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(Property), (Event) (Funtion) Share Data Drop Down Data Window !"



C&' ()i t*+n, '- ./n tron, P$WERB01 DER 'o22andButton Pi'tureButton 3in,4e ineEdit 5u4ti ineEdit Edit5a36 Ri'hTe7tEdit Che'6Bo7 RadioButton Stati'Te7t DropDown i3tBo7 DropDownPi'ture i3tBo7 i3tBo7 Pi'ture i3tBo7 i3t8iew Tree8iew Ta. DataWindow #raph $ E 03er$.9e't Line GroupBox Oval Rectangle RoundRectangle W1"D$W Propertie3: WindowType: Chi4d: 5ain: 5D1: 5D1!e4p: Popup: Re3pon3e: Too4.arvi3i.4e: Tit4e: Spe'i;ie3 the te7t o; the window tit4e< Fun'tion3: Ran,eSheet3:===Su dun, tron, 5D1 ;ra2e voi 'hu' nan, 3ap 7ep 'a' 'ua 3o tron, 5D1 2di;ra2e<Arran,eSheet3 ( arran,etype ) 8oi arran,etype : Ca3'ade:, ayer:, Ti4e:, Ti4e!ori>onta4:, 1'on3: Thidu: w?2ain<Ran,eSheet3(Ca3'ade:) #etA'tiveSheet:=== Su dun, tron, 5D1 ;ra2e voi 'hu' nan, tra ve window dan, a'tive 2di;ra2ewindow<#etA'tiveSheet ( ) #etFir3tSheet: ===Su dun, tron, 5D1 ;ra2e voi 'hu' nan, tra ve window dau tien 2di;ra2ewindow<#etFir3tSheet ( ) CREATED BY: E !A"# T$A" @


#et"e7tSheet: 2di;ra2ewindow<#et"e7tSheet ( 3heet ) Show: o.9e'tna2e<Show ( ) Tri,,erEvent: o.9e'tna2e<Tri,,erEvent ( event A, word, 4on, B ) Event3: A'tive: C4o3e: C4o3eCuery: !ide: $pen: Show: Ti2er: 5E"0: Propertie3: Che'6ed: Ena.4ed: 8i3i.4e Fun'tion3: Che'6: 2enuna2e<Che'6 ( ) Di3a.4e: 2enuna2e<Di3a.4e ( ) Ena.4e: 2enuna2e<Ena.4e ( ) !ide: o.9e'tna2e<!ide ( ) Show: o.9e'tna2e<Show ( ) Tri,,erEvent: o.9e'tna2e<Tri,,erEvent ( event A, word, 4on, B ) 0n'he'6: 2enuna2e<0n'he'6 ( ) Event3: C4i'6ed: Se4e'ted: 0SER$BDECT C4a33: Cu3to2: nonvi3ua4o.9e't Standard: Standard 3e4e't type: 'onne'tion 'onte7tin;or2ation 'onte7t6eyword data3tore dyna2i'de3'riptionarea CREATED BY: E !A"# T$A" E



dyna2i'3ta,in,area error inet internetre3u4t 2ai43e33ion 2e33a,e o4eo.9e't o4e3tora,e o4e3trea2 pipe4ine pro;i4in, 3ervi'e ti2in, tra'etree tran3a'tion tran3port

Cu3to2: Window o.9e't E7terna4: 03ero.9e't u3ed D na2e o; window Standard: 'he'6.o7 'o22and.utton datawindow dropdown4i3t.o7 dropdownpi'ture4i3t.o7 edit2a36 ,raph ,roup.o7 h3' 4i3t.o7 4i3tview 2u4ti4ineedit o4e'ontro4 pi'ture pi'ture.utton pi'ture4i3t.o7 radio.utton ri'hte7tedit 3in,4e4ineedit 3tati'te7t ta. treeview v3' CREATED BY: E !A"# T$A" F


5Gt 3) 4Hnh '- ./n tron, 4Ip trJnh P$WERB01 DER: SetTran3$.9e't(3K4'a): 4Hnh nLy 3M dNn, tron, ()i t*+n, datawindow 'ontro4 6hi ()i t*+n, nLy 'hOa 2Gt datawindow o.9e't< Hnh nay 'ho phPp datawindow 'ontro4 thQ hiHn dR 4iHu tS CSD t*-n, On, 3au 6hi ,Ti hL2 retrieve()< Retrieve: Hnh nLy (Ui 6hi 'V (i 6W2 theo tha2 ()i nXu ()i t*+n, datawindow o.9e't 'V tha2 ()i< Send: Synta7: Send ( hand4e, 2e33a,eY, 4owword, 4on, ) E7a2p4e: Send( !and4e(Thi3), @Z[, \, 4on,(],]) ) Send(!and4e(Parent), @^E, ], !and4e('.?$_)) Both o; the ;o44owin, 3tate2ent3 '4i'6 the Co22andButton '.?$_: _eyEnter: Datawindow Contro4: p.2?dwnpro'e33enter $ther o.9e't: p.2?6eydown _eydown: Datawindow Contro4: p.2?dwn6ey $ther o.9e't: p.2?6eydown Pro;i4e3trin,: $.tain3 the 3trin, va4ue o; a 3ettin, in the pro;i4e ;i4e ;or your app4i'ation< Synta7: Pro;i4eStrin, ( ;i4ena2e, 3e'tion, 6ey, de;au4t ) E7a2p4e: 43?3trin, ` Pro;i4eStrin,(aC:bPR$F1 E<1"1a, aE2p4oyeea,a"a2ea, a"onea) Re,i3try3 ;un'tion: c Re,i3tryDe4ete: De4ete a 6ey or va4ue ;or an entry in the 3y3te2 re,i3try< c Re,i3try#et: #et a va4ue ;or a parti'u4ar 6ey ;ro2 the 3y3te2 re,i3try< c Re,i3try_ey3: #et the 3u.6ey3 avai4a.4e ;or a parti'u4ar 6ey< c Re,i3trySet: Set or 'reate a va4ue ;or parti'u4ar 6ey in the 3y3te2 re,i3try< c Re,i3try8a4ue3: #et the 3et o; na2ed va4ue3 ;or a parti'u4ar 6ey<("o e;;e't in W E<%<) Ca44: Synta7: CA an'e3toro.9e't Ad'ontro4na2eB::event A ( ar,u2ent4i3t ) B E7a2p4e: Ca44 Super::ue?3ave Conne't: 'onne't to data.a3e< Di3'onne't: Co22it: Ro44.a'6: Window3 ;un'tion: #4o.a4 E7terna4 ;un'tion: o'a4 E7terna4 ;un'tion: !ow a.out 'reate new di3p4ay ;or2at: Data.a3e De3i,n Di3p4ay For2at 5aintenan'ee "ew !ow a.out 'reate new Edit 3ty4e3: Data.a3e De3i,n Edit Sty4e 2aintenan'ee "ew DATAW1"D$W: C$"TR$ : Propertie3: Data$.9e't: Ena.4ed: CREATED BY: E !A"# T$A" Z


1'on: !S'ro44Bar: 8i3i.4e: 8S'ro44Bar: Fun'tion3: A''eptTe7t: dw'ontro4<A''eptTe7t ( ) DBErrorCode: dw'ontro4<DBErrorCode ( ) DBError5e33a,e: dw'ontro4<DBError5e33a,e ( ) De4etedCount: dw'ontro4<De4etedCount ( ) De4eteRow: dw'ontro4<De4eteRow ( row ) De3'ri.e: dw'ontro4<De3'ri.e ( property4i3t ) Fi4ter: dw'ontro4<Fi4ter ( ) Fi4teredCount: dw'ontro4<Fi4teredCount ( ) #etChi4d: dw'ontro4<#etChi4d ( na2e, dw'hi4dvaria.4e ) #etC4i'6edCo4u2n: dw'ontro4<#etC4i'6edCo4u2n ( ) #etC4i'6edRow: dw'ontro4<#etC4i'6edRow( ) #etCo4u2n: dw'ontro4<#etCo4u2n( ) #etCo4u2n"a2e: dw'ontro4<#etCo4u2n"a2e( ) #et1te2Date: dw'ontro4<#et1te2Date ( row, 'o4u2n A, dw.u;;er, ori,ina4va4ue B ) #et1te2DateTi2e:dw'ontro4<#et1te2DateTi2e( row, 'o4u2n A, dw.u;;er,ori,ina4va4ueB) #et1te2De'i2a4: dw'ontro4<#et1te2De'i2a4 ( row, 'o4u2n A, dw.u;;er, ori,ina4va4ue B ) #et1te2" dw'ontro4<#et1te2" row, 'o4u2n A, dw.u;;er, ori,ina4va4ue B ) #et1te2Statu3: dw'ontro4<#et1te2Statu3 ( row, 'o4u2n, dw.u;;er ) #et1te2Strin,: dw'ontro4<#et1te2Strin,( row, 'o4u2n A, dw.u;;er, ori,ina4va4ue B ) #et1te2Ti2e: dw'ontro4<#et1te2Ti2e ( row, 'o4u2n A, dw.u;;er, ori,ina4va4ue B ) #etRow: dw'ontro4<#etRow ( ) #etSe4e'tedRow: dw'ontro4<#etSe4e'tedRow( row ) #etSC Preview: dw'ontro4<#etSC Preview ( ) 12portFi4e: dw'ontro4<12portFi4e ( ;i4ena2e A, 3tartrow A, endrow A, 3tart'o4u2n A, end'o4u2n A, dw3tart'o4u2n B B B B B ) 12portStrin,: dw'ontro4<12portStrin, ( 3trin, A, 3tartrow A, endrow A, 3tart'o4u2n A, end'o4u2n A, dw3tart'o4u2n B B B B B ) 1n3ertRow: dw'ontro4<1n3ertRow ( row ) 133e4e'ted: dw'ontro4<13Se4e'ted ( row ) 5odi;iedCount:dw'ontro4<5odi;iedCount ( ) Print: dw'ontro4<Print ( A 'an'e4dia4o, B ) PrintCan'e4: dw'ontro4<PrintCan'e4 ( ) CREATED BY: E !A"# T$A" [


Re3e4e'tRow: dw'ontro4<Re3e4e'tRow ( row ) Re3et: Retrieve: dw'ontro4<Retrieve ( A, ar,u2ent, ar,u2ent < < < B ) RowCount: dw'ontro4<RowCount ( ) SaveA3: dw'ontro4<SaveA3 ( A ;i4ena2e, 3avea3type, 'o4headin, B ) S'ro44"e7tPa,e: dw'ontro4<S'ro44"e7tPa,e ( ) S'ro44"e'tRow:dw'ontro4<S'ro44"e7tRow ( ) S'ro44PriorPa,e: dw'ontro4<S'ro44PriorPa,e ( ) S'ro44PriorRow: dw'ontro4<S'ro44PriorRow ( ) S'ro44ToRow: dw'ontro4<S'ro44ToRow ( row ) Se4e'tRow: dw'ontro4<Se4e'tRow ( row, .oo4ean ) SetCo4u2n: dw'ontro4<SetCo4u2n ( 'o4u2n ) SetFi4ter: dw'ontro4<SetFi4ter ( ;or2at ) SetFo'u3: o.9e'tna2e<SetFo'u3 ( ) Set1te2: dw'ontro4<Set1te2 ( row, 'o4u2n, va4ue ) SetRedraw: o.9e'tna2e<SetRedraw ( .oo4ean ) SetRow: dw'ontro4<SetRow ( row ) SetRowFo'u31ndi'ate: dw'ontro4<SetRowFo'u31ndi'ator ( ;o'u3indi'ator A, 74o'ation A, y4o'ation B B ) SetTran3$.9e't:dw'ontro4<SetTran3$.9e't ( tran3a'tion ) 0pdate: dw'ontro4<0pdate ( A a''ept A, re3et;4a, B B ) Event3: '4i'6ed: When the u3er '4i'63 a nonedita.4e ;ie4d or .etween ;ie4d3 in the DataWindow 'ontro4<Return 'ode3:] = (De;au4t) Continue pro'e33in,<% = Stop pro'e33in,< Con3tru'tor: 122ediate4y .e;ore the $pen event o''ur3 in the window< DBError: When a data.a3e error o''ur3 in the DataWindow 'ontro4<Return 'ode3:] = (De;au4t) Di3p4ay the error 2e33a,e<% = Do not di3p4ay the error 2e33a,e< De3tru'tor: 122ediate4y a;ter the C4o3e event o''ur3 in the window< Dou.4eC4i'6ed: When the u3er dou.4e='4i'63 a nonedita.4e ;ie4d or .etween ;ie4d3 in the DataWindow 'ontro4< EditChan,e: When a u3er type3 in an edit 'ontro4 in the DataWindown 'ontro4< Error: When an error i3 ;ound in a data or property e7pre33ion ;or a DataWindow o.9e't< #etFo'u3: Du3t .e;ore the DataWindow 'ontro4 re'eive3 ;o'u3 (.e;ore it i3 3e4e'ted and .e'o2e3 a'tive)< 1te2Chan,ed: When a ;ie4d in the DataWindow ha3 .een 2odi;ied and 4o3e3 ;o'u3 (;or e7a2p4e, the u3er pre33e3 E"TER, the TAB 6ey, or an arrow 6ey or '4i'63 the 2ou3e on another ;ie4d within the DataWindow)<Return 'ode3:] = (De;au4t) A''ept the data va4ue<% = Re9e't the data va4ue and donft a44ow ;o'u3 to 'han,e<@ = Re9e't the data va4ue .ut a44ow ;o'u3 to 'han,e< 1te2Error: When a ;ie4d ha3 .een 2odi;ied, the ;ie4d 4o3e3 ;o'u3 (;or e7a2p4e, the u3er pre33e3 E"TER, TAB, or an arrow 6ey or '4i'63 the 2ou3e on another ;ie4d), and the ;ie4d doe3 not pa33 the va4idation ru4e3 ;or it3 'o4u2n<Return 'ode3:] = (De;au4t) Re9e't the data va4ue and 3how an error 2e33a,e .o7<% = Re9e't the data va4ue with no 2e33a,e .o7<@ = A''ept the data va4ue<E = Re9e't the data va4ue .ut CREATED BY: E !A"# T$A" ^


a44ow ;o'u3 to 'han,e<1; the Return 'ode i3 ] or % (re9e't3 the data), the ;ie4d with the in'orre't data re,ain3 the ;o'u3< 1te2Fo'u3Chan,ed: When the 'urrent ite2 in the 'ontro4 'han,e3< PrintEnd: When the printin, o; the DataWindow end3< PrintPa,e: Be;ore ea'h pa,e o; the DataWindow i3 ;or2atted ;or printin,<Return 'ode3:] = Do not 36ip a pa,e<% = S6ip a pa,e< PrintStart: When the printin, o; the DataWindow 3tart3 RButtonDown: When the ri,ht 2ou3e .utton i3 pre33ed on the 'ontro4< RetrieveEnd: When the retrieva4 ;or the DataWindow i3 'o2p4ete< RetrieveRow: A;ter a row ha3 .een retrieved< Return 'ode3:] = (De;au4t) Continue<% = Stop the retrieva4< RetrieveStart: When the retrieva4 ;or the DataWindow i3 a.out to .e,in<Return 'ode3:] = (De;au4t) Continue<% = Do not per;or2 the retrieva4<@ = Do not re3et the row3 and .u;;er3 .e;ore retrievin, the data ;ro2 the data.a3e< RowFou3Chan,ed: When the 'urrent row 'han,e3 in the DataWindow< 0pdateEnd: When a44 the update3 ;ro2 the DataWindow to the data.a3e are 'o2p4ete< 0pdateStart:A;ter an 0pdate ;un'tion 'a44 and 9u3t .e;ore 'han,e3 in the DataWindow are 3ent to the data.a3e<Return 'ode3:] = (De;au4t) Continue<% = Do not per;or2 the update

$BDECT: Datawindow painter ;un'tion3: A,,re,ate: 03e the3e ;un'tion3 in e7pre33ion3 in DataWindow o.9e't3 and 1n;o5a6er report3< You 2i,ht u3e the2 ;or ;i4ter3, va4idation ru4e3, or 'o2puted ;ie4d3< Av, Count Cu2u4ativePer'ent Cu2u4ativeSu2 Fir3t ar,e a3t 5a7 5edian 5in 5ode Per'ent S2a44 StDev StDevP Su2 8ar 8arP Cro33ta.: 03e the3e ;un'tion3 in e7pre33ion3 in DataWindow o.9e't3 and 1n;o5a6er report3< You 2i,ht u3e the2 ;or ;i4ter3, va4idation ru4e3, or 'o2puted ;ie4d3< Cro33ta.Av, Cro33ta.Count Cro33ta.5a7 Cro33ta.5in Cro33ta.Su2 Data type 'he'6in, and 'onver3ion: 03e the3e ;un'tion3 in e7pre33ion3 in DataWindow o.9e't3 and 1n;o5a6er report3< You 2i,ht u3e the2 ;or ;i4ter3, va4idation ru4e3, or 'o2puted ;ie4d3< A3' Char 1nte,er 13Date 13"u44 13" 13Ti2e on, " Datawindow in;or2ation: 03e the3e ;un'tion3 in e7pre33ion3 in DataWindow o.9e't3 and 1n;o5a6er report3< You 2i,ht u3e the2 ;or ;i4ter3, va4idation ru4e3, or 'o2puted ;ie4d3< CurrentRow De3'ri.e #etRow #etTe7t 13Row5odi;ied 13Row"ew 13Se4e'ted oo60pDi3p4ay Pa,e CREATED BY: E !A"# T$A" g


Pa,eA'ro33 Pa,eCount Pa,eCountA'ro33 RowCount Row!ei,ht Day, date and ti2e: 03e the3e ;un'tion3 in e7pre33ion3 in DataWindow o.9e't3 and 1n;o5a6er report3< You 2i,ht u3e the2 ;or ;i4ter3, va4idation ru4e3, or 'o2puted ;ie4d3< Date DateTi2e Day Day"a2e Day" Day3A;ter !our 5inute 5onth "ow Re4ativeDate Re4ativeTi2e Se'ond Se'ond3A;ter Ti2e Today Year 5i3'e44aneou3: 03e the3e ;un'tion3 in e7pre33ion3 in DataWindow o.9e't3 and 1n;o5a6er report3< You 2i,ht u3e the2 ;or ;i4ter3, va4idation ru4e3, or 'o2puted ;ie4d3< Bit2ap Ca3e 1; Pro;i4e1nt Pro;i4eStrin, R#B "u2eri': 03e the3e ;un'tion3 in e7pre33ion3 in DataWindow o.9e't3 and 1n;o5a6er report3< You 2i,ht u3e the2 ;or ;i4ter3, va4idation ru4e3, or 'o2puted ;ie4d3< A.3 Cei4in, Co3 E7p Fa't 1nt o, o,Ten 5a7 5in 5od Pi Rand Round Si,n Sin SKrt Tan Trun'ate Strin,: 03e the3e ;un'tion3 in e7pre33ion3 in DataWindow o.9e't3 and 1n;o5a6er report3< You 2i,ht u3e the2 ;or ;i4ter3, va4idation ru4e3, or 'o2puted ;ie4d3< Fi44 e;t e;tTri2 en ower 5at'h 5id Po3 Rep4a'e Ri,ht Ri,htTri2 Spa'e Strin, Tri2 0pper WordCap Data E7pre33ion3: The $.9e't property o; the DataWindow 'ontro4 4et3 you 3pe'i;y e7pre33ion3 that re;er dire't4y to the data o; the DataWindow o.9e't in the 'ontro4< Thi3 dire't data 2anipu4ation a44ow3 you to a''e33 32a44 and 4ar,e a2ount3 o; data in a 3in,4e 3tate2ent, without 'a44in, ;un'tion3< There are 3evera4 variation3 o; data e7pre33ion 3ynta7, divided into three ,roup3< Thi3 3e'tion 3u22ari>e3 the 3ynta7 ;or the three ,roup3< The 3ynta7e3 are de3'ri.ed in detai4 4ater in thi3 'hapter< Data in 'o4u2n3 or 'o2puted ;ie4d3 when you 6now the na2e $ne or a44 ite23 in the 'o4u2n (i; rownu2 i3 a.3ent, in'4ude either .u;;er or data3our'e) dw'ontro4<$.9e't<'o4u2nna2e A<.u;;er B A<data3our'e B A h rownu2 i B Return3 a 3in,4e va4ue (;or a 3pe'i;i' row or an array o; va4ue3 (when rownu2 i3 o2itted)< See $ne or a44 ite23 in a na2ed 'o4u2n or 'o2puted ;ie4d < CREATED BY: E !A"# T$A" \


Se4e'ted ite23 dw'ontro4<$.9e't<'o4u2nna2e A<Pri2ary BA<data3our'e B<Se4e'ted Return3 an array o; va4ue3 with an array e4e2ent ;or ea'h 3e4e'ted row< See 1te23 in the 'o4u2n ;ro2 3e4e'ted row3 < Ran,e o; ite23 dw'ontro4<$.9e't<'o4u2nna2e A<.u;;er B A<data3our'e B h3tartrownu2, Return3 an array o; va4ue3 with an array e4e2ent ;or ea'h row in the ran,e< See 1te23 ;ro2 a ran,e o; row3 in a 'o4u2n or 'o2puted ;ie4d < Data in nu2.ered 'o4u2n3 Sin,4e ite23 dw'ontro4<$.9e't<Data A<.u;;er B A<data3our'e B h rownu2, 'o4nu2 i Return3 a 3in,4e ite2 who3e data type i3 the data type o; the 'o4u2n< See Sin,4e ite23 < B4o'63 o; data invo4vin, a ran,e o; row3 and 'o4u2n3 dw'ontro4<$.9e't<Data A<.u;;er B A<data3our'e B h3tartrownu2,3tart'o4nu2, endrownu2, end'o4nu2 i Return3 an array o; 3tru'ture3 or u3er o.9e't3< The 3tru'ture e4e2ent3 2at'h the 'o4u2n3 in the ran,e< There i3 one array e4e2ent ;or ea'h row in the ran,e< See A .4o'6 o; row3 and 'o4u2n3 < Who4e row3 Sin,4e row or a44 row3 dw'ontro4<$.9e't<Data A<.u;;er B A<data3our'e B A h rownu2 i B Return3 one 3tru'ture or u3er o.9e't (;or a 3in,4e row) or an array o; the2 (;or a44 row3)< The 3tru'ture e4e2ent3 2at'h the 'o4u2n3 in the DataWindow o.9e't< See Sin,4e row3 or a44 row3 < Se4e'ted row3 dw'ontro4<$.9e't<Data A<Pri2ary B A<data3our'e B <Se4e'ted Return3 an array o; 3tru'ture3 or u3er o.9e't3< The 3tru'ture e4e2ent3 2at'h the 'o4u2n3 in the DataWindow o.9e't< There i3 one array e4e2ent ;or ea'h 3e4e'ted row< See Se4e'ted row3 < Su22ary o; 3ynta7e3 Thi3 dia,ra2 3u22ari>e3 the variation3 in data e7pre33ion 3ynta7: For in;or2ation a.out ,ettin, and 3ettin, va4ue3 o; DataWindow o.9e't propertie3 u3in, a 3i2i4ar 3ynta7, 3ee Ba3i' 3ynta7 and Synta7 ;or ne3ted o.9e't3 < Property E7pre33ion3: DataWindow property e7pre33ion3 u3e dot notation to 3pe'i;y the o.9e't3, o.9e't3 within o.9e't3, and propertie3 that you want to a''e33< Synta7 dw'ontro4<$.9e't<dwo.9e'tna2e A<$.9e't<dwo.9e'tna2eproperty B A<propertyva4ue B CREATED BY: E !A"# T$A" %]

endrownu2 i


A ` va4ue B Ar,u2ent De3'ription dw'ontro4 The na2e o; the DataWindow 'ontro4 or 'hi4d DataWindow in whi'h you want to ,et or 3et propertie3 $.9e't $.9e't indi'ate3 that 3u.3eKuent e4e2ent3 re;er to the o.9e't within dw'ontro4 or dwo.9e'tna2e dwo.9e'tna2eAn o.9e't within the DataWindow< Po33i.4e va4ue3 are DataWindow (;or propertie3 that app4y to the who4e DataWindow) or the na2e o; a .it2ap, 'o4u2n, 'o2puted ;ie4d, ,raph, 4ine, ova4, re'tan,4e, round re'tan,4e, report, Ta.4eB4o., or te7t o.9e't1; dwo.9e'tna2e i3 a 'o4u2n with the DropDownDataWindow 3ty4e, a report o.9e't, or an $ E o.9e't, you 'an 3pe'i;y another $.9e't 6eyword and dwo.9e'tna2e to re;er to propertie3 o; o.9e't3 within the ne3ted o.9e't< You 'an 3pe'i;y $.9e't<dwo.9e'tna2e a3 2any ti2e3 a3 needed to re;er to a deep4y ne3ted reportFor ne3ted 3ynta7, 3ee aSynta7 ;or ne3ted o.9e't3a dwo.9e'tna2epropertyA property that app4ie3 to dwo.9e'tna2e< 1; the property reKuire3 additiona4 Kua4i;yin, propertie3, 4i3t the additiona4 propertie3, 3eparatin, the2 with a dotFor 4i3t3 o; app4i'a.4e propertie3, 3ee the Property ta.4e3 at the .e,innin, o; Chapter Z, aDataWindow $.9e't Propertie3a va4ue A 3trin, who3e va4ue i3 to .e a33i,ned to the propertyA4thou,h va4ue i3 3tored a3 a 3trin,, i; the property va4ue i3 a va4ue 'an either .e a 3trin, who3e va4ue i3 a or a nu2eri' data type< The va4ue i3 3tored a3 a 3trin,1; the property va4ue i3 a ye3 or no va4ue, va4ue 'an .e either a 3trin, who3e va4ue i3 aye3a or anoa or a .oo4ean va4ue (TR0E or FA SE)< The va4ue i3 3tored a3 aye3a or anoa 3trin,31; the property va4ue 'an .e an e7pre33ion, then va4ue 'an .e a 3trin, that ta6e3 the ;or2:de;au4tva4uejt DataWindowpaintere7pre33ionwhere:kDe;au4tva4ue i3 any va4ue that i3 a44owed ;or propertykDataWindowpaintere7pre33ion i3 an e7pre33ion that 'an in'4ude na2e3 o; o.9e't3 in the DataWindow and DataWindow painter ;un'tion3kDe;au4tva4ue and DataWindowpaintere7pre33ion are 3eparated .y a ta. 'hara'ter (jt)For e7a2p4e3 o; DataWindow painter e7pre33ion3, 3ee a03in, DataWindow painter e7pre33ion3a Return va4ue Any< The data type o; the va4ue i3 3trin,< For 2ore in;or2ation a.out the e7pre33ionf3 data type, 3ee < E7a2p4e3 E7a2p4e %< 1n thi3 3tate2ent, the .oo4ean va4ue FA SE i3 3tored a3 the 3trin, anoa: dw?%<$.9e't<DataWindow<Read$n4y ` FA SE Thi3 3tate2ent di3p4ay3 the va4ue o; the Read$n4y property (either aye3a or anoa) in the Stati'Te7t 3t?3tatu3: 3t?3tatu3<Te7t ` dw?%<$.9e't<DataWindow<Read$n4y When you te3t the va4ue o; a property in a re4ationa4 e7pre33ion, you 2u3t 'o2pare your te3t va4ue to the 3tored va4ue3< For Read$n4y, 3tored va4ue3 are ye3 or no, not .oo4ean TR0E or FA SE: 1F dw?%<$.9e't<DataWindow<Readon4y ` fye3f T!E" Thi3 3tate2ent ;ai43 .e'au3e the e7pre33ion i3 not .oo4ean: 1F dw?%<$.9e't<DataWindow<Readon4y T!E" ll "ot va4id E7a2p4e @< 8a4id va4ue3 ;or the 8i3i.4e property are ] and %< You 'an 3et the property to CREATED BY: E !A"# T$A" %%


nu2.er3, ye3 and no, or TR0E and FA SE< There;ore, the3e three 3tate2ent3 are eKuiva4ent: dw?%<$.9e't<3treet<8i3i.4e ` FA SE dw?%<$.9e't<3treet<8i3i.4e ` a"$a dw?%<$.9e't<3treet<8i3i.4e ` ] E7a2p4e E< Thi3 e7a2p4e te3t3 whether the m property 'ontain3 a 'on3tant (whi'h 'an .e 'onverted to a or a DataWindow painter e7pre33ion< A de;au4t va4ue o; Z] i3 3pe'i;ied i; the property 'ontain3 an e7pre33ion the 3'ript 'anft 'onvert: inte,er 4i?7 1F 13" dw?%<$.9e't<id<m ) T!E" 4i?7 ` 1nte,er( dw?%<$.9e't<id<m ) E SE 4i?7 ` Z] E"D 1F E7a2p4e F< Thi3 3'ript 3et3 the m property to a DataWindow painter e7pre33ion< The e7pre33ion indent3 1D va4ue3 ;or 1D3 4e33 than %]: 3trin, 2od3trin,, 43?7 43?7 ` aZ]a 2od3trin, ` 43?7 c ajta c a1;(id n %], a c 43?7 c a,a c Strin,(4i?7 c @] ) c a)a dw?%<$.9e't<id<m ` 2od3trin, E7a2p4e Z< Thi3 e7a2p4e 2a6e3 three 'o4u2n3 updata.4e and report3 the va4ue o; the 0pdate property in the Stati'Te7t 3t?3tatu3< The reported va4ue i3 aye3,a not TR0E: dw?%<$.9e't<id<0pdate ` TR0E dw?%<$.9e't<3treet<0pdate ` TR0E dw?%<$.9e't<4a3t?na2e<0pdate ` TR0E 3t?3tatu3<Te7t ` a0pdatea.4e: id a c dw?%<$.9e't<id<0pdate c a, 3treet a c o dw?%<$.9e't<3treet<0pdate c a, 4a3t?na2e a c dw?%<$.9e't<4a3t?na2e<0pdate E7a2p4e [< Thi3 e7a2p4e 'he'63 whether the id 'o4u2n i3 3et up a3 a 3pin 'ontro4< 1; 3o, it 3et3 the 3pin ran,e to ] throu,h %]: 1F dw?%<$.9e't<id<Edit5a36<Spin ` aye3a T!E" dw?%<$.9e't<id<Edit5a36<SpinRan,e ` a]jjjj%]a E"D 1F Datawindow $.9e't Propertie3: A 3u.3et o; the propertie3 'an .e u3ed with the Synta7Fro2SC ;un'tion to ,enerate DataWindow 3our'e 'ode< You 'an u3e that 'ode in the Create ;un'tion to 'reate new DataWindow3< The ;o44owin, topi'3 4i3t the propertie3 ;or ea'h o.9e't within the DataWindow and ;or 6eyword3 ;or Synta7Fro2SC < $.9e't3 Bit2ap: An 7 in the 5 (5odi;y) 'o4u2n 2ean3 you 'an 'han,e the property< When (e7p ) i3 in'4uded in the de3'ription, you 'an 3pe'i;y a DataWindow painter e7pre33ion a3 the va4ue ;or that property< CREATED BY: E !A"# T$A" %@


Property ;or a Bit2ap

Attri.ute3 Band Border .it2ap Fi4ena2e 7 (e7p ) The ;i4e 'ontainin, the .it2ap !ei,ht 7 (e7p ) The hei,ht o; the .it2ap !ideSna6ed 7 Whether the o.9e't appear3 on'e per pa,e when printin, new3paper 'o4u2n3 1nvert 7 (e7p ) Whether the 'o4or3 are di3p4ayed inverted 5ovea.4e 7 Whether the u3er 'an 2ove the .it2ap "a2e The na2e o; the .it2ap o.9e't Pointer 7 (e7p ) The pointer i2a,e when it i3 over the .it2ap Re3i>ea.4e 7 Whether the u3er 'an re3i>e the .it2ap S4ide e;t 7 (e7p ) Whether the .it2ap 2ove3 4e;t to ;i44 in e2pty 3pa'e S4ide0p 7 (e7p ) !ow the .it2ap 2ove3 up to ;i44 in e2pty 3pa'e Ta, 7 (e7p ) The ta, te7t ;or the .it2ap Type The o.9e'tf3 type, whi'h i3 .it2ap 8i3i.4e 7 (e7p ) Whether the .it2ap o.9e't i3 vi3i.4e Width 7 (e7p ) The width o; the .it2ap m 7 (e7p ) The 7 'oordinate o; the .it2ap Y 7 (e7p ) The y 'oordinate o; the .it2ap Button: An 7 in the 5 (5odi;y) 'o4u2n 2ean3 you 'an 'han,e the property< When (e7p ) i3 in'4uded in the de3'ription, you 'an 3pe'i;y a DataWindow painter e7pre33ion a3 the va4ue ;or that property< Property ;or a Button 5 De3'ription A'tion 7 (e7p ) The a'tion a u3er 'an a33i,n to the .utton Attri.ute3 A 4i3t o; the propertie3 o; the .utton o.9e't Ba'6,round<property 7 (e7p ) Ba'6,round 3ettin,3 ;or the .utton o.9e't Band The .and 'ontainin, the .utton o.9e't Co4or 7 (e7p ) The te7t 'o4or De;au4tPi'ture 7 Whether or not the a'tionf3 de;au4t pi'ture i3 to .e u3ed on the .utton (u3er de;ined a'tion ha3 no pi'ture) Font<property 7 (e7p ) Font 3ettin,3 ;or the te7t !Te7tA4i,n 7 (e7p ) !ow the te7t in the .utton i3 hori>onta44y a4i,ned< 8a4ue3 are: ] ('enter), % (4e;t), @ (ri,ht) CREATED BY: E !A"# T$A" %E

5 De3'ription A 4i3t o; the propertie3 o; the .it2ap The .and 'ontainin, the .it2ap 7 (e7p ) The type o; .order around the


!ei,ht 7 (e7p ) The hei,ht o; the .utton o.9e't !ideSna6ed 7 Whether the .utton o.9e't appear3 on'e per pa,e when printin, new3paper 'o4u2n3 5ovea.4e 7 Whether the u3er 'an 2ove the .utton o.9e't "a2e The na2e o; the .utton o.9e't Pi'ture"a2e 7 (e7p ) "a2e o; the ;i4e 'ontainin, the pi'ture to .e u3ed on the .utton (i; not 3pe'i;ied, 9u3t the te7t i3 u3ed) Pointer 7 (e7p ) The pointer i2a,e when it i3 over the .utton o.9e't Re3i>ea.4e 7 Whether the u3er 'an re3i>e the .utton o.9e't S4ide e;t 7 (e7p ) Whether the .utton o.9e't 2ove3 4e;t to ;i44 in e2pty 3pa'e S4ide0p 7 (e7p ) !ow the .utton o.9e't 2ove3 up to ;i44 in e2pty 3pa'e Suppre33EventPro'e33in, 7 Whether or not ButtonC4i'6ed and ButtonC4i'6in, event3 are ;ired ;or thi3 parti'u4ar .utton Ta, 7 (e7p ) The ta, te7t ;or the .utton o.9e't Te7t 7 (e7p ) The di3p4ayed te7t Type The o.9e'tf3 type, whi'h i3 .utton 8Te7tA4i,n 7 (e7p ) !ow the te7t in the .utton i3 verti'a44y a4i,ned< 8a4ue3 are: ] ('enter), % (top), @ (.otto2), E (2u4ti4ine) 8i3i.4e 7 (e7p ) Whether the .utton o.9e't i3 vi3i.4e Width 7 (e7p ) The width o; the .utton o.9e't m 7 (e7p ) The 7 'oordinate o; the .utton o.9e't Y 7 (e7p ) The y 'oordinate o; the .utton o.9e't Co4u2n: An 7 in the 5 (5odi;y) 'o4u2n 2ean3 you 'an 'han,e the property< An 7 in the S 'o4u2n 2ean3 you 'an u3e the property with Synta7Fro2SC < When (e7p ) i3 in'4uded in the de3'ription, you 'an 3pe'i;y a DataWindow painter e7pre33ion a3 the va4ue ;or that property< Property ;or a Co4u2n 5 S De3'ription A''e4erator 7 (e7p ) The a''e4erator 6ey ;or the 'o4u2n A4i,n2ent 7 (e7p ) The a4i,n2ent o; the 'o4u2nf3 te7t Attri.ute3 A 4i3t o; the propertie3 o; the 'o4u2n Ba'6,round<property 77 (e7p ) Ba'6,round 3ettin,3 ;or the 'o4u2n Band The .and 'ontainin, the 'o4u2n Bit2ap"a2e Whether the 'o4u2nf3 'ontent3 na2e3 a .it2ap that wi44 .e di3p4ayed in3tead o; the te7t CREATED BY: E !A"# T$A" %F


Border 77 around the 'o4u2n Che'6Bo7<property 7 3ty4e Co4or 77 Co4Type Criteria<property 7 ;or Criteria dia4o, .o7 d."a2e 7 'o4u2n dddw<property 7 DropDownDataWindow edit 3ty4e dd4.<property 7 edit 3ty4e Edit<property 77 Edit5a36<property 7 Font<property 77 'o4u2n te7t For2at 7 ;or2at !ei,ht 7 !ei,ht<AutoSi>e 7 ad9u3ted to ;it the data !ideSna6ed 7 on'e per pa,e when printin, new3paper 'o4u2n3 1dentity 7 'o4u2nf3 va4ue 1D 1nitia4 7 ;or a new row _ey 7 ta.4ef3 pri2ary 6ey ineRe2ove 7 when the 'o4u2n i3 not vi3i.4e 5ovea.4e 7 'o4u2n 5u4ti4ine 7 2u4ti4ine "a2e Pointer 7 it i3 over 'o4u2n Prote't 7 prote'ted ;ro2 'han,e3 RadioButton3<property 7 3ty4e Re3i>ea.4e 7 'o4u2n S4ide e;t 7 CREATED BY: E !A"# T$A"

(e7p ) The type o; .order Settin,3 ;or Che'6Bo7 edit (e7p ) The te7t 'o4or The 'o4u2nf3 data type Settin,3 ;or 'o4u2n in Pro2pt The na2e o; the data.a3e Settin,3 ;or Settin,3 ;or DropDown i3tBo7 Settin,3 ;or Edit edit 3ty4e Settin,3 ;or Edit5a36 edit 3ty4e (e7p ) Font 3ettin,3 ;or the (e7p ) The 'o4u2nf3 di3p4ay (e7p ) The hei,ht o; the 'o4u2n Whether 'o4u2n hei,ht i3 Whether the o.9e't appear3 Whether the DB5S 3et3 the The o; the 'o4u2n The initia4 va4ue in the 'o4u2n Whether 'o4u2n i3 part o; the Whether to re2ove 4ine o; te7t Whether the u3er 'an 2ove the Whether the 'o4u2n 'an .e The na2e o; the 'o4u2n (e7p ) The pointerf3 i2a,e when (e7p ) Whether 'o4u2n i3 Settin,3 ;or RadioButton edit Whether the u3er 'an re3i>e the (e7p ) Whether 'o4u2n 2ove3 %Z


4e;t to ;i44 in 3pa'e S4ide0p 7 (e7p ) !ow the 'o4u2n 2ove3 up to ;i44 in 3pa'e Ta.SeKuen'e 7 The po3ition o; the 'o4u2n in the ta. order Ta, 7 (e7p ) The ta, te7t ;or the 'o4u2n Type The o.9e'tf3 type, whi'h i3 Co4u2n 0pdate 7 Whether the 'o4u2n i3 updata.4e 8a4idation 7 (e7p ) The va4idation e7pre33ion ;or the 'o4u2n 8a4idation53, 7 (e7p ) The 2e33a,e di3p4ayed when va4idation ;ai43 8a4ue3 (;or 'o4u2n3) 7 The va4ue3 in the 'o4u2nf3 'ode ta.4e 8i3i.4e 7 (e7p ) Whether the 'o4u2n o.9e't i3 vi3i.4e Width 7 (e7p ) The width o; the 'o4u2n Width<Auto3i>e 7 Whether width ad9u3t3 to the data m 7 (e7p ) The 7 'oordinate o; the 'o4u2n Y 7 (e7p ) The y 'oordinate o; the 'o4u2n Co2puted ;ie4d: An 7 in the 5 (5odi;y) 'o4u2n 2ean3 you 'an 'han,e the property< When (e7p ) i3 in'4uded in the de3'ription, you 'an 3pe'i;y a DataWindow painter e7pre33ion a3 the va4ue ;or that property< Property ;or a 'o2puted ;ie4d 5 De3'ription A4i,n2ent 7 (e7p ) The a4i,n2ent o; the 'o2puted ;ie4df3 te7t Attri.ute3 A 4i3t o; the propertie3 o; the 'o2puted ;ie4d Ba'6,round<property 7 (e7p ) Ba'6,round 3ettin,3 ;or the 'o2puted ;ie4d Band The .and 'ontainin, the 'o2puted ;ie4d Border 7 (e7p ) The type o; .order around the 'o2puted ;ie4d Co4or 7 (e7p ) The te7t 'o4or Co4Type The 'o4u2nf3 data type E7pre33ion 7 The e7pre33ion ;or the 'o2puted ;ie4d Footer<property 7 (e7p ) Font 3ettin,3 ;or the 'o2puted ;ie4d For2at 7 (e7p ) The 'o2puted ;ie4df3 di3p4ay CREATED BY: E !A"# T$A" %[


;or2at !ei,ht 7 (e7p ) The hei,ht o; the 'o2puted ;ie4d !ei,ht<AutoSi>e 7 Whether the 'o2puted ;ie4df3 hei,ht i3 ad9u3ted to ;it the data !ideSna6ed 7 Whether the o.9e't appear3 on'e per pa,e when printin, new3paper 'o4u2n3 ineRe2ove 7 Whether to re2ove 4ine o; te7t when the 'o2puted ;ie4d i3 not vi3i.4e 5ovea.4e 7 Whether the u3er 'an 2ove the 'o2puted ;ie4d 5u4ti4ine 7 Whether the 'o4u2n 'an .e 2u4ti4ine "a2e The na2e o; the 'o2puted ;ie4d Pointer 7 (e7p ) The pointer i2a,e when it i3 over the 'o2puted ;ie4d Re3i>ea.4e 7 Whether the u3er 'an re3i>e the 'o2puted ;ie4d S4ide e;t 7 (e7p ) Whether the 'o2puted ;ie4d 2ove3 4e;t to ;i44 in 3pa'e S4ide0p 7 (e7p ) !ow the 'o2puted ;ie4d 2ove3 up to ;i44 in e2pty 3pa'e Ta, 7 (e7p ) The ta, te7t ;or the 'o2puted ;ie4d Type The o.9e'tf3 type, whi'h i3 Co2pute 8i3i.4e 7 (e7p ) Whether the 'o2puted ;ie4d o.9e't i3 vi3i.4e Width 7 (e7p ) The width o; the 'o2puted ;ie4d Width<Auto3i>e 7 Whether width ad9u3t3 to the data m 7 (e7p ) The 7 'oordinate o; the 'o2puted ;ie4d Y 7 (e7p ) The y 'oordinate o; the 'o2puted ;ie4d DataWindow: An 7 in the 5 (5odi;y) 'o4u2n 2ean3 you 'an 'han,e the property< An 7 in the S 'o4u2n 2ean3 you 'an u3e the property with Synta7Fro2SC <When (e7p ) i3 in'4uded in the de3'ription, you 'an 3pe'i;y a DataWindow painter e7pre33ion a3 the va4ue ;or that property< Property ;or the DW 5 S De3'ription Attri.ute3 A44 ,enera4 propertie3 Band3 i3t o; .and3 Bandna2e<property 7 Co4or, hei,ht, and 3o on ;or a .and, where .andna2e i3 Detai4, Footer, !eader, Su22ary, or Trai4er Bandna2e<Te7t 7 Ri'h te7t 'ontent where .andna2e i3 Detai4, Footer, or !eader Co4or 77 Ba'6,round 'o4or Co4u2n<Count " o; 'o4u2n3 Cro33ta.<property 7 Settin,3 ;or a 'ro33ta. DataWindow CREATED BY: E !A"# T$A" %^


Data De3'ription o; data Data<!T5 Ta.4e De3'ription o; the data in the DataWindow in !T5 ta.4e ;or2at Detai4<property 7 Co4or, hei,ht, and 3o on ;or the detai4 .and Edit5a36<property 7 Settin,3 ;or Edit5a36 edit 3ty4e Fir3tRow$nPa,e The row o; the ;ir3t di3p4ayed row Font<Bia3 7 Treat ;ont3 a3 di3p4ay or printer Footer<property 7 Co4or, hei,ht, and 3o on ;or the ;ooter .and (3ee Bandna2e<property in thi3 ta.4e) #rid<Co4u2n5ove 7 Whether the u3er 'an dra, to repo3ition 'o4u2n3 #rid< ine3 7 $ption3 ;or 4ine3 in ,rid DataWindow and 'ro33ta. !eader<Y<property 7 Co4or, hei,ht, and 3o on ;or a ,roupf3 header .and !eader<property 7 Co4or, hei,ht, and 3o on ;or the header .and !e4p<property 7 !e4p 3ettin,3 ;or DataWindow a'tion3 !ori>onta4S'ro445a7i2u2 Width o; 3'ro44 .o7 in the hori>onta4 3' !ori>onta4S'ro445a7i2u2@ Width o; 3e'ond 3'ro44 .o7 when 3' i3 3p4it !ori>onta4S'ro44Po3ition 7 Po3ition o; the 3'ro44 .o7 in the 3' !ori>onta4S'ro44Po3ition@ 7 Po3ition o; 3'ro44 .o7 in 3e'ond 3p4it 3' !ori>onta4S'ro44Sp4it 7 The po3ition o; the 3p4it in the 3' !T5 Ta.4e<property 7 Settin,3 ;or the di3p4ay o; DataWindow data when di3p4ayed in !T5 ta.4e ;or2at a.e4<property 77 Settin,3 ;or the a.e4 pre3entation 3ty4e a3tRow$nPa,e The 4a3t vi3i.4e row on the pa,e 5e33a,e<Tit4e 77 The tit4e o; the dia4o, .o7 that di3p4ay3 error3 "e3ted Whether the DataWindow ha3 ne3ted report3 $.9e't3 The o.9e't3 in the DataWindow $ E<C4ient<property 7 Settin,3 ;or the DataWindow a3 $ E '4ient Pointer 7 (e7p ) The pointer when over the DataWindow Print<Button3 7 Whether .utton3 di3p4ay on the printed output Print<Preview<Button3 7 Whether .utton3 di3p4ay in print CREATED BY: E !A"# T$A" %g


preview Print<property Printer Pro'e33in, pre3entation 3ty4e Cuery5ode Kuery 2ode CuerySort ;ro2 the Kuery Read$n4y read=on4y Retrieve<A3"eeded needed Ri'hTe7t<property DataWindow Row<Re3i>e hei,ht o; row3 Row3?Per?Detai4 o; "=0p 3ty4e Se4e'ted Se4e'ted<Data Se4e'ted<5ou3e to 3e4e't ShowDe;inition in3tead o; data Spar3e .e 3uppre33ed Stora,e DataWindow Su22ary<property 3u22ary .and Synta7 Synta7<Data par3e ;or2at Synta7<5odi;ied 2odi;ied Ta.4e<property Ti2er?1nterva4 event3 Trai4er<Y<property ,roupf3 trai4er .and 0nit3 DataWindow 8erti'a4S'ro445a7i2u2 the 3' 8erti'a4S'ro44Po3ition the 3' poo2 CREATED BY: E !A"# T$A"


8ariou3 3ettin,3 ;or printin, The 'urrent4y 3e4e'ted printer Pro'e33in, reKuired .y the Whether the DataWindow i3 in Whether to 3ort the re3u4t 3et Whether the DataWindow i3 Whether to retrieve data on4y a3 Settin,3 ;or a Ri'hTe7t Whether u3er 'an 'han,e the

7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

" o; row3 in ea'h 'o4u2n i3t o; 3e4e'ted o.9e't3 i3t o; 3e4e'ted data Whether u3er 'an u3e the 2ou3e (e7p ) Di3p4ay 'o4u2n na2e3 (e7p ) The repeatin, 'o4u2n3 to The a2ount o; 3tora,e u3ed .y

Co4or, hei,ht, and 3o on ;or the The 3ynta7 o; the DataWindow The data o; the DataWindow in

7 7 77 7 7

Whether the 3ynta7 ha3 .een 8ariou3 3ettin,3 ;or the data.a3e The 2i44i3e'ond3 .etween ti2er Co4or, hei,ht, and 3o on ;or a The unit o; 2ea3ure ;or the The hei,ht o; the 3'ro44 .o7 in

7 7

The po3ition o; the 3'ro44 .o7 in The 3'a4in, per'enta,e o; the %\


DataWindow #raph: An 7 in the 5 (5odi;y) 'o4u2n 2ean3 you 'an 'han,e the property< When (e7p ) i3 in'4uded in the de3'ription, you 'an 3pe'i;y a DataWindow painter e7pre33ion a3 the va4ue ;or that property< Property ;or a #raph 5 De3'ription Attri.ute3 A 4i3t o; the propertie3 o; the ,raph A7i3 7 (e7p ) i3t o; ite23 ('ate,orie3, 3erie3, or va4ue3) ;or the a7i3 A7i3<property 7 (e7p ) Propertie3 ;or a ,raph a7i3 A7i3<Di3pAttr 7 (e7p ) Di3p4ay propertie3 ;or an a7i3 (3ee Di3pAttr<;ontproperty in thi3 ta.4e) Ba'6Co4or 7 (e7p ) The .a'6,round 'o4or o; the ,raph Band The .and 'ontainin, the ,raph Border 7 (e7p ) The type o; .order around the ,raph Cate,ory 7 (e7p ) i3t o; 'ate,orie3 ;or the a7i3 (3ee A7i3 in thi3 ta.4e) Cate,ory<property 7 (e7p ) Propertie3 ;or the Cate,ory a7i3 (3ee A7i3<property in thi3 ta.4e) Cate,ory<Di3pAttr 7 (e7p ) Di3p4ay propertie3 ;or the Cate,ory a7i3 (3ee Di3pAttr<;ontproperty in thi3 ta.4e) Co4or 7 (e7p ) The te7t 'o4or Depth 7 (e7p ) The depth o; a ED ,raph Di3pAttr<;ontproperty 7 Font 3ettin,3 ;or variou3 'o2ponent3 o; the ,raph E4evation 7 (e7p ) The e4evation o; a ED ,raph #raphType 7 (e7p ) The type o; ,raph (pie, .ar, and 3o on) !ei,ht 7 (e7p ) The hei,ht o; the ,raph !ideSna6ed 7 Whether the o.9e't appear3 on'e per pa,e when printin, new3paper 'o4u2n3 e,end 7 (e7p ) The 4o'ation o; the 4e,end e,end<Di3pAttr<;ontproperty 7 (e7p ) Di3p4ay propertie3 ;or the 4e,end 5ovea.4e 7 Whether the u3er 'an 2ove the ,raph "a2e The na2e o; the ,raph o.9e't $ver4apPer'ent 7 (e7p ) The over4ap .etween data 2ar6er3 in di;;erent 3erie3 Per3pe'tive 7 (e7p ) The di3tan'e o; the ,raph ;ro2 the ;ront o; the window Pie<Di3pAttr<;ontproperty 7 (e7p ) Di3p4ay propertie3 ;or the pie 34i'e 4a.e43 Pointer 7 (e7p ) The pointer i2a,e when it i3 over the ,raph Ran,e The row3 in the DataWindow that are in'4uded in the ,raph CREATED BY: E !A"# T$A" @]


Re3i>ea.4e 7 Whether the u3er 'an re3i>e the ,raph Rotation 7 (e7p ) The 4e;t=to=ri,ht rotation o; a ED ,raph Serie3 7 (e7p ) i3t o; 3erie3 ;or the a7i3 (3ee A7i3 in the ta.4e) Serie3<property 7 (e7p ) Propertie3 ;or the Serie3 a7i3 (3ee A7i3<property in thi3 ta.4e) Serie3<Di3pAttr 7 (e7p ) Di3p4ay propertie3 ;or the Serie3 a7i3 (3ee Di3pAttr<;ontproperty in thi3 ta.4e) ShadeCo4or 7 (e7p ) The 'o4or o; the .a'6 ed,e ;or ED data 2ar6er3 Si>eToDi3p4ay 7 (e7p ) Whether to 3i>e the ,raph to the di3p4ay area S4ide e;t 7 (e7p ) Whether the ,raph 2ove3 4e;t to ;i44 in e2pty 3pa'e S4ide0p 7 (e7p ) !ow the ,raph 2ove3 up to ;i44 in e2pty 3pa'e Spa'in, 7 (e7p ) The ,ap .etween 'ate,orie3 Ta, 7 (e7p ) The ta, te7t ;or the ,raph Tit4e 7 (e7p ) The ,raphf3 tit4e Tit4e<Di3pAttr<;ontproperty 7 (e7p ) Di3p4ay propertie3 ;or the tit4e Type The o.9e'tf3 type, whi'h i3 ,raph 8a4ue3 7 (e7p ) i3t o; va4ue3 ;or the a7i3 (3ee A7i3 in the ta.4e) 8a4ue3<property 7 (e7p ) Propertie3 ;or the 8a4ue3 a7i3 (3ee A7i3<property in the ta.4e) 8a4ue3<Di3pAttr 7 (e7p ) Di3p4ay propertie3 ;or the 8a4ue3 a7i3 (3ee Di3pAttr<;ontproperty in the ta.4e) 8i3i.4e 7 (e7p ) Whether the ,raph o.9e't i3 vi3i.4e Width 7 (e7p ) The width o; the ,raph m 7 (e7p ) The 7 'oordinate o; the ,raph Y 7 (e7p ) The y 'oordinate o; the ,raph #roupBo7 ine $va4, Re'tan,4e, and RoundRe'tan,4e Report: An 7 in the 5 (5odi;y) 'o4u2n 2ean3 you 'an 'han,e the property< When (e7p ) i3 in'4uded in the de3'ription, you 'an 3pe'i;y a DataWindow painter e7pre33ion a3 the va4ue ;or that property< Property ;or a Report 5 De3'ription Attri.ute3 A 4i3t o; the propertie3 o; the report Band The .and 'ontainin, the report Border 7 (e7p ) The type o; .order around the report Criteria 7 The W!ERE '4au3e that re4ate3 the CREATED BY: E !A"# T$A" @%


report to the 2ain DataWindow Data$.9e't the ne3ted report !ei,ht !ideSna6ed pa,e when printin, new3paper 'o4u2n3 5ovea.4e "a2e "e3t?Ar,u2ent3 "ewPa,e (Report o.9e't3) pa,e ('o2po3ite on4y) Pointer over the report Re3i>ea.4e S4ide e;t ;i44 in e2pty 3pa'e S4ide0p in e2pty 3pa'e Ta, Trai4?Footer on4y) Type 8i3i.4e vi3i.4e Width m Y Ta.4eB4o. Te7t

7 The na2e o; the DataWindow that i3 7 (e7p ) The hei,ht o; the report 7 Whether the o.9e't appear3 on'e per 7 Whether the u3er 'an 2ove the report The na2e o; the Report o.9e't 7 Retrieva4 ar,u2ent3 ;or the report 7 Whether to 3tart the report on a new 7 (e7p ) The pointer i2a,e when it i3 7 Whether the u3er 'an re3i>e the report 7 (e7p ) Whether the report 2ove3 4e;t to 7 (e7p ) !ow the report 2ove3 up to ;i44 7 (e7p ) The ta, te7t ;or the report 7 Where to print the ;ooter ('o2po3ite The o.9e'tf3 type, whi'h i3 report 7 (e7p ) Whether the Report o.9e't i3 7 (e7p ) The width o; the report 7 (e7p ) The 7 'oordinate o; the report 7 (e7p ) The y 'oordinate o; the report

_eyword3 #roup: You 'an u3e the3e propertie3 with Synta7Fro2 SC < Property De3'ription "ewPa,e (#roup 6eyword3) Whether a 'han,e in a ,roup 'o4u2nf3 va4ue 'au3e3 a pa,e .rea6 Re3etPa,eCount Whether a new va4ue in a ,roup 'o4u2n re3tart3 pa,e nu2.erin, Sty4e: You 'an u3e the3e propertie3 with Synta7Fro2SC < Property De3'ription Detai4?Botto2?5ar,in Botto2 2ar,in o; the detai4 area Detai4?Top?5ar,in Top 2ar,in o; the detai4 area !eader?Botto2?5ar,in Botto2 2ar,in o; the header area !eader?Top?5ar,in Top 2ar,in o; the header area !ori>onta4?Spread !ori>onta4 3pa'e .etween 'o4u2n3 in the detai4 area e;t?5ar,in The 4e;t 2ar,in o; the DataWindow CREATED BY: E !A"# T$A" @@


Report on4y report Type 8erti'a4?Si>e detai4 area 8erti'a4?Spread in the detai4 area Tit4e:

Whether the DataWindow i3 a read= The pre3entation 3ty4e The hei,ht o; the 'o4u2n3 in the The verti'a4 3pa'e .etween 'o4u2n3



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