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Diagnostic Test-the 10th form A.Reading Comprehension . I.

Read the text attentively: Agatha Christie is possibly the worlds most famous detective story writer.She wrote 79 novels and several plays.Her sales outnumber those of W.Sha espeare.However!behind her "!#$%!%%% words was &'(a painfully shy woman whose life was often lonely and unhappy. She was born in '$9% in )evon!the third child of Clarissa and *rederic +iller!and grew into a beautiful and sensitive girl with waist,length golden hair.She didnt go to school but was educated at home&-( by her mther.Her father died when she was '' and both she and her mother were grief,stric en.)uring World War '!while she was wor ing in&.( a hospital dispensary !she learned about chemicals and poisons!which proved to be very useful to her in her later career.She wrote her first detective novel&"( in '9-%./n it she introduced Hercule 0oirot!the 1elgian detective who appeared in many subse2uent novels.Her other main detective was an elderly spinster&3( called +iss +arple. 1.a.Mark T{true} or F{false} the following senten es! "1#$ %&%#' '.A.Christies boo s contain more than " mln words. ,,,,,,,,,,, -.Her writing is sold better than W.Sha espeares. ,,,,,,,,,,, ..A.Christie was unhappy because she was often in pain. ,,,,,, ".She didnt have any brothers or sisters. ,,,,,, 3.She had long fair hair. ,,,,, #.A.Christie was uneducated because she didnt go to school. ,,,,, 7.Her father died in '9''. ,,,,, $.She learned about poisons when she was ill in hospital. ,,,, 9.She wrote her first novel when she was .. ,,,, '%.H.0oirot and +.+arple were the only heroes in her boo s. ,,,, 1.(.)uild up *uestions to whi h the underlined words in the a(o+e te,t are the answers. {- $ .&1-} Ex. Agatha Christie is ossi!ly the "orld#s most famo$s detective story "riter. Who is A.Christie? 1.? 2.? 3? 4.? 5..? )./RAMMAR. 1.0ut the +er(s in (ra kets into the orre t tense or form. "- $%&1#' '.4he police5555..5.6not find7 the burglar yet. -.+any towns 55555556destroy7 by the earth2ua e in 8apan last year. .,".Hurry9 4he bus555555.6come7. /555556not want7 to miss it. 3./55555.6play7 computers games at 3 ocloc . :esterday. %.1nsert the orre t preposition. "- $%&1#' '.Some teenagers are interested 555politics. -.4his is a secret ;ust and me. ../f 5.rains /ll watch 4<. ".What are you loo ing5.,=loves!/ cant find them 3./ was 5.a business trip in a foreign country. ..Choose onl2 one orre t answer."1# $ %&%#' './ wonder5555..umbrella it is> a.who b.that c.whose d.whose. -.Having no one to play!he would often sit on the front steps tal ing to 555555 a.herself b.themselves c.ourselves d.himself. ..)arts 55555..not difficult to play.

a.are d.has ".Helen was wearing her55555555555555555..dress. sil evening c.evening red sil b.sil red evening d.sil evening red 3.:ou555555.hard at your *rench if you want to pass the e?am. a.can b.may c.must d.should #.We couldnt find the cat55555.. a.any b.nowhere c.anywhere d.everywhere. 7.+i e is a careless driver!he drives555555than you. a.good. b.better c.bad d.worse $.0upils are not allowed5555..the room without permission. a.entering enter c.entered d.enter 9.Sandra wasnt happy about the idea!55555> a.didnt she b.did she c.was she d.wasnt she '%.Where 5555..the itchen scales>/ want to weigh some sugar. a.are b.has been d.was C.3riting 1.3rite a short paragraph a(out -#454 words on one of the following topi s!4.#p '.@+y hopes and ambitious@ -.the bestAthe worst holiday / ever had.@ ..@4he history of my newAold school@ 4otalB'%% points

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