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works for your business

policy training events promotion international

Upcoming Events
New Members
Members News
Strategic Messaging of Cork
Celebratation of Cork's Sporting Heroes
Jobseeker Support Programme 20123
Chamber School Science Awards
in association with Boston Scientific
igniting curiosity
Promote Your Business
As a member of Cork Chamber you have the opportunity to promote your business
through our wide range of established promotion and communication tools, from
speaking opportunities, advertising, sponsorship, networking and social media.
Its up to YOU how much you want to get out of your membership and above is a
summary of some of the ways to become involved.
Please contact Deborah who can advise on how to maximise your profle through the
Chamber and prepare a personalised plan for your business
e: or t: 021- 4530149
policy training events promotion international
4 Strategic Marketing of Cork
5 Chamber Inuences Policy
partnered projects
6 Cork innovates & Cork Convention
cover story
7 Chamber Ignites Students'
8 Jobseeker Support Programme
9 Upcoming Courses
10 Access to Finance Series Part 4 -
State Agency Funding
11 Calls for Proposals & Recent
Embassy Trade Briengs
12 A Celebration of Cork's Sporting
13 Upcoming Events
14 Breakfast Briengs with eircom &
Bank of Ireland
15 All Aboard - The Startup Express
16 On th Move
17 Members News
21 Members Business 2 Business
22 New Members
Follow us on
Chamberlink is Sponsored by
Chamberlink is published by Cork Chamber and is a monthly
publication exclusive to members. The opinions expressed in
Chamberlink are not necessarily those of Cork Chamber, neither do
they accept any responsibility or liability for any legal implications
arising there from.
Cork Chamber, Fitzgerald House, Summerhill North, Cork
T: (021) 4509044 F: (021) 4508568 E: W:
Registered in Ireland no. 13918
Join us on
Dear Chamber Member

Last month saw the Chamber work with members across a number of projects including
10 jobseekers being ofer employment through the JSSP Programme being run by the
Business School@Cork Chamber and a team of students from St. Patricks College winning
the School Science Awards, kindly sponsored by Boston Scientifc.
Congratulations to Cork innovates who picked up the award for best Joint Local Authority
project at the recent Annual Excellence in Local Government Awards, run by Chambers
Ireland. Cork Chamber has long recognised the importance of developing an environment
which is conducive to entrepreneurship and was a founding member of Cork innovates to
fulfll this need. We would like to take the opportunity to congratulate both Cork City and
Cork County Councils for having the foresight to fund this initiative through the Economic
Development Fund.
The branding work continues with the aim to develop an over-arching strategic messaging
campaign that could be used by all stakeholders to grow Corks global reputation, we
would like to thank our members for their feedback to the survey and those that have
taken part in interviews. The key fndings have been reported to Regional Strategic
Messaging Group and a summary can be found on page 4. The Chambers Policy
department have recently participated in a number of high-level meetings with senior
fgures across various governmental departments, including Minister of State for Public
Sector Reform & the Ofce of Public Works, Mr. Brian Hayes, T.D., highlighting the key
issues and challenges facing businesses in the Cork region.
Looking ahead to the last few weeks of 2013 we will see the fnal event in our Access to
Finance series examining State Agency Funding, on Wednesday 4
December. Our fnal
business breakfast of 2013 will feature Tony O Reilly, founder and CEO of Providence
Resources on Wednesday 11
December and our Christmas Lunch will be held on
Friday 13
December in the Radison Little Island with speakers Rob Hefernan and Steve
Redmond set to inspire us for 2014! These combined with our two networking events on
the 26
November in St Lukes Home and 17
December in the Kiln, Heineken will ensure a
busy run to Christmas!
Best regards,
Conor Healy
Chief Executive
The Chamber is a partner in the Regional Strategic Messaging
Group (RSMG) which is chaired by the City Manager and includes
representation from Cork County Council, the IDA, Enterprise
Ireland, UCC, CIT, Failte Ireland, SWRA, the Port and the Airport.
This group was established in response to the on-going
challenges that the lack of an over-arching Cork brand creates
for all stakeholders in strategically messaging and pitching Cork
in their business development work. The group is currently over-
seeing a regional consultation which is focused on accessing the
diferent stakeholder perspectives across a wide range of sectors
in Cork (e.g. tourism/education/business) to explore the feasibility
of developing an over-arching strategic messaging campaign
that could be used by all stakeholders to grow Corks global
Cork Chamber is responsible for the collection of data from the
business community to support the RSMG in clearly defning the
benefts that Cork has to ofer as a business location. To capture
the business perspective as comprehensively as possible, we have
administered a survey to all our members on their perspectives
of Corks branding. The key fndings of these reports have now
been communicated to the RSMG and a summary of key fndings
Membership Branding Survey: Key Findings
Profle of Survey Respondents:
Figure 1 shows the size of companies participating in the survey.
Micro-enterprises accounted for the largest business cohort
(30%), followed by companies employing 501+ employees (19%),
26 100 employees (18%) and 11 25 employees (16%). The vast
majority of companies (72%) had operated in Cork for more than
10 years, while 14% had been in operated in Cork for less than 2
years and the remaining 17% had operated in Cork for between
three and ten years.
The Strengths:
Pluses of Doing Business in Cork
The majority of businesses (85%) felt that their Cork location was
an advantage for their business. Businesses were asked to identify
what they loved most about doing business in Cork. The most
frequently cited responses included:
The People & talent: honest, friendly and good-natured;
welcoming approach; available talent profles and personnel,
strong work ethic and can-do attitude which is biased
towards action, change, progression and a love of their place
The Scale: compact nature and ease of getting around
the city; small and friendly, yet professional; proximity to
client base, big city benefts, but less crowded; powerful
connections with major companies but with ease of doing
business locally; key players within reach scale is conducive
to faster decision-making
Infrastructure: improved road infrastructure has made
surrounding regions/cities more accessible; relatively well
connected via airport, train station, harbours and ports and
bus routes;
Supportive, professional networks: ease at which
professional relationships are built and maintained; cluster
structures support accessing required talent; vibrant market
with good industry mix; good support networks that are pro-
industry; active Chamber
Education: quality of educational attainment in the region;
two quality HEIs; the Tyndall Institute
Work/life balance: cultural infrastructure and nightlife; great
surroundings; good for entertaining guests (food, history,
access to West Cork); natural amenities and country side
Images of Cork
In developing and implementing a strategic messaging
campaign, the images that the region portrays are vital in creating
associations between city and place. Businesses highlighted the
following key images, when asked to picture Cork:
The sea/coast English Market
West Cork Jazz
Green felds Food
Quirky little streets City centre/Patrick Street
St. Finbarrs Cathedral The River Lee
Shandon The Port of Cork
Night time view of the city A busy City Hall
UCC Campus Fitzgerald Park
Cork is a sleeping
giant. It has achieved so
much and is a great place to
live but could offer so much more.
We should promote ourselves
as a can do city, able to take
on any opportunity and bring
it to a highly successful
The best little city
in the world to do
Cork should
have a global
image and yet be
a small city
I would like Cork
to be known as a hub
for entrepreneurs, research
and a broad gamut of sectors
attracting some of the largest
companies in the world to
put their base here
Update on Policy Research Projects: Strategic Messaging of Cork
works for your business
Alma Murnane, Director of Policy & External Relations
e: or t: 021-4530147
Siobhn Bradley, Senior Policy & Research Analyst
e: or t: 021-4530132
The Challenge:
86% of businesses engage with clients/businesses outside
of Ireland but only 58% of businesses refer to Cork in their
marketing materials
Businesses described external client/business awareness of
Cork [outside of Ireland] as:
o Minimal 51% reported that they usually have to
explain and inform clients about Cork in their
introductory meetings
o Sufcient 49% reported that external clients have
a general level of awareness of Cork as a business
location but would not have in-depth awareness/
familiarity with the reigon
o High awareness critically, no businesses reported a
high level of awareness/familiarity with Cork amongst
external clients prior to their engaging with them
Next Steps
This survey completed by members has been supported and
further augmented though in-depth interviews between the
Chamber and a number of leading businesses from a cross-
spectrum of industries (e.g. pharma, ICT, agrifood, BPO, fnancial
services) in the Cork region.
The fndings of the Chambers survey and the results of our in-
depth interviews have now been communicated to the Regional
Strategic Messaging Group and Cork Chamber will continue to
input into the strategic messaging development work on behalf
of Corks business community.
We will continue to update you on this work and the progress of
the Regional Strategic Messaging Group.
Many thanks to all those businesses who took the time to
complete our survey and input into our strategic messaging work.
Cork Chamber recently met with the Minister of State for
Public Service Reform and the Ofce of Public Works, Mr. Brian
Hayes T.D., at Cork Chamber ofces. The Chamber outlined
their concern around the uncertainty in relation to future
food prevention in Cork and the serious impact this is having
on business with regard to insurance cover and on future
investment and development decisions, in addition to the
essential involvement of SMEs in public sector contracts.
The Chambers frustration, prevalent amongst businesses in Cork
regarding the project timelines for the Lower Lee (Cork City)
Flood Relief Scheme was communicated to the Minister. It was
highlighted that we are approaching the four year anniversary of
the severe 2009 fooding event and are now facing into another
4-year timeframe project timeline (2013 2017) before Cork City
is protected from potential future fooding. The Minister and
his department were urged to do everything possible to ensure
that this timeframe is not elongated due to delays in design and
construction funding approvals or any other ministerial steps.
Cork Chamber will continue to engage with the OPW to ensure
the views of our membership are communicated through the
public consultation process.
The Chamber also raised the issue of procurement with the
Minister and the fact that it is critical that local SMEs form
part of the framework of the newly established Ofce of
Government Procurement given that public sector contracts
represent a lifeline for many Irish SMEs. It was stated that while
Cork Chamber supports cost containment and efciencies by
Government, this cannot be at the cost of our SME community.
The business generated by the public sector at a regional
level plays a vital role in terms of job creation and economic
sustainability and an efective and efcient service which delivers
a tendering and procurement process which is transparent and
inclusive of all sizes of businesses is essential.
The Chamber will continue to advocate on these key issues in the
months ahead on behalf of our membership with both Minister
Hayes, the OPW, the Ofce of Government Procurement and
other relevant decision-makers.
Gillian Keating, President Cork Chamber with Minister of State for Public Service Reform & the
Ofce of Public Works, Brian Hayes T.D. (Photograph: Diane Cusack Photogaphy)
Chamber Inuences Policy
partnered projects
Siobhn Finn, Cork innovates
Cork innovates recently scoped the 'Joint Local Authority' Award
under the Chambers Ireland 10
Annual Excellence in Local
Government Awards.
The Excellence in Local Government Awards showcase best
practice in local government and highlight some of the great
projects that local authorities are undertaking. The Awards are
judged by a panel of expert judges working in the feld of Local
Government and have been taking place since 2004. The
'Join Local Authority Award' is sponsored by ESB Networks.
Commenting at the Awards Dinner Siobhn Finn of Cork
innovates said 'I am thrilled that the work of Cork innovates
and the commitment and support of the local authorities to
the initiative had been recognised by Chambers Ireland. Cork
innovates is a unique project and to have made such a positive
impression on the judges certainly makes all the hard work
Mr. Healy said, "Cork Chamber has long recognised the
importance of developing an environment which is conducive to
entrepreneurship in the Cork region and as a founding member
of Cork innovates to fulfll this need, we would like to take the
opportunity to congratulate both Cork City and Cork County
Councils for having the foresight to fund this initiative through
the Economic Development Fund".
Cork innovates is funded by the Cork County Council and Cork
City Council by the Economic Development Fund under the CASP
Framework and is hosted by Cork Chamber.
For more go to
Follow up on Twitter @corkinnovates
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Like us on Facebook

Cork Convention Bureau (CCB) welcomes the recent
announcement of a large scale dedicated conference and events
centre for Cork with the government pledging 10 million
towards the development in the recent budget.

Evelyn OSullivan, General Manager of the CCB states The
recent announcement will have a hugely positive impact on the
hospitality sector and businesses in general in the region. Over
8,000 conference visitors came to Cork in 2012. Each international
visitor has an average spend of 1,400 across a wide range of
sectors from retail, to transport, hospitality to entertainment and
leisure. If we can grow these visitor numbers by ofering a large
scale conference and events centre, the whole region will beneft.
Cork Convention Bureau is a public-private partnership that
promotes the Cork region as a destination for business tourism
(i.e. for meetings, incentives, conferences and events) and
generates opportunities for major infuencers to come to Cork
and experience the wealth of facilities on ofer. Cork Convention
Bureau has the advantage of having both of the local authorities
as key stakeholders as well as IHF Cork Branch, Cork Airport, Cork
Chamber and Filte Ireland so we are well placed to support and
work with the developers and operators of the centre at all stages
and remaining at the forefront of driving new conference and
meetings business into the Cork region.
Government Funding for Large Scale Conference & Event Centre
Conor Healy, Cork Chamber; Siobhan Finn, Cork innovates; Gerry O'Sullivan, ESB Networks; Phil HoganT.D., Minister for the Environment, Community & Local Government; Catherine Clancy, Lord
Mayor of Cork; Ian Talbot, Chambers Ireland; Noel O'Connor, Mayor of Cork County; Tim Lucey, City Manager and Martin Riordan, County Manager.
Cork innovates wins Prestigious Award
works for your business
cover story
Cork Chamber Ignites Students Curiosity
Third Prize winners Peadar Cronin (13) and Timmy Hennessy (14) from
Colaiste Mhuire Buttevant.
Mark Shorten (13) and Kellie Keohane (14) from St. Brogan's College Bandon
who collected second prize for their project.
CEO of Cork Chamber, Conor Healy, congratulated participants
of the Cork Chamber 2nd Year School Science Awards that took
place in Cork Institute of Technology (CIT). The competition,
which is in its sixth year, has been sponsored annually by Boston
Scientifc and this years projects were entered under the theme
Science: Ignite your Curiosity.
A team from St. Patricks College on Gardiners Hill won frst prize
in the competition with their project entitled Our Solar System,
while second and third prizes went to St. Brogans College in
Bandon (The Big Colourful Bang Theory) and Coliste Mhuire in
Buttevant (Slurry Safety) respectively. The presentations were
judged by representatives of Boston Scientifc, Phillips 66 and CIT.
Commenting on the Awards, Dave Austin of Phillips 66 said, This
science awards scheme was launched in 2008 in response to the
widely-recognised problem of the declining numbers of science
and engineering graduates in Ireland. The aim of the competition,
which is open to applications from a number of schools in the
Cork region, is to generate an interest in science among pre-
Junior Certifcate students.

CIT has a strong commitment to education and social inclusion
and through its Access Service Programmes, it works in
partnership with all key stakeholders to deliver a range of support
programmes for the various education groups. CITs Science for
Life Ofcer, Dr Sharon Lawton, stated that The Awards are key to
generating an interest in science among young people; allowing
them to explore and enjoy future career options in the feld of
Speaking at the event Miriam OSullivan, HR Director of Boston
Scientifc, said, Boston Scientifc is proud to sponsor the
Cork Chamber School Science Award. Every year we see an
improvement in the creativity and the quality of the projects that
are entered. In many cases the students are actively applying
the knowledge gained in class and using it as the basis for
demonstrating solutions to everyday problems. Cork has a strong
cluster of world-class, science-based industries operating locally
and we hope that initiatives such as this awards scheme will
encourage students to continue studying science at higher level
and ultimately pursue careers in science.
Cork Chambers Conor Healy continued by saying that the
sciences ofer challenging and fulflling career opportunities and
Cork Chamber are committed to supporting the teaching and
study of science in Cork.
Dave Austin, Phillips 66; Brendan O'Connell , Head of Biological Sciences CIT; Aileen Courtney, St
Patrick's College with winning students Chantel Lee (14), Michaela Broe (13), Helen Quill (14) and Ciara
McAulife (14); Miriam O'Sullivan, Boston Scientifc and Conor Healy, Cork Chamber.
Entrants in the "Science: Ignite your Curiosity" - 6
Cork Chamber School Science Awards in association
with Boston Scientifc min Cork Institute of Technology. (Photographs & Cover; Diane Cusack Photography)
Biznetcork Skillnet and Munster Finuas Networks are funded by member companies and the Training Networks Programme and Finuas Networks Programme
respectively, initiatives of Skillnets Ltd. funded from the National Training Fund through the Department of Education and Skills
Jobseeker Support Programme 2013
The Business School @ Cork Chamber ran our very frst Jobseeker
Support Programme (JSSP) this year, which is 100% funded
by Skillnets Ltd. The JSSP Programme facilitates a one-month
bootcamp training followed by a one-month work placement.
Intercall, Irelands most innovative outsourcing specialists,
partnered with us in providing work placements, as it is currently
in the process of expanding and recruiting sales associates.
The one-month bootcamp training, delivered by the College
of Progressive Education, included a Certifcate in Consultative
Selling (FETAC Level 6) course, I.T. training, Personal Efectiveness
and also training on Intercalls in-bound and out-bound sales
campaigns. Immediately following the training, the jobseekers
commenced their one-month work placement.
We ran two consecutive Jobseeker Support Programmes, one
starting in September and another in October and from these
two programmes, 16 jobseekers completed and received a
qualifcation in Sales and 10 were ofered employment, a fantastic
achievement for all involved!
Last Course for 2013
Last course for 2013 is Project Management Professional on 4th, 5th, 6th December 2013
Book now as only few places remaining.
Niall Kelleher, Intercall MD with Norma Lynch, Training Services Manager, Business School @
Cork Chamber.
Centre of operations at Intercall.
works for your business
works for your business
works for your business
Norma Lynch, Training Services Manager
e: or t: 021-4530142
Aoife Dunne, Training Administrator
e: or t: 021-4530141
Biznetcork Skillnet, the Business School @ Cork Chamber, is
delighted to announce that our application for funding for training
in 2014 to Skillnets Limited has been approved, with an increase
on 2013. This is a signifcant endorsement that the evolving
portfolio of training courses provided by the Business School is
not only closely aligned to enterprise needs but is of exceptionally
high standard providing participants with the skills and business
knowledge across a range of subject areas. Another key aspect of
the training provided is the outstanding value for money due to
the funding subsidy applied via Skillnets Ltd, ensuring our courses
are competitively priced and allowing businesses to up-skill their
workforce in a cost-efective way.
All our trainers are selected through a rigorous procurement
process which will commence shortly for 2014. We pride ourselves
on the fact that all our trainers are leaders within their respective
felds and all utilise their experiences to provide contemporary
course content in an engaging learning environment. Courses are
held in local prestigious city hotels and we ensure that class sizes
are small, so that individual attention is guaranteed.
We look forward to continuing helping you to maximise the value
you get from your training budget in 2014.
Jonathan Murphy, Director of the College of Progressive Education; Claire Coultis, Intercall Sales Agent; Norma Lynch, Training Services Manager, Business School @ Cork Chamber; Charlie
Mernagh, Director of the School of Business at the College of Progressive Education; Elaine Carmon, Intercall Sales Agent; Paul Murphy, Intercall Sales Agent and Niall Kelleher, Intercall MD.
Here is Paul Murphys story, one of our successful jobseekers:
Paul was over two years unemployed, having previously worked
in the construction industry. He heard about our programme
through his friend and decided to give it a go. This was a
complete change for Paul, as he was used to the outdoor life
and manual work. Paul and his friend started the one-month
bootcamp training together. He said the training really boosted
his confdence, as well as equipping him with new skills. He
learnt how there are four basic personality types and how you
build rapport with your client by matching your style with
theirs. Even within the class, he could identify the diferent
personalities. He had never done anything like this before and
found it fascinating. After the initial months training, he was
selected for work placement on an in-bound sales campaign. He
said, he liked this as the callers were already half-way over the
line and he just had to convince them to go all the way. After the
one-month work placement, he was ofered the job. He is thrilled
and he says he really enjoys the challenge of converting callers
into clients. As to missing the outdoors, he says he always goes
for a walk at lunchtime and also in the evening with his daughter.
As Paul was classed as long term unemployed, he qualifes for
JobsPlus, a new government initiative. This initiative essentially
means that Pauls employer will receive 400+ per month for the
frst 24 months of Pauls employment. The JobsPlus scheme (see is a brand new initiative of the Department of
Social Protection, designed to incentivise all employers to hire
long term unemployed.
Paul's Story
John Bowman, Dave Sheane and Bryan Hyland at the Enterprise Europe Network seminar
Venture Capital and Private Investment.
Gavin Burke, Nebula Ventures and Ernest Cantillon, Cork Entrepreneur both speakers at the
October Access to Finance for SMEs seminar and Liz McAvoy, Acting Manager, Enterprise
Europe Network. (Photographs: John Sheehan Photography)
IIBA Christmas Lunch
The Ireland India Business Association (IIBA)-Cork Chapter, has
announced details of their Christmas lunch which takes place on
Friday 6
December in the River Lee Hotel, Cork. The event will kick
of with a mulled wine reception at 1.30pm and a special Indian
Christmas lunch will commence at 2.30pm. Former RTE personality
Bibi Baskin will share stories from her business and life in India
and her return to Ireland. This years lunch is sponsored by Euler
Hermes. Tickets are 20 each, email to book.
For further information contact
Reections on Forty Years of Irish
Membership of the EU
A major two day multi-disciplinary event exploring the evolution
of Irelands 40 year relationship with the EU will take place 28-
29 November in the North Wing Council room of University
College Cork (UCC), in association with the Irish Association for
Contemporary European Studies (IACES). The conference will bring
together leading fgures from the worlds of academia, politics, civil
society, business and the media. For further information, contact
First International Forum of the
European Youth Parliament Ireland
Next autumn, the European Youth Parliament (EYP) Ireland will
host its 1st International Forum in Cork, gathering over 200 bright,
young Europeans to discuss pressing European issues under the
theme: Green Light for Technology and Innovation. The EYP is
the largest youth organisation in Europe and home to some of
Europes most promising citizens. In order to achieve its goal,
it is seeking corporate sponsors. For more information contact or take a look at www.cork2014
Wednesday 4
December, Radisson Blu Hotel, Little Island , 08:00 10:30
Access to Finance for SMEs - Part 4 - State Agency Funding Seminar
The fourth and fnal part of the Enterprise Europe Networks Access to Finance for SMEs series will take
place in the Radisson Blu Hotel, Little Island on Wednesday, December 4th, 8am. State Agency Funding and
Revenue Incentives to support business startups and business growth will be identifed by a broad cross
section of agencies including Cork Enterprise Boards, LEADER Development Companies, Enterprise Ireland,
InterTrade Ireland, MicroFinance Ireland, and the Revenue Commissioners. Business supports from these
agencies range from training and mentoring programmes, feasibility grants, microfnance loans, advice,
support and fnance to develop export markets, job expansion funds, etc.
This seminar will be of interest to those considering starting their own business, those committed to
developing a new business as well as business expansions in the domestic and exports markets. Book a place
online at For further information, contact
works for your business
11 11
Liz McAvoy, EU Trade & Innovation Services Manager (Acting) e: or t: 021-4530137
Eimear O'Mullane, EU Trade & Innovation Services Executive e: or t: 021-4530138
Imelda Mulcahy, Export Documentation Manager
e: or t: 021-4530130
Labour market skills
The EU Programme for Employment & Social Solidarity
(PROGRESS) opened a call for proposals on 22 October with the
objective of addressing persistent labour market skills shortages
and mismatches in order to help fll the gap between supply and
demand through new forms of collaborative partnership between
public and private actors. This could involve organisations such
as employment services, business including SMEs, chambers of
commerce, training and education providers and social partners.
The call refects 4 priority areas for job creation to include
identifying efective implementation measures, good practices
and innovative approaches:
Joint initiatives aimed at anticipating green skills needs
and supporting structural and sectorial adaptation through
improving worker adaptability and mobility in three key
sectors: construction; recycling; and electricity, gas and air
conditioning supply.
ICTs and the Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs.
Personal and household services.
Supporting the consolidation of European Sector Skills
Activities to be fnanced under this call should be concrete,
action-oriented and ofer obvious added value. Some of the
options to be envisaged could cover:
Implementation and delivery of sustainable placement and
job insertion initiatives
Labour market intelligence gathering
Training measures
Establishment of networks and the development and
exchange of best practice through targeted events.
Deadline: 15 January 2014
Social Innovation for Employment
On 24 October, the European Social Innovation Competition 2014
was launched as part of the Competitiveness and Innovation
Framework Programme (CIP). Its scope is to seek new solutions to
reduce unemployment and minimize its damaging efects on the
economy and society by raising awareness of social innovations
potential to foster growth, entrepreneurship and solutions to help
people move towards work or create new types of employment
In order to help the best ideas to reach the stage of prototyping,
a strong mentoring component is included, which aims at
turning a 30-strong short-list of the best ideas submitted into
tangible and sustainable projects with detailed implementation
plans. This will involve training via the assistance of international
companies, communication and fnancial professionals, and social
Applications will be assessed on a combined set of criteria
covering their degree of innovation, extent of potential impact
and potential for sustainability and scale.
3 projects will ultimately be supported to the tune of 30,000
Deadline: 11 December
For further information about these calls for proposals, please
On Friday 1
November, Cork Chamber strengthened its overseas
ties and met with Ambassadors and Embassy representatives
from the Ethiopian, Kenyan, Lesotho, Moroccan, Nigerian, South
African and US Embassies. Each of the delegations spoke about
the economic opportunities which their respective countries
ofer to Ireland. Opportunities exist in a wide range of sectors and
include the ICT, Infrastructure, Education and Energy. For more
information about these opportunities, contact Liz@corkchamber.
United States & African Embassy Trade Briengs
Immaculate N Wambua, Minister Counsellor, Embassy of the Republic of Kenya; Hailu Neri Beza, Counsellor, Embassy of Ethiopia;
H.E. Felix Y. Pwol, Ambassador of Nigeria; H.E. Lela-Alem Gebreyohanes, Ambassador of Ethiopia; Conor Healy, Cork Chamber;
H.E. Anas Khales, Ambassador of Morocco & Dean of African Group of Ambassdors in Ireland; Cosmas Kimutai, Secondary
Secretary, Embassy of the Republic of Kenya and Liz McAvoy, Enterprise Europe Network.
Conor Healy, Chief Executive Cork Chamber and Gillian
Keating, President Cork Chamber with Stuart Dwyer, Charg
dAfaires, US Embassy.
Call for Proposals
Cork Chamber is kicking of the Christmas period in style
with two of Corks greatest sporting heroes to inspire and
motivate you for 2014.
Steve Redmond is a world class open water swimmer
and became the frst person in the world to conquer the
Oceans 7 challenge last year. Rob Hefernan is a champion
race walker and winner of the 2013 World Championships
in Moscow 50km race. Both are proud Cork men and
leaders in their chosen feld, fying the fag for Ireland on
the international stage. We look forward to an interactive
session where they share their motivational secrets and
determination to succeed that we can all apply to our
business lives.
This event will kick of with a Christmas Drinks Reception,
sponsored by Brightwater Recruitment Specialists and
is ideal for entertaining staf or corporate clients as it
uniquely combines inspiring speakers, active networking,
lots of great prizes with Christmas merriment!
So book now and join with your fellow Cork Chamber and
Marketing Institute of Ireland members for one of the most
popular events in the Chamber calendar.
A Celebration of Corks
Sporting Heroes
in association with

Friday 13
12.30pm 3.30pm
Radisson Hotel, Little Island
50 Cork Chamber & MII members / 75 non members
Drinks Reception, sponsored by
works for your business
Leigh Gillen, Events Manager
e: or t: 021-4530133
Places for events are limited, please quote Purchase Order if required. Events Cancellation Policy: Cancellations will be accepted up to 72hrs
before each event. After this all places will be charged. This policy applies to all events.
Upcoming Events - Book Now on
7.30am 9.00am
Wednesday 11
Venue TBC
20 members / 35 non members
Cork Chamber is proud to bring you the fnal Business Breakfast of 2013 and this December
event will feature Tony OReilly, founder and CEO of Providence Resources.
Providence Resources is an Irish based upstream oil and gas company active in the
exploration and development of hydrocabon assets ofshore Ireland and the United Kingdom,
who has received a signifcant amount of international industry interest in its Barryroe Assets.
Providence Resources has recently reported profts of 1.3m
Tony has been CEO of the Wedgewood Group and Chairman of ARCON International
Resources P.l.c. where he spent 13 years from 1992 2005 and served as Chairman from 2001
2005 and is currently serving as a Trustee of the OReilly Foundation and a Trustee of the
Industrial Relations Research Trust.
As the fnal Business Breakfast in 2013, take this opportunity to hear from an infuential and
successful Irish businessman, as well as joining with your fellow members for some pre-
Christmas networking!
Business Breakfast in association with
The fourth and fnal part of the Enterprise Europe Networks Access to Finance for SMEs
series will take place in the Radisson Blu Hotel, Little Island on Wednesday, December 4th,
8am. State Agency Funding and Revenue Incentives to support business startups and
business growth will be identifed by a broad cross section of agencies including Cork
Enterprise Boards, LEADER Development Companies, Enterprise Ireland, MicroFinance
Ireland, and the Revenue Commissioners. Business supports from these agencies range from
training and mentoring programmes, feasibility grants, microfnance loans, advice, support
and fnance to develop export markets, job expansion funds, etc.
This seminar will be of interest to those considering starting their own business, those
committed to developing a new business as well as business expansions in the domestic and
exports markets.
Access to Finance for SMEs Part 4 - State Agency Funding Seminar
8:00am 10:30am
Wednesday 4
Radisson Blu Hotel, Little Island ,
FREE for Cork Chamber members
One of the most popular events in the Cork Chamber calendar. Heineken will once again
host this festive after hours evening in their hospitality suite "The Kiln".
Drinks, Food, Prizes and plenty of Networking Opportunities all provided on the night with
lots of Christmas party spirit. A great way to network with fellow Chamber members in a
relaxed and festive atmosphere, so bring along some colleagues and/or clients and make a
night of it.
Festive Cheer at The Kiln, Heineken
5.30pm 7.00pm
Tues 17
The Kiln Hospitality Suite, Heineken
FREE for Cork Chamber members
Recent Business Breakfasts
Terry Clune, Connect Ireland with John Mullins, President Cork
Chamber. (Photograph: Denis Scannell)
Business Breakfasts in association with the Irish Examiner
Cork Chamber was delighted to welcome Richie Boucher, CEO of
Bank of Ireland Group as the speaker for the November Business
Richie Boucher was appointed Chief Executive Ofcer of Bank of
Ireland Group in February 2009 and has led the Group through
a major recapitalisation, restructuring and rationalisation
process maintaining the Bank in private ownership with its
core-franchises intact. He was Chief Executive of Bank of Ireland
Groups Retail Division from January 2006 to February 2009
having previously spent two years as Chief Executive Corporate
Banking at Bank of Ireland Group.
Addressing the 250 attendees he said that he believes in the
branch network, the bank is investing in it and is committed to
maintaining a branch presence at every centre of commerce. He
stressed that the bank has no shortage of capital. The bank has
restructured and is well on the way to sustainable profts, it needs
to deploy that capital and needs a return on that capital in order
to be successful. The bank has received 10 billion private capital
funding since 2009, reduced its operating costs by 25% and
reduced staf by 6000 over that period.
Mr Boucher paid tribute to the taxpayer who he said gave the
bank a huge dig out. He said that repaying that loan has been
at the core of his management of the bank since he took over in
We got massive help from the taxpayer. When I came into the
job I felt that this was one of the most important things we had
to achieve and my colleagues are tired of me repeating the three
Rs. Before every board meeting it is the three Rs reduce the risk,
reward the risk, repay the risk, he said. He ended by stating let us
work with you to achieve your ambitions and that will allow us to
achiever ours.
The soapboxes on the morning were AB Sales, City Life Wealth
Advisors and Sky Windows.
Cork Chamber was delighted to welcome eircom Chief Executive
Herb Hribar to speak at the October Business Breakfast at the
Cork International Airport Hotel. Herb outlined how eircom
continues to be at the heart of economic activity in Ireland. 2012
saw eircom go through the largest examinership process in
Europe and following this process, they have emerged as a much
stronger company.
eircom plan on investing 1.5 billion in the coming years on
improving their infrastructure, their systems, IT and people to
make their service better. They have recently rolled out their
new 4G product and by June 2015, hope to have this technology
available to 1.5 million homes across Ireland. They are the frst
provider to deliver this 4G network which will allow for internet
access with 10 times more than the current download speed,
approximately 10-15 megabytes per second.
eircom are also working on the launch of their IPTV network and
once this is of the ground, will be able to ofer customers a TV
led bundle wherein they will ofer all products on the one bill and
help make eircom a value leader in the market. eircom are also
currently investing in cloud computing and have partnered up
with Amazon Web Services to deliver this.
Herb concluded by saying that eircom are committed to
delivering great customer service and they are well on their way
to fulflling their promise of investing 1.5 billion in their products
and services. eircom ofers the total solution for their customers,
at work, on the move and on the pause.
The soapboxes on the morning were Munster Rugby, Cork Film
Festival, VHI Swiftcare Clinic and Smile Resource Exchange.
Conor Healy, Cork Chamber; Herb Hribar, eircom; Gillian Keating, President Cork Chamber;
and Aidan Forde, Irish Examiner. (Photograph: Dan Linehan)
Conor Healy, Cork Chamber; Richie Boucher, Bank of Ireland; Gillian Keating, President Cork
Chamber; and Aidan Forde, Irish Examiner. . (Photographs: DENIS SCANNELL
Recovery Requires Investment
Eircom planning to combine TV with phone and broadband bundles
works for your business
Leigh Gillen, Events Manager
e: or t: 021-4530133
works for your business
Leigh Gillen, Events Manager
e: or t: 021-4530133
Laya healthcare MD Donal Clancy with Cork Chamber President, Gillian
Barry Hanrahan, Laya healthcare chatting with Paul Dennehy,
Carmel O'Keefe, Dress For Success and Claire Liston,
Weddings and Events by Franc.
Anne O'Dwyer, Alpha Wealth Ltd, having her blood pressure checked by nurse Eimear Cofey
of Laya healthcare.
Neil McSorley, Top Security and Mick O'Regan,
Absolute Business Continuity Solutions.
Dermot O'Hara, Kenneth Kling and Declan O'Hara, all of MSL Mercedes Benz Cork,
attending the Cork Chamber business after hours event.
Michelle Ryan, Ronan Daly Jermyn; Carla Manning, CACM Accountants; Catherine Kearney, Celtic Interiors and
Karl O'Flanagan, Brand Magic.
works for your business
Leigh Gillen, Events Manager
e: or t: 021-4530133
works for your business
Leigh Gillen, Events Manager
e: or t: 021-4530133
Flemings Georgian House & Restaurant
Dine in our award-winning restaurant. Delicious
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comfort and service.
At Flemings We Offer You:
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for your Festive
Classic Location
Pat Phelan & Chris Kennedy, Trustev; Clare Dillon, Microsoft Ireland; Gillian Keating, Cork
Chamber; Michael Meagher & Niall Moran, Microsoft Ireland boarding the Startup Express.
Nearly 180 entrepreneurs, businesspeople, technologists,
students and general startup junkies from the region were
transported to Dublin to facilitate them taking part in the Web
Summit. Once on board they were given the opportunity to
take part in a host of networking and activities in three specially
designated carriages.
Best of all, it was completely free with all costs being covered by
three of Corks technology companies - VoxPro, PCH International
and Trustev. Cork Chamber was delighted to support this initiative
and to have President Gillian Keating on board!
Peter Dufy, Daniel Rosehill and Brendan Finucane, Vconnecta; on board the Startup
Express from Cork to the Dublin Web Summit. (Photograph: Neil Danton Photography)
All Aboard - the Startup Express
VERDE LED adds to its team
As a result of recently securing a number of international
contracts, VERDE LED, has appointed Salvador Valdivia as
Applications Engineer. Salvador will be responsible for
development, testing and introduction of new products to
market. Salvador studied Electrical Engineering in the Universidad
Politcnica de Madrid, Spain; and wrote his fnal thesis in Finland,
whilst in the Tampere University of Applied Sciences. He worked
as intern in Elecnor, the biggest electrical installer in Spain;
followed by two years in Slovakia in the photometric laboratory of
the R&D department of a luminaire manufacturer.
New at Fastnet Recruitment
Fastnet Recruitment is delighted to announce the appointment
of Jennifer OBrien as Recruitment Consultant. Jennifer holds a
Bachelor of Commerce degree in management and marketing
from University College Cork and has more than 6 years
experience in customer services and relationship managment.
Jennifer will support Fastnets clients seeking highly educated
candidates with customer service and multi-lingual skills to
support signifcant growth in the Pharma, Shared Services and
ICT sectors.
Edel Cox, Fuzion Communications.
On the Move
Edel Cox joins Fuzion
Edel Cox has been appointed as a PR Consultant at Fuzion
Communications in the Cork Ofce. Edel holds a Masters in Public
Relations and a Business and Management Degree from Dublin
Institute of Technology. Edel worked as a PR Account Manager in
a Dublin Agency, Market Match, working on a number of leading
national brands including 11850, Littlewoods Ireland, Vichy, La
Roche Posay and Roger & Gallet. Prior to Edel joining Fuzion, she
worked as in-house PR & Marketing Manager in The Mardyke
Entertainment Complex Cork and was responsible for the roll out
of new positions in the complex.
Hilary now Audit Senior
Business advisory and fnancial services frm, Westboro Partners is
pleased to announce the appointment of Hilary French as Audit
Senior in the Business Advisory Services department. A Business
Graduate of CIT, Hilary is a chartered accountant with more
than 16 years experience in industry and joins the expanding
team at an exciting time for Westboro Partners. Hilary qualifed
as a Certifed Chartered Accountant in 2006, and has extensive
experience with start-ups and small to medium size businesses.
Jennifer O'Brien, Fastnet Recruitment.
Hilary French, Westboro Partners.
Salvador Valdivia, VERDE LED.
works for your business
Barbara-Anne Richardson, Director of Membership Development & Services
e: or t: 021-4530140
Cork English College and UCC sign MOU
Cork English College (CEC) and University College Cork (UCC)
have signed a Memorandum of Understanding concerning CECs
University Pathways Programmes. This academic year programme
prepares international students for entry into undergraduate
and Masters programmes in UCC. UCC attracts a large number of
international students with more than 2,800 students from over
100 countries and all fve continents currently registered. CEC
was founded in 1978 and welcomes over 3,000 students a year to
Cork. CEC is also an ofcial Cambridge and IELTS testing centre.
CEC is currently accepting students on its University Pathways
European Award for Recordati
Based in Ringaskiddy, Recordati Ireland, a subsidiary of Italian
company Recordati, set out in 2007 on a project to reduce its
energy usage and carbon footprint by at least 10%. It began with
the idea that sustainability was important not just for fnancial
gain but was an important ethical concern of all employees. By
2012 the company had achieved a 19% drop in energy demand
whilst simultaneously increasing output by 37%. In July 2013,
Recordati Ireland submitted the project for both the National
and European Responsible Care Awards. CEFIC (the European
Chemical Industry Council) announced Recordati Ireland as the
joint winner, with fellow Irish-based Italian company Rottapharm,
of the European Responsible Care Awards on October 4
Munich. Subsequently, Pharmachemical Ireland (the National
Representative body of the Pharma sector in Ireland) also
awarded Recordati Ireland frst prize in this category on 11

Forza shortlisted for marketing awards
The CIM (Chartered Institute of Marketing) Marketing Excellence
Awards is Irelands premier showcase for best practice within the
sales & marketing sector. The competition recognises outstanding
creativity and originality, combined with demonstrable results in
successful marketing campaigns. This year, Forza Direct Marketing
have been nominated for no less than 3 separate category
awards: Best Business Services campaign, Best Engineering Sector
campaign and Best Arts & Heritage Sector campaign. We focus
primarily on working with start-ups and SMEs, enabling them
to punch above their weight, which is what these accolades
recognise I think says Forza MD Ivan Lavelle.
Canadian deal for Leading Edge
Leading Edge Group, a global leader in the provision of Lean
education and consultancy, will collaborate with the University
of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) to ofer online
and instructor-led education and training programmes to
organisations and individuals across Canada. The deal, which
is said to be worth in excess of half a million Canadian dollars
initially, clearly demonstrates the world-class solution currently
ofered by Leading Edge. Since entering the Canadian market
in 2008, the Leading Edge Group have achieved double-digit
growth year over year.
Best Value Hotel in Cork
The Cork International Airport Hotel took home the award for
Best Value Hotel at the 2013 National Hospitality Awards. We
are absolutely delighted to be awarded Best Value Hotel in
Ireland; we have a dedicated team of staf who all work together
to bring our customers the best possible service at the best
possible value, said Aaron Mansworth, General Manager of
Cork International Airport Hotel. The award comes following a
signifcant redevelopment at the hotel, and the launch of the New
Yorker Bar and Restaurant as well as the Aviators Club, the early
learning and activity centre for children staying at and visiting The
Cork International Airport Hotel.
Carbery Group expands in the US
Carbery Group has announced a signifcant investment in their
Synergy Flavours division with the opening of a new state of the
art manufacturing and R&D facility in Wauconda, Illinois. Synergy
Flavours has a signifcant presence in the USA and the UK, and
also has facilities in Brazil and in Thailand to serve the growing
opportunity in these regions. Donal Tobin, Chairman of Carbery
Group, performed the ofcial opening of the new facility together
with Roderick W. Sowders, President and CEO of Synergy Flavors
Inc. Commenting on the new facility, Donal Tobin, said This is
an exciting milestone for Synergy and Carbery Group. The new
facility is a key investment in the business - in favour creation
laboratories, state of the art manufacturing and customer service
- and one that will secure the futures of our shareholders and
Members News
Plant Manager Dr. Michael Kilkelly & Production Manager Davide Botta (both centre)
naccepting the European Responsible Care Award for SMEs on behalf of Recordati Ireland.
Hannah Wrixon of The Last Minute Minders Team and Aaron Mansworth, General Manager
of Cork International Airport Hotel pictured at the launch of the hotels 'Aviators Club'.
Black-Tie Charity Ball
A new charitable trust to ofer free advice to chari
Winter Schedule takes of
Cork Airport has unveiled its exciting winter schedule with
1,000,000 seats available from Cork for winter 2013. Passengers
can fy to more than 32 destinations across the UK and Europe
with Aer Lingus, Aer Lingus Regional operated by Aer Arann,
Ryanair, and Irelands leading Tour Operators. Aer Lingus
Regional is to increase its seats by 10% from Cork this winter
and ofer up to three fights a day on services to key UK business
and leisure destinations, Manchester and Birmingham. Ryanair
will launch its new, three times weekly service from Cork to East
Midlands, serving Nottingham, Derby and Leicester in early
CAVA Service going West
The Chartered Accountants Cork Society has announced that
the Chartered Accountants Voluntary Advice service (CAVA) is to
extend its free business advisory service to West Cork. Originally
set up in the Leinster area in 2007, CAVA is a free, confdential,
independent organisation that provides advice to business
people who cannot aford to pay for an accountant. CAVAs
volunteers come from a range of backgrounds including major
accountancy practices, smaller regional practices and retired
members. Volunteers give practical advice in a face-to-face
consultation clinic, helping people to address their immediate
problems and manage them into the future. Anyone wishing
to contact CAVA for a consultation or if you are a Chartered
Accountant who wishes to volunteer for the service, please
contact Fiona Collins,
VERDE LED enters the US market
VERDE LED, a leading Irish manufacturer of energy saving LED
lighting solutions, located in Cork, has recently entered the
lucrative US market. The lighting industry in the US is a difcult
industry for non-US suppliers to break into due to diferent
electrical protocols and a very exacting certifcation system;
however VERDE LED, who specialises in the design, supply and
installation of LED efcient lighting solutions for commercial
and industrial applications, has created a full range of products
specifcally for the demanding US market. The frst contract for
VERDE LED through a Boston distributor was for a large car park
in Boston. VERDE LED has also won the contract for the lighting
in an Innovation Design Centre for PCH. VERDE LED is now set to
appoint a distributor for the New York area.
News from Michael Powell Solicitors
Michael Powell Solicitors has announced the appointment of two
well-known business people to its Board of Management; Harry
Lorton (Chairman) and David Hyland (Finance Director). The frm
also announced achievement of ISO 9001:2008 accreditation.
Lorton and Hyland join the three existing Partners; solicitors
Michael Powell, Finbarr OLeary and Sean Durcan. Harry Lorton
is former CEO of Cork & Limerick Savings Bank, TSB Bank and
Permanent TSB, Chairman of marketing frm H & A Marketing &
PR, and of the Johnson & Perrott Motor Group. David Hyland is an
experienced and well-known Chartered Accountant and Financial
Consultant and previously worked with Ernst & Young.
MSL Cork Business People of the year
An Tnaiste and Minister for Foreign Afairs & Trade, Eamon
Gilmore TD, was in Cork to attend the MSL Cork Business Person
of the Year Awards 2013 and announced Dan and Linda Kiely as
the overall winners of the prestigious award. Dan and Linda Kiely
started in business 15 years ago and, in that time, Voxpro has
grown to become Irelands largest exporter of Business Process
Outsourcing (BPO) with international business now representing
more than 80% of the companys overall turnover. Voxpro plans to
double its workforce to 1,000 employees by the end of 2015 and
to expand its global workforce to 4,000 by 2018 with the majority
of these positions will be based in Cork.
Members News
Susan O'Sullivan, PWC; Margaret O'Neill, Cork Mabs; Owen Hickey, President Chartered
Accountants Cork Society and Fiona Collins, Chartered Accountants Cork Society.
Front: Harry Lorton and David Hyland newly appointed Chairman and Finance Director of
Michael Powell Solicitors pictured at City Hall with (back row from left) Sean Durcan, Partner;
Finbarr OLeary, Managing Partner and Michael Powell, Partner.
Dan and Linda Kiely of Voxpro receiving the award from An Tnaiste Minister for Foreign
Afairs & Trade, Eamon Gilmore TD and Declan O'Hara, GM MSL.
works for your business
To submit articles for Members News e:
Readers' Choice Award for Hayeld Manor
The staf & owners of Hayfeld Manor hotel have been honoured
with one of the most prestigious awards in the travel industry. The
readers of Cond Nast Traveler magazine, a collection of some of
the most discerning travellers across the globe, voted for Hayfeld
Manor in the magazines famous Readers Choice Awards and
the hotel was awarded 4
place in the Top 10 Hotels in Ireland
category. Hayfeld Manors owner, Joe Scally, received the news
with great pride, This award is particularly welcome as it comes,
not from a panel of industry judges, but from guests who have
actually stayed with us and who voted for us because of the
experience that they enjoyed while they were here.
Another cracking event with Smarter Egg
The latest in the series of Smarter Egg events recently took place
Upstairs at The White Horse in Ballincollig. Drawn from all walks
of life people gathered to hear a live interview with Bob Savage,
Vice President & General Manager of EMC Ireland Centre of
Excellence as he shared his personal perspectives on EMC's 25
years in Cork. The evening also featured three stimulating Egg
Talks from special guests Donagh Kiernan, Tenego Partnering,
Ann-Marie O'Sullivan, H&A Marketing+PR, and Donal Cahalane,
Trustev. Smarter Egg is a growing business based in Cork
providing programmes and events that build connective tissue
between people and ideas, all in the context of building stronger
businesses. The programmes use the latest business thinking
in a supportive, yet challenging, environment and have proven
popular with a wide range of successful businesses as well as
large multi-national organisations.
Keary's can't lose!
Long term rugby rivals came head to head with Dolphin RFC
hosting Cork Constitution FC in Division 1A of the Ulster Bank
League. As proud sponsor of both sides, leading Munster motor
group, Kearys, are confdent of a win. Rugby is well known for
passionate rivalry in good spirit and it seems that this also
extends to the motor industry! The competition between the 2
dealerships was evident when Brendan Keary, Kearys Hyundai
expressed confdence that his team had come rapidly up the
table in 2013 and that there are even bigger plans in 2014, whilst
Con OLeary, Kearys Nissan responded that his team are well-
positioned on the table, are confdent of a strong end to 2013 and
are the ones to watch in 2014.
KSG Wins Award
Brian Hogan, CEO of contract catering, restaurant and hospitality
service provider KSG (Kylemore Service Group), has been named
the winner of the Industry Category at the 2013 EY Entrepreneur
of the Year Awards. KSG has created a customer focussed
organisation and their dynamic management team really delivers
on attention to detail. That is why they are the fastest growing
catering service provider in Ireland, with 50% growth since 2008.
The group now operates restaurants and hospitality services
in the retail and commercial catering sectors and has grown to
achieve an annual turnover of 50m.
Con O'Leary, Kearys Nissan and Christy Condon, Captain of Dolphin with Jerry Hurley,
Caption of Cork Constitution and Brendan Keary, Kearys Hyundai.
Brian Hogan, CEO of KSG accepting the Industry Category Award at the recent EY
Entrepreneur of the Year Awards.
The Cond Nast Award Winning Team at Hayfeld Manor; Algis Petrauskas, Barbara
O'Donovan, Kaila Dixon, Kate Cotter, Dimo Dimov and Michael O'Driscoll.
Bob Savage, Vice President & General Manager of EMC Ireland with Aodan Enright, Smarter
Egg. (Photo: Neil Danton Photography)
Black-Tie Charity Ball
A new charitable trust to ofer free advice to chari
Kernel Capital announce new fund
Kernel Capital has announced the 25m Bank of Ireland Kernel
Capital Growth Fund (NI). This Fund is one of two venture
capital funds to which Invest NI has committed up to 15m
each and together they have the potential to invest 48m in
Northern Ireland SMEs over the next fve years. The new fund,
managed by Kernel Capital with cornerstone investors Bank of
Ireland and Invest NI, will focus on investing in Northern Ireland
SMEs. Dr. Daniel McCaughan, Partner, Kernel Capital said: "The
Bank of Ireland Kernel Capital Growth Fund (NI) will ofer new
opportunities for dynamic Northern Ireland companies and
we look forward to working closely with Northern Ireland's
entrepreneurial and business community."
Mercy Foundation benets from sale
Hayfeld Manor hosted a charity sale on the grounds of UCC
Campus with the aim of raising much needed funds for the Mercy
Hospital Foundations outreach programme, for children with
leukaemia. The event was a huge success and was generously
supported by the staf and students of UCC who came out in force
to support the charity and to sample Hayfeld Manors famous
dark chocolate brownies and creamy hot chocolate. All proceeds
raised on the day went directly to the Mercy Foundation. The
Mercy University Hospital Foundation fundraises to provide better
quality home care, via their Mobile Nursing Outreach Service, to
children sufering from leukaemia and to their families within
their homes. The aim of the outreach programme is to shorten
hospital stays and to enhance quality of life for all the family.
Members News continued
Dr. Daniel McCaughan, Partner, Kernel Capital; Jayne Brady, Partner, Kernel Capital; Julie-
Ann O'Hare, Director of Business Banking, Bank of Ireland UK & William McCulla, Director of
Corporate Finance, Invest NI.
MSD Brinny hosted a family fun & open day to mark 30 years being in operation. Pictured
are Noel OConnor, Mayor of Cork County and Matt Corcoran, Site Manager MSD Brinny.
The Ernst & Young annual alumni gathering took place in Hayfeld Manor recently
with guest speaker gold medalist Rob Hefernan. Pictured are Rob Hefernan with
John Higgins, Ernst & Young.
The Bodega at St Peters Market hosted a gastronomic evening to ofcially launch
three new menus, food & superfood, cocktails & wine. Kellie Lewis and Lilac
O'Connor pictured at the Trilogy Menu Launch.
Member Events Photogallery
Micheal Sheridan, Mercy Hospital Foundation; Josie O'Kelly and Michael O'Driscoll from
Hayfeld Manor and Eimear Keohane, Mercy Hospital Foundation.
works for your business
To submit adverts for this section e:
Julia Lynes and Enrico Zoppi from EazyCity.
EazyCity makes the nal
Cork company EazyCity has made it through to the top 8 fnalists
in the National Enterprise Awards. Run by co-founders Julia Lynes
and Enrico Zoppi, EazyCity was set up in 2004 to provide services
for people moving to Cork. The company now acts as a local point
of reference for people arriving into a new city providing short-
term lets, translation services, au pair placements and assistance
in fnding employment. EazyCity has ofces in Cork, Dublin and
London with further international expansion planned for 2014.
SMILE hits 1000
SMILE Exchange recently welcome its 1000
member. Irema, a
manufacturer of surgical masks based in Kilmallock, Co Limerick,
became the latest member of the resource exchange organisation
that encourages Irish businesses to make fnancial savings, reduce
waste going to landfll and develop new business opportunities.
Founded in 2010, SMILE Exchange (an acronym for Saving Money
through Industry Links & Exchanges), began in Cork but has
grown nationally with its 1000 members spread throughout the
Mary O'Brien, Irema; Michelle Greene, SMILE Resourse Exchange; Mary Slack, Cork County
Council and Mary Walsh.
Complete Legal Business Protection for just 65
Complete Legal Business Protection' for just 65. New and existing
commercial customers to MIG are being ofered an enhanced legal
protection cover to supplement basic legal protection cover they
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Step Back in Time This Christmas
Treat your clients, family & friends to a
wonderful Christmas experience with our
Traditional Christmas evening on Saturday Nov 30th
Enjoy wine tasting, traditional
Christmas fare & storytelling
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Reservations 021 4821621
Agrifood Business Partners
Agrifood Business Partners Ltd is a newly
formed consultancy company in the
agrifood sector with ofces in Dublin and
Contact: Michael Cronin
T: (087) 2248462
Material Science company providing a range
of tehnologies,products and services to
MedTech,Pharma and Chemical companies.
Contact: John Hogan
T: (021) 4901965
Consulting Engineers
Eirqual provides solutions for upstream
oil & gas projects and helps to identify
key suppliers in order to ensure that the
capabilities of suppliers are optimally
leveraged to meet code compliance.
Contact: Damien O'Brien
T: (086) 2260236
Royalty Consulting
International Training Services
Contact: Hilda Ekpo
T: 089 4342259

Enterprise/Trade development
Bayne International Limited
The Bayne Law Group is an American Legal
Consultancy formed in Princeton New Jersey
and now has opened a base in Cork looking
ot advise Irish exporters on how to export to
the USA.
Contact: Andrew Bayne
T: (021) 7319600
Event Management
Active Sports Events Limited
We have a wealth of knowledge and
expertise in managing and timing a
wide range of events, Nationally and
Contact: Dean Watson
T: (087) 2774145
Management Consultants
High Potential International
Sales consultancy and Training
Leadership,Training business and Executive
Coaching,Inside Sales/Telesales expertise.
Contact: Ryan O'Reilly
T: (087) 2535711

Venlake Coaching Services
We provide growth funding and business
strategy advice for small businesses typically
seeking their frst investment.
Contact: Bruce Clibborn
T: (083) 1100168
Kylemore Services Group
Kylemore Services Group is the leading and
fastest growing wholly owned restaurant
and hospitality service provider.
Contact: Simon Povall
T: (01) 8140600
Security Services
Shadow Security Services
Private investigations, document serving,
surveillance,tracing, enquiries-all details
private and confdential.
Contact: Liam O'Brien
T: (021) 4509076

Software/Software Services
FireEye Ireland
FireEye is a leader in stopping the new
generation of cyber attacks, such as
advanced malware, that easily bypass
traditional signature-based defenses and
compromise over 95 percent of enterprise
Contact: Sean O'Keefe
Nova Broadband
We are a group of professionals who are
dedicated to providing great internet
services in Cork.
Contact: Dave McDonald
T: (021) 2429560
Fedex Express
Fedex Express is the worlds largest express
transportation company ofering frms a
global delivery service.
Contact: Una Hegarty
T: 1800 535 800
We welcome the following new members
Patrick Doyle, Membership Development Manager
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Our courses are available in Dublin and Cork and are designed for Business and Systems Analysts,
Internal & External Consultants, Advisors, Managers, Team Leaders and members of improvement
teams to apply business analysis techniques in their roles.
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- Leads to a HLTAC Level 8 certlcatlon ln 8uslness Analysls
Who Leads the Leaders?
Business Analysts:
Understanding the
strategy of big decisions
Do you play a leading role in improving enterprise performance in your organisation?
8uslness Analysts Assoclatlon of |reland 87-89 Pembroke Poad, 8allsbrldge, Dublln 4
The next course runs in the National College of Ireland, Dublin.
September 20l3. To book your place call: 0l 775 3008
To learn more about the programme vlslt: www.lcs-skllls.le/ba
The Business Analysts Association of Ireland in partnership the
Natlonal College of |reland brlng you the Certlcate Course ln
Business analysis. Its main focus is to improve enterprise
performance through the use of proven business analysis techniques.
Business Analysts
Association of Ireland
Our courses are available in Dublin and Cork and are designed for Business and Systems Analysts,
Internal & External Consultants, Advisors, Managers, Team Leaders and members of improvement
teams to apply business analysis techniques in their roles.
- Lectures run two days per month across slx months, 9am-5pm
- |ndlvldual fee ls -3,250, payable at tlme of booklng
- |ncludes slx months post-completlon emall support for course graduates
- Leads to a HLTAC Level 8 certlcatlon ln 8uslness Analysls
Who Leads the Leaders?
Business Analysts:
Understanding the
strategy of big decisions
Do you play a leading role in improving enterprise performance in your organisation?
Business Analysts Association of Ireland To learn more vlslt: www.lcs-skllls.le/ba
Next courses: Clarlon Hotel, Lapps Quay, Cork, 1anuary l6th 20l4.
To book your place please emall - onaQlcs.le
The 8uslness Analysts Assoclatlon of |reland ln partnershlp wlth the Natlonal College of |reland brlng
you the Certlcate Course ln 8uslness Analysls. |ts maln focus ls to lmprove enterprlse performance
through the use of proven business analysis techniques.

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