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Vol. 29, No.

3 /2009


TEHNOLOGIE PENTRU PROMOVAREA IN ROMNIA A PLANTEI ENERGETICE MISCANTHUS, CA SURSA REGENERABILA IN SCOPUL CRETERII COMPETITIVITII I SECURITII ENERGETICE / / TECHNOLOGY FOR PROMOTION IN ROMANIA OF ENERGY CROP MISCANTHUS, AS RENEWABLE RESOURCE TO INCREASE ENERGY COMPETITIVENESS IN INDEPENDENCE PURPOSES Soric Cristian, Voicu Emil, Manea Drago, - INMA Bucureti, Karl Schweighofer - ARGE Austrian Miscanthus, Austria Abstract: Crop of Miscanthus can be used to produce electricity and / or thermal power plant both in large (30 MW), which use thousands of tons of biomass annually and in small household systems that use several tons, during the winter months. By using Miscanthus's combustion process, carbon dioxide emissions are reduced and the methane released from landfills are removed. Given the novelty of established Miscanthus crop and agro-technical requirements, imposed on planting Miscanthus rhizomes depending on soil conditions and climate in our country there is in manufacturing a machine that meets these requirements, for which the INMA developed a project execution, after which he executed and tested a model of Miscanthus rhizomes Planter (MPM 4). If harvesting technology directly from the feed chain to combine because of specific cultural characteristics of Miscanthus is required equipment that can harvest crops with high waist and full cut (full working width). In our country there are firms forage harvesters Claas (Jaguar), John Deere, New Holland, but are not equipped to meet the requirements of Miscanthus crop harvesting. To solve this problem INMA has designed and developed a model of equipment for harvesting crops with high Miscanthus stems called EPI, which was mounted on the combine harvester towed feed CTF-65. Also, INMA has designed a collection machinery Miscanthus rhizomes, ERR, was in progress of implementation of the experimental model, in order to exploit marketing and ensure rhizomes by genetic material for a new culture Keywords: technology, Miscanthus, equipment, rhizome 1. INTRODUCTION Greenhouse effect and global warming are already almost universally accepted reality. Use of renewable energy produced by the cultivation of plants that replace fossil fuels is one of the solutions to reduce the consequences of this global threat. In 2006 the EU made an impact study (Appendix) which shows several strands in the field of renewable resources. For the 2007 and Romania is part of the EU, must be aligned to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP - Common Agricultural Policy). Study (part of the Final Report EU's 2006 energy crops in the period 2005 to 2020) centered on energy from biomass, which is subject to both a market analysis and the impact of the policies followed, appears to be of great importance, especially in the political and economic as it is worded. The use of biomass energy should be promoted in all basic sectors (heating, electricity and biofuels for transport). At least until 2010, there will be a major competition for raw materials, biofuels based primarily on agricultural crops, while electricity and heat by relying primarily on wood and waste. One renewable biomass needed to ensure bioenergy generation and widespread in the last decades in EU countries is the cultivation of Miscanthus, which through a Rezumat: Cultura de Miscanthus poate fi folosit pentru producerea energiei electrice i/sau termice att n termocentralele mari (30 MW), care folosesc mii de tone de biomas anual, ct i n sisteme mici casnice care folosesc cteva tone, n timpul lunilor de iarn. Prin utilizarea Miscanthusului n procesul de ardere, emisiile de dioxid de carbon sunt reduse, iar cele de metan degajate din depozite sunt eliminate. Avnd n vedere caracterul de noutate al nfiinrii culturii de Miscanthus i datorit cerinelor agrotehnice impuse privind plantarea rizomilor de Miscanthus n funcie de condiiile de sol i clim, n ara noastr nu exist n fabricaie o main care s ndeplineasc aceste cerine, fapt pentru care INMA a elaborat un proiect de execuie, dup care s-a executat i ncercat un model experimental de main de plantat rizomi de Miscanthus (MPM 4). n cazul tehnologiei de recoltare direct din lan cu combina de furaje, datorit caracteristicilor specifice culturii de Miscanthus este necesar un echipament care s poat recolta culturi cu talie nalt i tiere integral (pe toat limea de lucru). n ara noastr exist combine de recoltat furaje ale firmelor CLAAS (JAGUAR), JOHN DEERE, NEW HOLLAND, dar nu sunt dotate cu echipamente care s ndeplineasc cerinele de recoltare a culturilor de Miscanthus. Pentru rezolvarea acestei probleme INMA a proiectat i realizat un model experimental de echipament pentru recoltat culturi cu tulpini nalte de Miscanthus denumit EPI, care s-a montat pe combina tractat de recoltat furaje CTF-65. De asemenea, INMA a proiectat un echipament tehnic de recoltare a rizomilor de Miscanthus, ERR, aflat n stadiul de execuie a modelului experimental, n vederea valorificrii rizomilor prin comercializare i asigurrii materialului genetic pentru o nou cultur. Cuvinte cheie: tehnologie, Miscanthus, echipament, rizomi 1. INTRODUCERE Efectul de ser i nclzirea global sunt deja realitati aproape unanim acceptate. Utilizarea de resurse regenerabile obinute prin cultivarea de plante energetice care nlocuiesc combustibilii fosili reprezint una din soluiile reducerii consecinelor acestui pericol global. n anul 2006 Uniunea European a efectuat un studiu de impact (ANEXA) din care rezult cteva direcii de aciune n domeniul resurselor regenerabile. Fiindc din 2007 i Romnia este parte a UE, trebuie s se alinieze la politica agricol comun (CAP Common Agricultural Policy). Studiul (parte a Raportului Final UE 2006 referitor la culturile energetice in perioada 2005 2020) centrat pe energia obinut din biomasa, care constituie obiectul att a unei analize de pia ct i a impactului produs de politicile urmate, apare ca avnd o mare importan, mai ales n cadrul politic i economic n care este cuprins. Utilizarea biomasei trebuie promovat n toate sectoarele energetice de baz (nclzire, electricitate i biocombustibili pentru transport). Cel puin pn n 2010, nu va exista o competiie major pentru materia prim, biocombustibilii bazndu-se n principal pe culturile agricole, pe cnd electricitatea i nclzirea bazndu-se n principal pe lemn i deeuri. Una dintre sursele regenerabile care asigur biomasa necesar generrii bioenergiei, larg raspndita n ultimile decenii n rile UE este cultura de Miscanthus, care prin


Vol. 29, No.3 /2009 series of recovery provides economic benefits, but especially on the environment. This can be used to produce electricity and / or thermal power plant both in large (30 MW), which use thousands of tons of biomass annually and in small household systems that use several tons, during the winter months. By using Miscanthus's combustion process, carbon dioxide emissions are reduced and the methane released from landfills are removed. 2. MISCANTHUS CROP TECHNOLOGY - Rotation Because of the perennial, Miscanthus does not enter the rotation, but is grown extensively in some soils less suitable for other crops, which remain 15-20 years. Perennial crops have the advantage that it reduces the cost of land preparation and planting. Miscanthus's going well as any plant growing. After harvesting the plant seed, with approx. 3-4 weeks before the ground work is recommended herbicide total area to be planted with a total herbicide (eg glyphosate) for controlling perennial weeds. - Fertilization Miscanthus has a high capacity link for the recovery of soil fertility and a high capacity for recycling of large quantities of fertilizers by rhizomes. Stored mature rhizomes more fertilizer than plants need, so after two vegetative cycles are required only small quantities of fertilizer to be applied additional. In establishing the holding is required, depending on the initial supply of soil, 25 kg/ha P2O5, 50 ... 60 kg/ha K2O and 150 kg/ha N. - Soil works By preparing land for cultivation of Miscanthus is intended primarily raising deeper allowing good root system development, to promote the development of microorganisms in soil and in dry regions, to be stored and to reserve large quantities water. For it is recommended that before the work of plowing to do a subsolaj for decompacting arable layer and plowing to run in late autumn at a depth of 20...25 cm and winter to leave the furrow cruel. It is advisable to have deeper because in this case would form rhizomes too deep, which would delay emergence. Spring plowing is working just before the plantation, only the grower, to a depth of 8 ... 10cm. - Planting material and planting of the crop Miscanthus Miscanthus site is a perennial herb which is sterile, just multiply by vegetative, by dividing the rhizomes. Rhizomes were irregularly shaped bronze color, with pronounced swelling and even branches, their thickness varying from 7 to 12 mm. For planting in the field using young rhizomes (up to three years), healthy, without wrinkle or mechanical injury, length 15 cm and weight 10 ... 40 ... 60 g, with at least 3-4 buds viable. Distance of planting varies with soil fertility. Strains growing on fertile soils high, it is recommended distance 100/100 cm (10000 plants/ha) on the medium 50/100 cm (15000 plants/ha.), and those poor 50/50 cm (20000 plants/ha). Planting depth varies with time of planting and soil nature. On 8 cm and soil compactness on the sand 10 cm. - Maintenance works Application of nitrogen fertilizer in spring (50 ... 60 kg/ha) is the second year of vegetation very early, immediately after harvesting, for immediate start in growing plants receive nitrogen administered. Weed control in crop Miscanthus can be made with combinations of herbicides preemergent and postemergent, based on: pendimethalin + 2,4 D

LUCRRI TIINIFICE (INMATEH) valorificare asigur o serie de avantaje economice, dar mai ales asupra mediului. Aceasta poate fi folosit pentru producerea energiei electrice i/sau termice att n termocentralele mari (30 MW +), care folosesc mii de tone de biomas anual, ct i n sisteme mici casnice care folosesc cteva tone, n timpul lunilor de iarn. Prin utilizarea Miscanthus-ului n procesul de ardere, emisiile de dioxid de carbon sunt reduse, iar cele de metan degajate din depozite sunt eliminate. 2. TEHNOLOGIA CULTURII DE MISCANTHUS - Rotaia Din cauza caracterului de perenitate, Miscanthus-ul nu intr n asolament, ci se cultiv extensiv pe anumite soluri mai puin indicate pentru alte culturi, unde ramne 15-20 ani. Cultura peren prezint avantajul c se reduc cheltuielile de pregtire a terenului i de plantare. Miscanthus-ul merge bine dup orice plant de cultur. Dup recoltarea plantei premergtoare, cu cca. 3-4 sptmni nainte de efectuarea lucrrilor solului se recomand erbicidarea ntregii suprafee ce urmeaz a fi plantat cu un erbicid total (ex. glyphosate) pentru combaterea buruienilor perene. - Fertilizarea Miscanthus-ul are o capacitate ridicat de valorificare a fertilitii solului precum i o capacitate foarte bun de reciclare a unor importante cantiti de ngrminte prin rizomi. Rizomii maturi depoziteaza mai multe ngrminte dect au nevoie plantele, astfel dup dou cicluri vegetative sunt necesare doar cantiti mici de ngrminte pentru a fi aplicate adiional. La nfiinarea exploataiei sunt necesare, n funcie de aprovizionarea iniial a solului, 25 kg/ha P2O5, 50...60 kg/ha K2O i 150 kg/ha N. - Lucr rile solului Prin pregtirea terenului destinat culturii de Miscanthus se urmrete n primul rnd o afnare mai profund care s permit o bun dezvoltare a sistemului radicular, s favorizeze dezvoltarea microorganismelor din sol, iar n regiunile mai secetoase, s se nmagazineze i s se rezerve cantiti mai mari de ap. Pentru aceasta este recomandabil ca naintea lucrarii de arat s se faca o lucrare de subsolaj care s decompacteze stratul arabil, iar artura s se execute la sfritul toamnei la adncimea de 20...25 cm i s se lase peste iarn n brazda crud. Nu este recomandabil s se are mai adnc pentru c n acest caz rizomii s-ar forma prea adnc, ceea ce ar ntrzia rsrirea. Primvara artura se lucreaz imediat naintea plantatului, doar cu cultivatorul, la adncimea de 8...10cm. - Materialul de plantat i plantarea culturii de Miscanthus Miscanthus-ul este o planta ierboasa peren care, fiind steril, se nmulete doar pe cale vegetativ, prin divizarea rizomilor. Rizomii de culoare bronzat au forme neregulate, cu protuberane i chiar ramificaii pronunate, grosimea lor variind ntre 7 i 12 mm. Pentru plantare n cmp se folosesc rizomi tineri (cel mult de trei ani), sntoi, fr zbrcituri sau vtmari mecanice, cu lungimea de 10..15 cm i greutatea de 40...60 g, avnd cel puin 3-4 muguri viabili. Distana de plantare variaz cu fertilitatea solului. Pe solurile fertile tulpinile crescnd nalte, se recomand distana de 100/100 cm (10000 plante/ha), pe cele mijlocii 50/100 cm (15000 plante la ha.), iar pe cele sarace 50/50 cm (20000 plante la ha). Adncimea de plantare variaz cu timpul de plantare i cu natura solului. Pe solurile mai compacte 8 cm i pe cele nisipoase 10 cm. - Lucrri de ntreinere Aplicarea ngrmintelor azotate primvara (50...60 kg/ha) se face din al doilea an vegetativ foarte timpuriu, imediat dup recoltat, pentru ca imediat la pornirea n vegetaie plantele s beneficieze de azotul administrat. Combaterea buruienilor din cultura de Miscanthus se poate face cu combinaii de erbicide preemergente i postemergente, pe baz de: pendimethalin + 2,4 D


Vol. 29, No.3 /2009 pendimethalin + dicamba pendimethalin/atrazin + 2,4 D pendimethalin/atrazin + dicamba S - metolachlor + 2,4 D S - metolachlor + dicamba S - metolachlor/atrazin + 2,4 D S - metolachlor/atrazin + dicamba Herbicide treatments are done in spring, the beginning of vegetation to control any weeds early. - Harvesting Harvesting Miscanthus site is in February when the strains reached an optimum moisture content of 15%.

LUCRRI TIINIFICE (INMATEH) pendimethalin + dicamba pendimethalin/atrazin + 2,4 D pendimethalin/atrazin + dicamba S - metolachlor + 2,4 D S - metolachlor + dicamba S - metolachlor/atrazin + 2,4 D S - metolachlor/atrazin + dicamba Tratamentele de erbicidare se fac primvara, la nceputul vegetaiei, pentru combaterea eventualelor buruieni timpurii. - Recoltarea Recoltarea Miscanthus-ului se face n luna februarie cnd tulpinile au ajuns la o umiditate optim de 15%.

Calendar of agricultural works Calendarul lucrrilor agricole Stage Etapa PREPARING WORKS LUCRRI PREGTITOARE Year Anul Advance year An premergtor Period Perioada Activity Activitatea - Administration of organic fertilizers - Administrarea de ngrminte organice - Autumn-plowing at 25 cm - Artur de toamn, la 25 cm - The application of herbicides to control perennial weeds, since January 15. -Aplicarea de erbicide pentru combaterea buruienilor perene, ncepnd cu 15 Ian. - Prepare the germinative bed - Pregtirea patului germinativ - Planting -Plantare - Administration of chemical fertilizers, if necessary - Administrarea de ngrminte chimice, dac este necesar -The application of herbicides when the plant exceeds 1 m - Aplicarea de erbicide cnd planta depete 1 m Note: The first year usually are not harvested Not: n primul an, de obicei nu se recolteaz - Administration of chemical fertilizers, if necessary - Administrarea de ngrminte chimice, dac este necesar -The application of herbicides when the plant exceeds 1 m - Aplicarea de erbicide cnd planta depete 1 m - Harvest -Recoltare - Storage -Depozitare -Monitoring of crop and application of fertilizer, if necessary -Monitorizarea culturii i aplicarea de ngrminte, dac este necesar Analiznd lucrrile din cadrul tehnologiei de cultivare, ntreinere i recoltare a culturilor de Miscanthus, se constat c majoritatea se pot efectua cu mainile existente n exploatare, cu excepia plantrii, recoltrii tulpinilor si recoltrii rizomilor de Miscanthus. Datorit caracterului de noutate al tehnologiei de nfiinare i recoltare a culturilor de Miscanthus, n ara noastr neexistnd echipamente tehnice destinate acestei tehnologii, INMA a proiectat i realizat modelul experimental pentru o main de plantat rizomi, un echipament de recoltat culturi cu tulpini nalte i un echipament pentru recoltat rizomi. 3. ECHIPAMENTE TEHNICE PENTRU MECANIZAREA LUCRRILOR DIN CADRUL TEHNOLOGIEI DE NFIINARE I RECOLTARE A CULTURILOR DE MISCANTHUS 3.1 Maina de plantat rizomi de Miscanthus denumit MPM 4

Sept. Dec.

Ian. Mar. Apr. Mar. Apr.


Apr. Mai Apr. Mai

Apr. Mai Apr. Mai


Feb. Mar. Feb. Mar. 312 Apr. Aug.

Analyzing the work of the technology of cultivation, maintenance and harvesting of crops Miscanthus, it is found that the majority may be made to existing machines in operation, except for planting, harvesting stems and harvesting of Miscanthus rhizomes. Because of the novelty of the technology of crop establishment and harvesting of Miscanthus, in our country there was no machinery for this technology, INMA has designed and developed an experimental model for machine planted rhizome, a crop harvesting equipment and equipment with high strain the harvested rhizomes. 3. TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT FOR THE WORKS MECHANIZATION INSIDE THE ESTABLISHMENT AND HARVESTING TECHNOLOGY OF MISCANTHUS CROP 3.1 Miscanthus Planter rhizomes called MPM 4


Vol. 29, No.3 /2009 Miscanthus Planter MPM 4 working aggregate of 65 HP wheeled tractors equipped with hydraulic lift category 2 according to SR ISO 730-1 + C1. This technology is used in the cultivation of Miscanthus establishment. Miscanthus Planter (Fig. 1) consists of: frame machine, a whole section of plants; bullets left/right, wheel left/right, supports welded, the share holders of the latter markers.

LUCRRI TIINIFICE (INMATEH) Maina de plantat Miscanthus MPM 4 lucreaz n agregat cu tractoarele de 65 CP pe roi prevzute cu ridictoare hidraulice de categoria 2 conform SR ISO 730-1+C1. Aceasta se utilizeaz n cadrul tehnologiei pentru nfiinarea culturii de Miscanthus. Maina de plantat Miscanthus (fig. 1) se compune din: cadru main; ansamblu secie de plantat; marcatori stnga / dreapta; roi stnga/dreapta;suportsudat;dispozitivacionaremarcatoaredeurm.

- Right front side view - left lateral side view - vedere lateral dreapta fa - vedere lateral stnga Fig. 1. Miscanthus Planter MPM 4 / Maina de plantat Miscanthus MPM 4

Main technical characteristics: The main technical characteristics of Miscanthus planter machine MPM 4: - Used Tractor, HP 65 - Working width, m 2.8 ... 4 - Working depth, cm 8 ... 12 - Distance between rows, mm 700 ... 1000 - No. the planted rows, pcs. 4 - Overall dimensions - Length, mm 1520 - Width, mm 4200 - Height, mm 2780 Operation In the moving car plow-share section (type patina) open trench where rhizomes are placed by operators through a tube oval. Soil removed the patina will pour over the rhizome and they will be pressured over the second metal wheels arranged in V thereby creating suitable conditions for germination. 3.2 Equipment for harvesting crops with high strain called EPI Equipment for harvesting plants waist high EPI (Fig. 2) is intended to operate Trailed fodder combine aggregate CTF harvesting crops with high strains (Miscanthus, sorghum, corn silage, Sudan grass) realized the full cutting width thing. In the process of work, EPI equipment out of the chain cutting plants and directs them to combine working bodies performing mass shredding and loading chopped a means of transportation (trailer) moving parallel to combine or be towed by it.

Principalele caracteristici tehnice: Principalele caracteristici tehnice ale mainii de plantat Miscanthus MPM 4: - Tractor folosit, CP 65 - Lime de lucru, m 2,84 - Adncime de lucru, cm 812 - Distan ntre rnduri, mm 7001000 - Nr. de rnduri plantate, buc. 4 - Dimensiuni de gabarit - Lungime, mm 1520 - Lime, mm 4200 - nlime, mm 2780 Funcionare La punerea n micare a mainii brzdarul seciei (de tip patin) deschide rigola unde vor fi introdui rizomii, de ctre operatori, printr-un tub oval. Solul ndeprtat de ctre patin se va revrsa peste rizomi i va fi presat peste acetia de ctre dou roi metalice dispuse in V crendu-se astfel condiii corespunztoare de germinaie. 3.2 Echipament de recoltat culturi cu tulpini nalte denumit EPI Echipamentul pentru recoltat plante cu talie nalt EPI (fig. 2) este destinat s lucreze n agregat cu combina tractat de furaje CTF pentru recoltarea culturilor cu tulpini nalte, (miscanthus, sorg, porumb siloz, iarb de sudan) realiznd tierea integral pe limea de lucru. n procesul de lucru, echipamentul EPI realizeaz tierea plantelor din lan i le dirijeaz spre organele de lucru ale combinei care execut tocarea i ncrcarea masei tocate ntr-un mijloc de transport (remorc) care se deplaseaz paralel cu combina sau este tractat de aceasta.

- lateral front side view - front view - vedere lateral fa - vedere frontal Fig. 2. Equipment for harvesting crops with high strain called EPI / Echipamentul pentru recoltat plante cu talie nalt EPI


Vol. 29, No.3 /2009 Dimensional and structural characteristics - Type of equipment carried; - Constructive working width, m 1.6; - Number of rotor teeth 2; - Speed rotor teeth, rpm 46,16 - Type cutting device rotating disc; - Number of knives 2; - Rotor diameter, mm 800; - Knife rotor speed, rpm 288.5 - Dimensions: - length, mm 1780; - width, mm 1730; - height, mm 1350 Operation During working combine harvester equipped with equipment for plants with high waist EPI, is coupled to the tractor drawbar tractors with power 65 -100 HP. During work, the tractor is moving to combine left side and moving equipment working with entire width of the crop to be harvested. By sending the unit in the crop to be harvested, the chain guides deviators plants in area of the cutting device to cut out the chain planes. Subsequently plants were taken from the rotors with teeth and due to rotational movement of their plants are transported equipment and pushed back into the power of combining rollers. Further fall in the technological plants of the combine where they are chopped forage chopping down the length (length of shredding is adjustable in steps of 8 mm to 30 mm), where they are loaded onto a means of transportation (trailer) that can be towed to combine. The operation of working bodies of the combine and PPE equipment is via the PTO of the tractor, with speed n=540 rpm through a cardan transmission fitted with overload protection coupling. Coupling and decoupling of rotational movement of the working bodies of the combine, is made by the tractor, the tractor cab, by coupling or uncoupling PTO. The coupling of equipment to combine the same with the other equipment that is equipped combines and coupling and decoupling of the combination is easy and by one person. 3.3 The technical equipment for harvesting Miscanthus rhizomes ERR (Fig. 3), the carried type, working in the aggregate 70 ... 80 HP tractors equipped with three-point suspension mechanisms of category 2 according to SR ISO 730-1 + C1. The process of displacement is raising deep soil without returning it, destroying the links between soil and rhizomes and push them up the grates cusp, which separates the sifting of impurities and ground rhizomes and leaves the soil in furrow, to be loaded means of transport.

LUCRRI TIINIFICE (INMATEH) Caracteristici dimensionale i constructive -Tipul echipamentului, purtat; -Limea constructiv de lucru, m 1,6; -Numrul rotoarelor cu dini 2; -Turaia rotorului cu dini, rot/min 46,16 -Tipul aparatului de tiere cu disc rotativ; -Numrul de cuite 2; -Diametrul rotorului, mm 800; -Turaia rotorului cu cuit, rot/min 288,5 -Dimensiuni de gabarit: - lungimea, mm 1780; - limea, mm 1730; - nlimea, mm 1350; Funcionare n timpul lucrului combina echipat cu echipamentul pentru recoltat plante cu talia nalt EPI, este cuplat la bara de traciune a tractoarelor pe roi, cu puterea de 65 100 CP. n timpul lucrului, tractorul se deplaseaz lateral stnga fa de combin, iar echipamentul se deplaseaz cu toat limea de lucru a n lanul ce trebuie recoltat. Prin naintarea agregatului n lanul ce trebuie recoltat, deviatoarele de lan dirijeaz plantele n zona de lucru a aparatului de tiere care realizeaz tierea planelor din lan. n continuare plantele sunt preluate de rotoarele cu dini, iar datorit micrii de rotaie a acestora plantele sunt transportate n spatele echipamentului i mpinse nspre valurile de alimentare a combinei. n continuare plantele intr n fluxul tehnologic al combinei de furaje unde sunt tocate la lungimea de tocare stabilit (lungimea de tocare se poate regla n trepte de la 8 mm la 30 mm), dup care sunt ncrcate ntr-un mijloc de transport (remorc) care poate fi tractat de combin. Acionarea organelor de lucru ale combinei i echipamentului EPI se realizeaz de la priza de putere a tractorului, cu turaia n= 540 rot/min prin intermediul unei transmisii cardanice prevzut cu cuplaj de protecie la suprasarcin. Cuplarea i decuplarea micrii de rotaie a organelor de lucru ale combinei, se face de ctre tractorist, din cabina tractorului, prin cuplarea sau decuplarea prizei de putere. Sistemul de cuplare al echipamentului pe combina este acelai cu al celorlalte echipamente cu care este dotat combina, iar cuplarea i decuplarea de pe combin se face uor i de ctre o singur persoan. 3.3 Echipamentul tehnic de recoltare a rizomilor de Miscanthus ERR (fig. 3), de tip purtat, lucreaz n agregat cu tractoarele de 70...80 CP pe roi prevzute cu mecanisme de suspendare n trei puncte de categoria 2 conform SR ISO 730-1+C1. Procesul de dislocare const n afnarea adnc a solului fr ntoarcerea acestuia, distrugerea legturilor dintre sol i rizomi i mpingerea n sus a acestora ctre grtarele oscilante, care prin cernere separ rizomii de impuriti i pmnt i i las pe sol n brazd, urmnd a fi ncrcai n mijloace de transport.

Fig. 3 Equipment for harvesting Miscanthus rhizomes, ERR Echipament pentru recoltarea rizomilor de Miscanthus, ERR


Vol. 29, No.3 /2009 Main technical characteristics of the equipment are: - Type of equipment carried - The power of the tractor in aggregate, HP 70 ... 80 - Working width, m 1.2 - Working depth, cm max. 25 - The drive to separation carrier hydraulic - Overall dimensions, mm - Width 2090 Length 1590 - Height 1395 - Ground clearance, mm 350 - Weight, kg 565 Operation Equipment running operation of displacement of Miscanthus rhizomes in the soil mass and their separation from soil. The process of displacement is raising deep soil without returning it, destroying the links between soil and rhizomes and push them up the grates cusp, which separates the sifting of impurities and ground rhizomes and leaves the soil in furrow, to be loaded means of transport. The technical equipment includes new solutions related to the plow-share of displaced and out of Miscanthus rhizomes separator eccentric and eccentric oscillating mechanism for the drive. Technical and technological solutions adopted in the preparation of documentation for the execution of technical equipment are modern so comply, in terms of essential requirements for safety and health, European directives, namely: Directive of Machinery 98/37/CEE. However, technical equipment ensures superior qualitative parameters work and includes solutions that gives safety in operation, maintenance, adjustment simple and operated by a single controller (operator). 4. CONCLUSIONS According to scenarios Scheduled EU is likely that Miscanthus is one of the major contributors to renewable energy mix of the future. Miscanthus as a renewable resource produces a large amount of dry matter per hectare has increased peren, efficient nitrogen use, water and other resources and is resistant to disease. Harvested Miscanthus stems can be used both as fuel for direct production of heat or electricity and heat and its conversion into other useful products such as biogas, bioethanol or to manufacture boards for building insulation. Romania as part of the European Union will participate in efforts toward independence from fossil fuels and reduce greenhouse effect. Experimental models made by INMA will be tested in laboratory conditions and mining plants of Miscanthus rhizomes, stems that dry Miscanthus harvested to determine the qualitative indicators and operational work. Following final tests will be the technological requirements of these experimental models and will complete the technical and economic requirements of the technology in our country growing culture of Miscanthus. Bibliografie / References 1. Voicu E., Nicolescu M., Cociu A., Paraschiv G., Contract nr. 21-038/14.09.2007, Studiu de fundamentare tehnicotiinific pentru importana introducerii n Romnia a culturii plantei energetice Miscanthus; Elaborare tehnologie pentru nfiinare, ntreinere i recoltare a culturii de Miscanthus i proiectare ME pentru echipamente tehnice de mecanizare; Proiectare ME pentru echipamente tehnice pentru: main pentru plantat rizomi de Miscanthus, echipament pentru recoltat tulpini uscate de Miscanthus; Realizare modele experimentale; INMA Bucureti;

LUCRRI TIINIFICE (INMATEH) Principalele caracteristici tehnice ale echipamentului tehnic sunt: - Tipul echipamentului purtat - Puterea tractorului din agregat, CP 70...80 - Limea de lucru, m 1,2 - Adncimea de lucru, cm max. 25 - Modul de acionare a transportorului de separare hidraulic - Dimensiuni de gabarit, mm - Lime 2090 - Lungime 1590 - nlime 1395 - Garda la sol, mm 350 - Masa, kg 565 Funcionare Echipamentul execut operaia de dislocare a rizomilor de Miscanthus din masa de sol i separarea acestora de pmnt. Procesul de dislocare const n afnarea adnc a solului fr ntoarcerea acestuia, distrugerea legturilor dintre sol i rizomi i mpingerea n sus a acestora ctre grtarele oscilante, care prin cernere separ rizomii de impuriti i pmnt i i las pe sol n brazd, urmnd a fi ncrcai n mijloace de transport. Echipamentul tehnic conine soluii noi legate de brzdarul de dislocat i scos rizomii de Miscanthus, separatorul cu excentric i mecanismul oscilant cu excentric pentru de antrenare. Soluiile tehnice i tehnologice adoptate la elaborarea documentaiei de execuie a echipamentului tehnic sunt moderne astfel nct respect, din punct de vedere al cerinelor eseniale de securitate i de sntate, directivele europene, respectiv: Directiva de Maini 98/37/CEE. Totodat, echipamentul tehnic asigur parametrii calitativi de lucru superiori i conine soluii care i confer siguran n exploatare, ntreinere, reglaje simple i uor de exploatat de ctre un singur operator (tractoristul). 4. CONCLUZII Conform cu scenariile prevzute de UE, este probabil ca Miscanthusul s fie unul din contributorii majori la mix-ul energetic regenerabil al viitorului. Miscanthus, ca resurs regenerabil produce o cantitate mare de substan uscat la hectar, are o cretere peren, utilizeaz eficient azotul, apa i alte resurse i este rezistent la boli. Tulpinile recoltate de Miscanthus pot fi utilizate att sub form de combustibil pentru producerea direct de cldur, sau de curent electric i cldur, ct i pentru conversia acestuia n alte produse utile cum sunt biogazul, bioetanolul sau pentru fabricarea de plci izolatoare termice pentru cldiri. Romnia ca parte integrant a Uniunii Europene va participa la eforturile pentru obinerea independenei fa de combustibilii fosili i pentru diminuarea efectului de ser. Modelele experimentale realizate de INMA vor fi ncercate n condiii de laborator i exploatare la plantat rizomi de Miscanthus, respectiv recoltat tulpini uscate de Miscanthus n vederea determinrii indicilor calitativi de lucru i de exploatare. n urma ncercrilor se vor definitiva cerinele tehnologice ale acestor modele experimentale i se vor definitiva cerinele tehnico-economice ale tehnologiei de cultivare n ara noastr a culturii de Miscanthus. 2. Soric C., Voicu E., Contractul nr.: 15N/27.02.2009, Proiectul: PN 09-15.02.01: Dezvoltarea unei tehnologii de valorificare a rizomilor de Miscanthus n vederea eficientizrii nfiinrii acestei culturi energetice, Faza: 2: Elaborarea documentaiei de execuie ME de echipament tehnic de recoltare a rizomilor de Miscanthus n vederea promovrii culturilor de plante energetice.


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