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BEDROOM - DAY Lying in bed, billy opens and closes the metal blinds, gating the outside light onto his face, otherwise his motionless body lies in rest. His environment has been hit by bomb shell, scraps of screwed up paper, past week food, wrappers and a mountain of clothes being its debris. Springing from his rest spot he heaves the string rising the flimsy metal sheets to expose the full beam filling up the room with natural lighting in places once shadowed. Leaning on the flaking painted ceil, he begins geometrically flowing his index finger on the window removes the light condensation, prevented by the weather, in the process, taking real care to eventually removing its existence with merely one swipe. Jarring his head to the right peering down at his alarm clock which shun 12:30. BILLY *Sigh* Collapsing back into his worn mattress, eyes firmly shut till something catches his attention. *Clink*(SOUND OF GLASS TOUCHING, Sound of liquid being poured) The boy opens his eyes directing them towards the sound. His calm facial expression drops into a screwed up glare with anger fuelled eyes. He shoots out of bed landing on the ball of his feet and tip toes to his bedroom door, opening it with a lot of care to hold back the squeak of the worn hinges. Then continues to another ajar door further down the hallway. INT. HALLWAY/KITCHEN - DAY Peaking out to explore further, billy comes across a man, scruffy beard, overgrown hair, stained t shirt and boxers grasping a bottle of cheap branded whisky paired with a whisky styled glass in either hand. The man sways in the direction his disorderly body takes him as he observes the outside motion, filling up his glass after a big swig which empties it. The room visibility is weakened by the trapped smoke from cigarettes, seen clearly on the counter. INT. HALLWAY/KITCHEN - DAY A small boy walks into view with a sad expression on his face, walking quiet he passes the ajar door which blocks the site of the man in the kitchen. The boy presses his finger to his mouth signalling the boy to be quiet as he passes. Dillon tip toes into the front room out of sight.


INT. HALLWAY - DAY Billy watches Dillon walk out of sight making him loose concentration, the boy stumbles creating the door to creak. INT. KITCHEN - DAY Hesitantly, the man turns his head to observe, sighting the boy as he tries to hide from view. INT. HALLWAY/BEDROOM - DAY The boy swiftly retreats to his bedroom closing the door in silence to then lean his back onto it, exhaling adrenalin. A selection of knocking which gradually became louder identifies the drunken man to be making moves till a short silence covers the sound with a uncontrolled knock on the bedroom door of the boy sending all the vibrations through is scrawny body. The boy takes one more deep breath to build his courage to open the door. FADE OUT/IN INT. BEDROOM - DAY They both settle on the two bed a distance away, the boy slouches against the wall as he twiddles his thumbs not facing the man. Where as the man looks at him leaning against his palm. The man begins to talk, murmur of words exit his mouth. MAN I cant look after you both...(Muffled voice)... Gran-dad is coming to pick you up this evening...(Muffled voice)... You need to tell him. The man eventually gets up using Billys shoulder as support then finally pats him before using the wall to guide him out. Billy cups his hands into his face then wiping his face from any tears. He promptly gets up and marched to the door.


INT. HALLWAY - DAY He walks past dad, who had made a pit stop in the toilet as he is knelt over the bowl, to unhook his jacket. BILLY Dillon! Dillon zooms through the front room door halt by a hand which held his jacket, he put it on but struggles to zip up so Billy lowered his posture to help, then getting up again giving him a assured smile. They walk in to the kitchen. INT. KITCHEN - DAY Billy has a quick look at the state of the room, shaking his head in repulse to then open the door allowing the natural lighting to fill the room and allow the trapped smoke to escape. EXT. OUTSIDE THE HOUSE - DAY Billy storms out packed into his winter jacket to keep out of the cold winter weather. EXT. ROAD - DAY Dillon follows his steps still being an aeroplane running circles around Billy who is oblivious of his surrounding. The boys daze halts as the small boy blocks his path greeted with a dead face. The boy couldnt resist but to scoop him up onto his back then continuing his journey. DILLON Where we going? BILLY Just thought we get out the house, fresh air DILLON Daddys mean BILLY Ah thats you dad yknow, he just having... not a good time... come look lets go play. The little boys eyes brighten with excitement. They carry on walking till they come to a off road pavement which leads them to a area sheltered by trees neighboured to a big pond which a small river comes off of.


EXT. WOODED AREA - DAY The little boy jumps off his back and looks up at the boy and smiles. BILLY Go on The little boy runs off wielding a stick which had fell from one of the trees and swinging it like a sword. Weaving in and out of trees fighting off any imaginative enemies in sight. He then turns around to face the boy who is still stood in the same position where he left the boy. Dillon waves him over to join in, Billy follows orders but takes him other to a fallen tree which over hangs the little river. Dillon climbs up with Dillon assisting him as he struggles with the natural obstacle. The boy then follows him up. Dillon sits down on the tree dangling his feet, he pats the tree to order the boy to sit wiping off any mud which was on the tree before he took a seat. They started conversing. BILLY I took you here when you where a baby, yknow They both sat there staring into the view. Dillon just peered up at him when he spoke smiling. BILLY I mean, its quiet here... got us out of that madness, yknow...probably dont remember though. The boy trys creating conversation, but struggled to do so. All Dillon wanted to do was play, he tried getting up but the boy kept him seated. DILLON *giggles* BILLY Yeah, were play in a bit, were talking, this is nice. DILLON Ye, yeah I know BILLY Ha, yeah, listen Dillon um I... Im going...


FADE OUT. INT. WOODED AREA - DAY Dillon crushes the boys armpit with his chin whilst hugging him. The boy doing the same but staring into space, with a mortified expression blanketing his face. The silent presence of the surrounding deteariates by the giggling of the little boy as he jumps up off the log running into the distance jumping back into his fighting trance. BILLY *SIGH* The boy remains seated hitting the tree edge quiet hard till he shakes his head and stands up changing his distraught face into a waxed smile chasing after his brother laughing.

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