Plan de Recuperacion Grado 9 IV Periodo

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Pautas y temas para afianzar las dificultades

TEMAS: Passive voice: in oresent , past and continuous Verbs in past participle Vocabulary about advertisement Reading comprehension

INDICACIONES: los estudiantes de grado 9 que presentan desempeo bajo en la asignatura de ingls deben estudiar los temas que se encuentran a continuacin y que fueron vistos y evaluados durante este cuarto periodo, de igual manera tomar este taller como repaso, el cual le servir para la prctica y afianzamiento de algunas dudas, pero no tendr ninguna valoracin. Se sugiere al estudiante, si presenta alguna duda acercarse donde el docente correspondiente y aclarar esta. Para la practica online se deben tener en cuenta los siguientes link,:

igualmente practicar en casa off line con el CDS del libro manejado en clase american big picture las unidades para practicar son: unidad 10 pginas

Se anexa taller para practica

READING COMPREHENSION Roscoe Lee Browne is a large man with a pleasant, friendly face. He has worked in the theater and also in movies and TV. He can play many different people good, bad, happy or sad. He was born in 1925 in New Jersey. After school, he studied at Lincoln University, where he taught French before becoming an actor. When he was a student, he was excellent at running. In 1951, he won an important 800-meter race in Paris. Peter Ustinovs father was Russian and his mother was French, but Peter was born in England. He went to an expensive school, but he was not happy there. He quit at 16 and joined the London Theater Studio. Two years later, he got his first acting job. After that, he was in many plays and movies, but he also found time to write stories, to travel and to paint. Ed Wynn was a star in the theater first and then moved to TV and radio shows. Later, he also acted in movies. Many people remember his name because he knew how to make them laugh. He was born in Pennsylvania and went to school there. His father had a hat store and Ed liked to put the hats on and make the customers laugh. Eds father told him not to become an actor, but Ed always knew it was what he wanted to be. 1. Whose father didnt want him to act?

a. Roscoe Lee Browne b. Peter Ustinov c.Ed Wynn 2. Who began acting when he was still a teenager? a. Roscoe Lee Browne b. Peter Ustinov c. Ed Wynn 3. Who had a different job before he began acting? a. Roscoe Lee Browne b. Peter Ustinov c. Ed Wynn 4. Who worked in TV before becoming a movie actor? a. Roscoe Lee Browne c. Peter Ustinov d. Ed Wynn 5. Who did not like his school? a. Roscoe Lee Browne b. Peter Ustinov c. Ed Wynn 6. Who was famous for being funny? a. Roscoe Lee Browne b. Peter Ustinov c. Ed Wynn 7. Who was in a sports competition when a. Roscoe Lee Browne b. Peter Ustinov c. Ed Wynn 8. Who had several hobbies? a. Roscoe Lee Browne b. Peter Ustinov c. Ed Wynn he was a young man?


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

The book ____________ by Mark Twain. (Write). Nowadays, TV _______________ by many people (watched). A lot of movie _______________ in Australia last century (show). An e mail ___________ 3 minutes ago (send). A new car ______________ in my house (buy). Many soccer t shirts __________(sell) around the world in the 80s. The dishes ________ by the Chinese (make). Soccer player __________ around all over the world (play). English __________ in many countries (speak). Our DVD player _________to record our favorite TV show (program).

Look at the words and find their definitions. words Advert ( ) Billboard ( ) Brand ( ) Campaign ( ) Flyer ( ) Logo ( ) Slogan ( ) Definition 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A large board in a public place using for showing adverts A symbol that represents an organization or company A poster, short TV film, or radio programmed which is designed to persuade us to buy something A series of adverts The name of a product that are made by the same company

Listen to a sport journalist talking about football shirts. Which topic does she not talk about? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A business sponsorship Fashion and identity Fake football shirts Her favorite t shirt design Football as a symbol of globalization

Nuclear Danger
Our demand for electricity is climbing so fast that over the next decade our generating capacity must increase by a third. Fossil fuels supply nearly three-quarters of this energy. But the smoke expelling coal, gas, and oil-fired plants are also responsible for half of our air pollution. That might be considered as a small price to pay for progress. But there's an alternative, .one that produces no smoke and can actually create more fuel than it consumes. In many regions it's even cheaper than coal-fired electricity: nuclear power. It may directly bring danger of radioactivity to the mind, but if other types of power didn't present equal and even worse problems, it would make no sense to consider nuclear power at all. But they do. 1. Although 3/4 of the electricity is generated from fossil fuels A) We should consider the potential dangers of nuclear power B) everything has got an expense; and nuclear power's is its radioactivity C) It may contribute to global warming, the greenhouse effect D) half of the air pollution is caused by the plants using them E) coal also contains a surprising amount of radioactive material 2. A) B) C) is is It's supplies less a claimed dangerous in and the of passage the than that country's other because nuclear energy types it's of power demand power radioactive

three-quarters potential

cheaper danger

D) will present us a more polluted environment 3. A) B) C) D) In fossil the there's nuclear they will passage, plants not waste have the might a might to writer bring better be build more is worried alternative dangerous power nuclear that than than stations in the nuclear fossil air one future.. energy fuels pollution day





E) there will always be possible dangers of nuclear power.

The Great Hanshin Earthquake.

The Great Hanshin earthquake, or the Kobe earthquake as it is more commonly known overseas, was an earthquake in Japan that measured 7.2 on the Japanese Scale. It occurred on January 17, 1995 at 5:46 am 52 seconds in the southern part of Hyogo Prefecture and lasted for approximately 20 seconds. The epicenter of the earthquake was on the northern end of Awaji Island, near the cosmopolitan city of Kobe with a population of 1.5 million. A total of 6,433 people, mainly in the city of Kobe, lost their lives. Additionally, it caused approximately ten trillion yen in damage. It is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the costliest natural disaster. It was the worst .earthquake in Japan since the Great Kanto earthquake in 1923, which claimed 140,000 lives. 4. It is stated in the passage that the number of deaths in the city of Kobe ----. A) was greater than that of Hurricane Katrina

B) was not as high as in C) exceeded that of D) was extremely high for an E) was small due to the type of construction

the Great Kanto any known earthquake of this

earthquake earthquake magnitude

5. According to the passage, the Kobe earthquake is listed in the Guinness Book of Records because ----. A) it has been the highest magnitude earthquake recorded so far B) it lasted less than 20 seconds C) it caused more financial damage than any other natural disaster in theworld D) the city of Kobe suffered the highest number of deaths among affected regions E) its epicenter was on the northern end of Awaji island 6. We understand from the passage that the Kobe earthquake A) is internationally known as the Great Hanshin earthquake B) didn't cause any damage in the neighbourhood of Kobe C) was the first to cause widespread and serious damage to modernbuildings D) is not the deadliest earthquake in the history of Japan E) had a higher magnitude than the Great Kanto earthquake. Choose the correct form of each sentence in passive voice. 7. My brother studies the lesson. A. The lesson is studied by my brother. B. My brother studied the lesson. C. He is lesson. 8. Tom writes a letter. A. Tom wrote a letter. B. A letter is written by Tom. C. Tom is writing. 9. My brother is studying the lesson. A. The lesson is being studied by my brother. B. He studied the lesson. C. He was studied the lesson. 10. Tom is writing a letter. A. Tom wrote a letter. B. Tom was write a letter. C. A letter is being written by Tom. 11. Pedro de Mendoza founded Buenos Aires. A. B.A. was founded by Pedro M. B. Pedro de M found B. A. C. Pedro de M, is in Buenos A. 12. Someone gives me a dog. A. someone gave me a dog. B. a dog was gives me. C. A dog is given to me. 13. My brother was studying the lesson. A. The lesson was being studied by my brother. B. My brother studied. C. My brother studies the lesson. 14. Tom was writing a letter. A. Tom wrote a letter. B. Tom writes a letter. C. A letter was being written by Tom. 15. He wrote a letter.

a. b. c.

A letter has been written by him A letter is been written by him A letter was written by him

16. The child did not beat the dog a. The dong is not beaten by the child b. The dog will be beaten by the child c. The dog was not beaten by the child 17. He solved a question. a. A question was solved by him b. A question is being solved by him c. A question is solved by him 18. They are playing hokey a. Hokey is being played by him b. Hokey are being played by him c. Hokey is playing by him 19. I see a beautiful bird a. A beautiful bird has been seen by me b. A beautiful bird is being seen by me c. A beautiful bird is seen by me 20. I dont see him a. He was not seen by me b. He is not being seen by me c. He is not seen by me

21. She was cooking the dinner a. The dinner was cooked by her b. The dinner is being cooked bu her c. The dinner was being cooked by her 22. Does he not see us? a. Were we not seen by him? b. Are we not seen by him c. Are we not being seen by him

When the air is clear, the sunset will appear yellow, because the light from the sun has passed a long distance through air and the blue light has been scattered away. If the air is polluted with small particles, natural or otherwise, the sunset will be more red. Sunsets over the sea may also be orange, due to salt particles in the air. The sky around the sun is seen reddened, as well as the light coming directly from the sun. This is because all light is scattered relatively well through small angles, but blue light is then more likely to be scattered twice over the greater distances, leaving the yellow, red and orange colors. 23. As it is pointed out in the passage, the color of the sunset a) May be lighter than expected due to salt particles in the air b) is red if the sky is clear c) owes its blueness to the distance between the sun and the earth d) is a combination of all the colors e) depends on the weather conditions and the location where it takes place. 24. One can infer from the passage that the sunset looks yellow because ----. a) scattering does not play an appreciable role in determining the color ofthe transmitted light B) the blue light is scattered on the long way through the air at that time c) the light coming directly from the sun is blue d) the air is polluted to such a degree that the Earth's climate is actually changing e) sunsets generally take place on the sea

Do your best and good luck!

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