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The BTRDA 75th Anniversary Rallycross Organised by Darlington & District Motor Club Ltd.

Permit No
MSA Steward : Mr Nigel Drayton
The meeting will e go!erned y the "eneral #om$etition %ules& Standing Su$$lementary %egulations o' the MSA& incor$orating the $ro!isions o' the FIA& these FI(s and any written instructions the $romoting clu may issue 'or the e!ent) A schedule o' time and instructions are laid out elow detailing $re*race and com$eting $rocedures 'or a rallycross meeting at #ro't and should a dri!er+entrant 'ail to com$ly with the re,uirements o' the Final Instructions he+she may 'or'eit their $osition on the starting grid or may e e-cluded 'rom the meeting) All com$etitors( attention is drawn to the "eneral #om$etition %egulations regarding res$onsi ility 'or eligi ility throughout the meeting) All com$etitors must com$ly with the Motor S$orts Association regulations N . Technical %egulations /%allycross 0ehicles1) #om$etitors are re,uired to ensure their e-tinguishers are armed and o$era le throughout the meeting) All vehicles ill co!"ly ith the Circuit noise levels and ill be tested "rior to #ractice. Co!"etitors ill be given an o""ortunity to re"air syste!s over the li!it but ill not be allo ed to co!"ete unless a "er!anent solution can be "roved. $ote level %or this event &''db at .5! ( .75 !a) R#M. #asses #om$etitors will e issued with 2 $asses and 3 car $asses) Please note : Passes cannot e le't on the gate 'or collection) Please use the correct car $ar4s as indicated on the $ass or as directed y Security) Ad!ission Access to the #ircuit and garages will e 'rom noon on Saturday 35rd No!em er) Security will e $resent o!ernight) 0ehicles may e o'' loaded ,uietly) 6nder no circumstances may com$etition !ehicles e dri!en around any $art o' the #ircuit $remises until the commencement o' Scrutineering on Sunday) Any re$orts o' undue noise& antisocial eha!iour or 'ailing to com$ly with instructions issued y the #ircuit Security may result in e-clusion 'rom the Meeting) #ar*ing The 'irst 7. entries recei!ed ha!e een allocated a garage and are indicated in the entry list) All other entries will e $ar4ed in Paddoc4 A as shown on the enclosed ma$) 8nly one !ehicle should e ta4en to Paddoc4 A /garages and road*side area1 the other should e $ar4ed in the designated area) #onsideration& and s$ace& must e allowed 'or other com$etitors arri!ing later) #om$etitors incorrectly $ar4ed will e instructed to mo!e their !ehicles)


+igning On Dri!ers must sign on in the Administration 8''ice ad9acent to %ace #ontrol $rior to Scrutineering and Practice) Signing 8n times on the enclosed time*ta le should e strictly o ser!ed li4ewise scrutineering times) The Scrutineers will not ins$ect the car o' any dri!er who has not signed on) At signing on dri!ers must $roduce : A1 Dri!ers and :ntrants com$etition licence and a valid club !e!bershi" card) Dri!ers are reminded that licences must e signed y the dri!er e'ore $resentation to o''icials at signing on) Competitors under the age of 18 years must be accompanied by his / her Guarantor or Guardian who must also sign on. +crutineering #ars will e scrutineered in the Scrutineering ;ay e-ce$t those located in garages who will e scrutineered in situ etween the times stated) The com$etitor or their re$resentati!e must e $resent with the car along with the signing on sli$& o!eralls and helmet) Co!"etitors !ust be a are that Mud ,la"s !ust co!"ly ith $-.. and that +eat Belts !ust be ,/A ho!ologated carrying the a""ro"riate ,/A label on each stra". 0ehicles hich do not co!"ly ith the %oregoing ill result in a 1%ail2 at scrutineering. Any co!"etitor intending to use a 3A$+ device !ust be "resent4 ith their car4 at the ti!e o% +crutineering. $o indscreen is allo ed to have a"ertures. 5nless a "olycarbonate screen is %itted4 co!"etitors !ust ear a""roved goggles or visors at all ti!es. Co!"etition $u!bers The res$onsi ility o' num ering cars rests solely on the com$etitor and great attention should e $aid to the $osition o' the 'ront 'acing num ers which must com$ly with the %egulations and must e $laced on a clear white ac4ground)& the roo' num er must e $laced on the 'orwardmost $art at an angle o' 42 degrees to the le't) T36R6 /+ $O +TOC7 O, $5MB6R+ AT T36 C/RC5/T. #rogra!!e The 'ormation o' the races will e as s$eci'ied in the regulations 'or the e!ent unless circumstances dictate otherwise) Any alterations will e $osted in the Administration 8''ice on the day) <owe!er& the organisers reser!e the right to amend or amalgamate races and+or classes at their discretion) The #ler4 o' the #ourses( decision is 'inal) #ractice +essions All com$etitors will 9oin the circuit 'rom the to$ o' A Paddoc4 !ia The <air$in) At the end o' each $ractice session& the che,uered 'lag will e shown on the Start+Finish line and cars should slow down and lea!e the circuit as directed y the marshals) #om$etitors allocated garages must turn le't in to the Pit =ane and e-it at the end o' the garages to tra!el ehind the garages to the to$ o' A Paddoc4) %eturn to the garages will e !ia the rear o' the garage or y entry in to the $it lane ad9acent to the commentary o-) #it Lane No* one under the age o' 7. is allowed in the Pit =ane) There must e a solutely no smo4ing in the Pit =ane) The Pit >all 'orward o' the "rid is 8ut o' ;ounds at all times) 8nly $ersonnel wearing wrist ands /issued to those in "arages at Signing 8n1 will e admitted to the Pit =ane) Drivers Brie%ing All dri!ers must attend a dri!ers rie'ing at %ace #ontrol $rior to $ractising) Attendance is mandatory)

Final Instructions

TRA$+#O$D6R+8 8nly AM; #hron? 3.0& or in e-ce$tional cases& AM; #hron? 7.0 trans$onders will e acce$ted 'or use) Although a limited num er o' trans$onders are a!aila le 'or hire at the e!ent to one*o'' entries and to com$etitors who ha!e omitted to 'it their own& or re$laced a damaged unit) #om$etitors with a de'ecti!e trans$onder will still e gi!en a 'ree loan when the 'ault occurs or until their trans$onder is re$aired or re$laced) +tart #rocedures #lease note the revving o% engines and s"inning o% heels "rior to being instructed by o%%icials to "roceed %ro! du!!y grid to grid is %orbidden 9 "enalty e)clusion. During $ractice& cars will e set o'' y 'lag at inter!als determined y the Start Marshal) #ountdowns 'or all races will commence at the 50 second oard) 8nce cars ha!e 'ormed on the "rid no car may lea!e the grid without s$eci'ic $ermission 'rom the #ler4 o' the #ourse) A car may lea!e the grid& howe!er& i' instructed to so do y the MSA Scrutineer) 8n indication y the "rid Marshal& the 2 second oard will e dis$layed) The green light coming on will e the start o' the race) Should a light eam e ro4en e'ore the lights go out& it will indicate a 9um$ed start and the race will e a orted) The o''ending dri!er/s1 will e mo!ed to the rear o' the grid) Corner Cutting Any com$etitor re$orted 'or e-ceeding trac4 limits may e $enalised in line with "r " 2)5)7 Ter!ination o% #ractice and Racing Dri!ers are reminded that a'ter $assing the che,uered 'lag& they must cease racing and return to the Paddoc4 as directed y the marshals) #om$etitors must ensure that the Paddoc4 Area is 4e$t clean) Dri!ers should not remo!e their helmets until the car is stationary at the end o' the race or $ractice) Should it e re,uired to Scrutineer selected !ehicles at the com$letion o' the $ractice session or race& the #om$etitors selected will e directed to Parc Ferme) +tarters and :rids The starting order 'or <eat 7 will e $re*determined y the 8rganisers $rior to the e!ent with <eat 3 eing ased on the time 'rom <eat 7) The ma-imum num er o' starters in each <eat will e @) The ma-imum num er o' starters in each Final will e 70 ut the 7st two in each Final will $rogress to the rear o' the ne-t Final) ;ithdra ing %ro! the Race Should any com$etitor 'ind& a'ter $ractice& that they are withdrawing 'rom the race would they $lease ad!ise %ace Administration $ersonnel as soon as $ossi le) ;aste Dis"osal #om$etitors& Marshals or any 8''icial ringing Trans$orters& Motor <omes& #ara!ans or Tents to the site are noti'ied that no waste& water& oil or e''luent o' any descri$tion can e de$osited anywhere) At some meetings waste oil containers and+or e''luent tan4s may e $ro!ided and used) There could e a charge 'or this ser!ice) Anyone rea4ing these regulations will e $rosecuted and as4ed to lea!e the site y the #ircuit 8wners) The regulations and re,uirements are laid down y the =ocal Authority+ Agencies to which the #ircuit must adhere)

<udges o% ,act These will e 9udges to determine 'alse starts& MSA Time4ee$ers& :ligi ility Scrutineers& Technical #ommissioners& Noise Ins$ectors& 8 ser!ers and Flag Marshals to determine com$liance with Flag Signals) Circuit Rules There is a s$eed limit o' 70m$h on access $addoc4 roads and $addoc4 areas) No racing engines may e run e'ore A)30am and a'ter7@)00) Paddoc4 i4es& scooters etc are not allowed to run etween 7A)00 and @)00) "enerators should not e run etween 35)00 and .)00) Please note that the minimum age 'or riding $addoc4 i4es etc) Is 7. years) O%%icials o% the Meeting. MSA Steward DDM# Stewards #ler4s o' the #ourse Ass #ler4s Trainee #ler4 Secretary o' the Meeting #hie' Incident 8''icer #hie' Time4ee$er #hie' Scrutineer #hie' Medical 8''icer Ti!e table +igning On & +crutineering Drivers Brie%ing $oise chec* #ractice 3eats & ,inals %ollo on A ards #resentation :ARA:6 &9@ 5 7 > . &' && &? ALLOCAT/O$ $ot Available +i!on 3orton David 6 en Da!on ,atchett Chris 3ar"er <ohn Roo* Bob 3ardie +tuart 6!ery Michael Boa* 7.=' >.5' ..?' ..=' =' !ins a%ter the last ,inal N Drayton % Nor ury& T >hittington S "i son # "i son& % >right B Simons T P >right T;A D Shar$ P ;ruce T;A

&= &@ &5 &&7 &> &. ?'

Le is #orto :ary Di)on Mi*e Aates :ary Coo* /an 3orn Martin #eters #hil Chic*en Larry Carter

+#6C/AL /$+TR5CT/O$+ ,OR COM#6T/TOR+ This event is a one o%% celebration o% 75 years o% the BTRDA. As such it is ai!ed at the Club!an co!"etitor hence the restriction to t o heel drive. /t is also intended to "rovide an interesting s"ectacle %or the #ublic. 5nli*e other events e ill be running the races not ith an o""ortunity to have a %ront ro 4 !iddle ro 4 bac* ro but by seeding co!"etitors4 in the &st heats rando!ly and in the ?nd heats in the reverse o% your &st heat ti!e. The heats ill %or a !a)i!u! o% > starters "er race. The %inals ill have a !a)i!u! o% &' starters. ;hen the call goes out %or the &st 3eat to co!!ence4 ALL co!"etitors in the %irst @ races4 ie the %irst =? cars4 should !a*e their ay to the du!!y grid here the !arshals ill line you u" in the seBuence listed on the issued start sheet. The &st > cars ill be called to the grid and lined u" = C ? C =. /% a car Dor carsE is !issing then the ne)t in line ill be called %or ard. At the end o% each grou" o% @F5 races there !ay be an en%orced &5 !inute Buiet "eriod to co!"ly ith the circuit noise levels. During this "eriod the second grou" o% cars ill be called to the Du!!y :rid. The ai! is to have as !any %ull grids as "ossible ith "ossibly only the last t o having less. /n 3eat ? the %irst cars listed ill be those ho did not start or did not %inish 3eat & and then the slo est ti!es through to the %astest. Again ALL co!"etitors !ust !a*e their ay to the du!!y grid as above. All co!"etitors ill have the o""ortunity o% a ,inal ith the &st t o %inishers in each ,inal !oving u" to the rear o% the ne)t. There ill be a 5 !inute allo ance bet een the end o% one ,inal and the start o% the ne)t. :rid layout =C?C=C?. The inner o% the event and the reci"ient o% the BTRDA 75th Anniversary tro"hy ill be the inner o% the A ,inal. Class a ards ill be e)tracted %ro! the results o% the ,inals. ;e ho"e you enGoy this %or!at. /t is an e)"eri!ent so "lease bear day. ith us and Gust enGoy the

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