Perspective Plan

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Perspective Plan
for 12th FYP - Leh District - October 2011

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District

Proposed Framework (revised) - October 2011

Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council (LAHDC) - Leh




Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


List of contents.............................................................................................................................................................. 5 Summary: Perspective Plan for 12th FYP under District Plan of Leh 10 Action Points..................... 7 Chief Executive Councilor Foreword....................................................................................................................... 9 TISS Mumbai Director Foreword............................................................................................................................11

I. Summary Description Why and How? II. Detailed Explanation (on How?)


.....................................................................................................................14 .........................................................................................20 .................................................23

III. Proposed Outlay for 12th FYP (under Capital)

IV. Proposed outlines for development of sectoral plans for 12th FYP: A. Guiding Principles

.......................................................................................................................................... 23 ................................................................................23

B. List of themes / sectors of strategic importance C. Strategic Objectives

...................................................................................................................................... 23 ............................................................... 26 ...................................... 26

D. Sectors with outlines of proposed plans to be developed

E. Proposed Outlines of sectoral plans strategic sectors (for 12th FYP) F. Annexures 1 Format for Agriculture

................................................................................................................................ 66

2 New Themes...................................................................................................................................................67 3 Proposed outline for dealing with Infrastructure Development projects
.................................. 70

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District

Summary: Perspective Plan for 12th FYP under District Plan of Leh 10 Action Points
A. Programs / sectors: 1. Strategise 25+ sectors: Departmental narratives, outlines for strategic focus under 12th FYP, strategic objectives. To develop detailed proposals. To increase the level of investment. To expand the scope for greater impact. 2. Streamline Infrastructural development work: To review existing investments through various sources. To reduce percentage share of outlay in District Plan. To have a Screening Committee - categorize small and large projects, prioritization. To promote convergence of efforts among agencies /within themes. To strengthen capacities to access new sources. 3. Promote Local Initiatives: To provide grant in aids to PRIs. To implement delegation of subjects and sectoral funding to PRIs. To bring strategic shift in work of RDD. To strengthen role of CBOs and NGOs. 4. Promote initiatives on 6 Growth Accelerators: To consider and incorporate R&D, HRD, R&E, strategy development, hiring of technical expertise and information dissemination effectively in sectoral programming. 5. Strengthen capacities of sectoral agencies: In areas of strategic planning, proposal development, participatory development, etc. 6. Include New Themes of Development: Environment, Womens Development, DRRM, Disability, and Pasture Development. B. Planning Process: 1. To strengthen role of Planning Department. 2. To strengthen coordination and convergence among sectoral agencies by ensuring quality and frequency of interactions. 3. To create a collaborative environment among Development actors and ensure holistic and coherent planning: To Constitute DCP, Thematic Groups, and District Committees. To strengthen Consultative Committees of ECs. 4. To strengthen Planning Process and the Plan Document by ensuring reflection and analysis while aiming at developing understanding of the entire picture.

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District

CEC Foreword
As we are well aware, LAHDC Leh has a Vision Document entitled Ladakh 2025 (developed in 2005) which spells out the Development goals for the next 10 15 years for the region, based on the aspirations of its people. Although, the period between 2005 and 2011 has witnessed several efforts by respective departments in the realization of these goals, we have not been able to develop a well coordinated strategy on this agenda (due to various constraints including a lack of flexibility with budget). Realizing the opportunities being offered by 12th FYP, LAHDC Leh embarked on a strategy development process aimed at evolving a Perspective Plan under the District Plan. Keeping this in mind, we have undergone a series of consultation processes between Councilors, sectoral agencies and other stakeholders (with technical assistance from TISS, with whom we have a partnership under an MoU since 2005). As per the mandate of LAHDC Leh through unanimous decision evolved in its General Council meetings, the District Administration (under the leadership of the Deputy Commissioner/ Chief Executive Officer, LAHDC Leh) and various HoDs have toiled day and night reflecting on the changing internal and external environment and developing effective responses to peoples increasing needs and aspirations for the next 5 Year Plan. As a result, we have a reasonable framework to enable us develop a roadmap in bringing the desired efficiency and effectiveness in our plans under the District Plan (as well as schemes / programs being funded through other sources). As per the Perspective Plan, we are seeking a Capital outlay of Rs. 677 crores under the 12th FYP, which is around 75% more than the outlay of 11th FYP, i.e., Rs. 384 crores (kindly refer to Part III of the Perspective Plan document). However, among sectors we are envisaging significant shift in allocations, based on strategic priorities of Ladakh 2025. The proposed outlay seeks a substantial increase in allocations for 25 30 sectors of strategic importance, a reasonable increase in other sectors and a substantial decrease in sectors of Physical infrastructure. We also propose some new themes of Development to be incorporated in the District Plan. As highlighted in the proposed framework, we are proposing to put in place several institutional arrangements to ensure a more analytical as well as a participatory mode of planning (increasing creation of adequate space for emerging PRIs.). We believe that the future direction of Development process in the District relies significantly on our ability to implement the proposed Perspective Plan for 12th FYP. We recognize that some propositions made in these plans may not match well with certain norms of the State Govt. and the Planning Commission. However, considering the exceptional circumstances of this Region (including its unique geo climatic condition), we are confident that the State Govt. will appreciate our endeavor, respond with whole hearted support to our plans for 2012 17 and help us move significantly towards the goals of Ladakh 2025.

19th January, 2012.

Chief Executive Councilor, LAHDC, Leh

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


As we are well aware, LAHDC Leh has a Vision Document entitled Ladakh 2025 (developed in 2005) which spells out the Development goals for the next 10 15 years for the region, based on the aspirations of its people. Although, the period between 2005 and 2011 has witnessed several efforts by respective departments in the realization of these goals, we have not been able to develop a well coordinated strategy on this agenda (due to various constraints including a lack of flexibility with budget). Realizing the opportunities being offered by 12th FYP, LAHDC Leh embarked on a strategy development process aimed at evolving a Perspective Plan under the District Plan. Keeping this in mind, we have undergone a series of consultation processes between Councilors, sectoral agencies and other stakeholders (with technical assistance from TISS, with whom we have a partnership under an MoU since 2005). As per the mandate of LAHDC Leh through unanimous decision evolved in its General Council meetings, the District Administration (under the leadership of the Deputy Commissioner/ Chief Executive Officer, LAHDC Leh) and various HoDs have toiled day and night reflecting on the changing internal and external environment and developing effective responses to peoples increasing needs and aspirations for the next 5 Year Plan. As a result, we have a reasonable framework to enable us develop a roadmap in bringing the desired efficiency and effectiveness in our plans under the District Plan (as well as schemes / programs being funded through other sources). As per the Perspective Plan, we are seeking a Capital outlay of Rs. 677 crores under the 12th FYP, which is around 75% more than the outlay of 11th FYP, i.e., Rs. 384 crores (kindly refer to Part III of the Perspective Plan document). However, among sectors we are envisaging significant shift in allocations, based on strategic priorities of Ladakh 2025. The proposed outlay seeks a substantial increase in allocations for 25 30 sectors of strategic importance, a reasonable increase in other sectors and a substantial decrease in sectors of Physical infrastructure. We also propose some new themes of Development to be incorporated in the District Plan. As highlighted in the proposed framework, we are proposing to put in place several institutional arrangements to ensure a more analytical as well as a participatory mode of planning (increasing creation of adequate space for emerging PRIs.). We believe that the future direction of Development process in the District relies significantly on our ability to implement the proposed Perspective Plan for 12th FYP. We recognize that some propositions made in these plans may not match well with certain norms of the State Govt. and the Planning Commission. However, considering the exceptional circumstances of this Region (including its unique geo climatic condition), we are confident that the State Govt. will appreciate our endeavor, respond with whole hearted support to our plans for 2012 17 and help us move significantly towards the goals of Ladakh 2025.

19th January, 2012.

TISS Mumbai Director

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


I. Summary Description
2. Strengthen the Planning Process Make it more Analytical, Participatory, Holistic: a. Strengthen the role, mandate, capacities and funding of Planning Department. b. Ensure better coordination (and convergence) among sectoral agencies and between programs under the District Plan and those funded through CSSs, State Plan, 13th FC, etc. c. Create an environment for better consultations and analysis on Plans and Programs constitute District Committee on Planning (DCP/ DPC), Consultative Committees and Thematic Groups (with due representation of various stakeholders) and enhance quality of General Council Meetings, etc. d. Constitute District Committees to deal with complex development issues requiring broader consensus and coordination. e. Improve District Plan Document by incorporating analysis on important aspects (like changes in context, progress / achievements, learning, changes in strategies and institutional arrangements, etc.) and adding chapters on CSSs, funding under State Plan, etc. to the Plan Document. 1. Towards realization of the goals of Ladakh 2025 Urgency /Commitment. 2. Emerging changes/ challenges / opportunities (e.g., emergence of PRIs, renewed focus on land based economy, issues concerning Education and Employment, changes in Economy, etc). Hence the need for a strategic focus in programs. 3. The Paradigm shift the need for a dynamic and more decentralized and participatory form of governance. 4. Need to acquire new capacities and competencies. 5. 12th FYP avail as an opportunity, seek increased financial, technical and policy support from above.


1. Strategise Development Programs (with particular focus on the District Plan): a. Sharpen focus on 25+ strategic sectors and increase their budget allocations substantially. b. Reduce the burden of infrastructure development projects on the District Plan (including accelerating resource mobilization from other sources and having a screening mechanism). c. Promote Local Initiatives Provide for grant in - aids to HPs, BDCs, and Municipality (and various peoples organizations at various levels) while ensuring smooth implementation on delegation of Subjects to PRIs and strengthening capacities of RDD and other sectoral agencies to support them. d. Promote initiatives on aspects like R&D, HRD, reviews/ evaluations, strategy development and information dissemination, etc provide budget under each sector. e. Ensure proper reflection of ongoing analysis and program development initiatives in planning meetings as well as in the Plan Document. f. Strengthen capacities of sectoral agencies (and the District as a whole) to undertake better analysis of issues, develop better proposals, access resource institutions and raise funds. g. Include new themes of relevance in the District Plan (e.g., Womens Development, DRRM, Environment, etc.).

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


II. Detailed Explanation

A. Background
It was 2005 when Leh District embarked on the task of developing a Vision Document for its future development. As a result of a series of participatory discussions and consultations among all stakeholders, the document entitled Ladakh 2025 was finally brought out and shared with various development actors including the Govt. of J&K and GoI. Honble Prime Minister, Sh. Manmohan Singh inaugurated the document, appreciated the initiative, provided a token money of Rs 10 crores while assuring all possible support for the implementation of the Vision Document. Thus initiated a process towards the realization of Development goals for Ladakh region in accordance with the aspirations of its people. Ladakh 2025 envisions the emergence of Ladakh in next 10 to 15 years as the best model of Hill Area Development and an ideal society with attributes like economic selfreliance, full employment, quality of life, equity and social justice, peace and freedom, respect for universal human values. Under Economy, people of Ladakh envisage a central role for land based activities and adherence to principles of selfreliance through a blend of traditional practices and modern scientific knowhow. At the same time, other sectors of economy will be explored and utilized to optimum levels. Under New Economy, priority will be given to put Ladakh on the industrial map of the nation through tapping local resources (including arts and crafts) and by promoting entrepreneurship, enabling the use of I.T. for employment generation and scaling up tourism to benefit more people, particularly in rural areas. However, conservation of the fragile ecosystem, preservation of cultural values and equitable distribution of resources as well as benefits of Development will be primary considerations in our endeavor for economic development. Whereas Leh town and Block HQs will be provided with modern civic amenities, efforts will be made to make the village a happy place to live, with access to all basic facilities. While water resources will be well preserved and judiciously used, reliable and affordable power supply will be assured with particular focus on use of renewable sources. On Education, Ladakh 2025 aims at building the human resource in every child to full potential through harmonious use of our natural resources and under the guidance of our cultural resources. It also envisages a holistic Health scenario encompassing physical, mental, social and ecological wellbeing. It envisages a Ladakhi society firmly upholding its core social and cultural values and preserving its heritage, monuments, arts, crafts. On Planning and Governance, existing processes and mechanisms will be enabled to match the spirit of Panchayati Raj by promoting Micro Level Planning and strengthening democratic governance structures at village and block levels. In short, economic development will be pursued with due consideration to social networks, the new economy will be spearheaded by I.T. and the social infrastructure will be based on principles of equity and participatory governance. The period between 2005 and 2011 has been witness to a number of development initiatives by various sectoral agencies taken towards a realization of the goals set out by Ladakh 2025. However, there is an increased realization now that we are still short of a well coordinated effort in this direction. Moreover, we need to keep abreast with changes in our internal and external environment during these 56 years (with fresh challenges as well as opportunities facing us). MLP (2010) further highlights increased expectations of the people from LAHDC and our Development agencies. LAHDC Leh, therefore, initiated (with the help of TISS) a Strategy Development process in April 2011. The process involved an analysis of the District Plan of Leh (and various CSSs and programs being financed through State Plan and other sources). Following a series of consultation meetings amongst councilors, HODs of various departments and other stakeholders, LAHDC Leh has come to the conclusion that effective implementation of Ladakh 2025 calls for some fundamental shifts in our development strategies as well as our planning processes. In past few months, our sectoral agencies have undergone an in-depth analysis of their sectoral priorities and it is now clear that whereas we are faced with the task of effectively addressing a number of issues, particularly on Economy and Employment, Education and Culture, a core issue deserving attention is in the area of planning and governance. LAHDC Leh also recognizes that the timing of this strategy development process is opportune. It, therefore, reiterates its commitment to bring the desired changes to help implementation of Ladakh 2025 and proposes to initiate the following strategic shifts in its District Plan (and the Planning system) during the 12th FYP period (to commence from April 2012):

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


B. Proposed Framework
1. Strategizing Development Programs with focus on District Plan: a. Sharpening focus on 25+ sectors of strategic importance: Proposed Action: Sectors identified as strategically important for the realization of the goals of Ladakh 2025 are: - Land Based Economy: (a). Agriculture, (b). Horticulture, (c). Cooperative, (d). Fisheries, (e). Animal Husbandry, (f). Sheep Husbandry - New Economy: (a). Handicraft, (b). Handloom, (c). Tourism, (d). Industries, (e). Employment, (f). SGSY, (g). IT. - Basic Services (a). School Education, (b). Higher Education, (c). Technical /Vocational Education, (d). Youth and Sports and (e). ICDS, (f) Health. - Social Development: (a). Social Welfare (including Disability), (b). Labour Welfare - Culture - Rural Development: (a). Community Development, (b). Local Bodies (HPs, BDCs, Municipality). - Natural Resources: (a). Forest, (b). Wildlife - Planning and Governance: Planning / E&S. - New Themes: (a) Environment, (b) Pasture Development, (c) Womens Development, (d) DRRM (Disaster Risk Reduction and Mitigation). Proposed Strategies under each of these sectors (with description of rationale, strategic objectives, Proposed Programs and proposed outlay under Capital) are contained in the Annexure. It is proposed that once a broad agreement is reached on the emerging framework under each sector, detailed proposals will be developed by sectoral agencies (on each or combination of Program Objectives) before March 2012. It is proposed further that infrastructural need (if any) of these sectoral agencies will be proposed separately and dealt with through the Screening Committee and the DCP (proposed to be constituted under this Perspective Plan).

It is proposed that the quantum of funding under Physical infrastructures under District Plan is reduced to less than 40% of Plan outlay in the 12th FYP period so as to be able to increase funding of 20 25 sectors of strategic importance. Although a significant chunk of physical infrastructural needs have been met, future needs for infrastructural development are likely to increase. Therefore, three strategies are proposed to deal with the issue. First, emerging needs (and hence demands) for infrastructural projects will be strictly prioritized through constituting a District Level Screening Committee which will evolve a mechanism whereby important projects will be shortlisted and categorized into small and large. Whereas small projects will be considered for implementation under District Plan, large ones will be forwarded to the District Committee on Planning (and the Planning Department) to help support the department concerned to develop proposals and to access external sources of funding. Second, the District Committee of Planning will help various sectoral agencies to renew efforts on ensuring effective implementation of CSSs (and programs funded by external sources) and their convergence with District Plan (a large number of such schemes have infrastructure as their significant part and their full potential remains untapped). This will include efforts to harness the full potential of schemes like MGNREGA, PMGSY, AIBP, BADP, IWMP, etc. Third, the District Committee on Planning will explore potential sources (existing and new) of funding for future projects (including infrastructure development), tie up with sectoral agencies and make efforts to access these sources.

c. Promoting Local Initiatives for Development through decentralization and empowerment of PRIs / MC (and other peoples organizations) so as to ensure effective participation of people in the Development process. Proposed Action: LAHDC Leh considers the emergence of HPs and BDCs (and hopefully an elected Municipality in Leh Town) as very positive developments and it commits itself to devolve functions to PRIs as peoples institutions for development at grassroots. We believe that effective decentralization to PRIs will not only promote a local ownership of Development process but also strengthen the role of LAHDC in an effective realization of the goals of Ladakh 2025. The first step in this direction is proposed to be a provision of grant in aid (tied and untied) to HPs, BDCs and Municipality under Local Bodies from the District Plan. It is proposed that in 12th FYP, each HP is given an untied grant of Rs 4 lacs per annum to help implement their Local Development Plans and a tied grant of Rs 2 lacs per annum to help them implement strategic priorities set out by LAHDC. Similarly, BDCs will be provided Rs 15 lacs and Rs 10 lacs each while the Municipality will be given
Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District

b. Reducing the burden of physical infrastructure development projects on the District Plan: Proposed Action: Currently, the percentage share of Physical infrastructures in the Plan outlay of Leh District under Capital and Loans is alarmingly high - at around 75% (Physical infrastructures at around 53%, agricultural infrastructure at 8%, works under other sectors 10%, CCDF at 4%).


Rs. 300 lacs and Rs 50 lacs. These grants in aid will be governed by a set of guidelines (to be developed). An important consideration for provision of grant in aids to Local Bodies will be to encourage revenue generation at the local level. The second set of action will be in ensuring effective implementation of delegation of subjects to HPs, BDCs and Municipality. As per Govt. of J&K order No. 184 RD, 15 subjects have been delegated to HPs and these need to be translated into a transfer of functions, funds and functionaries as per Govt. directives. Moreover, the J&K Panchayati Raj Act (1989) accords a number of regulatory and revenue raising functions to PRIs. It is proposed that the District Committee on Planning (with the help of Planning department and RDD) will oversee and ensure a smooth transaction of this delegation process. The committee will also review the way various CSSs are being implemented and ensure to bring to a sharper focus the role of Gram Sabha and PRIs as envisaged by their respective guidelines. In addition, efforts will be made to secure grant in aid from State Plan and 13th FC and access BRGF for the District. The third set of steps involves a strategic shift in the role of RDD in the wake of emerging institutional changes. Three strategies are proposed in this direction, First, CD works (including Development of Panchayats) will be transferred to HPs for implementation. Second, construction works of various sectors hitherto assigned to RDD (and PWD) for implementation will be divided into categories. Projects costing up to Rs 10 lacs (at HP level) and Rs 20 lacs (at Block level) will be transferred to HPs and BDCs concerned or MC (if urban) for implementation (under technical and supervisory support of RDD or PWD). Third, RDD will be capacitated to be able to perform a range of functions as per its mandate and unique position to help boost rural development work. RDD will be equipped with adequate HR and funds to fulfill following roles: (a) providing effective supervision and support to PRIs, (b) Gram Sabha mobilization, (c) Capacity building of Councilors, Panchayat leaders and village institutions (d) organizing exposure visits, (e) skills development of sectoral agencies and own staff (VLWs in particular) on Participatory Development practices (f) promoting networking among various stakeholder, for ensuring coordinated efforts in rural areas, (g) promoting MLP / development of village /cluster/ block level plans, (h) undertaking research studies and (i) documentation and publication of relevant information materials. RDD will be provided necessary funds for linking with important resource institutions, engaging technical and professional experts and maintaining a Resources Team (on contract basis) to help fulfill its objectives. Moreover, the District Committee on Planning will explore and arrange to help RDD with necessary technical, professional and policy support needed from LAHDC and above.

d. Promoting initiatives in (a) research and development (b) HRD (internal and external) (c) reviews and evaluation, (d) strategy development (e) acquiring of technical and professional help (through contracts and short team assignments) and (f) information dissemination. Proposed Action: LAHDC Leh realizes that current plans and the planning process involving the District Plan do not provide adequate space for reflection, analysis, mutual learning and sharing, experimentation and innovation, etc. a crucial factor in program development as well as personal and organizational growth. Such initiatives, therefore, need to be encouraged at all levels. It is proposed that under the 12th FYP, all sectors will be encouraged to have atleast a small budget allocation under 6 headings outlined. This will help departments to take own initiatives on these themes without having to undergo cumbersome approval processes. Activities under these headings but beyond the scope of allocated budget will be (and are being) proposed as specific programs under sectoral plans. Provisions will also be made for possible tie ups with Planning Department (and through it, with external resource institutions). Constitution of District Committee on Planning, consultative Committees (around ECs concerned) and Thematic Groups is being proposed under Planning and Governance. In addition, formation of District Committees on some complex issues is also being considered. These bodies are being created in order to ensure better analysis, coordination and participation in Development Planning. As such, departmental initiatives under 6 heading (mentioned above) will provide useful inputs into the overall analysis of these bodies. District Committee on Planning (and the Department of Planning) will have a specific responsibility to monitor departmental programs on these themes and to access and mobilize external help for them, if needed.

e. Ensuring a proper reflection of the continuing analysis of the constituency, sectoral priorities, program interventions, program interventions and their effectiveness (with consideration to changing internal and external environment), etc. by making it mandatory for sectoral agencies to develop and present departmental narratives on their programs and schemes (including segments on CSSs and other schemes implemented by the agency) in Planning meetings and in the District Plan Document, on an ongoing basis. Proposed Action: Existing Planning meetings and the District Plan Document are unable to reflect a true picture of Development work taking place in the District in an analytical, holistic and illustrative but simple manner, and to allow adequate deliberation on Development issues. LAHDC Leh would, therefore, like to bring suitable modifications to the manner in which discussions on Plans are made and the way Plan document is organized and presented.

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


Sectoral agencies are currently developing departmental narratives (using the format circulated by LAHDC) containing analysis of the context (and changes to it), sectoral objectives and program activities (with broad budget figures), institutional arrangements and mechanisms (and proposed changes), progress, learnings and forward plans alongwith reference to CSSs and other programs funded from sources outside the District Plan. Based on these, the departments have recently made a series of power point presentations in the General Council Review Meeting. It is proposed that sectoral agencies are encouraged to continue updating these narratives on an ongoing basis.

g. Including new Development themes of relevance in the District Plan: Proposed Action: LAHDC Leh realizes that existing themes under District Plan are unable to address the needs of certain categories of people or to deal with emerging issues, dynamics and processes. It is, therefore, imperative that 12th FYP develops adequate capacities to respond effectively to changing realities. It is proposed that 5 new Development themes will be incorporated into the District Plan. These themes are: Environment, Womens Development, Disaster Risk Reduction and Mitigation (DRRM), Disability and Pasture Development. Out of these, Disability will be part of the mandate of Social Welfare Department while the other 4 will be given status of independent headings. It is also recognized that more themes may emerge in due course and, if found appropriate, would be incorporated into the Plan. It is proposed that the DCP will initiate a process of consultations with sectoral agencies and CSOs and explore options for identifying nodal agencies for implementation of programs under these themes. Options like formation of District Committees or Task groups or working groups may also be explored. Under each of these themes, provision of tied grants to HPs, BDCs and the MC will also be made in order to encourage local initiatives.

f. Strengthening capacities of sectoral agencies to develop better proposals, access resource institutions and raise funds from potential sources: Proposed Action: LAHDC Leh realizes that our existing capacities, institutional arrangements and the approach to planning need to be geared up so as to improve access to various resource institutions with a higher degree of professionalism. It is, therefore, proposed that DCP (and the Planning Department) will have adequate budget allocations earmarked for fulfilling HRD needs of various setoral agencies (and other stakeholders) in carrying out proper analysis of issues, developing good proposals (and Project Reports), developing effective workplans, ensuring proper monitoring / developing good working relationship with donors, etc. It is proposed that the DCP, in consultation with sectoral agencies (and other stakeholders) will develop and implement a Capacity Building Plan for 12th FYP under the District Plan, engage with key resource institutions and persons within India and outside India (Govt. and non govt.) for possible support and arrange to organize training workshops (including exposure visits) and participation of key persons from the District in courses organized elsewhere. It is also proposed that, with the help of the Resource Group at its disposal, (and through hiring of external resource persons), the DCP will, in addition to building capacities within sectoral agencies, help them in tasks like project formulation, proposal development, accessing potential sources of funds (including the corporate world, particularly interest free loans and support under build, operate and transfer) and in reporting as well (if required). It is expected that, with adequate capacity building, the need for reliance on the Resource Group and external resource persons will gradually reduce.

2. Strengthening the Planning Process making it more analytical, participatory and holistic: a. Strengthening the role, mandate, capacities and funding of Planning Department: Proposed Action: LAHDC Leh realizes that the existing role, mandate, capacity and funding of the Planning Department is too narrow and limited. Therefore, there is an urgency to transform this department into a vibrant, competent and resourceful unit capable of playing the coordinating role mandated to it and providing necessary support to the Council, sectoral agencies and other stakeholders in order to help develop well planned development interventions in the District. It is, therefore, proposed that the Department of Planning will be provided with adequate financial resources to help it play the pivotal role expected of it. It is proposed that at an institutional level, the Department of Planning and the Department of S&E will work in tandem as units of the Department of Planning. Together, they will act as the Secretariat for District Committee on Planning, Consultative Committees and Thematic Groups (and other District Committees, if needed). The Department of Planning will maintain a Resource Group consisting of technical and professional experts (hired on contract basis) to help DCP, Consultative Committees, Thematic Groups and sectoral agencies.

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


It is also proposed that the Department of Planning will work as per the operational framework mandated by DCP on behalf of LAHDC Leh. The mandate will include rendering administrative and technical assistance to the DCP and other Committees and groups operating at the District level, conducting planning and review meetings, developing proposals, undertaking fund raising initiatives, building capacities of Councilors, assisting sectoral agencies in project formulation and proposal development, providing guidance in development of village and Block level plans by PRIs, conducting periodic reviews of sectoral programs, carrying out impact studies and evaluations, conducting research studies, supporting sectoral agencies in internal reviews, impact assessment and research work, publishing Plan Documents, reports and other documents (including those already being published), hiring and coordinating with external resource agencies / persons and members of own Resource Group.

- Ensuring a round the year process of review and analysis on development plans through interactions on a range of platforms like thematic groups, consultative committees, and the District Committee, on Planning so that the overall analysis is felt into General Council meetings effectively.

c. Creating an environment for better consultations and analysis on Plans and Projects by constituting DCP (DPC), consultative Committees and thematic groups and by enhancing quality of General Council meetings, etc. Proposed Action: Currently, Development Planning process lacks consultation and analysis of desired level and, as a result, in most cases, plans end up being almost a repetition of the same statements with little relevance to the fast changing ground realities. LAHDC Leh, therefore, proposes to create an environment which encourages exchange of ideas and critical thinking before development plans are prepared and presented for approval. It is, therefore, proposed that a District Committee on Planning (DCP) is constituted on the eve of 12th FYP. The DCP will be a representative body of 20 members with CEC as the Chair, 4 Executive Councilors and CEO, LAHDC as members and CPO as Member Secretary. Remaining 13 members will include Councilors (2), HoDs (3), BDC chairpersons (2), Sarpanches (2), the Chairperson of MC Leh and a representative each of CSOs, Minorities and Women all nominated by LAHDC Leh. The DCP will be provided administrative and technical support by the Department of Planning (which will act as its secretariat). In addition, the DCP will have a Resource Team of experts and professionals (engaged on contract basis and located at the Department of Planning) to help with routine tasks. Budget for the DCP and its activities will be made available with the Department of Planning. The DCPs main responsibility will be to, on behalf of LAHDC, (a) lay a framework for Development Planning in the District, (b) oversee formulation of sectoral and geographucal plans, consolidation of these plans by the Planning Department, develop a Draft District Plan and help present it to the General Council for deliberation and approval, (c) liaise internally and externally with relevant institutions and persons to help implementation of the agenda of Planning Department (d) provide directions and supervise / support the work of Planning Department, (e) oversee the formation and work of District Committees, Consultative Committees and Thematic Groups, (f) recommend appropriate measures to CEC, EC and Sectoral agencies in streamlining the Planning Process (g) oversee formulation of HP, BDC and Municipality level plans and incorporate them into the District Plan. DCP (and the Planning Department) will maintain an inventory of projects and proposals emanating from various agencies and action taken on them. Other details on the functioning of DCP and other Groups will be worked out in due course of time. The DCP will cease to exist (and replaced with DPC) if the State Govt. initiates formation of District Planning Com-

b. Ensuring better coordination and convergence among sectoral agencies and between programs under the District Plan and those funded through CSSs and other sources. Proposed Action: Current planning process does not help in ensuring effective coordination among sectoral agencies (including those sharing similar objectives or the same theme) and plans funded through different sources (even within the same department). There is, therefore, an urgency to have mechanisms and processes to ensure proper exchange of information thematically and geographically among plans in order to ensure mutual understanding of purposes and strategies leading to coherence and convergence of efforts in development planning in the district. LAHDC Leh, therefore, proposes the following measures to improve complementarities among sectors, actors and their plans: - Ensuring the quality and regularity of interactions between village communities, PRIs and sectoral agencies - Ensuring that departmental description of their plans and programs under District Plan are documented and matched with their description of programs funded by other sources and reflected in the Plan Document. - Ensuring that within broad themes, sectoral agencies have adequate opportunities for sharing and learning about each others plans and programs in meetings of consultative Committee (of ECs) and Thematic Groups. Sectoral agencies will also be encouraged to meet regularly on their program development efforts. - Ensuring that at DCP level, atleast two rounds of discussions among sectoral agencies and with other stakeholders are held every year (in advance of General Council Meetings). - Providing funds to each department for carrying out reviews and evaluations on an ongoing basis. These will be complemented by exercises initiated by DCP and the Department of Planning.

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


mittee (DPC) as per the provisions of 74th CAA (Article 243 ZD). It is also proposed that in an effort to involve Councilors in the planning process more effectively, Consultative Committees of Councilors will be constituted around CEC and the 4 ECs. Similar institutional arrangements will be made at block, village and municipality level to ensure effective involvement of important stakeholder like Councilors and traditional leadership (e.g., Gobas) in the planning process. In addition, thematic groups consisting of Councilors, sectoral agencies, CSOs and subject experts will be constituted to help deal with specific thematic issues and to make suitable recommendations for action. DCP (and the Planning Department) will be responsible for overseeing the work of these groups (and to make available adequate funds to meet their expenses). It is further proposed that the quality and conduct of General Council meetings and their proceedings will be improved in order to help effective deliberations on Development issues, decision making and adoption of resolutions in the most effective manner. DCP will be responsible for overseeing efforts in this direction and make suitable recommendations to LAHDC. It is proposed that the existing planning process is suitably modified and expanded in its scope to help satisfy atleast 3 parameters it will be more analytical, participatory and holistic. This will be done by taking appropriate measures at 3 levels. At level 1, sectoral agencies will streamline their mechanisms (in the field) for ongoing consultation with people (and improve their quality and regularity) with provision for atleast one yearly formal meeting with Gram Sabhas, halqa Panchayats (HP), BDCs (and Municipality) in order to understand Developmental support needs of these plans and to incorporate changes in departmental plans. Sectoral agencies without field offices may devise alternative mechanism with RDD. At the second level, efforts will be made to convert planning from a one-off event for everyone to a fulltime activity for atleast some people. With the expectation that creation of platforms for consultation and analysis on issues and their effective functioning will help bridge existing gaps between peoples needs and development plans. it is proposed that the DCP, Consultative Committees and Thematic groups will meet atleast twice a year, with arrangements for meetings at lower level to feed into those at higher levels. The DCP will, in addition, organise coordination meetings of sectoral agencies as required. DCP will also ensure to have one round of consultation with CSOs, research and financial institutions and other relevant actors every year. At the third level, efforts will be made to ensure the best use of General Council Meetings. Efforts will be made to present to the General Council an analytical overview of Development efforts being made in the District through the District Plan and various other programs while encouraging deliberations on broader strategic and policy issues (rather than matters of trivial nature). Efforts will also be made to allow members more time to raise issues and to move resolutions in the larger interest of the District and its people.

d. Constituting District Committees to deal with complex Development issues requiring consensus building, negotiations between competing interests and observance of norms by all stakeholders. Proposed Action: There are complex issues demanding wide range of consultation, greater analysis, choice of strategies or technologies and negotiations among competing interests, etc. LAHDC would like to create conditions to help deliberations on such issues and evolve consensus on possible course of action based on objective criteria. To start with, it is proposed that a district level Committee on Screening of Infrastructural projects will be constituted. This Committee will help LAHDC Leh in prioritizing infrastructural projects proposed by various sectoral agencies and in determining potential sources of funding for their implementation. The committee will work under the supervision and support of DCP (with administrative assistance from the Planning Department). Option for creation of other such Committees will be kept open, if needed.

e. Improving District Plan document by spelling out analysis on aspects like context, objectives, strategies, activity types, institutions and mechanisms, progress, learnings, etc. and by adding chapters on CSSs, funding under State Plan and other sources etc. to the Plan Document. Proposed Action: It is proposed that while each department will keep updating their narratives as their base document, summaries of these narratives alongwith Review Reports of DCP (and consultative Committees, Thematic Groups and other District Committees) and chapters on CSSs and other programs funded under Non Plan, State Plan, other sources (e.g., NABARD, 13th FC, Task Force, etc.) will constitute Part I of the District Plan and widely circulated as a public document (and much earlier than the Annual General Council Meeting). The existing Plan document (with detailed budget under capital) using formats GN 0,1 and 2will be treated as Part II of the District Plan, with additional features like budget outlay for 5 Year Plan period and Revenue component and extra pages on CSSs and all other programs funded outside the District Plan annexured to it. This document will have a limited circulation. It will be the responsibility of DCP (and the Planning Department) to ensure that Plan Document is produced in the manner proposed.

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


III. Proposed Outlay for 12th FYP (under Capital)

The Provisional Outlay proposed below is based on the assumption that the overall outlay (under Capital and Loans) will be increased from 384 crores (i.e., 77 crores per annum) of 11th 5YP by 293 crores (75%) to 677 crores in the 12th 5YP (i.e., 135 crores per annum).
Sector / Agency Outlay for 11th 5 Year Plan (& avg. / Year) Capital + Loans % Proposed outlay for 12th 5 Year Plan (Capital) Initially Proposed Finally Proposed

A. Economy / Livelihoods Land Based Economy

Primary Sectors 1. Agriculture 2. Animal Husbandry 3. Sheep Husbandry 4. Fisheries 5. Horticulture 6. Cooperative Sub Total Support Sectors 1. Irrigation (Med.) 2. Irrigation (Minor) 3. CAD 4. Flood Control 5. Soil Conservation 6. WDP (State Share DRDA) Sub Total Total (Land Based Economy) 300 (60) 1040 (208) 562.76 (112) 847.98 (146) 232.08 (80) 500 (100) 4087.66 (866) 7165.75 (1520) 62.5 (13) 188.66 (38) 163.2 (33) 202 (40) 689.34 (134) 58.6 (12) 1376.3 (270) 8542.05 (1790) 0.8 2.7 1.5 2.2 0.6 1.3 1.6 10.7 18.7 0.2 0.5 0.4 0.5 1.8 0.2 3.6 22.3 500 1200 800 1200 400 2000 1500 7600 14300 400 600 800 800 2000 300 4900 19200 600 1200 700 1000 400 1500 1400 6800 12600 400 500 800 400 1200 100 3400 16000 978.05 (196) 619 (123) 698.26 (139) 106 (21) 371 (74) 305.78 (101) 3078.09 (654) 2.5 1.6 1.8 0.3 1 0.8 8 3000 1000 1000 300 800 600 6700 1400 1700 1100 300 800 500 5800

7. SGRY / MGNREGA (State Share) 604.84 (137)

New Economy
1. Tourism 2. Industries (DIC) 3. Handloom 4. Handicrafts 5. Employment 6. SGSY (DRDA) Total (New Economy) Total (Economy) 19 Sectors

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


Sector / Agency

Outlay for 11th 5 Year Plan (& avg. / Year) Capital + Loans %

Proposed outlay for 12th 5 Year Plan (Capital) Initially Proposed Finally Proposed

B. Basic Services Education

1. School Education 2. Pre - Primary Education (ICDS) 3.. Higher Education (EJM college) 4. ITI 5. Youth & Sports 6. Polytechnic Sub total 2357.89 (472) 380.78 (76) 398.9 (80) 44 (9) 34.74 (7) 3216.31 (644) 3051.94 (610) 284.94 (57) 2063 (450) 5584.88 (1117) 54.08 (11) 580.5 (116) 236.65 (47) 817.15 (163) 9672.42 (1935) 6.1 1 1 0.1 0.1 8.3 7.9 0.7 5.8 14.4 0.1 1.5 0.6 2.1 24.9 3000 800 2500 1000 400 7700 4000 500 3000 7500 200 800 500 1300 16700 2100 700 2400 700 400 100 6400 3600 200 3000 6800 200 800 400 1200 14600

Health Care
1. Medical Services 2. Rural Sanitation (State Share) 3. Drinking Water (PHE) Sub total

PDS (Consumer Affairs) Power Energy

1. Hydel / Diesel(PDD) 2. NCE (?) Sub total Total (Basic Services) 11 Sectors

Sector / Agency

Outlay for 11th 5 Year Plan (& avg. / Year) Capital + Loans % 33.7 3.9 3.2 0 0.6 0.3 1.1 1.6 44.4 1.37 0.56 1.93

Proposed outlay for 12th 5 Year Plan (Capital) Initially Proposed 8000 2000 2500 100 150 200 12950 1000 500 300 500 2300 Finally Proposed 13000 1800 4800 200 300 300 20400 1100 400 300 500 + 15511 (310)

C. Physical Infrastructure
Transport & Communication Urban Development Community Development (Rural) LDA Housing / Rental Parks / Gardens NFBs Reconstruction Sub Total 12932.62 (2586) 1498.99 (299) 1240 (250) 0.1 246.7 (50) 115.5 (23) 424.36 (85) 600 (120) 17058.27 (3413) 531.3 (160) 217.46 (44) 748.76 (204)

D. Natural Resources
Forest Wildlife Pasture Development Environment Sub Total

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


Sector / Agency

Outlay for 11th 5 Year Plan Capital + Loans % 0.3 0.1 0 0 0.4 0.2 0.3 4 4.5 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.43 0.02 0 0.45

Proposed outlay for 12th 5 Year Plan (Capital) Initially Proposed 1400 100 100 100 500 2200 300 7000 2200 9500 500 300 500 800 500 300 30 330 64980 Finally Proposed 1000 200 100 200 500 2000 200 7000 3000 10200 500 200 500 700 500 300 100 100 500 67700

E. Social Development / Justice

Social Welfare (incl. Disability) IAY (State share) Labour Welfare MSDP (State share) Womens Development Sub Total 122.7 (25) 55 (11) 177.7 (36) 7.00 (2) 161.2 (30) 1560 (310) 1740.98 (342) 80.5 (16) 107.46 (21) 80 (16) 187.46 (37) 165.1 (33) 10.43 (2) 175.53 (35) 38372 (7674)

F. Planning & Governance

Planning / E & S Local Bodies (RDD) CCDF Sub Total

G. Art and Culture H. Information & IT

Information IT Sub Total

I. DRR &M J. Misc

Garages S&P Settlement Sub total Grand total

The proposed provisional outlay - I suggests a substantial increase in allocations for 25 30 sectors of strategic importance, a reasonable increase in other sectors (including agricultural infrastructure) and a substantial decrease (around 40%) in sectors of physical infrastructure. It also proposes budget allocations under 5 new themes Pasture Development, Environment, Women Development, Disability and Disaster Risk Reduction and Mitigation (DRRM). It is proposed that while all infrastructural needs should be strictly prioritized, the small ones are met under the District Plan and the larger ones from sources outside the District Plan. In view of the emergence of elected HPs and BDCs, devolution of funds under Local Bodies (as grants) and significant shifts in functioning of departments of Rural Development and Planning have been proposed. It is assumed that Leh Town will have an elected Municipality as soon as possible.

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


IV. Proposed outlines for development of sectoral plans for 12th FYP
(25+ sectors of strategic importance)
A. Guiding Principles
Bringing a strategic focus with a 5 Year Perspective within the framework of Ladakh 2025. Stressing on objectives while allowing more flexibility on choice of actions. Creating more space for innovation and experimentation. Emphasizing on analysis and reflections, learning and sharing, developing complementarities and convergence of efforts. Promoting a more decentralized mode of operation with greater emphasis on local initiatives by field units as well as peoples institutions (and an increased facilitation role for head offices). Converting all possible desired actions into budget heads enhancing visibility and allowing better planning, monitoring and impact assessment. Emphasizing adequate documentation of thoughts and strategies. Creating a more supportive environment for sectors to strengthen focus on program development work.

C. Strategic Objectives:

Department of Agriculture: Renew focus on strengthening of sectors Ladakhs land based economy through ensuring an effective combination of traditional wisdom and modern scientific know how in order to make agriculture and related activities less labor intensive, more profitable and more attractive its young people while ensuring the best use of Ladakhs comparative advantages to help fulfill the increasing and diverse consumption needs of the region through local production. Department of Horticulture: Streamline the efforts made so far in promotion of horticulture in order to harness the full potential of the region in the best possible manner and strengthen the role of horticulture as an important land based activity providing maximum benefits to maximum number of farming families including young entrepreneurs. Department of Cooperatives: Take the cooperative movement in Ladakh to new heights through strengthening of existing cooperatives and promoting a significant number of new self reliant cooperatives at various levels in order to create an environment in which peoples groups endeavor to address their diverse economic and social issues as well as help realize the goal of a self reliant Ladakhi Society. Department of Animal Husbandry: Consolidate ongoing initiatives on development of dairy and poultry in order to take the rural economy to new heights and to help fulfill the increasing and diverse consumption needs of the population locally and on a sustainable basis. Sheep Husbandry Department: Ensure the viability of sheep and goat rearing by taking effective measures to improve its productivity and profitability for average farmers with due consideration to sustainability concerns. Department of Fisheries: LAHDC Leh would like to strengthen the Department of Fisheries and its existing work in order to promote existing work in order to promote aquaculture in selected belts of the District so that the potential offered by the sector in providing gainful employment to our young entrepreneurs is effectively harnessed and the increasing demands of the local markets is adequately fulfilled. Department of Handicraft: Strengthen ongoing efforts to improve and develop Ladakhs traditional arts and crafts in a significant way through equipping our young generation with necessary skills of the highest order and support in undertaking vari-

B. List of Themes / Sectors

1. Land Based Economy: (a). Agriculture, (b). Horticulture, (c). Cooperative, (d). Fisheries, (e). Animal Husbandry, (f). Sheep Husbandry 2. New Economy: (a). Handicraft, (b). Handloom, (c). Tourism, (d). Industries, (e). Employment, (f). SGSY, (g). IT. 3. Basic Services (a). School Education, (b). Higher Education, (c). Technical /Vocational Education, (d). Youth and Sports and (e). ICDS, (f) Health. 4. Social Development: (a). Social Welfare (including Disability), (b). Labour Welfare 5. Culture 6. Rural Development: (a). Community Development, (b). Local Bodies (HPs, BDCs, Municipality). 7. Natural Resources: (a). Forest, (b). Wildlife 8. Planning and Governance: Planning / E&S. 9. New Themes: (a) Environment, (b) Pasture Development, (c) Womens Development, (d) DRRM (Disaster Risk Reduction and Mitigation).

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


ous handicrafts activities through effective use of modern know how, leading to increased employment generation and economic development alongwith promotion of Ladakhi Culture. Department of Handlooms: Take the traditional art of weaving and related activities of Ladakh to new heights of excellence through strengthening existing efforts on skills development of women and youth of Ladakh with enhanced inputs from R&D, innovation and use of modern technology in improving the quality and variety of ethnic products leading to accelerated economic development of the region and promotion of Ladakhi culture. Tourism Department: Accelerate efforts on scaling up Tourism as an important part of Ladakhs Economy through ensuring quality and effectiveness of tourism related services and maximizing the benefit of tourism to rural areas (by exploring the range potentials) and gearing it in such a way that it ensures conservation of Ladakhs eco system as well as its rich cultural heritage. District Industries Center: Strengthen existing efforts on promotion of industrial development in the District through improving necessary conditions like infrastructures, skills development and financial support for our young entrepreneurs to grow and contribute productively to the economic development of the region. District Employment and Counseling Center: Strengthen capacities of the DE and CC on assisting unemployed youth with accelerated efforts on skills development and provision of other support services in order to help them find employment or to establish feasible business enterprises and providing employment to others. Department of IT: Strengthen capacity of CIC Leh to help IT become a major force in enhancing efficiency and effectiveness in all sectors of development (including governance) and harness its potentials to enhance employment generation for our young people. Department of Education: Ensuring a significant improvement in childrens performance in all classes of govt. schools (including an achievement by 2017 atleast a 60% pass percentage at 10th and 12th) through a combination of strategies including provision of ECCE and effective decentralization of management functions to schools and PRIs while strengthening capacities of Education Department and Zonal offices (alongwith RPs at different levels) to provide a more effective technical and academic support to schools. EJM College Leh (Higher Education): Strengthen capacities of EJM College Leh in providing high quality degree courses as well as certificate and diploma courses (while exploring masters Degree Courses in some streams) to maximum number of students locally and in

more streams (of relevance to ladakhs changing socio economic realities) with excellent infrastructural facilities and learning environment available to them. At the same time, put in place effective mechanisms for providing support services like counseling and placement to students (including those seeking higher education outside Ladakh and pursuing Post Graduation Courses). ITI: Create a cadre of local youth, well equipped with highest standards of technical and entrepreneurial skills in various trades in order to help them transform into highly productive members of the society while ensuring adequate availability of local technical hands for the economic development of the District. Department of Youth and Sports: Reorient the Department of Youth and Sports to be able to play a more effective role in promotion of sports in the District as well as to assume a catalyst role in equipping our young people with necessary life skills like leadership, discipline, punctuality, team work, etc. (including orientation to values like democratic citizenship, moral obligations and respect for own culture, etc.) and facilitating a healthy debate among youth on contemporary issues. ICDS: Strengthen the ability of ICDS in effectively providing Anganwari services in every ward of every village in the District and provide care and support to younger children, adolescent girls and pregnant / lactating mothers and equip them with early education, knowledge and skills on child care (including health) and basic life skills respectively. Department of Health: Strengthen capacities of the Health Department to provide high quality health care and referral services (in allopathic as well as in traditional Amchi System) at all levels while enhancing its competencies in effectively addressing (in collaboration with various stakeholders) issues concerning the impact of peculiar geo climatic conditions of the region (high altitude, in particular) as well as changing life styles, through a multi pronged approach. Social Welfare Department: Strengthen the mandate and capacities of the Social Welfare Department in order to be able to respond effectively to the needs of people in disadvantage and distress (with particular focus on those belonging to religious or ethnic minorities and those socially on the margin) as well as to steer a change process within the society so that family and community institutions for providing social security to weaker and vulnerable categories of people are revived / strengthened. Department of Labour Welfare: Strengthen the role and capacities of the Department of Labour Welfare in order to enable it to respond affectively to issues concerning implementation of Labour related laws and ensure welfare of the increasing number of workers in the unorganized sector.

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Culture: Strengthen efforts on preservation and revival of Ladakhs rich and diverse cultural heritage in all its manifestations and ensuring that its ethos and value systems are effectively passed on to the new generation. Rural Development Department (RDD): Strengthen the role, mandate and capacities of RDD in promoting a participatory mode of governance and development at villages and Blocks with focus on promoting vibrant Gram Sabhas and effective involvement of peoples institutions in the Development process (with PRIs in the lead) and facilitating closer interaction between people and development agencies. Municipal Committee Leh: Transform MC Leh into a democratic and vibrant institution with expanded mandate, capacities and revenues for effective management of the affairs of Leh Town in order to be able to provide the best possible facilities to its residents as well as visitors (tourists in particular) and showcase it as a model of Ladakhs traditional values and cultural heritage. Department of Forest: LAHDC Leh would like to strengthen the efforts of Forest Department and, with its support, village communities and individual farmers to accelerate the pace of tree plantation, adopt sustainable means of natural resources management and ensure conservation and regeneration of Ladakhs bio diversity. Department of Wildlife: Ensure efforts to strengthen conservation of flora and fauna of Ladakh and their use for the betterment of the society in a harmonious balance (while exploring the range of improving alternative options for livelihoods of communities concerned) in tune with modern thought processes as well as our cultural beliefs.

Department of Planning and E&S: Strengthen the role, mandate and capacities of the Planning Department in order to help effectively tap its potential for providing better support to sectoral agencies on planning, ensuring better coordination and convergence among sectoral agencies and between programs under the District Plan, those funded under CSSs and through other sources and with initiatives being taken by other stakeholders. New Themes: i. Environment: Ensure effective mechanisms in place to promote conservation and protection of environment through coordinated action and effective use of appropriate technology. ii. Pasture Development: Ensure collaborative action in protecting and regenerating our pasture resources in order to help development of the region on a sustainable basis. iii. Womens Development: Ensure effective measures in promoting womens development (including efforts on reducing gender disparities). iv. Disability: Ensure that disabled people have access to high standards of care and support services so that they are able to harness their potentials as productive members of Society. v. DRRM: Ensure effective mechanisms (and preparedness) at all levels to deal with and mitigate the effects of disasters of any kind.

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


D. Sectors with outlines of proposed plans to be developed:

These sectors are Transport and Communications (with proposed Capital outlay for 12th FYP Rs. 13000 lacs including loan of Rs. 4000 lacs), Irrigation Medium (Rs 600 lacs), Irrigation Minor (Rs.1200 lacs), Soil Conservation (Rs. 400 lacs), WDP / IWMP (Rs. 1500 lacs State share), MGNREGA (Rs 1400 lacs State share), SGSY / NRLM (Rs. 100 lacs State Share), Rural Sanitation (Rs. 200 lacs State Share), Drinking Water / PHE (Rs. 3000 lacs), Power Hydel (Rs. 800 lacs), Urban Development (Rs. 1800 lacs), Parks / Gardens (Rs. 300 lacs), Housing / Rental (Rs 200 lacs), NFBs (Rs. 300 lacs), IAY (Rs. 200 lacs State Share), MSDP (Rs. 100 lacs State Share), CCDF (Rs. 3000 lacs), Garages (Rs 300 lacs), S&P (Rs 100 lacs) and Settlement (Rs. 100 lacs). The process of developing detailed plans under these sectors will be carried out through a consultation process along the following lines: First, most of these sectors deal with infrastructure development, and projects proposed under them will be prioritized through a Screening mechanism and the DCP (proposed to be constituted) with due consideration to the status of ongoing works, Govt. of J&K guidelines and funding under CSSs, State Plan and other sources (e.g., 13th FC, Task Forces etc) being implemented by various agencies. Second, most of these sectors represent State Share of CSSs and will, therefore, be considered for implementation in the light of guidelines governing them and the quantum of Central Share expected during 12th FYP period (kindly refer to annexure 3 for a proposed framework). While developing plans for these sectors, options for developing complementarities will be explored. Third, among sectors dealing with agricultural infrastructure, a joint strategy on water conservation (with particular focus on building artificial glaciers) will be developed for implementation. Fourth, a number of these sectors have the potential for a higher degree of involvement (including delegation of certain functions) to Local Bodies (HPs, BDCs and MC). These will be considered according to Govt. of J&Ks guidelines and considered while developing plans. Last, the DCP will make special efforts to ensure effective coordination among plans developed under CSSs by different agencies as well as different plans and between plans developed under CSSs and the District Plan. In addition, there are issues deserving attention while developing plans under some specific sectors. Under infrastructure, there is a need for clear set of guidelines for construction of buildings (e.g., use of local architecture, designs allowing effective use of solar energy, disincentives to construction on agricultural fields, etc.). Under MGNREGA, Leh District has a 5 Year Perspective Plan and there is a need to develop effective strategies to accelerate its implementation. Under PHE, strengthening the regulatory role of the Department for ensuring a sustainable use of water resources emerges as a priority.

E. Proposed outlines of Sectoral Plans

(strategic sectors) for 12th FYP.
Planning /E&S Sheep Husbandry EJM College Horticulture Youth & Sports MC Leh Animal Husbandry Health Industries Handicraft NCE ITI ICDS Information Info. Technology Tourism Agriculture RDD Social Welfare School Education Wildlife Labour Welfare Art & Culture Forest Handlooms Employment CA &PD Cooperatives Fisheries New Themes

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


Department of Planning / E&S

1. Background: The Department of Planning and Evaluation / Statistics lies at the heart of planning process in the District However, its potential for ensuring coordination among sectoral plans under the District Plan and with various CSSs and other plans is yet to be fully utilized. LAHDC Leh Intends to transform the existing planning process into a vibrant, participatory and analytical process in order to help Development plans respond effectively to peoples changing needs. 3. Proposed Program Objectives (with indicative budget for 12th FYP under Capital):
No Program Budget (Rs. In lacs) 12th FYP 25 2012 13 5


Administrative and technical support to District Committee on Planning (DCP), Executive Councilors, Consultative Committees, Thematic groups and other District Committees Organizing Planning and Review Meetings Proposal Development work Fundraising initiatives Capacity building of Councilors, sectoral agencies and other stakeholders on Planning and Management Hiring of technical experts and professionals for specific purposes (on contract basis) Supporting sectoral agencies and other development actors on project formulation, proposal development and reporting Providing support to RDD, Councilors and PRIs / MC in developing village, cluster and Block level plans Cost of maintaining a Resource Group for providing technical assistance to DCP, sectoral agencies and other bodies on an ongoing basis (contractual) Sub Total

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 10 20 40 20 10 10 20 165 15 15 15 20 10 20 25 120 15 300 (60) (200)

2 2 4 8 4 2 2 4 33 3 3 3 4 2 4 5 24 3 60

2. Strategic objectives for 12th FYP: a. Strengthen the role, mandate, capacities and funding of the Planning Department in order to help effectively tap its potential for providing better support to sectoral agencies on planning, ensuring better coordination and convergence among sectoral agencies and between programs under the District Plan, those funded under CSSs and through other sources and with initiatives being taken by other actors within the constituency. b. Create an environment for better coordination, consultations and analysis on plans and programs by constituting a District Committee on Planning (DCP), Consultative Committees (around Executive Councilors) and Thematic Groups (on specific issues) and through creating opportunities for increased interactions among sectoral agencies, peoples representatives, CSOs and peoples institutions. c. Improve District Plan document by bringing to focus indepth analysis of issues surrounding sectoral programs changing context, progress / achievements, learning, strategic shifts, institutional arrangements, etc. and by including specific chapters on CSSs and programs funded under State Plan and through other sources.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Evaluation /Statistics:
Conducting periodic reviews of sectoral programs Carrying out impact studies / evaluations Research studies Supporting sectoral agencies in carrying out internal reviews, researches and impact studies Hiring of technical expertise and professionals for specific reviews and evaluations Capacity building work on developing review mechanisms and carrying out impact assessments Publications and information dissemination work (including reports and updates being published already). Sub Total


Machinery and equipments Total

4. Programs funded through other sources: -

5. Infrastructural development needs proposed under District Plan:

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


Rural Development Department (RDD)

1. Background: With Rural Development as its mandate and with field offices and staff at every block headquarter and in every village (HP), RDD is uniquely placed in fulfilling an instrumental role in the emerging scenario at grassroots, with peoples institutions and peoples plans assuming the center- stage of Development process. LAHDC Leh would, therefore, like to gear up RDD to effectively steer a change process in which people and their institutions are helped in playing a more effective role in their own development. 2. Strategic objectives for 12th FYP: To strengthen the role, mandate and capacities of RDD in supporting a participatory form of governance and development at villages and Blocks and focusing on promoting vibrant Gram Sabhas and effective participation of peoples institutions in the Development process, with PRIs in the lead. A major shift in approach will be to provide adequate grant in aid to PRIs (and MC), both tied and untied (provisionally kept under RDD) in order to encourage development of local plans and mobilization of local resources. Secondly, funds under Community Development (including Development of Panchayats) will be transferred to PRIs for implementation. Thirdly, construction works of various sectoral agencies as well as those under constituency development funds of public representatives will be transferred to HPs (upto a unit cost of Rs 10 lacs) and BDCs and MC (upto a cost of Rs 20 lacs) to be implemented by them (with technical and supervisory support of RDD). Fourth, efforts will be made to ensure that the role envisaged for Gram Sabhas and PRIs under various CSSs (being implemented by RDD and other sectoral agencies) is strengthened. Fifth, RDD will be made available funds to equip itself with necessary skills (and HR) to play a pro- active role in strengthening participatory planning and coordinating with various stakeholders on issues of rural development. It is envisaged that, in the coming years, RDD will emerge as a resource institution in the area of rural development and democratic governance.

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


3. Proposed Program Objectives (with indicative budget for 12th FYP under Capital):
No 1 2 A B C 3 A Program Strengthening management and program development work (reinforcing analysis, team work, sharing and learning). CD works: Bringing a strategic shift in approach by transferring the bulk of funds to HPs and BDCs (under technical support and supervision of RDD) HPs @ Rs 2 lacs x 93 x 5 years BDCs @ Rs 10 lacs x 9 x 5 years RDD (discretionary) Sub Total Local Bodies: Promoting local initiatives by providing grant in aid (tied and untied) to HPs, BDCs and MC Leh Untied Grants: Providing funds to HPs, BDCs (and MC) to help implement Local Development Plans i. HPs @ Rs 4 lacs x 93 x 5 years ii. BDCs @ Rs 15 lacs x 9 x 5 years iii. MC @ Rs 300 lacs x 1 x 5 years iv. RDD (discretionary) Sub Total B Tied Grants: Providing funds to HPs, BDCs (and MC Leh) to encourage local action on strategic priorities of LAHDC: i. HPs @ Rs 2 lacs x 93 x 5 years ii. BDCs @ Rs 10 lacs x 9 x 5 years iii. MC @ Rs 50 lacs x 1 x 5 years iv. RDD (discretionary) Sub Total 4 5 6 Strengthening supervision of and support to PRIs (including implementation on delegation of subjects and use of grant- in aids) Gram Sabha Mobilization (including promoting womens participation) Capacity building of Councilors, Panchayat leaders and village institutions to help better understanding of their roles and to improve their performance (on program development work, in particular). Exposure visits to learn and inculcate good practices Skills development of sectoral agencies, RDD staff and other stakeholders on participatory development practices Promoting better coordination among sectoral agencies, Councilors, PRIs and CSOs on issues of RD Developing and updating village profiles, promoting MLP and helping with Village Development Reports. Research activities on issues of rural areas. Hiring of technical and professional expertise (on contract basis) Cost of maintaining a Resource Team (on contract basis) with capacity to provide technical and professional help on an ongoing basis Documentation and publications (including periodic reports) Total 930 450 250 750 2380 60 30 80 186 90 50 150 476 12 6 16 1860 675 1500 750 4780 372 135 300 150 956 930 450 500 1880 186 96 100 382 Budget (Rs. In lacs) 12th FYP 25 2012 13 5

4. Program funded by other sources: RDD implements 3 CSSs, i.e., IAY, Rural Sanitation and MGNREGA. The provisional outlay for 12th FYP under State Share for these schemes are being proposed as follows: a. IAY Rs. 100 lacs b. Rural Sanitation Rs. 500 lacs c. MGNREGA Rs 1500 lacs It is proposed that in the 12th FYP period, renewed efforts will be made to accelerate implementation of these schemes (NREGA in particular), with increased role for Gram Sabhas and HPs as envisaged by respective guidelines. RDD will develop separate proposals on the implementation of IAY, Rural Sanitation and MGNREGA during 12th FYP.

5. Infrastructural development needs proposed under District Plan:

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

40 40 20 40 20 30 40 30 9500 (11800)

8 8 4 8 4 6 8 6 1900

Note: Funds kept with RDD under Local Bodies as discretionary will be used to supplement the efforts of HPs, BDCs and MC Leh (and emerging MCs at Block headquarters) based on 4 criteria population size, size of the area, level of backwardness and local capacities to raise revenues.

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


Municipal Committee Leh

1. Background: Leh Town has a municipality (Municipal Committee Leh) which is managed by an Administrator with offices in the viccinity of the Town. Currently, it looks after 10 subjects Sanitation, building permission, trade permission, construction of soakage pits for kitchen waste disposal, construction and maintenance of public toilets, parking and upkeepment of market, sterilization of stray dogs, registration of births and deaths, disposal of unidentified or unclaimed dead bodies and removal of encroachments from govt. land. Its key achievements include construction of two shopping complexes in Leh Market, construction of 34 Khokhas - Shops (for flood victims of 2010) at New Bus stand, sterilization of around 1000 stray dogs, creation of new parking lots, opening of new public toilet facilities and strengthening of garbage collection and disposal systems with the help of various govt. departments, CSOs and residents organizations. The revenue generation capacity of the Municipal Committee of leh is currently at around Rs 2.20 crores (2011 till November). Currently under the District Plan, sectoral agencies are providing a range of services while infrastructure development works are undertaken through Ubran Development Program. 2. Strategic objectives for 12th FYP: LAHDC Leh would like to transform MC Leh into a democratic and vibrant institution with expanded mandate, capacities and revenues for effective management of the affairs of Leh Town in order to be able to provide the best possible facilities to its residents as well as visitors (tourists in particular) and showcase it as a model of Ladakh s traditional values and cultural heritage.

3. Proposed agenda for 12th FYP: a. Enhance provision of grant in aid (tied and untied) to MC Leh under Local Bodies to help in its future development initiatives. For 12th FYP, it is proposed to provide an Untied Grant of Rs 15 crores (@Rs 3 crores per year) and Tied Grant of Rs 2.5 crores (@ Rs 50 lacs per year) under the District Plan (this budget outlay has been reflected under RDD on provision of grant in aid to Local Bodies).
Budget (Rs. In lacs) 12th FYP 1500 250 1750 2012 13 300 50 350

No 1 2

Program Grant in aids to MC Leh (untied) Grant in aids to MC Leh (Tied) Total

Note: The outlay is reflected under RDD.

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


b. Aim at having an elected MC for Leh Town, as early as possible, in order to help it function with a wider mandate under J&K Municipality Act and LAHDC Act. c. Initiate a strategy development process and help evolve a broad framework for the next 5 years in order to help Leh emerge as a Heritage Town with ethnic character and modern facilities and amenities: i. Undertake MLP (participatory planning exercises) in all neighborhoods of Leh Town in order to help compile its latest demographic profile and peoples perceptions on its key development issues. ii. Develop a Perspective Plan for its future development within the context of District Plan, CSSs, TDAs works, other programs being funded through various sources, existing and proposed Master Plans. iii. Strengthen interactions between MC Leh, and various sectoral agencies (including Tourism Development Authority) and CSOs in order to help develop joint strategies and programs for the development of Leh Town within the framework of the Perspective Plan. iv. Strengthen capacities of MC Leh in raising its revenues through imposition of fee / levy etc., undertaking income earning activities and accessing various sources of funding. DCP (and the Planning Department and RDD) will have a responsibility to help MC Leh in this endeavor. v. Help MC develop Yearly Action Plans through use of grant in aid provided under the District Plan, MCs own incomes and by accessing various sources of funding (including internal resources within neighborhoods through encouraging local initiatives of residents). vi. Access resources from GoI and GoJK Programs / schemes (like Slum Improvement Program) under urban Development Program.

4. Program funded by other sources: a. TDA of Leh is undertaking a number of infrastructure development work in Leh Town under its AAP (State Plan) and through funding from Ministry of Tourism, GoI. b. Master Plan for Leh Town and Master Plan for Greater Leh are at various stages of approval process (!). These master Plans will have important bearings on future development of Leh Town.

5. Infrastructural development needs proposed under District Plan:

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


Tourism Department
1. Background: As a sector, Tourism has come a long way (since its inception in 1974) in assuming perhaps the most prominent role in Ladakhs New Economy.With a continuous increase in the tourist inflow to the extent of touching an unprecedented 1.79 lacs (mostly domestic) in 2011, the sector is estimated to be generating an income of around Rs. 60 crores a year involving around 4000 units (and above 10,000 jobs) during the season. Ladakh 2025 aims at connecting tourists to the unique geographical advantage and cultural heritage of Ladakh without endangering its fragile eco system while scaling up tourism to contribute to the economic and social well being of the people of this region. LAHDC Leh realizes that there is now a greater responsibility on it and the people of Ladakh to ensure sustainability of Tourism sector while safeguarding against its negative outcomes. 2. Strategic objective: LAHDC Leh would like to accelerate efforts on scaling up Tourism as an important part of Ladakhs Economy through ensuring quality and effectiveness of tourism related services and maximizing the benefit of tourism to rural areas and gearing it in such a way that it ensures conservation of Ladakhs eco system as well as the rich cultural heritage of the region.

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


3. Proposed Program objectives for 12th FYP (with indicative budget under Capital):
No 1 2 3 Program Strengthening management and program development work (reinforcing analysis, team work, sharing and learning). Strengthening Tourist facilitation centres at Khaltsi, Nyoma and Diskit Strengthen ongoing efforts on capacity building of service provides (in collaboration with related organizations and institutions) in order to ensure qualitative improvements in standards of services to various categories of tourists with varying needs and expectations Strengthening the regulatory role and grievance redressal mechanisms (in collaboration with related organizations and agencies) in order to ensure promptness and quality of tourism related services (including enforcement of Tourist Trade Act, building norms etc.) Intensifying awareness building and sensitization work (including provision of incentives to cultural and social organizations) on tourism related issues with focus on preservation of cultural values and the environment (including promotion of local architechiture). Sustaining promotional work including publicity, media briefings, TRCs, etc. in order to ensure access to relevant information and assistance to tourists Promote Rural Tourism by showcasing and highlighting the traditional, cultural and other aspects of village life and by incentivizing PRIs / MCs and peoples organizations in organizing tourism related activities, in improving tourism related services and facilities, and help popularize community based tourism. Exploring and supporting new initiatives (though research, consultations and experimentation) for promotion of Theme Tourism (e.g., Adventure, Pilgrimage / Religious, Spiritual, Cultural, Nature, Medical, Ecological, Winter, Leisure, Conference / Conventions, Developmental, etc.) in collaboration with other sectoral agencies, travel agents associations and CSOs. Building capacities of Tourism Department Staff (including exposure visits) in order to help acquire new skills and competencies Explore options to strengthen linkages between Tourism, Handicrafts and Culture Organizing orientation programs for Youth on Tourism related issues Strengthen existing mechanisms for preparedness and response to emergencies OTHER - Hiring technical and professional expertise (on contract basis) - Strategy development work - Carrying out reviews and impact assessments Total 30 10 10 400 (400) 2 2 2 80 Budget (Rs. In lacs) 12th FYP 30 20 50 2012 13 6 4 10


While TDA Leh plans to undertake more infrastructure development work under its AAPs, it proposes to submit additional proposal under Rural Tourism, Development of Tourism Destinations and Tourism Circuit Development (including construction . renovation of trekking routes, construction of public conveniences at strategic locations, improvement of sanitation facilities / installation of incinerators and development of winter sport / snow skiing facilities.


6 7

30 60

6 12

5. Infrastructural development needs proposed under District Plan: Construction of public convergence at strategic locations (Rs. ____ lacs), improving sanitation facilities (Rs. ___ lacs)


9 10 11 12 13

30 20 20 20

6 4 4 4

4. Programs funded through other sources (with budget 11th FYP) Programs
Infrastructural development works under Annual Action Plan of Tourism Development Authority State Plan (Rs. 475 lacs) Infrastructural development works being implemented through Tourism Development Authority (funded by Ministry of Tourism, GoI). Foodcraft Institute, development of infrastructure for Rural Tourism. (Rs. 3017 lacs) Development of Tourism Destinations (Rs. 500 lacs) Tourism Circuit Development. (Rs 746 lacs) Other activities under State Plan (?) Incentives for setting up hotels and guest houses (Rs. 950) Ladakh Festival Ladakh Singe Khababs (Sindhu) Festival Ice hockey championship (!) HUNAR E ROZGAR training Participation in National and Hill Tourism Festivals Publications: DVD on Ladakh and Tourism Map

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


Department of Horticulture
1. Background: Ladakh has had a long tradition of growing horticulture products unique to its geo climatic conditions. Apricot is by far the most important and popular crop (with Raktsey Karpo, Halman and Ngarmo as main local varieties), followed by apple (Tha Kushu and Mongol in particular). However, for long, cultivation of fruits has remained confined to lower regions of Sham (Khaltse and Saspol), Turtuk belt (of Nubra region) and parts of central area of Leh along the Indus River. Departmental efforts and farmers initiatives in past few decades have led to an increased production of apricot and apple. Several new varieties of apple have been introduced and are being successfully grown. At the same time, horticulture production has expanded to other areas of the District. Moreover, use of technology and initiatives on value addition has led to increased returns to growers. Some areas have been growing fruits like walnut, pear, peach, almonds, grapes and, of late, strawberry with reasonable success. 2. Strategic objective: There is now a need to streamline the efforts made so far in promotion of horticulture in order to harness the full potential of the region in the best possible manner. LAHDC Leh would, therefore, like to strengthen the role of horticulture as an important land based activity providing maximum benefits to maximum number of farming families including young entrepreneurs. 3. Proposed Program objectives for 12th FYP (with indicative budget under Capital):
No 1 2 3 Program Strengthening management and program development work (reinforcing analysis, team work, sharing and learning). Promote increased production of high quality apricot and apple through bringing more and non - traditional areas under horticulture production Enhance profitability of horticulture crops (including seabuckthorn) by strengthening value addition activities, incentivize private entrepreneurship and group enterprises (like SHGS and farmer cooperatives) and obtaining organic certification, etc. Promote cultivation of horticulture crops other than apricot and apple (including walnut, grapes, almond, peach, pears and medicinal plants). Strengthen adoption of appropriate technology in crop and post harvest management by farmers through access to scientific know how (including standardization of technology like osmotic dehydration, sundrying and greenhouses). Ensure availability of farm inputs and material needs for horticulture development through providing incentives to private entrepreneurs Intensify research and experimentation in horticulture development including documentation and experience sharing by progressive farmers and research institutions Develop and implement a comprehensive capacity building strategy for farmers as well as staff of Horticulture development (including exposure visits) Promote local initiatives on Horticulture development by providing grant in aid at to PRIs in village practicing or having potential in the field. Encourage large scale horticulture production (including use of commercial greenhouses) in selected areas through incentivizing young entrepreneurs progressive farmers and group enterprises (like cooperatives and SHGs) OTHER - Hiring technical and professional expertise (on contract basis) - Strategy Development work (including consultations with stakeholders and efforts on better integration with own programs funded by other sources) - Reviews and evaluations of program interventions - Information dissemination (including publications) - Research and Development (including tie ups and partnerships with research institutions and progressive farmers) Total 30 10 10 10 30 800 (800) 6 2 2 2 6 160 Budget (Rs. In lacs) 12th FYP 30 120 120 2012 13 6 24 24

4 5

50 40

10 8

6 7

40 40

8 8

8 9 10

100 70 100

20 14 20


4. Programs funded through other sources a. Horticulture Mission for North East and Himalayan States (source?, Rs 48 lacs) b. Rashtrya Krishi Vikas Yojana (Source?, Rs 3 lacs). c. National Horticulture Development Board Gurgaon Support Program (Rs 18 lacs). d. Area Expansion under fruits (including import of Planting materials from other countries through MOA (sources?, Rs 100 lacs). e. Irrigation Development (sources?, Rs. 13 lacs). f. Development of privately owned Fruit Plant Nurseries (Source?, Rs 10 lacs). g. Promoting organic farming (source?, Rs 10 lacs). h. Establishment of Herbal Gardens (source?, Rs. 13 lacs). i. Construction of Green Houses wooden (source?, Rs 70 lacs). j. Procurement of Machines and other farm equipments (source?, Rs 50 lacs). k. HRD (source?, Rs 25 lacs). 5. Infrastructural development needs proposed under District Plan:

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


Department of Wildlife
1. Background: Ladakh is unique in terms of its physical and biological features. Its flora and fauna have suffered exploitation in the hands of inhabitants as well as outsiders. Some species have become extinct while others are endangered. Past efforts have helped reverse this trend and these need to be strengthened and accelerated, particularly through intensifying sensitization, work, exploring alternative means of livelihoods for the people and promoting local initiatives for preservation of our natural resources. 2. Strategic objective: LAHDC Leh realizes that conservation of flora and fauna of Ladakh and their use for the betterment of the society in a harmonious balance is in tune with modern thought processes as well as our cultural beliefs. It is, therefore, the responsibility of the people of Ladakh to make our best efforts in preserving our natural environment. 3. Proposed Program objectives for 12th FYP (with indicative budget under Capital):
No 1 2 Program Strengthening management and program development work (reinforcing analysis, team work, sharing and learning). Improve Natural Habitat: a. Develop pastures b. Strengthen grasslands c. Promote garden development Improve productivity of Land Based Activities (in collaboration with other sectoral agencies): a. Help village communities have improved agricultural infrastructures (e.g., irrigation and water harvesting facilities) b. Promote improvement of land management practices (e.g., Soil Conservation measures) c. Improve Tourism related facilities d. Encourage adoption of appropriate technology Improve human wildlife relationship: a. Build local awareness and information dissemination b. Sensitize various stakeholders on increased responsibility towards natural habitat c. Organize training workshops for youth groups. d. Intensify information dissemination (including sensitization programs for visitors) Adopt Scientific techniques for nature conservation: a. Undertake research studies to help better understanding of wildlife (e.g., Migration patterns, behavior changes, etc.) b. Adopt appropriate management options and technological interventions. Improve livelihood options: a. Strengthen eco tourism b. Ensure crop protection measures c. Promote value addition of local products. Compensate for losses to livestock and standing crops due to wildlife (with simplified community level mechanisms for payments). Enhance capacities of Wildlife Department in caring of wildlife: a. Improve surveillance and caring mechanisms b. Organize training workshops and exposure visits Improve local ownership of natural habitats by supporting PRIs and local groups for local initiatives (through grantsinaid decided on objective criteria) OTHER a. Hiring of technical an professional expertise b. Strategy development involving consultations with stakeholders (and negotiations on contentious issues) c. Carrying out periodic reviews and impact assessments Total 30 10 10 500 (400) 6 2 2 100 Budget (Rs. In lacs) 12th FYP 20 70 2012 13 4 14







7 8

50 40

10 8

9 10



4. Programs funded through other sources The Department of Wildlife is currently implementing 4 schemes on integrated development of wildlife habitat with funding from the Ministry of Environment and Forests: a. Recovery Program for snow leopard (____ lacs). b. Hemis High Altitude National Park (____ lacs). c. Changthang Cold Desert Wildlife Sanctuary (____ lacs) d. Karakoram Wildlife Sanctuary (___ lacs). 5. Infrastructural development needs proposed under District Plan:

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


Sheep Husbandry Department

1. Background: Sheep Husbandry Department is responsible for the development of goat and sheep population (currently at around 3.85 lacs) in the District. Sheep and goat rearing is an integral part of Land Based Economy and, at high altitudes (particularly in nomadic and semi nomadic Changthang) it constitutes the main source of livelihood. While every farming family maintains some sheep and goats as a part of agriculture, households in Changthang (and other high altitude belts like Digar Tangyar and Kanji Photolalok) are involved in livestock rearing in a major way. Changthang has a heavy concentration of the famous Pashmina, Changra and Changluk breeds. However, in past few decades, there has been a continuing decline in the number of sheep and goats kept by average households accompanied by abandonment of the activity by some nomadic families. For example, the period between 2003 04 and 2008 09 witnessed significant decline in the number of Sheep (45%), Pashmina Goat (11%) and Non Pashmina Goat (18%) as LAHDC Leh recognizes that due to a breakdown of traditional grazing systems and emergence of alternative options for livelihood, sheep and goats are not a preferred option for many farmers. It, however, realizes that strengthening of this sector is extremely crucial not only from the point of view of sustaining increased Pashmina production but also for reinforcing agricultural activity and ensuring a realization of the goals of self reliance and sustainable rural economy. The are now indications to increases in number of sheep and goats kept by farmers in Khaltsi and Chhushot belts, and this needs to be encouraged. The strategies for livestock development must, however, consider limitations of our pastures and hence focus on increasing productivity and fodder availability. An important development in the recent past was the establishment of a Pashmina Dehairing Plant (at a cost of Rs. 825 lacs) with the help of Ministry of Textiles and UNDP, currently being managed by ICPGCMS Ltd. (Changthang Cooperative). The Department of Sheep Husbandry operates in the District through a network of a head office in Leh, 6 block level offices, 5 departmental farms, 12 First Aid Centers, a Stock Assistant Training Institute and 52 Sheep Extension Centers. These need to be adequately strengthened in order to make them more effective and responsive. 2. Strategic objective: LAHDC Leh proposes to ensure the viability of sheep and goat rearing by taking effective measures to improve its productively and profitability for average farmers in the District.

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


3. Proposed Program objectives (with indicative budget for 12th FYP):

No 1 Program Strengthening management and program development work (reinforcing analysis, team work, sharing and learning): Administration Block offices 6x2x5 Departmental farms 5 x 2 x 5 1st Aid Centers 12x1x5 Stock Assistant Training Institute 1x2x5 Sheep Extension centers 52x0.20x5 Sub Total 2 Undertaking a review of existing institutional arrangements of Sheep Husbandry Department in order to enhance its effectiveness in the changing circumstances and bring in necessary changes (including a possible transfer of SECs to HPs). Strengthen work on improving breed profile of local sheep/goats with measures like genetic upgradation, selective mating, crossbreeding, bucks/ram purchases and distribution, distribute germ plasms from farm to farmers and changluk study stations Strengthen department capacities in controlling endo and ecto parasitic infections, carrying out measures like serological mapping and strengthening disease surveillance, mechanisms including effective functioning of diseases diagnostic lab Undertaking a research and consultation process with farmers and other stakeholders on understanding peoples perceptions (and changes) on sheep / goat rearing and its role in rural economy and building awareness and sensitization on related issues Review role of existing departmental Farms in order to bring appropriate changes for making them effective in promotion of sheep / goat rearing in the District Develope and implement a joint strategy with other sectoral agencies concerned and various stakeholders for ensuring effective management and development of fodder and pastures (including strengthening of Grow More Fodder Scheme. Promoting local initiatives on strengthening livestock rearing (e.g., revival of community mechanisms like Rares, estt. of community fodder banks, promotion of paravets, etc.) - HPs 93 x 0.20 x 5 - BDCs 9 x 1 x 5 Sub Total 9 Promoting private entrepreneurship (with focus on youth) and group enterprises (SHGs and cooperatives) on sheep / goat rearing on medium and large scale and on value addition activities (in collaboration with other stakeholders) Capacity building of farmers on various aspects of sheep / goats rearing through organizing training workshops, exposure visits, breeders camps, seminars, etc. Strengthen institutional linkages with market and industry to improve Pashmina marketing (including support to ICPGCMS Ltd, promote village/cluster level cooperatives on improvement of Pashmina and strengthening Wool Analysis Broad, etc. Undertake ongoing consultations (involving meetings and field visits) with departments of Forest, Wildlife, Social groups and other stakeholders on issues requiring negotiation and conflict resolution (with technical and professional help, if needed). Promoting breeding of changluk sheep (including strengthening of changluk study station) in order to help meat production. Developing and implementing a capacity building strategy for staff of Sheep Husbandry Department (including strengthening of existing course for Stock Assistants) to help skills development an ongoing basis Strengthen promotiion of small sheep/goat units (of 10) among marginal farmers. Developing a support program for nomads / semi nomads and their livestock for improving living conditions within habitation areas and at pasture locations Total Budget (Rs. In lacs) 12th FYP 2012 13

20 60 50 60 10 52 252 30

4 12 10 12 2 10 50 6

4. Programs funded through other sources Provision of Nutrient supplements for sheep / goats of nomadic communities (Rs.?), Provision of Fodder seeds - RKVY (Rs.?)

5. Infrastructural development needs proposed under District Plan:






6 7

20 50

4 10

93 45 138 70

18 9 27 14

10 11

60 50

12 10



13 14

30 40

6 8

15 16

50 50 1000 (1100)

10 10 200

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


Social Welfare Department

1. Background: The Department of Social Welfare is mandated to help care and uplift the vulnerable and disadvantaged sections of the society. It is currently implementing a range of social security schemes under the State Plan and National Programs (including Tribal and Minority Welfare Programs). However, considering that Ladakhi Society is undergoing considerable economic and demographic changes with major implications on its social dimensions, there is a greater need to understand and respond to the increasing vulnerabilities of weaker and disadvantaged people. LAHDC Leh is of the view that our existing programs for promotion of welfare and upliftment of the poor and marginalized under the District Plan need to be strengthened in order to ensure that the ideals on social justice and equity are realized in true spirit of the goals of Ladakh 2025. 2. Strategic objective: To strengthen the mandate and capacities of the Social Welfare Department in order to be able to respond effectively to the needs of people in disadvantage and distress (with particular focus on those belonging to religious or ethnic minorities and those socially on the margin) as well as to steer a change process within the society so that family and community institutions for providing social security to weaker and vulnerable categories of people are revived / strengthened.

3. Proposed Program objectives (with indicative budget for 12th FYP):

No a Program Addressing issues concerning vulnerable and disadvantaged children: Strengthening management and services at Bal Ashram Leh (for Boys) for care of orphans and children without adequate care (20x5) Strengthening management and services at Nari Niketan Leh (for Girls) for care of orphans and children without adequate care (20x5) Research and consultations on issues of children (including rights of domestic servants, issues of child labour, etc) and developing / promoting appropriate programs and mechanisms under and outside institutional care. Strengthening Child Line service (under Ministry of Women and Child, GOI) Grant in aid to organizations/ groups working on issues of children (including children groups) Addressing issues concerning widows, divorcees and women in disadvantage: Strengthening management and support services of Ladies Vocational Center at Leh in ensuring effective skills development as well as economic self reliance of women with social insecurity (20x5) Opening of a Mahila Ashram in Leh for care of women without adequate care and family/ community support (20x5) Grantinaid to organizations working on issues of vulnerable and disadvantaged women (including Disadvantaged Womens organization) Research / consultations on issues concerning vulnerable and disadvantaged women and developing / promoting programs and mechanisms for their support (including womens rights) under and outside institutional care. Addressing issues of elderly people / senior citizens without adequate care: Opening an Old Age Home in Leh for institutional care of elderly people without adequate care at family / community level (20x5) Open a center for senior citizens in Leh to provide facilities for meetings, entertainment, counseling, medical checkups, literary activities, legal help, etc. Grant in aid to organizations working on elders issues (including elders groups) Research and consultations on issues concerning vulnerable and disadvantaged elderly people and promoting programs and mechanisms for their support under and outside institutions care. Addressing issues concerning care, support and rehabilitation of differently abled people (people with special needs): Providing grant in aid to organizations providing institutional care to physically and mentally disabled people. Grant in aid to organizations, educational and health care institutions (including Disabled Peoples organizations) providing support services to or working on issues of disabled people. Research / consultations on issues concerning disabled persons and to develop / promote programs and mechanisms for institutional and non- institutional care and support of disabled people. Capacity building of people involved in care and rehabilitation of disabled people Sensitizing and advocating on creation of an environment conducive for growth and development of disabled people. Strengthen capacities of the Department of Social Welfare (and other actors) in caring for people in difficult circumstances (those in distress and emergencies, in particular) through creation of a 24x7 helpline, providing counseling, meeting urgent and important expenses, responding to rehabilitation needs, providing legal help, etc. and by maintaining close communication links with institutions like Hospitals, Police, NGOs, etc. Budget (Rs. In lacs) 12th FYP 100 100 30 10 40 100 100 40 30 2012 13 20 20 6 2 8 20 20 8 6

100 40 40 30

20 8 8 6

50 60 40 50 20 40

10 12 8 10 4 8


Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


No f

Program Promoting local initiatives on family / community level care, rehabilitation and integration of vulnerable and disadvantaged persons / families through provision of grants in aid to PRIs, CBOs and CSOs: i. HPs 93 x Rs. 10,000 x 5 yrs. ii. BDCs 9 x Rs. 25,000 x 5 yrs. iii. MC Leh 1 x Rs. 2 lacs x 5 yrs. iv. CBOs / CSOs Sub Total Streamlining and supplementing provision of Social Security benefits to beneficiaries (under various schemes of State / Central Govt.) and ensuring that these benefits are adequate and reach deserving cases only and in a hassle free and effective manner: i. Developing a comprehensive database of persons and families under categories of vulnerabilities and disadvantages through building up on existing data generated through MLP (2010) and organizing participatory exercises with Gram Sabhas through HPs / MC and with the help of CBOs, NGOs, and RDD, and maintaining inventories of eligibles for social security benefits. ii. Coordinating and strengthening the system for provision of social security schemes through State sectors and CSSs by adding a District Plan share. State Sector (ISSS): - Old Age Pension - Widow / Destitute womens pension - Pension for Physically handicapped - Contributory SSS. CSS: NSAP: - IGN old Age Pension - IGN Disability Pension - NFBS CSS: Tibal Welfare and Development - Pre Matric Scholarship CSS: Minority Welfare and Development - Pre Matric Scholarship - Post Matric Scholarship - Merit cum means scholarship CSS: SCA to TSP - Coaching for UGs and Graduates CSS Ministry of W and C - Child line Capacity building (and sensitization) of various development actors (including CSOs and Sectoral agencies) on issues concerning vulnerable and disadventaged people and their care, support and rehabilitation. Awareness building and sensitization on issues of public concern on the situation of vulnerable and disadvantaged people Capacity building of the Staff of Social Welfare Department (including exposure visits) to help gain new concepts, skills and competencies Research and Development on evolving and advocating for local poverty mapping mechanisms and criteria for identification of BPL families (in collaboration with RDD and PRIs) Strengthening linkages with resources institutions and local stakeholder on increasing support on issues of Social Welfare and development in the District. Reviews and impact assessments Strategy development work Hiring of technical and professional expertise including counselors (on contract basis) Documentation and publications (including periodic reports) Total

Budget (Rs. In lacs) 12th FYP 2012 13

47 12 10 20 79

9 2 2 4 17

40 30

8 6

h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p.

50 20 30 20 20 20 20 40 20 1400 (1000)

10 4 6 4 4 4 4 8 4 280

Note: Disability is proposed to be a part of the mandate of Social Welfare Department.

4. Programs funded through other sources

5. Infrastructural development needs proposed under District Plan:

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


Department of Animal Husbandry

1. Background: Ladakh has a rich heritage of livestock rearing, with species like Yak, (and Dzo / Dzomo - a hybrid), Pashmina goat, double hump camel and Zangskari pony unique to it. Livestock rearing is an integral part of agriculture while, for highlanders (nomads of Changthang) it is the only source of livelihood. With 3 Block Development Offices (in Khaltsi, Nubra and Nyoma), 5 Departmental Farms, 3 Animal Husbandry sub units, 7 Integrated Cattle Development Centers, 50 Livestock Development Centers, a District Veterinary Hospital and a Laboratory, the Department of Animal Husbandry is reasonably well equipped to deal with issues of concern to development of livestock in the District (other than sheep and goats dealt with by Sheep Husbandry Department). Ladakh 2025 envisions the Region to be self reliant meeting most of its critical needs from its own land based resources. Past few decades have witnessed marked improvements in dairy development (through cross breeding with Jersey), with milk production reaching 10,500 MT (in 2010) a per capita availability of 200 ml (against 220 ml. at the National level). We have also made significant progress on marketing of milk through cooperatives (5 in number). However, the overall productivity of milk is still low at 1500 ltrs (per lactation - cross bred) against a global level of 8000 ltrs. On production of eggs and poultry, there has been significant increases but there exists a huge gap between local supply and demand. Departmental efforts on preservation of Double Hump Camels, Yak (the number has declined from 44,000 in 1960 to 21,000 in 2010) and Zanskari ponies and promotion of increased fodder production have yielded good results. These need to be strengthened further in order to help bring quality of animals to the desired level. 2. Strategic objective: LAHDC Leh considers development of animal rearing as fundamental to sustenance of land based economy. It would, therefore, like to consolidate ongoing initiatives on development of dairy and poultry in order to take the rural economy to new heights and to help fulfill the increasing and diverse consumption needs of the population locally. It would, however, ensure that strategies pursued for increasing production and productivity consider our concerns for sustainability and equity (including urgency to strengthen current efforts on preserving local species unique to Ladakh).

3. Proposed Program objectives (with indicative budget for 12th FYP):

No a Program Strengthening the management and program development work of the Department in order to help renew focus on R&D work and service delivery on effective transfer of know how and treatment / control of diseases in the field (Strengthening management and program development work (reinforcing analysis, team work, sharing and learning): Headquarters 1x5x5 Block Offices 3x3x5 Farms 5x2x5 Animal Husbandry Units 3x2x5 ICDCs 7x1x5 Vet. Hospital 1x5x5 Laboratory 1x5x5 LDCs 50x0.5x5 Community veterinary workers Sub Total b Developing and implementing a strategy on conversion of local cows around 27,000 in number (currently at around 74% of cattle population) into cross bred (450 ltrs per lactation level to 1500 ltres) and existing cross bred cows around 9000 in number (26% of cattle population) into improved breed (1500 ltrs per lactation level to 3000 ltrs) without expanding the cattle population: Accelerating current efforts on cross breeding at farms and in the field. Improving mechanisms for developing and transferring artificial insemination technology. Intensifying distribution of bulls for breeding at community level Expanding the scope of existing work on promoting establishment of a range of dairy units at farmers level single cow, small, medium and large through incentivizing marginal farmers, youth, ladies and womens SHGs (including establishing effective linkages with NABARD loan for Dairy Entrepreneurship Scheme). Promoting Community level Cattle Feed Banks through provision of RF support to HPs. Undertaking a consultation process with financial institutions (and with States having experiences) and introducing a Cattle Insurance Scheme (involving simplified procedures) and a Relief Package to compensate cattle losses due to diseases and other natural and man made disasters. (Other) Developing and implementing a comprehensive capacity building program for farmers on adoption of appropriate cattle management practices, on ensuring effective transfer of technology from lab to land and on strengthening complementarities between cattle rearing and Agriculture through a range of activities (including workshops, exposure visits, publications, breeders meetings and camps, etc.). Budget (Rs. In lacs) 12th FYP 2012 13

25 45 50 30 35 25 25 125 20 380 120

5 9 10 6 7 5 5 25 4 76 24



Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


No d.

Program Reviewing existing institutional arrangements within the Animal Husbandry Department to ascertain their effectiveness in a changing environment and exploring appropriate changes (with consideration to possible transfer of LDCs to HPs, ICDCs to BDCs &/or strengthening the role of CVWs as an alternative to field units). Undertaking an assessment of past achievements on collection, quality control and marketing of milk through formation of cooperatives, developing and implementing a strategy to replicate the concept in other parts of the District (with due consideration to potential role of womens SHGs as groups of primary producers and in processes like milk collection, quality control and disbursement of returns, etc.) Intensifying existing efforts on promotion of fodder development by farmers (with particular focus on alfa alfa, use of appropriate technology and effective management practices) in order to ensure availability of forage for cattle on a sustainable basis. Initiating a process of consultation with related sectors and village leadership to evolve a joint strategy for development of pastures Developing a comprehensive strategy for promotion of milk processing and value addition for production of ghee, butter, ice creams, cheese, yogurt, etc. through incentivizing private and group enterprises (including creation of common facilities like milk cooling plants, cold storage units, etc). Building capacities of Animal Husbandry staff through strengthening skills development work within the Department and by sending staff on relevant training courses outside the District on an ongoing basis Initiating a consultation process to assess the status of poultry development in the District including experiences / learnings gained by the Department as well as farmers, and developing and implemented a strategy for poultry development with focus on potential areas and offering incentives for establishment of backyard poultry to large units involving average families as well as young entrepreneurship and group enterprises. Consolidate current efforts on conservation of indigenous animal breeds (Yak, Double Hump camel, Zanskari pony) through strengthening existing departmental farms, sensitizing local population, supplementing breeding facilities at community level (while exploring options for possible exchanges with China and Central Asia) Hiring of technical and professional expertise (on contract basis) Total

Budget (Rs. In lacs) 12th FYP 20 2012 13 4




f. g. h.

50 20 100

10 4 20

i. j.

40 50

4 10




30 1000 (1700)

6 200

4. Programs funded through other sources a. The Department of Animal Husbandry is currently being funded (with one off grant) under Task Force for following projects: Program
Installation of a Liquid Nitrogen Plant (Rs. 277 lacs) Installation of a Pasteurization Plant (Rs. 102 lacs) Installation of Bulk Milk Coolers (Rs. 79 lacs) Fodder development at departmental farm (Rs. 133 lacs) Awareness building and publicity (Rs. 4 lacs) Technical Training (Rs. 2 lacs) Mobile lab. And testing facility (Rs. 10 lacs) Induction of new cattle for improvement of germplasm (Rs. 13 lacs) Poultry development (Rs. 6 lacs) Maintenance of camels (Rs. 60 lacs) Conservation of Yak (Rs. 80 lacs)

b. Under BADP, around Rs 22 lacs were made available during 2011 12 (with Rs 10 lacs under Indo Pak in Nubra and Khaltsi and Rs. 12 lacs under Indo China in Nyoma) to supplement departmental programs. c. Under RKVY, around Rs. 4.5 lacs were made available during 2011 12 mainly for awareness and capacity building work.

5. Infrastructural development needs proposed under District Plan:

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


Department of Agriculture
1. Background: Agriculture in Ladakh represents a legacy of human struggle and endurance against the hostilities of a cold, arid and elevated region over centuries its existence. As an outcome, Ladakh has involved a combination of community mechanisms and social norms that have effectively served to ensure food security for an isolated region on a sustainable basis in harmony with the natural environment. Ladakhi economy has diversified in past few decades and alternative options for livelihood have led to a decline in the percentage contribution of agriculture and allied sectors to the average household economy of farmers (to around 50%). Yet, the land based economy continues, to be at the core of Ladakhi culture and its unique way of life. However, agriculture and allied sectors are undergoing a transformation process, with both positive and negative outcomes. Agriculture in Ladakhi is labour intensive and, in recent times, factors like changing occupational pattern and schooling have led to a shortage of HR and a breakdown of some traditions (like communal harvesting). This has been forcing farmers to hire outside labourers, making agriculture less remmerative and attractive. On the other hand, increased farm mechanization has helped reduce drudgery atleast in areas with easier access. Moreover, there has been a major shift towards vegetable cultivation (with increased use of technologies like green houses and trench cultivations) with an increasing role of women and their SHGs in production processes and cooperatives in marketing of products. Whereas crop management and storage techniques have improved value addition remains an area without much progress. However, the range of initiatives in the field involving the Department of Agriculture, DIHAR, SKAUST, same NGOs and an increasing number of progressive farmers to become a dynamic and productive economic activity for Ladakhi farmers (young people, in particular). LAHDC Leh recognizes that it is time to bring the range of field and laboratory experiences on board to evolve a choice of strategies aimed at blending the traditional knowledge and modern know how to suit specific geo climatic conditions of different areas and take Ladakhi agriculture to new heights of production and productivity with due respect for our natural environment. Ladakh 2025 aspires for a self reliant Ladakhi community that meets its most critical requirements primarily from its own land based resources. LAHDC Leh believes that while we should make our best efforts to explore and avail new livelihood options for our people, it is extremely crucial for Ladakhs economy to retain its land based character. 2. Strategic objective: LAHDC Leh would like to renew focus on the revival and strengthening of sectors of Ladakhs land based economy through ensuring an effective combination of traditional wisdom and modern scientific know how in order to make agriculture and related activities less labor intensive, more profitable and more attractive for its young people while ensuring the best use of Ladakhis comparative advantages to help fulfill the increasing and diverse consumption needs of the region through local production.

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


3. Proposed Program objectives (with indicative budget for 12th FYP):

No a. Program Strengthening management and program development work (reinforcing analysis, team work, sharing and learning): Headquarters 1x10x5 Soil Testing Lab. 1x5x5 Departmental farms 5x5x5 Sub Total b. Zonal Strategies: Initiating an extensive consultation process (with farmers, public representatives, sectoral agencies, CSOs and other stakeholders) to evolve zonal strategies with detailed AAPs for 5 years (involving identification of villages, potential crops for promotion (including scope for area specialization), support packages to farmers, strategies and technologies, etc.) by June 2011 (kindly refer to Annexure 1 for a proposed format) and implement them (after undergoing on approval process). Upper Zone (11000 14000 ft.) Central Zone (10,000 11,000 ft.) Lower Zone (Below 10,000 ft.) Strategy development process. Sub Total c. Promoting Local Initiatives on strengthening community mechanisms on agriculture by providing Grants in aid to PRIs: HPs 93 x 0.20 x 5 BDCs 9 x 0.50 x 5 Sub Total d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. Promoting value addition on agricultural products by incentivizing private entrepreneurs and group enterprises (Farmers Cooperative and SHGs). Promoting marketing of agricultural products and availability of farm inputs for farmers (including farm implements, HYV seeds, seedlings, pesticides, etc.) by providing incentives to Marketing Cooperatives Initiating consultations with related sectoral agencies, peoples representatives, PRIs, CSOs, and other peoples groups to evolve joint strategies on improving infrastructure for agriculture (e.g., irrigation) through convergence of efforts. Developing and implementing a comprehensive strategy for capacity building of farmers (including exposure visits). Initiating a process of standardization of technologies appropriate to Ladakhs geo climatic conditions (e.g., green houses, farm machineries, etc.) Initiating a consultation process among stakeholders to evolve a strategy for promotion of Organic Farming (including promotion of bio fertilizers and compost making) Developing and implementing a staff development program (including in house workshops and sending on relevant courses to reputed institutions and organizations) Budget (Rs. In lacs) 12th FYP 50 25 125 200 2012 13 10 5 25 40

500 600 700 30 1830 93 23 116 200 200 30 100 30 20 40

100 120 140 6 346 18 5 23 40 40 6 20 6 4 8 15

Strengthening capacities of the Department to intensify efforts on R&D, (at farms and by farmers), entering in with partnerships with research 75 institutions / NGOs and facilitating sharing and learning of experiences (progressive farmers, research institutions, CSOs, etc.) and making sets of recommendations on technologies, strategies and agricultural practices for farmers through publications, seminars, etc. (with emphasis on developing Pack of Practices) Strengthening efforts on promotion of fodder and pasture development through collaborative efforts with other sectors of Land Based Economy. Establishing / strengthening linkages with resource institutions to ensure access to technical know how, financial and policy support / guidance. Hiring of technical and professional expertise (on contract basis) Documentation and publications (including periodic reports) Total 50 30 40 40 3001 (1400)

l. m. n. o.

10 6 8 8 600

4. Programs funded through other sources a. Training and visit Program (Rs.?), Tribal Sub Plan (Rs. ?), BADP (Rs. ?), ATMA Program (Rs. ?), Micro Management Program (Rs. ?), RKVY Support (Rs. ?), Mini Mission Program FTC (Rs. ?)

5. Infrastructural development needs proposed under District Plan:

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


Department of Youth and Sports

1. Background: Our young people have a special relationship with Ladakh 2025 both represent our obligation to the future of Ladakh. Todays youth is going through a process of change never experienced before. Progress and Development manifest in advanced technology, intense competition, increased mobility and ease of access to information. These bring in new opportunities as well as challenges - both highlighting an increased need for adequate and ongoing capacity building of our youth on a range of issues. Parents, educational institutions, CSOs and CBOs are doing their bit in equipping our young people with knowledge and skills needed to cope with issues confronting this age group in transition. As the lead sector on Youth, the Department of Youth and Sports is well placed in coordinating the efforts being made by various actors and in bridging the gap between the needs of young people and current societal responses within the framework of Ladakk 2025. Under existing arrangements, the department looks after Sports an important aspect of the development of youth and, in this field, we have seen a remarkable revival and growth of peoples interest. A large number of sports events are being organized at different levels from village to District. In Ice hockey and athletics, in particular, our youth has demonstrated excellence and represented at national and international platforms. This has helped broaden peoples perception about sports from its entertainment role to a career builder and, more importantly, a way of life. However, the existing mandate and funding of the Department of Youth and Sports, (even under sports,) is limited and needs to be expanded. LAHDC Leh recognizes that it has a responsibility to ensure that our young people are kept up to date on necessary information and skills, adequately sensitized on our cultural heritage and value systems and effectively involved in the Development debate while providing adequate space to contribute their views and opinions on issues of relevance. 2. Strategic objective: LAHDC Leh would like to reorient the Department of Youth and Sports to be able to play a more effective role in promotion of sports in the District while assuming a catalyst role on equipping our young people with necessary life skills like leadership, discipline, punctuality team work, etc. (including orientation to values like democratic citizenship, moral obligations and respect for own culture, etc.) and facilitating a healthy debate among youth on contemporary issues.

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


3. Proposed Program objectives (with indicative budget for 12th FYP):

No a. b. Program Strengthening management and program development work (reinforcing analysis, team work, sharing and learning). Promoting Sports: Organizing / promoting sports events at District and regional level by the Department & / or through sports organizations (with particular focus on Ice Hockey, Archery, Polo and Martial Arts). Promoting Indoor Games. Promoting youth participation in events of National importance. Providing incentives to achievers in sports. Sub Total c. Building Capacities of Young People: Establishment of a Youth Facilitation center (at Department of Youth and Sports) with counseling, Information Sharing and other Support Services (including a Website). Developing and implementing a capacity building strategy for Youth on issues of relevance, involving a range of activities, focusing on variety of target groups and encouraging peer learning in a positive environment. Engaging in a consultation process with sectoral agencies, CSOs and peoples representatives and evolving joint strategies on organizing events and activities with youth (e.g., with Department of Employment on Career, Social Welfare on scholarships, Health on HIV / AIDs, ICDS and Education on adolescence issues etc.). Sub Total d. e. f. g. h. Promoting formation and strengthening of Youth Clubs and groups Strengthening linkages with resources institutions (technical, financial) to mobilize support for youth related activities (including sports) Capacity building of staff of the Department of Youth and Sports (including exposure visits and participation in courses of relevance outside the District). Hiring technical and professional expertise including counselors (on contract basis). Documentation and publications (including periodic reports) Sub Total Total Budget (Rs. In lacs) 12th FYP 30 60 20 20 40 140 40 50 20 2012 13 6 12 4 4 8 24 8 10 4

110 30 20 30 20 20 120 400 (400)

22 6 4 6 4 4 24 80

4. Programs funded through other sources a. Under PYKKA of GOI, Sports infrastructures have been and are being built in a large number of villages and Block HQs. b. Under various schemes, construction work on an Ice Hockey Stadium, a Sports Stadium, a Youth Hostel and a Sports complex is at various stages. c. Creation of an autonomous Sports Council for Leh District (and possible links with J&K Sports Council) is being considered.

5. Infrastructural development needs proposed under District Plan:

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


Department of Labour Welfare

1. Background: The department of Labor welfare is mandated to work for the welfare of workers in the unorganized sector in the District. Its regulatory role includes registration of Shops & Business Establishment, overseeing implementation of Workers Compensation Act, Payment of wages Act, Minimum Wage Act, Motor Transport Act and other regulations which includes ensuring that workers are provided with entitlements properly and on time, compensation for injury or deaths & Undertaking measures for the welfare of the laborers workers in unorganized sector. Cess collection & registration of workers engaged in building & other construction work as member of the J & K Building & Other Construction Workers Welfare Board has been a major activity of the department since last two years which entitles them for assistance to childrens education, marriage assistance, relief for temporary & permanent disability, gratuity in case of death etc. Department has around 5000 registered Shops & Business establishments thereby generating a revenue of Rs.17.00 lacs annually. Since last two years the department has deposited around 800.00 lacs as Cess collected from various implementing agency of Building & other construction workers & deposited in the state level account. More than 1000 workers have been registered as members & the process of release of the benefits has began. Leh District has a large percentage of rural households relying on labor work as a source of livelihood. MLP (2010) reveals that in the diversified economy of rural areas, labour work ranks 4th in the importance in the list of livelihood options (after agriculture, livestock rearing and Govt. Service).Whereas exact figures on workers in the unorganized sector are not available, the number of marginal farmers resorting to some form of unskilled labour work is as high as 35% (with Changthang region at a high of around 50%, followed by Nubra at around 40%, while Sham and Stod regions rank lower at 28% and 26% respectively). Most of these labourers (ladies constitute a significant number) work on road sides and construction sites near their villages as far as possible. However a sizeable number travel distances and stay out of home for longer durations. Many labourers are engaged with Border Roads Organization, Public Works Department and other organizations on a casual basis. In addition, the district is flocked by a large number of workers (masons, carpenters, unskilled laborers) from Bihar, Nepal, Doda in particular during the summer season. The season witnesss influx of semi skilled workers for Hotels, Guest hours, Restaurants and shops & many of them bring in their families as well because of pleasant climate as compared to other parts of the Country during the peak summer months & monsoon. They require regulation & law implementation for which the department is ill equipped due to lack of field staff. 2. Strategic objective: LAHDC Leh would like to strengthen the role and capacities of the department of Labour Welfare (in consultation with the Labour Commissioner of J&K) in order to enable it to respond effectively and issues concerning implementation of Labour Related Laws and ensure welfare of an increasing number of workers in the un-organized sector. Keeping in view the influx of thousands of migrant labours the department needs to be strengthened by creation of additional posts of Labour Inspectors. The Basic Health care of the working class care will also be addressed by LAHDC of by activating the said wing of the department.

3. Proposed Program objectives (with indicative budget for 12th FYP):

No a. b. c. Program Strengthen management & Program Development (Including capacity building work) of the dept. of Labour Welfare Developing & Implementing a strategy for the welfare of labour and workers in the unorganized sector(in consultation with labour commissioner and local agencies like RDD,Social Welfare and CSOs Developing a data base of local and non local labourers and workers in unorganized sector Creation of a facilitation center for labourers with provision for helpline, counseling, information, center legal assistance. Developing and implementing a set of welfare activities (including helping with entitlements) and institutional arrangements for delivery of these services(possible use of revenue generated by the department) Sensitization of employers on labour related issues. Research: Assessing the impact of outside labour force on Ladakhs economy and social processes. Hiring of technical and professional expertise (on contract basis) Total Budget (Rs. In lacs) 12th FYP 30 20 50 2012 13 6 4 10

d. e.

10 10 100 (100)

2 2 20

4. Programs funded through other sources ? 5. Infrastructural development needs proposed under District Plan:

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


EJM College Leh (Higher Education)

1. Background: EMJ Degree College Leh, established in 1994, is responsible for providing higher education (degree courses) in the District. It currently offers courses in 3 streams Science (Physics, Chemistry, Math, Botany and Zoology), Arts (English, Sociology, History, Economics, Political Science, Urdu and Hindi) and Commerce (introduced in 2010). At present, EJM College has an enrolment of 380 students. The College is currently staffed with a Principal, 20 lecturers (with 5 posts lying vacant) and 15 support staff. The College has been running in its new campus since 1998. EJMC is listed by UGC under 2F and 12 B (2005) and receives UGC grants. Salaries and administrative expenses are met out of District Plan (under Revenue) as well as NonPlan. Unfortunately, the number of students at EJM College is very low, i.e., at around 400. However, examination results, particularly in the final year, have been consistently good. Students from EJMC have also participated in national and international events. On the hind side, the College is short of teaching staff. Secondly, the new campus, though conveniently located and adequately equipped, is

already short of space and devoid of key facilities like staff quarters, hostels, auditorium and examination hall. Thirdly, while EJMC is expanding in its scope and operations, it lacks the flexibility to innovate and diversify teaching / learning environment due to resource constraints. Fourthly, the existing mismatch between sessions of HSSs and the college has caused lot of inconveniences to students (though LAHDC is making efforts to resolve the issue). Another cause of concern is a low level of enrolment in subjects like Physics, Math, English Literature and Hindi. A larger issue facing Higher Education is that EJMC currently caters to less than 10% of college students (assuming that out of around 8,000 persons of college going age 18 to 21 yrs, around 50% are actually in various colleges). 2. Strategic objective: LAHDC Leh hopes to strengthen capacities of EJM College Leh to provide high quality degree courses as well as certificate and diploma courses (while exploring masters Degree Courses in some streams) to attract more local students and in more streams (of relevance to ladakhs changing socioeconomic reality) with excellent infrastructure facilities and learning environment. At the same time, it would like to put in place effective support mechanisms to provide counsel and placement services to students including those seeking higher education outside Ladakh and pursuing Post Graduation Courses.

3. Proposed Program objectives (with indicative budget for 12th FYP):

No a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. Program Strengthening management and program development work (reinforcing analysis, team work, sharing and learning). Hiring teaching staff (on contract basis) Improving and diversifying teaching methodology by expanding the scope of classroom teaching as well as leaning outside classrooms. Develop a Guest faculty data base (within and outside Ladakh) and use their expertise to consolidate student learning on a range of issues. Strengthening linkages with key educational institutions to ensure sustained technical, financial and policy support. Develop and implement a package of certificate and diploma courses on themes of relevance to Ladakhs changing socioeconomic conditions Developing and implementing a strategy for experimenting master Degree Courses in 2-3 streams Establishing a center of High Altitude Development Studies and initiating research work on issues specific to Ladakh. Strengthen forward and backward linkages (with feeding HSSs and Colleges/ universities) as well as lateral links (e.g., with ITI, Polytechnic) Establishing a Facilitation Center for offering Counseling and Career guidance services and making appropriate arrangements for provision of a Support Package to graduation and PG students studying outside Ladakh (e.g., Helpline, Contact persons, help in emergencies and with admissions etc., supporting students organizations, etc.) Enrolment drive Exploring options for Distance Education and Accessing NAAC for obtaining Autonomous College and Deemed University Status. Capacity building of faculty members and administrative staff on an ongoing basis. Organizing conferences / seminars Developing and maintaining a college website Hiring of Technical and Professional expertise (on contract basis) Contingency planning for accommodating increasing number of students (including PG accommodations for those from distant places). Documentation and publications (including periodic reports) Total Budget (Rs. In lacs) 12th FYP 60 400 80 50 50 500 200 200 40 350 2012 13 12 80 16 10 10 100 40 40 8 70

k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r.

50 30 50 50 20 40 300 30 2500 (2400)

10 6 10 10 4 8 60 6 500

4. Programs funded through other sources ? UGC (Rs. ?) 5. Infrastructural development needs proposed under District Plan:

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


Department of Education
1. Background: The Department of education (School Education) represents the largest network under Service delivery in the District. With a CEOs office at the HQ, 6 zonal offices, around 350+ schools (now around 400+ if new institutions created under SSA, KGBV and RMSA are included) and around 2100 teachers (if ReTs are included) and around 500 support staff, the Department of Education has a presence in every village of the District. There are 12 residential schools (Leh 1, Lingshet 1, Wanla 1, Khaltsi 1, Nubra 2, Durbuk 2, Nyoma 3, Chhuchot 1). The hostel at Chhushot Yokma is a facility for disabled students (built with the help of Operation Sadbhavana and operating as the only departmental run institution of its kind in J&K). In terms of resources allocation, School Education has a budget outlay in the District Plan during 11th 5 YP period of a total of Rs. 8155 lacs (15% of total outlay) with Rs. 5795 lacs (41%) under Revenue and Rs. 2360 lacs (7%) under Capital. In addition, salaries and administrative expenses are provided for under Non Plan. SSA (introduced in 2002), with its focus on unversalization of EE and improving enrolment and retention, has served to strengthen School Education system through measures like infrastructure development, teachers training, midday meal, provision of school and teacher grants, responding to children with special needs (CWSN), creation of computer Aided learning centers (CALC) 24 in number so far. Under NPGEL (on girls education), KGBVs (at 4 Blocks HQs) and Cluster Model Schools (23) have been established to renew focus on girls education and adolescence issues. Under RMSA, measures like upgradation of schools, provision of model schools (8) and girls hostels (4) are under consideration. Moreover, 22 teachers have been sent to SSAs Srinagar Center for training to be resource persons on CWSN. LAHDC Leh has, since its inception, considered Education as its Priority No.1. It has, therefore, taken several measures in improving quality and relevance of School Education. Operation New Hope (ONH) was an NGO Govt. collaborative effort on improving curriculum, teaching methodology and community involvement in school management. Centralized Residential Schools were another initiative aimed at improving access to quality and sustained education for children in difficult terrains (including children on the move nomads). Capacity building measures have been taken with the help of NGOs like SECMOL, Save the Children, DIET Leh and educational institutions at National and State level. In addition, efforts have been made to link and strengthen ECCE component of ICDS with Primary Schools, wherever, possible. This is being reinforced with ongoing efforts on introducing ECCE (nursery and LKG) in Govt. Primary School by training ReTs. Efforts have also been made to rationalize the system of teacher transfers. Infrastructural facilities have significantly improved in most schools (including construction of solarised buildings). In order to ensure sustained efforts on awareness building and community mobilization about

the importance of govt. schools (operating at community level), a week long KBR Annual Education Campaign has been launched. Efforts are also being made on introducing improved text books and CBSE syllabus, teaching of ancillary subjects as well as vocational training and career counseling services (at High School / Higher Secondary School level). However, the ground realities reflect inadequacies despite a wide range of efforts made so far (thus suggesting the need for a more indepth analysis of the Education system). In the ongoing assessment, our Education system seems to be faced with two major challenges. First, it continues to lack peoples trust in its ability to deliver and, second, it is increasingly becoming financially unviable. The issue of trust deficit is more imminent. On an average, examination results of class 10th and 12th in past 10 years have been consistent at around 27% and 26% respectively. Obviously, we cannot expect a dramatic increase in enrolment without significantly improving pass percentages. Closely linked to this, enrolment in govt. schools is consistently declining for example, the period between 2008 09 (11,000 students) and 2010 11 (9000) has seen a decline of around 16% in enrolment. It is estimated that Leh District has a population of around 25,000 in the age group 6 18 years (school going age). Out of this, only 36% are in govt. schools. (whereas, around 13,000, i.e., 52% are in 41 private and 7 central schools while the remaining 3,000 consist of dropouts and those studying outside Ladakh). Currently, govt. spends an average of Rs. 20,000 to 25,000 per child per year on school education. A continuing decline in enrolment in govt. schools is bound to increase this cost and take indicators like teacher student ratio (around 1:4) and institution student ratio (around 1:25) to an unsustainable level. Ladakh 2025 aims at building the human resource in every child to full potential through harmonious use of our natural resources and under the guidance of our cultural resources. LAHDC Leh believes that this goal can be achieved primarily by ensuring efficiency and effectiveness of the govt. Education system and thereby safeguarding the long term interest of the bulk of our children, majority of whose parents cant afford (or continue to afford) the increasing cost of educating their children. It, therefore, resolves to intensify ongoing efforts on improving school education and focus particularly on its management aspect (including its capacity to effectively analyse the changing internal and external environment) during the 12th FYP period. 2. Strategic objective: LAHDC Leh would like to ensure a significant increase in childrens performance set a target of achieving, by 2017, atleast a 60% pass percentage in 10th and 12th examinations in govt. schools in the District. This would be done through a combination of strategies (including introduction of ECCE and effective decentralization of management functions to schools and PRIs) while strengthening capacities of Education Department and Zonal offices (alongwith RPs at different levels) to provide a more effective technical and academic support to schools.

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


3. Proposed Program objectives (with indicative budget for 12th FYP):

No a. Program Strengthen management and program development work (including innovation and experimentation) at various levels -under 10 priority areas management system, team development, ECCE, ancillary subjects, teaching methodology, extracurricular activities, interschool exchanges, winter coaching, material needs and community participation. (Strengthen management and program development work reinforcing analysis, team work, sharing and learning). HQs 1 x 5 x5 ZOs 6 x 2 x 5 New ZOs 3 x 3 x 5 HSSs 15 x 2 x 5 HSs 30 x 1.5 x 5 MSs 125 x 0.7 x 5 PSs 200 x 0.5 x 5 Sub Total b. Supplementing efforts on strengthening management and program development work of institutions providing special services: Hostels 11 x 2 x 5 Hostel for Disabled 1 x 7 x 5 Sub Total c. Strengthen CEO, ZEOs/ZEPOs work and RPs to fulfill the role of resource group by increasing focus on analyzing issues concerning school education, improving curriculum, teaching methodology, choice of text books, syllabus use, etc. Recommend strategies to improve quality education: At District Level 1 x 5 x 5 At Zonal level 9 x 3 x 5 Sub Total d. Strengthening the role of PRIs (and VECs) on matters concerning schools (under 4 priority area construction and maintenance work, awareness building, strengthening Parent teacher - school relationships, community mobilization including organizing KBR campaign): HPs 93 x 1 x 5 BDCs 9 x 2 x 5 Municipality 1 x 2 x 5 Sub Total e. Capacity building of teachers (and support staff) focusing on curriculum, teaching methodology and participatory management (in collaboration with DIET): At District level 1 x 10 x 5 At Zonal level 9 x 3 x 5 Sub Total f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. Developing and implementing a strategy for strengthening efforts on ECCE, teaching of ancillary subjects, VT and career counseling. KBR campaign (including follow up efforts) Research and consultations with stakeholders on trends and perceptions among students, parents, etc. about school and Education Strengthening forward (e.g., EJM College resource institution), backward (e.g., parents, ICDs) and lateral (e.g., Private Schools) linkages to ensure sharing / learning and complementarities amongst actors on childrens education Develop a data base of teachers, support staff and schools and improve IMS at various levels (ensuring local use of information generated). Establishing a reward system for performing students, teacher, schools, VECs, PRIs, etc. on a regular basis. Material supplements (furnitures, teaching material, etc). Developing and implementing a strategy to bring desired focus on effective orientation in school education (and teachers trainings) on issues like Ladakhi culture and value system, environment, gender, democratic principles, human rights, etc. (in collaboration with DIET). Making appropriate coaching / tuition arrangements at District / Zonal Level. Organizing Inter block / regional exchange programs at District / Zonal Level Hiring technical and profession expertise (on contract basis) Documentation and publications (including periodic reports) Total Budget (Rs. In lacs) 12th FYP 2012 13

25 60 45 150 225 437 500 1442 110 35 145

5 12 9 30 45 87 100 288 22 7 29

25 135 160

5 27 32

465 90 10 565

93 18 2 113

50 135 185 100 30 30 30 20 20 100 50 20 30 40 30 3000 (2100)

10 27 37 20 6 6 6 4 4 20 10 4 6 8 6 600

4. Programs funded through other sources ? SSA (Rs.?) KGBV (Rs.?) RMSA (Rs. ?) 5. Infrastructural development needs proposed under District Plan:

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


Department of Health
1. Background: Department of Health is the second largest set up under the district Plan, providing health care services in almost every village in the District. The network, operating under a Chief Medical Officer, consists of a District Hospital, 3 sub District hospitals, 13 PHCs, 3 allopathic dispensaries, a mobile dispensary and 83 MACs / MSCs. In addition, there is a District Tuberculosis Center, a Leprosy Center and an Amchi Health Care program in place. The Department of Health has ____ doctors, _______ nurses, _________ Medical Assistants,________ technical staff, ________ paramedics and ___________ administrative staff. Budget wise, Health Care represents around 11% of Plan outlay (Rs. 5827 lacs) with 20% of Revenue (Rs. 2775 lacs) and 9% of Capital (Rs. 3052 lacs) during the 11 FYP period. In addition, salaries and administrative expenses are provided under Non Plan. NRHM, implemented in the District in _____ , has served to improve infrastructure, medical outreach and quality of services in a major way (details) Ladakhs gep climatic conditions, distance and isolation (particularly during winter) heavily influence health conditions of the people while posing severe challenges to health care service delivery. The Department of Health has been responding to health care needs of the people in the District as well as increasing number of visitors (tourists, labourers and other working people) with reasonable success. SNM Hospital is currently equipped with facilities like (details). However, shortage of qualified doctors and paramedics (evident from a large number of vacancies), particularly in the field, acts as the main constraint. Moreover, other than high altitude and climate linked ailments, emergence of life style related health problems - hypertension, obesity, heart problems, diabetes and cancers are new sources of anxiety for the Heath Care System. Health Department is, therefore, faced with the challenge of having a rethink of health care with a strong focus on prevention and education while enhancing its ability to deal effectively with increased inflow of outsiders with a range of health related problems including disorders linked to high altitude. 2. Strategic objective: Ladakh 2025 envisages for the region a holistic health scenario encompassing physical, mental, social and ecological well being. LAHDC Leh would, therefore, like to strengthen the capacities of the Health Department to provide high quality health care and referral services (in allopathic as well as in traditional Amchi System) at all levels while enhancing its competencies in effectively addressing issues concerning the impact of high altitudes as well as changing life styles, through a multi pronged approach.

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


3. Proposed Program objectives (with indicative budget for 12th FYP):

No a. Program Strengthening management and program development work (reinforcing analysis, team work, sharing and learning): HQs 1 x 10 x 5 SNM Hospital 1 x 25 x 5 SDHs 3 x 15 x 5 DTO 1 x 10 x 5 DLC 1 x 10 x 5 PHCs 13 x 8 x 5 Allopathic dispensaries 3 x 7 x 5 Mobile Dispensary 1 x 7 x 5 Amchi System 20 x 5 MACs / MSCs 83 x 8 x 5 Sub Total b. c. d. Hiring of medical professionals (on contract basis) in order to overcome shortage of HR in Health Care System. Promoting capacity building of Health professionals and administrative staff through in service trainings, organizing training workshops with help of internal / external RPs and by sending to courses at institutions of repute / excellence Level initiatives on health issues through provision of grants in aid to PRIs: 93 x 0.10 x 5 9 x 0.50 x 5 1x2x5 Sub Total e. Developing a strategy (and accessing resources) on (a) attaining for SNM Hospital the sub speciality status and upgrading it to a tertiary level hospital with provisions for medical investigations research and teaching. (b) Upgrading sub District Hospitals to provide diagnostic facilities (like theatre, blood bank, ambulances, etc.) Strengthen linkages with key resource institutions (like AIIMs) and PGI for ensuring availability of technical help /guidance on a sustained basis (including access to telemedicine facility). Establishing a center for research and development on High Altitude related health issues. Constituting a District Health Advisory Committee of experts (in diverse fields) and avail the benefit of its knowledge and advice for evolving effective strategies in health care through regular consultations. Develop and introduce a strategy for strengthening and integrating Amchi system of medicine into the Health Care System (through a consultation process involving all stakeholders) and accessing relevant resource institutions for technical and financial help. Developing and implementing an awareness and education program on preventive aspects of heath care, with particular focus on life style related issues, in order to inculcate healthy habits among the population Strengthening focus and capacities within the health care system to effectively address issues concerning mental and Psycho social care in a changing socio economic scenario. Strengthening capacities of the health care system to effectively deal with health care issues of an increasing population of elderly people. Developing capacities of the health care system to deal effectively with potential threat and the impact of HIV / AIDs by strengthening efforts on awareness building, care and counseling as well as follow up services. Strengthening the role of CHWs as a mechanism for extension of health care and referral services and enhancing the quality of interface with communities without expanding the existing institutional arrangement (including improved outreach of Mos and regular medical camps). Strengthening linkages with related sectoral agencies (e.g., Social Welfare, Education, Youth, ICDS, etc.), CSOs and other stakeholders on evolving joint strategies on health care issues (including provision of grants in aid to organizations working health issues). Supplementing material needs of Health Care institutions (including medicines). Undertaking research on specific health issues in order to enhance understanding of trends and changes and to help evolve effective strategies in dealing with them (including screening and maintaining a data base on population profiles). Hiring technical and professional expertise (on contract basis) Documentation and publications (including periodic reports) Total Budget (Rs. In lacs) 12th FYP 50 125 225 50 50 520 105 35 100 830 2090 300 200 2012 13 10 25 45 10 10 104 21 7 20 166 418 60 40

47 22 10 79 50

9 4 2 15 10

f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s.

50 100 30 100 120 50 50 40 60 100 400 50 50 40 4000 (3600)

10 20 6 20 24 10 10 8 12 20 80 10 10 8 800

4. Programs funded through other sources ? NRHM (Rs. ?) (other) 5. Infrastructural development needs proposed under District Plan:

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


Art & Culture

1. Background: Ladakhi Culture is widely acclaimed as unique and a major source of attraction for tourists as well as researchers. Evolved over centuries of human adaptation to a difficult terrain, it represents a way of life which has successfully guided human survival and existence in perfect harmony with one another and with the natural environment. Predominantly Buddhist in character, Ladakhi cultural values and social processes have imbibed attributes of other cultures as well and, as a result, we have a social system encompassing different faiths and ethnic groups and governed by principles of interdependence, peaceful co existence, mutual cooperation and respect for differences. In the wake of sweeping changes brought about by Development and progress, traditional societies are losing ground. Change is inevitable and, therefore, we are changing as well. However, Ladakh has managed, with reasonable success, to preserve the essence of its culture while embracing new ideas and technologies. The reason is obvious Ladakhs culture continues to be close to the hearts of its people because of its (increased) relevance to modern times as, by and large, it conforms to the principles of social equity and sustainability as well as the ideals of democracy and international human rights instruments.

2. Strategic objective: Ladakh 2025 envisages for Ladakh a society firmly upholding its core social and cultural values and preserving the rich heritage of its past. LAHDC Leh would like to ensure that this heritage is preserved in all its manifestations and effectively passed on to the next generation. It would, therefore, strengthen efforts on preservation and revival of Ladakhi Culture by emphasizing its positive features and mitigating its weaknesses in order to help it emerge as a guiding force for the people of Ladakh in an age of cut throat competition driven by traits like greed and promotion of self interest. The efforts on promotion of art and culture will focus primarily on following 8 aspects Monuments and Heritage sites (e.g., religious and historical places), Art forms (e.g., folk songs), crafts (e.g., painting architecture) Language (Boti), Customs, traditions and institutions (e.g., Langday, Phasphun), value systems (e.g., self reliance, Social Justice), Literature (e.g., Poetry) and Traditional Ladakhi streams of knowledge (e.g., Medicine, Astrology, Logic, Spirituality). It is proposed that Cultural Acadamy Leh will act as the nodal agency, guided by a Working Group (representing sectoral agencies concerned, e.g., Tourism, Wildlife, Handicraft, handloom, Education, Youth, etc. CSOs (social and cultural organizations, public representatives and peoples institutions) and assisted by a Resource Team (hired on contract basis) for program development and implementation.

3. Proposed Program objectives (with indicative budget for 12th FYP):

No a. b. Program Strengthening management and program development work (reinforcing analysis, team work, sharing and learning). Developing and implementing a strategy for promoting of culture under 8 aspects (in collaboration) Preservation of monuments and heritage sites Promotion of Art forms Promotion of Boti language Preservation and revival of customs, traditions and institutions of relevance Promotion of social and cultural values Promotion of crafts. Promotion of literacy work Strengthening traditional Ladakhi streams of knowledge. Sub Total c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. Sensitization and orientation workshops for special groups (e.g., Youth, Schools, tourists, etc.) Grantinaid to social and cultural organizations working on promotion of culture (and sub cultures of religious and ethnic minorities /groups) Undertaking research on issues requiring indepth understanding and documentation. Strengthening linkages with resource institutions for accessing technical, financial and policy support. Capacity building of people and organizations working on issues of culture Strengthening linkages and collaboration among various stakeholders sectoral agencies, CSOs, PRIs, etc. on issues of cultural importance Hiring of technical and professional expertise (on contract basis). Maintaining a Resource Team (on contract basis) Total Budget (Rs. In lacs) 12th FYP 20 50 20 20 20 20 20 20 50 220 40 50 30 20 40 20 30 50 500 (500) 2012 13 4 10 4 4 4 4 4 4 10 44 8 6 6 4 8 4 6 10 100

4. Programs funded through other sources ? 5. Infrastructural development needs proposed under District Plan:

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


Department of Handicrafts
1. Background: Handicrafts are an integral part of Ladakhs tradition. They manifest in a range of skills and products symbolizing human endeavor to meet its critical needs from locally available materials to suit local conditions in a self reliant economy. An influx of products from outside has led to a decline in demand and use of some local handicrafts. Yet, by and large, local skills and products have continued to be in existence use as an essential part of daily routine, particularly in rural areas. And now, the increasing demand for local products by outsiders (tourists in particular) as well as the local population, for their ethnic and utility value, has greatly enhanced the potential of the sector in providing viable means of livelihood for its young people while serving to showcase and preserve the rich heritage of Ladakhs culture. The Department of Handicrafts has been providing vocational training to Ladakhi youth in various trades since______________. Currently, it runs elementary and advanced courses in 11 trades wood carving (and carpentry), carpet weaving, Fresco and Thanka painting,

Hand knitting, Ladakhi Garment making, Silver Filigree, Dragon Painting, Paper Making, Namda Making, Embroidery and Stone (Maney) Carving. These courses have enabled a significant number of boys and girls to embrace crafts as a profession, establish their production units and earn income while providing employment for others as well (evident in the range of products available for sale in the market). However, our currently efforts fall far short of the demands of the market as well as our potential for developing the sector. LAHDC Leh would, therefore, like to renew efforts to expand the scope and capacities of the Department of Handicrafts in playing a significant role in improving the employment scenario and socio economic condition of the District and its people. 2. Strategic objective: LAHDC Leh would like to strengthen current efforts on improving and developing Ladakhs traditional arts and crafts in a significant way through equipping our young generation with necessary skills of the highest order and support in undertaking various handicrafts activities through effective use of modern know how, leading to increased employment generation and economic development alongwith promotion of Ladakhi Culture.

3. Proposed Program objectives (with indicative budget for 12th FYP):

No a. b. c. d. e. f. Program Strengthening management and program development work (reinforcing analysis, team work, sharing and learning). Expansion of preliminary training facilities with scope for providing better training and support services to more trainees (including enhanced stipends) Expansion of advanced training facilities for ex- trainees with scope for providing better training and support services to more trainees (including enhanced stipends) Provision of a 2 year course in 3 trades (carpet weaving, Thanka Painting and wood carving) with advanced facilities and support services. Developing a strong R&D wing with provisions for a Team of Local Experts, inviting technical experts from outside, experimentation (with methods, processes, techniques) and developing new models / designs for adoption by ex- trainees and entrepreneurs Provision of RF support to ex- trainees for establishing their handicraft enterprises: a. Individual entrepreneurs b. SHGs / Cooperatives Sub Total g. h. i. j. Strengthening linkages with technical and financial institutions Capacity building of technical and administrative staff of Handicrafts Department (including exposure visits and sending on courses outside the District. Hiring technical and professional expertise (on contract basis) Documentation and publications (including periodic reports) Total Budget (Rs. In lacs) 12th FYP 30 80 80 80 100 2012 13 6 16 16 16 20

150 150 300 30 50 30 20 800 (400)

30 30 60 6 10 6 4 160

4. Programs funded through other sources ? 5. Infrastructural development needs proposed under District Plan:

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


District Employment & Counseling Center

1. Background: Established in 1979 and renamed recently as the District Employment and Counseling Center, this department is responsible for providing a range of services for the unemployed youth including registration, advertisement of vacancies, helping with recruitments and placements. It also organizes awareness meetings, trainings and employment melas for unemployed youth while helping them develop enterprise development projects, linking them with financial institutions and providing them margin money and interest subsidy to help establish business units. Recently, the center has alos successfully recovered margin Money from loan beneficiaries. However, the District Employment and Counseling Center is still not equipped with adequate resources and services to effectively deal with issues of the unemployed, youth in particular. Currently, the Center has _____ registered unemployed (and, of late, being paid unemployment allowances for a specified period). It is estimated that the unemployment rate in the District is around 8% (7000 to 8000 people) and the number is increasing every year. LAHDC Leh recognizes that while assistance with recruitments and placements must be strengthened, efforts on motivating and preparing youth towards entrepreneurship must receive a more focused attention. 2. Strategic objective: LAHDC Leh would like to strengthen capacities of the District Employment and Counseling Center in effectively assisting unemployed youth to find employment or to establish feasible business enterprises as early as possible.

3. Proposed Program objectives (with indicative budget for 12th FYP):

No a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. Program Strengthening management and program development work (reinforcing analysis, team work, sharing and learning). Streamlining the mechanism for registration, processing of advertisements, recruitments, placement service and career counseling on an ongoing basis (including hiring of Counselors on contract basis) Developing and implementing a capacity building strategy for skills development of unemployed youth on an ongoing basis, with focus on entrepreneurial and business / finance management skills. Research and documentation on feasible enterprise development options in Ladakh in order to help potential entrepreneurs with development of project reports of high standards for use of potential entrepreneurs. JKSES: Interest subsidy / Incentives for unemployed youth under Self Employment Scheme Organizing special employment drives (including Employment Melas (fairs) at District and Block levels and in ensuring outreach services to various regions. Provision of technical assistance to entrepreneurs in formulating business plans and projects in order to help access financial institutions for loans and establish viable business enterprises. Building capacities of the staff of District Employment and Counseling Center (including exposure visits, and sending on courses) Strengthening the mechanisms for monitoring of enterprise units established with the help of DECC and recovery of Margin Money. Strengthening linkages with Recruitment boards / agencies and potential employers (with and outside Ladakh). Creating and maintaining a website of DECC Hiring technical and professional expertise (on contract basis) Documentation and publications (including periodic reports) Total Budget (Rs. In lacs) 12th FYP 20 50 80 40 1500 80 40 30 40 30 20 40 30 2000 (1200) 2012 13 4 10 16 8 300 16 8 6 8 6 4 8 6 400

4. Programs funded through other sources ? 5. Infrastructural development needs proposed under District Plan:

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


1. Background: ICDS is a national flagship program providing through village Anganwari Centers 6 basic services to young children (between 0 to 6 years of age) and pregnant and nursing mothers supplementary nutrition, immunization service, health checkup, referral service, pre school / non format education and nutrition/ health education. Recently, morning snacks and SABLA program (a program for capacity building of adolescent girls) have been incorporated into the program. ICDS was introduced to Ladakh in 1980. Currently, the department has 6 ICDS projects consisting of 476 Anganwari Centers and is staffed by a PO, 6 CDPOs, _____ AWWs and ___ helpers. At present, 6818 children (in the age group of 0 6 years), 1396 lactating mothers and 475 pregnant mothers are enrolled. In recent year, efforts have been made to strengthen the ECCE component of ICDS centers and, as a part of this endeavor, most ICDS centers have been clubbed with the nearest primary (or middle) school in order to ensure an integration between the two services and a smooth transition of children to school education system. Although, not all AWCs have their own buildings, a significant number of AWCs have been constructed recently (particular-

ly under MSDP). There are 12 AWCs operating as Model AWCs. Under SABLA, VT centers have been established for imparting vocational education of relevance to adolescent girls. Sakhi Sahelis (volunteers for adolescence education) are being trained while extension of timings of AWCs (upto 4 PM) is also being considered. AWC is now a popular place for its child friendly environment and its convenience to mothers (particularly working mothers). Although the program is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme, it has become localized to a great extent. However, Ladakhs peculiar geographical conditions with scattered population continue to inhibit access to AWCs in many places (where children and mothers have to walk beyond a reasonable distance to reach the center). LAHDC Leh would, therefore, like to strengthen and expand the scope of ICDS to reach all children, mothers and adolescent girls so that the potential of this vital contact point for them with service delivery mechanisms of Govt. (and other actors) is fully harnessed. 2. Strategic objective: LAHDC Leh would like to strengthen the ability of ICDS in effectively providing Anganwari Services in every ward of every village in the Distrit and provide care and support to younger children, adolescent girls and pregnant / lactating mothers and equip them with early education, knowledge and skills on child care (including health) and basic life skills respectively.

3. Proposed Program objectives (with indicative budget for 12th FYP):

No a. b. Program Strengthening management and program development work (reinforcing analysis, team work, sharing and learning). Maintaining material provision at AWCs (e.g., supplementary nutrition, fuel, equipments, etc): - Existing centers: 476 x 0.20 x 5 - New (provisional) 25 x 0.20 x 5 Sub Total c. Strengthening quality of program activities at AWCs under ECCE, awareness building, crche facilities and Sabla (including VT): - Existing centers 476 x 0.03 x 5 - New (provisional) 25 x 0.03 x 5 Sub Total d. e. f. g. h. i. j. Capacity building of AWWs and helpers. Carrying out of a review of functioning of AWCs and developing a strategy for their effective functioning Provision of grant in aid to HPs for ensuring maintenance of AWCs buildings, premises and other facilities and ensuring collaboration of village institutions and parents in effective management of AWCs: 93 x 0.05 x 5 Capacity building of CDPOs and other supervisory staff (including exposure visits and sending on courses outside the District) Strengthening linkages with related sectoral agencies (e.g., Heath and Education) for ensuring coordinated actions in the field. Hiring technical and professional expertise (on contract basis) Documentation and publications (including periodic reports) Total Budget (Rs. In lacs) 12th FYP 30 476 25 501 72 4 76 50 20 24 30 20 30 20 800 (700) 2012 13 6 95 5 100 15 1 16 10 4 5 6 4 6 4 160

4. Programs funded through other sources ? Central Share for ICDs (Rs ?) Central grant for SABLA (Rs. ?) 5. Infrastructural development needs proposed under District Plan: Construction of an ICDs Training Center in Leh (Rs. ?)

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


1. Background: Ladakh is endowed with vest water resources rivers, lakes, streams and springs with potential of fisheries in diversity. The region is considered one of the most suitable regions for promotion of trout culture because of its favorable water resources and agro climatic conditions. However, for cultural reasons, it is not feasible to promote aquaculture everywhere in the District. On the other hand, the demand for fish in the local market, particularly during the season, is very high. Past experiences show that pond based (earthen) aquaculture (with water supply and drainage facilities) is the most appropriate technology for Ladakh and it has generated considerable employment the most appropriate technology for Ladakh and it has generated considerable employment opportunities in the region. The fish farms of the Department of Fisheries currently in operation are at Shey, Diskit, Kaya Hunder. In addition, the Department operates a Mini Hatchery at Nubra. Trout Nullha, Trout Zone and Fishery Beats at Chhuschot, watch and ward Huts at Sumdo and Nubra. Trout farm at Diskit, Trout rearing at Sumdhu and Fish Farm at Kaya Hunder are emerging as good examples of the potential for fisheries in the District. 2. Strategic objective: LAHDC Leh would like to strengthen the Department of Fisheries and its existing work in order to promote aquaculture in selected belts of the District so that the potential offered by the sector in providing gainful employment to our young entrepreneurs is effectively harnessed and the increasing demands of the local markets Is adequately fulfilled.

3. Proposed Program objectives (with indicative budget for 12th FYP):

No a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. Program Strengthening management and program development work (reinforcing analysis, team work, sharing and learning). Strengthening the effectiveness of departmental farms and hatcheries. Conversion of Fish Pond at Shey into a laboratory (with faciliting for research and development) Promoting establishment of private fishery units by entrepreneurs (through provision of RF support) Capacity building of farmers and entrepreneurs in management of fisheries units Capacity building of technical and administration staff (including exposure visits and sending on outside Ladakh) Strengthening linkages with technical and financial institutions to ensure access to knowledge and financial support. Strengthening mechanisms for ensuring access to farm inputs and marketing linkages Hiring technical and professional expertise (on contract basis) Documentation and publications (including periodic reports) Total Budget (Rs. In lacs) 12th FYP 20 40 20 60 40 30 20 20 30 20 300 (300) 2012 13 4 8 4 12 8 6 4 4 6 4 60

4. Programs funded through other sources ? RKVY (Rs.?) ? 5. Infrastructural development needs proposed under District Plan:

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


District Industries Center

1. Background: Established in 1978, DIC is the nodal agency for promotion of Industrial Development in the District. Its key functions include registration and regulation of industrial units and their activities, encouraging entrepreneur (particularly among educated youth) to develop and establish viable industries (small and medium) through technical and financial assistance and linking them with financial institutions and the market. DIC is also responsible for the implementation of PMEGP in the District. It has around 9000 industrial units registered with it. Currently, DICs main activities are built around the Industrial Estate of Leh and Mini Industrial estates at Block HQs and villages with potential for development of industries. While the Industrial Estate in Leh has 121 plots and 62 manufacturing, fabricating and processing units of different types. There is a mini industrial estate at Khaltsi (with 15 plots

and 3 units) while Diskit, Thiksay and Phyang are potential villages where such estates are being developed. Ladakh has adequate potential for industrial development based on local resources. However, lack of infrastructure (including power), distances and low levels of a spirit of entrepreneurship act as impediments to it. Considering peoples growing interest in tourism and agricultural entrepreneurship in recent year, industry can be expected to grow at a fast pace. LAHDC Leh would, therefore, endeavor to strengthen DIC and its work as well as create an enabling environment for industries to flourish in order to put Ladakh on the Industrial map of the nation, as envisioned in Ladakh 2025. 2. Strategic objective: LAHDC would like to strengthen existing efforts on industrial development in the District through improving necessary conditions like infrastructure, skills development and financial support for our young entrepreneurs to grow and contribute productively to the economics development of region.

3. Proposed Program objectives (with indicative budget for 12th FYP):

No a. b. Program Strengthening management and program development work (reinforcing analysis, team work, sharing and learning). Review the status of Industrial estates, develop and implement a strategy for their development (including identification of new locations for the initiative within the District): - Industrial Estate Leh - Mini Industrial Estates - Review and strategy development process Sub Total c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. Research involving feasibility studies on production and marketing strategies appropriate for Ladakh region. Accessing technical knowledge and support from resource institutions in India (including industries) and elsewhere in order to help guide industrial development process in the region Streamlining existing system for provision of technical assistance to entrepreneurs in project development. Capacity building of (existing and potential) entrepreneurs in business management, leadership and finances Capacity building of the staff of DIC (including exposure visits and sending on courses outside Ladakh) Strengthening linkages between entrepreneurs (including existing units) and financial institutions Strengthening linkages between DIC and related sectors (e.g., DE and CC, Handicraft, Handloom, Agriculture, Horticulture, etc.) and evolve joint strategies. Hiring technical and professional expertise (on contract basis) Documentation and publications (including periodic reports) Total Budget (Rs. In lacs) 12th FYP 20 2012 13 4

100 200 20 320 40 30 20 50 30 20 20 30 20 600 (500)

20 40 4 64 8 6 4 10 6 4 4 6 4 140

4. Programs funded through other sources ? PMEGP (Rs.?) 5. Infrastructural development needs proposed under District Plan:

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


Department of Handlooms
1. Background: The Handlooms Department has been providing training and other support services to trainees (mainly rural women) is spinning and weaving of a range of products based primarily on Pashmina as well as wool. Ladakh, and Changthang in particular, specializes in Pashmina production. Yet, most of the Pashmina produced is sold out as a raw material, with the percentage of finished products made locally still at a substantial low. On the other hand, spinning, weaving (and knitting) have been traditional to Ladakhi Society, primarily meeting local needs but, of late, becoming an income earning avenue due to tourist as well as local interest in the ethnic touch, simplicity and even the raw form (texture, design and color) of products made. However, lack of innovation in terms of technology, design inputs, production processes, diversification in product range, etc, render local wool based activities a more time consuming and less remunerative exercise. Yet, women in particular engage in weaving and knitting (particularly during long winter months) as a favorite

pass time activity. Departmental efforts (and initiatives of some NGOs) have helped create a cadre of young skilled women (number?) and their production units (number ?) producing a wider range of handloom products (with better quality) providing better returns to them in a market flooded by tourists keen to buy souvenirs from Ladakh. However, handlooms in Ladakh are in need of a breakthrough to catch the imagination of its work force and entrepreneurs in the weaving industry as well as to meet the expectations of an expanding market available at our doorsteps. LAHDC Leh would, therefore, like to see during the 12th FYP, a qualitative shift in the way Handloom industry is promoted in the District. 2. Strategic objective: LAHDC Leh would like to take the tradition of weaving and related activities of Ladakh to new heights of excellence through strengthening existing efforts on skills development of women and youth of Ladakh with enhanced inputs from R&D, innovation and use of modern technology in improving the quality and varieties of ethnic products leading to better income as well as accelerated economic development of the region and promotion of Ladakhi Culture.

3. Proposed Program objectives (with indicative budget for 12th FYP):

No a. b. Program Strengthening management and program development work (reinforcing analysis, team work, sharing and learning). Developing a competent R&D Wing to access advanced knowledge, market research, experiment new technologies (methods, processes, etc) and introduce new product designs and technologies (through engaging a local Team of Experts (hired on contract basis), a lab., options for inviting external RPs, visit to places of relevance and regular exchanges with ex- trainees and entrepreneurs running handloom units. Strengthening existing centers (of preliminary training) including the Mobile Center and enabling them to cover areas and more trainees for longer durations with better incentives and higher quality of training Opening more training centers of preliminary training including mobile centers to cover more areas and trainers (through hiring of trainees on contract basis) Strengthen the capacity of existing arrangement for advanced courses on Pashmina (for ex- trainees) by using it for technology transfer from R&D wing to the field and by enhancing the frequency and quality of courses. Accelerate efforts on industrial follow up through increasing frequency and intensification of field visits and meetings with ex- trainees and by enhancing departmental ability to provide better technical assistance. Develop a data base of ex- trainees with their profiles and make arrangements for effective use of it in follow up work Expand the scope of RF support to ex- trainees for formation SHGs or Cooperative while strengthening monitoring mechanisms. Provide for individual ex- trainees to establish Handloom units at HH level through RF support and technical assistance. Strengthen capacity building efforts for ex- trainees on skills in business management and entrepreneurship Provide for incentivizing entrepreneurs, SHGs and Cooperatives to open marketing outlets Organizing Marketing drives including Handloom exhibitions / Melas, Haats, etc. Provide skills development of trainees, R&D Team and officials of Handloom Department (including exposure visits) on an ongoing basis. Developing and strengthening linkages with key resource institutions Hiring of technical and professional expertise (on contract basis) Total Budget (Rs. In lacs) 12th FYP 20 80 2012 13 4 16

c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o.

60 60 50 50 30 80 120 50 50 30 40 20 40 800 (800)

12 12 10 10 6 16 24 10 10 6 8 4 8 160

4. Programs funded through other sources ?

5. Infrastructural development needs proposed under District Plan:

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


Industrial Training Institute

1. Background: The Industrial Training Institute (ITI) Leh was established in the year 1981 and was affiliated to the DGE&T (Directorate General of Employment and Training) Ministry of Labour New Delhi in the year 1998. The Institute imparts/ provides Technical /Vocational Training in various Engineering and Non Engineering Trades through one year and two year duration courses. The main objective of this Institute is to give employable training to the unemployed youth of this region enabling them to establish their own units in different industrial related capacities. The important aim and role of this Institute is to ensure a steady flow of skilled workers/ craftsman for domestic Industry. At present, the ITI Leh is imparting training in Stenography (English), (Mechanic) Radio and T.V, Electrician, (Mechanic) Motor Vehicle and (COPA) Computer Operator and Programming Assistant. ITI Leh has been taken up for upgradation under PPP (with NHPC) and an interest free Loan of Rs. 2.5 Crore has been released. Under this

initiative, three trades have been introduced viz. Modern Wood Technology/ Carpentry, (Mechanic) Computer Hard Ware and Welder. Two Trades, namely, Electrician and Mechanic) Motor Vehicle have been upgraded so that more educated unemployed youth can avail the opportunity of undergoing training in various trades enabling them to enhance their job prospects. Construction of a hostel building is under progress. Leh District has a significant number (number?) of young people in need of technical education in order to become employable or operate as entrepreneurs in the market. As a key institution responsible for fulfilling this need, ITIs current capacities need to be strengthened in terms of infrastructure, faculty and post training follow up, etc. 2. Strategic objective: LAHDC Leh would like to create a cadre of local youth, well equipped with highest standards of technical and entrepreneurial skills in various trades in order to help them transform into highly productive members of the society while ensuring adequate availability of local technical hands for the economic development of the District.

3. Proposed Program objectives (with indicative budget for 12th FYP):

No a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. Program Strengthening management and program development work (reinforcing analysis, team work, sharing and learning). Developing and implementing a strategy for expansion of the scope of training in existing trades (with increasing number of trainees and providing them better incentives) Developing and implementing a strategy for responding to training needs in more trades (including conducting of a feasibility study) Provision of effective follow up trainings for ex trainees in order to help update their technical skills and build business management and entrepreneurial skills. RF support to ex trainees in establishment of business units Strengthening linkages with resources institutions (and persons) to ensure acquiring of adequate technical and financial support from outside. Capacity building of faculty and staff of ITI (including exposure visits and sending on courses outside the District.) Strengthening linkages between ex- trainees and financial institutions and business enterprises to ensure their placement &/or growth of their business units. Hiring of Technical and professional expertise from outside (on contract basis) Documentation and publications (including periodic reports) Total Budget (Rs. In lacs) 12th FYP 20 250 250 50 250 40 40 40 40 20 1000 (700) 2012 13 4 50 50 10 50 8 8 8 8 4 200

4. Programs funded through other sources ? NHPC (Rs.?) 5. Infrastructural development needs proposed under District Plan:

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


Department of Cooperatives
1. Background: Cooperative has a long history of existence in Ladakh. There are 4 categories of Cooperative Societies Consumer, Marketing, Handicrafts and Transport. Currently, there exist around 100 Cooperatives with majority of them operating at primary (village/ cluster) levels as Consumer and Handicraft Cooperatives (in both urban and rural settings) while Marketing and Transport Cooperatives functioning primarily at Block and District level. The employee consumer Cooperative and Farmers Vegetable Marketing Cooperative are significant societies while other cooperatives marketing and transport in particular, are emerging prominently as well. In 2010 11, consumer cooperatives have sold consumables worth Rs 7.55 crores while marketing cooperatives sold vegetables worth Rs. 8.32 crores. Similarly, Transport Cooperatives did a business of Rs. 20.08 crores while Handicraft Cooperatives sold products worth Rs. 12 lacs. Changthang Pashmina Growers Cooperative Society Ltd. Which is a more recent formation looking after the Pashmina Dehairing Plants in

Leh (established by LAHDC Leh with the help of Ministry of Textiles and UNDP) sold dehaired pashmina worth Rs. 2.87 crores. In the emerging socio economic scenario, cooperatives are a high relevant institutional mechanism to help ordinary people effectively participate in economic development and directly benefit from progress while safeguarding against potential exploitation in the hands of market forces. The concept of self reliant cooperatives is extremely relevant to the goals of Ladakh 2025, in seeking peoples collective endeavors for their own development. However, majority of our cooperatives, particularly at primary level, are yet to gain the momentum to act as self sustaining and vibrant entities of people operating on democratic principles. 2. Strategic objective: LAHDC Leh would like to initiate a process to take Cooperative movement in Ladakh to new heights through strengthening of existing cooperatives and promoting a significant number of new self reliant cooperatives at various levels in order to create an environment in which peoples groups endeavor to address their diverse economic and social issues as well as help realize the goal of a self reliant Ladakhi Society.

3. Proposed Program objectives (with indicative budget for 12th FYP):

No a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Program Strengthening management and program development work (reinforcing analysis, team work, sharing and learning). Undertaking a review of existing cooperatives, developing a strategy to strengthen / revive them (on an ongoing basis) and implement the strategy. Promoting self reliant cooperative societies in the District through vigorous campaigning, awareness building and information sharing Capacity building of Cooperative Societies (existing and new) through skills development work (e.g., on leadership, democratic principles, business management, book keeping, etc.) and facilitating learning and sharing among each other. Capacity building of Staff of the Department of Cooperatives (including exposure visits and sending on courses outside the District). Developing and implementing a strategy for incentivizing cooperative societies through provision of Margin Money and Interest subsidy on loans (existing and new). Establishment of a Facilitation Center for Cooperative Societies in order to help them develop business proposals / project reports, access financial institutions and develop systems and mechanisms for effective cooperatives (including provision for a Resource Team on contract basis) Strengthening linkages among cooperative societies and with resource institutions (both technical and financial) in order to ensure sustained support. Hiring technical and professional expertise (on contract basis) Documentation and publications (including periodic reports) Total Budget (Rs. In lacs) 12th FYP 20 40 50 70 40 250 50 2012 13 4 8 10 14 8 50 10

h. i. j.

30 30 20 600 (500)

6 6 4 120

4. Programs funded through other sources ? Establishment of a cold storage at Leh and Block HQs (under 13th FC Grant) is under progress.

5. Infrastructural development needs proposed under District Plan:

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


Department of Information Technology

1. Background: NIC Leh, the nodal agency responsible for promotion of IT in the District, was established in 1990 and since then it has been providing desired IT support and connectivity to LAHDC Leh and the District Administration through LAN and Wi Fi. In addition, CICs have been established at Block HQs, providing 24 x 7 uninterrupted internet connectivity to field offices, PRIs and village people. It has developed a portal for LAHDC accounts, etc. it has also designed systems like animal disease reporting system, mother and child tracking system, etc. It also maintains IT infrastructure at LAHDC ( In addition, it conducts basic computer training and internet exposure for govt. officials. NICs proposed plans include establishment of an IT promotion center (IT Park), an STPI unit, an IT convention center, WAN facilities with improved band width and other initiatives aimed at developing Leh as a Cyber Town. Ladakh 2025 seeks to enable Ladakh to fully tap the potential of IT by ensuring its use in key sectors of development like employment generation, economy, planning, enhancing connectivity and developing entrepreneurship. LAHDC Leh recognizes that Ladakhi youth must be equipped with high calibre of IT skills in order to help them grow and contribute effectively to the economic development of this region. It would like to create an enabling environment for IT to play its potential role in critical areas of Development like connectivity, e governance, disaster preparedness, distance education, telemedicine, etc. 2. Strategic objective: LAHDC would like to strengthen IC Leh to help IT become a major force in enhancing efficiency and effectiveness in all sectors of development (including governance) and harness its potentials to enhance employment generation for our young people.

3. Proposed Program objectives (with indicative budget for 12th FYP):

No a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Program Strengthening management and program development work (reinforcing analysis, team work, sharing and learning). Strengthening existing support services being provided through NIC and CICs. Capacity building of Councilors, govt. officials and various others institutions on use of IT. IT awareness and education among people, CSOs / CBOs, education institutions and PRFc. Developing and implementing a strategy for the estt. of an IT Park in Leh (including accessing resource institution for technical and financial support) Capacity building of technical and administrative staff of NIC and CICs Hiring technical and professional expertise (on contract basis) Documentation and publications (including periodic reports) Total Budget (Rs. In lacs) 12th FYP 20 150 70 30 150 30 30 20 500 (500) 2012 13 4 30 14 6 50 6 6 4 110

4. Programs funded through other sources ?

5. Infrastructural development needs proposed under District Plan: a. Construction of an IT Park (Rs.?)

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


Department of Forest
1. Background: The Department of Forest is responsible for ensuring conservation of flora and fauna of Ladakh through promotion of plantation, soil conservation, efforts on regeneration of natural resources, protection of bio diversity of the region and regulating natural resources management as well. It has divided the District into 5 ranges and operates through a team of range officers, rangers and other support staff. Past few decades have been witness to large scale plantation by the Department (at departmental forests) and, with its help, by village communities and individual farmers. While area under tree cover has increased, measures have been taken to ensure soil conservation (insitu and ex situ), to promote co management of natural resources, protection and conservation of floral and faunal diversity and provision of wood for timber and fuel needs of the local population (through outside supplies) in

order to reduce the burden of consumption needs on local forest cover. Some key achievements of the Department of Forest included seizure of Yarsa Gonbo (keeda grass) and Red Sanders (worth crores of rupees), sharing the privilege of entering with Live to - Love Foundation in Guinness Book of world records (for planting of maximum saplings by maximum number of people in shortest span of time), its appointment as the nodal agency for KVICs schemes of funds for regeneration of traditional industries seabuck throne cluster development with (common facility center at shey) and receipt of IPVM (in 2002) Award for greening Ladakh. 2. Strategic objective: LAHDC Leh would like to strengthen the efforts of Forest Department and, with its support, village communities and individual farmers to accelerate the pace of tree plantation, adopt sustainable means of natural resources management and ensure conservation and regeneration of Ladakhi bio diversity.

3. Proposed Program objectives (with indicative budget for 12th FYP):

No a. b. Program Strengthening management and program development work (reinforcing analysis, team work, sharing and learning). Promoting plantation: - Departmental - Farmers Sub Total c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. Nursery development work Silvi Pasture Development NTFP City forests Promotion / strengthening of village Forest Committees) Estt. of germplasm of important species (e.g., willow, seabuck throne, wild rose, etc.) Estt. of botanical gardens Estt. of herbal gardens Promoting community level initiatives on conservation of natural resources (including promotion of eco tourism) through providing grant in aid to PRIs: - HPs 93 x 0.20 x 5 - BDCs 9 x 1 x 5 - Municipality Leh 1 x 2 x 5 Sub Total l. m. n. o. p. Awareness building activities Research and development (with focus on species under threat Strengthening linkages with resources institutions Hiring of technical and professional expertise (in contract basis) Documentation and Publications (including developing package of practices for farmers) Total Budget (Rs. In lacs) 12th FYP 30 2012 13 6

75 75 150 50 50 30 50 50 80 80 80

15 15 30 10 10 6 10 10 16 16 16

4. Programs funded through other sources ? a. KVIC / SFRUTI regeneration of traditional industries entrepreneur development program (rs.?) b. NMPB Project on conservation and cultivation of medicinal plants (Rs. 12 lacs). c. NMPB Project on conservation and cultivation of seabuck thorne (Rs 41 lacs). d. MOEF National Seabuck throne Mission (Rs. 2500). e. MOEF Conservation and propagation of Jumper (?) f. JICA National Resource Management Program (Rs. 5000) g. Ministry of Tourism: Eco Tourism Project (Rs.?)

93 45 10 148 40 40 40 40 30 1000 (1100)

20 9 2 31 8 8 8 8 6 200

5. Infrastructural development needs proposed under District Plan:

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


1. Background: Ladakh is a cold desert, devoid of conventional sources of energy bio fuel, forest or fossil fuels. However, the Nature has bestowed it with renewable sources of energy in abundance and in diversity solar, winds, hydel and geo thermal. The geo physical conditions of the Region, therefore, offers the District with immense potential to meet its energy requirements substantially through effective use of renewable sources available to it. Considering this, Ladakh Renewable Energy Development Agency (LREDA) was constituted in 1995. Govt. of J&K, in collaboration with Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) of GoI has launched a campaign to popularize the use of renewable energy throughout the State. In Leh, LREDA is, therefore, implementing an MNRE funded project aiming This project aims at electrification of villages (through popularizing use of solar home lighting system and solar

lanterns, establishment of solar power, plants (at various locations), development of a Solar Energy Park (to demonstrate viability of solar energy devices). In addition, small hydel projects, strengthening of power distribution networks installation of SPV power plants at village level, installation of solar water heating systems, propagation of solar cookers, solar passive buildings, greenhouses, solar dryers and experimentation on various SPV applications are being implemented at different levels. 2. Strategic objective: Ladakh 2025 accords a high priority to use of renewable sources of energy for their being in harmony with the fragile eco system of the region as well as its core social and cultural values. LAHDC Leh would, therefore, endeavor to strengthen ongoing efforts on popularizing and adoption of renewable energy sources throughout the District and reduce our dependence on fossil fuels as well as the pressure of consumption needs on our natural resources to minimum possible level.

3. Proposed Program objectives (with indicative budget for 12th FYP):

No a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Program Strengthening management and program development work (reinforcing analysis, team work, sharing and learning). Awareness building and community mobilization on adoption and use of renewable sources of energy. Promoting institutional mechanisms and community for maintaining (in collaboration with PRIs) and follow up action on sustainable use of renewable energy device and technologies. Complementing the ongoing work (with support of MNRE) on promotion of solar energy devices/ promotion of solar energy devices / techniques Strengthening linkages with technical and financial institutions. Capacity building of technical and administrative staff Hiring technical and professional expertise (on contract basis) Documentation and Publications Total Budget (Rs. In lacs) 12th FYP 20 40 100 200 40 40 40 20 500 (400) 2012 13 4 8 20 60 8 8 8 4 100

4. Programs funded through other sources ? MNRE Project (Rs.?)

5. Infrastructural development needs proposed under District Plan:

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


Department of CA&PD
1. Background: Redesignated as the Department of Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution (in 2003), this department plays an important role in ensuring food security in the region through running Govt. Public Distribution System consisting of a network of ration stores all over the District. Currently, the Department has 145 sales centers covering every village (with 27 of them remaining cut off during winter), with provision of rice, atta, sugar and kerosene oil to various categories of ration card holders. There are 24,540 families registered as ration card holders in the District (with 10,664 APL, 7130 BPL, 4795 AAY and 206 ANP). In addition, the Department is responsible for ensuring adequate stocking and replenishing of supplies, particularly petroleum products (including LPG) in the District keeping market prices under control, redressing consumer grievances and building consumer awareness, on an ongoing basis. 2. Strategic objective: LAHDC Leh would like to strengthen the capacity of the Department of CA&PD in ensuring that people have access to PDS in ensuring that people have access to PDS (with round the year availability of ration) in every village, consumables are available in the markets within regulatory framework and consumer satisfaction while consumers are made aware of their rights and their grievances are effectively dealt with.

3. Proposed Program objectives (with indicative budget for 12th FYP):

No a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Program Strengthening management and program development work (reinforcing analysis, team work, sharing and learning). Developing and implementing a strategy to promote consumer awareness through a range of activities. Strengthening the regulatory role of CA &PD Maintaining and strengthening supply and storage system for PDS (including repair) 150 centers x 0.08 x 5 Experimentation of a transfer of management of PDS to HPs in selected villages. Developing capacities of CA &PD staff Documentation and Publication Total Budget (Rs. In lacs) 12th FYP 20 50 10 60 20 30 10 600 (500) 2012 13 4 10 2 12 4 5 2 120

4. Programs funded through other sources ? ?

5. Infrastructural development needs proposed under District Plan: Construction of ration stores (Rs. 300 lacs).

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


Department of Information
1. Background: With its headquarters at Leh and Information centers at 4 block HQs (Leh, Nubra, Nyoma, Khaltsi and Durbuk), the Department of Information is mandated to ensure effective dissemination of relevant information in the District. It, therefore, has a responsibility to act as a medium for exchange of information between the govt. and the people through use of various forms of communication. The Department performs this function through coverage of important events and reporting on them through radio, TV and print media locally and outside the District. Similarly, the Department collects information from the field and feeds them into the Development process, as appropriate. In the changing circumstances and with a range of development activities taking place at various levels through multiple actors (including the newly emerging PRIs), the need for information exchange between people and Development actors assumes significance. Moreover, AD Information, in the capacity of District Information Officer, has the responsibility of effectively dealing with information needs under RTI Act. 2. Strategic objective: LAHDC Leh would like to strengthen capacities of the Department of Information in ensuring effective gathering, analysis, dissemination and exchange of information between people and various Development actors through effective use of its HR, technology and linkages with various institutions with potential to collaborate.

3. Proposed Program objectives (with indicative budget for 12th FYP):

No a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Program Strengthening management and program development work (reinforcing analysis, team work, sharing and learning). Strengthening the work of Information Centers (5 x 3 x 5) Strengthening programs information gathering, analysis, dissemination (including publications and hiring of additional HR on contract basis) Staff development initiatives (including exposure visits and sending on courses outside the District) Strengthening the role of DIO Strengthening linkages with related sectoral agencies to ensure collaborative efforts (e.g., radio, TV, IT, etc) Hiring technical and professional expertise (on contract basis) Total Budget (Rs. In lacs) 12th FYP 20 75 75 40 20 30 40 300 (200) 2012 13 4 15 15 8 4 6 8 60

4. Programs funded through other sources ? ?

5. Infrastructural development needs proposed under District Plan:

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


Annexure 1

Developing Agricultural strategies for various climatic zones (proposed format for recording outputs of consultations)
1. Villages identified a. Sham Region: Khaltsi Block Saspol Block b. Stod Region: Leh Block Chhuchot Block Kharu Block c. Changthang Region Nyoma Block Durbuk Block d. Nubra Region Diskit Block Panamic Block 2. Crops recommended for strategic focus (e.g., vegetables, pulse dev., oil seeds, seed village, horticulture, etc.) a. Traditional b. Evolving / New crops c. Focus on area specialization 3. Strategies proposed (e.g., revival of communal harvesting, etc.) a. Agriculture practices to be strengthened or discouraged b. Community mechanisms to be strengthened, introduced or discouraged 4. Technologies recommended for adoption / introduction (e.g., Green Houses, Farm mechanization). 5. Support Packages for farmers recommended a. Material Inputs (What, How, and By Whom?) b. Information needs (what, how and by whom?) c. Skills development needs (what, how and by whom?) d. Incentivizing young entrepreneurs, SHGs and Cooperatives on processing and marketing (what, how, by whom?) e. Incentivizing HPs and CBOs on community mobilization and organization needs (what, how, by whom?) f. Research financing, and policy related needs (what, how, by whom?) g. Issues Concerning exceptions, variations and risk factors to be considered (what, how, and by whom?) h. Other relevant suggestions what, how and by whom?)

Upper Zone Central Zone (11,000 14,000 ft.) (10,000 11,000 ft.)

Lower Zone (Below 10,000 ft.)

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


Annexure 2

District Plan of Leh New Themes proposal under 12th FYP

1. LAHDC Leh proposes 5 Development themes to be included in the District Plan under 12th FYP. These are Environment, Pasture Development, Women Development, Disability and DRRM (Disaster Risk Reduction and Mitigation). 2. Disability fits well within the mandate of the Department of Social Welfare and, therefore, has been proposed there alongwith a set of objectives. 3. Under Environment, a nodal agency needs to be identified. Although, it is a cross cutting issue involving everyone, some sectoral agencies have a closer involvement- Tourism, Forest, Wildlife, Culture, Municipality, Health, Education, Agriculture, etc. In addition, CSOs, PRIs and CBOs are important stakeholders. It is proposed that a Working Group of key sectoral agencies and CSOs (including business groups) concerned will be constituted, a Nodal Agency identified and a Resource Team created. Environmental degradation is fast becoming a major issue demanding a comprehensive set of responses aimed at behavior patterns, community mechanisms, use of technology, sensitization (including among outsiders tourists to labourers) and policy choices. It is proposed that the nodal agency (and the resources team under it) will evolve a detailed work plan in consultation with the working group with following program objectives:

Program Strengthening management and program development work (reinforcing analysis, team work, sharing and learning). Sensitization and awareness building (including use of media). Capacity building of stakeholders (including exposure visits) Strengthening linkages among stakeholders on ensuring collaborative action on environmental friendly practices. Undertaking research and consultations on complex issues requiring more indepth analysis of perspectives and suggestions Grants - in aid to various stakeholders promoting Local Initiatives: - HPs 93 x 0.05 x 5 - BDCs 9 x 0.20 x 5 - Municipality Leh 1 x 3 x 5 - CBOs - CSOs Sub Total Strengthening linkages with resource institutions to ensure access to technical and financial support. Documentation and publications (including periodic reports) Maintenance of a Resource Group (on contact basis) Sub Total

Budget (Rs. In lacs) 12th FYP 20 40 60 40 30 2012 13 4 8 12 8 6

24 9 15 50 100 198 30 30 50 500

5 2 3 10 20 40 6 6 10 100

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


4. Under Pasture Development, a nodal agency needs to be identified. Departments of Sheep and Animal Husbandry, Forest, Agriculture, Wildlife, DRDA (under WDP), CAD, Soil Conservation and Irrigation have been working closely on the theme. It is proposed that a Working Group of sectoral agencies (and CSOs) concerned will be constituted, a Nodal Agency identified and a Resource Team created. The situation of our pastures has been a cause of concern for a lack of concerted effort on their protection and regeneration. Ongoing efforts of various agencies need to be transformed into a coherent pasture development strategy so as to ensure sustenance of our livestock, wildlife and the environment. It is proposed that, under the guidance of the working group, the nodal agency (and its resource team) will develop a workplan for implementation with following program objectives:

Program Strengthening management and program development work (reinforcing analysis, team work, sharing and learning). Awareness building and sensitization work Capacity building of stakeholders (with particular emphasis on areas with concentration of livestock). Strengthening linkages among stakeholders on adoption of complementary strategies (including fodder development programs and establishment of Community Feed / Fodder banks) for effective management, conservation and regeneration of pasture reserves. Undertaking research and consultation on the status of key pasture reserves (including wetlands and nomadic areas) and developing specific technological solutions and community mechanisms for their conservation with a longer term perspective. Developing and strengthening linkages with key resources institutions to ensure access to technology and financial support. Hiring of Technical and professional expertise (on contract basis). Documentation and publications (including periodic reports) Total

Budget (Rs. In lacs) 12th FYP 20 30 50 20 2012 13 4 6 10 4



30 30 20 300

6 6 4 60

5. Under Womens Development, a nodal agency needs to be identified. It is a cross cutting theme encompassing all sectors of Development. Sectoral agencies dealing more prominently with women are Agriculture, Horticulture, Handicrafts, Handloom, DRDA (WDP and SGSY), ICDS, Health, Social Welfare and RDD. PRIs, CSOs and political parties are important stakeholders as well. It is proposed that a Working Group of sectoral agencies, CSOs and Women public representatives will be constituted, a Nodal Agency identified and a Resource Team created to work under it. Ladakhi Society is relatively more egalitarian, with women folk better placed than their counterparts elsewhere. Moreover, there have been several positive changes (including womens own initiatives) towards improving lives of women. However, there remain areas of weaknesses requiring programmatic and policy focus. It is proposed that the nodal agency (and the resource team) on Womens Development will develop, with the help of the working group, a workplan under 12th FYP with following program objectives:

Program Strengthening management and program development work (reinforcing analysis, team work, sharing and learning). Capacity building of women - Awareness campaigns and meetings on issues of relevance to women (e.g., health, gender, economy, etc.) in collaboration with various sectoral agencies, CSOs and other stakeholders. - Skills development workshops and meetings for women in leadership role. Promoting Local initiatives (including womens our initiatives) on Development through provision of grants in aid. - SHGs 450 x 0.05 x 2 - WAs 100 x 0.10 x 2 - HPs 93 x 0.20 x 2 - BDCs 9 x 0.50 x 5 - Municipality Leh 1 x 2 x 5 - WOs Sub Total Strengthening linkages with other sectoral agencies, CSOs, PRIs, public representatives and other stakeholders on promoting collaborative action on womens issues. Strengthening linkages with resource institutions for improving access to technical, financial and policy support. Establishing a Facilitation Center for women and their groups / organizations / representatives and maintaining a Resource Team (on Contract basis) Hiring technical and professional expertise (on contract basis). Documentation and publications (including periodic reports) Total

Budget (Rs. In lacs) 12th FYP 20 2012 13 4

50 40 45 20 93 23 10 50 241 30 20 50 30 20 500

10 8 9 4 19 5 2 10 49 6 4 10 6 4 100

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


6. Under DRRM, LAHDC would like to adopt a Community Based Disaster Management (CBDM) approach as outlined in NDMA guidelines. The flashfloods of 2010 have highlighted the need for effective DRRM strategies in place in order to be able to deal with all types of disasters. LAHDC Leh recognizes the role of family, neighborhood and community as the first to respond in a disaster management structure. It would, therefore, strive to promote a DRRM plan for each neighborhood and community in both rural and urban setup (with village Panchayat and Municipality in the lead and various grassroot institutions as key stakeholders). At the same time adequate backup and support systems will be developed / strengthened at Block and District levels. This will include strengthening of existing District Committee on DRRM (to make it more effective and representative) as well as identification of a Nodal Agency and creation of a District Resource Team.

Program Strengthening management and program development work (reinforcing analysis, team work, sharing and learning). Conducting a comprehensive HVCA (Hazard, Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment) exercise leading to formulation of village/town level DRRM plans and DRRM framework at Block and District level (under RR, Rreparedness, Mitigation). Developing (and constantly updating) the strategy (including institutional arrangements) for DRRM in the District under (a) Preparedness, (b) Recue operations, (c) Immediate Relief Measures and (d) Rehabilitation, to be put in place at Village / Town, Block and District level. Putting in place DRRM mechanisms and contingency plans at Village/ Town, Block and District level with following features - Arrangements for constituting Rescue Teams (Task Groups to be formed at call) with (a) appropriate combination of skills required (b) quick access to essential equipments, tools, materials and transport facility, (c) ability to get mobilized within specified timeframe and (d) capacity, mandate and facilities to liaise / coordinate with vital services Hospital, Fire Services, Police, Army, NGOs, sectoral agencies etc. (e) coordinating relief work and with various agencies and groups of people (f) ensuring convergence of efforts with minimum gaps / duplication. - An up to date inventory of key resource institutions and persons (and contact details) with arrangements for quick access and use. - Arrangement for establishing Control Rooms (within short notice) with all key facilities (e.g., helpline, access to vehicles, etc.) and for wider publicity about its existence through various means (including media). - A stock of key items of rescue and relief (based on inventory developed on advance) with arrangements for maintaining and updating it within a prescribed timeframe. Capacity Building, training, IEC and Community Organization at various levels. Provision for Contingency fund (RF) for ensuring preparedness and response under DRRM. HP Level (93 x 1 lac) Municipality level (1 x 5 lacs) Block Level (9 x 5 lacs) District Level (1 x 10 lacs) Capacity Building of Task Group and Resource Team at various levels (including drills and field testing) Liaisoning with resource institutions, sectoral agencies, Govt. schemes, Media, etc. for accessing technical and financial support. Maintaining the Resource Teams at various levels (on contract basis) Establishing mechanisms for ongoing monitoring and review of DRRM structure at various levels. Documentation and publications (including periodic reports) Total

Budget (Rs. In lacs) 12th FYP 20 35 2012 13 4 35






93 5 45 10 30 20 40 20 20 498

93 5 45 10 6 4 8 4 4 250

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District


Annexure 3

Infrastructure Development and 12th FYP:

A. Towards understanding potential availability of funds under sectors of physical infrastructures during 12th FYP (figure in lacs):

1. Physical and Departmental Infrastructures

Within District Plan

T&C (13000 including loan of 4000) Urban Development (1800) Housing and Rental (200) Parks and Gardens (300) NFBs (300) CCDF (3000?)

Outside District Plan

PMGSY (20,000)? JNURM (?) Master Plan (?)

33,000 (?) 1,800 (?) 200 300 300 2200

LDA (10,000?) 13th FC (15,000?) Task Force (10,000) SSA (4200?) NRHM (5100?) MSDP (100) MSDP (1000?) BADP (1000?) TSC(500?) Other Sub Total 2. Agricultural Infrastructures 18,700 (?) Irrigation Medium (600) Irrigation Minor (1200) RD (4000!) WDP (1500) MGNREGA (1400) CAD (700) FC (1000) Soil Conservation (400) Other Sub Total 3. Other 10,800 SGSY / NRLM (100) Rural Sanitation (200) PHE (3000) Other Subtotal Total Note: Figures to be verified. 3,300 33,000 (?) 66 crores / years (?) 9,500 (?) 98,000 (?) 196 crores / year (?) 22,000 (?) SGSY (1000?) Rural Sanitation (2000?) NRDWP (7500?) WDP (6000?) MGNREGA (14000?) PP 66,800 (?) AIBP (2000?)

10,000 15,000 10,000 4,200 5,100 1,100 1,000 500 84,700 (?) 2600 1200 4000 7500 15400 700 2000 400 33,700 (?) 1100? 2700? 10500? 14,300 (?) 1,31,000 262 crores / year (?)

B. Towards developing a mechanism for effectively dealing with Infrastructure Development needs Proposed outline: Each department with review its existing list of projects, delete projects which are not viable and submit fresh list of projects (under existing and new) to the Screening Committee. Screening committee (and the Planning Department) will develop and maintain a database of projects and prioritize them under categories high priority, low priority, and no priority, using a set of criteria based on strategic priorities of Ladakh 2025 and the Perspective Plan for 12th FYP, and forward the lists for consideration to DCP. DCP will consider lists of projects, identify potential sources of funding (District Plan or outside), finalize yearly lists (for 5 years), indicate implementing agency, e.g., PWD, RDD, Irrigation or PRIs BDC, HP, MC (depending upon the size and technicality of the project) and forward the lists for approval by LAHDC. Departments concerned will implement projects as per approved lists. DCP (and Planning Department) initiate proposal development process with the help of Thematic Group and Department concerned in cases with need to access external sources of funding. Screening Committee will maintain an inventory of pending projects and update DCP and LAHDC to enable negotiations with potential sources of funding.

Perspective Plan for 12th FYP Leh District

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