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Introduction Often the question is asked as to what is distinctive about the English Schools Foundation. For me, there is no one, specific feature but rather the cumulative effect of our strengths within and across our schools and the broader organisation. Importantly, we are able to draw from and build upon a commitment to collective professional responsibility focused on quality and on performance. While there may be strength in numbers, this only counts where those numbers represent highly skilled, trained, committed and professional practitioners. Last years Senior Leaders Conference was framed around the ESF Leadership Capability Framework; this year the conference has as its reference point the ESF Teaching Capability Framework. It is the role of the senior leader as the instructional leader which provides the impetus for our shared learning and drives the 2013 programme. That visible instructional role is crucial in setting the highest standards, challenging the limits, fostering that culture of professional responsibility it is the exercise of the capabilities deeply and broadly as we continue to improve individual and collective practice. In my view we are fortunate in being in a situation where we are able to shape and influence our own destiny and thus the future of the Foundation but we are also in the exciting position of being able to reach well beyond our own organisation and influence the profession more broadly. There is no question that through ESF Education we have the capacity to be empowering professional practice through collaboration and innovation. Pam Ryan Director of Education

B Psych (Hons), B Teach, MSc. (Oxford), PhD (Candidate)


Simon is recognised internationally as a leading thinker on educational futures, innovation and change leadership. As an educational researcher, consultant and acclaimed keynote speaker, Simon works with school and system leaders to challenge the status quo, inspire fresh thinking and leverage new solutions in order to radically improve learning. Simon is the co-author of Talent Magnets (2008) a highly practical and acclaimed white paper on attracting, retaining and developing quality teachers. He is also the founder and curator of the Global Educational Emerging Leaders Summit, which seeks to incubate the next-generation of educational change-agents. Simon holds a first class honours degree in Psychology, a Bachelor of Teaching and a MSc. in Comparative and International Education from the University of Oxford, which he completed as a Commonwealth Scholar. He is currently a Gates Scholar at the University of Cambridge, UK. Simons research and work with cuttingedge conferences internationally has equipped him with an understanding of both the trends impacting on education and the practices of the highest-performing schools and education systems globally. He has also worked with the PISA team at the OECD in Paris investigating international comparisons of school system performance globally. He has delivered presentations to over 45,000 people globally and has worked with clients across all sectors of education early childhood, school, vocational and tertiary.

Dr. Yong Zhao is an internationally known scholar, author and speaker. His works focus on the implications of globalization and technology on education. He has designed schools that cultivate global competence, developed computer games for language learning, and founded research and development institutions to explore innovative education models. He has published over 100 articles and 20 books, including Catching Up or Leading the Way: American Education in the Age of Globalization and World Class Learners: Educating Creative and Entrepreneurial Students. He is a recipient of the Early Career Award from the American Educational Research Association and was named one of the 2012 10 most influential people in educational technology by the Tech & Learn Magazine. He is an elected fellow of the International Academy for Education. His latest book World Class Learners has won several awards including the Society of Professors of Education Book Award (2013), Association of Education Publishers (AEP) Judges Award and Distinguished Achievement Award in Education Leadership (2013). Zhao was born in Chinas Sichuan Province. He received his B.A. in English Language Education from Sichuan Institute of Foreign Languages in Chongqing, China in 1986. After teaching English in China for six years, he came to Linfield College as a visiting scholar in 1992. He then began his graduate studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1993. He received his M.A. in Education in 1994 and Ph.D. in 1996. He joined the faculty at MSU in 1996 after working as the Language Center Coordinator at Willamette University and a language specialist at Hamilton College.


8:15am 8.30am

Thursday, 28th NoVember 2013


Coffee available on arrival

Welcome and Introduction Belinda Greer and Pam Ryan

TELL Session 1 9.00am 10.30am

Keynote Address - Simon Breakspear Innovation in teaching and learning - Global trends

10.30am 11.00am

Caf networking  Pecha Kucha model The Personal side of leadership - Personal story of Innovations in teaching and learning. Sharing prototypes based on leadership of innovation L1.1

SHARE Session 2 11.00am 12.30pm

1. A) Mina Dunstan - Cohesive school culture - one step at a time B) Marc Morris - The Process Of Change - structural changes at Sha Tin College 2. A) Jamie Schmitz - Design Thinking B) T  im Carrell & Stu Lowe (Google Docs - the vision, strategies and management behind driving a major shift in toolset, habits, and behaviour in schools and across ESF)

12.30pm 1.30pm

Lunch connections



Thursday, 28th NoVember 2013 CONTINUED...


Approaches to leading teaching and learning L1.1 and T2.1 The importance of leadership in ensuring quality for students is second only to quality teaching in terms of impact. Leaders at all levels of ESF play a crucial role in achieving this (ESF, LCF) The focus of Session 3 break out groups is to provide examples of how leadership influences student learning outcomes. We recognize that all school reform aims to improve teaching and learning but there are many different ways to do this.

1. Q  BS - Building Teaching and Learning Leadership Capacity with Middle Leaders (Sue Yee and Neil Ringrose) Focus: How we moved from a Leadership Development Program with the focus on our Year Leaders to a Teacher Learning Community with the focus on impact on learning in classrooms across the school, as well as links to PM and the Leadership and Teaching Capability Frameworks.

Session 3 1.30pm - 3.00pm

Workshop A - 1.30pm 2.10pm Workshop B - 2.20pm 3.00pm

Outcomes: Participants will understand how we have created the time and space for innovation and collaboration and the process we are using. 2. SJS - Visible Learning (Karen Hubbard and Andy Eastwood) Focus: How we developed a common understanding of what a good learner is and analysis and evaluation practices and structures to cultivate effective learners. Outcomes: Participants will understand our multi-faceted approach which includes: extensive use of student voice evidence, classroom observations and feedback, shared examples of effective practice in different contexts and the performance management system to focus whole-school energy and support on desired outcomes 3. Rapid Prototyping at KGV (Mark Poulsum) Focus: How a rapid prototyping initiative has been used to further develop a culture of sharing best practice and build teaching capacity to support our changing approach to Y7-9. Outcomes: participants will understand how the approach is used, its effectiveness to build teacher capacity and the effect it has on student outcomes. 4. SEN across the Foundation (Alan Howells) Focus: How advisers and key leaders in SEN have designed a strategy to lead development of SEN in all schools. Outcomes: Participants will understand the approach that SEN teams in schools and advisers have used to connect and implement key strategies to develop the provision of SEN in all schools.


Thursday, 28th NoVember 2013 CONTINUED...


Workshop B
1. DC - Professional Learning Communities (Lyn Coote and Donna Ellery) Focus: At Discovery College, we have identified a college wide target to, Build a culture of professional learning that is rigorous, evidence-based, collaborative and autonomous through a commitment to teacher inquiry. We will share how we are working as a team to raise teacher capacity in relation to this aspiration. Outcomes: Participants will have a deeper understanding of the essential elements of effective professional learning and greater familiarity with and understanding of how to implement teacher inquiries as a model for professional learning. 2. Creating  a coaching culture around concept-based learning (Bec Clements, Sam Rodgers, Sandra Hite and Jason Boon) - Ed team Focus: How an instructional and coaching approach to concept-based learning can be implemented at a school-wide level to develop learning in the classroom. Outcomes: Participants will understand ways to develop teachers understanding of concept-based learning, rubrics of what to look for in a concept-based lesson and coaching strategies for a post-observation discussion. 3. Outdoor learning at Abacus Kindergarten (Flora Winter) Focus: Shifting from the traditional playground into the development of an outdoor learning environment: Same space, New focus. Outcomes: Participants will understand the ways in which the outdoor learning environment has impacted positively on childrens learning and the journey the school community has travelled in achieving this. 4.  STC Innovative use of data for school improvement (Neil Hodgson and Gareth Morgan) Focus: At STC we have focused on two areas a Year 11 case study and a Hattie style intervention with Year 13 IB Physicists. Outcomes: Participants will understand (1) H  ow a knowledge of student data and current performance compared with baseline level can lead to interventions which lead to school improvement; and (2) H  ow the effect of an intervention on student learning can be measured and evaluated for its effect on school improvement Hattie style.

Session 3 (Continued..) 1.30pm - 3.00pm

Workshop A - 1.30pm 2.10pm Workshop B - 2.20pm 3.00pm


3.00pm - 3.30pm

Caf networking afternoon tea


Thursday, 28th NoVember 2013 CONTINUED...


Reflecting/Selecting/Projecting in School teams

Session 4 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Coaching style in school teams led by an assigned Coach. Opportunity for Principals to fully participate in the group What have we learnt today that resonates with us? What have we learnt today that has challenged us and made us uncomfortable? What do we need to explore tomorrow? What is the possible action we can take?

REFLECTION 4.30pm - 4.45pm END of AFTERNOON 4.45pm 7.30pm

Reflection Simon Breakspear End of afternoon fitness, well-being and leisure time Perrys Boot Camp Yoga and meditation session Running club Tennis Dinner



FRIDAY, 29th NoVember 2013


6.30am - 8.30am 8.30am - 8.45am

Breakfast - available from this time

Debrief and Re-Launch David Fitzgerald and Matt Baron (social media reflections and group reflections)
Keynote Address: Yong Zhao What really defines high quality students in the 21st Century? How well are our schools situated to deliver to these students?  Explore innovative schools and school systems who have taken up this challenge

Session 5 8.45am - 10.30am

10.30am 11.00am Session 6 11.00am 11.40am

Caf networking

 ong Zhao and Simon Breakspear exploring the topic: Y Technology - Why do we need a teacher?



FRIDAY, 29th NoVember 2013


Empowering teachers through instructional leadership Harvard Business School Style Scenarios on approaches to instructional leadership L1.1 The Harvard Business School Case Method is a profound educational innovation that presents the greatest challenges confronting leading organisations. Students are presented with a case, and acting as the decision-makers, analyse the situation, probe underlying causes and issues, propose options and suggest actions. 1. West Island School by Jane Foxcroft (Whole Audience - 20 mins) WIS has developed a collaborative structure to allow teachers in different faculties to share pedagogy through lesson sharing focused on specific whole school goals. The structure has now been in place for the second year. How do we deepen the impact of the lesson sharing to impact significantly on student learning and achievement? Breakout groups: 20 minutes 1)  Glenealy School has used a variety of creative CPD models both within and outside of the school to enable quality learning and engagement. Some of these have worked well but there are still challenges. How do we best balance teacher-chosen CPD that has relevance and interest to their own personal growth versus CPD that ensures we are moving together as a collective towards achieving whole school areas of focus. What time effective structures or strategies can we employ to ensure CPD has direct impact on learning and teaching over time? (Brenda Cook, Dianne Best, David Buckley) 2)  Clear Water Bay School conducted a pilot project last year using Lesson Study as a means of focusing on quality teaching practice to improve student learning. Pairs of teachers undertook two rounds of lesson study targeted at identified school priorities in reading and mathematics.

Session 7 11.40am - 12.45pm

How do we broaden and embed this successful trial project as part of a school culture of reflective practice that delivers high quality teaching that impacts student learning? (Chris Hamilton and Ruth Johnson) 3)  Should the ESF be the new Goldman Sachs of International Education? One of our goals is for the ESF to be recognized as a Centre of Excellence in International Education here in Asia, primarily through innovation in teaching and learning practice. As a result, we would be able to attract top practitioners on the basis of there being currency in having worked for the ESF (Institutional Currency), rather than competing with other International Schools around salary and packages. In this endeavour and modelled on the Goldman Sachs human capital management, how do we manage strategically the balance between fostering innovation and initiatives whilst assuring the continuity and the quality of our core programmes? What mechanisms do we put in place to transact Intellectual Property (IP) both buying it and selling it? (Jacques Perche) 4)  Discovery College is developing a differentiated Performance Management system that integrates both developmental options and evaluative expectations for teachers, while also addressing school priorities and improving student outcomes. How do we strike this balance? How do we ensure all cultures, experience levels and learning styles of teachers are catered for? How are other schools using the PM process to motivate teachers and develop teacher capacity. How do we avoid the mindset that PMs are being done to teachers? (Vania Tiatto and Matt Baron) 5)  Therapy Centre - Leading Emotional well-being across the Foundation (Nicki Holmes and Tim Conroy-Stocker) The development of consistent provision to support wellbeing across the Foundation is in its infancy. How can we ensure that we: Get buy-in from stakeholders across the Foundation? Support the embedding of a tiered approach to provision in all our schools? Ensure that colleagues feel supported enough in their own wellbeing that they are confident and competent to support students.

12.45pm - 1.45pm


FRIDAY, 29th NoVember 2013 CONTINUED...


Lunch connections

Session 8 1.45pm - 3.00pm

School Action Planning What are we going to do with what we now know? (Each school allocated a Coach)

Session 9 3.00pm - 3.45pm

 anel Discussion facilitated by Pam Ryan P (Simon Breakspear, Yong Zhao, Belinda Greer) Topic: Reflections on the conference and ESF and challenges/ opportunities going forward.

REFLECTION 3.45pm - 4.00pm

Reflection, Review and Next Steps Belinda Greer


Conference closes buses depart


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