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Monera Kingdom - This kingdom consists of Bacteria and Cyanobacteria.

- They are believed to be the most abundant and first organism on earth. - They are simple organisms that are consists of one cell. (Unicellular - !ome live alone as single cell. "thers live in groups that are attached to one another. Bacteria !tructure of Bacteria "ne of the most noticeable features of a bacteria is the cell #all. $t is a tough% rigid structure that surrounds% supports% gives shape and protects the cell. $n some bacteria% there is a coating on the outside of the cell #all. This coating is capsule. &ining the inside of the cell membrane #ithin the cell membrane is the cytoplasm. $n the cytoplasm are the heredity materials. Many bacteria are not able to move on their o#n. They can be carried from one place to another by air and #ater currents% clothing and other ob'ects. "ther bacteria have special structures that help them move in #atery surroundings. "ne such structure is a Flagellum% it is a long% thin% #hip like structure that propels a bacterium through its environment. (o# )o Bacteria *eproduce+ ,hen food is plentiful and the environment is favorable% bacterial cells gro# and then reproduce ase-ually by dividing into t#o cells. Under the best conditions% most bacteria reproduce .uickly in a period of /0 minutes. ,hen food is scarce and conditions become unfavorable% some bacteria from the resting cell called Endospore. $t can survive long periods in #hich the environment is not suitable for

bacterial gro#th. ,hen environment conditions improve% the endospore burst out of their protective coats and develop into active bacteria.

Cyanobacteria - $t give the #ater its blue-green color. - $t contain chlorophyll and blue pigments that trap the sun1s energy during photosynthesis. - !ome have red or orange pigments and may appear red% bro#n% purple or black. - &ive in #et places such as ponds% lakes and moist soils.
B a c te r ia

2 a th o g e n ic ( ( a r m f u l b a c te r ia

3 o n p a th o g e n ic ( ( e lp f u l o r b e n e f ic ia l b a c t e r ia

2athogenic Bacteria - bacteria that causes diseases - They act by releasing to-ins. (to-ins 4 chemical substances that serve as poison e-. of diseases that are caused by pathogenic bacteria5 diphtheria% tuberculosis% typhoid fever% tetanus% #hooping cough% meningitis% etc. 3on-2athogenic Bacteria - beneficial bacteria - certain kind of bacteria live in the intestines of human beings. These bacteria help in digestion and destroying harmful bacteria.

- bacteria are also used in a process called fermentation% used in making alcoholic beverages% in making vinegar% dairy products such as cheese% butter% yogurt% etc. - nitrogen-fi-ing bacteria changes nitrogen from the air into compounds that plants can use. 6 Types of Bacteria 7ccording to their !hapes 8. coccus (cocci cells are sphere or globular shaped /. Bacillus (bacilli cells that are cylindrical or rod in shape 6. !pirillum (spirilla cells that are in the form of cork scre# or spiral-shape

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