The Science of Seven Cultures (Sadhana Tattva)

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The Science of Seven Cultures

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4ome >-ivine >ife >Sadhana > T"pes of 'o(a Sadhanas >Courses of Practical Sadhana >The Secerets of 'o(a Sadhana Related Pages >The Science of Seven Cultures
An Int"odu'tion to %((( Taming t!e $ind T#)es o Yoga %ad!an((( *a"ma Yoga %ad!ana +!a,ti Yoga %ad!ana Ra-a Yoga %ad!ana .nana Yoga %ad!ana /t!e" %ad!anas %ad!ana o t!e Yoga ((( Cou"ses o P"a'ti'al((( A P"og"amme o %ad!a((( Dail# Routines o" A((( Im)o"tan'e o a %)i"((( T!e %e'e"ets o Yoga((( Ho& to Lead a Divine((( - T"ue Renun'iation - T&ent# Hints on $edi((( - Eve"#da# Guide to %a((( - T!e %'ien'e o %even((( - T&ent# Im)o"tant %)i(((

The Science of Seven Cultures Sadhana Tattva!

b" S#ami Sivananda $ntroduction%- a! &n ounce of practice is better than tons of theor". Practise 'o(a) reli(ion and philosoph" in dail" life and attain Self-realisation. b! These *+ instructions (ive the essence of the Eternal ,eli(ion Sanatana -harma! in its purest form. The" are suitable for modern bus" householders #ith fi.ed hours of #or/. 0odif" them to suit "our convenience and increase the period (raduall". c! 0a/e a fe# practicable resolves onl" in the be(innin() #hich form a small but definite advance over "our present habits and character. $n case of ill-health) pressure of #or/ or unavoidable en(a(ements) replace "our active Sadhana b" fre1uent remembrance of 2od. HEALTH CULTURE Eat moderatel". Ta/e li(ht and simple food. 3ffer it to 2od before "ou eat. 4ave a balanced diet. &void chillies) (arlic) onions) tamarind) etc.) as far as possible. 2ive up tea) coffee) smo/in() betels) meat and #ine entirel". Fast on E/adasi da"s. Ta/e mil/) fruits or roots onl". Practise 'o(a &sanas or ph"sical e.ercises for 56 to *7 minutes ever" da". Ta/e a lon( #al/ or pla" some vi(orous (ames dail". ENERGY CULTURE

0isiting As!"am W!at1s Ne& %)i"itual Li e((( a perspective...

6. 3bserve silence 0ouna! for t#o hours dail" and four to ei(ht hours on Sunda"s. 8. 3bserve celibac" accordin( to "our a(e and circumstances. ,estrict the indul(ence to once a month. -ecrease it (raduall" to once a "ear. Finall" ta/e a vo# of abstinence for #hole life. ETHICAL CULTURE 9. Spea/ the Truth. Spea/ little. Spea/ /indl". Spea/ s#eetl". :. -o not in;ure an"one in thou(ht) #ord or deed. <e /ind to all. =. <e sincere) strai(htfor#ard and open-hearted in "our tal/s and dealin(s. 57. <e honest. Earn b" the s#eat of "our bro#. -o not accept an" mone") thin( or favour unless earned la#full". -evelop nobilit" and inte(rit". 55. Control fits of an(er b" serenit") patience) love) merc" and tolerance. For(et and for(ive. &dapt "ourself to men and events. WILL CULTURE 5+. >ive #ithout su(ar for a #ee/ or a month. 2ive up salt on Sunda"s. ht!l/"c!d#displa$section%section id#55&%par... 11/25/2011

The Science of Seven Cultures

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5*. 2ive up cards) novels) cinemas and clubs. Fl" from evil compan". &void discussions #ith materialists. -o not mi. #ith persons #ho have no faith in 2od or #ho criticise "our Sadhana. 5A. Curtail "our #ants. ,educe "our possessions. 4ave plain livin( and hi(h thin/in(. HEART CULTURE 56. -oin( (ood to others is the hi(hest reli(ion. -o some selfless service for a fe# hours ever" #ee/) #ithout e(oism or e.pectation of re#ard. -o "our #orldl" duties in the same spirit. Bor/ is #orship. -edicate it to 2od. 58. 2ive t#o to ten per cent of "our income in charit" ever" month. Share #hat "ou have #ith others. >et the #orld be "our famil". ,emove selfishness. 59. <e humble and prostrate "ourself to all bein(s mentall". Feel the -ivine Presence ever"#here. 2ive up vanit") pride and h"pocris". 5:. 4ave un#averin( faith in 2od) the 2ita and "our 2uru. 0a/e a total self-surrender to 2od and pra"% CTh" Bill be doneD $ #ant nothin(.C Submit to the -ivine Bill in all events #ith e1uanimit". 5=. See 2od in all bein(s and love them as "our o#n Self. -o not hate an"one. +7. ,emember 2od at all times or) at least) on risin( from bed) durin( a pause in #or/ and before (oin( to bed. Eeep a 0ala in "our poc/et. P%YCHIC CULTURE +5. Stud" one chapter or 57 to +6 verses of the 2ita #ith meanin( dail". >earn Sans/rit) at least sufficient to understand the 2ita in the ori(inal. ++. 0emorise the #hole of the 2ita) (raduall". Eeep it al#a"s in "our poc/et. +*. ,ead the ,ama"ana) the <ha(avata) the ?panishads) the 'o(a-vasishtha or other reli(ious boo/s dail". +A. &ttend reli(ious meetin(s) Eirtans and Satsan(a of saints at ever" opportunit". 3r(anise such functions on Sunda"s or holida"s. +6. Fisit a temple or place of #orship at least once a #ee/ and arran(e to hold Eirtans or discourses there. +8. Spend holida"s and leave-periods in the compan" of saintsD or practise Sadhana at hol" places in seclusion. %PIRITUAL CULTURE +9. 2o to bed earl". 2et up at four a.m. &ns#er calls of nature) clean "our mouth and ta/e a bath. +:. ,ecite some pra"ers and Eirtan -hvanis. Practise Prana"ama) Gapa and meditation from 6 to 8 a.m. Sit in Padma) Siddha or Su/ha &sana throu(hout) #ithout movement) b" (radual practice. +=. Perform "our dail" Sandh"a) 2a"atri-Gapa) Hit"a/arma and #orship) if an". *7. Brite "our favourite 0antra or Hame of 2od in a noteboo/ for 57 to *7 minutes) dail". *5. Sin( the Hames of 2od Eirtan!) pra"ers) h"mns etc.) for half to one hour at ni(ht) #ith famil" and friends. *+. 0a/e annual resolves on the above lines. ,e(ularit") tenacit" and" are essential. ,ecord "our Sadhana in a spiritual diar" dail". ,evie# it ever" month and correct "our failures.


&bout ?s -ivine >ife Paths of 'o(a 'o(asanas Prana"ama 0editation Store Bhats He# 2aller"
cop"ri(ht I +755 the divine life societ". &ll ri(hts reserved. ht!l/"c!d#displa$section%section id#55&%par... 11/25/2011

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