Daily Writing

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Daily Writing 8/22/13 People who have helped my literacy narrative: 1.)Mom- reading to me at night 2.)Dad- giving me oo!

" to read 3.)#i"ter-$"ing o$r leap%rog game" together &.)'eacher- providing paper ac! oo!" to read with pict$re" in the dialog. (l"o helped with writing and pron$nciation o% word". ).)*randmother- ta!ing me to the li rary +.)#$mmer ,amp- allowed $" reading time everyday -.)Peer"- editing each other" paper"/e""ay" e%ore t$rning them in 8/2-/13 Place that wa" an in%l$ence on my literacy narrative. 'he each i" "omewhere . a "ol$tely love to read. .t/" rela0ing and calm y the water1 there aren/t any di"traction". . co$ld get lo"t in a oo! and in my tho$ght" a" the wave" cra"hed on the "hore and "$n eat down on my "!in. 2eading at the each i" my %avorite place and . will alway" have to p$rcha"e a oo! e%ore . go. 8/23/13 . remem er my "chool handing o$t maga4ine" "tyle roch$re" that li"ted o$t what oo!" they wo$ld e "elling at the oo! %air. 'he p$ li"her" gave a pict$re o% the oo! along with a de"cription and a price. . wo$ld go over the maga4ine with my mom trying to conveyance her o% the oo!" . wanted her to $y me. 5% co$r"e6 . only cho"e one oo! $t . al"o remem er p$rcha"ing a ig loc! era"er. . elieve . o$ght a note oo! one time with an invi"i le in! pin. 7o$ co$ld "ee the in! only when yo$ "hinned the light onto the word". 3/3/13 2ea"on" %or enrolling into 89,,1 connection to literacy narrative. 'o e hone"t6 . didn/t !now a lot a o$t other college". . wa"n/t intere"ted in vi"iting college" or trying to %ind one that "$ited %or me. My mother and %ather oth attended 89,, $t . !new . did not want to go here eca$"e o% how clo"e it wa" to home. :owever1 when . went to vi"it a %riend at (ppalachian #tate 8niver"ity in early #eptem er . reali4ed it wa"n/t the right place %or me eca$"e o% how cold it already wa" and how %ar away it wa" %rom home. 'here%ore . came to the concl$"ion that 89,, wa" the e"t choice eca$"e it i" a%%orda le and clo"e to home. 3/)/13 ,onnection to character" in #ecret ;i%e o% <ee" . %eel the mo"t connection toward" ;ily eca$"e "he i" a yo$ng girl and . have gone thro$gh "imilar thing" when . wa" yo$nger. #he ha" een thro$gh di%%ic$lt thing" with her parent" and "o did . when . wa" yo$ng and my parent" divorced. (l"o6 "he love" to read and . wo$ld alway" e ca$ght with a oo!. (l"o6 ;ily ha" "ome !ind o% connection toward" =ach that "he doe"n/t tr$ly $nder"tand and . remem er having "imilar %eeling" toward" my cr$"he" when . wa" yo$ng. 3/1>/13 'echnology on literacy narrative". My mother/" !indle a%%ected my literacy narrative. . $"ed it %re?$ently when "he wa"n/t. . loved the variety o% oo!" . co$ld choo"e %rom. . al"o en@oyed eing a le to read the oo!" anywhere and having the convenience o% p$rcha"ing the oo! online at home. . loved not having to go to the oo!"tore to

$y it. .t help me with acce"" to oo!" and en@oying them on my down time. 3/12/13 A""ay 'opic" #ocioeconomic #tat$" location o% where yo$ grew $p/hometown "chool di"trict leap%rog !indle comp$ter" aiding in writing proce"" 3/2&/13 'he mo"t !nowledgea le a o$t my %amily hi"tory i" my Papa. 'hi" i" who . have een reaching o$t to %or in%ormation. ;a$ndry ;i"t Where were my 9ana and Papa/" parent" %rom and where were they each ornB Who and how many "i ling" did they each haveB :ow did they meetB 3/2+/13 'here i"n/t really any %ood or di"he" that have een pa""ed down a" part o% o$r c$lt$re $t there are di"he" that we ma!e every than!"giving that wo$ldn/t e than!"giving witho$t. Cor e0ample6 my %amily on my dad" "ide alway" ma!e" 7amtown. .t con"i"t o% ma"hed $p "weet potatoe" with cinnamon and n$t" on top. .t ta"te more li!e de""ert $t it i" delicio$". My 9ana al"o $"ed to ma!e deviled egg"6 . never really li!ed the"e $t everyone el"e did. My other grandmother wo$ld ma!e thi" po$nd ca!e and chocolate ca!e. #he love" coo!ing and a!ing %or all o% $". 1>/1/13 'he de%inition o% :ome i": ( ho$"e6 apartment6 or other "helter that i" the $"$al re"idence o% a per"on6 %amily6 or ho$"ehold. 'he mo"t $nconventional place that . have once called home wa" a hotel. When . %ir"t moved to the #o$th ,harlotte area %rom Denver 9orth ,arolina my mother6 "i"ter6 and . had to "tay in a hotel %or a co$ple o% wee!" while o$r ho$"e wa" eing renovated. We "tayed at a hotel called A0tended #tay. We had a two ?$een ed" and a living area and !itchen. 'he only ad thing wa" that we had to "hare a athroom. (nother cool thing wa" that they had a pool6 "o a%ter "chool my "i"ter and . wo$ld go and play in the pool. 1>/3/13 8nited #tate" ,iti4en"hip A0amination 1. 'here are )> "tar" on o$r %lag that repre"ent the )> "tate". 2. 'he %ir"t Pre"ident wa" *eorge Wa"hington and o$r c$rrent Pre"ident i" 5 ama. 3. 'he May%lower i" the "hip that ro$ght the pilgrim" to (merica and the 9ative (merican" helped. &. Cranci" #cott Dey wrote the "tar "pangled anner. ). 'he 1> amendment" to the ,on"tit$tion i" call the <ill o% 2ight" +. ,ongre"" ha" the power to declare war. -. 'he introd$ction to the ,on"tit$tion i" called the Pream le. 8. 'he commander-in-chie% o% the 8.#. Military i" the Pre"ident.

1>/1>/13 'he e"t thing . did over Call <rea! %or me6 wa" @$"t eing a le to e at home. .t wa" "o nice to e a le to "pend time with %amily and eat good %ood. . got to go "hopping with my mom and "pend ?$ality time with her. . al"o went to a "cary corn ma4e one night with my oy%riend. .% yo$ have ever een to #carowind" it wa" !ind o% li!e that $t m$ch more "cary. . wanted to "hop more $t didn/t get the chance to eca$"e . %elt li!e . needed to wor! on my %amily tree and . am glad . did eca$"e it wa" time con"$ming. 1>/1-/13 7o$ %ind yo$r"el% in %ront o% "even identical door" all leading to either: 9arnia6 9everland6 Wonderland6 :ogwart"6 ,amelot6 Middle Aarth6 and We"tero". Which door did yo$ go thro$ghB What happenedB . cho"e to go thro$gh door three eca$"e it i" my %avorite n$m er. 8pon opening door three the %ir"t per"on to great me wa" Peter Pan. :e too! me y the hand into a dar! "pace and all o% the "$dden the gro$nd eneath me vani"hed and a "pla"h o% air hit my %ace a" we "tarted to %all into nothing. . wa" a o$t to "cream when all o% the "$dden Peter Pan p$lled me along and we "tarted %lying thro$gh the night "!y. . have never "een "omething "o "$rreal. 1>/23/13 ;oo! at the people yo$ a""ociate with and a"! yo$r"el%: (re they good %or yo$B Do they want the e"t %or yo$B Do they elieve in yo$B Do they ring o$t the e"t in yo$B .n my opinion . a""ociate my"el% with good people and ye"6 . do elieve they are good %or me. 7e"6 the"e people want the e"t %or me and elieve in me even when . do$ t my"el%. 'hey p$"h me when they !now . can do more and "trengthen me when . am wea!. 'he people . "$rro$nd my"el% with do want the e"t %or me eca$"e they enco$rage and in%l$ence me to e the e"t that . can e. .% yo$ a""ociate with negative people yo$ will $ncon"cio$"ly ecome @$"t li!e them. #ome people are @$"t not good %or yo$. (lign yo$r"el% with po"itive people-- people who empower yo$ and help yo$ grow. Do yo$ agree or di"agree with thi" "tatementB . agree with thi" eca$"e eing aro$nd po"itive people doe" in%l$ence yo$ in a po"itive way. 11/)/13 When reviewing my (nnotated <i liography . hope that peer reviewer" will "ee it a" organi4ed6 clear6 and to the point. When . wa" preparing my (nnotated <i liography . noticed that there were certain i""$e" that many a$thor" %oc$"ed on and had di%%erent point" o% view" on. (n article that . %o$nd had to do with the relation"hip etter hot weather and igger temper". 8pon initially "eeing thi" . tho$ght that thi" idea wa" ridic$lo$". :ot temperat$re call" %or more temper" in individ$al"B ;i!e reallyB . didn/t "ee the importance in the article $ntil . "aw the li"t o% related article" o%% to the "ide and to my ama4ement there wa" even more article" written a o$t thi" "ame e0act topic. 11/-/13 2ecall a pa"t mi"ta!e that yo$ made involving a vi"$al and a pre"entation6 how did yo$ recover %rom the "it$ationB .n my comp$ter application" cla"" my "ophomore year . had to do a power point on (ri4ona to "how my e0perti"e in powerpoint. . had a "lide mi""ing and "o . !ept going a" i% it had never een there. 11/12/13 (" we near the end o% thi" "eme"ter one thing yo$ have $ndo$ tedly learned i" that time management i" a cr$cial component o% college li%e. Dnowing what yo$ !now now6 what i" "omething that yo$ wo$ld do di%%erently i% we co$ld "tart the "eme"ter overB . can not thin! o% anything that . co$ld have done di%%erently. 'he e"t advice . wo$ld give to incoming %re"hman wo$ld e to get yo$r "t$dying in wor!

done %ir"t6 then do whatever yo$ plea"e with yo$r time $t yo$ need to ma!e yo$r "t$die" yo$r priority. . wo$ld al"o "$gge"t to %re"hman to get o$t o% their com%ort 4one" and try to get involved with anything they are intere"ted in. 'hi" co$ld e a "port" team6 athletic cl$ 6 "orority/%raternity6 etc. 11/1&/13 'hin! a o$t a time when yo$ have had an opport$nity to "pea! in %ront o% an a$dience and the pre"entation did not go a" plannedB What happenedB 5r write a o$t a time that went well. 'here wa" a time my gro$p and . had to pre"ent a po"ter with a ody and it/" part" on it and di"play it to the cla"" e0plaining it/" part". 8"$ally thing" can go ad when yo$ have a gro$p pre"enting eca$"e not everyone !now" what they are "$ppo"ed to "ay and e0plain $t thi" time it act$ally wor!ed./ 11/13/13 ;oo! at the A-port%olio a""ignment "heet and ma!e a la$ndry li"t o% the thing" yo$ "till need to do. Prioriti4e the li"t. 1.) (dd "o$rce" %rom "eme"ter long pro@ect 2.) Cini"h pre"entation

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