Sample Paper BBA

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Time: 1 Hr Marks: 100 Notes: This paper consists of four sections Section I English, Section II General Awareness, Section III Quantitative Aptitude and Section IV Business Quotient !andidates are re"uired to answer all the "uestions There is no negative #ar$ing %o the rough wor$ in the "uestion &oo$let The candidates are re"uired to dar$en one of the options 'a(, '&(, 'c() 'd( in the Answer Boo$let with &lue or &lac$ &all point pen There should &e no overwriting or scri&&ling No #ar$s will &e allotted in case of over writing

SECTION I-ENGLISH Direc i!"s : I" #e $!%%!&i"' (assa'e #ere are )%a"ks* eac# !$ &#ic# #as )ee" "+m)ere,- T#ese "+m)ers are (ri" e, )e%!& #e (assa'e a", a'ai"s eac#* $i.e &!r,s are s+''es e,* !"e !$ &#ic# $i s #e )%a"k a((r!(ria e%/- 0i", !+ #e a((r!(ria e &!r, i" eac# caseBusiness ___(1)__ are faced with unrelenting and often wrenching changes in market forces that demand highly adaptive approaches to how a company dose business what it sells and ____(2)__ it delivers products and services. Further pressure is e erted by the need for business to address changes in their composition and organi!ational structure including new dynamics of the workforce that greatly impact a company"s ability to compete effectively in the marketplace. 1. (a) today (c) tomorrow 2. (a)why (c)when (b) yesterday (d) one day (b) how (d) why

Direc i!"s : 1ick !+ #e m!s e$$ec i.e &!r, $r!m #e 'i.e" &!r,s ! make #e se" e"ce2s mea"i"'$+%%/ c!m(%e e# $ryogenic energy storage has the advantage of being suitable in any %%%& regardless of geography or geology& factors that may %%% both underground gas storage and pumped hydroelectric storage. a. location& limit b. climate& deter c. site& forebode d. proportion& typify


(he final essay& its prevailing kindliness %%.. by occasional flashes of savage irony& be speaks the %%%. $haracter of the author. a. illuminated& imperturbable b. marred& dichotomous c. untainted& vindictive d. une emplified& chivalrous

3e/ ! Sec i!" I-E"'%is# 1. a 2. b #. a '. b SECTION II- GENERAL 3NO4LEDGE )1 *ame the president country whose parliament has passed a law banning the appearance of children below 1' in (+ ads, (a) -taly (b) Britain (c) France (d) .weden )2 -n value terms& which -ndian spice e ports holds the top position/ (a) 0epper (b) $hillies (c) (urmeric (d) $ardamom )# 1ctober 22 is observed as, (a) 2orld $omputer 3iteracy 4ay (c) 2orld 4isabled 4ay (b) 2orld 3iteracy 4ay (d) *one of this.

)' 2hich of the following award has been awarded to 5indi Film actor 4ev 6nand recently/ (a) Bharat 7atna (b) 7a8eev 9andhi .adbhavana 6ward (c) .pecial 1scasr 3e/ ! Sec i!" II-Ge"era% 3"!&%e,'e 1. 2. #. '. a a a d (d) 4adasaheb 0halke 6ward

SECTION III-QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE 1. :amala got married ; years ago& today her age is 1 < times her age at the time of marriage. 5er son"s age is 1=1> times her age. 5er son"s age is a. 2 years c. ' years b. # years d. ? years 2. (he age of man is ' times that of his son& five years ago& the man was nine times as old as his son was at that time. the present age of the man is a. 2@ years b. #2 years c. '> years d. '' years #. -f the rate of simple interest is 12A p.a. the amount that will fetch interest of 7s. ;>>> per annum is a. 7s. B2>> c. 7s. ?>>>> b. 7s. '@?'#.;C d. 7s. B2>>> '. what annual payment will discharge a debt of 7s. ?@> due in ? years& the rate being @A per annum. 3e/ ! Sec i!" III- 5+a" i a i.e A( i +,e 1. 2. #. '. b b c c (') *one of these

SECTION I6-B7SINESS 57OTIENT ).; DCook food, serve love punch line is associated with, 1) -ndane (2) 39 micro oven (#) Bharat 9as ).@

2hich cellular services provider has launched the campaign called Express Yourself 1) 5utch (2) 6ir(el (#) -dea (') 7eliance

).12 2hich of the following banks has tied up with Ba8a8 3ife -nsurance $ompany for distribution of insurance products/ (1) +i8aya Bank (2) $anara Bank (#) .yndicate Bank (') .B).' 6t present which of the following is the largest foreign bank in -ndia, (1) 6B*E6mro (2) $itibank (#) 5.B$ (') .tandard $harted Bank 3e/ ! Sec i!" I6- B+si"ess 5+! ie" 1. c 2. b #. c

'. d

a. 7s. 1;;.'> b. 7s. ;?.;> c. 7s. 1>> 7s. 12>

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