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Shahjalal Tower (4th floor), 80/A-B Siddeshwari Circular Road, Dha a-!"!#, Ba$%ladesh&

Invitation for T n! r
!& "# $# %# &# 'i$istr( /Di)isio$ A%e$c( +rocuri$% ,$tit( 3a.e +rocuri$% ,$tit( District 4$)itatio$ ref& 3o&/Te$der 3o& * * * * * 'i$istr( of +ower, ,$er%( - 'i$eral Resources/ ,$er%( - 'i$eral Resources Di)isio$ Ba$%ladesh +etroleu. ,/0loratio$ - +roductio$ Co.0a$( 1i.ited (Ba0e/) ( A Co.0a$( of +etro2a$%la ) Ba$%ladesh +etroleu. ,/0loratio$ - +roductio$ Co.0a$( 1i.ited (Ba0e/) Dha a BA+,5/AD'43/43T/T,3- '()*")+$ dated )$,+),")+$


4$)itatio$ for

* * * * *

+rocure.e$t of M -.ani-a/ S0ar 1 for 23()DBS Ri4#

70e$ Te$deri$% 'ethod (4$ter$atio$al Co.0etiti)e Biddi$%), si$%le sta%e o$e e$)elo0e s(ste.& 97B Ba$%ladesh +etroleu. ,/0loratio$ - +roductio$ Co.0a$( 1i.ited (Ba0e/) "%,++,")+$ at +&#)) Hr1# (BST) Ba$%ladesh +etroleu. ,/0loratio$ - +roductio$ Co& 1td&(BA+,5) Accou$ts - 8i$a$ce Di)isio$ (" $d 8loor), Shahajalal Tower, 80/A-B Siddeshwari Circular Road, 'ali2a%h, Dha a-!"!#& 2) +etro2a$%la, +etroce$ter, ;, <awra$ Ba=ar C/A, Dha a& c) Titas 9as T - D Co.0a$( 1td& !0>, <a=i 3a=rul 4sla. A)e$ue, <awra$ Ba=ar C/A, Dha a-!"!>& Te$der docu.e$ts will 2e a)aila2le fro. +),+),")+$ to "%,++,")+$ 2etwee$ :&00 hrs to !>&00 hrs& BST o$ all wor i$% da(s (e/ce0t %o)er$.e$t holida(s)& "&,++, ")+$ at ++#)) Hr1# (BST) "&,++,")+$ at ++#$) Hr1# (BST) +urchase De0art.e$t, Ba$%ladesh +etroleu. ,/0loratio$ - +roductio$ Co& 1td& (BA+,5), Shahjalal Tower (#th 8loor), 80/A-B, Siddeshwari Circular Road, 'ali2a%h, Dha a-!"!#& Bo$afide .a$ufacturers/su00liers or their authori=ed a%e$ts of all cou$tries e/ce0t 4SRA,1 a)


# +rocure.e$t 'ethod & 6UNDING IN6ORMATION 8 Bud%et a$d Source of 8u$ds PARTICULAR IN6ORMATION : +roject 3a.e ! 1ast Selli$% Date of Te$der 0 ! +lace of Te$der Selli$% !

! " ! ; ! 4 ! > ! 6 ! # ! 8 ! : " 0 " !

Date - Ti.e of selli$% of Te$der Docu.e$t Te$der Closi$% Date - Ti.e Te$der 70e$i$% Date - Ti.e +lace of Te$der Recei)i$% 70e$i$% ,li%i2ilit( of Te$derer Brief Descri0tio$ of 9oods +rice of Te$der Docu.e$t +rocuri$% ,$tit( Details

* * * *


* * *

M -.ani-a/ S0ar 1 for 23()DBS Ri4#

Ba$%ladeshi Ta a %)))#)) or US7 &)#)) (3o$-refu$da2le)& Ba$%ladesh +etroleu. ,/0loratio$ - +roductio$ Co.0a$( 1i.ited (Ba0e/)

Shahjalal Tower (!0th floor), 80/A-B Siddeshwari Circular Road, Dha a-!"!#, Ba$%ladesh&
Address of the 4$)iti$% Te$der S0ecial i$structio$ 7fficial * * 9e$eral 'a$a%er (Ad.i$istratio$), Ba$%ladesh +etroleu. ,/0loratio$ - +roductio$ Co& 1td& (BA+,5), Shahjalal Tower (>th 8loor), 80/A-B, Siddeshwari Circular Road, 'ali2a%h, Dha a-!"!#& a)Te$der .ust$ )alid for +") !a81 fro. the date of closi$% of the te$der& 2) Ti.e for co.0letio$ of deli)er( 9) !a81 fro. the date of recei0t of 1etter of Credit& c) 'ode of shi0.e$t* B8 S a d) A.ou$t of te$der securit( for Lot,+ : US7 &))#)); Lot," : US7 ())#)) an! Lot,$ : US7 '&)#)) or a$( e?ui)ale$t a.ou$t of freel( co$)erti2le curre$c( i$ the for. of Ba$ 9uara$tee issued 2( a scheduled 2a$ i$ Ba$%ladesh or fro. a$( re0uta2le forei%$ 2a$ dul( e$dorsed 2( a scheduled 2a$ i$ Ba$%ladesh located i$ Dha a with full o2li%atio$ a$d lia2ilities& e) The te$der securit( .ust$ )alid for o$e hu$dred fort( ei%ht (!48) da(s fro. the date of closi$% of the te$der& f) 4f te$der o0e$i$% da( ha00e$s to fall o$ a$( holida( or a$( u$a)oida2le Circu.sta$ce such as stri e, Ci)il Co..otio$, 9o)t& holida( etc& te$ders shall 2e o0e$ed at the sa.e hours o$ the first su2se?ue$t wor i$% da(& %) This te$der $otice will also 2e a)aila2le at +etro2a$%la @e2site* www&+etro2a$%la&or%&2d a$d BA+,5 @e2site* www&2a0e/&co.&2d&

" " " ;

This te$der will 2e co$ducted as 0er the +u2lic +rocure.e$t Re%ulatio$s - "008 The Co.0a$( reser)es the ri%ht to acce0t or reject a$( or all te$ders without assi%$i$% a$( reaso$s whatsoe)er&

9e$eral 'a$a%er(Ad.i$&) 3ot to 2e 0ri$ted (A# M# Saif<==a>an) 9e$eral 'a$a%er (Ad.i$)

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