All About Liturgy

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The practical server must know and understand

the various objects and vestments used in the liturgy.

CORPORAL- a sacred cloth of white linen around twenty inches square upon which the chalice, paten and ciboria are placed during Mass.

PALL- a square of linen, stiffened with PALLstarch, cardboard, or plastic, set on the chalice to prevent dirt or insects from falling into it.

PATEN- is the plate on which the bread PATEN(big Host) used by the presider is placed and consecrated during the Mass.

PURIFICATOR- a small piece of white PURIFICATORabsorbent linen, approximately eight by sixteen inches, folded in three lengthwise, and marked with a cross in the center, employed during the Mass.

CHALICE- is a cup usually (but not always) CHALICEsupported by a node (the central part of the vessel, usually a knob) and set on a base. This vessel is also used to hold the Precious Blood of the Lord at the Mass.

CIBORIUM- is really a paten in the form of a CIBORIUMchalice with a lid because the Sacred Body of our Lord is placed in it. It is used also to contain the Hosts reserved in the Tabernacle.

CRUETS- are the vessels to hold the wine CRUETS(Blood of our Lord) and water ate the Mass.

PITCHER AND BASINBASIN- are used to hold and catch the water for the washing of the hands of the presider after the Offertory and Communion. They are always paired with a towel.

FINGER TOWELTOWEL- small clothes used by the celebrants at various times in the liturgy, for instance at the Preparation of the gifts in the Mass, or by the bishop when administering the Sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Orders.

COMMUNION PLATEPLATE- is used during communion, held by a server under the chin of those who receive communion directly into the mouth.

BELL- known as the Sanctus Bell is rung by a BELLserver at Mass, at two elevations and as a warming before the consecration. It has practical use, to draw attention to the most sacred moments of the Liturgy.

SACRAMENTARY BOOKBOOK- the book of presidential prayers for the officiant of the Eucharist and for any rites connected with the Mass.

LECTIONARY BOOKBOOK- the liturgical book that holds the spiritual readings used during the Liturgy of the Word in the Mass. This is usually placed at the ambo or lectern.

SACRAMENTARY STANDSTAND- is placed on the altar at the preparation of gifts. It takes various forms, a metal or wooden bookbook-rest or a cushion.

THURIBLE- is a metal bowl hanging by three THURIBLEchains (usually) from a disc. It is often mistaken for the incense and the charcoal.

INCENSEBOAT- is shaped like a boat, with a INCENSEBOAThinged lid and a matching spoon. From the boat the grains of incense are spooned onto the burning coals in the Thurible.

CREDENCE TABLETABLE- is a movable table to the side of the altar covered with white cloth, upon which are placed the things needed for sacred functions, particularly the Mass, such as the chalice, cruets, basin, and finger towel.

PROCESSIONAL CROSSCROSS- is a large crucifix, set on a long staff, to be carried in procession, and perhaps used as the altar cross at Mass.

PROCESSIONAL CANDLECANDLE- are two tall candlesticks carried in procession by two servers.

MONSTRANCE- is a larger vessel, MONSTRANCEreally a stand to display the Host at exposition of the Blessed Sacrament .

LUNETTELUNETTE - is the gift clip which holds Host when exposed in the Monstrance.

PYX- is the round container which holds the Host PYXand Lunette in the Tabernacle. A smaller pyx, like an oldold -fashioned watch case, is used to take the Eucharist to the stick.

ASPERGILIUM- is also known as the bucket ASPERGILIUMand the sprinkler as an aspergil.

OIL STOCKSSTOCKS- usually takes the form of a metal cylinder, with compartments for the sacramental oils (oil of the sick and oil of Chrism for Baptism and Confirmation).

Table of Contents

ALB- is a white garment reaching to the ALBankles. It is derived from the ancient Roman tunic and is a sign of purity. The word alb comes from the Latin word for white.

STOLE- is a distinctive sign of those who STOLEhave received Holy Orders as they carry out the ministry in sacrament and worship.

CHASUBLE- is the major Eucharistic vestment, CHASUBLEworn over the stole and the alb. It is the color of the season or day.

DALMATIC- is worn by the deacon. It DALMATICresembles a large coat, of the color of the season or day. It is worn over the stole and the alb.

COPE- is a large semiCOPEsemi-circular cloak, held at the front by a clasp or band of fabric. It is used for solemn celebrations of the sacraments and for Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.

HUMERAL VEILVEIL- is a large white shawl, worn around the shoulders while carrying the Blessed Sacrament in procession and white giving the Eucharistic blessing at the benediction.

MITRE- is a doubleMITREdouble-pointed headhead-dress, with two lappets hanging at the back. It has been used by bishops since the 12th century.

CROZIER- is a staff, usually with a shepherd's CROZIERcrook at the top, is a sign of his pastoral office the Bishop carries it to remind us that he is the pastor and guardian of Gods people.

PECTORAL CROSSCROSS- is the bishops necklace. It is worn under the chasuble and the dalmatic, under the cope but above the mozeta. mozeta .

Table of contents

*Liturgical Seasons: Ordinary Time - (33-34 weeks) Christ the King Advent Season - (4 weeks) Christmas Season - Birth of Jesus (Dec. 25) Holy Family Epiphany Baptism of Jesus Ordinary Time Lenten Season Ash Wednesday Last Supper Death of Jesus Easter Season Resurrection Ascension Pentecost (50 days after lent)



Green - is the color of plant life, abundant in spring. It is used to represent the triumph of life over death. Green is the liturgical color for the Trinity season in some traditions, and may be used during Epiphany in others. Violetolet- is the color for penitence and mourning. It is also the color of royalty. Purple is the liturgical color for the seasons of Advent and Lent. ent. Red - is the color of blood, and so is used in the church as the liturgical color for the commemoration of martyred saints. As the color of fire, red is used as the liturgical color for Pentecost Pentecost. . White - has, since before biblical times, been recognized as a symbol of purity, innocence and holiness. It is the liturgical color for the Christmas and Easter seasons. White is sometimes represented by silver. Blue - the color of the sky is symbolic of heaven. It may also be used to Advent. . symbolize truth. Blue is gaining acceptance as a liturgical color for Advent

*Parts of the Mass: INTRODUCTORY RITES -Entrance Song -Veneration of the Altar -Penitential Rite -Gloria -Opening Prayer LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST -Preparation of the Gifts -Eucharistic Prayer -Communion Rite

LITURGY OF THE WORD -First Reading -Responsorial Psalm -Second Reading -Alleluia -Gospel -Homily -Profession of Faith -Prayer of the Faithful

CONCLUDING RITE -Final Blessing -Dismissal

*Parts of the SANCTUARY:

Sanctuary the highest place at the front of the Church within, which most of the action of the Liturgy of the Eucharist takes place. Tabernacle is a small box, usually especially decorated, in which the Eucharist is kept when Mass is not being stared. Paschal Candle a large candle which is placed in the Sanctuary. It is used during the Baptism and Funerals. Lectern the place from which the readings are done, the gospel is proclaimed and the homily is given. Altar the large, high table, usually located in the middle of the Sanctuary where most of the action of the Liturgy of the Eucharist takes place. Altar Candles they are lit to signal that Mass was started. Altar Cloth a long white linen cloth draped over the altar ends as a symbol of the upcoming meal and also the cloth wrapped around the body of Jesus when he was buried. Sacristy a sacred place where the sacred vessels, linens, book and vestments are located. Crucifix a fix cross in the center of the Sanctuary, which also symbolizes our Lords Passion. Vigil Lamp - it signify the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. Sacrarium a basin or sink, with a separate drain pipe directly to the earth for the disposal of water used for Sacred Purpose, as when washing/ altar linens. Presiders Chair is a sign of the priests role of presiding over the assembly during the Liturgy of the Word and the Concluding Rite of the Mass.


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