixty Acres of his Land, lying near Roy's Warehoufe, to be laid off for a Town; and that the fame is laid off: But that there is a Suit in Chancery con:




Land, now depending in the General Court; and praying of Affembly, be confirmed, and the Money arifing that the faid Town may, by an Adl in fuch Perfons Hands as fhall be thought from the Sale of the Lots, may be lodged and then to be paid to whomfoever the Land till the faid Suit is determined;

cemine a Mortgage

of the faid

and read. be decreed; was prefented to the Houfe, in a Bill, according to the Prayer of bring and prepare Ordered, That M' Carter do

the faid Petition.

Two Members
taken by
taken and

Writs, having taken the Oaths appomted to be Ad of Parliament, inftead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and Teft, were adfubfcribed the Oath of Abjuration, and alfo fubfcribed the

returned upon


mitted to their Places in the Houfe.

That this Houfe make a Refolve, That the Sum of Six Hundred the Forts and Fortifications in Pounds be given, to aid the Revenue for the Support of thereupon, the Houfe divided. put being Question the and after a Debate, this Colony Yeas go forth. Yeas 14 Noes 46

A Motion was made,


Refolved in the Negative. The Houfe proceeded to the further Confideration of the Report from the Committee referred; and the fame being twice read, of Propofitions and Grievances, to this Day Part thereof was agreed to, as follows Refolved, That the Propofition from the County of Fairfax, for reviving the Public

Warehoufe at Pohick, is reafonable. Refolved, That the Petition of the Infpedlors at Hunting Creek Warehoufe, in Fairfax County, to have their Salary increafed, be rejefted. Refolved, That the Grievance from the County of Fairfax, complaining. That the Inhabitants of Maryland clandeftinely tranfport Tobacco, of the Growth of that Province, into this Colony; and get the fame brought to and paffed at the Public Warehoufes for Infpedion of Tobacco in that County, in the Names of the Inhabitants of this Colony,
ought to be redreffed.
of Amelia, Henrico,

That the Propofitions from the Counties Warehoufes at Boiling's Henrico County, under in Boiling's, and Colonel George County, John Point, in Prince different Infpe(5lions, be rejedled, the Houfe difagreed. Refolved, That the faid Propofitions are reafonable. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudtion to the Committee, appointed to prepare and bring in a Bill, For amending the Ad, for reducing the Laws made, for amending the Staple of Tobacco; and for preventing Frauds in His Majefty's Cuftoms, into One Ad of


to the Refolution of the Committee,

and Prince

George, for putting the Public

Affembly, to receive a Claufe or Claufes in the Bill, purfuant to the feveral Refolutions agreed to by the Houfe; and alfo purfuant to the Refolution for putting the Public

Warehoufes at Boiling's Point, in Prince George Cotmty, and Colonel John Boiling's, in Henrico County, under different Infpedlions. A Bill, For dividing the Upper Parifh of Nanfemond County, and adding Part thereof to Suffolk Parifh, was read a Second Time; and an Amendment made to the Bill at the Table, and the Blanks in the Bill filled up.

That the Bill be Ingroffed. from the Committee of Claims reported. That the Committee had had under their Confideration, divers Petitions to them referred; and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon: Which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table where the fame being twice read, were agreed to by the Houfe, as follows On Confideration of the Petition of Frances Bourn, fetting forth, That her Husband, David Bourn, was an inlifted Soldier in the late Expedition, and died in the




Refolved, That the Allegations of the Petition are true; and that fhe ought to be allowed Ten Poxmds.

Alfo a Petition of Margaret Guy, to the fame Purpofe,

That the Allegations

of the Petition are true;

and that

fhe ought to be


Ten Pounds.
That the Allegations Ten Pounds.
of the Petition are true;

Alfo a Petition of Elizabeth Bannifter, to the fame Purpofe,


and that fhe ought to be


Alfo the Petition of Frances Lynn, to the fame Purpofe,

That the Allegations Ten Poimds. allowed

Refolved, Refolved,

of the Petition are true;

and that fhe ought

to be

Alfo the Petition of Sarah Drighoufe, a free Negro, to the fame Purpofe,

That the Allegations

of the Petition are true;

and that fhe ought to be

allowed Five Poimds.

Alfo the Petition of



Briftol, to the

fame Purpofe,

That the Allegations

of the Petition are true;

and that

fhe ought to be


Ten Pounds.

Alfo the Petition of William Walker, Proprietor of the Public Warehoufes at Hog-



for the building the

he be allowed the additional Rent of

new Warehoufe in the faid Petition mentioned, Twenty Five Shillings, from the Tenth Day of
Goodloe, Executors of the Laft Will


laft, 'til

the Tenth



November next.

Alfo the Petition of John

Minor and Diana

and Teftament of George Goodloe, late Sheriff of Caroline County, deceafed, for divers Services performed by the faid Goodloe, by Order of the Houfe of Burgeffes in the Year 1736, in the difputed Eledtion of M"' Jonathan Gibfon, by Colonel John Martin,

That the Allegations

of the Petition are true, as to the Services;


ought to be paid for by the Parties, and levied on their Eftates, (to-wit,) On the faid John Martin, in Caroline, 654 Pounds of Tobacco; and on the faid Jonathan Gibfon, in Orange, 396 Pounds of Tobacco.


Allowances in

be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Claims, to make the feveral the Book of Claims, purfuant to the faid Refolutions.



Reddick have Leave to be abfent from the Service of the Houfe,


Thurfday next.

A Petition of the Veftry of the Parifh of Bath, in the County of Prince George,

had not paid them the Tobacco diredled to be paid by an A(5t of Affembly, made laft Seffion and praying the Conlideration of the Houfe therein, was prefented to the Houfe and read. And the Queftion being put, That the faid Petition be referred to a Committee?
That the Parifh
of Briftol


paffed in the Negative.


That the

faid Petition be reje(5led.

of Goochland County, in Hughes, for appointing a Public Ferry acrofs James River, on his Land; and praying. That if this Houfe fhould adjudge it proper to appoint a Ferry near there, that it may be appointed from the Petitioner's Land to the Land of

Petition of Robert Carter,

and the upper Inhabitants

Oppofition to a Petition of

A fhford

Afhford Hughes, was prefented to the Houfe, and read.


That the

faid Petition



Petition of Robert Boiling, William Stark,

on the Table. and Theoderick Bland, by Order

of the

Veftry of Briftol Parifh, praying. That the Parifh of Dale

the Church Ornaments,

Parifh of and the Plate marked with the and alfo to fell the Glebe which belonged to the Parifh of Briftol before it was divided; and to pay the faid Parifh of Briftol, their Proportion of the Money arifing from fuch Sale, was offered to the Houfe; and the Queftion being put. That the faid
Petition be received?

may be compelled Name of the faid

to deliver

Refolved in the Negative.




out and apply the Rents and Profits To impawer Peter Hedgman, Gent, to lay mentioned, whereof William Brent lately died fetfed, certain 'intailed Lands therein and for otJver Purpofes therein mentioned, paying the Debts of the faid Decedent;


was read a Second Time. to M' Ordered, That the Bill be committed Counties. George and the Members of King

Waller, the




William, Pnnce iir;;

That the Houfe be adjourn 'd


To-morrow Morning Eleven


Saturday, September 22, 1744.


Members returned upon new Writs, having taken the Oaths appointed to be Allegiance and Supremacy, taken by Ad of Parliament, inftead of the Oaths of and alfo fubfcribed the Abjuration, of and taken and fubfcribed the Oath

were admitted to their Places in the Houfe. to be abfent from the Service Ordered, That M' Sweney and M^ Baylor have Leave next. 'til Tuefday Weftwood M^ of the Houfe 'til Wednefday, and Upon a Motion made. Books, containing Ordered, That a Committee be appointed to infpedl feveral old Confequence to the Country: great be of may which Things, other our Charters, and many


it is

accordingly referred to

Pmuer, to

M' Benjamin Waller, M"- Lomax, and M' the fame; and report what they think neceffary to be done with
M-- Beverley,



Petition of William Meriwether, a Member of this Houfe, praying, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, to dock the Intail of Forty Acres of Land lying in Hanovei

Covmty, by him fold to feveral Perfons for the Ufe of a Town; and fince eftablifhed by Adl of Affembly, was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered. That M'' Power do prepare and bring in a Bill, according to the Prayer of
the Petition.

That Leave

Sufannah Cooper, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; praying, be given to bring in a Bill, to enable her to fue and be fued, as a Feme Sole: And alfo to enable her to pufchafe, fell, and difpofe of the Negros, and other Eftate, in the fame Manner as a Feme Sole may by Law; or that fhe may be otherwife

Petition of


relieved as this Houfe, in their



think reafonable.




Carter do prepare

and bring


according to the Prayer

of the Petition.


Petition of the Minifter, Churchwardens,

and Veftry

of the Parifh of Bruton, in

the Counties of York and James City, was prefented to the Houfe,

and read; praying, Expence of repairing the Two Wings of the Church in the faid Parifh, (which were built by Order of the Affembly) to be defrayed out of the Public Money; and referring to the Confideration of the Houfe, Whether an Organ, to be bought by the Public, and appropriated to the Ufe of Divine Service, at the Church where the Seat of Government fhall be, will not add greatly to the Harmony of Praife to the Supreme Being? Ordered, That the Confideration of the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Claims: And that they do examine the Matter thereof; and report the fame, with
will direct the

their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.


Bill, intituled.

intailed Lxinds, to raife

enable Mann Page, Efq; Money for the Paiment of his Father's




to fell


and difpofe of certain and Performance of his


for other

Purpofes therein mentioned; was read the Third Time.

Bill to

That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M-^ Carter do carry the

the Council, for their Concurrence.



Upon a Motion made,

Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, to prevent the Inhabitants of Tappahannock Town, from raifmg and keeping Hogs at large within the faid Town: And that M'' Beverley do prepare and bring in the fame. A Bill, intituled. An Ad, for dividing the Upper Parifh of Nanfemond County, and adding Part thereof to Suffolk Parifh, was read a Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Harrifon do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. A Motion was made. That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, to amend the Adt, intituled. An Ad, againft ftealing Hogs. Ordered, That M'' Douglas do prepare and bring in the fame. A Bill, For dividing the County of Goochland; and for dividing the Paripi of St. James, in that County; and far other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read a Second Time. Ordered, That the BlU be committed to M'' William Randolph, M" Benjamin Cocke,


M"' Ruffin.

For continuing and amending the Ad, intituled, An Ad, to allow Perfons not making Tobacco, to difcharge Levies and Officers Fees in Money, was read a Time and committed to M'' Beverley, M'' Conway, and M'' Elligood. Second A Bill, To repeal Part of an Ad, intituled, An Ad, to prevent the Building Wooden Chimnies in the Towns of York and Gloucefter; and for pulling down fuch as are already built therein: And to reftrain Hogs and Goats from going at large in the faid Town of York; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read a Second Time. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed. M'' Harrifon, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported, That the Committee had had under their Confideration, divers Propofitions from feveral Counties and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon Which he read in his Place,


concerned in

and afterwards delivered in at the Table. Ordered, That the Report lie on the Table.

That the Houfe be adjourned


Monday Morning Eleven

o 'Clock.

Monday, September 24, 1744.

Bill, intituled.

an Ad, intituled. An Ad, to prevent the building Wooden Chimnies in the Towns of York and Gloucefter; and for pulling down fuch as are already built therein: And to reftrain Hogs and Goats from going at large in the faid Town of York; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned,

An Ad,


repeal Part of

was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Nelfon do carry the

the Council, for their Concurrence. M"' Nelfon, according to Order, prefented a Bill, For reducing the Laws made, for laying a Duty on Liquors, into One Ad of Affembly; and for continuing the faid Duty;
Bill to

and the fame was read the Firft Time. Ordered, That the Bill be read a Second Time. M"- Beverley, from the Committee of Claims, reported, That the Committee had had under their Confideration, divers Petitions to them referred; and had come to feveral
Refolutions thereupon

Which he read

in his Place,

Table; where the fame being again twice read, On Confideration of the Petition of Charles Ewell,

and afterwards delivered in at the were agreed to by the Houfe, as follows:

Endeavour to have the Negro Man Will, in the Petition mentioned, out-lawed; but before he could have the Proclamation of Outlawry figned according to Law, the faid Slave was fhot dead And that he was of the Value of Thirty Four Pounds, which ought to be paid.
That the
faid Ewell did his



fetting forth, That her HufConfideration of the Petition of Margaret Wheeler, Expedition, and died in His band John Wheeler, was an inlifted Soldier in the late


Majefty's Service,

r, That the Allegations of the Petition are true; and that Ihe ought to be

allowed Ten Pounds.

be an Inftrudion to the Committee of Claims, to allow the feveral Claims. Claims, purfuant to the faid Refolutions, in the Book of Harry, a Slave of his, having killed That forth. fetting A Petition of Moor Fantleroy,



his Wife, alfo a Slave of his, ran

away; and being out-lawed, fome fmall Time


drowned himfelf
Alfo a Petition of John Mundell, Keeper of the Public Goal, fetting forth. That the Fees allowed by Law are very low, and the Price of Tobacco being very much fallen, he is unable to fupport himfelf and maintain the Prifoners, out of the Profits of his Office;

and praying the Confideration of the Houfe therein, were feverally prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the Confideration of the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Claims: And that they do examine the Matter thereof; and report the fame, with their
Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Report from the Committee of

made on Tuefday
it is


as follows


the Opinion of this Committee, That the Exportation of Grain

from hence to Foreign Markets, is a confiderable and beneficial Branch of the Trade of His Majefty's Subjects here, but for fome Time paft greatly leffened, by Reafon of the low Prices thereof abroad; and that therefore it will be of publick Benefit to encourage the making and Exportation of Wheat, by granting a Bounty or Praemium to the
Exporters thereof.


the fame being twice read,



after a Debate, the Queftion put.

That the


Refolution be agreed to?

paffed in the Negative.

For amending and continuing the Ad, for the better Regulating and Collecting certain Officers Fees; and other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read a Second Time, and committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe.





will refolve itfelf into

a Committee upon the faid



That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning Eleven


Tuefday^ September 25, 1744.

Claim of William Clinch, for feveral Services therein mentioned. Alfo a Claim of Jofeph Clinch, for taking up a Runaway therein mentioned, were feverally prefented to the Houfe, and received.

Ordered, That it be an Inftrudion to the Committee of Claims, to allow the faid Claims refpedlively, in the Book of Claims.

M' Waller reported. That the Committee to whom the Bill, To impower Peter Hedgman, Gent, to lay out and apply the Rents and Profits of certain intailed Lands
William Brent lately died feifed, towards paying the Debts of Purpofes therein mentioned, was committed, had examined into the Allegations thereof, and found them to be true; and that they had made feveral Amendments to the Bill; which he read in his place, and afterwards delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where the fame being twice read, were agreed to by the Houfe.
the faid Decedent;

therein mentioned, whereof

and for



That the


with the Amendments, be Ingroffed.

Martha Weft, Executrix of the Laft Will and Teftament of Thornas Weft, deceafed, and Francis Weft, Brother of the faid Thomas, praying, That an Adl may pafs, to dock the Intail of Six Hundred and Fifteen Acres of Land, called Chankin's, Field; and to fettle a Tradl of Land of greater Value, to the fame Ufes, called the Home Houfe, &c. containing Six Hundred Acres, was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That M"' Carter do prepare and bring in a Bill, according to the Prayer
Petition of
of the faid Petition.

M' Conway reported. That the Committee appointed, had, according to Order, prepared an Addrefs to His Majefty which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered

in at the Table.

That the faid Addrefs do lie on the Table. M"^ Conway mov'd for Leave to prefent a Bill, to explain Part of an Adt, intituled. An Ad, concerning Servants and Slaves And the fame was received, and read the Firft


be read a Second Time. A Petition of the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen, and Commonalty of the City of Williamfburg, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; praying. That an Adl may pafs, to give them full Power to affefs a Tax on the Inhabitants of the Corporation, for building a Prifon, and the like Occafions of the City; and alfo to compel the Courts of York and James City, refpeAively, to pay all Prifon Fees arifing within the Corporation, as would properly be chargeable upon the faid Cotmties, if there were no fuch Corporation and alfo to impower the Magiftrates of the City, to take up, and commit to hard Labour,

That the


Vagrants and


Perfons reforting thereto.



Harmer and


Benjamin Waller do prepare and bring

in a Bill,

according to the Prayer of the Petition.

M' Harrifon, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported. That Committee had had under their Confideration, divers Propofitions from the County of Prince George; and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon: Which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table; where the fame were again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows Refolved, That the Propofition for dividing the Parifhes of Briftol, and Bath, by a Line to begin Two Miles above M' Anthony Walke's Mill, on Appomattox River; thence a South Courfe to Stony Creek; thence down the faid Creek to Surry Coimty Line, is


that the Petition againft the Divifion thereof, be rejet^led. Refolved, That the Propofition againft the Divifion of Prince George Coimty, be

That the Committee

for Courts of Juftice,

do prepare and bring



purfuant to the First Refolution. Ordered, That M"^ Richard Cocke, and
of Claims.


Jofeph Gray, be added to the Committee


The Houfe, according to Order, refolved For amending and continuing the Ad, for the

into a Committee,

upon the



Regulating and Colleding certain

after fome Time fpent therein, That the Committee had reported, M"^ Conway and M' Speaker refumed the Chair; made fome Progrefs in the Bill, and had dire(fted him to move the Houfe, that they

Fees; and other Purpofes therein mentioned


may have Leave












into a

Committee to confider

further the faid Bill.


That the Houfe be adjoum'd


To-morrow Morning Eleven



ff^ednefday, September 26y



the Bill, For dividing Benjamin Cocke reported. That the Committee to whom in that County; St. James Parifh the of dividing theCounty of Goochland, and for made feveral had committed, and for other Pnrpofes therein mentioned, was


thereto; which he read in his Place,

in at the Table;

and afterwards delivered


the Bill with the Amendments, agreed to by the Houfe, and an

where the fame being twice read, were

to the Title of the
at the

Amendment made

with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. appointed had. according to Order, M^ Beverley reported, That the Committee in the Secretary's Office; and agreed examined into the Condition of the old Records afterwards delivered in at the Table. and Place, his upon a Report Which he read in Ordered, That the Report lie on the Table. A Petition of Thomas Chew was prefented to the Houfe. and read; fetting forth, Bryan, in the County Court of Orange, That he obtained a Judgment againft one Deitnis Pounds of Tobacco, Nineteen Thoufand Eight Hundred and Thirty Nine and a Half

That the


for for

which he was taken in Execution, and made his Efcape out of Prifon; and that he and praying that had taken all proper Methods to recover the fame, but failed therein; as they think fit. this Houfe will afford him fuch Relief the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Confideration Ordered, That the Matter thereof; and report the fame, with the of Claims: And that they do examine their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.

from the Committee of Claims, moved for the Diredlions of the Houfe, whether the Committee fhould allow feveral Claims, certified from the County of Orange, for patrolling, by Order of his Honour the Governor. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the faid Committee, to allow the faid Claims



in the


of Claims.

Campbell, according to Order, prefented a Bill, For giving a Reward for Killing Wolves in the County of Frederick, to be levied on the Inhabitants of the faid County by the Court; and for altering the Court-Day of the faid County: And the fame was read the



That the


be read a fecond Time.

Leave to bring in a Bill, for amending an Adl, made in the M"' intituled. An Ad, for laying an Impofition upon Skins and Furs, Anne, Fourth of Queen for the better Support of the College of William and Mary, in Virginia; and it was accordingly referred to the Committee of Trade, to prepare and bring in the fame. M'' Carter, according to Order, prefented a Bill, For eftablifhing a Town near Roy'.y Warehoufe, in the County of Caroline and for other Purpofes therein mentioned; and the fame was read the First Time. Ordered, That the Bill be read a Second Time. A Meffage from the Council, by M'' Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for dividing the Upper Parifh of Nanfemond County, and adding Part thereof to Suffolk Parifh, without any AmendNelfon



Bill, to amend Part of an A(5t, intituled; Payment of Levies, and Reftraint of vagrant and idle People; for the more effedual Difcovery and Profecution of Per fans having Baftard Children; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned; and the fame was received, and read the Firft


Bland moved for Leave to prefent a

for the better fecuring the






the Queftion being put. That the faid Bill be read a Second Time?



in the Negative.

That the

faid Bill be reje<5led.


Petition of Robert Lovell

was prefented to the Houfe, and read; praying



Allowance for fetting over his Ferry, Eighty Six Soldiers


the Queftion being put,

That the faid Petition be referred to a Committee ? It puffed in the Negative. Refolved, That the faid Petition be rejected. A Petition of Martin Palmer was prefented to the Houfe, and read praying for an Allowance for bringing down feveral Goods, ftolen by Mary Dillon, who was fent from King William County to the General Court, for her Trial; and alfo praying to be allowed Two Hundred Pounds of Tobacco, levied on Jofeph Oaks, faid to be of King William County, for his Rimaway Negro, at the Time the Petitioner was Sheriff of that County, and who, upon ftridt Search, could not be found. Ordered, That the Conlideration of the Petition be referred to the Committee of Claims: And that they do examine the Matter thereof; and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. The Houfe, according to Order, refolved into a Committee, to confider further the Bill, For amending and continuing the Ad, for the better Regulating and Colleding certain Officers Fees, and other Piirpofes therein mentioned; and after fome Time fpent therein, M"' Spea^^r refumed the Chair andM.^ Conway, from the Committee, reported, that they had gone through the Bill, and had made feveral Amendments thereto; which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, do lie on the Table.


That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning Eleven


Thurfday, September 27, 1744.

That an humble Addrefs be made to the Governor, to defire the Favour of him, to reprefent to our moft Gracious Sovereign, the Mifconducfb and Behaviour of the Commanders of His Ships of War, ftationed here for the Protecftion of our Trade, in neglefting their Duty; and to requeft of his Majefty, that He will be pleafed to give Orders to fuch Commanders, to obferve and follow the Advice and Direcftions of the Governor and Council of this Colony; fo that they may thereby become more ferviceable and ufeful to us. Ordered, That M'' Conway wait on the Governor with the faid Addrefs. M'' Beverley reported, That the Committee to whom the Bill, For dividing the parifh of Hamilton, in the County of Prince William, and ereding the fame into Two diftind Parifhes; and other Purpofes therein mentioned, was re-committed, had made feveral Amendments thereto; which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table where the fame being twice read, were agreed to by the Houfe, with an Amendment. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. A Member having informed the Houfe, That John Auftin, of King William County, in his prefence had faid. That if a Bill paffed for erecting a middle Parifh in that County, that M' Power and M"' Moore fhould never fee the Capitol again and alfo faid, that if he lived in the Upper Parifh, he would raife a Body of Men, and come down and drive the Houfe of Burgeffes into Hampton River. Refolved, That the faid John Auftin, in uttering the faid Words, is guilty of a high Crime and Mifdemeanor. Refolved, That the faid John Auftin, for his faid Offence, be fent for in the Cuftody of the Serjeant at Arms and that M' Speaker iffue his Warrant accordingly. M^ Nelfon, according to Order, prefented a Bill, To amend the Ad, for better regulating Ordinary-Keepers, and Retailers of ftrong Liquors; and to prevent their getting Credit; and to difable them to maintain any Adion, or recover any Money, Tobacco, or other Commodity, for such Liquor, fold upon Credit; and the fame was read the Firft Time. Ordered, That the Bill be read a Second Time.
; ;


a Motion made,

That her Hufband died in his Majefty's Confideration of the Houfe therein, the praying and Expedition; Ser\-ice. on the late was prefented to the Houfe, and read. be referred to the Conunittee Ordered, That the Confideration of the faid Petition report the fame, with Claims: And that they do examine the Matter thereof; and

Petition of Elizabeth Jones, fetting forth,



Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. M' Carter, according to Order, prefented a

to the and to veft the fame Ufes; and the fame was read the First Time. Ordered, That the Bill be read a Second Time. A Motion was made, for Leave to bring in a Bill, to amend the A(5l, Declaring the Law concerning Attachments; and altering the Court-Days in the Counties of Accomack

therein mentioned,

To dock fame in Francis Weft; and


the Intail of certain

to fettle other



and Amelia.

That M' Benjamin Waller do prepare and bring in the fame. The Houfe being informed. That the Rev. M' Fife had, in a Sermon preach'd at Norfolk, on Sunday laft, refiedled on Two of the Members of this Houfe, Ordered, That the faid Information be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Privileges and Eledions: And that they do examine the Matter thereof; and report

the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the


to the Bill, For

amending and continuing the AH, for the better Regulating and Colleding certain Officers Fees; and for other Ptirpofes therein mentioned; and the fame being twice read, were agreed to,
with fome Amendments; and other Amendments were made to the Bill by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. A Motion was made, for Leave to bring in a Bill, to amend the Adl, Concerning


That M' Carter do prepare and bring

in the fame.

Harrifon reported, That the Committee appointed, had, according to Order, prepared a Bill, For enabling the Juftices of Prince William and Fairfax Counties, to
levy Tobacco on the faid Counties, to fupport

Occoquan Ferry

and the fame was read the


That the Bill be read a Second Time. A Bill, For eftablifhing a Town near Roy'j. Warehoufe, in the County of Caroline; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read a Second Time. Ordered, That the Bill be committed to M'' Carter, M"" Lomax, M'' Baylor, M'' Waller, and M' Turner And that they do examine into the Allegations thereof and report the

fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. A Claim of Michael Brinfly, for taking up a Runaway therein mentioned, was prefented to the Houfe, and received.



be an Inftrucftion to the Committee of Claims, to allow the faid





of Claims.

An AH, to impower Peter Hedgman, Gent, to lay out and apply Rents and Profits of certain intailed Lands therein mentioned, whereof William Brent lately died feifed, towards paying the Debts of the faid Decedent; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read a Third Time.
Bill, intituled.


That the Bill do pafs. That M' Harrifon carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. A Bill, intituled. An Ad, For dividing the County of Goochland, and Parifh of St. James, in that County; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read the Third Time, and the Blanks in the Bill filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M-" Benjamin Cocke carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence.



That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning Eleven



; :


Friday, September 28, 1744.



'til Friday next. Banks William was prefented to the Houfe, and road; A Petition of praying that Leave may be given to bring in a Bill, to dock the In tail of Three Hundred and Ninety Four Acres of Land, and a Water Grift-Mill, lying in


Crafford have Leave to be abfent from the Hoiife,

King William County; and for fettling Negros, of greater Value, to the fame Ufes. Ordered, That M"" Carter do prepare and bring in a Bill, according to the Prayer of
the Petition.

That the Committee to whom the Bill, To explain and amend an Ad, intituled, An Ad to prevent frivolous and vexatious Suits; and to regidate Attornies, pradifing in the County Courts, was committed, had made feveral Amendments thereto which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table; where the fame being again read, were agreed to, with fome Amendments, and an Amendment made

Carter reported.

to the Title of the Bill.


M'' Beverley,

under their

That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. from the Committee of Claims, reported. That the Committee had had Confideration, divers Petitions to them referred; and had come to feveral

Refolutions thereupon

Which he read

in his Place,

and afterwards

delivered in at the

where the fame were again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows
Confideration of the Petition of Thotnas Chew,


Refolved, That the Allegations of the Petition are true; and that he ought to be reimburfed by the faid County of Orange, the faid Sum of Nineteen Thoufand Eight Hundred Thirty Nine and a Half Povmds of Tobacco. On Confideration of the Petition of Martin Palmer, late Under-Sheriff of King

William County,

That the Allegations of the Petition are true; and that he ought to be allowed, asa Witnefs, coming and returning Thirty Six Miles, Ferriages over Claiborne's, and Three Days Attendance; and for his Boy and Horfe, Two Htmdred Pounds of Tobacco and alio, that he ought to be paid One Hundred and Eighty Pounds of Tobacco, to be levied on Charles Oaks, of King William County, the Owner of the faid Runaway, mentioned in the faid Petition.


Confideration of the Petition of


Fantleroy, of Richmond,

Refolved, That the Allegations of the faid Petition are true; and that he ought to be

Twenty Five Poimds.


Confideration of the Petition of John Boiling,

That the Allegations of the faid Petition are true; and that he ought to be paid Three Pounds a year, from the Tenth of November, 1742, to the Tenth of NovemRefolved,


be an Inftrudtion to the Committee of Claims, to make the feveral Allowances in the Book of Claims, purfuant to the Refolutions agreed to by the




from the Committee for Courts of Juftice, reported, That the Committee have further examined what Laws have expired fmce the laft Seffion, or are near expiring; and have come to a Refolution thereupon; Which he read in his Place, and M'

then delivered in at the Table.

That the Report do lie on the Table. A Meffage from the Coimcil, by M' Walthoe: That they have paffed a Bill, intituled. An Ad, for continuing an Ad, made in the Firfi Year of His Majefty's Reign, intituled. An Ad, for making more effedual Provifion againft Invafions and Infurredions; and one other Adl, intituled, An Ad, for continuing and amending the aforementioned Ad.


Alfo a


An Ad,

for the

Militia of this Colony, in this

more frequent Training and Excercifmg the imminent Danger; to which they defire the Con-

currence of this Houfe. and Eleftions, be difcharged from proOrdered, That the Committee of Pri\'ileges M-" Fife. ceeding on the Information againft the Rev. and Grievances, reported, That Propofitions of Committee the from Harrifon,
divers Petitions from feveral Counties, the Committee had had under their Confideration, thereupon: Which he read in Refolutions them referred; and had come to feveral

and aftenvards delivered in at the Table; where Part thereof being twice Amendment, as follows read, was agreed to by the Houfe, with an of Hanover, to have a third Infpedor County the from Refolved, That the Petition appointed at Page's Warehoufe, be rejected. Upon Confideration of a Petition from the faid County, to have the Place called Newcaftlc, eftablifhed a Town, with the Privileges as are granted to other Towns and to have as much Land added, as will make the fame Thirty Five Acres, Refolved, That that Part of the Petition, to have the Place called Newcaftle, eftablifhed a Town, with the Privileges as are granted to other Towns, is reafonable. And that Part of the Petition, to have as much Land added as will make the fame
his Place,

Thirty Five Acres, be rejeded. Refolved, That a Petition from the Counties of Weftmoreland and Stafford, to have i ereded on the Land of M' Richard Bernard, be rejedled. Warehoufe a On Confideration of a Petition from the Infpeftors at Roy's and Conway's Ware-

Rappahanock River, for an additional Salary, That an additional Salary of Ten Pounds per Annum, be added to the Salary of the Infpedors at Roy's Warehoufe; and that Five Poimds per Annum be added to the Salary of the Infpe(5lors at Conway's Warehoufe. Ordered, That the further Confideration of the faid Report, be referred 'til Wednefday next and that the Houfe be called over on that Day. Ordered, That the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, do prepare and bring
houfes, on

i l

in a Bill, purfuant to the Refolution for eftablifhing



at the Place called


with the Privileges as are granted to other Towns.




be an Inftru(5lion to the Committee, to


it is

referred to pre-

pare and bring in a

the Staple of

For amending the Ad, for reducing the Laws made, for amending Tobacco; and for preventing Frauds in His Majefty's Cuftoms, into One

Ad of Affembly, to receive a Claufe or Claufes, purfuant to the laft Refolution. A Petition of William Parks, Printer, fetting forth. That the Salary allowed


for all his Printing for the Public, at the laft Seffion of Affembly, terminates this Seffion;

and praying, That a Salary of Two Hundred Pounds per Annum may be allowed him, and Three Half Pence per Sheet for Infpeclors Notes and Books, was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the Petition do lie on the Table. A Petition of the Infpeftors at Shoccoe's, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; praying for an additional Salary, their Services being much more than they were at the Time their Salaries were laft fettled. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances: And that they do examine the Matter thereof, and
report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. A Petition of the Infpedlors at Moreton's Warehoufe, in King George County, praying an additional Salary, was prefented to the Houfe, and read


the Oueftion being put. That the Petition be referred to a Committee?


paffed in the Negative.


That the Petition be

That George



Petition of George Braxton, the Younger,

Carter, Efq; deceafed,

fetting forth,

was prefented to the Houfe, and by his Laft Will and Teftament,



annexing the Slaves of which he died poffeffed, to Lands of which he died feifed, in Tail, did devife all the reft of his Real Eftate to his Brother John Carter, Efq; and his Heirs, in Trtift, to fell the fame, and pay the Money arifmg by fuch Sale, to fuch Perfons, and in fuch Shares, as by the Laws of Virginia the Perfonal Eftate of any one dying inteftate, is diftributed: That the faid John Carter, Efq; the Tniftee, is now alfo dead, and that his eldeft Son, being an Infant, is incapable of felling the faid Lands; and praying that Leave may be given to bring in a Bill, to veft the faid Lands in certain Perfons, in Truft, to fell the fame, in Fee-Simple; and to diftribute the Money arifmg from fuch Sale, in fuch Manner as by the faid Will is direfted. Ordered, That M"' Benjamin Waller do prepare and bring in a Bill, according to the Prayer of the Petition. M'' Conway, from the Committee of Privileges and Elections, reported, That the Committee had had under their Confideration, the Returns of feveral new Writs for
eledling Burgeffes to ferve in this prefent

Refolutions thereupon
Table; where the

Which he read

in his Place,

General Affembly; and had come to feveral and afterwards delivered in at the

fame was again read, and is as follows Refolved, That the Returns of the Writs for elecT;ing Burgeffes in the Counties of Hanover, James City, King William, Middle fex, Gloucefter, Weftmoreland, Stafford, and Surry, are made in the Form prefcribed by Law.


that the Returns of the Writs for electing Burgeffes for the Counties of Prince

Frederick, are not made in the Form prefcribed by Law. That the Clerk amend the Returns of the refpedlive Sheriffs of Prince William, and Frederick, at the Table And they were amended accordingly. Refolved, That no Petition fhall be received, after Saturday Se'nnight. M"^ Douglas, according to Order, prefented a Bill, To amend an Ad, intituled, An A6t again ft Hog-ftealing; and the fame was read the Firft Time. Ordered, That the Bill be read a Second Time.




That the Houfe be adjourn 'd


To-morrow Morning Eleven


Saturday, September 29, 1744.

for the



To explain Part of an Ad, intituled. An Ad, concerning Servants and was read a Second Time and the Queftion being put, That the Bill be committed? It pa ffed in the Negative. Then the Queftion was put, That the Bill be Ingroffed? It paffed in the



That the




Petition of the Infpe(ftors at Cabbin Point Warehoufe, in the


of Surry,

praying for an additional Salary, was prefented to the Houfe, and read.

That the Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances And that they do examine the Matter thereof and report

the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.

That M'' Douglas have Leave to be abfent from the Service of the Hovife, Recovery of his Health. M'' Nelfon reported, That the Committee appointed, had, according to Order, prepared a Bill, For amending an Ad, intituled, An Ad, for laying an Impofition upon Skins and Furs, for the better Support of the College of William arui Mary, in Virginia and the fame was read the Firft Time. Ordered, That the Bill be read a Second Time. A Bill, For enabling the Juftices of Prince William and Fairfax Counties, to levy Tobacco on the faid Counties, to fupport Occoquan Ferry, was read a Second Time. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed.




Direding the Sale

of feveral Glebes,

was read a Second Time; and committed

a Bill, to amend an Ad, Motion was made, That Leave be given to brmg in Relation to the Opinion, Differences and of intituled, An Ad. for fettling fame Doubts away taking and of Reading; and to to Women, Benefit of Clergy;' for allounng the fame



difable certain

Per fans therein mentioned to be Witneffes. the fame. Ordered, That M' Kennon do prepare and bring in

To amend the Ad, for better regulating Ordinary-Keepers, and Retailers of Credit; and to difable them to maintain any ftrong Liqiiors; and to prevent their giving Liquor, fold on Credit, Aaion, or recover any Money, Tobacco, err other Commodity, for fuch Wormley, and Reddick, M' Beverley, M^ to committed was read a Second Time; and






Wall have Leave to be abfent from the Service of the Houfe,


Friday next.

That the Houfe be adjourned


Monday Morning Eleven


Monday, October




Ingroffed Bill from the Council, intituled. An Ad, for the more frequent Training and Exercifing the Militia of this Colony, in this Time of imminent Danger:

an Ad, made in the Firft Year of His Majefty's Reign, intituled. An Ad, for making more effedual Provifion againft Invafions and Infurredions; and one other Adl, intituled. An Ad, for continuing and amending the aforementioned Ad, were feverally read the Firft Time. Ordered, That the faid Bills be read a Second Time. A Petition of Jofiah Smith, of the Borough of Norfolk, praying, That their Militia Court-Day may be altered; and alfo, that the Aldermen of the faid Borough may be obliged to appear at Mufters, and that they may not be the Military Judges thereof: And that all Sailors who are Inhabitants of the faid Borough, and that do appear at any Mufters, may be obliged to bear Arms, was offered to the Houfe; and the Queftion being put, That the Petition be received? // pa ffed in the Negative. Refolved, That the Petition be rejecfted. M"^ Conway moved for Leave to bring in a Bill, to amend the Law, Concerning outAlfo an Ingroffed
Bill, intituled,

An Ad,

for continuing

lawed Slaves.


the Queftion being put thereupon ?

Refolved in the Negative.

from the Committee for Courts of Juftice, reported, That the Committee had, according to Order, prepared a Bill, For continuing and amending the Ad, intituled, An Ad, to prevent Lawyers exading or receiving exorbitant Fees: Alfo a Bill, For diinding the Parifh of Bath, in the County of Prince George, and adding
M'' Carter,

Parifh; and the fame were feverally read the Firft Time. That the faid Bills be read a Second Time. M' Wormley, from the Committee to whom the Bill, To amend the Ad, for better regulating Ordinary Keepers, and Retailers of ftrong Liquors; and to prevent their giving Credit; and to difable them to maintain any Adion, or recover any Money, Tobacco, or other Conimodity, for fuch Liquors fold on Credit, was committed, reported feveral Amendments made to the Bill which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the

Part thereof

to Briftol




That the


be re-committed to M' Benjamin Waller, and


declaring the

Waller, according to Order, prefented a Bill,

To amend



concerning Attachments; and altering the Court-Days in the Counties of and Amelia; and the fame was read the Firft Time.


That the


be read a Second Time.

M' Harmer
prepared a


That the Committee appointed, had, according


to Order,

Hall of the City of Williamsburg, to affefs a Tax on the Inhabitants of the faid City, for building a Prifon; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned; and the fame was read the Firft Time. Ordered, That the Bill be read a Second Time.

To enable


Bill, intituled,

An Ad,

for enabling the Juftices of Prince

Counties, to levy Tobacco on the faid Counties, to fupport

William and Fairfax Occoquan Ferry, was read the

Third Time.

That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Wafhington carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. A Petition of John Auftin was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, That he is now attending in Cuf tody and that he is truly fenfible of his Folly, in fpeaking the Words he is charged with, and is heartily forry for the fame, and is ready to fubmit to what this Houfe fhall direft. Ordered, That the faid John Auftin be brought to the Bar of the Houfe, and that he with his Crime, from the Chair; and that he make his Submiffion for acquainted be the fame: And he was brought to the Bar; and M'' Speaker having informed him of his

Crime, he


his Submiffion accordingly.

That the faid John Auftin be difcharged out of Cuftody, paying Fees. A Bill, To Amend an Ad, intituled, An Ad, againft ftealing Hogs, was read a Second Time; and committed to M'' Waller, M'' Harrifon, and M"' Hedgman. A Petition of John Belfield, an Infant, was prefented to the Houfe, and read praying that Leave be given to bring in a Bill, to enable him, notwithftanding his Infancy, or fome other Perfon or Perfons in Truft for him, to fell Two Tradls of intailed Lands therein mentioned, and make eff e(5lual Conveyances thereof and to apply the PurchafeOrdered,

Money arifmg thereby, to the Purchafe of another Tradl of Land therein mentioned: And the Queftion being put. That Leave be given to bring in a Bill? It paffed in the


That the faid Petition be rejedled. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, for Diffolving the prefent Veftries this Colony; and for Ele(5ling new Veftries: And that M'' Waller do prepare and

bring in the fame.

Meffage from the Council, by M'' Walthoe: That they have paffed a Bill, intituled. An Ad, for the Relief to which they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe.

of certain Creditors


that they have

made fome Amendments

and Parifh

to the

Bill, intituled,




dividing the County of Goochland,

of St. James,'


for other Purpofes therein

mentioned; to which they alfo defire the Concurrence of this Houfe.


Harrifon, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported. That

referred, fetting forth.

the Committee

had had under their Confideration, a Petition from King William County, That the Parifh of St. Margaret, in its prefent Situation, is very inconvenient; and that Eight Hundred Tithables taken from the faid Parifh, and Two Hundred and Fifty from the Parifh of St. John, adjacent thereto, would form a very fufficient middle Parifh; and praying, that the faid Parifh of St. Margaret may be divided by the County Line; and that the faid Parifh of St. John be divided by a Line to be run from Cox's Rolling-houfe Landing, on Mattapony River, along the Road by Jacob Sellar's, to the County Road; and from thence a ftraight Line to Gooding's Ifland, on Pamunkey River; and had come to a Refolution thereupon; which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table. Ordered, That the Report do lie on the Table. A Bill, intituled. An Ad, to explain and amend an Ad, intituled. An Ad, to prevent frivolous and vexations Suits, and to regulate Attornies pradifing in the County Courts; was read a Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs.


That M' Benjamin Waller carry the

Bill to

the Council, for their Concur.

Bill, intituled,

An Ad,

for dividing the



Hamilton, tn




of Prince

and other Purpofes therein William, and ereding the fame into Two diftind Parifhes; in the Bill filled up. Blanks feveral the and Time; mentioned, was read a Third


That the Bill do pafs. That M' Thomas Harrifon carry the

Bill to

the Council, for their Concur-

M' Harrifon, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported. That amending the Ad, intituled, the Committee had, according to Order, prepared a Bill, For An Ad, for fettling the Titles and Bounds of Lands; and for preventing unlawful Shooting and Ranging thereupon; and the fame was read the Firft Time. Ordered, That the Bill be read a Second Time. M' Harrifon alfo reported. That the Committee to whom the Bill, To eftablifh and confirm the Bounds and Title of Lands held in the Town of Suffolk, in the County of Nanfemond, was committed, had made feveral Amendments thereto; which he read in his Place; and delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table. Ordered, That the Report do lie on the Table. A Bill, To dock the Intail of certain Lands therein mentioned, and to veft the fame in Francis Weft; and to fettle other lands to the fame Ufes; was read a Second Time. Ordered, That the Bill be committed to M' Carter, the Members of King William County, M' Braxton, and M' Benjamin Waller; and that they do examine into the Allegations thereof; and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon to the Houfe.

That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning Eleven


Tuefday, October





from the Committee to



eftablifhing a



Roy '5

Warehoufe, in the County of Caroline; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was committed, reported. That the Committee had examined
into the Allegations thereof,

made an Amendment to the Bill, with the Amendment, in to, with an Amendment.


and found them to be true; and that they had Which he read in his Place, and then delivered the the Table; where the fame was again read, and agreed

Bill, with the Amendment, be Ingroffed. from the Committee to whom the Bill, Direding the Sale of feveral Glebes, was committed, reported feveral Amendments made to the Bill Which he read in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where the fame were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. A Petition of John Belfield, an Infant, was recommended by the Council, to the Confideration of this Houfe; praying that Leave may be given to bring in a Bill, to

That the



enable him, notwithftanding his Infancy, to fell Two Tracts of Land, mentioned in the faid Petition; and to make effedual Conveyances thereof; and to apply the Money arifing from fuch Sale, to certain Ufes therein alfo mentioned; and the fame was read.
Carter, U' Fantleroy, and M"^ Waller, do prepare and according to the Prayer of the Petition. A Petition of fundry the Inhabitants of the Parifh of King William, in Goochland County, praying. That they may be added to St. James's Parifh, in the fame County; was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Alfo a Petition of the Churchwardens and Veftry of the Parifh of Frederick fville,


That M' Conway, M'

bring in a


in the


of Louifa

praying. That Leave


be given to bring in a


to compel


the Parifh of St. Martin, in the County of Hanover, to repay them their proportionable Part of a new Church, built a ver>' fhort Time before they were divided from the faid
Parifh of St. Martin;



Ten Thoufand Pounds

of Tobacco, levied

Veftry of the faid Parifh, after the paffmg the Adt for the Divifion, took Place; was prefented to the Houfe, and read.

on them by the and before the fame

That the Confideration of the faid Petitions be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances: And that they do examine the Matters thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. M"' Corbin, according to Order, prefented a Bill, To amend the Ad, made in the Fourth Year of the Reign of the late Queen Anne, intituled. An Ad, for Encouragement of Building Water Mills; and the fame was read the Firft Time. Ordered, That the Bill be read a Second Time. M"' Harrifon, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported a Bill, For continuing and amending the Ad, for preventing Loffes from Drivers, pafflng with Cattle through this Colony, and for laying a Duty on Horfes: Alfo a Bill, For appointing feveral new Ferries: And the fame were feverally read
the Firft Time.

That the faid Bills be read a Second Time. Nelfon reported. That the Committee appointed, had, according to Order, preBill,

pared a


Relief of infolvent Debtors,


for effedual Difcovery

and equal DifTime.

tribution of their Eftates; and the fame was received, Ordered, That the Bill be read a Second Time.

and read the


Meffage from the Council, by M"" Waltltoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for enabling the Jnftices of Prince William and Fairfax Counties, to levy Tobacco on the faid Counties, for fupporting

Occoquan Ferry.
Alfo to the
Bill, intituled,




amend an Ad,


An Ad,



and vexatious Suits; and

to regulate Attornies, practifing in the

County Courts,

without any Amendment. M'' Benjamin Waller reported. That the Committee to whom the Bill, To amend the Ad, for better regulating Ordinary-Keepers, and Retailers of ftrong Liquors; and to prevent their giving Credit; and to difable than to maintain any Adion, or recover any Money,
Tobacco, or other Commodity, for fuch Liquors, fold on Credit,




thereto; which he read in his Place,



with the Amendments, in at the Table by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed.

was re-committed, had and then delivered the where the fame were again read, and agreed

M"' Carter, according to Order, prefented a Bill, For vefting Three Hundred and Ninety Four Acres of Land, with the Appurtenances, in the County of King William, whereof William Banks is feifed, in Fee-Tail, in John Norton, Gent, in Fee-Simple; and

for fettling feveral Slaves, therein

named, in Lieu

thereof, to the

fame Ufes; and the fame

was read the




That the

be read a Second Time.


Meffage from the Council, by


That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, to impower Peter Hedgman, Gent, to lay out and apply the Rents and Profits of certain intailed Lands therein mentioned, whereof William Brent lately died feifed, towards paying the Debts of the faid Decedent; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, without any Amendments. A Bill, For dividing the Parifh of Bath, in the County of Prince George, and adding Part thereof to Briftol Parifh, was read a Second Time; and committed to M"" Bland, and M'' Eppes. A Bill, For continuing and amending the Ad, intituled, An Ad, to prevent Lawyers exading or receiving exorbitant Fees, was read a Second Time; and committed to M'
Ludwell, M'' Carter,

M' Corbin, and




and Exercifing Ingroffed Bill from the Council, for the more frequent Training read Second Time: was a Danger, imminent the Militia of this Colony, in this Time of And the Queftion being put, That the faid Bill be committed ? // paffed in the Negative. Then the Queftion was put. That the faid Bill be read a Third Time? It paffed in


the Negative.


Ad, made in the Firft Year more effedual Provifion againft making of His An Ad, for continuing and intituled. Adl, other Invafions and Infurredions; and one Two Amendments made atnemiing the aforementioned Ad, was read a Second Time; and


That the faid Bill be rejeAed. Ingroffed Bill from the Council, for continuing an

Majefty's Reign, intituled,




to the


That a Meffage be fent to the Council, to acquaint them that this Houfe have made fome Amendments to the faid Bill; to which they defire their Concurrence:
I\l-- Carter carry the faid Meffage. according to Order, prefented a Bill, For Diffolving the prefent Veftries Waller, U' in this Colony; for Eleding new Veftries; and other Purpofes therein mentioned; and



the fame was read the Firft Time. Ordered, That the Bill be read a Second Time.



William Foard, for taking up a Runaway, therein mentioned, was pre-

fented to the Houfe, and received. Ordered, That it be an Inftruftion to the Committee of Claims, to allow the faid


in the


of Claims.


That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning Eleven


fFednefday, October 2f i744


intituled. An Ad, for eftablifhing a Town near Roy'5 Warehoiife, in the County of Caroline; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read the Third Time; and the Blanks in the Bill filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"^ Carter do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence.
Bill, Bill, intituled.


and Retailers of ftrong to maintain any Adion, or recover any Money, Tobacco, or other Commodity, for fuch Liquors fold on Credit, was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Nelfon do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. M^ Ludwell, from the Committee to whom the Bill, For continuing and amending the Ad, to prevent Lawyers exading or receiving exorbitant Fees, was committed, reported
to the Bill which he read in his Place, and then delivered with the Amendments, in at the Table. Ordered, That the Report do lie on the Table. A Bill, intituled. An Ad, to impower the Veftry of the Parifh of Stratton-Major, in the County of King and Queen, to fell the Glebe of the faid Parifh; and to purchafe a more convenient Glebe, in Lieu thereof, was read a Third Time and a Blank in the Bill filled up.

amend the Ad, for better regulating Ordinary-Keepers, Liquors; and to prevent their giving Credit; and to difable them

Amendments made



That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Braxton do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. A Bill, intituled, An Ad, for better Regtdating and Colleding certain Officers Fees, and other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read a Third Time; and feveral Amendments made thereto; and a Blank in the Bill filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Carter do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence.


M"' Beverley, from the Committee to whom the Bill, For continuing and amending Ad, intituled, An Ad, to allow Perfons not concerned in making Tobacco, to difcharge Levies and Officers Fees in Money, was committed, reported feveral Amendments made to the Bill; which he read in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where the fame being again read, were agreed to, by the



That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. M'' Carter, from the Committee for Courts of Juftice, reported. That the Committee had further examined what Laws have expired, or will expire with, or foon after the End of this Seffion of Affembly and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon Which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table; where the fame was again read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows Refolved, That the Adl of Affembly, made in the Twelfth Year of the Reign of His prefent Majefty, intituled, An Ad, for altering the Method of Tryal of certain Criminals therein mentioned, which will expire at the End of this prefent Seffion of Affembly, ought

to be continued.


That the Adt

of Affembly,


in the Fifteenth



His prefent

Majefty's Reign, intituled.


An Ad,



the Juftices of Elizabeth-City County,

ered Pounds; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, ought to be revived.



That the Committee for Courts of Juftice, do prepare and bring in a Bill purfuant to the faid Refolutions. Ordered, That M"' Buckner have Leave to be abfent from the Service of this Houfe,




Meffage from the Council, by M' Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, to enable Mann Page, Efq; to fell and difpofe of certain intailed Lands, to raife Money for the Paiment of his Father's Debts, and Performance of his Will; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, without any



that they alfo agree to the

Bill, intituled,

An Ad, for continuing intituled, An Ad, for making


Amendments made by this Houfe, to the an Ad, made in the Firft Year of His




and one other


more effedual Provifion againft Invafions and intituled, An Ad, for continuing and amending the

aforementioned Ad.


that they have paffed a

to fell certain

Bill, intituled,




enable the

Nottoway and


Land; and

for other


therein mentioned;

which they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe. The Houfe being called over, proceeded to the Confideration of that Part of the Report of the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, made on Friday laft, which was referred to this Day; and the fame was twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as

Confideration of a Propofition from Elizabeth-City County, to have a Ship, Snow, or other Veffel, bought at the Expence of this Colony, to prote(5l the Trade; and


alfo to repair

Fort George,

of this

That the purchafmg a Ship, Snow, or other Veffel, to proteA the Trade Colony, is reafonable and that that Part of the Propofition for repairing Fort

George, be rejedled.





Harrifon, M^ Carter, M-- Richard Randolph, Weftwood, Walke, M' Reddick, M' Elligood,


M^ Baufh, Sweney, U' Beverley



and M' Harmer, do prepare and bring

in a Bill, purfuant to the

faid Refolution.

mentioned, in the Perfons


according to Order, prefented a Bill, To veft certain Lands therein who have purchafed under the Feoffees and Truftees of the Town Tappahanock; and the fame was read the Firft Time.
M-- Beverley,


That the


be read a Second Time.


Upon a Motion made,
That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, For repealing Part of an Ad, intituled, prepare and bring in the fame. Perfons retnoving into the Bay; and that M' Carter do from the Service of this Hoiife. abfent be to Ordered, That M' Monroe have Leave


That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning Eleven


Thurfday, October^, I744


Beverley, according to Order, prefented


To prevent

the Inhabitants of

Tappahanock Toum, from raifing and keeping Hogs at large within the faid Town; and the fame was read the Firft Time.

That the Bill be read a Second Time. A Bill, For vefting Three Hundred and Ninety Four Acres of Land, with the Appurtenances, in the County of King William, whereof William Banks is feifed, in Fee-Tail, in John Norton, Gent, in Fee-Simple; and for fettling feveral Slaves, therein named, in Lieu was read a Second Time. thereof, to the fame Ufes Ordered, That the Bill be committed to M' Carter, the Members of King William Covmty, M-^ Braxton, and the Members of New-Kent County And that they do examine into the Allegations thereof; and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the
; :

Petition of Anne Geddy, Widow, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting That her late Hufband, James Geddy, by Order of the Governor, cleaned Seven Hundred Arms in the Magazine for which the Treaf urer does not think fit to pay her, without the Dire(5lion of this Houfe fo to do; and praying the Confideration of the Houfe therein. Ordered, That the Confideration of the faid Petition be referred to the Committee And that they do examine the Matter thereof; and report the fame, with Claims: of

their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.



from the Committee for Courts of Jviftice, reported a Bill, for continuing Method of Tryal of certain Criminals therein mentioned. Alfo a Bill, For reviving the Ad, to impower the Juftices of Elizabeth-City County, ercd Pounds; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned; and the fame were feverally
M"^ Carter,


for altering the

read the Firft Time.

That the faid Bills be read a Second Time. M' Harrifon, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported; That the Committee had had under their Confideration, divers Petitions from feveral Counties, to them referred; and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon: Which he read his Place, and then delivered in at the Table; where the fame were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows Upon Confideration of a Petition from the Infpedlors at Shoccoe's Warehoufe, to] have their Salary raifed, Refolved, That the faid Petition is reafonable; and that the Salary ought to be increafed Five Pounds to each Infpe<5lor. Refolved, That a Petition from the Infpecftors at Cabbin-Point, to have their Salary]
increafed, be reje(5led.

That it be an Inftruclion to the Committee, appointed to prepare andl For amending the Ad, for reducing the Laws made, for amending the Staple of Tobacco; and for preventing Frauds in His Majefty's Cuftoms, into One Ad of Affembly, to receive a Claufe or Claufes, purfuant to the Firft Refolution.

bring in a


M"- Carter, according to Order, prefented a Bill, for repealing Part of an Ad, intituled, Perfons removing into the Bay; and the fame was received, and read the Firft Time.


That the


be read a Second Time.


M' Bland moved for Leave to bring in a Bill, To explain the Ad, intituled, An Ad, to amend the Ad, intituled, An Ad, for fettling the Titles and Bounds of Lands; and for preventing unlawftd Shooting and Ranging thereupon, for fo much thereof as relates to the fuing out of Writs in the Nature of an Ad Quod Damnum, for docking intailed Lands, and for the Proof of Deeds, made in Purfuance of the faid A&, and the Question

being put thereupon ? Refolved in the Negative.

The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Report of the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, made on Friday Se'ennight; and the fame being twice read. Part thereof was agreed to, with an Amendment, as follows Upon Confideration of the Petition of Henry Reeves, of the County of Effex, to them referred, praying Leave to keep a Ferry acrofs Rappahanock River, from his Houfe to the Land of M"' William Fantleroy, which will be much more convenient than
the Ferry formerly appointed to be kept over the faid River,

from Robert Spilsby

Coleman's, to the faid Fantleroy's,

That the faid Petition be reje(5led. That the Propofition from the Coimty of King William, to have a Wareat Waller's Ferry, on Mattapony River, to be under the fame Infpe(5lion as erected houfe that of Walker Town, in King and Queen County; and another at King's Ferry, to be under the fame Infpedtion as that of Williams's, as to fo much thereof as relates to erecting the Warehoufe at Waller's, is reafonable; and that the other Part of the faid Petition


be rejedled.
Refolved, That the Petition from the County of King William, to have Mattapony and Pamunky Rivers cleared, at the Charge of the Publick, be reje<5ted. Upon Confideration of the Petition from Louifa County, praying, that Part of St. Martin's Parifh, which lies between Hanover County Line, and the Line of the Parifhes and of St. Martin, and Frederickfville, may be added to the Parifh of Frederick fville Orange County be added to the faid fmall Part of County of Louifa, to be alfo, that a run from the Head Branch of the Sotith Fork of the Northanna, North, Sixty Five Degrees Weft to the Blue Ridge, Refolved, That the faid Petition be reje(5led. And to the Refolution of the Committee, That the Petition of John Evans, Jun. to them referred, praying, that a Claufe may be added to fome Acft of Affembly, to grant him Leave to keep a Ferry over Pifcataway Creek, in Effex County, from his Side of the faid Creek, to the Land of Thomas Edmonfon, is reafonable, the Houfe


That the faid Petition be reje(5ted. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the Committee, appointed to prepare and bring in a Bill, For amending the Ad, for reducing the Laws made, for amending the Staple of Tobacco; and for preventing Frauds in His Majefty's Cuftoms, into One Ad of

Affembly, to receive a Claufe or Claufes, purfuant to the Refolution for appointing a Warehoufe at Waller's Ferry, on Mattapony, to be under the fame Infpedlion as that of Walker Town, in King and Queen County.

Meffage from the Council, by



That they have made feveral


to the Bill, intituled,



for divid-

ing the Parifh of Hamilton, in the County of Prince William, arui ereding the fame into Two diftind Parifhes; and other Purpofes therein mentioned; to which they defire the

Concurrence of this Houfe.


that they have agreed to the

Bill, intituled.



for eftablifhing a


near Roy'5 Warehoufe, in the County of Caroline;


for other

Purpofes therein men-

Alfo, to the Bill, intituled,

An Ad,



in the County of

King and Queen,

to fell the

the Veftry of Stratton-Major Parifh, Glebe of the faid Parifh; and to purchafe a

more convenient Glebe, in Lieu


without any Amendments.


of the

Report of the Committee of wasSe'ennight; and the fame was read, Propofitionsand Grievances, made on Saturday follows: as Houfe, and Part thereof agreed to by the William County, to have a Warehoufe at Refolved, That a Petition from King Infpedion as that of Williams's, be King's, on Pamunkey River, under the fame

The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration




Confideration of a Petition to


referred, to

and Repairing Wooden Chimnies in prevent Hogs running at large in the faid Town, Refolved, That the faid Petition is reaf enable. And to the Refolution of the Committee, That the Petition of Jofeph Morton, to them referred, for Liberty to keep Ferry from his Lots in Leeds-Town, over Rappahanock difagreed. River, to the Land of Mrs. Sarah Brooke, be rejecfted; the Houfe
the Building

have an Adt made, to prevent the Town of Richmond; and alfo to

That the faid Petition is reafonable. Ordered, That the Committee for Courts of Juftice, do prepare and bring in a Bill, purfuant to the Second Refolution. A Bill, jor appointing feveral new Ferries, was read the Second Time; and committed to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances. Ordered, That it be an Inftrucftion to the faid Committee, that they have Power to receive a Claufe or Claufes, for appointing a Ferry from Jofeph Morton's Lots, in LeedsTown, over Rappahanock, to the Land of Mrs. Sarah Brooke; purfuant to the RefoRefolved,

lution for that Purpofe.

in Lancafter

Alfo a Claufe of Claufes, for appointing a Ferry from M'' Jeffee Ball's Plantation, County, known by the Name of Fox's old Plantation, over Rappa-

hanock River, to a Plantation of M^ Corbin, in Middlefex,


known by




Alfo a Claufe of Claufes, for appointing a Ferry over Patowmack River, at Evan Watkins's Landing, at the Mouth of Canagochego Creek, to Edmund Wade's Landing,

Alfo a Claufe or Claufes, for appointing a Ferry from Lemuel Reddick's Lot, adjoinSamuel Jordan's Land, oppofite thereto.

ing the publick Wharf, in Suffolk, to

Benjamin Harrifon laid before the Houfe, an Account of the Money put into his Hands by the Houfe of Burgeffes, in 1738, and by them directed to be apply 'd to the Purchafe of Arms, for the County of Brunfwick. Ordered, That the faid Account do lie on the Table. Ordered, That the Petition of Robert Carter, and others, be referred to the Confideration of the Committee to whom the Bill, For appointing feveral new Ferries, is
committed. M' Power, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill, To dock the Intail of certain Lands therein mentioned; and to fettle other Lands, of greater Value, in Lieu thereof, And the fame was read the Firft Time. to the fame Ufes: Ordered, That the Bill be read a Second Time. An Ingroffed Bill from the Council, For Relief of certain Creditors, tkierein mentioned, was read the Firft Time.

That the Bill be read a Second Time. M' William Waller moved for Leave to bring in a


to prevent Minifters tending

Tobacco on Glebe Lands: And the Queftion being put thereupon?

Refolved in the Negative.
Ordered, That M' Digges have Leave to be abfent from the Service of the Houfe, Wednefday next.



That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning Eleven




Friday, October 5, 1744.

from the Committee to whom the Bill, For vefting Three Hundred and Ninety Four Acres of Land, with the Appurtenances, in the County of King William, whereof William Banks is feifed, in Fee-Tail, in John Norton, Gent, in Fee-Simple; and for fettling feveral Slaves, therein named, in Lieu thereof, to the fame Ufes, was committed, reported. That they had examined into the Allegations of the Bill, and found them to be true; and that they had made feveral Amendments thereto Which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where the fame being again twice read, were agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. M"" Beverley, from the Committee of Claims, reported. That the Committee had had tinder their Confideration, divers Petitions to them referred; and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon Which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table; where the fame being again read, were agreed to by the Houfe, as follows: On Confideration of the Petition of the Minifter, Church Wardens, and Veftrymen of the Parifh of Bruton, in the Coimties of York and James City, Refolved, That the Wings of the Church ought to be repaired by the Public; and that they ought to be paid Thirty Poimds, for fo much expended by the Veftry, in covering the Roof; and that Truftees ought to be appointed to agree for the other Repairs; and that the Treafurer be impowered to pay for the fame, at fuch Times and Proportions



as the faid Truftees fhall agree




that that Part of the Petition relating

to the Organ, ought to be rejedled. On Confideration of the Petition of John Mundell, Keeper of the Public Goal,

Refolved, That his Salary is not fufficient; and that he ought to have the further Allowance of Thirty Pounds, for his Care of the faid Goal, from the laft Seffion of Affembly to this Time. On Confideration of the Petition of Elizabeth Copeland, Widow, of Effex County, Refolved, That the Allegations of the Petition are true; and that fhe ought to be


Ten Pounds.
Confideration of the Petition of Elizabeth Jones, of



That the Allegations

of the Petition are true;

King and Queen, Widow, and that fhe ought to be

Ten Pounds.
Confideration of the Petition of



Anne Geddy, Widow, That the Petition be rejedled. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Claims, to make the


Allowances in the Book of Claims, purfuant to the Refolutions agreed to by the


M' Bland, from the Committee to whom the Bill, For dividing the Parifh of Bath, County of Prince George, and adding Part thereof to Briftol Parifh, was committed, reported an Amendment made to the Bill; which he read in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendment, in at the Table; where the fame was again read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendment, be Ingroffed. A Bill, For giving a Reward for killing Wolves in the County of Frederick, to be levied on the Inhabitants of that County by the Court; and for altering the Court-Day of the faid County, was read a Second Time and committed to the Members for the County of Frederick, to M"^ Colville, M'' Barret, and M' William Waller. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the faid Committee, That they have Power to receive a Claufe or Claufes, for altering Louifa County Court-Day. Alfo a Claufe or Claufes, for altering the Court-Day of Fairfax County. M"' Benjamin Waller, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill, To veft certain Lands therein mentioned, whereof George Carter, Efq; lately died feifed, in Feein the



the Performance of his Will; and Simple, in certain Truftees therein named, to be fold, for the fame was received, and read the Firft Time.

That the Bill be read a Second Time. of Propofitions and Grievances, reported, That M"' Harrifon, from the Committee a Petition from the Inhabitants of Confideration, the Committee had had under their King William Parifh, in Goochland County, to them referred; and had come to a Refoand then delivered in at the Table where lution thereupon Which he read in his Place,

the fame was again read, and Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Petitioners ought to Parifh which lies in Henrico County, be be redreffed; and that that Part of the faid to the Parifh of Southam Whereupon Part other the and Dale, of Parifh added to the That the faid Refolution be agreed to? put. being a Debate arofe, and the Queftion

as follows


paffed in the Negative. Refolved, That the faid Petition be rejected. A Meffage from the Council, by M^ Walthoe:

That they have made an Amendment to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for better Regulating and Colleding certain Officers Fees, and other Purpofes therein mentioned; to which
they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe.


For Diffolving

the prefent Veftries in this Colony; for

Eleding new Veftries;

and other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read a Second Time; and committed to M' Conway, M' Reddick, and M"' Harrifon. Benjamin Waller, Lands therein mentioned, in the Per fans who have pur chafed certain To veft Bill, A under the Feoffees and Truftees of the Town of Tappahanock, was read a Second Time; and committed to M' Beverley, and M'' Garnet. A Bill, To amend the Ad, declaring the Law concerning Attachments; and for altering the Court-Days in the Counties of Accomack and Amelia, was read a Second Time; and committed to M'' Richard Randolph, M' Bland, M'' Ludwell, and M'' Conway. A Bill, To enable the Common Hall of the City of Williamsburg, to affefs a Tax on the Inhabitants of the faid City, for building a Prifon; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read a Second Time; and committed to M'' Conway, M' Harmer, M' Ludwell, and M"" Reddick. A Bill, For amending the Ad, intituled. An Ad, for fettling the Titles and Bounds of Lands; and for preventing unlawful Shooting and Ranging thereupon, was read a Second Time; and committed to M"' Bland, M' Ludwell, and M'' Reddick. A Bill, For continuing the Ad, for altering the Method of Tryal of certain Criminals therein mentioned, was read a Second Time; and committed to M'' Power, M"' Lomax, and M"' Beverley. A Bill, For reviving the Ad, to impower the Juftices of Elizabeth-City County, to ered Pounds; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read a Second Time. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed.


That the Houfe be adjourn 'd


To-morrow Morning Eleven


Saturday, October 6, 1744.

intituled. An Ad, for vefting Three Hundred and Ninety Four Acres of Land, with the Appurtenances, in the County of King William, whereof William Banks is feifed, in Fee-Tail, in John Norton, Gentleman, in Fee-Simple; and^ for fettling feveral Slaves therein named, in Lieu thereof, to the fame Ufes, was read a Third Time; and feveral Amendments made to the Bill, at the Table.



That the Bill do pafs. That M-- Carter do carry the

Bill to the Council, for their


and amending the Ad, intituled. An Ad, to making Tobacco, to difcharge Levies and Officers Fees in Money, was read a Third Time; and a Blank in the Bill filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"" Beverley do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. M"^ Conway, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe, a Bill, To enable John Belfield to fell certain Lands therein mentioned, nothwithftanding his Infancy; and for other Purpofes therein alfo mentioned; and the fame was read the Firft Time. Ordered, That the Bill be read a Second Time. M'' Benjamin Harrifon, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported a Bill, To amend an Ad, intituled. An Ad, for the effedual Suppreffion of Vice, and Reftraint and Punifhment of wicked, blafphemous, and diffolute Perfons Alfo a Bill, To amend an Ad, intituled, An Ad, for preventing exceffive Gaming, and another Adl, intituled, An Ad, to prevent the Recovery of Money, or other valuable Things, won on Wagers; and for the more effedual Reftraint of Tippling-Houfes. Alfo a Bill, To amend an Ad, intituled, An Ad, for reducing the Laws made, for amending the Staple of Tobacco; and for preventing Frauds in His Majefty's Cuftoms, into One Ad of Affembly; and the fame were received, and feverally read the Firft
Bill, intituled,

An Ad,

for continuing


allow Perfons not concerned in


be read a Second Time. whom the Bill, To amend the Ad, declaring the M'' Law concerning Attachments; and for altering the Court-Days in the Counties of Accomack and Amelia, was committed, reported an Amendment made thereto; which he read in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendment, in at the Table; where the fame was again read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendment, be Ingroffed. M' Carter, according to Order, prefented to the Hovife a Bill, To explain and amend the Ad, intituled, An Ad, concerning Tithables; and the fame was received, and read the

That the faid

Bland, from the Committee to



That the Bill be read a Second Time. M' Benjamin Harrifon, from the Committee to whom the Bill, For appointing feveral new Ferries, was committed, reported feveral Amendments made to the Bill; which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where the fame were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Then a Petition of Philemon Bird, praying, that a Ferr)^ may be eftablifh'd from his Landing, on the South Side of Rappahanock River, to Roger Williams's, on the North Side, was prefented to the Houfe, and read And the Queftion being put. That a Claufe

be added to the Bill for that Purpofe?



pa ffed in

the Negative.

That the Petition be reje(5led. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. A Petition of Philip Aylett, in Behalf of himfelf and the Inhabitants of that Part of St. John's Parifh, in the County of King William, propofed to be included in the new Parifh; fetting forth. That the Veftry of the faid Parifh of St. John, have levied upwards of Forty Seven Thoufand Poimds of Tobacco, towards paying for a Glebe, and building thereon, for the Minifter; and praying the Confideration of the Houfe therein,
was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the Petition do lie on the Table. A Petition of the Juftices of King and Queen Cotmty, praying to be re-imburfed the Expence of building Four new Wharfs at the Public Warehoufes at Shepherd's, Turner's, Mantapike, and Walkerton; the Rents eftablifhed not being fufficient for building and keeping the fame in Repair, was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the Confideration of the Petition be referred to the Committee of Claims: And that they do examine the Matter thereof; and report the fame, with

Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.


by the DireAion of the Governor, laid before the Houfe, an Account Efq in 1 73 2 of the Infpedlors, for their Comof feveral Fees received by John Holloway, for which his Honour the Governor has never miffions, he being at that Time Treafurer, Holloway having died infolvent, foon after recei\-ed' any Satisfadion, the faid John

receiving the fame.

Account do lie on the Table. M' William Waller, from the Committee to whom the Bill, For giving a Reward for be levied on the Inhabitants of the faid County killing Wolves in the County of Frederick, to Court-Day of the faid County, was committed, reported the Court; and far altering the

That the




Amendments made

to the Bill;

which he read

with the Amendments, in at and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed.
ered the

and afterwards delivthe Table; where the fame were again read,
in his Place,

Upon a Motion,
That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, To oblige the Inhabitants of Augufta County, to pay their Proportion of the Charge for running the Dividing Line between Augufta and Frederick Counties; and that M"^ Benjamin Harrifon do prepare and bring in the


The Houfe proceeded

to the Confideration of the

Amendments made

to the


To eftablifh and confirm the Bounds and Titles of Lands held in the Town of SuiTolk, in the County of Nanfemond; and the fame being read, were agreed to, with fome Amendments. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. Ordered, That there be a Call of the Houfe on Wednefday next.

That the Houfe be adjourned


Monday Morning Eleven

o 'Clock.

Monday, October




Bill, intituled.



for dividing the


George, and adding Part thereof

to Briftol


Bath, in the County of Prince was read a Third Time, and

a Blank in the

Bill filled up.


Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. That M' Bland carry the Bill to the Council, and

defire their


Bill, intituled.

An Ad,

for reviving the




the Juftices of Elizabeth-

City County, to ered Pounds; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read a Third Time; and a blank in the Bill filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"' Sweney do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. M'' Benjamin Waller, from the Committee to whom the Bill, To amend an Ad, intituled. An Ad, againft Hog-ftealing, was committed, reported feveral Amendments made thereto; which he read in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amend-

ments, in at the Table.




Bill, intituled,

That the Report do lie on the Table. An Ad, for appointing feveral new


was read a Third Time;

feveral Blanks in the Bill filled up.


That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"- Benjamin Harrifon do carry the

Bill to the Council, for their


Claim of John Mott, for taking up a Runaway, therein mentioned, was prefented
of Claims, to allow the faid

to the Houfe,

and received. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the Committee

in the



of Claims.

Reward for killing Wolves in the County of County by the Court; and for altering feveral Court Days, was read a Third Time; and the Blanks in the Bill filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"' Carter do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. A Bill, intituled, An Ad, to amend the Ad, declaring the Law concerning Attachments; and for altering the Court-Days in the Counties of Accomack and Amelia, was read a Third
Bill, intituled,



for giving a


he levied on the Inhabitants of the (aid


That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M^ Benjamin Waller carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. A Bill, intituled, An Ad, to eftablifh and confirm the Bounds and Title of Lands held in the Town of Suffolk, in the County of Nanfemond, was read a Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Reddick do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. A Meffage from the Council, by M'' Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for vefting Three Hundred and Ninety Four Acres of Land, with the Appurtenances, in the County of King William, whereof William Banks is feifed, in Fee-Tail, in John Norton, Gent, in Fee-Simple; and for fettling feveral Slaves, therein named, in Lieu thereof, to the fame Ufes, without any Amendment. M'' Conway, from the Committee of Privileges and EleAions, reported. That the Committee had had under their further Confideration, the Petition of M'' Robert Lewis, to them referred, complaining of an udue Elecftion and Return of M'' Abraham Venable, to ferve as a Burgefs in this prefent General Affembly, for the County of Louifa; and had fully heard as well the Petitioner by his Council, as the fitting Member; and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon Which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table; where the fame were again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as





Robert Lewis

had a greater Number

of legal Freeholders


voted for him at the

the fitting

Elecftion, for

the faid County of Louifa, than



Member. That M'' Abraham Venable is not duly elefted to ferve as a Burgefs in this prefent General Affembly, for the faid County of Louifa. Refolved, That M'' Robert Lewis is duly eledled to ferve as a Burgefs in this prefent
General Affembly.

That the Return of the Writ for elecfting a Burgefs to ferve in this prefent General Affembly, for the County of Louifa, be amended, by erafmg the Name of Abraham Venable, and inferting the Name of Robert Lewis. An Ingroffed Bill from the Council, intituled. An Ad, to enable the Nottoway and Nanfemond Indians, to fell certain Lands; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was

read the Firft Time.

That the Bill be read a Second Time. To explain and amend the Ad, intituled. An Ad, concerning Tithables, was read a Second Time; and an Amendment made to the Title thereof. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed. A Bill, For repealing Part of an Ad, intituled, Perfons removing into the Bay, was read a Second Time; and committed to M"^ Waller, M'' Carter, and M'' Conway. A Bill, To amend the Ad, made in the Fourth Year of the Reign of the late Queen Anne, intituled, An Ad, for Encouragement of Building Water Mills, was read a Second Time; and an Amendment made to the Title thereof.


That the Bill be Ingroffed. A Bill, To prevent the Inhabitants of Tappahanock Town, from Hogs at large within the faid Town, was read a Second Time.
Ordered, Ordered,


and keeping

That the


be Ingroffed.

To amend an Ad, intituled, An Ad, for reducing the Laws made, for amending Frauds in His Majefty's Cuftoms, into one Ad the Staple of Tobacco; and for preventing Time and committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe. of Affenibly, was read a Second into a Committee upon the Refolved, That this Houfe will To-morrow refohe itfelf


faid Bill.


That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning Eleven


Tuefday, October 9, 1744.


Treafurer laid his Accounts before the Houfe;


and the

Title thereof



That the faid Accounts do


on the Table,

for the Perufal of

the Members.

To amend an Ad, intituled, An Ad, for the effedual Suppreffion of Vice, and Reftraint and Punifhment of wicked, blafphemous, and diffolute Perfons, was read a Carter, and M'' Walke. Second Time and committed to M"^ Benjamin Waller, A Member having taken the Oaths appointed to be taken by Adl of Parliament, inftead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and taken and fubfcribed the Oath of Abjuration, and alfo fubfcribed the Teft, was admitted to his Place in the Houfe. M' Carter, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill, To prevent the building Wooden Chimnies in the Town of Richmond and alfo to prevent Hogs running at large in the faid Town; and the fame was received, and read the Firft Time. Ordered, That the Bill be read a Second Time. Upon a Motion made, Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, To confolidate the united Parifhes of Chrift -Church, and St. Mary '5, White Chappel, in the County of Lancafter; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned; and that M'' Conway do prepare and bring in the fame. M' Harmer, from the Committee to whom the Bill, To enable the Common Hall of the City of Williamsburg, to affefs a Tax on the Inhabitants of the faid City, for building a Prifon; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was committed, reported an Amendment made thereto; which he read in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendment, in at the Table; where the fame being again read, was agreed to by the



That the Bill, with the Amendment, be Ingroffed. M' Benjamin Waller, from the Committee to whom the Bill, For Diffolving the prefent Veftries in this Colony; for Eleding new Veftries; and other Purpofes therein mentioned, was committed, reported feveral Amendments made thereto; which he read in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table where the fame were again read, and Part thereof agreed to, with an Amendment. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. A Meffage from the Council, by M"^ Walthoe: That they have made fome Amendments to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for appointing feveral new Ferries to which they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe And the fame being read. Part thereof was agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered. That a Meffage be fent to the Council, to acquaint them. That this Houfe have agreed to one of the Amendments by them propofed to the faid Bill, and difagreed to the other; and that they defire they will pafs the faid Bill, with the Amendment agreed to And that M'' Harrifon do go up with the faid Meffage. The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee, upon the Bill, To amend an Ad, intituled. An Ad, for reducing the Laws made, for amending the Staple of Tobacco; and for preventing Frauds in His Majefty's Cuftoms, into One Ad of Affembly: And after fome Time fpent therein, M-^ Speaker refumed the Chair; and M'' Conway
; ; :



That the Committee had had the faid Bill under their Confideration but not to go through the fame, had dire(5led him to move for Leave to fit again. Refolved, That this Houfe will again refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill, To-morrow. A Meffage from the Council, by M"' Walthoe: That they recede from the Amendment by them made to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for appointing feveral new Ferries, which was difagreed to by this Houfe; and have

having Time

paffed the


with the

the Bill, intituled. An Ad, to eftablifk Lands, held the Town of Suffolk, in the County of and in Title of and confirm the Bounds Nanfemond; to which they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe. And that they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for dividing the Parifh of Bath, and adding Part thereof to Briftol Parifh, without any Amendment.


that they have

Amendment agreed to. made an Amendment to


That the Houfe be adoumed


To-morrow Morning Eleven


Wednefday, October lo, 1744.


from the Committee of Claims, reported. That the Committee had had under their Confideration, the Petition of the Juftices of King and Queen County and had come to a Refolution thereupon Which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table; where the fame was again
; ;

and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows That the Petition be rejeded; the Rents already allowed being fufficient. M"^ Hedgman moved for Leave to bring in a Bill, for the Relief of Such Perfons as have fuffered, or may fuffer, by the Lofs of the Records of Stafford County, lately confumed by Fire; and it is accordingly referred to him, to prepare and bring in the fame. The Houfe was, according to Order, called over; and Excufes were made for the abfent Members. M'' Conway, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill, To confolidate the united Parifhes of Chrift -Church, and St. Mary '5, White-Chappel, in the County of Lancafter; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned; and the fame was received, and read the Firft Time: And the Queftion being put. That the Bill be read a Second Time? It

paffed in the Negative.


That the




M' Harrifon reported. That the Committee appointed, had, according to Order, prepared a Bill, For the better Security and Guard of the Sea Coafts, and Trade of this Colony; and the fame was received, and read the Firft Time. Ordered, That the Bill be again read on Friday next and that there be then a call

of the


the Council, by M"" Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, to amend the Ad, declaring the Law concerning Attachments; and for altering the Court Days in the Counties of Accomack

A Meffage from

and Amelia.
Alfo to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for giving a Reward for killing Wolves in the County of Frederick, to be levied on the Inhabitants of the faid County by the Court; and for altering feveral Court Days, without any Amendments. M' Waller, from the Committee to whom the Bill, for repealing Part of an Ad, intituled, Perfons removing into the Bay, was committed, reported feveral Amendments made to the Bill which he read in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where the fame being again read, were agreed to by the


That the


with the Amendments, be Ingroffed.


M' Harrifon according
to Order, prefented to the

Houfe a



oblige the the

Inhabitants of Augufta County, to pay their Counties; Dividing Line between Augufta and Frederick

Proportion of the

Charge for running


and the fame was


read the Firft Time. Time. Ordered, That the Bill be read a Second

Upon a Motion made,



it is

a Breach of Privilege for

any Court-Martial

to proceed to Judg-

of his Privilege. ment againft'any Member of this Houfe, during the Time be referred, it was thereupon A Motion being made. That the Order of the Day That this Houfe will again refolve itfelf into a Committee, upon the Bill,



An AA,


Affemand for bly. To-morrow. A Bill. To amend an Ad, intituled, An Ad, for preventing exceffive Gaming; and or other valuable Things, another Ad;, intituled. An Ad, to prevent the Recovery of Money, was read a Second Tippling-Hoiifes, won on Wagers; and for the more effedual Reftraint of Bland, and M' Ludwell. Time; and committed to M' Reddick,
of Tobacco,

Ad, for reducing the Laws made for amending preventing Frauds in His Majefty's Cuftoms, into One Ad



the Staple


That the Houfe be adjoum'd


To-morrow Morning Eleven


Thurfday, October ii, 1744.


Kennon, according to Order, prefented to the Hovife a Bill, To amend an Ad, intituled. An Ad, for fettling fome Doubts and Differences of Opinion, in Relation to the Benefit of Clergy; for allowing the fame to Women, and

away of Reading; and to difable certain Perfons therein mentioned, to be Witneffes; And the fame was received, and read the Firft Time. Ordered, That the Bill be read a Second Time. A Petition of John Peyton, complaining of an imdue Eledion of M"' James Waugh, I to ferve as a Burgefs in this prefent General Affembly, for the County of Stafford, was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the Confideration of the Petition, be referred to the Committee of Privileges and Eledions That they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame,

with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. Ordered, That an Addrefs be made to the Governor, to order a new Writ to iffue, for Electing a Burgefs to ferve in this prefent General Affembly, for the County of Accomack, in the Room of M"" Henry Scarburgh, deceafed and that M"" Eyre do wait on the Governor

with the faid Addrefs. M' William Randolph moved for Leave to bring in a Bill, to oblige the Surveyors of the Counties of Albemarle, Louifa, and Augufta, to refide in their refpe6ti\e Counties whereof they are Surveyors and it is accordingly referred to him to prepare and bring in the fame.

That the Committee to whom the Bill, To dock the Intail of certain Lands therein mentioned, and to veft the fame in Francis Weft,' and to fettle other Lands to tlte fame Ufes, was committed, had examined into the Allegations thereof, and found them to be true; and had made feveral Amendments to the Bill; which he read in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where the fame were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. M' Beverley, from the Committee of Claims, reported. That the Committee had examined and confidered all the Public Claims, which had been laid before them this Seffion; and had agreed upon a Report, which he had entered in a Book; and he delivered the Book in at the Table. Ordered, That the faid Report do lie on the Table, for the Perufal of the Members.
M"^ Carter reported,



An Ad, far continuing an Ad, made in His Reign, Majefty's intituled, An Ad, for making more effedual Proof and Infurredions; and one other A6t, intituled, An Ad, for vifion againft Invafions continuing and amending the aforementioned Ad, with the Amendments, was read the
Ingroffed Bill from the Council, intituled,
the Firft


Third Time.

That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That a Meffage be fent to the Council, to acquaint them. That this Houfe have paffed the faid Bill, wth the Amendments agreed to by them and this Houfe; and that M"' Carter do carry the faid Meffage. Ordered, That M"' Nelfon, M' Burwell, and M'' Ltidwell, be appointed Truftees, to agree for the repairing the Two Wings of the Church, built at the Expence of the Public,

purfuant to a Refolution agreed to by this Houfe, for appointing Truftees for that Purpofe.


paffing with Cattle through this Colony;

For continuing and amending the Ad, for preventing Loffes from Drivers and for laying a Duty on Horfes, was read a That the

Second Time.

be Ingroffed.

according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill, To enable Sufarmah Cooper to fell and difpofe of her Perfonal Eftate, by Deed or Will, notwithftanding her Hufband, Ifles Cooper, fhall happen to be living; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned;
M'' Carter,

and the fame was received, and read the Firft Time. Ordered, That the Bill be read a Second Time. A Bill, To prevent the building Wooden Chimnies in the Town of Richmond; and alfo to prevent Hogs running at Large in the faid Town, was read a Second Time and an

Amendment made

to the Title thereof,

and another to the


That the Bill be Ingroffed. M"' Harrifon, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported. That the Committee had had under their Confideration, the Petition from the Churchwardens and Veftry of the Parifh of Frederick fville in the County of Louifa, to them referred; and had come to a Refolution thereupon Which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table; where the fame was again read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Refolved, That the faid Petition is reafonable. Ordered, That the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, do prepare and bring
, :



purfuant to the faid Refolution.



oblige the Inhabitants of

Augufta County,

Charge, for running the Dividing Line between Augufta

to pay their Proportion of the and Frederick Counties, was

read a Second

Time and committed


to M'' Carter,

and the Members

for the

County of

The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee, upon the Bill, To the Ad, intituled, An Ad, for reducing the Laws made, for amending the Staple of Tobacco; and for preventing Frauds in His Majefty's Ctiftoms, into One Ad of Affembly: And after fome Time fpent therein, M"' Speaker refumed the Chair; and M'' Conway, from the Committee, reported, That they had gone through the Bill; but not having Time to draw up the Report, the Committee had dire<5ted him to move for Leave to fit







refolve itfelf into a Committee, to


up the faid Report.


That the Treafurer's Accounts be referred to M"" Carter, M.' Harrifon, Richard Randolph, Braxton, and M'' Wall And that they do examine the Nelfon, feveral Articles thereof, and report the Ballance, as it fhall appear to them, to the


That the Chaplain do attend

to read Prayers every

Morning at Nine


That M' Harrifon's Account of the Money depofited in his Hands, for the purchafing Arms for the County of Brunfunck, be referred to the Committee appointed
to infped the Treafurer's Accounts.


That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning Ten


Friday, October 12, 1744.

For amending an Ad, intituled, An Ad, for laying an Impofition upon Skins and Furs, for the better Support of the College of William and Mary, in Virginia, was read a Second Time. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed. A Bill, To amend an Ad, intituled. An Ad, for fettling fome Doubts and Differences Clergy; for allowing the fame to Women, and of Opinion, in Relation to the Benefit of taking away of Reading; and to difable certain Perfons therein mentioned, to be Witneffes, was read a Second Time. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed. An Ingroffed Bill from the Council, intituled. An Ad, to enable the Nottoway and Nanfemond Indians, to fell certain Lands therein mentioned, was read a Second Time and Reddick, M' Benjamin Waller, Ruffin, and M' Gray. committed to M'' Simmons, in an Ad, made in the Fourth Year of the a repeal Claufe A Bill, intituled. An Ad, to Reign of the late Queen Anne, intituled, An Ad, for Encouragement of Building Water Mills, was read a Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Corbin do carry the Bill to the Coimcil, for their Concurrence. A Bill, intituled. An Ad, to dock the Intail of certain Lands therein mentioned, and to veft the fame in Francis Weft, in Fee-Simple; and to fettle other Lands, of greater Value, to the fame Ufes, was read a Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Carter do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. A Bill, intituled. An Ad, to prevent the Inhabitants of Tappahanock Town, from raifing and keeping Hogs at large within the faid Town, was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Beverley do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. A Bill, intituled. An Ad, for further amending the Ad, concerning Tithables, was read the Third Time; and a Blank in the Bill filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"^ Carter do carry the Bill to the Cotmcil, for their Concurrence. A Bill, intituled, An Ad, to enable the Common Hall of the City of Williamsburg, to affefs a Tax on the Inhabitants of the faid City, for building a Prifon; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Harmer do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. A Bill, intituled. An Ad, to Diffolve the prefent Veftries in this Colony; for Eleding new Veftries; and other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read a Third Time; and the Blanks in the Bill filled.



the Queftion being put, That the faid Bill do pafs, the Houfe divided.

Noes go


Noes Yeas


paffed in the Affirmative.

That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Benjamin Waller do carry the

Bill to the Council, for their



Bill, intituled,



for repealing the


intituled, Perfons

removing into the

Bay, was read a Third Time.

That the Bill do pafs. That M'' Carter do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. The Houfe being informed. That William Nugent, of James City County, had beat James Lavie, one of the Door-keepers of this Houfe, it was thereupon Refolved, That the faid William Nugent is guilty of a Breach of the Privileges of this Houfe, in committing the faid Offence. Refolved, That the faid William Nugent be taken into Cuftody of the Serjeant at


Arms, for the fame.




Speaker do

Bill, intituled,



for continuing

frotn Drivers, pafflng with Cattle

Warrant accordingly. and amending the Ad, for preventing Loffes through this Colony; and for laying a Duty on Horfes,
iffue his

was read a Third Time; and the Blanks in the Bill filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Carter do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. M"" Beverley, from the Committee to whom the Bill, To veft certain Lands therein mentioned, to the Perfons who have purchafed under the Feoffes and Trufiees of the Town of Tappahanock, was committed, reported feveral Amendments made thereto; which he read in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where the fame were again read, and agreed to; and the Blanks in the Bill filled up. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. A Bill, intituled. An Ad, to prevent the building and repairing Wooden Chimnies in the Town of Richmond, was read the Third Time; and a Blank in the Bill filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Carter do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. A Bill, To enable John Belfield to fell certain Lands therein mentioned, notwithftanding his Infancy, was read a Second Time. Ordered, That the Bill be committed to the Members for Lancafter, Richmond, and Effex Counties And that they do examine into the Allegations thereof; and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. The Houfe was, according to Order, called over. A Bill, For the better Security and Guard of the Sea Coafts, and Trade of this Colony, was read a Second Time and committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe. Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill, on Monday next and that there be then a Call of the Houfe And that no Member have Leave to be abfent from the Service of the Houfe 'til that Day. A Bill, To veft certain Lands therein mentioned, whereof George Carter, Efq; lately died feifed, in Fee-Simple, in certain Truftees therein named, to be fold, for the Performance of his Will, was read a Second Time. Ordered, That the Bill be committed to M'' Waller, and the Members for Prince William and Fairfax Counties: And that they do examine into the Allegations thereof; and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee, to draw up the Report upon the Bill, For amending the Ad, intituled. An Ad, for reducing the Laws made for amending the Staple of Tobacco; and for preventing Frauds in His Majefty's Cuftoms, into One Ad of Affembly: And after fome Time fpent therein, M'' Speaker refumed the Chair; and M'' Conway, from the Committee, reported, That they had drawn up the faid Report, and had made feveral Amendments to the Bill; which he read in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table. Ordered, That the faid Report do lie on the Table.


That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning Ten




Saturday, October 13, 1744.


Bill, intituled,

An AA,


amending an Ad,

for fettling

fome Doubts and Differ-

ences of Opinion, in Relation to the Benefit of Clergy; for allowing the fame to Women, and taking away of Reading; and to difable certain Perfons therein


to be


was read the Third Time.

That the Bill do pafs. M' Ludwell do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. That Ordered, A Petition of William Nugent, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; letting forth, That he is heartily forry he had incurred the Difpleafure of this Houfe; and is ready to fubmit to any Cenfure the Houfe fhall think fit. Ordered, That the faid William Nugent be brought to the Bar of the Houfe, and reprimanded from the Chair And he was called to the Bar, and reprimanded accord:

That the faid Nugent be difcharged out of Cuftody, paying Fees. M"^ Conway, from the Committee to whom the Bill, To enable John Belfield to fell certain Lands therein mentioned, notwithftanding his Infancy; and for other Purpofes therein alfo mentioned, was committed, reported, That they had examined into the Allegations thereof, and found the fame to be true. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed. M' Waller, from the Committee to whom the Bill, To veft certain Lands therein mentioned, whereof George Carter, Efq; lately died feifed, in Fee-Simple, in certain Truftees therein named, to be fold, for the Performance of his Will, was committed, reported, That the Committee had examined into the Allegations of the Bill, and found them to be true; and had made feveral Amendments thereto: Which he read in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where the fame were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. M' Reddick, from the Committee to whom the Bill, To amend an Ad, intituled, An Ad, for preventing exceffive Gaming; and another Adl, intituled, An Ad, to prevent the Recovery of Money, or other valuable Things, won on Wager; and for the more effedual Reftraint of Tippling Houfes, was committed, reported. That the Committee had made feveral Amendments thereto; which he read in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table where the fame were again read. Ordered, That the Bill be re-committed to M"^ Harrifon, M"' Bland, and M'' Ludwell. A Bill, intituled. An Ad for amending an Ad, intituled. An Ad, for laying an Impofition upon Skins and Furs, for the better Support of the College of William and Mary, in Virginia, was read a Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Ludwell do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. A Meffage from the Council, by M' Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, to dock the Intail of certain Lands therein mentioned, and to veft the fame in Francis Weft, in Fee-Simple; and to fettle other Lands, of greater Value, to the fame Ufes. Alfo to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, to prevent the building and repairing Wooden Chimnies in the Town of Richmond.

Alfo to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, to prevent the Inhabitants of Tappahanock Town, from raifing and keeping Hogs at large within the faid Town; without any Amendments. M' William Randolph, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill, To oblige the Surveyors of the Counties of Albemarle, Louifa, and Augufta, to refide in the refpedive Counties whereof they are Surveyors; and the fame was received, and read the Firft Time. Ordered, That the Bill be read a Second Time, M' Bland, from the Committee to whom the Bill, For amending the Ad, intituled.

An Ad,

for fettling the Titles

and Bounds


Lands; and for preventing unlawful Shooting and

and Ranging thereupon, was committed, reported, That the Committee had made an Amendment thereto; which he read in his Place, and then dehvered the Bill, with the Amendment, in at the Table; where the fame was again read. Ordered, That the Bill be re-committed to M' Benjamin Waller, M' William Waller,




Benjamin Waller, from the Committee to whom the Bill, To amend an Ad, for the effedual Suppreffion of Vice, and Reftraint and Punifhment of wicked, blafphemous, and diffolute Perfons, was committed, reported. That the Committee had made feveral Amendments thereto; which he read in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments in at the Table; where the fame were again read, and agreed to by the
Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendment, propofed by the Council, to the Bill, For the better Regulating and Colleding certain Officers Fees; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned and the fame was read, and difagreed to by the

Ordered, That a Meffage be fent to the Council, to acquaint them, That this Houfe cannot agree to the Amendments by them propofed to the faid Bill: And that they And that M"' Carter do go up defire they will pafs the Bill without the Amendments. Meffage. faid with the

The Houfe
For amending


proceeded to the ConQderation of the Amendments to the


Ad, intituled, An Ad, for reducing the Laws made, for amending the Staple of Tobacco; and for preventing Frauds in His Majefty's Cuftoms, into one Ad of Affembly; and the fame were read, and agreed to, with fome Amendments; and an

Amendment made
Ordered, Ordered,

to the Bill at the Table.


That the

with the Amendments, be Ingroffed.


That the Houfe be adjourned

Monday Morning Ten


Monday, October 15, 1744.


Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Report from the Committee of and Grievances, made on Monday Se'nnight, upon a Petition of King William County; and the fame was read, and agreed to by the Houfe,
as follows



That the faid Petition is reafonable. That the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, do prepare and bring That the Petition of Philip Aylet, in Behalf of himfelf and that Part of St. County of King William, propofed to be included in the new Parifh


purfuant to the faid Refolution.


John's Parifh, in the

of the faid

Covmty, be referred to the Confideration of the faid Committee. M' Wafhington moved for Leave to prefent a Bill, for Diffolving the prefent Veftry of the Parifh of Truro; and for appointing a new Ele<5lion of Veftrymen for the faid Parifh: And the fame was received, and read the Firft Time. Ordered, That the Bill be read a Second Time.

To dock the Intail of certain Lands therein mentioned, and to fettle other Lands Value to the fame Ufes, was read a Second Time. Ordered, That the Bill be committed to M'' Chifwell, and the Members for King William and New Kent Counties And that they do examine into the Allegations thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. A Bill, To enable Sufannah Cooper to fell and difpofe of her Perfonal Eftate, by Deed

of greater

or Will, notwithftanding her




Cooper, fhall happen

to be living;



Purpofes therein mentioned, was read a Second Time.


Carter, and M' Reddick: And to M' Power, Ordered That the Bill be committed Allegations thereof, and report the fame, with their that they do examine into the

Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. ^ t,.,w , , ,. *u t to the Houfe a Bill, for reducing the Laws M' Ludwell according to Order, prefented for fettling their Privileges; and for made for Regulating the Elections of Burgeffes, Ad of Affembly; and for amending and renafcertaining their Allowances, into One the fame was received, and read the Firft And faid Laws more effeaual:

dring the

And the Queftion being put, That the


faid Bill be read a

Second Time?

paffed in the Negative.

That the

faid Bill be rejecfted.


Bill, intituled.



to veft certain


therein mentioned, whereof George


Fee-Simple, in certain Truftees therein named, to he Efq; lately died feifed, in a Third Time; and the Blanks in the Bill {or the 'performance of his Will, was read
Bill to


That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M^ Benjamin Waller do carry the

the Council, for their ConBill,


M' Harrifon, from the Committee


of Propofitions

and Grievances, reported a

Frederickfville, their Proobliging the Parifh of St. Martin, to re-pay to the Parifh of Pounds of Tobacco, Thoufand and Ten Pounds, Six Ninety and Four Hundred portion


the faid


of St.

Martin, before the Divifion of the fame; and the fame was


and read the Firft Time. Ordered, That the Bill be read a Second Time. A Bill, intituled. An Ad, for continuing and amending an Ad, intituled. An Ad, for reducing the Laws made for amending the Staple of Tobacco, and for preventing Frauds in His Majefty's Cuftoms, into One Ad of Affembly, was read a Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. A Bill, intituled. An Ad, to explain and amend an Ad, intituled, An Ad, for the effedual Suppreffion of Vice, and Reftraint and Punifhment of wicked, blafphemous, and
diffolute Perfons,

was read a Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Harrifon do carry the

faid Bills to the Council, for their Concur-


Bill, intituled.



to veft certain


therein mentioned, in the Perfons

of the

who have purchafed under

read a Third Time.

the Feoffees

and Truftees



Tappahanock, was

That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Beverley do carry the Bill to the Coimcil, for their Concurrence. The Houfe was, according to Order, called over, and Excufes made for the abfent Members. The Houfe, according to Order, refolved into a Committee, upon the Bill, For the better Security and Guard of the Sea Coafts, and Trade of this Colony: And after fome Time fpent therein, M' Speaker refumed the Chair; and M' Conway reported. That the Committee had made fome progrefs in the Bill; and had diredled him to move the Houfe for Leave to fit again.

That To-morrow.




again refolve


into a Committee,

upon the



That there be then a

Call of the Houfe.


That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning Ten




Tuefday, October i6, 1744.

was read a Third Time. That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Conway do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. A Bill, For redticing the Laws made for laying a Duty upon Liquors, into One AA of Affembly; and for continuing the faid Duty, was read a Second Time; and committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe. Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill,

Bill, intituled,

An Ad,




Belfield to






tioned, notwithftanding his Infancy;


for other

Purpofes therein alfo men-


Ingroffed Bill from the Coimcil, intituled, An Ad, for the Relief of certain Credwas read a Second Time. Ordered, That the Bill be read a Third Time. A Meffage from the Council, by M'' Walthoe: That they have made fome Amendments to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for continuing and amending the Ad, intituled, An Ad, for preventing Loffes from Drivers paffing with Cattle through this Colony; and for laying a Duty on Horfes. Alfo to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, to enable the Common Hall of the City of Williamsburg, to affefs a Tax on the Inhabitants of the faid City, for building a Prifon; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned; to which they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe. And that they infift on the Amendment by them made to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, better Regulating and Colleding certain Officers Fees; and for other Purpofes therein the for




The Houfe proceeded

to the Confideration of the

Cotmcil, to the Bill, intituled,

An Ad,

to eftablifh

Lands held in the Town of Suffolk, in the County of read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That M'' Reddick do carry the Bill to the Council, and acquaint them, That this Houfe have agreed to the Amendment by them propofed to the faid Bill. The Houfe alfo proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendments, propofed by the Covmcil, to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for Dividing the County of Goochland; the Parifh of St. James, in that County; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned; and the fame were twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That a Meffage be fent to the Coimcil, to acquaint them, That this Houfe have agreed to the Amendments by them propofed to the faid Bill And that M"' William Randolph do go up with the faid Meffage. The Houfe alfo proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendments propos'd by the Council, to the Bill, intituled. An Ad for dividing the Parifh of Hamilton, in the County of Prince William, and ereding the fame into Two diftind Parifhes, and other Purpofes therein mentioned; and the fame were twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That M"' Thomas Harrifon do go up with a Meffage to the Council, and acquaint them, that this Houfe have agreed to the Amendments by them made to the

Amendment, propofed by the the Bounds and Title of Nanfemond and the fame was twice
and confirm

faid Bill.

The Houfe
propofed to the


took into their Confideration the Amendments by the Council

enable the Common-hall of the City of Williamson the Inhabitants of the faid City, far building a Prifon; and for

Bill, intituled.

An Ad

affefs a


Purpofes therein mentioned; and the fame being twice read, were agreed to by the Houfe.

That M'' Harmer do go up with a Meffage to the Council and acquaint them, Houfe have agreed to the Amendments by them propofed to the faid Bill. The Houfe alfo proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendments propofed by the Council, to the Bill, intitled, An Ad for continuing and amending the Ad, for preventOrdered,

that this

Cattle through this Colony: And for laying a Duty ing Loffes front Drivers paffing with thereof agreed to by the Houfe. on Horfes; and the fame were read, and Part Council, to acquaint them, that this Ordered, That a Meffage be fent up to the faid Bill, and difto One of the Amendments by them made to the

Houfe have agreed will pafs the Bill with the Amendment agreed to the other; and that they defire they faid Meffage. the agreed to: And that M' Carter do go up with the Council, in The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Meffage from An Ad, for the better Regulating and Relation to their Amendment to the Bill, intituled, therein mentioned: Which AmendPurpofes other Colteding certain Officers Fees; and for Houfe. the ment was again twice read, and difagreed to by them, that this Houfe Ordered, That a Meffage be fent to the Council, to acquaint
cannot recede from faid Meffage. they will not infift on the fame And that M' Carter go up with the the Inhabitants oblige To Bill, of Augufta M' Carter, from the Committee to whom the County, to pay their Proportion of the Charge for running the Dividing Line between Augufta and Frederick Counties, was committed, reported feveral Amendments made thereto; which he read in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where the fame were again twice read and agreed to by the Houfe.


their Difagreement to the faid

Amendment; and

that they defire


That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. Refolved, That the Bill, For Relief of Infolvent Debtors; and

for effedual Difcovery

and Equal Diftribution of their Eftates, be printed. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendments to the Bill, To amend an Ad, intituled. An Ad, againft ftealing Hogs; and the fame being twice read, were agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed.

The Houfe

alfo proceeded to the Confideration of the


to the


For continuing and amending the

receiving exorbitant

Ad, intituled, An Ad, to prevent Lawyers exading or Fees; and the fame being twice read, were difagreed to by the



the Queftion being put, That the faid Bill be Ingroffed?


paffed in the Negative.



That the faid Bill be rejedled. For Diffolving the pre fent Veftry

of the



Truro; and for appointing

a new Eledion of Veftrymen for the faid Parifh, was read a Second Time. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed.
being, according to Order, called over, refolved into a Committee upon For the better Security and Guard of the Sea Coafts, and Trade of this Colony; and after fome Time fpent therein, M"' Speaker refumed the Chair; and M'' Conway, from the Committee, reported, that they had gone through the Bill; but not having Time to draw up the Report, had direfted him to move the Houfe for Leave to fit again. Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee to draw up the faid Report, To-morrow.

The Houfe



That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning Ten


Wednefdayy October 17, 1744.


Bill intituled,

An Ad for diffolving the pre fent

Veftry of Truro; and for appointing

of Veftry Men, for the faid Parifh, was read a third Time, and an Amendment made to the Title thereof, and a Blank in the Bill fill'd up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Wafhington do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concur-

new Eledion

Inhabitants of Augufta County, to pay their Proportion of the Charge, for running the Dividing Line between Avigufta and Frederick Counties, was read a third Time.
Bill, intituled

An Ad,

to oblige the


That the Bill do pafs. That M' Harrifon do carry the Ordered,

Bill to

the Council, for their Concur-


M' William Waller, from the Committee to whom the Bill, For atnending the Ad, An Ad, for fettling the Titles and Bounds of Land; and for preventing unlawful Shooting and Ranging thereupon, was re-committed, reported, feveral Amendments niade thereto which he read in his Place, and then delivered the Bill with the Amendments in at the Table. Ordered, That the Report do lie on the Table. A Bill, intitled, An Ad to amend an Ad, intitled. An Ad againft ftealing Hogs, was read the third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"^ Conway do carry the Bill to the Coimcil, and defire their Concurintituled,

rence thereto.

Meffage from the Council by M"^ Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, to veft certain Lands therein mentioned, whereof George Carter, Efq; lately died feifed, in Fee-Simple, in certain Truftees therein named, to be fold, for the Performance of his Will.
Alfo to the
Bill, intituled,

An Ad,

to veft certain


therein mentioned, in the

Perfons who have purchafed under the Feoffees and Truftees of the Town of Tappahanock. AHo to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, to amend an Ad, intituled. An Ad, to fettle fome

Doubts and Differences of Opinion, in Relation to the Benefit of Clergy; for allowing the fame to Women, and taking away of Reading; and to difable certain Perfons therein mentioned, to be Witneffes.
Bill, intituled. An Ad for amending an Ad, intituled. An Ad, for laying upon Skins and Furs, for the better Support of the College of William and an Imposition Mary, in Virginia, without any Amendment. And that they do infift on the Amendment by them made to the Bill, intituled, An Ad for continuing and amending the Ad, intituled, An Ad, for preventing Loffes from Drivers paffing with Cattle through this Colony; and for laying a Duty on Horfes; which was difagreed to, by this Houfe. A Bill, To oblige the Surveyors of the Counties of Albemarle, Louifa, and Aug\ifta, to refide in the refpedive Counties whereof they are Surveyors, was read a Second Time; and an Amendment made to the Title thereof, and another to the Bill. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed. M' Harrifon, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported a Bill, For dividing tlie Parifhes of St. John and St. Margaret, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned; and the fame was receiv'd, and read the Firft Time. Then a Motion was made. That the faid Bill be immediately read a Second Time; and it was read accordingly, and committed to M'' William Waller, M' Moore, M'' Lomax, M' Baylor, M' Beverley, and M' Braxton. A Bill, For obliging the Parifh of St. Martin, to repay to the Parifh of Frederickfville their Proportion of Four Hundred and Ninety Six Pounds, and Ten Thousand Pounds of Tobacco, levied on the faid Parifh before the Divifion of the fame, was read a Second

Alfo to the


That the Bill be Ingroffed. The Houfe took into their Confideration, the Meffage from the Council, in relation to their Amendment to the Bill, intituled. An Ad for continuing and amending the Ad,

An Ad for preventing Loffes from Drivers paffing with Cattle through this Colony:
a Duty on Horfes:


for laying

Which Amendment was again Twice


and agreed

by the Houfe.

That a Meffage be fent up to the Council, to acquaint them, that this Houfe do recede from their Difagreement to the faid Amendment; and that M"^ Carter do go up with the faid Meffage. M^ Simmons, from the Committee, to whom the Ingrofs'd Bill from the Council, intituled, An Ad to enable the Nottoway and Nanfemond Indians to fell certain Lands; and fen- other Purpofes therein mentioned, was committed, reported, feveral Amendments made thereto, which he read in his Place; and then deliver'd the Bill with the Amendments in at the Table; where the fame were again Twice read, and agreed to,

with an Amendment. Ordered, That a Meffage be fent up to the Cotmcil, to acquaint them, that this Houfe have made fome Amendments to the faid Bill; to which they defire their Concurrence And that M"' Simmons do go up with the faid Meffage.

That a Committee for examining the inroll'd Bills, be appointed of the William Waller, Bland, Richard Lomax, following Perfons, M' Whiting, Cocke, and M"" Braxton.

Upon a Motion,
That the Order of the Day, for the Houfe refolving itfelf into a Committee, to draw up the Report upon the Bill, For the better Security and Guard of the Sea-Coaft, and Trade of this Colony, be referred 'til Monday Se'ennight. The Houfe proceeded to take into their Confideration the Book of Claims; and Part thereof was read and agreed to, with fome Amendments. Ordered, That the further Confideration of the faid Book, be adjoum'd 'til To-morRefolved,


A Motion being made. That the Order of the Day, for the Houfe refolving itfelf into Committee upon the Bill, For reducing the Laws made for laying a Duty on Liquors, a into one Ad of Affembly; and for continuing the faid Duty, be referr'd, Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill, To-morrow.

That the Houfe be adjoum'd


To-morrow Morning Ten


Thurfday, October i8, 1744.


Bill, intituled.

An Ad for

obliging the Parifh of St.




to the


of Frederickfville, their Proportion of

Four Hundred and Ninety Six Pounds,

the faid

and Ten Thoufand Pounds

of Tobacco, levied

Parifh of


before the Divifion of the fame;

was read the Third Time.

Bill to



That the Bill do pafs. That M' Barret do carry the

the Council, for their Concurrence.

to refide

Surveyors of Albemarle and Augufta, in the refpedive Counties whereof they are Surveyors, was read a Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs.
to oblige the

Bill, intituled.

An Ad


That M' William Randolph do carry the

Bill to

the Council, for their


The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Petition of William Parks, Printer; and the fame was read. Refolved, That the Sum of Two Hundred and Eighty Pounds per Annum, be allowed
to the faid William Parks,




to the next Seffion of Affembly, for his Salary,

and as a full Recompence for Printing and Delivering Infpe<aors Notes, and Books, Notes and Receipts for the Duty on Slaves, Services he is now obliged and other Adls of Government, and all other Public Printing Proclamations, to perform. Ordered, That M' Conway do carry the faid Refolve to the Council, for their Concurrence.


Meffage from the Council, by M' Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intitled, An AA to oblige the Inhabitants of Augiifta County, to pay their Proportion of the Charge for running the Dividing Line, between Augufta and Frederick Counties. Parifh Truro; and for appointing a new EleAion of Veftrymen for the faid Parifh. Alfo to the Bill, intituled, An Ad to enable John Belfield, to fell certain Lands therein mentioned, nothwithfianding his Infancy; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, without any Amendment. And that they have agreed to the Amendments by this Houfe made to the BiU,

Alfo to the

Bill, intituled,

An Ad

for diffolving the prefent Veftry of the


An Ad,




Nanfemond and Nottoway


to fell certain



for other


Purpofes therein mentioned. that they have pafs'd a Bill, intituled.

An Ad,

to fettle the

Diftribution of the

Salary, allowed by

His Majefty,

to the

Council of this Colony, to which they defire the

Concurrence of this Houfe. The Houfe refumed the further Confideration of the Book of Claims
Part thereof

and the other

Amendments made thereto; and the Allowances of feveral Officers being added, the Book was agreed to, by the Houfe. Ordered, That M"" Beverley do carry the Book to the Coimcil, for their Concurrence;



and that he do wait on the Governor, and defire his Affent thereto. M"' Ludwell moved for Leave to bring in a Bill, for reviving and continuing the Act, intituled. An Ad, for laying an additional Duty upon Slaves, to be paid by the Buyers; and for encouraging Perfons to inlift in His Majefty' s Service, and for preventing Defertion; for fo much thereof as relates to the laying an additional Duty upon Slaves, to be paid by the Buyer And the Quef tion being put thereupon ? It paffed in the Negative. Refolved, That the Motion be rejected. M'' William Waller, from the Committee to whom the Bill, For Dividing the Parifhes of St. John, and St. Margaret; and far other Purpofes therein mentioned, was committed, reported feveral Amendments made thereto; which he read in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where the fame were again read, and agreed to, with fome Amendments, and a Blank in the Bill filled up. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. M"" Chifwell, from the Committee to whom the Bill, To dock the Intail of certain Lands therein mentioned; and to fettle other Lands of greater Value, in Lieu thereof, to the fame Ufes, was committed, reported, That they had examined into the Allegations thereof, and found them to be true; and that they had made feveral Amendments to

the Bill

in at the

in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, where the fame were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe, Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed.

Which he read


M' Carter reported, That the Committee appointed, had had under their Confideration, the Treafurer's Accoimts; and alfo M'' Benjamin Harrifon's Accovmt, to them referred; and had agreed upon a Report: Which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table where the fame was again read, and thereupon Refolved, That the faid Accounts do pafs. Ordered, That M' Carter do carry the faid Accoimts to the Council, for their Con;


That a Committee for proportioning the Public Levy, be appointed of the M'' Conway, M^ Beverley, M"" Ruffin, M' Turner, and M' Harnter. An Ingroffed Bill from the Covmcil, intituled, An Ad, for the Relief of certain Creditors, was read a Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Conway do carry the BUI to the Council; and acquaint them, that this Houfe have agreed to the fame, without any Amendments.
following Perfons




Ingroffed Bill from the Council, intituled,

to the

An Ad,

to fettle the

Diftribution of the

Council of this Colony, was read the Firft Time. Salary, allowed by His Majefty, Ordered, That the Bill be read a Second Time. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendments of the Bill, For n







for fettling the Titles


preiieniing unlawful Shooting and Ranging theraipon

and Bounds of Land; and for and the fame were read, and Part

fome Amendments. with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee, upon the Bill, For reducing the Laws made for laying a Duty on Liquors, into One Ad of Affembly; and for continuing the faid Duty: and after fome Time fpent therein, M' Speaker refumed the Chair; and M' Conway, from the Committee, reported, That they had gone through the Bill, and made feveral Amendments thereto; which he read in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where the fame being again read, were agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. M' Harrifon from the Committee, to whom the Bill, To amend an Ad, intituled. An Ad, for preventing deceitful and exceffive Gaming; and another Adl, intituled. An Ad, to prevent the Recovery of Money, or other valuable Things, won on Wagers; and for the more effedual Reftraint of Tippling-Houfes, was committed, reported feveral Amendments made thereto; which he read in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where the fame were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe, with an Amendment. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed.
thereof agreed to, with

That the




That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning Ten


Friday, October 19, 1744.


THAT Monday

Wormley have leave to be abfent from the Service


of the Houfe,




M"^ Elligood,



Boufh, have Leave to be abfent from

the Service of the Houfe.

chafers thereof;

An Ad, to confirm the Lots at the Town of Newcaftle, to the Purand for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read a Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Chifwell carry the Bill to the Council and defire their ConcurBill, intituled,

rence thereto.

Meffage from the Council by M'' Walthoe: That they defire an immediate Conference with this Houfe, upon the Subjed Matter
of their


to the

Bill, intituled.

An Ad,

for the better regulating



Purpofes therein mentioned; and have appointed Three of their Members to manage the Conference with fuch a Number of Burgeffes as this Houfe fhall think fit to appoint. And the Queftion being put, that the faid Conference be agreed to?
for other

certain Officers Fees,


Refolved, in the Affirmative.




That the following Perfons be appointed to manage the faid Conference: Conway, Richard Randolph, Beverley Randolph, Nelfon, and M'

Beverley Whiting.
Ordered, That a Meffage be fent to the Council, to acquaint them, that this Houfe have agreed to the Conference by them defired; and have appointed Six of their Members, to meet the Members by them appointed; and that M-- Carter do go up with the faid



The Managers accordingly withdrew; and being returned, M' Carter informed the Houfe, that they had met Three of the Members of the Coimcil in the Conference Chamber, One of whom being covered, delivered a written Paper, with the Bill conReafon for infifting on their Amendment thereto. That a Meffage be fent to the Council, to acquaint them, that the Managers, appointed by this Houfe to meet the Managers appointed by the Council, at a Conference agreed upon by them, upon the Subjedt Matter of the Amendment made by the Council, to the Bill, intituled, An Ad for the better regulating and collecting certain Officers Fees, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, had informed the Houfe, that One of the Managers appointed by the Council, did at the Conference fit covered, and in that Manner delivered a Paper; which, he faid, contained the Reafons for the Council's infifting on their Amendments And as this is a Behaviour which has never before been ufed by any Member of the Council appointed to manage at a Conference, the Houfe of Burgeffes cannot help thinking, that it was intended as an Affront to them; and therefore they defire to know, whether that Gentleman adled by the Diredlions of the Council, and whether the Coimcil claim it as their Right, that their Members fhall be covered at a Conference, while the Members of the Houfe of Burgeffes remain uncovered? And alfo to acquaint them, that this Houfe do refufe to receive the faid Paper, 'til they have an Anfwer from the Cotmcil upon this Matter. And that M"' Carter do go up with the faid Meffage. A Meffage from the Coimcil, by M' Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for the effedual Suppreffion of Vice, and Reftraint and Punifhment of wicked, blafphemous and diffolute Perfons. Alfo to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for obliging the Parifh of St. Martin, to repay to the Parifh of Frederickfville, their Proportion of Four Hundred and Ninety Six Pounds, and Ten Thoufand Pounds of Tobacco, levied on the faid Parifh of St. Martin, before the Divifion of the fame; without any Amendments. And that they have agreed to the Refolve of this Houfe, for allowing to William Parks, Two Hundred and Eighty Pounds per Annum, from this Time to the next Seffion of Affembly, for his Salary, as a full Recompence for Printing and Delivering Infpedlors Notes, and Books, Notes and Receipts for the Duty on Slaves, Printing Proclamations, and other Adls of Government, and all other Public Services he is now
taining the Council's


obliged to perform.


That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning Ten


Saturday^ October 20, 1744.

Written Meffage from the Council, by M"' Walthoe: That they do affure this Houfe, that they defign'd no Offence to the Houfe of Burgeffes, by one of their Members being cover'd at the Conference Yefterday for their Member did expedl, when he put on his Hat, that every Perfon at the Conference would have put on theirs likewife; and that they did not imagine that the Houfe of Burgeffes would have taken Umbrage at a Thing which was not defign'd to give Offence but hope, that they will readily concur with them in carrying on the Public Bufinefs in an amicable Manner; and by this Means bring the Seffion to a happy








with the faid Meffage.

and colleding certain Officers Fees; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned and the fame being twice read, it was thereupon Refolved, That this Houfe doth adhere to their Dif agreement to the faid Amendthe better regulating

Then M^ the Bill, For

Carter reported, the Council's Reafons for infifting on their




the Council, to acquaint them, that this Houfe Ordered That a Meffage be fent up to the Subje<5t Matter of the laft Conference; and do defire an 'immediate Conference upon Meffage. faid that M' Car/ff do go up with the , ,, ^ , ,. the Houfe do acquamt the Managers of the Council, of Managers the That Ordered Difagreement to the Amendment by them made to that this Houfe do adhere to their colleding certain Officers Fees; and for other Purpofes the Bill For the better regulating and the Council will pafs the Bill, without the Amendtherein mentioned; and that they defire

Bill, intituled,

An AS,

for continuing the





for laying a


upon Liquors, was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Council, for their Concurrence. Ordered, That M-^ Nelfon do carry the Bill to the from the Service of this Houfe. Ordered, That M' Reddick have Leave to be abfent An Ad, for fettling the intituled. Ad, the amending A Bill, intituled, An Ad, for and Ranging thereupon, Shooting unlawful Titles and Bounds of Land; and for preventing was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. A Bill, intituled. An Ad, to amend an Ad, intituled. An Ad, for preventing exceffive and deceitful Gaming; and another A(5l, intituled, An Ad, to prevent the Recovery of Money, or other valuable Things, won on Wagers; and for the more effedual Reftraint of Gaming at Ordinaries, was read the Third Time; and feveral Amendments made thereto,

and the Blanks in the Refolved, That the

Bill filled up.



Bill, intituled.


do Ad,

for Dividing the Parifhes of St.

for other Purpofes therein mentioned,

John, and St. Margaret; was read a Third Time; and an Amendment


and the Blanks in the Bill filled up. That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Harrifon do carry the faid Bills to the Council, for their Concurrence. M' Lomax, from the Committee to whom the Bill. For continuing the Ad, intituled, An Ad, for altering the Method of Tryal of certain Criminals therein mentioned, was committed, reported feveral Amendments made thereto; which he read in his Place, and


then delivered the

with the Amendments, in at the Table. Ordered, That the Report do lie on the Table. M' Power, from the Committee to whom the Bill, To enable Sufannah Cooper to fell and difpofe of her Perfonal Eftate, by Deed or Will, notwithftanding her Hufband, Ifles Cooper, fhall happen to be living; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was committed,

reported. That they


had examined into the Allegations thereof, and found them to be true.

That the Bill be Ingroffed. M' William Waller moved for Leave to prefent a Bill, for encouraging the making Salt-Petre, and Gun-Powder; and the fame was received, and read the Firft Time. Ordered, That the Bill be read a Second Time.

That the Houfe be adjoum'd


Monday Morning Ten


Monday, October 22, 1744.


Ingroffed Bill from the Council, intituled,




enable the

Nottoway and


Indians, to fell certain Lands; aztd for other Purpofes therein menwith the Amendments, was read a Third Time.

That the Bill do pafs. That a Meffage be fent to the Council, to acquaint them, that this Houfe have paff'd the faid Bill, with the Amendments agreed to by them and this Houfe: And that M' Simmons do carry the faid Meffage.





Ingroffed Bill from the Cotincil, intituled,



to fettle the

Diftribution of the

Salary, allowed by

Council of this Colony, was read a Second Time. Ordered, That the Bill be read a Third Time.
to the

His Majefty,

A Bill, For encouraging the making of Salt-Petre, and Gun-Powder, was read a Second Time; and committed to M' William Waller, M' Carter, M'' Beverley, and M' Benjamin

M^ Benjamin Waller moved

of this Colony, to lay


out the



the Country, in the prefent



Leave to prefent a Bill, to impower the Treafurer Two Thoufand Pounds in Arms, for the Defence of Danger; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned


the fame was received, and read the Firft Time.


That the


be read a Second Time.


to fell and difpofe of her PerHufband, Ifles Cooper, fhall be living; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read a Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"^ Power do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. Upon a Motion, Refolved, That there be a Call of the Houfe To-morrow. A Meffage from the Cotmcil by M'' Walthoe: That they agree to the Conference by this Hotife delir'd, upon the fubje(5l Matter of the laft Conference and that their Managers are now ready in the Conference Chamber, to meet the Managers of this Houfe. Then the Managers for the Houfe withdrew; and being return 'd, M"^ Carter reported. That they had met the Managers from the Covmcil in the Conference Chamber, and informed them, that the Houfe had had imder their Confideration, the fubjedl Matter of the laft Conference; and that the Reafons offered by the Council, were not fufiicient to induce them to alter their Opinion and therefore they adhere to their Difagreement to the Amendment to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for the better Regulating and Colleding certain Officers Fees; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned; and defire the Council will pafs the Bill without the Amendment. A Meffage from the Coimcil by M' Walthoe: That they have pafs'd the Treafurer 's, and M' Harri fan's Accounts. And that they have agreed to the Book of Claims, without any Amendments. The Houfe took into their Confideration, the Amendments to the Bill, For continuing the Ad, intituled. An Ad, for altering the Method of Tryal of certain Criminals therein mentioned; and the fame were read, and difagreed to, by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed. A Meffage from the Council, by M'' Walthoe: That they have pafs'd a Bill, intituled. An Ad, to impower the Juftices of every County Court, to ered Pounds.

Bill, intituled.



enable Sufannah Cooper

fonal Eftate, by

or Will, notwithftanding her

amend the Law for Proving Wills in the General Court. And that they have made fome Amendments to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, to continue and amend an Ad, intituled, An Ad, for reducing the Laws made, for amending the Staple of Tobacco; and for preventing Frauds in His Majefty's Cuftoms, into One Ad of
Alfo a
Bill, intituled.

An Ad,



that they adhere to the

Amendment by them made

to the

Bill, intituled.


for the better Regulating

and Colleding

certain Officers Fees;


for other


therein mentioned.

Leave to bring in a Bill, for continuing the Adl, intituled. An Ad, for the better Regulating and Colleding certain Officers Fees; and other Purpofes therein mentioned; and it is accordingly referred to him, to prepare and bring in the fame. An Ingroffed Bill from the Council, intituled. An Ad, to amend the Law for Proving Wills in the General Court, was read the Firft Time And a Motion being made. That the

M' Carter moved


faid Bill

be again immediately read.



was read accordingly and feveral Amendments made thereto. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be read a Third Time. An Ingroffed Bill from the Council, intituled, An Ad, to impower the Juftices of every County Court, to ered Pcninds, was read the Firft Time: And the Queftion being put, That the faid Bill be read a Second Time?


paffed in the Negative.


Refolved, That the Bill be reje<aed. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendments, made by the Coimcil, the Bill, For continuing and amending the Ad, intituled. An Ad, for reducing the Laws

made, for amending the Staple of Tobacco; and for preventing Frauds in His Majefty's Cuftoms, into One Ad of Affembly; and the fame were read, and Part thereof agreed to,

by the Houfe. Ordered, That M' Harrifon do carry the Bill up to the Coimcil, and acquaint them, That this Houfe have agreed to fome of the Amendments by them made to the faid Bill, and difagreed to others; and that they defire they will pafs the Bill, with the

Amendments agreed



Meffage from the Council, by M' Walthoe:

That they have made fome Amendments to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, to oblige Surveyors of the Counties of Albemarle, and Augufta, to refide in the refpedive Counties

whereof they are Surveyors.

The Houfe took the faid Amendments into their immediate Confideration; and the fame were read, and agreed to, with fome Amendments. Ordered, That a Meffage be fent to the Council, to acquaint them, That this Houfe have made fome Amendments to the Amendments by them propofed to the faid Bill; to which they defire their Concurrence And that M"" William Randolph do go up with the

faid Meffage.


Carter, according to Order, prefented to the

Houfe a

Bill, Fcfr

continuing the Ad,


An Ad, for the better Regulating and Colleding

certain Officers Fees;


for other

Purpofes therein mentioned; and the fame was received, and read the Firft Time.

Then a Motion was made, That the faid Bill be immediately read a Second Time, and the Queftion being put thereupon? // paffed in the Affirmative. The faid Bill was accordingly read; and Amendments made thereto, at the Table. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed.

That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning Ten


Tuefday, October 23, 1744.


Ingroffed Bill from the Council, intituled,

Wills in the General Court, with the

amend the Law for proving Amendments, was read a Third Time.

An Ad,

That the Bill do pafs. That M'' Benjamin Waller do carry the Bill to the Coimcil; and acquaint them. That this Houfe have agreed to the faid Bill, with fome Amendments; to which they defire their Concurrence. A Bill, intituled. An Ad, for continuing the Ad, intituled, An Ad, for the better Regulating and Colleding certain Officers Fees; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read a Third Time; and a Blank in the Bill filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"^ Carter do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. A Bill, intituled. An Ad, for continuing the Ad, intituled. An Ad, for altering the Method of Tryal of certain Criminals therein mentioned, was read the Third Time; and a Blank in the Bill filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs.
Ordered, Ordered,

That M' Nelfon do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. Ingroffed Bill from the Council, intituled, An Ad, to fettle the Diftributton of the Salary, allowed by His Majefty, to the Council of this Colony, was read the third



That the Bill do pafs. That M-- Ludwell do carry the Bill to the Council; and acquaint them, That this Houfe have agreed to the faid Bill, without any Amendments. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendments to the Bill, For encouraging the making of Salt-Petre, and Gun-Powder; and the fame were read, and agreed to, with fome Amendments. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. A Meffage from the Council, by M"' Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, to impower the Juftices of Elizabeth-City County, to ered Pounds; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned. Alfo to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for preventing exceffive and deceitful Gaming; and another Adl, intituled. An Ad, to prevent the Recovery of Money, or other valuable Things, won on Wagers; and for the more effedual Reftraint of Gaming at Ordinaries. Alfo to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for Dividing the Parifhes of St. John, and St. Margaret,' and for other Purpofes therein mentioned. Alfo to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for amending the Ad, intituled. An Ad, for fettling the Titles and Bounds of Land; and for preventing unlawful Shooting and Ranging thereupon, without any Amendments. And that they have agreed to the Amendments by this Houfe made to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, to amend the Law for Proving Wills in the General Court. And that they recede from the Amendments by them made to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, to continue and amend the Ad, intituled, An Ad, for reducing the Laws made for amending the Staple of Tobacco; and for preventing Frauds in His Majefty' s Cuftoms, into One Ad of Affembly, which were difagreed to by this Houfe; and have paffed the


with the Amendments agreed to. The Houfe was, according to Order, called over. A Bill, To impower the Treafurer of this Colony, to lay out the Sum of Two Thoufand Pounds in Arms, for the Defence of the Country, in the prefent Time of Danger; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read a Second Time: And the Queftion being put, That the faid Bill be committed?

Then the Queftion was


paffed in the Negative. put. That the faid Bill be Ingroffed; upon which the Houfe

Noes go


Noes Yeas

24. //

paffed in the Negative.

That the Bill be rejedted. M"' William Randolph moved. That this Houfe make a Refolve, That the Sum of Five Htmdred Pounds be given, to aid the Revenue for the Support of the Forts and
Fortifications in this



the Queftion being put thereupon ?


paffed in the



That the Motion be rejedled. M"' Campbell moved for Leave to bring in a Bill, For laying out a Powder and Ball And the Queftion being put thereupon ?





paffed in the Negative.


That the Motion be



That the Houfe be adjourned


To-morrow Morning Ten




Wednejday, October 24, 1744*



Bill, intituled,

encouraging the making of Salt-Petre, and Gun-Powder, was read a Third Time; and the Blanks in the Bill filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' William Waller do carry the Bill to the Council, for their

An Ad, for


Meffage from the Council, by M' Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for continuing Ad, for laying a Duty on Liquors.
Alfo to the
Bill, intituled.






for continuing the

Regulating and Colleding certain Officers Fees;

Bill, intituled,

Ad, intituled. An Ad, and for other Purpofes

for the



Alfo to the

An Ad,

for continuing the





for alter-

ing the Method of Tryal of certain Criminals therein mentioned. Alfo to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, to confirm the Lots of the
the Purchafers thereof;


of Newcaftle, to


for other

Purpofes therein mentioned.


Sufannah Cooper to fell and difpofe of her Perfonal Eftate, by Deed or Will, notwithftanding her Hufband, Ifles Cooper, fhall be liinng; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, without any Amendments. And that they do infift on the Amendments by them made to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, to oblige the Surveyors of the Counties of Albemarle, and Augufta, to refide in the
Alfo to the
Bill, intituled.

An Ad,


refpedive Counties whereof they are Surveyors. The Houfe took the faid Amendments into their immediate Confideration

and the


being again read, were agreed to.

That M'' William Randolph do carry the faid Bill up to the Coimcil, and acquaint them. That they recede from their Difagreement to the faid Amendments. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Addrefs to His Majefty; and the Beverley Randolph, M' fame was read; and committed to M' N elfon, M' Whiting, Wafhington, M' Carter, and M' Lomax. The Houfe aKo proceeded to the Confideration of the Report of the Committee, appointed to examine into the old Records, belonging to the Public and the fame being


it is


Council and Affembly; the


That the Book N A, 42, containing the old Charters and Tranfadlions, in Book N A, 12, containing Orders and Patents, and fundry Tranfacftions in Affembly the Book N^ B, containing Orders and Depofitions; the Book N" E, 43. containing Letters, Royal Inftrudlions, and other Things; the Book containing Foreign Bufinefs, and Efcheats, from 1665, to 1676; the Book N B, 16. containing Orders, Depofitions, and Deeds; and an old Book, without Binding, much torn and effaced, containing Wills, Patents, and other Records, be tranfcribed, by the Clerk of
this Houfe.


that the

from 1677, to

Book N B, containing Bonds, Commiffions, and Royal Inftrudlions, 1682; the Book containing Patents, from 1679, to 1689; and the Book

containing Orders of the General Court, from 1682, to 1690, be new bound. M'' Nelfon, from the Committee to whom the Addrefs to His Majefty was committed,

reported feveral
livered the

Amendments made thereto which he read in his Place, and then deAddrefs, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where the fame were again


and agreed to, by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Addrefs, with the Amendments, be
That the Houfe be adjourned

fairly tranfcribed.


To-morrow Morning Ten o 'Clock.



Thurfday, October 25, 1744.


That the Committee appointed, had, according to Order, PubUc Levy, and ftated the fame in a Book, which he deUvered in at the Table; and the fame was read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That M^ Conway do carry the faid Book to the Council, for their Concur-



fettled the Proportion of the

M' Conway alfo, according to Order, prefented a Bill, For raifing a Public Levy; and the fame was received, and read the Firft Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be immedately read a vSecond Time And it was accord:

ingly read.


That the

faid Bill be Ingroffed.

An Ad, for raifing a Public Levy, was read a Third Time. That the faid Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"' Conway do carry the faid Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. A Meffage from the Council, by M"' Walthoe: That they have agreed to and paffed the Book of Proportions. That they have alfo paffed the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for raifing a Public Levy. M'' Whiting reported. That the Perfons appointed, had, according to Order, examined the InroUed Bills, and recfbified fuch Mif takes as were found therein; and that the fame were truly Inrolled. Ordered, That M'' Whiting do carry the Inrolled Bills to the Council, for their Con-

Bill, intituled.



A Meffage from the Council That they have infpe(5led the Inrolled


and are


they are truly In-

A Meffage from the Governor, by M'' Walthoe: The Governor commands the immediate Attendance of this Houfe in the CouncilChamber; and that you bring with you fuch Bills as are ready for his Affent. And M'' Speaker, with the Houfe, went up accordingly; and the Governor was pleafed to give his Affent to the following Public and Private Bills An Ad, for the Relief of certain Creditors. An Ad, to explain and amend an Ad, intituled, An Ad, for the effedual Siippreffion
of Vice,

of this

and Reftraint and Punifhment Ad, to fettle the Diftribution of

of wicked, blafphemous,

the Salary, allowed by

and diffolute Perfons. His Majefty, to the Council


An Ad, for continuing an Ad, made in the Firft Year of His Majefty's Reign, intituled, An Ad, for making more effedual Provifion againft Invafions and Infurredions and one other Adl, intituled, An Ad, for continuing and amending the aforementioned

An Ad, to amend an Ad, intituled. An Ad, for preventing exceffive and deceitful Gaming; and another Adl, intituled, An Ad, to prevent the Recovery of Money, or other valuable Things, won on Wagers; and for the more effedual Reftraint of Gaming at Ordinaries.

An Ad, to amend the Law for proving Wills in the General Court, and County Courts. An Ad, to continue and amend an Ad, intituled. An Ad, for reducing the Laws made,

amending into One Ad

the Staple of Tobacco;


for preventing

Frauds in His Majefty's Cuftoms,



An Ad, for continuing the Ad, intituled. An Ad, for laying a Duty upon Liquors. An Ad, for amending an Ad, intituled, An Ad, for laying an Impofition upon Skins
and Furs,

for the better



of the College of

An Ad,





William and Mary, in Virginia. concerning Attachments; and for altering

Court-Days in

the Counties of

Accomack and Amelia.


Ad, to prevent frivolous and vexatious Suits; and to regulate Attornies, practifing in the County Courts. An Ad, to eftablifk and confirm the Bounds and Title of Lands, held in the Town of Suffolk, in the County of Nanfemond. An Ad, to amend an Ad, intituled, An Ad, for fettling fome Doubts and Differences Clergy; for allowing the fame to Women, and of Opinion, in Relation to the Benefit of

An AA,


amend an Ad,






Reading; and









for amending the Ad, intituled. An Ad, for fettling the Titles and Bounds and for preventing unlawful Shooting and Ranging thereupon. of Lands; An Ad, for continuing the Ad, intituled, An Ad, for the better Regulating and Colleding certain Officers Fees; and other Purpofes therein mentioned. An Ad, for continuing and amending the Ad, for preventing Loffes from Drivers paffing with Cattle through this Colony; and for laying a Duty on Horfes. An Ad, for continuing the Ad, for altering the Method of Tryal of certain Criminals

An Ad,

therein mentioned.

An Ad, An Ad,
and Queen,

for appointing feveral





the Veftry of the

to fell the Glebe of the faid

Parifh; and

Parifh of Stratton-Major, in the County of King to purchafe a mme convenient Glebe

in Lieu thereof.

An Ad,
An Ad,
at large

for enabling the Juftices of Prince


Tobacco on the faid Counties,


prevent the

William and Fairfax Counties, to levy Occoquan Ferry. Inhabitants of Tappahanock Town, from raifing and keeping

within the faid Town.

An Ad, An Ad,

to oblige the

Surveyors of the Counties of Albemarle, Augufta, Frederick, and

Louifa, to refide in the refpedive Counties whereof they are Surveyors.

for Dividing the Parifhes of St.

John, and


Margaret; atui for other PurPurchafers thereof; and

Prince William, and

pofes therein mentioned.

An Ad,
for other


confirm the Lots of the


of Newcaftle, to the


Purpofes therein mentioned. Ad, for Dividing the Parifh


Hamilton, in




ereding the fame into


diftind Parifhes;



for Dividing the

to Briftol

Parifh of

Purpofes therein mentioned. Bath, in the County of Prince George, and adding


Part thereof


An Ad,

for obliging

Parifh of





to the


of Frederickfville,

Proportion of Four Hundred and Ninety Six Pounds, and Ten Thoufand Pounds of Tobacco, levied on the faid Parifh of St. Martin, before the Divifion of the fame. An Ad, to enable the Common Hall of the City of Williamsburg, to affefs a Tax on a tlie Inhabitants of the faid City, for building a Prifon; and for other Purpofes therein

Wolves in the County of Frederick, to be levied County by the Court; and for altering feveral Court Days. An Ad, for reviving the Ad, to impower the Juftices of Elizabeth City County to ered Pounds; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned. An Ad, for Dividing the County of Goochland, and the Parifh of St. James, in that County; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned. on
the Inhabitants of the faid

An Ad,

for giving a Reu'ard for killing

An An An



Dividing the Upper Parifh in

Nanfemond County, and adding Part

to fell certain

thereof to Sufifolk Parifh.


enable the

Nottoway and Nanfemond Indians,

Lands; and

for other Purpofes therein mentioned.



prevent the building

and repairing Wooden Chimnies in




An Ad, for Diffolving the prefent Veftry of the Parifh of Truro,- and for appointing a new Eledion of Veftrymen for the faid Parifh. An


An AH, to oblige the Inhabitants of Augufta County, to pay their Proportion of the Charge for running the Dividing Line between Augufta and Frederick Counties. An Ad, to enable Mann Page, Efq; to fell and difpofe of certain intailed Lands, to


for the


of his Father's Debts,

and Performance

of his Will;



Purpofes therein mentioned.





Belfield to




therein mentioned, notwithftand-

Purpofes therein alfo mentioned. a An Ad, for eftablifhing Town near Roy's Warehoufe, in the County of Caroline; and for other Purpofes therein tnentioned. An Ad, to impower Peter Hedgman, Gent, to lay out and apply the Rents and Profits of certain intailed Lands therein mentioned, whereof William Brent lately died feifed, towards paying the Debts of the faid Decedent; and for other Purpofes therein
ing his Infancy;
for other



An Ad,


enable Sufarmah Cooper

to fell

and difpofe

of her Perfonal Eftate,

by Deed

or Will, notwithftanding her

therein mentioned.



Cooper, fhall be living; and for other Purpofes

An Ad, An Ad,


Francis Weft, in Fee-Simple; and

to veft certain

dock the Intail of certain Lands therein mentioned, and to veft the fame in to fettle other Lands, of greater Value, to the fame Ufes.


therein mentioned, whereof Greorge Carter, Efq;



died feifed, in Fee-Simple, in certain Truftees therein named,

be Sold, for the Perform-

ance of his Will.



to veft certain


therein mentioned, in the Perfons

who have purchafed

under the Feoffees and Truftees of the Town of Tappahanock. An Ad, for vefting Three Hundred and Ninety Four Acres of Land, with the Appurtenances, in the County of King William, whereof William Banks is feifed, in Fee-Tail, in John Norton, Gent, in Fee-Simple; and for fettling feveral Slaves, therein named, in
thereof, to the

fame Ufes.

An Ad,

for raifing a Public Levy.

The Governor alfo gave his Affent to the following Refolve of the Houfe of Burgeffes, which the Council had agreed to, viz. That the Sum of Two Himdred and Eighty Pounds per Annum, be allowed to William Parks, from this Time to the next Seffion of Affembly, for his Salary, as a full Recompence for Printing and Delivering Infpedlors Notes and Books, Receipts for the Duty of Slaves, Printing Proclamations, and other Adls of Government, and aU other
Public Services he


obliged to perform.

of the Council,



the following Speech:


M^ Speaker, and Gentlemen of


of Burgeffes,

AM now

to give



Thanks, for the




truft, as I


fure they are calculated with that View, will be for the Benefit

you have prefented to me; which I and

Conveniency of the People.

of the


of Burgeffes,

did hope, in Compliance with what



you at the Opening

of this

Seffion, and indeed, correfpondent to your Addrefs, you would have contributed, either towards Repairing our Batteries, which my Concern for the Public Safety prompted me to afk; or that the Senfe of common Danger would have animated you with a more

laudable Zeal,

and warmed you

into a vigorous

and unanimous Refolution,

of exerting

your utmoft Efforts to convince your Country, at this perilous Conjimdlure, that you had made the beft provifion for her true Intereft and Prote(5tion. But fmce every Motion of that kind has been rejedled, and more effedlual Meafures, though they obtained the Credit of a Bill, have been debated into a Negative, that fuch


not be cenfured worfe than they deferve,


Gentlemen of the Council, and Hcmfe of Burgeffes,



from your known Affedlion to His Majefty's Perfon and Government

that during your Recefs in your refpe($live Counties,


will diligently difcharge the

your Military as Civil Capacities; by taking fpecial Care the feveral Mufters be attended with Proper Officers, the Men well difciplined, and provided with Arms and Ammunition and by ftrit^ly putting the Laws in Execution

Duty incumbent upon you, as well

againft all Difturbers of the Peace.

And as you are, no doubt,

impatient to


longer than to acquaint you, that I have thought

Third Thurfday in Decetnber next Time.



your private Affairs, I fhall keep you no fit to prorogue this Affembly to the Affembly is accordingly Prorogued to that




to be held at the Capitol^ in the City

of Williamsburg^ on Thurfday the Sixth Day of May^ in the Fifteenth Year of the Reign of our
Sovereign Lord



by the Grace of

God, of Great-Britain^ Francey and Ireland^ King, Defender of the Faith, ^c. And from thence continued, by feveral Prorogations, to Thurfday the Twentieth Day of February^ in the Nineteenth Year of His faid Majefty's Reign; Being the and in the Year of our Lord 1745: Third Seflion of this Affembly.

Printed by

William Parks,









Thurfday, February 20, 1745.

Gent, having prefented a Commiffion from his Honour the Governor, to be Serjeant at Arms, and Mace-bearer, to this Houfe; and having taken the Oaths appointed by Adt of ParHament, inftead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and taken the Oath of Abjuration, and fubfcribed the
to that Office.

was accordingly admitted


Meffage from the Governor, was delivered by

of this


The Governor commands the immediate Attendance



in the Council-

Speaker, with the Houfe, went up accordingly;

That the Houfe had attended the Governor in pleafed to make a Speech to the Council and this Houfe; of which, to prevent Mif takes, he had obtained a Copy Which he read, and afterwards delivered in at the Table; where the fame was again read, and is as follows

and being returned, reported. the Council-Chamber, and that he was

Gentlemen of the Council, Mr. Speaker, and Gentlemen

of the


of Burgeffes,

IS and


not have fhorten'd


my laft Prorogation, to call you together fo fuddenly,

of the

at this Seafon,

an Incident,

moft affedling Concern to


had not de-

manded our immediate Regard, and left me without Excufe for my Silence. BY all the Accounts we have lately had from our Mother Country, the Sons Violence have again taken up rebellious Arms againft our Sovereign, incited by the

Prefence of

an intriguing Dependant on Foreign Courts, and animated by the Promife of Affiftance from our moft inveterate Enemies, the French and Spaniards; intending, with thofe Tools of Tyranny and Oppreffion, to fubvert our Excellent Conftitution in Church and State, and force us to exchange the Bleffmgs of Liberty, for the moft abjedl Slavery, \mder the arbitrary Will of a Popifh Pretender, brought up, and his Sons after him, to idolize the glaring Ceremonies of the Romifh Communion, and pay a blind Obedience to the Briefs and Mandates of a fuppofed infallible Judge; that fpiritual Deceiver, by whofe perfidious Cafuiftry, making Religion fubfervient to every vicious Inclination, Pardons are granted for paft Sins, Indulgences for future ones, and, for Fees proportioned to fuch mighty Favours, departed Souls are releafed from a troublefome State of Expiation, and others qualify'd for the Society of Saints in Heaven.
are fome of the grand Articles of that profane and oftentatious Syftem of Iniquity, to which, by the Rebellion, they mean to compel us to fubmit: Thefe are the Fables, cunningly devifed, to infnare the Ignorant, and captivate the more Circumpe<ft;


fpe(5t; tho', in

the Gofpel

we have



manifeftly appears, that our High Prieft

Jesus, the

Son of GOD, left no fuch derivative Authority to any of his Apoftles, that Purgatory is an imaginary Place, and that no Man upon Earth has an abfolute PoweJ

to forgive Sins.


Gentlemen, as

am convinced

of your Averfion to this deftrudlive Scheme,

and that I can't excite in you a more lively Abhorrence of the deteftable Enterprize, that what the firft News of it infpir'd, rather than wafte Time with what you all know, the Abfurdity of the Pretender's Claim, or the horrid Cruelties exercifed upon us under the Notion of Hereticks, by that Spirit of Perfecution which for ever attends this Corruption of Faith and Morality, I chufe to lead you to confider how we ought to demean ourfelves, in a Conjundlure that calls for Inftances of Duty and Gratitude.


muft fubmit


to you, whether, in our diftant Situation,

and adequately

to our Zeal, we can fufficiently exprefs our indignant Refentment againft the dreadful Attempt, and give fuch ample Proof of our fmcere and ardent Attachment to the prefent

Eftablifhment, imlefs, with an occafional Addrefs to the King, we, after the Example of our Fellow-Subje(5ls, enter into an Affociation, obliging ourfelves, with our Lives and Fortunes, to maintain, defend, and fupport the Perfon, Family, and Government of

His moft gracious Majefty King GEORGE, our only rightful and lawful Sovereign, and the juft Guardian of our facred and civil Rights.

our Religion and Liberties are in fuch imminent Danger, our bounden Duty to our King and Country will fuggeft to us, as the beft Teftimony Words can convey, of our unalterable Fidelity to the Engagements we are already

SUCH a Covenant, when


are the Principles,


thefe only, that can protedt us, with the Divine

from the Miferies and Calamities of inteftine Do(5lrine, Herefy, and Schifm and fecure to us, if we are not Rebellion, falfe from War, wanting to ourfelves, Peace of Mind whilft we live, and that Peace at the lat, which the Rmnan Prelate can neither, by his Interdidls deprive us of, nor, by his miftaken Devotion,


are next


to implore,

procure for


AND now. Gentlemen of the Council, and Houfe of Burgeffes, that you will endeavour, during this Seffion, to to her prefent Exigencies,





advance the Honour and Welfare of your Country, fuitable and unanimoufly comply with what I have with great Fervency abundantly convinced, by the Reputation you have juftly acquir'd of Stanch Proteftants, and true Patriots.

order therefore, to perpetuate this amiable and favourite Character, Gentlemen Houfe of Burgeffes, I muft beg your Indulgence one Moment longer. The College of William and Mary, that Seminary of Learning, and Ornament to Virginia, tho' founded and endow'd with Royal Contributions, you are all fenfible, could not have flourifh'd to the Advantage of Erudition it has arriv'd, without your Bounty and additional Munificence: As the Adl conveying that Largefs, is now near expiring, I am induced by a pious Regard for the Advancement of pure Religion, and the Study of ufeful Knowledge, to recommend to you its Renewal; to which I fhall, with uncommon Pleafure, give my Affent, and promife to procure His Majefty 's Confirmation. If I tell you, that there is not in any Part of the World, a College, where good Order, Decency and Difcipline, are better maintain 'd, where God Almighty is more conftantly and devoutly worfhipp'd, and where greater Care is taken to train up young Students in the Rudiments of Religion, Loyalty, Science, and good Manners, and carrying them on towards Perfection, than in This, I am fure I fhould fpeak without Artifice or Flattery, and I dare fay, within the Bounds of Truth.
of the

THIS, which I have obferv'd with great Satisfaction, no doubt you hear with Delight and Approbation For, with what Comfort may you from hence extend your Views through future Centuries, and anticipate the Happinefs provided for Pofterity by refledt:


ing that not only your Sons, but their Defcendants to lateft \ges, will there be guided
in the

Paths of Virtue and found Literature, and

fitted, as


may by

Genius be


pofed, for the Serv'ice of their King, their Country,




will not only think fuch diligent Youth, worthy the Continuance of the annual Income ariling from the whole Penny, which has hitherto been their chief Support, but kindly take them imder your conitant Patronage and Protection


thefe Confiderations, I

am perfuaded you


difcreet Inftrudlors of

have one Requeft more to make to you, with which I fhall conTwo Regiments bound to Cape-Breton, to preferve the valuable Conqueft of Louifburg, after a tedious Voyage from Gibraltar, by bad Weather and contrary Winds, have been forced with their Convoys into this Colony. The Commodore and the Commanding Officers of the Regiments, purfuant to an Order I have feen, That in Cafe they could not reach that Ifland, and were obliged to take Shelter in any of thefe Provinces, they fhould apply to the Governor, for whatever Affiftance they might ftand in need of; on their Arrival made Application to me, and among other Neceffaries, fuch as landing their Men, and an Allowance of Wood and Candles, defir'd fome frefh Provifions for them many being very fick and infirm For the Difembarking their Men, for Fire and Candles, which I judg'd indifpenfible, without any Hefitation I gave Orders, promifmg to report and recommend the whole to the Conlideration of your Houfe, in whofe Power it is to relieve them and I do it with the greater Eameftnefs, becaufe I am certain, at this critical Jvmcfture, and on fuch an Occafion, a generous Supply will be accepted by His Majefty as a Token in Ratification of your Duty, and of your Regard to that important Service for which thefe Brave Men are appointed.



Several Tranfports with

That an humble Addrefs be prefented to the Governor, to return him the Houfe, for his affedtionate Speech; to acknowledge his great Care and Thanks tinwearied Attention, in Difcharge of the important Truft repofed in him by his Majefty, to affure his Honour we will do every Thing in our in the Government of this Colony Power to Promote the Honour and Intereft of our Country; and exert the utmoft of our Endeavours to maintain the Succeffion of the Crown in the prefent Royal Family. Conway, and M"" Ludwell, do prepare and bring in the Ordered, That M'' Corbin,
of this






take the Governor's Speech into Confideration on



That an Addrefs be made to the Governor, to order a new Writ to iffue, for County of York, in His Majefty 's Council; promoted to one of is Efq; who N on, the Room of William elf and that M' Burwell wait on the Governor with the faid Addrefs. AKo, that an Addrefs be made to the Governor, to order a new Writ to iffue, for elefting a Burgefs, to fer\'e in this prefent Seffion of Affembly, for the County of Goochland, in the Room of William Randolph, Gent, deceafed; and that M^ Cocke wait on the
electing a Burgefs, to ferve in this prefent Seffion of Affembly, for the

Governor with the faid Addrefs. Alfo, that an Addrefs be made to the Governor, to order a new Writ to iffue, for eleding a Burgefs, to fer\-e in this prefent Seffion of Affembly, for the County of Gloucefter, in the Room of Samuel Buckner, Gent, who has accepted of a Place of Profit; and that M"^ Whiting wait on the Governor with the faid Addrefs. Alfo, that an Addrefs be made to the Governor, to order a new Writ to iffue, for eledting a Burgefs, to fer\'e in this prefent Seffion of Affembly, for the County of CharlesCity, in the Room of Benjamin Harrifon, Efq; deceafed; and that M' Kennon wait on
the Governor with the faid Addrefs.

an Addrefs be made to the Governor, to order a new Writ to Eledling a Burgefs, to ferve in this prefent Seffion of Affembly, for the County
Alfo, that

iffue, for

of Prince

George, in the

and that


has accepted of a Place of Profit; Beverley Randolph wait on the Governor with the faid Addrefs.


of Richard Bland, Gent,




That the Reverend M' Thomas Dawfon be continued Chaplain to


Houfe; and that he attend to read Prayers every Morning, at Ten o'Clock. Ordered, That William Francis, James Lavie, Robert Wager, and Thomas Broadribh, Door-keepers to this Houfe; and that they give their Attendance accordcontinued be


That the Houfe be adjoum'd


To-morrow Morning Eleven


Friday, February 21, 1745.

raifes in

R. Corbin reported, That the Perfons appointed had, according to Order, prepared an Addrefs to the Governor; which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table; where the fame was again twice read, and agreed to

by the Houfe, without any Amendment and



as follows



His Majefty's moft Dutiful and Loyal Subje(5ls, the Burgeffes of Virginia, in General Affembly, humbly beg Lea\'e to Addrefs your Honour, with our moft unfeigned and hearty Thanks, which are the natural Refult of that zealous and fmcere Regard that your wife and juft Adminiftration

now met

our Hearts.
appointing your Honour for our Governor, not to retain

W E are too deeply fenfible of the many Bleffmgs of our Sovereign's Reign, from the
Beneficent Inftance of


the moft ardent Attachment and unalterable Fidelity to His Royal Perfon, Family, and

Government, the moft lively and indignant Abhorrence of this, and every deteftable Attempt, to violate his Majefty's juft and undoubted Rights, and the moft eameft Purpofe of teftifying our Gratitude, by that beft Inftance of it, our hearty Concurrence in every Meafure which can tend to the Honour of His Majefty, and the Welfare of His

we beg Leave to affure you, are the only Sentiments of our Hearts; and, thus animated, we will unite in every Means our Power can reach, to promote the Intereft of our Country, and to give the ampleft proof of our Duty and Affedlion to His


Majefty King GEORGE, and of our Zeal to maintain the Succeffion of the Crown, in His Royal Houfe; the fureft Bulwark of our Religion, the beft Guardian of our Liberties, and the ftrongeft Support of our happy Conftitution Thus, endeavouring to deferve that favourite and amiable Charadler, fo juftly, from thefe Motives, acquired by our Anceftors, of Loyal Subjed;s, and True Patriots. Ordered, That the faid Addrefs be fairly tranfcribed, and prefented to the Governor, by the Speaker and the whole Hoiafe. Ordered, That the Committee who prepared the fame, do wait on the Governor,



his Pleafure


the Hovife fhall attend to prefent

of Privileges



That the Committee

and Eledlions be



to confift

of the following Perfons:



M"- Beverley Randolph. they are to meet and adjourn from Day to Day, and to take into their Confideration all fuch Matters as fhall or may come in Queftion, touching Returns, Eledlions, and Privileges; and to report their Proceedings, with their Opinions thereupon, from Time to Time, to this Houfe: And the faid Committee is to have Power to fend for

W Whiting, M' Bnrwell, W Braxton, and

M-- Carter,

W Richard Randolph, W Lomax, W Benjamin Waller,


Perfons, Papers,

and Records,

for their Information.




That the Committee

of Propofitions

and Grievances be revived, and


of the following Perfons

M'^ Carter,

M' Richard Randolph, M' Digges, M' Kennon,


M'' M''


W Woodbridge, W Braxton,
M'' Burwell,
M"' Corbin,

Conway, Simmons,

M' Baylor,
M'' M""

William Gray,

W W Moore,
M'' B^T.

M"' Chifwell, M'' Colville,



Ludwell, and

are to meet

and adjourn from Day to Day, and take into their Confideration and Grievances, that fhall come, legally certified, to this Affembly; and to report their Proceedings, with their Opinions thereupon, to the Houfe, from Time to Time: ^\nd all fuch Propofitions and Grievances are to be delivered to the Clerk of the Houfe, and by him to the faid Committee, of Courfe. And they have Power to fend for Perfons, papers, and Records, for their Information. Ordered, That the Committee of Courts of Juftice be revived, and confift of the

And they



following Perfons:

M'' Fantleroy,



M' Benjamin M'' Benjamin


William Waller, and

And they are to meet and adjourn from Day

Matters relating to Courts of

and to take into their Confideration fuch other Matters as fhall, from Time all Jioftice, to Time, be referred to them; and report their Proceedings: And the faid Committee have Power to fend for Perfons, Papers, and Records, for their Information.
to Day,



That the Committee


Trade be revived, and


confift of the following


M^ Harmer,
M'' Corbin,

Richard Randolph,

M"" Colville,

And they

and M"' Richard Cocke. meet and adjourn from Day to Day, and to take under their Confideration, all Things relating to the Trade of this Colony, and all fuch Matters as fhall be, from Time to Time, to them referred: and report their Proceedings: And the faid Committee have Power to fend for Perfons, Papers, and Records, for their Information. Ordered, That the Committee of Claims be revived, and confift of the following

are to


W Weftwood,





M'' Boiling,
M'' M"'

M'' Mitchell, M''

Sweney, Harmer,


K' Richard
M'' Taylor.

M' Thornton, M"" Cobbs, and

their Confideration

And they

are to

meet and adjourn from Day to Day, and take into

Public Claims, which fhall be prefented to the Houfe during this Seffion; and to

report their Proceedings, with their Opinions thereupon, to the Houfe,

gone through the faid Claims

And aU Perfons

that have

any Claims, are to

when they have deliver them



And they is to deliver the fame to the faid Committee, of Courfe. Information. their for Records, and Papers, Perfons, for fend have Power to Ordered, That the Clerks of the feveral Committees, be continued in their refpe<5live
to the Clerk,

and he


and Grievances, be a fufficient Committees. Number to Refolved, That in all Cafes of controverted Eledlions, to be heard at the Bar of the Houfe, or before the Committee of Privileges and Elections, the Petioners do, by themfelvcs, or their Agents, within a convenient Time, to be appointed either by the Houfe or the Committee of Privileges and Elections, as the Matter to be heard fhall be, before

That Nine

of the


of Propofitions

make a Committee; and Five

of all other

the Houfe or the faid Committee, deliver to the fitting Members, or their Agents, Lifts of the Perfons intended by the Petitioners to be objeded to, who voted for the fitting

Members, giving in the faid Lifts the feveral Heads of Objedion, and diftinguifhing the fame againft the Names of the Voters excepted to And that the fitting Members do, by themfelves or their Agents, within the fame Time, deliver the like Lifts on their

Part, to the Petitioners, or their Agents.

That the Committee for Courts of Juftice, do infpedl the Journal of the laft Seffion, and prepare and draw up a State of the Matters then depending and undetermined, and the Progrefs that was made therein; and report the fame to the Houfe: That they do examine what Laws have expired fince the laft Seffion, and infpecft fuch temporary Laws as will expire with the End of this Seffion, or are near expiring; and report the fame to the Houfe, with their Opinion which of them are fit to be revived and continued.
Ordered, Ordered,

That the Houfe be adjoum'd


To-morrow Morning Eleven


Saturday, February 22, 1745.

to receive

the Governor, to
their Addrefs

Corbin reported. That the Committee had, according to Order, waited on know his Pleafure when the Houfe fhould attend him with

was pleafed to fay he fhould be at the CouncilChamber To-Day, and would fend a Meffage to the Houfe when he was ready
that he


Petition of


Griffin, fetting forth.

That fhe was poffeffed


two Negroes,

who having

robb'd Capt. Garnet's Store, as fhe fuppofed, through Fear of being brought

and being out-lawed, drowned themfelves; and praying theConHoufe therein, was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Claims; and that they do examine into the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereto Juftice, ran away,
fideration of the

upon, to the Houfe.


Meffage from the Governor, was delivered by




I am commanded by the Governor to acquaint this Houfe, that his Honour is now ready to receive their Address in the Coimcil-Chamber. M"' Speaker, with the Houfe, went up, and being returned, reported. That he had, with the Houfe, attended the Governor in the Cotmcil-Chamber, and prefented the Addrefs of this Houfe to him to which he was pleafed to return the following Anfwer


of the


of Burgeffes,


Artns were profecuting their Sovereign' s Engagements Abroad, and a Rebellion raging at Home, in Favour of an abjured Pretender to His
the Britifh


Crown and Dignity, fupported by the avowed Enemies to our Name and to Your Lafiing Honour I fpeak it, the dark and gloomy Cloud could
could not intercept the

not obfcure the Brightness of Proteftant Loyalty in this Colony;


: : ; : :

Thoughts of certain Happinefs under His Majefty's Gracious Government; nor dminifh Your earneft Purpofe to concur in your Zeal for the Succeffion in His Royal Houfe. every Meafure your Power can reach, to defend the prefent Eftablifhment, the fureft

Bulwark of our Religious and Civil Rights, as it is the Effed of Principle rather than Intereft; if you could fearch my Heart, you would meet with more fuitable Returns than I am able to exprefs, for your very obliging and dutiful Addrefs.


to the

That M"' Walke be added to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, Committee of Trade. that M' Ruffin be added to the Committee of Cairns, and to the Committee
Jofeph Gray be added to the Committee for Courts of Juftice, and to

Alfo, that M''
of Claims.

the Committee

Alfo, that M'' Eppes,



Alfo, that M"^ Reddick be

Baker, be added to the Committee of Courts of Juftice. added to the Committee of Courts of Juftice, and to the


of Trade.

and Eledlions. was prefented to the Houfe and read; fetting forth the many Hardlhips they labour under, by the prefent Method of proving Store Accounts and praying that they may be allowed the Liberty of proving fuch Accounts before one or more Juftices. Ordered, That the Confideration of the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and that they do examine into the Matter thereof,
Alfo, that M'' Beverley be

added to the Committee


Petition of feveral Merchants of the


of Falmouth,

and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.

An Accoimt


Thomas Thorpe,

Sheriff of the



King and Queen

80 Pounds of Tobacco, levied on Ifaac Hayes, the

laft Seffion of

for having Affembly, for

up his Runaway Negroe Girl, the faid Hayes living in Effex Coimty, and refufing to pay in King and Queen was prefented to the Houfe, and received. Ordered, That the faid Account be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Claims; and that they do examine into the Matter thereof, and report the fame,

with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.

Claim of Ignatius Weft, for taking up a Runaway Negroe therein mentioned Claim of William Duelin, for taking up a Runaway Negroe therein mentioned Alfo, a Claim of Thomas Hix, for taking up a Runaway Negroe therein mentioned AKo a Claim of Solotnon Davis, for taking up a Runaway Negroe therein mentioned AKo, a Claim of William Picket, for taking up a Runaway Negroe therein mentioned Alfo, a Claim of William Ticklin, for taking up a Runaway Negroe therein mentioned were feveraUy prefented to the Houfe, and received. Ordered, That it be an Inft ruction to the Committee of Claims, to allow the faid

Alfo, a

Claims refpectively in the


of Claims.

a Petition for allowing an Ordinary to be kept at a Place called Cameron, being within Two Miles of a Ferry kept by the faid Weft Alfo, a petition of the Veftry of the Parifh of St. Margaret, fetting forth, That upon the Divifion of the faid Parifh, the laft Seffion of Affembly, there remained but
Weft, in Oppofition to

A Petition

of Hugh

and two of them not qualified; and that no Provifion Adl of Affembly for the faid Divifion, for filling up the Vacancies in the Veftr\', they did, by the Directions of the Governor and Council, affemble the Freeholders, and elect Twelve Veftrymen: But many Difputes and Controverfies being likely to arise, concerning the Legality of the faid Election, they pray the Confideration of the Houfe in the Premifes; were feveraUy prefented to the Houfe, and read.
Six Veftr\'men in that Parifh,



in the


That the faid Petitions be referred to the Confideration of the Committee Propofitions and Grievances; and that they examine into the Matters thereof, and
Ordered, Ordered,

report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon to the Houfe.

That the Houfe be adjourn 'd


Monday Morning Eleven




Monday, February 24, 1745.


from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported, That the Committee had had under their Confideration, divers Propofitions and Petitions, from feveral Counties; and had come to feveral RefWhich he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered olutions thereupon were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as fame the at the Table; where


That the Propofitions from the Merchants in the County of Caroline, for for the more fpeedy and eafy Recovery of fmall Debts, and to have a altering the Claufe inferted. that a Copy of an Account, compared with their Books, and fwom to in the County, before one or more Juftices of the Peace, may be fufficient Proof; be reRefolved,




men of

That the Petition from the Minifter and Inhabitants of St. Margaret's in Caroline Coimty, fetting forth the diforderly and irregular Eledlion of Veftrythe faid Parifh, and praying a Dif folution of the faid Veftry, and a new Eledlion of



Refolved, That the Petition from the County of Lancafter, to have the Parifhes of Chrift's Church, and St. Mary's White Chapel, united; is reafonable. Refolved, That the Petition from the Covmty of Lancafter, to oblige the Infpedlors to prize Transfer Tobacco to Nine Hundred and Fifty Pounds Nett, is reafonable. Ordered, That the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, do prepare and bring

Bill or Bills

A written Meffage was delivered from

purfuant to the faid Refolutions. the Council, by

of the



W Speaker, and Gentlemen



of Burgeffes,

upon Addreffing His Majefty, and entering into an Affociation; in which they defire your Houfe to join with them; and have appointed Two of their Members immediately to meet, in the Conference Chamber, any Number of your Houfe, as a Committee, to draw them up. Refolved, That this Houfe doth agree to join with the Council in an Addrefs to His Majefty; and alfo, to enter into an Affociation with them, to venture our Lives, our Fortunes, and all that is dear to us, in the Defence of His Sacred Majefty King George, and the Succeffion as fettled in His Royal Houfe. Ordered, That a Committee be appointed, to meet the Committee apppointed by the Council, in the Conference-Chamber, to draw up the fame; and that it confift of M' Carter, M' Conway, M' Ludwell, and M"' Corbin. Ordered, That M'' Carter acquaint the Council therewith. A Petition of Anthony Fofter, Under-SherifT of the County of Spotfylvania, fetting forth. That he was obliged to pay Eighty Six Pounds of Tobacco, levied on John Blake, for taking up his Runaway Negroe, the faid Blake having died infolvent was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Claims; and that they examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame with their

The Council have

Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. The Order of the Day being read.

The Houfe



into a Committee, to confider the Governor's Speech;

fome Time fpent therein, M' Speaker refumed the Chair; and M"' Conway reported, That the Committee had had the Governor's Speech tmder their Confideration, and had made fome Progrefs therein; but not having Time to go through the fame, had dire<5led him to move for Leave to fit again. Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee, to confider further
the Governor's Speech, on Thurfday next.


M-^ Elligood

be added to the Committee of Claims.


M' Power to the Committee of Courts of Juftice, and to the Committee of Privileges and Eledlions. Alfo M"' Barret to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances. Alfo M'' Lewis to the Committee of Courts of Juftice. A Petition of Roger Bell, and others, of the County of Orange, fetting forth, That they

apprehended Three Negroes, who were, at a Court held for their Tryal, convidted of Horfe-ftealing; and praying that they may have the Reward allowed by Law in fuch Cafes, was offered to the Houfe And the Queftion being put. That the faid Petition be


paffed in the Negative.


That the

faid Petition

be rejedled.


That the Houfe be adjourn 'd


To-morrow Morning Eleven


Tuefday, February 25, 1745.


Whiting, from the Committee for Courts of Juftice, reported. That the Committee had, according to Order, infpedled the Journals of the laft Seffion of Affembly, and prepared and drawn up a State of the

Matters then depending and undetermined, and the Progrefs that was made and had agreed upon a Report Which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table where the fame was again read, and thereupon Ordered, That the Committee of Trade do prepare and bring in a Bill for the more
: ;

equal Diftribution of the Eftates of perfons dying infolvent.

Alfo that the Propofition for dividing the County of Brunfwick; and aKo the Propofition againf t the Divifion of the faid Coimty which were feverally referred from

the laft Seffion of Affembly, to the Confideration of this, be referred to the Committee

and Grievances. John Peyton, complaining of an undue Election of James Waugh, to ferve as a Burgefs for the Coimty of Stafford, which was the laft Seffion of Affembly referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Privileges and Elections, be again referred to the faid Committee, to examine the Matter thereof, and report the
of Propofitions

Alfo, that the Petition of

fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.

Claim of William Mattox, for taking up a Runaway therein mentioned, was pre-

fented to the Houfe,




be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Claims, to allow the faid Claim in the Book of Claims. A Petition of John Coke, Adminiftrator of John Mundell, deceafed, fetting forth. That the laft Affembly did, in Confideration of the faid Mundell's Fees, as Public Goaler, being very low, make an Addition to his Salary and praying fuch further Allowance as this Houfe fhall think fit:



a Petition of William Wyatt, Keeper of the Public Goal, to the fame Purpofe;

were prefented to the Houfe, and read.

of Claims

That the Confideration of the faid Petitions, be referred to the Committee and that they examine the Matters thereof, and report the fame, with their

Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.

Memorial of William Waller, and Francis Thornton, Members of this Houfe, fetting forth. That John Mundell has received the Prifon Fees, and alfo the Fees for taking up a Negroe, who was removed from the Goal of Spotfylvania County, to the Public Goal; and has never paid the fame either to the Taker-up, or the County Goaler; and praying that this Houfe will dedu<5t the faid Fees out of the Tobacco to be levied for
the faid Mundell.

That the faid Memorial be referred to the Committee of Claims and that they examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to

the Houfe.

was prefented to the of Poimds Tobacco to James paid 280 has he That Houfe, and their for refpedlive taking laft Affembly, the them for levied Allen, Robinfon, and John away, who is nm or removed out of Graves, up a Runaway Negroe, belonging to John the County; and praying fuch Relief as this Houfe fhall think fit. Ordered, That the Confideration of the faid Petition, be referred to the Committee and that they examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their of Claims

Petition of Jofeph Bickley, late Sheriff of Louifa County,


fetting forth.

Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. A Petition of George Brett, fetting forth, That a Negroe of his having rambled a fmall Diftance from his Houfe, was taken up, and carried before Chandler Fowke, Gent, who committed him to the Goal of Stafford County, which was foon after accidentally fet on Fire, and the Slave burnt therein and praying fuch Relief as this Houfe fhall think


was prefented to the Houfe, and read And the Queftion being put. That the faid Petition be referred to a Committee?

paffed in the Negative.

That the faid Petition be rejedled. Thomas Everard, fetting forth. That as Clerk of Elizabeth City Coimty, he certified feveral Claims to the laft Affembly, for which the Allowance by Law was omitted to be levied him and praying it may be now levied, was prefented to the Houfe,

Petition of



in the



be an Inftru<5lion to the Committee of Claims, to levy the fame

Hutchins be added to the Committee of Trade, and to the Comof Claims.


of Claims.




mittee for Courts of Juftice.

Alfo, that

M' Eyre and M' Crawford be added to the Committee



That the Houfe be adjourn 'd

To-morrow Morning Ten


IVednefdayy February 26, ly^-S'


being appointed, by a Public Proclamation, for a General

Fa ft, and


That the Houfe be adjoum'd


To-morrow Morning Eleven


Thurfday, February 27, 1745.

Members returned upon new Writs, having taken the Oaths appointed FIVE be taken by Parliament, inftead the Oaths Allegiance and Supremto
A<$1 of




and taken the Oath

of Abjuration,

and fubfcribed the


were admitted

to their Places in the Houfe.

M' Whiting, from the Committee for Courts of Juftice, reported. That the Committee had, according to Order, examined what Laws have expired fmce the laft Seffion of
Affembly, and infpedled fuch Temporary Laws as will expire with, or foon after the End of this Seffion of Affembly and had come to a Refolution thereupon Which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table; where the fame was again read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows


That the

A<ft of



in the

Majefty King George the

Firft, intituled,


Twelfth Year of the Reign of His Ad, for laying a Duty on Liquors, and

and amending the fame; and alfo, fo much Aft of Affembly, made in the Eighth Year of His prefent Majefty's Reign, intituled. An AA, for the better Support and Encouragement of the College of William and Mary, in Virginia, as appropriates the whole Duty of One Penny per Gallon, to the Relief of
of the

the feveral fubfequent Ads, for continuing

the faid College


all which will expire on the Tenth Day of June, iT^T, ought to be conand reduced into One Adl of Affembly. Ordered, That the Committee for Courts of Juftice, do prepare and bring in a Bill

or Bills purfuant to the faid Refolution.

That U' Secretary Nelfon, M' Willis, and M' Fry, be added to the Committee and Grievances. Ordered, That M"" Monroe have Leave to be abfent from the Service of the Houfe, for the Recovery of his Health. A Petition of Mary Macguire, fetting forth. That her Hufband died in His Majefty's Service, in the late Expedition againft the Spaniards; and praying fuch Relief as this Houfe fhall think fit was prefented to the Houfe. Ordered, That the Confideration of the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Claims and that they do examine into the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with
of Propofitions
; ;

Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. M'' Carter, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported. That the Committee had had under their Confideration, divers other Propofitions, from feveral

referred; and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon: Which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table; where the fame were again

Counties, to



of Henrico, for appointing a Ferry from the Land of William Pride, in the faid County, over Appomattox River, above the narrow Falls, to the Land of the faid William Pride, in Prince George County;


and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows That the Propofition from the Cotmty



That the Propofition from the County of Fairfax, to have the Ferry from Weft's Landing, over Patomack River, to Frazer's Point, altered; and to have

appointed either to the faid Frazer's, or Addison's Landing; is reafonable. Refolved, That the Propofition from the County of Fairfax, to prevent Factors and Ordinary-Keepers, intermeddling or concerning themfelves at Ele(5lions of Burgeffes;
be rejed;ed.

That the Propofition from the County

be rejected.

of Fairfax, for altering the


for taking Lifts of Tithables;

That the Propofition from the County of Fairfax, for repealing fo much of the A(5l, To reftrain Sheriffs, and other Officers, from making unreafonahle Seizures and Diftreffes, and other Purpofes therein mentioned, as makes it unlawful for any Juftice to make out an Execution on a Judgment by him granted out of Court, againft the Body of any Debtor; be rejedted. Refolved, That the Propofition from the County of Fairfax, for altering the Law prohibiting Ordinaries to be kept within Five Miles of a Public Ferry; and alfo a Petition of Hugh Weft, by the Houfe referred to this Committee, againft the faid Propofition;

be rejedled.

That the Committee

of Propofitions

and Grievances, do prepare and bring

fetting forth,

a Bill or Bills, purfuant to the





Petition of George Webb,

was prefented to the Houfe, and read;

in 1737, one Thomas Collins obtained a Certificate of a Wolf's Head, which he affigned to him; that the faid Certificate being feveral Years miflaid, was, when found,

prefented to Hanover Court,

tion of this


who refufed to levy the fame; and praying the ConfideraHoufe therein. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee Claims; and that they examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame with their

Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.

Several Claims of Robert Dudley, for Services therein mentioned Alfo a Claim of John Newton, for taking up a Runaway Negroe therein mentioned;

were feverally prefented to the Houfe, and received. Ordered, That it be an Inftru(5lion to the Committee of Claims, to allow the faid
Claims refpedlively
in the


of Claims.

Petition of the Inhabitants of the Parts adjacent to Naylor's-Hole Warehoufe, reprefenting many Inconveniences they labour under, by the Situation of the faid Ware-

houfe; and praying that the fame


be removed to a Place called Cat-Point; was

prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the Confideration of the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and that they examine into the matter thereof, and
report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. The Houfe, according to Order, refolved into a Committee, to take into their further

Confideration the Governor's Speech; and after fome Time fpent therein, M'' Speaker refumed the Chair; and M"^ Conway reported. That the Committee had had under their

and had made fome further Progrefs and had come to a Refolution thereupon; but not having Time to go through the fame, had dire<5led him to move for Leave to fit again Then he read the faid Refolution in his Place, and afterwards delivered the fame in at the Table; where it was again read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows Refolved, That the Sum of Six Hundred Pounds be paid by the Treafurer, out of the Public Money in his Hands, to M'' Secretary Nelfon, M' Digges, M"' Sweney, M'' Weftwood, M' Crawford, M' Boufh, and M"^ Hutchins, by them to be applied towards providing Fire-Wood, Candles, frefh Proviiion, and Quarters, for the Soldiers bound to CapeBreton, but by bad Weather and contrary Winds, forced into this Colony in Proportion to the Number of Men in each County and to be accounted for to the next Affembly. Ordered, That M"' Conway carry the faid Refolution to the Council, for their Confurther Confideration, the Governor's Speech;
: ;


Houfe will again refolve itfelf into a Committee, to confider further the Governor's Speech, on Friday Se'nnight. M'' Corbin moved for Leave to prefent a Bill, to repeal a Claufe in an Adl, made in the Fourth Year of the late Queen Anne, intituled. An Ad, for Encouragement of building Water Mills; and the fame was received, and read the firft Time. Ordered, That the Bill be read a Second Time. Upon a Motion made. Ordered, That Leave be given to prepare and bring in a Bill, to explain a Claufe in the Adl, Declaring what fhall be fiifficient Seating, Planting, Cultivating, and Improving of Lands, already granted, or hereafter to be taken up, and patented; and that M"" Benjamin Waller prepare and bring in the fame.




That the Houfe be adjourn 'd


To-morrow Morning Eleven


Friday, February 28, 1745.


Benjamin Waller, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill, To explain a Claufe in the Ad, Declaring what fhall be a fufficient Seating, Planting^

up, and patented;

and Improving of Lands, already granted, or hereafter to be taken and the fame was read the Firft Time; and ordered to be

read a Second Time.

an Ad, made in the Fourth Year of the Reign of the Queen Anne, intituled. An Ad, for Encouragement of building Water Mills, was read a Second Time: And the Queftion being put. That the Bill be Ingroffed?
repeal a Claufe in


paffed in the Negative.



That the


be rejefted.

Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, for confirming the Grants in the Fork Rappahannock, and the North Side of the Dividing Line between the King, and the


Proprietor of the Northern-Neck;

and that

M"^ Carter,


M'' Beverley,

do prepare

and bring

in the


A Petition of Rachel McClonds, fetting forth, That her Hufband died in His Majefty's
Service, in the late Expedition againft the Spaniards;

and praying fuch


Relief as this





was prefented to the Houfe, and

Ordered, That the Confideration of the faid Petition, be referred to the Committee Claims and that they examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their of Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.

That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, to amend the A<5t, intituled. An AA, and that M'' Ruffin do prepare and bring in the fame. A Petition of John Wilfon, and others. Merchants of Glafgow, was prefented to the Hovife, and read; fetting forth, That they, fome Years ago, fettled a Store near Page's Warehoufe, in the Covinty of Hanover, under the Care of William Miller; and that in Auguft, 1744. fome evil difpofed Perfons fet on Fire, and burnt their Storehoufe, with a large Cargo of dry Goods, and other Commodities therein; and alfo the Books relating to their Dealings and Accounts, except only a Pocket-Book, containing the Ballances due to them in the Month of March, preceeding the aforefaid imhappy Misfortune: That many of their Debtors refufe to pay their Ballances, on Pretence they want Account of the particular Articles And praying that an Adl of Affembly may be paffed, directing the faid William Miller, their Factor's Oath to the feveral Ballances in the faid PocketBook, to be fufficient Evidence of the faid Sums being due, at the Time the fame were taken out of the Books; and directing, that the feveral Debtors aforefaid, fhall be compelled, on Oath, to difcover what Goods they have had, or what Payments they have made fince that Time; and that the Sum fo appearing to be due, may be by them recovered; or fuch other Relief as this Houfe fhall think fit. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and that they do examine into the Allegations thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. M'' Whiting, from the Committee for Courts of Juftice, reported, That the Committee had, according to Order, further examined what Laws have expired fince the laft Seffion of Affembly, and infpedted fuch Temporary Laws as will expire with, or foon after the End of this Seffion; and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon: Which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table; where the fame were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows Refolved, That the Adl of Affembly, made in the Fifteenth Year of the Reign of His prefent Majefty, intituled, An Ad, for continuing the Ad, intituled. An Ad, for laying a Duty upon Slaves, to be paid by the Buyers, which will expire the laft Day of July, 1747

concerning Waifts and Strays;

ought to be further continued.

Year of His prefent and ftamping all Pork and Beef, packed in this Colony, or imported for Sale, before the fame fhall be Sold here, or fhipped for Exportation; and to amend the Adl, intituled. An Ad, for afcertaining the Gauge of Barrels for Pork, Beef, Tar, and Pitch; which will expire at the End of this Seffion of Affembly, ought to be further continued. Refolved, That the Adl of Affembly, made in the Fifteenth Year of His prefent Majefty's Reign, intituled. An Ad, to prevent Lawyers exading or receiving exorbitant Fees; which expired at the End of the laft Seffion of Affembly, ought not to be
Refolved, of Affembly,
in the Fifteenth

That the Adl


Majefty's Reign, intituled.

An Ad,

for infpeding, weighing,


That the Attomies pradlifing in County Courts, ought to be regulated. That the Adl of Affembly, made in the Twelfth Year of the Reign of His prefent Majefty, intituled. An Ad, for the better Regulating and Colleding certain Officers Fees; and other Purpofes therein mentioned: And one other Adl of Affembly, made in


prefent Majefty, For continuing the fame; the Eighteenth Year of the Reign of His faid Odober, 1747; ought to be further conof which will expire the Twenty Fifth Day

That the Committee


Trade do prepare and bring

in a Bill, or Bills, pur-

fuant to the



for Courts of Juftice,

That the Committee

do prepare and bring





purfuant to the


laft Refolutions.

from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported, That the M' Committee had had under their Confideration, a Propofition from the County of Henrico, to them referred and had come to a Refolution thereupon Which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table; where the fame was again read, and agreed to
; :

by the Houfe, as follows:


Confideration of the Propofition from the faid Coimty, that Deeds of Bargain

Purfuance of the Aft, intituled. An Ad, for amending the Ad, for fettling the Titles and Bounds of Lands; and for preventing tmlawful Shooting and Ranging theretipon, may be hereafter acknowledged or proved in the Court of the County where the Land lies and that all fuch Deeds heretofore fo acknowledged, or proved and certified, and recorded in the General Court, unlefs where they have been obtained by Fraud



or CoUufion,


be confirmed;


That the faid Propofition is reafonable. Ordered, That the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, do prepare and bring

in a Bill,

purfuant to the faid Refolution. Claim of Thomas Charles, Affignee of Jofeph Mafon, for taking up a Runaway Negroe therein mentioned, was prefented to the Houfe, and received. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Claims, to allow the faid


in the


of Claims.


That the Hovife be adjourn 'd


To-morrow Morning Eleven o 'Clock.






Members returned upon new Writs, having taken the Oaths appointed to be taken by A6t of Parliament, inftead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and taken the Oath of Abjuration, and fubfcribed the Teft, were admitted
to their Places in the Houfe.


That M' Bland be added to the Committee

of Propofitions

and Griev-

M' Carter, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported, That the Committee had had imder their Confideration, divers Propofitions, from feveral Coimties, to them referred and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon Which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table; where the fame were again read: And a Motion was made, That the Confideration of that Part of the Report, relating to Brunfwick Coimty, fhould be referred 'till Friday next; and the Queftion being put
; :

thereupon ?
Refolved in the Affirmative.

Then the Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the other Part of the faid Report; and the fame was again read, and Part thereof agreed to by the Houfe, as follows: Refolved, That the Propofition from the County of James-City, to impower their Sheriff to fummon the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the faid County, in any Part of
the City of William fburg, to ferve on Juries on Court-Days; is reafonable. Refolved, That the Propofition from Nanfemond, for altering the Day for holding Court in that County; is reafonable.



And to the Refolution of the faid Committee, That the Propofition from the County Richmond, to revive the Ad, For deftroying Crows and Squirrels, is reafonable; the Houfe difagreed. Refolved, That the faid Propofition be rejecfled.

and Grievances, do prepare and bring by the Houfe. A Petition of William Beverley, a Member of this Houfe, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, That fome of his Negroes at Beverley-Park, having murdered their Overfeer, Eight of them were apprehended, and committed for Tryal; upon which Tr>'al, only Two were found guilty, and executed But that through the Inclemency of the Weather, all the reft except one, were fo froft-bitten, that Two died. One loft his Toes, and the others are ftill imder the Surgeons Hands; and praying the Confideration of
of Propofitions
in a Bill or Bills, purfuant the Refolutions agreed to

That the Committee

the Hoiofe therein.

of Claims;

That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee and that they examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame with their

Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. A Claim of Roger Williams, for taking up a was prefented to the Houfe, and received.


Servant therein mentioned,

Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Claims, to allow the faid Claim in the Book of Claims. A Bill, To explain a Claufe in the Ad, Declaring what fhall be a fufficient Seating, Planting, Ctdtivating, and Improving of Lands, already granted, or hereafter to be taken

was read a Second Time. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed, and read a Third Time. A Petition of Catharine Wilfon, fetting forth. That her Hufband died in His Majefty's Service, in the late Expedition againf t the Spaniards and praying the Houfe will give her fuch Relief as they think fit; was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the Confideration of the faid Petition, be referred to the Committee of Claims; and that they examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their



Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.

That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, for the Encouragement of the Manuand that M'' Carter prepare and bring in the fame. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, to amend the A(5l, made in the Fourth Year of the Reign of the late Queen Anne, intituled, An Ad, for Encouragement of building Water-Mills; and that M"' Corbin prepare and bring in the fame.
facture of Salt-Petre;


That the Houfe be adjourn 'd


Monday Morning Eleven


Monday, March



That the Committee had, according to Order, prepared a Bill, For further continuing the Ad, intituled. An Ad, for the better Regulating and Colleding certain Officers Fees; and other Purpofes therein mentioned And the fame was received, and read the First Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time. A Petition of Daniel Scott, praying that a Ferry may be appointed from his Land, acrofs James River, to the Land of John Lad: Alfo a Petition of William Battersby, praying. That a Ferry may be appointed from his Land, acrofs James River, to the Land of Daniel Scott Alio a Petition of William Cabbel, praying. That a Ferry may be appointed from his Land, acrofs the Fluvanna, to the Land of Samuel Spencer, oppofite thereto Alfo a Ferry from his Land, acrofs Tye River, to his Land, oppofite thereto; were feverally prefented to the Houfe, and read.


Whiting, from the Committee for Courts of Juftice, reported.


That the Confideration of the faid Petitions be referred to the Committee Propofitions and Grievances; and that they examine the feveral Matters thereof,
their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.


and report the fame, with

A Member

returned upon a

new Writ, having taken the Oaths appointed

to be

taken by A(5l of Parliament, inftead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and taken the Oath of Abjuration, and fubfcribed the Teft, was admitted to his Place in the Houfe.

That M^ William Randolph be added to the Committee of Courts of Juftice. Bill, To explain a Claufe in the Ad, Declaring what fhall be a fufficient An Seating, Planting, Cultivating, and Improving of Lands, already granted, or hereafter to be taken up, and patented, was read the Third Time.



That the Bill do pafs. That M' Benjamin Waller carry the Ordered,


to the Council, for their Con-


M' Carter reported. That the Perfons appointed to meet Thofe appointed by the the Council, as a Committee to draw up an Address to His Majefty, and an Affociation, had, according to Order, met the Members of the Council in the Conference-Chamber; and had prepared an Addrefs to His Majefty, and the Form of an Affociation; which
with the Members of the Council, to be by them prefented to the Council. That the Thanks of this Hotife be returned to the Reverend M"^ William Stith, for his moft excellent Sermon, preached Yesterday before the Houfe; and that he be defired to print it: And that M' Fry acquaint him therewith. A Meffage from the Council, was delivered by M'' Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Refolve, for giving Six Hundred Pounds, to be paid by the Treafurer, out of the Public Money in his Hands, to M"" Secretary Nelfon, M' Diggcs, M' Sweney, M' Weftwood, M.^ Crawford, M'' Boufh, and M'' Hutchins; by them to be applied towards providing Fire-Wood, Candles, Frefh Provisions, and Quarters, for the Soldiers bound to Cape-Breton, but by bad Weather and contrary Winds, forced into this Colony; in Proportion to the Number of Men in each County: And to be
they had


accoimted for to the next Affembly.


Carter reported, That the Committee appointed, had, according to Order, pre-

pared a Bill, For uniting the Parifhes of Chrift's-Church and St. Mary's White-Chappel; and for Diffolving the Veftry of St. Margaret's Parifh: And the fame was received, and read the First Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time.

M' Carter, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported. That the Committee had had under their Confideration, divers other Propofitions, from feveral Counties, to them referred; and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon: Which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table; where the fame were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows Refolved, That that Part of the Propofition from the Coxmty of Richmond, which

to reftrain the

unreafonable cutting

down Wood-Lands on





and that Part

of the Propofition prohibiting the tending

Tobacco thereupon,



That the Propofition from the Coimty of Brunfwick, for explaining an An Ad, to encourage Settlements on the Southern Boundaries: And alfo, for amending and explaining another Adl, intituled, An Ad, to allow Perfons, not concerned in making Tobacco, to difcharge Levies and Officers Fees in Money; be rejected. Refolved, That the Propofition from the Coimty of Hanover, to have an Infpedion at Page's Warehoufe, on Pamiinkey, feparate from that already eftablifhed: And alfo a Propofition from Louifa County, to the fame Purpofe; is reafonable. On Confideration of the Petition from the Churchwardens and Veftry of the Parifh
A<51, intituled,

of Frederickfville, in Lmiifa County, to be allowed their Proportion of the Sum of Ninety Four Pounds, levied on the Inhabitants of the faid Parifh by the Veftry of the Parifh
of St. Martin, before the Division of the faid Parifhes;


That the

faid Petition






Confideration of the Propofition of the Freeholders and Houfekeepers of the

Parifh of St. George, in Spotfylvania County; fetting forth,



and arbitrary

Proceedings of the Veftry of the faid Parifh and a new Eledlion of Veftrymen

and praying a

Diffolution of the faid Veftry,


That the

faid Propofition be rejedted.


Confideration of the Petition of John Wilfon, and others, Merchants in Glafgow,

by the Houfe to this Committee referred; Refolved, That the Allegations in the faid Petition are true
ought to be relieved.

and that the Petitioners

be an Inftrudlion to the Committee, to whom it is referred to prepare and bring in a Bill to oblige the Infpedlors to prize Transfer Tobacco to Nine Hundred and Fifty Povmds; to receive a Claufe or Claufes, purfuant to the Refolution, for appointing an Infpedtion at Page's Warehoufe, feparate from that already eftab-



lifhed there.

Ordered, That M'' Power prepare and bring in a Bill, purfuant to the Petition of John Wilfon, and others, Merchants of Glafgow. Ordered, That the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances do prepare and bring in a Bill, purfuant to the Refolution, for obliging the Parifh of St. Martin to pay the Parifh of Frederick fville, in Louifa County, the Sum of Ninety Four Pounds, levied on

the Inhabitants of the faid Parifh, before the Divifion of the faid Parifhes.


And aKo a Bill, purfuant to the down Wood-Lands on Glebes.


Refolution, for

reftraining the unreafonable

That the Houfe be adjoum'd


To-morrow Morning Eleven






For further continuing the Ad, intituled, An AA, for the better Regulating and Colleding certain Officers Fees; and other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read a Second Time; and committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe. Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill, on Thurfday next. A Bill, For uniting the Parifhes of Christ 's-Church and St. Mary's, White-Chapel; and for Diffolving the prefent Veftry of St. Margaret's Parifh, was read a Second Time; and committed to M' William Waller, M"" Loniax, and M'' Bamjaniin Waller. A Petition of Thomas Dudley, fetting forth. That he took up a Negroe belonging to Margaret Moore, of Maryland, who was committed to Middlefex Goal, and from thence removed to the Coimtry Goal That John Mundell, late Goaler, fold the faid Negroe, and never paid him the Allowance for taking him up and praying the fame may be dedudled out of the Tobacco now to be levied for the faid Mundell: Alio a Petition of Jane Barden, fetting forth. That her Hufband died at Jamaica, on his Return from the late Expedition againft the Spaniards; were feverally prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the Confideration of the faid Petitions, be referred to the Committee of Claims; and that they examine the Matters thereof, and report the fame, with their

Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.



William Wren, for taking up a

Runaway Negroe

therein mentioned,

was prefented to the Houfe, and received. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Claims, to allow the faid
Claim, in the


of Claims.

Meffage from the Council, was delivered by M'' Walthoe: That they had received the Report of their Committee, who, in Conjimdlion with thofe appointed by this Houfe, had drawn up an Addrefs to His Majefty, and an Affociation


and had agreed to the fame

And had commanded him

to deliver


to this

Houfe, for their Concurrence thereto. And the Addrefs and the Affociation were read, and an Amendment made to the Addrefs; and the Affociation was agreed to. them, That this Houfe Ordered, That a Meffage be fent the Council, to acquaint the Addrefs; to which have agreed to the Affociation; and have made an Amendment to Waller go up with the Benjamin M' Fry and M^ that And they defire their Concurrence:
faid Meffage.


That M' Wormley have Leave to be abfent from the Service

of this Houfe,

Saturday next. A Meffage from the Council, was delivered by M-" Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Amendment, propofed by this Houfe, to the Addrefs

to His Majefty.

M' Conway, from the Committee of Privileges and Eledlions, reported. That the Committee had had under their Confideration, the Returns of feveral new Writs, for Eleding Burgeffes to ferve in this prefent General Affembly; and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon: Which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table where the fame were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows

ties of

That the Returns

of the feveral Writs, for Ele<5ling Burgeffes for the


Prince George, Accomack, and York, are made in the Form prefcribed by Law: And that the Returns of the feveral Writs, for Electing Burgeffes for the Counties of Gloucefier, Charles-City, Goochland, and Albemarle, are not made in the form prefcribed

by Law. The Houfe being informed that the Sheriff of Charles-City, being fenfible of his Error, attended at the Door to amend his Return. Ordered, That he do amend the fame. Ordered, That the Returns of the refpedive Sheriffs of Goochland, and Albemarle,
be amended at the Table. And they were amended accordingly.

That the

Sheriff of Gloucefier

be fent

for, in

Cuftody of the Serjeant at

Arms, to amend

his Return.


Petition of George

Efbridge, was

prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth,

George Efkridge, the Petitioner's Grandfather, died feifed

of Slaves,


poffeffed of divers

Tradls of Lands, a great

and a

large Perfonal Eftate




his Laft Will and Teftament, among other fpecifick Devifes and Legacies, give and devise unto his Son William Efkridge, the Petitioner's Father, a certain Tradl of Land,

go and defcend with the Land, in Tail; and then gave all the reft of his Eftate, to be equally divided amongft his Children then living.- That fmce his Death, not only all the refidue of his Eftate has been
in Fee-Tail




Slaves, to be annexed, to

adminiltred in the Payment of his Debts, but fome Part of the Slaves fo as aforefaid

annexed to the Lands, were taken

dead, having


Execution, and fold, for the


of William

Efkridge's Proportion of the faid Teftator's Debts:

a large



of his

Proportion of

That the faid William is fince Money, by him taken up, upon Intereft, for the the faid Teftator's Debts, unpaid: That there has

lately been a Decree obtained againft the Reprefentatives of the faid George Efkridge, for Sixteen Slaves the Petitioner's Proportion of which, and the other Debts, together

with the Money taken up by his Father, upon Intereft, will amount to the Value of the remaining Slaves before mentioned, to be annexed to the Lands devifed to the faid
William Efkridge
Slaves, to go





be of great Advantage to the Petitioner, to



of the faid Tra<5l of

Land, for the Payment of the faid Debts, and keep the remaining and defcend, with the Refidue of the faid Land, according to the Will the faid Teftator and therefore praying, That an Adl of Affembly may pafs for that



That M' Corbin prepare and bring



according to the Prayer of the

faid Petition.


That the Houfe be adjourn 'd


To-morrow Morning Eleven







M' Chifwell have Leave

to be abfent from the Service of the Houfe,

Tuefday next.

The Houfe being informed, That the Sheriff of Gloucefter attended at the Door in Cuftody, to amend the Return of the Writ, for Eleding a Burgefs to
ferve in this prefent General Affembly, for the faid Covmty;

That he do amend the fame


that he be difcharged out of Cuftody,

paying Fees.

was prefented to the Houfe, and read; praying, That an Allowance may be made him, for building a Wharf at Jerdan's Warehoufe; the Rent of the faid Houfe not being sufficient for building and keeping the faid Wharf and Houfes in Repair. Ordered, That the Confideration of the faid Petition, be referred to the Committee of Claims; and that they examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their
Petition of Richard Bland, a
of this Houfe,


Opinion thereupon, to the Hotife.

M"^ Carter, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported. That the Committee had had under their Confideration, divers other Propofitions, from feveral Counties, to them referred and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon Which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table; where the fame were again read, and agreed to, with an Amendment, and are as follows On Confideration of the Propofition from the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Counties of Prince George and Amelia, fetting forth. That they live fo remote from their refpe<ftive Court-houfes, and there being no convenient Road thereto, they cannot, without great Inconveniences, attend the Courts and General Mufters; and praying that a new County may be eredled, to contain the whole Parifh of Bath, in Prince George Coimty, and the lower Part of the Parifh of Raleigh, in Amelia County, to begin at the Mouth of Deep-Creek, thence up the fame to the Mouth of Woody-Creek; thence up the faid Creek to the Head thereof; and from thence a South Courfe to Nottoway River; Refolved, That the faid Propofition be rejed;ed. On Confideration of the Propofition from the Freeholders and Houfekeepers of the County of Prince George, praying that no Divifion of their faid County may be made
; :


That the

faid Propofition be rejedled.


Confideration of the Propofition from the County of Caroline, to have a free

Ferry appointed from the


that the Truftees of the faid

Town of Port-Royal, to the Land of Col. Thomas Turner; and Town may be impowered to agree with fuch Perfon as they

by and that the faid Ferry -keeper be allowed to receive fuch Salary from the Truftees, without any Moleftation from the Keeper of any Publick Ferry; and to prevent the building Wooden Chimneys in the faid Town of

to keep the fame, allowing the Ferry-keeper fuch Salary, to be raifed

Subfcriptions, as they fhall agree for;


at the faid Place, be rejecfted;

which relates to appointing a Ferry Part of the Propofition, for preventing and that the other the building Wooden Chimnies in the faid Town, is reafonable. Refolved, That the Petition of William Batterfby, for appointing a Ferry from the

That that Part

of the faid Propofition,


of the faid Batterfby, over

James River, to the Land

of Daniel Scott;



of Daniel Scott, for appointing a Ferry from the Land Fluvanna, to the Land of John Lad; is reafonable. of the faid Scott, over the appointing Ferries from the Refolved, That the Petition of William Cabbel, for Land of the faid Cabbel, over the Fluvanna, to the Land of Samuel Spencer; and from on the other Side the faid the Land of the faid Cabbel, acrofs Tye River, to his Land,


That the Petition

reafonable. of the Propofition from the County of Albemarle, fetting forth. Confideration On That the A(5l of Affembly, directing the choofmg of a Veftry for the Parifh of St. Anne, that County, before the 25th Day of January, 1744, could not be complied with, there




being no Sheriff of the County at that Time; fince which, a Veftry hath been chofen by the Inhabitants of the faid Parifh, by the Appointment of the Sheriff; and praying a Confirmation of the faid Veftry, and their Adts

That the Propofition is reafonable. Ordered, That it be an Inftru<5tion to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, Ferries, that to whom it is referred to prepare and bring in a Bill for appointing feveral they have Power to receive a Claufe or Claufes, for appointing feveral other Ferries, purfuant to the Refolutions for that Purpofe And that it alfo be an InftruAion to the York Town, faid Committee, to receive a Claufe or Claufes, for appointing a Ferry from

to Northampton Coimty.


preventing the

Lamax prepare and bring in a Bill, purfuant to the Refolution building Wooden Chimnies in the Town of Port-Royal.


be an Inftrudion to the Committee, to whom the Bill, For uniting the Parifhes of Chrift's Church a}td St. Mary's, White-Chapel; and Diffolving the prefent Veftry of St. Margaret's Parifh, is committed, that they have Power to receive a Claufe


or Claufes, for confirming the Veftry of the Parifh of St. Anne, in Albemarle Coimty, and their Adls, purfuant to the Refolution for that Purpofe And that it alfo be an Inftrudlion

to the faid Committee, to receive a Claufe or Claufes, for confirming the Veftry of the Parifh of Truro, in the County of Fairfax, and their Adts. A Memorial of Thomas Holt, and William Edwards, Infpedlors at Gr ay' s-Cre&V

Warehoufe, in Surry County, was prefented to the Houfe and read, fhewing what Tobacco has been loft in that Warehoufe, by a high Tide; and praying that they may have fome Allowance for their Trouble, in overhaling and repacking the faid Tobacco.

That the faid Memorial be referred to the Confideration of the Committee Claims; and that they examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, as it fhall

appear to them, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. M' Whiting, from the Committee for Courts of Juftice, reported. That the Committee had, according to Order, prepared a Bill, For reducing the Laws made, for laying a Duty on Liquors, into One A& of Affembly: And the fame was received, and read the firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time.

A Memorial of John Goodwin, and Robert Shield, Infpe<5tors at York Warehoufe, was prefented to the Houfe, and read fetting forth, That a large Quantity of Tobacco was very much damaged in the faid Warehoufe, by a high Tide and praying that this Houfe will indemnify them, and make them fome Recompence for their great Trouble, in overhaling, packing, and reprizing the fame. Ordered, That the Confideration of the faid Memorial be referred to the Committee of Claims; and that they examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their
; ;

Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.

and others, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; Land may be laid off for a Town, at Todd's Warehoufe; and that a Ferry may be appointed from the faid Town, over to the Land of Robertpraying. That Fifty Acres of

A Petition of Benjamin Hubbard,

Armiftead Bird.

That M' Braxton prepare and bring



according to the Prayer of

the faid Petition.

Bird, was prefented to the Hovife, and read praying that he whole Salary of Fifty Pounds Sterling, per Annum, as Armourer; may be allowed the and that this Houfe will make him fome Allowance for cleaning the Great Guns before

Petition of


the Governor's Houfe.


That the Petition

A Petition of
for a

on the Table. William Parks, Printer, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; praying

continuance of the Salary allowed him the laft Seffion of Affembly. That the Sum of Two Hvmdred and Eighty Pounds per Annum, be allowed Parks, from this Time, to the next Seffion of Affembly, for his Salary, and as a William


Receipts for the


Recompence, for printing and delivering Infpe<5lors Notes and Books, Notes and Duty on Slaves, and all other A<5ls of Government. Ordered, That M' Conway carry the faid Refolve to the Covmcil, for their Con-

M' Braxton, from the Committee of Trade, reported. That the Committee had, acBill, For continuing the Ad, intituled, An AH, for laying paid by the Buyers: upon Slaves, to be Duty a Alfo a Bill, For continuing an Ad, intituled, An Ad, for Infpeding, Weighing, and Stamping, all Pork and Beef, packed in this Colony, or imported for Sale, before the fame fhall be fold here, or fhipped for Exportation: And to amend the A<51, intituled. An Ad, for afcertaining the Gauge of Barrels for Pork, Beef, Tar, and Pitch: And the fame were received, and feverally read the Firf t Time and Ordered to be read a Second
cording to Order, prepared a



Carter, according to Order, prefented to the

Houfe a


For confirming


Grants in the Fork of Rappahaimock, and on the North Side of the Dividing Line between the King, and the Proprietor of the Northern-Neck: And the fame was read the Firft

Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time.

for giving

That Leave be given to bring






A<ft, intituled.

An Ad,

a Reward for killing wolves in the County of Frederick, to be levied on the Inhabitants of the faid County, by the Court; and for altering feveral Court-Days: And that M"' Campbell prepare and bring in the fame.


M'' Beverley

Randolph, and

M'' Boiling,

have Leave to be abfent from

the Service of the Houfe,



That the Houfe be adjoum'd

To-morrow Morning Eleven







John Holder, Proprietor of the Publick Warehoufe at Hobbs's-Hole, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; praying to be reimburfed the Expence of building a Wharf at the faid Warehoufe. Ordered, That the Confideration of the faid Petition, be referred to the Committee of Claims; that they examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, as it
Petition of

appear to them, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. M"' Corbin, according to Order, prefented a Bill to the Hoiofe, For amending an Ad, intituled. An Ad, for Encouragement of building Water Mills: And the fame was read the Firft Time and ordered to be read a Second Time.

William Waller moved for Leave to prefent a Bill to afcertain what Number and the fame was received, and of Veftrymen may hold a Vef try, or make an Order Time. read the Firft Time and Ordered to be read a Second



from the Committee


of Claims, reported.

That the Committee had had

under their Confideration feveral Matters to them referred; and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon Which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table;

where the fame were again read, and, with Amendments to agreed to by the Houfe, as follows




Thcnnas Dudley, fetting forth, That John Mundell, the Fee for taking up a Runaway Negroe, late Keeper of the Publick Goal, has received County, to the Publick Goal, and has Middlefex of the Goal who was removed from the faid Fee to be allowed out of the praying never paid the fame to the Taker-up; and Tobacco to be levied for the faid Mundell; he ought to be Refolved, That the Allegations of the faid Petition are true; and that

On Confideration of the Petition of

paid out of the Tobacco to be levied for the Adminiftrator of the faid Mundell, for his
due. Confideration of the Petition of John Coke, Adminiftrator, &c. of John Mundell, m the Fees allowed by late keeper of the Publick Goal, fetting forth, that in Confideration were very fmall, and the Publick Goal, the of Keeper as Law to the faid John Mundell, additional vSalary of him allow an did Price of Tobacco much reduced, this Houfe




Thirty Pounds; and praying. That as Adminiftrator of the faid Mundell, he may be allowed fuch additional Salary, from the laft Seffion of Affembly, until the faid Mundell' s


That the Allegations of the faid Petition are true allowed Twelve Pounds Ten Shillings, Current Money.

and that he ought to be

Confideration of the Petition of William Wyatt, fetting forth, That this Houfe did allow an additional Salary to John Mundell, late Keeper of the Publick Goal, in Confideration of the Lownefs of his Fees, and for the better keeping his Prisoners; and


praying that he

be allowed the fame, he being Keeper of the faid Goal he ought to have the further Allowance of Ten Pounds Current Refolved, That Money, for his Care of the faid Goal, from the Time he became Keeper thereof until


Confideration of the Petition of Jofeph Bickley, late Sheriff of Louifa County, fetting forth. That he has paid Two Hundred and Eighty Pounds of Tobacco to James Robinfon, and John Allen, levied for them the laft Affembly, for their refpe(5tive taking


up a Runaway Negroe, belonging to John Graves, who

the Country;


rim away, or removed out




Two Hundred and

Graves, in

is true; and that he ought to he allowed the faid Eighty Pounds of Tobacco; to be levied on the faid John Albetnarle, where he now lives.

That the

faid Petition


Confideration of the Petition of George Webb, fetting forth. That in the Year

Thomas Collins obtained a Certificate of a WoK's Head, by him killed, and affigned the fame to the Petitioner: That the faid Certificate happening to be miflaid feveral Years, when found was prefented to the Court of Hanover County, but by them refufed to be levied, it being of fo old a Date; and praying to be allowed, he having never received any Satisfaction for the fame; Refolved, That the Allegations of the faid Petition are true; and that he ought to be
1737, one

allowed for the fame.

Confideration of the Petition of Jane Barden, Widow of John Barden, fetting That her faid Hufband was an inlifted Soldier in the late Expedition againft the Spaniards, and died in the Service; Refolved, That the faid Petition be rejedled there being no Proof of the Death of her Hufband.


Confideration of the Petition of Anthony Fofter, Under-SheriiT of the County of Spotfylvania, fetting forth, That he was obliged to pay Eighty Six Pounds of Nett


Tobacco, levied on John Blake, for taking up his



Negroe, the faid Blake dying

Refolved, That the Allegations of the faid Petition are true; but M"" Benjamin Hubbard, the Adminiftrator of the faid Blake, agreed, before the Committee, to pay the fame.


Confideration of the Petition of Rachael MacClouds, fetting forth, That her Hufband, Alexander MacClcnids, was an inlifted Soldier on the late Expedition againft
the Spaniards,


and was killed in the faid Service; That the Allegations of the faid Petition are true; and that the ought to be allowed Ten Pounds.
Alfo the Petition of


That her Hufband died


Macguire, Widow of Cornelius Macguire, fetting forth, in His Majefty's Service, in the late Expedition againft the
of the faid Petition are true;


That the Allegations

and that fhe ought to

be allowed

Ten Poimds.

Alfo the Petition of Catherine Wilfon,




John Wilfon, to the fame purpofe;

That the

faid Petition be reje<5led; fhe having been allowed for the fame,

the laft Seffion of Affembly.

On Confideration of the Memorial of William Waller, and Francis Thornton, Gentlemen, fetting forth, That John Mundell, late Keeper of the Publick Goal, has received the Prifon Fees, and alfo the Fees for taking up a Negroe, who was removed from the Goal of Spotfylvania County, to the Publick Goal; which Fees amoimt to 447 Pounds of Nett Tobacco; and has never paid the fame either to the Taker-up, or to the Coimty Goaler; and praying that the faid Fees be paid out of the Tobacco to be levied for the faid Mundell; Refolved, That the Memorial is true and that the aforefaid Fees ought to be paid out of the Tobacco to be levied to the Adminiftrator of the faid John Mundell, for his


of an Account of Thomas Thorpe, for having paid One Himdred and Eighty Pounds of Nett Tobacco, levied on Ifaac Hayes, the laft Seffion of Affembly, for taking up his Rimaway Negro Girl, the faid Hayes living in Effex County, and refufing to pay in King and Queen; Refolved, That the faid Accoimt be rejeAed; becaufe the faid Hayes lives now in King and Queen, and the Sheriff may levy it on him there. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Claims, to make the feveral

now due. On Confideration

Allowances, according to the faid Refolutions, in the


of Claims.


Ruffin, according to Order, prefented to the

Houfe a

To amend



concerning Waifts and Strays:


the fame was read the Firft Time; and Ordered to

be read a Second Time.

and bring

whom it is referred to prepare prevent the building Wooden Chimnies in the Town of Port Royal, to receive a Claufe or Claufes, to prevent Hogs and Sheep running at large in New-Town, in the County of Prince fs-Anne



be an Inftrudlion to the Committee, to

in a Bill to

from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported, That the Committee had, according to Order, prepared a Bill, To reftrain the unreafonable cutting down Wood-Lands on Glebes And the fame was received, and read the Firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time. M'' Braxton, from the Committee of Trade, reported. That the Committee had, according to Order, prepared a Bill, For the more equal Diftribution of the Eftates of Perfons dying infolvent: And the fame was received, and read the Firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time. A Meffage from the Council, was delivered by M'' Walthoe: That they agreed to the Refolve, for allowing William Parks Two Himdred and Eighty Pounds per Annum, from this Time, to the next Seffion of Affembly, for his Salary, and as a full Recompence for printing and delivering Infpe<?lors Notes and Books, Notes and Receipts for the Duty on Slaves, and all other A<5ls of Government. Ordered, That the Addrefs to His Majefty, and the Affociation, be fent up to the Cotmcil, to be figned by them; and that they be defired to fend them down again, to be figned bv this Houfe And that the Committee who prepared the fame, carry them up.
M'' Carter,

was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, That a Negroe belonging to him ran away, and committed divers Felonies, and being out-lawed, was fhot, by which he is fo difabled, that he is of no Service to him; and praying the Confideration of the Houfe therein. Ordered, That the faid Petition, be referred to the Confideration of the Committee the fame, with their Opinof Claims that they examine the Matter thereof, and report

Petition of Thonias Lorton,

ion thereupon, to the Houfe.


Petition of Philip Aylett,

was prefented

to the Houfe,

Town may

be eftablifhed at Aylett's Warehoufe,

That M' Power prepare and bring


and read; praying, That on Mattapony River. a Bill, according to the Prayer of the

faid Petition.


Petition of the Infpe(5lors of Morton's Warehoufe, was prefented to the Houfe, read; praying, That their Salary may be raifed: And the Queftion being put, That

the faid Petition be referred to a Committee?


paffed in the Negative.

Refohed, That the faid Petition be



petition of Philip Ltidwell, Efq;

That Two Hogfheads of his by the high Tide, in 1744; and praying to be paid for the fame. Ordered, That the Confideration of the faid Petition, be referred to the Committee of Claims that they examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion

was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting Tobacco were drowned in Gray's Creek Warehoufe,

thereupon, to the Houfe.

The Order

of the


being read, for the Houfe to refolve


into a


of the whole Houfe, upon the Bill, For further continuing the Ad, intituled. An Ad, for the better Regulating and Colleding certain Officers Fees; and other Purpofes therein






on Tuefday next refolve



into the faid Committee.


That the Houfe be adjourn 'd

To-morrow Morning Eleven







to be taken,

Members returned upon a new Writ, having taken the Oaths appointed by A(5l of Parliament, inftead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and taken the Oath of Abjuration, and fubfcribed the Teft, were
admitted to their Places in the Houfe.

A Petition of Henry Willis, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; praying, That an A<51 may pafs, to dock the Intail of Twelve Hundred Acres of Land, in Gloucefter County, commonly called Cheefcake; and for fettling Slaves, of greater Value, to the fame Ufes, in Lieu thereof. Ordered, That M"^ Whiting prepare and bring in a Bill, according to the Prayer of
the faid Petition.

M' Carter, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported. That the Committee had, according to Order, prepared a Bill, For explaining an Ad, For amending the Ad, intituled. An Ad, for fettling the Titles and Bounds of Lands; and for preventing unlawful Shooting and Ranging thereupon: Alfo a Bill, To oblige Infpedors to prize Transfer Tobacco to Nine Hundred and Fifty Pounds Nett: Alfo to a Bill, For enlarging the Power of the Sheriff of James-City County: And the fame were received, and feverally read the Firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second

The Houfe being informed. That M"^ Commiffary Dawfon, with feveral others of the attended at the Door, and defired to be admitted, to return Thanks for the many

Favours by them received from this Houfe, and to requeft a Continuance of them; they were admitted accordingly And M' Commiffan' fpake as follows
: :

M' Speaker, and


of the


of Burgeffes,

the Clergy of this Dominion of Virginia, now in Convention affembled, beg Leave to return you our fmcereft and humbleft Thanks, for the many Adts of Affembly paffed in Favour of the Clerg>', fmce the laft Convention; and we fhould not act confiftently with the juft and grateful Senfe which we have of them, if we did not take this Opportunity of expreffing it, and requefting, that you will be pleafed to continue to us fuch Inftances of your Regards, as may feem moft agreeable to your Goodnefs and Wifdom.


To which,


Speaker was pleafed to


the following Anfwer


and Reverend Gentlemen,

you exprefs,
of the

r M fHE

grateful Senfe


Ads in Favour of your Body,


Readinefs this Houfe has always fhewed, in cannot hut be acceptable to the Houfe; and you

may be affured,

that fo long as the Clergy of this

Holy Fundion, they will meet with all from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported, That the Committee had had imder their Coniideration, divers other Propofitions, from feveral Coimties, to them referred and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon Which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table; where the fame were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows On Confideration of a Propofition from the County of Amelia, fetting forth, That Appomattox River is found by Experience, to be ufeful for carrying Tobacco in Boats or Canoes, near Seventy Miles above the Falls thereof and that they are prevented of that ufeful Advantage, by feveral Mill-Dams being made acrofs the faid River; and praying. That the Owners of fuch Mill-Dams may be compelled to make convenient Paffes, or that they may be thrown down and demolifhed And that the Acl, For the more effedual Clearing of Rivers and Creeks, may be explained and amended; Refolved, That that Part of the Propofition, for compelling the Owners of fuch Mills to make convenient Paffes thro' their faid Dams, or that the fame may be thrown down and demolifhed, is reafonable; and that the Adt, For the more effedual Clearing of Rivers and Creeks, ought to be explained and amended. Refolved, That the Petition of John Smith, and others, from Amelia Coimty, to have the Authority of this Houfe for keeping up their Mill-Dams over Appomattox River;

Colony continue to Ad fuitably to proper Encouragement from this Houfe.


be rejedled.
Confideration of the Propofition from the County of I fie of Wight, fetting forth. That there are upwards of Three Thoufand Tithables in the faid Coimty; that the
are obliged to


fame makes it very burthenfome to many of its Inhabitants, who meet near the Black-Water, at General Mufters, and abundance of poor People walk Thirty Miles, and oftentimes lie in the Woods; others not being able to undergo fuch Hardfhips, fuffer themfelves to be fined That the Diftance of the Juf tices is fo far from Court, and no Conveniency of Lodging there, that they feldom attend more than Six Times in a Year and pray that the faid County may be divided into two diftind; Counties, by the Black-Water Stream And alfo a Propofition from the faid Coimty, againft the Divifion of the fame Refolved, That the faid Propofitions be referred to the Confideration of the next
of the

Seffion of



That the Committee

of Propofitions

a Bill or Bills, purfuant to the Refolution for obliging the

and Grievances, do prepare and bring Owners of Mill-Dams on

Appomattox River, above the Falls thereof, to make convenient Paffes, or to throw them down; and for explaining and amending the Adt, For the more effedual Clearing of Rivers and Creeks.

Motion being made, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, to explain the AA,' made in the Thirteenth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second, intituled, Seating upon others Dividends: And the Queftion being put thereupon?

Refolved in the Negative.


Petition of the Veftry of the Parifh of Newport, praying. be diffolved; and a new Election of Veftrymen appointed;

That the faid Veftry was prefented to the

Houfe, and read.

be an InftruAion to the Committee to whom the Bill, For uniting White-Chapel; and Diffolving the prefent the Parifhes'of Chrift's Church, and St. Mar>''s, receive a Claufe or Claufes, purfuant Veftry of St. Margaret's Parifh, is committed, to



to the Prayer of the faid Petition.

being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee the Governor's Speech; of the whole Houfe, to take into their further Confideration, Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into the faid Committee, on Thurfday

The Order

of the



M' Carter informed the Houfe, That a

to certify

Petition, complaining of the Refufal of North-

a Petition prefented to the Court of Claims for that Purpofe, umberland Court was referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and moved, that the Committee, as the faid Petition relates to the Privileges of this Houfe, may be difcharged from proceeding thereon; and that it may be referred to the Committee of Privileges




it is

and to report the fame, as

the Houfe.

accordingly referred to the faid Committee, to examine the Matter thereof; it fhall appear to them, with their Opinion thereupon, to

The Houfe, according to Order, proceeded to take into their further Confideration, the Report from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, made on Saturday laft; and the fame was read, and is as follows: On Confideration of the Propofition of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of Brunfwick County, fetting forth. That there are upwards of 2700 Tithables in the faid County: That there are many Perfons in the upper Settlements, capable of executing Civil and Military Commiffions That the Perfons who have the Benefit of the Adl, paffed in 1 738, are defirous to quit the fame, and have the faid Adl repealed That the faid County is fettled in Length 230 Miles, many Perfons having upwards of 150 Miles to Court; and pray that the faid County may be ere(5led into Two diftincS; Counties; to be divided by
: :

from the Coimtry Line, where it croffes Roanoke River, below the Place a Line to be to ftrike Nottoway River, near the Fork; the Horfe-Foard, called



it is

the Opinion of this Committee, That the faid Propofition be

On Confideration of the Propofition of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of Brunfwick County, fetting forth. That at the laying the County Levy in 1743, there appeared
to be but 1862 Tithables
to bear

That there are \'ery few Men in the upper Part of the County, fit That they have many large Bridges to fupport; and pray that the Covmty may ftill remain entire but if there fhould be any Divifion, that Little Roanoke River may be the Dividing Line


Civil or Military Ofifice:



it is

the Opinion of this Committee, that the faid Propofition be


The Firft Refolution of the Committee being read a Second Time, was difagreed by the Houfe. The Second Refolution of the Committee being read a Second Time, was agreed to

by the Houfe.


II, 96.


not in the 13th.



The law is given in Hening as having been passed in the 14th year of the reign of For discussion of the date, see Hening II, 41. For earlier forms of the law, The word "dividends" here means simply portions or shares [of land]. 349, 443.

Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill purl'uant to the Propofition from the County of Brunfwick, for dividing the faid County, by a Line to be run from the Country Line, where it croffes Roanoke River, below the Place called the Horfe-Foard, to ftrike Nottoway River, near the Fork And that the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances do prepare and bring in the fame. And that it be an Inftrudlion to the faid Committee, to receive a Claufe or Claufes,

to ere(5t

each Coianty into a diftindl Parifh.



That the Houfe be adjourn 'd

To-morrow Morning Eleven







Carter, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported, That the Committee had had imder their Confideration, divers other Petitions


Propofitions, from feveral Coimties, to


feveral Refolutions thereupon

ered in at the Table

where feveral of

and had come to and then delivthe Refolutions were again twice read, and agreed
his Place,

them Which he read in

to by the Hovife, as follows

On Confideration of the Propofition of the Inhabitants of the lower part of Surry County, fetting forth. That the Warehoufes at the Mouth of Gray's Creek, are become very hazardous, by means of high Tides, which have lately done confiderable Damage;
and that there is no Remedy for this Evil, but by removing the Houfes to higher Ground; and the high Ground adjoining the Shore whereon the Houfes now ftand, being very inconvenient for Perfons who bring their Tobacco by Water: and praying. That if it fhould be thought neceffary to remove the faid Houfes, that they may be fixt at the Landing commonly called and known by the Name of Ware-Neck, or Merriot's Landing; Refolved, That the faid Propofition be rejedled.


Confideration of the Petition of the Inhabitants of Surry County, fetting forth.

That the removing the Infpedtion from the Mouth of Gray's Creek to Ware-Neck, would be very injurious to the Petitioners, and many others, and no great Advantage to any Perfon that the Warehoufes being removed, would be a Difcouragement to the Town that feveral of them are almoft new, and the Removal thereof will be very expenfive; and praying that they may continue at the faid Place and that the Houfes be raifed, and new Floors made therein Refolved, That the faid Petition is reafonable. Refolved, That the Petition from the Inhabitants of King William Parifh, in Goochland County, complaining of many Inconveniences from the Incapacity of the Veftry
; ;

of the faid Parifh;

and praying a Diffolution

thereof; be reje(5led.


that the Petition againft the Diffolution of the faid Veftry



That the Petition from the Inhabitants of the Parts adjacent to Naylor'sHole Warehoufe, in Richmond County, to have the faid Warehoufe removed to a Place
called Catt-Point; be rejedled.

Ordered, That the further Confideration of the laid Report, be adjoum'd 'til Wednefday next. A Petition of the Proprietors and Inhabitants of the Town of Peter fburg and Blandford, praying. That an Adl of Affembly may pais, to eftablifh the faid Towns; and to prevent Wooden Chimnies being built therein; was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, purfuant to the Prayer of the faid


and that M"' 5/and prepare and bring in the fame. That M'' Cobbs have Leave to be abfent from the
Haly, for taking up a

Ser\'ice of this



Thurfday next.

A Claim of James

Runaway Negroe

therein mentioned


Alfo a Claim of John Fiefher, for the fame Service; were feverally prefented to the

Honfe, and received.




be an Inftrudtion to the Committee of Claims, to allow the faid


refpe<ftively, in the


of Claims.


That the Hoiife be adjourn 'd


Monday Morning Eleven


Monday, March lo, 1745.

Benjamin Waller. For enlarging the Power of the Sheriff of James-City County, was feveral Amendments made to the Bill at the Table. and Time; read a Second Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed. M' Conway, from the Committee of Privileges and Eledlions, reported, That the Committee had had under their Confideration, the Return of the Writ for Ele<5ling Burgeffes, to ferve in this prefent General Affembly, for the County of Augufta; and had come to a Refolution thereupon Which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table; where the fame was again read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows Refolved, That the Return of the faid Writ is not made in the Form prefcribed by




afcertain what





hold a Veftry, or

Order, was read the Second Time; and committed to M"^ Reddick,

W Conway,

make an





That the

Sheriff of

Augufta be fent

for, in


of the Serjeant at



amend the faid Return. M^ Conway further reported, That

the Committee had alfo had under their Confid-

eration, the Petition of

William Steptoe, and others, againft the Juftices of Northum-

berland County, to

them referred, for refufing to receive and certify a Propofition, which them; and that upon examining into the faid Matter, it appeared to the Committee, That at a Court held for the faid County of Northumberland, the 15th Day
of February, 1745, for Proof of Public Claims,

and receiving Propofitions and Grievances,

a Propofition, figned b}- feveral Subfcribers, praying. That that Part of the faid County of Northumberland, to the Southward of Mill-Creek, and the Branches thereof, may be

added to the County of Lancafter, was prefented to the Court by William Steptoe, one of the Subfcribers; and that a Majority of the Juftices then prefent, viz. Peter Prefly, and Samuel Blackwell, Members of this Houfe, Spencer Ball, John Foufhea, Griffin Fantleroy, Jun. and William Taite, Gentlemen, did refufe to receive and certify the fame, unlefs the Perfons who prefented the faid Propofition, would fuffer the Names of the Subfcribers who were abfent, to be erafed, urging for a Reafon, that the Subfcriptions to the faid Propofition, might be illegally obtained; and had come to a Refolution thereupon Which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table where the fame was again read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows Refolved, That the faid Peter Prefly, Samuel Blackwell, Spencer Ball, John Foufhea, Griffin Fantleroy, Jim. and William Taite, in refufing to receive and certify the faid Propofition, have ad:ed illegally, arbitrarily, and contrary to the Rights of the People. A Motion being made, Ordered, That M' Samuel Blackwell be reprimanded in his Place, for his faid Offence. And M' Speaker fpoke as follows:

M' Blackwell, / am commanded





reprimand you, for having been guilty

of a very

great Offence, in refufing to certify a certain Propofition duly offered you;

and I do


mand you accordingly. Then M' Blackwell,

Error, for

in his Place, told the


which he was

Houfe, That he was truly fenfible of his and humbly afked the Pardon of this Houfe for the fame.

John Foufhea, Griffin Fantleroy, Jun. and William Taite, be fent for, in Cuftody of the Serjeant at Arms, to anfwer refpe<5tively for their Mifdemeanors.

That Peter

Prefly, Spencer Ball,

Lomax, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill, For preventing the Wooden Chimnies in the Town of Port-Royal, and pulling damn fuch as are already built therein; and to reftrain Hogs and Sheep from going at large in New-Town, in the County of Prince fs- Anne: And the fame was received, and read the Firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time. M' Lomax, from the Committee to whom the Bill, For uniting the Parifhes of Chrift's Church, and St. Mary's, White-Chapel; and for Diffolving the Veftry of St. Margaret's Parifh, was committed, reported the Amendments which the Committee had made to the Bill, and which they had diredled him to report to the Houfe And he read the Report in his Place, and afterwards delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where the Amendments were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed.

building of


That the Houfe be adjourn 'd


To-morrow Morning Eleven






Whiting, from the Committee for Courts of Juftice, reported, That the Committee had, according to Order, prepared a Bill, To regulate Attorneys pradifing at County Courts: And the fame was received, and read the Firft Time; and ordered to be read a Second Time. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, to make it Felony to fteal Bonds, Notes, or other Securities, for the Payment of Money And that M"' Bland prepare and


bring in the fame.



For enlarging



of the Sheriff of

James-City County, was

read the Third Time.

That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Burwell carry the Bill to the Council; and delire their Concurrence. An Ingroffed Bill, For uniting the Parifhes of Christ's Church, and St. Mary's, WhiteChapel; for Diffolving the Veftries of the Parifhes of St. Margaret, and Newport; and for Confirming the Veftries of the Parifhes of St. Anne, and Truro, was read the Third Time; and the Blanks in the Bill filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"" Conway do carry the Bill to the Council and defire their ConcurRefolved,


the Committee

from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported, That had had under their Confideration, divers other Petitions and Propofitions, from feveral Counties, to them referred, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon: Which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table; where the
M'' Carter,

fame were again read, as follows Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofition from the County of Northumberland, praying that that Part of the faid County which lies to the Southward of Mill-Creek, and the Branches thereof, may be added to Lancafter Covinty
be rejedled.

the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofition from the County of Amelia, for repealing the Laws relating to the Seating and Saving of Land, or fo much thereof as is foimd to be burthenfome and grievous to the Subjedl; be rejected.


it is

Refolution of the faid Committee being read a Second Time, and the Queftion being put. That the Houfe do agree to the faid Refolution? It paffed in the Negative.



That the Propofition from the County of Northumberland, for adding that Mill-Creek, and the Branches Part of the faid County which lies to the Southward of thereof, to Lancafter County; is reafonable. Then the other of the faid Refolutions was read, and the Queftion being put. That

the Houfe do agree to the faid Refolution?


alfo paffed in the Negative.

That the Propofition from the County of Amelia, for repealing the Laws relating to the Seating and Saving of Land, or fo much thereof as is found to be burthenfome and grievous to the Subjedl; is reafonable. Ordered, That the Committee of Proportions and Grievances, do prepare and bring

according to the faid Refolutions. The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, upon the Bill, For further continuing the Ad, intituled. An Ad, for the better Regulating and Colleding certain Officers Fees; and other Purpofes therein mentioned And after fome Time fpent therein, M' Speaker refumed the Chair; and M' Conway reported from the

Bill or Bills,

Committee, That they had made fome Progrefs in the Bill; and that he was diredled by the Committee to move, that they may have Leave to fit again. Refolved, That this Houfe will To-morrow refolve itfelf into a Committee of the

whole Houfe, to confider further the faid



That the Houfe be adjoum'd


To-morrow Morning Eleven


Wednefday, March 12, 1745.


Claim of George Webb, Affignee of John Hardin, for taking up a Runaway Negroe therein mentioned, in May, 1741, was offered to the Houfe: And the Queftion being put. That the faid Claim be received?
Refolved in the Negative.

William Simmons, for taking up a Runaway Negroe therein mentioned, was prefented to the Houfe, and received. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Claims, to allow the faid

A Claim of
in the


of Claims.

Corbin, according to Order, prefented to the

to fell

Houfe a


To enable George



Part of a Trad of Land, not exceeding Three Hundred and Fifty Acres, to for the Payment of his proportionable Part of the Debts of his Grandfather:


the fame was received, and read the Firft Time;

and ordered

to be read a Second


Petition of Alexander Kennedy, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting That he rented a Houfe as an Hofpital for the fick Sailors belonging to His Majefty's Ship Torrington, which was, by fome Accident, burnt; and praying to be

paid for the fame:


the Queftion being put. That the faid Petition he referred to a Committee?

paffed in the Negative.


That the

faid Petition be reje<5led.

Then a Motion was made, that the

the Queftion being put thereupon?

faid Petition be

thrown under the Table


Refolved in the Negative.


Petition of the Juftices of Northampton County,

praying to be paid the


Money expended


was prefented to the Houfe, and building a Wharf, and making a Caufe-

way, for the Ufe

Hunger's Warehoufe. Ordered, That the faid Petition, be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Claims that they examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.


to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill, To make it Felony to Bonds, Notes, or other Securities, for the Payment of Money: And the fame was received, and read the Firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time.

M' Bland, according

M' Carter moved for Leave to prefent a Bill, For regulating the Appointment of County Court Clerks: And the fame was received, and read the Firft Time; and Ordered to be
read a Second Time.

M' Campbell, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill, To amend the Ad, for giving a Reward for killing Wolves in the County of Frederick, to be levied on the Inhabitants of the faid County, by the Court; and for altering feveral Court-Days: And the fame was received, and read the Firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second

The Houfe, according to Order, refumed the adjourned Confideration of the Report from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, made on Saturday laft; and the Refidue of the Refolutions were read, as follows: Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propolition from the Merchants of the Town of Fredericksburg, for allowing Copies of Store Accounts, proved before one or more Juftices, to be given in Evidence on the Tryal of Suits brought on fuch Accoimts; or be allowed to prove their Accounts the firft Court after fuch Suits are


And aKo
Purpofe; be

a Propofition from the Merchants of the


of Falmouth, to the




the Court -houfe of the faid

Confideration of the Propofition from Spotfylvania County, fetting forth, That County being, by fome Mifreprefentation and artful Manage-

ment, heretofore placed at Fredericksburg; which is very inconvenient to the greater Part of the Inhabitants and Freeholders of the faid Coimty; and attended with great Expence and Lofs of Time, and often in Danger of being infedled with the Flux, and other Diftempers which are frequent at that Place; and praying that the Court-houfe of the faid County may be eredted, and the Court ordered to be held, in the moft convenient Place at or near the Center of the County Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the faid Propofition be


The Firft Refolution was read a Second Time Houfe do agree to the faid Refolution ?
Refolved in the Affirmative.


the Queftion being put. That

Then the other

Noes go

of the faid Refolutions

was read


after a Debate, the Queftion

being put. That the Houfe do agree thereto, the Houfe divided.

Yeas 43 Noes 21

paffed in the Affirmative.

A Bill, For preventing the building of Wooden Chimnies in the Town of Port-Royal, and pidling down fuch as are already built therein; and to reftrain Hogs and Sheep from going at large in New-Town, in the County of Prince fs- Anne, was read the fecond Time; and committed to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances. A
Petition of the Inhabitants of the

Houfe, and read; praying. That an Adt

Town may pafs,

of Newcaftle,

was prefented

to the

for preventing the building


Chimnies in the faid


Town and


Hogs from going

at large in the faid

down fuch as are already built therein and for Town; and for allowing Fairs to be kept


of Propofitions

That the Confideration of the faid Petition be referred to the Committee and Grievances; That they do examine the Matter thereof, and report

the fame, with their opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.

M' Carter, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported, That the Committee had had under their Confideration, divers other Petitions, from feveral Counties, to them referred; and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon: Which he

he read
in his Place,

and then delivered

in at the


where the fame were again read,

and agreed

to by the Houfe, as follows: of the Petition from the County of Albetnarle, fetting forth, That Confideration On the Fluvanna is, in fome Meafure, navigable, and frequently made Ufe of for bringing down Tobacco; but that the faid River in feveral Places is fo obftrufted by Rocks, as

to render the Navigation difficult;

and praying the

Affiftance of this Houfe, in opening

an eaQer


to Trade


that a Public Warehoufe, for receiving Tobacco,

and other Things, may

be eftablifhed at Weftham;


That the faid Petition is reafonable. the Petition of John Caldwell, and others. Inhabitants above the Fork That Refolved, Roanoke, in Brunfwick County, for repealing the A(5t, intituled. An Ad, to encourage

Settlements on the Southern Boundaries of this Colony

relates to the faid Inhabitants;

or fo


thereof as particularly

of Propofitions


That the Committee


and Grievances, do prepare and bring

purfuant to the Firft Refolution. it be an InftruAion to the faid Committee, to whom it is referred to prepare and bring in a Bill, For dividing the County of Brimfwick, by a Line to he run from the Country Line, where it croffes Roanoke River, below the Place called Horfe-Foard, to ftrike Nottoway River, near the Fork; that they have Power to receive a Claufe or Claufes, for repealing the Adl, intituled. An Ad, to encourage Settlements on the Southern

Bifl or Bills,


Colony or fo much thereof, as particulary relates to the Inhabitants above the Fork of Roanoke, purfuant to the Refolution for that Purpofe. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee of
of this

the whole Houfe, upon the




further continuing the





for the

Regulating and Colleding certain Officers Fees; and other Purpofes therein mentioned;

Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe upon the faid Bill, Tomorrow. The Houfe being moved. That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, to amend the Adl, For the Regulation and Settlement of Ferries; and for Difpatch of Public Expreffes:


the Queftion being put thereupon?

Refolved in the Negative.

Meffage from the Council, by M'' Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for enlarging the Power of Sheriff of James-City County, without any Amendment.


A Bill, For confirming the Grants in the Fork of Rappaharmock, and on the North Side of the Dividing Line between the King, and the Proprietor of the Northern-Neck, was read the Second Time and committed to M"' Fry, M' Lomax, M^ Benjamin Waller, M'

Hedgman, and

M"' Beverley.

That the Houfe be adjourn 'd


To-morrow Morning Eleven




13, 1745.

For reducing the Laws made, for laying a Duty upon Liquors, into One Ad was read the Second Time; and committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe. Refolved, That this Hoxife will refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe upon the faid Bill, on Tuefday next. A Meffage from the Governor and Council, by M'' Walthoe: That the Governor and Council have figned the Affociation That they have fent it down to be figned by this Houfe; and that they have left a Blank therein; which they propofe to be filled up with the Twenty Firft Day of January.

of Affembly,



Ordered, That the Blank be filled up accordingly and that the Affociation be figned by the Speaker, and every Member of this Houfe. M"' Carter, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported, Tliat the Committee had had under their Confideration, divers other Petitions and Propofitions, from feveral Counties, to them referred, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon Which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table where the fame
; ;

were again read, as follows


of Hanover,

Confideration of a Propofition from the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the and others, fetting forth. That in the Year 1740, an Act was paffed,

for building a Bridge over


River, at Newcaftle

Town; which has been very



now become

the faid Bridge, under fuch Regulations as this


and praying. That an Adt may pafs, for rebuilding Houfe fhall think fit the Opinion of this Committee, That the faid Propofition is


That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Petition of the Freeand Inhabitants of the Town of Newcaftle, to prevent the building Wooden Chimnies in the faid Town; to pull down fuch as are already built therein; to prevent Hogs running at large in the faid Town and to allow Fairs to be kept therein is reaRefolved,



That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That that Part of the Petition Inhabitants of Suffolk Town, to prevent the building Wooden Chimnies in the from the faid Town; and pulling down fuch as are already built therein; is reafonable.

And alfo,

Town, except one,

that that Part of the Petition, fetting forth, That the Feoftees of the faid live at a confiderable Diftance from it, and are vmacquainted with

the Regulations neceffary for the Improvement of the faid

Town; that




overplus Money, arifing from the Sale of the faid Lots of the faid Town, unappropriated;

and praying that other Feoffees may be appointed; is reafonable. The Three Firft Refolutions being read a Second Time, and the Queftion being feverally put, That the Houfe do agree to the faid Refolutions?
Refolved in the Affirmative.

Then the other of the faid Refolutions was read a Second Time, and the Queftion being put. That the Houfe do agree thereto?

paffed in the Negative.

Refolved, That that Part of the Petition from the Inhabitants of Suffolk Town, fetting forth, That the Feoffees of the faid Town, except one, live at a confiderable Diftance from it, and are unacquainted with the Regulations neceffary for the Improve-


of the faid

faid Lots of

Town; that there is fome overplus Money, arifing from the Sale of the the faid Town, imappropriated; and praying that other Feoffees may be

appointed; be rejedled.

That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, for Rebuilding the Bridge over Pamunkey River, at Newcaftle Town, purfuant to the Refolution for that Purpofe And that the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances do prepare and bring in the fame. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudtion to the faid Committee to whom the Bill, For preventing the building of Wooden Chimnies in the Town of Port-Royal, and pulling down fuch as are already built therein; and to reftrain Hogs and Sheep going at large in Newtown, in the County of Princefs-Anne, is committed, that they have Power to receive a Claufe

or Claufes, purfuant to the Refolution for preventing the building

Wooden Chimnies



Town of Newcaftle, and pulling down fuch as are already built

in the faid


for preventing

Hogs running at large

Town; and

for allowing Fairs to be kept therein.

AKo a Claufe Wooden Chimnies

or Claufes, purfuant to the Refolution for preventing the building

in Snffofk

Town, and for pulling down fuch as are already built. and Veftry of Hunger's Parifh, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; praying that Leave may be given to bring in a Bill, to enable them to fell Eighty Seven Acres of Land, which they now hold as a Glebe; and to apply the

Petition of the Minifter


money arifing from fuch Sale, Hundred Acres of Land, given
to the

purchafmg Negroes, to be annexed to Sixteen the Ufe of the Minifter of the faid Parifh, by one


to oblige the Veftry of the faid Parifh, to build fuflficient Glebe-houfes

on the faid Sixteen Hundred Acres of Land. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, according to the Prayer of the faid Petition: And that M"^ Eyre do prepare and bring in the fame. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to take into their further Confideration the Governor's Speech; Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into the faid Committee, on Wednefday

The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, upon the Bill, For further continuing the Ad, intituled. An Ad, for the better Regulating
and Colleding certain Officers Fees; and other Purpofes therein mentioned: And after fome Time fpent therein, M"' Speaker refumed the Chair; and M' Conway reported, That the Committee had made a further Progrefs in the Bill and that he was diredled by the Committee, to move, that they may have Leave to fit again. Refolved, That this Houfe will again refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to confider further the faid Bill, To-morrow. A Petition of the Juftices of Elizabeth-City County, praying to be reimburfed the Expence they have been at, in building a Wharf for the Ufe of Hampton Warehoufe, was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the Confideration of the faid Petition, be referred to the Committee of Claims that they examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion
; ;

thereupon, to the Houfe. A Claim of John Proby, for the Ferriage of a

Runaway, was

offered to the



the Queftion being put. That the faid Claim be received?

Refolved in the Negative.


That the Houfe be adjourn 'd


To-morrow Morning Eleven




14, 1745.

Petition of

Thomas Todd, was prefented

be given to bring in a

the Houfe, and read;


Bill, to dock the Entail of Six Hundred Acres of Land, fituate near the North River Bridge, in Gloucefter County and


Leave may

for fettling

and annexing

Slaves, of greater Value, to

fome other Entailed

Lands, to the fame Ufes, in Lieu thereof.

That I>eave be given to bring in a Bill, according to the Prayer of the faid Petition: and that M"' Whiting prepare and bring in the fame. A petition of Anne Gough, Proprietor of Denbigh Warehoufe, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth. That fince the laft Affembly, by an Order of Warwick Court, flie was obliged to build a Wharf for the Ufe of the faid Warehoufe, which fince was entirely deftroyed by the high Tide; and that fince that Time, fhe hath built another Wharf, by Order of the faid Court and praying to be paid for the fame. Ordered, That the faid Petition, be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Claims; that they examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their

Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.

A Meffage from the Council, by M'' Walthoe: That they have made feveral Amendments to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for uniting the Parifhes of Chrift's-Church, and St. Mary's, White-Chapel; for Diffolving the Veftries of the Parifhes of St. Margaret, and Newport; and for Confirming the Veftries of the Parifhes of St. Anne, and Truro; to which they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe.

John Blair, Efq; was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, That in 1740, John Mundell, deceafed, affigned an Account to him of Four Pounds Six Shillings and Three Pence, due for Maintenance of the Indians, which being miflaid, was not prefented to either of the Two laft Affemblies; and praying the Confideration of the Houfe therein. The Queftion being put, That the faid Petition be referred to a Committee?
Petition of
It paffed in the Negative.

That the faid Petition be rejected. A Claim of John Holt, Affignee of John Hunter, for taking up a Runaway Negroe therein mentioned, was prefented to the Houfe, and received. Ordered, That it be an Inftru(5lion to the Committee of Claims, to allow the faid

Claim in the Book of Claims. M'' Beverley, from the Committee of Claims, reported. That the Committee had had under their Confideration, divers Petitions to them referred; and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon Which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table; where the fame were again read, as follows: On Confideration of the Petition of Richard Bland, fetting forth, That he is proprietor of Jordan's Warehoufe, and has built a Wharf for the Ufe of the faid Warehoufe,

which is not fufficient for building and keeping the faid Wharf and Warehoufes in Repair and praying an Allowance for the fame Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Allegations of the faid Petition are true and that he ought to be allowed the additional Rent of Five Pounds Yearly, for building the faid Wharf, from the Tenth of November laft, he keeping it in



Repair for the Time to come.


On Confideration of the Petition of Mary Griffin, fetting forth. That fhe was poffeffed Two Negroe Slaves; that hearing Capt. Garnet's store was broke open and robb'd,
Linen and other
to bring

them, fhe fearched their Cabbins, and found fome ftole, on which they ran away; and that in Order Juftice, fhe out-lawed them, but never heard of them afterwards, found di-owned, which fhe believes they did to avoid the Punifhment praying fuch Relief as this Houfe fhall think reafonable;
in order to clear

Goods which were



until they
of the


Law; and

That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Allegations of the faid Petition are true; and that fhe ought to be allowed Sixty Pounds Current Money. On Confideration of the Petition of William Beverley, fetting forth. That fome of his Negroes at Beverley-Park, having murdered their Overfeer, Eight of them were apprehended, and committed for Tryal, upon which Tryal only Two were found guilty, and executed; but that thro' the Inclemency of the Weather, all the reft, except one, were fo froft-bitten, that Two died. One loft his Toes, and that he, with the others, are and praying fuch Allowance as this Hovife fhall think ftill under the Surgeon's Hands reafonable, for his faid Loffes and Expenfes Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Allegations of the faid Petition are true; and that he ought to be allowed the Sum of Ninety Four Pounds Current Money, for Guy and Maria, the Two Negroes who died by Means of being froftbitten, as aforefaid; and Sixteen Pounds Eleven Shillings and Four Pence, for the Doctor's Account, to the 3d of March, 1745: And that the Cafe of Negroe Richmond, and the other Damages he hath fuftained, together with the Doctor 's Account from

that Time, ought to be referred to the Confideration of the next Seffion of Affembly.


Confideration of the Petition of the Juftices of Northampton County, fetting

That they have built a Wharf for the Ufe of Hunger's Warehoufe, One Hundred Feet long, and a Caufeway of the fame Length, for which they are to pay Twelve Pounds Current Money and praying fuch Relief as this Houfe fhall think reafonable Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Allegations of the faid Petition are true; and that they ought to be allowed the additional Rent of Three Pounds Yearlv, from the Tenth Day of November laft.




First Refolution of the


That the faid

Committee bemg read a Second Time; Refolution; and alfo the laft Refolution of the



mittee, be re-committed.


Houfe do agree to aU the other the Queftion being feverally put, That the

Refolutions of the faid Committee?

Refolved in the Affirmative.

be an Inftruaion to the Committee of Claims, to make the feveral Refolutions agreed to by the Allowances in the Book of Claims, according to the Houfe. r 1L The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee of the whole intituled. An Act, for the better ReguHoufe, upon the Bill, For further continuing the Ad, other Purpofes therein mentioned: And lating and ColleAing certain Officers Fees; and refumed the Chair; and M' Conway reported, after fome Time fpent therein, M-" Speaker



Amendments That the Committee had gone through the Bill, and made feveral again, fit to draw up Leave to for move thereto; and that they had diredled him to
the report.
Refolved, to



draw up the

Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee Report, on Wednefday next.


of the

whole Houfe,

That the Houfe be adjoum'd

To-morrow Morning Eleven




15, 1745.

what per Cent, f hould be dedudled from the Claims of Frederick and Augufta. Ordered, That Thirty per Cent, be dedudled from the faid Claims. A Petition of Spencer Ball, John Foufhea, William Taite, and Griffin Fantleroy, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth. That they are deply fenfible of the Misfortune they labour under, by incurring the Difpleafure of this Houfe, for not certifying a certain Propofition to them prefented, at a Court of Claims, held for Northumberland County: That they affure this Houfe, their Offence did not proceed from any finifter View or Intention in them, but altogether from an Error in their
Judgments; and praying that the Houfe



from the Committee

of Claims,


to be diredled

by the Houfe,

take their Cafe into their Confideration,



them out

of Cuftody.

That the faid Spencer Ball, John Foufhea, William Taite, and Griffin Fantleroy, be brought to the Bar of the Houfe, and reprimanded from the Chair. And they were called to the Bar, and reprimanded accordingly. Then a Motion was made. That the faid Spencer Ball, John Foufhea, William Tate, and Griffin Fantleroy, be difcharged out of Cuftody, without paying Fees: And after a Debate, the Queftion being put thereupon, the Houfe divided. Yeas 13 Yeas go forth. Noes 54 And so it pa ffed in the Negative. Ordered, That they be difcharged out of Cuftody, paying Fees. The Houfe being informed, that John Waughop, Matthew Zuill, Richard Hull and Argyl Taylor, were equally guilty with the others, in refufing to certify the aforefaid


be referred to the Committee of Privileges and Elections, to examine into that Matter: And that they report the fame, as it fhall appear to them, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.




M"' Secretary'





Waller, have Leave to be

abfent from the Sen-ice of the Houfe,

Tuefday next.



make an




afcertain what


of Veftrytnen


hold a Veftry, or

was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"" William Waller carry the

Bill to

the Council; for their Concur-


A Bill, To amend the Ad, concerning Waifts and Strays, was read the Second Time; and committed to M'' Benjamin Waller, M"" Ruffin, M' Bland, M' Loynax, and M"' Douglas. A Bill, To enable George Efkridge to fell Part of a Trad of Land, not exceeding Three Hundred and Fifty Acres, to raife Money for the Payment of his Proportionable Part of the Debts of his Grandfather, was read a Second Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be committed to M' Corbin, the Members for Weftmoreland and Stafford Counties: And that they do examine into the Allegations thereof, and report the Matter, as it fhall appear to them, with their Opinion thereupon, to the

That the Houfe be adjoum'd


Monday Morning Eleven


Monday, March 17, 1745.

To make it Felony to fteal Bonds, Notes, or other Securities, for the Payment of Money, was read the Second Time; and feveral Amendments made to the Bill, and an Amendment made to the Title thereof, at the Table. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed. M'' Conway, from the Committee of Privileges and Elections, reported, That the Committee had had under their Confideration, the Information to them referred, relating to feveral other Juftices of the County of Northumberland, refufing to receive and certify the Propofition to them prefented by William Steptoe, and others; and that upon examining into the faid Matter, it appeared to them. That at the faid Court, held for the faid County of Northumberland, the 15th Day of February, 1745, feveral other Juftices, to wit, John Waughop, Matthew Zitil, Richard Hull, and Argyl Taylor, did

likewife refufe to receive


certify the faid Propofition, imlefs the Perfons prefenting

of the Subcribers

the fame,


fuffer the


who were

abfent, to be erafed,

urging for their Reafon, that the Subfcription to the faid Propofition might be illegally
obtained; and had


to a Refolution thereupon:

Which he read

in his Place,


afterwards delivered in at the Table; where the fame was again read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows:

That the


Taylor, in refufing to receive


John Waughop, Matthew Zuil, Richard Hull, and Argil and certify the faid Propofition, have likewife a<fted illegally,

and contrary to the Rights of the People. That the faid John Waughop, Matthew Zuil, Richard Hull, and Argil Taylor, be fent for, in Cuftody of the Serjeant at Arms, to anfwer for their Mifdemeanors. A Bill, For amending an Ad, intituled, An Ad, for Encouragement of building WaterMills, was read the Second Time and committed to M"' Beverley, Ludwell, M'' Corbin, M'' Wafhington, and M"' Cunningham. A Bill, To reftrain the unreafonable cutting down Wood-Lands on Glebes, was read the Second Time; and committed to M'' Ludwell, M'' Carter, and M'' Richard Randolph. M' Carter, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill, For the Encouragement of the Manufadure of Salt Petre: And the fame was received, and read the First Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time. M"^ Carter, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported, That the Committee had, according to Order, prepared a Bill, For the more effedual Clearing Rivers and Creeks; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned:


Brunfwick, and the Parifh of Saint Andrew;

Alfo a


For Dtinding





of the

the fame were received, and feverally Purpofes therein mentioned: Time. read the First Time and Ordered to be read a Second the Veftry M' Eyre, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill, To enable Seven Eighty Acres of to fell Northampton, County the of Hunger's in
for other




mentioned: And the fame Land, appropriated for a Glebe; and for other Purpofes therein Time. was received, and read the Firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second M' Carter, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported, That the

Committee had had under their Confideration, a Propofition from the County of Fairfax, Which he read in his Place, to them referred; and had come to a Refolution thereupon: and afterwards delivered in at the Table; where the fame was again read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows the County Refolved, That the Propofition from the County of Fairfax, for altering through to go the Courts, and eftablifhing Quarterly Courts; and obliging the Juftices
Docket, under a Penalty; be

That the Committee had aKo had imder their Confideration, the Petition from the Inhabitants of the County of Frederick, direfted to the Governor, Council, and Burgeffes, and referred to this Committee; fetting forth the many Hardfhips they undergo, by having their Stocks taken away, and other Mifchiefs frequently committed, by the Indians and praying fuch Relief as fhall be thought reafonable and had come to a Refolution thereupon Which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table; where the fame was again read, and agreed to by


Carter further reported.

the Houfe, as follows: Refolved, That the Petitioners ought to be redreffed; and that his Honour the Governor



impowered to relieve them. That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, To

regulate the Proceedings of the

County Courts:


that M-- ColviUe, M"" Bland, M"" Power,



Ludwell, prepare and

bring in the fame.

That the Houfe be adjourn 'd


To-morrow Morning Eleven




i8, 1745.






To make it Felony to fteal Bonds, Notes, or otlter Securities, for Money, or Tobacco, was read the Third Time; and a Blank
Bill to

in the


That the Bill do Ordered, That M' Bland carry the


the Council

for their Concurrence.


For eftablifhing the and for preventing Towns And the fame was received, and read the building Wooden Chimnies in the faid Towns the Firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time. M' Carter, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, to whom the Bill, For preventing the building Wooden Chimnies in the Town of Port-Royal, and pulling down fuch as are already built tlterein; and to reftrain Hogs and Sheep from going at large in New-To\vn, in the County of Princefs-Anne, was committed, reported the Amendments which the Committee had made to the Bill, and which they had diredled him to report to the Houfe and he read the Report in his Place, and afterwards delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table. Ordered, That the Report do lie on the Table. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendments, made by the Council, to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for uniting the Parifhes of Chrift's-Church, and St. Mary's, White -Chapel; for Diffolving the Veftries of the Parifhes of St. Margaret, and Newport;
Bland, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a
of Peterfburg, and Blandford, in the County of Prince George;


Confirming the Veftries of the Parifhes of Si. Aime, and Trtiro; and the fame were read, and Part thereof agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That M"" Conway carry the Bill to the Council, and acquaint them, that this



of the Amendments by them made to the faid Bill, and difaothers; and that they defire they will pafs the Bill with the Amendments the greed to


have agreed to One



A Claim of Sarah Fitzhugh, for the

fented to the Houfe,
referred to

Ferriage of Criminals over


and received: And the Queftion being the Committee of Claims for Allowance?

James River, was preThat the faid Claim be

paffed in the Negative.


That the faid Claim be rejedted. A Bill, To regulate Attorneys pradifing in the County Courts, was read the Second Time; and committed to M"' Benjamin Waller, llL^ Bland, M'' Douglas, M' Power, and M' Beverley. The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee of the whole Hoiife, upon the Bill, For reducing the Laws made for laying a Duty upon Liquors, into one AA of Affembly: And after fome Time fpent therein, M"' Speaker refumed the Chair; and M'' Conway reported. That the Committee had made fome Progrefs in the Bill; and had diredled him to move for Leave to lit again. Refolved, That this Houfe will again refolve itfelf into a Committee, upon the faid Bill, on Thurfday next. A Bill, To amend the Ad for giving a Reward for killing Wolves in the County of Frederick, to be levied on the Inhabitants of the faid County, by the Court; and for altering And committed to M"" Benjamin Waller, feveral Court Days, was read the Second Time M' Beverley, and MJ Campbel. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, to whom it is referred to prepare and bring in a BUI, for altering the Day for holding Court in Nanfemond County, That they have Power to receive a Claufe or Claufes, for altering the Court Days of Ifle of Wight, Princefs Anne, Norfolk, King William, Albemarle, and Augufta Counties. A Bill, For explaining an Ad, for amending the Ad, intittJed, An Ad, for Settling the Titles and Bounds of Lands; and for preventing unlawful Shooting atid Ranging thereupon, was read the Second Time And committed to M'' Richard Randolph, M' Benjamin Power, and M"' Cobbs. Waller, M' Carter,


That the Houfe be adjovim'd


To-morrow Morning Eleven


Wednefday, March 19, 1745.

Houfe being informed, that M' Peter Prefly, a Member of this Houfe, attended at the Door in Cuftody; That he was fenfible of his Error, and forry for his Offence; and defir'd to be difcharg'd, paying Fees. Ordered, That the faid M"" Prefly be difcharg'd out of Cuftody, paying Fees; and that he be called in, and reprimanded in his Place; And he was called in accordingly; and M"" Speaker fpoke as follows: M^


This Houfe have come

a Refohition, that you have aded illegally, arbitrarily, and

contrary to the Rights of the People, in refufing to certify a certain Propofition duly offered you; but as they are informed you are fenfible of your Error, and forry for your Offence,
they have

commanded me only


reprimand you, and I do reprimand you accordingly.


Meffage from the Council by


to the Bill, For uniting tlie Parifhes of That they adhere to their Chrift's-Church, and St. Mary's, White-Chapel; for Diffolving the Veftries of the Parifhes




and Newport; and far Confirming the Veftries of the Parifhes of St. Anne, and Truro; which were difagreed to by this Houfe. Ordered, That the Thanks of the Houfe be given to the Rev. M-- William Robinfon, laft; and that M^ Carter for his excellent Sermon preached before this Houfe on Sunday acquaint him therewith. A Petition of William Clifton, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; praying that a Ferry may be appointed from his Land, on the South Side of Patomack, to the Land in Poffeffion of Thomas Wallis, on Swan-Creek, in Prince George County, in Maryland. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudion to the Committee, to whom it is referred to prepare and bring in a Bill, For appointing feveral new Ferries, that they have Power to
of St. Margaret,

receive a Claufe or Claufes, for appointing a Ferry at that Place. IV Carter, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported,

That the

Committee had had under their Confideration, divers other Petitions, and Propofitions, from fe\eral Counties, to them referred and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon
; ;

Which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table; where the fame were again read and the Firft Refolution being read a Second Time, was agreed to by the
Houfe, as follows:

That the Petition of the Inhabitants of Albemarle County, to be re-paid Part of the Expence of the Public Buildings in Goochland County, proportionable their before the Divifion thereof; be referred to the next Seffion of Affembly.

Ordered, That the further Confideration of the faid Report, be adjourned 'til Tomorrow. M' Beverley, from the Committee of Claims, reported. That the Committee had had imder their Confideration, Two Petitions, to them re-committed; and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon Which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table; where the fame were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows: On Confideration of the Petition of Richard Bland Refolved, That he ought to be allowed Ten Pounds Current Money, to the Tenth Day of March, 1745; and that the faid Petition ought to be referred, for further Con:

fideration, to the

next Seffion of Affembly.


Confideration of the Petition of the Juftices of Northampton County;

That they ought to be allowed Five Pounds Cuirent Money, to the Tenth March, 1745; and that the faid Petition ought to be referred, for further Confideration, to the next Seffion of Affembly. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Claims, to make the feveral Allowances in the Book of Claims, purfuant to the faid Refolutions. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendments to the Bill, For

preventing the building of

Wooden Chimnies

fuch as are already built therein;

to reftrain

Newton, in




Town of Port-Royal, and pidling down Hogs and Sheep from going at large in And the fame were read, and agreed to by the
in the


a Motion made.

That the faid Bill be re-committed. Benjamin Waller, from the Committee to whom the Bill, To amend the Ad, concerning Waifts and Strays, was committed, reported the Amendments which the Committee had made to the Bill, and which they had directed him to report to the Houfe; and he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments,
in at the Table.

That the Report do lie on the Table. For continuing an Ad, intituled. An Ad for Infpeding, Weighing, and Stamping all Pork and Beef, packed in this Colony, or imported for Sale, before the fame fhall be fold

A Bill,

here, or


fhipped for Exportation: And to amend the Adl, intituled. An Ad for afcertaining And comof Barrels for Pork, Beef, Tar and Pitch, was read the Second Time

mitted to


Walke, M' Elligood, the Members for Norfolk County, and



For the more equal Diftribution of the Eftates of Perfons dying infolvent, was And committed to M'' Benjamin Waller, M"' Bland, M' Beverley, read the Second Time and M'' Power. A Mefage from the Council, by M' Walthoe: That they have made fome Amendments to the Bill, intituled, An Ad to afcertain what Number of Veftrymen may hold a Veftry, or make an Order: To which they defire

the Concurrence of this Houfe.

That M"' Garnet be added to the Committee for Courts of Juftice. Ordered, That M"" Pre fly be added to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances. M"" Ludwell, from the Committee to whom the Bill, To reftrain the unreafonable cutting down Wood-lands on Glebes, was committed, reported the Amendments which the Committee had made to the Bill, and which they had directed him to report to the Houfe; and he read the Report in his Place; and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table. Ordered, That the Report do lie on the Table. A BiU, To oblige the InfpeCtors to prize Transfer Tobacco to Nine Hundred and Fifty Pounds nett, was read a Second Time: And committed to a Committee of the whole





will refolve itfelf into a

Committee, upon the faid


on Monday next. Ordered, That


M'' W^ortnley

have Leave to be abfent from the Service of

this Houfe,


of the

itfelf into a Committee whole Hotife, to take into their further Confideration the Governor's Speech; Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, take into their further Confideration the faid Speech, on Tuefday next. to The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to draw up the Report upon the Bill, For further continuing the Ad, intituled, An Ad, And after fome Time fpent for the better Regulating and Colleding certain Officers Fees from the Committee, reported. therein, M"" Speaker refumed the Chair; and M'' Comvay, That they had drawn up the faid Report and he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table. Ordered, That the Report do lie on the Table.

The Order


being read, for the Houfe to refolve

of the


That the Houfe be Adjoum'd


To-morrow Morning Eleven



March 20, 1745.


Lands therein mentioned; and to veft tlie fame in Thomas Todd, in Fee-Simple: And for fettling feveral Slaves therein mentioned, in And the fame was received, and read the Lieti thereof, to the fame Ufes Firft Time; and ordered to be read a Second Time. Ordered. That it be an Inftrudlion to the Committee to whom the BiU, for giving a Reward for killing Wolves in the County of Frederick, to be levied on the Inhabitants of the faid County, by the Court; and for altering feveral Court-Days, is committed. That they have Power to receive a Claufe or Claufes, for giving a Reward for killing Wolves in the Covmty of Augufta, to be levied on the Inhabitants of the faid County, by the Court. Ordered, That M"^ Braxton, to whom it is referred, to prepare and bring in a Bill, for laying out a Town at Todd'5 Warehoufe; and for appointing a Ferry from tlte faid Town, over to the Land of Robert Armiftead Bird; be difcharged from bringing in the
Intail of certain


Whiting, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a

To dock




M' Carter, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported, That the Committee had, according to Order, prepared a Bill, For obliging the Parifh of St. Martin to repay the Parifh of Fredericksville, their Proportion of Ninety Four Pounds, levied on the faid Parifh of St. Martin, before the Divifion thereof: And the fame was received, and read the First Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Meffage from the Council, in Relation to their Amendments to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for uniting the Parifhes of Chrift'5-Church, and St. Mary's, White-Chapel; for Diffolving the Veftries of the Parifhes of St. Margaret, and Newport and for Confirming the Veftries of the Parifhes of St. Anne, and Truro; which Amendments being again read; Refolved, That this Houfe doth adhere to their Difagreement to the faid Amendments. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, For Confirming the Veftries of the Parifhes of St. Anne, and Truro; and for Diffolving the Veftries of the Parifhes of St. Margaret, and Newport And that M"' Conway prepare and bring in the fame. A Bill, For Dividing the County of Brunfwick, and Parifh of St. Andrew; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read a Second Time; and committed to M'' Wall, Ludwell, M"" Edwards, M' M' Bland, M' Benjamin Waller, M' Richard Randolph, Cobbs, and M"" Booker. The Houfe, according to Order, refumed the adjourn 'd Confideration of the Report from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, made Yefterday; and the fame was read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows Refolved, That the Petitions of fundry Inhabitants on upper Machotack, in the Counties of Weftmoreland and Stafford, to have a Warehoufe eredled at Difhman's Landing, on the Land of Richard Bernard; be rejedled. Refolved, That the Propofition from the County of Effex, to have the Warehoufes at Bowler's and Pifcataway, now under one Infpecflion, difjoined, and made feparate

Inf pecftions

be rejed;ed.

The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendments to the Bill, For further continuing the Ad, intituled, An Ad, for the better Regulating and Colleding certain Officers Fees; and other Purpofes therein mentioned: And the fame being read, were agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. M"^ Beverley, from the Committee of Claims, reported. That the Committee had had under their Confideration, divers Petitions, to them referred; and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon; Which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table; where the fame were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows: On Confideration of the Petition of Thomas Lorton, fetting forth. That a Negroe belonging to him ran away, and committed divers Felonies, and being out-lawed, was fhot by which he was put to great Expence to have him cured and praying relief Refolved, That he ought to be paid the Sum of Five Pounds Current Money, for his Expence in the Cure of the faid Negroe.

John Holder, Proprietor of the Public Warehoufe That he hath built a Wharf for the ufe of the faid Warehoufe, for which he hath paid Eighteen Pounds Current Money; that a great Quantity of Tobacco is annually re-landed there by the Ships; and praying Relief; Refolved, That he ought to be allowed Six Pounds Current Money, to the Tenth Day of March, 1745; and that the faid Petition be referred, for further Confideration,
the Petition of
at Hofcfcj's-Hole, fetting forth. to the next Seffion of Affembly.

On Confideration of

On Confideration of the Petition of Anne Cough, Proprietrix of the Public Warehoufe at Denbigh, fetting forth, That fhe did build a Wharf for the Ufe of the faid Warehoufe, which was entirely deftroyed by the high Tide in December, 1744; that fmce fhe hath built another Wharf for the Ufe of the faid Warehoufe and praying to be allowed for the fame;


That fhe ought to be allowed Fi\e Pounds Current Money, to the Tenth March, 1745 and that the faid Petition be referred, for further Confideration, to the next Seffion of Affembly.


Confideration of the Petition of the Juftices of Elizabeth-City County, fetting forth, That they have been at great Expence in building Wharfs for the Ufe of Hampton Warehoufe, the rent of which is not fufficient to fupport the fame; and praying Relief;


That the

faid Petition

ought to be referred to the Confideration of the

next Seffion of Affembly. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudtion to the Committee of Claims, to make the feveral Allowances in the Book of Claims, according to the faid Refolutions.

Claim of George Jones, for attending as a Venire-Man on the Tryal of John Higgins, was prefented to the Houfe, and received. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Claims, to allow the faid Claim in the Book of Claims. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Hoiofe, upon the Bill, For reducing the Imws made, for laying a Duty upon Liquors, into One Ad of Affembly Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill, To-morrow. A Bill, For tJie Encouragement of the Manufacture of Salt-Petre, was read a Second Time.

That the Bill be Ingroffed. For eftablifhing the Towns of Peterfburg, and Blandford, in the County of Prince George and for preventing the building Wooden Chimnies in the faid Towns, was read the Second Time and committed to M'' Bland, M'' Eppes, and M"" Boiling. A Bill, For the more effedual Clearing of Rivers and Creeks; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read a Second Time; and committed to M'' William Randolph, Simmons, M"" Cobbs, M"' Booker, and M"" Wall. M' Burwell, M'' Fry, A Bill, To enable the Veftry of the Parifh of Hunger's, in the County of Northampton. to fell Eighty Seven Acres of Land, appropriated for a Glebe; and for other Purpofes therein Douglas, and M"" mentioned, was read the Second Time and committed to M' Eyre,


That the Houfe be adjourn 'd


To-morrow Morning Eleven o 'Clock.



21, 1745.


whom the BiU, For amending an Ad, inAd, for Encouragement of building Water-Mills, was committed, reported, That the Committee had gone through the Bill, and made feveral Amendments thereto, which they had directed him to report to the Houfe and he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the AmendK.Beverley, from the Committee to


ments, in at the Table.

That the Report do lie on the Table. To dock the Intail of certain Lands therein mentioned; and to veft the fame in Thomas Todd, in Fee-Simple: And for fettling feveral Slaves therein mentioned, in Lieu thereof, to the fame Ufes, was read the Second Time; and committed to M' Whiting, M"' Braxton, and M' Willis; to examine into the Allegations thereof, and to

report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.


That M' Richard Cocke have Leave to be abfent from the Service

of the


The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, upon the Bill, For reducing the Laws made, for laying a Duty upon Liquors, into One Ad

fome Time fpent therein, M' Speaker refumed the Chair; and M' Conway reported, That the Committee had gone through the Bill, and made feveral Amendments thereto; which they had diretfted him to report to the Houfe: And he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at




the Table.

That the Report do lie on the Table. That there be a Call of the Houfe, on Wednefday next. M' Carter, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported, That the Committee had, according to Order, prepared a Bill, For Dividing Northumberland County, and adding Part thereof to Lancafter County: Alfo a Bill, For giving a certain Sum of Money, therein mentioned, to Truftees, for Clearing the Fluvanna; and for appointing a Warehoufe at Weftham; and the fame


were received.


the Firft of the faid Bills


was read the




the Queftion being

That the

be read a Second Time?

It paffed in the Negative.

That the

faid Bill be rejeded.

Then the other

a Second Time.

of the faid Bills

was read the


Time; and Ordered to be read

That the Houfe be adjoum'd


To-morrow Morning Eleven




22, 1745.

Message from the Council, was delivered by M' Walthoe:


a Petition of Aaron Trueheart, Robert Brain, and David Holt, Hat-makers, in Behalf of themfelves and others, to the Confideration of this
Whiting, from the Committee to

whom the Bill, To dock the Intail of fame in Thomas Todd, in Fee-Simple; and for fettling feveral Slaves therein mentioned, in Lieu thereof, to the fame Ufes, was committed, reported, That the Committee had examined into the Allegations thereof, and found them to be true; and that they had made an Amendment to the Bill Which he read in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendment, in at the Table where the fame was again read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendment, be Ingroffed. A Claim of Henry Duke, for a Negroe executed for Murder, fince the beginning of the Affembly, was prefented to the Houfe, and received. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Claims, to allow the faid Claim in the Book of Claims. M'' Benjamin Waller, from the Committee to whom the Bill, To regulate Attorneys pradifing in the County Courts, was committed, reported, That the Committee had made feveral Amendments to the Bill, which they had directed him to report to the Houfe; and he read the Report in his Place; and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments,


therein mentioned,


to veft the

in at the Table.

That the Report do lie on the Table. M' Beverley, from the Committee of Public Claims, reported, That the Committee had had imder their Confideration, divers Matters to them referred; and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon Which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table; where the fame were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows:

On Confideration of the Memorial of the Infpedlors at the Public Warehoufes at Gray's Creek, in Surry County, and the Schedule thereunto annexed;

That all the Tobacco in the Schedule and Memorial mentioned, ought to by the Public, at the Rate of Fifteen Shillings per Hundred; and that the Owners of the Tobacco whofe Names are not yet known, ought to make out their Claims to the fame before they are paid That the Hogfhead of Tobacco f till left unfold, ought to be fold, and the Money paid to the Treafurer; and that the Infpecflors of the faid Warehoufe ought to be paid the Sum of Eleven Pounds Eight Shillings, for their Trouble and Expences, in picking and re-prizing the faid Tobacco. On Confideration of the Memorial and Accounts of the Infpedlors at York WareRefolved,

be paid for


Accounts mentioned, belonging to Edward Digges, Gent, ought to be paid for by the Public, at the Rate of One Pound Five Shiland all the other Tobacco in the faid Accounts be paid for, at the lings per Hundred and Eight Pence per Hundred And that the Infpedlors of the Shillings of Sixteen Rate faid Warehoufe ought to be allowed Thirty Four Pounds Ten Shillings, for their Trouble and Expences, in picking and re-prizing the faid Tobacco. On Confideration of the Petition of Philip Ludwell, Gent, fetting forth. That he had Two Hogfheads of Tobacco drowned in Gray'?, Creek Warehoufe, by the high Tide in the Year 1744; and praying that his faid Lofs might be re-paid; Refolved, That the Allegations of the faid Petition are true; and that the fame is fufiiciently provided for in the Report about the Loffes of Gray's Creek Warehoufe. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, to enable the Treafurer to pay for the faid Tobacco, according to the faid Refolutions and that the Committee of Claims

That the Tobacco


in the faid

do prepare and bring in the fame. M"' Fry, from the Committee to whom the Bill, For Confirming the Grants in the Fork of Rappahannock, and on the North Side of the Dividing Line between the King, and the Proprietor of the Northern-Neck, was committed, reported. That the Committee had made feveral Amendments thereto, which they had directed him to report to the Houfe and he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments,
in at the Table.

That the Report do lie on the Table. Ordered, That M' Thornton have Leave to be abfent from the Service of the Houfe. A Petition of John Waughop, Matthew Zuill, Richard Hull, and Argil Taylor, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, That they are fenfible of their Error,

Proportion, prefented to them at a Court of Claims held That their Offence did not proceed from any finifter View in Northumberland Coimty or Intention in them, but altogether from an Error in their Judgment; and praying
in refufing to certify a certain

to be difcharg'd out of Cuftody.


Taylor, be brought to the

That the faid John Waughop, Matthew Zuil, Richard Hull, and Argil Bar of the Houfe; and that they receive a Reprimand from

that they then be difcharged out of Cuftody, paying Fees. They were accordingly brought to the Bar, and M' Speaker fpoke as follows: John Waughop, Matthew Zuil, Richard Hull, and Argil Taylor; This Houfe have Refolved, that you have aded illegally, arbitrarily, and contrary to the Rights of the People, in refufing to certify a certain Propofition, duly offered you; but in Confideration of
the Chair


your Submiffion, they have commanded me only to reprimand you; and I do reprimand you accordingly: And I am further to acquaint you, that it is their Pleafure that you be
difcharged out of Cuftody, paying Fees.

be allowed, for fending a Meffenger to take any Perfon or Perfons into Cuftody, by the Speaker's Warrant, Three Pence a Mile for his faid Meffenger's going, and Three Pence for returning; to be paid by each Perfon refpedlively fo taken into Cuftody. The Houfe being informed, that the SheriflE of Augufta attends at the Door in CufRefolved,

That the Serjeant




tody, to


the Return of the Writ for eledting Burgeffes to ferve in this prefent

General Affembly for the faid Cotmty;


That the

faid Sheriff

do amend the fame

and that he be difcharged out


Cuftody, paying Fees.

William MacWilliams, and John Parifh, late Infpedlors at Fredericksftolen out of the faid burg Warehoufe, praying to be paid for a Hogfhead of Tobacco, Warehoufe, was offered to the Houfe And the Queftion being put, That the faid Petition

A Petition of

be received?
Refolved in the Negative.

That M' Blackburn have Leave to be abfent from the Service of the Houfe. M' Conway, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill, For Confirming the the Veftries of the Veftries of the Parifhes of St. Anne, and Truro; and for Diffolving read the Firft received, and was Parifhes of St. Margaret, and Newport And the fame Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time. A Claim of John Moore, for taking up a Runaway Negroe therein mentioned, was


prefented to the Houfe, and received. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudion to the Committee of Claims, to allow the faid

Claim in the Book of Claims. M' Whiting, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill, For docking the Intail of certain Lands in the County of Gloucefter, late the Eftate of John Smith, and
vefting the

fame in Truftees, to be fold; and the Money arifing therefrom, to be laid out in Slaves, to be fettled to the fame Ufes: And the fame was received, and read the Firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time.

That the Houfe be adjoum'd


Monday Morning Eleven


Monday, March 24, 1745.

from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported. That the Committee had, according to Order, prepared a Bill, For altering feveral Court-Days And the fame was received, and read the Firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time. Colville reported, That the Committee appointed, had, according to Order, preM"^ pared a Bill, To regulate the Proceedings of the County Courts: And the fame was received, and read the Firft Time; and the Queftion being put. That the Bill be read a Second




paffed in the Negative.

That the Bill be reje<5led. M' Bland, from the Committee to whom the Bill, For eftablifhing the Towns of Petersburg, and Blandf ord, in the County of Prince George and for preventing the building Wooden Chimnies in the faid Towns, was committed, reported. That the Committee had made an Amendment thereto, which they had directed him to report to the Houfe; and he read the Report in his Place; and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendment, in at the Table, where the fame was read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendment, be Ingroffed. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Petition of Aaron Trueheart, Robert Brain, and David Holt, Hat-makers, recommended by the Council; and the fame

being read;
Ordered, That the Confideration of the faid Petition, be referred to the Committee Trade that they examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, as it fhall appear to them, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. A Bill, For continuing the Ad, intituled. An Ad, for laying a Duty upon Slaves, to bt paid by the Buyers, was read the Second Time. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed.


The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendments to the Bill, To amend the Ad, concerning Waifts and Strays; and the fame were read, and agreed to by
the Houfe.

That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. For docking the Intail of certain Lands in the County of Gloucefter, late the A Eftate of John Smith, and vefting the fame in Truftees, to he fold; and the Money arifing therefrom, to he laid out in Slaves, to he fettled to the fame Ufes, was read the Second


Ordered, That the Bill be committed to M' Whiting, M"" Benjamin Waller, M"" Willis, and M'' William Waller: And that they examine into the Allegations thereof; and report

the lame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.

The Houfe proceeded

to the Confideration of the


to the Bill,


reftrain the unreafonahle cutting

down Wood-Lands on



the fame being read,

were difagreed to by the Houfe. Then the Queftion was put. That the

be Ingroffed?

paffed in the Negative.

That the BiU be rejedted. A Petition of Lawrence Wafhington, a Member of this Houfe, in Behalf of himfelf and others, Proprietors of the Accokeek Iron Works, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, That the Veftry of the Parifh of Over-wharton, in the County of Stafford, without previous Notice, have agreed to give One Hundred and Fifty Three Thoufand Pounds of Tobacco for a new Brick Church, notwithftanding there is at prefent a very good Church at the fame Place, which might be repaired at a moderate Expence That they conceive, as the faid Iron-Works lie in the Parifh aforelaid, and employ many Tithables in carrying on the fame, they will labour under great Hardfhips thereby; and praying fuch Relief as to this Houfe fhall feem meet. Ordered, That the Confideration of the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; That they examine the Matter thereof, and report
the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.
of the Hoitfe be given to the Rev. M'' Chicheley Thacker, Sermon, preached Yefterday before this Houfe: And that M'' Benjamin Waller acquaint him therewith. A Claim of Lawrence Houfe, for taking up a Rimaway therein mentioned, was pre-


That the Thanks

for his excellent

fented to the Hotife,






be an Inftrudtion to the Committee of Claims, to allow the faid

Claim in the Book of Claims. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendments propofed by the Council, to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, to afcertain what Number of Veftrymen may hold a Veftry, or make an Order: And the fame were read, and difagreed to by the

Ordered, That a Meffage be fent to the Council, to acquaint them, That this Houfe cannot agree to the Amendments by them propofed to the faid Bill and that they defire they will pafs the Bill without the Amendments And that M'' William Waller do go up
; :

with the faid Meffage.

The Order
of the

of the


being read, for the Houfe to refolve


into a


whole Houfe, upon the Bill, To oblige the Infpedors to prize Transfer Tobacco Nine Hundred and Fifty Pounds Nett; Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe upon the faid Bill, To-morrow. An Ingroffed Bill, For the better Regulating and Colleding certain Officers Fees; and other for Purpofes therein mentioned, was read the Third Time; and a Blank in the Bill



That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"^ Whiting do carry the

Bill to

the Council; for their Concurrence.



For docking the Intail of certain Lands therein mentioned; and to ^ Fee-Simple: And for fettling feveral Slaves therein veft the fame in Thomas Todd, in mentioned, in Lieu thereof, to the fame Ufes, was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Whiting do carry the faid Bill to the Council; and defire their





That the Houfe be adjoum'd


To-morrow Morning Eleven




25, 1746.
Warehoufe, for the Lofs of



of the Infpedors at the College


Hundred Pounds of Tobacco out of Two Hogfheads, damaged at that Warehoufe, by the high Tide; and for overhaling and re-packing the fame; was

prefented to the Houfe, and received. Ordered, That the Confideration of the faid Account, be refen-ed to the Committee of Claims; that they examine into the Matter thereof; and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. A Petition of Abraham Venable was offered to the Houfe; fetting forth. That he

on the Petition of Robert Lewis, Gent, complaining, that he was not duly Eledled, it was ordered, That Depofitions fhould be taken before feveral Commiffioners in the faid Coimty That he obtained Leave to be abfent from the Hovife to attend the taking thofe Depofitions and praying to be paid his Wages during the Time he was abfent And the Queftion being put, That
eledled to ferve as

a Burgefs

for the


of Loiiifa; that

the faid Petition be received ?

Refolved in the Negative.

Benjamin Waller reported from the Committee to whom the Bill, To amend the Ad, for giving a Reward for killing Wolves in the County of Frederick, to be levied on the Inhabitants of the faid County, by the Court; and for altering feveral Court Days, was committed. That the Committee had made feveral Amendments to the Bill, which they had diredled him to report to the Houfe and he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where the fame were again read, and agreed to, with an Amendment. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. M'' Whiting, from the Committee to whom the Bill, For docking the Intail of certain Lands in the County of Gloucefter, late the Eftate of John Smith, and vefting the fame in Truftees, to be fold; and the Money arifing therefrom, to be laid out in Slaves, to be fettled to the fame Ufes, was committed, reported, That the Committee had examined into the Allegations thereof, and found them to be true; and that they had made feveral Amendments to the Bill: Which he read in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where the fame were again read, and agreed to by the


That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. M' Eyre, from the Committee to whom the Bill, To enable the Veftry of the Parifh of Hunger's, in the County of Northampton, to fell Eighty Seven Acres of Land, appropriated for a Glebe; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was committed, reported. That the Committee had made feveral Amendments to the Bill, which they had direded him to report to the Houfe; and he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table where the fame were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. M' Carter, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported. That the Committee had made a further Amendment to the Bill, For preventing the building Wooden


Wooden Chimnies in the Town of Port -Royal, and pulling down fuch as are already built therein; and to reftrain Hogs and Sheep from going at Large in New -Town, in the County of Princefs-Anne, to them re-committed, which they had direcfled him to report to the Houfe; and he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendment, in at the Table where the fame was again read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. Carter alf o from the faid Committee reported, That the Committee had, according to Order, prepared a Bill, To oblige the Juftices of Hanover and King William Counties, to repair and maintain a Bridge over Pamunkey River, at Newcaftle And the fame was received, and read the Firft Time; and ordered to be read a Second Time. M' Richard Randolph, from the Committee to whom the Bill, For explaining an Ad, For amending the Ad, intituled. An Ad, for fettling the Titles and Bounds of Lands; and for preventing unlawful Shooting and Ranging thereupon, was committed, reported. That the Committee had made an Amendment to the Bill, which they had dire(5led him to report to the Houfe; and he read the report in his Place; and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendment, in at the Table, where the fame being read, was agreed to by the


That the


as amended, be Ingroffed.

M' Wall, from the Committee to wick, and Parifh of St. Andrew; and

County of BrtuifPurpofes was committed, reported the Amendments which the Committee had made to the Bill, and which they had diredted him to report to the Houfe and he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where the fame were read, and Part thereof agreed to by the Houfe, and an Amendment made to the Bill at the


For Dividing


therein mentioned,


That the Bill, with the Amendments agreed to, be Ingroffed. A Meffage from the Coimcil, by M'' Walthoe: That they infift on the Amendments by them made to the Bill, To afcertain what Number of Veftrymen may hold a Veftry, or make an Order. Ordered, That M"^ Prefly have Leave to be abfent from the Service of this Houfe, for the Recovery of his Health. M'' Walke, from the Committee to whom the Bill, For continuing an Ad, intituled. An Ad, for Infpeding, Weighing, and Stamping, all Pork and Beef, packed in this Colony, or imported for Sale, before the fame fhall be fold here, or fhipped for Exportation: And to amend the AA, intituled. An Ad, for afcertaining the Gauge of Barrels for Pork, Beef, Tar, and Pitch, was committed, reported the Amendments which the Committee had made to the Bill, and which they had direcfled him to report to the Houfe; and he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the


That the Report do


on the Table.


Committee upon the Bill, To oblige the Infpedors to prize Transfer Tobacco to Nine Hundred and Fifty Pounds Nett: And after fome Time fpent therein, M-- Speaker refimied the Chair; and M^ Conway reported. That the Committee had made fome Progrefs in the Bill; and that they had

The Houfe, according

to Order, refolved

into a



him to move for Leave to fit again. That this Houfe will again refolve


into a

Committee upon the


To-morrow. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to take into their further Confideration the Governor's Speech; Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee, to take into their further Confideration the faid Speech, on Monday next.

That the Houfe be adjourn 'd


To-morrow Morning Eleven






26, 1746.
was prefented

That by a Provifo in an A6t of Affembly, and Retailers of ftrong Liquors; and Ordinary-keepers, regulating For better of fable them to maintain any Adion, or to to prevent their giving Credit; and to di recover any Money, Tobacco, or other Commodity, for fuch Liquors fold on Credit, it is Provided, That that Adl fhall not extend to the Ordinary -keepers in the City of Williamsburg giving Credit to any Perfon whatfoever, in the Time of the General Court, or Affembly That they are at other Times under a Neceffity of giving Credit to many Perfons; and praying to be exempted out of the faid A(5l of Affembly And the Queftion being put, That the Petition be referred to a Committee?
the Houfe,


Petition of the Ordinary-keepers of the City of Williamsburg,

and read;

letting forth,


paffed in the Negative.

That the faid Petition be rejedled. Bill, For the Encouragement of the Manufadure of Salt-Petre, was read An the Third Time; and the Blanks in the Bill filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Carter carry the Bill to the Council; for their Concurrence. M' Braxton, from the Committee of Trade, reported, That the Committee had had under their Confideration, the Petition of Aaron Trueheart, and others, Hat -makers, to them referred; praying that the Exportation of Beaver Purr to the Northern Colonies, may be prevented and had agreed upon a Report Which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table; where the fame was again read, and agreed to by the Houfe,


as follows

That the Adl of Affembly, made in the twelfth Year of his prefent Majefty's An Ad, for Licenfing Pedlars; and for preventing Frauds in the Duties upon Skins and Furrs, ought to be explained and amended. Ordered, That the Committee of Trade prepare and bring in a Bill, purfuant to the

Reign, intituled.

faid Refolution.

That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, for the Revifal of the Laws And that M"' Beverley, M' Bland, M'' Benjamin Waller, M"' William Waller, M.' Power, and M' Douglas, do prepare and bring in the fame. An Ingroffed Bill, For docking the Intail of certain Lands in the County of Gloucefter, late the Eftate of John Smith, and vefting the fame in Truftees, to be fold; and the Money m arifing therefrom, to be laid out in Slaves, to be fettled to the fame Ufes, was read the Third Time; and the Blanks in the BiU filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"" Whiting do carry the Bill to the Council for their Concurrence. An Ingroffed Bill, For Dividing the County of Brunfwick, and Parifh of St. Andrew; and other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read the Third Time; and the Blanks in the

Bill filled up.

That the BiU do pafs. That M' Carter do carry the Bill to the Council; for their Concurrence. M'' Beverley, from the Committee of Claims, reported. That the Committee had had under their Confideration, an Accoimt of the Infpecflors at the College Landing Warehoufe, in James-City County; and had come to a Refolution thereupon: Which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table; where the fame was again read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows Refolved, That the Tobacco in the faid Account mentioned, ought to be paid for by the Public, at the Rate of Fifteen Shillings per Hundred; and that the Infpedlors at the faid Warehoufe, ought to be allowed Ten Shillings, for picking and prizing the faid


Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Claims, to ance in the Book of Claims, according to the faid Refolutions.

make an


from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported, That the Committee had had imder their Confideration, divers other Petitions, to them referred; and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon Which he read in his Place, and then dehvered in at the Table where the fame were again read, as follows Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Petition of John Kendall and others, from Northampton County, to prevent Dogs nmning at large; be rejedled. On Confideration of the Petition of Lawrence Wafhington, a Member of this Houfe, on Behalf of himfeK and others. Proprietors of the Accakeek Iron-Works, fetting forth, That the Veftry of the Parifh of Overwharton, in the County of Stafford, without previous Notice, have agreed to give One Hundred and Fifty Three Thoufand Poimds of Tobacco, for a new Brick Church, notwithftanding there is at prefent a very good Church at the fame Place, which might be repaired at a moderate Expence; That they conceive, that as the faid Iron-Works lie in the Parifh aforefaid, and employ many Tithables in carrying on the fame, they will labour vmder great Hardfhips thereby, and praying fuch Relief as to this Houfe fhall feem meet That it appears to this Committee, that in A uguft 1 744, publick Notice was given for Workmen to come in at the laying the Parifh Levy, in October following, to undertake to repair the old Chtirch, or build a new one That at a Meeting of the Veftr)' at the faid Time, one Anthony Murray did attend, and no other Perfon That they levied Ten Thoufand Pounds of Tobacco, to be lodged in the Hands of the Churchwardens, imtil there was a fuller Veftry to determine whether they fhould repair the old Church or build a new one; The Veftry then prefent being unanimoufly of Opinion, that the old Church was not worth repairing, and no further Proceedings were had at that Time; That fometime in September 1745, publick Notice was given in the faid Parifh, that the Veftry was to meet fometime in October, to lay the Parifh Levy, and agree with Workmen; and at the Inftigation of feveral of the Veftry, that were obliged to attend the General Court, it was altered to the 28th of September, and publick Notice given accordingly That at the Time appointed for a Meeting of the faid Veftry, there were prefent befides the Minifter, John Mercer, Mott Doniphan, John Wheeler, James Whithers, William Harrifon,James Waugh, Henry Tyler, James Scott, and William Mountjoy and that they then proceeded to agree with one William Walker, an Undertaker to build a new brick Church, Sixty Feet Square in the Clear, for One Hundred and Fifty Three Thoufand Nine Hundred and Twenty Poimds of Transfer Tobacco, to be paid at four Payments. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the faid Quantity of one Hvmdred and Fifty Three Thoufand Nine Hundred and Twenty Pounds of Transfer



Tobacco, agreed by the Veftry to be paid to the faid Walker, in the Maimer aforefaid, for building and compleatly finifhing the faid Church, is no more than the value

Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the faid Petition be rejecfted. Then the Queftion being feverally put, that the faid Refolutions be agreed to;

Refolved in the Affirmative.

That the Call of the Houfe be put off. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendments to the Bill for reducing the Laws made for laying a Duty on Liquors into one Ad of Affeinbly, and the fame were read, and Part thereof agreed to, with fome Amendments. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments agreed to, be Ingroffed. A Motion being made, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, to oblige the Counties of Caroline and Louifa, to contribute with the Counties of King William and Hanover, in bearing the Charge of Clearing Pamunkey River And the Queftion being put thereOrdered,


paffed in the Negative.



That the Motion be reje<5led. That it be an InftruAion to the Committee of the whole Houfe, to whom the To oblige the Infpedors to prize Transfer Tobacco to Nine Hundred and Fifty Pounds

committed, That they have Power to receive a Claufe for raifmg the Warehoufes at Gray's. Creek, and making new Floors therein, purfuant to the Refolution for that


The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, upon the Bill, To oblige the Infpedors to prize Transfer Tobacco to Nine Hundred and Fifty Pounds Nett: And after feme Time fpent therein, M-- Speaker refumed the Chair; and M' Conway reported, That the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made feveral Amendments thereto; and had directed him to move for Leave to fit again, to draw up the Report. Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to draw up the faid Report, To-morrow. Upon a Motion made, Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Claims, to levy on Edmund Allen, and Robert Pitt, Juftices of the Peace for Accomack Covmty, in the Book of Claims, the Sum that fhall appear to them to be paid by the Infpecflors at the Warehoufe at Pitt's, Landing, in Difcharge of a Judgment they refpedively obtained againft them,
Weights of the faid Warehoufe. from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported. That the Committee had, according to Order, prepared a Bill, To amend an Ad, intituled. An Ad, Declaring what fhall be a fufjicient Seating, Planting, Cultivating, and Improving of Lands, already granted, or hereafter to be taken up, and patented: And the fame was received, and read the Firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time.
for trying the
M"' Carter,


That the Houfe be adjoum'd


To-morrow Morning Eleven



March 26 [27], 1746.



M"^ Colville, M""

Harrifon, M' Hedgman, and

Waugh, have Leave to be


abfent from the Service of the Houfe.


For the more effedual was committed, reported, That the Committee had made feveral Amendments thereto, which they had directed him to report to the Houfe; and he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table. Ordered, That the Report do lie on the Table. An Ingroffed Bill, For explaining an Ad, for amending the Ad, intituled, An Ad, for fettling the Titles and Bounds of Lands; and for preventing unlawful Shooting and Ranging thereupon, was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M-- Richard Randolph do carry the Bill to the Council; for their Conthe
Diftribution of the Eftates of Perfons dying Infolvent,

Bland, from the Committee to




Slaves, to be paid by the Buyers,

For continuing the Ad, intituled. An Ad, for laying a Duty upon was read the Third Time and a Blank in the Bill filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M-- Braxton do carry the Bill to the Council; and defire their ConcurIngroffed


To amend the Ad, for giving a Reward for killing Wolves in the on the Inhabitants of the faid County, by the Court; and for altering feveral Court-Days; and to colled a Tax already laid on the Inhabitants of Augufta County, was read the Third Time; and a Blank in the Bill filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs.



of Frederick, to be levied



the Bill to the Council and defire their Concurrence. Eighty Seven Acres of Land, appropriated for a Glebe, in the Parifh of Hunger's, in the County of Northampton, in Truftees, to be Sold; and far other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read the Third Time; and a Blank in the Bill filled up.


M"^ Btirwell carr\-






That the Bill do pafs. That AP Eyre do carry the Bill to the Council; for their Concurrence. ^ An Ingroffed Bill, For eftablifhing the Towns of Petersburg, and Blandford, in the County of Prince George; and for preventing the building Wooden Chimnies in the said Towns, was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"" Bland carry the Bill to the Covmcil; and defire their Concurrence. An Ingroffed Bill, For preventing the building of Wooden Chimnies in the feveral Towns therein mentioned, and pulling down fuch as already built in the faid Towns; and to reftrain Hogs going at large in Newtown, and Newcaftle, was read the Third Time; and the feveral Blanks in the Bill filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"" Lomax carry the Bill to the Council; and defire their Concurrence. A Meffage from the Governor, was delivered by M' Walthoe: Recommending a Letter which his Honour had received from the Governor of



York, to the Confideration of this Houfe.

was read and thereupon That the faid Letter do lie on the Table. The Houfe proceeded to the Amendments to the Bill, To regulate Attornies pradifing in the County Courts: And the fame were read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. A Meffage from the Council by M"" Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for the better Regulating and Colleding certain Officers Fees; and other Purpofes therein mentioned, without any
the Letter





that they have

made fome Amendments

to the

Bill, intituled.


Ad, To

dock the Intail of certain Lands therein mentioned, and to veft the fame in Thomas Todd, in Fee-Simple; and for fettling feveral Slaves therein mentioned, in Lieu thereof, to the

fame Ufes; to which they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe. The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe. to draw up the Report upon the Bill, For obliging the Infpedors to prize Transfer Tobacco to Nine Hundred and Fifty Pounds Nett: And after fome Time fpent therein, M"" Speaker

refumed the Chair; and M"' Conway reported. That the Committee had drawn up the Report, which they had diredled him to report to the Houfe; and he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where the fame were read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. M'' William Randolph, from the Committee to whom the Bill, For the more effedual Clearing of Rivers and Creeks; and for other Purpofes tlterein mentioned, was committed, reported. That the Committee had made feveral Amendments to the Bill, which they had diredled him to report to the Houfe and he read the Report in his Place and then
; ;

delivered the



Bill, with the Amendments, That the Report do lie on the Table. For Confirming the Veftries of the Panfhes

in at the Table.

of St.

Diffolving the Veftries of the Parifhes of St. Margaret, attd


Anne, and Truro; and for Newport, was read the Second


That the Bill be Ingroffed. That the Chaplain attend to read Prayers every Morning at Nine o'Clock.


That the Houfe be adjoum'd

Monday Morning Ten




Monday, March 31, 1746.


Martin to repay to the Parifh of Fredericksville, their Proportion of Ninety Four Pounds, levied on the faid Parifh of St. Martin, before the Divifion thereof, was read the Second Time; and an


obliging the Parifh of St.

Amendment made

to the Bill.

That the Bill be Ingroffed. altering feveral Court-Days, was read the Second Time; and feveral For A Bill, Amendments were made to the Bill, and feveral Blanks therein filled up. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed. A Bill, For giving a certain Sum of Money, therein mentioned, to Truftees, for clearing the Fluvanna; and for appointing a Warehoufe at Weftham, was read the Second Time;

and committed to

U' Baylor, and M"" Richard Randolph. An Ingroffed Bill, For reducing the Laws made for laying a Duty upon Liquors, into one Ad of Affembly, was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"' Beverley Randolph carry the Bill to the Council; and defire their
M'' Carter,
Bill, Concerning Strays, Waifts, Boats, or other Veffels adrift, was and a Blank in the Bill filled up: And the Queftion being put. Time; Third read the That the faid Bill do pafs?




It paffed in the Negative.


That the


be rejedled.
to the Confideratiou of the
the Intail of certain

The Houfe proceeded

Council, to the
veft the

For docking

Amendments, propofed by the Lands therein mentioned; and to

for fettling feveral Slaves therein



Thomas Todd,

in Fee-Simple:


mentioned, in Lieu thereof, to the

fame Ufes:


the fame were read, and agreed to by

the Houfe.

That M'' Whiting do carry the Bill to the Council, and acquaint them, that this Houfe ha\'e agreed to the Amendments by them propofed to the faid Bill. An Ingroffed Bill, For further amending the Ad, intituled. An Ad, for reducing the Laws made, for amending the Staple of Tobacco; and for preventing Frauds in his Mafefty's Cuftoms, into One Ad of Affembly, was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"' Carter do carry the Bill to the Council; and defire their ConcurOrdered,

The Order
of the

of the


being read, for the Houfe to refolve

will refolve itfelf into a


into a


whole Houfe, to take into their further Confideration the Governor's Speech;





Committee, to take into their

further Confideration the faid Speech, To-morrow.

An Ingroffed Bill, For Confirming the Veftries of the Parifhes of St. Anne, and Truro; and for Diffolving the Veftries of the Parifhes of St. Margaret, and Newport, was read the Third Time.
That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M*^ Conway do carry the
Bill to the Council;


defire their


The Houfe proceeded

to the Confideration of the


to the Bill, For

amending an Ad, intituled, An Ad, for Encouragement fame being read, the Bill was recommitted.

of building Water-Mills:



That the Houfe be adjourn 'd


To-morrow Morning Ten




Tuefdayy April




Treafurer laid his Accounts before the Hoiife. Ordered, That the faid Accounts do lie on the Table, for the Perufal of the Members.

Upon a Motion made, That the Money remaining in the Hands of the Tniftees appointed to provide Fire-wood, Candles, Provifions and Quarters, for the Soldiers bound to Cape Breton, after they have complied with the Order of this Houfe, be applied toward the Dif charge of the Doctors Accounts who attended the fick Soldiers. M'' Beverley, from the Committee of Claims, reported. That the Committee had examined and confidered all the Public Claims, which had been laid before them this Seffion; and had agreed upon a Report; which he had entered in a Book: And he

delivered the


in at the Table.

That the faid Report do

on the Table,

for the Penifal of the


The Hotife proceeded


to take into their Confideration the

of Rivers


to the

and Creeks; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned And the fame being read, the Bill was re-committed to the Committee to whom it was committed, and to M"' Carter, M"' Richard Randolph, and M'' Blatid. M'' Corbin, from the Committee, to whom the Bill, To enable George Efkridge to fell Part of a Trad of Land, not exceeding Three Hundred and Fifty Acres, to raife Money for the Payment of his proportionable Pari of the Debts of his Grandfather, was committed, reported. That the Committee had examined into the Allegations thereof, and foimd them to be true And had made feveral Amendments to the Bill which he read in his Place; and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where they were again read, and agreed to, by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed.
more effedual Clearing

Meffage from the Council, by M' Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad for docking the Intail of certain Lands in the County of Gloucester, late the Eftate of John Smith, and vefting the fame in Truftees, to be fold; and the Money arifing therefrotn, to be laid cut in Slaves, to be fettled
to the

fame Ufes:
Bill, intituled.

Alfo to the
of St.

An Ad far Dividing




Brunfwick, and Parifh


Andrew; and

other Purpofes therein mentioned; without


that they have

of the

made fome Amendments

of Salt-Petre;

to the

Bill, intituled.

any Amendments. An Ad, for

defire the

of this Hoiofe.


to which they


For the more equal Diftribution of the Eftales of Perfons dying infolvent; and the fame being read. Part thereof was agreed to by the Houfe And the Queftion being put, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed?

The Houfe proceeded

to the Confideration of the


to the


paffed in the Negative.


That the


be rejedled.
obliging the

Parifh of Fredericksville, their Proportion of Ninety Four Pouftds, levied on the faid Parifh of St. Martin, before the Divifion thereof, was read the Third Time.






to the

That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Barret do carry the Bill to the Council; for their Concurrence. A Meffage from the Council, by M"^ Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Ad for reducing the luiws made far laying a Duty upon Liquors, into one Ad of Affembly, without any Amendment. And that they have made an Amendment to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, to veft

Eighty Seven Acres of Land, appropriated for a Glebe, in the Parifh of Hunger's, in



County of Northampton, in Truftees, to be Sold; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned; to which they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe. And the Houfe took the faid Amendment into their immediate Confideration and

by the Houfe. the fame was read, and Ordered, That M" Eyre do go up with a Meffage to the Council; and acquaint them, that this Houfe have agreed to the Amendment by them propofed to the faid Bill. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee
agreed to
of the

whole Houfe, to take into their further Confideration the Governor's Speech; Ordered, That the Letter, recommended by his Honour the Governor to the Confideration of this Houfe, be referred to the faid Committee.

Then the Houfe refolved itfelf into the faid Committee And after fome Time fpent therein, M^ Speaker refumed the Chair; and M"' Conway, from the Committee, reported, That they had had under their further Confideration the Governor's Speech, and gone through the fame; and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon: Which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table; where the fame were again read, and, with an Amendment, agreed to by the Houfe, as follows Refolved, That the A(5l, intituled, An A6t, for eftablifhing the General Court, and

for regulating

and fettling the Proceedings therein, ought to be amended. Refolved, That a Sum of Money, not exceeding Two Hundred Pounds, be paid by the Treafurer, out of the Public Money in his Hands, to the Honourable William Gooch, Efq to be by him remitted to f uch Perf ons as he f hall think proper, and to be by them

prefented, in the


of this Colony, to the Six Nations of Indians.

That the Committee for Courts of Juftice do prepare and bring in a Bill, purfuant to the Refolution for amending the Adl, intituled. An Ad, for eftablifhing the General Court; and for regulating and fettling the Proceedings therein. Ordered, That M'' Lttdwell do carry the Refolve up to the Council, for the Treafurer's * paying Two Hundred Pounds, out of the Public Money in his Hands, to the Honourable William Gooch, Efq; to be by him remitted to fuch Perfons as he fhall think proper; and to be by them prefented, in the Name of this Colony, to the Six Nations of Indians; and defire their Concurrence thereto. A Petition of Jethro Sumner was offered to the Houfe, fetting forth, That the FeofTees of the Tovm of Stiff oik, had not paid him the whole Money dire(5ted to be paid, by an Adl of Affembly, in Confideration of his Wife's relinquifhing her Right to the Land on which the faid Town ftands; and praying that this Houfe will order the remaining Part to be paid, in fuch Manner as to them fhall feem convenient And the Queftion being put, That the Petition be received?

Refolved in the Negative.


That the Houfe be adjoum'd


To-morrow Morning Ten







To regulate Attornies pradifing in the County Courts, was read the Third Time; and feveral Blanks in the Bill filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Benjamin Waller do carry the Bill to the Council; for

their Concurrence.
M"' Beverley, from the Committee of Claims, reported. That the Committee had, according to Order, prepared a Bill, For making Reparation for the Tobacco, lately damaged and loft in Gray's Greek and York Warehoufes: And the fame was received, and read

the First Time;

and Ordered

to be read a Second Time.


Bill, To enable George Efkridge to fell Part of a Trad of Land, not Hundred and Fifty Acres, to raife Money for the Payment of his proportionable Part of the Debts of his Grandfather, was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pas. Ordered, That M"" Corbin do carry the Bill to the Council; for their Concurrence. Ordered, That the Treafurer's Accounts be referred to M'' Carter, M' Richard Randolph, Braxton, M"" Secretary N elfon, and M"' Beverley Randolph And that they do examine the feveral Articles thereof; and report the Ballance, as it fhall appear to them, to the



exceeding Three




Meffage from the Comicil by M"' Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for Confirming the Parifhes of St. Anne, and Truro; and for Diffolving the Veftries of St. Margaret, and Newport:
Alfo to the
Bill, intituled,

the Veftries

the Parifhes

to amend the Ad, far giinng a Reward for killing Wolves in the County of Frederick, to be levied on the Inhabitants of the faid County, by the Court; and for altering feveral Court-Days; and to colled a Tax already laid on the



Inhabitants of Augufta County Alfo to the Bill, intituled.

Slaves, to be paid by the Buyers,



for continuing the


for laying a

Duty upon

without any Amendments. M'' Beverley reported. That the Committee appointed had, according to Order, prepared a Bill, For the Revifal of the Laws And the fame was received, and read the Firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time. M"" Power, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill, For appointing Com:

miffioners for ftating, taking, hearing,

and determining the Claims and Demands of John WiKon, John Murdock, Archibald Buchanan, Andrew Cockran, attd James Donald,

Merchants, not exceeding the Sum of Five Pounds, again ft their Debtors, whofe Accounts were burnt in the Storehoufe of the faid Merchants: And the fame was received, and read the Firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time.
continuing an

The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendments of the Bill, For Ad, for Infpeding, Weighing, and Stamping, all Pork and Beef, packed in

Colony, or imported for Sale, before the fame fhall be fold here, or fhipped for Exportation: And to amend the Ad;, intituled, An Ad, for afcertaining the Gauge of Barrels for Pork, Beef, Tar, and Pitch And the fame being read, were agreed to, with an Amend:


That the Bill be re-committed to the Committee of Trade. Ordered, That M' Reddick have Leave to be abfent from the Service of the Houfe. M"' Whiting, from the Committee for Courts of Juftice, reported. That the Committee had, according to Order, prepared a Bill, To amend the Ad, for eftablifhing the General Court; and for regulating and fettling the Proceedings therein: And the fame was received, and read the Firft Time and Ordered to be read a Second Time. An Ingroffed Bill, For altering feveral Court-Days, was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"" Fry do carry the Bill to the Council; for their Concurrence. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendments propofed by the Council, to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for the Encouragement of the Manufadure of SaltPetre: And the fame were read, and Part thereof agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That a Meffage be fent up to the Council, to acquaint them, that this Houfe have agreed to all the Amendments by them made to the faid Bill, but One; and that they defire they will pafs the Bill with the Amendments agreed to And that M*" Conway do go up with the faid Meffage. A Bill, For regulating the Appointment of County Court Clerks, was read the Second
; :


That the


be Ingroffed.

A Meffage from the Coimcil,

by M' Walthoe:

That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for further amending the Ad, intituled. An Ad, for reducing the I^ws made, for amending the Staple of Tobacco; and for preventing Fra-uds in his Majefty's Cuftoms, into One Ad of Affemhly: Alfo to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for preventing the building of Wooden Chimnies in the feveral Towns therein mentioned, and pulling down fuch as are already built in the faid Towns; and to reftrain Hogs going at large in Newtown, and Newcaftle, without
any Amendment.


that they have agreed to the Refolve, for the Treafurer's paying, out of the

Money in his Hands, a Sum of Money, not exceeding Two Hundred Pounds, to the Honourable William Gooch, Efq; to be by him remitted to fuch Perfons as he fhall think proper; and to be [by] them prefented, in the Name of this Colony, to the Six
Nations of Indians.

M' Carter, from the Committee of Propolitions and Grievances, reported, That the Committee had, according to Order, prepared a Bill, For appointing feveral New Ferries: And the fame was received, and read the Firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second

to be


To amend an Ad,

cient Seating, Planting, Cultivating,


up and

An Ad, Declaring what fhall be accounted a fuffiand Improving of Lands, already granted, or hereafter was read the Second Time.

That the Bill be Ingroffed. To oblige the Juftices of Hanover and King William Counties, to repair and maintain a Bridge over Pamimkey River, at Newcaftle, was read the Second Time. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed.



That the Houfe be adjourn 'd


To-morrow Morning ten


Thurfday, April 3, 1746.


Bill, To oblige the Juftices of Hanover and King William Counties, and maintain a Bridge over Pamunkey River, at Newcaftle, was read the Third Time; and feveral Blanks in the Bill filled up: And the Queftion being put. That the faid Bill do pafs?




paffed in the Negative.


That the


be rejeAed.


For regulating



the Third Time;


and the Queftion being put, That the



County Court Clerks, was read do pafs?


paffed in the Negative.

That the



An Ingroffed Bill, To amend an Ad, intituled. An Ad, declaring what fhall be accounted a fufficient Seating, Planting, Cultivating, and Improving of Lands, already granted, or hereafter to be taken up, and patented, was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs.

That M' Conway do carry the

Bill to

the Coimcil; and defire their Concur-

M' Braxton, from the Committee of Trade, reported, That the Committee had, according to Order, prepared a Bill, To explain and amend an Ad, intituled, An Ad, for Licenfing Pedlars; and preventing Frauds in the Duties upon Skins and Furrs: And the fame was received, and read the Firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time. Ordered, That M' Carter be added to the Committee of Trade. A Bill, To amend the Ad, for eftablifhing the General Court; and for regulating and fettling the Proceedings therein, was read the Second Time. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed.

For making Reparation for the Tobacco lately damaged and loft in Gray's Creek and York Warehoufes, was read the Second Time. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed. The Houfe proceeded to take into their Confideration the Book of Claims: And Part thereof was read, and agreed to, with fome Amendments. Ordered, That the further Confideration of the faid Book be adjourned. A Meffage from the Council, by M'' Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for obliging the Parifh of St. Martin to repay to the Parifh of Frederickfville, their Proportion of Ninety Four Pounds, levied on the faid Parifh of St. Martin, before the Divifion thereof, without any Amendment. And that they have paffed the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for the Encouragement of the Manufadure of Salt-Petre, with the Amendments agreed to, by this Houfe.


That the Houfe be adjourn 'd


To-morrow Morning Ten


Friday, April 4, 1746.




To amend
fettling the



for eftablifhing the General Court;




a Blank in the Bill


Proceedings therein, was read the Third Time; and up.

That the Bill do pafs. Whiting carry the Bill to the Coimcil; for their Concurrence. An Ingroffed Bill, For making Reparation for the Tobacco lately damaged and loft in Gray's Creek and York Warehoufes, was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs.




M"" Beverley

do carry the

Bill to

the Coimcil; and defire their Con-

from the Committee to whom the Bill, For amending an Ad, intituled. An Ad, for Encouragement of building Water-Mills, was re-committed, reported. That the Committee had made feveral Amendments to the Bill, which they had direcfled him to report to the Houfe; and he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table where the fame were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. M'' Speaker, by the Diredlion of the Governor, laid before the Houfe, a Letter from
M'' Beverley,

a Commanding Officer of the Forces bound to Cape-Breton, informing him, that the Soldiers of the Regiment lately quartered at York, being very fickly, and the Tranfport, with the Surgeon of the Regiment, being feparated, he was obliged to apply to a Surgeon at York, to attend them, whofe Charge for Medicines and Attendance is more than his
Majefty's Allowance;
the Houfe.


defiring his





to the Confideration of

1 1


The Houfe took the faid Letter into their Confideration; and the fame being read, it was thereupon Refolved, That the Sum already given for the Support of thofe Soldiers, is fufficient to make fuch Provifion for them, as was firft recommended to this Houfe. M"' William Randolph, from the Committee to whom the Bill, For the more effedual Clearing of Rivers and Creeks; and for otherPurpofes therein mentioned, was re-committed, reported, That the Committee had made feveral Amendments to the Bill, which they had directed him to report to the Hovife and he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where the fame were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe, with fome Amendments. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed.


For appointing feveral new Ferries, was read the fecond Time; and committed to M' Fry, M' Power, M' Braxton, and M' Eyre. M' Carter reported, That the Committee appointed, had had tmder their Confideration the Treafurer's Accounts; and had agreed upon a Report: Which he read in his



and then delivered in at the Table. That the Report do lie on the Table. A Meffage from the Council, by M'' Walthoe: That they have paffed a Bill, intituled, An Ad,

for the better Securing the


of his Majefiy's Quit-Rents.

To explain and amend an Ad, intituled, An Ad, for Licenfing Pedlars; and preventing Frauds in the Duties upon Skins and Furrs, was read the Second Time and committed to M'' Braxton, M' Bland, M"" Carter, M"" Richard Randolph, U' Ludwell, and M' Beverley. A Meffage from the Council, by M'' Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for altering feveral CourtDays: Alfo to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, to enable George Efkridge to fell Part of a Trad of Land, not exceeding Three Hundred and Fifty Acres, to raife Money for the Payment of the proportionable Part of the Debts of his Grandfather, without any Amendments. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill for giving a further Premium for railing and exporting Hemp And that M'' Harmer prepare and bring in the fame. An Ingroffed Bill, from the Council, intituled, An Ad, for the better fecuring the Payment of his Majefty's Quit-Rents, was read the Firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time. The Houfe refumed the further Confideration of the Book of Claims; and the other Part thereof was read, and feveral Amendments made thereto; and the Allowances of the feveral Officers being added, the Book was agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That M'' Beverley carry the Book to the Council, for their Concurrence; and that he wait on the Governor, and defire his Affent thereto.



That the Houfe be adjourn 'd


To-morrow Morning Ten


Saturday, April 5, 1746.

Ingroffed Bill from the Council, intituled, An Ad, for the better fecuring th Payment of his Majefty's Quit-Rents, was read the Second Time, and committed. Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe upon the faid Bill, on Monday next. M' Harmer, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill, For giving a further Prcemium for raifing and exporting Hemp: And the fame was received, and read the Firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time. M' Braxton, from the Committee of Trade, to whom the Bill, For continuing an Ad, intituled, An Ad, for Infpeding, Weighing, and Stamping, all Pork and Beef, packed in this Colony, or imported for Sale, before the fame fhall be fold here, or flipped for Exportation: And to amend the Adt, intituled. An Ad, for afcertaining the Gauge of Barrels for Pork, Beef, Tar, and Pitch, was recommitted, reported. That the Committee had made feveral other Amendments to the Bill, which they had directed him to report to the Houfe and he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table. Ordered, That the Report do lie on the Table. An Ingroffed Bill, For the more effectual Clearing James and Appamattox Rivers, was read the Third Time; and feveral Blanks in the Bill filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs.






William Randolph do carry the

Bill to the

Council; for their


A Meffage from the Council, by M"' Walthoe: That they have made fome Amendments to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, to regulate Attornies pratifing in the County Courts; and the granting Writs of Certiorari To which

Bill, For giving a certain Sum of Money, Fluvanna; and for appointing a Warehoufe at Weftham, was committed, reported, That the Committee had made feveral Amendments to the Bill, which they had direcSted him to report to the Houfe; and he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where the fame being again read, were agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. A Bill, For giving a further Prcemium for raifing and exporting Hemp, was read the Second Time. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed. A Meffage from the Council, by M' Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for making Reparation for the Tobacco, lately damaged and loft in Gray's Creek and York Warehoufes. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendments propofed by the

they delire the Concurrence of this Houfe. M'' Carter, from the Committee to whom the
therein mentioned, to Truftees, for Clearing the

Council, to the Bill, intituled.



for regulating Attornies practifing in the



Courts; and the granting Writs of Certiorari


the fame being read, were agreed to

by the Houfe. Ordered, That a Meffage be fent to the Council, to acquaint them, that this Houfe have agreed to the Amendments by them made to the faid Bill And that M"' Benjamin Waller do go up with the faid Meffage.


That the Houfe be adjoum'd


Monday Morning Ten


Monday, April




For amending an Ad, intituled, An Ad, for Encouragement of building Water-Mills, was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Corbin do carry the Bill to the Council; and defire their


An Ingroffed Bill, For giving a further Prcemium for raifing and exporting Hemp, was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"' Harmer do carry the Bill to the Council; for their Concurrence. An Ingroffed Bill, For giving a certain Sum of Money to Truftees, for clearing the Fluvanna; and for appointing a Storehotife at Weftham, was read the Third Time; and feveral Blanks in the Bill filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Carter do carry the Bill to the Council; for their Concurrence. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Report upon the Treafurer's Accoimts; and the fame was read, and thereupon Refolved, That the faid Accounts do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Carter do carry the faid Accounts to the Council and defire their


M' Braxton, from the Committee to whom the Bill, To explain and amend an Ad, for IJcenfing of Pedlars; and preventing Frauds in the Duties upon Skins and Furrs, was committed, reported the Amendments which the Committee had made to the Bill, and which

which they had dire(5led him to report to the Houfe; and he read the Report in his in at the Table; where the Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, Houfe. the fame were read, and agreed to by Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe,

upon the Ingroffed Bill from the Council, intituled. An Ad, for the better fecuring the Payment of his Majefty's Quit-Rents: And after fome Time fpent therein, M'' Speaker refumed the Chair; and M-- Conway reported. That they had gone through the Bill, and made feveral Amendments thereto; and that he was diredled by the Committee, to move for Leave to fit again, to draw up the Report. Refolved, That this Houfe will To-morrow refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to draw up the faid Report.

That the Houfe be adjourn 'd


To-morrow Morning Ten


Tuefday, April 8, 1746.


To explain and amend an Ad, for Licenfing of Pedlars; and preventing Frauds in the Duties upon Skins and Furrs, was read the Third Time and feveral Blanks in the Bill filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"^ Braxton do carry the Bill to the Council; and defire their ConIngroffed


M' Wormley moved



Leave to prefent a

for this prefent Seffion of

For paying the Burgeffes Wages in Affembly: And the fame was received, and read the

Then a Motion was made. That the faid Bill be immediately read a Second Time And it was read accordingly. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed. A Bill, For the Revifal of the Laws, was read a Second Time; and committed to M' Benjamin Waller, M"' Ludwell, and M'' Conway. A Meffage from the Council, by M"" Walthoe: That they have paffed the Treafurer's Accoimts. And that they have agreed to the Book of Claims, with an Amendment to which


they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe. The Houfe took the faid Amendment into their immediate Confideration and the fame being read, was difagreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That M"' Beverley do go up with a Meffage to the Council; and acquaint them, that this Houfe cannot agree to the Amendment by them propofed to the faid Book: And that they defire they will pafs the fame without the Amendment. M"' Fry, from the Committee to whom the Bill, For appointing feveral new Ferries, was committed, reported. That the Committee had made feveral Amendments to the Bill; which he read in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where the fame were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe.

That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the further Amendments to the Bill, For continuing an Ad, intituled. An Ad, for Infpeding, Weighing, and Stamping, all Pork and Beef, packed in this Colony, or imported for Sale, before the fame fhall be fold

fhipped for Exportation: And to amend the Adt, intituled. An Ad, for afcertaining the Gauge of Barrels for Pork, Beef, Tar, and Pitch; and the fame were read, and agreed to by the Houfe, with fome Amendments.
here, or


That the


with the Amendments, be Ingroffed.

A Bill, For appointing Commiffioners for ftating, taking, hearing, and determining Claims and Demands of John WiKon, John Murdock, Archibald Buchanan, Andrew Cockran, and James Donald, Merchants, not exceeding the Sum of Five Pounds, againft their Debtors, whofe Accounts were burnt in the Storehoufe of the faid Merchants, was read

the Second


And the

Queftion being put. That the Bill be Ingroffed?


paffed in the Negative.

That the Bill be rejedled. A Meffage from the Council, by M"' Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An AH, for giving a further Prcemium for raifing and exporting He^np, with an Amendment. Alfo to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, to amend the Ad, for eftabhfhing the General Court; and for Regulating and fettling the Proceedings therein, with an Amendment; to which they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe. And that they infift on the Amendment by them propofed, to the Book of Claims. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Meffage from the Council, in Relation to their Amendment to the faid Book and the fame was read, and thereupon Refolved, That this Houfe doth adhere to their Difagreement to the faid AmendRefolved,

Ordered, That a Meffage be fent up to the Council, to acquaint them, that this Houfe have adhered to their Difagreement to the faid Amendment and that they deiire they will not infift on the fame And that M'' Beverley do go up with the faid Meffage. Ordered, That a Committee for Examining the Inrolled Bills, be appointed of the following Perfons: M' Whiting, M'' Lomax, M"' Bland, M' William Waller, M'' Richard Cocke, and M"^ Braxton. The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfeH into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to draw up the Report upon the Ingroffed Bill from the Council, intituled. An Ad, And after fome Time fpent for better fecuring the Payment of his Majefty's Quit-Rents therein, M'' Speaker refumed the Chair; and M"' Conway reported. That the Committee had drawn up the Report, and made feveral Amendments to the Bill, which they had directed him to report to the Houfe; and he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where the fame being read, were agreed to by the Houfe. Then the faid Bill was read a Third Time. Refolved, That the faid Bill, with the Amendments, do pafs. Ordered, That M' Conway do carry the Bill to the Council; and acquaint them, that this Houfe hath agreed to the fame, with fome Amendments; to which this Houfe

doth defire their Concurrence.


That the Houfe be adjoum'd


To-morrow Morning Ten


fFednefday, April 9, 1746.

Benjamin Waller, from the Committee to whom the Bill, For the Revifal of Laws, was committed, reported. That the Committee had made feveral Amendments to the Bill, which they had diredled him to report to the Houfe and he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where the fame were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. An Ingroffed Bill, For continuing an Ad, intituled. An Ad, for Infpeding, Weighing, and Stamping all Pork and Beef, packed in this Colony, or imported for Sale, before





fhall be fold here, or

fhipped for Exportation:




the Adl, intituled.


Gauge of Barrels for Pork, Beef, Tar or Pitch; and for the Third Time; and Infpeding, Weighing, and Stamping all Flour exported, was read filled up. Bill feveral Blanks in the Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Braxton do carry the Bill to the Council; for their Concurrence. A Meffage from the Council, by M' Walthoe: That they recede from their Amendment to the Book of Claims. Ordered, That a Committee for proportioning the Public Levy, be appointed of the Ruffin, M"^ Harmer, M' Richard Cocke. following Perfons: M' Conway, M^ Beverley,

An Ad,

for afcertaining the




For paying the Burgeffes Wages in Money, for this prefent Seffion Affembly, was read the Third Time; and Two Blanks in the Bill filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"^ Wortnley do carry the Bill to the Coimcil; and defire their Con-






For appointing




was read the Third Time;

feveral Blanks

in the Bill filled up.



That the Bill do pafs. That M"' Carter do carry the

Bill to the Council;


defire their


Amendment propofed by the a further Premium for raifing and exCovmcil, to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, forgiving porting Hemp And the fame was read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That M"' Benjamin Waller do go up with a Meffage to the Council; and acquaint them, that this Houfe have agreed to the Amendment by them propofed to the
The Houfe proceeded

to the Confideration of the

faid Bill.

The Houfe


proceeded to the Confideration of the

Amendment propofed


the Council, to the

Bill, intituled.


Ad, To amend



for eftablifhing the General

And the fame being read, was agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That M"' Whiting do go up with a Meffage to the Comicil; and acquaint them, that this Houfe have agreed to the Amendment by them propofed to the faid Bill. A Meffage from the Council, by M'' Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for the more effedual Clearing of James and Appamattox Rivers, with fome Amendments; to which they defire the
Court; and for regulating and fettling the Proceedings therein:

Concurrence of this Houfe. And the Houfe took the faid Amendments into their immediate Confideration; and the fame were read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That M' Bland do go up with a Meffage to the Coimcil; and acquaint them

That John Peyton have Leave to withdraw his Petition, complaining of an undue Election and Return of M' James Waugh, to ferve as a Burgefs in this prefent Seffion of Affembly, for the County of Stafford; and that the Committee of Privileges and Elections be difcharged from proceeding thereon. A Meffage from the Council, by M' Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for paying the Burgeffes Wages in Money, for this prefent Seffion of Affembly, without any Amendment. And that they haye agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for giving a Sum of Money to Truftees, for Clearing the Fluvanna; and for appointing a Storehoufe at Weftham,- and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, with fome Amendments. Alfo to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for appointing feveral new Ferries, with an Amendment; to which they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe. The Houfe took the faid Amendment into their immediate Confideration; and the fame being read, was agreed to by the Houfe.


Then the Houfe took
Council, to the

into their Confideration the

Bill, intituled,

An Ad,

for giving a

Amendments propofed by the Sum of Money to Trufiees, for clearing

Fluvanna; and for appointing a Storehoufe

lyeftham; and for other Purpofes therein

mentioned; and the fame were read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That M'' Carter do carry the Bills up to the Coimcil; and acquaint them, that this Houfe have agreed to the Amendment by them propofed to one of the faid


alfo to the

Amendments by them propofed


to the other.


That the Houfe be adjourn 'd

To-morrow Morning Ten


Thurfday, April lo, 1746.


a Motion made,

That the Clerk

of this

Journals of the Proceedings of the

thereof to the Printer, to be

Houfe be permitted to tranfcribe the feveral Houfe of Burgeffes and to deliver a Copy

by him


Leave to prefent a Bill to the Houfe, For fettling the Allowance on Tobacco paid in the County of Lunenburg, in Difcharge of Public Debts; and to oblige the Surveyors of that County to refide therein: And the fame was received, and read the Firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time. Ordered, That a Meffage be fent to the Council, to acquaint them, that this Houfe have now a Bill under their Confideration, For the Revifal of the Laws, which they propofe to be done by a joint Committee of the Cotmcil and this Houfe; and to defire that they will name fuch and fo many of their Members, as they think fit, that they may be inferted in the Bill And that M' Benjamin Waller do go up with the faid Meffage. M'' Bland moved for Leave to prefent a Bill, To allow the Ad of Limitations to be pleaded in certain Cafes, as well to Suits in Equity, as to Adions in Law: And the fame was received, and read the Firft Time and Ordered to be read a Second Time. A Bill, For fettling the Allowance on Tobacco paid in the County of Lunenburg, in Difcharge of Public Debts; and to oblige the Surveyors of that County to refide therein, was read the Second Time; and feveral Amendments were made thereto. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed. A Bill, To allow the Ad of Limitations to be pleaded in certain Cafes, as well to Suits in Equity, as to Adions at Law, was read a Second Time. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed. A Meffage from the Council, by M' Walthoe: That they have agreed to fome of the Amendments by this Houfe propofed to their Ingroffed Bill, intituled. An Ad, for the better fecuring the Payment of his Majefty's QuitRents, with Amendments to Two of thofe Amendments, and difagree to others; and that they defire this Houfe will pais the Bill, with the Amendments agreed to, as

Bland moved

amended by them. And the Houfe took the faid Meffage into their immediate Confideration; and the Amendments difagreed to, and alfo the Amendments to the Amendments were read;
and thereupon Refolved, That this Houfe doth infift on their Amendments to the faid Bill, difagreed to by the Council; and doth agree to the Amendments by them propofed to Two of their Amendments. Ordered, That M-- Benjamin Waller do go up with a Meffage to the Council, and acquaint them therewith; and that this Houfe defire they will pafs the Bill, with the

Amendments agreed


Meffage from the Council, by M"" Walthoe: That they have appointed John Blair, William Nelfon, Efqrs. and William Dawfon, Clerk, to join with the Committee that fhall by this Houfe be appointed, for the Revifal of the Laws.

Meffage from the Council, by M' Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for continuing and amending an Ad, intituled, An Ad, for Infpeding, Weighing, and Stamping, all Pork and Beef, packed in this Colony, or imported for Sale, before the fame fhall be fold here, or fhipped

for Exportation:




the Adl, intituled,


Barrels for Pork, Beef, Tar,

Flotir exported,

and Pitch; and

Gauge of Infpeding, Weighing, and Stamping all

for afcertaining the



without any Amendment. have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for amending an Ad, intitthey And that uled. An Ad, far Encouragement of building Water-Mills, with fome Amendments; to which they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe. A Meffage from the Council, by M"' Walthoe:

That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, to explain and amend an Ad, intituled, An Ad, for Licenfing Pedlars; and preventing Frauds in the Duties upon Skins and Furrs, without any Amendment. An Ingroffed Bill, For the Revifal of the Laws, was read the Third Time and feveral


in the Bill filled up.



That the Bill do pafs. That M' Secretary Nelfon do carry the

Bill to the Council;


defire their


A Meffage from the Council, by M'' Walthoe: That they adhere to their Difagreement to the Amendments by this Houfe infifted on, to their Ingroffed Bill, intituled. An Ad, for the better fecuring the Payment of his Majefty's Quit-Rents; and defire this Houfe will pafs the fame, with the Amendments


That the Houfe be adjoum'd


To-morrow Morning Ten


Friday, April ii, 1746.

That the Committee appointed, had, according to Order, fettled the Proportion of the Public Levy, and ftated the fame in a Book, which he delivered in at the Table and the fame was read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That M'' Conway do carry the Book to the Coimcil; for their Concurrence. Ordered, That the Committee of Proportions do prepare and bring in a Bill, For raifing a Public Levy; and other Purpofes. An ingroffed Bill, To allow the Ad of Limitations to be pleaded in certain Cafes, as well to Suits in Equity, as Adions at Law, was read the Third Time; and an Amendment




to the



That the







fettling the

burg, in Difcharge of Public Debts; therein, was read the Third Time.


Allowance on Tobacco paid in the County of Lunento oblige the Surveyors of that County to refide


That the Bill do pafs. That M-" Bland do cany the

faid Bills to the Council;


defire their


M' Power, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill, For ereding a Town the County of King William And the fame was received. Ordered, That the Bill do lie on the Table. M' Conway, from the Committee of Proportions, reported. That the Committee had, according to Order, prepared a Bill, For raifing a Public Levy; and other Purpofes therein mentioned: And the fame was received, and read the Firft Time.

AyletV Warehoufe, in


Then a Motion was made, That the faid Bill be immediately read a Second Time; was accordingly read. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendments propofed by the Coimcil, to the Bill, intitiiled, An Ad, for amending an AH, intituled, An Ad, for Encouragement of building Water-Mills; and the fame being read, were agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That M>- Ludwell do go up with a Meffage to the Coimcil; and acquaint them therewith. A Meffage from the Coimcil, by M"' Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Book of Proportions. And that they have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for the Revifal of the Laws, with fome Amendments; to which they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe. And the Houfe took the faid Amendments into their immediate Confideration; and the fame were read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That M' Ludwell do go up with a Meffage to the Council; and acquaint them, that this Houfe have agreed to the Amendments by them propofed to the faid Bill. A Meffage from the Council, by M"' Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for fettling the Allowance on Tobacco paid in the County of Lunenburg, in Difcharge of Public Debts; and to oblige


Surveyors of that County

to re fide therein,

with an Amendment; to which they defire

the Concurrence of this Houfe.

Amendment into their immediate Confideration; and and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That M'' Bland do go up with a Meffage to the Council; and acquaint them, that this Houfe have agreed to the Amendment by them propofed to the faid Bill. An Ingroffed Bill, For raifing a Public Levy; and other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Conway do carry the Bill to the Coimcil; and defire their Conthe Houfe took the faid
the fame was read,


The Houfe proceeded

to the Confideration of the Meffage

tion to their Ingroffed Bill, intituled,



for the better fecuring the

from the Council, in RelaPayment of his

to the faid
Bill, difa-

Majefty's Quit-Rents; and thereupon




Houfe doth adhere to



greed to by the Council.

Bland moved for Leave to prefent a Bill, to confirm fuch Deeds, which through a Mifconftrudlion of an Adl, intituled. An Ad, for amending the Ad, intituled. An Ad, for fettling the Titles and Bounds of Lands; and for preventing unlawful Shooting and Ranging thereupon, have been acknowledged or proved in the County Courts, and recorded in the the General Court And the Queftion being put. That the Bill be received?

Refolved in the Negative.


That the Houfe be adjourn 'd


To-morrow Morning Ten o 'Clock.

Saturday, April 12, 1746.

Meffage from the Council, by M' Walthoe: they have agreed to the
Bill, intituled,


An Ad, for

raifing a Public Levy;

Purpofes therein mentioned, without any Amendment. M"' Whiting reported, That the Perfons appointed had, according to Order, examined the InroUed Bills, and re<flified fuch Miftakes as were


found therein; and that the fame are truly Inrolled.




That M' Whiting do carry the Inrolled

Bills to the Council;

for their

Meffage from the Council, by M-" Walthoe: That they have infpe(aed the Inrolled Bills, and are fatisfied they are truly Inrolled. A Meffage from the Governor, by M' Walthoe:

M' Speaker, The Governor commands the immediate Attendance of this Houfe in the CouncilChamber; and that you bring with you fuch Bills as are ready for his Affent. M' Speaker, with the Houfe, went up accordingly; and the Governor was pleafed to give his Affent to the following Public and Private Bills An Ad, for reducing the Laws made, for laying a Duty on Liquors, into One Adl of Affembly. An AA, for continuing the Ad, intituled. An Ad, for laying a Duty upon Slaves, to be paid
by the Buyers.

An Ad, An An





far eftablifhing the General Court;


for regulating


fettling the

Proceedings therein.

Ad, for the Revifal of the Laws. Ad, for further amending the Ad, intituled. An Ad, for reducing the Laws made, for amemling the Staple of Tobacco; and for preventing Frauds in his Majefty's Cuftoms,

An An

Ad of Affembly. Regulating and Colledtng certain Officers Fees; and other Purpofes therein Ad, for mentioned. Ad, to regulate Attornies pradifing in the County Courts; and the granting Writs of
into one

Ad, for continuing and amending an Ad, intituled, An Ad, for Infpeding, Weighing, and Stamping all Pork and Beef, packed in this Colony, or imported for Sale, before the fame fhall be fold here, or fhipped for Exportation: And to amend the Adl, intituled. An Ad, for afcertaining the Gauge of Barrels for Pork, Beef, Tar, and Pitch; and for Infpeding, Weighing, and Stamping all Flour exported. An Ad, to explain and amend an Ad, intituled, An Ad, for Licenfing Pedlars; and preventing Frauds in the Duties upon Skins and Furrs. An Ad, for giving a further Pnemium for raifing and exporting Hemp. An Ad, for amending an Ad, intituled. An Ad, for Encouragement of building Water-Mills. An Ad, for the Encouragement of making Salt-Petre. An Ad, for appointing feveral new Ferries. An Ad, for making Reparation for the Tobacco lately damaged and loft in Gray's Creek and York Warehoufes. An Ad, for altering feveral Court-Days. An Ad, for paying the Burgeffes Wages in Money, for this prefent Seffion of Affembly. An Ad, to amend the Ad, for giving a Reward for killing Wolves in the County of Frederick. to be levied on the Inhabitants of the faid County, by the Court; and for altering feveral Court-Days; and to colled a Tax already laid on the Inhabitants of Augufta



An Ad, for the more effedual Clearing of James and Appamattox Rivers. An Ad, for giving a certain Sum of Money to Truftees, for clearing the Fluvanna;
appointing a Storehoufe at



Weftham; and

for other

Purpofes therein mentioned.

An An An


for Confirming the Veftrics of the Parifhes of St. Anne, and Truro; folving the Veftries of the Parifhes of St. Margaret, and Newport.
for fettling the


for Dif-

Allowance on Tobacco paid in the County of Lunenburg, in Difto oblige the Surveyors of that County to refide therein. Ad, for Dividing the County of Brunfwick, and Parifh of St. Andrew; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned.
charge of Public Debts; and



for obliging


Parifh of St. Martin to repay to the Parifh of Frederickfville, Proportion of Ninety Four Pounds, levied on the faid Parifh of St. Martin,

before the Divifion thereof.



An Ad, for enlarging the Power of the Sheriff of James-City County. An Ad, for preventing the building Wooden Chimnies in the fevered Towns

An An

therein menand pulling down fuch as are already built in the faid Towns; and to reftrain Hogs going at large in New-Town and Newcaftle. Ad, for raifing a Public Levy; and other Purpofes therein mentioned. Ad, to veft Eighty Seven Acres of Land, appropriated for a Glebe, in the Parifh of Hunger's, in the County of Northampton, in Truftees, to be fold; and for other Pur-

pofes therein mentioned.

An Ad,


enable George Eskridge

to fell

Part of a Trad of Land, not exceeding Three

for the

Hundred and Fifty Acres,

to raife




his proportionable


Part of the Debts of his Grandfather. Ad, to dock the Intail of certain Lands in the County of Gloucefter, late the Eftate of Thomas Todd; and vefting the fame in Truftees, to be fold; and the Money arifing therefrom, to be laid out in Slaves, to be fettled to the fame Ufes.

An Ad,

John Smith, and

to be laid

dock the Intail of certain Lands in the County of Gloucefter, late the Eftate of vefting the fame in Truftees, to be Sold; and the Money arifing thereout in Slaves, to be fettled to the

fame Ufes.

The Governor
had agreed


his Affent to the following Refolves,

which the Coimcil

That the Sum of Six Hundi-ed Poimds, be paid by the Treafurer, out of the Public Money in his Hands, to M'' Secretary N elfon, M' Digges, M"" Sufiney, M' Weftwood, M'' Crawford, M'' Boufh, and M' Hutchins; by them to be applied towards providing Fire-wood, Candles, frefh Provifions, and Quarters, for the Soldiers boimd to CapeBreton, but by bad Weather and contrary Winds, forced into this Colony; in Proportion to the Number of Men in each County and to be accoxmted for to the next Affembly. Refolved, That a Sum of Money, not exceeding Two Hundred Pounds, be paid by the Treafurer, out of the Public Money in his Hands, to the Honourable William Gooch, Efq; to be by him tranfmitted to fuch perfons as he shall think proper; and to be by them prefented, in the Name of this Colony, to the Six Nations of Indians. Refolved, That the Sum of Two Hundred and Eighty Pounds per Annum, be allowed William Parks, from this Time to the next Seflion of Affembly, for his Salary, and as a full Recompence for printing and delivering Infped;ors Notes and Books, Notes and Receipts for the Duty on Slaves, and all other A(fts of Government.

of the Council,

then made the following Speech


Speaker, and Gentlemen of the Houfe of Burgeffes,

THE feveral Meafures that have been concerted this Seffion, fo apparently tend to
and Honour of Virginia, and fo exadlly correfpond with what I expedled from your Fidelity and Prudence, that I fhould be unjuft to your Proceedings, if I did not thankfully acknowledge the Diligence, Vigour, and Unanimity with which they have been effedted.
the Intereft

THE Dutiful Addrefs and folemn Engagement we have, with one Heart and Spirit,
in, as they manifeft an imfeigned Zeal for the Royal Caufe, and that of our Country and pure Religion, will, no doubt, be kindly accepted by our moft gracious Sovereign, and procure for us the honourable Reward of having our Names regiftered with thofe, who ftand celebrated and eminently diftinguifhed for inflexible Loyalty and foimd Faith.


F Time would


fhould with Pleafure recite and enlarge upon the wellBills,

advifed Refolves, and

fenfible, after fo


that have been prefented to me: But as


long Attendance, the Report would bring your Patience to too fevere

a Trial,

content myfelf with feletfting, and briefly obferving, upon the judicious Proof of your Benevolence to William and Mary College. For, as by that Adl, the Mafters are very affectionately incited, by an Addition to the College Revenue, to purfue, with their former Care and Affiduity, the important Bufinefs of initiating Youth, on
I fhall


(2 32-)
whofe Education the future Glory and Happinefs of your Country depends, in the Study of the liberal Arts, and the Pradlice of Divine and Moral Virtues fo, from your generous

Concern to fecure the Foundation, the Society may conclude, that Perfeverance in their learned Labour, will, in due Time, be recompenced with your Confent to give the finifhing Stroke to that Monument of Piety and School of Inftru(5lion, eredled by your worthy
feeing we have fufficient Ground to hope, from the Wifdom and Goodnefs of God, that Truth and Juftice will prevail; I promise myfelf the Satisfaction of rejoicing with you upon the Succefs of His Majefty's Arms, and the total Defeat of all His DomefWhen this delightful News fhall be confirmed, when Fury tick and Foreign Enemies. and Rebellion fhall be bound in Chains, and no longer able to difturb the Tranquility of the Britifh Dominions; let us be in a fit Temper of Mind to offer up our Thanksgivings to the Throne of Grace, for fo fignal a Bleffmg; and improve the happy Event, by Endeavouring to make all Men in Love with the Principles we profefs, and are determined to adhere to, of fearing God, and honouring the King.
I fhall keep you no longer than to acquaint you, that I have thought fit to Prorogue Affembly to the Third Thurfday in June next; and this Affembly is accordingly Prorogued to that Time.







to be held at the Capitol^ in the City

of Williamsburz^ on Thurfday the Sixth Day of May^ in the Fifteenth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE II. by the Grace of God, of Great-Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, ^c. And from
thence continued, by feveral Prorogations, to Friday the Eleventh Day of July, in the Twentieth Year of His faid Majefty's Reign; and in the Year of our Lord 1746; Being the

Fourth Seflion of



Printed by




AMeffage from



Friday, July



W Speaker,

the Prefident of the Council, was deUvered by

of the Council,

The Prefident
the Governor,

by Virtue


a Commiffion from



the immediate Attendance of this Houfe in the Coun-


Speaker, with the Houfe, went up accordingly;


That the Houfe had attended the Prefident in Commiffion from the Governor, was appointed to adl in his Stead; which Commiffion being read, he was pleafed to make a Speech to the Council and this Houfe; of which, to prevent Miftakes, he had obtained a Copy Which he read, and afterwards delivered in at the Table where the fame was again read, and is as follows

and being returned, he rethe Council Chamber, who, by a


of the Council,

M^ Speaker, and Gentlemen of



of Burgeffes,


Governor being unhappily difabled by Sicknefs to open this Seffion, in Purf uance of his Commiffion to me dire(5led, I muf t acquaint you with the Occafion of our prefent Meeting; which is of fo great Moment, and demands fuch quick Dispatch, that his Honour could not any longer defer calling for your
Majefty, with a fervent


and paternal Vigilance, ever meditating the Advanceof His Peoples Happinefs, and the Confufion of our common Enemy, having refolved on an important Expedition to the Northward, and required his American Colonies to fecond it with their united Forces and Abilities; the Governor judged it his indifpenfable. Duty to prefs your hearty Compliance with the Royal Solicitations, and eameftly recommend to you the Orders he has had the Honour of receiving which

are, to enlift

Men with all poffible

Speed, who, with the Levies


in the other

ments, are to rendezvous at Albany, and thence proceed to adl in

the Troops from Great-Britain, in the immediate Conqueft of Canada.

GovernConjimdlion with

A N Undertaking calculated to add Strength and Security to our A merican Pofeffions, and to extend the Honour and Intereft of His Majefty 's Dominions in general.
Gentlemen of the Houfe of Burgeffes,

Governor would have made earlier Application to you, had he not promifed himfelf he fhould, by this time, have been able to inform you, with fome Certainty, of the Number of Men, and that your Readinefs to contribute towards the Accomplifhment of this grand Enterprife, would make ample Amends for fuch Delay.



he cannot even yet, form a Judgment of what Men may be collecfted among our diftant Settlements, and the Aid defired of your depending upon the Number we feveral Particulars to which it will be fhall raife, I can only acquaint you with the

B U T as


Bounty-Money which has and is to be given, the Purchafe of Provifions, and the Freight thereof to New-York, the Expence of Boats when there, to carry it by Water crofs the Country, thro' which the Men are to march. Kettles, Flafks, Knapfacks, and Tents, with Arms and Cloaths, and fome Money in Advance to the Officers and Men But His Majefty having been pleafed to declare, that both Officers and Men are to enter into His Pay, from the refpedlive Days of their engaging and inlifting, and moreover to make Allowance for Arms and Cloaths, whatever fhall be therein expended, will be



moft certainly reimburfed.

the Accoimt laid before you, confifts of various Articles, and will demand more Exadlnefs than the Governor can beftow on them, I muft defire you to appoint and Care Commiffioners, by whom thefe feveral Charges may be fettled and adjufted, to mutual



you are equally interefted with your Mother Country, and His Majefty's other Governments here, in the event of this Expedition, furely you muft think it highly reafonable to alleviate the Burthen, and pay a proportionable Part of the Expence





confident, Gentlemen,


will cheerfully

and unanimoufly embrace

this Opportunity, fubftantially to evidence the Sincerity of your late Affurances, of being among the moft zealous in our Sovereign's Caufe, by granting fuch a fuitable Supply, and exerting yourfelves in fuch a vigorous and becoming Manner, towards

profecuting, with Effedl, this Glorious Defign; that the favourable Sentiments enter-


tained of you in His Royal Mind, may be confirmed, this Loyal Colony, fully anfwered.

and His well-grounded Expedlations

Refolved, That an humble Addrefs be made to the Governor, exprefling our great Concern for his Indifpofition and to affure his Honour, that we will give all poffible Difpatch, and purfue fuch Meafures, as the Importance of the prefent Conjundlure requires, and the Circumftances of our Covmtry will afford. Ordered, That a Committee be appointed, to draw up an Addrefs to the Governor,

upon the

faid Refolution;


it is

accordingly referred to


Conway and


Corbin, to

prepare the fame.



this Hovife will refolve itfeH into

a Committee of the whole Houfe,

to take into their Confideration the Prefident's Speech,

Refolved, That




and Grievances, and Public Claims, which

are certified to this Affembly, be referred to the Confideration of the next Seffion of


Thomas Daw fon be continued Chaplain to this Houfe; and that he attend to read Prayers every Morning at Nine o'Clock. Ordered, That the feveral Door-keepers that attended laft Affembly, be continued

That the Rev.


in their Offices.


then the Houfe adjoum'd


To-morrow Morning Ten


Saturday July 12.


R. Conway reported, That the Committee appointed, had, according to Order, prepared an Addrefs to the Governor Which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table; where the fame was again read, and agreed to by the Houfe and is as follows



His Majefty's moft dutiful and loyal Subjedls, the Burgeffes of Virginia, in General Affembly, humbly beg Leave to exprefs our hearty Concern for your Honour's Indifpofition, and our Sincere Wifhes for your Recovery as a Matter of the laf t Confequence at this Crifis, to give Succefs to the important Defign communicated to us, in a Speech made to the Council and this Houfe, by the Honourable John Robin fon, Efq; appointed by yoiu: Honour's Commif-


now met

fion for that Purpofe.

W E cannot

fufficiently exprefs

our Gratitude to His Majefty, who, in the midft of

and civil Commotions, has not been unmindful of His moft diftant Subjeds; and as we are fatisfied, our Duty to His Majefty, and our Zeal for His Service, is the beft Teftimony we can give, of our Love to our Coimtry; fo we are determined, by a hearty and general Concurrence in all our Deliberations, for His Majefty's Intereft, and the Public Welfare, cheerfully and effedtually to purfue fuch Meafures as the Importance of the prefent Conjundlure requires; and fuch, as fhall evidence the Sincerity of our late Affurances, of being among the moft zealous in our Sovereign's Caufe, by granting a fuitable Supply, and profecuting, with an Ardour equal to our Abilities, the Glorious Defign of Reducing Canada to the Obedience of the Crown of Great-Britain. Ordered, That the faid Addrefs be fairly tranfcribed; and that the Committee who prepared the fame, do wait on the Governor, to know his Pleafure when and where
inteftine Dangers,

he will be attended to receive


Upon a Motion made,


That an humble Addrefs be made to

his Majefty, to congratulate

him on

the Victory obtained over the Rebels near Invernefs,

of his

by His

Forces, trader the


Royal Highnefs the Duke of Cumberland.

That M'' Secretary Nelfon, M"' Carter, M"" Richard Randolph, and M"" Corbin, do prepare and bring in the fame. The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to take into their Confideration the Governor's Speech And after fome Time fpent therein M' Speaker refumed the Chair; and M' Conway reported, That the Committee had had under their Confideration the Governor's Speech, and had gone through the fame; and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon Which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table where the fame were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows Refolved, That a Sum of Money, not exceeding Four Thoufand Pounds, fhall be borrowed by the Treafurer, at an Intereft of Five per Cent, to be by him Lffued to Commiffioners, to be appointed by the Houfe; and by them to be applied for defraying the Expence of Inlifting, Arming, Cloathing, Victualling, and Tranfporting the Soldiers that fhall be raifed in this Colony, to ferve his Majefty on an intended Expedition againft Canada and accounted for to the next Affembly. Refolved, That the Soldiers that fhall be raifed for the faid Service, fhall be fumifhed
: :


Arms out

of the Magazine.

M"' Conway, M'' Carter, M.' Richard Randolph, M^ Secretary Nelfon, M' Benjamin Waller, and M'' Power, do prepare and bring in a Bill, purfuant to the faid



and Frances his Wife, and Elizabeth, Anne, and Sarah and Co-heirs of Edwin Thacker, late of the Coimty of Middlefex, deceafed, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; praying, That an Adt may pafs, to impower them, notwithftanding the Infancy of the faid Elizabeth, Anne, and Sarah Thacker, to fell and convey Two Tradls of Land, mentioned in the faid Petition; and to apply the Money arifing from fuch Sale, to certain Ufes therein alfo mentioned. Ordered, That M'' Carter do prepare and bring in a Bill, according to the Prayer of the
Petition of Lewis Burwell,
Thacker, Daughters
faid Petition.

And then

the Houfe adjoum'd


Monday Morning Ten




Monday, July 14, 1746.


That the Committee appointed, had, according to Order, waited on the Gk)vemor, to know his Pleafure when and where he would be attended with the Addrefs; and that he was pleafed to anfwer, That as he was by his Indifpofition, confined to his Bed-Chamber, he miift receive it and that he was ready to receive it from fuch Perfons as the Houfe fhould



appoint to deliver


Carter, Secretary Ordered, That M'' Conway, M' Corhin, M'' Richard Randolph, to prefent the faid Addrefs. Governor the on wait Nelfon, and M' Liidwell, do M' Carter reported. That the Committee appointed, had, according to Order, prepared a Bill, To veft certain Lands therein mentioned, whereof Edwin Thacker lately died feifed, in Fee-Simple, in certain Truftees therein named, to be fold, for the Payment of his Debts; and the fame was received, and read the Firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time. A Petition of William Parks, Printer, was prefented to the Houfe, and read, praying

Affembly. Eighty Pounds per Annum be allowed Refolved, That the Sum of Affembly, for his Salary, and as a William Parks, from this Time to the next Seffion full Recompence for printing and delivering Infpedlors Notes and Books, Notes and Receipts for the Duty on Slaves, and all other Adls of Government. Ordered, That M'' Conway carry the faid Refolve to the Council, for their Concurrence.
laft Seffion of

a Continuance of his Salary, allowed him the


Two Hundred and

reported, That the Committee appointed, had, according to Order, giving a Sum of Money, not exceeding Four Thoufand Pounds, towards For prepared a defraying the Expence of Inlifting, Arming, Cloathing, Victualling, and Tranfporting the Soldiers raifed in this Colony, on an intended Expedition againft Canada; and the fame was received, and read the Firft Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be immediately read a Second Time. And it was read accordingly; and Ordered to be committed for Amendments. A Motion being made, That the faid Bill be committed to a Committee of the whole



paffed in the Affirmative.

Refolved, That this Houfe will immediately refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to confider of Amendments to the faid Bill. The Houfe accordingly refolved itlelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill: After fome time fpent therein, M"" Speaker refumed the Chair; and M"" Conway reported. That the Committee had had the faid Bill under their Confideration, and gone through the fame and had made feveral Amendments thereto Which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table where the fame were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. M' Bland moved for Leave to prefent a Bill, for confirming Deeds, which through a

Ad, intituled, An Ad, for amending the Ad, intituled. An Ad, for fettling the Titles and Bounds of Lands, and for preventing unlawful Shooting and Ranging thereupon, have been acknowledged or proved in the County Court, and recorded in the General Court: And the Queftion being put, That the faid Bill be received?
Mifconftriidion of an

paffed in the Negative.

That the Motion be rejected. To veft certain Lands therein mentioned, whereof Edwin Thacker lately died feifed, in Fee-Simple, in certain Truftees therein mentioned, to be fold, for the Payment of his Debts, was read the Second Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be committed to M"' Carter, M' Wormley, M' Corbin, M' Braxton, M' Chifwell, Meriwether, Power, and M'' Moore: And that they do examine into the Allegations thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to


the Houfe.


then the Houfe adjoum'd


To-morrow Morning Ten




Tuefday, July 15, 1746.


R. Conway reported, That the Committee appointed, had, according to Order, attended the Governor in his Bed-Chamber, and prefented the Addrefs of this Houfe to him; to which he was pleased to make the following Anfwer;
of the



of Burgeffes,

/Thank you for your very kind Addrefs, your tender Concern for my Indifpofition, and

Wifhes for my Recovery; which, in either Cafe, you muft allow me not of any very great Confequence to any other Conftitution than my own.

to fay,

THE grateful Senfe you

for his



our Sovereign's affedionate and extenfive

Regard moft diftant Subjeds, affords me the greateft Satisfadion. I firmly rely on your Affurances of granting a fuitable Supply, and purfuing fuch Meafures as the
Importance of the prefent Conjundure requires.




For giving a



Money, not exceeding Four Thoufand Pounds,

towards defraying the Expence of Inlifting, Arming, Cloathing, Victualling, and Transporting the Soldiers raifed in this Colony, on an intended Expedition againft Canada, was

read the Third Time;


and an Amendment made

to the


and the Blanks

in the Bill


That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Conway do carry the

Bill to the Council,


defire their



M' Bland moved



this prefent Seffion of

Leave to prefent a Bill, For paying the Burgeffes Wages in A ffembly; and the fame was received, and read the Firft



That the Bill be immediately read a Second Time. was read accordingly; and an Amendment made to the


and the Blanks

therein filled up.


That the


be Ingroffed.


a Motion made.

That the Committee appointed to examine into the Allegations of the Bill, To veft certain Lands therein mentioned, whereof Edwin Thacker lately died feifed, in Fee-Simple, in certain Truftees therein mentioned, to be fold, for Payment of his Debts, be difcharged from proceeding thereon. M' Carter reported, That the Committee appointed, had, according to Order, prepared an Addrefs to His Majefty, to congratulate him on the Victory obtained over the Rebels, by His Forces, vmder the Command of His Royal Highnefs the Duke. Ordered, That the Addrefs be fairly tranfcribed, and a Blank left for the Coimcil. Ordered, That M'' Carter do carry the faid Addrefs to the Council, for their ConOrdered,


For paying the Burgeffes Wages in Money for this prefent Seffion A ffembly, was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"" Bland do carry the Bill to the Cotmcil, and defire their ConIngroffed



Motion was made, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, for repealing Part of an Ad, intituled, An Ad, for regulating and fettling the Current Rates of Gold Coin, and of Britifh Silver Coin, in this Dominion; and for calling in and eftablifhing the Value of German Gold, commonly called Carolines: And the Queftion being put thereupon?

paffed in the Negative.



That the Motion be reje(5ted. then the Houfe adjourn 'd 'til To-morrow Ten o'Clock.


, :



July 16, 1746.

from the Council by M' Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Refolve, for giving William Parks Two Hundred and Eighty Pounds per Annum, from this Time to the next Seflion of Affembly, for his Salary, and as a full Recompence for printing and delivering Infpedors Notes and Books, Notes and Receipts for the Duty on Slaves, and all other Adls of Government. And that they have agreed to the Ingroffed Bill, For giving a Sum of Money, not exceeding Four Thoufand Pounds, towards defraying the Expence of Inlifting, Arming, Victualling, and Tranfporting the Soldiers raifed in this Colony, on an intended Expedition againft Canada, with fome Amendments; to which they defire the Concurrence of this
the Houfe took the faid Amendments into their immediate Confideration were read, and Part thereof agreed to by the Houfe. fame and the Ordered, That M'' Conway do go up with a Meffage to the Council, and acquaint them, that this Houfe have agreed to one of the Amendments by them propofed to the faid



and difagreed to the other; and that

this Hoxife defire

they will pafs the




Amendments agreed


meffage from the Council, by M"' Walthoe: That they infift on their Amendments to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for giving a Sum not exceeding Four Thoufand Pounds, towards defraying the Expence of Inlifting, Money, of Victualling, and Tranfporting the Soldiers raifed in this Colony, on an Cloathing, Arming,
intended Expedition againft


which was difagreed to by

this Houfe.

The Houfe proceeded


to the immediate Confideration of the faid Meffage;

their Difagreement to the faid


That That


Houfe doth adhere to



Conway go up with a Meffage

to the Coimcil,

and acquaint them


Meffage from the Cotmcil, by M' Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for paying the Burgeffes Wages in Money, for this prefent Seffion of Affembly, without any Amendment. And that they recede from their Amendments to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for giving a Sum of Money, not exceeding Four Thoufand Pounds, towards defraying the Expence of Inlifting, Arming, Cloathing, Victualling, and Tranfporting the Soldiers raifed in this Colony, on an intended Expedition againft Canada which was difagreed to by this Houfe. Refolved, That the feveral Sums following, be paid to the feveral Officers of the

General Affembly, refpecftively


To Peter Randolph, Clerk, To Nathaniel Walthoe, Clerk of the Council, To the Rev. M"' Thomas Dawfon, Chaplain, To Thomas Hall, Serjeant at Arms, To John Collet, Doorkeeper of the Coimcil, To William Francis, To James Lavie, t^ Doorkeepers to To Robert Wager, To Thomas Broadribb, J

25 10 25

the Houfe, each,



That M' Benjamin Waller do carry the faid Refolve to the Council,


their Concurrence.

A Meffage from the Council, by M"' Walthoe: That the Governor and Coimcil agree to join with this Houfe Majefty, and defire this Houfe wUl fill up the Blanks accordingly.

in the

Addrefs to His



fideration of this,

Matters referred from the laft Seffion of Affembly, to the Conbe again further referred to the Confideration of the next Seffion of

Affembly. A Meffage from the Council, by M"' Waltkoe: That they have agreed to the Refolve, for paying the feveral Officers Salaries of the General Affembly.

That M"- Whiting carry the Inrolled Bills to the Council, for their Infpedion. Meffage from the Council, by M'' Walthoe: That they have infpedted the Inrolled Bills, and are fatisfied they are truly Inrolled. A Meffage from the Prefident of the Council, by M"' Walthoe:


of the Coimcil

the immediate Attendance of this Houfe in the Council-Chamber; and that you bring with you fuch Bills as are ready for his Affent. M^ Speaker, with the Houfe, went up accordingly; and the Prefident was pleafed to
give his Affent to the following Bills

The Prefident


Money, not exceeding Four Thoufand Pounds, towards defraying the Expence of Inlifting, Arming, Cloathing, Victualling, and Tranfporting the Soldiers raifed in this Colony, on an intended Expedition againft Canada. An Ad, for paying the Burgeffes Wages in Money, for this prefent Seffion of Affembly. The Prefident alfo gave his Affent to a Refolve, for allowing William Parks the Sum of Two Hundred and Eighty Pounds per Annttm, from this Time to the next Seffion of Affembly, for his Salary, and as a full Recompence for printing and delivering Infpe(ftors Notes and Books, Notes and Receipts for the Duty on Slaves, and all other A6ts of Government. Alfo to a Refolve for paying the Officers Salaries. And then was pleafed to fpeak as follows
for giving a Stint of




of the Council,

Mr Speaker,

and Gentlemen

of the


of Burgeffes,


brought to a Conclufion, I am to tell you, That his by me, return you Thanks for what you have done. I have nothing more to detain you with, but to let you know, that I have thought fit to prorogue this Affembly to the laft Thurfday in October and it is accordingly prorogued to that Time.
this Seffion of


Honour the Governor



House of








Monday, March 30, 1747.

from the Governor, was delivered by
of this


The Governor commands the immediate Attendance

Cotmcil Chamber.


in the

M' Speaker, with the Houfe, went up accordingly; and being returned, he That the Houfe had attended the Governor in the Covmcil Chamber, and that he was pleafed to make a Speech to the Coimcil and this Houfe; of which, to prevent Miftakes, he had obtained a Copy Which he read, and afterwards delivered in at the Table; where the fame was again read, and is as follows:


of the Council,

M' Speaker,

and Gentlemen

of the


of Burgeffes,

nr H


aftonifhing Fate of the Capitol occafions this Meeting,

Effe(5l of

the more to be deplored, as being apparently the

and proves a Lofs Malice and Defign.

a Crime


muft indeed own



difficult to

comprehend how

fo flagitious

could be committed, or even imagined, by any rational Creature. But when you have confidered that the first Emiffion of the Smoke through the Shingles, was

from an upper retired Room without Chimney, or Wainfcot; that the Persons who on its first Appearance hasten'd thither to difcover the cause, found all the Infide of the Roof in one Blaze, impoffible to be extinguifhed; and that a Fire kindled by Accident could not have made fo rapid a Progrefs you will be forced to afcribe it to

the horrid Machinations of defperate Villains, instigated


infernal Madnefs.

GOD forbid THE

henfive their early

fhould accufe or excufe imjuftly


may venture to



fuperlative Wickednefs could never get Admittance into the Heart of a Virginian.

Clerks belonging to the Secretary, confcious of their Innocence, but appre-



Attendance in

Reflections, have, at their

judicially acquitted


his Office, might subjedt them to undeferved Requeft, been examined by the Mayor's Court, and

from any Breach of Duty, or Umbrage of Negled; And as they your Inquiry, are ready, if it fhall be your Pleafure, to vindicate their Condudl before the Face of the Country. I muft alfo do them the Juftice to add, that the Confolation we enjoy, in having the authentic Registers of every Man's Property, with all Papers of any Confequence, preferved, is owing, under Divine Providence, to their Diligence, Activity, and Refolution Efforts that would have been vain, had not the Wind, at the burfting out of the Flames, changed from the Eaft to the Northweft.
did not preftmie thereby to preclude


Gentlemen of the Houfe of Burgeffes,

THE Circumftances of the Treafury, and my own



to have continued your Prorogation until the Revifal of pleated, if no Incident had happened, or this Misfortune had not befallen the Capitol,

would have induced the Laws had been com-

Inftauration required your immediate Affiftance.

prefs you with any Arguments in a Point of fuch manifest and general Ufewould fhew a Diffidence of that fincere and zealous Regard to the real Intereft of the Community, for which I have fo often applauded you, and fhall ever vye with you in demonftrating.



fame Public Spirit you conftantly exerted, as Fathers of your Country, within those Walls, will determine you to apply the most efTe(5lual Means for reftoring that Royal Fabric to its former Beauty and Magnificence, with the like elegant and capacious Apartments, fo well adapted to all the weighty Purpofes of Government. be indulged with the Ufe of the College for holding Affemblies; and by a kind Offer from the Mayor and Corporation of this City, with their new Court of Hustings, for the Sittings of the General Court.



mean Time we


B U T as thefe Places can only be accepted and efteemed as temporary Conveniences,

muft intreat you to turn your Thoughts to the Repair recommended, to proceed therein with Unanimity and Difpatch; and I hope nothing will intervene to retard the Execution of that moft neceffary and important Work.

That an humble Addrefs be prefented to the Governor, to return him Thanks for his kind and affe(5tionate Speech to the Council and this Houfe. Ordered, That a Committee be appointed to draw up an Addrefs to the Governor, upon the faid Refolution And it is referred to M"" Conway and M'' Reddick, to prepare and bring in the faid Addrefs. Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee, to take the Governor's Speech into Confideration To-morrow. Ordered, That the Committee of Privileges and Elections be revived, and conlift

of the following Perfons


W Whiting, W


Richard Randolph,


M' Benjamin Waller, M' Braxton, and


M' Power.


they are to meet and adjourn from


to Day,


to take into their Confideration

touching Returns, Eledlions, and Privileges; and to report their Proceedings, with their Opinion thereupon, from Time to Time, to this Houfe And the faid Committee is to have Power to fend for Witneffes, Perfons, Papers, and Records, for their Information.
in Queftion,

fuch Matters as fhall or

may come

Two Members returned upon a new Writ, having taken the Oaths appointed to be taken by Adl of Parliament, instead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and taken and subfcribed the Oath of Abjuration, and alfo the Teft, one of them was admitted to his Place in the Houfe.
the Houfe was informed, that the other

member was a

Sheriff at the


of his Ele(5lion.




That the faid Information be referred to the Committee of Privileges and that they do examine into the Matter thereof, and report the fame,

with their Opinion thereupon to the Houfe. Ordered, That an Addrefs be made to the Governor, to order a new Writ to iffue, for Eledting a Citizen to ferve in this prefent General Affembly for the City of Williamfburg, in the


of M''


who has accepted

of the Office of Coroner.






Affembly to the Confideration of

and Claims, which are referred from the laft Seffion this; and alfo all other Propofitions and Claims,

be referred to the Confideration of the next Seffion of Affembly. A Petition of the Veftry of the Parifh of Soiitham, praying that they may be empowered to fell the Glebe in the faid Parish, and to purchafe a more convenient Glebe in Lieu thereof, was prefented to the Houfe, and read.

That M' William Randolph do prepare and bring



according to

the Prayer of the said Petition.

Ordered, That M'' Thomas Daw fon be continued Chaplain to this Houfe; and that he attend to read Prayers every Morning at Ten o'Clock. Ordered, That the feveral Door-keepers be continued in their Offices. And then the Houfe adjourn 'd 'til To-morrow Morning Eleven o'Clock.



31, 1747.

William Randolph, according to order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill to imof the Parifh of Southam, in the County of Goochland, to fell the Glebe in the faid Parifh; and to purchafe a more convenient Glebe in Lieu thereof And the fame was received, and read the first Time and Ordered to be read a Second Time. A Claim of George Wale, for the taking up a Runaway Negro therein mentioned, was prefented to the Houfe, and received. Ordered, That the faid Claim be referred to the Confideration of the next Seffion of Affembly. M' Conway moved. That Mary Marfhal, formerly a Widow of Richard Lewis, might have lome Allowance, her Hufband having died on the Expedition against Carthagena; and that feveral Certificates relating to the Proof of that Matter, might be received: And the Queftion was put, and thereupon


power the Veftry

Refolved in the Negative.

M'' Conway reported. That the Perfons appointed had, according to Order, prepared an Addrefs to the Governor Which he read in his place, and then delivered in at the Table where the fame being again twice read, was committed to M' Power, M' Carter, M"' Richard Randolph, M"" Reddick, M' Corbin, M"' Bland, and M'' Wormley. The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to confider the Governor's Speech: And after fome Time fpent therein, M' Speaker refumed the Chair: And M'' Conway reported. That the Committee had had the Governor's Speech under their Confideration, and had made fome Progrefs therein; but not having time to go through the fame, had directed him to move for Leave to fit







again refolve


into a


of the


Houfe, to confider further the Governor's Speech To-morrow.


then the Houfe adjoum'd

To-morrow Morning Eleven


Wednefday, April



Writ, having taken the Oaths appointed to be taken by Adt of Parliament, inftead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and taken and fubfcribed the Oath of Abjuration, and alfo the Teft, was admitted to his place in the Houfe. A Petition of Elizabeth Pritchet was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth. That her late Hufband, Andrew Pritchet, was a Soldier inlifted in his Majefty's

Member returned upon a new


on the


Expedition againft Carthagena, and died in the Weft-Indies; and

praying fuch Relief as to this Houfe fhall feem fit. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the next Seffion
of Affembly.


moved for leave

to prefent a Bill, for altering the Court

Day of


City County; and the fame was received, and read the firft Time, and Ordered to be read a second Time. M'' Fry moved for Leave to prefent a Bill, for prolonging the Time of the Sherifs continuing in their Offices And the Queftion being put thereupon,

Refolved in the Negative.

Conway, from the Committee of Privileges and Eledions, reported, That they under their Confideration, the Information made to this Houfe upon Return had had of the Writ for eledling Burgeffes to fen^e in this prefent General Affembly for the County of Lunenburg, to them referred; and had agreed upon a Report: Which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table; where the fame was again read, and is as follows It appears to this Committee, that the faid Writ iffued the 27 th Day of June, 1746, and was made returnable on Friday the Eleventh Day of July, then next following; but was not executed 'til the 29th Day of Auguft. That M"" Henry Embry, one of the Burgeffes returned for the faid County, at the Time of his Eledlion, was, and yet is, Sheriff of the County of Brunfwick. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the faid Writ, and the Execution thereof, are illegal and void. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, that M' Henry Embry, nor any

other Sheriff within this Colony,


capable of fitting or voting as a





of Burgeffes.

Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That M' Clement Reade and M' Henry Embry, are not duly ele(5led to ferve as Burgeffes in this prefent General Affembly for the County of Lunenburg. Then the Queftion being feverally put. That the Houfe do agree to the faid Refolutions ?

paffed in the Affirmative.

That the faid Writ, and the Execution thereof, are illegal and void. Refolved, That M"" Henry Embry, nor any other Sheriff within this Colony, is capable of fitting and voting as a Member of the Houfe of Burgeffes. Refolved, That M'' Clement Reade, and M"" Henry Embry, are not duly ele6ted to ferve as Burgeffes in this prefent General Affembly, for the County of Lunenburg. Ordered, That an Addrefs be made to the Governor, to order a new Writ to iffue, for Ele(a;ing Burgeffes to ferve in this prefent General Affembly, for the County of Lunenburg, in the Room of M"" Clement Reade, and M'' Henry Embry, who are not duly ele<aed; and that M^ Ludwell do wait on him with the faid Addrefs. A Bill, To impower the Veftry of the Parifh of Southam, in the County of Goochland, to fell the Glebe in the faid Parifh; and to purchafe a more convenient Glebe in Lieu thereof, was read a fecond Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be Ingroffed. A Bill, For altering the Court Day of Elizabeth City County, was read the Second Time; and committed to M"- Bland, Ruffin, M' Cocke, and the Members for Brunfwick. The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee, to confider further

the Governor's Speech:


fome Time fpent therein, M-- Speaker refumed the That the Committee had had the Governor's Speech under their Confideration, and had made a further Progrefs therein; but not having Time to go through the 'nme, they had diredled him to move for Leave to fit again. Refolved, That this Houfe will again refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to confider further the Governor's Speech To-morrow. M'






M' Power, from the Committee to whom the Addrefs was committed, reported, That they had made an Amendment thereto Which he read in his Place, and then dehvered the fame, with the Amendment, in at the Table; where it was again read, and agreed to by the Hovife, with fome Amendments, and is as follows:

His Majefty's moft dutiful and loyal Subjects, the Burgeffes of Virginia, in General Affembly, humbly beg Leave to return your Honour our hearty and unfeigned Thanks, for your affeftionate Speech to the Council and this Houfe: At the fame Time we declare our utter Deteftation of the horrid Machinations of those defperate Villains who fet Fire to the Capitol, and adore the Divine Providence for his gracious Interpofition, in cauling the Wind to fhift, fo that the Prefervation of the Records and Papers was happily accomplifhed the Loss of which, had it happened, muft have been irreparable; a Forenmner of endlefs Strife and Confufion, attended with many dreadful Confequences.


now met


this Occafion,

we hope

to manifeft the

fame Public

Spirit as ufual,



a good and

fufificient Edifice, for

Affemblies, a


the Meeting of our General Court and the General fo neceffary as to claim the Concurrence of this Houfe; and we

it To lay the Foimdation of a commodioufly fcituated for Navigation, will compleat the Glory of your Adminiftration, and tranfmit your Name with the higheft Liiftre to the lateft Ages: With what Pleafure then may we extend our Views thro' future Centuries, and anticipate the Happinefs provided for Pofterity! In a Matter of this Confequence, wherein the Advancement of Trade, and the Welfare of this Colony, fo evidently depend, we beg Leave to Affure your Honour, that we will proceed with all poffible Temper, Unanimity, and Difpatch, and not fuffer ourfelves to be diverted by any Motive or Confideration whatever, from fteadfaftly purfuing the true Intereft of our Country; which, in Conformity to your own great Example, and our indifpenfable Duty, fhall always be the firft and principal Objedl

fhall readily join in

the proper Meafures for effedling


City, to raife this Building in a Place


our Concern.

cannot omit this Opportunity, to congratulate your Honour upon yoxir Promotion to the Dignity of a Baronet which is a f refh Inftance of that tender Regard our moft gracious Sovereign has always fliewn for the Good of this Colony; as we are perfuaded it was intended by His Majefty, as a Mark of His Approbation for your




faithful Adminiftration.

That the faid Addrefs be fairly tranfcribed, and prefented to the Governor, by the Speaker and the whole Hovife. Ordered, That the Committee to whom the faid Addrefs was committed, do wait on the Governor, to know his Pleafure when the Houfe fhall attend him to prefent it. And then the Houfe adjourn 'd 'til To-morrow Morning Eleven o'Clock.

Thurfday, April 2, 1747.

a Claim of John Apperfon, for the fame Sendee a Claim of John Lane, for the fame Service a Claim of Charles Haynie, for the fame Service; were severally prefented to the Houfe, and received. Ordered, That the faid Claims be referred to the Confideration of the next Seffion of Affembly. M' Bland, from the Committee to whom the Bill, For altering the Court Day of
Elizabeth-City County


of Charles Waller, for

taking up a

Runaway Negro

therein mentioned:


was committed,


That the Committee had made



which they had directed him to report to the Houfe: And he read the report in his Place, and afterwards delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where the fame were twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. An Ingroffed Bill, intituled. An Ad, to impower the Veftry of the Parifh of Southam in the County of Goochland, to fell the Glebe in the faid Parifh; and to purchafe a more convenient Glebe in Lieu thereof, was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' William Randolph do carry the Bill to the Council, and defire



their Concurrence.

Power reported. That the Committee appointed, had, according to Order, waited Governor, to know his Pleafure when the Houfe fhould attend him with their on the Addrefs; and that he was pleafed to appoint To-morrow, and to fay he would fend a

Meffage to the Houfe when he was ready to receive it. The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee, to confider further the Governor's Speech: And after fome Time fpent therein, M'' Speaker refumed the Chair; and M'' Conway reported. That the Committee had had the Governor's Speech


imder their Conlideration, and had made a further Progrefs therein; but not having to go through the fame, they had diredled him to move for Leave to fit again. Refolved, That this Houfe will again refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to confider further the Governor's Speech To-morrow. And then the Houfe adjoum'd 'til To-morrow Morning Eleven o'Clock.

Friday, April 3, 1747.



of William Parks, Printer, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; praying for a Continuance of his Salary, allowed him the last Seffion of Affembly.

Pounds per Annum, be allowed William and as a full Recompence for printing and delivering Infpedtors Notes and Books, Notes and Receipts for the Duty on Slaves, and all other A(5ls of Government. Ordered, That M'' Conway do carry the faid Refolve to the Coimcil, and defire their

That the


of 280

Parks, Printer, from this


to the next Seffion of Affembly, for his Salary


W Speaker,

Meffage from the Governor, by



am commanded by

the Governor, to acquaint this Houfe, That this



now ready

to receive their Addrefs in the Council Chamber. Speaker, with the Houfe, went up accordingly; and being returned, reported. That he had, with the Houfe, attended the Governor in the Council Chamber, and

prefented the Addrefs of this Houfe to him

following Anfwer:

To which, he was
of Burgeffes,

pleafed to return the

M' Speaker, and Gentlemen

/ Return you

of the


Proof of your good Will towards me, and apparent in that fignal Inftance of Complaifance fo expreffcd in your congratulatory and polite Addrefs, to make my Example the Standard of your Attachment to the Trade and Welfare of our Country. And as you purpofe to manifeft your Zeal on this Occafion, by laying the Foundation of our Future Happine fs in a Place
for the

Satisfadion under

my hearty Thanks my Adminiftration;

more convenient


Commerce, I don't doubt but you'll endeavor

to eftablifh it

upon fuch

equitable Principles as will procure a general Approbation.

BUT whatever fhall be the Event of the Deliberation of this Affembly, as my attention,
all other Confiderations,

has been conftantly employed in the Service, and for the


Intereft, of Virginia,

and in every Article of my Duty I have aded, and ever fhall ad, according to the Didates of my own Judgment and Confcience, determined, if poffible, to avoid Difpleafure, rather than fond of courting Favour, I may be allowed to hope, my Name will
he tranfmitted with




to Pofterity.

M"- Fry moved for Leave to prefent a Bill, to enable the Sherifs of the Counties of Fairfax and Albemarle, to hold their Offices for finifhing the Colledlion this prefent Year;

and the fame was



and read the


Time; and Ordered to be read a Second

An Ingroffed Bill, intituled, An Ad, for altering the Court Days of Elizabeth-City and Surry Counties, was read the Third Time, and the Blanks in the Bill filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M^ Reddick carry the faid Bill to the Council, and defire their Concurrence.


to enable the Sherifs of the Counties of Fairfax

and Albemarle, to hold


Offices for finifhing the Colledlion this prefent Year,

was read the Second Time.



That the


be Ingroffed.
to Order, refolved itfelf into a

The Houfe, according

therein, M"' Speaker

to take into their further Confideration the Governor's Speech

whole Houfe, And after fome Time fpent

of the

refumed the Chair; and M' Conway reported. That the Committee had made fome further Progrefs therein but not having Time to go through the fame, had diredled him to move for Leave to fit again. Refolved, That this Houfe will agin refolve itfelf into a Committee, to confider further the Governor's Speech To-morrow. And then the Houfe adjourn 'd 'til To-morrow Morning Eleven o'Clock.

Saturday, April ^y i747'



Thotnas Penman, for taking up a


therein mentioned,


prefented to the Houfe, and received.


That the

faid Claim be referred to the Confideration of the next

Seffion of Affembly.



Bill, intituled,

An Ad,


enable the Sherifs of the Counties of Fairfax

and Albemarle, to hold their Offices for finifhing the Colledion this prefent Year, was read the Third Time; and a Blank in the Bill filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Fry do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. A Meffage from the Council, by M"' Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, to impower the Veftry of the Parifh of Southam, in the County of Goochland, to fell the Glebe in the faid Parifh; and to pur chafe a more convenient Glebe in Lieu thereof, with fome Amendments; to which they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe. AKo, that they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for altering the Court Days of Elizabeth-City and Surry Counties, without any Amendment. The Houfe immediately proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendments propofed by the Council, to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, to impower the Veftry of the Parifh of Southam, in the County of Goochland, to fell the Glebe in the faid Parifh; and to purchafe a more convenient Glebe in Lieu thereof; and the fame were read, and agreed to by the



William Randolph do go up with a Meffage to the Council, and ac-

quaint them, That this Houfe have agreed to the

faid Bill.

Amendments by them made

to the

The Houfe, according

to Order, refolved


into a

to confider further the Governor's



Committee of the whole Houfe, fome Time fpent therein, M''



Speaker refumed the Chair; and M' Conway reported from the Committee, That they had had the Go\^emor's Speech under their Confideration, and had gone through the fame; and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon, which they had direded him to report, when the Houfe will pleafe to receive the fame.

That the Report be received on Monday next. That this Houfe be called over on Monday next. And then the Houfe adjoum'd 'til Monday Morning Eleven o'Clock.
Ordered, Ordered,

Monday, April




Order of the


being read, the Houfe was called over, and the

of the abfent

Members were again called over, and Excufes made for fome them, which were allowed. Ordered, That M'' William Baker, for abfenting himfelf from the Service

taken into Cuftody of the Serjeant at Arms. M"' Rufpn informed the Houfe, That no Court for the Proof of Public Claims had been held for the County of Surry, but that feveral Claimants had proved their refpedlive Claims before a Juftice and moved, That the faid Claims might be received And they were received accordingly, and referred to the Confideration of the next Seffion of
of this Houfe, be
; :



Ruffin alfo informed the Houfe, That by a Miftake in the Proportion for the of Surry, the Sheriff had been obliged to pay Jofeph-John Clinch 1 60 Pounds of

Nett Tobacco, levied in that County, on John Hall, who lived in Amelia County, and moved. That an account thereof might be received: And the faid Account was accordingly received, and referred to the Confideration of the next Seffion of Affembly. M' Conway, according to Order, reported from the Committee of the whole Houfe, to whom the Governor's Speech was referred, the Refolutions which the Committee had directed him to report Which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table where the fame were read, and are as foUoweth Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Place wherein a Building for holding General Affemblies and General Courts, was dire(5led to be built by an A(5t, passed in the Eleventh Year of the late King William, and confirmed by another A(5l, made in the Fourth Year of Queen Anne, is very remote from the far greateft Part of the Inhabitants of this Colony, and by Experience has been found altogether unfit for Trade and Navigation; and that it will be grievous and bvirthenfome to the faid



the faid Building fhould be repaired or continued in the Place

the Opinion of this Committee, That

by the


Adls diredled.


it is



be for the General

Benefit of this Colony, that a Building for holding General Affemblies Courts, be eredled in a Place convenient to the Inhabitants,

and General and Commodious for Trade

and Navigation. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That a Town be eftabUfhed on fome convenient Place on York River, or the Branches thereof; and that a Building for holding General Courts and General Affemblies, be eredled in the faid Town. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That it will be Commodious for Trade and Navigation, and convenient for the People, that the faid Town be eftablifhed, and the faid Building eredled, on the Lands of William Gray, and New-Year Smith, on Pamunkey Rver, a Branch of York River. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Sum of 2000 Povmds Current Money, be paid to the faid William Gray, and the Sum of 300 Pounds Current Money, to the faid New-Year Smith, as a full Compenfation for their feveral Tradls of



it is

be laid out in Lots and Streets for the faid for that Purpofe.

the Opinion of this Committee, That 400 Acres of the faid Land Town; and that a Committee be appointed

to lay off the faid To-wn in Lots

the Opinion of this Committee, That the Committee appointed and Streets, be empowered to agree with Workmen to undertake the Public Buildings; and that a Sum not exceeding 12,000 Pounds, be
it is


raifed, for

defraying that Expence.

it is the Opinion of this Committee, That towards railing the faid Poimds, a Duty of One Shilling be laid on ever>^ Hogfhead of Tobacco, exported out of this Colony, to be paid by the Exporter; and a Duty of 20 Shillings on every Coach and Chariot, of 10 Shillings on every Four Wheel Chaife, and 5 Shillings on every Two Wheel Chaife. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That fome Allowance be made to




of 12,000

the Inhabitants of the City of Williamsburg,

of the Seat of

by the Removal Government. The Firft and Second Refolutions being read a Second Time, and the Queftion being feverally put. That the Houfe do agree to the faid Refolutions?
are like to be Sufferers


Refolved in the Affirmative.

The Third Refolution being read a Second Time, A Motion was made. That an Amendment be made thereto, by ftriking out the Word (York,) and inferting (James:) And after a Debate, the Queftion being put thereupon.

paffed in the Negative.

faid Refolution?

Then the Queftion being


That the Houfe do agree to the

Refolved in the Affirmative.

The Fourth Refolution being read a Second Time, A Motion was made. That an Amendment be made to the faid Refolution, by ftriking out the Words {William Gray, and New-Year Smith,) and inferting (Newcaftle Town, and Meriwether's And the Queftion being put thereupon.


paffed in the Negative.

Then the Houfe was moved. That the Words (on the Lands of William Gray and New-Year Smith, on Pamunkey River, a Branch of York River,) be ftruck out of the faid Refolution, and that the Words (at Weft-Point, on York River,) be inferted And

the Queftion being put thereupon.


paffed in the Negative. the Queftion being put, That the Houfe do agree to the faid Refolution?

Refolved in the Affirmative.

Refolutions being read a Second Time, and the Queftion being feverally put, That the Houfe do agree to the faid Refolutions?
reft of the faid

Refolved in the Affirmative.


That a


be brought in purfuant to the Refolutions of the faid Committee;

and that M'

M' Fry,

M^ Whiting, M"- Braxton, and M"' Bland, do prepare and bring in the fame. And then the Houfe adjoum'd 'til To-morrow Morning Eleven o'Clock.
M"" Corbin,

Carter, M'' Richard Randolph, M'' Beverley, M"" Power,

Tuefday, April 7, 1747.



of old Iron, Lead,


Bell-Metal, faved out of the Ruins of the

was prefented to the Houfe, and thereupon That M"' Benjamin Waller be impowered to fell -the above-mentioned Things; and that he defray the Expence of faving them, out of the Money arifing from fuch Sale, and pay the Overplus into the Treafury.


A Meffage from

the Council, by

M' Walthoe:

That they have agreed to the Refolve, for allowing William Parks, Printer, the Sum of 280 Pounds per Annum, from this Time to the next Seffion of Affembly, for his Salary and as a full Recompence for Printing and delivering Infpedors Notes and Books, Notes and Receipts for the Duty on Slaves, and all other Adls of Government. And that they have agreed to the Ingroffed Bill, intituled. An Ad, to enable the Sherifs of the Counties of Fairfax and Albemarle, to hold their Offices for finifhing the Colledion this prefent Year, with an Amendment to which they defire the Concurrence

of this

Houfe. the Houfe took the faid Amendment into their immediate Confideration and being read, was agreed to by the Houfe. the fame Ordered, That M"' Fry do go up with a Meffage to the Council, and acquaint them,


Amendment by them made to the faid Bill. Townfhend Dade, was prefented to the Houfe and read praying that a Ferry may be appointed from his Land, in the County of Stafford, over to Maryland. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the next Seffion
that this Houfe have agreed to the

Petition of


Affembly. And then the Houfe adjourn 'd


To-morrow Morning Eleven


ffednefday, April ^^ '747*

The Houfe met, and adjourned

To-morrow Morning Eleven


Thurfday, April 9, 1747.


Carter prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a


for eftablifhing

Town on Pamunkey


and other Purpofes

therein mentioned


and read the firft Time. Then a Motion was made, That the faid Bill be read a Second Time; and after a Debate, the Queftion being put thereupon, the Houfe divided. Noes go forth. Noes 28 Yeas 47 It pa ffed in the Affirmative. Ordered, That the Bill be read a Second Time. A Petition of the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen, Common-Council, and other Inhabitants of the City of Williamsburg, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, That they are informed a Bill is brought into the Houfe for removing the Seat of Government, suggefting feveral Reafons againft the Removal thereof, and praying that they may be heard by their Council before the Houfe, againft the paffing the
the fame
faid Bill.

Then a Motion was made. That the

read accordingly.

Petition be read a Second Time;

their Council at the




That the Petitioners be heard by


of the Houfe,

that Part of the Bill relating to the at the Second reading thereof.



the Seat of Government,



then the Houfe adjoum'd


To-morrow Morning Eleven

Friday, April 10, 1747.

Claim of Jofeph Waugh, was prefented to the Houfe, and received. Ordered, That the faid Claim be referred to the Confideration of the next Seffion of Affembly.


An Ad,

for allowing Fairs to be kept in the

moved for Leave to prefent a Bill, for reviving the Adl, intituled. Town of Fredericksburg; and the fame was
Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time.


and read the




Upon a motion made,

committed to

the faid Bill was immediately read a Second Time;



Richard Randolph, M^ Boiling,



William Waller, and

Petition of

That her

Anne Harrifon, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; letting forth, Hufband died on the Expedition againft Carthagena, and praying the ConThat the
faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the next Seffion

fideration of the Hoiife therein.



Motion being made, That the Bill, for eftablifhing a Town on Pamunkey River, and other Purpofes therein mentioned, be read a Second Time? M"' Benjamin Waller informed the Houfe, That the Council againft the Bill were attending at the Door and they being called in, M'' Speaker fpoke to them as follows



Petition from the Corporation of the City of Williamsburg, was prefented to the Yefterday, praying that they might he heard by their Council, againft a Bill depend-

ing in thts Houfe, for Removing the Seat of Government, which this Houfe has granted: And I am to acquaint you, that you have Liberty to offer your Objedions againft the Bill,
fo far as

relates to that Matter.

Then the Bill was read, and the Council againft it were heard; and being withdrawn, M' Speaker opened the Bill, and a Motion was made, That the Bill be committed And

the Queftion being put thereupon.


paffed in the Negative.

Then an Amendment was made to the



by the Houfe

and the Queftion being

That the


be Ingroffed, the Houfe divided. Noes go forth. Noes 34 Yeas 42


Refolved in the Affirmative.


then the Houfe adjourn 'd

To-morrow Morning Eleven


Saturday, April 11, 1747.

Ingroffed Bill, intituled, An Ad, for Eftablifhing a Town on Pamtmkey River; and otlier Purpofes therein mentioned, was read the Third Time; and the Blanks in the Bill filled up And the Queftion being put, That the Bill do pass? The Houfe divided. Noes go forth. Noes 33 It paffed in the Affirmative. Yeas 43


That the Bill do pafs. That M' Carter carry the Bill to the Council, and defire their Concurrence. And then the Houfe adjourn 'd 'til Tuefday Morning Eleven o'Clock.

Tuefday, April 14, 1747.


William Waller, from the Committee to

to he

whom the

Bill, for

reviving the Adt,

for allowing Fairs


That the

Town of Fredericksburg, was committed, made feveral Amendments thereto: had Committee
kept in the

Which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at fame were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed.

the Table; where the


M' Speaker, and Gentlemen

written Meffage from the Governor, by M' Walthoe: of the Houfe of Burgeffes,

Report of your Committee, appointed to purcliafe Arms, Cloaths, and Provifions, for the Company raifed in Virginia laft Summer, for the Expedition againft Canada, you Txnll find the Money yon were plea fed to give, is all expended: And as thofe Soldiers




in His Mafefty's Service,


it is


to fore fee


they will be difcharged,

imdemanded their what may be further for Ufe. power your Committee to fupply them with The Houfe took the faid Meffage into their immediate Confideration and thereupon Refolved, That an humble Addrefs be prefented to the Governor, to acquaint him, that the Commiffioners have not yet made their Report; but that this Houfe are of Opinion, that the Money already given for that Service, will fully anfwer the Purpofes




acquaint you with


and I hope you

will take this Opportunity to

intended by this Houfe.

That M' Conway, Mr Benjamin Waller, and M' Bland, do immediately withdraw, and prepare the fame. And then the Houfe adjoum'd 'til To-morrow Morning Eleven o'Clock.

IFednefday, April

15, 1747.


Conway reported, That the Perfons appointed, had, according to Order, prepared an humble Addrefs to the Governor; which they had diredled him to report to the Houfe: And he read the fame in his Place, and after- u wards delivered it in at the Table; where it was again read, and agreed to

by the Houfe, and

as follows:


His Majefty's moft dutiful and loyal Subjects, The Burgeffes of Virginia, ha^'ing had under our Confideration your Honour's written Meffage, fent to this Houfe Yefterday, concerning the Soldiers raifed in this Colony laft

summer, for His Majefty's Service, on. the intended Expedition againft Canada, humbly beg Leave to acquaint your Honour, That the Commiffioners appointed to apply the Money given by Act of Affembly laft Seffion, towards defraying the Expence of Inlifting, Arming, Cloathing, Victualling, and Tranfporting fuch Soldiers, have not as yet made their Report to this Houfe; and further to inform your Honour, That we are humbly of Opinion, the Sum of Four Thoufand Poimds, given by the faid A(5t, is fufficient to anfwer the Purpofes then intended by this Houfe. Ordered, That the Perfons who prepared the faid Addrefs, do wait on the Governor with the fame.


Carter Burwell


after a Debate, the Queftion being

Leave to bring in a Bill, for rebuilding the Capitol: put thereupon, the Houfe divided. Yeas go forth. Yeas 26 Noes 45


Refolved in the Negative.

for the Prefervation of the

W Secretary Nelfon moved

Refolved in


Leave to bring

PubUc Records

a Bill, for ere<5luig a Building of this Colony; and the Queftion being put


Secretary Nelfon, M-- Benjamin Waller, and M' Carter, do prepare and bring in the fame. A Motion being made, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, for appointing Perfons to view the Places and Landings on Pamunkey River, and on James River, from the Falls to the Mouth of Appamattox And the Queftion being put thereupon, the Houfe divided,



Yeas go

Yeas 40 Noes 31

Refolved in the Affirmative.

That M' Carter, and M"^ Power, do prepare and bring in the fame. William Randolph moved for Leave to prefent a Bill, for paying the Burgeffes Wages in Money, for this prefent Seffion of Affembly: And the fame was received, and read the Firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time. M'' Carter, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill, for appointing Perfons to view the Places and Landings on Pamunkey River, and on James River, from the Falls to the Mouth of Appamattox And the fame was received, and read the Firft Time and Ordered to be read a Second Time.



Bill, intituled,

An Ad,

for reviving

and amending



for allowing


be kept in the


of Fredericksburg and Richmond, was read the third

Time and a Blank in the Bill filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' William Waller do carry the

Bill to the Council, for their


Bill, for paying the Burgeffes Wages in Money, for this prefent Seffion of Affemwas read the Second Time. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed. A Claim of Henry Brown, for taking up two Rimaways therein mentioned, was prefented to the Houfe, and received. Ordered, That the said Claim be referred to the Confideration of the next Seffion




And then

the Houfe adjourned


To-morrow Morning Eleven


Thurfday, April 16, 1747.



Bill, intituled,

for this prefent Seffion of

An Ad, for paying the Burgeffes Wages in Money, A ffembly, was read the Third Time and the Blanks

in the Bill filled up.


Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. That M' William Randolph carry the

Bill to the Cotmcil,


defire their


A Bill, for appointing Perfons to view the Places and Landings on Pamunkey River, and on James River, from the Falls to the Mouth of Appamattox, was read the Second Time. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed. M"" Conway reported, That the Perfons appointed, had, according to Order, prefented to the Governor, the Addrefs of this Houfe, in Relation to his Honour's written



that he was pleafed to say, he was well pleafed with the Addrefs, but
differed in Opinion with him.

was forry the Houfe

M*" Secretary Nelfon, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe, a Bill, for ere<5ling a Building for the Prefervation of the Public Records and Papers of this Colony; and

the fame was received,


and read the

That the Bill Ludwell, was read accordingly; and committed to M'' Secretary Nelfon, M' Carter, M"" Hedgman, M' Beverley, M^ Richard Randolph, and M"' Benjamin Waller. M' Secretary Nelfon reported from the Committee to whom the Bill, for erecting a Building for the Prefervation of the Public Records and Papers of this Colony was committed, That they had made feveral Amendments to the Bill, which he was directed to report to the Houfe: And he read the report in his Place, and then delivered the fame in at the Table; where it was again read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed.

Firft Time. immediately read a Second Time. be





An Ad, for appointing Perfons to view the Places and on James River, from the Falls to the Mouth of Appaand Landings on Pamunkey mattox, was read the Third Time, and the Blanks in the Bill filled up And the Queftion being put, That the Bill do pafs ? The Houfe divided. Noes go forth. Noes 20 Yeas 44
Bill, intituled,



paffed in the Affirmative.

defire their Concurrence.


That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M^ Carter carry the

Bill to

the Council,


An Ingroffed Bill, intituled, An Ad, for ereding a Building for the Prefervation was read the Third Time, and an Amendof the Public Records and Papers of this Colony, filled up. therein Blank and a Bill, the to ment made


That the Bill do pafs. That M' Secretary Nelfon carry the

Bill to

the Council, and defire their


That the feveral Sums

following, be paid to the feveral Officers of the

General Affembly, refpedlively. To Peter Randolph, Clerk of the Houfe of Burgeffes, To Nathaniel Walthoe, Clerk of the General Affembly,


70 o o 30 o o

To George Webb, for his Services this Seffion, To the Rev. M'' Thomas Dawfon, Chaplain, To Thotnas Hall, Serjeant at Arms, To John Collet, Doorkeeper of the Council, To William Francis, To James Lame, Doorkeepers to ^ To Robert Wager, f To Thomas Broadribb, )

2500 1500
30 o o

the Houfe, each,

defire their




Carter carry the said Refolve to the Council,


And then the Houfe adjourn 'd


To-morrow Morning Eleven


Friday, April 17, 1747.



there be a call of the


Houfe To-morrow.



Baylor have Leave to be abfent from the Sennce of


the Houfe.


then the Houfe adjoum'd

To-morrow Morning Ten


Saturday, April 18, 1747.



a Committee be appointed to examine the Inrolled Bills, of the following Perfons: M' Whiting, M' Braxton, Richard Cocke, M"" Bland, M^ William Waller, and M' Lomax.

Ordered, That the Call of the Houfe be referred 'til Monday next. Meffage from the Council, by M'' Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for reviving and amending Ads, for allowing Fairs to be kept in the Towns of Fredericksburg, and Richmond:

this prefent Seffion of

An Ad, for paying the Burgeffes Wages in Money, Affembly: Also to the Refolve, for paying the Officers Salaries; without any Amendment.
Alfo to the
Bill, intituled.



Bill, intituled, An Ad, for ereding a Building Public Records and Papers of this Colony, with an Amendment; to which they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe. The Houfe took the faid Amendment into their immediate Confideration and the


that they have agreed to the

for the Prefervation of the

fame being read, was difagreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That M'' Carter do go up with a Meffage to the Council, and acquaint them. That this Houfe cannot agree to the Amendment by them propofed to the faid Billand defire they will pafs the Bill, without the Amendment. A Meffage from the Council, by M'' Walthoe: That they inlift on their Amendment to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for ereding a Building for the Prefervation of the Public Records and Papers of this Colony and defire this Houfe will pafs the Bill, with the Amendment. The Houfe took the faid Meffage into their immediate Confideration; and thereupon Refolved, That this Houfe doth adhere to their Difagreement to the faid Amend;




Bland do go up with a Meffage to the Coimcil, and acquaint them


Meffage from the Coimcil, by M"' Walthoe: defire an immediate free Conference, upon the fubjed Matter of their Amendment to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for ereding a Building for the Prefervation of the Public Records and Papers of this Colony; and have appointed Three of their Members Managers, to meet fuch Members as fhall be appointed Conferees by this Houfe, in the Room adjoining to the Council Chamber.

That they

That the Houfe doth agree to the faid Conference. Ordered, That M'' Richard Randolph, M'' Carter, M' Bland, M"" Beverley, M' Braxton, and M'' Whiting, do acquaint the Coimcil therewith; and that they are appointed Managers for this Houfe, and are ready to enter upon an immediate Conference with the Managers by them appointed: And they withdrew accordingly; and being returned, M"' Randolph reported the Conference. Refolved, That a Conference be defired with the Council, upon the subjedl Matter of the last Conference and that the Managers for this Houfe do acquaint the Managers for the Council, that fome of the Reafons by them given for the Councils infifting on their Amendment to the BiU, intituled, An Ad, for ereding a Building for the Prefervation of the Public Records and Papers of this Colony, appear to be so very extraordinary and foreign to the Purpofe, that this Houfe doth expecft they will, according to the regular

Method, deliver them


in Writing.

That the Managers of the laft Conference do manage this; and that they do go up to the Council and defire a Conference, purfuant to the Refolution for that

the Managers withdrew; and being returned, M' Randolph reported. That the Conferees for the Houfe had met the Conferees for the Council, in the Room adjoining to the Council Chamber, and had acquainted them with the Refolution of this Houfe; and that they anfwered, they would inform the Council of


Meffage from the Council, by M' Walthoe:


That they

an immediate Conference, upon the


Matter of the


That this Houfe doth agree to the faid Conference. That the Managers of the laft Conference do manage this and that they acquaint the Coimcil, that this Houfe have agreed to the Conference by them defired. And the Managers withdrew; and being returned, M' Randolph reported, That the Managers for this Houfe had met the Managers for the Council, who told them that the Council were of Opinion, That the Reafons given by their Managers at the firft Conference, for their infifting on their Amendment to the



For ereding a Building for the Prefervation of the Public Records and Papers of this Colony, were so plain and short, that it was unnecessary to commit them to writing.

Refolved, Netnine Contradicente,

the conftant Practice of Parliament, at the firft Conference on any Matter, to deliver the Reafons for agreeing or difagreeing to fuch Matter, in Writing; and that the Council, in refufing to do so, have departed from that Pra<5lice; and thereby inter-


it is

rupted that

Harmony which


and always ought, to


between them and


M' Whiting reported. That the Committee appointed, had, according to Order, examined the InroUed Bills and had redified fuch Miftakes as had been found therein


that they are truly Inrolled.




Whiting do carry the Inrolled


Bills to

the Council, for their In-


A Meffage from the Council, by M"'

That they have

infpe(5led the Inrolled Bills;

and are

fatisfied that

they are truly

Meffage from the Governor, by



of this


The Governor commands the immediate Attendance



in the Council



Speaker and the Houfe went up accordingly; and the Governor was pleafed
for reviving

to give his affent to the following Bills.



and amending the Ads, for allowing Fairs to be kept in the Towns Fredericksburg and Richmond. An Ad, to impower the Veftry of the Parifh of Southam, in the County of Goochland, fell the Glebe Land in the faid Parifh; and to purchafe a more convenient Glebe in Lieu

An Ad,


An Ad, An Ad,

for altering the



of Elizabeth-City

enable the Sherifs of the Counties of Fairfax

and Surry Counties. and Albemarle, to hold


Offices for finifhing the Colledion this prefent Year.

An Ad, for paying the Burgeffes Wages in Money, for this prefent Seffion of Affembly.
The Governor alfo gave his Affent to the following Refolve of the Houfe of Burgeffes, which the Council had agreed to, viz. That the Sum of 280 Pounds per Annum, be allowed William Parks, Printer, from this Time to the next Seffion of Affembly, for his Salary and as a full Recompence, for printing and delivering Infpedors Notes and Books, Notes and Receipts for the Duty on Slaves, and all other Adls of Government.
Alfo to the Refolve for paying the feveral Officers of the General Affembly.


then made the following Speech:

Gentlemen of the Council,

M' Speaker,

and Gentlemen

of the


of Burgeffes,

IT various

my Duty, and has always been my Endeavour, to conciliate the Opinions with which, in many, if not in all Cases, the Welfare of the Country is unavoidably embarraffed.


Reconciliation, laudible as it soimds, has its Limits; and muft, in Difputes, relating to the Public Good, be confined to the Judgment every Member u makes of the Prudence of the Means offered to promote it ; the undoubted Privilege of


both Houfes.

AND forasmuch as no other Caufe can, or ought, to be affigned, for the diverfity of
Sentiments in the momentous Struggle, to extend the Commerce and quicken the Profperity of the Colony, by removing, with thofe Views, the Seat of Government, to a more commodious Situation; Moderation fhould have difarmed Refentment, and induced a Compliance to relieve the General Misfortune you were fummoned to redrefs.


Mifcarriage of fo important a Bill, you muft allow me to fay, can be no folid Excufe for leaving his Majefty vmprovided with a proper Place for holding his Courts of Law; nor juftify the feeming Difregard to the Honour of the Crown, and the preffmg
Diftrefs of the Subjedt in their legal Profecutions.
of having called you however, comfort myfelf with the Hopes, that, after revolving in your Retirement, the Motives and Objedlions on both Sides the Question, you will, another Seflion, cordially tmite, either in repairing the old, or in building




muft now acquiefce vmder the Difappointment

I fhall,

together to so


a new Capitol.
it only remains for me to acquaint thought fit to prorogue this Affembly to the Fifth Thurfday in July you, that I have next; and this Affembly is accordingly prorogued to that Time.

WITH wifhing of you Health and Contentment,





College^ in

at the

begun and held Williamsburg, on Thurfday,

Twenty Seventh Day of October, in the Twenty Second Year of the Reign of our

Sovereign Lord

GEORGE H. by the Grace of

God, of Great-Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. and in the Year of our Lord 1748.

Printed by





Thurfday, October 27, 1748.

SEVENTY Two Members took the Oaths appointed to be

taken by Adt of Parliament, inftead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and took and fubfcribed the Oath of Abjuration; and alfo subfcribed the Teft. A Meffage from the Governor, was delivered by M"" Walthoe:

Gentlemen of the Houfe of Burgeffes, The Governor commands your immediate Attendance in the Council-Chamber Accordingly the Hoiofe went up and the Governor was pleafed to fay. Gentlemen of the Houfe of Burgeffes, Yo-u muft return again to your Houfe, and proceed to the Choice of a Speaker. And being returned, M'' Carter put the Houfe in Mind of the Governor's Command, to proceed to the Choice of a Speaker; and did nominate and recommend M"^ John Robinfon, who was Speaker of the former Affembly, and had difcharged that Office with Honour and Reputation. Then M'' Wormeley propofed M"' Carter, of whofe Abilities the Houfe had had fufficient


And M"^ Benjamin Waller moved that M'' Ludwell might be Eledled; and recommended him as a Gentleman of known Ability and Integrity, and entirely equal to that Truft. After a Debate, the Queftion was put by the Clerk; and M"' Robinfon being chofe Speaker, was, by Two Members, conduced to the Chair from whence he made a Speech to the Houfe, exprefling the juft Senfe he had of the Honour the Houfe had conferred upon him, acknowledging his particular Satisfaction in their Approbation, and declaring his Dependence upon the Houfe for their Advice and Affiftance. Ordered, That a Meffage be fent to the Governor, to acquaint him. That this Houfe have made Choice of a Speaker, and to know his Pleafure when they fhall attend to prefent him And that M' Carter, M' Wormeley, M' Hedgman, and M"" Reddick, do carry

the faid Meffage.

They accordingly withdrew; and being returned, M' Carter reported. That the Governor was pleafed to fay, he would fignify his Pleafure to the Houfe in that Matter by a Meffenger.

A Meffage

from the Governor, was delivered by



It is the Governor's Pleafure, that the

Houfe immediately

him in

the Council-

Zhamher, and prefent their Speaker.

The Houfe, in Obedience to the Governor's command, went up to the Councilhamber, and prefented their Speaker; and the Governor was pleafed to declare his Approbation of their Choice.



Speaker, in Behalf of the Houfe, petitioned the Governor, That they might enjoy their ancient Rights and Privileges, f uch as Freedom of Speech and Debate, Exemptions from Arrefts, and Protedions for their Eftates That they may have Power over



their own Members, and fole Right of determining their own Elections And laftly, for himfelf, that his Miftakes might not be imputed to the Houfe. To which the Governor anfwered. That he fhould take Care to preferve the Houfe in thefe and all other their juft Rights and Privileges. And being returned, M' Speaker reported. That the Houfe had attended the Governor in the Council-Chamber, and prefented their Speaker; that he was pleafed to approve of their Choice, and then made a Speech to the Council and this Houfe; of which he had, to prevent Miftake, obtained a Copy: Which he read, and afterwards delivered in at

the Table



was again read, and


as follows

Gentlemen of the Council,


Speaker, and Gentlemen of the Houfe of Burgeffes,


not any Thing more conducive to our Common Intereft, than a mutual Agreement between both Houfes, yet it is an Obfervation the ufual Harmony of our Af femblies would have reftrained Me from making, even after a new Election, had it not been, muft I fay? unfortimately difcontinued the




you may accrue the Applaufe of reftoring it in this. For, fmce by an Event as pernicious to the Government as the moft inveterate Oppofition, you are fully convinced that the Happinefs we are deputed to procure, can be derived only from Union, the Nourifher of all Social Virtues I am encouraged to hope the very preffing Neceffity for Ere(5ling a Royal Edifice, which I am obliged with uncommon Eameftnefs Indeed, when to recommend to you, will, at leaft, moderate all future Controverfy. I confider, that we are not only deprived of commodious Apartments for your Reception, but deftitute of a Court for the Adminiftration of juftice; which, as our Sovereign's Prefence is always to be prefumed in the Exercife of his Authority, require Decency in their Strudlure and Forms, as well as Re(5titude in the Managers of their Proceedings; and that thefe Defedts imdoubtedly demand the chief Attention of the Legiflature; I have a greater Degree of Affurance, that, when this important and affedling Debate shall be refumed, fuch Motives will induce you unanimoufly to concur in fpeedily
laft Seffion,



redreffmg fo extenfive a Grievance.


becaufe Providence, lince our


Meeting, feems to have interpofed with a

Defign of diverting our Thoughts from the Purfuit of every diftant Scheme; give
briefly to explain


and urge the Force

of that Sentiment, without fuing for

fhall infpire.

other Conceffions than what your

own Prudence



being intirely purged from the Virulency of the Small-Pox,




here a City of Refuge for


who are anxious

of efcaping that malignant Difeafe; Ji

from which, as we may reafonably apprehend it will be fome Years before the Colony will be totally exempted, what lefs ferious Refledlion can fo awakening a Circumftance fuggest to Us, than how we fhall avail ourfelves of this Difpenfation ? For Inftance, whether in this Extremity we fhall preferve in our ruling Principle, the Good of the whole Country, and build in this Place of Safety where we are f ure the Frame of ouri excellent Conftitution, worthy of our utmoft Caution, will be imder the regular and, iminterrupted Protedlion of the Wifdom of our Affemblies, and the Juftice of out General Courts and where the moft timid of our inhabitants may attend and profecuteM | their Bufmefs with either, fearlefs of Contagion in an Air fo well purified? or whether wej fhall remove to another Situation, where, the fame Caufe producing the fame Effe(ft| and High and Low terrified with the Dread of Infe<5lion, we are no lefs fure, all Author, ity and Power muft be again fufpended; the Government, in the Abfence of its Guard ians, expofed to infupportable Difficulties; and the Subje(5l made liable to the additiona Vexation of the like expenfive Delays they fuifer'd during the late Vifitation?


Confiderations I freely own, have made Me an Advocate for building upoi the old Foundation And as you have the fame Right to judge for Yourfelves, I muf



them to you to be weighed and difcuffed; not doubting, if this Reafoning fhould approved by the People without Doors, which, from the natural Defire of all Men to be Self-prefervation, may well be expecfted, it will, for their Sakes, have a due Influence upon you whofe Propenfions, I am fatisfied, are diredted to fuch Refolutions as fhall be deemed mof t beneficial to the Public Weal wherein however, the fettled Difcipline of our Eftablifhment is principally to be adhered to.

Gentlemen, when fuch cogent Reafons invite on one Side, and the imminent Danger of the Return of o fevere a Calamity deter on the other; when, granting the Svifpicion only probable, you have full Scope to gratify your laudable Intentions, and in all Likelihood to obtain a general Acquiefence; furely, without attempting to determine you by Divine Speculations, I may be allowed to fuppofe it impoffible for you, in a concern fo interefting and univerfal, to hefitate in making the happier



PROMPTED by the fame fmcere and ardent Zeal for your Profperity in Trade,


next to put you in Mind,

how much


behoves you to be Angularly careful of your

Exports, particularly Tobacco; by compelling the Infpedlors to a pvinftual Difcharge

of their

Duty; which the many Complaints at Home, and from Abroad, abundantly fome of them have moft fhamefuUy and fcandaloufly neglected.

Committee for the Revifal of the Laws, having perform'd their laborious Tafk and prepared a Work for you to finifh, which, with the other Matters that muft imavoidably fall under your Deliberations, will require a confiderable Time to perfecfb. Patience and Application will make the beft Difpatch.
Gentlemen of the Houfe
of Burgeffes,



Prifoners on board the Captures brought hither

for the Tranfportation of

by His Majefty's



other Veffels with Letters of Mart, having for their Sublitance during as fhort a Stay as

moft of them to the French and Spanifh Settlements, to be exchanged, put the Coimtry to fome Charge; I truft the Accounts, when laid before you, will be fotmd conliftent with the Rules of Frugality, and the Meafure And as we are all of us fenfible, the feveral of Humanity which is due to an Enemy. without a Subfidy, be defrayed by the Funds Services I have recommended to you, can't, already appropriated I fhall readily give my Confent to any Aid you fhall think fit to conftitute for fatisfying fuch Demands, being perfuaded the moft equitable Means will


be preferred.


of the Council,

and Houfe

of Burgeffes,

have adapted to reconcile you to the firft and grand Article of this Speech, are the Refult of the moft ferious MeditaI have tion, and the Advice of a Mind always difpofed to advance your real Felicity with to refolve, you prevailing of only to hope they will have the conciliating Virtue without Delay, upon the Execution of the momentous Point, on which our future Tran;

AFTER folemnly protefting, that the Arguments

quility apparently depends.

Example of Refignation to our fupi-eme Benefador; fo dutiful a Honour of our Sovereign; and fuch an illuftrious Proof of a tender Affedlion for your Fellow -Subjedls, will intitle Us to the moft honourable Reputation. Refolved, That an humble Addrefs be made to the Governor, to thank his Honour to affure him that we will for his affedionate Speech to the Council and this Houfe carefully endeavour to anfwer the Expeftations he is pleafed to entertain of us, by promoting, in every Particular, as far as we are able, the Honour of our Sovereign,
pious an



for the

and the true


Intereft of our Cotmtry.

That a Committee be appointed, to draw up an Addrefs to upon the faid Refolution and it is referred to M' Ludwell, M' Secretary, Wormeley, M'' Benjamin Waller, and M' Attorney, to prepare and bring in Refolved, That this Houfe will take the Governor's Speech into To-morrow.

the Governor,




the fame.


Ordered, That an Addrefs be made to the Governor, to order a new Writ to iffue, Ele(5ting a Burgefs to ferve in this prefent General Affembly for the County of the for Charles-City, in the Room of M"' Edward Broadnax, deceafed; and that M"' Kennon do

wait on him with the faid Addrefs. Ordered, That the Rev. M"' Thomas Dawfon be appointed Chaplain to the Houfe; and that he attend to read Prayers every Morning at Ten o'Clock.

That James Lavie, Robert Wager, William Francis, and Thomas Broadrib, be appointed Door-keepers to this Houfe and that they give their Attendance accordOrdered,



then the Houfe adjoum'd


To-morrow Morning Eleven


Friday, October 28, 1748.



a Committee of Privileges and Eledtions be appointed, of the following



fuch Propofitions and Grievances are to be delivered to the Clerk of the Hoiife, and by him to the faid Committee, of Courfe. And the faid Committee ai^ to



have Power to send for Perfons, Papers, and Records, for their Information. Ordered, That a Committee of Public Claims be appointed, of the following Perfons
M'' Beverley,

M' Harwood, M^ Eyre,


M' Taylor, M^ Harmanfon,


W Turner,
M"- Clack,


W Read,



M' Claiborne, M' Wood Jones,


W Embry,

John Wilfon, and M'' Hunter. And they are to meet and adjourn from Day to Day, and to take into their Confideration all Public Claims, which fhall be prefented to the Houfe, during this Seffion; and to
report their Proceedings, with their Opinions thereupon, to the Houfe, when they fhall have gone through the faid Claims: And all Perfons that have any Claims, are to


in to the Clerk,



and he is to deliver the fame to the faid Committee, of they are to have Power to fend for Perfons, Papers, and Records, for
for Courts of Juftice be appointed, of the following

their Information.


That a Committee

M'' M-M"" Fantleroy,


Eppes, M' William Waller,


M"" Allen,

M' John Tabb, M^ Gabriel Jones,


W Bufhrode, W Lynch,

M^ Harrifon,




M'' Venable,

Thomas Tabb, and

" Hockady. And they are to meet and adjourn from Day to Day, and take into their Confideration, all Matters relating to Courts of Juftice, and fuch other Matters as fhall, from Time to Time, be referred to them and report their Proceedings And the faid Committee are to have Power to fend for Perfons, Papers, and Records, for their Information. Ordered, That a Committee of Trade be appointed, of the following Perfons

M'' Braxton,

Willis Wilfon,

My Reddick,

M^ Todd,

and M' Portlock. And they are to meet and adjourn from Day to Day, and take under their Confideration, all Things relating to the Trade of this Colony, and all Matters that fhall be, from Time to Time, to them referred; and to report their Proceedings: And the faid Committee are to have Power to fend for Perfons, Papers, and Records, for their Information. Refolved, That Eleven of the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, and Five of any other Committee, be a fufficient Number to make a Committee. Ordered, That M'' Wythe be appointed Clerk to the Committee of Privileges and Eleftions, and Propofitions and Grievances; M'" Gary to the Committee of Claims; M'' Beat to the Committee for Courts of Juftice and M'' Webb to the Committee of Trade. Ordered, That the Committee for Courts of Juftice, infpecft the Journals of the laft Seffion, and prepare and draw up a State of the Matters then depending and undetermined, and the Progrefs that was made therein; and report the fame to the Houfe: That they do alfo examine what Laws have expired fmce the laft Seffion, and infped;

W Maffie,


fuch Temporary Laws as will expire with the End of this Seffion, or are near expiring; and report the fame to the Iloufe, with their Opinion which of them are fit to be reviv'd

and continued.

That the Committee appointed, had, according to Order, prepared an Addrefs to the Governor: Which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table; where the fame was again twice read, and agreed to, with fome Amendments and is as follows

Ludwell, reported,



His Majefty's moft dutiful and loyal Subjedls, the Burgeffes of Virginia, now met in General Affembly, beg Leave to prefent your Honour with our humble and grateful Thanks, for your Honour's aflfedlionate Speech to the
Council and this Houfe.
excited as

by your Honour's Precept and Example, we fhall inceffantly de\'ote our Labours to procure the Happinefs of our Country and carefully endeavour to prefer\'e that Union, which we are fenfible is fo neceffary, to effedluate the And we beg Leave to repeat our Affurances, defirable Ends for which we are deputed. endeavour to teftify the moft dutiful Regard will fteadily we that in every Meafure for the Honour of Sovereign, and the true Intereft of our Country, by heartily concurring with your Honour and the Council, in whatever fhall appear to us the moft conducive




to thofe Ends. Ordered,

That the faid Addrefs be

fairly traiLfcribed,

and prefented by the whole

That the Committee who prepared the fame, do wait on the Governor, to know his Pleafure, when the Houfe fhall attend his Honour to prefent it. A Claim of George Woodroof, for taking up a Runaway, therein mentioned Alfo a Claim of Thomas Blafingame, for the fame Service Alfo a Claim of George Moore, for the fame Service Alfo a Claim of John Lefter, for the lame Service; were feverally prefented to the Houfe, and received. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Claims, to allow the faid

Claims in the Book of Claims. Refolved, That the Order of this Houfe, for taking the Governor's Speech into
their Confideration this


Day, be put then the Houfe adjoum'd


To-morrow\ To-morrow Morning Eleven o'Clock.


Saturday, October 29, 1748.


abfent Members having taken the Oaths appointed to be taken by Adl of Parliament, inftead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and taken and fubfcribed the Oath of Abjuration, and fubfcribed the Teft, were admitted

to their Places in the Houfe.

A Claim of Anthony Philips, for taking up a Runaway therein mentioned: Alfo a Claim of William Dtinn, for the fame Service Alfo a Claim of John Gibfon, and John Whithorn, for the fame Service were feverally prefented to the Houfe, and received.

Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Claims, to allow the faid Claims in the Book of Claims.

A Petition of the Inhabitants of the Parifh of Cople, and County of Weftmoreland, praying that the Veftry of the faid Parifh may be diffolved; was prefented to the Houfe,


: ::

That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and that they do examine into the Matter thereof, and report the fame, as it fhall appear to them, with their Opinion thereupon, to the

That M"- Walke be added to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, and to the Committee of Trade and M"- Elligood to the Committee of Claims. M' Secretary reported. That the Committee appointed had, according to Order, waited on the Governor, to know his Pleafure when the Houfe fhould attend him with their Addrefs and that he was pleafed to appoint Monday, and to fay, he would fend a Meffage to the Houfe when he was ready to receive it. Refolved, That the Order for taking the Governor's Speech into Confideration,
; ;

referred to this Day, be further referred


then the Houfe adjourn 'd


'til Monday next. Monday Morning Eleven


Monday, October 31, 1748.



moved for Leave

of the

to prefent a Petition of the Directors, Freeholders,

of Suffolk, praying that

and Inhabitants


an Act


pafs to

and for other Purpofes therein mentioned: And the fame was received, and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; that they do examine into the Matter thereof, and report the fame, as it
eftablifh Fairs there;


appear to them, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. A Petition of M"' Thomas Pinckard, complaining of an undue Ele(5tion and Return M"^ Peter Conway, to ferve as a Burgefs in this prefent General Affembly, for the
of Lancafter:


Alio a Petition of M'' James Patten, complaining of an undue Election and Return of John Maddifon, to ferve as a Burgefs in this prefent General Affembly, for the Coimty of Augufta; were feverally prefented to the Houfe and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Privileges and Eledlions; and that they do examine into the Allegations thereof, and report the fame,
as they fhall appear to them, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.

Claim of David Conn, for taking up a Runaway, therein mentioned: Alfo a Claim of Thomas Hannum, for the fame Serv^ice Alfo a Claim of John Martin, for the fame Service Alfo a Claim of Andrew Rofs, for the fame Service: Alfo a Claim of John Murphy, for the fame Service: Alfo a Claim of George Riding, for the fame Service Alfo a Claim of Francis Thornton, for the fame Service: Alfo a Claim of Henry Come, for the fame Ser\' ice Alfo a Claim of Mofes Manning, for the fame Senice; were feverally prefented to the Houfe, and received. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Claims, to allow the faid Claims refpe<ftively in the Book of Claims.
Petition of M"^ Benjamin Grymes, complaining of the undue Election and Return William Waller, and M'' Rice Curtis, to ferve as Burgeffes in this prefent General Affembly, for the County of Spotfylvania, was prefented to the Ploufe, and read.
of M''


That the faid Petition be refeired to the Committee of Privileges and and that they do examine into the Allegations thereof, and report the fame,

as they fhall appear to them, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.

Petition of fundry Inhabitants of the


of Fairfax,

was prefented to the

eftablifhed below the

Houfe, and read; praying. That the Public Ferry

now by Law


Patowmack River, on the Land of John Awbrey, deceafed, may be appointed Half a Mile higher up, upon the Plantation of George Mafon, whereon William about
Falls of

Queen now


That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Proportions and Grievances; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, as it fhall appear to them, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.

A Petition of William Smith, fetting forth, That he had been for many Months confined in clofe Goal, for Debt; and that tho' he had frequently made a Tender of his whole Eftate to his Creditors, yet they refufed to releafe him and praying fuch Relief

as this

was prefented to And the Queftion being put. That the faid Petition be



the Houfe, and


referred to a


paffed in the Negative

That the faid Petition be rejedled. Two Members having taken the Oaths appointed to be taken by A6t of Parliament, inftead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and taken and fubfcribed the Oath of Abjuration, and fubfcribed the Teft, were admitted to their Places in the Houfe. M"^ Carter, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported, That the Committee had had under their Confideration, divers Propofitions from feveral Coimties to them referred, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon Which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table where the fame were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows Refolved, That the Propofitions from the Coimties of Spotfylvania, Hanover, and Louifa, for reftraining Planters from tending fo great Numbers of Tobacco Plants, as they do at prefent, be rejedled. On confideration of a Propofition from the County of Hanover, for allowing all Perfons who live on any River or Creek, where the fame is not ufed for Trade or Navigation, to have Liberty to make Hedges for taking Fifh; and for providing, That if any Perfon fhall have occafion to go up or down fuch River or Creek, the Owner of fuch Hedge or Hedges fhall, at one Hour's Warning, pull up fo much thereof as will be fufficient for a Paffage; or that the Party failing fo to do, may be liable for all Damages occafioned by fuch Hedge or Hedges, to the Perfon obftru(5ted; Refolved, That the faid Propofition be rejefted. Refolved, That the Propofition from the County of Fairfax, for prohibiting the Attomies practifing in the General Court, to pracftife in the County Courts of this Colony,


reaf enable.


That the Propofition from the Counties of Hanover, Fairfax, and Frederick,
Monthly, be rejedled.

for holding their Courts Quarterly, inftead of

On Confideration of a Propofition from the County of Frederick, for obliging the Defendant or Defendants in any Adlion, brought againft him or them, or any Writing obligatory, to which he or they fhall plead Non eft Factum, to make Affidavit of the Truth of fuch Plea, before the fame fhaU be received;

That the

faid Propofition



On Confideration of a Propofition from the County of Frederick, for allowing the Depofition or Depositions of one or more Witneffes, taken before a Mayor of a Corporation, or other proper Officer, and certified under the Seal of his Office, to be given
Evidence againft any Defendant or Defendants, who fhall plead Non eft Factum to a Bond, and to be fufficient to convidl fuch Defendant or Defendants of Perjury;

That the faid Propofition be rejedled. Refolved, That the Propofition from the County of Frederick, for allowing the Inhabitants of that County the fame Rewards for killing Wolves, as are allowed the

Inhabitants of other Counties in this Colony, be rejedled.


Confideration of the Propofition from the County of Frederick, for Erecting


Warehoufes for the Infpeftion


in that

County; and for fuffering the Inhabitants


pay all their Public Dues and Officers Fees in that Commodity, in Lieu of Tobacco, or for difcharging them in Money, at the Rate of Three Farthings for every Pound of Tobacco;
thereof to


That the faid Propofition is reafonable. That the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, do prepare and bring


purfuant to the


Warwick and Shoccoe's, and other Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Coimty of Henrico, praying, That another Infpector may be appointed at each Warehoufe; and that they may have fuch an Increafe of Wages as will enable them to keep Nine Hands; were prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, as it fhall
Infpedlors at

A Petition of the

appear to them, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. Refolved, That the Order for taking the Governor's Speech into Confideration, referred to this Day, be further referred 'til To-morrow. M'' Beverley informing the Houfe, That there are not fufficient Rooms in the College for the Reception of the feveral Committees; it is thereupon ordered. That he be impowered to hire a convenient Apartment for the Ufe of the Committee of Claims. A Meffage from the Governor, was delivered by M"' Walthoe:


am commanded
to receive their

by the Governor


acquaint this Houfe, That his





Addrefs, in the Council-Chamber.


M"' Speaker, with the Houfe, went up and being returned, reported, That he had, with the Houfe, attended the Governor in the Council-Chamber, and prefented the Addrefs of this Houfe to him; to which he was pleafed to anfwer;


Speaker, and Gentlemen of the Houfe of Burgeffes,


your loyal and publick-fpirited Addrefs; and extremely well pleafed with the Refped you fignify to my Precept and Example. As you are truly fenfible of the Advantages of Union, I am perfuaded you will endeavour to preferve it.
obliged to




THE dutiful Regard you promife

to teftify for the


of our Sovereign



true Intereft of the Country, tho' expreffed in general

Terms, leaves

me no Room


doubt of

your revolving upon ihofe Meafures, which fhall appear moft conducive
effedually contribute to the Public Happinefs, nor give a

to thofe great


AND fince I am confident you can't at prefent purfue any other Method that will fo
more acceptable Proof

of the

Sincerity of your Profeffions, than in concurring with me;

rather than fuffer

any Difagreement among yourfelves to fuperfede ereding a Capitol, you will build upon the old Foundation.


promife myfelf, that neceffary a Work as


then the Houfe adjoum'd


To-morrow Morning Eleven


Tuefday, November




Member, having taken the Oaths appointed to be taken by Ad; of Parliament inftead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and taken and fubfcribed the Oath of Abjuration, and fubfcribed the Teft, was admitted to his Place in
the Houfe.

Claim of George Mitchell, for taking up a Rimaway, therein mentioned:

a Claim of Henry Seiffon, for the fame Service


Alf o a Claim of Inftance Hall, for the

fame Service

were feverally prefented to the







be an Inftrudion to the Committee of Claims, to allow the faid

Claims in the Book of Claims. A Petition of fundry Inhabitants of the County of Amelia, fetting forth, That for many Years paft, the People of that, and the adjacent Counties, in the hard Frofts, have been accuftomed to deftroy great Quantities of Deer, frequently fo poor, that they were quite unfit for Ufe; and praying that this Houfe will take fuch Meafures to reftrain that

was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Committee of Propofitions and thereof, and report the fame, with Matter the examine into they do Grievances; that
Practice, as they fhall think


That the

faid Petition be referred to the


Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.

M' Ludwell, from the Committee of Privileges and Elecflions, reported, That the Committee had had under their Confideration, the feveral Writs for eledling Burgeffes to fer\-e in this prefent General Aifembly; and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon: Which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table; where the fame were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows Refolved, That the Returns of the feveral Writs for eledling Burgeffes for the
Covmties of Accomack, Albemarle, Amelia, Aiigufta, Caroline, Charles-City, ElizabethCity, Effex, Fairfax, Gloucefter, James-City, I fie of Wight, King-George, King-William,
George, Prince fs- Anne, Richmond, Spotfylvania, Stafford, Warwick,

Northampton, Princeand York; and the Return of the Writ for eledling a Burgefs for James-Town; and the Return of the Writ for elecfting a Citizen for the City of Williamsburg; are made in Form prefcribed by

Louifa, Lunenburg, Middlefex, New-Kent,

Writs for eledling Burgeffes for the Counties of Brunfwick, Frederick, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, King and Queen, Nanfemond, Northumberland, Orange, Prince -William, Surry, and Weftmoreland; and the Return of the Writ for electing a Burgefs for the Borough of Norfolk, are not made in the form prefcribed by Law. Ordered, That the Returns of the refpedlive Sheriffs of Frederick, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, King and Qiieen, Nanfemond, Northumberland, Orange, Prince-William, Surry, and Weftmoreland; and the Return of the Writ for eledling a Burgefs for the Borough of Norfolk, be amended by the Clerk at the Table. Ordered, That the Sheriff of Brunfwick be fent for, in Cuftody of the Serjeant at Arms, to amend his Return.

That the Returns

of the feveral

M' Ludwell alfo, from the Committee of Privileges and Elections, reported, That the Committee had had under their Confideration, the Petition of M"' James Patten, to them referred, complaining of an undue Election and Return of M^ John Maddifon, to fer\'e as a Burgefs in this prefent General Affembly for the Cotmty of Augufta; and had partly heard as well the Petitioner as fitting Member and had come to several Refolutions thereupon Which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table where the fame were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe, with an Amendment to one of them,
; :

as follows:

queftioned, either

That the Perfons who voted at the faid Eledlion, whofe Freeholds are by the Petitioner or fitting Member, be examined, upon Oath, before William Thompfon, Silas Hart, Thomas Lewis, and John Matthews, of the fame County, Gentlemen, or any Three of them, whether they be Freeholders, or not, except fuch of


as did fwear to their Freeholds at the Eledlion.

Refolved, That the Petitioner and fitting Member, be at Liberty to examine Witneffes before the faid Perfons appointed to take fuch Examination as aforefaid, as to the Freeholds of any Perfons who voted at the Election, altho' fuch Perfons fwore to their Free-

holds at fuch Eledlion, or fhall fwear to the fame at the Examination the fubjedl Matter of the Petition;


alfo, as to

Refolved, That as well the Petitioner, as fitting Member, do, at leaft Ten Days before the Examination of their Witneffes, deliver to each other, a Lift of the Names


and that it be an Inftrudlion to the Perfons before whom the Examinations are to be taken, to examine how long fuch Voters have been in Pofeffion of, and paid Quit-Rents, for the Lands or Tenements in Right of which they voted at the Eledtion And that they return the Examination to this Committee, on the Second Tuefday in December next. A Petition of the Minifter and Veftry of the Parifh of Martin-Brandon, fetting forth, That the Glebe of the faid Parifh is ver>^ inconvenient; and praying that an Adl may pafs, impowering them to fell it, and to purchafe a more convenient one; was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That M"' Bland, and M'' Eppes, do prepare and bring in a Bill, purfuant to the Prayer of the faid Petition.
of the Voters obje(5led to;


Petition of the Inhabitants of Fairfax, in Behalf of themfelves and others, prayThat a Town may be eftablifhed at Hunting-Creek Warehoufe, on Patowmack


others, to the

Alfo a Petition of the Inhabitants of Frederick County, in Behalf of themfelves fame Purpofe: Alfo a Petition of Philip Alexander, in Oppofition to the faid Petitions


were fever-

Houfe, and read. That the faid Petitions be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Proportions and Grievances; and that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report the fame, as they fhall appear to them, with their Opinions thereupon, to the
ally prefented to the



That in the Year 1746, he undertook to Canada; that he continued in that Service Twenty Months that being then difcharged, he was obliged to return home in the Winter Seafon; being near Six Hundred Miles; and that he expended on his Journey a great Sum of his own Money; and praying to be re-imburfed his Expences, with fuch other Bounty as this Houfe fhall think reafonable; was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition do lie on the Table. Ordered, That M'' Danger field and M'' Weft be added to the Committee of Claims; and M"' Robert Jones to the Committee of Courts of Juftice. M"' Carter reported. That the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, had had under their Confideration, divers Propofitions from feveral Coimties to them referred, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon Which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table where the fame were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe,
Petition of George Mttfe, fetting forth.
ferve his Majefty, in the Expedition againft

as follows Refolved,

purchafing white
that Charge;

That the Propofition from the County of Stafford, for obliging Perfons Women Servants, to provide for, and maintain, the Baftard Children of

fuch Ser\'ants, after they fhall be


bom, without burthening the

feveral Parifhes with

of Lancafter, for fubjecfting Mafters

That the Propofition from the County

all Slaves,



of Slaves, fufi'ering fuch Slaves to raife or


a Punifhment on



keep Dogs, to a Penalty; and for be found with a Dog or Dogs after

them; be rejedled.

That the Propofitions from the Counties of Acconiack and Northampton, whofe Lands adjoin, or are interfecfled by Public Roads, from killing Trees near fuch Roads, without felling them; is reafonable. Refolved, That the Propofition from the County of Fairfax, for appointing a Ferry over Patowmack Ri\-er, from the Land of Jofias Clapham, in that County, to Maryland
for prohibiting Perfons

be rejefted.

Motion being made.

whole Houfe, to confider the refumed the Chair; And after fome Time Carter reported, That the Committee had had the Governor's Speech under

The Houfe Refolved

Governor's Speech:

into a


of the

spent therein, M'' Speaker





and had made fome Progrefs therein but not having Time to go move for Leave to fit again. itfelf into a Committee, to take into their refolve will Refolvcd, That this Houfe fiirther Confideration the Governor's Speech, To-morow. Ordered, That the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, do feledt all Propofitheir Confideration,

through the fame, they had direcfled him to

and Petitions, relating either to the Re-building the Capitol, or the Removal of the Seat of Government, and lay them before the Houfe; and that the faid Committee be dif charged from proceeding any further thereon. And then the Houfe adjourn 'd 'til To-morrow Eleven o 'Clock.

Wednefday, November



Petition of the Infpe(?tors of Acquia Warehoufe, praying an Increafe of their



Alfo a Petition of the Infpedtors of Warwick and Shoccoe's, to the fame were fe^^erally prefented to the Houfe, and read.

That the faid Petitions be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and that they do examine into the Allegations thereof, and report the fame, as they fhall appear to them, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. Two Petitions from the Inhabitants of Spotfylvania County, in BehaK of themfelves and others, fetting forth the many Hardfhips they labour under, from the Situation of their Court -houfe; and praying a Repeal of the Adl, For eftablifhing the Court-houfe at Fredericksburg; were prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the faid Petitions be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances and that they do examine into the Allegations thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. A Petiton of the Inhabitants of Goochland County, on the Smith Side of James River, praying that an Adl may pafs to divide the faid County, by the River; was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; that they do examine into the Matter thereof, and

report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.

M'' Ltidwell,

from the Committee

of Privileges


Eledlions, reported,

mittee had had imder their Confideration, the Petition of

referred, complaining of

That the ComThomas Pinckard, to them

an undue Eledlion and Return of M"" Peter Conway, to ferve County of Lancafter; and had heard as well the Petitioner by his Council, as the fitting Member, and examined divers Witneffes on both Sides upon the Matter of the Complaint; and that it appeared to the Committee, That a certain Deed, bearing Date the 29th Day of July, in the Year of our Lord 1740, made between Edwin Conway, of the Coimty of Lancafter, Gent. Father of the fitting Member, of the one Part, and the faid Peter Conway, of the other Part, for the Conveyance of Two Hundred Acres of Land, with the Appurtenances, in the faid County of Lancafter, to the faid Peter, during the Life of the faid Edwin excepting Two Acres, contained within the Bounds of the faid Two Hundred Acres, which were thereby given and appropriated to the Ufe of the faid County of Lancafter, was duly executed by the faid Edwin and afterwards, at a Court held for the faid County, in
as a Burgefs in this prefent General Affembly for the
; ;


Court to be acknowledged by the faid Edwin, and to be recorded in the Clerk's Office of the faid County; but that the fame was never acknowledged nor proved in Court and recorded, the faid Edwin Conway infifting that the County fhould pay for fuch recording, becaufe he had given thereby the Two Acres for their Ufe That afterwards, (the faid Deed not being recorded) the faid Edwin, by a Writing indorfed thereon, figned and fealed by him, refigned the Pof:


of Auguft, 1740, offered in the faid

feffion of,

and releafed

all his

Right and Claim to the faid

Two Hundred

Acres of Land


That M' Conway, the fitting Member, at or foon after the Time of making the faid Deed, did take, and ever fmce hath kept, the Poffeffion of the faid Two Hundred Acres of Land; and during all that Time, hath been ef teemed and reputed to have the Right and Title thereof in himfelf and that he hath lett, and received rents, and paid his Majefty's Quit -Rents, for the fame; and had upon the whole matter, come to feveral Refolutions thereupon: Which he read, and then delivered in at the Table; where the fame were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows Refolved, that the faid Peter Conway is duly qualified to ferve as a Burgefs in this prefent General Affembly, for the County of Lancafter. Refolved, That the faid Peter Conway is duly elected to ferve as a Burgefs in this prefent General Affembly, for the County of Lancafter. The Houfe being informed. That Thomas Pinckard gave directions to his Council, to obje(ft to one of the Members of the Committee of Privileges and Ele<5tions giving his Opinion in the Difpute between him and M"' Conway; Refolved, That the faid Thomas Pinckard, in fo doing, has refle(5ted upon the whole Committee, and that Member in particular. Ordered, That the faid Thomas Pinckard be taken into Cuftody of the Serjeant at Arms, for his faid Offence. A Meffage from the Council, by M'' Walthoe: That they defire an immediate Conference with this Houfe, upon the Subjetft Matter of the Report of the Committee appointed for Revifal of the Laws; and have appointed Three of their Members to manage the Conference with fuch a Number of the Members of this Houfe, as they fhall think fit to appoint. Refolved, That the faid Conference be agreed to. Ordered, That the following Perfons be appointed to manage the faid Conference: M'' Secretary, M"" Ludwell, M"" Beverley, M'' Whiting, M"" Benjamin Waller, and M"" Attorney. Ordered, That a Meffage be fent to the Council, to acquaint them. That this Houfe have agreed to the Conference by them deflred, and have appointed Six of their Members to meet the Members by them appointed; and that M'' Secretary do go up with the faid



The Managers accordingly withdrew and being returned,


M'' Secretary reported.


they had met the Managers for the Council in the Conference Chamber, one of whom delivered to them the Report of the Committee for the Revifal of the Laws, defiring
it to this Houfe, it being the moft proper for them to proceed upon. That the faid Report do lie on the Table. M"' Carter, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported, That the Committee had, according to Order, felected all the Propofitions relating to the Seat of Government; which he delivered in at the Table. A Motion being made. That the Houfe do now refolve itfelf into a Committee, to confider further the Governor's Speech; it was thereupon, Ordered, That all the faid Propofitions be referred to the faid Committee. And then the Houfe refolved itfelf into a Committee, to take into their further Confideration the Governor's Speech And after fome Time spent therein, M'' Speaker refumed the Chair; and M'' Carter reported, That the Committee had had under their further Confideration the Governor's Speech; but not having Time to go through the fame, they had diredled him to move for Leave to fit again. Refolved, That this Houfe will again refolve itfelf into a Committee, to take into their further Confideration the Governor's Speech, To-morrow. ^ A Claim of Mofes Bled foe, for taking up a Runaway, therein mentioned: Alfo Two Claims of John Hall, Jun. for the fame Service; were feverally prefented to the Houfe, and received. Ordered, That it be an Inftrucftion to the Committee of Claims, to allow the faid

they would deliver


Claims refpeclively in the


of Claims.


then the Houfe adjourn 'd

To-morrow Morning Eleven




Thurfday, November



Thomas Pinckard, fetting forth, That he is truly fenfible of his Offence, in refie(5ling upon one of the Members of the Committee of Privileges and Eledions; that what he faid, proceeded from Ignorance, and praying to be difcharged out of Cuftody; was prefented to the Houfe and read. Ordered, That the faid Thomas Pinckard be difcharged out of Cuftody paying Fees. M' Secretary laid before the Houfe an Account of Monies iffued and paid by Order of the Commiffioners, appointed by Adl of Affembly, to lay out and difpofe of the Money given by the faid A(5l, for inlifting, arming, cloathing, victualing, and tranfporting the Forces raifed in this Colony, for His Majefty's Service, to go on the intended Expedition againft Canada; and the Title thereof was read. Ordered, That the faid Accoimt do lie on the Table. The Houfe proceeding to the Confideration of the Petition of George Mufe, and it was thereupon Refolved, That the Sum of Fifty Pounds be paid to the faid George Mufe, out of the Money in the Hands of the Treafurer, to reimburfe him his Expences in returning
Petition of

Home from

the intended Expedition againft Canada.




Bemjamin Waller do carry up the

faid Refolve to the Council,

for their Conciurence.

The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee, to confider further and after fome Time fpent therein, M"" Speaker refumed the Chair, and M^ Carter reported, that the Committee had had the Governor's Speech under their further Confideration, and had made a further Progrefs therein; but not having Time to go thro' the fame, they had diredled him to move for leave to fit
the Governor's Speech;




will again refolve itfelf into

a Committee, to confider

further the Governor's Speech To-morrow.

A Petition of John Evans, fetting forth. That a Negro Woman of his ran away, and continued lurking and doing Mifchief for two Months, that she was Out-lawed, and being apprehended and tied to be brought home to him, fhe made her Efcape and drowned herfelf, and praying fuch a Compenfation to be made him for the faid Slave as this Houfe fhall think fit was prefented to the Houfe and read And the Queftion being put, that the faid Petition be referred to a Committee.
; :


paffed in the Negative.


That the

faid Petition be rejedled.

Claim of Alexatider Finnie, for taking up a


therein mentioned;


prefented to the Houfe, and received.


of the

in the

That Book


be an Inftruction to the Committee of Claims to allow the faid

to Order, prefented to the

of Claims.

Houfe a Bill, To impower the Veftry Parifh of Martin '5-Brandon, in the County of Prince -George, to fell the Glebe Land in the faid Parifh; and to purchafe a more convenient Glebe in Lieu thereof And the fame was read the firft Time and ordered to be read a Second Time.

M' Bland, according

Member, having taken the oaths appointed to be taken by AcT; of Parliament inftead of the the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and taken and fubfcribed the Oath of Abjuration, and alfo fubfcribed the Teft, was admitted to his Place in the

M' Carter reported, That the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances had had! under their Confideration, divers Propofitions, from feveral Counties, to them referred;!

and had come to

feveral Refolutions thereupon:


Which he read

in his Place,

and then]

where the fame were again read, and are as follow On Confideration of the Propofition from the County of Weftmor eland, effectually deftroying Crows and Squirrels, by obliging all Perfons annually to give

delivered in at the Table


with their refpective Lifts of Tithables, to the Persons appointed to take the fame, Six Crows or Squirrels Scalps, for every Tithable mentioned in fuch Lifts, imder a certain Penalty;


it is

the Opinion of this Committee, That the faid Propofition


Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofitions from the Counties of Weftmoreland and Lancafter, for reviving the A(5l of Affembly, made in the Eighth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, For deftroying Crows and Squirrels in the

Northern-Neck, be

it is


the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofition from the


of Weftmoreland, for deftroying

Crows and Squirrels

in that


only, be

That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofition from the Accomack, for obliging Tithable Perfons to kill a certain Number of Crows orfquirrels every Year, is reafonable. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofition from the County of Northampton, for reviving the A(5l of Affembly, For deftroying Crows and Squirrels on the Eaftem-Shore, be reje(5led. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofitions from the Coimties of Henrico and Amelia, for appointing a Warehoufe on the Land of John


County of Henrico, is reafonable. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofitions from the Counties of Henrico, Amelia, and Goochland, for appointing Warehoufes on the Land of Chriftopher Smith, of London, Merchant, near Warwick, and for eredting a Wharf
Ofborne, in the
there; be rejedled.


the late


That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofition from the Northumberland, for appointing Warehoufes at Ferry-Neck, on the land of

and on the Land of Major John Waughop, or Capt. Spencer Ball, on the other Side of Coan River; be rejedled. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofition from the County of Northumberland, for appointing a Warehouse on the Land of M"' John Foufhee, on or near the head of Coan River; be rejedled. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofition from the County of Northumberland, for appointing a Warehoufe on the Land of Capt. Griffin Fantleroy, in the Fork of Coan River; be rejedled. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofition from the County of King-William, That no Perfons, except fuch as are now in Office, be recommended to be Infpedlors in any County, but fuch as are Inhabitants of the fame County
be rejedled.

Rodham Kenner, on one

That the Propofitions from the Counties

of Goochland

and Albemarle,

appointing a Warehoufe on the South Side of James River, on the Rocky-Ridge, on


William Byrd, Efq; deceafed; is reafonable. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofition from the County of Richmond, for fuppreffing the Infpedlion at Naylor's-Hole, in that County, and appointing Warehoufes at Cat-Point, on Rappahanock-Creek, in the faid County, under the fame Infpedlion with the Warehoufes at Beckwith's, on the faid Creek; be
of the late


the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofition from the County of King-William, for appointing a Warehoufe at a Place called the Piping-Tree, in that County, under one Infpedlion with the Warehoufes at Williams's, in the faid


it is




The Seven firft Refolutions being read a Second Time, and the Queftion being feverally put, That the Houfe do agree to the faid Refolutions?
Refolved in the Affirmative.


Committee, That the Propofition from the County of Northumberland, for appointing a Warehoufe at Ferry-Neck, on the Land of the late Rodham Kenner, one one Side, and on the Land of Major John Watighop, or Capt. Spencer Ball, on the othei- Side of Coan River, be rejedled, was again read; And a Motion was made. That that Part of the faid Report be re-committed, and

Then the Refolution

of the

the Queftion being put thereupon

It paffed in the Affirmative. re-committed. Ordered, That that Part of the faid Report be Then the Queftion was feverally put. That the Houfe do agree to all the other Refo-

lutions of the faid

Refolved in the Affirmative.
of Propofitions

in a

That the Committee

and Grievances do prepare and bring


purfuant to the firft Refolution. then the Houfe adjourn 'd 'til To-morrow Morning Eleven o 'Clock.





Whiting, from the Committee for Courts of Juftice, reported. That the Committee had, according to Order, infpe(5ted the Journals of the Two laft Seffions of Affembly, and prepared and drawn up a State of the Matters then depending, and the Progrefs that was made therein and had agreed upon a Which he read in his Place, and then delivered the fame in at the Table, Report where the fame was again read; and thereupon. Ordered, That the Commiffioners, appointed to difpofe of a Sum of Money, given in the Year 1745, by the Affembly, for providing Neceffaries for the Soldiers bound to Cape-Breton, but by bad Weather forced into this Colony; do lay their refpedlive Ac-


counts before the Houfe, Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Claims, to levy the Sum of One Pound Ten Shillings on William Baker, who was ordered to be taken in Cuftody

Affembly; and to allow the fame to the Serjeant. Ordered, That the feveral Claims, referred from the laft Seffion of Affembly to the Confideration of this, be referred to the Committee of Claims. And that the feveral Petitions, which were referred from the laft Seffion of Affembly to the Confideration of this, be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances. Ordered, That M"' Chinn be added to the Committee for Courts of Juftice. A Claim of Edward Richardfon, for taking up a Runaway therein mentioned, was prefented to the Houfe, and received. Alfo a Claim of Thomas Oakley, Jun. for the fame Service. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Claims, to allow the faid
of the Serjeant at the laft Seffion of

Claims, refpe<5lively, in the


of Claims.

Petition of


Taylor, Sheriff of Caroline County,

and read; fetting forth, That he had been at an Order from the Governor and Council to fummon the Freeholders of the Parifh of St. Margaret, in the Coimties of Caroline and King William, to eled; Veftrymen, there having been no Provifion made in the Adl of Affembly for dividing that Parifh, for the Eleftion of Veftrymen; and praying the Confideration of the Houfe therein. And the Queftion being put. That the faid Petition be referred to a Committee?

was prefented to the Houfe, great Trouble and Expence, in procuring

paffed in the Negative.

That the faid Petition be rejedled. A Claim of Anthony Penifton, late Sheriff of Prince-George, for coming and attending the General Court with a Venire, upon the Trial of a Criminal, which, thro' a Miftake, had not been allowed him in the laft Book of Claims; was prefented to the Houfe, and
Refolved, received.



That the faid Claims be referred to the Committee of Claims; and that they do examine into the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon,
to the Hoiafe.

Upon a Motion made,


That the Order

for the

into their further Confideration the Governor's

Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee, to take Speech To-day, be referred 'til Monday


M' Carter, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported, That the Committee had had under their Confideration, divers Petitions from feveral Counties to them referred, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon Which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table where the fame are again read, and are as follow Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofition from the Coimty of Richmond, for disjoining the Warehoufes upon the Land of Brokenbrough, near the Mouth of Totafkey-Creek and the Warehoufes up the faid Creek, and putting them

imder feparate Infpeebions be rejedted. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofition from the County of Northumberland, for appointing Warehoufes at the Head of Wiccocommico River; be rejedted. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofition from the County of Effex, for appointing a Warehoufe at Port-Micou's, on the land of John

Micou, in that Coimty;



The Two
feverally put,


of the faid Refolutions

were again read; and the Queftion being

faid Refolutions?

That the Houfe do agree to the

Refolved in the Affirmative.

Then a Motion was made. That the Confideration' of the other Part be adjourned; and the Queftion being put thereupon,

of the faid


Refolved in the Affirmative.

an Increafe of their was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances that they do examine into the Matter thereof, and report
Petition of the Infpe<5lors at Morton's Warehoufe, praying

the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.

And then

the Houfe adjourn 'd


To-morrow Morning Eleven


Saturday, November



A Bill, To impower-the Veftry of the Parifh of Martin'^ Brandon, in the County of Prince-George, to fell the Glebe Land in the faid Parifh, and to purchafe a more convenient Glebe in Lieu thereof; was read a Second Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be committed to the Members for Prince-George, Amelia, Surry, and Henrico Coimties and that they do examine into the Allegations thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. M'' Carter, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported. That the Committee had had under their Confideration, divers Propofitions from feveral Coimties to them referred and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon Which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table where the fame were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows Refolved, That the Propofition from the Cotmty of Prince-William, for re-eftablifhing the Warehoufes at Peyton's, oppofite to the Warehoufe on Occoquan, in the County
; ;
: ;



Ludwell have Leave to be abfent from the Service of the Houfe

Thurfday next.

of Fairfax;



That the Propofition from the County of Prince-William, for eredling the lower Side of Occoquan, at the Ferrya Warehoiife for Infpedlion of Tobacco, on with the Warehoufe on Landing, in the County of Prince-William, under one Infpedtion rejedled. the upper Side of Occoquan, in the County of Fairfax; be of Lancafter and Northumberland, the Counties Refolved, That the Propofitions from Warehoufe on the Land of Col. Thomas for fuppreffing Indian Warehoufe, and ereding a
Lee, or Charles Lee, near the


of the Dividing-Creek;

be rejeAed.

That the Propofition from the County of lancafter, for dividing Dymer's Warehoufe from the Indian Warehoufe, now under one Infpecftion, and for putting Dymer's Warehoufe under a feparate Infpedlion; be rejedled. Refolved, That the Petition of Taylor Chapman and Edward Waller, Infpe(5lors at Acquia Warehoufe, in the County of Stafford, for increafing their Salaries; is reafonable. Refolved, That the Petition of Thomas Waller and Philip Pendleton, Infpedlors at Waller's, in the County of King-William, and Walkerton, in the County of King and

Queen, for increafing their refpedive Salaries be rejedled. Refolved, That the Petition of the Infpedlors at Warwick fqiieak-Bay Warehoufe,

for increafing their Salary;



Refolved, That the Petition of the Infpedlors at Meriwether's Warehoufe, in the County of Hanover, for increafing their Salary; be rejedled.

Confideration of the Petition of the Infpedlors at Meriwether's Warehoufe, in the County of Hanover, felting forth, That when the Court of that County is held on the Firft Day of Odober, which happens when that Month begins on a Thurfday, they are


incapable of complying with the Law, (which extends the Time for bringing Tobacco to the Warehoufes to the last Day of September, and directs all the Transfer Tobacco,
left in

the Warehoufes on Odober Court-Day, afterwards to be then fold,) not having

Time to prize fuch Transfer Tobacco, and make up their Accounts; and praying the faid Time to be fhortened, or fuch other Remedy againft the faid Inconvenience to be provided, as fhall feem fit;


That the

faid Petition be rejedled.

that another Infpedlor

Warwick and Shoccoe's, praying be appointed at each Warehoufe; and that they may have fuch an Increafe of Wages, as will enable them to keep Nine Hands;
Confideration of the Petition of the Infpedlors at




That the faid Petition be


Warwick and Shoccoe's, felling That forth. fince the Year 1742, when their refpedlive Salaries were fettled at Fifty Pounds a Year at Warwick, and at Forty Five Povmds a Year at Shoccoe's, the Number of Hogfheads of Tobacco, brought to the faid Warehoufes to be infpedled, has very much increafed and praying an Allowance to be made them for their Labour, Trouble, and Expence, in the Two Years laft paft, and fuch Addition to their Salaries for the Time to come, as fhall feem reafonable Refolved, That fo much of the faid Petition as relates to the making an Allowance
Confideration of the Petition of the Infpedlors at


to the faid Infpedlors, for their Labour, Trouble,


and Expence, the Two Years

laft paft,


ance for their


That Twenty Pounds to each of the faid Infpedlors, is a reafonable AllowLabour, Trouble, and Expence, in the faid Two laft Years. That fo much of the faid Petition as relates to the making an Addition

to the Salaries of the faid Infpedlors for the



in the

That it Book of

Time to come, be rejedled. be an Inftrudlion to the Committee of Claims, to make an AllowClaims, to the Infpedlors at Shoccoe's and Warwick, who were in

Office the


Years, purfuant to the Refolution for that Purpofe.


then the Houfe adjourn 'd,

Monday Morning Eleven




Monday, November



THREE mond

Petitions of fundry of the Inhabitants of Suffolk Parifh, in NanfeCounty, praying that the Veftry of the faid Parifh may be diffolved;

were feverally prefented to the Hoiife, and read. Ordered, That the faid Petitions be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances and that they examine into the Allegations thereof, and report the fame, as they fliall appear to them, with their Opinion thereupon,

to the Houfe.

A Petition of Joel Walker, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, That a Negro of his murdered one of his Sons, and ran away; and that being out -la wed, he was afterwards found dead; and praying the Confideration of the Houfe therein. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Claims; and that they examine into the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon,
to the Houfe.
M'' Bland reported. That the Committee to whom the Bill, To impower the Veftry of Parifh of Martin '5-Brandon, in the County of Prince-George, to fell the Glebe-Land in the faid Parifh, and to purchafe a more convenient Glebe in Lieu thereof, was committed,


had examined into the Allegations thereof, and found them to be true and that they had made an Amendment to the Bill Which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered the Bill, with the Amendment, in at the Table; where the fame was again read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendment, be Ingroffed. M'' Carter, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported. That the Committee had had under their Confideration, divers Propofitions from feveral Counties to them referred, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon: Which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table; where the fame were again read, and are
; :

as follow:

the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofition from the County of Frederick, for providing the Inhabitants of that County with Arms and
it is


Ammunition, to defend themfelves againft the Indians; be rejedled. On Confideration of the Petition of Edward Wafhington and William Payne, Infpedlors at Occoquan and Pohick Warehoufes, in the County of Fairfax, fetting forth, That lince the Warehoufe at Pohick was revived, and eftablifhed under one Infpedlion with the Warehoufe on the North Side of Occoquan River, the Quantities of Tobacco brought to both the faid Warehoufes refpe(5lively, have been much larger than they were formerly, and are very likely to increafe; and that the Diftance between the faid Warehoufes, (being Seven Miles by Land, and Fourteen Miles by Water,) renders the Attendance of the Petitioners at the faid Warehoufes, to infpedt and deliver out the Tobacco, brought to, and paffed in the fame, very troublefome and fatiguing; and praying an Allowance to be made them for their extraordinary Trouble the Three Years laft paft, and an Addition to their Salary for the Time to come; Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That fo much of the faid Petition as relates to the making the faid Infpedlors an Allowance for their extraordinary Trouble the Three Years laft paft, is reafonable. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That Fifteen Pounds to each of the faid Infpectors, is a reafonable Allowance for their extraordinary Trouble the Three Years laft paft. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That fo much of the faid Petition as relates to the making an Addition to the Salary of the faid Infpecftors; be rejecfted. On Confideration of the Propofition from the County of Northumberlaiid, to this Committee re-committed, for putting down the Warehoufes on the Land of the late Rodham Kenner, deceafed, near the Mouth of Coan River, and the Land of Capt. Spencer Ball, oppofite to it, and eftablifhing, in the room of them, Warehoufes at Ferry-Neck. on

oppofite to it, on the Land on the Land of the faid Rodham Kenner on one Side, and River; Major John Waughop, on the other Side of the faid That the faid Propofition Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee,


Confideration of the Propofition from the County of Albemarle, fetting forth, That Horfe-ftealing has of late been frequent all over the Country, but efpecially in the upper Counties; and that the Horfe Thieves in this and the neighbouring Colonies, have eftablifhed themf elves into a Confederacy for carrying on that Pradlice: That


Horfes ftolen here, are ufually handed to other Perfons to fell, at a great Diftance from the Place where they were ftolen: That Horfes are often turned loofe after they are ftolen and carried away, and then taken up as Strays, withTntent to fcreen the Thieves from the Penalties of the Law; and praying a Remedy againft fuch Mifchiefs for the




the Opinion of


Committee, That the Laws concerning

Waifts and Strays; and alfo the Law, for continuing and amending the Adl, For preventing Loffes from Drivers paffing with Cattle through this Colony; and for laying a Duty on Horfes; be amended.



of the faid Refolutions being read a

Second Time; and the Queftion

Refolved in the Affirmative.

being put. That the Houfe do agree to the faid Refolution?

The fecond Refolution being

alfo read,

sideration of the Three fucceeding Refolutions;

a Motion was made, to put off the Conand the Queftion being put thereupon;
Refolved in the Affirmative.



Refolution was again read; and the Queftion being put. That the Houfe
faid Refolution?

do agree to the

Refolved in the Affirmative.

the faid Refolutions being read a fecond Time, was, upon the Queftion by the Houfe, with an Amendment, as follows: On Confideration of the Propofition from the County of Albemarle, fetting forth, That Horfe-ftealing has of late been frequent all over the Country, but efpecially in the upper Counties and that the Horfe Thieves in this and the neighbouring Colonies, have eftablifhed themfelves into a Confederacy for carrying on that Pradlice: That Horfes ftolen here are ufually handed to other Perfons to fell, at a great Diftance from the Places whence they were ftolen: That Korfes are often turned loofe after they are ftolen and carried away, and then taken up as Strays, with Intent to fcreen the Thieves from the Penalties of the Law; \ Refolved, That the faid Propofition is reafonable. A Claim of Patrick Matthews, for taking up a Rimaway, therein mentioned, was prefented to the Houfe, and received. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudtion to the Committee of Claims to allow the faid Claims in the Book of Claims. Ordered, That the Call of the Houfe be put off 'til To-morrow. The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee, to confider further the Governor's Speech; and after fome Time fpent therein, M'' Speaker refumed the | Chair, and M"- Carter reported, that the Committee had had the Governor's Speech under their further Confideration, and had made a further Progrefs therein; but not having time to go thro' the fame, they had directed him to move for Leave to fit again. Refolved, That this Houfe will again refolve itfelf into a Committee, to take into their further Confideration the Governor's Speech To-morrow. A Member, having taken the Oaths appointed to be taken by Adl of Parliament inftead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and taken and fubfcribed the Oath of Abjuration, and aKo fubfcribed the Teft, was admitted to his Place in the Houfe. And then the Houfe adjoum'd 'til To-morrow Morning Eleven o'Clock.


laft of

put, agreed to



Tuefday, November



the Table;

Whiting, from the Committee for Courts of Juftice, reported, That the Committee had, according to Order, examined what Laws have expired fmce the laft Seffion of Affembly; and infpecled fuch Temporary Laws as will
expire with, or foon after the

to feveral Refolutions


End of this Seffion of Affembly and had come Which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at

where the fame were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as foUows: Refolved, That the Act of Affembly, made in the Fifth and Sixth Years of the Reign of his prefent i\Iajeft}', intituled. An Ad, for laying a Duty upon Slaves, to be paid by the Buyers; which hath been continued by feveral fubfequent Adls of Affembly, and will expire on the laft Day of July, which fhall be in the Year of our Lord, 1751
ought to be further continued. Refolved, That the Acl of Affembly,
of his prefent Majefty, intituled,


in the

Nineteenth Year of the Reign



far the better Regulating

and Colleding


Purpofes therein mentioned; which will expire on the Twelfth Day of April next enfuing: ought to be continued. Refolved, That the Acl of Affembly, made in the Nineteenth Year of the Reign


An Ad, for reducing the made, for laying a Duty Affembly, which will expire on the Tenth Day of June, which fhall be in the Year of our Lord, 1751 ought to be continued. Refolved, That the Ad; of Affembly, made in the Nineteenth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled. An Ad, for continuing and amending the Ad, for inof his prefent ^lajefty, intituled,

on Liquois. into one



and ftamping all Pork and Beef, packed in this Colony, or imported fame fhall be fold here, or fhipped for Exportation: Attd to amend the Ad, intituled. An Ad for afcertaining the Gauge of Barrels for Pork, Beef, Tar, and Pitch; and for infpeding, weighing, and ftamping all Flour exported, which will expire at the End of this Seffion of Affembly; ought to be continued. Refolved, That the Adl of Affembly, made in the Firft Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, An Ad, for making more effedual ProvifUm againft Invafions and Infurredions ; and the Adl of Affembly, made in the Thirteenth Year of his Majefty's Reign, For continuing and amending the fame; both which will expire on the Twenty Firft Day of December next enfuing ought to be further continued. Refolved, That the Adl of Affembly, made in the Fifteenth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, An Ad, for reducing the Laws made, for amending the Staple of Tobacco, and for preventing Frauds in his Majefty's Cuftoms, into one Ad of Affembly: And another AcT; of Affembly, made in the Eighteenth Year of his faid Majefty's Reign, For continuing and amending the fame: And aKo one other Adl of Affembly, made in the Nineteenth Year of his faid Majefty's Reign, For further amending the faid Ad; all which will expire at the End of this Seffion of Affembly; ought to
fpeding, weighing,
for fale, before the

be further continued.

That the Adl


Affembly, made in the Fifteenth Year of his prefent

Majefty's Reign, intituled,

from Drivers paffing with Cattle through this Colony; and for laying a Duty on Horfes imported: And one other Adl, made in the Eighteenth Year of his faid Majefty's Reign, For continuing and amending the fame, which have expired ought to be revived. Refolved, That the Adl of Affembly, made in the Twelfth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, An Ad, for altering the Method of Trial of certain Criminals therein mentioned; which was continued by one other Adl, made in the Eighteenth Year of his faid Majefty's Reign; and will expire on the Twenty Fifth Day of Odober, which shall be in the Year of our Lord 175 1 ought to be further continued.
for preventing Loffes



That the Adl of Affembly, made in the Fifteenth Year of Majefty's Reign, For appointing a Treafurer, which wiU expire at the End of of Affembly; ought to be continued.

his prefent
this Seffion


made in the Fifteenth Year of the Reign of the Juftices of EHzabeth-City County impower his prefent Majefty, intituled, which having expired, was mentiomd; to ered Pounds; and for other Purpofes therein revived by one other Act of Affembly, made in the Eighteenth Year of his faid Majefty's

That the Adl

of Affembly,

An Ad,


Reign, and

again expired; ought to be again revived. Ordered, That the Committee of Trade do prepare and bring in a fuant to the Firft, Second, and Fourth Refolutions.


or Bills, pur-

in a Bill,

That the Committee That the Committee

of Propofitions

and Grievances do prepare and bring

purfuant to the Fifth Refolution.

for Courts of Juftice

do prepare and bring in a Bill, or Bills, purfuant to the Third, Sixth, Seventh, Ninth, and Tenth Refolutions. A Petition of John Moore, Proprietor of Gib fan's Warehoufe, in King-George County, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, That he has been obliged to build a new Warehoufe, for the Reception of Tobacco relanded there; and that he has alfo, by Order of the Court of the faid County, built a Wharff the Expence of both amounting to Thirty Five Pounds; and praying that he may be allowed what this Houfe fhall



for the fame.

of Claims;

That the faid Petition be and that they do examine

referred to the Confideration of the

into the Matter thereof,

Committee and report the fame,

with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.

A Petition of Mary Coffield, was offered to the Houfe; fetting forth. That her Hufband, Jofeph Coffield, inlifted himfelf a Soldier in the late Expedition againft Carthagena, and died there That about four Years ago she petitioned the General Affembly for ReUef, and received Ten Povmds Current Money; fmce which fhe hath met with many Misfortunes and praying fuch further Relief as this Houfe fhall think reafonable. And the Queftion being put. That the faid Petition be received? It pa ffed in the Negative. Refolved, That the faid Petition be rejedled.
: ;

was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting That there are Eighty Eight Acres of Land belonging to them, lying about Three or Four Miles from their Town, which has never been of any Ufe or Service to them and praying that an Adl of Affembly may pafs to enable them to difpofe of the Fee-Simple

A Petition of the Pamunkey Indians,

Eftate of the fame.




Weft and M' Moore do prepare and bring

in a Bill,

purfuant to

the Prayer of the faid Petition.

A Petition of feveral of the Inhabitants of the Counties of Caroline and Hanover, I was prefented to the Houfe, and read; praying. That an Adl may pafs, to enable themj to clear Pamunkey River, as high as Scott's Falls, at their own Expence. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee! of Propofitions and Grievances; that they do examine into the Matter thereof, and report]
the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.


That M' Weftwood be added to the Committee of Claims. That the Order for a Call of the Houfe, referred to this Day, be further
Thurfday next.

M'' Carter, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported, ThatI the Committee had had under their Confideration, divers Propofitions from feveralj

Counties, to



he read

in his Place,

and agreed to That the Propofition from the County of Albemarle, for clearing the Riveil Rock-Fifh, and preventing all Obftruftions and Impediments which may arife from any|

and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon: Whichf and then delivered in at the Table; where the fame were againy by the Houfe, as follows.

Mill-Dam, or othenvife; be rejected.

Confideration of the Propofition from the County of Albemarle, for permittin|J Allen Howard to erecft a Mill-Dam on the River Rock-Fifh, without being obliged to mato,'!


Gates through the fame, in order to open a Paffage for Veffels carrj'ing Tobacco
the faid River;


That the faid Propofition be rejected. Confideration of the Petition of the Merchants and other Inhabitants of the County of Albermarle, for repealing the Law prefcribing the Method of proving BookDebts, and fubftituting fome other, adapted to the Circumftances of Trade, and the


Convenience of the People;

Refolved, Refolved,
for the Hoiofe to refolve itfelf into a Committee to take into their further Confideration the Governor's Speech, referred to this Day, be further Referred 'til Thurfday next.

That the faid Petition be That the Order of the Day,


The Houfe proceeded

as follows:

to take into their Confideration, the Report from the


mittee appointed to Revife the

Laws and

the fame was read, and agreed to

by the Houfe,

of the faid Laws are and therefore ought to be Repealed: That

That feveral

obfolete, ufelefs, or otherwife provided


to fay,
of the


continued or


in the Thirteenth




King Charles the



14. intituled.




Burial of Servants or others privately, prohibited. before Commiffioners. Perfons removing into the Bay.


Englifh Weights and Meafures.


Orphans Land not to be alien'd. Seating upon others Dividends. Two Acres of Corn for each Tiihable. 116 Exportation of Money. an Adl made in the Fourteenth Year of the faid King's Reign,
70 112


An Ad An

againft Perfons that refufe



Children baptized.

A(5l made in the Fifteenth Year of the fame Reign, intituled. An Ad concerning Northern htdians. An Adl made in the Eighteen Year of the fame King, intituled, An A A commanding Law-Books to be provided for each County.


Adl made in the Twentieth Year of the fame Reign,



An Ad impower-

ing County-Courts

build Work-houfes, afflfted by the Veftries.

in the

One other Adl made

of Tobacco.

fame Year,


An Ad

concerning the Property

An Adl made

in the

Twenty-Fourth Year

of the

fame King,


An Ad


fuppreffing Vagabonds, and difpofing of poor Children to Trades. An AcT; made in the Twenty-Sixth Year of the fame Reign, intituled,
hibiting the Juftices of the feveral County-Courts for levying Tobaccoes
for their

An Ad



the People,

Accommodation and Expences,

whilft they are keeping Court.

in the Thirty-Second Year of the fame Reign, intituled. An Ad and reinforcing an Ad made at James-City, the 20th of October, 1665, and putting the fame in due Execution. An Adl made in the Thirty-Fourth Year of the fame Reign, intituled, An Ad impofing further Penalties upon any Perfon or Perfons that fhall publifh or declare, that the Ads of Affembly of Virginia are not of Force. An Adl made in the Thirty-Sixth Year of the fame Reign, intituled. An Ad for the better Prefervation of the Peace of Virginia; and preventing unlawful and treafonable

An Adl made



An An



in the

Third Year of the Reign of King William and Queen Mary,


An Ad

declaring the

Adl made

Duty of Tanners, Curriers and Shoemakers. the Fourth Year of Queen Anne, intutuJed, .4m .\d for Encourage-,

of the




And one

other Adl


in the

fame Year,


An Ad


prevent Indians

Hunting or Ranging upon patented Lands. Refolved, That feveral other of the faid Laws, are


to remain as they





Acts made or continued, in the Thirteenth Year of King Charles the Second, Chap. lo. intituled, The Thirtieth of January to be kept a Fa ft. The Twenty-Ninth of May to be kept Holy. II Divulgers of falfe News. 91 Privilege of Virginia Owners. 134 Alfo an Adl made in the Fifteenth Year of the fame Reign, intituled, An Ad, for
keeping Holy the Thirteenth of September. One other Adl made in the fame Year, intituled,

An Ad,

concerning the Entertain-


of Strangers.


Adl made






of the

fame King,





freeing Virginia Owners from Caftle Duties. An Adl made in the Twenty Ninth


of the

fame Reign,




declaring all

the Ads, Orders, and Proceedings of a Grand Affembly, in the


of June,

1676, void, null,



Several Adls




Thirty Second Year of the fame King's Reign, viz. intituled. An Ad of free and General Pardon, Indemnity and Oblivion.
in the

An An

Ad, Ad,

for Naturalization. for raifing a Public Revenue, for the better

Support of

Several Adls made in Chap. 43. intituled,

Government of this his Majefty's Colony of Virginia. the Fourth Year of Queen Anne, viz. An Ad, direding the Building the Capitol, and the City


Williamfburg, with Additions.

45 46

improving the Staple of Tobacco, and for regulating of Tobacco Hogfheads. An Ad, to prevent Ships failing in Contempt of Embargoes. 47 An Adl made in the Ninth Year of Queen Anne, intituled. An Ad, for raifing a Public Revenue, for the better Support of the Government of her Majefty's Colony and
for the Size

An Ad, An Ad, An Ad,

confirming Titles


Town Lands.

for Naturalization.

and Tare


of Virginia.

One other Adl made

Prevention of

Mi funderflandings


of this

Fourth Year of the fame Queen, intituled. An Ad, for between the Tributary Indians, and other her Majefty's Colony and Dominion; and for a free and open Trade with all Indians
in the


One other Adl made

in the

Ninth Year

of the faid

Queen, intituled.

An Ad,


prevent the Deftroying and Murdering of Baftard Children.

An An



in the

Twelfth Year of her faid Majefty, intituled,

An Ad,

for regif-

tring Births, Chriftenings,

Adl made in Firft, intituled. An Ad, for Magazine. Ereding a An Adl made in the Eighth Year of the fame King, intituled. An Ad, to oblige Ships, coming from Places infeded with the Plague, to perform their Quarentine. One other Adl made in the fame Year, intituled. An Ad, for enforcing, and rendring

and Burials. the Firft Year of King George the


effedual, the Treaties already

made, or hereafter


be tnade, with foreign Indians.

Adl made in the Ninth Year of the fame King's Reign, intituled, An Ad, for Enlarging the Jurifdidion of the Court of Huftings in the City of Williamfburg, within the





in the Firft


of the


of his prefent Majefty, intituled.


Ereding a Town in each

of the Counties of

Spotfylvania and King George.


Third and Fourth Years of his said Majefty, intituled, An of Linen Cloth. Adl, made in his faid Majefty's Eighth Year, intituled, An Ad, for more effedually An obliging Perfons to buy and fell by Weights and Meafures, according to the Englifh Standard.
in the




for encouraging the





in the

Tenth Year

of his prefent Majefty, viz.

better fecuring the Titles to


13. intituled,

An Ad,

for confirming and


in the Northern Neck, held under the Right Honourable Thomas, Lord Fairfax, Baron of Cameron, in that Part of Great-Britain called Scotland.



for Relief of certain Perfons who were Sufferers in the Lofs of the Records of the County of Nanfemond. An Ad, to confirm the Charter of the Borough of Norfolk; and


for enlarging the Jurifdidion of the Court of Huftings in the City of Williamfburg. An Acft, made in the Twelfth Year of his faid Majefty, intituled, An Ad, for the Relief of thofe Perfons who were Sufferers in the Lofs of the Records of the County of Nan-

femond, whofe Cafes have not already been provided





in the Fifteenth


of the

fame Reign,


An Ad,

for the

Sufferers in the Lofs of the Records of the County of femond, whofe Cafes have not already been provided for.

Relief of thofe Perfons

who were


One other
to the



City of

fame Year, intituled. An Ad, for explaining the Charter Williamfburg; and for enlarging the Jurifdidion of the Court of
in the

Huftings within the faid City. An A(fb, made in the Eighteenth Year of his faid Majefty, Intituled,
Relief of certain Creditors.

An Ad,

for the

One other
of the City of




the fame Year, intituled.

affefs a

An Ad,


enable the




Tax on

the Inhabitants of the faid City; for building

and for other Purpofes therein mentioned. And an Ad:, made in his faid Majefty's Nineteenth Year, Encouragement of making Salt Peter.
a Prifon;






as to the remaining


except fuch as are Temporary or prithe Committee have reduced the fame, with fuch Alterations and Amendin Force,

Laws now

ments, as to

them appeared


neceffary, into feveral Bills;

which they now prefent


to this General Affembly.

That the Committee


for Courts of Juftice

do prepare and bring


purfuant to the Refolution for Repealing the feveral Laws reported to be

obfelete, or otherwife



Petition of Jofeph Strother

Year 1746, a Negro of That before a Commiffion could be procured for the faid Negro's Trial, the Prifon was fired, and the faid Slave burnt therein; and praying that he may have fuch a Compenfation for the lofs of his faid Slave, as this Houfe fhall think juft. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Claims and that they do examine into the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with
in the

was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth. his was committed to the Goal of King George County




Opinion thereupon, to the Hovife. A Claim of William Alexander, for taking up a Run-away therein mentioned: Alfo a Claim of William Drew, for the fame Servnce AKo a Claim of Thomas Williams, for the fame Service Alfo a Claim of Thoinas Pennington, for the fame Ser\dce Alfo a Claim of Howell Briggs, for the fame Service; were prefented to the Houfe

and received.
be an Inftrucftion to the Committee of Claims, to allow the faid Claims refpec^ively in the Book of Claims. And then the Hoxife adjoum'd 'til To-morrow Morning Eleven o'Clock.









Beverley informed the Houfe, that there were feveral illegal Charges in the Accoimt of Augufta County, againft the Public; and moved for the Diredlions of the Houfe in Relation to that Matter.

That it be an Inftrudtion to the Committee of Claims, to dedudt and that they levy the fame all Claims, not allowable by Law, out of the faid Account Ufe of the County; and that they for the them, received have who Perfons upon the County. to the difcount 30 per Cent, out of the Claims due A Petition of Robert Daniel was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, that a Negro of his attacked him and his Brother, and having much woimded his Brother, to avoid Punifhment he abfconded That he procured him to be out-lawed, fome time after which, he hanged himfelf and praying fuch Relief as this Houfe fhall think fit. And the Queftion being put. That the faid Petition be referred to a Committee?
; :


puffed in the Negative.


That the

faid Petition be rejefted.

Petition of the Inhabitants of Port-Royal, in Opposition to a Petition, praying

that a Warehoufe


be appointed on the Land of John Micou, was prefented to the

Houfe, and read.

That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Proportions and Grievances; and that they do examine into the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. A Petition of William Jordan and Elizabeth Gains, Widow, and Reli(5l of Bernard Gains, deceaf 'd, in Behalf of themfelves and of the Children of the faid Bernard Gains, praying that an Adl may pafs, to dock the Intail of Six Hundred Acres of Land, lying in the Parifh of Lunenburg, in the County of Richmond, and to veft the fame in the faid William Jordan; and to fettle a Tra(5l of Three Thoufand Acres of Land, lying in the County of Albemarle, to the fame Ufes, in Lieu thereof; was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That M'' Carter do prepare and bring in a Bill, purfuant to the Prayer of the
faid Petition.




Boiling have Leave to be abfent from the Service of the Houfe,



To impower the Veftry of the Parifh of Martin '5-Brandon, in the County of Prince-George, To fell the Glebe-Land in the faid Parifh, and to pirchafe a more convenient Glebe in Lieu thereof; was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"' Bland carry the faid Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. A Claim of Edward Wharton, for taking up a Runaway, therein mentioned Alfo a Claim of Samuel Luck, for the fame Service; were prefented to the Houfe, and received. Ordered, That it be an Inftruftion to the Commmittee of Claims, to allow the faid Claim in the Book of Claims. A Petition of Richard Winflow was offered to the Houfe, fetting forth, That in the Year 1742, he was Sheriff of the County of Orange: That being abfent from home in the Difcharge of his Duty, his Houfe, together with his Accounts of the Quit-Rents of the faid County, were burned, by which Accident he was obliged to pay a large Sum of Money more than he had received, for the Quit-Rents; and praying that this Houfe will take his Cafe into their Confideration, and allow him fuch Relief as this Houfe
fhall think



the Queftion being put, That the faid Petition be received?

Refolved in the Negative. prepared by the Committee for Revifal of the Laws, For the decent and uniform Celebration of Divine Service, and for the more orderly Management of Parochial





AKo a
Alio a

Bill, Bill,

For Punifhment

of flanderous Perfons:

Direding the Method of Trial of Criminals for Capital Offences; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned: Alfo a BUI, For regulating the Eledion of Burgeffes; for fettling the Privileges, and for afcertaining their Allowances: AKo a Bill, To prevent the Importation of Tobacco by Water; were feveraUy read the

M'' Carter,

That the faid Bills be read a Second Time. from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported, That the Committee had had under their Confideration divers Propofitions, from feveral Counties and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon Which he read in to them referred his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table where the fame were again read, and are as follows Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofition from the County of Stafford, for appointing a Ferrer to be kept on Patowmack River, from the Land of Col. Townfend Dade, in that Coimty, to the upper Cedar Point, in Maryland; be


Confideration of the Petitions of the Veftry and Inhabitants of Raleigh Parifh, in Amelia County, for dividing that Parifh, by a Line to begin at the White Oak hunting
Path, on the Scnith Branch of
to ftrike


Namezian Creek, and run thence a dire<ft Courfe, fo as Appamattox River at Ward's Ford; Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the faid Petitions are





the Opinion of this Committee, That the Petition of the In-

habitants in the Parifh of Raleigh, in the County of Amelia, for Diffolving the Veftry
of the faid Parifh;

be rejedled.


Confideration of the Propofition from the County of Accomack, for fuppreffmg

Warehoufe at Andrews, on Guilford Creek, and Eredling another at Finley's Point, on Hunting Creek; Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the faid Propofition be

That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Petition of Thomas Anderfon and John Crutchfield, Infpedtors at Page's Warehoufe, in Hanover Coimty, for

increafmg their Salary


be rejedled.

the Opinion of this Committee, That the Petition of John Grant and David Brenaugh, Infpectors at Morton's Warehoufe, in King George County, for an


it is

Addition to be


to their Salary;



That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofition from the County of King George, for appointing a Public Ferry to be kept over Rappahanock River, from the Land of Anderfon Doniphan, in that County, to the Land formerly of Nicholas Meriwether, now of Lawrence Battaile, in Caroline County; is reafonable. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Petition of George Morton, of King George County, for appointing a Ferry to be kept over Rappahanock River, from his Warehoufe Landing, in that County, to the Landing of Lawrence Battaile, in the County of Caroline; be rejected. The Four Firft Refolutions being read a Second Time, and the Queftion being put. That the Houfe do agree to the faid Refolutions?
Refolved in the Affirmative.

Then the Motion was made. That the further Confideration the Report be put off; and the Queftion being put thereupon;

of the other Part of

Refolved in the Affirtnative.


That the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances do prepare and bring a BiU, purfuant to the Second Refolution. And then the Houfe adjourn 'd 'til To-morrow Morning Eleven o'Clock.



Thurfday, November lo, 1748.

Concerning Tithables; were feverally read the Firft Time. Ordered, That the faid Bills be read a Second Time. The Koufe, according to Order, Refolved itfelf into a Committee, to take into their further Confideration the Governor's Speech And after fome Time fpent therein. M"" Speaker refumed the Chair; and M"' Carter reported. That the Committee had had
Alfo a

BILL, prepared by the Committee for Revifal lethod for appointing Sheriffs; and for limiting in Office, and direding their Duty therein:

of the


Laws, Prefcribing the of their Continuance

under their further Confideration the Governor's Speech, and had made a further Progrefs therein but not having Time to go through the fame, they had directed him to


Leave to Refolved, That







again refolve


into a Committee, to confider fur-

ther the Governor's Speech, To-moiTOW. Ordered, That Miles Cary, Jun. be appointed Clerk to the Committee of Claims, in the Room of Miles Cary, his Father, who has refigned.



Thomas Tabb have Leave to be abfent from the Service

of the





Thomas Danfie was prefented to the Hoiofe, and read; fetting forth, be greatly for the Benefit of Travellers, to have a Ferry appointed from the old Ferry Landing, now belonging to him, to the Widow Gooch's, in New-Kent, until he can make a Caufeway thro' the Marfh opposite to his faid Landing; and praying that an Adl of Affembly may pafs for that Purpofe. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and that they do examine into the Matter thereof, and report the fame, as it fhall appear to them, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. A Petition of the Inhabitants and Proprietors of the Towns of Peterfburg, and
Petition of



was prefented to the Houfe, and read fetting forth, That it would be a great Encouragement to the faid ToAvns, if they were eftablifhed by A(5t of Affembly; and praying that an Adl may pafs for that Purpofe. Ordered, That M"" Bland do prepare and bring in a Bill, purfuant to the Prayer of
Blandford, in the County of Prince George,

the faid Petition.


That the Order


for a Call of the Houfe, to this


referred, be further


And then

the Houfe adjourn 'd


To-morrow Morning Eleven




November 11, 1748.



Petition of the Inhabitants of the


County of Lunenburg, was prefented to the Houfe, and read praying that an Adl may pafs to divide the faid County, by a Line to be run from the Head of the Weftermoft Fork of Sandy River, to

Staunton River, below the Mouth of


Roanoke, oppofite to a Place

called the

Sandy Bar. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances that they do examine into the Matter thereof, and report

the fame, as

appear to them, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. prepared by the Committee for Revifal of the Laws, To prevent the clandefit


tine Tranfportation, or carrying of

For preventing Trefpaffes by unruly Horfes, Goats; and by taking away Boats, or other Veffels:
Alfo a

Perfons in Debt, Servants or Slaves, out of this Colony: Cattle, Hogs, Sheep, or

Alfo a Alfo a


Concerning Strays:
Againft ftealing Hogs; were feverally read the Firft Time.


That the


be read a Second Time.


The Houfe, according

the Governor's Speech:

to Order, refolved

into a Committee, to confider further

fome Time fpent therein, M'' Speaker refumed the Chair; and M"- Carter reported, That the Committee had had the Governor's Speech under their further Confideration, and gone through the fame and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon Which he read, and then delivered in at the Table where the fame were again read, and are as follows Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Place wherein a Building was directed to be built, by an Ad, paffed in the Eleventh Year of the late King William, and confirmed by another Adl, made in the Fourth Year of Queen Anne, is very remote from the far greateft Part of the Inhabitants of this Colony, and by Experience has been found altogether unfit for Trade and Navigation and that it will be grievous and burthenfome to the faid Inhabitants, if the faid Building fhould be repaired, or continued in the Place by the faid Ad;s directed. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That it will be for the general Benefit of this Colony, That a Building, for holding General Affemblies and General Courts, be Ere(5ted in a Place convenient to the Inhabitants, and commodious for Trade and Navigation. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Cbmmittee, That a Town be Eftablifhed on fome con\-enient Place on York River, or the Branches thereof and that a Building for holding General Courts and General Affemblies, be Erecfted in the faid Town. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That it will be commodious for Trade and Navigation, and convenient for the People, that the faid Town be Eftablifhed, and the faid Building Eredled, on the Lands of Thomas and William Meriwether, adjoining the Town of Newcaftle; and that Five Himdred Acres be laid off for that Pur; :
: : ;



Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Sum of Two Thoufand Pounds, Current Money, be paid to the faid William and Thomas Meriwether, in Pro-

portion to the Quantity taken from each, as full Compenfation for the faid Lands.

the faid

That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That three Hundred Acres of Land be laid out in Lots and Streets for the faid Town; and that a Committee That
it is

be appointed for that Purpofe.


the Opinion of this Committee, That the Committee appointed

in Lots and Streets, be impowered to agree with Workmen, to undertake the Public Building; and that a Sum of Twelve Thoufand Pounds be raifed, for defraying that Expence. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That fome Allowance be made

to lay off the faid


to the Inhabitants of the City of Williamfburg,


are like to be Sufferers

by the

Removal of the Seat of Government. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Sum of Nine Thoufand Pounds be given to the Inhabitants of the City of Williamfburg, in Confideration of the Damage they shall suftain, by the Removal of the Seat of Government. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That towards raifing the faid feveral Sums, a Duty of one Shilling be laid on every Hogfhead of Tobacco exported out of this Colony, to be paid by the Exporter and a Duty of Twenty Shillings on every Coach and Chariot, of Fifteen Shillings on every Four-Wheel Chaife, and Ten Shillings

on every Two-Wheel Chaife. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Expence of fuj^porting the Spanifh and French Prifoners, during their Stay here, and the Tranfportation of them to the French and Spanifh Settlements, is not a Country Charge, and ought not to be paid by this Houfe. The Three Firft Refolutions being read a Second Time, and the Queftion being put, That the Houfe do agree to the faid Refolutions?
Refolved in the Affirmative.


The Fourth Refolution being read a Second Time, a Motion was made, That an Amendment be made thereto; by striking out the words [WilHam and Thomas Meriwether, adjoining the Town of Newcaftle,] and inferting [Richard Littlepage, on Pamunkey And after a Debate, the Queftion being put thereupon, the Houfe divided. Yeas



Yeas 37 Noes 34

pa ffed in

the Affirmative.

Then the Queftion being put. That the Houfe do agree amended? The Houfe divided. Noes go forth.
Yeas 39 Noes 32

to the faid Refolution as

Refolved in the Affirmative.

The Fifth Refolution being read a fecond Time, a Motion was made, That an Amendment be made thereto; by striking out the Words [William and Thomas Meriwether, in Proportion to the Quantity taken from each,] and inferting [Richard Littlejjage


the Queftion being i)ut thereupon;

It pa ffed in the Affirmative. That the Houfe do agree to the faid Refolution, as

Then the Queftion was amended?

Refolved in the Affirmative.

The Three next Refolutions were again read; and the Queftion being
the Houfe do agree to the faid Refolutions?



Refolved in the Affirmative.


Ninth Refolution being read a Second Time, a Motion was made, That an
inferting [Six-]

Amendment be made thereto; by ftriking out the word [Nine,] and And the Queftion being put thereupon; the Houfe divided.
Yeas go forth. Noes 35 Yeas 36

Then the Queftion was amended?


That the Houfe do agree to the

paffed in the Affirmative. faid Refolution, as

Refolved in the Affirmative.

The next Refolution being read a Second Time, a Motion was made. That an Amendment be made thereto, by adding thefe Words, [That a Duty of Six Pence per Poll be laid on every Tithable Perfon not employed in snaking Tobacco;] and the Queftion
being put thereupon;

paffed in the Negative.

Then the Queftion was


That the Houfe do agree to the faid Refolution?

Refolved in the Affirmative.


last Refolution

was read a Second Time; and the Queftion being put, That
Refolved in the Affirmative.

the Houfe do agree thereto,


in a Bill, or Bills, purfuant to the Refolutions of the Hotife and it is ref en-ed to M'' Carter, Beverley, M^ Hedgman, Braxton, Wormley, M' William Waller, M' Lomax, Fry, and M' Wafhington. to prepare and bring in the fame.

That a Committee be appointed to prepare and bring


M' Carter, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill, To dock the Intail Six Hundred Acres of Land in the Parifh of Lunenburg, in the County of Richmond, whereof Bernard Gaines died feifed, in Fee-Tail, and to veft the fame in William Jordan, Gent, in Fee-Simple; and to fettle other Lands of greater Value, to the fame Ufes And the fame was read the Firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time.

Petition of


Unity Dandridge, Widow and Relidt of William Dandridge, Esq; and Nathaniel-Weft Dandridge, Son, Heir, and Devifee of the faid William, was

was prefented to the Hoiife and read, letting forth, That the faid Unity's Father Nathaniel Weft, late of the County of King William, deceaf'd, died feiXed of a tract of Land, lying in the faid County of King William, called Barber's Hills, inteftate, and left her his only Child and Heir: That after the Death of her Father, her faid late Hufband entered upon the faid Land in Right of her, and also purchafed a Fee-Simple Eftate and Inheritance of feveral Tracts of Land, lying in the faid County, and did, by his laft Will and Teftament, give to his faid Son Nathaniel, all the Lands that he purchafed or had in King William County, to him and his Heirs for ever, on Condition that his faid Son did his utmoft Endeavour to dock the Entail of the Tract called Barber's Hills, and to have the Fee-Simple Eftate of the fame vefted in his Brother William That he devifed the faid Lands, together with Ten Slaves, to be fettled to the fame Ufes That in cafe his faid Son Nathaniel fhould fail to do the fame, he then made the Lands given to him fubject to the Payment of 500 /. to his Son William That they are defirous to perform the will of the faid William Dandridge; and praying that an Act may pafs for that
: :


That M' Benjamin Walkr do prepare and bring



according to the
of the

Prayer of the faid Petition.




Gray ha\ e Leave to be abfent from the Service


Tuefday next.

Saturday November 12, 1748.



Moore, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill, To enable the Pamunkey Town Indians, to fell a certain Trad of Land; atid for other Purpofes therein mentioned And the fame was received, and read the Firft Time, and Ordered to be read a Second Time. Meffage from the Council, by M^ Walthoe:

That they have agreed to the

George Mufe, out of the


That the


of Fifty

Pounds be paid to

Expences, in returning Alfo to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, to impower the Veftry of the Parifh of Martin '5Brandon, in the County of Prince-George, to fell the Glebe Land in the faid Parifh; and to purchafe a more convenient Glebe in Lieu thereof; without any Amendment.

Money in the Hands of the Treafurer, to reimburfe him home from the intended Expedition againft Canada.

from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported. That the Committee had had under their Confideration, a Propofition from the County of Staffetting forth, That by an Act of General Affembly, made in the ford, to them referred Year 1691, intituled, An Ad., for ereding Ports and Towns, Fifty Acres of Land, where Capt. Malachi Peal then lived, in the County of Stafford, were appointed to be laid off for a Port and Town for the faid County, and c^alled Marlborough: That the fame was laid off and Surveyed by Theodrick Bland, Surveyor of the faid County, the i6th Day of Auguft, 1 69 1, who at the fame Time fitrveyed Two Acres more, for the Ufe of a Covirt-houfe which f urvey is not only entered in his Surveyor's Book, but was recorded in and among the Records of the faid Covmty, with this Difference, that one of them makes 90 Lots, and the other 93, and from Number 22, the Lots are all differently numbered; That Matthew Thompfon, and John Withers, Gent, the Firft Feoffees of the faid Town, granted about 30 of the faid Lots to different Perfons, according to the Survey of the faid Bland, many of which are built on and improved, according to the Directions of the faid Act of Affembly; but after their Death, George Mafon, and William Fitzhugh, Gent, being appointed Feoffees of the faid Town, granted feveral Lots in the fame to divers Perfons, according to a Survey thereof, mentioned in the Deeds to be made by one Gregg, Surveyor of the faid Coimty, on the Second Day of September, 1707; feveral of which Lots were alfo built on and improved; but the faid Gregg's Survey of the faid Town is no where to be found, and it is very plain, that the faid Gregg's Sun-ey





entirely difagrees with the faid Bland's: That the Court-houfe of the laid County, in the faid Town, being burnt upwards of 30 Years fince, and that afterwards, a new

Court-houfe being built at another Place, all or moft of the Houfes that had been built in the faid Town, were either burnt or fui?ered to go to ruin; until John Mercer, in the Year 1726, came to live there, who having obtained a Leafe for Three Lives of the
adjoining Plantations, and purchafed all or moft of the Lots that had been built upon and faved, purfuant to the faid A6t of Affembly, applied to Henry Fitzhugh, Efq;

and James Markham, Gent, the then Feoffees of the faid Town, to take up fome other Lots; when it coming to be diicovered that the different Surveys made by Bland and Gregg, as aforefaid, could no ways be reconciled, the Coimty Court of Stafford made an Order, bearing Date the loth Day of June, 1731, That John Savage, the then County Surveyor, fhould, with the Diredlions of the faid Feoffees, lay off the faid Town, according to the ancient Bounds, and divide the fame into Lots; which was accordingly done on the 23d of July following, when the whole was divided into 95 Lots: But that




of the faid Surveys, before the Feoffees could give Deeds for

being found neceffary to bring a Bill in the General Court to eftablifli one any of the faid Lots; and

the fame having depended undetermined

fidering that the faid


Years, the Court of the faid County con-

Town hath not, for upwards of 30 Years laft paft, re-imburfed the County any Part of what the fame coft, but hath, on the contrary, been at fome Expence; and alfo, confidering that none of the Lots therein were ever likely to be taken up by any Perfon, except the faid Mercer, on the nth Day of Auguft, 1747, came to an Agreement with the faid Mercer, to accept of Ten Thoufand Weight of Tobacco for the Ufe of the faid County, for all the faid County's Right and Intereft of, in, and to the faid Town, in Cafe the faid Mercer would, at his own Cofts and Charges, procure an Adl of Affembly for confirming the faid Agreement, and vefting the FeeSimple of the fame in him, and his Heirs, excepting the Claim of all and every Perfon and Perfons, la^vfully claiming any Right or Intereft therein, by any Grant or Grants from any of the Feoffees of the faid Town; and alfo excepting the Two Acres therein

for the Ufe of the Court-houfe, as aforefaid


praying that the faid Agree-

ment be confirmed; and had come to a Refolution thereupon: Which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table; where the fame was again read, and is as



it is

the opinion of this Committee, That the faid Propofition be


faid Refolution being read a

Second Time, a Motion was made. That the faid


Report be re-committed:


the Queftion being put thereupon;

pa ffed in the Affirmative. Then a Motion was made. That the faid Report be re-committed to a Committee of the whole Koufe And the Queftion being put thereupon



paffed in the Affirmative.

a Committee upon the faid Report, on Monday next. Then a Motion was made. That John Mercer, the Petitioner, and the Guardian of William Brent, be heard by their Council before the faid Committee, upon the faid Report: And the Queftion being put thereupon;
this will refolve itfelf into



Refolved in the Affirmative.

And then

the Houfe adjoum'd


Monday Morning Eleven


'See Hening, III, 53-69, 108-109, 186-189, 404-419, 432-433; alfo the Virginia Magazine of Hiftory

and Biography, V, 278-281.


Monday, November 14, 1748.


Member, having taken the Oaths appointed to be taken by Ac5l of Parliament inftead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and taken and fubfcribed the Oath of Abjuration, and fubfcribed the Teft, was admitted to his Place
in the Houfe.

Six Hundred Acres of Land in the Parifh of LunenRichmond, whereof Bernard Gains died feifed in Fee-Tail, and to veft the fame in William Jordan, Gent, in Fee-Simple; and to fettle other Lands of greater Value to the fame Ufes; was read the fecond Time. Ordered, That the Bill be committed to the Members for King George, Richmond, Effex, and Albemarle Covmties And that they do examine into the Allegations thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. Ordered, That the Order for a Call of the Houfe, to this Day referred, be further referred 'til To-morrow. A Bill, prepared by the Committee for Revifal of the Laws, Direding the Duty of the Surveyors of Land, was read the Firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time. A Motion being made, That the Houfe do now refolve itfelf into a Committee, upon the Report of the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, made on Saturday. Ordered, That the Petition, praying that an Agreement between Stafford Cotmty and John Mercer, may be eftablifhed by an A(ft of Affembly, be referred to the faid
the Intail of

To dock

burg, in the County of


Committee And after fome Time fpent therein, M"" Speaker refumed the Chair; and M"' Carter from the Committee, reported, That they had had the faid Report under their Confideration, and alfo the Petition of John Mercer, and other Inhabitants of Stafford County, to them referred, and had confidered the feveral Fadls ftated in the faid Report and had heard as well John Mercer, the Petitioner, as the Guardian of William Brent, by their Council; and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon, which he was ready to report to the Houfe, when they

Then the Houfe



into the faid

pleafed to receive



That the faid Report be received To-morrow. then the Houfe adjourn 'd 'til To-morrow Morning Eleven o'Clock.

Tuefday, November 15, 1748.

Petition of the Infpedlors at

B oiling' s-Point,


Prince George County, was

prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth. That in the Year 1744, the faid Warehoufe was disjoined from Col. John Boiling's Warehoufe, in Henrico

joining the faid

Cotmty, and their Salaries were fettled at 35 Pounds a Year: That the disWarehoufes occafioned a much larger Quantity of Tobacco to be brought to Bolling's-Point, than was before brought to both; and praying fome Allowance for their extraordinary Trouble and Expence fmce the Disjoining the faid Warehoufes, and fuch an additional Salary for the future, as to this Houfe fhall feem juft. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances and that they do examine into the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.

from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported. That the Committee had had under their Confideration, divers Propofitions from feveral Counties, to them referred; and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon: Which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table where the fame were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows On Confideration of the Propofition from the County of Orange, fetting forth, That the Courfe of the Fifh going up the River Rappahanock, is obftrudted by the Stops, Hedges, and Mill-Dams, placed and erefted crofs the faid River, above the Falls thereof;
M"" Carter,


and praying that no Perfon, for the future, be allowed to place and ered; fuch Stops, Hedges, and Dams, crofs the faid River; Refolved, That fo much of the faid Propofition as relates to the difallowing the placing of Stops and Hedges crofs the faid River, is reafonable. Refolved, That fo much of the faid Propofition as relates to the difallowing the
Eredling Mill-Dams crofs the faid River, be rejefted. On Confideration of the Propofitions from the Counties of King George and Stafford, fetting forth the Difficulties the Inhabitants of thofe Counties have been imder, for
of getting their Com ground in the Summer Seafon, the Rivers (except Rappahanock) and Runs whereon any Mills are already built, within a convenient Diftance of the faid Inhabitants, being generally dry at that Time And that on their Application to Col. Charles Carter, he did undertake to build a Mill on Rappahanock River, above the Falls thereof, which, at a very great Expence, he has fo far compleated, that it ferves a great Number of People, and is ftill capable of greater Improvement, which the faid Carter is very ready to make, if he can have the Countenance of this Houfe therein And praying fuch Relief to be provided for the faid Inhabitants as fhall

many Years paft,

feem meet;

That the

faid Propofitions are reafonable.


confideration of the Petition of the Merchants

of Goochland, for


others, Inhabitants of the

Repealing the

Debts, and the general Advantage of the People; Refolved, That the faid Petition be rejected.


Method of proving Bookmore adapted to the Circumftances of Trade, and

prefcribing the


On Confideration

of the Propofition


of Slaves, hire


and that


from the County of Nanfemond, That no Mafter fuch Slaves to, and allow them to make Crops, or trade for Slaves be immediately under the Care and Direction of their

Mafter or white Overfeer; Refolved, That the faid Propofition



Confideration of the Propofition from the County of Nanfemond, for Eredling

a Public Warehoufe for the Infpedlion of Tobacco, at a Landing called Beft's on the Land of M'' William Wilkinfon, on Lear's Creek, on the North Side of Nanfemond River, near oppofite to the Warehoufes at Sleepy-Hole, under one Infpecftion with the Warehoufes at Sleepy-Hole;

That the faid Propofition




On Confideration of the Petition of the Directors, Freeholders, and Inhabitants of Town of Suffolk, in the County of Nanfemond, praying that Two Fairs, to wit, onejj

in the


May, and the other

in the



November, be annually held

in the

Town That no

Inhabitants of the faid Town, after the Firft

be allowed to keep any Hogs or Goats running at large in the faid Diredtors of the faid Town be enabled to eftablifh fuch Orders for the better Regulation of the Markets in the faid Town as they fhall think reafonable, and will be moft agreeable: to the Buyers and Sellers of Provifions therein

Day of March next, Town And that the





of the faid Petition as relates to the

appointing Fairs to


held in the faid Town,




itants of the faid

much of the faid Petition as relates to the reftraining the Inhab-j Town from keeping Hogs and Goats running at large therein, is rea-j


That fo much of the faid Petition as relates to the enabling the Diredors' of the faid Town, to eftablifh fuch Orders for the better Regulation of the Markets ir! the faid Town as they fhall think reafonable, and will be moft agreeable to the Buyenj and Sellers of Provifions therein, be rejected.

kept from his


That the Petition of Philip Noland, for appointing a Public Ferry to land in the County of Fairfax, over Patowmack River, to Maryland,




Ordered, That M-- Reddick do prepare and bring in a Bill, purfuant to the Seventh and Eighth Refolutions. Ordered, That the Order for a Call of the Houfe, to this Day referred, be further referred 'til To-morrow. M^ Carter, according to Order, reported, That the Committee of the whole Houfe had had under their Confideration, the Report of the Committee of Propofitions and

them re-committed and alfo the Petition of John Mercer, and others, Inhabitants of Stafford County, to them referred; and have confidered the Fads ftated in the faid Report; and have heard as well John Mercer, the Petitioner, as the Guardian of William Brent, by their Council; and have come to the following Refolutions thereGrievances, to

Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That a Bill be brought in, to confirm the Title of John Mercer, Gent, to certain Lots in the Town of Marlborough, in the County of Stafford.

relates to felling the

the Opinion of this Committee, That the faid Petition, fo far as remaining Lots in the faid Town, be rejedled. The Firft Refolution being read a Second Time, and the Queftion being put. That
it is



Houfe do agree thereto?

Refolved in the Negative.

The other Refolution being read a Second Time, a Motion was made. That an Amendment be made thereto; by ftriking out the Words [So far as it relates to felling



in the faid Town:]


And the

Queftion being put thereupon;

Refolved in the Affirmative.
faid Refolution, as

Then the Queftion was amended?

That the Houfe do agree to the

Refolved in the Affirmative.

in the

prepared by the Committee for Revifal of the Laws, For preventing Frauds Cuftoms, and in Clearing of Ships; for afcertaining Colledors and other Officers

Fees; and

Bill, Bill,

Alfo a

Alfo a

and prevent the cafting Ballaft or dead Bodies into Rivers For the better Support of the College of William and Mary For the effedual Suppreffion of Vice:

or Creeks:


Alfo a Alfo a

Concerning Juries: of Adions, and avoiding of Suits: Alfo a BUI, Concerning Highways, Mill-Dams, and Bridges:



For Limitation

For regidating Ordinaries, and Reftraint of Trippling Houfes; were fevTime and ordered to be read a Second Time. M"' Carter reported, That the Committee to whom the Bill, To dock the Intail of Six Hundred Acres of Land in the Parifh of Lunenburg, in the County of Richmond, whereof Bernard Gaines died feifed in Fee-Tail, and to veft the fame in William Jordan, Gent, in Fee-Simple; and to fettle other Lands of greater Value to the fame Ufes, was commited, had examined into the Allegations thereof, and found them to be true. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed. A Bill, To enable the Pamunkey Town Indians to fell a certain Trad of Land, and other Purpofes therein mentioned; was read the Second Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be re-committed to M'' Benjamin Waller, M"' Maffie, and the Members for King William and Hanover Counties That they do examine into the Allegations thereof, and report the fame, as they fhall appear to them, with their OpinBill,

erally read the Firft

ion thereupon, to the Houfe.

And then

the Houfe adjoum'd


To-morrow Morning Eleven




fFednefday, November 16, 1748.


Member, having taken the Oaths appointed to be taken by Act of Pariiament inftead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and taken and fubfcribed the Oath of Aburation, and fubfcribed the Teft, was admitted to his Place in
the Houfe.
Bill, intituled,

Ad, to dock the Intail of Six Hundred Acres of Land, in the Parifh of Lunenburg, in the County of Richmond, whereof Bernard Gaines died feifed, in Fee-Tail, and to veft the fame in William Jordan, Gent, in Fee-Simple; and to fettle other Lands, of greater Value, to the fame Ufes; was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"' Carter do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence



The Houfe being informed. That John Blair, Efq; in difcourfmg with one of the Members of this Houfe, relating to the Seat of Government, faid, pointing to the Speaker, who was paffmg by him. There goes the Man who is at the Bottom of this hellifh Scheme; and has told feveral Lies, and advanced many Things that he knew to be falfe; and that therefore he had no Confidence in fuch a Man and that his only Motive is his private

Intereft, tho'

he pretends the Public Good.

That John Blair, Efq; one of the Members of the Council, hath uttered moft fcandalous and malicious Reproaches, and falfe Expreffions, highly reflecting upon the Honour of the Speaker, and the Houfe of Burgeffes. Refolved, That John Blair, Efq; be charged before the Council for the Words fpoken by him; and that the Council be defired to proceed in Juftice againft the faid John Blair, Efq; and to inflidl fuch Punifhment on him as fo high an Offence againft the Houfe of Burgeffes does deserve. Beverley, Whiting, M"" Braxton, M' Ordered, That M"' Carter, M' Ludwell,


W Bland, W


W W W Attorney, W Grymes, W Burwell,



Weft, M""





do carry up the faid Charge and Refolutions

to the Council.

For continuing the Laws made, for amending the Staple of Tobacco, and for preventing Frauds in his Majefty's Cuftoms And the fame was read the Firft Time and ordered to be read a Second Time. A Bill, prepared by the Committee for Revifal of the Laws, For Eftablifhing the General Court; and for regtdating and fettling the Proceedings therein; was read the Firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time. A Written Meffage from the Council, was delivered by M'' Walthoe:
Whiting, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a


Speaker, and Gentlemen of the Houfe of Burgeffes,

It is a Matter of the higheft Concern to the Council, to find one of their Members accufed by yati of fo great an Offence againft the Speaker and your Houfe. The Council have, purfuant to your Defire, proceeded to enquire into the Matter; and do find, that John Blair, Efq: hath, by his Confeffion, been guilty of a high Indignity to the Speaker and Houfe of

Burgeffes: And as it is the genuine Mark of an honeft and generous Mind, to acknowledge an Error, and make Satisfadion, when fenfible of it; he doth declare, tliat he is very sorry for his Offence, and does hope that the Speaker and Houfe of Burgeffes will not impute it to any premeditated Intention in him, but will look on it, as it really is, the Effed of a warm Tanper, and arifing from the Weaknefs of Htiman Nature: And as the Council have fhown their Readinefs to give all reafonable Satisfadion to the Speaker and Houfe of Burgeffes in this Point, they hope that the Houfe will not fuffer any Breach between the Two Bodies of the Legiflature, to prove an Obftrudion to the effecting thofe important Matters we are now met upon.

That the Matters contained

in the faid Meffage,

have given the Houfe




That a written Meffage be lent to the Council, to acquaint them, that the

having a juft Senfe of the Readinefs of the Covmcil to redrefs the Affront offered them by one of their Members, are fatisfied with their written Meffage, and his Acknowledgment and are very defirous that no Breach fhould f ubfif t between the Two Bodies of the Legiflature, to impede the weighty Concerns of the Public And that the Committee who carried up the Charge and Refolutions, do go up with the


of Burgeffes

faid Meffage.

Ordered, That the Call of the Houfe, to this Day referred, be further referred To-morrow. And then the Houfe adjourn 'd 'til To-morrow Morning Eleven o'Clock.


Thurfday, November 17, 1748.

and Freeholders of the Covtnty of Spotfylvania, Removal of the Court-houfe of the laid County, was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; that they do examine into the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. M"' Beverley informed the Houfe, That there was a Charge in the Account of James City Cotmty, againft the Public, for the Imprifonment and Releafement of a Perfon committed for a Breach of the Peace; and moved for the Directions of the Houfe in Relation to that Matter: And the Queftion being put, That the faid Charge be allowed? the Houfe divided. Yeas go forth. Yeas 31 Noes 42
Petition of fimdry Inhabitants
in Oppofition to a Petition for

Refolved in the Negative.


Petition of the Inhabitants of Goochland County, praying that the Ad;, obliging



applied to by the next adjacent County, to join in building Bridges

be repealed, or amended; was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and

Grievances; and that they do examine into the Matter thereof, and report the fame,

with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. A Motion was made, That the Committee appointed to prepare and bring in a Bill or Bills, purfuant to the Refolutions of the Committee of the whole Houfe, reported on Friday laft, be diredled to bring in the fame at a certain Day; and the previous Queftion
being put That the Queftion be

now put upon the faid Motion ?

the Houfe divided.




Noes 34 Yeas 42

pa ffed in
pa ffed in

the Affirmative.

Then the Queftion being put upon the

faid Motion?

the Affirmative.
Bill or


Then a Motion was made. That the Committee be diredled to report the faid To-morrow; and the Queftion being put thereupon? the Houfe divided.
Yeas go forth. Noes 36 Yeas 40

That the Order for a Call of the Houfe, to this


Refolved in the Affirmative. Day referred, be further





then the Houfe adjourn 'd

To-morrow Morning Eleven





18, 1748.

Committee of Privileges and Eleftions reported That the Committee have had under their Confideration, the Petition of Benjamin Grymes, to them referred, complaining of an undue Eledlion and Return of M"" William Waller and Mr. Rice Curtis, to ferve as Burgeffes in this prefent General Affembly, for the County of Spotfylvania; and have heard as well the Petitioner, by his Council, as the fitting Member: Whereupon it appeared to this Committee,


Ludwell, from the

That a Writ, duly

iffuing out of the Secretary's Office, for the Eledlion of Burgeffes to

ferve in this prefent General Affembly for the


of Spotfylvania,

dated the 28th


of April, in the


Firft Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, and returnable

June afterwards, was delivered to the Sheriff of the faid County, on the That afterwards, on the 6th Day of May, the faid May, in the faid Year of 4th Day Writ to be delivered to the Minifter of the Parifh, and Sheriff caufed one Copy of the faid to each of the Readers of the Two fe\-eral Churches and Chapel in the faid County, the Time and Place by him appointed for the faid Eledion having been firft indorfed on every of the faid Copies, and appointed the 31ft Day of May aforefaid, and the Courthoufe of the faid County for making the faid Ele(5lion: That the Minifter or Readers of the Churches and Chapel in the faid County, after the Receipt of the feveral Copies and Indorfements fo delivered to them, and after Celebration of Divine Service therein, publifhed, in the faid feveral Churches and Chapel refpedlively, the faid Copies and Indorfements, on every Sunday that was between the Receipt of the faid Writ and the Day of Eledlion appointed as aforefaid That the faid Sheriff afterwards, to wit, on the 2 2d Day of May, in the faid Year, received a Proclamation, under the liand of the Lieutenant Governor and the Seal of this Colony, bearing Date the i6th Day of May, in the fame Year, for adjourning the County Court of Spotfylvania from the Court-houfe in the Town of Fredericksburg, (which, as is therein recited, was then infedled with the Small-Pox) to the Dwelling-houfe of Larkin Johnfton, in the faid County, and publifhed the faid Proclamation on the 2 2d Day of May, in the faid Year, being Sunday, in Pamunkey Chapel, in the faid County, after Divine Service, and ordered his Under-Sheriff to publifh the fame at the Two Churches in the faid County but that the faid Proclamation was only publifhed in one of the faid Churches, caWedM attapony Church, and not in the Church of Fredericksburg That afterwards, about a Week before the faid Elecftion, the faid Proclamation was fhewed by the Under-Sheriff to, and feen, by the Petitioner and others, at Fredericksburg, and at the Warehoufes in that Town That the Petitioner, before any Application appeared to this Committee to have been made for procuring the faid Proclamation, afked the faid Larkin Johnfton, if he would go to Williamfburg and bring the fame: That afterwards, on the faid 31ft Day of May, the Day appointed for the Eledion aforefaid, the Juftices of the faid County having never before that Time held a Court at the faid Jolinfton's, nor met at the Court-houfe at Fredericksburg, and adjourned from thence, the faid Sheriff read the faid Writ for Eledlion of Burgeffes, and Proclamation of Adjournment, at the faid Johnfton's, about the Hour of Ten in the Forenoon, and foon after, began to Poll the Freeholders then and there prefent, notwithftanding the faid Sheriff was informed by the Petitioner, that his Votes were not come, and defired to defer taking the Poll until a greater Number fhould be affembled; which the Sheriff refufed to do, faying. He was to be the Judge that Day, let who would judge afterwards; and that he intended to have a fair Eledlion: That the Petitioner flood as a Candidate at the faid Eledlion, and continued fo to do 'til the Poll was almoft concluded, and ga\e his Vote for Two other Candidates That about Three Days before the faid Day of Eledlion, a Bridge that was over a River between theiaidjohnfton'sand Fredericksburg, was taken up, by a Perfon who had undertaken, and agreed with the Court of the faid County, to build a new one there and that one of the Workmen employed in building the new Bridge, being afked, Why he had taken up the Old Bridge, anfwered. To laugh at the Rappahanock Eledors: That the Day before the Election, a Cart with a
the 30th




: : :


Cafk of

Rum in

the faid River;


and on the Day of the Election, feveral Chairs or Chaifes, paffed thro' but that the fitting Members did not appear to have defired, or been the taking up the faid Bridge That one of the Freeholders of the faid County,

not being certain where the Ele<5tion was to be made, on the Day of the Ele<5lion went towards Fredericksburg, expelling it to be there; but heamg the contrary afterwards, went to, and voted at the faid Johnfton's: That fome Perfons from feveral other Counties, being Freeholders in Spotfylvania, came to, and gave their Votes at the faid Eledtion

That the faid





made Proclamation more than Three Times,

for all

polled to give their Votes, concluded the Poll about Two o'clock the fame Day, and returned the faid William Waller, who had 188 Votes, and Rice Curtis, who had 137 Votes, Burgeffes, elected for the faid Coimty; the Petitioner

who had not been

having only 60 Votes, and near all the Freeholders of the faid County having been That before the Conclufion of the Poll, the Under-Sheriff was informed, that

fome Freeholders who intended to vote for the Petitioner, were on their Journey to the faid Johnfton's in a Wagon, but it does not appear the High Sheriff had notice thereof; and foon after the Poll was concluded. Two or Three Freeholders came thither in a Wagon And that they have come to feveral Refolutions thereupon which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table where the fame were again read, and the faid William Waller and Rice Curtis were heard in their Places, and withdrew Then the faid Refolutions were read a Second Time, and agreed to by the Hoxafe, as follow Refolved, That the Adjournment of the Court of Spotfylvania, from Fredericksburg to Larkin Johnfton's aforefaid, was legal. Refolved, That the Election of Burgeffes to ferve in this prefent General Affembly for the County of Spotfylvania, made at the faid Johnfton's, was legal. Refolved, That the faid William Waller and Rice Curtis, are duly elected to ferve in this prefent General Affembly for the County of Spotfylvania. Ordered, That the Serjeant at Arms, with the Mace, introduce the faid William

Waller and Rice Curtis to their Places in the Houfe.

M"" Ludwell alfo, from the Committee of Privileges and Elections reported. That the Committee had had under their Confideration, the Return of the Writ for Electing a Burgefs to fer\^e in the prefent General Affembly for the County of Charles -City; and had come to a Refolution thereupon: Which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table where the fame was again read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows Refolved, That the Return of the faid Writ for electing a Burgefs for the Coimty of Charles-City, is not made in the Form prefcribed by Law. Ordered, That the Return of the faid Writ be amended by the Clerk at the Table. And it was accordingly amended. A Petition of the Chief Men of the Nottoway Indians was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, That in the Eighteenth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, an M Act paffed. To enable the Nottoway and Nanfemond Indians to fell certain Lands, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned; that among other Things, it impowered the faid Nottoway Nation, with the Confent of certain Truftees, to fell Five Thoufand Acres of their Land, lying between the Weftern Boundary of their faid Tract, and BuckhornSwamp, for the beft Price that could be got, not to be lefs than 12 /. 10 5. for every Hundred Acres That in order to get that Price, they were obliged to lay off the beft That the remaining Part included in the Bounds aforefaid, is barren, of the faid Land and of little or no Ufe to the faid Nation and praying that an Act may pafs to enable them to fell the fame. Ordered, That M"' Simmons and M"" Gray do prepare and bring in a Bill, according to
: : ;

the Prayer of the faid Petition.

An Ad, for making and one other Act, for continuing and amending the faid Ad: And the fame was read the Firft Time; and ordered to be read a Second Time.

M' Ad,

Carter, according to Order, prefented to the


Houfe a



further continuing

more effedual Provifion againft Invafums and In-


Benjamtn Waller, from the Committee to whom the Bill, To enable the Pamunkey Tcmm Indians to fell a certain Trad of Land; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was committed, reported. That they had examined into the Allegations thereof, and found them to be true; and had made feveral Amendments thereto: Which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table where the fame were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. Ordered, That M'' Harrifon be added to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; M'' Simmons to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, and Privileges and Eledlions M'' Thornton to the Committee of Privileges and Eledions and M' Blackwell to the Committee for Courts of Juftice. A Member, having taken the Oaths appointed to be taken by A6t of Parliament inftead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and taken and fubfcribed the Oath of Abjuration, and alfo fubfcribed the Teft, was admitted to his Place in the Houfe. M"^ Carter, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill, For Eftablifhing a Town on Pamunkey River; and other Purpofes therein mentioned. The Houfe was, according to Order, called over, and Excufes made for the abfent Members; which was allowed of. Then the faid Bill was read; and the Queftion being put. That the faid Bill be read a Second Time? the Houfe divided. Noes go forth. Yeas 36 Noes 41


paffed in the Negative.

That the Bill, be rejefted. Upon a Motion made. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, For re-building the Capitol, in the City of Williamf burg and that M"" Ludwell do prepare and bring in the fame. M"" Carter alfo, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill, For laying a Duty on Tobacco exported, and on Wheel-Carriages; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned: And the fame was read the Firft Time; and the Queftion being put, That the Bill be read a Second Time?


paffed in the Negative.

Refolved, That the



be rejected.

Capitol, in the City of Williamfburg

For Re-building the Time and the Queftion being put, That the Bill be read a Second Time? the Houfe divided. Noes go forth. Yeas 39 Noes 37
Ludwell, according to Order, prefented to the

Houfe a



the fame was read the Firft


paffed in the Affirmative.


That the Bill be read a Second Time. And then the Houfe adjoum'd 'til To-morrow Morning Eleven o'Clock.

Saturday, November 19, 1748.

For allowing be kept in the Town of Suffolk; and preventing Hogs and Goats going at large therein: And the fame was received, and read the Firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time. M'' Carter, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported. That the Committee had had under their Confideration, divers Propofitions from feveral Counties, to them referred and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon Which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table; where the fame were again read, and are
Reddick, according to Order, prefented to the


Houfe a



as follow:

it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Petition of Lawrence appointing a Public Ferry to be kept over Rappahanock River, from Anderfon Doniphan's to his Land, is reafonable. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Petition of William



Battaile, againft

Steptoe, Geat. for

adding Forty Acres of Land, belonging to the Petitioner, which the County of Northumberland, to the County of Lancafter; be rejected.




Confideration of the Petition of the Infpedlors at

B oiling' s-Point


in the County of Prince-George, praying a fufficient Compenfation for their Expence, Labour, and Trouble, fmce the faid Warehoufes were disjoined from Col. John Boiling's, in the County of Henrico, in the Year 1744, and put under a feparate Infpedion, which occafioned a much larger Quantity of Tobacco to be brought thither than was before; and alfo, praying fuch an Addition to their Salary for the Time to come, as fhall feem


That That



the Opinion of this Committee, That the faid Petition




it is

the Opinion of this Committee, That


of the faid Infpedlors,

Twenty Pounds to each a reafonable Compenfation for their Expence, Labour, and

Trouble aforefaid.
Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Proportion from the County of Middlefex, for appointing a Public Warehoufe for the Infpeclion of Tobacco, on the Upper Side of Parroi's-Creek, on the Land of M"' Beverley Stannard, at a Place called Broad-Neck, under the fame Infpedlion with the Warehoufes at Urbanna, in the faid




That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofition from the County of New-Kent, for appointing a Public Warehoufe for the Infpedlion of Tobacco, on the Land of Anthony Waddy, where formerly the Agents Warehoufes were, in that





fpeclors at Page's

Increafe of

That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Petition of the Inand Crutchfield's Warehoufes, in the County of Hanover, praying an their Salaries, and that the Time for bringing Tobacco to the Warehoufes
be rejedled.

be fhortened;

it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Petition of the Inthe habitants of Parifh of Cople, in the County of Weftmoreland, for Diffolving the


Veftry of the faid Parifh; be rejedted.



it is

the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofition from the


of Spotfylvania, for Repealing the Adl, intituled,



for altering the Place

for holding



Courts in the County of Spotfylvania; be rejecJled. of the faid Refolutions being read a Second Time,

was made. That the Hoiife do now proceed to the further Confideration of the Report from the Committee of Proportions, on Wednefday Seven-night And the Refolution of the faid Committee, That the Propofition from the County of King-George, for appointing a public Ferry to be kept over Rappahanock River, from the Land of Anderfon Doniphan, in that County, to the Land formerly of Nicholas
Meriwether, now of Lawrence Battaile, in Caroline County; and the Queftion being put. That the Houfe do agree thereto
Refolved, That the faid Propofition be rejedted.

A Motion

reafonable, being read,


pa ffed in

the Negative.

Then the Queftion being put, That the Houfe do agree to the Refolution of the Committee, That the Petition of George Morton of King George County, for appointing a Ferry to be kept over Rappahanock River, from his Warehoufe Landing, in that County, to the Landing of Lawrence Battaile, in the County of Caroline; be rejedred.

Refolved in the Affirmative.


That the further Confideration

of the faid

Report be adjourned.


firft Refolutions of the faid Committee this Day reported, were and the Queftion being feverally put, That the Houfe do agree Time; read a Second

Then the Seven


Refolved in the Affirmative.

The Eighth Refolution being alfo read a Second Time That the Houfe do agree thereto;

and the Queftion being



paffed in the Negative. Refolved, That the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Parifh of Cople, in the County for diffoh'ing the Veftry of the faid Parifh; is reaf enable. Weftmoreland, of The laft of the faid Refolutions was read a Second Time; and the Queftion being

That the Koufe do agree thereto;

Refolved in the Affirmative.

Ordered, That it be an Inftru(5lion to the Committee of Claims to make an Allowance in the Book of Claims to the Infpedtors at Boiling's Point Warehoufe, purfuant to the Refolution for that Purpofe; and that the faid Allowance be made to the feveral InfpecSlors who have ferved at the faid Warehoufe fmce the Year 1744, in Proportion

to the

in a Bill,

Time they have refpedlively attended. That the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances do prepare and bring
purfuant to the Refolution, for Diffolving the Veftry of the Parifh of Cople. Motion was made, That the Houfe do adjourn; and the Queftion being put
Refolved in the Negative.


A Bill, For rebuilding the Capitol, in the City of Williamf burg was read the Second Time; and the Queftion being put. That the Bill be Ingroffed; the Houfe divided. Noes go forth. Yeas 40 Noes 32


paffed in the Affirmative.

be Ingroffed; and read the Third Time on Wednefday next; and that there be then a Call of the Houfe. And then the Houfe adjourn 'd, 'til Monday Morning Eleven o'Clock.

That the


Monday, November 21, 1748.

from Drivers paffing with Cattle through this Colony; and for laying a Duty on Horfes imported: And the fame was received, and read the Firft Time and Ordered to be read a Second Time. M'' Bland, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a BiU, For eftablifhing the Towns of Peterfburg and Blandford, in the County of Prince -George and for preventing the Building Wooden Chimnies in the faid Towns: And the fame was read the Firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time.


Whiting, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a


For reviving


for preventing Loffes

An Ingroffed Bill, intituled. An Ad, to enable the Pamunkey Town Indians to fell a certain Trad of Land, and other Purpofes therein mentioned; was read the Third Time, and a Blank in the Bill filled up.
Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. Petition of fundry the Inhabitants of the County of King-William, in Oppofition to the Petition of Thomas Danfie, for appointing a Ferry from the old Ferry Landing


That the Bill do pafs. That M-- Weft do carry the

on his Land, to the Widow Gooch's, in New-kent County; was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and that they examine into the Matter thereof, and report the fame, as it fhall appear to them, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. M'

; :

Houfe a Bill, Far Dividing the Raleigh, in the County Parifh of of Amelia, and Ereding the fame into Two diftind Parifhes: And the fame was received, and read the Firft Time; and ordered to be read
a Second Time. A Bill, prepared by the Committee for Revifal of the Laws, For Clearing Rivers and Creeks: AKo a Bill, For the Prefervaiion of the Breed of Deer, and preventing unlawful Hunting Alio a Bill, Concerning Marriages: And alfo a Bill, Concerning Seamen; were feverally read the Firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time. And then the Houfe adjourn 'd 'til To-morrow Morning Eleven o'Clock.


Carter, according to Order, prefented to the

Tuefday, November 22, 1748.

Claim of Ignatius Winfet, for taking up a Runaway therein mentioned, was prefented to the Houfe, and received. Ordered, That it be an Inftruction to the Committee of Claims, to allow the faid Claim in the Book of Claims.

M'' Beverley,

from the Committee

of Claims, reported,

That the Committee had had

under their Confideration divers Matters to them referred, and had come to feveral Ref olutions thereupon Which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table where the fame were again read, and agreed to by the Hotife, as follows


Confideration of the Petition of John Holder,

eration for the

Sum of Eighteen Pounds, in full Confidmentioned. On Confideration of the Petition of Joel Walker, Refolved, That the Allegations of the faid Petition are true; and that the iaid Joel Walker ought to be allowed the Sum of Forty Five Pounds for the Slave in the faid Petition mentioned: On Confideration of the Petition of Jofeph Strother, the Younger, Refolved, That the Allegations of the faid Petition are true; and that the faid Jofeph Strother ought to be allowed the Sum of Forty Pounds for his Slave in the faid Petition mentioned. On Confideration of the Petition of James Dillon, of Stafford County,

That he ought to be allowed the


in the Petition

Refolved, That the Allegations James Dillon ought to be allowed the

of the faid Petition are true;

and that the



of Thirty


for the Slave in the Petition



Confideration of the Petition of





That the faid Petition ought to be

rejected, for


of fufificient Proof.

Confideration of the Petition of Elizabeth Prichett,


That the Allegations

of the faid Petition are

Widow, true; and that the faid /i2a-

ought to be allowed the



Ten Pounds.


Confideration of the Petition of John Moore, Proprietor of the Public Ware-

houfe at Gibfon's, in King-George County,





of the faid Petition as relates to the re-landing of

at the faid Warehoufe, ought to be rejected; but that the iaid

allowed the

Sum of

Eight Pounds, in


Confideration for

Tobacco John Moore ought to be the Wharf in the faid Petition



Confideration of the Claim of Anthony Penifton, late Sheriff of Prince-George

That the faid Claim was rejefted in the laft Book of Claims, having been before paid by the County of Prince-George aforesaid; and that the faid Claim

ought to be rejeded.




Confideration of the Petition of Catherine Walker,

Widow, Owner

of the Public

Warehoufes at Hog-Neck, in James-City County, Refolved, That the Allegations of the faid Petition are true; and that the faid Catherine Walker ought to be allowed the Sum of Seven Pounds, in full Confideration of her Expence, in Building the Wharf in the said Petition mentioned. On Confideration of the Petition of William Beverley, Refolved, That the faid William Beverley ought to be paid the Sum of Thirty Six Pounds Three Shillings and Six Pence, for the Articles in his faid Petition, not before confidered to be allowed, in the following Manner; that is to fay, Thirteen Pounds Three Shilling and Six Pence, for what he paid the Doctor for his Account, from the Third Day of March, 1745; Five Pounds for the Lofs of Negro Richmond's Toes; and Eighteen Pounds in full for what other Damages he hath fuftained. Ordered, That it be an Inf trudlion to the Committee of Claims, to make the feveral Allowances in the Book of Claims, purfuant to the faid Refolutions. A Meffage from the Council, was delivered by M'' Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, to dock the Intail of Six Hundred Acres of Land lying in the Parifh of Ltmenburg, in the County of Richmond, whereof Bernard Gaines died feifed in Fee-Tail, and to veft the fame in William Jordan, Gent, in Fee-Simple; and to fettle other Lands of greater Value to the fame Ufes without any

from the Committee of Proportions and Grievances, reported. That the Committee had had vmder their Confideration, divers Proportions from feveral Counties, to them referred; and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon: Which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table; where the fame were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows Refolved, That the Proportion from the Coimty of Albemarle, for reftraining Planters from tending fo great Numbers of Tobacco Plants as they do at prefent; be rejected. Refolved, That the Propofition from the County of Lunenburg, for Ere<5ling Public Warehoufes for the Infpecftion of Hemp, and allowing a Praemium to the Makers of Hemp infpected and paffed, without obliging them to export the fame; is reafonable. Refolved, That the Propofition from the County of Lunenburg, for lodging Money in the Hands of the Infpedlors of Kemp, for the Paiment of the Prsemium to the Makers thereof; be rejecfled. Refolved, That the Petition of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of New-Caftle, in the Cotmty of Hanover, for altering the Days of holding Fairs in the faid Town, and appointing the fame to be held on the Second Tuefdays in May and October, Annually, inftead of the Firft Tuefday in April, and the Third Tuefday in NoM'' Carter,





That the Propofitions from the County

of Fairfax, for dividing the

Parifh of Truro in that County, by a Line to be run from the

near the great Fall of Patowmack River, to the Mouth of



Mouth of Difficult Run, Rocky Run, on Bull Run;



Confideration of the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Parifh of Suffolk, in the



for Diffolving the Veftry of the faid Parifh,

and making void

for trifling Rents,

feveral long Leafes of the Donations to the


of that Parifh,


and not near the Value thereof, by the faid Veftry; Refolved, That fo much of the faid Petition as

relates to the Diffolving the faid


That the Leafes of the faid Donations ought to be made void. That it be an Inftruction to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, to whom it is referred, to prepare and bring in a Bill, purfuant to the Refolution, For ere&ing Warehoufes in the County of Frederick, for the Infpedion of Hemp in that County; and for fuffering the Inhabitants thereof to pay all their Public Dues and Officers Fees in that Cofnmodity in Lieu of Tobacco, or for difcharing them in Money, at the Rate of Three




Pound of Tobacco; that they have Power to receive a Claufe or Claufes, purfuant to the Refolution, for the ereding public Warehoufes, for the Infpedion
Farthings for every
in the County of Lunenburg, and allowing a Prcemium to the infpeded and paffed, without obliging them to export the fame.






that the faid Committee do prepare


and bring


Bill or Bills,

purfuant to the

laft Refolutions.

of Propofitions


The Houfe refumed the further Confideration of the Report from the Committee and Grievances, made on Wednefday Se'nnight. And the Two Refolutions not before confidered, were read and the Queftion being That the Houfe do agree thereto,

Refolved in the Affirmative-

A Bill,


Frauds in his

Laws made for amending the Staple of Tobacco, and preventing Majefty's Cuftoms, was read the Second Time and committed. That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill,

on Thurfday next.


be an Inftrud;ion to the faid Committee, That they have Power to

receive a Clause or Claufes, purfuant to the Refolution, for appointing a


on the Land


John Ofbome, in






Alfo purfuant to the Refolution, for appointing a Warehoufe on the South Side of River, on the Rocky Ridge, on the Land of the late William Byrd, Efq; deceaf'd:

Alfo purfuant to the Refolution, for appointing a Warehoufe at a Place called the

Piping Tree, in King William County, under one Infpedion with the Warehoufes at Williams '5, in the faid County; Alfo purfuant to the Refolution, for re-eftablifhing the Warehoufes at Peyton'5,
oppofite to the



Occoquan, in



of Fairfax:

Alfo purfuant to the Refolution, for increaflng the Salaries of Taylor Chapman and Edward Waller, Infpedors at Acquia Warehoiifes, in the County of Stafford Alfo purfuant to the Refolution, for increaflng the Salaries of the Infpedors at wickfqueak-i?ay ;



Alfo purfuant to the Refolution, for putting down the Warehoufes on the Land of the Kenner, deceafed, near the Mouth of Coan River, and the Land of Spencer Ball, oppofite to it; and eftablifhing in the Room of them, Warehoufes, at Ferry Neck, on




of the faid

Rodham Kenner
the other

on one Side, and oppofite








John Waughop, on

Side of the faid River. Alfo purfuant to the Refolution, for ereding a Public Warehoufe, for the Infpedion Tobacco, at a Landing called Beft'5, on the Land of M'' William Wilkinfon, on Lear'5

Creek, on the

North Side



River, near oppofite

to the




Hole, under one Infpedion with the faid Warehoufes.

Alfo purfuant to the Refolution, for increafmg the Salary of the Infpedlors at

B oiling s-Point.
Alfo purfuant to the Refolution, for appointing a Public Warehoufe for the Infpedion of Tobacco, on the upper Side of Farro/ 's-Creek, on the Land of M'' Beverley

Stannard, at the Place called Broad-Neck, under the fame Infpe<5lion with the Warehoufes at Urbanna.

Alfo purfuant to the Refolution, for appointing a Publick Warehoufe for the In-

on the Land of Anthony Waddy, in the County of New-Kent, where formerly the Agents Warehoufes were in that County. Alfo purfuant to the Refolution, for making an Addition to the Salary of John Grant and David Brenaugh, Infpedors at Morton'?, Warehoufe, in King George Cotmty. The Hotife refumed the further Confideration of the Report from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, made on Monday November the Seventh; and the Refolutions not before confidered, were read and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudtion to the Committee of Claims, to make an Allowance in the Book of Claims, to Edward Wafhington and William Payne, Infpedors at
fpeftion of Tobacco,


Occoquan and Pohick Warehoufes,
for that Purpofe.
in the


of Fairfax,

purfuant to the Refolution

Parifh of Raleigh, in the County of Amelia; and Ereding the fame into Two diftind Parifhes; was read the Second Time, and committed to M' Wood Jones, M"' Tahb, and M' Bland. A Bill, For eftablifhing the Toums of Peterfburg and Blandford, in the County of Prince-George; a'nd for preventing the Building Wooden Chimnies in the faid Towns, was

A Bill, For dividing


Eppes, and M' Boiling. and committed to M'^ Bland, A Bill, For reviving the AA, for preventing Loffes from Drivers paffing with Cattle through this Colony; and for laying a Duty on Horfes imported; was read the Second Time and committed to the Committee for Courts of Juf tice. Ordered, That it be an Inftru(?tion to the faid Committee, That they have Power receive a Claufe or Claufes, purfuant to the laft Refolution of the Committee of to Propofitions and Grievances, reported on Monday November the Seventh. A Bill, For allowing Fairs to be kept in the Town of Suffolk, and preventing Hogs and Goats going at large therein, was read the Second Time; and committed to M'' Fry, M"" Carter, and the Members for New-Kent and Hanover. Ordered, That it be an InftruCtion to the faid Committee, That they have Power to receive a Claufe or Claufes, purfuant to the Refolution for altering the Fair Days in
read the Second Time



of New-Caftle.



further continuing the






making more


Provifion again ft Invafions and Infurredions;


the faid

and one other Adl, for continuing and Ad, was read the Second Time and committed to the Committee for

Courts of Juftice. A Bill, prepared by the Committee for Revifal of the Laws, Concerning Water-Mills: AKo a Bill, For Prevention of Abiifes in Tobacco fhipped on Freight; were feverally

read the Firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time. A Petition of divers of the Inhabitants of the County of James-City, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, That the Caufway leading into James-Town and

Sandy-Bay, is become fo out of Repair, that the fame is likely to become a County Charge That the keeping up of the faid Caufeway will be of little Service to any others than thofe who crofs the Ferry at James-Town, belonging to Richard Ambler, Efq; That there are feveral refponfible Freeholders of the Lands adjoining the faid Ferrj', who have offered to keep the faid Caufway in Repair, in cafe the faid Ferry might be removed to their Lots; and praying that the faid Richard Ambler may be obliged to keep the faid Caufway in Repair, or that the Ferry may be removed to the Land of fome other Perfon who will keep the fame in Repair. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Conlideration of the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and that they examine into the Matter thereof, and report the fame, as it fhall appear to them, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. And then the Hovife adjoum'd 'til To-morrow Morning Eleven o'Clock.


November 23, 1748.



ered the

Wood Jones, from the Committee

of Raleigh, in the




For Dividing



County of Amelia, and Ereding the fame into Two diftind Parifhes, was committed, reported. That the Committee had made feveral

to the Bill Which he read in his Place, and afteru-ards delivwith the Amendments, in at the Table where the fame were again read, and agreed to, by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. Ordered, That M' Reddick have Leave to be abfent from the Service of the Houfe,




Wednefday next.



That M^ Wormley have Leave to be abfent from the Service

of the Houfe,


Tuefday next
Petition of the Infpe<5lors at Conway's Warehoufe, in the County of Caroline, praying an Increafe of their Salary, was prefented to the Houfe, and read.


That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and that they examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.

The Houfe was, according to Order, called over; and the Members who were abfent were excufed, upon Account of Illnefs, or extraordinary Avocations. A Motion was made, That 41 Members be fufficient to make a Houfe to proceed upon Bufinefs; and after a Debate, the Queftion being put thereupon, the Houfe divided. Yeas go forth.
Noes 35 Yeas 44
Refolved in the Affirmative.

Bill, intituled.

An Ad,

was read the Third Time; and Then a Motion was made. That an Ingroffed Claufe be added as a Rider to the and the Queftion being put thereupon.

for Re-building the Capitol, in the City of Williamfburg, the Blanks in the Bill filled up.

And Then the Queftion being

go forth.


That the


pa ffed in the Affirmative. do pafs, the Houfe divided. Noes

Yeas 40 Noes 38 Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M-- Ludwell, M"- Burwell, Digges, M' Attorney, M"" Benjamin Waller, and M'' Whiting, do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. A Meffage from the Council, by M"" Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, to enable the Pamunkey Toimt Indians to fell a certain Trad of Land; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, with feme Amendments; to which they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe. The Hotife took the faid Amendments into their immediate Confideration, and the fame being read, were agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That M'' Benjamin Waller do carry the Bill to the Coimcil, and acquaint them, That this Hotife hath agreed to the Amendments by them made to the faid Bill. A Bill, prepared by the Committee for Revifal of the Laws, Concerning Servants

and Slaves: AKo a Bill, Concerning the Public Prifons, and direding the Method of appointing the Keeper thereof: Alfo a Bill, Direding the Trial of Slaves, cotyimitting Capital Offences, and for the more effedual punifhing Con fpiracies and Infurredions of them; and for the better Government of Negroes, Mulattos, and Indians, bond or free, were feverally read the Firft Time and ordered to be read a Second Time.

fented to the Houfe

Solomon Cook, for taking up a Runaway, therein mentioned, was preand received. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudtion to the Committee of Claims, to allow the faid

Claim in the Book of Claims.


That M'^ Claiborne have Leave to be abfent from the Service of the Houfe, Wednefday next. And then the Houfe adjoum'd 'til To-morrow Morning Eleven o'Clock.



Thurfday, November 24, 1748.


Whiting, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill, For continuing the Ad, intituled. An Ad, for reducing the Laws made, for laying a Duty on
Liquors, into one

Ad of Affembly And the fame was receiv'd, and read the Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time. A Petition of Leonard Henly and Ifaac Goddin, late Infpectors of Tobacco at the Brick-Houfe and Hog-Neck Warehoufes, fetting forth, That whiKt they were at HogNeck Warehoufe, attending their Duty, a Hogfhead of Tobacco was ftolen from the Brick-Houfe Warehoufe, for which they were obliged to pay and praying fuch Relief as this Houfe fhall think fit was offered to the Houfe And the Queftion being put, That

the aid Petition be received ?

Refolved in the Negative.

M' Carter, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported. That the Committee had had under their Confideration divers Propofitions, from feveral Counties



and had come to

feveral Refolutions thereupon:

Which he read


his Place, and and are as follow Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofition from the County of Richmond, for Enacfling the Adt of Parliament, made in the Fifth Year of his Majefty's Reign, intituled, An Ad, for the more eafy Recovery of Debts in his Majefty's Plantations and Colonies in America, to be in Force throughout this Colony be rejected. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofition from the Coimty of Richmond, for Repealing one Claufe of the Adl of Affembly, made in the Twelfth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, Reftraining Juftices of the Peace, out of Cotirt, from iffuing Executions againft the Body of Debtors; be rejedted. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofition from the County of Richmond, for illuftrating and amending the Laws concerning Vagrants or Vagabonds; be rejected Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofition from the County of Albemarle, for allowing the Inhabitants of that County to pay their Public Dues in Money, at a lower Rate than Two Pence for every Povmd of Tobacco; is rea;

afterwards delivered in at the Table; where the fame were again read,

f enable.



it is

the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofition from the

County County

of Albemarle, for enlarging the Jurifdidlion of Juftices of the Peace;

be rejedled.



it is

the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofition from the

Amelia, for reftraining the PracT:ice of Deftroying Deer in hard Frofts;

reaf enable.

Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofition from the County of Albemarle, for more effe(5lually preventing the Deftrudtion of the Breed of Deer, and prohibiting Firehunting is reafonable. The Three Firft Refolutions being read a Second Time, and the Queftion being feverally put. That the Houfe do agree thereto?

Refolved in the Affirmative.

The Fourth Refolution being read a Second Time, and the Queftion being That the Houfe do agree thereto?


It pa ffed in the Negative. That the Propofition from the County of Albemarle, for allowing the Inhabitants of that County to pay their Public Dues in Money, at a lower Rate than Two Pence for every Pound of Tobacco be rejedled. Then all the other Refolutions were read a Second Time, and the Queftion being put. That the Houfe do agree thereto?

Refolved in the Affirmative.


That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, to allow Perfons not concerned in making Tobacco, to pay their Public Dues and Officers Fees, in Money And that M-Fry prepare and bring in the fame. Ordered, That M"- Maffte have Leave to be abfent from the Service of the Houfe, 'til Wednefday next. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee, upon the Bill, For continuing the Laws made, for amending the Staple of Tobacco; and for preventing Frauds in his Majefty's Cuftoms; Ordered, That the faid Committee be difcharged from proceeding thereupon. Ordered, That the faid Bill be committed to M-- Secretary, M-- Whiting, M^ Carter, M' Beverley, M- Burwell, Bland, Braxton, Attorney, Wafhington, William Waller, M'' Digges, M'' Benjamin Waller, and M"- Chifwell; and that it be an Inftrudtion to the faid Committee, that they have Power to receive the feveral Claufes which the Committee of the whole Houfe were inftru(5led to receive. A Meffage from the Council, by M'' Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for Re-building the Capitol, in the City of Williamf burg without any Amendment. A Bill, prepared by the Committee for Revifal of the Laws, For fettling the Titles Bounds and of Lands; and for preventing unlawful Hunting and Ranging; was read the firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time. A Petition of Mary Johnfon was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, That for feveral Years paft, fhe has been very fuccefsful in curing Cancers; and that fhe is willing to communicate her Method of performing the Cure to the Public, and to rely on this Houfe for fuch a Reward as they fhall think reafonable. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to a Committee. And it is accordingly referred to M"' Ludwell, M'' Carter, M'' Simmons, M"' Bland, M'' Fry, M"" Beverley, M"' Burwell, and M'' Weft; to examine into the Matter thereof, and

report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.

And then

the Houfe adjourned


To-morrow Morning Eleven




2 ^y



Whiting, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a

For reviving

Ad, and for


of Elizabeth-City County to ered Pounds; And the fame was received, and other Purpofes therein mentioned


the Juftices

read the Firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time. A Petition of John Hudgin, of Amelia County, was offered to the Houfe, praying to be paid for a Negro of his, who was murdered by another Negro; and the Queftion being

That the faid Petition be received?

Refolved in the Negative.

and her Children, by Richard Taliaferro, Gent, deceafed, her late Hufband, was prefented to the Houfe, and read, fetting forth. That about the Year 1746, feveral Churches and Chappels were robbed of their Plate That her faid Hufband difcovered fome of the Authors of the faid Robberies and their Accomplices That in difcovering the faid Robbers, and detecting their Crimes, he was put to great Trouble and Expence, by travelling about himfelf, and hiring Meffengers to inquire for Witneffes againft them, in diftant Parts of the Country That he very much impaired his Health by going out after them in the Night; and praying that fuch an Allowance may be made to her, and her faid Hufband 's Children, as this Houfe fhall think a Reward equal to his Services. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Claims; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, as it
Petition of Rofe Taliaferro, in Behalf of herfelf


appear to them, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.


M' Attorney prefented to the Houfe, an Account of William Wyat, Keeper of the Public Goal, of extraordinary Expences for fick Prifoners, and other Services and the fame was received, and read. Ordered, That the faid Account be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Claims and that they do examine the Articles thereof, and report the fame, as they
; ;


appear to them, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.

M' Carter reported. That the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances had, according to Order, prepared a Bill, For deftroying Crows and Squirrels: And the fame was received, and read the Firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time. And it was immediately read a Second Time; and the Queftion being put, That the Bill be committed?

paffed in the Negative.

That the That M^ Ball have Leave to be abfent from the Ser\dce of the Houfe, for the Recovery of his Health. A Petition of Mary Smith was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth. That her Hufband, James Smith, was inlifted a Soldier in the late Expedition againft Carthagena, and died in that Service; and praying the Affiftance of this Houfe. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Claims; and that they do examine into the Matter thereof, and report the fame with

be Ingroffed.




Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. Bill, prepared by the Committee for Revifal of the Laws, To reftrain the keeping great a Number of Horfes and Mares; and for amending the Breed: Alfo a Bill, Declaring Slaves to be Perfonal Eftate; and for other Purpofes therein


To prevent the tending of Seconds: Alfo a Bill, For encouraging the making and exporting Tar and Hemp: Alfo a Bill, Giving a Reward for killing of Wolves: Alfo a Bill, Prefcribing the Method for proving Book Debts: Alfo a Bill, For the Diftribution of Inteftates Eftates; were feverally read the Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time. And then the Houfe adjourn 'd 'til To-morrow Morning Eleven o'Clock.
Alfo a


Saturday, November 26, 1748.

For allowing Fairs to be kept in the Town of Suffolk, and preventing Hogs and Goats going at large therein, was committed, reported. That the Committee had made feveral Amendments thereto, which they had diredled him to report to the Houfe and he read the fame in his Place, and afterwards delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table where they were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. M'' Simmons, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill, To enable the Nottoway Indians to fell certain Lands; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned And the fame was read the Firft Time and Ordered to be read a Second Time. A Bill, prepared by the Committee for Revifal of the Laws, For preventing exceffive and deceitful Gaming. Alfo a Bill, For the better Support of the Clergy; and for the regular colleding and


Fry, from the Committee to




paying the Parifh Levies:

For fettling the current Rates of Gold and Silver Coin within this Dominion: To prevent frivolous and vexatious Suits: Alfo a Bill, For encouraging Adventurors in Iron-Works: Alfo a Bill, For appointing Public Storehoufes, and afcertaining the Prices of Storage-^ were feverally read the Firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time.

AKo a

Alfo a



A Petition of Richard Ambler, Efq; in Oppofition to the Petition of divers of the Inhabitants of the County of James-City, for obUging the faid Richard Ambler to keep in Repair the Caufway leading into James-Town at Saiidy Bay; was prelented to the Houfe, and read.
That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee and Grievances and that they do examine into the Matter thereof, and report the fame, as it fhall appear to them, with their Opinion thereupon, to the f loufe. And then the Houfe adjourn 'd 'til Monday Morning Eleven o'Clock.
of Propofitions

Monday, November 28, 1748.


Fry, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill, To allow Perfons not concerned in making Tobacco, to difcharge Levies and Officers Fees in Money


the fame was received, and read the Firft Time; and Ordered to be read

a Second Time.

To enable the Nottoway Indians to fell certain Lands; and for other Purpofes tlierein mentioned, was read the Second Time; and committed to M'' Benjamin Waller, M'' Simmons, and M"" Gray. A Bill, For reviving the Ad, to impower the Juftices of Elizabeth-City County, to ered Pounds; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned; was read the Second Time. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed. An Ingroffed Bill, intituled, An Ad, for Dividing the Parifh of Raleigh, in the County of Amelia; and Ereding the fame into Two diftind Parifhes, was read the Third Time; and the Blanks in the Bill filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Tabb do carry the Bill to the Council, and defire their Concurrence. A Bill, prepared by the Committee for Revifal of the Laws, For Eftablifhing County Courts; and for regulating and fettling the Proceedings therein, was read the Firft Time; and ordered to be read a Second Time. And then the Houfe adjourned 'til To-morrow Morning Eleven o'Clock.

Tuefday, November 29, 1748.


Secretary, according to Order, laid before the Houfe,

an Account

of the

Money expended

in fupporting the Soldiers


to Cape-Breton, but


bad Weather forced into

this Colony,

who were

quartered at York.

Mr Speaker informed the Houfe, That he had received a Letter from M' John Hutchings, inclofmg an Account of Difburfements for the Soldiers quartered at Norfolk And he laid the faid Account before the Houfe. Ordered, That the faid Accounts do lie on the Table. M' Beverley, from the Committee of Claims, reported, That the Committee had had under their Confideration, divers Petitions to them refeiTed; and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon: Which he read, and then delivered in at the Table; where the fame were again read, and agreed to, with an Amendment to one of them, as follows On
Confideration of the Petition of Richard Bland;

That the

faid Petition be rejefted

the faid Richard Bland declaring, that

received, are fuflficient

the Rents of the faid Warehoufe, with

Satisfaction for his building the

what he hath already


in the faid Petition



and her by Richard Taliaferro, Geni,. her late Hufband, decesfed; Refolved, That the Allegations of the faid Petition are true and that they ought to be allowed the Sum of 50 I. as a Reward for the Ser\'ices done by the faid Richard TaliaConfideration of the Petition of Rofe Taliaferro, in behalf of herfelf


ferro to

the Public, as in the faid Petition mentioned.


Confideration of the Petition of the Juftices of Northampton County Refolved, That they ought to be allowed the Sum of 7 /. in full Confideration for


mentioned. to the Committee of Claims, to make the feveral InftruAion be an Ordered, That it Allowances in the Book of Claims, purfuant to the faid Refolutions. A Petition of fundry Freeholders and others, Inhabitants of the Counties of Brunfwick and Lunenburg, referred by the Council to the Confideration of the Houfe, was read;


in the faid Petition

Year 1746, the County of Brunfwick was divided, and the upper Part thereof ereded into a County, by the Name of Lunenburg: That the County of Brunfwick is about 30 Miles in Length: That the lower Part thereof terminates in a long narrow Point, about 10 Miles in Length: That the faid County is too fmall for two Parifhes, and too expenfive for One; and praying that the faid County may be extended Fifteen Miles higher; and that the faid narrow Point at the lower End thereof, may be added to the County of Ifle of Wight.
fetting forth.


in the

Alfo a Petition of the Inhabitants of Brunfwick, in Oppofition to the faid Petition and praying that their Court-houfe may be eftablifhed by Ac^ of Mfembly at the Place






the Queftion being feverally put. That the faid Petitions be referred to a Com//

paffed in the Negative.

That the faid Petitions be rejefted. M"' Benjamin Waller, from the Committee to whom the Bill, To enable the Nottoway Indians to fell certain Lands; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was committed, reported. That the Committee had examined into the Allegations of the Bill, and found them to be true and that they had made feveral Amendments thereto, which they had direded him to report to the Houfe And he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where the fame were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. M"' Carter, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances reported, That the Committee had had under their Confideration divers Propofitions from feveral Counties, to them referred, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon; which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table; where they were again read, and are as
; :



it is

the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofition from the


of Stafford, for removing the Public Ferry from Claiborne's in the County King-William, over Pamunkey River, and Eftablifhing the fame at the Landing Capt. Thomas Danfie, in the fame County; be rejected.



That the Petition of Thomas Danfie, Gent, for appointing a Public Ferry to be kept from his old Landing, in the County of King-William, over Pamunkey River, to the Widow Gooch's, in the County of New-Kent, until the Petitioner can make a Caufway thro' the Marfh oppofite to his faid Landing; and after that Time the faid Caufway; is reafonable. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofition from the County of King-William, againft the Petition of Thomas Danfie, Gent, for appointing
it is


the Opinion of this Committee,

a Public Ferry to be kept from his Landing; be rejected.


Confideration of the Petition of William Alcock and William Conner, Infpe<5lors

at Conway's Warehoufe, in Caroline County, fetting forth.

That before their Salary was fettled at 40 /. per Annum, which was done in the Year 1744, not more than 1000 Hogfheads of Tobacco were Yearly brought to the faid Warehoufe; but that fince that Time, the Number has increafed to near 1700 Hogfheads: So that the Petitioners, after deducing their Salary, pay into the Treafury above Eighty Pounds Yearly; and praying that they may have fuch further Allowance as fhall seem meet to this Houfe;






the Opinion of this Committee, That the Salary of the faid

be increafed.

Confideration of the Petition of the Inhabitants and Freeholders of the Town of Port-Royal, in the County of Caroline, and other Freeholders and Inhabitants of the faid County, in Oppofition to the Propofition from the County of Effex, for Eredling


a Public Warehoufe for the Infpection of Tobacco at Micon's; fetting forth the Difficulty of carrying and rolling Tobacco to Micou's, the fmall Number of Hogfheads that will be carried thither, and the Inconveniences to the faid Town if the faid Ware-

houfe fhould be eretled, by taking Part of the Tobacco that would otherwife be brought to the Warehoufes in the faid Town, which are fufificient to contain all the Tobacco infpefted there; and praying that the faid Propofition for eredling a Warehoufe at
Micou's; be rejedled;


it is

the Opinion of this Committee, That the faid Petition



That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofition from the Northampton, for afcertaining the Method of Meafuring Oats; be rejected. County of Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofitions from the Counties of Goochland, Albemarle, and Augufta, for appointing the Courts of the faid Counties refpedlively, to be held Quarterly, inftead of Monthly, at fuch Times, and under fuch Regulations, as to this Houfe fhall feem fit; is reafonable. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Conunittee, That the Petition of fundry

Inhabitants of the Parifh of Overivharton, in the County of Stafford, whofe Names are thereto fubfcribed, for preventing the erecting a chargeable and unneceffary Church

the faid Parifh, which the Veftry thereof ordered to be built;


for Diffolving

the faid Veftry,


and appointing a new Eledlion

it is



in the faid Parifh;

be re-



the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofition from the

Road from the Pignut-Ridge, in that County, meet the Road cleared by the Inhabitants of the County of Frederick, to that Part of Prince-William, which is next to the Mountains, at the Charge of the Public, or of both the faid Counties, or for obliging the County of Frederick alone to clear the
of Prince-William, for clearing a
fo far as to

fame; be




it is

the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofitions from the


of Prince-William, for enabling the Juftices of that

County to levy Tobacco

on the Tithable Inhabitants thereof, for defraying the Charges of clearing a Road from the Pignut-Ridge, in the faid County, fo far as to meet the Road cleared by the Inhabitants of the County of Frederick, to that Part of Prince-William which is next to the


The Four Firft Refolutions were again read; and the Queftion being put, That the Houfe do agree thereto?
Refolved in the Affirmative.

of the

Fifth Refolution being again read, the Iloufe refumed the further Confideration

Report from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, made on Friday November the Fourth; and the Refolution of the Committee, That the Propofition from the County of Effex, for appointing a Warehoufe at Port-Micou's, on the Land of John MicoH, in that County, is reafonable, being read, and the Queftion being put. That the Houfe do agree thereto?

paffed in the Negative.

Refolved, That the faid Propofition be rejedled. Then all the other Refolutions of the faid Committee this Day reported, were again read; and the Queftion being feverally put, That the Houfe do agree thereto?

Refolved in the Affirmative. Ordered, That the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances do prepare and bring
in a Bill or Bills,

purfuant to the Second and







tinuing the

Laws made,

be an Inftruclion to the Committee to whom the Bill, For confor amending the Staple of Tobacco; and for preventing Frauds

committed, that they have Power to receive a Claufe purfuant to the Refolution for increafmg the Salary of the Infpedors at Conway's WareMajefiy's Cuftoms,

houfe, in Caroline County.

That M' Bland,



Robert Jones,



Jones, and the Members for Goochland, Albemarle, and Angufta Counties, do prepare and bring in a Bill, purfuant to the Refolution for appointing the Courts of the Counties
of Goochland, Albemarle,

and Augufta,

to be held Quarterly, inftead of Monthly.



Bill, intituled.



for dcftroying Croivs



was read

the Third Time;



and the Blanks in the Bill filled up. That the Bill do pafs. Hedgman, Harrifon, Ordered, That M'' Carter, M' Wafhington. M"" Fitzhugh, Accomack and Counties, do carry the Bill Northampton Fairfax, and the Members for

to the Council, for their Concurrence.

That an Addrefs be made to the Go\ernor, to order a new Writ to iffue, Electing a Burgefs to fervc in this prefent (general Affembly for the County of

Middlefex, in the


of M'' Philip



has accepted of the Office of Receiver-


Petition of William Parks

was prefented to the Houfe, and read; praying that

his Salary



That the

be continued to him, as ufual. Sum of 280 Pounds per Anyiiim be allowed to William Parks,





Time to the next Seffion of Affembly, for his vSalary, as a full Recompence for and deliA'ering Infpe<5lors Notes and Books, Receipts for the Duty on Slaves, Proclamations and other AcT;s of GoAemment, and all other Public Services
obliged to perform.





That M^ Benjamin Waller do carry the

faid Rcfolve

up to the Council,

for their Concun-ence.

A Petition of Jacob Sellers was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, That a Negro of his was committed to the Goal of King-William County for Felony: That before he could be tried for the faid Facft, he was, thro' the Inclemency of the Weather, fo froft -bitten, that tho' he was not condemned for the faid Felony, he died foon after his Trial and praying that he may ha\'e fuch an Allowance for his faid Slave, as to this Houfe fhall feem meet. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Claims; and that they do examine the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with


Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. And then the Houfe adjoum'd 'til To-morrow Morning Eleven o'Clock.


November 30, 1748.

up a Runaway, therein mentioned, was pre-




Pratt, for taking

fented to the Houfe and receiv'd.




the faid Claim in the

M-- Liidwell

be an Inftrucftion to the Committee of Claims, to allow Book of Claims.

Leave to bring in a Bill, for Eftablifhing a Town on the Lands of Richard Little page, Gent, in the County of Neiv-Kent. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in the faid Bill and it is referred to M' Ludwcll to prepare and bring in the fame. A Meffage from the Council, by M"" Walthoe, That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for Dividing the Parifh of Raleigh, in the County of Amelia, attd Ereding the fame into Two diftind Parifhes; without any Amendment.



in a Bill,

That M^ Read be added to the Committee appointed to prepare and bring

land, Albemarle,

purfuant to the Refolution for appointing the Courts of the Counties of Goochand Augufta, to be held Quarterly, inftead of Monthly.

Braxton, from the Committee of Trade, prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill, For further continuing an Ad, intituled, An Ad, for laying a Duty on
Slaves, to be

paid by the Buyers:

For continuing an Ad, intituled. An Ad, for the better Regulating and and far other Purpofes therein mentioned: Alfo a Bill, For further continuing an Ad, intituled. An Ad, for continuing and amending an Ad, for infpeding, weighing, and ftamping all Pork and Beef, packed in this Colony, or imported for Sale, before the fame fhall be fold here, or fhipped for Exportation; and to amend the Ad, for afcertaining the Gauge of Barrels for Pork, Beef, Tar, and Pitch; and for infpeding, weighing, and ftamping all Flottr exported And the fame were received, and read the Firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time. Ordered, That M'' Braxton have Leave to be abfent from the Service of the Houfe,
Alfo a

colleding certain Officers Fees;


Tuefday next.

M' Ludwell, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill, For Eftablifhing the Lands of Richard Littlepage, Gent, in the County of New-Kent And the received, and read the Firft Time; fame was and Ordered to be read a Second Time. M' Beverley, from the Committee of Claims, reported, That the Committee had had under their Confideration, feveral Matters to them referred; and had come to feveral Ref olutions thereupon Which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table where the fame were again read, and agreed to, as follows:

Town on


Confideration of the Petition of




That the Allegations

of the faid Petition are true; of 10

and that the



Smith ought to be allowed the




Confideration of the Petition of

Anne Gough, Owner

of the Public


at Denbeigh;

of the faid

That the faid Petition be rejecfted; it not appearing but that the Rents Warehoufe are fufficient to re-imburfe her the Expence of building the


in the faid Petition

On On

Confideration of the Petition of the Juftices of Elizabeth-City County;


That the

faid Petition be rejed:ed.

Confideration of the Petition of Jacob Sellars;


Jacob Sellars

That the Allegations of the faid Petition are true; and that the faid ought to be paid the Sum of 35 Pounds for his Slave in the faid Petition



Confideration of the Account of William Wyatt, Keeper of the Public Goal

Wyatt ought to be allowed the Sum of Seven Pounds Five Shillings, for his extraordinary Expences for fick Prifoners, in the faid Account mentioned; and that the Services and the Articles in the faid Account for guarding the Prifon, and putting John Flannagan on board the Man of War, ought to

That the

faid William

be rejedled, being no Public Charge.

be an Inftru(5lion to the Committee of Claims, to make the feveral of Claims, purfuant to the faid Refolutions. M' Carter, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported. That the Committee had had under their Confideration divers Propofitions, from feveral Counties to them referred; and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon: Which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table where they were again



Allowances in the


and agreed to, as follows: That the Proportion from the County of Goochland, for Dividing that County by James River, and ereAing that Part of the faid County which is on the South Side of the faid River, and called King-William and Southam Parifhes, into a new and deftinft County; is reafonable.




That the Propofition from the County of Goochland, for Dividing that Countv, and erecfling a new County on the South Side of James River, to be bounded on the Eaft or lower End by the County of Henrico, on the North by James River, up to the Mouth of Slate River, and by Slate River, up to Hugh Green's, on the Weft by a dire<5l Line to be nm irom Hugh Green's to Brooks's Mill, and thence continued in the fame Courfe to Appomattox River, and on the South by Appomattox River; be reje6ted. Refolved, That the Propofition from the County of Goochland, againft Dividing

that County; be rejected Refolved, That the Propofition from the


of James-City, for obliging Richard

Ambler, Efq; to keep the Caufway at Saitdy-Bay, leading to his Ferry in James-Town, in Repair at his own Expence, or removing the faid Ferry, and eftablifhing the fame on the Land of fome other Perfon in the faid Town who will do fo; be rejedted.

That the Petitions of the Churchmen of the Veftry of Augufta, in the County of Augufta, and of other Churchmen of the faid Parifh, for turning feveral Diffenters, now a(5ting as Veftrymen of the faid Parifh, out of the faid Veftry; be rejefted. Refolved, That the Propofition from the County of Augufta, for laying off a Place in the Centre of the faid Coimty, for eredting the Court-Houfe on, of the faid County;



That the Propofitions from the County of Orange, for Dividing that County, and ere(5ting that Part thereof which is within the Forks of Rappal'ianock River, into a diftincfl County; are reafonable. Refolved, That the Propofition from the County of Orange, againft Dividing that

County, be rejedled.

Taylor and M' Beverley, Ordered, That the Members for the Coimty of Goochland, do prepare and bring in a Bill, purfuant to the Refolutions for Dividing Goochland, and

Orange Coimties.
M'' Beverley, from the Committee of Claims, moved for the Diredlions of the Houfe, what Maimer they fhould levy the Tobacco due to Witneffes and Venire Men attending

the King's Bufmefs.




be an Inftrudlion to the faid Committee, to levy the faid Tobacco

without any Dedu(5tion.

from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances reported, That they Bill, For Diffolving the prefent Veftry of the Parifh of Cople, and Eleding a new Veftry for the faid Parifh: Alfo a Bill, For appointing a Ferry on Pamunkey River, at Danfie'5, in King William County: And the fame were received, and read the Firft Time; and Oi-dered to be read a Second Time. Ordered, That the latter of the faid Bills be read a Second Time on Tuefday next; and that the Parties both for and againft the Bill be then heard, by their Council, at the Bar of the Houfe. A Bill, intituled. An Ad, to enable the Nottoway Indians to fell a certain Trad of Land; and other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read the Third Time; and a Blank in
M'' Carter,

had, according to Order, prepared a

the Bill




That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M^ Simmons do carry the

Bill to

the Council, and defire their Con-


To allow Perfons not concerned in making Tobacco, to difcharge Levies and Officers Fees in Money; was read a Second Time, and Committed to M-- Beverley, U' Fry, M' Fairfax, and M'' Tabb.


Petition of William Wyatt, Keeper of the Public Goal, was prefented to the Houfe, and read, fetting forth. That the Fees Eftablifhed by Law for keeping of the Publick Goal, are very fmall; and the Times that fuch Fees become due and payable,

That for fome Years paft Com and Provifions of all Kinds have been very dear, occafion'd by the great Droughts: That the deamefs of Wood, added to
are uncertain


makes it extreamly difficult for the Petitioner to fupport and Family That he is obliged, for Want of the Tobacco due to him, which is not paid him oftener than once in Two Years, to purchafe his Provifions and Wood upon Credit, at a certain Intereft and that he is very often fued on his Contracts, and thereby put to great Expences That after the Capitol was burnt, the Papers and Records were put under his Care That the Room they took up in his Houfe obliged him, for fome Time, to board out two of his Children And praying, That this Houfe will take his Cafe into their Confideration, and give him fuch Relief as they fhall think fit. Ordered, That the faid Petition do lie on the Table. And then the Houfe adjourn 'd 'till To-morrow Morning Eleven o 'Clock.
: ; : :

other extraordinary Expences,

Thurfday, December



Meffage from the Council, by M' Walthoe:


they have agreed to the Refolve, for allowing William Parks the Sum of Annum, from this Time to the next Seffion of Affembly, for his Salary, as a full Recompence for printing and delivering Infpedlors Notes and Books, Receipts for the Duty on Slaves, printing Proclamations, and other
280 Povmds per

Government, and all other Public Services he is now obliged to perform. Whiting, from the Committee for Courts of Juftice, according to Order, reported a Bill, For continuing an Ad, intituled. An Ad, for appointing a Treafurer: And the fame was received, and read the Firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time. A Petition of fundry Inhabitants of Weftmoreland and Stafford Counties, adjacent to upper Machotack River, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth the Difficulties they lie imder, for Want of a convenient Warehoufe for the Infpedion of Tobacco; and praying that a Warehoufe may be eredted upon the faid River. Ordered, That the faid Petition do lie on the Table. A Bill, For continuing an Ad, intituled, An Ad, for appointing a Treafurer, was read a Second Time; and committed to M'' Benjamin Waller and M'' Attorney. An Ingroffed Bill, intituled, An Ad, for allowing Fairs to be kept in the Town of Suffolk, and preventing Hogs and Goals going at large therein; and for altering the Times and the Blanks of holding Fairs in the Town of New-Caftle, was read the Third Time

in the Bill filled up.



That the Bill do pafs. That M"^ Ludwell do carry the fame to the Council, and delire




Ordered, That M"" Fitzhugh have Leave to be abfent from the Service of the Houfe, Recovery of his Health. A Bill, prepared by the Committee for Revifal of the Laws, Declaring the Law concerning Executions, and for Relief of infolvent Debtors: Alfo a Bill, For the Settlement and Regulation of Ferries; atid for Difpatch of Public


Alfo a



the better fecuring the


of Rents;

and preventing



Pradices of Tenants: Alfo a Bill, For afcertaining the

Damage upon

protefted Bills of Exchange;



the better

Recovery of Debts due on Promifory Notes; and for the Affignment of Bonds,
alfo a Bill,


and Notes. To reftrain the taking of exceffive Ufury; were feverally read the Firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time. And then the Houfe adjoum'd 'til To-morrow Morning Eleven o'Clock.




Friday, December 2, 1748.


Carrington, according to Order, prefented to the Iloufe a Bill, For Dividing the Counties of Orange and Goochland: And the fame was recei\ed, and read the Firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time.

Mr Carter, irom the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported, That the Committee had had under their Confideration divers Propofitions, from feveral Counties to them referred; and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon: Which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table where the fame were again

and are as follow Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofitions from the Countv of Augnfta, for clearing Roads over the Blue Ridge of Mountains, at Swiftrun Gap, and Two other convenient Places and raifing a Sum of Money fufficient to defray the Charges of hiring Men, and buying Tools for that Purpofe are reafonable. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofition from the County of Prince fs- Anne for Repealing the A(5f of Affembly, made in the Year 1744, to reftrain the Inhabitants of the Town of New-Town, in the faid County, and others, from fuffering Hogs to run at large within the Bounds of the faid Town; be rejected. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofition from the County of Lunenburg, for preventing the Deftrudlion of Deer, by hunting and killing them in the Night Times, and by Fire; is reafonable. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofition from the Covmty of I fie of Wight, for obliging the Juftices of that County to build a Bridge at a
; ;

Place on Blackwater-Swamp, called Prodor's; be rejed;ed. On Confideration of the Petition of William Meriwether, John Hejtry, John Bickerton, of the County of Hanover, and Francis Jcrdone, (Executor of William Johnfon, deceaf 'd,)

York County, fetting forth, That in the Year 1740, an A61 of Affembly was made, impowering the Juftices of Hanover County, and their Succeffors, or any Four or more of them, (One of whom to be of the Quorum) to receive Subfcriptions, and the Money fubfcribed, from the Perfons who fhould be willing to make fuch Subfcriptions, and to apply the fame towards building a Bridge over Pamunkey River, from Newcaftle to the Land of Edmund Littlepage, in King-William County, and to defign, dired;, and agree with Workmen for building the fame, and for the Support and Maintenance thereof: That the faid Juftices, or any Four or more of them, or fuch Perfons as they fhall appoint, were dire<5led, by the faid Ad, to fet up and eredl Gates and Turnpikes on or acrofs the faid Bridge, through which no Perfon fhould pe permitted to pafs, without paying a Toll or Duty impofed by the faid Act That the Petitioners, William Meriwether, and John Bickerton, and the faid William Johnfon, who were Jioftices of the faid Covmty of Hanover, and one of them of the Quorum, contradled with one William Walker to build fuch a Bridge, as aforefaid, for the Confideration of 130 /. which was accordingly built, and a Gate or Turnpike fet up thereon and that a Perfon was appointed to receive the Toll; but that the Gate was foon afterwards broken down, and the People would not fuffer the fame to be re-built and to remain That afterwards, the faid William Johnfon, in whofe Hands the Subfcription Paper was lodged, died, and the faid Paper was never found 'til the Time limited for paying the faid Subfcription Money expired That Walker brought a Suit againft the Petitioners and the other Juftices of the faid County of Hanof

faid Johnfon's Executor, and recovered againft the Petitioners and the faid Executor only, 169 /. 75. 9 d. and 1644 Pounds of Tobacco, which they have paid; and praying fuch Relief in the Premifes as to this Houfe fhall feem proper;

and the


That That

it is

the Opinion of this Committee, That the faid Petition

the Opinion of this Committee, That the Petition of




it is

John Gordon,

Minifter of the Parifh of Frederick, in the


of Frederick,

praying that his Salary




be paid him by the faid Parifh in Money, at fuch a Rate as fhall





to thofe of other Minifters in this Colony;


The Three Firft Refolutions being read a Second Time, and the Queftion being feverally put, That the Houfe do agree thereto?
Refolved in the Affirmative. the other Refolutions were read a Second Time, and the Queftion being feverally put. That the Houfe do agree thereto?



Juftices of

It pa ffed in the Negative. That the Propofition from the County of Iflc of Wight, for obliging the that County to build a Bridge at a Place on B/ac^wa^^r-Swamp, called Pr odor's


of the of

That the Petition of William Meriwether, John Henry, John Bickerton, of Hanover, and Francis Jerdone, Executor of William Johnfon: Alio the Petition of John Gordon, Minifter of the Parifh of Frederick, in the County of



be rejedled.

That M-- Beverley, Carter, and the Members for Augufta, Albemarle, and Orange Coimties, do prepare and bring in a Bill, purfuant to the Firft Refolution. Ordered, That M-- Gray do prepare and bring in a Bill, purfuant to the Refolution for obliging the Juftices of Ifle of Wight County to build a Bridge at a Place on

Blackwater-Swamp, called Prador's. A Motion being made. Ordered, That it be an InftrucT;ion to the Committee of Claims, to levy the Salarj' of the Clerk of the General Court, without any Dedudlion. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Petition of William Wyat, Keeper of the Public Goal and it was thereupon Refolved, That the Sum of 41 /. 55. be paid to the faid William Wyat, as a further Allowance for his Expence in fupporting the Prifoners; the Fees allowed him by Law

not being fufficient.

Ordered, That it be an Inftruclion to the Committee of Claims, to make an Allowance in the Book of Claims, purfuant to the faid Refolution. M"" Secretary, from the Committee to whom the Bill, For continuing the Laws made, for amending the Staple of Tobacco; and preventing Frauds in his Majefty's Cuftoms, was

committed, reported. That the Committee had made fe\'eral Amendments thereto, which they had directed him to report to the Houfe And he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where they were

again read.

Then a Motion was made, That the faid Bill be re -committed. Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the

faid Bill,

To-morrow. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Petition of fundry Inhabitants of Weftmoreland and Stafford Counties, adjacent to upper Machotack Ri^er, and the fame was read and the Queftion being put, That the faid Petition be referred to a Committee ?


paffed in the Negative.

That the faid Petition be rejei5ted. A Meffage from the Council, by M"" Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for deftroying Crows and Squirrels; without any Amendment. And then the Houfe adjourn 'd 'til To-morrow Morning Eleven o'Clock.



Saturday, December



That the Bill be Ingroffed. M"' Beverley, from the Committee to whom the Bill, For allowing Per fans not concerned in making Tobacco, to pay their Levies and Officers Fees in Money, was committed, reported. That the Committee had made feveral Amendments thereto, which they had diredled him to report to the Houfe And he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table. Ordered, That the faid Rejiort do lie on the Table. A Bill, For Dividing the Counties of Orange and Goochland, was read the Second Time; and feveral Amendments made thereto. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed. M"' Ltidwell, from the Committee to whom the Petition of Mary Johnfon, offering to communicate to the Public her Method of curing Cancers, for a Reward, was committed, reported, That the Committee had examined into, and heard feveral Perfons, upon the Matter thereof; Whereupon it appeared, That one William Burrus had been Fourteen Years affli(5led with an Ulcer, which, according to his Defcription thereof, was a Cancer That he applied to one Doctor Comrie to cure the fame, who could not effedl it and that Dr. Abney afterwards attempted it, with as little Succefs: That Sometime afterwards, D"^ Wharton, of King-William, took him under his Care, and kept him one Year; but could not do him any Ser\'ice: That D'' Seymour, of Gloucefter, confeffed, that he thought the Cancer incurable That fometime afterwards, in the Month of April, the faid Burrus applied to, and put himfelf under the Management of the Petitioner, with whom he remained till Odober following and in that Time the faid Cancer was enThat one Mary Price, having a Cancer on tirely eradicated, and he perfectly cured of it her knee, applied to the Petitioner; and after being with her about Seven or Eight Months, was likewife healed: And that feveral other Perfons, effected with the fame Malady, have been attended with the like Succefs; and had come to a Refolution thereupon: Which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table; where the fame was again read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows: Refolved, That the faid Petitioner ought to be rewarded, if fhe will communicate to the Public her Method of curing Cancers. A Motion being made, Refolved, That the Sum of One Hundred Pounds be paid out of the Public Money, in the Hands of the Treafurer, to Mary Johnfon, as a Reward for difcovering her Method of curing Cancers, upon her j:)roducing a Certificate from under the Hands of Philip Ludwell, Richard Bland, and Anthony Walke, Gent, or any Two of them, who are by this Houfe ap]rointed to make an Experiment of the Efficacy of the Medicine that fhall be by the faid Mary Johnfon to them communicated, of their Approbation thereof. Ordered, That M'' Ltidwell do carry the faid Refolvc to the Council, for their ConOrdered,

Bill, jor

Diffolving the prcfent Veftry of the Parifh of Cople, and Eleding a new

\'cftry for the faid

Parifh; was read the Second Time.



A Meffage from the Council, by M"^ Wathoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for allowing Fairs to be kept in Town of Suffolk, and preventing Hogs and Goats going at large therein; and for altering Times for holding Fairs in the Town of Newcaftle; without any Amendment. The Houfe being informed, That the Sheriff of Brunfwick attended at the Door, in


That the

faid Sheriff

do amend


Return; and that he be then


dif charged

out of Cuftody, paying Fees.

Bill, intituled.

An Ad,

for reviving the

City County,

ered Pounds;


for other

impower the Juftices of ElizabethPurpofes therein mentioned; was read the



Third Time; and a Blank in the

Bill filled up.



That the Bill do pafs. That M' Weftwood do carry the


Bill to

amending the Staple of Tobacco; and preventing Frauds in fome Time fpent therein, M^ Speaker refumed the Chair; and M-- Carter reported. That the Committee had had the faid Bill, together with the Amendments, imder their Confideration, and had made fome progrefs therein; but not having Time to go through the fame, they had directed him to move for Leave
his Majefty's

The Houfe, according continuing the Laws made,


to Order, Refolved

the Council, for their Concurrence. into a Committee, upon the Bill, For






That this Hotife will again Refolve itfelf into a Committee, upon the faid on Monday next. My Weftwood, according to Order, laid before the Houfe, an Account of Difburfements for the Soldiers quartered at Hampton. Ordered, That the faid Account do lie on the Table. M-- Carter moved for Leave to bring in a Bill, for Confirming the Grants on the Forks of Rappahanock, and on the North Side of the Di\'iding Line between the King, and the

Proprietor of the Northern-Neck.

That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, according to the faid Motion Carter do prepare and bring in the fame. that And then the iloufe adjoum'd, 'til Monday Morning Eleven o'Clock.







Benjamin Waller, from the Committee to whom the Bill, For continuing the Ad, for appointing a Treafurer, was committed, reported. That the Committee had made feveral Amendments thereto, which they had direded him to report to the Houfe: And he read the Report in his Place and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where they were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. M"" Gray, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill, For obliging the Juftices of Ifle of Wight, to build a Bridge over Blackwater -Swamp, at Proctor'^: And the fame was received, and read the Firft Time and Ordered to be read a Second Time. Upon a Motion made. The faid Bill was immediately read a Second Time. Ordered, That the faid Bill be Ingroffed. A Bill, intituled. An Ad, for Dividing the Counties of Orange and Goochland, was read the Third Time; and the Blanks in the Bill filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"' Carrington, M"" Cary, and M"" Taylor, do carry the Bill to the Council, and defire their Concurrence. M"" Carter, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill, For enabling the Juftices



Prince-William County,

to levy

clearing a




the Pignut, to the

Tobacco on the faid County, Blue Ridge


defray the Charges of

the Grants in the Forks of Rappahanock, and on the North Side of the Dividing Line between the King, and the Proprietor of the Northern-Neck And the fame were received, and read the Firft Time and Ordered to be read a Second

Alfo a

For Confirming


it is

Leave to bring in a Bill, to amend an A(5l, intituled. An County Courts; and granting Writs of Certiorari. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill according to the faid Motion .Ind accordingly referred to M' Robert Jones, M"" Read, M"" William Waller, M'' Bland, and

Robert Jones




regulate Attornies pradifing in the


Gabriel Jones, to prepare

and bring

in the fame.


be an Inftrudion to the faid Committee, That they have Power to receive a Claufe, fJurfuant to the Refolution for prohibiting the Attomies pradtifmg in the General Court, to pradlife in the County Courts. A Bill, For contimdng an AB, intituled. An Ad, for the better Regulating and CoUeding certain Officers Fees; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read the Second



be Ingroffed. The Houfe, according to Order, Refolved itfelf into a Committee, upon the Bill, For continuing the Laws made, for amending the Staple of Tobacco; and preventing Frauds in His Majefty's Cuftoms: And after fome Time fpent therein, M'' Speaker refumed the Chair; and M' Carter reported, That the Committee had had under their further

That the


Confideration the faid


together with the

Amendments, and had made a


Progrefs therein; but not having to move for Leave to fit again.



go through the fame, they had



That this Iloufe will again Refohe itfelf into a Committee upon the faid To-morrow. Ordered, That the Chaplain do attend to read Prayers e\-ery Morning at Nine o'Clock and that M' Carter do acquaint him therewith. And then the Houfe adjourn 'd 'til To-morrow Morning Ten o'Clock.

Tuefday, December 6, 1748.


livered the

Beverley, according to Order, prefented to the

Houfe a


For giving

a certain

Sum of Money to Truftees, for Clearing Roads over the Great MounAnd the fame was received, and read the Firft Time; and Ordered
of Claims, reported,

to be read a Second Time.


from the Committee

That the Committee had

examined and confidered all the Public Claims, which had been laid before them this Seffion; and had agreed upon a Report, which he had entered in a Book: And he de-


in at the Table.

That the faid Report do lie on the Table. John Wily was presented to the Houfe, and read, fetting forth, That a Negro of his, named Sam, alias Dick, was, at a Court of Oyer and Terminer, held in the County of Caroline, the Third Day of this Inf tant, fentenced to be hanged and praying to be allowed for him in the Book of Claims And the Queftion being put, That the Houfe do agree to allow the fame in the Book

Petition of

of Claims?

pa ffed in

the Negative.


That the

faid Petition be rejedled.

Petition of William Clinch

was prefented to the Houfe, and read

fetting forth,

That Philip Edloe, late of the County of Charles-City, deceaf'd, being, in his Life-time,
feifed of a certain Tract of

containing, by Eftimation, 250 Acres, did,

Land, fituate in the parLfh of Weftover, in the faid County, by his Laft Will and Teftament, in Writing,

devife the fame to his Daughter Rebecca, in Fee-Tail

That after the Death of the faid Philip Edloe, the Petitioner intermarried with the faid Rebecca, by whom he has Iffue a Son, the Heir, in Tail, and a Daughter; fmce which the faid Rebecca has alfo died: would be greatly to the Advantage of the faid Heir, in Tail, if the faid Lands fUould be fold, to raife Money to purchafe Lands in the back Settlements of this Colony, and Slaves, to be fettled in like Manner, in Lieu thereof: And praying that an Ad may pafs to dock the Intail of the faid 250 Acres of Land, and vefting the fame in certain Perfons, in Fee-Simple, in Truft, to be by them Sold; and to apply the Purchafe-Money, arifmg by fuch Sale, to the Purpofes aforefaid.


in the

That Leave be given to bring

it is

in a Bill according to the

Prayer of the faid


referred to M'' Claiborne,



Robert Jones, to prepare and bring


Meffage from the Council, by M'' Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for reviving the Ad, to impowcr the Juftices of Elizabeth-Cit}^ County to ered Pomtds; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned; without any Amendment. Alfo, that they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, to impower the Nottoway Indians to fell certain Lands; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, with fome Amendments; to which they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe. The Order of the Day for a Second Reading of the Bill, For appointing a Ferry at Danfie'5, being read, the Council for and againft the Bill were called in, and the Bill was read a Second Time and the Council againft the Bill was heard alfo the Council for the Bill: Then the Council againft the Bill was heard by way of Reply; and the Coimcil being withdrawn, M"' Speaker opened the Bill And the Queftion being put. That
; :

the Bill

be Ingroffed?

paffed in the Negative.


That the


be rejeded.
to bring in a


moved for Leave

concerning Gaming; and for improving

the Breed of Horfes.

That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, according to the faid Motion And Ludwell, and M"" Fry, do prepare and bring in the fame. For A Bill, Eftablifhing a Town on the Land of Richard Littlepage, Gent, in the County of New-Kent, was read the Second Time. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed. A Bill, intituled, An Ad for continuing an Ad, intituled. An Ad, for the better Regulating and Colleding certain Officers Fees; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read the Third Time; and a Blank in the Bill filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M^ Secretary do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. The Houfe, according to Order, Refolved itfelf into a Committee, upon the Bill, For continuing the Laws made, for amending the Staple of Tobacco and preventing Frauds in his Majefty's Cuftoms: And after fome Time fpent therein, M'' Speaker refumed the Chair; and M'' Carter reported. That the Committee had had the faid Bill, together with the Amendments, under their further Confideration but not having Time to go through the fame, they had directed him to move for Leave to fit again. Refolved, That this Houfe will again Refolve itfelf into a Committee, upon the faid Bill, To-morrow. And then the Houfe adjourn 'd 'til To-morrow Morning Ten o'Clock.

that M'' Carter,

Wednefday, December



Bill, intituled,

Ad, for Diffolving the prefent Veftry of the Parifh of Cople, and Eleding a new Veftry in the faid Parifh; was read the Third Time; and
the Blanks in the Bill


for their Concurrence.

That M-" The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of Council to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, to enable the Trad of Land; and other Purpofes therein mentioned; to, with fome Amendments. Ordered, That a Meffage be fent to the Council, have made fome Amendments to the Amendments

That the Bill do pafs. Bufhrode do carry the Bill to the Council,

Amendments propofed by


Nottoway Indians to fell a certain and the fame were read, and agreed
to acquaint them.




by them propofed

to the faid Bill


which they

defire their



that U' Benjamin Waller do go up with the

faid Meffage.

The Houfe, according to Order, Refolved itfelf into a Committee, upon the Bill, For continuing the Laws made, for ametuiing the Staple of Tobacco; and preventing Frauds in his Majefty's Cuftoms: And after fome Time fpent therein, M' Speaker refumed the Chair: and M'' Carter reported, That they had had the faid Bill under their further but not having Time to draw up the Confideration, and had gone through the fame to fit again To-morrow. Leave move for Report, they had direded him to Refolved, That this Houfe will again Refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid




then the Houfe adjourn 'd


To-morrow Morning Ten


Thurfday, December



Clearing Roads over the

great Mountains, was read the Second Time. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed. A Bill, intituled. An Ad, for appointing a Trcofitrer; and other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read a Third Time; and feveral Amendments made to the Bill.

Bill, for

giving a certain Stim of


to Truftees, for


That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Whiting do carry the
M"' Carter,



to the Council, for their Concurrence.


For Dividing the and other Purpofes Parifh of Suffolk; Parifh of Truro; and therein mentioned: And the fame was received, and read the Firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time. A Meffage from the Coimcil, by M"" Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Amendments by this Hotife made, to the Amendments by them propofed, to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, to enable the Nottoway Indians to fell a certain Trad of Land; and other Purpofes therein mentioned: And that they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for the better Regulating and Settling certain Officers Fees; and other Purpofes therein mentioned; without any Amendment. The Houfe, according to Order, Refolved itfelf into a Committee, to draw up the Report upon the Bill, For continuing the Laws made, for amending the Staple of Tobacco; and preventing Frauds in his Mafefty's Cuftoms: And after fome Time fpent therein, M'' Speaker refumed the Chair and M'' Carter reported. That the Committee had drawn up a Report upon the faid Bill, which they had directed him to report to the Houfe And he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where the fame were again read, and Part thereof agreed to by the
according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a
Diffolving the Veftry of the


That the Bill, with the Amendments agreed to, be Ingroffed. Meffage from the Council, by M^ Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Refolve, for paying Mary Johnfon One Hundred Pounds, out of the Public Money, in the Hands of the Treafurer, as a Reward for difOrdered,

covering her Method of curing Cancers, upon her producing a Certificate from under the Hands of Philip Ludwell, Richard Bland, and Anthony Walke, Gent, or any Two of

them, who are by this Houfe appointed to make an Experiment of the Efificacy of the Medicine that fhall be by the faid Mary Johnfon to them communicated, of their Approbation thereof, with an Amendment to which they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe. And then the Houfe adjourn 'd 'til To-morrow Morning Ten o'Clock.



Friday, December 9, 1748.


for Clearing

there be a Call of the Houfe on Tuefday next.


That M^ Gray have Leave to be abfent from the Service


the House, for the Recovery of his Health.

Bill, intituled,



for giving a certain




to Truftees,


over the great Mountains,

was read the Third Time; and the Blanks

in the Bill filled up,

and feveral Amendments made thereto. That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Beverley do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. A Bill, intituled. An Ad, for obliging the Juftices of Ifle of Wight, to build a bridge over Blaclrwater-Swa)M/>, at Proctor'5, was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Robert Jones do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. A Bill, For enabling the Juftices of Prince-William County, to levy Tobacco on the faid Co^mty, to defray the Charges of clearing a Road therein, from the Pignut, to the Blue Ridge, was read the Second Time; and committed to M'' Carter, M^ Hedgman, and M"" Thomas Harrifon. A Petition of Samuel Cobbs, complaining of an undue Eledlion and Return of M'' Wood Jones, to ferve as a Burgefs in this prefent General Affembly for the County of Amelia, was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee and that they do examine into the Matter thereof, and of Privileges and Eledlions it fhall appear to them, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. report the fame, as A Petition of Thomas Everard was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth. That at the Burning of the Capitol, the Books and Papers belonging to the General Court and Secretary's Office, were thrown together in great Diforder, and intermixed with many of the Books and Papers belonging to the Council-Office and this Houfe; That he was at very great Labour and Pains in forting and feparating the fame and praying that this Houfe will make him fuch Satisfadlion as is reafonable. Refolved, That the fum of Thirty Pounds be paid to the Secretary of this Colony, out of the Public Money in the Hands of the Treafurer; to be by him diftributed among the feveral Clerks of his Office, for their Care and Trouble in preferv-ing and forting the Papers belonging to the Coimcil and this Houfe, in Proportion to their refpe(5live
; ;



That an Allowance be made

in the


of Claims,

purfuant to the faid


Bill, intituled.


Gent, in the



Ad, for Eftablifhing a Town on the Land of Richard Littlepage, New-Kent, was read the Third Time; and the Blanks in the Bill




Amendments made





That the Bill do pafs. That M' Ludwell do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. For further continuing an Ad, intituled. An Ad, for laying a Duty on Slaves,

be paid by the Buyers:

an Ad, intituled. An Ad, far continuing and amending an Ad, for infpeding, weighing, and ftaniping all Pork and Beef, packed in this Colony, or imported for Sale, before the fame fhall be fold here, or fhipped for Exportation; and to amend the Ad, for afcertaining the Gauge of Barrels for Pork, Beef, Tar, and Pitch; and for infpeding, weighing, and ftamping all Flour exported: Alfo a Bill, For continuing the Ad, intituled. An Ad, for reducing the Laws made for laying a Duty upon Liquors, into one Ad of Affembly: were feverally read the Second
Alio a


further continuing


That the

faid Bills be

committed to the Committee

of Trade.


The Houfe proceeded
of curing Cancers

to the Confideration of the

Amendment, propofed by


Mary Johnfon loo /. for the Difcovery of her Method and the fame was read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That M' Ludwell do go up with a Meffage to the Council, and acquaint them, That this Houfe have agreed to the Amendment by them propofed to the
Council, to the Refolve for paying
faid Refolve.

The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Report of the Committee to whom the Bill, To allow Perfons not concerned in making Tobacco, to pay their Levies and Officers Fees in Money, was committed; and the fame was read.
a Motion made. Ordered, That the Bill be recommitted to the faid Committee. A Bill, For Dividing the Parifh of Truro; and Diffolving the Veftry of the Parifh read the wSecond Time; and comof Suffolk; and other Purpofes therein mentioned, was Hedgman, M"' Carter, M^ Reddick, M' BurM^ Waller, Benjamin M^ Bland, mitted to M-well, and M^ Walke. A Bill, For Confirming the Grants in the Forks of Rappahanock, and on the North n Side of the Dividing Line hetiveen the King, and the Proprietor of the Northern-Neck, y


Fairfax, M' Carter, and was read the Second Time; and committed to M'' Beverley, M' Wafhington. M"" Ltidwell moved for Leave to bring in a Bill, to impower Thomas Danfie to make a Caufway on the Marfh oppofite to the faid Danfie's Wharf. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill according to the faid Motion And that M'' Ludwell do prepare and bring in the fame. The Houfe proceeded to take into their Confideration, the Book of Claims and Part thereof was read, and agreed to, with fome Amendments. Ordered, That the further Confideration of the faid Book be adjourn 'd 'til To-morrow. And then the Houfe adjourn 'd 'til To-morrow Morning Ten o'Clock.
: :

Saturday, December lo, 1748.


Message from the Council, by M"" Walthoe: they have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for Eftablifhing a Town on the Land of Richard Littlepage, Gent, in the County of New -Kent Alfo to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, to enable the Juftices of Ifle of Wight, to build a bridge over Blackwater-Sw;aw/>, at Proctor '5; without any Amend-

Widow, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting That her Hufband being inlifted in his Majefty's Service, to go againft the 5^aVarc/s, was killed in the faid fer\dce and praying fuch Relief as this Houfe thinks
Petition of Sarah Chatt,


That an Allowance of 10 /. be made to the faid Sarah Chatt, for her Relief. That the faid Allowance be inferted in the Book of Claims. The Houfe refumed the further Confideration of the Book of Claims; and another Part thereof was read, and agreed to, with fome Amendments. Ordered, That the further Confideration of the faid Book, be adjourn 'd 'til Monday




then the Houfe adjoum'd,


Monday Morning Ten


Monday, December 12, 1748.




An Ad


preventing Frauds in his Majefty's Cuftoms, the Blanks in the Bill filled up.

amending the Staple of Tobacco; and was read the Third Time; and


Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. That Mr Secretary do carry the Bill to the Council,

for their Concurrence.


Meffage from the Council, by M' Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for appointing a Treafurer; and other Purpofes therein mentioned, without any Amendment. And that they have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for giving a certain Sum of Money to Truftees. for Clearing Roads over the great Mountains, with fome Amendments; to which they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe. M-- Ludwell, from the Committee of Privileges and Eledtions, reported. That the Committee had had under their Confideration, the Petition of Samuel Cobbs to them referred, complaining of an undue Eledion and Return of M'' Wood Jones, to ferve as a Burgefs in this prefent General Affembly, for the County of Amelia; and had partly heard as well the Petitioner as fitting Member, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon Which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table; where they were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows Refolved, That the Perfons who voted at the faid Eledion, whofe Freeholds are queftioned, either by the Petitioner or fitting Member, be examined upon Oath, before Charles Irby, William Watfon, Hezekiah Ford, William Booker, and John Nafh, of the fame County, Gent, or any Three or more of them, whether they be Freeholders or not,

except fuch of them as did fwear to their Freeholds at the Elec5lion. Refolved, That the Petitioner and fitting Member be at Liberty to examine Witneffes before the Perfons appointed to take fuch Examination, as aforefaid, as well to
the Freeholds of

any Perfons who voted

at the Eledlion, altho' fuch Perfons fwore to

their Freeholds at fuch Eledion, or fhall fwear to the

fame at the Examination, as to the

at the Eleftion, either for the

Omiffion of the Sheriff to poll any Perfons

Petitioner or fitting

who voted

Member, and to the Freeholds

of fuch Perfons.

That as well the Petitioner as fitting Member, do, at leaft Ten Days before the Examination of their Witneffes, deliver to each other a Lift of the Names of the Voters objeded to; and that it be an Inftrudlion to the Perfons before whom the Examinations are to be taken, to examine how long fuch Voters have been in Poffeffion of, and paid Quit-Rents, for the Lands or Tenements in Right of which they voted at the Eledtion: And that they return the Examination to this Committee on the Second Wednefday in March next. The Houfe proceeded to the further Confideration of the Book of Claims, and the remaining Part thereof was read, and feveral Amendments made thereto; and the Allowances of the feveral Officers being added, the fame was agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That M'' Beverley do carry the Book to the Council, for their Concurrence; and that he do wait on the Governor, and defire his Affent thereto. Ordered, That a Committee for proportioning the Public Levy be appointed of the following Perfons: M'' Beverley, M"' Weftwood, M^ Benjamin Waller, M' Elligood, M' Turner, and M"" Dangerfield. And then the Houfe adjourn 'd 'til To-morrow Morning Ten o 'Clock.

Tuefday, December 13, 1748.

from the Committee to whom the Bill, To enable Perfons not conmaking Tobacco, to difcharge Levies and Officers Fees, in Money, was re-committed, reported. That the Committee had made feveral Amendments thereto, which they had diredled him to report to the Houfe And he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where the fame were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. M'' Carter, from the Committee to whom the Bill, For enabling the Juftices of Prince-



cerned in

William County,


to defray the Charges of clearing a Blue Ridge, was committed, reported. That the Committee had made feveral Amendments thereto, which they had direifted him to report to levy

Tobacco on the faid County,

to the


from the Pignut,


Houfe And he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table where the fame were again read, and difagreed to. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed. M"' Bland, from the Committee to whom the Bill, for Eftablifhing the Towns of Peterfbtirg and Blandford, in the County of Prince George; and for preventing the Building Wooden Chimnies in the [aid Towns, was committed, reported, That the Committee had made feveral Amendments thereto, which they had directed him to report to the Houfe: And he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where they were again read, and agreed to by the
to the


with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. Call of the Houfe be adjoum'd 'til To-morrow. A Member returned upon a new Writ, having taken the Oaths appointed to be taken by Aft of Parliament, inftead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and

That the Ordered, That the



taken and fubfcribed the Oath of Abjuration, and fubfcribed the Teft, was admitted to his Place in the Houfe. M"' Beverley, from the Committee to whom the Bill, For confirming the Grants in the Fork of Rappahanock, and on the North Side of the Dividing Line between the King and the Proprietor of the Northern-Neck, was committed, reported. That the Committee had made feveral Amendments thereto, which they had direAed him to report to the Houfe: And he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the

Amendments, in at the Table where they were again read, and agreed to, by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. Ordered, That M' Corbin be added to the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; the Committee of Trade and the Committee of Privileges and Eledlions. And then the Houfe adjoum'd 'til To-morrow Morning Ten o 'Clock.

Wednefday, December 14, 1748.

Bill, intituled.

An Ad, for


of the

confirming the Grants made by his Majefty within the Northern-Neck, as they are now eftablifhed, was read the Third

That the Bill do pafs. do carry the Bill to the Cotmcil, for their Concun-ence. A Bill, intituled. An Ad, for Eftablifhing the Towns of Peterfburg and Blandford, in tile County of Prince-George; and for preventing the Building of Wooden Chimnies in the faid Tozvns; was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"^ Blatid do carry the Bill to the Council for their Concurrence. A Motion being made, Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the Committee to whom the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for reducing the Laws made, laying a Duty upon Liquors into one Ad of Affembly, was committed. That they have Power to receive a Claufe for laying an additional Duty of One Penny a Gallon upon Liquors. A Bill, intituled, An Ad, to allow Perfons not concerned in making Tobacco, to difcharge Levies and Officers Fees in Money, was read the Third Time and the Blanks in the Bill






That the Bill do pafs. That M' Fry do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. A Meffage from the Council, by M'' Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Book of Claims, without any Amendment. M>- Burwell moved, That it might be an Inftruftion to the Committee to whom the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for laying a Duty upon Slaves, to be paid by the Buyers was comRefolved,



mitted, That they have
per Cent,

Power to receive a Claufe for la\'ing an additional Duty upon Slaves: And the Question being put thereupon;



Refolved in the Negative.


That M^ Wafhington have Leave to be abfent from the Sen-ice of the Houfe. Burwell moved for Leave to bring in a Bill, for laying a Duty upon Wheel-Car-



the Queftion being put thereupon;

Refolved in the Negative.

The Hoiife was, according to Order, called over, and the Names of fuch Members as made Default to appear, were taken down; and the Lift of Defaulters being called over, Excufes were made for fome of them, which were allowed. The name of M"" Lemuel Reddick being called over, and his Excufe not being allowed; Ordered, That M'' Lemuel Reddick be taken into the Cuftody of the Serjeant at Arms,
for negle(5ling to

attend the Service of this Houfe. M' Ludwell, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill, To impower Thomas Danfie to make a Caufway thro' the Marfh oppofite to his Wharf: And the fame was read

and Ordered to be read a Second Time. An Ad, for enabling the Juftices of Prince-William, to levy Tobacco on the faid County, to defray the Charges of Clearing a Road therein, from the Pignut, to the Blue-Ridge was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Thomas Harrifon do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Con

the Firft Time;

Bill, intituled,


of the



Spotfwood and


Taylor have Leave to be abfent from the Service

Houfe. Meffage from the Council, by M' Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled,

Tobacco; and preventing Frauds in his Majefty's Cuftoms; without

M"' Liidwell,

from the Committee


amending tJie Staple of any Amendment. Privileges and Elections, reported, That the Comfor



mittee had had under their further Confideration, the Petition of M'' James Patten, to

complaining of an undue Eledion and Return of M"^ John Madifon, to fen^e as a Burgefs in this prefent General Affembly, for the County of Augufta, and had fully heard as well the Petitioner as the fitting Member and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon: Which he read, and then delivered in at the Table; where the fame were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows





John Madifon, the


legal Freeholders,

who voted for him

at the Election of the faid

Member, had a greater Number of County of Augufta, than

M' James Patten. Refolved, That


M'' John Madifon is duly Eledled to ferve as a Burgefs in this prefent General Affembly, for the faid County of Augufta.

That a Committee


following Perfons:


examining the InroH'd Bills, be appointed of the Robert Bland, M'' William Waller, Attorney,



Gabriel Jones.



To impower M' Thomas Danfie to make a Caufway thro' the Marfh Wharf, was read the Second Time. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed. And then the Houfe adjoum'd 'til To-morrow Morning Ten o'Clock.

Thurfday, December 15, 1748.


Petition of


Hall, of Norfolk, Merchant,

was prefented to the Houfe,

and read;

fetting forth.

That about the

Firft of


fiderable Quantity of


into this Colony, for the


to the Naval Officer, as diredled

a Veffel to

by Law Rappahanock River, where it was fold; and as the

he imported a conof which he gave That he fent a great Part






returning with the Proceeds, fhe unfortunately met with a Spanifh Privateer in the Bay, who plundered her of Money and other Things, to the Amount of 900 /. and praying that this Houfe will take his Cafe into their Confideration, and difcharge him from

Duty of the faid Rum, or give him fuch Relief as to them fhall feem meet. Rcfolved, That Durham Hall be difcharged from paying 33 /. lo 5. for which he has given Bond to the Naval-Officer at Hampton, for the Duty of Rum imported into this Colony; it appearing that the faid Rum was fold on Rappahanock River, and that the Veffel, with the Proceeds thereof, was taken by a Privateer in the Bay, in her Return to
leaving the




Carter do carry the faid Refolve to the Council, for their Concur-

Meffage from the Council, by M'' Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for Confirming the Grants made by his Majefty within the Bounds of the Northem-Neck, 05 they are now Eftablifhed: Alfo to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for Eftablifhing the Towns of Peterfburg and Blandford, in the County of Prince-George; and for preventing the Building Wooden Chimnies in the faid Toums; without any Amendment. And that they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for enabling the Juftices
of Prince-William, to levy

Tobacco on the faid County,


defray the Charges of Clearing a




the Pignut, to the


with fomc Amendments; to which they

defire the Concurrence of this Houfe.

The Houfe took the



into their

immediate Confideration, and the

fame being read, were agreed to by the Ploufe. Ordered, That M"" Wormley do go up with a Meffage to the Council, and acquaint them, That this Houfe have agreed to the Amendments by them propofed to the faid

Fry have Leave to be abfent from the Service of this Houfe. for Leave to bring in a Bill, for regulating the Practitioners in Phyfic, Chirurgery, and Pharmacy, in this Colony; for fettling their Fees, and granting them certain Privileges and Immunities. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill according to the faid Motion And that M"" Ludwell and M"' Corbin do prepare and bring in the fame. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendments propofed by the Council, to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for giving a certain Sum of Money to Truftees, for Clearing Roads over the great Mountains; and the fame being read, were difagreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That M"" Carter do go up to the Council with a Meffage, and acquaint them, That this Houfe cannot agree to the Amendments by them propofed to the faid Bill; and that they defire they will pafs the Bill without the Amendments. M"" Claiborne, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill, To dock the Intail of Two Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land, in the Parifh of Weftover, in the County of CharlesOrdered,






whereof Rebecca, Wife of William Clinch, lately died feifed, in Fee-Tail, and to veft the fame in certain Truftees, in Fee-Simple; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned: And the fame was received, and read the Firft Time and Ordered to be read a Second


M' Braxton, from the Committee to whom the Bill, intituled. An Ad for continuing Ad, intituled. An Ad, for reducing the Laws made for laying a Duty upon Liquors, into one Ad of Affembly, was committed, reported. That the Committee had made an Amendment thereto, which they had diredled him to report to the Houfe And he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendment, in at the Table; where the fame was again read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendment, be Ingroffed. M' Ludwell, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill, For regulating the

Praditioners in Phyfic, Chirurgery, and Pharmacy, in this Colony; for fettling their Fees,


and granting them certain Privileges and Immunities: And the fame was received, and read the Firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time. A Bill, intituled, An Ad, to impower Thomas Danfie to make a Caufway thro' tlie Marfh oppofite to his Wharf; was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"' Ludwell do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. M' Carter, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported, That the Committee had had under their Confideration divers Propofitions, from feveral Counties to them referred; and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon: Which he read in his Place, and afterguards delivered in at the Table; where the fame were again read, and are as follow: Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofition from the County of Hanover, for clearing Panntnkey River, and making the fame navigable up to
Scot's Falls;

be rejedled.





the Opinion of this Committee, That the Petition of fundry

Perfons whofe


are thereto fubfcribed, for impowering the Petitioners to clear

Pamunkey River

as high as Scot's Falls, at their


own Expence;



Refolved, That it ftables of the County

the Opinion of this Committee, That the Petition of the Con-

of Effex, praying that they


be paid for conveying


and that the Servants repay their Mafters by Service, in the fame Manner as is directed for taking up fuch Servants be rejected. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofition from the County of Goochland, for repealing or amending the Laws relating to Bridges be reSer\'ants to their Mafters,




it is

the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofition from the

Ele(5ling Veftries



Accomack, for

once in every Three Years; be



Confideration of the Propofition from the County of Fairfax, for removing the

Public Ferry

Land of John Aubrey, deceaf 'd, over Patowmack River Maryland, and appointing the fame to be kept on the Land of George Mafon, where

now kept from

William Queen lives

fition as relates to

That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That removing the faid Ferry, be rejedled.



of the faid Propo-


That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That it will be convenient for a Public Ferry be appointed to be kept on the faid George Mafon's Land.


gen, in the

Confideration of the Petition of the Minifter and Veftry of the Parifh of DettinCounty of Prince-William, fetting forth. That their Parifh was, by an Act of

Affembly, divided from the Parifh of Hamilton, in the faid County which Adl impowered the Veftries of both Parifhes to fell the old Glebe of Hamilton Parifh, and buy more convenient Glebes for both Parifhes: But that the Minifter and Veftry of Hamilton Parifh have refufed to join in a Sale of the old Glebe, and wholly enjoyed the fame and praying fuch Relief as fhall feem proper to this Houfe
the Opinion of this Committee, That the faid Petition be rejected; the faid old Glebe being fold, and the Money paid for the fame, diftributed according to


it is


The Four

Firft Refolutions

were read a Second Time, and the Queftion being put,

Refolved in the Affirniative.

That the Houfe do agree thereto?

The Fifth Refolution being read a Second Time, and the Queftion being the Houfe do agree thereto?



paffed in the Negative.

Refolved, That the Propofition from the County once in every Three Years, is reafonable.

of Accojnack, for Eledling Veftries


The Sixth Refolution was read a Second Time, and the Queftion being
Houfe do agree thereto?
Refolved in the Affirmative.
put, That the

The Seventh Refolution being read a Second Time, and the Queftion being put, That the Houfe do agree thereto?
Refolved in the Negative.

Then the other Refolution was read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Robert Jones, and M'' Wormley, do prepare and bring Ordered, That M' Beverley,

in a Bill,


purfuant to the Refolution for Eledling Veftries once in every Three Years. then the Houfe adjourn 'd 'til To-morrow Morning Ten o 'Clock.

Friday, December i6, 1748.


To dock

the Intail of

Two Hundred and


Fifty Acres of

Land in




Weftover, in the Ccnmty of Charles-City, whereof Rebecca, Wife of William

Clinch, lately died feifed, in Fee-Tail,
to veft the

fame in

certain Truftees, in

Fee-Simple; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned; was read the Second Time, Ordered, That the Bill be committed to M"" Robert Jones, M' Claiborne, M'' Kennon,

and M'' Benjamin Harrifon: And that they do examine into the Allegations thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. M' Braxton, from the Committee to whom the Bill, For further continuing the Ad, intituled. An Ad, for laying a Duty on Slaves, to be paid by the Buyers, was committed, reported. That the Committee had made feveral Amendments thereto, which they had directed him to report to the Houfe: And he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table. Ordered, That the Report do lie on the Table. An Ingroffed Bill, intituled. An Ad, for continuing the Ad, intituled, An Ad, for reducing the Laws made, for laying a Duty upon Liquors, into one Ad of Affembly, was read the Third Time; and the Blanks in the Bill filled up. Then a Motion was made. That an Ingroffed Claufe be added, as a Rider to the


the Queftion being put thereupon

Refolved in the Negative.

That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Braxton do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. Ordered. That there be a Call of the Houfe To-morrow. A Bill, For Regulating the Practitioners in Phyfic, Chirurgery, and Pharmacy, in this Colony; for fettling their Fees; and for granting them certain Privileges and Immunities, was read a Second Time and committed to M^ Ludwell, M'' Corbin, Benjamin Waller, Mr. Robert Jones, M^ Burwell, and M'' Attorney. A Meffage from the Council, by M' Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Refolve, for difcharging Durham Hall from paying Thirty Three Pounds Ten Shillings, for which he has given Bond to the Naval-Officer at Hampton, for the Duty of Rum imported into this Colony it appearing that the faid Rum was fold on Rappahanock River, and that the Veffel, with the Proceeds thereof, was taken by a Privateer in the Bay, in her Return to Norfolk. Alfo, that they recede from the Amendments by them propofed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for giving a certain Sum of Money to Truftees, for Clearing Roads over the Great

Alfo that they have agreed to the

Bill, intituled.

An Ad,




thro' the


oppofite to his Wharf, without

im power Thomas Danfie any Amendment.

that they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, to allow Perfons not conmaking Tobacco, to difcharge Levies and Officers Fees, in Money; with fome Amendments to which they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe.
cerned in




And the tloufe took the faid Amendments into their immediate Confideration and the fame being read, were difagreed to. Ordered, That M' Bland do go up with a Meffage to the Council, and acquaint them, That this Houfe cannot agree to the Amendments by them propofed to the faid Bill; and that they defire they will pafs the Bill without the Amendments. M'' Liidwell, from the Committee of Privileges and Eledions, reported, That the Committee had had under their Confideration, the Return of the new Writ for Ele(fting a Burgefs to fer\'e in this prefent General Affembly, for the County of Middle fex; and had come to a Refolution thereupon Which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table where the fame was again read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows Refolved, That the Return of the faid Writ is made in the Form prefcribed by Law. And then the Houfe adjourn 'd, 'til To-morrow Morning Ten o'Clock.

Saturday, December 17,



That the Committee appointed had, according to Order, and ftated the fame in a Book which he delivered in at the Table And the fame was read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That M"" Beverley do carr\^ the Book to the Council, for their Concuirence. A Meffage from the Council, by M"" Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Book of Proportions; and obtain 'd the Governor's
Beverley reported,
fettled the Proportion of the Public Levy,

Affent thereto.
Alfo, that they

have agreed to the

Bill, intituled.



for continuing the


Laws made, intituled, Ad of Affembly; without any Amendment.

for reducing the


for laying a Duty

upon Liquors,

into one

Beverley prefented to the

Houfe a



raifing a Public Levy;



pofes therein mentioned:


the fame was received, and read the Firft Time.

That the faid Bill be immediately read a Second Time. was accordingly read. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed. An Ingroffed Bill, intituled. An Ad, for raifing a Public Levy; and other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"" Beverley do carry the Bill to the Council, and defire their ConOrdered,




Meffage from the Council, by M'' Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for raifing a Public Levy; and other Purpofes therein mentioned; without any Amendment. M'' Whiting reported, That the Perfons appointed, had, according to Order, examined the InroUed Bills, and redlified fuch Miftakes as were found therein and the fame

were truly InroUed.


That M^ Whiting do carry the InroUed

Bills to

the Council, for their In-

Meffage from the Council, by M'' Walthoe: That they ha\'e infpecled the InroUed Bills, and are


fatisfied that

they are truly

W Speaker,

Meffage from the Governor, by M' Walthoe:

The Governor commands tlie immediate Attendance of this Houfe in th-e CouncilChamber; and that you bring ivith you fuch Bills as are ready for his Affent. And M' Speaker, with the Houfe, went up accordingly; and the Governor was
pleafed to give his Affent to the following Public

and Private




An Ad,



the Staple of Tobacco;

and preventing Frauds in

his Mafefty's

intituled, An Ad, for reducing the Laws made for laying A ffembly. into one Ad Liquors, upon of a Duty the Capitol, in the City of Williamfburg. An Ad, for Re-building An Ad, for confirming the Grants made by his Majefty within the Bounds of the North-

An Ad, for continuing the Ad,

ern-Neck, as they are now eftablifhed. An Ad, for enabling the Juftices of Prince-William, to levy Tobacco on the Inhabitants of the faid County, to defray the Charges of Clearing a Road therein, from the Pignut,


for the better Regulating

An Ad, for Deftroying Crows and Squirrels. An Ad, for continuing an Ad, intituled. An Ad,
leding certain Officers Fees;

and Col-


for other

An Ad,

for obliging the Juftices of Ifle of

Purpofes therein mentioned. Wight, to build a Bridge over Blackwater-

at Proctor's.

Ad, for Eftablifhing a Town on the Land of Richard Littlepage, Gent, in the County of New-Kent. An Ad, for appointing a Treafurer; and other Purpofes therein mentioned. An Ad, to impower the Veftry of the Parifh of Martin '5-Brandon, in the County of Prince-George, to fell the Glebe Land in the faid Parifh; and to purchafe a more convenient


Glebe in Lieu thereof.

An Ad,


Dividing the Parifh of Raleigh, in the County

of Amelia,'

and Eroding



diftind Parifhes.

Towns of Peterfburg and Blandford, in the County of preventing the Building Wooden Chimnies in the faid Towns. and Prince-George; for An Ad, for giving a certain Sum of Money to Truftees, for Clearing Roads over tlie
for Eftablifhing the

An Ad,

Great Mountains.


Ad, Ad,


impower Thomas Danfie

to be


make a Caufway

thro' the


oppofite to



for alloiving

kept in the


of Suffolk,

and preventing Hogs and

Goats going at Large therein; and for altering the Times of holding Fairs in the Newcaftle.



An An

Ad, Ad, Ad,

for reviving the




the Juftices of Elizabeth-City County,


ered Pounds; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned.


enable the

Pamunkey Town
Nottoway Indians

Indians, to


a certain trad of

Land; and

Purpofes therein mentioned.



enable the

to fell


Lands; and

for other Purpofes

therein mentioned.

An Ad, to dock the Intail of Six Hundred Acres of Land, in the Parifh of Lunenburg, in the County of Richmond, whereof Bernard Gaines died feifed, in Fee-Tail, and to veft the fame in William Jordan, Gent, in Fee-Simple; and to fettle other Lands, of greater
Value, to the fame Ufes.

and other Purpofes therein mentioned. gave his Affent to the following Refolves of the Iloufe of Burgeffes, which the Council had agreed to, viz. That the Sum of Fifty Pounds be paid to George Mufe, out of the Money in the
for raifing a Public Lex'y;



The Governor


Hands of the Treafurer, to re-imburfe him his Expences, in returning home from the intended Expedition againft Canada. That the Sum of Two Hundred and Eighty Pounds per Annum be allowed to William
Parks, from this Time to the next Seffion of Affembly, for his Salary, as a full Recompence for printing and delivering Infpedors Notes and Books, Receipts for the Duty of Slaves, printing Proclamations and other Ads of Government, and all other Public Services he is now obliged to perform.


One Hundred Pounds be paid, out of the Pubhc Money in the Hands Afary Johnfon, as a Reward for difcovering her Method of curing Cancers, upon her producing a Certifacate to the faid Treafurer, from under the Hands of Philip Liidwell, Richard Bland, and Anthony Walke, or any Two of them, (who are impowered to make an Experiment of the Efficacy of the Medicine that fhall be by the faid Mary Johnfon to them communicated) of their Approbation thereof. That Durham Hall be difcharged from paying Thirty Three Pounds Ten ShilHngs, which he has given Bond to the Naval-Ofificer at Hampton, for the Duty of Rum for imported into this Colony; it appearing that the faid Rum was fold on Rappahanock River, and that the Veffel, with the Proceeds thereof, was taken by a Privateer in the
of the Treafurer, to

That the fum

Bay, in her Return to Norfolk. After which his Honour was pleafed to
of Burgeffes, as followeth:

make a Speech

to the Council

and Houfe


of the Council,


Speaker, and Gentlemen of the Houfe of Burgeffes,

ftrong Defire I had long cherifhed, of ferving the Common Intereft of the Government and People with a Royal Court-houfe, and a reafonable and well grounded


Apprehenfion of another Difappointment in fo effential a Concern, were the Motives which induced me to recommend to you, at the Opening of this Seffion, an Agreement to build upon the old Foundation.

yet, I


enjoy, in having paffed a Bill for that Purpofe,



equal to


Surprife at fo unexpedted an 0])pofition to

after fo



However, as

am convinc'd

the Public

Views, tho'


Thanks are more


Good was the Obje(5l due to thofe who concurred

Attempts for a of your different



of their

fhould think myfelf unjuft in cenfuring others, for adhereing to their own; being

firmly perfuaded, that Gentlemen, alike zealous for the

Honour and Welfare

Country, exerted the fame generous Intention, in endeavouring to carry the Seat of Government to a Situation, in their Efteem, more convenient and advantageous to the

A S a Recefs at this Sefon is certainly agreeable, and a deliberated Difquifition of the Revifed Laws, will, with lefs Impatience, be attended to in the Spring, I have thought fit, with the Advice of the Council, to Order both Houfes, and they are hereby accordingly Ordered, feverally to Adjourn themfelves to Thurfday the Second Day of March next
at which Time I require all their Members to re-affemble at this Place. The Houfe being return 'd, upon a Motion made. Ordered, That the Houfe be adjourn 'd 'til Thurfday the Second Day of March





At a

of the Houfe of

on Thurfday and from thence adjoum'd


begun and held at the

of Odober, 1748,

College, in the City of Williamfburg,

the 27th


the 17th


of December;

Thurfday the 2d Day of March.






Houfe met, and adjoum'd

To-morrow Morning Eleven








Houfe being informed, That M^ Reddick attended in Cuftody; Ordered, That he be difcharged out of Cuftody, paying fees. A Bill, prepared by the Committee for Revifal of the Laws, Direding the Manner of granting Probats of Wills, and Adminiftration of Inteftates Eftates: a Bill, For the better Regulation of the Militia: a Bill, For the better Mamigement and Security of Orphans, attd their Eftates: a Bill, For making Provifion againft Invafions and Infurredions: a Bill, For l.icenfing Pedlars, and preventing Frauds in the Duties upon Skins

and Furs:
Bill, For the better fecuring the Payment of Levies; and reftraint of Vagrants; making and for Provifion foi- the Poor; were feverally read the Firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time. And then the Houfe adoumed 'til To-morrow Morning Eleven o'Clock.

Alfo a







and uniform Celebration of Divine Service; and for the more Management of Parochial Affairs, was read the Second Time and committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe. Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the
the decent



on Monday next. Bill, For fettling the Titles and Bounds of Lands, and for preventing unlawful Shooting and Ranging, was read the Second Time; and committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe.
faid Bill,





will refolve itfelf into

a Committee upon the faid


on Tucfday next. A Bill, For encouraging Adventurers in Iron-Works, was read the Second Time. " Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed.


and Robert Yates, Executors of the Rev. John Reid, deceafed, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; letting forth, That a Negro Man Slave belonging to the Eftate of the faid Reid, being run away, ftabb'd one Billops, who endeavored to apprehend him, for which the faid Slave was committed to the Goal of the Coimty of Gloucefter, where he lay feveral Days in Irons; and that by the Inclemency of the Weather, the faid Slave was froft-bitten, and entirely loft his Feet: That they have been obliged to expend y I. 3 s. 9 d. for DcxTrors Attendance and Medicines, in endeavoring his Recovery; and praving fuch Relief as this Houfe fhall think fit. Refolved, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the next Seffion of Affembly. A Bill, For Prevention of Abufes in Tobacco (hipped on Freight: Alfo a Bill, To prevent the Tending of Seconds were feverally read the Second Time.
Laft Will

Petition of Philip Rootes, Bartholomew Yates,

and Teftament

of the


That the


be Ingroffed.


then the Houfe adjourn 'd

Monday Morning Eleven


Monday, March


was read the Second Time.

Bill, Againft Hog ftealing, was read the Second Time and committed Committee of Propofitions and Grievances. A Bill, For Punifhment of flanderous Per fans, was read the Second Time; and the Oueftion being put. That the Bill be Ingroffed?



Prefcribing the Method for proving Book-Debts,


That the


be Ingroffed.

to the


paffed in the Negative.

That the Bill be rejed;ed. That it be an Inftrudtion to the Committee appointed to bring in a Bill, for Repealing the feveral Laws reported to be ufelefs, obfolete, and otherwise provided for. That they have Power to receive a Claufe for Repealing an Act, made in the Fourteenth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second, intituled, An A3, for Punifhment


of flanderous Perfons.

Concerning Tithables, was read the Second Time; and committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe. Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill,

on Wednefday next. The Order of the

the decent


being read,

That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, For and uniform Celebration of Divine Service; and for the more orderly Management of Parochial Affairs, on Monday next. A Bill, intituled. An Ad, to prevent the tettding of Seconds, was read the Third Time and an Amendment made thereto. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. A Bill, intituled. An Ad, for encouraging Adventurers in Iron-Works, was read the Third Time; and an Amendment made thereto. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. A Bill, intituled. An Ad, for Prevention of Abufes in Tobacco fhipped on Freight, was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Benjamin Waller do carry the faid Bills to the Council, and delire
their Concurrence.

And then

the Houfe adjourn 'd


To-morrow Morning Eleven








Quantities of before the Divifion of Gochland, feveral Sums Tobacco were levied for Public Buildings, no part of which are in this County, which was a Part of the faid County of Goochland: That the Parifh of St. James's, at the Time
of the Divifion of the

Petition of the Subfcribers, Inhabitants of Albemarle County, and St. Anne'% Parifh, in Behalf of themf elves and the reft of the faid County and Parifh,

was prefented to the Houfe, and read;

fetting forth,

That within a few Years

Money and

County, was alfo divided into Three Parifhes That the Glebe Land lying in the Parifh of St. James Northam, in Goochland County, was fold by Adt of Affembly and praying that the Inhabitants of Goochland may be obliged to repay them

their Proportion of the

Proportion of the

Money and Tobacco fo levied for Money for which the Glebe was fold.

their Buildings;


alfo, the

Grievances their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.

That the faid Petition be referred to the Committee of Propofitions and and that they do examine into the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with

Bill, intituled.

An AA,

prefcribing the


for proving Book-Debts,

was read


Third Time.

That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Whiting do carry the

Bill to

the Council, for their Concurrence.

A Bill, For appointing Public Storehoufes, and afcertaining the Prices of Storage, was read the Second Time; and committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe. Refolved, That this Houfe will, on Tuefday next, refolve itfelf into a Committee upon
the faid


To reftrain the keeping of too great a Number Breed, was read the Second Time. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed.



Horfes and Mares, and



The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, For fettling the Titles and Bounds of Lands, and for preventing unlawful Shooting and Ranging: And after fome time fpent therein, M'' Speaker refumed the Chair, and M' Carter reported. That the Committee had had the Bill under their Confideration, and had made fome Amendments thereto and that they had diredled him to move for Leave





That To-morrow.




again refolve


into a

Committee upon the




Petition of the Inhabitants of the Parifh of St. George, in the

of Spotfyl-

was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth. That on the nth Day July, Members, made an Order, That John Chew, Francis Taliaferro and Richard Tittt, Gentlemen, Members of the Veftry, fhould view the feveral Places ]jropofed by the Inhabitants for eredting a Chapel, and fix upon the moft convenient Place to fet the faid Chapel and that their Report fhould be definitive That at a Veftry held the loth Day of Odober, Francis Taliaferro and Richard Tutt gave in their Report; and that the Veftry then agreed that the faid Chapel fhould be built on the Land of William Lee and it was accordingly let to one George Stubblefield But that fome Perfons have obtained an Order from the Governor and Council, to fuperfede the faid Orders of the Veftry, which has put a Stop to the building of the faid Chapel, to the great Prejudice of the Petitioners, and the Exercife of the Chriftian Religion; and praying that this Houfe will take their Cafe into Confideration, and give them fuch Relief
1748, the Veftry, confifting of Eleven
; ; :

as they fhall think



That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and that they do examine into the Allegations thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. And then the Houfe adjourn 'd 'til To-morrow Morning Eleven o'Clock.



Wedn efday March






Prefcribing the Method of appointing Sherifs, and for limiting the Time of their Continuance in Office; and direding their Duty therein, was read the Second




Amendments made



That the

be Ingroffed.

Several Petitions of the Inhabitants of Goochland County, were prefented to the

and read;

fetting forth the


Inconveniences they labour under by the


prefent Situation of their County;

laid Covinty

and praying that a


pafs for dividing the

by the River.

Alfo a Petition in Oppofition to the faid Petitions, was prefented to the Houfe,




That the That M"^

faid Petitions


W Bland, W



on the Table. Carter, and


Fitzhugh, do fearch the

Journals of the Council, as to what Proceedings are therein with Relation to the Bill, intituled. An A A, for Dividing the Counties of Orange and Goochland; and that they
report the fame to the Houfe.

The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, For fettling the Titles and Bounds of Lands; and for preventing unlawful Shooting and Ranging: And after fome Time fpent therein, M'' Speaker refumed the Chair; and M' Carter reported. That the Committee had gone through the Bill, and made feveral Amendments thereto, which they had directed him to report to the Houfe; And he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at
the Table.

That the Confideration of the faid Report be put off 'til to-morrow. The Houfe alfo, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, Concerning Tithables: And after fome Time fpent therein, M'' Speaker refumed the Chair; and M'' Carter, from the Committee, reported. That they had gone through the Bill, and made feveral Amendments thereto, which they had diredted him to report, when the Houfe will pleafe to receive the fame. Ordered, That the Report be received To-morrow Morning. And then the Houfe adjoum'd 'til To-morrow Morning Eleven o'Clock.


March 9

Rappahanock River,

commonly called the Rappidan, up to the Conway; thence up the Conway, to the Head thereof, to the Top of the Blue-Ridge of Mountains thence along the faid Mountains, to the Head of the North River, commonly called the Hedgman River; thence down the Hedgman River, to the main Fork of Rappahanock River.


Petition of the Inhabitants of




County, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; praying that an A6t may pafs, for dividing the faid County, Southerly by the North River of Rappahanock,


limiting the

That the Petition do lie on the Table. intituled, An Ad, prefcribing tlie Method of appointing Sherifs, atui for Time of their Continuance in Office; and direding their Duty therein, was

read the Third Time,

That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M-- Secretary do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concun-ence. A Bill, intituled. An Ad, to reftrain the keeping of too great a Number of Horfes and Mares, and to amend the Breed, was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Robert Jones do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. The Houfe, according to Order, proceeded to the Confideration of the Report of the Committee of the whole Houfe, upon the Bill, For fettling the Titles and Bounds


Lands, and for preventing unlmvful Shooting and Ranging; and the Amendments were Amendments were made to the Bill. read, and Part thereof agreed to, and feveral Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments agreed to, be Ingroffed. the Committee of the whole Houfe, M"- Carter, according to Order, reported, from the Amendments which the committed, to whom the Bill, Concerning Tithables, was

Committee had made to the Bill, and which they had directed him to report to the Houfe And he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments in at the Table; where the fame were read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. And then the Houfe adjoum'd 'til To-morrow Morning Eleven o'Clock.



lo, 1748.

Beverley reported. That the Committee appointed had, according to Order, pTepSLTed a. BiW, For Diffolving the pre fent Veftries in this Colony, for Eleding new Veftries, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned: And the fame was received, and read the Firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time. A Bill, For preventing exceffive and deceitful Gaming, was read a Second Time and committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe. Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfeK into a Committee upon the faid Bill,


on Tuefday next. A Message from the Council, by M' Walthoc: That they infift on the Amendments by them made to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, to allow Perfons not concerned in making Tobacco, to difcharge Levies and Officers Fees
in Money.

That they have made fome Amendments to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, prefcribing Method the of proving Book-Debts; to which they Defire the Concurrence of this Houfe. That they have made an Amendment to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for encouraging Adventurers in Iron-Works Alfo, an Amendment to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for Prevention of Abufes in

Tobacco (hipped on Freight:


Alfo an Amendment to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, to prevent the tending of Seconds; which they defu-e the Concurrence of this Houfe. And that they have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, to reftrain the keeping too great a Number of Horfes and Mares; and for amending the Breed without any Amend;


from the Committee of Privileges and Elections, reported. That the Committee had had under their further Confideration, the Petition of Samuel Cobbs, complaining of an undue Eledlion and Return of M'' Wood Jones, to ferve as a Burgefs in this prefent General Affembly for the County of Amelia; and had fully heard as well the Petitioner as fitting Member, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon Which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table; where the fame being again
M"' Liidwell,


Motion was made. That the faid Report be re-committed; and the Queftion being put thereupon,

paffed in the Negative.

Then the

faid Refolutions being read a

Second Time, and the Queftion being

feverally put thereupon, were agreed to

by the Houfe, as follows: That the Petitioner had a greater Number of legel Freeholders, who voted


at the faid EleAion, than the faid



not duly elected to ferve as a Burgefs in this prefent General Affembly, for the County of Amelia. Refolved, That the Petitioner Samuel Cobbs, is duly elected to ferve as a Burgefs in this prefent General Affembly, for the County of Amelia.


That the


Wood Jones



Ordered, That the Return of the Writ for Elefting Burgeffes to ferve in this prefent General Affembly for the County of Amelia, be amended, by erafing the Name of

Jones, and inferting the Name of Samuel Cobbs. M' Beverley reported, That the Committee appointed to fearch the Journals of the Council, as to their Proceedings upon the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for Dividing the Counties of Orange and Goochland, had demanded the Journals from the Clerk for that Purpofe, who anfwered. That the Council had direcT:ed him to inform the Committee, that they expected to be acquainted by a Meffage from this Houfe, that fuch a Committee was appointed, before they would permit any fuch Search to be made. Ordered, That a Meffage be fent to the Cotmcil, to acquaint them. That this Houfe appointed a Committee to fearch their Journals, in Relation to their Proceedings upon the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for Dividing the Counties of Orange and Goochland; and that they accordingly applied to their Clerk for their Journals, who told them the Council would not permit any fuch Search to be made, until they were acquainted by a Meffage from this Houfe, that they had appointed a Committee for that Purpofe; and that this Houfe defire to know, whether their Clerk acted in that Matter by their Inftructions. And then the Houfe adjourned 'til To-morrow Morning Eleven o'Clock.




ii, 1748.


Member having taken

the Oaths appointed to be taken by Adt of Parliament,

inftead of the Oaths of Allegiance

the Oath of Abjuration, and alfo fubfcribed the Teft,

and Supremacy, and taken and fubfcribed was admitted to his

Place in the Houfe.

concerning Executions, and for Relief of infolvent Debtors, was read the Second Time; and committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe. Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill, on Thurfday next. Ordered, That M' Reddick have Leave to be abfent from the Service of the Houfe, 'til Wednefday next. A Bill, intituled. An Ad, concerning Tithables, was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Carter do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. A Bill, For fettling the current Rates of Gold and Silver Coin within this Dominion, was read the Second Time; and committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe. Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill, on Monday next. Ordered, That the Chaplain have Notice to attend to read Prayers every Morning at Nine o'Clock. And then the Houfe adjourn 'd 'til Monday Morning Ten o'Clock.

Declaring the


Monday, March 13, 1748.

Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendment propofed by the Council to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for encouraging Adventurers in IronWorks; and the fame was read and agreed to by the Houfe. The Houfe alfo proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendment, proposed by the Council, to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for Prevention of Abufes in Tobacco fhipped on Freight; and the fame was read, and agreed to by the Houfe. The Houfe alfo proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendment propofed by the Council to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, to prevent the tending of Seconds; and the fame was read, and agreed to by the Houfe.



That M^ Benjamin Waller do go up with a Meffage to the Council, and acquaint them that this Houfe have agreed to the Amendments by them made to the
faid Bills.

Committee upon the Bill, for the more orderly ManageFor the decent and ment of Parochial Affairs: And after fome Time fpent therein, ilf'' Speaker refumed the Chair, and M' Carter, from the Committee, reported, That they had gone through the but not having time to draw up the Bill, and made feveral Amendments thereto; Report, they had diredled him to move for Leave to fit again. Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee to draw up the faid

The Houfe, according to Order, refolved


into a

uniform Celebration of Divine Service;


Report, To-morrow. The Order of the


being read, for the Houfe to refolve


into a


upon the



For fettling the current Rates of Gold and Silver Coin within this Dominion, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill,
the clandeftine Tranfportation, or carrying of




To prevent

Perfons in Debt,

Servants or Slaves, out of this Colony;


was read the Second Time, and an Amendment


That the


be Ingroffed.

That the Committee appointed had, according to Order, waited on the Council with the Meffage from this Houfe. who anfwered. That they would fend an Anfwer by a Meffenger of their own. A Petition of the Truftees and Inhabitants of Leed's Town, was prefented to the Houfe and read, fetting forth, That there lies oppofite to the faid Town a large Marfh,
Beverley reported.

which makes the River very narrow, therefore convenient for a Ferry if a Caufway was made thro' the faid Marfh, to the Land of Mrs. Sarah Brooks, in Effex County, and that the eftablifhing a Ferry there would be ferviceable to the Public, and advantageous to the faid Town, That the faid Truftees, from the Sale they have made of Lots in the faid Town, have paid off the refpedlive Proprietors of the Land, and have yet remaining in their Hands about the Sum of Eighty Povmds, for which they have no Ufe, and praying that an Adl may pafs for appointing the faid Ferry, and that as well the faid Sum of Eighty Pounds, as what other Money may be raifed by further Sales of Lots, during the Time that the faid Caufway fhall be making, may be appropriated to that Ufe,

and likewife fuch further Sum as fhall be necessary. Ordered That a Bill be brought in purfuant to the faid Petition, and it referr'd to M"" Beverley and M"" Turner, to prepare and bring in the fame.



And then

the Houfe adjoum'd


To-morrow Morning Ten




14, 1748.


and Bounds of Lands; and far preand Ranging, was read the Third Time and an Amendment made thereto, and the Blanks in the Bill filled up. .1; Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M-- Secretary do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. A Meffage from the Council, by M'' Walihoe:


An Ad,

for fettling the Titles

venting unlawful Shooting


to deliver the

The Council have ordered me and others:



to the

Meffage by M' Bev-


'Our Clerk acquainting us, that fome of your Members had told him, while we were That they were appointed to fearch the Journals of the Council; we did diredt

'him to return for anfwer, That we expedled a Meffage from your Houfe to inform us 'that a Committee was appointed for that Purpofe, before we permitted our Journals 'to be fearched.'




it is

the undoubted Right of this Houfe to fearch the Journals of the

Council, as to their Proceedings

to the Council.

upon any

Bills or other Matters, fent




That the Council's ordering their Clerk to refufe the Committee appointed Houfe to fearch their Journals, as to their Proceedings upon the Bill, For Dividing the Counties of Orange and Goochland, is a Violation of that Right, an high Infringement of the Privileges of this Houfe, and tends to interrupt that Union and Harmony which ought ever to fubfift between eveiy Branch of the Legiflature. A Meffage from the Council, by M'' Walthoe: That they ha\'e agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, concerning Tithables; without any Amendment. The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee, to draw up the Report upon the Bill, For the decent and uniform Celebration of Divine Service; atid for the more orderly Management of Parochial Affairs: And after fome Time fpent therein, M' Speaker refumed the Chair, and M'' Carter, from the Committee, reported, That they had drawn up a Report upon the faid Bill, which they had directed him to report to the Houfe And he read the fame in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where the fame were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe, and an Amendment made to the Bill. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, For fettling the current Rates of Gold and Silver Coin within this Dominion: And after fome Speaker refumed the Chair; and M'' Carter, from the Committee, Time fpent therein, reported. That they had had the Bill under their Confideration, and made fome Amendments thereto; and that they had directed him to move for Leave to fit again. Refolved, That this Houfe will again refolve into a Committee upon the faid Bill, To-morrow. The Orders of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, To prevent exceffive and deceitful Gaming: Alfo upon the Bill, For appointing Public Storehoufes, and afcertaining the Prices




of Storage;





will refolve into

a Committee upon the faid






then the Houfe adjourn 'd


To-morrow Morning Ten

Wednefdayy March 15, 1748.

Per fans in Debt, Servants or Slaves, out of this Colony, was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"' Attorney do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. A Bill, intituled. An Ad, for the decent and uniform Celebration of Divine Service; and for the more orderly Management of Parochial Affairs, was read the Third Time; and feveral Amendments made thereto, and the Blanks in the BiU filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Fry do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. A Petition of fome of the Inhabitants of the North Side of James River, in Goochland

Bill, intituled,


Ai, for preventing the clandeftine Tranfportation, or carrying

County, praying, that an AiTt may pafs for Dividing the faid Coimty by the River, was prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the faid Petition, together with all the other Petitions relating to the Divifion of that County and alfo the Petition concerning the Divifion of Orange County, be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and


thereof, that they do examine into the Allegations Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.

and report the fame, with


Petition of the Inhabitants of Maffenuten, and elfewhere, within the Line of the Right Honourable Thomas Lord Fairfax, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting Fork of Rappahanock is to be a forth, That they have been informed, that the Great

and praying that they may be joined thereto. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee and that they do examine into the Allegations thereof, of Propofitions and Grievances and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. M"' Carter, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported. That the Committee had had under their Confideration divers Propofitions from feveral Counties
feparate County,




and had come to

feveral Refolutions thereupon:

in at the

Which he read


his Place,

and afterwards delivered That

it is

Table; where the fame were again read,


are as follow:

the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofition from the County of Accomack, for enabling all Perfons to transport any Commodities, not being contraband or enumerated, from one Diftrift to any other Diftridl within this Colony,

without the Expence, Trouble, and Delay of taking Permits from any Cuftom-houfe Officers whatsoever, be rejected the Propofition appearing to be groundlefs. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofition from the County of Prince-William, for laying off Sixty Acres of the Land of John Graham, of

near the Warehoufes thereon, in the fame County, and eftablifhing a Town on the faid Sixty Acres of Land, and allowing the faid Gra/iom the Liberty and Benefit of difpofmg of the Lots thereof; is
that County, Gent, lying at the
of Quantico Creek,


reaf enable.

A(ft of

Fairfax, fetting forth.

Confideration of the Petition of Jeremiah Bronaugh, Sheriff of the County of That notwithftanding he has always afted conformably to the

Affembly, made in the Fourth Year of the Reign of her late Majefty Queen Anne, relating to the Proceedings of the General Court, and direfting Sherifs in their Duty,

on the Execution of all any Perfon Court, Judgments have or Perfons to anfwer any Suit or Suits, commenced in the faid been given by the General Court in fundry of the faid Suits, againft the Principals and the Petitioner, as Sherif, without any Notice taken of fuch Bail, altho' every fuch Procefs was endorfed with the Name of the Bail taken, on the Execution thereof, and therewith the Bonds of fuch Bail were returned to the Secretary's Office; by which Means many heavy Executions impend over the Petitioner, who is thereby likely to be ruined, and must be involved in tedious and expenfive Law-Suits, by fuing on the Bonds of fuch Bail before he can have any Relief; and praying that Judgment may be given to the Petitioiier, on his Motion to the General Court, against the Bail fo taken and retunied, without further procefs, for all damages and Cofts the Petitioner may fuffer on fuch Occafions; Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the faid Petiton be rejected. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Petition of fundry Inhabitants of the County of Amelia, for allowing fuch a reward to Charles Anderfon and Jofeph Morton, Jun. for their Trouble, Expence, and Lofs of Time, in purfuing and apprehending one John Benton, alias Holloway, (who was thereupon convicted of Horfeftealing, and executed,) as will encourage others to detect; fuch Offences, and to purfue and take those who commit them, be rejedled; they having already received the Reward allowed by Law. On Confideration of the Petition of Matthew Talbot, and others, of the County of Lunenburg, for allowing George McKean fuch a reward as to this Houfe fhall feem meet, for his Diligence and Induftry in apprehending Anthony Wheeler and Reafon Rutlidge,

by taking and returning good,


and undeniable


Proceffes which have iffued out of that Court, direcfled to him, to attach



notorious Horfe-ftealers, and caufmg Rutlidge {Wheeler having efcaped from Prifon)
to be brought to Tryal;


That That That

it is

the Opinion of this Committee, That the faid Petition

the Opinion of this Committee, That




it is

Ten Pounds


a reafon-



for the Services of the faid George

it is


the Opinion of this Committee, That the Petition of the Attor-

nies practifmg in the

County Courts of Lancafter and Northumberland, for altering the Court Day of the faid County of Lancafter, from the Second Friday, to the Third Friday in each Month; is reaf enable. The Three Firf t Refolutions were read a Second Time and the Queftion being put, That the Houfe do agree thereto?

Refolved in the Affirmative.

The Fourth Refolution was alfo read a Second Time; and the Queftion being That the Houfe do agree thereto ?


pa ffed in the Negative.



Then all the other Refolutions were read a Second Time; and the Queftion put. That the Houfe do agree thereto?


That the Committee

of Propofitions


paffed in the Affirmative. Grievances do prepare and bring

purfuant to the Firft Refolution. in a Refolved, That the Sum of 20 /. be paid, out of the Public Money in the Hands of the Treafurer, to Charles Anderfon and Jofeph Morton, Jun. for their Trouble, Expence, and Lofs of Time, in purfuing and apprehending one John Benton, alias Holloway, who

was thereupon convicfled

of Horfe-ftealing,

be paid to George McKean, as a Reward for Reafon Rutlidge, and Anthony Wheeler, Horfe-ftealers. Ordered, That M^ Cobbs do carry the faid Refolve to the Council, for their Concurrence.

and executed: And that the Sum of 10 /. his Diligence and Induftry, in apprehending

Council to the

the Amendments propofed by the Ad, prefcribing the Method of proving Book-Debts; and the fame were read and agreed to, with fome Amendments. Ordered, That a Meffage be fent to the Council, to acquaint them, That this Houfe have agreed to the Amendments by them propofed to the faid Bill, with fome Amendments; to which they defire their Concurrence: And that M' Whiting do go up with

The Houfe proceeded

to the Confideration of

Bill, intituled,


the faid Meffage.

to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, And after Rates For fettling the current of Gold and Silver Coin within this Dominion from the ComCarter, M'' fome Time fpent therein, M'' Speaker refumed the Chair; and mittee, reported. That they had gone through the Bill, and made feveral amendments And he read the Report thereto, which they had directed him to report to the Houfe

The Houfe, according

in at the Table and afterwards delivered the Bill, where they were again read, and agreed to by the floufe. Then the Queftion being put. That the Bill, with the Amendments be Ingroffed?
in his Place,

with the



paffed in the Negative.


That the


be rejefted.

Committee upon the Bill, Time fpent therein, M' fome after And Gaming: To prevent exceffive reported. That they Committee, Speaker refumed the Chair; and M-- Carter, from the had made an Amendment to the Bill, which they had directed him to report to the Houfe And he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendment, in at the Table; where it was again read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed.


Hoiife, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a





The Order
upon the

of the


being read, for the Hotife to refolve

will refoh-e itfelf

Fc>r appointing Public StorehCufes,





itfelf into a Committee and afcertaining the Prices of Storage; into a Committee upon the faid Bill.


That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, to amend an Acft, made in the Firft Year of the Reign of King George the Firft, intituled. An Ad, for rcgtdating and fettling Silver Coin, in this Dominion: And alfo the current Rates of Gold Coin, and of Britifh Majefty's Reign, intituled. An Ad, prefent his of Year Firft the in one other Act, made Rates current the of Silver Coin within this Dmninfor the better regtdating and afcertaining Gold into Pieces: And that M' ion; and for preventing the evil Pradice of cutting foreign

Bland do prepare and bring in the fame. Ordered, That M^ Fry be added to the Committee to the Praditioners in Phyfic, Chirurgery, and Pharmacy in






Colony; for settling

Fees; and for granting them certain Privileges and Immunities,



then the Houfe adjourn 'd


To-morrow Morning Ten



i6, 1748.


Braxton be added to the Committee ax)pointed to prepare and bring to amend an AS:, made in the Firft Year of the Reign of King George the Firft, intituled. An Ad, for regulating and fettling the current Rates of Gold Coin, and of Britifh Silver Coin, within this Dominion: And alfo one other


Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, intituled, An Ad, for the and afcertaining the current Rates of Silver Coin within this Dominion; and for preventing the evil Pradice of cutting foreign Gold into Pieces. A Bill, For clearing Rivers and Creeks, was read the Second Time and committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe. Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill,


in the Firft

better regulating

Ordered, That

to receive a Claufe or Claufes purfuant to the Firft

be an Inftrucftion to the faid Committee, That they have Power and Third Refolutions reported

by the Committee Ordered, That


of Propofitions

and Grievances on Tuefday November 15th. Fitzhugh have Leave to be abfent from the fervice of the Houfe,

Thurfday next. The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, Declaring the Law concerning Executions, and for Relief of infolvcnt Debtors: And after f ome Time fpent therein, M'' Speaker refumed the Chair and M'' Carter, from the Committee, reported, That they had gone through the Bill, and made feveral Amendments thereto, which they had direcfted him to report to the Houfe And he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where they were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, For appointing Public Storehoufes, and afcertaining the Prices of Storage: And after

fome Time fpent

mittee, reported.

therein, M' Speaker refumed the Chair and M"" Carter, from the ComThat they had had the Bill under their Confidcration, and made feveral Amendments thereto and that they had directed him to move for Leave to fit again. Refolved, That this Houfe will again refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill, To-morrow. And then the Houfe adjoum'd 'til To-morrow Morning Ten o'Clock.





17, 1748.

Bill, intituled,



for preventing exceffive

Gaming, was read

the Third Time.



That the Bill do pafs. That M-- Uidwell do carry the


to the Council, for their


M' Bland


That the Committee appointed had, according to Order, pre-

pared a Bill, For eftablifhing Courts of Quarter Seffions in the Counties of Goochland, Albemarle, and Augufta; and for regulating and fettling the Proceedings therein.

That the Bill do lie on the Table. M' Braxton, from the Committee to whom the Bill, For further continuing an Ad, intituled. An Ad, for further continuing and amending an Ad, for infpeding, weighing, and ftarn ping all Park atui Beef, packed in this Colony, or imported for Sale, before the fame fhall be fold h^re, or fhipped for Exportation; and to amend the Ad, for a]certaining the Gauge of Barrels for Pork, Beef, Tar, and Pitch; and for infpeding, weighing, and ftamping all Flour exported, was committed, reported. That they had made feveral Amendments thereto And he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table: where the fame were again read. Ordered, That the Confideration of the faid Amendments be adjourn 'd. M'' Carter, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported. That the Committee had had under their Confideration divers Propofitions from feveral Coimties to them referred, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon: Which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table; where the fame were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows Refolved, That the Propofition from the County of Goochland, for dividing that County by James River, is reafonable. Refolved, That the Propofition from the County of Goochland, in Oppofition to

the Propofitions for dividing that County, be rejected.

Refolved, That the Propofition from the County of Orange, for dividing that County by the South River of Rappahanock, commonly called the Rappidan, up to the Conway; and thence by the Conway to the Head thereof, to the Top of the Blue-Ridge; thence by the Blue-Ridge to the Head of Hedgman River; thence by the Hedgman to the Great Fork of Rappahanock; is reafonable. Refolved, That the Petition of the Inhabitants of Maffanutten, for adding that Part of the faid County which is included in the Bounds of Lord Fairfax's Lands, to the County to be eredted in the great Fork of Rappahanock; be rejected. Refolved, That the Propofition from the County of Lunenburg, againft building Mills, and eredling Dams, Traps, and Stops, on, and acrofs, Rivers and Creeks; be reI '


That the Propofitions from the Counties of Amelia and Lunenburg, for erecting Part of thofe Two Counties, to be divided from them by a Line running from the Head of the Weftermoft Fork of Sandy River, in Amelia, through Lunenburg, fuch

a Courfe as will ftrike Staunton River, below the Mouth of Little Roanoke, oppofite to the Place called the Sandy-Bar, into one dtftindl County; be rejedled.

in the

Confideration of the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Parifh of St. George,

of Spotfylvania,


complaining of an Order made by the Go^'elnor and

Council, for superfeding certain Orders of the Veftry of the faid Parifh, for placing


building a Chapel therein, and praying this Houfe to take the fame into Confideration, and do what fhall feem mof t meet Refolved, That the Governor and Council ha\-e no Power by Law to fuperfede any Orders of Veftry, for or relating to the placing and building of Churches or Chapels.



mentioned in be heard before this Houfe, as to the fubjedl Matter of the faid Complaint. Ordered, That a Bill or Bills be brought in, purfuant to the Firft and Third RefoluTaylor, do prepare and tions And that M-- Carrington, M^ Gary, M^ Spotfwood, and M-"

That as well the Perfons complaining against the Orders of Veftry the faid Petition, as the faid Veftry, and all other Perfons concerned, may

bring in the fame.


Petition of fundry Inhabitants of Richmond Town, was prefented to the lloufe, read praying, that an Aft may pafs to prevent Hogs going at large in the faid Town.




Boiling do prepare

and bring



purfuant to the Prayer of

the faid Petition.

Meffage from the Council, by M^ Walthoe: That they cannot agree to the Amendments propofed by this Houfe to their Amendments to the Bill, intituled, An A3, prefcribing the Method of proving Book-Debts; and

defire this


will recede

from the faid Amendments.


The Houfe, according to Order, refolved

into a

Committee upon the


For appointing Public Storehoufes, and for afcertaining tlte Prices of Storage: And after fome Time fpent therein, M' Speaker refumed the Chair; and M' Carter, from the Committee, reported, That they had made feveral Amendments to the Bill, which they had directed him to report to the Houfe: And he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where the fame were again read, and agreed to. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. The Order of the Day for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, For Clearing Rivers and Creeks, being read, Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill,



W Chinn and
whole Houfe.


Conway have Leave

to be abfent

from the Service

the Houfe,


'til Thurfday next. Concerning Water-Mills, was read the Second Time; and committed to a


of the




will refolve itfelf into

a Committee upon the faid




the the Houfe adjoum'd


To-morrow Morning Ten



i8, 1748.


Cary reported. That the Committee appointed, had, according to Order, Bill, For Dividing the County of Goochland: And the fame was received, and read the Firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time.
prepared a

M"' Taylor, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill, For Dividing the County of Orange And the fame was received, and read the Firft Time and Ordered to be read a Second Time.

and others, the Inhabitants and Freeholders of the Parifh of St. George, in the County of Spotfylvania, fetting forth, That at a Veftry held for the faid Parifh in July laft, John Chew, Francis Taliaferro,
and Richard
Gentlemen, were appointed to view the feveral Places propofed by the Inhabitants that fhould meet them at the Time they fhould appoint, for building of a Chapel, and fix on a Place that they fhould think moft convenient, and that their

Petition of Rice Curtis, in Behalf of himfelf

Report fhould be definitive That the Day appointed by them for that Purpofe being very wet, very few of the Inhabitants met them That the faid Francis Taliaferro and Richard Tutt reported. That a Place called William Lee's Old-field, was the moft convenient for building the faid Chapel That the faid Place is within Six Miles of the upper Line, and is not convenient to one Fourth of the Parifhioners to whom it ought to have




been convenient: That the faid John Chew being well acquainted with that Part of the faid Parifh, would not join in the faid Report That at a Veftry held in October laft, Seven Veftrymen only being prefent, it was entered among the Orders of Veftry, that a Chapel fhould be built at the faid Place; and praying, that this Houfe will take the

Matter into Confideration, and grant a proper Relief, was prefented to the Hovife, and


of Propofitions

That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee and Grievances; and that they do examine into the allegations thereof,

and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. Ordered, That the Petitioners, and all other Perfons concerned therein, be heard before the faid Committee, on the nth Day of April next. Ordered, That the Undertaker do not proceed any further in building the faid Chapel, 'til the Matter is heard and determined by this Houfe. A Petition of divers of the Inhabitants of the County of Surry, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; praying, that an Adl may pafs, to alter the Toll of Mills, and make the fame more adequate to the Service done. And the Queftion being put, That the faid Petition be committed?

paffed in the Negative.


That the Petition be rejedled. M"' Carter, from the Committee to whom the Bill, Againft Hog-ftealing, was committed, reported. That they had had made feveral Amendments thereto, which they had directed him to report to the Houfe And he read the Report in his Place, and then deUvered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where the fame were again read, and Part thereof agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments agreed to, be Ingroffed. A Bill, intituled, An Ad, Declaring the Law concerning Executions; and for Relief of infolvent Debtors, was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"' Braxton do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. Ordered, That M'' Secretary, M'' Attorney, Benjamin Waller, axid M'' Robert Jones, have Leave to be abfent from the Service of the Houfe, 'til Tuefday next. The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, For Clearing Rivers and Creeks: And after fome Time fpent therein, "W Speaker reinm&d the Chair; and M'' Carter, from the Committee, reported. That they had gone through the faid Bill, and made feveral Amendments thereto, which they had direfted him to report to the Houfe And he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table where the fame were again read, and agreed to, by the Houfe, with fome Amendments. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, Concerning Water-Mills, Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill,

on Tuefday next. And then the Houfe adjoum'd


Monday Morning Ten


Monday, March 20, 1748.

from the Council, by M'' Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for fettling the Titles and Bounds of Lands; and for preventing unlawful Shooting and Ranging; with fome Amendments Alfo to the Bill, To prevent the clandeftine Tranfportation, or carrying of Perfons in Debt, Servants or Slaves, out of this Colony; with fome Amendments To which they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe.



and Veftry of the Parifh of Newport, in the County of to the Houfe and read, praying that an A61 may pafs, to Iflc of Wight; was prefented enable them to fell the Glebe of the faid Parifh, and purchafe a new Glebe, more conven-

Petition of the Minifter

ient, in

Lieu thereof.


That Lea^c be given to bring

it is




accordingly referred to

purfuant to the Prayer of the faid Gray, and M' Simmons, to prepare and

bring in the






for appointing Public Storehoufes,



afccrtaining the Prices of Storage:

Alfo an Ingroffed

Bill, intituled.

An Ad

againft ftcaling Hogs; were feverally read

the Third Time.

That the Bill do pafs. That M'' Corhin do carry the faid Bills to the Council, for their Concurrence. An Ingroffed Bill, For clearing Rivers and Creeks; was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"' Burwell do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. A Bill, For eftablifhing the General Court, and for regulating and fettling the Proceedings therein; was read a Second Time; and committed to a Committee of the whole






will refolve itfelf into a

Committee upon the

faid Bill, To-


To prevent frivolous and vexatious Suits; was read a Second Time. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed. A Bill, For regulating Ordinaries, and Reftraint of Tippling-houfes; was read a Second Time; and committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe. Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itself into a Committee upon the faid Bill, on Wednefday next. A Bill, For the Settlement and. Regulation of Ferries; and for Difpatch of Public Exprcffes; was read a Second Time; and committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe. Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itself into a Committee upon the faid Bill, on Tuefday Se'nnight. A Bill, For preventing Trefpaffes by unruly Horfcs, Cattle, Hogs, Sheep, or Goats; and by taking away Boats, or other Veffels; was read a Second Time; and an Amendment made thereto. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed. And then the Houfe adjourn 'd 'til To-morrow Morning Ten o'Clock.


March 21, 1748.



For dividing the County of Goochland; was read a Second Time. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed. A Bill, For dividing the County of Orange; was read a Second Time, and


an Amendment made thereto. That the Bill be Ingroffed.

Bill, intituled,


An Ad,


prevent frivolous

and vexatious



read a Third Time, and an Amendment Refolved, That the Bill do pafs.



do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. For preventing Trefpaffes by unruly Horfes, Cattle, Hogs, Sheep, Goats; and by taking away Boats, or other Veffels; was read the Third Time; and an






Amendment made


That the





Ordered, Ordered,

That That


Hedgman do


carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. Boiling have Leave to be abfent from the Service of the Houfe,

Tuefday next. The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, For Eftablifhing the General Court; and for regulating and fettling the Proceedings therein:


fome Time fpent therein, M^ speaker refumed the Chair; and M'' Carter, from the Committee, reported. That they had gone thro' the Bill, and made feveral Amendments thereto; which they had directed him to report to the Houfe: And he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table: where the fame were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee, upon the Bill, Concerning Water-Mills, Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve into a Committee upon the faid Bill, Tomorrow. And then the Houfe adjoum'd 'til To-morrow Morning Ten o'Clock.





22, 1748.

Meffage from the Coimcil, by




they have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, and afcertaining the Prices of Storage:
Alfo to the

for appointing puhlick Store-




for preventing exceffive



Gaming, without any Amendment. For eftablifhing Courts of Quarter-Seffions in the Counties of Goochland, Albemarle, and Augufta; ami for regulating and fettling the Proceedings therein, was read the Firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time. A Bill, intituled. An Ad, for dividing the County of Goochland, was read the Third Time, and the Blanks in the Bill fill'd up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Cary do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. A Bill, intituled. An Ad for dividing the County of Orange, was read the Third Time, and the Blanks in the Bill fill'd up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Taylor do carry the Bill to the Council for their Concurrence. The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee, upon the Bill Concerning Water-Mills; and after fome Time fpent therein, M"' Speaker refumed the Chair, and M-^ Carter, from the Committee, reported. That they had gone through the
thereto which they had direfted him to report to Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the he read the Amendments, in, at the Table; where the fame were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe, with an Amendment and an Amendment was made to the Bill. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. A Meffage from the Council by AP Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Refolve for paying Charles And erfon, and Jofeph Morton, Twenty Pounds, out of the Public Money in the Hands of the Treafurer, for their Trouble, Expence, and Loss of Time, in purfuing and apprehending one John Benton, alias Holloway, who was thereupon convi(fted of Horfe-ftealing, and executed; and for paying George McKean Ten Pounds, as a Reward for his Diligence and Induftry in apprehending Reafon RtitUdge, and Anthony Wlteeler, Horfe-ftealers. AKo to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, to prevent frivolous and vexatious Suits; without any Amendment.

and made



the Houfe:





that they have agreed to the

Bill, intituled,

An Ad, declaring the Law concerning



for Relief of infolvent Debtors; with

Bill, intituled.

Method of appointing Sherifs, and and direding their Duty therein; with
with Amendments
into a Committee,

Alfo to the
for limiting

An Ad,

prefcribing the


of their

Continuance in

Alfo to the
Bill, intituled.



for clearing Rivers, awf/ Cre^fej;

To whieh they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe
upon the

to refolve


For regulating Ordinaries, and Reftraint of Tippling Houfes.





will refolve itfelf into

a Committee upon the faid


To-morrow. M'' Gray reported, That the Committee appointed had, according to Order, prepared a Bill, To impmver the Veftry of the Parifh of Newport, in the County of Ifle of Wight, to fell the Glebe Lands in the faid Parifh, and to purchafe a more convenient Glebe in Lieu thereof; and the fame was received and read the Firft Time, and ordered to be read a vSecond Time. Ordered, That the Committee appointed to prepare and bring in a Bill, according to the Prayer of the Petition of Unity Damiridge, Widow and Reli6l of William Dandridge, Efq; deceaf'd, and Nathaniel Weft Dandridge, Son and Heir and Devifee of the faid
William, be difcharged therefrom.

And then

the Houfe adjourned


To-morrow Morning Ten




23, 1748.

ments made thereto. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"" Attorney do caiTy the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. A Meffage from the Council, by M"" Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, againft ftealing Hogs; with fome Amendments, to which they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe: And that they agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for Dividing the County of Orange Alfo to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for Dividing the County of Goochland; without any Amendment. Ordered, That M'' Cobbs have Leave to be abfent from the .Service of the Houfe, 'til Monday Se'nnight; and M"' Embry, 'til Thurfday next. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, For regulating Ordinaries, and Reftraint of Tippling Houfes. Refolved, That this lioufe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill, on Wednefday next. A Bill, To prevent the Importation of Tobacco by Water, was read the Second Time; and the Queftion being put, That the Bill be Ingroffed?

Bill, intituled.



for eftablifhing the


fettling the


General Court, and for regulating and was read the Third Time, and feveral Amend-


paffed in the Negative.

That the Bill be rejecfled. Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the Committee appointed to bring in a Bill, For repealing the feveral Laws reported to be ufelefs, obfolete, and otherwife provided for. That they have Power to receive a Claufe or Claufes, for repealing an Ad;, made in the Fourth Year of Queen Anne, intituled. An Ad, againft importing Tobacco from Carolina, and other Parts, without the Capes of Virginia: And alfo an Act, made in the Twelfth Year of King George the Firft, intituled. An Ad, for the more effedual preventing the bringing Tobacco from North-Carolina, and the Bounds in Controverfy. And then the Houfe adjoum'd 'til Monday Morning Ten o'Clock.



Monday, March 27, 1749.

That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the on Thurfday next. A Bill, Concerning Servants and Slaves, was read a Second Time; and committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe. Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill, on Wednefday next. A Bill, For the effedual Siippreffion of Vice, was read a Second Time; and committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe. Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill,
faid Bill,


Concerning High-ways, Mill-Dams, and Bridges, was read a Second Time; and committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe.

on Friday next.

A Bill, For the Prefervation of the Breed of Deer; and preventing unlawful Hunting, was read a Second Time; and committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe. Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill, on Wednefday next. And then the Houfe adjoum'd 'til To-morrow Morning Ten o'Clock.


28, 1749.


M' Walke have Leave


to be abfent from the Service of this Houfe, for

the Recovery of his Health.


Speaker acquainted the Houfe, That he was informed by the Prefident of the Council, That it was the Council's Defire, that he fhould acquaint the Houfe of their Willingnefs to keep up a good Correfpondence with this Houfe; and that as they are apprehenfive the Meffage fent by them to this Hoiife on Wednefday laft, and the Anfwer to that Meffage, may be the Occafion of interrupting that Harmony and Agreement which fhould always fubfift between the feveral Branches of the Legiflature they are defirous, that the faid Meffage and Anfwer may be erafed out of the Journals of this Houfe and that they will order the fame to be erafed out of their Journals.

That the faid Meffage and Anfwer, be erafed out of the Journal accordingly. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendments propofed by the Council, to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for fettling the Titles and Bounds of Lands, and for preventing unlawful Hunting and Ranging; and the fame were read, and fome of them agreed to, and others difagreed to, by the Houfe. Ordered, That a Meffage be fent to the Council, to acquaint them. That this Houfe have agreed to fome, and difagreed to others of the Amendments by them propofed to the faid Bill; and to defire they will pafs the Bill with the Amendments agreed to: And that M'' Secretary do go up with the faid Meffage The Houfe aKo proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendments propofed by the Council to the Bill, intituled, An AA, declaring the Laiv concerning Executions, and for Relief of infolvent Debtors; and the fame were read, and fome of them agreed to, and
others difagreed to,

by the Houfe.

That a Meffage be fent to the Council, to acquaint them. That this Houfe have agreed to fome, and difagreed to others of the Amendments by them propofed to the faid Bill; and to defire they will pafs the Bill, with the Amendments agreed to: And that M'' Bland do go up with the faid IMeffage The Houfe alfo took into Confideration the Amendments propofed by the Council to the Bill, intituled. An AA, prefcribing the Method of appointing Sherifs, a^id for limiting the Time of their Continuance in Office; and direding their Duty therein; and the fame were read, and fome of them agreed to, and others difagreed to, by the Houfe.

That a Meffage be fent to the Council, to acquaint them, That this Houfe by them propofed to the have agreed to fome, and difagreed to others of the Amendments Amendments agreed to: And the with Bill, faid Bill; and to defire they will pafs the that M' Ludwell do go up with the faid Meffage. The Houfe alfo proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendments propofed by the Council to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, to prevent the dandeftine Tranfportation, or carrying or Slaves, out of this Colony and the fame were read, and of Perfons in Debt, Servants fome of them agreed to, and others difagreed to, by the Houfe. Ordered, That a Meffage be fent to the Council, to acquaint them, that this Houfe have agreed to fome, and difagreed to others of the Amendments by them propofed Amendments agreed to to the faid Bill and to defire they will pafs the Bill, with the

And that M'' Attorney do go up with the faid Meffage. A Meffage from the Council, by M' Walthoe:
That thev have agreed to the Bill, For eftablifhing the General Court, and for regulating and fettling the Proceedings therein; without any Amendment. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendments propofed by the Council to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for clearing Rivers, and Creeks; and the fame were read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That M"' Burwell do go up with a Meffage to the Council, and acquaint them, That this Houfe have agreed to the Amendments by them propofed to the faid Bill. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee, upon the Bill, For the Settlement and Regidation of Ferries; and for Difpatch of Public
Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill, To-morrow. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendments propofed by the Council to the Bill, intituled. An Ad againft ftealing Hogs and the fame were read and


difagreed to by the Houfe.


That this and defire they will pafs the Bill without the Amendments. The Houfe took into their Confideration the Meffage from the Council, in Relation to the Amendments by this Houfe made, to the Amendments propofed by the Council to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, prefcribing the Method for proving Book-Debts. Refolved, That this Houfe do infift on the faid Amendments. Ordered, That M' Waller do go up with a Meffage to the Council, and acquaint them, That this Houfe do infift on their Amendments to the Amendments, by them propofed to the faid Bill and defire they will recede from their Dif agreement to the fame. A Bill, For the Diftribution of Inteftates Eftates, was read the Second Time; and committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe. Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill, on

That M^ Corbin do go up with a Meffage to the Council and acquaint them, Houfe cannot agree to the Amendments by them propofed to the faid Bill;

Friday next.
Bill, Declaring Slaves to be Perfonal Eftate; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read a Second Time; and committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe. Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill, on Friday next. And then the Houfe adjoum'd 'til To-morrow Morning Ten o'Clock.



Wednejday, March 29, 1749.


Turner reported, That the Committee appointed, had, according to Order, prepared a Bill, To impower the Truftees of Leeds Town, to make a Cauf-

way through the Mar fh oppoflte thereto; and for appointing a Public Ferry; and the fame was received and read the Firft Time, and ordered to be read a
Second Time. A Meffage from the Council, by Walthoe: That they recede from Four of the Amendments by them made, to the Bill, intituled, An Ad againft ftealing Hogs; and infift on the others; and defire this Houfe will pafs the Bill, with the Amendments infifted on That they alfo recede from Two of their Amendments to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, to prevent the dandefiine Tranfportation, or carrying of Perfons in Debt, Servants or Slaves, out of this Colony, which were difagreed to by this Houfe and infift on the others and defire this Houfe will pafs the Bill, with the Amendments infifted on That they alfo recede from One of the Amendments by them made to the Bill,


concerning Executions; and for Relief of infolvent Debtors, which was difagreed to by this Houfe, and infift on the other; and defire this Houfe will pafs the Bill, with the Amendment infifted on:

An Ad, declaring


That they alfo recede from one of the Amendments by them made to the Bill, An Ad, for fettling tlie Titles and Bounds of Lands, and for preventing unlawful Hunting and Ranging; and infift on the others; and defire this Houfe will pafs the Bill,

with the


infifted on.

That they recede from their Difagreement to the Amendments made by this Houfe, to the Amendments by them propofed, to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, prefcribing the Method of proving Book-Debts. That they infift on the Amendments by them made to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, prefcribing the Method of appointing Sherifs, and for limiting the Time of their Continuance in Office; and direding their Duty therein; which were difagreed to by the Houfe; and defire this Houfe will pafs the Bill, with the faid Amendments. That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for the decent and uniform Celebration of Divine Service; and for the more orderly Management of Parochial Affairs with fome Amendments: To which they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe. And that they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for preventing Trefpaffes by unruly Horfes, Cattle, Hogs, Sheep, or Goats; and by taking away Boats, or other Veffels, without any Amendments. The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, For the Settlement and Regidation of Ferries and for Difpatch of Public Expreffes And after fome Time fpent therein, M'' Speaker refumed the Chair; and M'' Carter reported, from the Committee, That they had gone thro' the Bill, and made feveral Amendments thereto; which they had diredled him to report, when the Houfe will pleafe to receive the fame. Ordered, That the Report be received To-morrow. The Order of the Day being read, for the Koufe to refolve itfelf into a Committee, upon the Bill, For regulating Ordinaries, and Reftraint of Tippling Houfes. Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill,
; :

on Saturday next. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, Concerning Servants and Slaves, Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill, on Saturday next. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, For the Prefervation of the Breed of Deer; and preventing unlaivful Hunting. Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill, on Saturday next.

And then

the Houfe adjourned


To -moiTOw Morning Ten




March 30, 1749.

Petition of feveral Inhabitants of the Counties of

praying, that a



King George and Stafford, PubHc Ferry may be appointed from the Land of Anderfon King George County, to the Land of Lawrence BaUaile, in Caroline


John Corbin, in Oppofition to the faid Petition; were feverally prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the faid Petitions do He on the Table. A Bill, intituled, An Ad, concerning Watcr-Mills, was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"' Carter do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. M'' Carter, according to Order, reported, from the Committee of the whole Houfe, to whom the Bill, For the Settlement and Regulation of the Ferries; and for Difpatch of Public Expreffes, was committed, the Amendments which the Committee had made to the Bill, and which they had directed him to report to the Houfe and he read the Report where in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table the fame were again read, and agreed to, with Amendments to fome of them. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, Concerning Highways, Mill-Dams, and Bridges, Ordered, That it be an Inftruftion to the Committee, That they have Power to receive a Claufe or Claufes, For prohibiting Perfons, whofe Lands adjoin or are interfered
Alfo a Petition of

by public Roads, from killing Trees near fuch Roads, without felling, purfuant to the Refolution of the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported Tuefday the Third


Then the Houfe refolved itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill And after fome Time fpent therein, M' Speaker refumed the Chair; and M'' Carter, from the Committee, reported, That they had gone through the Bill, and made feveral Amendments thereto; which they had dire(5ted him to report to the Houfe And he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table.


That the Report do


on the Table.


then the Houfe adjourned

To-morrow Morning Ten




31, 1749.

That the Bill, For further continuing An Ad, intituled. An Ad, for further continuing and amending An Ad, for Infpeding, Weighing, andStamping, all Pork and Beef, packed in this Colony, or imported for Sale, before tlie fame fhall be fold here, or fhipped for Exportation: And to amend the Ad, intituled, An Ad, for afcertaining the Gauge of Barrels for Pork, Beef, Tar, atid Pitch; and for Infpeding, Weighing, and Stamping, all Flour exported, be re-committed to the fame Committee to whom it was committed. A Bill, Giving a Reward for killing Wolves, was read a Second Time; and an Amendment made thereto. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, for the Relief of those Perfons who were Sufferers in the Lofs of the Records of the County of Nanfemond, whofe Cafes have not been already provided for; and that M"- Reddick do prepare and bring in the fame. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendments to the Bill, Concerning Highways, Mill-Dams, and Bridges; and the fame were read, and Part thereof agreed to, by the Houfe, and feveral Amendments made to the Bill.

Motion being made;



Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments agreed to, be Ingroffed. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee,

upon the



For the Diftribution of Inteftates Eftates, That this Hotife will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid


on Wednefday next. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee, upon the Bill, Declaring Slaves to be perfonal Eftate; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned,

Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill, on Wednefday next. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, For the effediial Suppreffion of Vice, Ordered, That it be an Inftrudion to the Committee, That they have Power to receive or Claufes, purfuant to the Refolution of the Committee of Propofitions, For Claufe a obliging Perfons, pnrchafing white Women Servants, to provide for, and maintain, the

Baftard Children of fitch Servants, after they fhall be born, without biirthening the Several Parifhes with that Charge.

Then the Houfe refolved itfelf into a Committee, upon the faid Bill And after fome Time fpent therein, M"" Speaker refumed the Chair; and M"' Garter, from the Committee, reported. That they had gone through the Bill, and made feveral Amendments thereto, which they had directed him to report to the Houfe: And he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in, at the Table. Ordered, That the Report do lie on the Table. A Meffage from the Council, by M'' Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, Concerning Water-Mills; with fome Amendments;

Concurrence of this Houfe. Widow of William Dandridge, Efq; deceaf'd, was prefented to the Hotife, and read; fetting forth. That the faid Unity's Father, Nathaniel Weft, late of the County of King William, deceaf'd, died feifed of a Traft of Land, lying

which they

defire the

Petition of Unity Dandridge,


County of King William, called 5ar6^r's-Hills, inteftate, and left her, his only Child and Heir That after the Death of her Father, her late Hufband entered upon the faid Land, in Right of her; and alfo purchafed a Fee-Simple Eftate and Inheritance, of feveral Tracts of Land, lying in the faid County and did, by his laft Will and Teftament, give to his Son Nathaniel, all the Lands that he purchafed, or had, in the faid County, to him and his Heirs, for ever; on Condition, that his faid Son did his utmoft Endeavour to dock the Intail of the Tract called Barber' s-KiWs; and to have the Fee-Simple Eftate of the fame vefted in his Brother William: That he devifed the faid Lands, together with Ten Slaves, to be fettled to the fame Ufes: That in Cafe his faid Son Nathaniel fhould fail to do the fame, he then made the Lands given to him, fubjecT: to the Payment of Five Hundred Pounds, to his Son William That fhe is defirous to perform the Will of her faid Hufband and praying that an Adl may pafs for that Pui-pofe. Ordered, That M'' Robert Jones do prepare and bring in a Bill, according to the
in the faid

Prayer of the faid Petition. And then the Houfe adjourn 'd


To-morrow Morning Ten o 'Clock.


Saturday, April

was read the Third

That the Bill do pafs. That M-- Fry do carry the Bill to the Coimcil, for their Concurrence. A Bill, intituled. An Ad, for the Settlement and Regulation of Ferries; and for Difpatch of Public Expreffes, was read the Third Time; and feveral Amendments made



An Ad,

giving a


for killing of Wolves,






That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Secretary do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, to explain and amend an A61, made An Ad, for ereding Two new in the Twelfth Year of his prefent Majefty intituled, to the Inhabitants thereof Encouragements certain granting Counties, and Parifhes; and And that M' Benjamin Waller do prepare and bring in the fame. M' Reddick, according to Order, prefented to the Hoid!e a Bill, For the Relief of thofe Perfons who were Stiff erers in the Lofs of the Records of the County of Nanfemond, whofe Cafes have not already been provided for; and the fame was received, and read the Firft Time; and ordered to be read a Second Time. The lioufe proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendments to the Bill, For the effednal Sitppreffion of Vice; and the fame were read, and Part thereof agreed to by the


That the


with the Amendments, be Ingroffed.


Committee upon the Bill, For regulating Ordinaries, and Reftraint of Tippling Hoiifes: And after fome Time fpent therein, M^ Speaker refumed the Chair; and M'' Carter reported, from the Committee, That they had gone through the Bill, and had made feveral Amendments thereto, which they had direciled him to report to the Houfe: And he read the Rejjort in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table: where the fame were again read, and agreed to, by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, For the Prefervation of the Breed of Deer; and preventing unlawful Hunting. Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill, on Monday next. The order of the Day being read, for the Ifoufe to refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, Concerning Servants and Slaves. Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill, on Monday next. And then the }ioufe adjoum'd 'til Monday Morning Ten o'Clock.


Houfe, according to Order, refolved

into a


Monday, April



Benjamin Waller, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill, To explain and amend an Ad, intituled. An Ad, for ereding Ttvo new Counties, and Parifhes; and granting certain Encouragements to the Inhabitants thereof; and the fame was received and read the Firft Time, and ordered to be read a Second Time. A Bill, To impower the Veftry of the Parifh of Newport, in the County of Ifle of Wight, to fell the Glebe Lands in the faid Parifh; and to purchafe a more convenient Glebe in Lieu thereof, was read a Second Time. Ordered, That the Bill be committed to the Members of Ifle of Wight, Surry, and Nanfemond Covmties And that they do examine into the Allegations thereof, and report the fame, as they fhall appear to them, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. A Bill, To impower the Truftees of Leeds Town, to make a Caufway through the Marfh oppofite thereto; and for appointing a Public Ferry, was read a Second Time and committed to M' Fry, the Members of King George, and Effex Counties. A Bill, For Relief of thofe Perfons who were Sufferers in the Lofs of the Records of the County of Nanfemond, whofe Cafes have not already been provided for, was read a Second Time; and the Queftion being put. That the Bill be Ingroffed?
: ;



paffed in the Negative.


That the


be rejefted.



tion to the

The Honfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Meffage from the Council, in RelaAmendments by them propofed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, to allow Perfons

making of Tobacco, to difcharge Levies, and Officers Fees, in Money. That this Houfe doth infift on their Difagreement to the faid Amendments. Ordered, That M-- Robert Jones do go up with a Meffage to the Council, and acquaint them. That this Houfe doth infift on their Difagreement to the Amendments by them propofed to the faid Bill; and defire they will pass the Bill, without the Amendments. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, For the Prefervation of the Breed of Deer; and preventing unlawful Hunting, Ordered, That it be an Inftruc^ion to the Committee, That they have Power to receive a Claufe or Claufes, For reftraining the Pradice of killing Deer, in hard Frofts: And alfo. For effedually preventing the Deftrudion of the Breed of Deer; and prohibiting
not concerned in

Fire-Hunting, purfuant to the Refolutions for that Purpofe. Then the Houfe refolved itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill: And after fome Time fpent therein, M"^ Speaker refumed the Chair; and M"' Carter, from the Com-

That they had gone through the Bill, and made feveral Amendments which they had directed him to report to the Houfe And he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments in at the Table; where the fame were read, and agreed to, by the Houfe, with Amendments. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. A Meffage from the Council, by M'' Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, giving a Reward for killing of Wolves, without any Amendments: And that they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for the Settlement and Regulation of Ferries; and for Difpatch of Public Expreffes, with fome Amendments; to which they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, Concerning Servants and Slaves, Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the Committee, That they have Power to receive a Claufe or Claufes, purfuant to the Refolution of the Committee of Propofitions, reported Tuefday, November 15. Then the Houfe refolved itfelf into a Committee, upon the faid Bill And after fome Time fpent therein, M'' Speaker refumed the Chair; and M"' Carter reported, from the Committee, That they had gone through the Bill, and had made feveral Amendments thereto, which they had diredled him to report to the Houfe And he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where the fame were read, and agreed to, by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. A Meffage from the Council, by M"" Walthoe: That they adhere to their Amendments to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, to allow Perfons not concerned in making of Tobacco, to difcharge Levies, and Officers Fees, in Money and defire that this Houfe will pafs the Bill, with the Amendments. And then the Houfe adjourn 'd 'til To-moiTOw Morning Ten o'Clock.
mittee, reported.

Tuefday, April 4, 1749.

Town, in the County of Effex, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, That by a late Acft of Affembly, the Juftices of that County were directed to pay Robert Spilfby Coleman Twenty-Five Pounds current Money, for all his Right and Title to any Land within the Bounds of the faid Town, and alfo the Slipe of Land lying betR-een the Town and the River; which Money was duly paid to him, as by his Receipt, duly proved and recorded in the faid County Court, appears Notwithftanding which, the
Petition of the Inhabitants of Tappahanock




Part of the faid Slipe of Land And as no houfes, Wharfs, or other Conveniences, on any and there being a Claufe in the Perfon is willing to ftand a Law Suit at his own Rifque; the Owners of the Lots next to Liberty gives which Towns, and Law, for Ports




continually threatning thofe with




offer to built


for their own Ufe; and praying the River, to build Wharfs, and other Conveniences, the faid Claufe, in the laft menthat the firft mentioned AcT; may be fully explained, and

be revived; which will be of great Service to the faid Town. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee examine into the Matter thereof, and of Propofitions and Grievances and that they do report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.
tioned Act,



Bill, intituled.

An Ad,

concerning Highways, Mill-Dams, and Bridges,


was read

Third Time, and an Amendment made


That the Bill do pafs. M'' Attorney do cany the Bill to the Council, for their ConcuiTence. That Ordered, A Bill, intituled, An Ad, for tlie effedual Suppreffion of Vice, was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That IVP Secretary do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concun-ence. M'' Gray, from the Committee, to whom the Bill, To impower the Veftry of the Parifh to fell the Glebe Lands in the faid Parifh; attd of Newport, in the County of Ifle of Wight, to pnrchafe a more convenient Glebe in Lieu thereof, was committed, reported. That the Committee had examined the Allegations thereof, and fomid them to be true and that they had gone through the Bill, and directed him to report the fame, without any Amend;


and he delivered the Bill, in, at the Table. That the Bill, be Ingroffed. An Ingroffed Bill, intituled, An Ad, for the Prefervation of the Breed of Deer; and preventing unlawful Htinting, was read the third Time, and a Blank in the Bill fill'd up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"' William Waller, do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Con;


Bill, intituled, An Ad, for regulating Ordinaries, and Reftraint of was read the Third Time. Tippling-Houfes, Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Braxton do carry the Bill to the Coimcil, for their Concurrence. A Bill, To explain and amend an Ad, intituled. An Ad for ereding Two new Counties, and Parifhes; and granting certain Encouragements to the Inhabitants thereof, was read a Second Time. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Meffage from the Council, in Relation to the Amendments by them infifted on to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for fettling the Titles and Bounds of Lands; and for preventing itnlazvful Hunting and Ranging; Refolved, That this Houfe doth recede from their Disagreement to Two of the faid Amendments, and doth infift on their Difagreement to another. Ordered, That M' Ludwell do go up with a Meffage to the Council, and acquaint them, That this Houfe do recede from their Difagreement to Two of the faid Amendments, and inftft on their Difagreement to another; and defire they will pafs the Bill,



without the faid Amendment. A Petition of George Webb, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth. That he being a].)pointed Clerk of the Committee, for Revifal of the Laws, was at a Confiderable Expence in attending the faid Committee, at their feveral Meetings, and for Books, Paper, Pens, and Ink, for which he has not hitherto had any Allowance; and
praying the Confideration of the Houfe; and the Queftion being put, That the faid George Webb have a further Allowance?

paffed in the Negative.


That the Petition be




The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendments propofed by the An Ad, concerning Watcr-Mills; and the fame were read, the Houfe. agreed to, by dif and Ordered, That M"" Carter do go up to the Council, and acquaint them, That this Houfe cannot agree to the Amendments by them propofed to the faid Bill; and defire they will pafs the Bill, without the Amendments. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Meffage from the Council, in Relation to the Amendments by them infifted on to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, again ft ftealing
Council, to the Bill, intituled.




Houfe doth recede from

their Difagreement to the faid



That M' Bland do go up with a Meffage to the Covmcil, and acquaint them
to the Confideration of the Meffage


The Houfe proceeded

tion to the

from the Council,


in rela-

Amendments by

the Council infifted on to the





prevent the clandeftine Tranfportation or carrying of Perfons in Debt, Servants, or Slaves

out of this Colony.




Houfe doth recede from

their Difagreement to the faid



That M'' Benjamin Waller do go up with a Meffage to the Council, and acquaint them therewith. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Meffage from the Council, in Relation to the Amendment by the Council infifted on to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, declaring the Law concerning Executions; and for Relief of infolvent Debtors; Refolved, That this Houfe doth infift on their Difagreement to the faid AmendOrdered,


That M'' Secretary do go up with a Meffage to the Council, and acquaint them. That this Houfe do infift on their Difagreement to the Amendment by them infifted on to the faid Bill. And then the Houfe adjourn'd 'til To-morrow Morning Ten o'Clock.

IVednefday, April 5, 1749.



Meffage from the Council by


infifted on,


they recede from the


Amendment by them
intituled. An

and by




to the





concerning ExeBill,


for Relief of infolvent Debtors;


and have paffed the

with the

Amendments agreed

Bill, intituled,

An Ad,

concerning Servants and Slaves, was read the Third Time;

and an Amendment made thereto. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Digges do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. M' Carter, from the Committee of Propofitions, reported. That the Committee had had under Confideration divers Petitions from feveral Counties, to them referred, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon; which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table where the fame were read, and are as follow Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofitions from the Counties of Fairfax and Frederick, for eftablifhing a Town at Hunting Creek Warehoufe, in the County of Fairfax, and laying off a fufficient Quantity of Land there for that

Purpofe; be rejected.
the Opinion of this Committee^ That the Propofitions from the Counties of Fairfax and Frederick, and the Petition of Philip Alexander, of the County of Stafford, in Oppofition to the Propofitions for a Town at Hunting Creek Warehoufe


it is




for eredling a

Town at




Great Hunting Creek, on the Land


John Minor,

the County of Fairfax; be rejeded. The firft Refolution being read a Second


and the Quef tion being put, That


the Houfe do agree thereto?

pajfed in the Negative.

That the Propofitions from the Counties of Fairfax and Frederick, for County of Fairfax, and laying eftabhfhing a Town at Hunting Creek Warehoufe, in the are reafonable. Purpofe that for there, off a fufficient Quantity of Land

Then upon a Motion made, Ordered, That the further Confideration of the faid Report be adjourned. Ordered, That the Members for Fairfax and Frederick Counties, do prepare and bring a Town at Hunting Creek Warein a Bill, purfuant to the Refolution for eftablifhing Land there, for houfe, in the County of Fairfax, and laying off a fufificient Quantity of
that Pui-pofe.

M' Robert Jones, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill, to amend an A&:, intituled, An Ad, to regulate Attornies pradifing in the County Courts; and the granting Writs of Certiorari and the fame was received, and ordered to lie on the Table. The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, Declaring Slaws to be Perfonal Eftatc; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned: And after fome Time fpent therein, M"- Speaker refumed the Chair; and M^ Carter, from the Committee, reported, That they had gone through the Bill, and made feveral Amendments thereto; which they had directed him to report to the Hovife: And he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table. Ordered, That the Report do lie on the Table. * The Order of the Day being read, Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, For the Diftribuiion of Inteftates Eftates, To-morrow. A Bill, intituled. An Ad, to explain and amend the Ad, for ereding Two new Counties, and Parifhes; and granting certain Encouragements to the Inhabitants thereof, was read the


Third Time.

That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Gabriel Jones and
for their Concurrence.


Maddifon do carry the

Bill to the Council,

impowcr the Veftry of the Parifh of Newport, in the County of Ifle of Wight, to fell the Glebe iMnds in the faid Parifh; and to pnrchafe a more convenient Glebe in Lieu thereof, was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Gray do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. And then the Houfe adjourned 'til To-morrow Morning Ten o'Clock.
Bill, intituled,

A n Ad,


Thurfday, April 6,



Houfe a Bill, For eftablijhing a Town on the Land of John Graham, Gent, in the County of Prince William; and the fame was received, and read the Firft Time; and ordered to be
Carter, according to Order, prefented to the

read a Second Time.

whom the Bill, For dividing the Parifh of Truro; and diffolving the Veftry of the Parifh of Suft"olk and other Purpofes therein mentioned, was committed, reported. That the Committee had made feveral Amendments thereto; which they had directed him to report to the Houfe: And he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where the fame were again read, and agreed to, by the Hovife. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed.
Bland, from the Committee, to


A Meffage from the Council, by M' Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, concerning Highways, MillDams, and Bridges: Alfo to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for regulating Ordinaries, and Reftraint of Tippling-Houfes:

Alfo to the

Bill, intituled,


preventing unlawful Hunting] with

Ad, for the Prefervation of the Breed of Deer; and fome Amendments; to which they defire the Con-

currence of this Houfe.

M' Braxton moved for Leave to bring in a Bill, to prevent the building of Wooden Chimneys, in the Town of Walkerton And alfo, to prevent the Inhabitants thereof from raifmg and keeping Hogs Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, according to the Motion; and that M' Braxton do prepare and bring in the fame. A Bill, To amend an Ad, intituled. An Ad, to regulate Attcyrnies pradifing in the County Courts; and the granting Writs of Certiorari, was read the Firft Time; and ordered to be read a Second Time. A Bill, Direding the Manner of granting Probats of Wills; and Adminiftralion of Inteftates Eftates, was read the Second Time, and committed to a Committee of the whole





will refolve itfelf into a

Committee upon the



M"" Robert Jones, from the Committee, to whom the Bill, to Dock the Intail of Two Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land, in the Parifh of Weftover, in the County of CharlesCity, whereof Rebecca, Wife of William Clinch, lately died feif'd, in Fee-Tail, and to veft the fame in certain Truftees, in Fee-Simple; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was committed, reported. That they had examined into the Allegations thereof, and found them to be true and had made feveral Amendments to the Bill which they had direc'ted him to report to the Houfe: And he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where the fame were read, and agreed to, by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, For the Diftribiition of Inteftates Eftates: And after fome Time fpent therein, M"' Speaker refumed the Chair; and M"' Carter, from the Committee, reported, That they had gone through the Bill, and made feveral Amendments thereto, which they had diredled him to report to the Houfe And he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table. Ordered, That the Report do lie on the Table. A Petition of Richard Cocke, Gent, was prefented to the Houfe, and read, fetting forth. That in the Month of September, 1746, a Negro Man Slave, belonging to him, was, by a Court of Oyer and Terminer held in the County of Lunenburg, judged guilty of committing a rape; and, being by the faid Court valued at Forty Five Potmds, was executed That a Certificate of the Valuation was tranf mitted to the f ucceeding Affembly; but that there being no Public Levy then laid, no Allowance was made him for the faid Slave Since which, the faid Certificate was either burnt in the Capitol, or millaid and praying fuch Relief as this Houfe shall think fit. Refolved, That Forty-Five Pounds be paid out of the Public Money, in the Hands of the Treafurer, to Richard Cocke, Gent, in full Satisfaction for a Negro Man Slave, belonging to him, adjudged by the Coimty Court of Lunenburg guilty of committing a Rape, and in Confequence thereof executed, a Certificate of the Valuation having been tranfmitted to the Affembly, and no Allowance made him in the Book of Claims. Ordered, That M-- Robert Jones do carry the faid Refolve to the Council, and defire



And then

the Houfe adjourn 'd


To-morrow Morning Ten



Friday, April 7, 1749.
Parifh of Truro and diffolving the Veftry and other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read the Third Time; and the Blanks in the Bill filled up. ^ Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Wafhington do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. A Melfage from the Council, by M' Wallhoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, to explain and amend an Ad, intituled. An Ad for ereding Two new Counties, and Parifhes; and granting certain En-





for dividing the

of the Parifh of Suffolk;



to the

Inhabitants thereof:

Suppreffion of Wc^, with fome Amendments To which they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe. A Bill, intituled. An Ad, to dock the Intail of Two Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land, in the Parifh of Weftover, in the County of Charles-City, whereof Rebecca, Wife of William Clinch, lately died feifed in Fee-Tail; and to veft the fame in certain Truftees, in
Alfo to the


the effedual

Fee-Simple; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Claiborne do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence.

The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, Direding the Manner of granting Probats of Wills, and Adminftration of Inteftates Eftates And after fome Time fpent therein, M'' Speaker refumed the Chair; and M'' Carter from the Committee, reported, That they had gone through the Bill, and made feveral Amendments thereto; which they had directed him to report to the Houfe: And he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where the fame were read, and agreed to, by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments be Ingroffed. A Meffage from the Coimcil, by M'' Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, to impower the Veftry of the
Parifh of Newport, in the County of Ifle of Wight, to fell the Glebe-Lands in the faid Parifh; and to purchafe a more convenient Glebe in Lieu thereof, without any Amendments. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Meffage from the Council, in relation to the
fer ibing the

Amendments by

the Council infifted on, to the

Bill, intituled.

An Ad,


of appointing Sherifs, and for limiting the Time of their Continuance in and direding their Duty therein.

That this Houfe doth recede from their Difagreement to Three of the Amendments, and doth infift on their Difagreement to the others. Ordered, That M"' Carter do go up with a Meffage to the Coimcil, and acquaint them, i;, That this Houfe have receded from their Difagreement to fome of the Amendments by them infifted on to the faid Bill and doth infift on their Difagreement to others and


they will pafs the

for the Settlement


with the Amendments agreed

of Ferries;


The Houfe proceeded

to the Confideration of the


to the Bill, intituled,

An Ad,

and Regulation


for Difpatch of Public Expreffes;

and the fame were read, and all agreed to, but One. Ordered, That M'' Lomax do go up with a Meffage to the Coimcil, and acquaint them, That this Houfe have agreed to Five of the Amendments by them propofed to the faid Bill, and difagreed to One and defire they will pafs the Bill with the Amendments



The Houfe proceeded

to the Confideration of the

Amendments propofed by


Council, to the Bill, intituled.

An Ad,

concerning Highways, Mill-Dams, and Bridges;

and the fame were read, and agreed to by the Houfe, with an Amendment to one of them. Ordered, That M^ Bland do go up with a Meffage to the Council, and acquaint them, That this Houfe hath agreed to the Amendments by them propofed to the faid Bill, with an Amendment to one of them; to which they defire their Concurrence. And then the Houfe adjoum'd 'til To-morrow Morning Ten o'Clock.



Saturday, April 8, 1749.

Randolph having refigned his Commiffion of Clerk of the Houfe of Burgeffes, and William Randolph having taken the Oaths appointed to be taken JL by Act of Pariiament, inftead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, the Oath of Abjuration, and the Teft, was, by Virtue of a Commiffion from the Honourable Sir William Gooch, Baronet, Governor, fwom Clerk, in his Stead, and admitted to his Place, in the Houfe accordingly. A Bill, Concerning Strays, was read a Second Time and fome Amendments made




be Ingroffed. wooden Chtmnies in the Town of Walkerton and thereof from raifing ami keeping Hogs, was read the Firft Inhabitants the alfo to prevent Time. Time; and ordered to be read a Second Ordered, That M"' Riddick have Leave to be abfent from the Service of the Houfe, 'til


That the To prevent


the building of

Friday next.

For eftablifhng a Town on the Land of John Graham, Gent, in the County of Prince William, was read a Second Time, and committed to the Members for Stafford, Prince William, Fairfax, and to M^ Benjamin Waller. A Meffage from the Council by M'^ Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Amendment propofed by this Houfe, to their Amendment to the Bill, intituled. An A&,, concerning Highways, Mill-Dams, and Bridges: this Houfe, Alfo, that they have receded from their Amendment dif agreed to by and Ferries; for DifRegulation and Settlement of the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for the



patch of Public Expreffes:

And, that they have receded from their Amendments difagreed to by this Houfe, appointing Sherifs; and for limitto the Bill, intituled. An Ad, prefcribing the Method of Duty therein. ing the Time of their Continuance in Office; and direding their A Bill, Direding the Duty of Surveyors of Land, was read a Second Time; and committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe.




will refolve itfelf into

a Committee upon the faid





Payment of Rents, and preventing the fraudulent Amendment made at the Table. Practices of Tenants, was read a Second Time and an Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed. And then the Houfe adjoum'd 'til Monday Morning Ten o'Clock.



the better fecuring the

Monday, April 10, 1749*



Writ to iffue, for an Addrefs be made to the Governor, to order a new Affembly, for the County of Cleocin- a Burgefs to ferve in this prefent General M^ Bland do of M^ Richard Randolph, deceaf 'd And that

in the


wait on him with the faid Addrefs. A Petition of the Inhabitants of the Parifh of St. George, in the County of Spotfylforth the Inconveniences that will vania, was prefented to the Houfe, and read, fetting attend the Building a Chapel at Lee's Old-Field: Confideration of the Comnuttee Ordered That the faid Petition be referred to the Matters thereof; and Grievances; that they examine into the feveral
of Propofitions

Houfe. and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the A Bill, intituled. An Ad, concerning Strays, was read a Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Bill to the Council, Ordered, That M^ Benjamin Waller, do can-y the

for their


n Con-



Meffage from the Council, by M-- Walthoe: That they haA'e agreed to the Refolve, for paj-ing Richard Cocke Forty Five Pounds out of the Money in the Hands of the Treafurer dif agreed to by this Houfe, to Alfo, that they have receded from their Amendments



Concerning Mills: And, that they have receded from their



difagreed to by this Houfe,

to the


fettling the Titles

and Bounds


Lands; and for preventing unlawful Hunt,

ing and Ranging.







for the better fecuring the


of Rents,

was read a Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Beverley do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. A Bill, For afcertaining the Damage upon Protefted Bills of Exchange, was read a Second Time and committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe. Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill,



Concerning Marriages, was read a Second Time; and committed to a Com-

mittee of the whole Houfe.





will refolve itfelf into

a Committee upon the faid



Wednefday next.

Committee upon the Bill, Direding the Duty of Surveyors: And after fome Time fpent therein, M'' Speaker refumed the Chair; and M"- Carter, from the Committee, reported, That they had gone through the Bill, and made feveral Amendments thereto; which they liad direded him to report to the Houfe And he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table. Ordered, That the Report do lie on the Table. And then the Houfe adjourn 'd 'til To-morrow Morning Ten o'clock.

The Houfe, according

to Order, refolved itfelf into a

Tuefday, April ii, 1749.

was read the Firft Time. Ordered, That the Bill be read a Second Time. M"' Fitzhugh reported. That the Committee to whom the Bill, For eftablifhing a Town on the Land of John Graham, Gent, in the County of Prince William, was committed, had made feveral Amendments thereto; which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where the fame were again twice read, and agreed to, by the Houfe And the Queftion being put. That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed?



eftablifhng a



Hunting Creek Warehoufc, in





paffed in the Affirmative.


That the

faid Bill, with the

Boiling, according to Order, prefented to the

going at large in the




Amendments, be Ingroffed. Houfe a Bill, For preventing Hogs and the fame was received, and read the Firft
of the

Time; and ordered to be read a Second Time. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration
Council, to the

Amendments propofed by


Bill, intituled. An Ad, to explain and amend the Ad, for ereding Two and Parifhes; and granting certain Encouragements to the Inhabitants thereof; and the fame were read, and difagreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That a Meffage be fent to the Council, to acquaint them. That this Houfe carmot agree to the Amendments by them propofed to the faid Bill and to defire they will pafs the Bill, without the Amendments and that M' Maddifon do go up with the


faid Meffage.

: ;


A Bill, To amend an Ad, intituled, An Ad, to regulate Attornies practifmg in the County Courts; and the granting Writs of Certiorari, was read a Second Time and committed to

Bland, M' Ludwell,

Carter, M'' Fitzhugh,

W Read, and M^

W Robert


W Benjamin Waller, W
Perfonal Eftate





Motion being made. That the Houfe proceed to the immediate Confideration of
to the


Declaring Slaves

to be


the Queftion

being put thereupon;

pa ffed in the Negative.



That the Confideration


of the faid

Amendments be




Leave to bring in a Bill, for eftablifhing a Town near N ewcaftle and for other Purpofes therein mentioned: And upon a Motion made, the previous Queftion was put, That the Queftion be put upon the faid Motion?

U' Carter moved


eredling public Buildings;


// paffed in the Negative. the Queftion being put upon the faid Motion, the Houfe divided:

Yeas go


Yeas Noes



paffed in the Affirmative.

That Leave be given to bring in the Bill and that M"' Carter, M'' Braxton, M'^ Worniley, 'W Corbin, and M"" Beverley, do prepare and bring in the fame. The Order of the Day being read, for the Koufe to refoh'e itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, For afcertaining the Damage upon Proteftcd Bills of Exchange; and for the better Recovery of Debts due on Promiffory Nofes, and for the Affignmcnt of Bonds, Obligations, and Notes: Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill, To-morrow. Ordered, That there be a call of the Houfe, on Tuefday next. And then the Houfe adjourned 'til To-morrow Morning Ten o'CIock.

Wednefday, April 12, 1749.

Meffage from the Council, by




they have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, concerning Servants and with fome Amendments To which they delire the Concurrence of this Houfe. Alfo, that they have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, concerning Strays And to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for tlie better fecuring the Payment of Rents; and preventing fraudulent Pradices of Tenants; without any Amendment.


Petitions of the Inhabitants of the


of Goochland;

praying that the

Scat of Government

may be eftablifhed at the Falls of James River, were prefented to the

Houfe, and read.

That the Petitions do lie on the Table. Meffage from the Council, by M'' Walthoe: That they infift on their Amendment to the Bill, intituled,

An Ad,


explain and




for ereding Tivo




to the

Inhabitants thereof

and Parifhcs; and granting certain Enand defire this Houfe will recede from their Difa-

greement to the faid Amendment, A Bill, For eftablifhing a Town near Newcaftle; and ereding the Public Buildings; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read the Firft Time. x'\nd a Motion being made, and the Queftion put thereupon. That the Bill be read a Second Time? The Houfe divided: Noes go forth, Yeas 42. Noes 29.
Refolved in the Affirmative.


Then a Motion was made, That the Second Reading day next; and the Queftion being put thereupon;

of the Bill be


off, 'til



paffed in the Negative.

Fvr eftablifhing a Totvn near Newcaftle; and creding the Public Buildings; The and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read a Second Time. And a Motion was made, That the Bill be committed; and the Queftion being put

paffed in the Negative.

That the Bill be Ingroffed. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, for eftablifhing the Town of Staunton, in the County of Augufta; and it is referred to M"' Beverley, M"' Maddifon, and M'' Wilfon, to prepare and bring in the fame. A Petition of fundry of the Inhabitants of the County of Augufta, was prefented to the Houfe and read, praying. That an Ac^ may pafs, for eftablifhing Fairs, in the Town laid off by Col. William Beverley, at the Court-houfe in that County; and that the Inhabitants of the faid Town may have and enjoy all the Privileges and Advantages that other Towns have that are eftablifhed by Law, and not incorporated Ordered, That it be an Inftrudlion to the Perfons to whom it is referred, to prepare


and bring in a bill, for eftablishing the Town of Staunton, in the County of Augufta, That they have Power to receive a Claufe or Claufes, purfuant to the Prayer of the faid



An Ad,

direding the


of granting Probats of Wills;


Adminiftration of Inteftates Eftates, was read the Third Time; and fome made thereto, at the Table.


That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"' Carter do carry the Bill to the Council, and defire their Concurrence. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Report of the Committee of the whole Houfe, made on Saturday laft, on the Bill, Direding the Duty of Surveyors and the fame was read, and one of the Amendments was difagreed to, and the reft agreed to. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments agreed to, be Ingroffed. The Houfe took into Confideration the Amendments from the Council, to the Bill, For the Prefervation of the Breed of Deer; and preventing unlawful Hunting; and the fame was read, and Part of them agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That M"" Carter do go up with a Meffage to the Council, and acquaint them. That this Houfe have agreed to fome of the Amendments by them propofed to the faid Bill, and difagreed to others; and defire that they will pafs the Bill with the Amendments agreed to.

The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee, upon the Bill, the Damage upon Protefted Bills of Exchange: And after fome Time fpent therein, M'' Speaker refumed the Chair; and M' Carter from the Committee, reported. That they had gone through the Bill, and made an Amendment thereto; which they had directed him to report to the Houfe: And he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendment, in at the Table where the fame was read, and agreed to, by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendment, be Ingroffed. Ordered, That M- Corbin, and il^ Hedgman, be added to the Committee to whom the Bill, For regulating Attornies pradifing in the County Courts, was committed. The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, Concerning Marriages And after fome time fpent therein, M' Speaker refumed the Chair; and M-- Carter, from the Committee, reported, That they had had the Bill under their Confideration but not having Time to go through the fame, they had diredled him to move for Leave to fit again.
For afcertaining
: ;


That To-morrow.




again refolve


into a

Committee upon the



And then

the Houfe adjoum'd


To-morrow Morning Ten



Thurfday, April 13, 1749.

Meffage from the Council, by




they have receded from fome of their Amendments difagreed to by the Houfe, to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for the Prefervation of the Breed of Deer; and preventing unlawful Hunting and do inlift on the others and defire that the Houfe will recede from their Difagreement to the faid Amendments, and
; ;

pafs the Bill with the

Bill, intituled.

Amendments by them

infifted on.



for eftablifhing a


near Newcaftle; and ereding the

Public Buildings;


for other

Purpofes therein mentioned, was read the Third Time:

and the Blanks

in the Bill filled up.


the Queftion being put. That the Bill do pafs? the Houfe divided.

Noes go forth, Yeas 40. Noes 38.


pa ffed in

the Affirmative.

That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Carter do carry the Bill to the Council, and defire their Concurrence. The Order of the dav being read, for the Ploufe to refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, Concerning Marriages; Refolved, That this Houfe will refoh e itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill, To-morrow. And then the Houfe adjourned 'til To-morrow Morning Ten o'Clock.

Friday, April 14, 1749.




Fantler oy


Leave to be abfent from the Service

of the Houfe, for

the Recovery of his Health.

Bill, intituled.



for afcertaining the

Damage upon

Protefted Bills

of Exchange; and for the better Recovery of Debts due on Promiffory Notes, and for the Afflgnment of Bonds, Oligations, and Notes; was read the Third Time.


That the Bill do pafs. That M'' Whiting do carry the Bill to the Coimcil, for their Concurrence. Ordered, That M'^ Wormley have Leave to be abfent from the Service of the Houfe,


Saturday S'ennight.

Bill, For ereding a Town at Hunting Creek Warehoufe, in the County of Fairfax, Ofborne, U^ Ludwell, read a Second Time; and committed to M'' Wafhington, was M"" Hedgman. and Woodbridge, Thomas Harrifon, M'' M' William Waller, Ordered, That M"" Lee have LeaA^e to be abfent from the Ser\'ice of the Houfe, 'til

Friday next. A Meffage from the Council, by M^ Walthoe: That a Petition of the Freeholders and Houfekeepers of the Parifh of Cople, in the County of Weftmoreland, living above Nominy Ferry, had been read in Council,

and was by them referred to the Confideration of this Houfe; and the faid Petition was read. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and that they do examine into the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. An Ingroffed Bill, intituled, An Ad, for ereding a Town in the County of Prince William, was read the Third Time; and the Blanks in the Bill filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Fitzhugh, do carry the Bill to the Council, and defire their Concurrence.





Bill, intituled,

An Ad,

direding the Duty of Surveyors, was read the

Third Time.

That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"" Braxton do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. A Petition of the Mayor, Recorder, and Aldermen, of the Borough of Norfolk, affembled at their Town-Hall, on behalf of themfelves and the other Inhabitants of the faid Borough, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; praying, That the Jurifdidtion of the Court of Huftings in the faid Borough may be enlarged, and that it may be better explained and fettled what fhall be fufficient to qualify and intitle any one to vote at

an Election of a Burgefs for the faid Borough. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and that they do examine into the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the tloufe.

upon the Bill, Concerning Marriages: And after fome Time fpent therein, M"" Speaker refumed the Chair; and M'' Carter reported from the Committee, That they had gone through the Bill, and made feveral Amendments thereto; which they had diredled him to report to the Houfe: And he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where the fame were again read, and agreed to, by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. And then the Houfe adjoum'd 'til To-morrow Morning Ten o'clock. 4

The Houfe, according

to Order, refolved


into a Committee,


Saturday, April 15, 1749.



Thornton have Leave to be abfent from the Service of the Iloufe, Saturday next.


Bill, For Eftaband allowing Fairs to be kept therein And the fame was received, and read the Firft Time and Ordered to be read a Second Time. A Claim of Richard Vernon, for taking up a Runaway therein mentioned, was prefented to the Houfe, and received. Ordered, That the Confideration of the faid Claim be referred to the next Seffion M'' Bei'erley

prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a

lifhing a


in Augufta County,

of Affembly.

A Bill, For eftablifhing Courts of Quarter Seffions in the Counties of Goochland, Albemarle, and Augufta, was read the Second Time; and committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe.
Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill, on Monday next. M' Carter, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported, That the Committee had had under their Confideration, divers Propofitions and Petitions,

and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon: Which he read in and afterwards delivered in at the Table where they were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follow Refolved, That the Proportion from the County of I fie of Wight, for dividing that County by Blackwater Stream, and eredting the fame into Two diftincTt Counties; is


his Place,

Refolved, That the Proportion from the Coimty of Ifk of Wight, againft dividing that County; be rejected.


fetting forth.

Confideration of the Petition of the Inhabitants of the County of Albemarle, That fome Time ago that County was diA'ided from Goochland, and that

at the fame

Time the Parifh of St. James, then in the faid County of Goochland, was divided into Three Parifhes, to wit, Southam, and St. James Northam, now in Goochland,


That fome few Years before the faid Divifions, feveral Sums Quantities of Tobacco were levied on the faid County of Goochland, and Parifh of St. James, for the Buildings of the faid County and Parifh refpec^ively


in Albemarle:

Money and

which Buildings of the faid County are all now in Goochland, and of the faid Parifh of St. James, are in Southam, and St. James Northam Parifhes, aforefaid: And that the Glebe of the faid Parifh of St. James being inconvenient, was fold and praying, that the Inhabitants of Goochland County may be obliged to repay the Petitioners a Proportionable Part of the Money and Tobacco levied for the faid Buildings in Goochland, and the faid Parifhes of Southam, and St. James Northam, to repay the Inhabitants of St. Anne?, Parifh a proportionable Part of the Money and Tobacco levied for the faid Buildings, in Southam, and St. James Northam, aforefaid; and alfo to allow them a

Part of the
of the


Money paid for That fo much

the purchafe of the faid Glebe;

of the faid Petition as relates to the obliging the Inhabitants

County of Goochland to repay the Petitioners a proportionable Part of the Money and Tobacco levied for the faid Buildings now in Goochland, is reafonable. Refolved, That fo much of the faid Petition, as relates to obliging the Parifhes of Southam, and St. James Northam, to repay the Inhabitants of St. Anne's Parifh a proportionable Part of the Money and Tobacco levied for the faid Buildings in Southam, and St. James Northam, aforefaid; is reafonable. Refolved, That fo much of the faid Petition, as relates to obliging the Parifhes Southam, and Si. James Northam, to allow the Inhabitants of St. Anne's Parifh of
a Part of the Money paid for the Purchafe of the Glebe of St. James's Parifh be rejedted. Ordered, That a Bill be brought in, purfuant to the firft Refolution; and that M^ Benjamin Waller, and the Members for the County of Ifk of Wight, do prepare and bring in the fame. Ordered, That M"" Benjamin Waller, M'' Bland, Jones, and the Members for Goochland and Albemarle, do prepare and bring in a Bill, purfuant to the Third and Fourth



Petition of the Magiftrates of the

of the faid


of Norfolk, in Behalf of themfelves,

County, in Oppofition to that Part of the Petition of Recorder, and Aldermen of the Borough of the Mayor, of oik, which relates to enlarging the Jurifdidtion of the Court of Huf tings in that Borough, was prefented to the Houfe,

and the Inhabitants



That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Proportions and Grievances; and that they do examine into the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. A Meffage from the Cotmcil, by M^ Walthoe: That the Coimcil have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for afccrtaining the Damage upon Protefted Bills of Exchange, and for the better Recovery of Debts due on Promt ffory Notes; and for the Affignment of Bonds, Obligations, and Notes; without

any Amendment.


that the Council have agreed to the

Bill, intituled,

An Ad,

direding the

granting Probats of Wills; and Adminiftration of Inteftaks Eftates; ments; to which they defire the Concurrence of this IJoufe. A Bill, To reftrain the taking of exceffive Ufury, was read a Second Time; and com-

Manner with fome Amend-

mitted to a Committee of the whole Houfe.





will refolve itfelf into a

Committee upon the

faid Bill,

on Wednefday next. A Bill, For the better Management and Security of Orphans, and their Eftates, was read a Second Time; and committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe. Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill, on Tuefday next. A Bill, For Dividing the County of Ifle of Wight into Two diftind Counties, was read the Firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time.




The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Meffage from the Council, iii Relaintituled, An Ad, for the to the Amendments by them infifted on, to the Bill,

and preventing unlawful Hunting: doth infift on their Dif agreement to the faid Amendments. Houfe this That Refolved, do go up with a Meffage to the Council, and acquaint Ordered, That M'' Robert Jones them, That this Houfe doth infift on their Difagreement to the Amendments by them without the Amendinfifted on to the faid Bill and defire that they will pafs the Bill
Prefervation of the Breed of Deer;


And then

the Houfe adjourn 'd


Monday Morning Ten

o 'Clock.

Monday, April 17, 1749.


Bill, intituled,

An Ad,

concerning Marriages, was read a Third Time.

Bill to

That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Ludwell do carry the

the Council, for their Con-


Meffage from the Council, by M'' Walthoe: That the Council do adhere to their Amendments, difagreed to by this Houfe, to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for the Prefervation of the Breed of Deer, and preventing unlawHunting.


Upon a Motion made, That an humble Addrefs be prepared,

to be prefented to his Majefty,


alfo a Petition to the Parliament of Great-Britain, to obtain a Repeal of Part of the late Adl of Parliament, intituled. An Ad, for granting to his Majefty a Subfidy of Poundage

Goods and Merchandize, to be imported into this Kingdom; whereby an addiDuty of 5 per Cent, ad Valorem, is laid upon all Goods mentioned and expreffed in one Book of Rates, intituled. The Rates of Merchandize, which amounts to One Penny per Pound upon all Tobacco imported and confumed in Great-Britain or to make f uch other Reduction of the Duties payable upon Tobacco, as to his Majefty, and his Par-




liament, fhall feem neceffary

Secretary, M'' Burwell,

And that


Corbin, M"' Ludwell,


W Bland, W
in that



and M'' Beverley, do prepare the fame. from fundry Inhabitants of the County of Brunfwick, was prefented

to the Houfe,

and read; praying, that Quarterly Courts may be eftablifhed

That the Petitions do lie on the Table. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, For eftablifhing Courts of Quarter Sefflons in the Counties of Goochland,

Albemarle, and Augufta

That the faid Committee be difcharged from proceeding thereupon. That the faid Bill be committed to M' Benjamin Waller, M'' Robert Jones^ M^ Bland, M" Gabriel Jones, M-- Read, William Waller, Reddick, M' Clack, M"" Fry, and M'' Claiborne. A Bill, For Dividing the County of Ifle of Wight, into Two diftind Counties, was read a Second Time and an Amendment made to the Bill, at the Table. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Meffage from the Council, in Relation to their Amendments to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for the decent and uniform Celebration of Divine Service; and for the more orderly Management of Parochial Affairs: And the faid Amendments were read, and fome of them were agreed to by the Houfe, others agreed to with fome Amendments, and the reft difagreed to. Ordered, That M' Secretary do go up with a IMeffage to the Council, and acquaint them. That this tloufe have agreed to fome of the Amendments by them propofed to the faid Bill, and to others with fome Amendments, and difagreed to the reft; and to defire



that they will pafs the Bill with the

Amendments, as agreed to and amended by the


For Eftahlifhing County Courts; and fettling the Proceedings therein, was read a Second Time; and committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe. Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill, To-morrow. Ordered, That the Treafurer of this Colony do provide Chairs, Tables, and other Neceffarics, for the Ufe of the General Affembly and General Court. And then the Houfe adjourn 'd 'til To-morrow Morning Ten o'Clock.

Tuefday, April i8, 1749.

Law, there has been, for feveral Years paft, an adling Veftryman of that who is not an Inhabitant thereof That the faid Veftryman has a great Influence in the faid Veftry, and has often been the Occafion of many Grievances to the Inhabitants of the faid Parifh That one of the Churchwardens of the faid Parifh did attempt to coiTupt a Freeholder, and bribe his Vote, at the late Eledion of Burgeffes
: :

Petition of the Inhabitants of the Parifh of Cople, in the County of Weftmoreland, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, That contrary to

for that County,


offering to refign his Place in the faid Veftry to the faid Freeholder,

in Confideration of the faid Freeholder's voting as

he fhould defire; and praying that be diffolved, or that the Petitioners Grievances may be otherwise redreffed as this Houfe fhall think fit. Ordered, That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Privileges and Ele(5lions; that they do examine into the Allegations thereof, and report the fame, as it fhall appear to them, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. M'' Turner, from the Committee to whom the Bill, to impower the Truftees of Leeds Town, to make a Caufway through the Marfh oppofite thereto; and for appointing a Public
the Veftry of the faid Parifh


ered the

Amendments which they had made to the faid Bill; and then delivwith the Amendments, in at the Table; where they were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed.
Ferry, reported the

M"" Carter, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported. That the Committee had had imder their Confideration, the Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Town of Tappahanock, in the County of Effex, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon And he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the fame in at the Table; where it was again read. A Motion being made. That the Report be re-committed; and the Queftion being

put thereupon

paffed in the Affirmative.

Report be re-committed to the faid Committee. An ingroffed Bill, intituled. An Ad, for Dividing the County of Ifie of Wight into Two diftind Counties, was read the Third Time and the Blanks filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Gray do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. A Petition of Cartel- Burwell, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth, That the Petitioner is feifed, in Tail-Male, of and in a certain Tract of Land, containing

That the

1400 Acres, or thereabouts,


known by



of Carter's Grove, fituated in the Parifh



York-Hampton, and Coimties of James-City and York That the better to enable him make a Provifion for his Daughters, he is willing and defirous of docking the Intail of the faid Land, and fettling other Lands of greater Value in Lieu thereof That Notice has been publifhed according to Law, that Application would be made to this Affembly, for an Adl to dock the Intail of the faid Land and praying that an Ad may pafs to dock
: ;


Land, lying upon Bnll-Run, in the the Intail of the faid Land, and that 2000 Acres of Petitioner is feifed, in Fee-Simple, may be the which of Prince-William, Coimty of
fettled, in

Lieu thereof, to the fame Ufes. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, purfuant to the Prayer of the faid Petition and it is accordingly referred to M^ Corbin to i)repare and bring in the fame.

The Iloufe j^roceeded to the Confideration of the Report from the Committee of the whole Houfe, upon the Bill, Declaring Slaves to he Perfonal Eftate; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned; and the fame was read, and, with an Amendment, agreed
by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Report from the Committee of Houfe, upon the Bill, For the Diftribution of Inteftates Eftates; and the fame whole the was read, and one of the Amendments being difagreed to, the others were agreed to. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments agreed to, be Ingroffed. The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, For Eftablifhing County Courts; and for regulating and fettling the Proceedings And after fome Time fpent therein, M' Speaker refumed the Chair; and M"" Carter, from the Committee, reported. That they had had the Bill under their Confideration, and had made fome Amendments thereto; but not having Time to go through the fame, the Committee had directed him to move for Leave to fit again. Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill, To-morrow. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, For the better Management and Security of Orphans, and their Eftates, being





will refolve itfelf into

a Committee upon the faid



Cobhs have Leave to be abfent from the Service of the Houfe,






then the Houfe adjourned

To-morrow Morning Ten


IVednefday, April 19, 1749.

Meffage from the Council, by




the Council have receded from one of their Amendments by this Houfe difagreed to, to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for the decent and uniform Celebration of Divine Service;

to their

and for the more orderly Management of Parochial That they have agreed to one of the Amendments made by this Amendments, and infif t on the others and defire that the Bill may be

paffed with the


as they ftand.

that the Council have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, Concerning Marwith fome Amendments; to which they defire the Concun-ence of this Houfe. A Petition of Henry Downs, Gent, late Sherif of Augufta County, was prefented to the Houfe; fetting forth. That as Sherif of the faid County, he was obliged to convey




Criminals from that County Goal, to the Public Goal


That by the Fatigue

of the


Horfe died; and praying Relief:



the Queftion being put. That the faid Petition be received?

paffed in the Negative.

That the Petition be rejedled. M' Ofborne, from the Committee to whom the Bill, For ereding a Town at Hunting Creek Warehoufe, in the County of Fairfax, was committed, reported the Amendments that the Committee had made to the Bill, and then delivered them in at the Table; where they were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed.


M' Corhin reported, That the Perfons appointed had, according to Order, prepared Addrefs to his Majefty, and alio a Petition to the ParHament of Great-Britain: an And he read the fame in his Place, and afterwards deHvered them in at the Table; where they were again read, and agreed to. Ordered. That the faid Addrefs and Petition be fairly tranfcribed: and that M""
Corbin do carry them up to the Council, for their Concurrence. M'' Carter, from the Committee of Proportions and Grievances, reported, That the Committee had had under their Conlideration, the Petition of Rice Curtis, in Behalf of himfelf and others. Inhabitants and Freeholders of the Parifh of St. George, in the County
fetting forth. That at a Veftry held for the laid Parifh the nth Day John Chew, Francis Taliaferro, and Richard Ttitt, Gent, were appointed to view the feveral Places propofed by the Inhabitants that fhould meet them at the Time they fhould appoint, for the Building of a Chapel, and fix on a Place that they fhould think moft convenient, and that their Report fhould be definitive That, as the Petitioner has been informed, fome of the Veftrj' oppofed the faid Order, infif ting they had no Power to make an}' fuch, but ought to fix on the Place themselves That afterwards, the faid John Chrw, Francis Taliaferro, and Richard Tutt, appointed the 29th Day of Aiiguft, 1748, for viewing and fixing on a Place for building the faid Chapel, which happened to be ver^' wet 'til Twelve or One of the Clock by which, very few Perfons met to fhew any Place: That notwithftanding, the faid Francis Taliaferro and Richard Tutt, after they, and the faid John Chew, had viewed a Place, called William Lee's Old-field, reported That the faid Place that to be the moft convenient Place for building the Chapel within .Six Miles of the upper Line, a Place is far above the Middle of the faid Parifh, to which good Roads cannot be made, and not convenient to one Fourth Part of the That for thefe Reafons, as the PetiParifhioners to whom it ought to be convenient join Chew refufed to in the faid Report, he being well believes, the faid tioner John acquainted with that Part of the faid Parifh which lies on and near Panmnkey River, and the faid Taliaferro and TiM, who live on Rappahanock River, being, 'til that Time, unacquainted with that Part of the faid Parifh That afterft^ards, at a Veftry held by only Seven of the Veftrymen of the faid Parifh, on the loth Day of October, (the other Veftrymen being abfent) it was entered among the Orders of Veftry, That Francis Taliaferro and Richard Tutt, Gent, having made their Return that Day, according to the Order of Veftry for the building a Chapel, it was agreed, that the faid Chapel be erecT;ed in William Lee's Old-field, the faid Order being tefted by the faid Gentlemen; altho' the Petitioner apprehends, that in Cafe the Veftry had Power to appoint any other Number of Men to fix on a Place for building a Chapel, yet, as they had appointed Three, and their Report to be definitive, that the Report of Two only was not to be fo That the Veftry laft mentioned hath ordered to be built at the faid Place, a Chapel 48 Feet long, and 24 Feet wide, altho', as the Petitioner apprehends, one of a Third of thofe Dimenfions would be fufficient for the Congregation at that Place for which the faid Veftry hath agreed to give 24,500 Pounds of Tobacco; and praying this Houfe to to take the Matter into Confideration, and to grant a proper Relief; And had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon and he read the fame in his Place, and then delivered them in at the Table, where they were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as folof Spotfylvania; of July, 1748,


That the Veftry of the Parifh of St. George, in the Covmty of Spotfylvania, could not, by Law, delegate their Power of fixing on, and agreeing to a Place, for building a Chapel in, to any lefs Number of their own Members, than is fufficient for holding a Veftry, or to any other Perfons whatfoever. Refolved, That the Order of the faid Veftry, appointing John Chew, Francis Taliaferro, and Richard Tutt, to view and fix on a Place for building a Chapel, is illegal. M-- Carter, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, alfo reported, That the Committee had had under their further Confideration, the Petition of di\-ers Inhabitants of the Town of Tappahanock, in the County of Effex. to them re-committed;

That by an Ad; of Affembly, made in the Year 1744, the Juftices of the Coleman, Twenty Five Pounds faid County were ordered to pay to Robert-Spilfby to any Land within the Bounds Title Current Money of Virginia, for all his Right and the faid Town and Rappahanock of the faid Town, and to the Slipe of Land between the faid Coleman notwithftanding, that But him: to paid duly was River- which other Wharfs, and Conveniences, on Warehoufes, build threatens to fue thofe who fhall any Part of the faid Slipe of Land; and praying (no Perfon being willing to ftand a Law-Suit with the faid Coleman, and there being a Claufe in the old Law, For Ports
fetting forth,

and Towns, whereby Liberty is given to the Owners of Lots next the River, to build Wharfs and other Conveniences for their own Ufe thereon) that the faid firft -mentioned AcT; may be fully explained, and the faid laft-mentioned Act revived: And that the Committee had heard as well the faid Petitioners, as the faid Coleman; whereupon it appeared to the faid Committee, That the faid Town had been furveyed by one
Robert Brooke, Gent. Surv-ej'or of the faid Land lies between the faid River and the

County Bounds

of Effex,
of the

not being included within the faid Town Bounds, is the faid Coleman was paid 25 Pounds, by Virtue of the faid

and that a fmall Piece of Town, next the River, which no Part of the Lands; for which


And had come

to f everal Ref olutions thereupon


and afterwards delivered in at the Table by the Houfe, as follow: Refolved, That the Town of Tappahanock, within the Bounds thereof, contains Fifty Acres, exclufive of the fmall Piece between the faid Town and River. Refolved, That the Right and Title of the faid fmall Piece of Land ftill remains in the faid Coleman, and others, who were the former Proprietors of the Lands where the faid Town was laid ofif. Refolved, That the faid Slipe of Land, lying between the River and the Bounds of the Town of Tappahanock, ought to be vefted in the Feoffees and Truftees of the faid Town, and be by them laid off into Lots, and fold at Public Auction, to the higheft Bidder; and that the Money arifmg from fuch fale be paid to the Proprietors aforefaid,

firft -mentioned Aft of which he read in his Place, where they were again read, and agreed to


Proportion to the Quantity they refpedtively hold. Refolved, That fo much of the faid Petition as relates to the reviving the Claufe in the old Law, For Ports and Towns, whereby Liberty is given to the Owners of Lots next the River, to build Wharfs and other Conveniences for their own Ufe thereon;

be rejected.

That a Bill be brought in, purfuant to the Third Refolution; and that M' Beverley and M"^ Dangerfield do prepare and bring in the fame. Ordered, That M'' Boiling have Leave to be abfent from the fervice of the Houfe^



For Eftablifhing a Town in Augufta County, and allowing Fairs to be kept was read a Second Time. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Meffage from the Council, in Relation to the Amendments by them infifted on, and by the Houfe difagreed to, to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, to explain and amend the Ad, for ereding Two new Counties and Parifhes; and granting certain Encouragements to the Inhabitants thereof and thereBill,



That this Houfe doth infift on their Difagreement to the faid Amendments. That M"' Maddifon do go up with a Meffage to the Council, and acquaint them therewith; and defire they will pafs the Bill without the Amendments.


The Hotife, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, For Eftablifhing County Courts; and for regulating and fettling the Proceedings therein And after fome Time fpent therein, U^ Speaker refumed the Chair; and M^ Carter, from the Committee, reported, That they had had the Bill under their further Confideration, and gone through the fame, and had made feveral Amendments

which they had directed him to report to the Iloufe And he read the Amendand then delivered them in at the Table; where they were again ments read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. The Houfe aKo, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee, upon the Bill, To reftrain the taking of exceffive Ufury And after fome Time fpent therein, M-- Speaker and Mr Carter, from the Committee, reported, That they had gone ref umed the Chair through the Bill, and made feveral Amendments thereto; which they had diredted him to report to the Houfe: And he read the Amendments in his Place, and then delivered them in at the Table; where they were again read, and argeed to, by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. The Order of the Day, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, For the better Management and Security of Orphans, and their Eftates, being read; Refolved, That this Houfe will refoh-e itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill, To-morrow. And then the Houfe adjourn 'd 'til To-morrow Morning Ten o 'Clock.

in his Place,

Thurfday, April 20, 1749.

Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendments made by the Bill, intituled, An Ad, concerning Servants and Slaves: And the fame were read, and one of them agreed to, the others difagreed to. Ordered, That M'' Burwell do go up with a Meffage to the Council, and acquaint them. That this Houfe have agreed to one of their Amendments to the faid Bill, and difagreed to others; and defire they will pafs the Bill with the Amendments
Council, to the



An Ad, for Dividing the County Wight into Two diftind Counties; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned; without any Amendment. A Bill, intituled. An Ad, declaring Slaves to be Perfonal Eftate; and far other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Burwell do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. A Bill, intituled, An Ad, for the Diftribution of Inteftates Eftates, was read the Third Time and fome Amendments made to the Bill at the Table. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That Mr Benjamin Waller do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Conof Ifle of

Meffage from the Cotmcil, by M' Walthoe: That the Coimcil have agreed to the Bill, intituled.





That M"^ Robert Jones Tuefday S'ennight.

Bill, intituled,


Leave to be abfent from the Service


of the



Caufway through


impower Marfh oppofite thereto; and

An Ad,

the Truftees of for

make appointing a Public Ferry, was

Leeds Town,

read the Third Time.


That the Bill do pafs. That M' Turner do carry the

Bill to the Coimcil,


defire their


The Houfe took into Confideration, the Amendments made by the Council to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, concerning Marriages; and the fame being read, were agreed to. Ordered, That M-- Whiting do go up with a Meffage to the Council, and acquaint them therewith. The Houfe alfo took into Confideration, the Amendments made by the Covmcil to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for the effedual Suppreffion of Vice; and the faid Amendments were read, and fome of them agreed to, and others difagreed to.


have agreed to

That a Meffage be fent to the Council, to acquaint them, That this Houfe some of their Amendments to the laid Bill, and difagreed to others;

and to defire they will pafs the Bill, with the Amendments agreed to. The Houfe alfo took into Confideration, the Amendments made by the Council to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, direding the Manner of granting Probats of Wills, and Adminiftration of Intefiates Eftaies; and the fame being read, one of them was agreed

and the others difagreed to. Ordered, That M"' Benjamin Waller do go up with a Meffage to the Council, and acquaint them. That this Houfe have agreed to one of their Amendments to the faid Bill, and difagreed to the others; and that this Houfe defire they will pafs the Bill,

with the

Amendment agreed


The Houfe, according to Order, refohed itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, for the better Management and Security of Orphans, and their Eftales: And after fome Carter, from the Committee, Time fpent therein, M"" Speaker refumed the Chair and reported. That they had gone through the Bill, and made feveral Amendments thereto, which they had directed him to report to the Houfe: And he read the Amendments in his Place, and then delivered them in at the Table; where they were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. A Bill, For preventing Hogs going at large in the Town of Richmond, was read a Second Time and committed to M"' Carter, and M"' Benjamin Waller. A Bill, Concerning Juries, was read a Second Time and committed to a Committee


the whole Houfe. Refolved, That this Houfe



immediately refolve


into a

Committee upon

the faid

The Houfe, accordingly refolved itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill: And after fome Time fpent therein, M'' Speaker i-efumed the Chair; and M'' Carter, from the Committee, reported the Amendments which the Committee had made to the faid Bill, and then delivered them in at the Table; where they were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. A Bill, For the better fecnring the Payment of Levies; and Reftraint of Vagrants; attd for making Provifion for the Poor; was read a Second Time; and committed to a
of the

whole Houfe.




will refolve itfelf into a

Committee upon the

faid Bill,


then the Houfe adjourned


To-morrow JMoniing Ten o 'Clock.

Friday, April 21, 1749.



an Addrefs be made to the Governor, to order a new Writ to iffue, for Electing a Burgefs to ferve in this prefent General Affembly, for the County of York, in the Room of AP Secretary Nelfon, who is appointed one of his Majefty's Honourable Council of this Colony; and that M'' Digges do wait

the faid Addrefs. Meffage from the Council, by M^ Walthoe: That the Council have receded from their Amendments, difagreed to by this Houfe, to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, concerning Servants and Slaves. That the Council have receded from one of their Amendments difagreed to by the Houfe, to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, direding the Manner of granting Probats of

Honour with

Wills; and Adminiftration of Inteftates Eftates, and infift on the others; that the Houfe will pafs the Bill, with the Amendments infifted on.




; ;

Bill, intituled, An Ad, for dividing tlie Parifh the and the Veftry Parifh of Staff oik; and other Purpofes tlierein diffolving of of Tniro; mentioned, with fome Amendments; to which they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe. A Bill, For regulating the Eledions of Burgeffes, was read a Second Time; and committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe. Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill, on Tuefday next. M"^ Carter, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported. That had had imder their Confideration, divers Petitions to them referred, Committee the and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon Which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table; where they were again read, and are as follow: Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Parifh of Cumberland, in the County of Lunenburg, for a Diffolution of the Veftr>' of that Parifh, and a new Eledtion of a Veftry; is reaf enable. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Petition of the Freeholders and Houfe-keepers of the Parifh of Cople, in the County of Weftmorelatid, living above Nominy Ferry, for dividing the faid Cotinty into three Parifhes; be rejected. On Confideration of the Petition of the Mayor, Recorder, and Aldermen of the Borough of Norfolk, praying that no Perfon be allowed to vote at the Elections of a Burgefs for the faid Borough, who fhall not be qualified fo to do in the fame Maimer as the Electors in the City of William fburg are by Law directed to be That the Jurifdiction of the Court of Huftings for the faid Borough be enlarged, and that the faid Court only be authorized to grant Licenfes to Ordinary -keepers, living in the faid Borough Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That fo much of the faid Petition, as relates to allowing no Perfon to vote at the Eledlions of a Burgefs for the faid Borough, who fhall not be qualified fo to do, in the fame Manner as the Electors in the City of Williamfburg are by Law directed to be; is reafonable. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That fo much of the faid Petition as relates to the enlarging the Jurifdidlion of the Court of Huftings for the faid Borough


that they ha\e agreed to the

be rejected.


it is

the Opinion of this Committee, That fo


of the faid Petition

as relates to authorizing the faid Court folely to grant Licences to Ordinary-keepers,

living in the faid

Borough; be reje<5ted. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Petition of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the upper Parifh of Nanfemond Coimty, for diffohing the Veftr>' of that Parifh, and making a new Election of Veftrymen in the faid Parifh


The Queftion being


That the Houfe do agree to the Five

First Refolutions?

Refolved in the Affirmative.

Then a Motion was made, and the Queftion put thereupon. That the Confideration
of the laft

Refolution be adjourned?
Refolved in the Affirmative.


That the Committee

of Propofitions

and Grievances do prepare and

in the

bring in a


purfuant to the Firft and Third Refolutions.


To prevent the building

also to prevent the

Walkerton; and Inhabitants thereof from raifing and keeping Hogs, was read a Second

Wooden Chimnies



Time; and an Amendment made thereto at the Table. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed. The Houfe took into Confideration, the Amendments infifted on by the Council to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, direding the Manner of granting Probats of Wills, and adminiftration of Inteftates Eftates; and the fame were read, and one of them agreed to. Ordered, That M-- Benjamin Waller do go up with a Meffage to the Council, and acquaint them. That this Houfe doth recede from their Difagreement to one of their


on their Difagreement to the others; and agreed to. defire that they Amendments propofed by the the of Confideration the to The Houfe proceeded


to the faid


and doth


will pafs



with the


Council, to Bill, intituled,

An Ad,

for regulating Ordinaries,

and Reftraint



the fame were read, and agreed to. Ordered, That M'' Braxton do go up with a Mef fage to the Council, and acquaint them. That this Houfe have agreed to the Amendments by them propofed to the faid Bill. The Houfe alfo proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendments propofed by the


Council, to the Bill, intituled, An the Veftry of the Parifh of Suffolk;

Ad, for dividing the Parifh of Truro; and diffolving and other Purpofes therein mentioned: And the fame

were read, and agreed to. Ordered, That M"' Wafhington do go up with a Meffage to the Council, and acquaint them, That this Houfe have agreed to the Amendments by them propofed to the faid

The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, For the better fecuring the Payment of Levies; and Reftraint of Vagrants; and for making And after f ome Time fpent therein, M'' Speaker resumed the Provifion for the Poor Chair; and M"" Carter reported, from the Committee, That they had made feveral Amendments to the Bill, which they had directed him to report to the Houfe And he read the Report in his Place, and afterwards delivered the fame in at the Table where it was again read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed.

For preventing Frauds in the Cuftoms, and in Clearing of Ships; for afcertaining Colledors and Naval Officers Fees; and to prohibit and prevent the cafting of Ballafi or dead Bodies in Rivers or Creeks, was read a Second Time and committed to a Commit;

A Bill,

tee of the whole Houfe. Refolved,




will refolve itfelf into a

Committee upon the

faid Bill,



then the Houfe adjourn 'd


To-morrow Morning Ten o 'Clock.

Saturday, April 22, 1749.


Meffage from the Council, by M'' Walthoe: the Council have agreed to the Bill, intituled. of Surveyors; without any Amendment.
Alfo to the

An Ad, direding



Bill, intituled. An Ad, to impower the Truftees of Leeds make a Caufway through the Marfh oppofite thereto; and for appointwithout any Amendment. ing a Public Ferry And that they adhere to their Amendments difagreed to by this Houfe, to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, to explain and amend the Ad, for ereding Two new Counties and Parifhes; and for granting certain Encouragements to the Inhabitants thereof; and defire this Houfe will pafs the Bill, with the Amendments. A Petition of William Cabbel,oi the County of Albemarle,was prefented to the Houfe, and read fetting forth. That there are, in that County, feveral Rivers that have neither Bridges or Ferries, and are often unpaffable, the Inhabitants of that County being too few to ere(5l fo many Bridges; and praying that he may have Leave to build Bridges over fuch of the faid Rivers as he fhall think fit, and to take a Toll of the Paffengers. And the Queftion being put, That the Petition be received?




paffed in the Negative.

in Augufta County,
in the


That the Petition be

Bill, intituled,

for Eftablifhing a



An Ad,


and allowing Fairs

Bill filled up.

be kept therein;

was read the Third Time; and the Blanks


That the







That M-- Beverley do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. Petition of Divers of the Inhabitants of the County of King-George, was prefented

and read; fetting forth the inconvenient Situation of that County as it and praying that the Bounds of the faid County may be altered. Alfo Two Petitions from the faid County, in Oppofition to the faid Petition, were feverally prefented to the Houfe, and read. Ordered, That the faid Petitions be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Proportions and Grievances and that they do examine into the Matter thereof, and
to the Houfe,


report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.

A Bill,


An Ad,

to reftrain the

taking of exceffive Ufury;

was read the Third

That the Bill do pafs. That M"' Braxton do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. Ordered, A Meffage from the Council, by M'' Walthoe: That the Council doth infift on their Amendments difagreed to by this Houfe, to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for the effednal Suppreffion of Vice: and defire that this Houfe will recede from their Difagreement to the faid Amendments. An Ingroffed Bill, intituled, An Ad, for ereding a Town at Hunting Creek Warehoufe, in the County of Fairfax, was read the Third Time; and the Blanks in the Bill filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Wafhington do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee, upon the Bill, For preventing Fratids in theCnftoms, and in Clearing of Ships; for afcertaining Colledors and Naval Officers Fees; and to prohibit and prevent the cafting Ballaft or dead Bodies in Rivers or Creeks: And after fome Time fpent therein, M"' Speaker refumed the Chair; and M'' Carter, from the Committee, reported, That they had made feveral Amendments to the Bill, which they had direcfted him to report to the Houfe And he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered it in at the Table. Ordered, That the Report do lie on the Table. Ordered, That there be a Call of the Houfe, on Monday next. A Bill, For the better Support of the Clergy; and for the regular colleding atid paying the Parifh Levies, was read a Second Time; and committed to a Committee of the whole

Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid on Monday next. And then the Hotife adjourn 'd 'til Monday Morning Ten o 'Clock.

Monday, April 2^^ i749

A Meffage from the Council, by M'' Walthoe:


the Council defire a Conference, To-morrow Morning at Ten o 'Clock, upon the fubjedl Matter of their Amendments, difagreed to by this Houfe, to the

Bill, intituled. An Ad, direding the Manner of granting Probats of Wills; atid Adminiftration of Inteftates Eftates; and have appointed Three of their Members Managers, to meet fuch Members as fhall be appointed Conferees by this Houfe, in the

adjoining to the Council-Chamber.

That this Houfe doth agree to the faid Conference. Attorney, M' Benjamin Waller, IV Braxton, Ordered, That M' Carter, Hedgman, and M-- Beverley, do acquaint the Council therewith; and that they are appointed Managers for this Houfe, to enter into the Conference with their Managers, at the Time and Place by them defired. A Petition of Landon Carter, in Behalf of himfelf and others, praying that the Houfe will take into their Confideration, explain and amend the Ad. made in the Year


the Act, 1642, intituled, Minifters to be induded: Alfo
for the better


in 1727, intituled.

An Aii,

and paying


Support Parifh Levies

of the Clergy of this


Dominion; and

jar the

more regular

was prefented to the Houf e, and read.

That the faid Petition be referred to the Confideration of the Committee to whom the Bill, For the better Support of the Clergy, and the regular Houfe, of the whole colleding and paying the Parifh Levies, is committed. Then the Order of the Day, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee upon

the faid


being read,





will refolve itfelf into the faid

Committee, on Wednefday

The Houfe proceeded

Council, to the

to the Confideration of the





explain and

Amendments, adhered to by the amend the Ad, for ereding Two

new Comities and Parifhes; and granting certain Encouragements to the Inhabitants thereof; and thereupon, Refolved, That this Houfe doth adhere to their Difagreement to the faid Amendments.







for the better

Management and

Security of '

Orphans, and

was read the Third Time. Bill the do pafs. That Refolved, Ordered, That M"' Ludwell do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. An Ingroffed Bill, intituled, An Ad, for Eftablifhing County Courts; and for regulating and fettling the Proceedings therein, was read the Third Time and the Blanks in
their Eftates,

the Bill



That the Bill do pafs. That M"" Whiting do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. A Member returned upon a new Writ, having taken the Oaths appointed to be taken by Adt of Parliament, inftead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and taken and fubfcribed the Oath of Abjuration, and alfo the Teft, was admitted to his Place in the





Grievances, and to the Committee of Privileges



added to the Committee of Propofitions and and Eleftions. Fitzhugh have Leave to be abfent from the Service of the Iloufe,
Peter Randolph be

Saturday next.

A Bill, intituled, An Ad, concerning Juries, was read the Third Time; and an Amendment made thereto at the Table. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M-^ William Waller do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence.

A Bill, intituled. An Ad, for the better fecuring the Payment of Levies; and Reftraint Vagrants; and for making Provifion for the Poor; was read the Third Time. of Refolved, That the Bill do pafs.



Bill, intituled,


Fry do carry the Bill to the Coimcil, for their Concurrence. An Ad, to prevent the building of Wooden Chimnies in the Town and alfo to prevent the Inhabitants thereof from raifing and keeping Hogs

was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M-- Braxton do carry the

Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. Tryal of Criminals for Capital Offences; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read a Second Time and committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe.








will refolve itfelf into

a Committee upon the faid



And then

That the Call of the Houfe be put off 'til To-morrow. the Houfe adjourned 'til To-morrow Morning Ten o'Clock.



Tuefday, April 25, 1749.



Leave be given to bring in a Bill, To enable the County Courts of Augufta and Frederick, to pay all Perfons, producing Certificates for Wolves Heads in Money And that M'^ Maddifon, and M'' Benjamin Waller, do prepare and

bring in the fame.

M'' Carter reported. That the Committee appointed to manage the Conference for Houfe, upon the fubjedl Matter of the Council's Amendments to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, direding the Manner of granting Probats of Wills; and Adminiftration of Inteftates Eftates; had met Three of the Members of the Council, in the Room adjoining the

Council -Chamber,


delivered the


on Reafons and then delivered it, with the Bill, in at the Table. Ordered, That the Confideration thereof be put off 'til To-morrow. Ordered, That M"" Treafurer do lay his Accounts before the Houfe. A Bill, To dock the Intail of certain Lands whereof Carter Burwell is feizcd in Tail Male; and for fettling other Lands, of greater Value, to the fame Ufes, was read the firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time. An Ingroffed Bill, intituled, An Ad, direding the Trial of Criminals for Capital Offences; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read the Third Time; and fome
for infifting


with a written Paper, containing the Council's thereto: And he read the fame in his Place,

Amendments made

thereto, at the Table.

Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Attorney do carry the Bill to the Coimcil, for their Concurrence. A Meffage from the Coimcil, by M'' Walthoe: That the Council have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, to prevent the buiUing of Wooden Chimnies in the Town of Walkerton and alfo to prevent the Inhabitants thereof from raifing and keeping Hogs; without any Amendment. Alfo to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, to reftrain the taking of exccffive Ufury; without any Amendment. Alfo to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for Eftablifhing a Town in Augufta County, and

allowing Fairs

to be

kept therein; without an)^

was prefented
to the


Petitions from fundry the Inhabitants of blenrico County,

Houfe, and read; praying a Divifion of that County, by James River. Alfo a Petition from the fame County, in Oppofition to the faid Petitions, was prefented to the Houfe, and read.

That the faid Petitions be referred to the Confideration of the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances; and that they do examine into the Matters thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, For regulating the Eledion of Burgeffes; for fettling their Privileges; a-nd
for afcertaining their Allowances;





will refolve itfelf into the faid

Committee, on Thurfday





effedual punifhing Confpiraces

of Negroes, Mulattoes,

Tryal of Slaves committing Capital Crimes, and for the more and Infurredions of them; and for the better Government


and Indians, bond or free, was read a Second Time; and committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe. Refolved, That this Hovife will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill, To-morrow. M-- Bland, from the Committee, to whom the Bill, To amend an Ad, intituled, An Ad, to regulate Attornies pradifing in the County Courts; and the granting Writs of Certiorari, was committed, reported the Amendments which the Committee had made to the Bill and which they had directed him to report to the Houfe And he read the Report

and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table. do lie on the Table. they That Ordered, A Bill, For encouraging the making and exporting of Tar and Hemp, was read a Second Time; and committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe. Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill,
in his Place,

on Friday next. A Bill, For the better Support of the College of William and Mary, was read a Second Time; and an Amendment made thereto at the Table. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed. A Bill, Concerning Seamen, was read a Second Time; and an Amendment made


That the Bill be Ingroffed. The Houfe refumed the adjourned Confideration of that Part of the Report from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, upon the Petition of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the upper Parifh of Nanfemond County, for diffolving the Veftry of that and the fame Parifli, and making a new Eledlion of Veftrymen, made on Friday laft

being read.

That that Part of the faid Report be re-committed to the Committee and Grievances. And then the Houfe adjourn 'd 'til To-morrow Morning Ten o'Clock.


Wednefday, April 26, 1749.

was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth. That one Dennis Bryne, of the County of Orange, entered into Bond, payable to the Petitioner, in the Penalty of 14,700 Pounds of Crop Tobacco, and Cafk, conditioned for the Payment of 7350 Pounds of like Tobacco: That the Petitioner having brought Suit upon the faid Bond, and put the faid Bryne into Prifon, out of which the Prifoner, by Reafon of the Infufificiency of the faid Prifon, made his Efcape; and praying, that the faid Debt may be levied on the faid County, or that he may have such other Relief as this Houfe fhall think fit. And the Queftion being put, That the Petition be received?
Petition of Ifaac Smith,

paffed in the Negative.

That the Petition be rejecfted. A Claim of Edward Mofeley, for taking up a Runaway Negro, was prefented to the Houfe, and received. Ordered, That the faid Claim be referred to the Confideration of the next Seffion
of Affembly.

from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, reported. That the Committee had had under their Confideration, divers Petitions to them referred, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon Which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table; where they were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follow: Refolved, That the Petition from the Inhabitants of the County of Henrico, on the North Side of James River; and alfo the Petitions from the Inhabitants of the faid County, on the South Side thereof, praying that the faid Coimty may be divided into Two diftind. Counties by the faid River; are reafonable. Refolved, That the Petition from the faid County, in oppofition to the faid Petitions;
M'' Carter,




Ordered, That M"" Boiling, and M'' Peter Randolph, do prepare and bring in a Bill, purfuant to the Firft Refolution. M'' Maddifon, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill, For the more equal


of the


for killing


the fame was read the Firft

Wolves in the Counties of Frederick and Augufta: Time and Ordered to be read a Second Time.

M-- Peter Randolph, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill, For dividing County of Henrico into Two diftind Counties And the fame was received, and read the Firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time. A Bill, For the more equal Payment of the Rewards for killing Wolves in the Counties and Augufta, was read the Second Time. Frederick of Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed. A Bill, For dividing the County of Henrico into Two diftind Counties, was read a Second Time. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed. M"" Carter, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grie\-ances, reported. That the Committee had had under their Confideration, the Propofition from the County of King-


them referred, for altering the dividing Line of the Coimties of King-George and Stafford, and dividing the fame by a Line to be run from Lamb's Creek, on Rappahanock River, to or near the Head of Pafpitanfy, on Patomack River; and had come to a Refolution thereupon: Which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table where it was again read, and agreed to b}^ the Houfe, as follows Refolved, That the faid Propofition be rejedled. M"^ Carter, from the faid Committee, alio reported. That they had had under their further Confideration, the Petition of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the upper Parifh of Nanfemond County, to them re-committed, for diffolving the Veftry of that Parifh, and making a new Eledlion of Veftrymen in the faid Parifh; and had come to a Refolution thereupon: Which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table where it was again read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows Refolved, That the faid Petition be rejected. A Bill, To dock the Intail of certain Lands, whereof Carter Burwell is feized, in TailMale, and for fettling other Lands, of greater Value, to the fame Ufes, was read a Second Thomas Harrifon, M'' Blackwell, Time; and committed to M'' Corbin, M"' Digges, and M'' Bland: And that they do examine into the Allegations thereof, and report the
George, to

fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.


An Ingroffed Bill, intituled. An Ad, for the better Support of the College of William and Mary, was read the Third Time and an Amendment made thereto. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"' Burwell do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, For the better Support of the Clergy, and for the regular colleding and paying the Parifh Speaker refumed the Chair; and M"^ Levies: And after fome Time fpent therein, Carter, from the Committee, reported. That they had gone through the Bill, and made

Amendments thereto, which they had when the Houfe will pleafe to receive the fame.



to report to the Houfe,


The Order
upon the

That the Report be received To-morrow. of the Day being read, for the Houfe to

refolve itfelf into a


Tryal of Slaves cmnmitting Capital Crimes, and for the more effedual punifhing Confpiracies and Infurredions of them; atid for the better Government of Negroes, Mulattoes, and Indians, bond or free; Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill,

on Friday next. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Reafons given by the Council, in Support of their Amendments to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, direding the Manner being of granting Probats of Wills, and Adminiftration of Inteftates Eftates; and the fame

That the Perfons appointed Managers for this Houfe do withdraw, and prepare Reafons to be offered to the Council at a Conference, in Anfwer to their Reafons,

given at, the laft Conference.


then the Houfe adjourn 'd


To-morrow Morning Ten




Thurfday, April 27, 1749.

from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill, For declaring who fhall be qualified and And the fame was entitled to vote for a Burgefs for the Borough of Norfolk received, and read the Firft Time: and Ordered to be read a Second Time, M' Carter alfo, according to Order, prefented to the Hoiife a Bill, For ereAing Warehoufes for the InfpeAion of Hemp, in the Counties of Frederick and Lunenburg, and allowing the Inhabitants thereof to pay their Dues and Officers Fees in Hemp, in Lieu Bounty to the Makers of Hemp in Lunenburg And the fame of Tobacco; and giving a






That the




on the Table.



Bill, intituled,



for dividing the



Henrico into Two

diftind Counties, was read the Third Time; and the Blanks in the Bill filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Peter Randolph do carry theBill to the Council, for their Concurrence. Ordered,That to Order, prefented to the Houfe, a Bill, For obliging the according M' Bland, County of Goochland, and Parifhes of St. James Northam, and Southam, to repay the




Albemarle, and Parifh of St. Anne '5, a Sum of Money and Tobacco therein And the fame was received and read the Firft Time; and Ordered to be read

a Second Time.

M' Braxton, from the Committee of Trade, to whom the Bill, For further continuing Ad, intituled. An Ad, for continuing and amending an Ad, for inspeding, weighing, and stamping all Pork and Beef, packed in this Colony, or imported for Sale, before the fame fhall be fold here, or fhipped for Exportation: And to amend the Ad, intituled. An Ad, for afcertaining the Gauge of Barrels for Pork, Beef, Tar, and Pitch; and for infpeding, weighing, and ftamping all Flour exported, was committed, reported the Amendments which the Committee had made thereto, and which they had directed him to report to the Houfe; and then delivered the Bill, and Amendments, in at the Table; where they were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Report from the Committee of the whole Houfe, made Yefterday, upon the Bill, For the better Support of the Clergy; and And the fame being read. for the regular colleding and paying the Parifh Levies Ordered, That the Bill be re-committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe. Refolved, That this Houfe will immediately refolve itfelf into a Committee upon

the faid


Meffage from the Council, by M'' Walthoe: That the Council do agree to join with this Houfe in the Address to the King, and Petition to the Parliament and that they have made fome Amendments to the faid Addrefs and Petition, to which they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe. The Houfe refolved itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, For the better Support of the Clergy; and for the regular colleding and paying the Parifh Levies And after fome Time Spent therein, M"" Speaker refumed the Chair; and M'' Carter, from the Committee, reported. That they had had the Bill under their further Confideration, and made feveral Amendments thereto, which they had diredled him to report to the Houfe: And he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where they were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, For regulating the Eledions of Burgeffes; for settling their Privileges; and

for afcertaining their Alloivances;





will refolve itfelf into a

Committee upon the

faid Bill,



then the Houfe adjourned


To-morrow Morning Ten o 'Clock.


Friday, April 28, 1749.

of Wills,

Carter reported, That the Perfons appointed had, according to Order, prepared Reafons to be offered at a Conference, in Anfwer to the Council's Reafons, dehvered at a Conference upon the fubjecl Matter of their Amend-


ments to the Bill, intituled, An Ad., direding the Manner of granting Probats and Adminiftration of Inteftates Eftates And he delivered them in at the Table, where they were read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Perfons appointed to manage the laft Conference, do go up with a Meffage to the Council, and acquaint them, That this Houfe doth defire a Conference upon the Subjedl Matter of the laft Conference: And that they do, at the faid Conference, deliver the Reafons of this Houfe in Anfwer to the Reafons of the Council, for infifting on their Amendments to the faid Bill, A Meffage from the Cotmcil, by M"" Walthoe: That the Council do agree to the Conference by this Houfe defired, upon the fub:


Matter of the



Corbin, from the Committee, to

whom the Bill,

To dock

the Intail of certain


whereof Carter Burwell is feized, in Tail-Male, and for fettling other Lands, of greater Value, to the fame Ufes, was committed, reported. That the Committee had examined

and found them to be true and that they had made fome which they had directed him to report to the Koufe: And he read the fame in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table where they were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee, upon the Bill, For regulating the Eledions of Burgeffes; for fettling their Privileges; and for afcertaining their Allowances And after fome Time fpent therein, M"' Speaker refumed the Chair; and M'' Carter, from the Committee, reported, That they had made feveral Amendments to the Bill, which they had dire(5led him to report to the Houfe And he read the Report
into the Allegations thereof,


to the


in his Place,

and then delivered it in at the Table. That the Report do lie on the Table. M"' Benjamin Waller, from the Committee to whom the Bill, For eftablifhing Courts and for regulatof Quarter Seffions in the Counties of Goochland, Albemarle, and Augufta; ing and fettling the Proceedings therein, was committed, reported the Amendments which the Committee had made to the Bill, and which they had directed him to report to the Houfe And then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table. Ordered, That they do lie on the Table. An Ingroffed Bill, intituled. An Ad, for the more equal Payment of the Rewards for killing Wolves in the Counties of Frederick and Augufta, was read the Third Time.



That the Bill do pafs. That M-- Maddifon do carry the

Bill to

the Council, for their Concurrence.

M"- Treafurer, according to Order, laid his Accounts before the Houfe. Ordered, That they do lie on the Table. M-- Carter, from the Committee to whom the Bill, For preventing Hogs going

at large

Town of Richmond, was committed, reported, That the Committee had made fome Amendments to the Bill, which he was diredled to report to the Houfe: And he read
in the

and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table where they were again read, and agreed to. And the Queftion being put. That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed?
the fame in his Place,

paffed in the Negative.

That the Bill be rejedted. Bill, Ordered, That the Committee to whom it was referred to prepare and bring in a bringing from concerning Gaming, and for improving the Breed of Horfes, be difcharged
in the


Clack, That M' Peter Randolph, M'' Turner, M^ Reade, M"- Claiborne, Maddifon, and M' Cohbs, be added to the Committee for examining the InroUed Bills. An Ingroffed Bill, intituled, Ati AA, for the better Support of the Clergy; and for the regular colleding and paying the Parifh Levies, was read the Third Time. Refolved That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, .That M"' Fry do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. An Ingroffed Bill, intituled, An Ad, to dock the Intail of certain Lands whereof Carter Burwell is feized, in Tail-Male; and for fettling other Lands, of greater Value, to the fame Ufes, was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Corbin do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. An Ingroffed Bill, intituled. An Ad, concerning Seamen, was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Lomax do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. A Bill, For obliging the County of Goochland, and Farifhes of St. James Northam, and Southam, to re-pay the County of Albemarle, and Parifh of St. Arm's, a Sum of Money and Tobacco, therein mentioned, was read a Second Time. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed. The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, Direding the Tryal of Slaves committing Capital Crimes, and for the more effediial punifhing Confpiracies and Infurredions of them; and for the better Government of Negroes Mulattoes, and Indians, bond or free: And after fome Time fpent therein, M"" Speaker refumed the Chair; and M'' Carter, from the Committee, reported, That they had had



the Bill under their Confideration,

having Time to go thro'


That this To-morrow. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, For encouraging the making and exporting of Tar and Hemp; Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill, To-morrow. Ordered, That there be a Call of the Houfe To-morrow. And then the Houfe adjourn'd 'til To-morrow Morning Ten o'Clock.

and made feveral Amendments thereto; but not the fame, they had diredled him to move for Leave to fit again. Houfe will again refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid


Saturday, April 29, I'J^C)Houfe took into Confideration the Report from the Committee of the whole made on Saturday laft, upon the Bill, For preventing Frauds in the Cuftoms, and in Clearing of Ships; for afcertaining Colledors and Naval Officers Fees; and to prohibit and prevent the cafting of Ballaft or dead Bodies in Rivers or Creeks; and the fame being read, was agreed to, with an Amendment. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, For paying the Burgeffes Wages in Money And that M' Bland do prepare and bring in the fame. Ordered, That M' Reddick have Leave to be abfent from the Service of the Houfe, 'til Saturday next; and M"' Ma ffie, 'til Wednefday next. A Meffage from the Council, by M'' Walthoe: That the Council have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for the better Management and Security of Orphans, and their Eftates; without any Amendment. And that the Council do adhere to their Amendments, difagreed to by this Houfe, to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, direding the Manner of granting Probats of Wills; and


Adminiftration of Inteftates Eftates. The Houfe took into Confideration the Amendments infifted on by the Council, to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for the effedual Suppreffion of Vice; and thereupon,





That this Houfe doth infift on their Difagreement to the faid Amendments. That M^ Carter do go up with a Meffage to the Cotmcil, and acquaint them. Houfe doth infift on their Difagreement to the faid Amendments; and defire

they will pafs the Bill without them. The Houfe took into Confideration the Report from the Committee of the whole Houfe, made Yefterday, upon the Bill, For regulating the Eledions of Burgeffes; for
fettling their Privileges;


for afcertaining their Allowances:


the fame being read,

was agreed


That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. Declaring who fhall be qualified and entitled to vote for a Burgefs for the Borough of Norfolk, was read a Second Time; and committed to " Attorney, M"' Benjamin Walke, and M"' Elligood. Waller, M' Ludwell,


Hotife, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a

Committee upon the


Direding the Tryal of Slaves committing Capital Crimes, aitd for the more effednal punifhing Con [piracies and Infurredions of them; and for the better Government of Negroes, Mulattoes, and Indians, bond or free: And after fome Time fpent therein, M'' Speaker refumed

from the Committee, reported. That they had had the Bill under their further Confideration, and gone through the fame, and had made feveral Amendments thereto, which they had diredled him to report to the Houfe And he read the fame in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where they were again read, and Part of them agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments agreed to, be Ingroffed. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, For encouraging the making and exporting of Tar and Hemp; Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill, on Monday next. Ordered, That M"^ Read, and M"' Clack, have Leave to be abfent from the Service of the Houfe, 'til Tuefday next. Ordered, That the Call of the Houfe be adjoum'd 'til Monday next. A Petition of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council of the Borough of Norfolk, affembled at their Town-Hall, in Behalf of themfelves and the Inhabitants of the faid Borough, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; praying. That the Bounds of the Corporation of that Borough may be eftablifhed, to run from the Town Bridge a Weft Northweft Courfe, as far as the liead of Boufh's Creek, thence down the Weft Side of the faid Creek, to the Town Back Creek, and that the Lands within the fame may be laid oflf in Lots and Streets and that the Proprietors of all vacant Lots within the fame, already or hereafter to be laid out, may be compelled to build and improve the fame, within a limited Time, or that fuch Lot or Lots fhall be valued by Perfons for that Purpofe appointed, and the Proprietors obliged to fell the fame for fuch Valuation Money, or otherwife, that fuch Proprietors Right therein fhall be forfeited. Ordered, That the Petition do lie on the Table. Braxton, M-Ordered, That the Treafurer's Accounts be referred to M"- Carter, Corbin, M-- Peter Randolph, and M'' Chifwell: And that they do examine the feveral
the Chair;


M"" Carter,

and report the Balance, as it fhall appear to them, to the Houfe. Ordered, That the feveral Accounts of Monies difburfed, for Quarters and Provifions for his Majefty's Forces boimd to Cape-Breton, and for carrying on the late intended Expedition againft Canada, be alfo referred to the fame Perfons: And that they do examine the feveral Articles thereof, and report the fame, as it fhall appear to them, to
Articles thereof,

the Houfe.

And then

the Houfe adjoum'd


Monday Morning Ten









Leave be given to bring in a Bill, to explain and amend the Ad, for ereding new Counties and Parifhes; and granting certain Encouragements to the Inhabitants thereof; and for fettling the Minifters Salary of the faid Parifhes. A Petition of the Inhabitants and Proprietors of the Town of New-Glafgow, was prefented to the lioufe, and read; praying that an A<5t may pafs for Eftab-


Town. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, purfuant to the Prayer of the faid Petition; and that IVP Peter Randolph do prepare and bring in the fame. A Bill, intituled, An Ad, direding the Tryal of Slaves committing Capital Crimes, and for the more effedual punifhing Confpiracies and Infurredions of them; and for the better Government of Negroes, Mulattoes, and Indians, bond or free, was read the Third
lifhing the faid


That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"' Ludwell do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. A Meffage from the Council, by M'' Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, concerning Seamen; with fome Amendments. AKo to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, direding the Tryal of Criminals for Capital Offences; and for other Purpofer therein mentioned, with fome Amendments; to which they
defire the

Concurrence of this Houfe.

alfo to the Bill, intituled.

Ad, for dividing the County of Henrico into Two diftind Counties; without any Amendment. And to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, concerning Juries; without any Amendment. Ordered, That M'' Chifwell have Leave to be abfent from the vService of the Houfe, 'til Wednefday next. A Bill, intituled, An Ad, for obliging the County of Goochland, and Parifhes of St. James Northam, and Southam, to re-pay the County of Albemarle, anJ Parifh of St. Ann'5, a Sum of Money and Tobacco, therein mentioned, was read a Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"" Fry do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. Ordered, That the Petition from the Borough of Norfolk, praying that the Bounds of that Borough may be eftablifhed, be referred to the Committee of Propolitions and Greivances; that they do examine into the Matter thereof, and report the fame, with




their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe.

A Bill, intituled, An Ad, for infpeding Pork, Beef, Flour, Tar, Pitch, and Turpentine, was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Braxton do carry the Bill to the Council, for their ConcuiTcnce. The Houfe took into Confideration the Amendments propofed by the Council, to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, concerning Seamen; and the fame were read, and one of them difagreed to, the other agreed to, with an Amendment. Ordered, That M-^ Lomax do go up with a Meffage to the Council, and acquaint them. That this Houfe have difagreed to one of their Amendments to the faid Bill, and agreed to the other, with an Amendment and defire they will pafs the Bill with the Amendment as amended. The Houfe alfo took into Confideration, the Council's Amendments to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, direding the Method of Trial of Criminals for Capital Offences; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned: And the fame were read, and agreed to. Ordered, That Attorney do go up with a Meffage to the Council, and acquaint them. That this Houfe have agreed to the Amendments by them propofed to the faid Bill. M-- Dangerfield, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill, For annexing certain Lands to the Town of Tappahanock, and vefting the fame in the Feoffees for the



Town; and

other Piirpofes therein mentioned:


the fame was received, and read

the Firft Time;

and Ordered

to be read a Second Time.


the faid

Carter, according to Order, prefented to the

of the Parifli of

Cumberland, in





Houfe a Bill, /ar diffolving the Veftry Lunenburg; a^id eleding a new Veftry in

the fame



and read the

Time; and Ordered to be

read a Second Time.

The Houfe took into Confideration the Amendments made to the Bill, for further continuing an Ad, intituled, An Ad, for laying a Duty upon Slaves, to be paid by the Buyers; and the fame were read, and agreed to. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed.



titer eof,

Concerning the Public Prifons, and directing the Method was read a Second Time.

of appointing the

That the Bill be Ingroffed. For Limitation of Adions, and avoiding of Suits, was read a Second Time Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed. A Bill, For Licenfing Pedlars: and preventing Frauds in the Duties upon Skins and Furs, was read a Second Time. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed. Ordered, That M-- Spotfwood have Leave to be abfent from the Service of the Houfe,






For making Provifion againft Ivafions and Infurredions, was read a Second

That the Bill be Ingroffed. Ordered, That the Call of the Houfe be put off 'til To-morrow. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, For encouraging the making and exporting Tar and Hemp; Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill, To-morrow. And then the Houfe adjourn 'd 'til To-morrow Morning Ten o'Clock.






Houfe took into Confideration the Amendments propofed by the Council, to the Addrefs to his Majefty, and Petition to the Parliament and the fame being read, were agreed to. Ordered, That M"" Corbin do go up with a Tvleffage to the Council, and

acquaint them therewith.

A Meffage from the Council, by M"" Walthoe: That they have made fome Amendments to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for ereding Town at Hunting -Creek Warehoufe, in the County of Fairfax; to which they defire
That they have agreed to the
Bill, intituled,

the Concurrence of this Houfe.

An Ad,



Diftribution of Inteftates

Alfo to the
Bill, intituled.

An Ad,

declaring Slaves


be Perfonal Eftate;



Purpofes therein mentioned:

And alfo to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for ereding a William; without any Amendment.


in the County of Prince-

A Member returned upon a new Writ,

by A6t
of Parliament, inftead of the

fubfcribed the



having taken the Oaths appointed to be taken Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and taken and Abjuration, and alfo the Teft, was admitted to his Place in the


acquaint his
in Behalf of

That the Speaker, when he goes up with the Inrolled Bills to the Governor, PJonour, That this Iloufe doth defire he will ufe his Intereft in Great-Britain, this Government, in foliciting the Addrefs to his Majefty, and Petition to

the Parliament.
receive his

That a Committee be appointed to treat with William Parks, Printer, and Propofals for printing a compleat Body of the Laws of this Colony, as now

and corrected; and to confift of the following Perfons, viz. M"' Ludwell, M'' Baiianiin Waller, M' Attcn-ney, M"' Burwell, AP Braxton, M"" Whiting, and M-' Beverley. An Ingroffed Bill, intituled, An Ad, for regulating thr Eledion of Bnrgeffes; for the Third Time; fettling their Privileges, and for afcertaining their Allowances, was read

and the Blanks in the Bill filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Beverley do carry the

Bill to

the Council, for their Concurrence.

M"' Peter Randolph, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill, For Eftablifhing a Town near Wan\'ick, in the County of Henrico And the fame was received, and read the Firft Time. Ordered, That the Bill be immediately read a Second Time.



was read a Second Time accordingly; and committed to




W Gary,

M"' Petei-

The Houfe took into Confideration, the Coimcil's Amendments to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for ereding a Town at Hunting-Creek Warehoufe, in the County of Fairfax; and the fame were read, and agreed to. Ordered, That M'' Wafhington do go up with a Meffage to the Council, and acquaint them, That this Houfe have agreed to the Amendments by them made to the faid Bill, A Bill, intituled, An Ad, for reducing the Laws now in Force for laying a Duty upon Slaves, to be paid by the Buyers, into one Ad of Affembly, was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Braxton do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. Ordered, That the Call of the Houfe be put off 'til To-morrow. The Order of the Day being read, for the Houfe to refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the Bill, For encouraging the snaking and exporting Tar and Hemp: Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill,


Bill, intituled.

An Ad,

concerning the Public Prifons, and direding the Method

appointing the Keeper thereof, was read the Third Time.



That the Bill do pafs. That M"^ Benjamin Waller do carry the

Bill to

the Council, for their Con-


Bill, intituled,

An Ad

for Limitation of

Adions, and avoiding of Suits, was read

the Third Time.

That the Bill do pafs. That M'' Digges do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. Ordered, That M"" Peter Randolph, M"^ Fry, M'' Todd, M'' Whiting, M"" Benjamin Waller, and M"' Morton, be added to the Committee to whom it is referred to prepare and bring in a Bill, To amend the Ad, for regulating and fettling the current Rates of Gold Coin, and of Britifh Silver Coin, in this Dominion: And alfo tlie Ad, for the better regulating and afcertaining the current Rates of Silver Coin within this Dominion; and far preRefolved,


venting the evil Pradice of cutting Foreign Gold into Pieces.

And then

the Houfe adjourned


To-morrow Morning Ten










Peter Randolph, from the

Town near Warwick,



Committee to whom the Bill, For Eftablifhing in the County of Henrico, was committed, reported which the Committee had made thereto: And then

delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where they were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. Ordered, That M' Thomas Harrifon have Leave to be abfent from the Service of the Houfe, 'til Monday S'ennight.


For annexing


fame in the Feoffees of the faid

Lands to the Town of Tappahanock, and vefting the Town; and for other Pnrpofes therein mentioned, was read

a Second Time; and an Amendment made thereto at the Table. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed. M"' Whiting, from the Committee to whom the Bill, For reviving
venting Loffes from Drivers paffing with Cattle through this

the Ad, for preand for laying a Duty on Horfes imported, was committed, reported the Amendments which the Committee had made thereto; and then delivered the Bill, and Amendments, in at the Table. Ordered, That the Report do lie on the Table. Ordered, That M'' Wafhington have Leave to be abfent from the Service of the Houfe, for the Recovery of his Health. A Petition of Philip Swinhorne, an inlifted Soldier on the Late Expedition against Canada, was prefented to the Jloufe; fetting forth. That he had received a Wound by a Ball in that Service, which renders him unable to fu]jport himfelf and praying




the Queftion being put. That the Petitioner be relieved?



paffed in the Negative.




That the Petition be rejecled. intituled. An Ad, for the better Regulation

of the Militia,

was read the Third

That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Carter do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. The Houfe took into Confideration the Amendments made to the Bill, For eftablifhing Courts of Quarter Seffions in the Counties of Goochland, Albemarle, and Augufta; and for regulating and fettling the Proceedings therein; and the fame were read, and



That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. from the Committee of Propolitions and Grievances, reported, That the Committee had had tmder their Confideration, the Petition of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Common -Council, and Inhabitants of the Borough of Norfolk, to them referred, fetting forth. That after making the Act of Affembly for laying of! the Town oi Norfolk, and before the Incorporation thereof, the Inhabitants of the faid Town fo much increafed, that the Land laid off for the faid Town was not fuiiticient to contain them, and thofe
M"' Carter,

whereby many Perfons were obliged to feat with their Families and build upon the Lands adjoining the faid Town, as far as a Place called Town-Bridge: That afterguards the faid Town, and Lands contiguous thereto, as far as the faid TownBridge, by a Charter, bearing Date the 15th Day of September, 1736, were conftituted and erefted a Borough, by the Name of the Borough of Norfolk That foon after making the faid Adt of Affembly for laying off the faid Town, and before the Incorporation thereof, feveral Perfons purchafed all the Lands on and near a Street of the faid Town


reforted thither;

called Church-Street, leading to the faid Bridge,


refufe not only to

la\^ off


on the fame Lands, of the Breadth of thofe in the other Parts of the faid Borough, but aKo to build and make Improvements thereon, or fell any Part thereof, but for exorbitant Confiderations and praying that the Mavor, Aldermen, and Common-Council


Borough, or fome of them, be impowered to eftablifh the Bounds of the faid Borough, within the faid Tmvn-Bridge, by running a Line from the faid Bridge, a Weft Northweft Courfe to a marked Pine, between the Lands of Samuel Boiifh and Jofiah Smith, Gent, on the Head of Boufh's Creek; and thence by Boufh's Creek, to the Town-Back Creek; and to lay off the faid Lands within thofe Bounds to the faid Town, into Lots and Streets, and to remove all Houfes which may obftruA the laying
of the faid

and that the Proprietors of all vacant Lots now laid off, or hereafter to the faid Bounds, be obliged to build on, and improve, or fell the fame, within be laid off within a certain reafonable Time to be limited, or in cafe they fhall fail fo to do, that Commiffioners be appointed to \alue fuch vacant and unimproved Lots, and the ProofT

the fame

prietors thereof be obliged to accept fuch Valuation, or forfeit their Rights thereto; or that fuch other Remedy be provided, as to this Houfe fhall feem reafonable and had


to feveral Refolutions thereupon

Which he read

in his Place,

and then delivered

where they were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follow That fo much of the faid Petiton as relates to impowering the Mayor, Refolved, Aldermen, and Common -Council of the faid Borough, or fome of them, to eftablifh the Bounds of the faid Borough, and lay off the Lands within thofe Bounds into Lots and Streets, and to remove all Houfes which may obftruc^ the laying off the fame; be rein at the







of the faid Petition as relates to obliging the Proprietors of

vacant Lots


laid off, or hereafter to be laid off within the




to build on and improve, or

the fame, in a certain


to be limited;


for the faid Proprietors to build on and improve, or a reafonable Time. Refolved, That fo much of the faid Petition as relates to appointing Commiffioners to value the faid vacant and unimproved Lots, and obliging the Proprietors thereof to accept fuch Valuation, or forfeit their Rights thereto, in Cafe they fhall fail to improve

That Seven Years



the faid vacant Lots,



fuch Lots within the


aforefaid; be rejedled.


That a


be run from the Town-Bridge, a Weft North-Weft Courfe to

a marked Pine, between the Lands of Samuel Boiifh and Jofiah Smith, Gent, on the Head of Boufh's Creek; and thence by Boufh's, Creek, to the Town-Back Creek; and
that the Lands within those

Bounds be laid off to the faid Town, in Lots and Streets, by certain Perfons, and a Surveyor, to be appointed, who are no Ways concerned in
Intereft in the faid Borough.


That unless the feveral Proprietors

be laid

of the

vacant Lots aforefaid, now

laid off, or hereafter to

within the faid Bounds, fhall build on and improve,




the fame within the

Truftees of the faid Borough,

Time aforefaid, fuch Lots fhall be vefted in the Feoffees and and be by them fold; and that the Money arifing from

fuch Sales, be paid to the refpe<5live Proprietors of the faid Lots.

Ordered, That it be an Inftruction to the Committee to whom the Bill, For declaring who fhall he qualified and entitled to vote for a Burgefs for the Borough of Norfolk, is

committed. That they have Power to receive a Claufe or Claufes, purfuant to the faid
to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee, upon the Bill, making and exporting of Tar and Hemp And after fome Time fpent therein, M-- Speaker refumed the Chair; and M^ Carter, from the Committee, reported, That they had made feveral Amendments to the Bill, which he was diredled to report to the Houfe: And he read the fame in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table.

The Houfe, according


For encouraging

That the Report do lie on the Table. M^ Ludwell reported. That the Perfons appointed had. according to Order, treated with M' William Parks, for printing a new Impreffion of the Body of the Laws of this Colony, and had received his Propofals And he read the fame in his Place, and then delivered them in at the Table; where they were again read, and thereupon,


Pounds Current Money, be paid out of the Public William Parks, for printing and dehvering of the Laws of Virginia, on the fame fort of Letter and Paper as the laft complete Colledlion of the Laws was printed on, with the Arms of Virginia ftamp'd on each Book, to be compleatly finifhed by the loth Day of Jtme, in the Year And that the Sum of 400 Potinds be advanced to the faid William of our Lord 1751 Parks, upon his giving fuch Security to the Treafurer as fhall be by him approved of, to
of 1250

That the


Money in the Hands One Thoufand Books

of the Treafurer, to

refund the faid


perform the faid Service. That when the faid Books fhall be printed, one of them fhall be delivered to the Governor or Commander in Chief of this Dominion for the time being, one to each of the Members of his Majefty's Council, one to each of the Members of the floufe of Burgeffes, one to the Clerk of the Council, one to the Clerk of the Houfe of Burgeffes, one to the Clerk of the Secretary's Office, one to each of the Clerks of the County Courts, and Courts of Huftings, and the reft to be distributed among the Juftices of the respedlive Counties, not being Burgeffes, as aforefaid, as fhall be, by the Treafurer of this Colony for the Time being, directed. Ordered, That M"' Ludwell do carry the faid Refolves to the Council, and defire their


in Cafe of his Death, or Failure to

Bill, intituled.

An Ad,

for preventing

Frauds in


Cuftoms, and in Clearing of

Ships; for afcertaining Collectors and Naval Officers Fees;

the cafting of Ballaft or

and to prohibit and prevent dead Bodies, into Rivers or Creeks, was read the Third Time.

That the Bill do pafs. That M"' Whiting do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. An Ingroffed Bill, intituled, An Ad, for Licenfing Pedlars; and preventing Frauds in the Duties upon Skins and Furs, was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Peter Randolph do carry the Bill to the Council, for their ConcurRefolved,




And then

That the Call of the Houfe be put off 'til To-morrow. the Houfe adjourn 'd 'til To-morrow Morning Ten o 'Clock.






Whiting, from the Committee for Courts of Juftice, prefented to the Houfe And the a Bill, For Repealing feveral Ads of Affembly therein mentioned

fame was received, and read the



Time and Ordered


to be read a


M^ Bland, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill, For paying the BurAnd the fame was geffes Wages in Money for this prefent Seffion of Affembly: received, and read the Firft Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time. A Bill, intituled. An Ad, for annexing certain Lands to the Town of Tappahanock, and vefting the fame in the Feoffees of the faid Town; and other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M-- Dangerfield do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Meffage from the Council, in Relation to the Amendments by them adhered to, and by this Houfe difagreed to, to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, direding the Manner of granting Probats of Wills, and Adminiftration
of Inteftates Eftates;


That That


and thereupon Houfe doth recede from

their Difagreement to the faid



Bland do go up with a Meffage to the Council, and acquaint them



The Houfe proceeded
lation to the

to the Confideration of the Mefl'age


Amendments by them

and uniform Celebration of Divine Service;

chial Affairs;

on and on

to the Bill, intituled,

for the

from the Council, in ReAn A3, for the decent more orderly Management of Paro-


and thereupon, That this Houfe doth



on by the Covmcil to the faid Bill And them propofed to some of the faid Amendments. Ordered, That M"' Carter do go up with a Meffage to the Council, and acquaint them therewith; and that this Houfe defire they will pafs the Bill without the Amendments

Difagreement to the Amendments alfo, doth infift on the Amendments ])y

by them

and with the Amendments by this Hotafe infifted on. An Ingroffed Bill, intituled, An Ad, for Eftablifhing a Town mar Warwick, in the County of Henrico, was read the Third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That U'^ Boiling do carry the Bill to the Coimcil, for their Concurrence. A Meffage from the Council, by M' Walthoe: That the Council have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for reducing the Laws now in Force for laying a Duty upon Slaves, to be paid by the Buyers, into one Ad of Affemhly; with an Amendment. Alfo to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for the better Support of the College of William mi and Mary, with an Amendment; to which they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe. And that they have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for Limitation of Adions, and avoiding of Suits; without any Amendment. An Ingroffed Bill, intituled, An Ad, for making Promfion againft Invafions and Infurredions, was read the third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Digges do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. Ordered, That M"' Conway have Leave to be abfent from the Sen.4ce of the Houfe,
infifted on,

Saturday S'ennight.

The Houfe took

an Ad,

into Confideration the

to regulate

Amendments made

to the Bill,

To amend

An Ad,

Attornies pradifing in the County Courts, and the

granting Writs of Certiorari;


and the fame were read, and agreed to. with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. A Bill, for diffolving the Veftry of the Parifh of Cumberland, in the County of Lunenburg; and eleding a new Veftry in the faid Parifh; was read a Second Time; and an
That the

Amendment made

thereto at the Table.

for this prefent Seffion of Affembly,


That the Bill be Ingroffed. For paying the Burgeffes Wages in Money

was read a fecond Time. Ordered, That the Bill be Ingroffed. The Houfe took into Confideration the Amendments made by the Committee of the whole Houfe, to the Bill, For encouraging the making and exporting of Tar and Hemp; and the fame were read, and agreed to. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendment propofed by the C'ouncil, to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for the better Support of the College of William and Mary and the fame was read, and difagreed to. Ordered, That a Meffage be fent to the Council, to acquaint them. That this Houfe cannot agree to the Amendment by them propofed to the faid Bill and to defire that they will pafs the Bill without the Amendment And that M-" Fry do go up with the
; :

faid Meffage.

The Houfe


proceeded to the Confideration of the

Amendment propofed by


Council, to the Bill, intituled.



for reducing the


Duty upon Slaves, to be paid by was difagreed to.

the Buyers, into one


Laws now in Force for laying a of Affembly; and the fame being


That this and defire they will pafs the Bill without the Amendment. Upon a Motion made, That the Houfe do proceed to the Confideration of the Amendments made to the Bill, For reviving the Act, for preventing Loffes from Drivers pnffing ivith Cattle through this Colony; and for laying a Duty on Horfes imported; A Motion was made, That the faid Bill, with the Amendments, be committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe And the Queftion being put thereupon,

That M*- Braxton do go up with a Meffage to the Council, and acquaint them, Houfe cannot agree to the Amendment by them propofed to the faid Bill:


paffed in the Affirmative.







will refolve itfelf into

a Committee upon the faid


The Hoid^e accordingly refolved itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill, and Amendments: And after fome Time fpent therein, M"" Speaker refumed the Chair; and M' Carter, from the Committee, reported, That they had made an Amendment to the Amendments to the faid Bill, which they had directed him to report to the Houfe And he read the fame in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table; where it was again read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments as amended, be Ingroffed.


And then

That the Call of the Houfe be put off 'til To-morrow. the Houfe adjourn 'd 'til To-morrow Morning Ten o'Clock.




Wages in Money
for this prefent




An Ad,



the Bttrgeffes

Seffion of Affembly,

was read the third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"" Bland do carr}^ the Bill to the

Council, for their Concur-

A Bill, intituled, An Ad,, for diffolving the Veftry of the Parifh of Cumberland, in County of Lunenburg, and eleding a tiew Veftry in the faid Parifh, was read the third Time; and the Blanks in the Bill filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M'' Read do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. M'' Bland, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill, To amend an Ad, made in the firft Year of the Reign of King George the Firft, intituled, An Ad, for regulating and fettling the current Rates of Gold Coin, and of Britifh Silver Coin, in this Dominion; and alfo one other Ad, made in tltc firft Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, intituled. An Ad, for the better regulating and afcertaining the current Rates of Silver Coin within this Dominion, and for preventing the cx'il Pradice of cutting Foreign Gold into Pieces And the fame was received, and read the firft Time; and Ordered to be read a fecond Time. M'' Attorney, from the Committee to whom the Bill, for declaring who fhall he qualified atid entitled to vote for a Burgefs for the Borough of Norfolk, was committed, reported. That the Committee had made some Amendments to the Bill, which they had directed


to report to the

Houfe And he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered with the Amendments, in at the Table; where they were again read, and agreed

by the Houfe. Ordered, That the


with the Amendments, be Ingroffed.

for altering the

Method of holding Courts in the Counties of Brunfwick, Lunenburg, Frederick, Albemarle, and Augufta, was read the third Time: and the Blanks in the Bill filled up. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M^ Robert Jones, and the Members for Brunfwick, Lunenburg, Frederick, Albemarle, and Augufta, do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence.

Bill, intituled.




Meffage from the Council, by M^ Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Amendments

made by



to their



ments to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, concerning Seamen. That they adhere to one of their Amendments, difagreed to by this Houfe, to the that they recede from the reft of the Bill, For the effednal Supprcffion of Vice; and faid Amendments, and defire the Houfe will pafs the Bill with the Amendments by them

That they adhere to thofe of their Amendments as were difagreed to by this Houfe, to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for the decent and uniform Celebration of Divine Service, and for the more orderly Management of Parochial Affairs; and that they recede from their Difagreement to the Amendments by this Houfe propofed to the reft of their Amendments to the faid Bill; and defire that the Houfe will recede from their Difagreement to the Amendments by them adhered to. And that they agree to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for regulating the Eledions of Surge ffes; for fettling their Privileges; and for afcertaining their Allowances, with fome Amendments; to which they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe. That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for annexing certain Lands to the Town of Tappahanock, and vefting the fame in the Feeoffecs of the faid Town; and
for other

Purpofes therein mentioned:

Bill, intituled.

Ad, to dock the Intail of certain Lands whereof Carter and for fettling other Lands, of greater Value, to the fame Burwell is feized, in Tail-Mak; Ufes; without any Amendment. M'' Carter reported, That the Committee appointed to examine the Treafurers Accounts, and alfo the Accounts of Quarters for his Majefty's Forces bound to CapeBreton, and the Accounts of Difburfements on the Expedition intended againft Canada, to them referred, had had the fame under their Confideration, and examined all the feveral Articles, and the refpedlive Vouchers to them produced And that it appeared to the faid Committee, that the Treafurer's Accounts are truly ftated, and that the Ballance thereof is 5273 /. 2 5. loc^. to be carried to the credit of theTreafury, in his next Account; and alfo the further Sum of 1 74 /. 15. u d. charged in the General Accoimt of the Canady Expedition, for Arms delivered out of the Public Magazine And he read the Report in his Place, and then delivered the fame in at the Table. Ordered, That the Report do lie on the Table. An Ingroffed Bill, intituled, An Ad, for regulating the Pradice of Attornies, was read the third Time; and fome Amendments made thereto at the Table. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Bland do carry the Bill to the Cotmcil, for their Concurrence. Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, to encourage the Settlements on the Weftern Frontiers of this Colony And it is referred to M' Carter and M^ Fry to prepare and bring in the fame. Ordered, That M^ Turner have Leave to be abfent from the Service of the Houfe,
Alfo to the
: :



Saturday S'ennight.

Ad, for preventing Loffes from Drivers paffmg with this Colony, and for laying a Duty on Horfes imported; and the more effedual preventing Horfe-ftealing, was read the third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Whiting do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. An Ingroffed Bill, intituled. An Ad, for encouraging the making of Tar and Hemp; was read the third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M' Carter do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. Ordered, That the Call of the Houfe be put off 'til To-morrow. The Houfe took into Confideration, the Amendments propofed by the Council, to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for regulating the Eledions of Burgeffes; for fettling their
Bill, intituled,




Horfes and Cattle through



and the fame being read, fome of them and others difagreed to. Ordered, That M-- Carter do go up with Meffage to the Council, and acquaint them, That this Houfe have agreed to fome, and difagreed to others of the faid Amendments; and defire they will recede from the Amendments difagreed to by this Houfe, and pafs


for afcertaining their Allowances;

were agreed


the Bill with the


Amendments agreed to. then the Houfe adjoum'd 'til To-morrow Morning Ten o'Clock.




of the Houfe,

Hedgman THAT Monday


have Leave to be abfent from the Service



Meffage from the Coimcil, by M"' Walthoe: That the Council do adhere to their Amendments difagreed to by this Houfe to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for regulating the Eledions of Burgeffes; for fettling their Privileges; and for afcertaining their Allowances. And that they have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for the Support of the Clergy; and for the regular colleding and paying the Parifh Levies, with fome Amendments; to which they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe. An Ingroffed Bill, intituled, An Ad, declaring ivho fhall be qualified and entitled to vote for a Burgefs for the Borough of Norfolk; for fettling the Bounds of the faid Borough; and other Purpofes therein mentioned, was read the Third Time; and the Blanks in the
Bill filled up.

That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M"' Attorney do carry the Bill to the Council, for their Concurrence. M'' Ludwell, from the Committee of Privileges and Eleclions, reported. That the Committee had had under their Confideration the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Parifh of Cople, and County of Weftnior eland, to them referred, and had examined a Witnefs as to the Matter of the faid Petition, and heard as well the Petitioners for, as M"' Richard Lee againft, the faid Petition; whereupon it appeared to the Committee, That on the Day of the laft Eledtion of Burgeffes to ierve in this prefent General Affcnibly for the County of Weftmoreland, the faid Richard Lee applied to one Robert Middleton, a Free-holder of the faid County, at the Court-houfe, before he had been polled, and offered to him, that if he would give his Vote at the faid Eledion for M^ George lee, a Member of this Houfe, the Hon. Thomas Lee, Efq; a Member of the Veftry of the faid Parifh, would refign his Place in the faid Veftry, and the faid Robert Middleton might fucceed him To which the faid Robert Middleton anfwered, That if he could not come in at the fore Door, he would not come in at the back Door But that it does not appear to this Committee, that the fitting Member, or any other Perfon, defired the faid Richard Lee to apply to the faid Robert Middleton and afk him to vote for the fitting Member, or was privy to it Upon which the Committee had come to a Refolution, which they had directed him to report to the Houfe; and he read the fame in his Place, and then delivered the Report in at the Table, where it was again read, and agreed to by the

Houfe, as follows

That the faid Richard Lee, in offering the faid Robert Middleton, that if he would give his Vote at the Eledion of Burgeffes to ferve in this prefent General Affembly Thomas for the County of Weftmoreland, for M-" George Lee, the fitting Member, the Hon. Robert Lee, Efq; would refign his Place in the Veftry of the faid Parifh, and the faid Houfe. this of Privileges the of Middleton might succeed him, is guilty of a Breach Arms. Ordered, That the faid Richard Lee be taken into Cuftody of the Serjeant at M' Ludwell aho reported from the faid Committee, That they had had under their in this Confideration, the Returns of the feveral Writs for electing one Burgefs to fene


prefent General Affembly for each of the Counties of Henrico and York and had come to a Refolution thereupon And he read the fame in his Place, and then delivered it in
; :

at the Table;

where it was again read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows: That the Returns of the faid Writs are made in the Form prefcrib'd by


Arms, was prefented to the Houfe, and read; fetting forth. That he is under the deepeft Concern for having been guilty of a Breach of the Privileges of this Houfe; that his Offence was the Effect of his Ignorance; and that for the future, he would be careful to avoid every Thing of

Petition of Richard Lee, in Cuftody of the Sergeant at

and praying to be difcharg'd. That he be difcharg'd out of Cuftody, paying Fees. M"" Carter, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill, For encouraging the And the fame was received, and read the Firft Time. Settlement of the Western Frontiers A Motion being made. Ordered, That the faid Bill be immediately read a Second Time. And it was accordingly read a Second Time: and committed to a Committee of
the like Sort;

the whole Jioufe.





will refoh-e itfelf into

a Committee upon the faid


on Monday next. Ordered, That the Call of the Houfe be put off 'til Monday. And then the Houfe adjourn 'd 'til Monday Morning Ten o'Clock.





BILL, To amend an Ad, made in the Firft Year of the Reign of King George the Firft, intituled. An Ad, for regulating and fettling the current Rates of Gold Coin, and of Britifh Silver Coin, in this Dominion; and alfo o}te other Ad, made in the Firft Year of the Reign of his prefent Mafefty, intituled. An Ad, for the better regtdating ami afcertaining the current Rates of Silver Coin within this Dominion; and for preventing the ci'il Pradice of cutting Foreign Gold into Pieces, was read a Second Time; and committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe. Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill. Tomorrow. A Meffage from the Coimcil, by M' Walthoe: That the Council do recede from their Amendment to the for the better Support of the College of William and Mary. That they adhere to their Amendments to the Bill, intituled,


Bill, intituled.



An Ad,

for reducing the

Laws now in Force


for laying a

Duty upon

Slaves, to be paid by the Buyers, into one



That they have agreed to the Cuftoms, and in Clearing of Ships;


Bill, intituled,

An Ad,

for preventing

Frauds in


for afcertaining Colledors

and Naval

Officers Fees;


and prevent


cafting of Ballaft or dead Bodies, into Rivers or Creeks;

with fome Amendments:



Bill, intituled,

An Ad,

for regulating the


of Attornies;

with fome



to the

Bill, intituled.




Duties upon Skins and Furs, with fome

Licenfmg Pedlars; and preventing Frauds in Amendments; to which they defire the

Concurrence of this Houfe. The Order of the Day being read, for the

upon the



JJ.oufe to refolve itfelf into a Committee For encouraging the Settlement of the Weftem Frontiers; That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill,

on Monday next.
Relation to the

The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Meffage from the Council, in Amendments by them propofed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for Reducing


ing the


upon Slaves, to be paid by the Buyers, into one thereupon, and of Affembly; Refolved, That this Iloufe doth adhere to their Difagreement to the faid Amend-

Laws now

in force for laying a Duty


proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendments propofed by the Council, to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for regulating the Pradice of Attornies and the fame being read, one of them was agreed to, and the others difagreed to. Ordered, That M' Bland do go up with a Meffage to the Council, and acquaint them. That this Houfe have agreed to one of the Amendments by them propofed to the faid

The Houfe

and difagreed to the others and to defire they will pafs the Bill with the Amendment agreed to. The Houfe alfo took into confideration, the Amendments propofed by the Coimcil to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for Licenfing Pedlars; atid preventing Frauds in the Duties upon Skins and Furs; and the fame being read, were difagreed to. Ordered, That ^I'' Fry do go up with a Meffage to the Council, and acquaint them. That this Houfe cannot agree to the Amendments by them propofed to the faid Bill; and defire they will pafs the Bill without the Amendments. The Houfe alfo took into Confideration, the Amendments propofed by the Council, to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for preventing Frauds in the Cuftoms, aiid in Clearing of Ships; for afcertaining Colledors atid Naval Officers Fees; and to prohibit and prevent the cafiing Ballaft or dead Bodies into Rivers or Creeks; and the fame being read, were difagreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That M"' Whiting do go up with a Meffage to the Council, and acquaint them, That this Houfe cannot agree to the Amendments by them propofed to the faid Bill; and defire that they will pafs the Bill without the Amendments. The Houfe alfo took into Confideration, the Amendments propofed by the Council to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for the Support of the Clergy; and for the regular colleding and paying the Parifh Ijevies; and the fame being read, one of them was agreed to, and the

others difagreed to.

Ordered, That M'' Fry do go up with a Meffage to the Council, and acquaint them, That this Houfe have agreed to one, and difagreed to the others, of the faid Amendments; and defire they will pafs the Bill with the Amendment agreed to. The Houfe alio took into Confideration, the Meffage from the Council, in Relation to their Amendments difagreed to by the Houfe to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for the effedual Suppreffion of Vice; and thereupon, Refolved, That this Houfe doth adhere to their Difagreement to the faid Amend-


The Houfe alfo took into Confideration, the Meffage from the Council, in Relation Amendments difagreed to by this Houfe, to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for the decent and uniform Celebration of Divine Service, a}td for the more orderly Management of Parochial Affairs; and thereupon, Refolved, That this Houfe doth adhere to their Disagreement to the faid Amendto their


That the Committee


ing and amending the


Laws now in

force, for laying

Trade do prepare and bring in a Bill, For continua Duty upon Slaves, to be paid by the

Meffage from the Council, by M"" Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad,

for altering the


of hold-

ing Courts in the Counties of Brunfwick, Lunenburg, Frederick, Albemarle, and Augufta, with fome Amendments to which they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe. And that they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for preventing Loffes from

Drivers paffing with Horfes and Cattle through this Colony; afid for laying a Duty on Horfes itnported, and the more effedual preventing Horfe-ftealing:




to the

Bill, intituled,

An Ad,

concerning the Public Prifons, and direding the

appointing the Keeper thereof; without any Amendment. The Houfe took into Confideration, the Amendments propofed by the Council, to the intituled, An Ad, for altering the Method of holding Courts in the Counties of Brunfof

wick, Lunenburg, Frederick, Albemarle, and Augufta;

and the fame being

read, were



That M"" Jones do acquaint the Council, That this Houfe have agreed to the Amendments by them propofed to the faid Bill. A Meffage from the Council, by M-^ Walthoe: That the Council do recede from their Amendments, difagreed to by this Houfe, to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for regulating the Pradice of Attornies; and have paffed



without the Amendments.


That the Call of the Koufe be put off 'til To-morrow. And then the Houfe adjourn 'd 'til To-moiTOw Morning Ten o'Clock.






That the Bill be Ingroffed. Meffage from the Council, by M"' Walthoe: That the Council do infift on one, and recede from the others of their Amendments to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for the Support of the Clergy; and for the regular colleding and paying the Parifh Levies. That they infift on their Amendments to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for preventing

BILL, For repealing




Affembly therein mentioned, was read a Second

Cuftoms, and in Clearing of Ships; for afcertaining Colledors and Naval Officers Fees; and to prohibit and prevent the cafting of Ballaft or dead Bodies, into Rivers

Frauds in
or Creeks.


Bill, intituled, An Ad, for Licenfing upon Skins and Furs. That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for making Provifion againft Invafions and Infurredions; without any Amendment. And that they have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for Eftablifhing a Toivn near Warwick, in the County of Henrico; without any Amendment. The Houfe took into Confideration, the Meffage from the Council, in Relation to the Amendments by them infifted on to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for preventing Frauds in the Cuftoms, and in Clearing of Ships; for afcertaining Colledors and Naval Officers Fees; and to prohibit and prevent the cafting Ballaft or dead Bodies, into Rivers or Creeks; and the faid Amendments were read, and one of them agreed to, and the others

That they


on their Amendments to the

Pedlars; and preventing Frauds in the Duties

difagreed to.

That this and infift

That M"' Whiting do go up with a Meffage to the Council, and acquaint them, Houfe doth recede from their Difagreement to one of the faid Amendments, on their Difagreement to the others and defire they will pay the Bill with the

Amendments agreed to. The Houfe alfo took

to the
Bill, intituled.

into Confideration, the

for the



on by the Council,

Support of the Clergy; and for the regular Colleding and paying the Parifh Levies; and thereupon, Refolved, That this Houfe doth recede from their Difagreement to the faid Amendments.

An Ad,

That M' Fry do go up with a Meffage to the Council, and acquaint them
alfo took into Confideration, the


The Houfe



on by the Council,

to the Bill, intituled.

An Ad,

for Licenfing Pedlars;

and preventing

Fra-iids in the Duties

upon Skins and Furs

and thereupon,



That this Houfe doth infift on their Difagreement to the aid Amendments That M^ Fry do go ui^ with a Meffage to the Council, and acquaint them



The Houfe, according to Order, refolved itfelf into a Committee, upon the Bill, An Ad, to amend an Ad, made in the Firft Year of the Reign of King George Firft, intituled. An Ad, for regulating and fettling the current Rates of Gold Coin, and
Coin, in this Dominion; and alfo one other Ad,

of Britifh Silver

made in

the Firft




of his prefent Majefty, intituled.

An Ad, for the better regulating and afcertaining



Dominion; and for preventing the evil Pradice of And after fome Time fpent therein, Speaker refumed the Chair; and M'' Carter, from the Committee, reported, That they had made feveral Amendments to the Bill, which they had directed him to report to the Houfe: And he read the fame in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table where they were again read, and agreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be Ingroffed.

the current Rates of Silver

Coin within

cutting Foreign Gold into Pieces:



Bill, intituled,

An Ad,

for repealing feveral


of Affenibly therein

mentioned, was read the Third Time.

That the Bill do pafs. That M"- Whiting do carry the Bill to the Council, Refolved, That the feveral Sums following, be paid to the General Affembly refpedlively, viz.


for their Concurrence.

feveral Officers of the


To To To To

Peter Randolph, Clerk,


the faid Clerk, for his further Allowance, the faid Clerk, for Pens, Ink, and Paper, for three Seffions, the faid Clerk, for tranfcribing four Copies of the Laws, and Journals, to be tranfmitted to England,


To Nathaniel Walthoe, Clerk of the Council, To the faid Clerk, for Copies of the Journals, to be tranfmitted to England, To the Clerk of the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, To the Clerk of the Committee of Trade, To Thomas Hall, Serjeant at Arms, To the Rev. M"" Thomas Daw fon, Chaplain, To James Lavie,





Thomas Broadrib,
Richard Francis, Robert Wager,

Doorkeepers, each,


To John Collet, Doorkeeper to the Coimcil, To the faid Collet, for cleaning the Houfe, To Benjamin Watkins, for his extraordinary



That jM"" Carter do carry the Refolve to the Council, for their Concurrence. A Meffage from the Council, by M"" Walthoe That they recede from their Amendments to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for preventing Frauds in the Cuftoms, and in Clearing of Ships; for afcertaining Colledors aiid Naval Officers Fees; and to prohibit the cafting Ballaft, or dead Bodies, into Rivers or Creeks. That they adhere to their Amendments difagreed to by this Houfe, to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for Licenfing Pedlars, and preventing Frauds in the Duties upon Skins and Furs. That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, direding the Tryal of Slaves committing Capital Crimes, and for the more effedual punifhing Confpiracies and Infiirredions of them; and for the better Government of Negroes, Mulattoes, and Indians, bond or free, with fome Amendments; to which they defire the Concurrence of this


Bill, intituled, An Ad, for encouraging the making Amendments. any without of Tar and Hemp; The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendments propofed b}- the ComiAn Ad, direding ihi Tryal of Slaves committing Capital Crimes; cil, to the Bill, intituled, them; and for the and for the more effedual punifhing C onfpiracies and I nfiirredions of or And the fame were bond free: Indians, and better governing of Negroes, Mnlattoes,


that they have agreed to the


and difagreed to by the Houfe. Ordered, That M' Ltidivell do go up with a Meffage to the Council, and acquaint by them propofed to the fa id them, That this Houfe cannot agree to the Amendments Amendments. the Bill without Bill; and defire that they wall pafs the the Meffage from the Council, in Confideration, their into took alfo The Houfe to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for to, adhered them by Relation to the Amendments upon Skins and Furs; and Duties the Licenfing Pedlars, and preventing Frauds in

Refolved,That this Houfe doth adhere to their Difagreement to the faid Amendments. A Meffage from the Council, by M"- Walthoe: That they adhere to their Amendments, difagreed to by this Houfe, to the Bill,
direding the Tryal of Slaves committing Capital Crimes; and for th^ more effedual punifhing Confpiracies and Lnfurredions of tliem; and for the better governing of Negroes, Mulattoes, a'nd Indians, bond or free.

An Ad,

That they agree to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for the better Regulation of the Militia, with fome Amendments; to which they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe. And that they have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for obliging tlie County of Goochland, a^id ParifJies of St. James Northam, and Southam, to re-pay tlw County of Albemarle, and Parifh of St. Ann's, a Sum of Money and Tobacco, titerein mentioned; without any Amendment. The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendments propofed by the Council, to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for th^ better Regulation of the Militia; and the fame were read, and fome of them agreed to, and the others difagreed to. Ordered, That IVP Carter do go up with a Meffage to the Coimcil, and acquaint them. That this Houfe have agreed to fome of the Amendments by them propofed to the faid Bill, and difagreed to others; and defire that they w-ill pafs the Bill with the

Amendments agreed to. The Houfe alfo took into Confideration, the Meffage from the Coimcil, in Relation to the Amendments by them adhered to, to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, direding the
Tryal of Slaves committing Capital Crimes; for the more effedual punifhing Confpiracies and lnfurredions of them; and for the better governing of Negroes, Mulattoes, and Indians,

bond or



and thereupon, That this Houfe doth recede from

their Difagreement to the faid


Ordered, That M' Ludwell do go up with a Meffage to the Council, and acquaint them therewith. Ordered, That M"^ Robert Joties, to whom it is referred to prepare and bring in a

purfuant to the Petition of Unity Dandridge,

Widow of William


deceafed, for docking the Intail of certain

Lands therein mentioned, be difcharged

from bringing in the fame. A Meffage from the Council, by M"^ Walthoe: That they have agreed to the BiH, intituled. An Ad, for infpeding Pork, Flour, Tar, Pitch, and Turpentine; without any Amendment.


And that they have agreed to the Refoh-e, for paying the Officers an Amendment: to which they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe.

Salaries, with

Braxton, according to Order, prefented to the Houfe a Bill, for laying a Duty upon Slaves, to be paid by the Buyers And the fame was receiA-ed, and read the Firft

Time; and Ordered to be read a Second Time.



The Houfe proceeded

difagreed to.

to the Confideration of


Council, to the Refolve, for paying the Officers Salaries

Amendment propol'ed by the And the fame being read, was

Ordered, That M Carter do go up with a Meffage to the Council, and acquaint them, That this Houfe cannot agree to the Amendment by them propofed to the faid refolve and defire they will pafs the fame without the faid Amendment. Ordered, That the Call of the Houfe be put off 'til To-morow. A Bill. For laying a Duty upon Slaves, to be paid by the Buyers, was read a vSecond



That the Bill be Ingroffed. then the Houfe adjourn 'd 'til To-morrow Morning Ten o'Clock.





Rates of Gold Coin, and of Britifh Silver Coin, in this Dominion; and alfo one other Ad, made in the firft Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, intituled, An Ad, for the better regulating and afcertaining the current Rates of Silver Coin within this Dominion, and for preventing the evil Pradice of cutting Foreign Gold into Pieces; was read the
third Time.


BILL, intituled, An Ad, King George tlw Firft,



amend an Ad, made in the firft Year of the Reign of An Ad, for regulating ami fettling tlw current

That the Bill do pafs. That M'' Bland do carrj^ the Bill to the Coimcil, for their Concurrence. A Meffage from the Council, by M"" Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Refolves in Relation to the Printing a new Bod>the Laws of Virginia, with an Amendment: to which they defire the Concurrence


House. That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad, for diffolving the Veftry of the Parifh of Cumberland, in the County of Lunenburg; and eleding a neiv Veftry in faid Parifh; without any Amendment. And that they do adhere to their Amendments difagreed to by this Houfe, to the
of this
Bill, intituled.



for the better Regulation of the Militia.

The Houfe proceeded


to the Confideration of the

to the Refolves in Relation to the Printing

Amendment propofed by the Couna new Body of the Laws of Virginia;


and the fame being read, was difagreed to. Ordered, That M'' Burwell do go up with a Meffage to the Council, and acquaint them, That this Houfe cannot agree to the Amendment by them propofed to the faid Refohes; and defire they will pafs the fame without the Amendment. The Houfe took into Confideration the Meffage from the Council, in Relation to the Amendments by them adhered to, to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for tlte better Regulatim of tlie Militia; and thereupon, Refolved, That this Houfe doth adhere to their Difagreement to the faid Amendment.
Meffage from the Council, by M"' Walthoe: That they do adhere to their Amendment difagreed to by this Houfe, to the Refolve in Relation to the printing a new Body of the Laws of Virginia. The Houfe immediately proceeded to the Confideration of the faid Meffage and




Houfe doth adhere to

their Difagreement to the faid





Bill, intituled.

An Ad,

for laying a

Duty upon

Slaves, to be paid by

the Buyers,


was read the third Time. That the Bill do pafs. Ordered, That M-- Braxton do carr>' the

Bill to

the Council, for their Concurrence.

Meffage from the Council, by M-- Walthoe: That they do adhere to their Amendment to the Refolve for paying the Officers


that they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for repealing feveral Ads nmitioned; without any Amendment. of Affemhly therein M' Whiting reported, That the Committee appointed, had examined feme of the therein; and that they Inrolled Bills; and reftified fuch Miftakes as had been found


are truly Inrolled.




Whiting do carry the faid Inrolled

Bills to the Council, for their

Infpedion. A Meffage from the Council, by M-- Walthoe: That they have infpeded the Inrolled Bills, and are fatisfied they are truly Inrolled. A Meffage from the Governor, by M' Walthoe:


The Governor commaitds the immediate Attendance of this Horife. Speaker and Houfe went up accordingly; and the Governor was pleafed to

give his Affent to the Following Public

and Private


An Ad,

for fettling the Titles

and Bounds

Lands; and

for preventing

unlawful Hunting

and Ranging.
Declaring Slaves
to be

Perfonal Eftate; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned.

For For

the Diftribution of Inteftates Eftates.

the better

Direding the
tates Eftates.

Management and Security of Orphans, and their Eftates. Manner of granting Probats of Wills, and Adminiftration
the General Court,

of Intef-

For Eftablifhing
ing therein.


for regulating


settling the Proceed-

For Eftablifhing County Courts, and


for regulating aitd

fettling the


To prevent frivolous and vexatiotis Suits. For Limitation of Adions, and avoiding of Suits. Prefcribing the Method of appointing Sherifs, and
Continuance in

for limiting the


of their

Concerning Juries.
concerning Executions; and for Relief of Infolvent Debtors. Direding the Method of Tryal of Criminals for Capital Offences; and for oth^r
Declaring the



Purpofes therein mentioned. Concerning Servants and Slaves.

For For

the better fecuring the

Payment of Rents, and preventing the fraudulent Pradices

of Ferries;

of Tennants.
the Settlement

and Regulation




of Public


Concerning Seamen.

For the better fecuring the Payment of Levies, and Reftraint of Vagrants; and making Provifion for the Poor. Direding the Duty of Surveyors. For preventing Trefpaffes by unruly Horfes, Cattle, Hogs, Sheep, or Goats, and by taking away Boats or other Veffels.
Concerning Tithables.

To prevent

the Candeftine Tranfportation or carrying of

Perfons in Debt, Servants

and Slaves, out of this Colony. For preventing of Abufes in Tobacco fhipped on Freight. To prevent the Tending of Seconds.
Prefcribing the Method for proving Book-Debts.

Concerning Water-Mills.



Por appo-inting Public Store-houfes, and afcertaining the Prices Concerning High-Ways, Mill-Dams, and Bridges. For clearing Rivers and Creeks. For regulating Ordinaries, and Reftraint of Tippling-houfes. For preventing exceffive and deceitful Gaining.
Concerning Marriages.

of Storage.

Protefted Bills of Exchange, and for the better Recovery of Debts due on Promiffory Notes; and for the Affignment of Bonds,

For afcertaining


Damage upon

and Motes. For dividing the County of Orange. For dividing the County of Goochland. The Houfe took into Confideration the Meffage from the Cotmcil, in Relation to the Amendment by them adhered to, to the Refohe for paying the Ofificers Salaries; and



this Iloufe

doth adhere to their Difagreement to the faid Amend-


Upon a Motion made,

That Peyton Randolph, Efq; Philip Ludwell, Beverley Whiting, Carter Burwell, and Benjamin Waller. Gent, or any Three of them, be appointed to colledl the Laws of Virginia, as they are now revifed; and to agree with fome Perfon to make a proper Index to them And alfo to agree with William Parks for Printing One Thousand Books, in the fame Letter, and on the fame Sort of Paper, as the laft complete Collection of the Laws was printed, ^\ith the Arms of Virginia ftamped on each Book, to be compleatly finifhed by the loth Day of June, in the Year 175 1, and deliver one to the Governor or Commander in Chief of this Dominion for the Time being, one to each of the Members of his Majefty's Council, and the prefent Houfe of Burgeffes, one to the Clerk of the General Affembly, one to the Clerk of the Houfe of Burgeffes, one to the Clerk of the Secretary's Office, and one to each County Court Clerk, and the reft among the Juftices of the refpedlive County Courts, not being Burgeffes, as the Treafurer fhall dire(5t. Ordered, That M'' Attorney do caiTy the Refolve to the Council, for their Concurrence. Ordered, That the Call of the Houfe be adjourn 'd 'til To-morrow. And then the Houfe adjourn 'd 'til To-morrow Morning Ten o'Clock.





of the


Houfe took into Confideration the Report





Treafurer 's Accounts were referred; and the faid Report was read, and agreed


by the Houfe. Refolved, That the faid Accounts do pafs. That M"' Carter do carry the faid Accounts to the

Council, for their Concur-

Upon a Motion,
Ordered, That an Addrefs be made to his Honour the Governor, to lay before the Houfe the Commiffion from his Majefty to the Right Hon. the Lord Albemarle, for appointing him Governor and Commander in Chief of this Dominion: And that M'' Ludwell, Carter, j\I'" Beverley, M"^ Braxton, M'' Peter Randolph, and M"' Blatid, do wait on his Honour with the faid Addrefs. M'' Carter informed the Houfe, That he had in his Hand a Virginia Gazette, in which are contained fome Things that he thought highly refledled on the Proceedings of this Houfe And he read the fame, as follows



Council-Chamber, March 27, 1749-

Ordered by the Council, That' the following Reprefentation and Refolutions. made and agreed to this Day, with refpect to the Refolves of the Houfe of Burgeffes, in

Relation to their pretended Right of fearching the Journals of the Upper Houfe of Affembly, be printed in the next Virginia Gazette. N. Walihoe, CI. G. A.


the Coiincil have often demonftrated the fincereft Difpofition to preferve a 'good Correfondence with the Houfe of Burgeffes, and always paid a due Regard
'to their juft

Rights, they are the more aftonifh'd at the Refolves in their of the lothand 14th of this Inftant; by which the Council Journals 'printed 'ftand accufed, without the leaft Shadow of Reafon or Juftice, of having violated an

'undoubted Right and Privilege of their Houfe. 'Had the Burgeffes, agreeably to the Parliamentary Method, before they made thofe 'hafty Refolves, vouchfafed to defire the Reafons of the Council's Conduct, they could 'not have had any Thing to objedl to it, and would have received the fulleft Satisfadlion.

'Whenever either Houfe has been diffatisfied with the other. Conferences have been 'ufually defir'd, and the Subjecft Matter of Difpute amicably debated; and thereby 'Mifunderftandings commonly redlify'd, and that Harmony and good Agreement, which 'ought always to subfift between them, cultivated and maintained. 'But fmce the Burgeffes have prefum'd to rim coimter to this ancient, decent, and 'eftablifh'd Method, having probably had nothing lefs in their Thoughts than a becom'ing refpedl, and perhaps conscious that they had adled in Oppofition to Reafon and 'Precedent; the Coimcil find themfelves under the unpleafmg Neceffity of publickly 'vindicating the Legality of their Proceeding, which has been reflecfted upon with fuch
'miftaken Heat, and unparrallel'd Severity.


'The Queftion
'of the


Whether the Burgeffes have an undoubted Right


fearch the Journals


Houfe, without their Leave?

'The Council fay, That the conftant and iminterrupted Pradlice is the Law of 'Parliament; that this pretended Right now claim 'd by the Burgeffes, was imknown to
'any preceeding Affembly; that the regular Courfe to obtain a knowledge of their Pro'ceedings, in any Matters tranfacfted in their Houfe, is by a Meffage, to defire to be inform 'd

and infift upon this Method being agreeable to the Proceedings of Affembly, warranted by precedent; and what the Burgeffes could never have doubted of, 'had they confulted their own Journals. The Council, to confirm their Affertion, and 'prevent all future Controverfy, have thought proper to exhibit the following Copies



their Journals.

'In their Journal of the 20th of

June, 1730, there




"A Meffage from the Houfe of "May it pleafe your Honours,

"The Houfe
"on Thurfday



Kemp, and


of Burgeffes being inform'd.

That a Paper was entered


your Journal,

by Richard Fitzwilliams, Efq; containing feveral unjuft and injuand Calumnies upon them and their Proceedings, highly derogatory "to the Honour of the Houfe, and in open Breach and Violation of their undoubted "Rights and Privilges, have ordered us to defire your Honours to fend them a Copy of "that Paper, as it is enter'd upon your Journals." 'The Council immediately took the Meffage into Confideration and after Debate 'thereon, the Queftion was put. That the Copy of the Journal of Thurfday laft, so far 'as relates to Richard Fitzwilliams, Efq; be fent to the Houfe of Burgeffes?
"rious Refledlions


paffed in the Affirmative.

'And a Copy was accordingly fent to the Houfe of Burgeffes, by the Clerk of the General
M"" John Randolph (who drew the Meffage) Clerk, both eminent Lawyers, well acquainted with Parliamen-

'This Precedent

was made when M' Holloway was Speaker, and

tary Affairs, jealous and careful of the Privileges of the Houfe of Burgeffes.
is on the Council's Journal John Randolph was Speaker, as follows

'The next Precedent

of the 25th of Auguft, 1736,



the Houfe of Burgeffes, by M' Willis, and others "That they defir'd to know what their Honours had done with the Bill, fent up "from their Houfe, intituled, An Ad, for Repealing the Ad, intituled, An Ad, for aniend"ing the Staple of Tobacco; and for preventing Frauds in his Majefty's Ctiftoms, &c. "Ordered, That the Clerk of the General Affembly go to the Houfe of Burgeffes, "and acquaint them, in Anfwer to the faid Meffage, That the Council have had under "their Confideration the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for repealing the Ad, for amending the "Staple of Tobacco; and for preventing Frauds in his Majefty's Cuftoms: And Two other "Adls, to amend and explain, and for continuing and further amending that Adl; and "having read the fame twice, upon a Queftion put, for reading it a third Time,
"It paffed in the Negative.'

"A Meffage from



'Thefe Inftances inconteftably prove whofe Rights have been invaded, unanfwerably what the prefent Houfe of Burgeffes ought to have done, and fufficiently juftify

'the Proceedings of the Council,


thefe their Refolves.


That the

Privileges claim 'd

'the 14th of this Inftant


by the Houfe of Burgeffes, in their Refolve of new, unknown to their Predeceffors, and inconfiftent

'with the Conftitution.

That it is the Right of the Comicil to keep the Poffeffion of their own 'Journals and the demanding their Journals by the Meffengers of the Houfe of Burgeffes, 'as they report to their Houfe the loth of this Inftant March, is a Breach of the Privilege 'of the Council; and that the Refolve of the Houfe of Burgeffes of the 14th alfo of this

'Inftant March, without afking a Conference, is injurious to the Council, unparliamentary, 'and a notorious Infringement of their indubitable Rights. N. Walthoe, CI. G. A.'


it is


That there is contained in the faid Gazette, a malicious and fcandalous Libel, highly and injuriously reflefting upon the Proceedings of this Houfe. Ordered, That William Parks, Printer of the faid Paper, be immediately taken into Cuftody of the Serjeant at Arms, and brought to the Bar of this Houfe, to be examined. William Parks, Printer of the Virginia Gazette, was brought to the Bar of the Houfe, That on Thurfday Evenin Cuftody of the Sergeant at Arms; and being examined, faid. had been the Two prehe (where York, ing, the 30th of March, when he retum'd from with the Gaceeding Days) upon enquiring of his Servants what Forwardnefs they were in told him, that there was an order from zette, to be publifh'd that Night, William Hunter

that Day's Gazette; the Council, brought by John Collet, the Doorkeeper, to be printed in it away. He foon carried home, but that the faid Collet being inform 'd he was not at Hunter, which were inclofed after retum'd, and delivered the faid Orders to William Orders from the and direded to William Parks, Printer of the Virginia Gazette, with open the Seal, fhould Abfence, his Council, that whoever managed his Bufmefs in CI. G. A. Walthoe, N. and print their Orders in the next Gazette; which Orders were fign'd and were accordingly printed, tho' not publifhed at that Time. them. Carter do go up with a Meffage to the Council, and acquaint

That M'


Printer of the Virginia That the Houfe of Burgeffes having ordered William Parks, the publifhing in the faid Paper, a maUGazette to be taken into Cuftody, for printing and refieding on the Proceedings of cious and fcandalous Libel, highly and injuriously at the Bar, hath declared, Examination the Houfe of Burgeffes, the faid Printer, upon his of the Council; but as the That he printed and publifhed the fame by the exprefs Order Language, and the Author or Authors faid Libel is wrote in such abusive and indecent (not to fay wholly ignorant of) Parliathereof appear to be fo little acquainted with beneath the character affumed mentary Proceedings; and as it is unparliamentary and common News-Paper, the Houfe by the Council, to have their Proceedings printed in a it fo gross a an Affertion that carries of Burgeffes are unwilling to give Credit to Council and therefore defire they will mRefiedlion on the Wif dom and Honour of the that the Houfe of Burgeffes may conit was done by their Diredion,

form them, whether

fider in

what Manner they


proceed againft the Prmter.


M' Ltidwell reported, That the Perfons appointed had, according to Order, addreffed the Governor to lay before the Houfe Lord Albemarle''-, Commif fion and that his Honour was pleafed to isij, that he would order the Clerk of the Council to deliver the faid Commiffion by a Meffage to the Houfe, or in Cafe that could not be found, that Lord Orkmy's,

Commiffion fhould be



W Speaker,

Meffage from the Governor, by


by his Honour tltc Governor, to lay before the Houfe the Commiffion Lord Orkney Governor of Virginia. appointing from his Majefty for The fame being read, Ordered, That the Thanks of this Houfe be returned to the Governor, for laying the

am commanded

Commiffion before the Houfe; and that the Perfons ordered to addrefs him for the fame, do wait on his Honour for that Purpofe. A Meffage from the Council, by M' Walthoe: That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled. An Ad, for paying the Burgeffes Wages in Money, for this prefent Seffion of Affembly; without any Amendment. That they have agreed to the Refolve, in Relation to Printing a new Body of the Laws of Virginia; without any Amendment. And that they have paffed the Treafurer's Accounts. And that he was ordered to deliver the following written Meffage


The Council do avow the Paper, at which your Houfe hath taken fuch great Offence, to be their Reprefentation and Refolves; and that the fame were printed by William Parks by their exprefs Command: And do infift, notwithftanding the indecent Language you have been pleafed to treat them with, that the fanie are Parliamentary, and contain only a Juftification of the Council, which they were forc'd into, by fome Itafty Refolves of your They further inform your Houfe, that Reafon and Argument are not to be borne Houfe. a down by Torrent of abufe and Detradion; and if your Houfe think that the Reprefentation and Refolves will not ftand the Teft of Reafon and Precedent, you may anfwer them if you

N. Walthoe,


C. A.

M'' Whiting reported, That the Committee appointed had, according to Order, examined the reft of the InroUed Bills, and redlified fuch Miftakes as had been found therein; and that the faid Bills are truly InroUed. Ordered, That M"^ Whiting do carry the InroUed Bills to the Council, for their In-


The Houfe took


into Confideration the written Meffage

from the Council; and

Ordered, That a Committee be appointed to prepare an anfwer to the faid Meffage and it is accordingly referred to M'^ Carter, M'' Benjamin Waller, and M'' Ltidwell, and that they do immediately withdraw and prepare the fame. A Meffage from the Council, by M'' Walthoe: That they have infpedled the InroUed Bills, and are fatisfied they are truly InroUed. Ordered, That M'' William Parks be difcharged out of Cuftody of the Serjeant at


Arms, without paying Fees. A Meffage from the Governor, by M"" Walthoe: M^ Speaker, The Governor commands the immediate Attendance
to give his Affent to the following Public

of this

Houfe in




M^ Speaker, with the Houfe, went up accordingly; and the Governor was pleafed and Private Bills Ad, for the Support of the Clergy, and for the regular colleding and paying the Parifh



the better

Support of

the College of

William and Mary.


For preventing Frauds in the Cuftoms, aiid in Clearing of Ships; for afcertaining Colkdors and Naval Officers Fees; and to prohibit and prevent the cafting Ballaft, or
dead Bodies, into Rivers or Creeks.


reftrain the taking of exceffive Ufury.

the Tryal of Slaves committing Capital Crimes,



for the

punifhing Confpiracies

and Infurredions

of them; and for the



more effedual Government of

Negroes, Mulattoes, and Indians, bond or

Concerning the Public Prifons, and direding





appointing the Keeper

For encouraging Adventurers in Iron-Works. For regulating the Pradice of Attornies. For encouraging the making of Tar and Hemp. For making Provifion again ft Invafions and Infurredions. For annexing certain Laitds to the Town of Tappahanock, and vefting the fame in the Feoffees of the faid Town; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned. To dock the Intail of certain Lands whereof Carter Burwell is feized, in Tail-Male; and for fettling other Lands of greater Value, to the fame Ufes. To impower the Truftees of Leed'5-Town, to make a Caufway through the Marfh oppofite tltereto; and for appointing a Public Ferry. For Eftablifhing a Town in Auguf ta County, and alloiving Fairs to be kept tlterein. For dividing the County of Ifle of Wight into Two diftind Counties; and for
other Purpofes therein mentioned.

Por obliging the County of Goochland, and Pariflies of St. James Northam, and Southam, to re-pay the County of Albemarle, and Parifli of St. Anne, a Sum of Money and Tobacco, therein mentioned. For Ereding a Town in the County of Prince-William. To reftrain the keeping too great a Number of Horfes and Mares, and for amending
the Breed.

Giving a Reward for killing Wolves. A gain ft Stealing Hogs. For preventing Loffes from Drivers paffing with Horfes and Cattle through this more effedual preventing Colony; and for laying a Duty on Horfes imported; and the


For infpeding Pork, Beef, Flour, Tar, Pitch, and Turpentine. Fairfax, For altering the Method of holding Courts, in the Counties of Brunfwick, Lunenburg, Frederick, Albemarle, and Augufta. Walkerton; and To prevent the building of Wooden Chimnies in the Town of Hogs. raifing and keeping alfo to prevent the Inhabitants thereof frmn in the County of Henrico. Warwick, near .For Eftablifhing a Town in the County of Fairfax. Warehoufe, ...... ..For Ereding a Town at Hunting-Creek Counties. For dividing the County of Henrico into two diftind County of Ifle of Wight, To impower the Veftry of the Parifh of Newport, in tlie Parifh; and to purchafe a more convenient Glebe to fell the Glebe Lands in the faid

in Lieu thereof the For dividing the Parifh of Truro: and diffolving mentioned. SuRoYk; and other Purpofes therein

,. , ^ .1 \ eftry of the

n -n Partfh



prefent Seffion of Affembly. For paying the Burgeffes Wages in Money, for this mentioned. For repealing feveral Ads of Affembly therein Cumberland, in the County of Lunendiffolving the Veftry of the Parifh of



burg, and eleding a

' '

new Veftry in

the faid Parifh.



Refolves, his Affent to the following

which the Council


had agreed

be paid out of the PubHck Money in the Hands of the Treaiurer, to Charles Anderfon and Jofeph Morton, Jun. for their Trouble, Expence, and Lofs of Time, in purfuing and apprehending one John Benton, alias Holloway, who was thereupon convided of Horfe-ftealing, and executed: And that the Sum of Ten Pounds be paid to George McKean, as a Reward for his Diligence and

That the

Sum of Twenty Pounds

Induftry in apprehending Reafon Rutlidge and Anthony Wheeler, Horfe-ftealers. Refolved, That Forty Five Pounds be paid out of the Publick Money in the


of the Treafurer, to Richard Cocke, Gent, in full Satisfaction for a Negro Man Slave belonging to him, adjudged, by the County Court of Lunenburg, guilty of committing a

Rape, and in Confequence thereof executed; a Certificate of the Valuation having been tranfmitted to the Affembly, and no Allowance made in the Book of Claims. Refolved, That Peyton Randolph, Efq; Philip Ludwell, Beverley Whiting, Carter Burwell, and Benjamin Waller, Gent, or any three of them, be appointed to coUedl the Laws of Virginia, as they are now revifed; and to agree with fome Perfon to make a proper Index to them And alfo to agree with William Parks for Printing One Thoufand

fame Letter, and on the fame Sort of Paper, as the laft compleat CoUedlion of the Laws was printed, to be well bound, and the Arms of Virginia f tamped on each Book; to be compleatly finifhed by the loth Day of June, in the Year 1751, and delivered, one to the Governor or Commander in Chief of this Dominion for the Time being, one to each of the Members of his Majefty's Council, and the prefent Houfe of Burgeffes, one to the Clerk of the General Affembly, one to the Clerk of the Houfe of Burgeffes, one to the Clerk of the Secretary's Office, one to each Coimty Court Clerk, and the reft among the Juftices of the respedlive County Courts, not being Burgeffes,
Books, in the
as the Treafurer fhall diredl.

And then made

the following Speech

Gentlemen of the Council,


Speaker, and Gentlemen of the Houfe of Burgeffes,



Patience and Judgment you have fhewn, in going through that arduous

Undertaking, the Revifal of the Laws; and the Spirit and Prudence with which you have tranfadled the other weighty Concerns of the Government,
this tedious feffion; afford


the fulleft Satisfadlion, and intitle you to


moft hearty Thanks.


fhould be very ungrateful, efpecially at a


Farewell of you,

Time when I muft take did not publickly acknowledge the real Pleafure I have fo
upon the Condudl
of our Affemblies.

frequently had, in


ceedings) this Juftice; permit

done you (who are the proper Witneffes of the Integrity of my Prome to fay, on my own Behalf, that, from my firft Arrival here to this Day, I have had nothing more at heart, than to recommend myfelf to my Royal Mafter and you, by propofmg, and, with your Advice and Affiftance, carrying into Execution, fuch Laws, and fteadily purfuing fuch Meafures, as appeared moft conducive to the Intereft of the Crown, and the Honor and Welfare of the Whole Community.


A N D as, after an Adminiftration of Two and Twenty Years, the Thought of leaving

Colony in a

fevereft Anxiety;


Condition than I found it, would have given me the the Senfe that I have not confidered and labored in vain, excites efteem the moft delightful Recompence) a Contentment not to be improved
lefs flourifhing

but by your Approbation; which


make no doubt

of enjoying, fince

can truly affirm,

have, on


Occafions, ftudied to deferve

fuch favourable Circumftances, notwithftanding I am grown old and infirm, and the Leave his Majefty has been gracioufly pleafed to grant me, of going home for the Recovery of my Health, was, I muft confefs, on my humble Application; yet, be affured, tho' fupported by the comfortable Hopes of Relief, I fhall not, without great Reluctance, depart from a Country, to which, by the fmcereft Affedion, a long

and the Changes and Chances

of this mortal Life, I


fo nearly allied.



this Colony therefore, may forever flourifh under his Sacred Majefty, his Proteftant Royal Line, and a Succeffion of Governors equally difpofed, and better
qualified, to




Commerce and


and (becaufe

can't give

you any

continue ftedfaft in the Communion and Doctrines of the Church of England, evidencing in all your Adlions, a Zeal for the Honour and Worfhip of God, and a religious Regard for the Clergy, whofe Office it is to attend the Service of his Sanctuaries, and wait at his Altars; and be convinc'd, there is not any Thing

better Advice)

that you


can contribute more to the reformed Intereft, or the Public Weal, than a legal Indulgence to fuch Diffenters, who, under the requir'd Proof of their Fidelity to our Civil Eftablifhment, lead quiet and inoffenfive Lives; and finally, that, with the Blefling
of a lafting Peace, cordial

Love and a good Underftanding, may conftantly



yourfelves; fhall be always

my fervent


IT only remains for me to acquaint you, that, with the Advice of the Coimcil, I have thought fit to Prorogue this Affembly to the lat Thurfday in November next; and this Affembly is accordingly Prorogued to that Time.


Abney, Doctor, mentioned, 314. Abney, Abraham, petitioner, 12. Accokeek Iron Works, mentioned,
Apperfon, John, claimant, 239. Attorney-General. See BaradaU, Edward; and Randolph, Peyton. Attorneys, bill to regulate practice of, 205, 208,
213, 220, 315, 356, 357, 361, 362, 377, 390! 392. 394, 395. 396, 405. Aubrey, John, mentioned, 262, 325. Augufta County, bill concerning killing of wolves in, 377, 378, 379, 381; bill for altering method of holdmg court in, 391, 395, 396, 405; biU for eftabhfhmg town in, 364, 370, 374, 377,

199, 203. for altering court days, xx, 108,112, 122, 123, 125, 127, 147; burgeffes, vii, ix, 8, 308; mentioned, 31, 3^; report of committee on propofition from, 265, 269, 281, 325, 338; return of writ for eledting bitrgeffes, 9, 53, 170, 264; feveral propofitions from, 19, 20; writ for eledling burgefs, 138. Acquia Warehoufe, infpedlors' petition, 266; report of committee on infpedlors' petition, 272; refolution for increafing falary of infpedlors, 299. Addifon's Landing, mentioned. 163. Aix la Chapelle, treaty of, mentioned, xiv. Albemarle County, bill for altering method of holding court in, 391, 395, 396, 405; bill for eftablifhing quarterly courts in, 341, 381, 387; bill to obhge 345, 364, 366, Goochland County to repay to Albemarle fums therein mentioned, 380, 382, 384, 398, 405; burgeffes, vii, ix, 287, 308, 313, 365, 391; formed from Goochland County, vii; mentioned, xx, 128, 132, 137, 138, 144, 146, 191, 241, 244, 250, 280, 309, 374; petition, 332; propofition from rejected, 298; report of committee on petition of, 184, 192, 277, 364, 365; report of committee on propofition from, 172, 269, 274, 276, 302, 307 return of writ for ele(fting burgeffes, 170, 264. Albemarle Parifh, bill to oblige veftry to ere<5t new church, 60, 66, 67; petition, 37. Alcock, William, report of committee on petition of, 306, 307. Alexander, Gerrard, permitted to withdraw petition, 65; petitioner, 17. Alexander, John, permitted to withdraw petition, 65; petitioner, 17. Alexander, Philip, petition of, in oppofition to a petition to eftablifh a town at Hunting Creek Warehoufe, 265; report of committee on petition of, ^55, 356. Alexander, William, claimant, 279. Allen, Edmund, burgefs, ix, 259; juftice of peace of Accomack County, 204. Allen, John, mentioned, 162, 174. Ambler, Richard, mentioned, 300; petitioner, 305. Amelia County, adt for altering court days, xx, 108, 112, 122, 123, 125, 127, 147; burgeffes, vii, ix, 8, 271; contefted eledlion of burgefs for, 319, 321; mentioned, 12, 36, 38, 242, 303, 341, petition, 264; petition of fundry inhabitants of, rejedted, 338; Raleigh Parifh, 281, 297, 300, 305, 308, 328; report of committee on propofition from, 171, 177, 181, 182, 269, 302; refolution in reference to propofition for difcontinuing warehoufe, 80; return of writ for electing burgeffes, 9, 81, 264; return of writ for eledling burgeffes, amended, 335; feveral propofitions from, 23, 25, 28, 100.

Accomac County,




for laying

tax on inhabitants


65, 67, 68, 70; bill to colle(ft tax already laid on inhabitants of, 204, 209,
bill to eftabUfh quarterly courts, 341", 345. 364, 366, 381, 387; bill to oblige inhabitants to pay their proportion of charge for running dividing line, 124, 128, 129, 136, 137. 139, 149; burgeffes, ix, 308, 313, 391; contefted eledlion of bvirgefs from, 264; illegal charges in accoimt of, 280; mentioned, 56, 128, 132, 137, 138, 144, 146, 180, 188, 191, 193, 309, 323, 368; petition, 362; report of committee on propofition from, 307, 312; return of writ for eledling burgeffes, 264; fheriff of, 197; Staunton, 362. Augufta Parifh, petition rejedled, 310. Auftin, John, guilty of mifdemeanor, xx, 107; petitioner, 1 1 3. Aylett, John, mentioned, 22. Aylett, Philip, petitioner, 123, 133, 176. Aylett's Warehoufe, bill for eredling a town at, 218; mentioned, 22, 176.




Abraham, claimant,


Baker, William, burgefs, viii, 6, 7, 58, 78, 159. Baker, Leonard, mentioned, 91. Baker, William, i . 10 f. levied on, 270; taken into cuftody of fergeant at arms, 242. Ball, James, propofition from, in reference to falary to profecutors for the King, 23. Ball, Jeffe, mentioned, 120. Captain Spencer, guilty of mifdemeanor, Ball, 180, 181; mentioned, 269, 270, 273, 299;
petitioner, 188. Ball, Spencer, burgefs, ix, 304.

Banks, William, mentioned,


21, 115, 118, 121, 122, 149; petitioner, 109. Bannifter, Elizabeth, petitioner, 83, loi. Barber's Hills, mentioned, 286, 351. Barden, Jane, petitioner, 169; report of committee on petition of, 174.

Barden, John, mentioned, 174. mentioned, 34. Barnes, Baradall, Edward, Attorney-General,




14, 27, 28, 30, 34, 43, 44, 4,'!, 46, 48, 54, 57. 59. 61, 62, 64. 77Barrett, Charles, burgefs, vii, ix, 121, 138, 161, 13,

Amos, negro man,


Anderfon, Charles, mentioned, 338; paid for apprehending horfe thief, 339, 345, 406. Anderfon, Margaret, petitioner, 84, 94. Anderfon, Thomas, report of committee on petition

8, 31.

Andrews, William, expelled from the Houfe,

i^; petitioner,

Andrews Warehoufe, mentioned, Anfon, Commodore, mentioned,

Anthony, Jofeph,

281. xiv.


petitioner, 8. bill for more effeAual clearing of, 212, 216, 220; mentioned, xxvi, 25, 89, i5. 177. 246, 247, 248, 281, 310; propofition in reference to bridge over, 28; propofition in reference to ferry over, 163.


207, 258. Baffett, William, burgefs, viii, 7, 77. Bath Parifh, bill for dividing, 112, 115, 121, 124, mentioned, 171; petition, loi; 127, 148; refolution in reference to propofition for dividing, 105. Battaile, Lawrence, mentioned, 281, 295; report of committee on petition of, 295. report of Batterfby, William, petitioner, 167; committee on petition of, 171. Baylor, John, burgefs, vii, ix, 7, 20, 35, 78, 102, 108, 137, 157, 206, 248, 258. appointed clerk to the Com. of C. Beale, ofj., 6, 259. Beckwith Warehoufe, mentioned, 269. Beef, adl for afcertaining gauge of barrels for, 17, 24, 29, 41, 59, 62, 64. 69, 165, 173, 192, 201, 209, 2X2, 214, 216, 218, 220, 275, 309, for infpedling, bill 319. 341. 35. 380'.

weighing and ftamping,


24, 29, 59, 69, 165 192, 201, 209, 212, 214, 215, 318, 330,


275- 309. 3'9. 341. 350, 380 384., 398. 405 refolution in reference to inlpeftmg, weighing and f tamping, 12. Belfield, John, empowered to fell lands, 123. 131. 132, 135, i?9. 149; petitioner, 113, 114. petitioner, Belfield, Thomas Wright, mentioned, 51; on petition 13, 16, 48; report of committee


Roger, petitioner, 161. Bennet, Richard, claimant, 84. Benton, John, alias HoUoway, 338, 339. 345- 4o6.

Boiling's Point Warehoufe, ordered that an allowance be made infpedtors at, 296; petition of infpedtors at. 287; propofition in reference to, 1 00 report of committee on infpedlrefolution for increafing ors' petition, 295; falary of infpetflors at, 299. Booker, Edward, burgefs, vii, 58, 194, 195; petitioner, 36; report of committee on petition verdiA of the Houfe in the cafe of of, 38; complaint of a corrupt agreement his

Bermuda Hundred Warehoufes, mentioned, Bernard, Richard, mentioned, 25, no, 194Bertrand, William, claimant, 81.
Beft's, refolution for eftaljlifhing



Beverley, William, allowed 36 .

at, 299. 6d. for articles

between Mr. Scott and Mr. Jones, 51, 52. Booker, William, commiffioner, 321. Borough of Norfolk. See Norfolk Borough. Bourn, David, mentioned, 100. Bourn, Frances, petitioner, 91, 100. Boufh, Samuel, burgefs, viii, 6, 54. 64, 78, 95.
117, 140, 164. 168, 221.





Beverley, William, burgefs,

21, 30, 37. 43. 44. 45. 48, 51. 53. 55. 57. 58, 62, 63, 64, 6s, 67, 80, 83, 85, 91, 94. 95. 97. i. 2. 103. 106, 107, 109, 112, 114, 117, 118, 121, 122,

Boufh, Samuel, mentioned, 388. Boufh's Creek, mentioned, 383, 388. Bowler's Warehoufe, infpedlors' account. 16; fpedlors' memorial, 27; mentioned, 32,


123, 124, 127, 128, 130, 131, 134. 137. 139. 143. 157. 159. 165, 173, 184, 187, 188, 189, 191, 192, 193. 194, 195, iq6, 202, 207, 208. 209, 211, 212, 214, 215, 2i6, 243, 247, 249, 258, 259, 263, 267. 280, 284, 290, 291, 297, 303. 35. 309. 310. 3^3. 314. 316, 319. 320.

Boyd's Hole Warehoufe, mentioned. 55; proprietor's

78, 31.
vii, ix,

Braxton, George, burgefs,

321, 322, 326, 327, iiS: 334, 335. 33(>, 300. 361, 362, 364, 366, 370, 375, 386, 401; member of committee for revifal of laws, xxiii; mentioned. 362; petitioner, 167; report of committee on petition of, 187; fecurity for treafurer, 68. Beverley Park, mentioned. 167. 187.

99, 114, 116, 118, 157. 172. 173. 175. 193. 210, 212, 213, 214, 215, 248, 249, 258, 259, 284, 326, 340, 341, 343, 354, 375. 376. 380. 3S3, 384,

129, 195. 216, 290, 357, 386,


7, 30, 41, 58, 137, 138, 156, 202, 204, 209, 228, 236, 243, 303, 309, 324, 361, 364, 374, 391, 398, 399,


Braxton, George, lands vefted

petitioner. 60, 70; treafurer, 68.






41, for

Beverley-Run. mentioned, 22. Bickerton. John, report of committee on petition

312, 313. Bickley. Jofeph,


Brain, Robert, meffage from Council ing petition of, 196; petition



petitioner, 162; report of committee on petition of, 174. mentioned, 331. Billops, Bills of exchange, bill concerning, 311. 360. 361. 362, 363, 365, 401. Bird, James, petitioner, 173. Bird, Philemon, petitioner, 123, Bird, Robert Amiiftead, mentioned, 172, 193. Blackburn [Richard], burgefs, 198; mentioned, viii. Black Water Stream, mentioned, 177, 364. Blackwater Swamp, bill to oblige jultices of Ifle of Wight County to build bridge over, 315.

committee. 198. Bray's Church, bill for eredling town at, 53. 57, 64, 66, 67, 70; mentioned, 23,. Brenaugh, David, report of committee on petition


refolution for increafing falary of,


Brent. William, mentioned, 93, 97, 102, 104, 108, 115, 286; report of committee on petition
of guardian of, 287, 289. Brett, George, petitioner, 162.

Brick Houfe Warehoufe, infpecftors' petition, 302. Bridges, bill concerning, 289. 347, 350. 354, 357,
358. 359. 401. Briggs, Howell, claimant, 279. Brinfly, Michael, claimant, 108. Briftol, Anne, petitioner, 87, loi. Briftol Parifh, bill for adding land to, 112, 115, 121, 124, 127, 14S; bill for dividing, 53, 57, 61, 66, 68, 70; petition, loi; propofition from Prince (ieorge County in reference to divifion of, 47. refolution in reference to propofition for dividing, 105. Britifh Silver Coin, bill to amend a<fl for fettling current rate of, 340. See alfo. Silver Coin. Broach, Rice, claimant, 30. Broad Neck, mentioned, 295, 299, Broadrib. Thomas, doorkeeper, 77, 156, 258; paid for fervices as doorkeeper to the Houfe, 230, 248, 397; petitioner, 52.

319, 320, 328; mentioned, 312, 313. Blackwell, burgefs, 13, 294, 379. Blackwell, Jofeph, burgefs, ix. Blackwell, Samuel, burgefs, viii, xxiii; reprimanded for afting contrary to the rights of the people, 180, Blair, John, guilty of expreffions refledting upon the honor of John Robinfon, 290; member of committee for revifal of laws, xxiii, 217;


of coimcil,




Blake, John, mentioned, 160, 174. Bland, Richard, appointed to make an experiment of the efficacy of the medicine for curing



Bland, Richard, burgefs,



24, 57, 61, 63,

248, 300, 308. 315, 320, 322. 323, 327, 333, 341, 355, 356, 358, 359. 361. 365. 366, 377, 380, 382, 389, mentioned, 155; 391.. .392, 395, 390, 401; petitioner, 171; report of committee on petition of, 187, 192. 305. Bland. Theodrick. mentioned. 285; petitioner, loi. Blandford, bill for eftablifhing town of, 190, 195, 198, 205, 296, 300. 322. 324, 328; petition, 179, 282. Blafingame, Thomas,, 260. Bledfoe, Mofes. claimant, 267. Blue Ridge Mountains, bill for clearing road from Pignut to. 319, 321. 323. 324. 328; mentioned. ... 312. 315. 333, 341. Boiling, John, burgefs, vii, ix. 5, 31, 80, 157, 173, 195. 245, 258, 280, 300, '342, 345, 360, 370, 378, 3qo; mentioned. 295; petitioner, 89, 109. Boiling, Robert, petition in behalf of Briftol Parifh,

68, 76, 78, 106, 115, 128, 132, 138, 166, 191, 193, 194, 19s, 212, 215, 216, 217, 238, 239, 243, 246, 280, 282, 290, 296,

119, 179, 198, 218.

121, 181, 202, 219, 249, 303, 347, 379,

122, 123, 124, 183, 1S9, 190, 204, 205, 207, 228, 229, 237, 258, 268, 273,

Broad Run. mentioned, 93. Brodnax (Broadnax), Edward, burgefs,

tioned, 258.



Brokenbrough. mentioned, 271. Bronaugh, Jeremiah, report of





propofal of, Robert, mentioned, 370; to make a furvej' of this Colony and publifh a map thereof, 10, 47. 81 propofed furvey of furveyor of Effex Colony rejecfted, 94;

County, 85, 91. Brooke. Mrs. Sarah, mentioned. 98. 120. 336. Brook's Mill, mentioned. 89, 310.

Brown, Charles, petitioner, 44, 51. Brown, Edward, mentioned, 11. Brown, Henry, claimant, 247. Brown, John, mentioned, 51. Brown. Mary, mentioned, 51. Brunfwick Covinty, bill for altering method
holding court


391, 395, 396, 405; bill for dividing, 184, 190, 194, 201, 202, 207, 220; burgeffes, vii, ix, 238, 391; divided, xxii grievance from, concerning collectors








i_3o, 179, 238: petition, 306, 366; propofition for di\ iding, and alfo propofition againft divifion, 92, 161; return of writ for elecfting burgeffes, 9. 264; report of committee on propofition from, 168, 178; fheriff amends return, 314. Bruton Parifh, petition, 102; report of committee on petition of, 121. Bryan (Bryne), Dennis, mentioned, 106, 378. Buchanan, Archibald, bill to appoint commiffioners to determine the claims and demands of, 209, 215.

John, burgefs, viii, 5, 24; death of, 77 Carolina, act againft importing tobacco from 346o



Caroline County,

bill for

adding land

to, 30, 54, 58,

60, 70; bill for eftablifhing town in, loS' burgeffes, vii, ix; Conway's Warehoufe, 301 306; Dryfdale Parifh, 92; land added to]

Buchanan, John, mentioned,


Buckhom Swamp,

mentioned, 293.

Buckner, Samuel, burgefs,



92, 117; permitted 3^; petitioner, 8, 16.

Buckner, Robert, mentioned, 39. Bull Run, mentioned. 298, 368.

Burgeffes, addrefs to governor, 6, 79, 156, 227, 239, 246, 260, 263; bill for paying wages in money, 65, 66, 69, 214. 216, 220, 229, 230, 231, 247, 248, 250, 382, 389. 390, 391, bill for regulating eledlion of, 404, 405: 281. 373. 377. 380. 381, 383, 386, 392, 393; meffatre from council, 46, 49, 54, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 67, 68, ^9, 106, 109, 113,
119, 122, 125, 126, 127, 132, 135, 140, 141, 143. 144, 145. 147. 160, 170, 175, 184, 186, 191, 193, 196, 207, 209, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 218, 219, 220, 225, 230, 231, 241, 248, 249, 250, 25s, 263, 267, 285, 301, 303, 308, 311, 313, 314, 317, 321, 322, 323, 324, 326, 327, 334, 342, 343. 345. 346, 348, 349. 351. 357. 358. 359. 360, 361, 363, 365, 371, 372, 374, 375, 377, 380, 381, 385, 390, 392, 393, 394, 395, 396, 399, 400, 404; meffage from gov9, 69, 75, 79, 80, 147, 153, 184, 250, 327, 400, 404; fpeech from governor, 4, 71, 149, 150, 158, 221, 222, 235, 240, 250, 251, 256, 329, 406, 407. Burk, John, guilty of breach of privileges of the Houfe, 53; mentioned, 50. Burrus, William, mentioned, 314. Burwell, burgefs, 44, 48, 78, 129, 155, 156, 157, 181, 195, 205, 236, 246. Burwell, Carter, appointed to coUeeft laws of Virginia, 401, 406; burgefs, vii, ix, 7, 258, 290, 3i. 33- 320. 322. 3^3' 326, 344. 348, 366, 371. 379. 386, 399; entail of lands docked, 377. 379. 381. 382, 392, 405; petitioner, 367. BiuTvell, Frances, petitioner, 227. Burwell, Lewis, burgefs, ^^i, 3, 5, 7, 21, 68; contefted eleAion of, 8, 16, 33; member of Council, 77, mentioned, 81; petitioner, 227. Bufhrode, John, burgefs, x, 259, 317. Byxd, William, mentioned, 269, 299. 115, 117, 137. 139. 168, 169, 201, 205, 216, 217, 244, 246, 290, 29S. 318, 320, 33^' 337, 353. 355, 366, 368, 382, 384, 397, 398, ernor, 3, 205, 225,

mentioned, 14, 22, 34, 84, 86, 94, loii 203, 281, 295, 316; petition, 270, 276; Port Royal, 307; propofition from, in reference to recovery of fmall debts, 160; report of committee on propofition from, 17:; return of writ for elefting burgeffes, 9, 264; Roy's Warehoufe, 106, 114, 116, iig, 149; St Margaret Parifh, 97, 160, 270. Carolines. See German Gold. Carr, John, commiffioner, 83. Carrington, George, burgefs, vii, ix, 259, 312 315 342. Cartaret, Lord, mentioned, xiii. Carter, Charles, burgefs, vii, Lx, xxi, 3, 5, 6, 7, 12,
13. 14, 17. 20, 57. 58, 59. 64, 94. 95< 96, 98, 114, 115. 116, 126, 128, 129,

317, 318, 319, 333. 334, 335. 343. 345. 349. 357. 358, 360, 368, 369, 370, 377. 378, 379. 380, 388, 390, 391, 392, 401, 403, 404. Carter, Col. Charles, mentioned, 288. Carter, George, mentioned, no, 121, 131, 132, 134, 137. 149Carter, John, mentioned, 35, 55, in. Carter, Landon, petitioner, 14, 34, 375, 376. Carter, Robert, mentioned, 8, 26; petitioner, loi,

139. 160, '76, igi, 204, 227, 247, 268, 285, 303. 316, 332, 342, 356, 367.

141, 165. 178, 194, 206, 207, 209, 228, 229, 236, 248, 249, 255, 271, 273, 274, 289, 290, 293, 304. 306. 38.

140, 163, 177, 192,

22, 24, 30, 41, 46, 48, 53' s6, 66, 67, 68, 77, 78, 81, 85, 90, 100, 102, 106, 108, 109, 112, 117, 118, 121, 122, 123, 125I 130, 131, 133, 134, 136, 138] 142. 143. 144. 146, 156, 157, 166, 167, 168, 171, 173, 175, 179. 181, 183, 185, 189, 190, ig6, 198, 200, 201, 202, 203,

210, 237, 257, 276, 294, 309. 320, 336, 350. 361, 371, 381, 393,

212, 243, 258, 280, 297, 310, 321, 338, 351. 362, 372, 382, 394,

213, 244, 262, 281, 298, 312, 322, 339. 352. 363, 373, 383, 397,

216, 217, 245, 246^ 265, 267, 282, 284, 300, 302, 313, 315, 324, 325. 340, 341, 353. 3SS, 364, 366, 374, 375, 385, 387, 398.399.

Cabbell (Cabbel), William, mentioned, 26; petitioner, 167, 374: report of committee on petition


Carter's Grove, mentioned, 367. Carthagena, expedition againft, mentioned, xv, xvii, 245, 276, 304. Cary, Archibald, burgefs, ix, 258, 315, 342, 345, 386. Cary, Miles, Jr. appointed clerk to Conmi. of Claims, 282. Cary, Miles, Sr., appointed clerk to the Comm. for P. C, 6, 80, 259, mentioned, 2S2. Catlet, Martha, petitioner, 14. Catlet, Thomas, mentioned, 14, 20. Cat (Catt) Point, mentioned, 164, 179, 269. Cattle, bin to prevent trefpaffes by, 282, 344, 349, 400; petition in reference to allowing larger ferriage for, 38.

Cabbin Point Warehoufe,


infpeclors' petition, iii,

Cave, William, mentioned, 25. Cedar Point, mentioned, 281.

Cadowgan, William, mentioned, 29, 44. Caldwell, John, report of committee on petition

Chapman, Taylor, report



of committee on petition refolution for increafing falary of,



Cameron, mentioned, 159. Campbell [Andrew], burgefs.

183, 191.

Chappowamfick, mentioned,

96, 106, 145, 173,

Charles City County, burgeffes, vii, ix; mentioned, viii, 55; return of writ for eleAing burgeffes,
170, 264, 293; Weftover Parifh, 316, 324, 326, 357, 358; writ for electing a burgefs, 155, 258. Charles Parifh, propofition in reference to enlarging,


giving fum of money towards defraying expenfes of an intended expedition againft, 229, 230, 231; intended expedition againft, mentioned, 228, 246, 265, 328;
bill for

383, 387, 392. 120. Cancers, method of curing, 314. Cape Breton Ifland, mentioned, xiv, xxii, 155, 164, 168, 207, 211, 221, 270, 305, 383, 392. Capital Offences, bill direfting method of trial of criminals for, 281, 376, 377, 400. Capitol, bill for rebuilding, in Williamfburg, 294, 296, 300, 303, 328; burning of, mentioned, 319; deftniCTion of, 235. Capitol Landing, petition of proprietor of ware-



Canagochego Creek, mentioned,

Charles, Thomas, claimant, 166. Mr., mentioned, 186. Charlton, Chatt, Sarah, petitioner, 320. Chew, John, member committee to f elect file for chapel in St. George Parifh, 332, 342, 369;

petitioner, 84.

Chew, 'Thomas, mentioned, 50; petitioner, 106, 109. Chickahominy River, petition in reference to
changing name of ferry over, 8, 19. Chimneys, wooden, bill to prevent building
of, 53, 59, 60, 70, 88, 90, 96. 103, 126, 129, 131, 132.





i8i, 183, 185, 190, 192, 195. 198, 201, 205, 210, 221, 351; bill to prevent building of, in Peterfburg and Blandford, 296. 300, 322, building of, in 324, 328; bill to prevent 376. 377, 40s; Waikerton, 373. 359, proposition in reference to, 19. Chinn, Jofeph, burgefs, ix, 270, 342. Chirurgery, bill concerning pradtitioners in, 324,


... 32s. 326, 340. Chifwell, John, burgefs, vn, ix, 7, 40, 52, 78, 96, 133, 139, 140. 157, 171, 228, 258, 303, 383, 384 Chrift Church Parifh, bill for uniting this and St. Mary's White-Chappel Parifh, 126, 127, 168, 169, 172, 178, 181, 182, 190, 191, 194; report of committee on petition of Lancafter Counin reference to uniting this and St. ty, Mary's White-Chappel Parifh, 160.
Chriftian, John, mentioned, 56. Clack, Sterling, burgefs, ix, 259, 366, 382, 383. Claiborne, Auguftine, burgefs, ix, 259, 290, 301, 317, 324, 326, 358, 361, 366, 382. Claiborne's, mentioned, 109, 306. Clapham, Jofias, mentioned, 23, 92, 265. Clergy, aft for fettling fome doubts and differences of opinion, in relation to the benefit of, 112, 128, 130, 132, 137, 148; bill for better fupport









396. 404. Clerk oi General Affembly.

See Walthoe, Nathaniel


Peter, burgefs. ix; contefted eledlion of, 261, 266; duly eledted to ferve as burgefs, 267; mentioned. 258, 342, 390. Conway River, mentioned, 333, 341. Conway's Warehoufe, infpediors' petition, no, 300; report of committee on petition of infpediors, 306, 307. Cook, Solomon, claimant, 301. Cooper, Ifles, mentioned, 129, 133, 142, 143, 146, 149. Cooper, Sufannah, bill to enable, to difpofe of her eftate, 129, 133, 142, 143, 146, 149; petitioner, 102. Copeland, Elizabeth, petitioner, 91; report of committee on petition of, 121. Cople Parifh, bill for diffolving prefent veftry and electing new one, 310, 314, 317; petition, 260, 363, 367; report of committee on petition of, 295, 373, 393; report of committee on propofition from, 296. Corbin, Gawin, burgefs, vii, 7, 8, 76, 78, 79, 98, 99, 115, 130. '55. 156, 157. 158, 160, 167, 171, 173, 182, 189, 207, 2og, 213, 227, 228, 237, 243. Corbin, Richard, burgefs, ix, 322, 324, 326, 344, 348, 361, 362, 366, 368, 369, 379, 381, 382, 383. 38.S. Coun, David, claimant, 261. Council, adt to fettle diftribution of f alary allowed to, 140, 143. 145, 147; meffage to burgeffes,
46, 49, 54, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 106, 109, 113, 115, 117, 119, 122, 125, 126, 127, 132, 13s, 137, 139, 140, 141, 143, 144, 145, 147, 160, 168, 169, 170, 175, 184, 186. 191, 193, 196, 201, 205, 207, 209, 211, 212, 213,

and Stavinton.
Clifton, William, petitioner,

Clinch, Jofeph, claimant, 104; mentioned, 242. Clinch, Rebecca, entail of land docked, 324, 326, 357. 358; mentioned, 316. Clinch, William, claimant, 104; mentioned, 324, 326, 357. 358; petitioner, 38, 316. Coan River, mentioned, 269, 273, 299. Cobbs, Samuel, burgefs, vii, ix, 80, 157, 179, 191, 194, 195, 346, 368, 382; petitioner, 319; report of committee on petition of, 321; verdidl of the Houfe in the cafe of his conteft of the ele<5tion of Wood Jones, 334. burgefs, 6, 49, 78, 155, 238. Cocke, Cocke, Benjamin, burgefs, vii, 103, 106, 108, 157;

216, 217, 2X8, 219, 244, 248, 249, 250, 303. 308, 311, 313, 322, 323, 324, 326, 343. 345. 346, 348. 358, 359. 360, 361, 372. 374, 375. 377. 390. 392, 393. 394. 400, 404. Cowles, Thomas, petitioner. 8, 19. 214, 231, 298, 320, 337. 355. 368, 384, 398,

215, 241, 3i. 321, 342, 357. 371. 385. 399,

220, 267, 314, 327, 349, 363, 380, 395.

225, 285, 317. 334, 351. 36s, 381, 396,

230, 290, 318, 336, 353. 366, 382, 397.

mentioned, 82. Cocke, Richard, burgefs, viii, 105, 138, 157, 195, paid for flave, 360, 406; 215, 216, 248;
petitioner, 357. Cocket's, mentioned, 24, 32; petition to eftablifh ferry at, 17. Cockran, Andrew, bill to appoint commiffioners to determine the claims and demands of, 209, 215. Coffield, Jofeph, mentioned, 276. Coffield, Mary, petitioner, 276. Coke, John, petitioner, 161 report of committee on petition of, 174. Cole, William, petition rejedted, 55; petitioner, 39. Coleman, Robert Spilfby, mentioned, 119, 354, 370; petitioner, 91, 85. College of William and Mary. See William and Mary College. College Warehoufe, account of infpedtors at, 200; report of committee on account of infpecStors at, 202.

Cox's RoUing-houfe Landing, mentioned, 113. Crawford (Craford, Crafford), William, burgefs,
54, 80, 109, 162, 164, 168, 221.



Jaill for clearing, 297, 340, 342, 343, 344, 346, 348, 401; bill to prevent pollution of, 18, 289, 374, 375. 382, 389, 394, 395, 396, 397. 405.

Crenf haw's Ferry, mentioned.



diredling method of trial for capital offences, 281, 376, 377, 400. Crows, adl for deftroying, 19, 23, 24, 29, 35, 41, 46, 70, 167, 269, 304, 308, 313, 328; propofitions from feveral counties in reference to reviving act for deftroying. 13. Crutchfield, John, report of committee on petition of, 281. Crutchfield's Warehoufe, report of committee on petition of infpediors, 295.

Cuba, mentioned, 44, Ctilloden, mentioned, xiii. Cumberland, Duke of, mentioned, 227.

John, appointed doorkeeper, 5, 52; paid for fervices as doorkeeper of Council, 230, 248, 397Collins, Thomas, mentioned, 163, 174. Colville, John, burgefs, viii. 78, 93, 95, 117, 121, 157, 190, 198, 204. Come, Henry, claimant, 261. Comrie, Doctor, mentioned, 314. Conner, William, report of committee on petition of, 306, 307. Conftance's Warehoufe, bill for eredling town at, 53, 58, 61, 63, 64, 70; propofition in reference to eftablifhing town at, 47. Conway, Edwin, burgefs, vii, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13,
16, 31, Si, 34, 38, 41, 42, 44, 48, 50. 51. 53! 63. 67, 68, 77, 78, 81, 83, 85, 86, 90, 97, 98, '3. 105. 107, III, 112, 114, 122, 123, 125,


Parifh, bill for diffolving veftry, 385, 390, 391, 399, 405; report of committee on petition of, 373. -, burgefs, 189; Cunningham, mentioned,


Curtis, Rice, btirgefs, ix, 259; contefted eledlion of, 261; petitioner, 342; report of committee on petition of, 369; verdidl of the Houfe in the cafe of his eledlion contefted by Benjamin Grymes, 292, 293.

Cuftom Frauds, prevented,

13, 15, 20, 31, 36, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 49, 56, 60, 61. 69, 88, 98, 100, no, 118, 119, 123, 126, 128, 129, 131, 133. 134. 143. 144, 145. 147. 206, 210, 220, 27s, 289, 290, 299, 303, 308, 313, 315, 316, 317, 318, 320, 323, 328, 374, 375, 382, 389,

394, 396, 397. 403.

126, 138, 170, 193. 209, 228, 246,

127, 139, 173, 194, 210, 229,

134, 156, 186, 204, 218, 237, 238, 247; mentioned, 266.

129, 140, 180, 196, 214, 230,

131, 147, 181, 198, 215, 236,

132, 155, 182, 201, 216,

135, 157, 188, 205, 219, 240,

136, 137, 160, 164, 189, igi, 206, 208, 226, 227, 241, 242,

Dade, Col. Townfend, mentioned, 281;


244. Parifh, mentioned, 57, loi, 122.

Dandridge, Nathaniel Weft, mentioned, 346; petitioner, 284.

Dandridge, Unity, committee difcharged from bringing in bill purfuant to petition of, 346,
398; petitioner, 284, 351.

Dandridge, William, mentioned, 284, 285, 351, 398.

Dangerfield, William, burgefs,

rejefted, mentioned, xLx, 45, 162; 309; petition of juftices, 186; propofition from, in reference to erecting a pound, 23; propofition from, in reference to purchafmg a veffel and repairing fort, 117; return of writ for electing burgeffes, 9, 264.

265, 321, 370, 384,

Elk-Ifland, mentioned, 26. Elligood, Jacob, burgefs,



Daniel, Robert, petitioner, 280. Danfie, Thomas, bill to empower, to make caufeway, 323, 325, 326, 328; mentioned, 296, 320; petitioner, 282; report of committee on petition of, 306. Danfie 's Wharf, bill to appoint ferry at, 317; mentioned, 320. Davis, Solomon, claimant, 159. Dawfon, William, commiffary of the Bifhop of London in Va., 176. Dawfon, Rev. Mr. Thomas, appointed chaplain, 5, 77, 156, 226, 237, 258; paid for fervices as chaplain, 230, 248, 397. Dawfon, William, clerk of Comm. for revifal of laws, 217. Debt, bill to prevent clandeftine tranfportation of perfons in debt, 282, 336, 343, 348, 349, 355, 400. Deer, bill for prefervation of breed of, 82, 297, 347.





117, 140, 160, 192, 261, 321, 383. Embry, Henry, burgefs, ix, 259, 346; eledted as burgefs, 238. England, mentioned, xiii, xiv, xxii, 93.

not diily










.^78, 115, 159, 195, 259, 26s, 300. bfkndge, George, bill to enable, to fell land to money to pay his grandfather's debt,
189, 207, 209, 212, 221; Efkridge, William, mentioned. 170. Effex County, Bowler's Warehoufe,

raife 182, petitioner, 170.

16, 55; b\irgeffes, vii, ix, 131, 287, 352; juftices' petition, mentioned, 22, 23, 98, 119, 159, 32, 37; 175. 336, 370; Pifcataway Creek, 92, 119; propofition from, rejedled, 325; report of

Dehay, David, mentioned, 93. Delony, Lewis, petitioner, 35, 37. Denbigh Warehoufe, mentioned, 194, 309; proprietor's petition,

committee on petition in oppofition to propofition from, 307; report of^committee on propofition from, 194, 271, 307; refolution in reference to propofition from, 55, 82; return of writ for eledting burgeffes, 9, 264; feveral propofitions from, 10, 13, 18, 19, ao;


of, mentioned, xviii, 76. Dettingen Parifh, report of committee on petition

Dettingen, battle

Devonfhire, negro man, 51. Difficiilt Run, mentioned, 18, 298. Digges, Edward, burgefs, viii, x, 7, 78, 96, 120, 157,
164, 168, 221, 258, 301, 303, 355, 372, 379, 386, 390. Digges, Edward, mentioned, 197. Dillon, James, paid for flave, 297. Dillon, Mary, mentioned, 107. Difhman's Landing, mentioned, 25, 194, 349, 352, 353> 354, 357. 362, 363, 366; Divine fer\'ice, bill for decent and uniform celebration of, 280, 330, 331, 336, 337, 366, 368, 390, 392, 395-

Tappahannock, 91, 353, 367. Eftates, bill dire<5ting manner of adminiftration of, 34, 330. 348, 351, 356, 357, 358, 362, 368, 371. 372. 375. 377, 379. 381, 382, 385, 389, 400. Evans, John, petitioner, 92, 119, 268. Everard, Thomas, petitioner, 162, 319.

Everard's Mill, mentioned, 95. Ewell, Charles, petitioner, 99. 103. Eyre, Littleton, burgefs, viii, ix, 13, 44, 80, 128,
162, 186,

195, 200, 205, 208, 212, 259.

Fairfax, George, ix, 258, 308, 310, 320. Fairfax, William, burgefs, viii, 7, 9, 30, Fairfax, Lord



Thomas, mentioned,

338, 341.

Fairfax County,


Bridge, mentioned, 92. Donald, James, bill to appoint commiffioners to determine the claims and demands of, 209,

Doniphan, Anderfon, mentioned, 281, 295, 350. Doniphan, Mott, mentioned, 203.
Douglas, George, btirgefs,
vii, 6, 29, 65, 82, 103, III, 189, 191, 19s, 202; contefted eledlion of


Downs, Henry, burgefs,

13, 16, 48;

viii; contefted eledtion of, convidled of felony and theft, 7; expelled from the Houfe, 11, 53; mentioned,

bill for altering court day, 121; for altering method of holding court in, 405 bill to eftablifh town in, 405 burgeffes, vii, ix, 131, 356, 359; Hunting Creek Warehoufe, 100; formed from Prince William County, vii, xvii, 360, 363, 368, 375, 385, 386; juftices of, enabled to levy tobacco for fupport of Occoquan Ferry, 108, iii, 113, 115, 148; mentioned, 241, 244, 250, 271, 272, 288; Occoquan Warehotife, 273, 300; petition, 92, 261, 265, 338; Pohick Warehoufe, 300; propofition from, in refer;

xvi, 50.

Downs. Henry, petitioner, 368. Drew, William, claimant, 279.

Drighoufe, Sarah, petitioner, 87, 10 1.

ence to appointing ferries, 93; propofition from, in reference to reviving warehoufe at Pohick, 100; report of committee on propofiton from, 163. 325, 190, 262, 355,
356; refolution in reference to propofition for fupporting Occoquan Ferry, 80; return of writ for eledting burgeffes, 81, 264; Truro Parifh, 172, 298. Falmouth, petition of merchants of, 159; report of committee on propofition from. 183. Fantleroy, Griffin, guilty of mifdemeanor, 180, 181; mentioned, 269; petitioner, 188. Fantleroy, Moor, petitioner, 104, 109. Fantleroy, William, burgefs, viii, ix, 6, 36, 78, contefted ele(5tion of, 114, 157, 259, 363; 14,34; duly eledted a burgefs, 35; mentioned 92, 119. Farifh, Robert, petitioner, 97.


propofition in Parifh, mentioned, 89; reference to divifion of, 92; propofition in reference to removal of court-houfe, 23. Dudley, Robert, claimant, 86, 164. Dudley, Thomas, petitioner, 169; report of committee on petition of, 174. Duelin, William, claimant, 159. Duke. Henry, claimant, 196.

Dunkirk, mentioned,


Dunn, William, claimant, 260. Dymer's Warehoufe, mentioned,


Earle, Samuel, burgefs, vii, 85, 96; to fit as burgefs, 90. Edloe, Philip, mentioned, 316.

duly qualified

Fenley, James, mentioned, 26. Ferries, bill for fettlement and regulation

Edmonfon, Thomas, mentioned, 119. burgefs. viii, 194. Edwards, Edwards, Thomas, propofition from,

of, 344, 348, 349. 350. 351. 353. 358, 359, 400. Ferry-Neck, mentioned, 269, 270, 273. Fife, Rev. Mr., fermon by, reflecting upon two members of the Houfe, xx, 108; committee

in reference to f alary to profecutors for the King, 23. Edwards, William, memorialift, 172. Elizabeth City County, bill for altering coiu^ day bill to empower of, 238, 239, 241, 250; juftices to ere<5t pounds, 54, 65, 66, 70, 118, 122, 124, 145. 148, 276, 303, 305, 314, ,3.17. 328; burgeffes, vii, ix; jtiftices' petition

difcharged from proceeding on information

againft, no. Finley's Point, mentioned, 281. Finnic, Alexander, claimant, 268. Fitzhugh, Henry, burgefs, viii, 3, 7,

9, 10, 13, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 32. 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46, 47. 48, 4953. 54, 56, 57, 58, 60, 62, 65, 66, 77.

Fitzhugh, Sarah, claimant, igi. Fitzhugh. William, burgefs, ix, 258, 2qo, 308, 311,
3.^^ 340. 360, 361, 363, 376. Fitzwilliams. Richard, mentioned. 402. Flannagan, John, mentioned, 30Q. Fleet's Landing, mentioned.

Gains, Elizabeth, petitioner, 280. Gaming, bill to prevent excefflve and

334, 341. 401.


Garnet. Captain, mentioned.

Gamett, James, burgefs.



187. 91,



Fleming, Col. John, mentioned, 26. 27. Fleming, Tadton, mentioned, 26. Fletcher, John, claimant, 180,

Garton, James, petitioner, 28. Gavin, Anthony, minifter of



James's Parifh,

Flour, adt for infpecling. weighmg and Itampmg, 216, 218, 220, 275, 309, 319, 341. 350. 380. 384, 398, 405. Floyd, Ebenezer, mentioned, 23; petitioner, 23. Fluvanna River, bill to give truftees money for clearing, 196, 206, 213, 216, 217, 220; menpropofition tioned, 89, 167, 172, 184; reference to ferry over, 26. Foard, William, claimant, n6. Fontenoy, battle of, mentioned, xiii. Ford, Hezekiah, comraiffioner, 321.

Geddy, Anne, petitioner, 118; report of committee on petition of, 121. Geddy, James, mentioned, 118. George II. mentioned, xiii.



German Gold,

adt for calling in and eftablifhing value of, 229. See alio Gold Coin.

Germanna, mentioned, Germany, mentioned,




Gibfon, James, petitioner, 93. Gibfon. John, claimant, 260.






Ford, William, petitioner, 52. Fort George, mentioned, xv, 13, 76, 117. Fofter, Anthony, petitioner, i6o; report of committee on petition of, 174. Foufhea (Foufhie), John, guilty of mifdemeanor, 180, 181; mentioned. 269; petitioner, 188. Fowke, Chandler, mentioned, 162. Fox, Branch, mentioned, 91. Fox's old plantation, mentioned, 120. France, mentioned, xiii, xiv, xxvii.


Gibfon's Warehoufe, mentioned, 28, 297; petition of proprietor of, 276. Gilmer, Mary, petitioner, 38; refolution of committee to which petition was referred, 55. Gilmer, William, mentioned. 55.

Glafgow, mentioned, 165, 169.






from governor,


Francis, William, doorkeeper, 577, 156, 258; paid for fervices as doorkeeper to the Houfe, 23. 248, 397Frazer's Point, mentioned, 163.

Frederick II, mentioned, xiii. Frederick County, acSl to oblige furveyor of, to refide in, 148; bill for allowing inhabitants to pay fees in hemp, 298, 380; bill for altering method of holding court in, 391, 395, bill for giving reward for killing 396, 405

building of 103; bill to dock the entail of certain lands in, 198, 199. 200, 202; burgeffes, vii, ix, 8; mentioned, 16, ;ii, 39, 186, 202, 207, 221, 314; return of writ for eledling burgeffes, 9, 170, 265; fheriff of, 171; writ for eleifting a burgefs, 77, 155. Gloucefter Point, mentioned, xv. Goats, bill to prevent, going at large in Suffolk, 300, 304, 311, 314. 328, 244. 349. 400; propofed that they be reftrained from going at large in York, 88.




wooden chimneys





Goddin, Ifaac, petitioner, 302. Gold Coin, bill for fettling current rate

183, 379, 391;

in, 106, 121, 124,

200, burgeffes, Frederick Parifh, 312, 313; mentioned, 129, 136, 137, 139, 90, 95, 96, 124, 128, petition, 265; report of 188, 307; 149, petition of, committee on 190, report of committee on propofition from, 262, 273, for eleeSting return of writ 356; 355. burgeffes, iii, 264. Frederick Parifh, mentioned, 312, 313. Frederickfburg, adt for allowing fairs in, 15, 20, 24, 30, 32, 35, 46, 70, 244, 245, 247, 248, 250; bill in reference to building wooden chimneys in, 33, 53, 59, 60, 70, 90; bill to prevent hogs going at large in, 53, 90; bill to veft lands in feoffees and truftees of town, 57. 59. ^3. ^4. 65. 7; bounds of the town mentioned, 36, 292. 293; eftablifhed, 40; petition, 24, 30, 266; propofition from, in reference to wooden chimneys, 19, 39;; report of committee on propofition from, 183. Frederickfville Parifh, bill to oblige St. Martin Parifh to repay to, tobacco levied before divifion of fame, 134, 137, ij8, 141, 148, 194, 206. 207, 211, 220; mentioned, 119, 169; petition, 114; report of committee on petition of, 129, 168. French Prifoners, refolution in reference to fupport and tranfportation of, 283. Fry, Jofhua, burgefs, vii, ix, 163, 168. 170, 184, 195. 197. 209. 212. 214, 238, 241, 243, 244, 245, 258, 284, 300, 303, 304, 305, 310, 317, 322, 324, 337, 340, 351, 352, 366, 376, 382, 384, 386, 390, 392, 395, 396, 397; propofal of, to make a furvey of this Colony and publifh a map thereof, 10, 47; propofed furvey of Colony rejedled, 94; propofition in reference to making furvey and map of Colony referred to committee, 81. Furs, act to prevent frauds in duty on, 202. 210, 212, 213, 214, 218, 220, 330, 385, 389, 394, 395. 396, 397. 398191,


127, 148, 173, 204, 209, 220. 378, vii, ix, 121, 129, 356,

of, 229, 34, 335. 33^- 339. 340, 386, 391, 394, 397, See alfo German Gold. 399. Gooch, Governor, mentioned, x\-, xviii, xxvii, xxix. mentioned, 296, 306. Gooch. Mrs.






108, 113, 337. 342,


for dividing, 95, 103, 106, 135, 148, 312, 314, 315, i}5. 344. 345. 346, 401; bill to eftabhfh courts, 341, 345, 364, 366, 3S1, to oblige, to repay Albemarle


County, tobacco and money therein mentioned, 380, 382, 384. 398, 405; burgeffes, vii, King William Parifh, 308, 310, 365; mentioned, xx, xxviii, 8, 114, 122, 179; 22, 25, 27, 192. 309, 364, 365; petition, 8, 99, loi, 266, 291, a$, 337, 361; propofition for dividing, referred to committee, 81; report of committee on petition of, 288; report of committee on propofition from, 269, 307, 309, 310. 325, 341; refolution in reference to propofition from, for appointing return of writ for eledting ferries, 82; biu-geffes, 9, 170, 264; St. James's Parifh, 89, 92, 108, 332; feveral propofitions from, 26, 89; Southam Parifh, 237, 238, 240, 241, 250; writ for eledling a burgefs. 155. Goodall's, mentioned, 8. 32; petition in reference to eftablifhing ferry at, 19. Goodall's Ferry, bill for altering name of. 23, 26.


Goode, Bennit, mentioned, 26, 27. Gooding's Ifland, mentioned, 113. Goodloe, Diana, petitioner, 84, loi. Goodloe. George, mentioned, 84, loi. Goodrich. Benjamin, mentioned, 91. Goodwin, John, inemorialift, 172. Gordon, John, report of committee on petition
312, 313.


Gough, Anne, petition







committee on petition


petition in reference to, 244, refolution in reference to, making allowance to perfons who are like to be
feat of,


Gaines, Bernard, a.& to dock entail of land of, 328; mentioned, 284. 289, 290, 298; petitioner.

fufferers by removal of, 243. Governor, addrefs from the burgeffes, 6, 79, 156, 227, 239, 246, 260, 263; meffage to burgeffes.

75. 79. 8o, 147, 153, 184, 205, 230, 225, 246, 250. 255. 263, 327, 400, 404; fpeech to burgeffes, 4. 71, 149, 150, 158, 229, 235, 240. 250, 251, 256, 257, 329, 406, 407. Graham, John, bill for eftablifhing town on land of, 356, 359. 360: mentioned. 338. Grant, John, report of committee on petition of, 281; refolution for increafing falary of, 299. Graves, John, mentioned, 162, 174. burgefs, 130. Gray, Gray, Jofeph, burgefs, vii, ix, 7, 49, 78, 105, 159, 259, 285, 293, 305, 313, 315, 319, 344, 346, 354, 356, 367Gray, William, burgefs, viii, 7, 78, 157; mentioned, xxv; refolution to eredt town on land of, 242. Gray's Creek Warehoufe, bill to make reparation for tobacco damaged and loft in, 208, 211, 213, 220; infpedlors' memorial, 172; mentioned, 176, 197, 204; report of committee on memorial of infpecftors, 196. Grayfon. Mary, petitioner, 29.
9. ^9.

Hardy, William, petitioner. 17. Harmanfon, Matthew, burgefs. viii,





Harmer, John,

259btirgefs, viii, 5, 6, 14, 30, 31, S7. 59. 63. 78, 80, 105, 113, n7, 132, 136, 130,

135. 139. 157. 212. 213, 216, 336. Harris, Robert, burgefs, vii, 6, 40, 43, 52, 53, 59. Harris. Robert, furv'eyor, 77. Harrifon, burgefs, 3, 5, 9, 24, 27, 34,

45. 57. 58, 61, 68, 77, 78, 80, 82, 83, 85, 86, 89. 91. 92, 93. 95. 97. 99. 103. 105, 108. no, 113, 115, 117, 118, 122, 126, 127, 138, t29 130, 132, 134, 137, 140, 143, 144. Hamlon, Anne, petition rejected, 297; petitioner, 245-

Harrifon, Benjamin, accounts paffed by Council, 143; burgefs, vii, viii, ix, 7, 120, 123, 134; mentioned, 26; mentioned, 155; report of committee on account of, 139; fecurity for
treafurer, 68.

Great Bridge Landing, mentioned, 25. Great Britain, mentioned, 4, 30, 48, 90. 227, 386; ordered that a petition be prefented to parliament of, 366. Green, Hugh, mentioned, 310.

Harrifon, Nathaniel, petitioner, 28. Harrifon, Thomas, burgefs, \'iii, ix, 114, 135, 204. 259. .294. 308. 319, 3^3- 363, 379, 387;

mentioned, vui.

Frances, bill to enable, to difpofe of her eftate, 21, 24, 27, 34, 60, 61, 70; petition13.

Harrifon, William, mentioned, 203. Harry, a flave, 104. Hart, Silas, commiffioner, 264. Harwood, William, burgefs, viii, ix, 80, 157, 259. Hat-makers, report of committee on petition of,

Greenhill, Jofeph, mentioned,







Hayes, Ifaac, mentioned, 175;


tobacco levied on,


mentioned, 285. Mary, petitioner, 158; report of committee on petition of, 187. Grymes, Benjamin, petitioner, 261; verdidl of

Haynie, Charles, claimant, 239. Heamdon, James, mentioned, 86.

Peter, burgefs, viii, ix, 5, 43, 48, 80, 127, 157, 184, 204, 247, 235, 358, 384, 390, 308, 319, 320, 345, 363, 363, 375, 393; empowered to apply rents and profits of certain lands towards paying the debts of Brent, deceafed, 97, 103, 104, 108, 115, 149; petitioner, 93. Hedgman River, mentioned, 333, 341. Hemp, bill for allowing inhabitants of Frederick County to pay fees in, 298, 380; bill for giving premium for raifing and exporting. 313, 213, 215, 216, 220, 304, 378, 383, 385, 386, 388, 390, 393, 398, 405.

Hedgman, "3.

the Houfe in the cafe of his conteft of the eleAion of William Waller and Rice Curtis,


292, 293. Philip, burgefs, general, 308.






Guilford Creek, mentioned, 281. Gim-Powder, bill to encourage






146. Margaret, petitioner, 87, loi.

Hacker, Henry, petitioner, mentioned, Hall,

Durham, difcharged


Henderfon, Jacob, mentioned, 11. Henly, Leonard, petitioner, 303. Henrico County, bill for dividing, 379, 380, 384,
bill to eftablifh town in, 386, 387, 390, 396, 405; burgeffes, vii, ix, 271; mentioned, 80, 132, 295, 299, 310; petition, 263, 377; report of committee on petition of, 378; report of committee on propofition from. 163, 166, 269; return of writ for Richmond. ele(5ting burgeffes, 9, 264, 394; 58, 65, 66, 67, 70; feveral propofitions from 10, 25, 47. 100; Shoccoe's Warehoufe, 47; Warwick Warehoufes, 47; writ for eleifting burgefs, 359. Henry, John, report of committee on petition of, 312



from paying bond, 326,

329; petitioner, 323, 324. Hall, Inftance, claimant, 263. Hall, John, Jr., claimant, 267; mentioned, 242. Hall, Thomas, appointed fergeant at arms, 153; paid for fervices as fergeant at arms, 230, 248, 397Haly, James, claimant, 179. Hamilton Parifh, bill for dividing, 93, 93, 95, 107, 114, 119, 13s, 148; mentioned, 325; propofition in reference to divifion of, 89. Hampton, account of difburfements for foldiers mentioned, 33, 324, quartered at, 315; 326. Hampton Warehoufe, mentioned, 186, 195.


Hancock, Samuel, claimant, 81. Hanmer's (Hamner's) Point, mentioned,


8, 23, 26,

Herbert, Litler, petitioner, 84. Hereford, John, petitioner, 23. Higgins, John, mentioned, 195. Higgins. Richard, petitioner, 11, Highways, bill concerning, 389,
357. 358, 359. 40I-





36; petition in reference to eftablifhing ferry at, 19. Hannum, Thomas, claimant, 261. Hanover County, bill for dividing, 26, 28, 30, 34, 46, 70; bill to oblige jiiftices of, to repair

Thomas, claimant, 159. Hobb's Hole Warehoufe, mentioned, Hockaday, William, burgefs, ix, 359.




Ifland Creek, petition in reference to bridge

over, 45infpedlors' petition, 303; loi, 298; proprietor's peti-






burgeffes, vii, ix, 289, River, 201. 210; 300; Crutchfield Warehoufe, 295; Louifa Coimty formed from, vii, xvii; mentioned, 12, 26. 48, 102, 119, 203, 312, 313; MeriPage's Warewether's Warehoufe, 272; houfe, 165, 281, 295; petition, no, 276; propofition from, in reference to clearing Pamunkey River, 325; propofition from, report of in reference to divifion of, 25; committee on propofition from, 168, 185, 262; return of writ for eledling burgeffes, Saint Martin Parifh, 40, 43, 9, III, 264; 52. 53. 59. 60, 70, 115; writ for electing a burgefs, 77.

Hog Neck Warehoufe,

tion, 96.

concerning, a, 60, 70, 88, 103, i8i, 183, 185, 190, 192, 201, 205, 210, 221, 382, 300, 304, 311, 314. 328, 33^. 343. 344, 346, 348. reference 349. 355. 381. 400. 405'. petition in to allowing larger ferriage for, 38. Holden, George, petitioner, 93. Holder, John, allowed i8. for wharf. 297; peti-



tioner, 173; of, 194.

report of committee on petition


HoUaday, Anthony, mentioned,

Holland, mentioned,

Hardin, John, mentioned, 182. Hardy, Richard, petitioner, 32.

mentioned, 402. Holloway, John, mentioned, 124.


David, meftage from council recommending
petition of, 196; mittee, 108.

petition referred to


inhabitants on fouth fide of, 8; propofition for appointing a ferry over, 36; relolution for

Holt, John, claimant, 187; petitioner, Holt, Thomas, memorialift, 172.

appomting warehoufe on, 299. Jamestown, burgeffes, viii, x, 300, 305, 310; return
of writ for eleifting a burgefs, 9, 264. Jerdone, Francis, report of committee on petition

Home, George, mentioned,


Horfe-Foard, mentioned, 178, 179, 184. Horles. bill concerning, 129, 131, 135.
propofition in reference to, 19.



'36. '37. 148, 274, 275, 282, 296, 300, 304, 332, 333, 334. 344, 349, 387. 39'. 392. 395. 400, 405;

Houfe, Lawrence, claimant, 199. Howard, Allen, mentioned, 26, 276. Hubbard, Benjamin, mentioned, 174;

Jerdon's Warehoufe, mentioned, 171. Johnfon, John, claimant, 93. ohnfon, Mary, i)ctilioner, 303; report of commitee on petition of, 314; refolvc for paying 100 . as reward for difcovering method of curing
cancers, 318, 320, 329.


Hubbard, Litler, petitioner, 95. Hudges, William, mentioned, 97. Hudgin, John, petitioner, 303. Hughes, Afhford, mentioned, 8, 26, 82, 101. Huli, Richard, guilty of mifdemeanor, 188,

Johnfon, William, mentioned, 312, 313. Johnfton, Larkin, menticmed, 292, 293. burgefs, 365, 396. Jones, ones, Elizabeth, petitioner, 108; report of committee on jjetition of, 121, Jones, C.abriel, burgefs, 259, ix, 308, 315. 333, 356,

189; petitioner, 197. land, Hunger's Parifh, bill to enable veftry to fell complaint 190, 195, 200, 205, 207, 221;






Jones, Jones, Jones, Jones,


Hunger's Warehoufe, mentioned, 182, 187. Hunter, William, burgcfs, ix, 259. Hunter, John, mentioned, 187. Hunter, William, mentioned, 403. Hunting Creek Warehoufe, bill for eftablifhing
360, 363, 368, 375, 385, 386, 405; mentioned, 356; petition 11, 100; petition of I'airfax County, in reference to ei^tablifhing town at, 265. Hutchins (Hutchings), John, burgefs, viii, 6, 7, 31, 64, 44, 82, 89, 112, 117, 162, 164, 168, 192, 221. Hutchings, John, letter from, mentioned, 305.

George, claimant, 195. James, mentioned, 11, 37, Rebecca, petitioner, 21, 37. Richard, petition of Edward Booker complaining of corrui>t agreement of, 36, ^8; petiti(mcr, 8; report of committee on petition of, 12; verdicft of the Houfe in the cafe of the complaint of Edward Booker, 51, 52. Jones, Robert, burgefs, ix, 265, 308, 315, 317, 319,
323. 326, 333, 343. 35'. 353. 356, 357. 36', 366, 371. 391. 398. Jones, Wood, burgefs, ix, 259, ^00; contefted election of, 319, 321; verdi<5l of the Houfe in the cafe of his eleAion contefte<l by Samuel




Jones's Warehoufe, mentioned, 37, S5ordon, guilty of violation of the freedom

of eledlion,

Jordon, Samuel, mentioned, 130. Jordon, William, bill to veft land in, 384, 287, 389, 390, 298, 328; mentioned, 34; petitioner,

Indians, bill for better government of, 301, 377, 379, 382. 3^3> 384. 397. 398. 405-

Jordan's Warehoufe, mentioned, 92, 187.

Indian Warehoufe, mentioned, 272.

Infurredlions, aA for making provifion againft, 109, 112, 116, 117, 129, 147, 275, 293, 300, 330, 38.S. ^90. 396. 405. See Eftates. Inteftates' hftates. Invafions, a<5t for making provifion againft, 109, 113, 116, 117, 129, 147. 27s, 393, 300, 330, 385. 390. 396. 405. Invernefs, mentioned, 237. Irby, Charles, commiffioner, 321. Iron Works, bill to encourage adventurers in, 304, 330. 33'. 334. 335. 405. Ifle of Wight County, bill for dividing, 365, 366, 367, 371. 405; bill to oblige juftices to build bridge over Blackwater Swamp, 315, 319, 320, 328; burgeffes, vii, ix, 353, 365; Cocket's, 17, 32; juftices' petition, 15; juftices' petition reje<5ted, 55; mentioned, 9s, 191, 306; Newport Parifh, 344, 352, 354. 3S6, 358, 405; propofition from, in reference to warehoufe, 20, 312; report of committee on propofition from, 177, 312, 364; return of writ for eleAing burgeffes, 9, 264; WainItaly,

Kee, Elizabeth, petitioner, 20, 37. mentioned, 402. Kendall, John, report of committee on petition



Kennedy, Alexander,

petitioner, 182.

Kenner, Rodham, mentioned, 269, 270, 373, 274,

vii, ix, 7, 34, 61, 78, 1 12, 157, 258, 326. Kennon, William, claimant, 28; mentioned, 25. King, Robert, mentioned, 120. King and Queen County, bill for dividing, 34, 30.

Kennon, Richard, burgefs,



34, 54, 58, 60, 70; burgeffes, vii, ix; divided Dryfdale I'arifh, 23, 92; grievance from, concerning water mills, 18; mentioned, 41, 86,


119, 159, 17s; petition. 133; report of committee on juftices' petition, 127; return of writ for ele(5ling burgeffes, 9, 364; StrattonMajor Parifh, 116, 119, 148; feveral propofitions from, 10, 15, 22; Walker Town Ware-

wright's Warehoufe, mentioned, xiv.





19, 272.

King George County, adl

for eredling




Jamaica, mentioned, 31, 37, 38, 55, 169. James City County, bill for enlarging power of
176, 180, 181, 184, 231; Bruton Parifh, 102, 121; burgeffes, vii, ix; College Landing Warehoufe, 202; Hog Neck Warehoufes, 298; mentioned, 105, 291, 367; petition, 36, 300; petition of Richard Ambler in opposition to petition of, 305; return of writ for eleAing burgeffes, 9, in, 364 report of committee on propofition from, 166; writ for ele<5ling a burgefs, 8 1 River, bill for appointing ferry over, 37; bill for more effedtual clearing of, 213, 216, 220; bill to appoint perfons to view the places and landings on, 247, 248; mentioned, 82, 89, 92, 99, 101, 167, 171, 191, 246, 266, 309, 310, 337. 377; petition in reference to eftablifhing feat of government at falls of, 361; petition in reference to ferry over, 32; petition of
fheriff of,

Bray's Church, 53, 57, 66, 67, 70; burgeffes, vii, ix, 102, 287, 352; Gibfon s Warehoufe, Leedsjuftices' petition, 28; 276, 297; Town, 98', mentioned, 279, 350; Moreton's



no, 281, 299; petition, 350, 375; propofition from, rejected, 379; Rappahannock River, 14; report of committee on proprfition from, 281, 288, 295; return of writ for ele(5ting burgeffes, 9, 264; feveral propofitions from, 10, 13, 17, 30, 23. William County, Aylet's Warehoufe, 218; bill to oblige juftices of, to repair and maintain bridge over Pamunkey River, 201, 310; burgeffes, vii, ix, 114, 118, 133, 289; mentioned, XX, 31, 48, 106, 107, 109, 1 15, 1 18, 121,
122, 125, 149, 191, 303, 285, 306, 308, 310, 313, 314, 351; petition of in oppofition to petition of "Thomas Danfie, 396; propofition from, rejeAed, 306; report of committee on petition of, 113, 119, 120, 133; re])ort of committee on propofition from, 369; return of writ for eleAing burgeffes, 9, in, 264; St. John's



Parifh, 123; St, Margaret Parifh, 97, 270; feveral propofitions from, 17, 22, 23, 25, 89; fheriff, of 14; Waller's VVarehoufe, 272; writ for eleAing a burgefs, 77. William Parifh, mentioned, 309; petition, 114; report of committee on petition of, 122, 179.

King's Ferry, mentioned, 119.

Lovell, Robert, petitioner, 107. Luck, Samuel, claimant, 280. Ludwell, Phili)), appointed to coUeA laws of Virginia, 401, 406; appointed to make an experiment of the efficacy of the medicine for curing cancers, 314, 318, 329; burgefs, viii,
X, 6, 7, 44, 49, 76, 77, 81, 86, 91, 115, 116, 122,

196; burgeffes, vii, ix, 131; Chrift Church Parifh, 126, 127, 160; court day altered, 339; mentioned, xxiii, 28, 120, 180. 181, 182, 266, 295; propofitions from, 13, 17; report of committee on petition of, ibo; report of committee on propofition from, 265, 269, 272; return of writ for elecfting burgeffes, 9, 264; St. Mary's White Chapel, 126, 127, 160. Lane, John, claimant, 239. Langhome, John, burgefs, ix, 259 Lavie, James, doorkeeper, xx, 5, 77, 156, 258; paid for fervices as doorkeeper to the Houfe, 230. 248, 397Laws, bill for revifal of, 217, 218, 219, 220; report of committee appointed to revife, 217, 277, 278, 279. Lear's Creek, mentioned, 288, 299. Lee, Charles, mentioned, 272. Lee, burgefs, viii, 7, 99, 157. Lee, George, burgefs, viii, x, 258, 363, 393. Lee, Richard, guilty of breach of the privileges of the Houfe, 393, 394. Lee, Thomas, member of veftry of Cople Parifh, 393; mentioned, 20, 272. Lee, William, mentioned, 332. Leeds Town, bill to empower truftees of, to make caufeway, 349. 352. 367, 371, 374, 405; eftablifhed, xvii; mentioned, 98, 120; petition,

Lad, John, mentioned, 167, 172. Lamb's Creek, mentioned, 379. Lancafter, treaty of, mentioned, xviii, xxii. Lancafter County, bill for adding land to,

128, 129, 132, 189, 190, 193, 238. 247, 25s, 267, 271, 290, .309. 3<i. 3>4, 325. 326, 327, 366, 376, 383,

139, 145, 155, ,57, ,60, 208, 312, 214, 219, 228, 257, 258, 259, 260, 264. 266, 292, 293, 294, 301. 303. 308, 317. 3'9. 320. 321, ?23, 324, 334, 341, 348, 354, 361, 363, 384, 386, 388, 389, 393, 398, 401, 404 '.petitioner, 176; reportof committee on petition of, 197,


Lunenburg County,
bill for

bill concerning hemp, 299, 380; altering method of holding court ini 39'. 395. 396, 405; bill for fetthng allowance on tobacco paid in difcharee of public debt, 217, 218, 219, 220; burgeffes, ix, 391; burgeffes for, not >dulv elefted, 238; Cumberland Parifh, 373, 385, 390, 391, 399, 405; formed, ix, xxii; mentioned, 338, 357; petition, 282, 306; report of committee on propofitions from, 298, 312. 341; return of writ for eletfling burgeffes, 238, 264. Lunenburg Parifh, bill to dock entail of land in, 284, 287, 389, 290, 298, 328; mentioned, 280. Lynch, Charles, burgefs, ix, 259. Lynn, Frances, petitioner, 93, 101.

McCarty, Daniel, burgefs, viii, 5, 7, 44, 57, 64, 66; mentioned, 77. MacClouds, Alexander, mentioned, 175. McClouds, Rachel, petitioner, 165; report of committee on petition of, 175. MacCoy, Jolin, guilty of breach of privileges of this houfe, 53; mover of tumult and riot, 50;

Lee's Old Field, mentioned, 342, 359, 369. Letter, John, claimant, 260. Levies, bill to fecure payment of, 330, 372, 376, 400.


Lewis, lames, mentioned, 26. Lewis, John, mentioned, 39, 40: petitioner, 44, 45. Lewis, Robert, burgefs, vii, 161; mentioned, 300; petitioner, 81, 83; verdi<!l of the Houfe in the cafe of his conteft of the eledlion of Abraham

Venable, 125.
Lewis, Thomas, commiffioner, 264; mentioned, 34. Lewis, William, mentioned, 34. Lewis, Zachary, petitioner, 14, 27. Lightfoot, Philip, mentioned, 26. Liquors, acft for laying duty upon, 15, 22, 30, 39, 54,
59, 60, 62, 64, 69, 87, 103, 135, 138, 140, 142, 146, 147, 162, 172, 184, 191, 19s, 203, 206,

Macguire, Cornelius, mentioned, 175. Macguire, Mary, petitioner, 163; report of committee cm petition of, 175. Machotack River, mentioned, 311, 313; report of committee on petition of inhabitants on upper part of, 194. Machotick Creek, mentioned, 25. McKean, George, mentioned, 338, 339; paid for apprehending horfe thief, 345, 406; reimburfed for fervice rendered Colony, 339. MacWilliam, William, petitioner, 198. Madifon (Maddifon), John, burgefs, ix, 259, 356, 360, 362, 370, 377, 378, 381, 382; contefted
eledtion o^, 261, 264; verdiA of the in the cafe of his eletftion contefted by

Houfe James

207, 220, 27s, 302, 319, 324, 326, 327, 328; penny a gallon laid iipon, 322. Little, Francis, claimant, 30. Little Roanoke River, mentioned, 2S2, 341,

additional duty of one

Patten, 323. Maddo.x, mentioned, 26. Mannell (Mannel), Elizabeth, petitioner, 84, 94. Manning, Mofes, claimant, 261. Mantapike, mentioned, 21. Mantapike Warehoxife, mentioned, 123. Mares, bill to reftrain keeping too great a number

Rocky Creek, mentioned, 25, 26. Littlepage, Edmund, mentioned, 312.


304, 332, reference to,


334. 405;

propofition in

Markham, James, mentitmed,

Marlborough, mentioned,

Littlepage, Richard, bill for eftablifhing town on land of, 309, 317, 319, 320, 328; mentioned, x.wii, 308; motion made to buy land of, 284; petitioner, 45, 49. Lomax, Lunfford, burgefs, vii, ix, 5, 6, 20, 35, 37, 63. 77. 78. 102, 108, 122, 137, 138, 143, 146, 156, 157, 169, 172, 181, 184, 189, 205, 215, 236, 248, 258, 284, 358, 382, 384. London, mentioned, 269. Lorton, Thomas, petitioner, 176; report of committee on petition of, 194.

ii, 285.

bill concerning, 297, 360, 362, 363, 364, 366, 368. 371, 401. Martin, John, claimant, 261 mentioned, 36, 84, 101. Martin's Brandon Parifh, bill to empower veftry to fell glelie and purchafe more convenient one, 268, 271, 273, 280, 285, 328; petition, 265.

Maryland, mentioned,







244, 265, 281, 288.

Louis XV, mentioned, xiii. Louifa County, atft to oblige furveyor of, to refide in, 148; bill for altering court day, 121; burgeffes, vii, ix, 200; contefted eleAion of
burgefs, 81, 83; formed from Hanover Co., Frederickfville Parifh, 114, 129, vii, xvii;
168, mentioned, 89, 128, 132, 137, 162, 174,

Mafon, George, mentioned, 262, 285, 325. Mafon, Jofeph, mentioned, 166. Maffenuten (Maffanutten), petition, 338;


203; report of committee on petition of, 119; report of committee on propofition from, 168, 262; return of writ for clec'ting burgeffes, 83, 264. Louifburg, mentioned, xxii. 155.

reieOled, 341. Maffie, William, burgefs. ix, 259, 289, 303, 382. Mattapony Church, mentioned, 292, Mattapony River, mentioned, 26, 92, 113, 119, 176; propofition in reference to bridge over, 22; propofition in reference to clearing, 23. Matthew, John, commiffioner, 264. Matthews,' Patrick, claimant, 274, Mattox, William, claimant, 161. Maycox Warehoufe, mentioned, 92.


Mercer, John, mentioned, 203, 286; report of committee on petition of, 287, 289. Mercer's Landing, mentioned, 36. Meriwether, William, burgefs, vii, ix, 89, 157, 228,

Meriwether, Nicholas, mentioned, 281, 295. Meriwether, Thomas, motion made not to buy land of, 284; refolution in reference to eftablifhing town on land of, 283. Meriwether, William, motion made not to buy land of, 284; petitioner, 102; report of committee ori petition of, 312, 313; refolution in reference to eftabhfhing town on land of, 283. Meriwether's Warehoufe, report of committee on
petition of infpedtors at, 272. Merriot's Landing, mentioned, 179.

Michauxe, Jacob, mentioned, 8. Micou, John, mentioned, 271, 280, 307. Micou's, mentioned, 307. Middlefex County, burgeffes, vii, ix; mentioned, 120,
174, 227; report of

mentioned. 90. 378; petition, 95; 64, 70; petition of the Upper Parifh, 29, 43; report of committee on petition of Upper Parifh of, report of committee on propofition 379; from, 1 66, 288; return of writ for eledting burgeffes, 9, 264; feveral propofitions from, 18, 47, 92; Suffolk, 80. 86, 89, 114, 124. 125, 127, 13s, 148, 288; Suffolk Parifh, 273, 298. Nanfemond Indians, adt to enable to fell certain lands, xxi. 117, 125, 130, 138, 139, 142, 148; mentioned, 293. Nanfemond River, mentioned, 95, 288, 299. Nafh, John, commiffioner, 321. Naylor's Hole Warehoiife, mentioned, 269; petition of inhabitants in vicinity of, 164; report of committee on petition of inhabitants in vicinity of, 179. Negroes, bill for better government of, 301. Neilfon, John, mentioned, 23. Nelfon, delivers meffage from Council,

committee on propofition

46, 49. 54.

return of writ for elefting biu-Ill, 264, 327; writ for electing a burgefs, 77, 308.

from, 295;
geffes, 9.

Nelfon, William, burgefs,

5, 6, 7, 13, 30, 39, 43, 48, 57. 58, 59. 67, 77, 78, 85, 88, 94, 96, 103, 106,

Middleton, John, mentioned, 11. Middleton. Robert, mentioned, 393. Mill Creek, mentioned, 180, 181, 182. Mill Dams, bill concerning, 289, 347, 350, 354, 3S7.
358, 35". 360, 401.
Miller, William,

mentioned, 165.

Miner, John, mentioned, 356; petitioner, 84, loi. Minor, Nicholas, petitioner, $7,. Mitchell. Robert, burgefs, vii, 5, 13, 80, 157. Mitchell, George, claimant, 263. Molton, Jofeph, petitioner, 84, 94.

Monday's Point, mentioned, 26. Monroe, Andrew, biu-gefs, viii, 118,

Moore, Bernard, burgefs,


107, 137. 157. 228, 258, 276, 285. Moore, George, claimant. 260. Moore, John, allowed 8 /J. for wharf, 297; claimant, 198; petitioner, 276. Moore, Margaret, mentioned, 169. Morocofick, Creek mentioned, 22. Morton, George, mentioned, 20; report of committee on petition of, 281. Morton, Jofeph. mentioned, 338; paid for apprehending horfe thief, 345. 406; petitioner, 98; report of committee on petition of, 120. Moreton's Warehoufe, infpedtors' petition, no, 176, 271; report of committee on petition of inix,

xx, 89, 96,

107, III, 115, 116, 117, 129, 140, 142, 145, 146, 155; member of committee for revifal of laws, xxiii, 217. Nelfon. John, mentioned, 92. Nelfon. Thomas, fecretary, viii, x, 163, 164, 168, 188, 209, 218, 221, 227, 228, 246, 247, 248, 257, 258, 261, 267, 268, 290, 303, 305, 313. 317. 32, 333, 336, 343, 344, 347, 352, 354, 355. 366, 372; member of committee for revifal of laws, xxiii. Newcaftle, adl to confirm lots to purchafers thereof. 140, 146, 148; bill for altering time of holding fairs in, 311, 314, 328; bill for eftabhfhing town near, 361, 362, 363; bill to prevent hogs going at large in, 205, 210, 221; eftablifhed a town with privileges granted to

other towns,
48, 201,






New New

fpectors at. 281; refolution for falaries of infpectors at, 299.



Mofby, Richard, mentioned, 26. Mofeley. Edward, claimant, 378.

Mofs, Elizabeth, petitioner, 21, 37. Mofs, Francis, mentioned. 37. Mott, John, claimant, 124. Mountjoy, William, mentioned, 203. Mulattoes, bill for better government

312, 361; petition, 183; report of committee on petition of, 185; refolution for altering fair days in town of, 300. Glafgow, petition, 384. Kent County, burgeffes, viii, ix, 118, 133, 300; mentioned, 282, 296, 299, 306, 308, 309, 317, 319. 320, 328; propofition from, in reference to reviving warehoufes, 25; report of committee on propofition from, 295; return of writ for eledting burgeffes, 9, 264; writ for eledting a burgefs, 77. Town, bill to reftrain hogs and fheep from going at large in, 181, 183, 190, 192, 201, aio, 221; mentioned, 312, 175.


York, letter from governor of, confidered by the Houfe, 205; mentioned, 226. Newport, John, under fheriff, 50.


Parifh, bill for diffolving veftry, 181, 186, 190, 192, 194, 198, 205, 206, 209, 220; bill

of, 301, 377. 379. 382. 383, 384, 397, 398, 405. Mulberry Ifland Point, mentioned, 32; petition in oppofition to a petition for appointing a ferry at, 24; petition to eftablifh ferrv at,


empower veftry to fell glebe and purchafe more convenient one, 346, 352, 354, 356,


Mundell, John, mentioned, 161, 169, 174, 175, 187:







Murdock, John,

bill to appoint commiffioners to determine the claims and demands of 209, 215, Murphy, John, claimant, 261. Mvirray, Anthony, mentioned, 203. Mufe, George, ordered to be paid for fervices to his country, 285; petitioner, 265; reimburfed expenfes of returning home from intended expedition againft Canada, 328; report of committee on petition of. 268.

Namezian Creek, mentioned, 281. Nanfemond Cotmty, a<5t for the relief of perfons who were fufferers by lofs of county records,
46, 52, 54, 60, 70, 350, 352; bill for altering bill for dividing upper parifh of, 97, 100, 103, 106, 148; burgei^es, Wii,

358, 405; petition, 178, 344. 164. Noland, Philip, report of committee on petition of, 288. Nominy Ferry, mentioned, 363, 373. Nominy Warehoufe, infpedlors' petition, 3^. Norfolk, mentioned, 108, 305, 323. Norfolk Borough, bill declaring who fhall vote for burgefs for, 380, 383, 388, 391, 393; bill in reference to payment of public dues, 23; burgeffes, viii, x; mentioned, 112, 365; petition, 364, 383; petition referred to committee, 384; propofition from, in reference to court of huttings, 19; propofition from, in reference to fea-faring men, 18; report of committee on petition of, 373, 387, 388; return of writ for electing a burgefs, 9, 264. Norfolk County, burgeffes, viii, Lx, 192; juftices" petition of petition, 43; mentioned, 191; magiftrates in oppofition to a petition of

Newton, John, claimant,

court day, 191;


352; committee difcharged from preparing bill in reference to Upper Parifh of, 44; Conftance's Warehoufe, 53, 58, 61, 63.

propofition from, 365; reference to bears. 22; propofition in reference to erecfting warehome in, 10, 25; report of committee on juftices' petition, 51; return of writ for eledting burgeffes, 9. 81, 264; writ for eledting a burgefs, 64. North Carolina, adl againft importing tobacco from,

Norfolk Borough,


North River, mentioned, 333.



County, biirgeffes, viii, ix, 308; Hungar's Parifh, 29, 195, 200, 208, 221; mentioned, 172, 203; petition of jultices,
182; propofition in reference to reviving adt for deftroying crows and fquirrels, 13; propofition from, rejedted, 307; report of committee on petition of, 187, 192, 265, 306; report of committee on propofition from, 269; return of writ for eledling burgeffes, 9, 264; Stringer's Parifh, 22.

xxvi, xxvii, xxix, 113, 119, 120, 168, 185, 203, 242, 246, 306, 312; petition in reference to appointing ferry over, 45 propofition in reference to clearing, 23; report of committee on propofition and petition in reference to clearing, 325.

Parifh, John, petitioner, 198.

Parks, William,

Northanna, mentioned, 82, 119, Northern Neck, bill for confirming grants made by His Majefty within bounds of, 322, 324, 328. Northtomberland County, bill for dividing, 196; mentioned, xxiii, 189, burgeffes, viii, ix; 29s. 339; report of committee on petition againit juftices of, 180; report of committee on propofition from, 181, 182. 269, 270, 271,
272, 273; return of writ for elecfting burgeffes 264; refolution in reference to adt for reitraining fheriffs from making unreafonable feifures, 82; feveral propofitions from, 13,

difcharged out of cuftody, 404 petitioner, 10, 29, no, 173. 228, 240, 308; public printer, xxix, 386, 388, 389, 401; report of committee on petition of, 41, 42, 138; falary, xxii, 49, 70, 141, 149. 175, 221, 230, 231, 244, 250, 328; taken into cuftody for publifhing article refledting upon the



Parramore, Thomas, burgefs, ix, 195, 259. Parrot's Creek, mentioned, 295; refolution for appointing w-arehoufe on upper fide of, 290. Patowmack River, mentioned, 20, 23, 120, 192, 265.
281, 288, 298, 325, 379; petition in reference to ferry over, 262; propofition from Fairfax Co. in reference to ferry over, 93, 163. Patton, Col. James, mentioned, 56; petitioner. 261. report of committee on petition of, 264; verdidt of the Houfe in the cafe of his conteft of the election of John Madifon, 323. Payne, William, allowance made to in Book of Claims, 299; report of committee on petition of, 273. Peal, Capt. Malachi, mentioned, 285. Pedlars, adl for licenfing, 202, 210, 212, 213, 214, 218, 220, 330, 385, 389, 394, 395. 396, 397, Pendleton, Philip, report of committee on petition


26. x, 386;

Norton, John, burgefs,

lands vefted

in, 115,

118, 121, 122, 125, 149.


Indians, adl to enable to fell certain lands, xxi, 117, 125, 130, 138, 142, 148, 304, 305, 306, 310, 317, 318, 328; petition, 293. Nottoway River, bill in reference to bridge over, 48;

mentioned, 92, 178, 179, 184. Nugent, William, guilty of breach of the privileges of the Houfe, xx. 131; petitioner, 132.


Oakley, Thomas, Jr., claimant, 270. Oaks, Charles, mentioned, 109. Oaks, Jofeph, mentioned, 107. Occoquan Ferry, tobacco levied for fupport



of, io8,

Occoquan River, mentioned, 10, 25, Occoquan Warehoufe, mentioned,


Penifton, Anthony, claimant, 270; report of committee on claim of, 297. Penman, Thomas, claimant, 241. Pennington, Thomas, claimant, 279. Peterfburg, bill for eftablifhing town of, 190. 195. 198, 205, 296, 300, 322, 324, 328; petition,


report of


committee on petition of infpedlor at, 273. Old Point Comfort, mentioned, xv. Orange County, bill for dividing, 312, 314, 315, 333.
335. 337. 342, 344. 345. 346. 401; burgeffes, mentioned, xxviii, 16, 48, 50, viii, ix, 313; loi, 106. 161, 280, 378; petition, 45, 56, 333; report of committee on propofition from, 287, 310, 341; refolution of committee to which petition was referred, 56; return of writ for eledling burgeffes, 9, 81, 264; feveral

Peyton. John, permitted to withdraw petition complaining of undue eledlion of James



petitioner, 128, 161.

Peyton's Warehoufes, mentioned, 271. Pharmacy, bill concerning pradlitioners

propofitions from, 13, 17, 18. 19. 20, 29. Ordinaries, bill for regulating, 289, 346, 349, 352, . .. 354. 357. 374, 401* Orkney, Lord, mentioned, 404. 1 Orphans, bill concerning, 330, 365, 36S, 371, 372, 376, 3S2, 400. Ofbome, Richard, burgefs, ix. 259, 363, 368. Ofbom, John, mentioned, 80, 269; refolution for

in, 324, 325, 326, 340. Philios, Anthony, claimant, 260. Phyfic, bill concerning pradlitioners in, 324, 325, 326, 340. Picket, William, claimant, 159. Pignut, bill for clearing road from, to Blue Ridge,


Pinckard, Thomas, petitioner, 261, 268;

_ of ^ report


appointing warehoufe on land of, 299. Parifh, mentioned, 199, 203; petition

rejedted, 307. Oyfter-fhell Point, mentioned, 26.

committee on petition of, 266. Piping Tree, mentioned, 269; refolution for appointing warehoufe at, 299. Pifcataway, mentioned, 37, 55. Pifcataway Creek, mentioned, 92, 119. Pifcataway Warehoufe, mentioned, 194. Pifpitanfy, mentioned, 379. Pitch, adl for afcertaining gauge of barrels for, 17,
24, 29, 41. 54. 59. 62, 64, 69, 165, 173, 192,

Pagan Creek, mentioned,

Page, Page, Page, Page,


Carter, mentioned, 00.

201, 209, 212, 214, 216, 218, 220, 27s, 309, 319, 341, 350, 380; adl for infpedling, 384. 398, 405. Pitt, Robert, juftice of peace of Accomack County, 204.

John, mentioned, 90. Lucy, mentioned, 90. Mann, enabled to difpofe of certain lands, 94.
96, 98, 102. 117, 149;

WiUiam, mentioned, xiii. Pohick Warehoufe, mentioned, 100, 300; report of committee on petition of infpector at, 273.

petitioner, 90.

Page, Mary, mentioned, 90, Page, Matthew, mentioned, 90. Page, Ralph, mentioned, 90. Page, Robert, mentioned, 90. Page's Warehoufe, mentioned, no, 165, 168, 169; report of committee on petition of infpedlors
at, 281, 295.

Palmer, Martin, petitioner, 107, 109. Pamunkey Chapel, mentioned, 292.

Indians, bill to enable, to fell land, 285. 289, 294, 296, 301, 328; petition of, 276. Pamunkey (Pamunky) River, bill for eftablifhing town on, 244^ 245, 294; bill in reference to appointing ferry over, 49, 310; bill in reference to bridge over, 43, 45, 46, 48, 201, 210; bill to appoint perfon to view the places and landings on, 247, 248; mentioned, xxv.

for making provifion for, 330, 374, 37^. 400. Pork, adl for afcertaining gauge of barrels for, 17, 24, 201, 29, 41, 54, 59, 62, 64, 69, 165. 173. 192, 209, 212, 214, 216, 218, 220, 275, 309, 319, weighing 341, 350, 380; adl for infpedling, and ftamping. 24. 29. 59. 69, 165, 173, 192. 201 209, 212, 214. 215. 218, 220. 275, 309, refolution 319. 341, 350, 380, 384, 398. 405; and in reference to infpedling, weighing






biu-gefs, 259.

Port Micou, mentioned, 271, 307. Port Royal, bill to prevent building of wooden




181, 183, 171, 172,





report of committee on Portlock, William, burgefs, ix.

175; petition. petition Ot, 307.



Porto Bello, mentioned, xiv. Potter, Henry, petitioner, p. Pounds, adt to empower juftices of every county
court to ere(5t, 143, i44. Powell. Honorius. guilty of breach of privileges of

Raleigh Parifh, bill for dividing. 297, 300, 305, 308, 328; mentioned, 171; report of committee

Houfe, 53;



tumult and


50; petitioner, 6g. Powell, Robert, petitioner,

on petition of, 281. Randolph, burgefs, Randolph, Beverley, burgefs,



Powell's Creek Warehoufe, petition in reference to reviving. 22. Powel's Landing, mentioned, 23. Power, James, burgefs, vii, xx, s, 6, 21, 29, 35, 41,
57. 63, 65, 89, 102, 107, 120, 122, 142, 143, 161, i6g, 176, 190, 191, 193, 209, 212, 218, 227, 228, 236, 237, 239, 243, 247; clerk of court, 77. Pratt, James, claimant, 98, 308. Prefley, Peter, burgefs, viii, xxiii, xxiv, 7, 13, 180, guilty of mif demeanor. 201; reprimanded for mifdemeanor, 191.

56, 61, 65, 66. x, 79, 117, 146, 155. 156, 157. 173. 206, 209. Randolph, Sir John, mentioned, 402.


Randolph, Peter, burgefs,


134, 202, 240,

193, i8i;

Prefton Pans, mentioned,


Price, Marj', mentioned, 314. Pride, William, mentioned, 163. Prince George County, Bath Parifh, loi, 112, 115, Blandford, 190, 195, 205, 121, 124, 148; 282, 296, 300, 322, 324, 328; Boiling's Point Warehoufe. 287, 295; Briftol Parifh, 53, 57, burgeffes, viii, ix, 271; 70; 61, 66, 68, claim of late fheriflf of, 270; Martin's Brandon Parifh, 268, 271, 273, 280, 285, 328; mentioned, u, 93, 163, 192, 297; Peterfburg, 190, 195, 205, 282, 296, 300, 322, 328; petition, 22, 92; report of committee on propofition from, 171; return of writ for eledting burgeffes, 9, 170, 264; feveral propofitions from, 15, 47, 100, 105; writ for eledting a burgefs, 155. Prince William County, bill for clearing road, 315, 319, 321, 323, 324, 328; bill for dividing, 24, 27, 30. 36, 40, 70; bill for eredling town in

ix, 376, 378, 379, 380, 382, 383, 384, 386, 387. 389. 401. Randolph, Peter, paid for fervices as clerk of H. of B,, 230, 248, 397. Randolph, Peyton, appointed to coUedt laws of Virginia, 401, 406; attorney-general, x, 257, 258, 267, 290, 301, 303, 304, 308, 311, 323, 326, 337, 343. 346, 348, 354. 375. 377. 3^3. 384. 386, 391, 393, 401. Randolph, Richard, burgefs, vii, ix, 3, 5, 6, 7, 13, 44, 46, 58, 63, 77, 78, 117, 122, 129, 140, 156, 157, 189, 191, 194, 201, 204, 206, 207, 209, 212, 227, 228, 236, 237, 243, 245, 247, 249, 359; member of committee for revifal of laws,

Randolph, William, appointed clerk of H. of



Randolph, William, biwgefs,

vii, 5, 6, 77, 78,

128, 132, 135, 138, 144, 145, 146, 205, 211, 213, 237, 240, 241, 247. Ranfdell, Edward, petitioner, 33.

96, 103, 168, 195,

Rappahannock Creek, mentioned, 25, 34, 269. Rappahannock Iron-Mine Company, mentioned, 99. Rappahannock River, bill for confirming grants in
315, 320, 322; no, 119, 120, 281, 288, 123. 165, 287, 315, 323, 324, 326, 338, 341, 369, 370, 379; petition of inhabitants of fork of, ^a; propofition in reference to ferry over, 295; report of committee on petition in reference to ferry over, 295. Rappidanne (Rappidan) River, bill in reference to bridge over, 33, 57; mentioned, 333; propofition in reference to bridge over, 29. Read (Reade), Clement, burgefs, ix, 259, 309, 315, 361, 366, 382, 383, 391; clerk-affiftant to the Houfe, xviii, 75; not duly eledted as burgefs, 238. Records, Public, bill for eredting a building for prefervation of, 247, 248, 249, 250.

the fork




184, 197, 20, 36, 39,




bxirgeffes, viii, ix,

385, 405; Bull 102, 131, 359;

Run, 368;

Panfh, 325;
vii, xvii;

Fairfax County formed from,

Parifh, 92, 93, 95, 107, 13s, 148; jtiftice of, enabled to levy tobacco for fupport of Occoquan Ferry, 108, III, 113, 115, 148; mentioned, 11, 23, petition, 10 91; Powell's 356, 359, 360; Creek Warehoxife, 22; report of committee on propofition from, 271, 272, 307, 338; refolution in reference to ijropofition for
114, 119,


Reddick (Riddick), Lemuel,


fupporting Occoquan Ferry, 80: return of writ for eledting burgeffes, 9, iii, 264; feveral propofitions from, 10, 15, i8, 20, 23, 25, 28, 89; writ for eledting a burgefs, 77.

Inu'gefs, viii, ix, 6, 7, 35. 46, 55, 57, 58, 61, 63, 65, 66, 78, 99, loi, 112, 115, 117, 122, 125, 128, 130, 132, U3, 1,34. 13s. 142, 159. 180. 209. 236. 237.

Anne County, burgeffes, viii, ix; juftices' petition, 43; mentioned, 175, 191; New Town, 181, 183, 185, 190, 192, 201; propofition from, rejedted, 312; report of committee on juftices' petition, 51; return of writ for eledting burgeffes. 264. Printer. See Parks, William. Prifons, bill concerning, 301, 385, 386, 396, 405. Pritchet, Andrew, mentioned, 237. Pritchet, Elizabeth, petitioner, 237; report of committee on petition of, 297. Proby, John, claimant, 186. Prodtor's, bill to bridge over Blackwater Swamp at, 319, 320, 328; mentioned, 315. Promiffory Notes, bill concerning, 311, 361, 363, 365. 401. Prufiia, mentioned, xiii. Public Levy, adt for raifing, 68, 70, 327, 328. Public Printer. See Parks, William. Public Prifons. See prifons. Public Record. See records, public.

238, 241, 255, 258, 259, 261, 289, 294, 300, 320, 335, 350, 359, 366, 382; difcharged out of cuftody, 330; taken into cuftody for negledting fervice of the Hotife, 323.

Reedy Branch, mentioned,



Reeves, Henry, petitioner, 92; report of committee

on petition of 119. Reid, James, petition rejedted, 55; petitioner, 24. Reid, Rev. John, mentioned, 331. Rents, bill for fecuring payment of, 360, 361, 400. Rhine, mentioned, xiv. Richardfon, Edward, claimant, 270.
fairs to be kept in, 248, eftablifhing town of, 58. 65, 66. 67, 70; bill to prevent btiilding of wooden chimneys, 126, 129, 131, 132, 148; bill to prevent hogs going at large in, 360, 381; petition, 88, 120, 342; propofition in reference to eftablifhment of, 47. Richmond County, burgeffes, viii, ix, 131, 287; Lunenburg Parifh, 280, 284, 287, 289, 290, 298; mentioned, 14, 34, 92; Naylor's Hole Warehoufe, 179; report of committee on propofition from, i68, 269, 271, 302; refolution in reference to adt for ref training fheriffs from making unreafonable feifures, 82 refolution in reference to propofition from, in regard to attendance at mufters, 83 return of writ for eledting burgeffes, 9, 264; feveral propofitions from, 10, 15, 19, 25, 85. Riding, George, claimant, 261. Rivers, bill for clearing, 297, 340, 342, 343, 344, 346, bill to prevent pollution of, 18, 289, 348, 401 374. 375. 382, 389, 394, 395, 396, 397, 405. Roanoke River, mentioned, 92, 178, 179, 184.

Richmond, a flave, 298. Richmond, adt for allowing

bill for

Public Storehoufes. See storehoufes. Pugh's Creek, mentioned, 95.

Quantico, mentioned, 10, 25. Quantico Church, mentioned, 91. Quantico Creek, mentioned, 338. Qiiantico Warehoufes. mentioned, 91. Queen, William, mentioned, 262, 325. Quit-Rents, adt for better fecuring payment
214, 215, 217, 218, 219.



Robinfon, James, mentioned, 162, 174.


Robinfon, John, eledled fpeaker,





committee for re\ifal of laws, xxiii refle(5ted upon by falfe expreffions of John Blair, xxvii,
290; fpeaker,
40, 42. 43. 44. 83, 85, 86, 97, 134, 136. 140. 177, 180, 182, 197, 201, 204, 221, 225, 227, 241. 242, 245, 268, 274, 282,
vii, ix, xvii, 4, 9, 10,

13, 36, 38, 45. 46, 49. 69, 71, 75, 79, 80, 98, 105, 107, 113, 126, 129, 131, 147. 149. 153, 158, 160, 164, 185, 186, i88, 191, 193, 196, 205, 208, 211, 214, 215, 220.

Savage, John, mentioned, 286. Scarburgh (Scarborough), Henry, burgefs, vii, 5. 33, 82; mentioned, 128. Scotland, mentioned, xiii. Scott, Daniel, mentioned, 167, 171; petitioner, 167; report of committee on petition of.

317, 343. 357. 374. 391.

327, 345. 358. 375. 397.

329. 347. 360, 379. 400,

228, 246, 283, 3i2. 349. 362, 380. 404.

231, 250, 287, 333. 350. 364, 381. 406.

235, 237, 238, 240, 256, 263, 265, 267, 290, 305, 315, 316, 33(>, 339. 340. 342, 351. 352. 353. 356, 368, 370, 371, 372, 382. 383. 386, 388,

Scott. James, mentioned, 203. Scott, Jofeph, burgefs, vii; complaint in regard to condudl of, in contefted eledlion, 36; contefted election of, 8, 12; petition of Edward

Robinfon, Rev. Mr. William, thanks of Houfe for fermon, 192. Rock Fish River, mentioned, 276. Rocky-Ridge, mentioned, 269, 299. Rocky Run, mentioned, 298. Rootes, Philip, petitioner, 331.
Rofs, Andrew, claimant, 261.

corrupt agreement in the cafe of the complaint of Edward Booker. 51, 52. Seiffon, Henry, claimant, 263. Sellar (Sellars, Sellers), Jacob, mentioned, 113: petitioner, 308; report of committee on

Booker complaining

verdict of the


petition of, 309.


Roy's Warehoufe,

bill for eftablifhing 106, 108. 114, 116, iig, 149; petition, no; mentioned, 99.


near, infpedlors'

bill concerning, 282, 301. 336, 343, 347, 348, 349. 351. 352. 353. 355. 36'. 371. 372. 400. Seymour, Dr., mentioned. 314. Sheep, bill to prevent trefpaffes by, 282, 344, 349. 400. Sheep, bill to reftrain from going at large in New Town, 181, 183, 185, 190, 192, 201; petition in reference to allowing larger ferriage for,

Royfton, John, mentioned, 39, 40. Rucker, John, guilty of breach of privileges of this Houfe, 53; mentioned, 51; mover of tumult,
petitioner, 6g. Ruflfin, John, burgefs, viii, 5, 13, 14, 24, 49, 63, 67. 78, 80, 103, 130, 139, 159, 165, 175, 189, 216, 238, 242. Ruffell, William, mentioned, 50. Rutlidge, Reafon, convidted of horfe ftealing, 345 mentioned, 338, 339, 406.


Shelton, John, claimant, 12, 27.

Sheperd's Warehoufe,






346, 347. 358, 359. 400.

Shield, Robert, memorialift, 172. Shoccoe's (Shockoe) Warehoufe, infpedlors' petition.

47, no, 118, 263, 266: report on petition of iiupecftor at, 272.



Short, William, claimant, 82. Silver Coin, bill for fettling current rate

Sacco, a flave,


Sadler, Benjamin, mentioned, 28, 29. St. Andrew Parifh, bill for dividing, 190, 194, 201, bill for confirming veftry, 202, 207, 220; 181, 186, 191, 192, 206, 198, 205, 194, bill to oblige Goochland 220; 209, County to repay, money and tobacco therein mentioned. 380. 382, 384, 398, 405; mentioned, 172. 365; petition, 332. St. George Parifh, petition, 332, 342, 359. St. James Parifh, bill for dividing. 95, 103, 106, 108, 113, 135, 148; bill to oblige, to repay to Albemarle County tobacco and money therein mentioned, 380, 382, 384, 398, 405; mentioned, 114, 332, 364, 365; propofition from Goochland County in reference to divifiion of, 89; veftry empowered to fell old glebe and purchafe another more

of, 229, 304, 335. 336, 339. 386. 391. 394. 397See alio Britifh Silver Coin. Simmons, John, burgefs, vii, ix, 7, 49, 78, 130, 138, 142, 157, 195. 293. 294. 303. 304. 305. 31. 344. Simmons, William, claimant, 182. Six Nations of Indians, mentioned, xxii, 80; refolution that money be paid to, 208. Skins, a(ft to prevent frauds in duty upon, 202, 210, 212, 213, 214, 218, 220, 330, 385, 389, 394, 395. 396. 397. 398. Slate River, mentioned, 310. Slaughter, Robert, burgefs, viii; contefted eledlion of, 13, 16, 48, 50; not duly eledlcd burgefs,


Slaves, adt for laying


convenient, 92.
Parifh, bill for dividing, 137, 139, 142, 145, 148; mentioned, 97, 113, 133; petition, 123. St. Margaret Parifh, bill for diffolving veftry of, 168, 169, 172, 178, 181, 186, 190, 192, 194 198, 205, 206, 209, 220; bill for di\'iding, 137St. George Parifh, report of committee on petition of, 341, 369; report of committee on propomenfition from, 169, 139, 142, 145, 148; tioned, 113. 270; petition, 97, 159; report of committee on petition of, 160. St. Martin Parifh, bill for dividing, 40, 43, 52, 59, 60, 70; bill to oblige, to repay Frederickfville Parifh tobacco levied on it before the divifion of fame, 134, 137, 138, 141, 148, 194, 206, 207, 211, 220; mentioned, 115, 119, 168, 169; report of committee on bill,


duty upon, 15, 21, 30, 34, 36, 139, 165, 173, 198, 204, 209, 220, 275. 309. 3'9. 322, 326, 385, 390, 394, 39S, 398, 399; bill declaring, to be perfonal eftate, 304. 348, 351, 356, 361, 368, 371, 385, 400; bill directing trial of, committing capital crimes, 377, 379, 382, 383, 384, 397, 398, 405; bill to prevent clandeftine tranfportation of, 282, 336, 343, 348, 349, 355.

Sleepy Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith,

Hole Warehoufe, mentioned,

Chriftopher, mentioned, 269. Elizabeth, petitioner, 99.
Ifaac, petitioner, 378.

Ambrofe Jofhua, commiffioner,

92, 288. 83.

James, mentioned, 304. John, bill to dock entail of eftate of, and veft the fame in truftees to be fold, 202, 207, 221; mentioned, 198, 199, 200; report of committee on petition of, 177. Smith, Jofiah, petitioner, 112; mentioned, 388. Smith, Mary, petitioner, 304; report of committee

on petition



St. St.

Mary's Parifh, mentioned, 92 petition, 89. Mary's White-Chappel Parifh, bill for uniting

Chrift's Church Parifh, 126, 127, 169, 172, 178, 181, 182, 190, 191, 194, report of committee on petition of Lancafter County, in reference to uniting this and Chrift's Church Parifh, 160. Salt-Petre, bill to encourage manufadture of, 143, 145, 146, 189, 19s, 202, 207, 209, 211, 220.
this 168,


Year, mentioned, xxv; refolution to eredt town on land of, 242. Smith, Robert, mentioned, 99. Smith, William, petitioner, 262. Sneed, John, petitioner, 94. SneUing, Acquilla, claimant, 28. Snow, John, guilty of breach of privileges of this Houfe, 53; mover of tumult and riot, 50. Southam Parifh, bill to empower veftry to fell glebe and purchafe more convenient one, 238, 240, 241. 250; mentioned, 122. 309 petition,



Sam, alias Dick, mentioned, 316. Sandy Bay, mentioned, 282. 300, 305, Sandy River, mentioned, 282, 341.

Southern Boundary,
on, 65.


to encourage fettlement


Spain, mentioned,


xiv, xv, xxvii.


againft, mentioned, 4, 6, 163, 165, 167, 169, 174. reference to lupSpanifh Prifoners, refolution port and tranfportation of, 283.




37. 87.

from, in reference to fervants report of committee on propflaves, 1 5 ofition from, 179; return of writ for eledting burgeffes, 9, in, 264; writ for eledling a


Speaker. Sec Robinron, John. Spence, Patrick, mentioned, 26. Spencer, Edward, juftice of the peace, 16. Spencer, Samuel, mentioned, 167, 172. Spotfwood, John, bitrgefs, ix, 258, 323, 342, 385.

Spotfylvanja" County, a<5t for ereAmg town 39- burgoffes, viii, ix; contefted ele(5tion of Frederickfburg, burgeffes from, 261, 292; peti39; mentioned, 28, 29, 160, 161, 174; propofitions from, 19; tion, 24, 266, 291; report of conunittee on propofition from, refolution in reference to 183, 262, 295; allowing juftices more rent for purpofe of return of writ building warehoufes, 55; St. George for eledling burgeffes, 9. 264; Parifh. 169, 332, 341, 342, 359- j69Squirrels, a.6t for deftroying, 19, 23, 24, 29. 35, 41, 46, 70. 167, 269, 304, 308, 313, 328; propofitions from feveral counties in reference to reviving act for deftroying, 13. Stafford County, Acquia Warehoufe, 272, 299;

burgefs, 77. bill diredting duty of, 44, 287, 360, 362, 364, 374, 400Swan Creek, mentioned, 192. Swan's Point, petition of keeper of, 38, Sweny (Sweney, Swinney), Merritt, burgefs, vii,



60, 80,






168, 221.

Swiftrun Gap, mentioned, 312. Swinborne, Philip, petitioner, 387. Swinherd's Warehoufes, mentioned, 55;
of proprietor,


burgefs, 300, 305, 310, 386. Tabb, Tabb, John, burgefs, ix, 259. Tabb, "Thomas, burgefs, ix, 259, 282. Taite, William, guilty of mifdemeanor, 180, 181;



Talbot, James, claimant, 83. Talbot, Matthew, report of committee on petition

of. 338. Taliaferro, Francis, member of committee to feledt fite for chapel in St. George Parifh, 332, 342, 369Taliaferro, Richard, mentioned, 303, 305. Taliaferro, Rofe, petitioner, 303; report of committee on petition of, 305. TaliafeiTO, William, claimant, 86. Tappahanock, bill for adding lands to, 384, 387, 389, 392, 405; bill to prevent the raifing and keeping of hogs at large in, 118, 125, mentioned, 85, 91, 103, 117, 148; 132, 122, 131, 134, 137. 149; petition, 353; report of committee on petition of, 369, 370, 367; refolution in reference to propofition to reftrain hogs from going at large in, 82. Tar, adl for afcertaining gauge of barrels for, 17, 24, 29, 41, 54, 59. 62, 64, 69, 165, 173, 192, 201, 209, 2X2, 214, 216, 218, 220, 275, 309, 319, 341, 350, 380; adt for infpedting, bill to encourage making 384, 398, 405; and exporting of, 304, 378, 383, 385, 386, 388, 390, 392, 398, 405.


were tufferers for relief of perfons lofs of county records, 127; Boyd's Hole


viii, ix, 189, 359; 161; 128, election of burgefs, mentioned, 93, 162, 194, 216, 244, 297, 379; Overwharton Parifh, 199, 203, 307; petition rejeoed, petition, no, 311, 350; 313; report of committee on petition of, 287, report of committee on propofition 289; from, 265, 281, 285, 287; return of writ for eledting burgeffes, 9, in, 264; feveral propofitions from, 10, 15, 17, 25; writ for eleAing a burgefs, 77. Stannard, Be\erley, mentioned, 295; refolution for appointing warehoufe on land of, 299. Starke, John, commiffioner, 83. Stark, William, petition in behalf of Briftol Parifh,

Warehoufes, 55; burgeffes,









64, 66, 67, 68, 69. Staunton, bill for eftablifhing



Staimton River, mentioned, 282, 341.

William, mentioned, xxiii, 189, 295; Steptoe, report of committee on petition of, 180. Stith, Drewry, burgefs, ix, 259. Stith, Rev. William, thanks of Houfe for fermon,

Tafkanafk, mentioned, 25. Taylor, George, burgefs,

315. 323' 342. 345-






Stony Creek,' mentioned,



for appointing, 332, 340, 342, bill 344, 345. 401. Stratton-Major Parifh, empowered to fell prefent glebe and purchafe more con\enient one, 116, 119, 14S; petition, 92. Stringer's Parifh. complaint againft veftrymen,

Taylor, Argyl (Argil), gviilty of mifdemeanor, i88, 189; petitioner, 197. Taylor, Rev. Daniel, mentioned, 49. Taylor, George, mentioned, 16. Taylor, John, claimant, 46; petitioner, 270. Taylor, William, claimant, 96. Taylor, Zachariah, mentioned, 50. Taylor's Landing, mentioned. 45. Tenants, bill to prevent fraudulent pradlices of, 359,
361, 400.


Jofeph, allowed 40 . for flave, 297; petitioner, 279. Stxibblefield, George, mentioned, 332. Suffolk, bill for allowing fairs to be kept in, 294, bill to eftablifh 300, 304, 311, 314, 328; and confirm bomids and titles of lands in town of, 86, 89, 114, 124, 125, 127, 13s, 148; bill to prevent hogs and goats going at large in, 294, 311, 314; mentioned, 120, 208; petition, 261; report of committee on petition of, 185, 288; refolution in reference to petition of diredtors and truftees of, 80. Suffolk Parifh, bill for adding land to, 97, 100, bill to diffolve veftry of 103, 106, 148; 318, 320, 356, 358. 373, 374, 405; mentioned, 43i 95. 9^' petition, 273; report of committee on petition of, 298. Sumner, Jethro, mentioned, 80; notice fent to, of a bill introduced into the Ho\xfe of Burgeffes for quieting his claim to certain lands, 90; petitioner, 208. Sumner, Margaret, mentioned, 80; notice fent to, of a bill introduced into the Houfe of Burgeffes for quieting her claim to certain lands, 90. Surry County, Albemarle Parifh, 37, 60, 66, 67; bill for altering court day, 241, 250; burgeffes, Ndii, ix, 271, 352; Cabbin Point Warehoufe, in; Gray's Creek Warehoufe, 172, 196; mentioned. 48, 105, 242; petition, 343;

Timothy, guilty
the Houfe, 53;
50; petitioner,



breach of privileges of of tumult and riot,

Thacker, Anne, petitioner, 227. Thacker, Rev. Mr. Chicheley, thanks of Houfe for fermon, 199. Thacker, Edwin, bill to veft eftate of, in truftees to be fold for payment of his debts, 228, 229; mentioned, 227. Thacker, Elizabeth, petitioner, 327. Thacker, Sarah, petitioner, 227. Thompfon, Matthew, mentioned, 285. Thompfon, William, commiffioner, 264. Thornton, Francis, burgefs, viii, 5. 20, 30, 40, 80,


261, memonal of, mentioned, 20, 39; report of com161; mittee on memorial of, 175. Thornton, Prefley, bxvrgefs, ix, 258, 294, 364. Thorpe, Thomas, report of committee on account of, fheriff of King and Queen County, 175; 159Ticklin, William, claimant, 159. Tippling-Houfes, adt to reftrain, 123, 128, 132, 289, 344, 346, 349. 352, 354. 357. 374. 401; petition in reference to making adt agamft,



197. 245-




Tobacco, adl againft importing, from Carolina, 346; adt for fettling allowance on, paid in dif-


charge of public debt, 218, 219, 220; bill for laying duty on, exported, 294; bill to allow perfons not concerned in making,
to difcharge fees in money, 310, 314, 320, 321, 322, 326, 334, 353; bill to enable juftices of Prince William County to levy, to defray charges of clearing road, 319; bill to prevent abufes in, fhipped by freight, 300. 331. 334, 335. 400; bill to prevent importation by water, 281, 346; improvement of
ftaple, 10, 13, 15, 20, 22, 31, 36, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 49, 56, 60, 6i, 69, 88, 98, 100, no, n8, 119, 123, 126, 128, I2Q, 131, 133. 134, 143. 144. I4S. 147. 206, 210, 220, 275, 290, 299, 303, 308, 313, 315, 316, 317, 318, 320, 323, 328, 403. Tobacco fields, atft in reference to, 19. Todd, Robert, burgefs, x, 259, 386. Todd, Bernard, mentioned, 41. Todd, Richard, mentioned, 41. Todd, Thomas, a(5t to dock intail of eftate of, and veft fame in truftees to be fold, 221; lands vefted in, 193, 195, 196, 200, 205, 206: permitted to withdraw petition, 49; petitioner, 41, 186. Todd's Warehoufe, mentioned, 172, 193. Tomlinfon, Henry, claimant, 86. Torrington, a fhip, 182. Totafkey Creek, mentioned, 271.

Waddy, Anthony, mentioned,
refolution for

appointing warehoufe on land of, 299. Wade, Edmund, mentioned, 120. Wager, Robert, appointed doorkeeper, 5, 77, 156, 258; paid for fer vices as doorkeeper to the Houfe, 230, 248, 397. Wainwright's Warehoufe, infpecftors' accovuit, 18; inspe(5lors' memorial, 27: infpe(flors' petition, 15; mentioned, 20. Wale, George, claimant, 237. Walke, Anthony, appointed to make an experiment of the eflicacy of the medicine for ciunng cancers, 314, 318, 329; burgefs, viii, ix,
6, 7,





192, 201, 261,


347. 383.

Walke, Anthony, mentioned, 105; petitioner, 43; report of committee on petition, 51. Walker, Catherine, allowed ]. for building wharf,

Walker, Joel, allowed n$. for

2 73-

flave, 297


Walker, William, petitioner, 96, loi;



Walkerton, bill to prevent building wooden chimneys in, 357, 359, 373, 376, 377, 405; bill to prevent keeping of hogs in, 359, 373, 376,

Towns, William, mentioned,


Treafurer, accounts laid before Houfe, 207, 381; accounts referred to committee, 209; a(5l for appointing, 15, 66, 68, 69, 275, 318, 321, 328, 311, 315; ordered to lay accounts before the Houfe, 377. True heart, Aaron, meffage from Council recommending petition of, 196; petition referred to committee, 198; Aaron, report of committee on petition of, 202. Truro Parifh, bill for confirming veftry, 181, 186, igi, 192, 194, 198, 205, 206, 209, 220; bill for dividing, 318, 320, 356, 358, 373, 374, 405; bill to diffolve veftry and elecft new one, 133, 136, 139, 148; mentioned, 172; report of committee on propofition of Fairfax County for dividing, 298. Tunftall, Richard, clerk to Comm. of P. & G., 86. Tvuner, Henry, burgefs, vii, ix, 5, 20, 57, 63, 80,
108, 139, 157, 259, 321, 336, 349, 367, 371, 382, 392. Turner, Thomas, mentioned, 10, 171. Turner's Warehoufe, mentioned, 123. Turpentine, adl for infpeAing, 384, 398, 405. Tutt, Richard, member of committee to feledl lite for chapel in St. George Parifh, 332,

Walker Town (Walkerton) Warehoufe, mentioned, 119, 123; report of committee on petition
of infpeftor at, 272. Wall, John, burgefs, vii, 5, 60, 80, 112, 129.





appointed clerk to






burgefs, 6, 20, 30, 32, 33, 40, 59, 63, 78, 102, 104, 108, 113, 114, 125, 127, 131, 132, 244, 348, 354Waller, Benjamin, appointed to coUedt laws of Virginia, 401, 406; burgefs, vii, ix, 86, 96, 98, 102, 105, 108, III, 112, 114, 1L5, 121, 122, 124, 125, 126, 130, 133, 134, 143. 144. 156, 157, 164, 168, 169, 170, 180, 184, 188, 189, 191, 192, 193, 194, 196, 199, 200, 202,

213, 245, 289, 318, 359. 381, mittee for Waller, Charles,

208, 243, 285, 315, 35537 7,

laws, xxiii. claimant, 239. Waller. Edward, report of committee on petition of, 272; refolution for increafing falarj' of.

214. 215, 246, 247, 294, 301, 320, 321, 361. 365. 383, 386, revifal of

216, 255, 303, 326, 366,

217, 257, 305, 331, 371,


230, 267, 308, 343, 373, member of

227, 258, 306, 336, 372,

236, 268, 311, 352. 375-





River, mentioned, 167, 172. Tyler, Henry, mentioned, 203.

to reftrain hogs from going at large petition of proprietor propofed that hogs be reftrained from going at large in, 33. Urbanna Warehoufes, mentioned, 295, 299. Utrecht, treaty of, mentioned, xiii.

Waller, James, claimant, 82. Waller, Thomas, report of committee on petition of, 272. Waller, William, burgefs, viii, ix, 96, 120, 121.
133- '37. '38. 139, 142, 143. 146, 157, 169. 173, 189, 199, 202, 215, 245, 247, 248, 258, 259, 284, 303, 315, 323, 363, 366. 376; con-

in. 53.

59. 60, 70, 90; of warehoufe at, 24;

tefted eleiftion of, 261; memorial of, 161; report of committee on memorial of, 175; verdift of the Houfe in the cafe ot his eledlion contefted by Benjamin Grymes, 292, 293. Waller's Ferry, mentioned, 25, 119. report of committee on Waller's Warehoufe, petition of infpedlor at, 272.


bill for reftraint


330, 372, 374, 376,

Thomas, mentioned, 192. Walpole, Robert, mentioned, xiii. Walthoe, Nathaniel, clerk of G.
80, 106. 109, 125, 126, 127, 143. 144, 145, 170. 175, 184, 207, 209, 211, 218, 219, 220. 244, 246, 248,

Venable, Abraham, burgefs, vii, ix, 84, 259; contefted eleAion of, 81, 83; petitioner, 200; verdi<5t of the Houfe in the cafe of his eleftion contefted by Robt. Lewis, 125. Vernon, Richard, claimant, 87, 364. Veftries, bill for diffolving veftries in the Colony,

113, 132, 147, 186,


for fuppreffion of, 289, 347, 351, 352. 354, 358. 375. 382, 392, 395Virginia, aft againft importmg tobacco from Carolina and other parts, 346; mentioned, xix, xxiv, 6, 32, III, 130, 137, 147, 163,

Virginia Gazette, articles in, refleAing upon proceedings of the Houfe, 401, 402, 403; mentioned, xxix.

177, 399.

212, 225, 249, 290, 298, 301, 303, 324, 326, 327, 318, 320, 321, 322, 346. 348. 349. 336. 337. 342, 343, 360. 361. 363, 353. 355, 357. 358, 375. 377. 380, 566, 368, 371, 372, 393. .394. 395. 396. 382, 384, 385, 390, paid for fer\nces 397, 398, 399. 400, 404; as clerk of Council, 230, 248, 397. Ward's Ford, mentioned, 281.

115, 135, 153, 191, 213, 230, 250, 308, 323, 345, 359, 374. 392,

A., xxvm, 116, 117, 119. 137, 139. 140. 158, 160, 168, 193, 196, 201, 214, 215, 216, 231, 235, 240, 255, 263, 267, 311, 313, 314,


122, 141. 169, 205, 217, 241. 285, 317. 334. 35'. 365. 3i.

Ware-Neck Landing, mentioned,







386, 396,



to eftablifh


371. 376, 386, 387, 389, 392, 395, 396, 397, 400, 404; member of committee for revifal of laws, xxiii; fecurity for treaf3(>3^



Mulberryburgeffes, viii, ix; Ifland Point, 17, 32; return of writ for eledling burgeffes, 9, 264. Warwick Warehoufes, infpedtors' petition, 47, 263, 266; report of committee on petition of

Warwick County,

Whiting and Montague, mentioned,

infpecftor at,


Warwicksqueak Bay Warehoufe, report mittee on petition of infpecftors



272; refolution for increafing falaries of infpeclors at, 299.

Wafhington, Captain, mentioned, 83. Wafhington, Auguftine, mentioned, 26, Wafhington, Edward, allowance made to, in Book
of Claims, 299; petition of, 273.



committee on

Wafhington, Lawrence,


bvu-gefs, vii, ix, 78, 93, 95, 133. 136, 146, 157. 189, 258, 284, 303, 308, 320, 323, 358, 363, 374, 375. 386, 387; report of committee on petitioner, 199; petition of, 203. Mills, bill concerning. 49, 59, 99, 115, 125, 130, 164, 167, 173, 189, 195, 206, 211, 213, 218, 219, 220, 300, 342, 343. 345. 35. 35'.


Watkins, Benjamm, paid for fervice, 397. Watkins, Evan, mentioned, 120. VVatfon, William, commiffioner, 321, VVaugh, James, burgefs, viii, 204; contefted eleAion of, 128, i6i; mentioned, 203; petition complaining of

355. 400.






244. of mifdemeanor, 188, 189; mentioned, 269, 270, 274; petitioner, 197; refolution for eftablifhing warehoufe on land of, 299. Webb, George, appointed clerk to the Comm. of T., 6, 259; claimant, 182; paid for fervices petitioner, as clerk, 64, 248; 163, 354; report of committee on petition of, 174. Weeks 's Plantation, mentioned, 120. Weft, Thomas, burgefs, vii, 6, 35, 38, 77, 105. Weft, Francis, burgefs, ix, 265, 276, 290, 296, 303; lands vetted in, 108, 114, 128, 130, 132, 149; petitioner, 105. Weft, Hugh, mentioned, 163; petitioner, 11, 159, Weft, Ignatius, claimant, 159. Weft, Martha, petitioner, 105. Weft, Nathaniel, mentioned, 285, 351. Weft Indies, mentioned, 56, 83, 238. Weftham, bill for appointing warehoufe at, 196, 206, 213, 216, 217, 220; mentioned, 184. Weftmoreland" County, burgeffes, viii, x, 189; Cople Parifh, 260, 295, 296, 363, 367, 373, 393; mentioned, 194; petition, no, 311; petition rejecfted, 313; petitions of feveral report of committee on inhabitants, 1 1 propofition from, 268, 269. Weftmoreland County, return of writ for eleAing burgeffes, 9, in, 264; feveral propofitions from, 10, 25, 26; writ for eleAing a burgefs,

Waugh, Jofeph, claimant, Waughop, John, guilty

271. Wilkinfon, William, mentioned, 288, 299. Will, a negro man, 103. William and Mary College, adl making provifion for better fupport of, 106, iii, 130, 132, 137, 147, 163, 289, 378, 379, 390, 394, 404; burgeffes, viii, x; mentioned, xx, xxii, 221; return of writ for electing a burgefs, 9, 81, feffion of burgeffes held at, 330; writ for electing a burgefs, 77. Williams, Anne, petitioner, 44; refolution of committee to which petition was referred, 55. Williams, Catherine, petitioner, 84. Williams, Henry, mentioned, 44. Williams, Roger, claimant, 167; mentioned, 123. Williams, Sarah, petitioner, 94, 84. Williams, Thomas, claimant, 279. Williamfburg, bill for rebuilding capitol in, 294, 296, 301, 303, 328; bill to explain charter, 6, 3'. 57. 59. 63, 70; burgeffes, viii, x; enabled to affefs tax for building a prifon, 113; mentioned, 19, 166, 292, 330, 373; petition, 105; petition in oppofition to a bill for removal of feat of government, 244. 245; petition of barbers' prentices, 2 1 petition of mayor, recorder, aldermen and common council, 14; petition of ordinary keepers of, 94, 202; refolution in reference to making allowance to perfons who are like to be fufferers by removal of feat of government, 243; return of writ for eleAing a bargefs, 9; return of writ for eledting burgeffes, 264; refolution in reference to removal of feat of government, 283; tax affeffed for building a prifon, 122, 126, 130, 135, 148; writ for eledlmg burgefs, 236. Williams's, mentioned, 8, 23, 26, 32, 36; petition in reference to eftablifhing ferry at, 19. Williams's Warehoufe, mentioned, 269, 299. Willis, Francis, burgefs, vii, ix, 163, 195, 199, 258. Willis, delivers meffage from the Houfe, 403. Willis, Henry, mentioned, 39, 40; petitioner, 176. Willis's Creek, mentioned, 82. Wills, bill direAing manner of granting probates of, 330. 357. 358. 362, 365. 372. 373. 375. 377. 379. 381, 382, 389, 400. Wills, Emanuel, petitioner, 24, 32. Wills, Matthew, petitioner, 17, 31, 84; mentioned, 95;

Wiccocommico River, mentioned,

Wilmington, Lord, mentioned,



Wilfon, burgefs, 362. Wilfon, Catharine, petitioner, 94,


report of

committee on petition

of, 175.


Weftover Parifh,

to dock intail of land in, 324, mentioned, 316. Weftwood, William, burgefs, vii, ix, 5, 6^, 80, 102, 117, 157, 164, 168, 216, 221, 276, 315, 321bill

326, 357, 358;

Wilfon, John, burgefs, ix, 259. Wilfon, John, bill to appoint commiffioners to determine the claims and demands of, 209, 215; mentioned, 175; petitioner, 165; report of committee on petition of, 169. Wilfon, Willis, burgefs, ix, 259. Wily, John, petitioner, 316. Winfet, Ignatius, claimant, 297. Winflow, Richard, petitioner, 56, 280; reprimanded by the Houfe, 57; fheriS of Orange County,

Wharton, Dr., mentioned, 314. Wharton, Edward, claimant, 280. Wheel Carriages, bill for laying duty on, 294. Wheeler, Anthony, convicfted of horfe ftealing,
345; mentioned, 338, 339, 406. Wheeler, John, mentioned, 104, 203. Wheeler, Margaret, petitioner, 99, 104. Whitbom, John, claimant, 260. White, Samuel, claimant, 40. White Women Servants. See Servants. Whithers, James, mentioned, 203. Whiting, Beverley, appointed to coUedt laws of
63. 77. 157, 161, 193, 195, 211, 215, 249, 250, 301, 302.

Withers, John, mentioned, 285. Wolves' Heads, bill concerning




Wolves, reward for



killing, 106, 121, 124, 125, 127, 183, 191, 193, 200. 204, 209, 220, 304, 350. 351. 353. 405,


See servants.

Wood, James, mentioned, sWood, William, mentioned, 22.

Woodbridge, John, burgefs,
258, 3^3viii,



34, 78,


Wooden Chimneys.








138, 140, 146, 162, 165, 167, 172, 196, 198, 199, 200, 2x6, 219, 220, 231, 258, 259, 267, 270, 303, 311, 318, 323,

147. 15s. 156, 176, 181, 186, 202, 206, 209,

See Chimneys, wooden. Woodford, Col. William, mentioned, 14. Woodroof, George, claimant, 260. Woodfon, Tucker, mentioned, 26. Wormeley, Ralph, burgefs, vii, ix, 7, 13, 21, 48,


236, 243, 248, 27s, 290, 296, 327, 332, 339,


112, 140, 157, 170, 193, 214, 216, 228, 237. 255, 257, 258, 284, 290, 301, 324, 326, 361, 363; naval officer, 77. William, claimant, 169.


Wyat, William, account of, 304; petitioner, 161, 310, 311; report on the account of, 309 report of committee on petition of, 174, 313. Wythe, appointed clerk Comm. of P.


propofition from, in reference to 13; return of writ for ele<fting burgeffes, 9, 170, 264, 394; writ for eledling a burgefs, 155, 372.
312, 367;



E., 259.

Wythe, Henry,

petitioner, 86, 94.

York-Hampton Panfh, mentioned, 367. York River, refolution in reference to eftablifhing town on, 283; town to be eredted on, 242.
Yorktown, mentioned, xv, 172. York Warehoufe, bill to make reparation for tobacco damaged and loft in, 208, 211, 213, 220;

Yates, Bartholomew, petitioner, 331. Yates, Robert, petitioner, 331. York, adl to prevent building of wooden chimneys and to ref train hogs from going at large in, 88, 90, 96, 103; mentioned, 211, 305; petition of ordinary keepers of, 94.

memorial, 172, 197.

York County, Bruton




121; biirgeffes,


Matthew, guilty
petitioner, 197.


mif demeanor, 188, 189;


Charles Parifh, 47; mentioned, 105,


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