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juices analytical space slit apart from the reverse. she the sound silently tongues the lisp of words. the page alone. the gap: a mute elision that subverts understanding. the point screwed in/simultaneously/the untold come quietly. like ice across an inner space. red, written in gasps to steal the warm/cold motion. misplaced horizons whence words, estranged from language, voicelessly speak. in contention of the eyes the finger remains the sign through constant confinement. the wide mouth salivates, unnerved. taste the coloured edge. she cannot suffer the icicles melting the will. what speaks, he imposes. as the heat clasps languages journey through this space, she comes. i listen from within to the who and where in the heart of things. a terror fills the emptiness. the words opening to new murmurings too strong to withstand interpretation. overflowing into the cold into an ancient ear. that cold again. all is held within a continuum by invisibility. the icy point pricks the thoughts that pass in coagulations. in the cool perspiration, nothing spills between the two of them. the crisp edge. the strange smell of teeth which crumble, the jaw drops beneath a glance from a mouth unable to open. powdered words fall or rather are swallowed. waiting, listening inside the body you hear a mouthless face whimper. its distraction lies like black nails in death : a paralysis of the organism on the floor of the glance. taste that bitterness of past knowledge gathering on the tongue. the awareness of an absence whose curved hook will pierce. half-salt thought locked inside a voice stretched through necessary striving. operating the hearts reversal on which interpretation rests. here, only we know how a stare so old in the depths of the being lacks images known in advance. gripped in that space between the fingernails, reverse of the usual, two eyes learn the difference between the bodys structures. blending into unity, an interior simply walks on the thought, watching for the approach whose derelict teeth will pierce its pupil. endangered in oblivion he comes for gratification through words. it is ready to roll off the tongue and what happens spits out into the cold, a head turns to be exhausted in the frosted severity, a glued mouth can but hum. <page break> behind time, my truth is no longer here. eyes, passing through the superficial, split open the cry that has reached beyond us.

the widening sky is ready to receive wayward emasculated intentions. and, giving a sign, they crush all chances of disorder. distracted by hopes of the ultimate, she weeps secretly at our ignorance. the inexpressible converges in her swollen cheek. we are our words. the tongue, knowing no better than to let the words fall, shows a sign of regeneration. the frozen spot to which she is fastened. that sliver of ice in the eyes reaches the heart, crystallises the speech. what I desire to say is shattered, every part absorbant to new sensations. divergence of opinion goes unheard. heat cannot dissolve what surrounds the spike. a mist rises it seems like a game. such coldness streams in the open air yet there can be no comprehension without the wordless substance. and pain being necessary, only an icy shell remains. caught in a provocative gesture the wall crashes. the finger points the way to have an appetite for subtle violence. choked by dust, the torrent of destruction by glance. death had its own language, curling round the little finger. clean-sliced by a whisper. we learn how to speak in order to divulge secrets. as do the birds on our side. all these and more are possible. felt the stilled-tongue concept of originality against this hollow wooden point had a direction which prevents description. is not mere transigence : a metamorphosis of the only alternative. out of an inevitable longingness, whilst its availability evaporates, the skin stretches thin. the sheet comes between the ones who whisper. inaudible vibrations constantly pass along it in al that happens beneath. in the temptation of a movement it is possible to be without stealth. in the creation of disorder while open wounds call for attention the scratchings have significance. thus distracted she is vulnerable. as if the difficulty with clarity is of the one eye alone attached to the possibility. that thought will strike when no one is looking. a motionless sign of contamination and a half-glance could be its destruction. spreading unnoticed, the whiteness of death is verging soil. a tentative approach to the difficulty. they converse as if at a distance. being unknown is perhaps only illusion. not concerned with what is outside the limits secreting itself the lines of vision serves to convey all thats wanted. but the form square or rectangle being essential, wanting is not enough. the confines are clear. he does not speak from within, not wanting to go beyond them. but the tongue also golds the key. <page break> mercurial caught within the memory of an articulated freedom, our hope and belief in the definition of signify what lies beyond. openness shown to be false crushes her before she can. whereas others find unexpectedly the hole full or empty as their eyes perceive it. such situations are

ever precarious, following certain predetermined notation. clinging to a single expectation, who cares what the outcome may be. memory remains scarred. the singular experience is sometimes enough only the joints being left unscathed. a temptation to do the opposite is too easily exposed. while he waits it prepares to destroy him. a sudden fear of points strikes panic. though contrariness can prove valuable, none knows what it is exactly. (that one-eyed dog for whom one feels pity). the idea of neglecting chances is desirable in the lack of clarity. and thus it shall remain infinitely becoming a nightmare in later times. the hollow sockets stares out; the ground can only absorb so much. the words arise here on which one must tread warily. can it be said they serve no useful purpose other than clinical necessity. the function of the word is to prompt experience : could lead to nothing except those unencountered past occurrences. a problematical freedom gives birth to mere babbling. able to portray what it is, to the defined limits beyond, is a half-forgotten memory of the distance. the opening is perceived, thus he can no longer object. the attempt to break out is a certain change of direction. the body governs the mind as much as the reverse. perhaps what is sought is now ready to be found. since each escaping word breaks the circle, how to know what is needed. she may yet grow. content with definitions we frustrate the returning questions. and the eye closes so as not to perceive. such an indescribable perplexity abounds that we are lost in the network. what questions is itself enigma. in awakening the mechanism of the organism possible variations are countless. and what is we stop. an open mouth could signify so much of the risk. the increase in properties promotes evaluation. substantiated only in our eyes, desperation has not yet set in. when he arrives it will be made known though in infinite terms one cannot say it. here a face weeps alone devoid of that intangible. hopes cannot hold too high, tearing from their eyes their only comfort. alteration the mouth opens/ and those narrowed eyes in appreciation. distant muffled whispering welcomes now what approaches. the tongue moving to the teeth, together with the dilation, speaks of things no longer here; only a means of description in definite terms. see how the breath can escape. the expected comes, providing a passage for the words : the tunnel. a tear rolls down a cheek. <page break> almost without hesitation, or without provoking to laughter, what assaults has to be accepted. when the eyes pupil appreciates, how can the vision be narrowed to what it likes to see. visuality rendered present in words, through a chosen medium, becomes impossible. the

symmetry must be banished though taking the breath away. and yet it may still be attempted : when we see with only one eye. may i? jetissoned upon the delicacy rises a conflict versus what I shall say. crushing all opposition, when she disappears, is the absolute necessity of speaking for those who are tongueless. though ready to swallow the reply to such a horror, can we be certain of our own statements. the false finger points out a wide open awareness. here in the rhythm we become trapped. the emptiness within is only allowed to ransack the possibilities of the teeths potential power. a mere whisper of the acceptable. without it becoming mere coincidence, the case for questioning where we stand (how we write non-communication) is barely visible. she hopes for more than provocation : not an overthrow of acceptability. but the swelling eye will see several words skimming the sight in having only a few moments left. a perverse and constant worrying at the edges, as they wish to be interpreted, by their very translucence or sometimes definiteness. the reverse of things is not the usual on innumerable pages a general outlines of the merest indications. conversely nothing can be said. does an ever increasing resistance prevent or not, she would want it that way. the romanticism is disallowed except that dependent on a new experience of expression. and he too encounters the whole network of hazards there. sense is nothing less than a turning away from fragmented criticism for the cramped utterings have yet more to say to trap us. it is necessary for our attention. and, too, an approach without bias, else none would recur. how should the torment be resolved when what is considered establishes itself with an identity that was hers. quite unable to withhold outside interference the imminent approach of confusion amongst the nerve ends or the whisper incoherent to foreign ears. stealing away under cover of indecision, the thought of what you would do. or rather, those who are ignorant of its existence face a hopeless quest only coincidental in that it confronts such a problem. and so too she with him, with it. the contemplative contempt towards a landscape or just a field is solid silver. but naught else can be done about what death reveals. and yet neither would they see any reflections. opening lids to the possibilities leads to new explorations (or even a view which is true of all), even though they are not achieved, behind the grey-green curtains we could cast our eyes on the emotional outcry against this interpretation. and still the attempt must be made. <page break> juristic a corresponding loss of sensitivity sweeps through the mind as it

remembers. it is only the distance of a memory unquenched. or does yours not act accordingly in the mist of foreign resources. to be there is to admit the chance for those first impulsive images. and yet again we are tied to the protracted pain. the disordered orderliness is subjective the facial crosstalk destroyed and unable to escape the ultimate degredation brought by ambiguous stimulants. and the teeth sinking into the flesh or should i say the exaltation. ambivalence is present. an afterthought. it should be then) move towards another not to be forgotten. in an open look being necessary even for an possible that what sounds I hear (now and origin, the first tragedies are the objective inordinate amount of looking, the work walks.

a tendency to lie, the ease with which the temples are roused. it prefers no tangible outlets disgusts tender mouths. are narrowed to grasping the lungs, gasping for a word : sour taste of morbidity. saliva flows to sluice the offence that would alleviate the necessity for suffering. a perverse delight in a hopeless task. tomorrow the pain promote joy. antagonism an apparent discontinuity abounds, unable to regenerate past experiences. what the words require is a welter of unwanted synonyms. old ways regurgitated have withstood the test of ambiguousness. the original crumbled resources demand more than abundance. paralysed and unable to utter the request, they cannot sustain the power needed to transcend the transparence of those indefensible oral gesticulations. sublimate the unoccupied space is complicated by what ensues. though minute are easily recognisable, provoking images of plenitude : that image once unique. and the mouth dires at the thought. rasping for a term the tongue cannot articulate such a stab in the intellect desires more than simple explanation. how different the possible variations the razor edge a more tortuous means of dying. a reverse response intuitively subsides the thought. red eyes worn with seeing, piercing out and above all consideration. an answer here to the expected animosity. allowing the passing of a sight an exaggerated stare from within. an absorbant glance on the imagined. <page break> occasion a sensuality creeps in amongst the pervasive sense of foreboding. the occasion provoking a tentative step towards a destructive glance. highlighted by a tingling, the temptation to respond with the threat of violence. ways of seeing unequivocally the terror not yet a pleasure. no blatant sensitivity insinuating the razor gleams. the power of

intuitive thought is exaggerated, awakened by what is yet to occur. only the sharpest knife-edge slices to the core. unrepentant murderers ride fathomless thought sinking its teeth. in residual considerations not taken the grey ghost of a pain is not significant. the sluice of subconsciousness merely a token of whats sought after. a dream is but this inequality in the bleeding cavity of heartlessness. indecipherable, the explanation like gritted teeth in rows. are glued to a constancy which fluctuates with the intention of prevent recapitulation. from the contradictory controversy a new word limps. before there was only the slimmest sound squirming. though devastated by the effort perceivable vistas are opened. impenetrable resistance to a new crumbling amid which there is erection. novel a dry tongue lolls accosted by foul language. betraying indiscriminate effort where humidity is desirable. the action active overall speaks its way through cavities. what occurs at the parting of the lips, of buccal inspiration. above all a sterile vocabulary. the sensitivity of the tongue offers little relief from the dryness. is useless against barren ideas and the dull ache where the blade dropped. having accumulated all its needs the saliva can only moisten the victim of such harshness. unchecked in the clear nasal passages it lurks. deception deflexion incapable of sustaining an amputation. a steadiness of aim calculates, clutched around strangulated words. debatable, half-determined edges slow to be certain of their mark instant destruction from the evil tongue. the ear listens independently. what lies in the imagination clawing its way in the vulgar filth. close one eye to such decadence. far more pleasing than the possibilities of perforation. an eye roll in residue approving all it encounters. runs towards the one who flees from the pouring socket collecting in pools. gulp of saliva the mouth exposed. breath 1975 (reproduced in Glenda George, Dissecting the Corpus (Paris: Pressed Curtains, 1979) unpaginated

This book is un-paginated; there is no guide, no map by which you find your way. In the flesh of the book, you feel your way from page to page and can only find where you have been by memory.

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