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LANUEVO, ROBERTO ARNALDO, FLORENTINO CONCEPCION, BF NORTHWEST HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., KK HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., and BF (CRAB) HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., Petitioners, vs. THE (MUNICIPAL) CITY MAYOR, THE (MUNICIPAL) CITY PLANNIN AND DEVELOPMENT COORDINATIN OFFICER OR !ONIN ADMINISTRATOR, THE (MUNICIPAL) CITY EN INEER AND"OR BUILDIN OFFICIAL, THE CHIEF OF THE PERMITS AND LICENSES DIVISION, THE SAN UNIAN (BAYAN) PAN LUN SOD, and BARAN AY BF HOMES, ALL OF PARA#A$UE CITY, METRO MANILA, Respondents, EL RANDE A UIRRE COMMERCE AND TRADE ASSOCIATION (EL ACTO), RespondentIntervenor. .R. N%. &'&(&(, F)*+,a+- ., /((. Facts: BF Homes Paraaque Subdivision (BF Homes Paraaque), with a and area stradd in! the "ities o# Paraaque, $as Pias, and %untin upa, is the ar!est subdivision in the "ountr&. 'he %uni"ipa (oun"i o# Paraaque ena"ted %uni"ipa )rdinan"e *o. +,--./ entit ed, 01n )rdinan"e Pres"ribin! the (omprehensive $and 2se P an 3 4onin! o# the %uni"ipa it& o# Paraaque Pursuant to the $o"a 5overnment (ode o# 6++6 and )ther Pertinent $aws.0 Se"tions 66./ and 66.7 o# %uni"ipa )rdinan"e *o. +,--., re" assi#&in! 8 5rande and 1!uirre 1venues in BF Homes Paraaque #rom residentia to "ommer"ia areas. 'he 2nited BF Homeowners9 1sso"iations, In". (2BFH1I) severa homeowners9 asso"iations, and residents o# BF Homes Paraaque ("o e"tive & petitioners) #i ed with the (ourt o# 1ppea s a petition #or the a e!ed that the re" assi#i"ation o# "ertain portions o# BF Homes Paraaque #rom residentia to "ommer"ia :one is un"onstitutiona be"ause it amounts to impairment o# the "ontra"ts between the deve oper o# BF Homes Paraaque and the ot bu&ers. Petitioners "ited the annotation on the ot bu&ers9 tit es whi"h provides that 0the propert& sha be used #or residentia purposes on & and #or no other purpose.0 )n the other hand, pub i" respondents a e!ed that the passa!e o# %uni"ipa )rdinan"e *o. +,--. is a va id e;er"ise o# po i"e power b& the %uni"ipa (oun"i o# Paraaque and that su"h ordinan"e "an nu i#& or supersede the "ontra"tua ob i!ations entered into b& the petitioners and the deve oper. %eanwhi e, 8 5rande 1!uirre (ommer"e and 'rade )r!ani:ation (8$ 1(')), a non-sto"<, non-pro#it "orporation, intervened as respondent. 8$ 1(') " aimed that its members are ot owners, residents, and operators o# "ommer"ia estab ishments a on! 8 5rande and 1!uirre 1venues in BF Homes Paraaque, who wi be a##e"ted i# %uni"ipa )rdinan"e *o. +,--. is de" ared un"onstitutiona . 8$ 1(') asserted that %uni"ipa )rdinan"e *o. +,--. is a va id e;er"ise o# po i"e power and that petitioners are !ui t& o# estoppe sin"e petitioners endorsed the openin! o# man& o# these "ommer"ia estab ishments in BF Homes Paraaque. 8$ 1(') #urther a e!ed that the instant petition shou d have been initia & #i ed with the Re!iona 'ria (ourt in a""ordan"e with the prin"ip e o# hierar"h& o# "ourts. Issue: =)* the %uni"ipa )rdinan"e *o. +,--. is va id. Ruling: 'he petition is without merit. 'he (ourt o# 1ppea s too< >udi"ia noti"e o# the #a"t that 8 5rande and 1!uirre 1venues are main streets o# BF Homes Paraaque whi"h have on! been "ommer"ia i:ed, thus the de" aration o# 8 5rande and 1!uirre 1venues as "ommer"ia :ones throu!h %uni"ipa )rdinan"e *o. +,--. is an e;er"ise o# po i"e power. )bvious &, be"ause o# the rapid and tremendous in"rease in popu ation, the needs o# the homeowners in the BF Paraaque Subdivision !rew. 'he "ommer"ia :ones in the area proved inadequate to servi"e the needs o# its residents. 'here was there#ore a need to open more "ommer"ia distri"ts. In #a"t, re"ords show that severa homeowners a on! 8 5rande and 1!uirre 1venues "onverted their residen"es into business estab ishments. 8 1"to9s members are amon! them. 1side #rom the in"reasin! number o# "ommer"ia estab ishments therein, >udi"ia noti"e ma& be ta<en o# the #a"t that 8 5rande and 1!uirre 1venues are main thorou!h#ares o# BF Homes Paraaque whi"h have on! been "ommer"ia i:ed. 'he o"a !overnment there#ore responded to these "han!es in the "ommunit& b& ena"tin! )rdinan"e *o. +,--..

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