Learning Models Matrix Document Integrative Model

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Hierarchic: 4 Main Ideas


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2008 Edwin Ellis, All Rights Reserved Published by Makes Sense Strategies, LLC, !rth"!rt, AL www#MakesSenseStrategies#$!%


Joshua Blackburn
Is about



Integrative Model
Main idea Main idea

This model is focused on teaching students multiple concepts at one time, as well as further their critical thinking skills.
Main idea Main idea





Identify Topic Concept/Topic needs to be an organized body of knowledge (not an abstract idea) Specify Learning Goals These are the relationships and characteristics of the topic that you want students to understand by the end of the lesson. Prepare Data Representations of the topic that students are instructed to analyze and hypothesize about. Specify Questions Make sure to plan the questions you will ask before the lesson. Questions should be clear and to the point of the topics discussed.

Open-Ended Phase Students are presented with the data and told to analyze it for patterns, and describe its characteristics. Causal Phase Students establish possible reasons for these relationships in the data. Hypothetical Phase Students hypothesize about different events that can occur within the data. Closure & Application General assumptions are made about the data and its patterns, differences and outcomes of various events that can occur.

When assessing students using this model, you must make sure to give students all necessary information in the assessment. Questions should be clear and concise with common language. Do not start the assessment with the most difficult questions, sequencing is key. Assessing students critical thinking skills will also demonstrate how well they understand the topic. Their critical thinking skills will show you how well they are able to analyze, hypothesize and make legitimate conclusions based on raw data.

This model is a great tool for group work, which often times is enjoyed by students for the social interaction time. For younger students you can use pictures as the data to be analyzed which is easier and more fun for them to learn. Students are able to form their own hypotheses and test them, giving them personal achievement goals to create a valid and correct hypothesis.

So what? What is important to understand about this?

This model is a great tool to let students delve into the task of researching data. Analyzing, hypothesizing, and concluding skills are all strengthened.

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