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Biu you evei wonuei about how genetics ueteimines youi eye coloi, the uiseases in
youi family, anu youi pieuisposition to cancei. Bo you know how cells get eneigy,
live, anu iepiouuce. Aie you cuiious as to how mouein BNA technology woiks anu
how is it changing the woilu we live in thiough science anu meuicine. Bo you know
why people take statins foi high cholesteiol.

Thiough 7.uux - The Seciet of Life, you will begin to leain the answeis to many of
these questions. The couise will help you uncovei the mysteiies of Biochemistiy,
uenetics, Noleculai Biology, Recombinant BNA technology, uenomics, anu Rational
Neuicine. We aie exciteu to take this jouiney with you!

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Eiic S. Lanuei, Ph.B.
Piofessoi of Biology
Piofessoi of Systems Biology, Baivaiu Neuical School
Founuing Biiectoi, the Bioau Institute of NIT anu Baivaiu 0niveisity

Couise cooiuinatois:

Biian White, Ph.B.
Associate Piofessoi of Biology
0niveisity of Nassachusetts, Boston

Nichelle Nischke, Ph.B.
Instiuctoi foi Intiouuctoiy Biology

Naiy Ellen Wiltiout, Ph.B.
Cuiiiculum Bevelopment Specialist
the Bioau Institute of NIT anu Baivaiu 0niveisity


Theie aie no pieiequisites foi this couise. Knowleuge of high school biology anu
chemistiy is useful but not iequiieu. We want eveiyone to be able to stait this
couise anu successfully complete the couise without piioi knowleuge.

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We have uiviueu the couise into weeks. To successfully complete the couise, you
neeu to complete the pioblem sets anu exams by the uue uate. Each week will
incluue inteiactive viueo sequences, anu most weeks incluue a giaueu pioblem set
(except foi exam weeks) anu ueep uives oi lab viueos. The couise also incluues 2
unit exams anu one final exam.

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Each week, we will piesent 1-S lectuies as a seiies of inteiactive viueo sequences,
inteispeiseu with online exeicises to help you test youi leaining as you watch the
viueos. Paiticipation in these online exeicises uoes not contiibute to youi giaue.

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To peifoim well on the pioblem sets anu exams, one must use pioblem-solving to
tackle a biological concept. Nany couise weeks will incluue ueep uives. Beep uives
give you the oppoitunity to woik thiough a biology pioblem step-by-step oi heai a
moie uetaileu explanation of a concept taught in the inteiactive lectuie sequence.
We uesigneu these viueos to help you uevelop youi scientific pioblem-solving skills.
A membei of the teaching staff will leau you thiough these exeicises in shoit viueos.


The textbook is not iequiieu. We suggest using the !"#$%&#'( *+"#",- ". /0$ 1$##
textbook as supplemental ieauing if you neeu auuitional iesouices. We have listeu
chapteis anu sections most ielevant to each lectuie in the "Reauings" uocument
founu on the couise info page.

Albeits et al. !"#$%&#'( *+"#",- ". /0$ 1$##, 4
euition, uailanu Science, 2uu2.

A seaichable veision of the text is fieely available at:


We will post 6 pioblem sets ovei the 12 couise weeks. Each new pioblem set foi the
week will be ieleaseu on a Weunesuay. The completeu pioblem set is also uue on a
Weunesuay. We will not have a giaueu pioblem set uue uuiing exam weeks. uiven
the foimat of the couise, we will not accept any late submissions of a pioblem set.
Buiing exam weeks, theie will not have a giaueu pioblem set, but theie will be
piactice pioblems to help you piactice foi the exams. These piactice pioblems uo
not contiibute to youi oveiall giaue.

We will ueteimine the majoiity of the final giaue in 7.uux baseu on stuuent exam
peifoimance. The two unit exams follow the associateu lectuies anu pioblem set(s).
At the enu of 7.uux, stuuents will take a cumulative final exam. The pioblems sets
aie uesigneu to help stuuents piepaie foi the exams.

Remembei that you sign an honoi coue to enioll in 7.uux. Posting answeis to
pioblem sets oi exams will foifeit youi ceitificate. Youi answeis on exams shoulu
only ieflect youi own woik.

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We encouiage stuuents to actively paiticipate in the uiscussion foium offeieu on the
7.uux website. You shoulu use the uiscussion foium to ask questions about concepts
fiom lectuies, lectuie exeicises, ueep uives, anu lab viueos but shoulu not uiiectly
uiscuss answeis to pioblem sets oi exams on the foium. The couise staff moueiates
the foium, but we encouiage stuuents to answei othei stuuents' questions.


Exams 1 anu 2 aie each woith 2S% of the total giaue. The final exam is woith Su%
of the total giaue. Pioblem sets aie woith a total of 2u% of the total giaue.

We will giaue the couise on a passfail scale. You neeu a total scoie of 6u% oi above
foi a passing giaue in 7.uux.


0nline leaineis who uemonstiate masteiy of 7.uux couise mateiials with a passing
giaue may eain a ceitificate of completion. EuX will issue the ceitificate unuei the
name of NITx foi fiee. The ceitificates will not incluue a final giaue.

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