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!"#$%&'() +,-.

012'/&/"/(, 3',2 4
+/(5/ %6 7$)/(18

resentat|on to the
Lxce||ence |n Student Ach|evement Comm|ttee
Comm|ttee of the Who|e

Dr. 8o|gen Vargas
Super|ntendent of Schoo|s
November 18, 2013

A revlew of upcomlng roposals
I will soon ask the Boards support to:
Lnd Lhe annual budgeL crlsls
ShlfL managemenL of some schools
8evlLallze C1L
Lngage Lhe communlLy Lo lmprove sLudenL behavlor
LllmlnaLe summer learnlng loss for pre-k3 sLudenLs

1hese w||| be |ncorporated |nto a D|str|ct act|on p|an I w|||
present next month
Lnd Lhe Annual 8udgeL Crlsls

Annual gaps creaLe uncerLalnLy and lnsLablllLy for sLaff, sLudenLs,
1here are sLrucLural lmbalances caused by:
lallure Lo make ongolng ad[usLmenLs for decllnlng enrollmenL
CompensaLlon lncreases ouLpaclng sLaLe ald
CLher revenue sources are flaL or decllnlng
1lme and efforL spenL on budgeLlng reduces focus on sLudenL
Spendlng Money SmarLly pro[ecL provldes resources and ouLslde
We wlll presenL a plan ln
March 2014 Lo ellmlnaLe Lhe
sLrucLural budgeL gap by
Colleges Wlll Manage Some Schools
1oo many sLudenLs aLLend low-performlng schools
8lgld bureaucraLlc rules make lL hard Lo Lry new approaches
1he large number of sLruggllng schools ls hard Lo manage

1he law allows ouLslde lnsLlLuLlons Lo manage publlc schools
Many colleges and unlverslLles have a sLrong Lrack record of
successful educaLlon managemenL
We wlll have as many ulsLrlcL
schools as posslble managed
by colleges and unlverslLles,
beglnnlng ln Lhe 2013-16
academlc year.
8evlLallze Career and 1echnlcal LducaLlon

Cur chlldren recelve fewer C1L opporLunlLles Lhan suburban sLudenLs
1he ulsLrlcL does noL offer sLudenLs Lralnlng for careers ln auLo repalr,
compuLer neLworklng and repalr, cosmeLology, denLal and healLh supporL
[obs, heavy equlpmenL, PvAC, phoLography or plumblng
SLrong [ob growLh ls pro[ecLed ln many of Lhese flelds

LxcellenL hlgh-school programs are avallable
1LCP granL provldes resources Lo help rebulld C1L program lnLernally

As soon as Lhe revlew by sLaLe
experLs ls compleLe, we wlll make
major changes to the Districts CTE
WlLh no Llme Lo lose, we wlll offer
ulsLrlcL sLudenLs Lhe chance Lo
aLLend 8CCLS programs beglnnlng
ln Lhe 2014-13 school year.
We are worklng Lo change Lhe law
Lo make Lhls flnanclally vlable for
slgnlflcanL numbers of sLudenLs.
Lead Lhe CommunlLy and All SLakeholders 1o
lmprove SLudenL 8ehavlor

oor sLudenL behavlor ls a barrler Lo lnsLrucLlon
1he ulsLrlcL spends Loo many mllllons on securlLy and safeLy
SLudenL conducL on Maln SLreeL lllusLraLes depLh of problem

1oo many sLudenLs are elLher vlcLlms or perpeLraLors of vlolence
1he communlLy recognlzes a need Lo engage
1he ulsLrlcL wlll lead a Lask force Lo
develop a new, more relevanL
sLudenL code of conducL. lL wlll
engage all sLakeholders8oard of
LducaLlon, oLher governmenLs,
parenLs, sLudenLs, communlLy
agencles, falLh communlLles,
school admlnlsLraLors, Leachers,
and sLaffLo creaLe a sense of
ownership and shared
expecLaLlons for sLudenL behavlor,
lnslde and ouLslde of school.
LllmlnaLe Summer Learnlng Loss
lor re-k3 SLudenLs

8eadlng by Lhlrd grade ls a Lop academlc prlorlLy
- LowesL-performlng readers are 20 Llmes more llkely Lo drop ouL
- Cur sLudenLs lose elghL weeks of readlng achlevemenL ln !uly
and AugusL
- Mlddle-class sLudenLs show sllghL galns each summer

lull-day re-k wlll help boosL early llLeracy
Academlc prlorlLy Leam wlll sLrengLhen k-3 llLeracy lnsLrucLlon
Summer llLeracy wlll allow galns Lo bulld year-round
We wlll expand summer opporLunlLles for young
sLudenLs ln 2014, wlLh a goal of offerlng summer
learnlng Lo all clLy chlldren ln grades re-k Lo 3.
Grade |eve| No. of students |n
summer |earn|ng (2013)
1ota| enro||ment (2013-14)
re-k 4 130 1,931
k|ndergarten 746 2,468
I|rst grade 773 2,710
Second grade 703 2,631
1h|rd grade 913 2,343
An AcLlon lan for SLudenL AchlevemenL
D|str|ct Goa|s Academ|c r|or|t|es Adm|n|strat|ve Act|ons
SLudenL achlevemenL/growLh

arenLal, famlly and
communlLy lnvolvemenL

CommunlcaLlon and
cusLomer servlce

LffecLlve and efflclenL
allocaLlon of resources

ManagemenL sysLems
More and beLLer learnlng

8eadlng by Lhlrd grade

lmproved lnsLrucLlon

Lnd annual budgeL crlsls

Colleges wlll manage some

8evlLallze C1L

Lngage Lhe communlLy Lo
lmprove sLudenL behavlor

LllmlnaLe summer learnlng
loss for re-k3 sLudenLs
l wlll presenL a more deLalled plan Lo Lhe 8oard
and communlLy nexL monLh

!"#$%&'() +,-./(,
012'/&/"/(, 3',2 4
+/(5/ %6 7$)/(18

resentat|on to the
Lxce||ence |n Student Ach|evement Comm|ttee
Comm|ttee of the Who|e

Dr. 8o|gen Vargas
Super|ntendent of Schoo|s
November 18, 2013


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