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Pautas y temas para afianzar las dificultades en la asignatura


INDICACIONES: los estudiantes de grado 11 que presentan desempeo bajo en la asignatura de ingles deben estudiar los temas que se encuentran a continuacin y que fueron vistos y evaluados durante este IV periodo, de igual manera tomar este taller como repaso, el cual le servir para la prctica para el afianzamiento de algunas dudas, pero no tendr ninguna valoracin. Se sugiere al estudiante, si presenta alguna duda acercarse donde el docente correspondiente y aclarar esta. Para la practica online se deben tener en cuenta los siguientes link,:

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PROCTETING THE RAINFOREST The Amazon is often called the lungs of the earth and produces 20% of the worlds oxygen. For this reason, many people are trying to stop deforestation in the rainforest. Brazil, for example, is working hard to help the rainforest survive. A few years ago, the brazilian government put forward a plan called ARPA ( amazon regin protected areas). It had the support of many international agencies, including the world wildlife fund (wwf), the world bank, and the german development bank, kfw. The main aim was to build new areas of protected rainforest, maintain areas of the rainforest that hadnt yet been detroyed, and stop deforestation. Deforestation contribubutes greatly to global warming because carbn dioxide is released into the atmosphere when tres get cut down and burned. One of the first areas to be recognise as part of ARPA was the tumucumaque mountains national park. It is 38,8000 km2 and is the same size as Switzerland, a small country in central Europe. Its the worlds largest protected tropical national park, and the second largest national park. It is home to certain species of jaguar, Eagle, and lizard, which can only survive in the rainforest. Many of these species are under threat from climate change and deforestation. In order to work in the park, conservationist needed a reliable map. However no map existed, and they didnt have enought knowledge to make one on their own. They came up with the idea of involving local tribes to help them, combining modern and ancient methods to produce a map. The tribes learned to use global positioning system handset (GPS), in conjuction with their local knowledge of the area, which include fishing and hunting grounds, and places of historical or mythical importance. Aerial potos were a useful aid in the process as well. This method of map making is now the key to the future af rainforest, in Brazil and the rest of the eold too. Answer the question 1. a. b. c. d. 2. a. b. c. d. e. 3. a. b. c. d. e. 4. a. b. c. d. 5. a. b. c. d. 6. Acording to the text, the amazon produces More tan half of the worlds oxygen Half of the worlds oxygen A significant proportion of the worlds oxygent. One third of the worlds oxygen. ARPAs aim is to Encourage deforestation Destroy the forestation Stop the rainforest growing Build new towns in the rainforest Protect and continue the development of the rainforest Deforestation and global warming are connected because.. Tres produce carbn dioxide. Carbn dioxide makes tres disappear. Tres produce more carbn dioxide in the rainforest Destroying tres releases carbn dioxide into the atmosphere. Carbn dioxide damages tres. The Tumucumaque Mountains national park is home to .. Some types of animals that cant live anywhere else. Animals from all over the world Animal that live only in tres. Three types of animal different types of animal that can live anywhere Conservationist and local tribes worked.. Without the aid of GPS systems. With each other using only modern technology. Together using old ways of working With each other to take photos of endangered animals. The map of the tumucumaque mountains national park..

a. b. c. d. e.

Is only for the local tribes Is a model for making maps of other rainforests. Is only useful in Brazilian rainforests. Is too difficult for conservationists to understand Is for helping tourist

( T3, PAGE 61) Liste and complete the information: You will hear some friends speaking about the vacation they have just taken together. Listen and complete the informstion.

Who ..
A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. has been to the city before? ________ Prefers trips to the beach? ___________ Wanted to stay for longer? ___________ Thinks the budget was too small? ______ Enjoyed the trip? ________ Wasnt crazy about the food? _________ Bought souvenirs? ___________ Didnt enjoy visiting the galleries as much as other vacation activities? __________

Writing about the exposition: write a summary about the different topics which you could see last class.

Seven wonder of the world, drug use, relationship and lastest news


FELIPE Morales, 16, his cister Marta, 14, and their baby brother, Andr, live a comfortable but unexciting life in the suburbs of new York with their hardworking parents. That is, until the day their father made a decision that changed their lives. Luis morales, a kind and dependable man of 45, was fed up after working in retail for 20 years. All I did was work, explains luis. I was working 15 hours a day and every weekend. I never eaw my family. Eventually, I started to thing about other types of work, That summer, the morales family went on vacation to canyon lakes, texas. we loved it, luis says. the scenary was beautifull and life seemed less stressful there. Back in new York, luis decide to quit his job. I must have been mad. I had no idea what I was going to do.He admits. One Sunday, I saw an advertisement in the news paper: for sale: woodwen chalet with working farmlands, near Guadalupe river, texas. I flew there the next day, looked at the farm and bought it that day. In order to learn about farming, Luis and his wife, Sandra, did an intensive course at an agricultural college in New York. They sold their New York apartment. I was horrified! Felipe remembers. I didnt want to leave my friends. I told my parents we should all saty in New York, but somehow they persuade me to go. Marta was less difficult to convince: I could see the advantages spaces, fresh air, a more flexible approach to life! Six month after buying the farm, the family moved. Now, part of the farm is a guest house, with paying guests staying there all year round. It could have been a disaster, but fortunately everything has turned out OK. I couldnt go back to my old life, says Luis. Felipe is now studying at the Texas School of Business and Marta is studying for her school leaving exams. I used to think that earning a large salary was important, confesses Luis. Now I just love having an enjoyable job. Marta agrees. My ambitions have changed. If it all works out, I might run the family business one day!

1. Luis Morales wanted to change hid job because

a. b. c. d. e. 2. a. b. c. d. e. 3. a. b. c. d. e. 4. a. b. c. d. e. 5. a. b. c. d. e. 6. a. b. c. d. e.

He worked too many hours. He didint like working in an office. He wanted to become a student againt His children were unhappy. He didint earn enough money Luis decides to leave his job Before his vacation While he was on vacation. That summer On a Sunday After his vacation. Luis bought his farm. Six months after he went to see it. The same day he saw the advertisement The day after he saw the advertisement. On a Sunday The day after he went to see it The family stayed in New York For six more months. For a week more For three more months. For six more weeks For one more month Since moving to texas, Felipe has Visited new york on weekends Decided to become a farmer. Started higher education. Stopped living with his family Taken over the family business In the future, Marta thinks that She wil be in charge of the guest house. She may be in charge of the guest house. She should be in charge of the guest house. She wont be in charge of the guest house. She has to be in charge of the guest house

Which lines of the text provide the following information?

7. Where the morales family used to live ____________. 8. When they went on vacation. ____________. 9. Why felioe wasnt happy__________. 10. Where Luis and Sandra studied.__________. 11. Martas ideas about her future. _______ Match the definition 1 6 with words or phrases in the text.

12. Residential area outside the city center (line 2) _____________. 13. Bored and unhappy (line 5) __________ 14. In the end (line 7) ___________. 15. Resign (line11) _____________. 16. Very upset (line 17) __________. 17. Money from a job( line 25) ________ Choose the best answer; use the active and passive voice.

18. He wrote a letter. a. A letter has been written by him b. A letter is been written by him c. A letter was written by him 19. The child did not beat the dog a. The dong is not beaten by the child b. The dog will be beaten by the child c. The dog was not beaten by the child 20. He solved a question. a. A question was solved by him b. A question is being solved by him c. A question is solved by him 21. They are playing hokey a. Hokey is being played by him b. Hokey are being played by him c. Hokey is playing by him 22. I see a beautiful bird a. A beautiful bird has been seen by me b. A beautiful bird is being seen by me c. A beautiful bird is seen by me

23. I dont see him a. He was not seen by me b. He is not being seen by me c. He is not seen by me 24. She was cooking the dinner a. The dinner was cooked by her b. The dinner is being cooked bu her c. The dinner was being cooked by her

25. Does he not see us?

a. Were we not seen by him? b. Are we not seen by him c. Are we not being seen by him Fill the gaps with thecorrect prhasal verbs

Get off look after give up break away cut in dress up _ take in - make believe _ breax away go over.

26. _________ the shoes before going to bed 27. If you have a interviewed please ________. 28. We have to __________ the planet

29. Dont ___________ my class,Listen to me please.

30. Dont ____________ try again you can do it.

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