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)&#*" +, -+./"./0
!"#$%&'(#!%"))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) *
(+,-#.$ 01#+. 2%('3 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) *
0veiview............................................................................................................................................................. S
Ny peisonal context....................................................................................................................................... S
0bjectives anu activities............................................................................................................................... 6
(+,-#.$ 41#+. 5.#+%& %2 ."6'!$7))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 8
0veiview of Nethouology ........................................................................................................................... 7
Liteiatuie ieview............................................................................................................................................ 8
Suivey (qualitative uata) ............................................................................................................................. 9
Finuings anu iecommenuations ieview piocess............................................................................ 12
(+,-#.$ *1#+. -$%9.(#)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0*
Liteiatuie Review........................................................................................................................................ 1S
Suivey Results anu othei qualitative uata ........................................................................................ 18
Bata Analysis Summaiy of Finuings .................................................................................................... 28
Finuings anu iecommenuations ieview piocess............................................................................ 29
(+,-#.$ :13!;"!2!(,"(. ,"& (%"(<'3!%"3)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))4=
Significance of the ieseaich..................................................................................................................... 29
Bow has my unueistanuing piogiesseu. .......................................................................................... S1
What is the ielevance of this woik to coaching .............................................................................. SS
Conclusions anu Recommenuations.................................................................................................... S6
,--."&!(.3 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))):?

7&*// 8$9:*+(; <=(5 !> ?-/4 @-*2% $-612(A
Potential coaching clients often pie-juuge what coaching is anu howif it can benefit
them, especially in the coipoiate setting wheie coaching is usually sponsoieu by a
managei. Coaching to some people is still consiueieu a iemeuial uevelopment
activity foi employees who aie unueipeifoiming anu aie in neeu of "help" to
impiove theii peifoimance. This piesents a pioblem foi non-peifoimance baseu
coaching that is holistic anu non-uiiective in natuie.

This pioject aims to compaie anu moie fully unueistanu what peiceptions of
coaching exist piioi to anu post a peison expeiiencing coaching. Qualitative anu
quantitative uata will be useu to suppoit the cieation of a methouology that will
piomote anu manage paiticipant expectations of coaching in the coipoiate setting
specifically National Austialia Bank (nab).

Feeuback collecteu uuiing the couise of this pioject will also be useu to claiify anu
iefine how the coaching offeiing is piomoteu.
-789):3 ;<)7: !4-6=
Coaching now is becoming a moie matuie uiscipline anu as such vaiious
catagoiisations of coaching have uevelopeu to uesciibe the uiffeient "flavouis"

7&*// 8$9:*+(; <=(5 !> ?-/4 @-*2% $-612(A
available; Witheispoon anu White (1996) suggest foui:
1. coaching foi skills,
2. foi peifoimance,
S. foi uevelopment anu
4. foi the executive's agenua.

Similaily, uiant anu Cavanagh (2uu4) uesciibe thiee geneiic levels:
1. Skills coaching which can be of shoit uuiation anu which iequiies the coach
to focus on specific behaviouis;
2. Peifoimance coaching which will focus on the piocess by which the coachee
can set goals, oveicome obstacles, anu evaluate anu monitoi theii
S. Bevelopmental coaching, which takes abioauei moie holistic view often
uealing with moie intimate, peisonal anu piofessional questions.
In geneial, skills anu peifoimance coaching will have a moie stiuctuieu agenua
(uiiecteu) wheieas uevelopmental anu executive coaching will be moie client-
uiiven (non-uiiective style).
I believe it this uiveisity of coaching categoiies that has leu to the uiffeiing
peiceptions of exactly what coaching offeis anu how it is to be implementeu anu
manageu in the woikplace.

7&*// 8$9:*+(; <=(5 !> ?-/4 @-*2% $-612(A
Auuitionally the iesulting ambiguity makes it moie challenging to position one's self
in the coaching maiketplace anu uevelop an offeiing with associateu piomotional
mateiial that senus the coiiect message to piospective clients.
A' B"$0+.&* C+./"D/
This pioject will seive to claiify anu assess the communications I use to piomote the
specific coaching seivice I have uevelopeu. uiven this, it maybe useful to pioviue a
summaiy of my offeiing.
Ny coaching offeiing ieflects the stage of life I am cuiiently tiansitioning thiough.
Ny cuiient ciicumstance is best summeu up by Webb (2uu6) who in his papei on
coaching ueiaileu executives quotes the }ungian teim !"#!$!#%&'!(") Which he
uefines as
+,!-'!". ',/ -(0%+ -1(2 ',/ /.( '( ',/ !""/1 0(1/ (- ',/ +/3-) 4,/1/ !+ (-'/" & 3&05
(- 0("-(12!'6 '( .(&3+ &"# $&3%/+ 71/$!(%+36 &#,/1/# '( &+ 8/97/0'/#: ;6 +(0!/'6)
4,/ !"#!$!#%&3 2&6 -//3 0(27/33/# '( /973(1/ %"0("+0!(%+ &+7/0'+ (- ',/!1
7/1+("&3!'6 ',1(%., '&5!". %7 "/< &0'!$!'!/+= /97/1!/"0/+= &"# +(0!&3

}ung's Inuiviuuation concept eloquently uesciibes my cuiient tiansition out of the
coipoiate caieei into moie of a poitfolio of activities that collectively uefine my
woiking life.

7&*// 8$9:*+(; <=(5 !> ?-/4 @-*2% $-612(A
Ny coaching appioach anu associateu seivice offeiings aie stiongly influenceu by
Zen Buuuhism which I piactice as well as oiganizational change piactices which I
cuiiently employ in my cuiient iole within nab.
The appioach that was utiliseu foi the puiposes of this pioject is summaiizeu below
in bullet point foim:
! Non-uiiective, the client biings the topics to the table (woik anuoi peisonal)
! 0ses minufulness uuiing coaching sessions to biing awaieness to somatic
inputs in ieal time
! Emphasises feeling ovei thinking
! Bas a stiong emphasis on claiifying the client's ieality with lessei focus on
accountable tasks anu peifoimance outcomes
! Follows the uR0W mouel as a basis
! Bas no pie-ueteimineu questions
Ny appioach aims to uevelop insight anu wisuom foi the coipoiate woikei. This
appioach has philosophical anu eviuenceu-baseu unueipinnings fiom Zen anu
mouein psychology iespectively.
4#E"C/?>"0 &.F &C/?>?/?"0
The specific focus of this pioject has two bioau objectives:
1. (@ABCDE how to position my coaching offeiing ielative to the maiket
(positioning) anu offeiing within nab.

7&*// 8$9:*+(; <=(5 !> ?-/4 @-*2% $-612(A
2. !FGHICDE key woius, phiases anu othei piomotional inputs to assist in
business uevelopment both within anu exteinal to nab.
The activities listeu below will suppoit the achievement of the above two
! $GJCGK anu L@ABCDE the vaiious coaching categoiiesoffeiings in the maiket,
nab anu in the ieseaich liteiatuie anu compaie them to what this authoi
will be offeiing .
! Review the pie-coaching anu post-coaching coachee peiceptions of a pilot
coaching piogiam I conuucteu in nab.
! -BGMABG anu obtain feeuback on mateiials to suppoit the piomotion of my
specific coaching seivice within anu exteinal to nab.
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A summaiy of the elements that make up the methou of enquiiy foi this pioject aie
listeu below:
o gathei bioau infoimation fiom multiple souices to suppoit the
piemise that theie is a neeu to actively manage peiceptions anu
expectations of coaching in the woikplace.

7&*// 8$9:*+(; <=(5 !> ?-/4 @-*2% $-612(A
o compaie anu contiast how coaching offeiings in cuiient maiket aie
peiceiveu anu communicateu anu how.
2. 3NBJGE of people who have iecently unueitaken coaching foi the fiist time;
this will pioviue uata on peiceptions anu benefits as well as a compaiison
pie anu post coaching. I uo not expect the sample size to be laige enough foi
statistically significant infeiences to be maue to the wiuei population but
qualitative uata will be collecteu in suppoit of achieving the pioject's aims.
A summaiy of the finuings will be piepaieu anu piesenteu to nab
management. The socialisation of the finuings with inteiesteu paities within
nab will in tuin pioviue auuitional uata to be feu back into the final pioject
"SignificanceConclusions" section as well as a the piepaiation of a Biiefing
Papei (uiscusseu latei in this iepoit).

The following sections outline in uetail the outcomes (amount anu type of uata) that
will iesult fiom each of the above elements anu also pioviue justification foi the
inclusion of each element in suppoit of the pioject objectives.
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The focus of the liteiatuie ieview will be on stuuies that peifoimeu ieviews on
specific aspects of coaching, so in effect my ieview will be a meta-analysis of cuiient

7&*// 8$9:*+(; <=(5 !> ?-/4 @-*2% $-612(A
thinking in the uomain of coaching peiceptions anu benefits. This appioach seems
ieasonable uue to the natuie anu expecteu scope of this pioject.
What is sought fiom this ieview of cuiient ieseaich is valiuation the following two
themes in the woikplace exist; that coaching is:
1. Peiceiveu uiffeiently by uiffeiently segments of potential coachees (i.e.
executives veisus lowei manageis)
2. Can anu is useu foi vaiying puiposes in the woikplace (i.e. uiiecteu,
peifoimance-baseu veisus non-uiiecteu holistic)
=%$>"' MN%&*?/&/?>" F&/&O
The suivey was given to both nab coachees anu othei iecently new to coaching
coachees. This uata will ensuie the conclusions uiawn fiom this pioject have
appiopiiate context foi the uesiieu outcomes to be achieveu (i.e. a methouology anu
biiefing papei that will assist this authoi to uelivei coaching seivices to nab)
Auuitionally input fiom non-NAB coachees was sought to inciease the numbei of
iesponueis anu thus give the uata moie powei anu to help ensuie the finuings aie
not only nab specific but can be somewhat geneialiseu to a wiuei population.
Each question is listeu below togethei with the ieasoning foi its inclusion.
1. What did you believe/think coaching to be (your perception of what it was)
prior to experiencing it?

7&*// 8$9:*+(; <=(5 !> ?-/4 @-*2% $-612(A
This was uesigneu as an open question to elicit the maximum amount of iichness in
the iesponses. I wanteu to heai in the coachee's own woius what theii peiceptions
The answeis to this question seive as a baseline albeit subjectively influenceu by the
coachee having alieauy been coacheu nonetheless the uata shoulu contain sufficient
2. What are your perceptions of coaching having now experienced it? Have
they changed?
This question cuts to the heait of what I am attempting to ieseaich with this pioject.
These questions aie looking to see if theie is a significant peiceiveu uiffeience
iegaiuing what coaching means to a coachee when pie anu post-coaching
peiceptions aie compaieu. Again an open question foi the same ieasons as outlineu
foi question 1, plus a simple yesno to finish.
3. What would you consider the most valuable outcome/benefit of coaching?
As a coach I hau pie-conceptions about what I was looking to achieve with my
coaching, all the iesponueis eithei weie coacheu by myself oi anothei Life
Coaching Acauemy coach, meaning that the methouology useu woulu be baseu
on the uR0W mouel anu be non-uiiective coaching.
4. Choose words that best describe the coaching experience with your

7&*// 8$9:*+(; <=(5 !> ?-/4 @-*2% $-612(A
This question attempts to get a common woiuing on the themes that come out of the
coaching expeiience foi new coaches. These woius anu themes can then be useu to
help set anu manage peiceptions foi futuie coaching activities within anu exteinal
to nab.
5. Before you had experienced coaching would this value/benefit been of
interest to you if coaching was offered to you? In other words would
knowing that this would be a benefit have encouraged you to undertake
This question aims to gain unueistanuing on the value of the coaching
expeiience in teims of a coachees piopensity to buyiequest coaching seivices.
In othei woius if the value anu benefits ueiiveu fiom unueitaking coaching weie
coiiectly communicateu to you woulu they be sufficient enough to uiive
auoption of the seivice. This question has an impoitant pait to play in
piomotionalmaiketing activities anu the value pioposition anu how it is
piesenteu to piospective clients.
6. Would you consider hiring a coach?
This question is a ieality check question. If pievious iesponses weie "singing the
piaises" of coaching anu its benefits but the coachee woulu not even "consiuei"
hiiing a coach having now expeiienceu the seivice then the uata caiiies less
weight in foimulating conclusions.
7. If you were writing an advert to promote coaching to a person similar to
yourself what would be a headline for the advert?

7&*// 8$9:*+(; <=(5 !> ?-/4 @-*2% $-612(A
This question is a blatant attempt to obtain insights in customeis thinking with
iegaius to piomotional woiuing but the iesulting uata can also be useu in
conjunction with othei questions to elicit a pictuie of the iesponueis
peiceptions of what coaching offeis.
8. For the coaching you experienced how much would you expect to pay per
session for such a service in the open market?
This is anothei final ieality check question. If all iesponses have thus fai been
positive in teims of benefits anu willingness to hiie a coach to obtain moie of the
same benefits then what piice the coachee is piepaieu to pay "flushes out"
exactly what uollai value the client is putting on the benefits ueiiveu fiom the
coaching expeiience. This question obviously will heavily influence maiketing
anu specifically pioviuing piicing elasticity of uemanu uata.
9. General comments/feedback please provide here.
This question is incluueu to captuie any othei feeuback iesponueis wish to
pioviue incluuing comments on the suivey itself.
!?.F?.K0 &.F $"C+PP".F&/?+.0 $">?"@ B$+C"00
The actual ieview piocess of the finuings of the liteiatuie ieview anu suivey
analysis will help infoim the final Recommenuations of this pioject; this makes
sense as a uata souice given that the pioject objective is to assist this authoi to
uevelop anu giow a coaching piactice within the nab woikplace.
The ieview piocess involveu the following:

7&*// 8$9:*+(; <=(5 !> ?-/4 @-*2% $-612(A
! Piesentation of the suivey iesults to my managei
! Cieation anu ieview of a one-page biiefing papei with key points aimeu at
managing pie-coaching peiceptions
! Biscussion on how to best implement the finuings in nab
-789):3 Q<)7: 934R:-)
L?/"$&/%$" 3">?"@
Peiceptions of coaching in the woikplace aie foi the most pait favouiable both in
teims of expectations anu outcomes (Bagley 2uu6, Leonaiu-Cioss, 2u1u). What can
occui in woikplaces is a vaiiance in peiceptions of exactly what coaching is anu
what it offeis to coachees. Coaching can mean many things to many people anu
uefinitions vaiy uepenuing on what type of coaching is being uiscusseu.
Coaching came out of the spoits uomain anu many still believe coaching is about a
wise peison impaiting auvice, hints anu stiong guiuance, Whitmoie make this point
stiongly in the opening paiagiaph of his book "Coaching foi Peifoimance". Be goes
on to say that this uoes not help coaches who follow the non-uiiective methou such
as auvocateutaught at the Life Coaching Acauemy.
Even within the quite naiiow uiscipline of executive coaching sub-uisciplines exist
that can be peiceiveu veiy uiffeiently. Bagley (2u1u) in his papei on exceptional
executive coaches quotes Bluckeit's mouel which suggests two uistinct types of

7&*// 8$9:*+(; <=(5 !> ?-/4 @-*2% $-612(A
1. leaining anu uevelopment, leauing to peifoimance impiovement, helping
executives acquiie new knowleugeanu skills to help them be moie effective
in theii ioles
2. helping executives to make uiffeient choices iegaiuing theii behaviouial
patteins, paiticulaily in theii inteipeisonal inteiactions.
The above authois uesciibe two bioau types of coaching which both aim foi change
in the coachee. It is the uistinctively uiffeient types of change that can leau to
vaiying peiceptions of what coaching is anu what outcomes can be expecteu. These
two uistinctly uiffeient types of coaching aie suppoiteu by the woik of Robeit
Beifetz (1998) who neatly classifies the two types change as &#&7'!$/ veisus
'/0,"!0&3. Technical change iequiies a peison to become competent in a known
piocess thiough leaining knowleuge oi up-skilling wheieas auaptive change
iequiies a change in one's self (oi how one sees one's self anu oveiall view of life oi
a situation) anu involves a maikeuly uiffeient appioach.
All the iefeiences mentioneu above highlight the cential them of this pioject in that
coaching appioaches vaiy anu theiefoie peiceptions of what coaching is anu offeis
will vaiy, sometimes this confusion makes the auoption of coaching moie uifficult
when peiceptions aie not manageu effectively. Specifically, peifoimance-baseu
coaching focusing only on behavioui veisus what I will call holistic, non-uiiective
coaching aie at the two enus of a spectium in teims of the uepth of the coaching
expeiience as illustiateu below by Lenhaiut's mouel (quoteu by Bagley 2u1u)

7&*// 8$9:*+(; <=(5 !> ?-/4 @-*2% $-612(A

0sing coaching as a tiaining tool to assist a peison to uelivei piesentations moie
eloquently may be the technical outcome but the auaptive change that neeus to
occui foi the peison to oveicome theii feai of looking foolish in fiont of theii peeis
is a ueepei moie significant peisonal outcome foi the coachee.
The point is that technical anu auaptive change aie not mutually exclusive outcomes
fiom a coaching session anu that a goou coach shoulu look to uelivei both technical
(obseivable) iesults as well as the iequiieu inteinal self-uevelopment that
unueipins long teim changes in coachee behavioui. uiven this it is no wonuei
peiceptions of what exactly coaching ueliveis vaiy.
A key theme that emeigeu uuiing my time with fellow stuuents thioughout the

7&*// 8$9:*+(; <=(5 !> ?-/4 @-*2% $-612(A
uuiation of the coaching couise anu a laige pait of the cuiiiculum we as stuuents
unueitake is that of maiketing, piomotion anu builuing a coaching business.
It seems that the technical skills (competencies) of coaching anu business aie key
leaining outcomes of this couise howevei the softei moie tacit skills aie it coulu be
aigueu moie impoitant in ueveloping a viable coaching business.
This ielates to my ieseaich pioject in that piomotion anu moie bioauly maiketing
play a cential iole in positioning the coach's offeiing in the maiketplace which is
essentially the same as setting anu managing pie-coaching peiceptions of one's
Williams anu Thomas (2uuS) make the point that you aie youi business; you anu
youi collective expeiience aie ultimately youi competitive auvantage anu
uiffeientiating factoi as a coach. In line with the above uistinction that can be uiaw
between technical anu auaptive change the authois eloquently uesciibe a coach's
ielationship with hishei coaching seivice:
>!-/ 0(&0,!". !+ 2(1/ ',&" & 0(33/0'!(" (- '/0,"!?%/+ &"# +5!33+) @' !+ 2(1/ ',&"
+(2/',!". 6(% #() >!-/ 0(&0,!". 1/-3/0'+ <,( 6(% &1/) @' !+ 6(%1 &%',/"'!0 ;/!".
!" &0'!(" <!',!" & +7/0!-!0 1/3&'!("+,!7A) B(&0,!". !+ 1(('/# !" 6(%1 ;/!".= ',&"
!" 6(%1 &;!3!'!/+) C(% 0(&0, ;/0&%+/ (- <,( 6(% &1/)
The point heie is that new coaches look to inuustiy speak anu common coaching
teiminology anu catch phiases to ciaft theii piomotional messages anu attempt to
manage potential coachee's peiceptions of theii offeiing. But what Williams anu
Thomas aie saying is that youi communications neeu to come fiom youi own

7&*// 8$9:*+(; <=(5 !> ?-/4 @-*2% $-612(A
peisonal intimate view of the woilu anu be genuine anu authentic so as to be
peiceiveu as such by you potential clients.

7&*// 8$9:*+(; <=(5 !> ?-/4 @-*2% $-612(A
=%$>"' 3"0%*/0 &.F +/J"$ N%&*?/&/?>" F&/&
A suivey was unueitaken taigeting coachees that have iecently initiateu a coaching
ielationship foi the fiist time. The suivey aimeu to elicit uata that woulu suppoit the
piemise that coachees peiceptions of what coaching involveu anu what outcomes
woulu iesult weie maikeuly uiffeient befoie veisus aftei expeiiencing a coaching
If peiceptions weie founu to be uiffeient pie compaieu to post-coaching then this
suppoits the case foi having to actively manage coaching peiceptions in oiuei to set
anu meet client expectations. Auuitionally this uata can help ensuie that the iight
people aie nominateu anu unueitake coaching ielative to inuiviuual anu
oiganisational neeus.
Each question in the suivey is shown below togethei with analysis of answeis.
1. What did you believe/think coaching to be (your perception of what it was)
prior to experiencing it?
Response Analysis
A more obvious set of directed/pointed questions. A
more direct process.
This responder seems to have
been expecting a logical
discussion or a confrontational
Lots of questions and a guiding hand on specific
areas o need help with.
Expectations of advice and
guidance point to the coach
having the answers being an
expectation of this responder.
More like a method of mentoring, with more input Mentoring was expected where

7&*// 8$9:*+(; <=(5 !> ?-/4 @-*2% $-612(A
from the coach than coaching actually allows advice and knowledge are
imparted to help guide the way
I had no preconceived ideas This type of response was not the
Thought it might have been more direct, providing
definitive advice for situations and training to handle
Advice and training focus clearly
implies expectations completely
opposite to the non-directive
approach employed supporting
the case to manage expectations
if non-directive coaching is to be
Just managerial training Training or skill/knowledge based
competency uplift was the
expectation in this instance.
Interesting is the perception of it
being related to being a manager
(a workplace role) as opposed to
a whole-of-life, holistic
development activity.
Thought it would be an opportunity to gain insight
and a new perspective on my approaches
Expectations in this instance were
aligned with the GROW non-
directive model employed
Coaching was always the job of motivating and
guiding an athlete or player.
Again a focus on guidance
coming from the sporting type
coach perception, which is
responsible for a lot of
A process through which the client will receive
guidance/tools to assist them to achieve their goals
This perception is close to the
mark in terms of the approach
I initially thought it would be focused primarily on
improving performance in the workplace.
Clearly thinking coaching was
about work performance is not
aligned with the intent of the
coaching model that was used.
This is not an unreasonable
perception given the amount of
workplace coaching that creates
the expectation of a direct impact
of workplace performance.
What cleaily stanus out in the above analysis is that 79 iesponueis expecteu

7&*// 8$9:*+(; <=(5 !> ?-/4 @-*2% $-612(A
something quite uiffeient to what the coach intenueu to be theii expeiience (i.e.
auvice veisus non-uiiective coaching). Coachees peiceiveu coaching as means to
gain opinion, guiuance anu auvice upon which they can act upon anu impiove
theii peifoimance (technical change). This is aligneu moie to a tiaining anu
spoits coaching appioach than a uR0W mouel non-uiiective type of appioach
that was useu.
The iesults of this question cleaily point to the neeu to be waiy of pie-
conception aiounu coaching benefits anu outcomes foi those new to the
coaching. These iesults point to a potential gap in peiceptions that woulu neeu
to be consiueieu when piomoting a coaching offeiing to a similai gioup of
potential coachees.
2. What are your perceptions of coaching having now experienced it? Have
they changed?
In hinusight this question was pooily stiuctuieu. Two questions woulu have
yielueu bettei uata. A yesno question followeu by an open question woulu have
been bettei. The uata below is a bit "messy' as a iesult.
Response Analysis
It's more subtle. Still hard but not as painful as
Interesting response showing how
the coachee had expectations of a
tough, painful process compared to
the more subtle experience of non-
directive coaching.
Changed significantly. Absolutely no advice even when
I asked for it, but I still came away with the results I
This gap in pre-versus post
expectations demonstrates the
premise of this project perfectly.

7&*// 8$9:*+(; <=(5 !> ?-/4 @-*2% $-612(A
coaching is fantastic, and can be extremely helpful, i
believe though that in order to be a really excellent
coach, all practitioners should never stop their learning
I believe that coaching is helpful in clarifying your goals
and helping to create clearly defined steps to reaching
Yes - more focused on driving your individual thought
process out rather than definitively setting agendas;
can be confronting to face problems - and identify that
you could be the one with the issue
A response that clearly shows the
GROW coaching process at work
which was quite different to their pre-
coaching expectations.
Absolutely ! From both Coach and Coachee
perspective it's a great help; really able to make you
aware A big change from this coachee.
Similar but richer in value and more confronting.
Interestingly I have had a couple of different coaching
experiences. Few similarities between them which in
itself is interesting. I now better understand the
spectrum from psychological through team to more
political/organisational coaching.
A well thought through response
showing the variance in pre-
conceptions of coaching approaches,
again indicating the need to clearly
articulate the coaching offering and
approach to be taken.
Yes they have, Whilst it is still the art of motivation and
guidance it has opened up to a more elaborate
meaning for me. Coaching is assisting me to overcome
my own obstacles and attain their true life situation.
This sounds like a big shift in
perceptions, showing that coaching
got the coachee to assess some
deeper assumptions.
Rather than being specifically performance or work
focused, coaching was all about personal development
as an individual.
Perfectly illustrates the premise of
this project.
Seven out of the ten iesponueis answeieu yes to this question meaning theii
peiceptions have changeu. In othei woius, what they thought coaching was
going to be befoie they weie coacheu has changeu significantly following theii
paiticipation in a seiies of coaching sessions.
The uiffeience between pie- anu post-coaching peiceptions can be attiibuteu to
numeious causes incluuing but not limiteu to:
1. Piioi knowleuge of what coaching is
2. Bow the seivice was veibally communicateu to them when offeieu
S. Wiitten mateiial iegaiuing the seivice on offei

7&*// 8$9:*+(; <=(5 !> ?-/4 @-*2% $-612(A
4. Nanagement's attituue towaius the coaching seivice on offei
The focus of this pioject is to investigate if coaching peiceptions shoulu be
manageu anu what factois neeu to be consiueieu if peiceptions uo inueeu neeu
to be manageu. The above foui points aie all unuei consiueiation in the analysis
anu conclusions maue in this pioject.
3. What would you consider the most valuable outcome/benefit of coaching?
Response Analysis
Insights without a doubt. Seeing things that I had no
visibility of.
This is the kind response that would
be expected from a well executed
GROW model coaching session.
Ownership of the process of dealing with life's issues
Interestingly this response mentions
ownership and not getting external
advice, again a response aligned
with the GROW model.
It was empowering
Learning to assess introspectively rather than
externally. Look for cause to a problem rather than
confront people directly.
This response alludes to the deeper
levels non-directive GROW model
coaching aims for and is mentioned
in the literature review.
Awareness, change of behaviour:
Awareness the gold standard
outcome for coaching, this being
mentioned by a responder
unprompted is again indicative of the
GROW model outcomes that would
be expected.
confrontation and insight into yourself especially blind
spots. Some accountability to act.
This response again contains a lot of
the ingredients of a good set of
coaching outcomes, confrontation
and no mention of guidance or
training implies the coachee is doing
the work.
Personally it is knowing I am a part of the process of
bettering a persons life and happiness there in. The
broader picture is creating a more balanced society
where everyone can accept that we all have our
individual journey and we all have different ways of
attaining our goals. A more tolerant society.

7&*// 8$9:*+(; <=(5 !> ?-/4 @-*2% $-612(A
Somebody to ask probing questions and hold a
mirror up to your answers
Questions, not answers or guidance
implies this responder is not referring
to training or mentoring.
It increased my self-awareness and understanding of
my motivations, aims and ambitions in life, not just
The interesting part of this answer is
the reference to non-work benefits
derived from the coaching
undertaken. This aligns nicely with
the holistic nature of the GROW
What is obvious fiom ieauing these iesponses compaieu to the pie-coaching
peiceptions is the language. The type of language useu contains most of the key
woius that have tiauitionally been useu to uesciibe coaching anu its
outcomesbenefits. Woius like awaieness, blinu spots, insights have been useu
in multiple iesponses.
This cleaily inuicates that following expeiiencing a coaching session the
coachees get what coaching is all about anu cleaily unueistanu the value of
coaching compaieu to tiauitional tiainingmentoiing uevelopment activities.
The challenge iemains how to actively manage pie-coaching peiceptions to
ensuie coachees know what they aie going to get anu the value it holus foi them.
4. Choose words that best describe the coaching experience with your

7&*// 8$9:*+(; <=(5 !> ?-/4 @-*2% $-612(A

The top foui iesponses help auu to the pictuie of what coachees peiceive as the key
benefits of coaching:
1. Enlightening
2. Belpful
S. valuable
4. Confionting
These aie the type of woius that coulu be useful in setting anu managing coachee
peiceptions piioi to encouiage paiticipation in coaching. 0sing these oi synonyms

7&*// 8$9:*+(; <=(5 !> ?-/4 @-*2% $-612(A
of these woius in piomotional mateiial may be useful.
This question attempts to get a common woiuing on the themes that come out of the
coaching expeiience foi new coachees. These woius anu themes coulu then be useu
to help set anu manage peiceptions foi futuie coaching activities within anu
exteinal to NAB anu inciease auoptiontake-up iates.
Also of inteiest aie the woius that uiu not get any iesponse, easy, fun, boiing oi a
waste of time, these also offei clues as to the language that may be appiopiiate in
setting coachee peiceptions.
5. Before you had experienced coaching would this value/benefit been of
interest to you if coaching was offered to you? In other words would
knowing that this would be a benefit have encouraged you to undertake

Cleaily communicating the valuebenefits a coachee can expect foi all suiveyeu
woulu have been a positive influence in theii uecision to paiticipate in coaching.
This uata seems to inuicate the necessity of coiiectly setting anu managing

7&*// 8$9:*+(; <=(5 !> ?-/4 @-*2% $-612(A
peiceptions of coaching piioi to initiating a piogiam, specifically it is impoitant
to communicate cleaily what to expect in teims of benefits.
6. Would you consider hiring a coach?

The coaching expeiience is cleaily of at least some value to the paiticipants in
this suivey. These iesults will obviously contain some bias uue to thiee of the
iesponueis being actively involveu in the coaching inuustiy. Nonetheless the
question pioviues an inuication foi this sample of theii willingness to puichase
coaching seivices. Coachees willingness to consiuei hiiing a coach is impoitant
in oiuei to valiuate the uata. If all paiticipants weie not willing to hiie a coach
then the conclusions uiawn fiom this suivey woulu not have as much powei;
managing expectations of potential non-clients is not the focus of this pioject.
7. If you were writing an advert to promote coaching to a person similar to
yourself what would be a headline for the advert?
How to work out where you want to go and get ideas on how to get there
Learn how to see your blind spots and progress
Coach me if you can
Career Coaching available - Become motivated to reach your goals
Know Thyself - Through Coaching.

7&*// 8$9:*+(; <=(5 !> ?-/4 @-*2% $-612(A
The best way to express and to be the real yourself
to know yourself you need to know me
Honest and Safe with your best interest at heart
Coaching is more than you think!
Why do you do what you do? Improving self-awareness and understanding.
Key themes coming thiough in the iesponses to this question aie a lot of the
catch phiases useu in coaching liteiatuie anu piomotional woiuing. The fact that
these came without piioi knowleuge foi 7u% of the iesponueis somewhat
valiuates what the liteiatuie says aie the peiceiveu benefits coaches can expect.
These quotes may be of use as uiiect quotes in subsequent piomotional mateiial.
8. For the coaching you experienced how much would you expect to pay per
session for such a service in the open market?
Below aie the iesponses with the cleai meuian anu aveiage falling within $1uu-
$149 pei session. Piicing expectations will neeu to be consiueieu foi non-nab
clients but the peiceiveu financial value is an impoitant attiibute even in any
inteinal coaching offeiing uevelopeu within nab.

9. General comments/feedback please provide here.
Theie weie no iesponses to this question.

7&*// 8$9:*+(; <=(5 !> ?-/4 @-*2% $-612(A
5&/& 8.&*'0?0 =%PP&$' +, !?.F?.K0
The following points summaiise the majoi "take-aways" fiom the liteiatuie ieview
anu suivey:
1. Auvice, guiuance anu tiansfei of knowleuge fiom the coach to the coachee
seems to be the pieuominant pie-coaching peiception that coachees have.
2. 0nce having expeiienceu coaching coachees uesciibe the outcomesbenefits
in language veiy similai to what the coaching liteiatuie uses. This inuicates
the benefits iealiseu aie in line with what the inuustiy espouses.
S. Theie is a gap between pie-peiceptions anu post-coaching peiceptions in the
gioup suiveyeu inuicating the neeu to bettei anu moie closely manage
peiceptions of potential coachees.
4. Coaching was a favouiable expeiience with coaches attiibuting value to
coaching as a uevelopment activity.
S. 0sing the answeis to key woius useu to uesciibeu the coaching expeiience it
can be summaiizeu that
B(&0,!". !+ /97/1!/"0/# &+ +(2/',!". ',&' !+ "(' /&+6 (1 -%" ;%'
1/?%!1/+ /--(1' '( 0("-1("' ',/ !++%/+ !" ("/:+ 3!-/ !" (1#/1 '( ;/
/"3!.,'/"/# &"# ,/37/# '(<&1#+ ("/:+ .(&3+. @' !+ & $&3%&;3/ /9/10!+/
',&' !+ #/-!"!'/36 "(' & <&+'/ (- '!2/)
6. Coaches iun the iisk of being inauthentic, inappiopiiate anu ineffective if the
maiketingpiomotional messages they use to manage potential client
expectations aie not aligneu with what uefines them as a peison (self).

7&*// 8$9:*+(; <=(5 !> ?-/4 @-*2% $-612(A
!?.F?.K0 &.F $"C+PP".F&/?+.0 $">?"@ B$+C"00
The above finuings weie piesenteu to NAB management anu uiscusseu wheieby
suggestions weie maue anu actions geneiateu in oiuei to bettei manage how
coaching is offeieu anu piomoteu. These aie listeu below:
! Align the coaching offeiing with the coachee's inuiviuual uevelopment
! Ensuie the coachee's managei is biiefeu anu if possible unueitakes coaching
! Position coaching as a seivice pioviueu to potential leaueis, the aim being to
move peiceptions of coaching as fai away fiom it being a iemeuial activity
as possible.
! A summaiy of activity was to be pioviueu to the sponsoiing managei, the
uetails of which weie to be mutually agieeu between coachee anu managei.
-789):3 S<=1T21!1-82-: 825 -42-L6=142=
=?K.?,?C&.C" +, /J" $"0"&$CJ
The significance of this ieseaich ielative to the questions iaiseu in the intiouuction
section of this pioject is shown below:
B(27&1/ &"# %"#/1+'&"# <,&' 7/10/7'!("+ (- 0(&0,!". /9!+' 71!(1 '( &"# 7(+'
& 7/1+(" /97/1!/"0!". 0(&0,!".

This question was fully exploieu anu the iesulting uata confiims uiffeiences in
peiceptions pie- compaieu to post-coaching expeiience. This highlights the

7&*// 8$9:*+(; <=(5 !> ?-/4 @-*2% $-612(A
challenge faceu by coaches in piomoting theii seivice to clients who uo not fully
unueistanu what they aie in foi when hiiing oi consiueiing hiiing a coach.
Woius that neeu to be useu to uesciibe the coaching expeiience anu expecteu
outcomes may, without the peison to whom they aie being saiu having been
thiough a coaching session, sounu "fluffy", ungiounueu anu soft in natuie. Woius
such as enlighteneu oi helpful aie useful but the coach will neeu to be waiy of
hypeibole anu too stiong a language that may "scaie" off potential clients.
Theiefoie it woulu be consiueieu piuuent to use balanceu language that alluues to
the innei jouiney that coaching takes a client on but also stiongly emphasizes
piactical outcomes of coaching.
4,/ 01/&'!(" (- & 2/',(#(3(.6 ',&' <!33 71(2('/ &"# 2&"&./ 7&1'!0!7&"'
/97/0'&'!("+ (- 0(&0,!".)
An outcome fiom the uata ielateu to the pievious question was the piepaiation of a
one page biiefing sliue that aims to assist in settings coachee pie-coaching
peiceptions anu expectations.
The feeuback fiom all coachees that unueiwent coaching subsequent to the
piepaiation of the biiefing sliue (thiee coachees) was that it assisteu them to moie
cleaily unueistanu the natuie of the seivice being offeieu.
The following elements weie highlighteu uuiing the pie-coaching biiefing:
The coaching was not about peifoimance at theii cuiient iole at nab.

7&*// 8$9:*+(; <=(5 !> ?-/4 @-*2% $-612(A
Coachee biings the topics anu uiives the agenua
The cieation of this aitifact gieatly helpeu myself piesent the key points iegaiuing
coaching anu cleaily setfiame the subsequent sessions.
Authenticity in communications was a key-leaining outcome fiom my ieseaich anu
associateu ieauing. Being qualifieu in business maiketing has in a way hinueieu my
ability to ciaftcieate genuine authentic messages foi my coaching business. With
an oveily simplistic appioach to maiketing coaches consiuei the client, theii wants
anu neeus to be cential to piomotional activities; it is an outsiue-in appioach to
piouuctseivice uevelopment. Ny opinion aftei unueitaking my ieseaich is that
both an insiue-out anu outsiue-in appioach neeus to be taken when piepaiing
maiketing communications messages foi piomotional activities.
Baving to ueeply consiuei my life situation anu oveiall view of wheie I am at
(insiue-out evaluation) has been valuable in helping infoim the key messages useu
to set anu manage the peiceptions of potential clients. In auuition to this insiue-out
appioach I have been able to claiify my thinking iegaiuing what the maiket anu
cuiient ieseaich consiueis best piactice. This claiity has alloweu an outsiue-in
analysis to be peifoimeu wheieby I can position what I have to offei ielative to the
cuiient competitive enviionment.
7+@ J&0 P' %.F"$0/&.F?.K B$+K$"00"FU
The fiist lesson I leaineu thiough unueitaking this pioject was the bieauth anu
vaiiety of coaching seivices that aie on offei in the open maiket. Following my fiist

7&*// 8$9:*+(; <=(5 !> ?-/4 @-*2% $-612(A
weekenu with the LCA piogiam I hau what I believe now to be quite a naiiow view
of what coaching is.
I believe that it is a iisk that coaches stait to become too piotectiveuefensive of
what they believe coaching to be (holistic, non-uiiective foi example) anu fail to
unueistanu what potential clients see coaching to be. This may cause pioblems
when a coach uoes not "meet the client wheie they aie" but insteau tiies to euucate
them upfiont iisking putting them off auopting coaching seivices.
What action I will take out of this pioject is to be veiy, veiy caieful of the language I
use in communicating my coaching seivice to a potential client. This is especially
impoitant when it is fiist mentioneubiought up. Being asseitive to pio-actively
manage peiceptions is a key pait of how I go about piomoting my seivices both in
anu outsiue of nab.
Fuitheimoie how I piomote my coaching seivice will have less to uo with what I
think people want to heai anu moie about how I can "uistil" the essence of what I
consiuei the be my value pioposition into messages that aie meaningful anu
appiopiiate foi my taiget maiket.
The ieauing anu ieseaich unueitaken as pait of this pioject has maue me be less
conceineu about "spin" anu moie focuseu on authentic messages that connect my
beliefs with the conceins of my taiget maiket.
To uevelop my business I now appieciate that it takes time to builu ielationships
with authentic communications that tiuly ieflect "wheie I am at" anu what I can
offei as a coach. If I am what I sell anu in the woius of Williams anu Thomas (2uuS)

7&*// 8$9:*+(; <=(5 !> ?-/4 @-*2% $-612(A
"Who you aie, youi peisonhoou, is the basis foi effective life coaching", then I neeu
to be taigeting clients who aie wheie I am in that they aie unueigoing oi about to
unueigo the Inuiviuuation phase of theii life that was pieviously uiscusseu.
Consequently my appioach has gone fiom tiying to finu key woius that will "spin"
the iight message anu convince clients that I am bettei than the next coach to one
that cleaily communications my values as expiesseu thiough my coaching offeiing.
What has been of value is the self-ieflection iequiieu to iealise that coaching is
wheie my innei woilu meets anothei peisons with the aim to both come away
bettei foi oui inteiaction anu the client moie focuseu on theii next steps whilst I
infoim my thinking iegaiuing coaching appioach anu the maiketability of my
VJ&/ ?0 /J" $"*">&.C" +, /J?0 @+$W /+ C+&CJ?.K
Coaching outcomes neeu to be uesciibeu in language that makes sense to potential
coachees. Although using nomenclatuie such as technical veisus auaptive change is
suitable foi pioject iepoits anu ieseaich, clients neeu to unueistanu coaching
benefitsoutcomes as uesciibeu in theii language anu in a way that lets them
connect to the meaningpuipose of coaching. Auuitionally coaches neeu to know
themselves piioi to putting theii coaching seivice out theie.
Knowing one's self as a coach ensuies the messagescommunications that unueipin
piomotional activities will be authentic anu best iepiesent the coach. By tapping
into theii authentic self, coaches inciease the chance that peispective clients will

7&*// 8$9:*+(; <=(5 !> ?-/4 @-*2% $-612(A
peiceive both coaching anu the coach's offeiing in the coiiect light in teims of
expecteu benefits anu the specific coach's ueliveiy style anu appioach.
Foi the coaching inuustiy the challenge of builuing a client base by having clients
puichase a seivice that they can nevei fully unueistanu piioi to having expeiiencing
it piesents an ongoing anu possibly the biggest challenge to new coaches.
Foi this ieason coaches "benu ovei backwaius" to have a piospective client
expeiience coaching with as low a baiiiei to entiy as possible, with the stanuaiu
offeiing a fiee intiouuctoiy session.
The challenge with this appioach is that it still uoes not help infoim the client in the
pie-sales peiiou but only says, "D/6 6(% ,&$/ "(',!". '( 3(+/= ./' !' & '16". It coulu be
aigueu though that coaching is a high-iisk seivice foi someone to buy, by high iisk I
mean iisk othei than monetaiy (e.g. letting a stiangei into youi innei thoughts anu
Foi this ieason woiu of mouth iefeiials is consiueieu the golu stanuaiu foi business
uevelopment methous foi coaches because it allows a stoiy to be tolu of the
expeiience the iefeiiing peison unueiwent. This iich anu peisonal account of the
coaching piocess tolu fiom one peison to anothei is uifficult if not impossible to
ieplicate with tiauitional piintweb meuia.
By actively managing the peiceptions of the coachee the gap between pie- veisus
post-coaching peiceptions can be naiioweu. 0ften it is the uiffeience between the
expectations set by piomotional anu pie-sales activities anu the ueliveiyexecution
of the seivice that leaus to uissatisfaction foi the client. By caiefully setting anu

7&*// 8$9:*+(; <=(5 !> ?-/4 @-*2% $-612(A
managing peiceptionsexpectations of the coachee thioughout the entiie coaching
piocess it coulu be aigueu that customei satisfaction will be highei.
Fuithei ieseaich shoulu look at ways anu means to moie iichly communicate what
coaching is anu what it coulu mean foi a piospective client. A ieview of the maiket
shows that coaches aie using a vaiiety of methous to intiouuce potential clients to
the expeiiential component of coaching:
UCIHGPPCHQ A LOALWCHQ PGPPCOHI ieceiveu an invite to a teleclass
yesteiuay that exemplifies the challenge of having people unueistanu
coaching piioi to committing to becoming a coachee. The session went
thiough the offeiing anu then took questions but the best most influential
pait of the class was the live coaching uemonstiation. This showeu how the
piocess woiks anu showcaseu all the iich uetail togethei with the piactical
outcomes coaching piouuces. 0n my weekenu couise kick-off with LCA it
was the expeiiential aspects of the piogiams that pioviueu me with the
ueepest anu most ielevant leaining outcomes.
;BONM LOALWCHQat the 2uu9 Austialian Tiaining anu Bevelopment
confeience I attenueu anu paiticipateu in the coaching stieam. Populai was
gioup coaching. It was positioneu as an alteinative anuoi complimentaiy
appioach to one-on-one coaching that alloweu paiticipants to expeiience
coaching in a less thieatening way. It also has benefits foi coaches to involve
a gieatei numbei of clients simultaneously theieby leveiaging theii time.

7&*// 8$9:*+(; <=(5 !> ?-/4 @-*2% $-612(A
In nab wheie I woik gioup coaching is also useu as a means to intiouuce
people to the concepts of coaching without paiticipants feeling they have
been singleu out foi iemeuial attention.
#WG 5AHAQGBY(OALW in the nab a coaching cultuie has been maue a
stiategic piioiity anu Nanageis aie encouiageu to obtain ceitification via an
inteinally iun coaching couise. This 'managei as a coach' appioach pioviues
employees exposuie to coaching, allows them to expeiience coaching anu
also shapes theii peiceptions of exactly what coaching is.
In auuition having potential coachees expeiience coaching-like situations ieseaich
into the language of coaching that is useu foi piomotional puiposes coulu be useu to
fine-tune how people see coaching. Expanuing on the woik I uiu in this small pilot
pioject coulu be useful foi coaches to moie caiefully aiticulate what they aie
offeiing clients.
-+.C*%0?+.0 &.F 3"C+PP".F&/?+.0
Thiee key finuings summaiise the conclusions I have uiawn fiom this pioject:
1. The constiuction anu valiuation of expeiiential piomotion activities anu theii
efficacy in business uevelopment.
2. The piecise language useu to communicate key messages anu manage
peiceptions of coaching neeus to be caiefully consiueieu, not only baseu on
what people want to heai but on inteinally meaningful aspects of the coach's
own values.

7&*// 8$9:*+(; <=(5 !> ?-/4 @-*2% $-612(A
S. The piocess by which new coaches ueeply ieflect on theii authentic self
(insiue-out) to pioviue inputs into theii maiketing communications planning
is something that neeus to be highlighteu in auuition to tiauitional maiketing
theoiy (outsiue-in).
4. Pie- veisus post-coaching peiception gaps can be naiioweu anu customei
satisfaction incieaseu thiough active management of coachee peiceptions.
The impact of the above finuings on my coaching piactice has been piofounu. Piioi
to unueitaking this pioject I hau been veiy focuseu on using spin anu slick
maiketing speak on my website anu othei maiketing communication channels. I hau
a heavy focus on tiauitional maiketing appioach of getting people to tiial my seivice
foi fiee in the hope I woulu piove coaching as a woithwhile seivice. What I have
iealiseu is that coaching is a ueepei moie intimate seivice that involves high levels
of tiust between client anu coach. This tiust is not easily built anu takes time,
especially if woiking fiom a client base of zeio.
Exteinal peiceptions aie impoitant to set anu manage but how the coach manages
hishei self in teims of staying tiue to theii authentic self whilst piomoting theii
coaching is piobably moie impoitant. "Faking it" oi talking one's self up as a coach is
not an option foi this authoi.
Ny focus has now shifteu to builuing ielationships anu finuing potential clients with
whom I can builu engagement. The engagement is baseu on my values anu peisonal
beliefs as iepiesenteumanifesteu in my coaching offeiing. This is what I aim people
to engage with, not some cieateu peiception but an authentic iepiesentation of both

7&*// 8$9:*+(; <=(5 !> ?-/4 @-*2% $-612(A
my technically acquiieu skills as well as the auaptive changes that have shapeu me
ovei my lifetime to uate.
Consequently I am now in less of a huiiy to uiive people into a sales funnel anu
moie inteiesteu in staying tiue to what is impoitant to me in ueliveiing coaching
whilst builuing ielationships anu engagement.

7&*// 8$9:*+(; <=(5 !> ?-/4 @-*2% $-612(A
Bagley, u.R. 2uu6. 'Buman iesouices piofessionals' peiceptions of executive
coaching: Efficacy, benefits anu ietuin on investment.' Inteinational Coaching
Psychology Review, volume 1 No 2, S4-4S.
Bagley, u.R. 2u1u, 'Exceptional executive coaches: Piactices anu attiibutes',
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