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Josh Rose

Music Video Analysis

As a part of my A2 media studies research I am going to analyse a number of music videos from different genres to gain a perspective on what conventions may be associated with each genre and different type of videos. I have decided to analyse the video to Bondax Giving it all. The video is shown on my blog. The song is taken from one of the duos EPs and the genre of the song is classed as house. The video is predominately narrative however later on in the video there is elements of performance as majority of the actors begin to dance in a party environment. At the beginning we see a young couple being intimate together in a swimming pool, which we presume is public or owned by them. However it is clear the artist wants to convey these characters as part of the rebellious youth culture as we then see a middle aged woman chase the actors out of the pool, because its her pool, which then cuts to images of the couple gathering themselves and sprinting down the street. This may reflect how either one of the duo associates themselves with this wild youth culture and may be a reflection on past events in his lifetime. The director has used a number of close-ups and under water shots to show how close the couple are getting and this helps reflect the passion shared between the young lovers who may be part of this younger culture.

After they have escaped the danger they find themselves hitching a lift to their required destination. The directors then introduce the major twist of the story as the woman leaves the man, whom she has had personal relations with, previous in the video, to then join a new group of males and associate herself personally with one of the group members. This reflects how the youth culture has adopted a rebellious outlook on life which has even outweighed the importance of maintaining close relationships but also how the subject of love

Josh Rose

may sway them away from any morals. This idea is also reflected in the lyrics to the song. The westernised culture contains a number of sub-cultures one of which is that of the youth. This youth culture has developed over the years and the origins of the rebellious culture began in the 1950s where the idea of teenagers became evident whereas before the younger age were thought of simply as kids. This age group has now developed into a new media illiterate age group however the origins of the rebellious culture are still obvious within todays teens. The house duo Bondax are two 18/19 year olds therefore the cultural codes expressed about the youthfulness of todays world may be a reflection on the artists outlook on life. As mentioned above they have conveyed the youth culture as being rebellious and alive. This has been enhanced by shots of trespassing on private property, setting up fires and parties in public areas, playing loud music and even having intimate relations with a close friends girlfriend.

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