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MM BUSINESS PROCESSES PROCUREMENT - GENERAL 1. MRP 2. Purchase Requisition 3.Vendor Selection 4. Purchase Order 5. Purchase order follow-up . !

oods Receipt "ccountin# entr$% &n'entor$ Stoc( ")c *r !R)&R +learin# ")c +r ,. &n'oice Verification "ccountin# entr$% !R)&R +learin# ")c *r Vendor ")c +r -. &n'oice Pa$.ent "ccountin# entr$% Vendor ")c *r /an( +learin# ")c +r

PROCUREMENT - PROCESS 1.Purchase Requisition 0M15123 2o accountin# entr$ 24Purchase Order 0M12123 2o accountin# entr$ 3.Purchase Order Release 0M12523 2o accountin# entr$ 4.!oods receipt 0M&!O3 &n'entor$ *r !R)&R +r 5.&n'oice receipt 0M&RO3 !R)&R *r Vendor +r MM Steps Vendor +reation - MK01 Material .aster creation - MM01 Maintainin# the purchase info record for the .aterial a#ainst the 'endor for a .aterial with a t$pe of info record in - ME11 +reatin# a PR - ME51 PR Release Me54 Request for quotation fro. 'endor if it6s new .atrl-ME41 R78 Output ME9A Maintainin# the quotation-ME47 Price co.parison -ME49 Raisin# a PO for 'endor a#ainst the PR in ME 1! PO Release ME 9! Recei'in# the #oods a#ainst the PO - MIGO +learin# the in'oice for the 'endorMIRO MM C"#le$
Determination of Requirements:

&n this step4 there is a require.ent of .aterial or ser'ice4 which .ust 9e procured e:ternall$4 fro. the user for its own process. ;he require.ent .ust 9e recorded as Purchase Requisition 0PR3 docu.ent in S"P MM. Determination of the source of supply: "fter the PR has 9een created4 the responsi9le depart.ent 0usuall$ purchasin#)procure.ent depart.ent of the co.pan$3 .ust process it.

;he 9u$er of the procure.ent depart.ent .ust deter.ine the possi9le sources of suppl$ of the .aterial)ser'ice specified in the PR.&f there is no 'alid info record at that ti.e4 the 9u$er can create Request 7or 8uotation 0R783 docu.ents to one or so.e prospecti'e 'endors. ;he 9u$er can access the procure.ent histor$ of the .aterial)ser'ice specified in the PR4 so he can see which 'endors that ha'e pro'ided it to the co.pan$ 9efore. <e can also create the R78 to the new prospecti'e 'endor that .i#ht ha'e ne'er pro'ided the .aterial)ser'ice to the co.pan$ 9efore=&n the R784 the 9u$er .ust include the infor.ation a9out the .aterial)ser'ice needed fro. the 'endors 0can 9e copied fro. the PR34 the latest su9.ission date of the quotation4 the preferred ter. of deli'er$4 ter. of pa$.ent4 currenc$4 etc.
Vendor Selection: Purchase Order

is sent to the selected 'endor. "fter purchase order processin#4 9u$er will .onitor the purchase order for deli'er$ with 'endor and also for confir.ations. Goods Receipt: >hen the 'endor deli'ers the .aterial or perfor.s the ser'ice4 the responsi9le person of the co.pan$ .ust perfor. the #oods receipt 0!R3 or ser'ice acceptance 0S"3 transaction. >hen we perfor. the !R for the PO ite. for the first ti.e4 S"P will propose the quantit$ to 9e !R as the PO order quantit$. *epends on the deli'er$ ter.s a#reed with the 'endor4 the 'endor .i#ht deli'er the .aterial partiall$. >e can post the !R partiall$ too4 so when the ne:t .aterial deli'er$ is recei'ed4 S"P will propose the quantit$ to 9e !R as the re.ainin# quantit$ that has not 9een !R $et.
Invoice Verification: "fter

the 'endor deli'ered the .aterial)ser'ice4 it will send the in'oice to the person responsi9le in the co.pan$. &n'oice is a docu.ent issued 9$ a 'endor to the co.pan$ to request the pa$.ent for the .aterial or ser'ice that the 'endor has alread$ pro'ided to the co.pan$ accordin# to the ter.s of pa$.ent a#reed in the PO.
Payment Processing: "fter

the &R transaction has 9een posted4 the 'endor6s account pa$a9le will increase and the co.pan$ .ust process the pa$.ent to that 'endor as stated in the ter.s of pa$.ent of the PO. ;he pa$.ent transaction will 9e perfor.ed in 7& .odule. "fter the pa$.ent has 9een posted4 the 'endor6s account pa$a9le will 9e de9ited and the cash or 9an( account will 9e credited.

RETURN %ELI&ER' TO &EN%OR 1. Return *eli'er$ can 9e done 9$ usin# .o'e.ent ;$pes 122 and 1 1 0a3 Return *eli'er$ ? with 122 .o' Mo'e.ent t$pe 122% Return deli'er$ to 'endor @sin# .o'e.ent t$pe 1224 $ou can distin#uish real return deli'eries for a purchase order or order fro. cancellations 01A23.

&n the standard 'ersion4 $ou .ust enter a reason for the return deli'er$ if $ou are usin# .o'e.ent t$pe 122. &n this wa$4 e'aluations of return deli'eries are possi9le. Steps create Purchase Order ? ME 1N !oods receipts a#ainst Purchase Order MIGO Return *eli'er$ a#ainst Material *ocu.ent MIGO >hen we post the docu.ent the .o'e.ent t$pe 122 will 9e selected 9$ the s$ste.. 122 - Mo'e.ent t$pe used for return deli'er$ of #oods referencin# a !oods receipt .aterial docu.ent Bou can return partial a.ount of #oods to the 'endor statin# the reason for .o'e.ent. ;he account postin#s are *e9it - !R)&R account +redit - &n'entor$ account 093 Return *eli'er$ ? with 1 1 .o' Mo'e.ent t$pe 1 1% Return for PO &f a purchase order ite. is .ar(ed as a returns ite.4 the returns to 'endor are posted usin# .o'e.ent t$pe 1 1 when the #oods receipt for purchase order is posted. Steps +reate Purchase Order with different *ocu.ent ;$pe 0R2/3 !oods receipts a#ainst Purchase order when we post the docu.ent the .o'e.ent t$pe 1 1 will 9e selected 9$ the s$ste.. /oth Mo'e.ent t$pe 1 1 has the sa.e effects as .o'e.ent t$pe 122. 1 1 - .o'e.ent t$pe used for returnin# the .aterial to the 'endor referencin# a returns PO. ;he account postin#s are *e9it - !R)&R account +redit - &n'entor$ account ;he 9asic difference 9etween these two .o'e.ent t$pes is4

MOV-122% $ou can return .aterial to the 'endor when $ou (now the PO nu.9er or !R nu.9er. ;he .aCor ad'anta#e here for us is .aterial #et returned with sa.e 'alue when !R ta(en. MOV-1 1% Returns PO4 here we will return the .aterial 9$ creatin# the PO with Returns fla#. "s soon as $ou ta(e !R s$ste. returns the .aterial with price #i'en in the PO. <ere s$ste. ta(es the price #i'en in the Returns PO. ;he 9usiness functionalit$ of the 9oth are4 &f $ou ta(en the 1AA qt$ !R fro. the 'endor and -A #ot accepted and 2A reCected. ;hen it is ad'isa9le to #o for 122. /ut $ou ha'e procured .aterial fro. 'arious 'endors and 1AA !r qt$ onl$ 1 pc #ot reCected and li(e that in case of other 'endors. &n cu.ulati'e $ou #ot so.e 3A pcs that are not usa9le. &n that case $ou ne#otiate with an$ 'endor to ta(e that .aterial at a#reed price. &n this case we #o for Returns PO. Stoc(s #et returned with the a#reed price. RETURN %ELI&ER' TO &EN%OR-(IT) %ELI&ER' 2.Return *eli'er$ can 9e done 9u usin# .o'e.ent ;$pes 122 and 1 1 0a3 Return *eli'er$ ? with 122 .o' steps 1. +reate Purchase Order ? ME 1N 2. !oods receipts a#ainst Purchase Order MIGO 3. Return *eli'er$ a#ainst Material *ocu.ent MIGO also select 'ia *eli'er$ chec( 9o: >hen we post the docu.ent the .o'e.ent t$pe 122 will 9e selected 9$ the s$ste.. *eli'er$ docu.ent will 9e created. 4. VDA2n ? enter the deli'er$ docu.ent no. 1nter the pic( qt$ and 9atch and #o for P!& EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE S*+#,!t-a#t PO$ Bou cannot use su9contractin# PO in intra-co.pan$ process 0plants under sa.e co.pan$ code3 Bou need to ha'e the .aterial .aintained that can 9e procured e:ternall$ and $ou need ha'e the /OM .aintained with co.ponents.

2. Bou also need to .aintain the FSu9contractin#F info record. 3. "fter co.pletin# steps 1 G 24 $ou can create a su9contractin# PO with ite. cate#or$ FDF 4. "fter creatin# this PO4 $ou need to .a(e transfer postin# and issue the co.ponents. ;his is done 9$ M/1/ transaction usin# .o'e.ent t$pe 541. 5. Bou can recei'e the finished product 9$ M&!O transaction with M't. ;$pe 1A1. S*+ C,!t-a#t.!/ C"#le 013 Bou ha'e a .aterial that can 9e procured e:ternall$4 and $ou ha'e .aintained /OM with co.ponents. "n$ waste #enerated and recei'ed durin# su9contractin# process can 9e .aintained as co.ponent with ne#ati'e quantit$. 023 Bou create a su9contractin# PO 0PO with &te. +ate#or$ D3. Bou can also .aintain Purchase &nfo Record for Su9contract cate#or$ for .aterial and su9contractor. 033 Bou .a(e a transfer postin# to issue co.ponents for S+ PO. Material is sent to su9contractor. "s .aterial re.ains under $our ownership4 s$ste. does not .a(e an$ 'alue entr$. /ut quantit$ is shown as FMaterial Pro'ided to VendorF 043 Bou recei'e finished .aterial a#ainst S+-PO. Bou also specif$ co.ponents consu.ed in .anufacturin# of finished #oods. "dditionall$4 if $ou ha'e ne#ati'e co.ponents in /OM4 now $ouHll also recei'e su9contractin# 9$-products. ;here are three e'ents4 so three accountin# entries are #enerated% *R 7! Stoc() S+ /$-Product Stoc( +R +han#e in Stoc( 07!) S+ /$-Product 3 0for finished #oods recei'ed3 *R Su9contractin# +har#es +R !R)&R +l# 0for .one$s pa$a9le to Su9contractor3 *R +onsu.ption 0+o.ponents3 +R +han#e in Stoc( 07!) S+ /$-Product 3 0.aterial pro'ided to Vendor is now char#ed to e:pense3 053 Bou do the &V for S+ &n'oice4 and the process is co.plete. P-,#ess ,0 S*+#,!t-a#t .! MM

Su9-contract 9usiness process% Bou want to 9u$ .aterial fro. the supplier 0processed .aterial) asse.9led ite.3 4 9ut for so.e reason 0qualit$ of certain ite. ) price 3 $ou will #i'e so.e co.ponent to 'endor . Vendor shall process the ite. ) use the ite. pro'ided G supplies the final ite.. SAP p-,#ess% 1.+reate the finished #oods .aterial code. 2. Maintain the /OM for the .aterial. 3. +reate PO with ite. cate#or$ as FDI. 4. &ssue .aterial to 'endor with .o'e.ent t$pe 541 5.Recei'e the .aterial a#ainst the PO with .o'e.ent t$pe 1A1. . M&RO to account for 'endorHs in'oice for the ser'ice char#eG .aterial used 9$ hi.. +an an$9od$ tell .e how a process has to 9e #i'en to su9contractin#J Suppose4 & ha'e 3 operations 13wea'in# 23d$ein# 33cuttin# G pac(in# if no 2 process 0i.e *$ein#3 has to 9e #i'en to su9contractin#4 what process should i follow J ;he followin# process to 9e followed for su9contractin#. 1. &te. code0.aterial .aster3 to 9e created at the sta#e of 9efore d$ein#. 2. &te. code0.aterial .aster3 to 9e created after *$ein# as su9contracted ite..073A3 3. /ill of .aterial to 9e created for the .aterial 023 callin# for .aterial 013 4. &nfo record and source list to 9e created for .aterial 023 with the correspondin# 'endor 5. PO to 9e released for .aterial 023 ."lon# with PO the .aterial013 to 9e issued to 'endor ,.On receipt of .aterial when !R is .ade the stoc( with 'endor will #et updated. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Se-1.#e p-,#*-e2e!t3 Ser'ices confi#uration can 9e at spro--..--procure.ent of e:ternal ser'ices. 1. "+A1 - +reate Ser'ice .aster and assi#n the Valuation +lass and #i'e uo.4 ser'ice cate#or$ and do "ccount *eter.ination in O/B+ for transaction Ke$ !// and Valuation Modifier V/R and for transaction Ke$ >RL4 assi#n !R)&R +learin# ")c 2. M1212 - &n PO 0M121234 use &te. cate#or$ as F*F 0Ser'ices3 alon# with "ccount "ssi#n.ent +ate#or$ FKF 0+ost +enter3 or FPF 0ProCect3 or F@F 0@n(nown3 and &n FSer'icesF ta94 specif$ the Ser'ice Master 2u.9er0"cti'it$ 2u.9er34 8uantit$ and !ross price. 3. MD-12 - +reate Ser'ice 1ntr$ Sheet w.r.t. Ser'ice PO and press release fla# for acceptance. Bou will #et ser'ice entr$ sheet nu.9er and a .aterial docu.ent nu.9er.

Ser'ice 1:pense ")c - *r 0!//3 !R)&R +learin# ")c - +r 0>RL3 4. M&RO - D&V for Ser'ice 1ntr$ Sheet or Ser'ice PO

C,!s./!2e!t P-,#ess steps +onsi#n.ent stoc( is special (ind of stoc( .;he stoc( is l$in# at $our stora#e location 9ut the responsi9ilit$ 'endor .+onsi#n.ent stoc(s are not 'aluated. >hen the .aterial is withdrawn it is 'aluated at the price of the respecti'e 'endor. Vendor lia9ilit$ will arise at the .o.ent when $ou are withdrawin# the stoc( or transfer the stoc( to $our own stoc(. &nfo records with info cate#or$ +onsi#n.ent are created 9efore creatin# the PO 0$ou .ust .aintain the consi#n.ent price for the 'endor in an info record3.;he price is required for .aterial 'aluation and accountin# purposes. Steps% 1. "ssi#n Standard purchase plant in 1nterprise assi#n.ents 0&M!3 2. +onsi#n.ent &nfo record "cti'ate in &M! .aterialHs .ana#e.ent.. 2. +reate &nfo record for the .aterial G 'endor with info cate#or$ consi#n.ent and .aintain the price which will 9e used for the 'aluation and accountin# entries. 2. Bou enter purchase requisitions for consi#n.ent .aterials in e:actl$ the sa.e wa$ as for other .aterials.0 ite. cate#or$ K3. 3. +reat Purchase Orders ) Outline "#ree.ents for +onsi#n.ent Materials in the si.ilar wa$ 0ite. cate#or$ K3. 4. !oods receipt with 1A1 as its ite. +at K it will not create the "+ doc. 5. Bou can transfer stoc( to $our stora#e location or #oods issue for the consu.ption whate'er .a$ the case with .o'e.ent 411 .+onsi#n.ent .aterials are settled throu#h MRKO... and pa$.ent will run in 7&. OR ;he followin#s are the t$pical 'endor consi#n.ent process steps% 1. Maintain consi#n.ent process throu#h consi#n.ent info record 0M1113 2. +reate PO with ite. cate#or$ K 0consi#n.ent3 3. Perfor. #oods receipt a#ainst PO 0.o'e.ent 1A1 throu#h M&!O or M/A13 fro. step 2. ;his will place the .aterial into consi#n.ent in'entor$. 2o account postin# at this ti.e since the .aterial still 9elon#s to the 'endor.

4. Perfor. transfer postin# 0.o'e.ent 411 special stoc( K throu#h M/1/3 on the .aterial when the stoc( is read$ to 9e transferred to co.pan$Hs own in'entor$. "lternati'el$4 consi#n.ent stoc( can also 9e consu.ed 9$ production order throu#h .o'e.ent 2 1 with special stoc( K. 5. Run transaction MRKO to settle consi#n.ent lia9ilit$ and pa$ the 'endor. ;hin( of this transaction as a self ser'ice in'oice. ;he consi#n.ent settle.ent is 9ased on the quantit$ of stoc( that was consu.ed 0or transferred to co.pan$ stoc(3 in step 4.

;he account entries in !R4!& and &R are as followM ". !oods Receipt% 2o "ccountin# *ocu.ents /.!oods &ssues% +onsu.ption ")+% *R4 +onsi#n.ent0Dia9ilit$ "ccount 3 Pa$a9le% +R4 +.+onsi#n.ent Settle.ent% - ;ransaction +ode - MRKO +onsi#n.ent 0Dia9ilit$ "ccount 3Pa$a9le% *R4 Vendor "ccount ")+% +R

Step 0,- STN

ME 1N - C-eate St,#4 T-a!s0e- ,-5e- 6STO7 &L10B - C-eate %el.1e-" &L0 N &=01 &=0 &=0> P,st /,,5s .ss*e 8 Bat#9 : ;t"< p.#4.!/ C-eate B.ll.!/ %,#*2e!ts 6STN7 %.spla" STN P-.!t,*t 0,- STN

Step 0,- STN Ca!#ellat.,!$

&L09 -

Re1e-se p,st /,,5s .ss*e

&L0 N - Re1e-se 5el.1e-" : p.#4 ;t"< ME N Ca!#el : 5elete STO

Most of the we need to transfer stoc( of .aterial fro. one plant to another plant or plants. &n S"P R)3 the followin# t$pe of procedures are a'aila9le. 1. Stoc( ;ransfer 9etween Plants in% 1. One Step 2. ;wo Steps 2. Stoc( ;ransport Order% 1. >ithout *eli'er$ 2. >ith *eli'er$ 'ia Shippin# 3. >ith *eli'er$ and /illin# *ocu.ent)&n'oice

A51a!ta/es ,0 t9e St,#4 T-a!sp,-t O-5e&t has the followin# ad'anta#es o'er the transfer of stoc( without a stoc( transport order% 1. " #oods receipt can 9e planned in the recei'in# plant. 2. " 'endor can 9e entered in the stoc( transport order. 3. *eli'er$ costs can 9e entered in the stoc( transport order. 4. ;he stoc( transfer order is part of MRP 5. ;he #oods issue is possi9le 'ia a deli'er$ or 'ia Shippin#. . ;he #oods receipt can 9e posted directl$ to consu.ption. ,. ;he entire process can 9e .onitored 'ia the purchase order histor$.

St,#4 T-a!sp,-t O-5e- ?.t9 %el.1e-" a!5 B.ll.!/ %,#*2e!t:I!1,.#e

"s per &ndian Daw4 if the .aterial is su9Cect to 1:cise *ut$4 e'en .o'in# 9etween plants needs to 9e acco.panied with 1:cise &n'oice. ;he followin# process descri9es the full


c$cle of fro. stoc( transport order4 #oods issue4 e:cise in'oice and #oods receipt processes.

C-eate St,#4 T-a!sp,-t O-5e&n case of require.ent of .aterials4 " Stoc( ;ransport Order statin# specific quantit$ of .aterial will 9e raised 9$ recei'in# plant to the suppl$in# plant. 7or creatin# Stoc( transport we can use the followin# path% Do#isticsN Materials Mana#e.entN Purchasin#N Purchase OrderN +reateNVendor)Suppl$in# Plant Known ;. +ode% ME 1N ,r M12,

C-eat.!/ O*t+,*!5 %el.1e-"

&f the stoc( of .aterial is a'aila9le in Suppl$in# Plant then Suppl$in# Plant will create a deli'er$ a#ainst the a9o'e Stoc( ;ransport Order. S"P .enuN Do#isticsN Sales and *istri9utionN Shippin# and ;ransportationN Out9ound *eli'er$N +reateN +ollecti'e Processin# of *ocu.ents *ue for *eli'er$NPurchase Orders ;. +ode$ &L10B

C9a!/.!/ O*t+,*!5 %el.1e-"

;o Pic( the Material and to do the Post !oods &ssue suppl$in# plant will chan#e the a9o'e out9ound deli'er$ docu.ent. S"P .enuN Do#isticsN Sales and *istri9utionN Shippin# and ;ransportationN Out9ound *eli'er$N +han#eN Sin#le *ocu.ent ;. +ode% VDA22

C-eat.!/ B.ll.!/ %,#*2e!t

"fter P!&4 " 9illin# *ocu.ent (nown +o..ercial &n'oice is created to update the correspondin# !D "ccounts and sa.e is send to recei'in# plant 0+usto.er3. Do#isticsN Sales and distri9utionN /illin#N/illin# docu.entN +reate ;. +ode% V7A1

C-eat.!/ I!1,.#e


;o .eet the le#al require.ent and to it to 1:cise "uthorities the suppl$in# plant will create an 1:cise &n'oice. &t is a le#al docu.ent and it .ust acco.pan$ the #oods when these are 9ein# sent to the Recei'in# Plant 0+usto.er3. S"P @ser .enuN &ndirect ;a:esN Sales ) Out9ound Mo'e.entsN 1:cise &n'oiceN for Sales OrderN Out#oin# 1:cise &n'oice +reate ;. +ode% O1&&2

G,,5s 0,- St,#4 T-a!sp,-t O-5e>ith reference to Stoc( ;ransport Order as created a9o'e #oods are recei'ed at the recei'in# plant. *urin# enterin# this #oods .o'e.ent at recei'in# plant we can capture and post the Part & and Part && of e:cise dut$. ;o #et 1:cise &n'oice ta9 at <eader *ata choose +hec( icon at third row at the top of the screen. Do#isticsN Materials Mana#e.entN &n'entor$ Mana#e.entN !oods Mo'e.entN !oods Receipt for Purchase Order ;. +ode% M&!O

Stock Transport

rder !ith Delivery via Shipping

7or stoc( transport orders with deli'er$ 'ia shippin#4 note the prerequisites descri9ed 9elow. Maste- %ata$ 2aste-S*ppl".!/ pla!t &n the .aterial .aster for the suppl$in# plant4 $ou .ust record the followin# data% /asic data Shippin# data "ccountin# data -Re#e.1.!/ pla!t &n the .aterial .aster for the recei'in# plant4 $ou .ust record the followin# data% /asic data Purchasin# data "ccountin# data Customer Master Record ;he #oods recipient of the deli'er$ is the recei'in# plant. 12

Stock Transport

rder !ith Delivery via Shipping

7or stoc( transport orders with deli'er$ 'ia shippin#4 note the prerequisites descri9ed 9elow. Maste- %ata$ 2aste-S*ppl".!/ pla!t &n the .aterial .aster for the suppl$in# plant4 $ou .ust record the followin# data% /asic data shippin# data "ccountin# data -Re#e.1.!/ pla!t &n the .aterial .aster for the recei'in# plant4 $ou .ust record the followin# data% /asic data Purchasin# data "ccountin# data Customer Master Record ;he #oods recipient of the deli'er$ is the recei'in# plant. Bou .ust create a .aster record for the recei'in# plant. 7ro. this4 9oth the address and other data that is rele'ant for shippin#4 such as transportation Pone and shippin# condition4 are ta(en. ;he .aster record .ust 9e created for the or#aniPational units. 7ro. the .enu4 choose Logistics > Sales and Distribution >Master Data >Business Partner >Customer?N Create 0account #roup Sold-To Party).

+usto.iPin# Sales and distribution

-S#9e5*le l.!e #ate/, Bou assi#n schedule line cate#ories and .o'e.ent t$pes in +usto.iPin# for Sales and Distribution under Sales ?N Sales *ocu.ents ?N Schedule Dines ?N "ssi#n Schedule Dine +ate#ories. Possi9le schedule line cate#ories and .o'e.ent t$pes are%


Schedule line cate#or$ 22 ? intra-co.pan$-code stoc( transfer Schedule line cate#or$ 2+ ? cross-co.pan$-code stoc( transfer Mo'e.ent t$pe 4, ? one-step procedure Mo'e.ent t$pe 41 ? two-step procedure -S9.pp.!/ p,.!t Shippin# point deter.ination depends on the suppl$in# plant4 the shippin# condition of the .aster record 9elon#in# to the recei'in# plant4 and the loadin# #roup of the .aterial. Bou assi#n the shippin# point to the suppl$in# plant in +usto.iPin# for Do#istics 1:ecution under Shippin#?N /asic Shippin# 7unctions ?N Shippin# Point and !oods Recei'in# Point *eter.ination ?N"ssi#n Shippin# Points. 0See also 1nterprise Structure ?N"ssi#n.ent ?N Do#istics 1:ecution ?N"ssi#n shippin# point to plant.3 Purc!asing -%el.1e-" t"pe "ssi#n deli'er$ t$pe 2D to the co.9ination of order t$pe @/ and suppl$in# plant 0replenish.ent deli'er$ for intra-co.pan$-code stoc( transfers3. &f $ou do not assi#n a deli'er$ t$pe4 $ou can onl$ post the #oods issue in in'entor$ .ana#e.ent. Bou define the deli'er$ t$pe in +usto.iPin# for Purc!asing under Purchase Order ?N Set u" Stoc# Trans"ort $rder >%ssign Deli&ery Ty"e and C!ec#ing Rule. &f the docu.ent t$pe contains a deli'er$ t$pe 9ut another require.ent is .issin# 0for e:a.ple4 shippin# data34 $ou recei'e either a warnin# .essa#e or an error .essa#e 0dependin# on the s$ste. confi#uration3 when $ou tr$ to enter the stoc( transport order. &f $ou recei'e a warnin# .essa#e4 $ou can create the stoc( transport order4 9ut $ou can post the #oods issue for this ite. onl$ in &n'entor$ Mana#e.ent. -O-/a!.Aat.,!al *!.ts "ssi#n the or#aniPational units 0sales or#aniPation4 distri9ution channel4 and di'ision3 to the suppl$in# plant and recei'in# plant 'Purc!asing ?NPurchase Order ?N Set u" Stoc# Trans"ort $rder ?N *efine Shippin# *ata for Plants).


Pla!t #*st,2e- !*2+e"ssi#n the nu.9er to the recei'in# plant 'Purchasin# ?N Purchase Order ?N Set up Stoc( ;ransport Order?N*efine Shippin# *ata for Plants). ;o 9etter depict the custo.iPin#4 Oi..$ Qhan# collected those settin#s into one picture. Ma$9e it will help $ou to understand the settin#s and see the relationships .ore clearl$.

Configuring the Stock Transport Order

- +onfi#ure usin# transaction OMGN - *ependin# upon the sendin# and recei'in# plants4 .aintain sales or#aniPation and data in custo.iPin#. - Maintain the suppl$in# plant as a 'endor and attach the plant to the 'endor in the Vendor Master. - Material t$pe has to 9e )ALB or )A(A. - 1nsure that the co.pan$ with sales Or#aniPation has a plant to ta(e care of stoc(in#. - ;he PO used is 2/ and not Stoc( ;ransfer PO. +onfi#ure S* for inter-co.pan$ 9illin# to ena9le pic(in# up the pricin# procedure for 9illin#. - +arr$ Out deli'er$ throu#h process deli'er$ due list and 9illin# throu#h process 9illin# due list. Otherwise4 Bou need to confi#ure $our Stoc( ;ransport Order settin#s for $our +ross+o.pan$% B*s.!ess T-a!sa#t.,! t, ?,-4< 1. 2o. for the !oods Recei'in# Plant - OMGN 2. "'aila9ilit$ +hec(- +hec(in# Rule 0if necessar$3 - OMGN 3. "ssi#n a *eli'er$ ;$pe for the *eli'erin# Plant - OMGN 0for Stoc( ;ransport Orders4 2D++3 4. PO t$pe 0which i 9eli'e $ou ha'e done3 - OMGN 5. "ssi#n Vendor 2o. to the Suppl$in# Plant 0done3 - &K0 . "ssi#n 2o. to the Purchasin# Plant for the &nter-+o.pna$ &n'oice 09ut $ou need to assi#n this to the Sales Or#aniPation pre-assi#ned to the Purchasin# Plant34 &M!-S*-/illin#-&nter+o.pan$ /illin#-*efine &nternal 2o. 9$ Sales Or# ===and 9$ the wa$ for the &n'oice to wor( 9etween +ross-+o.pna$ Plants4 $ou need also to ha'e a Sales Or# for the Suppl$in# Plant and a Pricin# *eter.ination Procedure


Configure Intercompany Stock Transport Order

E@pla.! STO< S;O is Stoc( ;ransport order. &t is used for inter co.pan$ transfer of #oods. Plant to plant transfer and e'en transferrin# raw .aterial to ;hird part$ contractors 0Oo9 >or(3. ;he Process is $ou create a S;O do deli'er$ a#ainst the S;O and create a /illin# *ocu.ent a#ainst the S;O. ),? t, #,!0./*-e t9e .!te--#,2pa!" St,#4 T-a!sp,-t O-5e-B P-assee Material should e:ist in 9oth the plants 0*eli'erin# G Orderin#34 &nternal should 9e assi#ned to the orderin# plant 0 MM -N Purchasin# -N Purchase Order -N Setup stoc( transport order -N assi#n the internal to the orderin# plant and assi#n the Sales area of the internal ;code % OMGN

"ssi#n its Sales area to the deli'erin# plant "ssi#n the docu.ent t$pe and *eli'er$ t$pe 2/ and 2D++ "ssi#n the Suppl$in# plant ?N Recei'in# Plant ?N 2/

;a(e the deli'erin# plant and assi#n the sales area. Vendor .aster has to 9e created and assi#n the suppl$ source 0 *eli'erin# Plant3. +reate a purchase order M1212 RN Sa'e *eli'er$ VD1A ! RN +alculation rule 0appropriate3 ?N "ssai#n the purchase order nu.9er here and e:ecute. Select the *eli'er$ creation line and do the 9ac( #round process. Start the lo# displa$ and see the deli'er$ docu.ent nu.9er 9$ the docu.ents 9utton !oto VDA22 ?N do pic(in# and P!& ?N ;hen do the M&!O with respect to the deli'er$ docu.ent. /illin# 0&nterco.pan$ pricin# conditions should 9e set

Configure Intercompany Stock Transport Order

Material should e:ist in 9oth the plants 0*eli'erin# G Orderin#34 &nternal should 9e assi#ned to the orderin# plant 0 MM -N Purchasin# -N Purchase Order -N Setup stoc( transport order -N assi#n the internal to the orderin# plant and assi#n the Sales area of the internal "ssi#n its Sales area to the deli'erin# plant "ssi#n the docu.ent t$pe and *eli'er$ t$pe 2/ and 2D++ "ssi#n the Suppl$in# plant --N Recei'in# Plant --N 2/ ;a(e the deli'erin# plant and assi#n the sales area. Vendor .aster has to 9e created and assi#n the suppl$ source 0 *eli'erin# Plant3. +reate a purchase order M1212 ---N Sa'e *eli'er$ VD1A ! ---N +alculation rule 0appropriate3 --N "ssi#n the purchase order nu.9er here and e:ecute. Select the *eli'er$ creation line and do the 9ac( #round process. Start the lo# displa$ and see the deli'er$ docu.ent nu.9er 9$ the docu.ents 9utton !oto VDA22 --N do pic(in# and P!& --N ;hen do the M&!O with respect to the deli'er$


docu.ent. /illin# 0&nterco.pan$ pricin# conditions should 9e set3.

SAP Split Valuation for


;he S"P R)3 S$ste. all,?s ",* t, 1al*ate st,#4s ,0 a e.t9e- t,/et9e- ,sepa-atel"4 that is4 accordin# to different 'aluation criteria. Split 'aluation is necessar$ if4 for e:a.ple% 1. Stoc( fro. in-house production has a different 'aluation price than e:ternall$ procured stoc(. 2. Stoc( o9tained fro. one .anufacturer is 'aluated at a different price than stoc( o9tained fro. another .anufacturer. 3. *ifferent 9atch stoc(s of a .aterial ha'e different 'aluation prices. 4. Value da.a#ed and repair part differentl$ fro. a new part. ;o used split 'aluation4 $ou ha'e to acti'ate it usin# HOM(0H. ;o chan#e split .aterial 'aluation once it has 9een set4 $ou .ust 1. 2. 3. 4. 7irst post out all stoc(s 0for e:a.ple4 to a cost center or with .o'e.ent t$pe 5C 3 ;hen chan#e the control para.eters &f necessar$4 chan#e the auto.atic account deter.ination 7inall$ post the stoc(s 9ac( in a#ain

I! spl.t 1al*at.,!3 ",* #a!!/*.s9 +et?ee! st,#4s ,0 a a##,-5.!/ t, #e-ta.! #-.te-.a a!5 1al*ate t9e2 sepa-atel"< ;he .aterial stoc( is di'ided accordin# to 'aluation cate#or$ and 'aluation t$pe. ;he 'aluation cate#or$ deter.ines how the partial stoc(s are di'ided4 that is4 accordin# to which criteria. ;he 'aluation t$pe descri9es the characteristics of the indi'idual stoc(s. >ith the function FSett.!/F $ou can deter.ine% >hich 'aluation cate#ories e:ist in $our co.pan$ 0#lo9al cate#ories3 which 'aluation t$pes e:ist in $our co.pan$ 0#lo9al t$pes3 which 'aluation t$pes 9elon# to which 'aluation cate#or$ which 'aluation cate#ories e:ist in a 'aluation area 0local cate#ories3


Bour entries are onl$ rele'ant if $ou set split 'aluation as acti'e in the function FGl,+al sett.!/sF. &n the standard S"P R)3 S$ste.4 the followin# 'aluation cate#ories are default settin#s % / procure.ent t$pe >ith the 'aluation t$pes% FEIGENF for in-house production F=REM%F for e:ternal procure.ent < Ori#in L auto.atic 'aluation 0onl$ for 9atch3 ;o select split 'aluation 0HOM(CH34 proceed as follows% 1. *eter.ine the 'aluation cate#ories and 'aluation t$pes that are allowed for all 'aluation areas% #lo9al 'aluation cate#ories 'ia .enu FG,t, --D Gl,+al Cate/,-.esF #lo9al 'aluation t$pes 'ia .enu FG,t, --D Gl,+al T"pesF 2. "llocate the 'aluation t$pes to the 'aluation cate#ories. a3 Select FG,t, --D Gl,+al Cate/,-.esF. 93 Position the cursor on a 'aluation cate#or$ and select FG,t, --D Gl,+al Cate/, --D Ass./!2e!ts --D ET"pes-DCate/,-"EF. c3 "cti'ate the 'aluation t$pes $ou want. 3. *eter.ine the local 'aluation cate#ories for each 'aluation area. a3 Select FG,t, --D L,#al 5e0.!.t.,!sF. 93 Position the cursor on a 'aluation area and select FG,t, --D L,#al %e0.!.t.,!s --D All,#ate Cate/,.-es-DO-/<*!.ts 6+*tt,! CatsD6OU7F. Bou o9tain a list of the #lo9al 'aluation cate#ories. c3 "cti'ate the cate#ories to 9e used in this 'aluation area. ;he s$ste. creates the local 'aluation t$pes 9ased on the allocations under point 2. Onl$ now can $ou create a .aster record with split 'aluation. Specifying Split Valuation by creating Material Subject to Split Valuation 1. +reate a .aterial .aster record4 selectin# the "ccountin# View 1. 2. 1nter $our data as required on the "ccountin# data screen4 specif$in# a 'aluation cate#or$. 0&f $ou canHt find the 'aluation cate#or$ field4 it .i#ht 9e hidden4 use OMSR to define the 7ield !roups.


Doo( for the field MBE(-B(TT' for Valuation cate#or$3. 3. /e sure that the p-.#e #,!t-,l .!5.#at,- .s & 0,- 2,1.!/ a1e-a/e p-.#e and enter a .o'in# a'era#e price. 4. &n the case of split 'aluation4 $ou can create onl$ one 'aluation header record with p-.#e #,!t-,l & 9ecause the indi'idual stoc( 'alues are cu.ulated4 and this total 'alue is written to the 'aluation header record. ;his is where the indi'idual stoc(s of a .aterial are .ana#ed cu.ulati'el$. ;o do this4 fill in the Valuation cate#or$ field on the accountin# screen when $ou create the .aterial .aster record and lea1e t9e &al*at.,! t"pe 0.el5 +la!4. 5. Sa'e $our data and the s$ste. creates the 'aluation header record. . ;he initial screen appears. ,. 1:tend the .aterial 9$ creatin# new .aterial .aster records fro. the "ccountin# 'iew 1. 7or the first .aterial4 specif$ a 'aluation t$pe in the Or#aniPational De'els dialo# 9o: and enter the respecti'e accountin# data on the data screen. Proceed li(ewise for the other .aterials4 distin#uishin# 9etween the. 9$ 'aluation t$pe. ;o do this4 call up the .aterial in creation .ode a#ain. *ue to the fact that a 'aluation header record e:ists4 the s$ste. requires $ou to enter a 'aluation t$pe for the 'aluation cate#or$. -. Repeat step se'en for e'er$ 'aluation t$pe planned. Bou want to 'aluate the stoc( of .aterial LBQ that $ou o9tain fro. .anufacturer " in Dos "n#eles at a different price than the stoc( $ou o9tain fro. .anufacturer / in *etroit. &n this case4 the 'aluation cate#or$ is < for ori#in. Bour 'aluation t$pes can 9e DOS "2!1D1S and *1;RO&;. &f a .aterial is su9Cect to split 'aluation4 e'er$ quantit$ 0su9-stoc(3 of this .aterial .ust 9e assi#ned to a 'aluation t$pe 0for e:a.ple4 countr$ of ori#in3. 7or e'er$ 'aluation t$pe4 there are two t$pes of data in the s$ste.4 as follows% Valuation data 0for e:a.ple4 'aluation price4 total stoc( quantit$4 total stoc( 'alue34 which is defined for e'er$ 'aluation t$pe at 'aluation-area le'el and applies to all dependent stora#e locations. Stoc( data4 which4 li(e 9atch data4 is .ana#ed separatel$ for each stora#e location. &f a .aterial that is su9Cect to split 'aluation is also su9Cect to .ana#e.ent in 9atches4 its stoc( data is not .ana#ed 9$ 'aluation t$pe4 9ut rather 9$ 9atch. 1'er$ 9atch is assi#ned to a 'aluation t$pe. ;he stoc( quantit$4 stoc( 'alue4 and 'aluation price for all 'aluation t$pes are .ana#ed cu.ulati'el$ at 'aluation-area le'el.


Must the Valuation Type Exist Before the First oods Receipt! Bou can post the #oods receipt of .aterial of a certain 'aluation t$pe onl$ if the 'aluation data for this 'aluation t$pe alread$ e:ists4 9ecause the s$ste. 'aluates the #oods receipt at the price defined in the 'aluation data. On the other hand4 the stoc( data for the 'aluation t$pe is created auto.aticall$ durin# the first #oods receipt into the stora#e location4 if this is defined in +usto.iPin# for &n'entor$ Mana#e.ent. oods Mo"ements #ith Materials Subject to Split Valuation &f $ou want to enter #oods .o'e.ents for .aterials su9Cect to split 'aluation4 $ou .ust enter the 'aluation t$pe in addition to the .aterial nu.9er. 1nter the 'aluation t$pe in the /atch field for MB01. &n MIGO4 there is a 'aluation t$pe field in %eta.l 5ata -D

SAP Bat#9 )a!5l.!/

(9at .s a +at#9 !,< ,0 a 2ate-a.lB a!5 ?9e-e #a! ?e 2e!t.,! +at#9 !, 0,- 2ate-.alB Ca! ?e 2a.!ta.! +at#9 !, .! 2201 T#,5e ?9.le #-eat.!/ 2ate-.alB &n si.ple ter.s S"P /atch <andlin# .eans an additional (e$s fields for users to identif$ the sa.e .aterials. 7or e.#. +ontrol % Plant S Material S Stora#e Docation /atch <anldin# % Plant S Material S Stora#e Docation S /atch 2u.9er ;he structure of the .aterial .aster record allows $ou to .ana#e stoc(s of a .aterial 9$ 'alue at plant le'el or co.pan$-code le'el and 9$ quantit$ down to stora#e-location le'el. @nder certain conditions4 $ou .a$ need to .a(e further su9di'isions for a .aterial and .ana#e 9atches. +ertain .aterialsH features cannot alwa$s 9e #uaranteed to 9e e:actl$ ali(e in production. 7or e:a.ple4 $ou cannot #uarantee that a certain color will alwa$s ha'e the sa.e shade. Minor differences 9etween production lots cannot 9e a'oided. Bou need to 9e a9le to uniquel$ identif$ the indi'idual production lots of the sa.e .aterial and .ana#e the. separatel$ in in'entor$. Materials that require such precise identification4 for e:a.ple phar.aceutical products4 are identified and .ana#ed in stoc( not onl$ accordin# to .aterial nu.9er4 9ut also accordin# to 9atch nu.9er. 21

>ith 9atch handlin#4 $ou can .ana#e not onl$ production lots fro. in-house production4 9ut also production lots fro. 'endors as separate entities. &t is possi9le to supple.ent standard 9atch .ana#e.ent with 9atch status .ana#e.ent. (9at Is a )a!5le5 .! Bat#9esB /efore $ou can .ana#e 9atches of a .aterial in stoc(4 $ou .ust first specif$ in the .aterial .aster record that the .aterial is to 9e .ana#ed in 9atches for the specified plant. ;o do this4 $ou .ust set the 9atch .ana#e.ent require.ent indicator in the .aterial .aster record 0for e:a.ple4 in the Purchasin# 'iew field M"R"-L+<P7 or Stora#e Docation 'iew field M"R+-L+<P73. (9et9e- t9e .s 2a!a/e5 .! +at#9es$ ;his indicator can 9e set while creatin# .aterial. MMA1 -- !eneral Plant data)stora#e 1 View -- /atch Mana#e.ent 0chec( 9o:3 0+hec( also Purchasin# or >arehouse M#.t 1 'iew3. Le1el ,0 Bat#9 N*2+e- Ass./!2e!t &f a .aterial is su9Cect to .ana#e.ent in 9atches4 e'er$ quantit$ of that .aterial .ust 9e assi#ned to a 9atch. 1ach 9atch of a .aterial is identified 9$ a unique 9atch nu.9er4 under which it is .ana#ed. ;his nu.9er is either entered 9$ the user 0e:ternal nu.9er assi#n.ent3 or assi#ned auto.aticall$ 9$ the s$ste.. Bou can define nu.9er assi#n.ent for 9atches at 'arious le'els% - @niquel$ at client le'el for a .aterial - @niquel$ at .aterial le'el - @niquel$ at plant le'el &n the standard R)3 S$ste.4 nu.9ers are assi#ned to the indi'idual .aterials at plant le'el. 7or e'er$ 9atch4 there are two t$pes of data% - !eneral data on the 9atch 0for e:a.ple4 shelf life e:pir$ date4 date of the last #oods receipt34 which is defined in the .aster 9atch. ;he .aster 9atch applies to all stora#e locations in which the 9atch is located. 2o stoc(s are .ana#ed at this le'el. - Stoc( data4 which is .ana#ed separatel$ for e'er$ stora#e location in which the 9atch is located. 7or e:a.ple4 if the 9atch +1 of a .aterial is spread across two different stora#e locations4 the stoc( quantit$ is trac(ed for each stora#e location. M*st t9e Bat#9 Be0,-e t9e =.-st G,,5s Re#e.ptB /oth the .aster 9atch and the stoc( data for the 9atch are created auto.aticall$ durin# the first #oods receipt. ;hus4 $ou do not need to create this data .anuall$. <owe'er4 if


$ou want to define specific data for a 9atch4 such as the shelf life e:piration date4 $ou ha'e to .anuall$ .aintain the 9atch data. (9at S,-ts ,0 Bat#9 St,#4s A-e T9e-eB ;he followin# stoc(s are .ana#ed separatel$ at 9atch le'el% - @nrestricted-use stoc( - Restricted-use stoc( - 8ualit$ inspection stoc( - /loc(ed stoc( - Stoc( in transfer - /loc(ed stoc( returns (,-4.!/ ?.t9 Mate-.als )a!5le5 .! Bat#9es >hen $ou enter #oods .o'e.ents for .aterials handled in 9atches4 $ou .ust enter the 9atch nu.9er in addition to the .aterial nu.9er. &f $ou do not (now the 9atch nu.9er4 $ou can search for the 9atch usin# the required characteristics

C,!0./ Sett.!/ I! Bat#9 Ma!a/e2e!t

;his will help $ou for confi# settin#% Do#istics #eneral - /atch Mana#e.ent 1.1. Specif$ /atch De'el Menu Path 1nterprise Structure--N Do#istics !eneral--N /atch Mana#e.ent --N Specif$ 9atch le'el and acti'ate 9atch status .ana#e.ent ;ransaction OM+; 1.2. /atch 2u.9er - "cti'ate &nternal 2u.9er "ssi#n.ent Menu Path 1nterprise Structure--N Do#istics !eneral--N /atch Mana#e.ent --N /atch 2u.9er "ssi#n.ent --N "cti'ate internal 9atch nu.9er assi#n.ent ;ransaction OM+Q 1.3. /atch +reation - for !oods Mo'e.ents Menu Path 1nterprise Structure--N Do#istics !eneral--N /atch Mana#e.ent --N +reation of new 9atches --N *efine 9atch creation for #oods .o'e.ents ;ransaction 1.4. +haracteristic Value "ssi#n.ent -- @pdate Standard +haracteristics Menu Path 1nterprise Structure--N Do#istics !eneral--N /atch Mana#e.ent --N +haracteristic Value "ssi#n.ent --N @pdate Standard +haracteristics ;ransaction 1.5. "cti'ate /atch +lassification for !oods Mo'e.ents in &n'entor$ Mana#e.ent Menu Path 1nterprise Structure--N Do#istics !eneral--N /atch Mana#e.ent --N +haracteristic Value "ssi#n.ent --N Valuation for #oods .o'e.ents --N "cti'ate /atch +lassification for #oods .o'e.ents in &n'entor$ Mana#e.ent ;ransaction OM+V 1. . /atch *eter.ination ? +ondition ;a9le0+ross +lient3 Menu Path 1nterprise Structure--N Do#istics !eneral--N /atch Mana#e.ent --N /atch 23

*eter.ination G /atch +hec( --N +ondition ;a9les --N *efine production order condition ta9les ;ransaction OPD/ 1.,. /atch *eter.ination ? +ondition ;a9le0+ross +lient3 Menu Path 1nterprise Structure--N Do#istics !eneral--N /atch Mana#e.ent --N /atch *eter.ination G /atch +hec( --N +ondition ;a9les --N *efine S* condition ;a9les ;ransaction V)+, 1.-. /atch *eter.ination ? "ccess Sequence0+ross +lient3 Menu Path 1nterprise Structure--N Do#istics !eneral--N /atch Mana#e.ent --N /atch *eter.ination G /atch +hec( --N "ccess Sequences --N *efine Production Order "ccess Sequences ;ransaction OPD7 1.5. /atch *eter.ination ? "ccess Sequence0+ross +lient3 Menu Path 1nterprise Structure--N Do#istics !eneral--N /atch Mana#e.ent --N /atch *eter.ination G /atch +hec( --N "ccess Sequences --N *efine S* "ccess Sequences ;ransaction V)+2 1.1A. /atch *eter.ination ? Strate#$ ;$pes Menu Path 1nterprise Structure--N Do#istics !eneral--N /atch Mana#e.ent --N /atch *eter.ination G /atch +hec( --N *efine Production Order Strate#$ ;$pes ;ransaction OPD1 1.11. /atch *eter.ination ? Strate#$ ;$pes Menu Path 1nterprise Structure--N Do#istics !eneral--N /atch Mana#e.ent --N /atch *eter.ination G /atch +hec( --N *efine S* Strate#$ ;$pes ;ransaction V)+1 1.12. /atch *eter.ination ? /atch Search Procedure Menu Path 1nterprise Structure--N Do#istics !eneral--N /atch Mana#e.ent --N /atch *eter.ination G /atch +hec( --N *efine &M Search Procedure ;ransaction OM+B 1.13. /atch *eter.ination ? /atch Search Procedure Menu Path 1nterprise Structure--N Do#istics !eneral--N /atch Mana#e.ent --N /atch *eter.ination G /atch +hec( --N *efine Production order Search Procedure ;ransaction OPD! 1.14. /atch *eter.ination ? /atch Search Procedure Menu Path 1nterprise Structure--N Do#istics !eneral--N /atch Mana#e.ent --N /atch *eter.ination G /atch +hec( --N *efine S* Search Procedure ;ransaction V)+3 1.15. /atch *eter.ination ? /atch Search Procedure "llocation Menu Path 1nterprise Structure--N Do#istics !eneral--N /atch Mana#e.ent --N /atch *eter.ination G /atch +hec( --N "llocate &M search procedure)acti'ate chec( ;ransaction OM+!


1.1 . /atch *eter.ination ? /atch Search Procedure "llocation Menu Path 1nterprise Structure--N Do#istics !eneral--N /atch Mana#e.ent --N /atch *eter.ination G /atch +hec( --N "ssi#n Search procedure to production order ;ransaction OPD1.1,. /atch *eter.ination ? /atch Search Procedure "llocation0S*3 Menu Path 1nterprise Structure--N Do#istics !eneral--N /atch Mana#e.ent --N /atch *eter.ination G /atch +hec( --N "llocate S* Search procedure ;ransaction V)+5 1.1-. /atch *eter.ination ? "cti'ate "uto.atic /atch *eter.ination0S*3 Menu Path 1nterprise Structure--N Do#istics !eneral--N /atch Mana#e.ent --N /atch *eter.ination G /atch +hec( --N "cti'ate "uto.atic /atch *eter.ination in S* --N7or deli'er$ ite. cate#ories ;ransaction V)+D 1.15. /atch *eter.ination ? /atch Selection +lass Menu Path 1nterprise Structure--N Do#istics !eneral--N /atch Mana#e.ent --N /atch *eter.ination G /atch +hec( --N *efine Selection +lasses ;ransaction +DA1 1.2A. /atch *eter.ination ? Sort Rule Menu Path 1nterprise Structure--N Do#istics !eneral--N /atch Mana#e.ent --N /atch *eter.ination G /atch +hec( --N *efine Sort Rules ;ransaction +@,A 1.21. /atch *eter.ination ? Ma(e Settin#s for /atch >here-used list Menu Path 1nterprise Structure--N Do#istics !eneral--N /atch Mana#e.ent --N Ma(e Settin#s for /atch >here-used list ;ransaction OM// F-- &.Ga" M*!54e

Bat#9 S9el0 L.0e H*est.,!s a!5 A!s?e-s

Is t9e-e a!" -ep,-t 0,- t9e s9el0 l.0e e@p.-" ,0 2ate-.alsB ;here is standard report RMA,MM<* and the transaction is M/5M @se M/5M tr:n and choose radio /utton for F Re..shelf life whseF (9at .s s9el0 l.0e3 a!5 -e2a.!.!/ sel0 l.0e e@p.-at.,! 5ateB (9at .s t9e s./!.0.#a!#e .! Bat#9B Shelf life is that len#th of ti.e that food4 drin(4 .edicine and other perisha9le ite.s are #i'en 9efore the$ are considered unsuita9le for sale or consu.ption. &n so.e re#ions4 a 9est 9efore4 use 9$ or freshness date is required on pac(a#ed perisha9le foods. Shelf life is the ti.e that products can 9e stored4 durin# which the defined qualit$ of a specified proportion of the #oods re.ains accepta9le under e:pected conditions of distri9ution4 stora#e and displa$. 25

Shelf life is different fro. e:piration dateM the relates to food qualit$4 the latter to food safet$. Phar.aceuticals are si.ilar. Re#ulations can restrict the sale and use of phar.aceuticals which ha'e e:ceeded their e:piration date. &n S"P R)3 the e:piration date is 9ased on the production date and the total shelf life. ;his refers for purchased .aterials 0the date of production is entered at #oods receipt34 as well as internal production of .aterials 0date of production fro. a process order3. ;he shelf life of a .aterial is a fi:ed ti.e span in the .aterial .aster and cannot 9e defined on the 9atch le'el. &n S"P R)34 the production date is defined as the date of #oods receipt fro. a production order. &n si.ple ter.s S"P /atch <andlin# .eans an additional (e$s fields for users to identif$ the sa.e .aterials. 7or e.#. +ontrol % Plant S Material S Stora#e Docation /atch <anldin# % Plant S Material S Stora#e Docation S /atch 2u.9er ;he structure of the .aterial .aster record allows $ou to .ana#e stoc(s of a .aterial 9$ 'alue at plant le'el or co.pan$-code le'el and 9$ quantit$ down to stora#e-location le'el. @nder certain conditions4 $ou .a$ need to .a(e further su9di'isions for a .aterial and .ana#e 9atches. (9at .s t9e 0.el5 0,- I Bat#9 C,5e %ate I a!5 IS9el0 L.0e 5a"sIB A!5 .! ?9.#9 ta+le a-e t9e" p-ese!t< +hec( the ta9le% - M+<" /atches - 7ield V7*"; Shelf Dife 1:piration or /est-/efore *ate

LI=O a!5 =I=O I! Bat#9 Ma!a/e2e!t

A#t*all" I 9a1e 5,!e t9e +at#9 2a!a/e2e!t 6+at#9 5ete-2.!at.,!7 +*t I a2 !,t a?a-e 9,? t, 5, t9e +at#9 5ete-2.!at.,! +" =I=O a!5 LI=O l,/.#< %, ?e 9a1e t, #-eate t9e l.4e t9.s a!5 t9e! ?e 9a1e t, /.1e t9.s t, #lass a!5 t9e! ass./! t9.s #lass t, .! 2aste- a!5 /.1e t9e sea-#9 p-,#e5*-e .! ,-5e- t"pe3 ?9.#9 #,!ta.!s t9e st-ate/" t"pes a!5 st-ate/" t"pe ?9.#9 #,!ta.!s t9e a##ess se;*e!#e3 s,-t -*le a!5 #lass3 #lass t"pe< (9at .s t9e a#t*al p-,#ess 0,- t9.sB ;o achie'e /atch *eter.ination with D&7O G 7&7O rule $ou ha'e to co.plete followin# steps% 13 *efine /atch Search Strate#$% - <ere $ou can find fi'e different areas for which $ou can define the /atch search Strate#$.

;ransaction +ode% SPRO 0Do#istic !eneral --- /atch Mana#e.ent ---- /atch *eter.ination and /atch +hec( /atch Search Procedure3. 23 *efine /atch Search Procedure% - <ere $ou ha'e to assi#n $our /atch Search Strate#$ to this /atch Search Procedure. ;ransaction +ode% SPRO 0Do#istic !eneral --- /atch Mana#e.ent ---- /atch *eter.ination and /atch +hec( /atch Search Procedure3. 33 /atch Search Procedure and "llocation +hec(%;ransaction +ode OM+! 07or &n'entor$ purpose ;ransactions3 Bou ha'e to assi#n 9atch Search Procedure to the different Mo'e.ent t$pes. &n case of Production ) Process orders $ou ha'e to assi#n $our 9atch search Procedures to Production schedulin# profile. ;ransaction codes are OPD- or +OR+ or +OR4. 43 2ow create Sort rule%;ransaction +ode is +@,A "s per $our require.ent of 7&7O or D&7O rule $ou ha'e to assi#n related +haracteristic 0DO/MT<S*; 4 DO/MTV7*; etc.3 7or 7&7O purpose $ou ha'e to assi#n characteristic with "scendin# Rule and for D&7O assi#n in *escendin#. 53 2ow +reate /atch search Strate#$%;ransaction +ode M/+1 07or in'entor$3 ;ransaction +ode +O/1 07or Production)Process order3 <ere $ou ha'e to assi#n $our earlier created Sort rule with reference to .aterial ) .aterial t$pes ) Mo'e.ent t$pes ) Production .aterial t$pe )Plant and /atch class which $ou ha'e .aintain in the .aterial Master. I 9a1e 5,!e +at#9 5ete-2.!at.,! s*##ess0*ll" .! LI=O 8 =I=O #-.te-.a .! t9e 0,ll,?.!/ ?a"< It ?,-4e5< T-" .t .0 ",* l.4e< &f $ou want to select the 9atch in 7&7O criteria that is first in first out i.e. the 9atches that are recei'ed first will 9e selected4 then


- Bou ha'e to create a characteristic for last !oods receipt date with ta9le na.e M+<1 G field D>1*; - "ssi#n this to class - +reate sort sequence with ascendin# order +@,A - ;hen create 9atch search strate#$ in M/+1 transaction if $ou want 9atch deter.ination in production order - !i'e the sort rule there - !i'e the no. of 9atch splits as .uch as $ou want or Cust (eep 5554 #i'e the 9atch selection criteria if u want or Cust #i'e the indicator for no selection criteria - ;hen tr$ doin# the 9atch deter.ination G chec( if $ou are #ettin# what $ou want Si.ilarl$ &f $ou want to select the 9atch in D&7O criteria that is last in first out i.e. the 9atches that are recei'ed last will 9e selected4 then - Bou ha'e to a#ain create a characteristic for last !oods receipt date with ta9le na.e M+<1 G field D>1*; - "ssi#n this to class. - +reate sort sequence with descendin# order +@,A - ;hen create 9atch search strate#$ in M/+1 transaction if $ou want 9atch deter.ination in production order. - !i'e the sort rule there. - !i'e the no. of 9atch splits as .uch as $ou want or Cust (eep 555 4 #i'e the 9atch selection criteria if u want or Cust #i'e the indicator for no selection criteria. - ;hen tr$ doin# the 9atch deter.ination G chec( if $ou are #ettin# what $ou want.

I2p,-ta!t A##,*!ts 0,- I!1,.#e &e-.0.#at.,!

>hen $ou post an in'oice4 the s$ste. selects the accounts to 9e posted. "ccount assi#n.ent is 9ased partl$ on $our entries when $ou create an in'oice and partl$ on infor.ation stored in the s$ste.. 2-

',*- e! p-,1.5e t9e 0,ll,?.!/ .!0,-2at.,!$ - &s the in'oice posted as a net or as a #ross a.ountJ - >hich 'endor account .ust 9e postedJ - >hich !)D accounts .ust 9e postedJ - >hich a.ounts .ust 9e postedJ T9e 2aste- -e#,-5 p-,1.5es t9e 0,ll,?.!/ .!0,-2at.,!$ - >hich 'aluation class does the .aterial 9elon# toJ - >hat t$pe of price control is the .aterial su9Cect toJ - >hich account .ust 9e posted for the .aterialJ - &s the stoc( a'aila9le s.aller than the quantit$ in'oicedJ P,ste5 5,#*2e!ts p-,1.5e t9e 0,ll,?.!/ .!0,-2at.,!$ - >hat is the purchase order priceJ - <as there 9een a #oods receipt for the purchase orderJ - ;o post in'oices correctl$4 $our s$ste. ad.inistrator .ust define the accounts in the chart of accounts and the actions to 9e ta(en for the different postin#s when the S"P s$ste. is 9ein# installed in $our co.pan$. ;he S"P accounts are defined in a chart of accounts. ;he followin# accounts are particularl$ i.portant for &n'oice Verification% &e!5,- A##,*!ts ;here is a separate account in the su9-led#er for each 'endor that all a.ounts concernin# this 'endor are posted to . Ma(in# a postin# to the 'endor account is not the sa.e as .a(in# a pa$.entM pa$.ent is onl$ .ade when the 7inancial "ccountin# depart.ent posts the 'endorHs pa$.ent to a 9an( account. St,#4 A##,*!ts &n the R)3 S$ste.4 $ou do not set up a separate account for each .aterial. &nstead4 different .aterials with si.ilar features are #rouped to#ether in a co..on account 0for e:a.ple4 raw .aterials% acids3. ;he account rele'ant for a .aterial is defined in the .aterial .aster record when a .aterial is created. ;he s$ste. onl$ posts to the stoc( account when a price difference occurs for an in'oice. GR:IR Clea-.!/ A##,*!ts ;he !R)&R clearin# account is an Finter.ediateF account 9etween the stoc( account and the 'endor account. "t #oods receipt4 the net in'oice a.ount e:pected is posted to the stoc( account. ;he offsettin# entr$ is posted to the !R)&R clearin# account. ;his postin# is then cleared 9$ an offsettin# entr$ on the 'endor account at in'oice receipt. Ta@ A##,*!ts ;he s$ste. .a(es postin#s to special ta: accounts when in'oices include ta:. P-.#e %.00e-e!#es A##,*!ts Price differences ha'e to 9e posted to a price difference s account if price differences


ha'e occurred in an in'oice and when in'oices are posted net and no postin# can 9e .ade to the stoc( account. Cas9 %.s#,*!t Clea-.!/ A##,*!t >hen $ou post an in'oice net4 the cash discount a.ount is ta(en into account in the in'oice4 it reduces the 'alue of the ite.sM the offsettin# postin# is .ade to the cash discount clearin# account4 which is then cleared when pa$.ent is .ade. =-e./9t Clea-.!/ A##,*!t ;he stoc( account is de9ited with the planned deli'er$ costs at #oods receipt and the s$ste. .a(es the offsettin# postin# to a frei#ht clearin# account. ;his postin# is then cleared 9$ an offsettin# entr$ to the 'endor account at in'oice receipt

P-,#e5*-e 0,- Sett.!/ Pa-t!e- =*!#t.,!s

;he procedure for settin# partner functions% Step 1 Vendor "ccount !roup &M!-NDO!&S;&+S !121R"D-N/@S&21SS P"R;21R-NV12*OR-N+O2;ROD -N*17&21 "++O@2; !RO@PS "2* 7&1D* S1D1+;&O2 Step 2 *efinin# Partner &M!-NM";1R&"DS M"2"!1M12;-NP@R+<"S&2!-NP"R;21R -N *1;1RM&2";&O2 NP"R21R S1;;&2!S &2 V12*OR M"S;1R R1+OR* -N*17&21 P"R;21R S+<1M"S Step 3 "ssi#n Partner Sche.a &M!-NM";1R&"D M"2"!1M12;-NP@R+<"S&2!-NP"R;21R *1;1RM&2";&O2-NP"R;21R S1;;&2!S &2 V12*OR M"S;1R R1+OR*-N*17&21 P"R;21R S+<1M" UV ;<12 "SS&!2 P"R;21R S+<1M" Step 4 *efine Per.issi9le Partner Role Per "ccount !roup &M!-NM";1R&"D M"2"!1M12;-NP@R+<"S&2!-NP"R;21R *1;1RM&2";&O2 NP"R;21R ROD1S -N*17&21 P1RM&SS&O2 P"R;21R ROD1S &f $ou want a partner sche.a for $our own docu.ent t$pe then define $our partner sche.a and assi#n to docu.ent t$pe usin# the 9elow .entioned path.


&M!-NM";1R&"D M"2"!1M12;-NP@R+<"S&2!-NP"R;21R -N*1;1RM&2";&O2 NP"R;21R S1;;&2!S &2 P@R+<"S&2! *O+@M12;S -N*17&21 P1RM&SS&O2 P"R;21R S+<1M"S "nd then "SS&!2 P"R;21R S+<1M"S ;O *O+@M12; ;BP1 Once $ou ha'e this confi#uration then $ou chan#e $our 'endor in eas$ access .enu 0LKA2-select partner function3 define the partner roles.

(9at Is O*tl.!e a!5 S#9e5*l.!/ A/-ee2e!t

Please /.1e t9e 5.00e-e!#e +et?ee! P*-#9ase O-5e-3 O*tl.!e A/-ee2e!t a!5 S#9e5*l.!/ A/-ee2e!t< PO is where $ou issue the PO to a 'endor and e:pect the deli'er$. ;he PO is ter.ed co.pleted when the 'endor has deli'ered the PO quantit$ or when $ou ha'e preclosed the PO when the 'endor has deli'ered partial quantit$ and he has a#reed not to send an$.ore with ref to the PO. O*tl.!e A/-ee2e!t #a! +e ,0 t"pes$- C,!t-a#t a!5 SA<

+ontract is where $ou ha'e a contract with the 'endor4.a$ 9e a for a predeter.ined quantit$ or predefined 'alue. So e'er$ti.e $ou need the .atl4 $ou need to .a(e PO ref the contract as(in# for the deli'er$ of the .atl. &n such instance when PO is ref with contract its called contract release orders or call off orders. Schedulin# a#ree.ent is a lon# ter. purchase a#ree.ent4 where $ou will (eep issuin# the deli'er$ schedules whene'er there is a chan#e in require.ent or at predeter.ined ti.e inter'als. ;he deli'er$ schedule can 9e on hour)dail$)wee(l$).onthl$ 9asis. /ut it will contain different Pones 'iP. fir.)tradeoff)7orecast. 7ir. Pone schedules are confir.ed require.ent and need to 9e ta(en 9$ ordered part$. ;radeoff Pone require.ent is to purchase the raw .aterails and orderin# part$ is lia9le to pa$ raw .aterial cost4 in case of require.ent cancellation. 7orecast Pone require.ent is to help the 'endor to plan his require.ents. S" is also an a#ree.ent with the 'endor for the suppl$ of .atl4 .a$ 9e a quanit$ or 'alue. ;he deli'er$ dates will 9e .aintained in M13- ref the S" which are called deli'er$ schedules.So $ou can .aintain the deli'er$ schedule and co..unicate the 'endor on 7orecase 9asis or O&; 9asis. "nd when $ou need so.e .ore .atl then will onl$ create S" deli'eries usin# M13-. S" could 9e of 2 t$pes%- without release docu.entation-s$ste. will the deli'er$ info to the 'endor once $ou sa'e the docu.ent.


>ith release docu.entation- after creatin# the deli'er$ schedules $ou need to create S" release usin# M1-4. ;he .ain difference 9etween contract and S" is 'olu.e of docs #enerated would 9e hi#her in contract since e'er$ti.e $ou need to .a(e a PO ref the contract and its ti.e whereas S" can 9e inte#rated with MRP such that it auto.aticall$ creates deli'er$ schedules durin# MRP run pro'ided if there is a require.ent to the .atl.

(9at .s &e!5,- C,!s./!2e!tB

+onsi#n.ent is a functionalit$ in MM-P@R wherein $ou purchase .aterials fro. the 'endor on a consi#n.ent-9asis. >hen the deli'er$ co.es4 the .aterials4 thou#h will 9e stored in $our warehouse4 are still le#all$ owned 9$ the 'endor until the$ are consu.ed4 i.e. !& postin# 0this is the onl$ ti.e $ou will 9e lia9le to the 'endor3. Bou Cust ha'e to .a(e sure4 $ou set up the followin# to run this function perfectl$% 1. Maintain account deter.ination K2O "KO !)D acct% !R)&R +learin# !)D acct% &n'entor$ account

2. +hec( field status co.pati9ilit$ at !)D account4 postin# (e$s in the &M! or run S13-)RMA,+@7" to displa$ fields co.pati9ilities. 3. Set up output condition t$pe KO2S. 4. On the .aterial .aster record4 set special procure.ent indicator to 1A 0consi#n.ent3 at MRP2 'iew. 5. +reate &nfo record for the consi#ned .aterial and 'endor-consi#nor. /e sure the info cate#or$ is +onsi#n.ent

A Step +" Step G*.5e t, t9e SAP MM I!1e!t,-" Ma!a/e2e!t C,!0./*-at.,!s S"P &n'entor$ Mana#e.ent s$ste. allows $ou to .ana#e stoc(s on a quantit$ and 'alue 9asis in order to plan4 enter4 chec( #oods .o'e.ents and carr$ out ph$sical in'entories. ;his paper will pro'ide $ou with a step 9$ step #uide to the confi#uration of the &n'entor$ Mana#e.ent under the MM .odules. Ta+le ,0 C,!te!ts
O9Cecti'e &M! Menu ? ;he Startin# Point 32

Start of the S"P MM &n'entor$ Mana#e.ent +onfi#urations ;he /asic Material Master +onfi#uration % @nits of .easure.ent >here does the user .aintain the @OMJ &ndustr$ ;$pe for Material Master *elete or "dd in Stora#e Docation for the new Plant !eneral Plant Settin#s in &n'entor$ Mana#e.ent *efine the "ttri9utes of S$ste. Messa#es Start of the 2u.9er Ran#e +onfi#urations *efine 2u.9er "ssi#n.ent for "ccountin# *ocu.ents *efine 2u.9er "ssi#n.ent for Material and Ph$s. &n'. *ocs *efine 2u.9er "ssi#n.ent for Reser'ations Start of the &ndi'idual 7ields &M! Settin#s 7ield Selection for !oods Mo'e.ents &nitial)<eader Screens 7ield Selection for M&!O 7ield Selection per M't ;$pe *efine Screen Da$out for Mo'e.ent ;$pe Settin#s for ;ransactions and Reference *ocu.ents +reate Stora#e Docation "uto.aticall$ Set Manual "ccount "ssi#n.ent for Mo'e.ent ;$pe Maintain +op$ Rules for Reference *ocu.ents Set @p *$na.ic "'aila9ilit$ +hec( !enerate Ph$sical &n'entor$ *ocu.ents for !oods Mo'e.ents "llow 2e#ati'e Stoc(s Set Missin# Part +hec( *efault the W*eli'er$ +o.pletedI &ndicator 7or !R-/ased &V4 Re'ersal of !R *espite &n'oice Record Reason for !oods Mo'e.ent <ow to *efine4 +op$ or +han#e a Mo'e.ent ;$pesJ *efault Print +ontrol for Material *ocu.ent *efine Stoc( Dist *ispla$ for MM/1 *efine Valuation +lass +onfi#ure "uto.atic Postin#s to !)D "ccounts Stora#e Docation &ndicator to allowed)disallowed Ph$sical &n'entor$ 7reePin# +onfi#uration for Vendor +onsi#n.ent /usiness Process 7low for Vendor +onsi#n.ent ;he &nitial &n'entor$ durin# &.ple.entation Static 'ersus d$na.ic data con'ersion " Sa.ple note on &n'entor$ /alance +on'ersion "ppendi: "% ;he &n'entor$ !oods Mo'e.ent +onfi#uration Din(s 1:plain "ppendi: /% Restrict the Stora#e Docation fro. an$ !oods Mo'e.ent "ppendi: +% "llows)*isallowed !oods Mo'e.ent Postin# to Pre'ious Period "ppendi: *% <ow to "rchi'e the Materials *ocu.entsJ "ppendi: 1% +onfi#ure the +$cle +ount in S"P


A*t,2at.# C,!1e-s.,! ,0 PR t, PO
Bou created purchase requisition for 'arious .aterial. *urin# creation of purchase order $ou used the followin# path% Purchase Requisition .......7ollow on function .........+reate Purchase Order 'ia purReq. >hen $ou .entioned required purchase requisition nu.9er and e:ecute4 s$ste. #i'e error that purchase requisition does not contain an$ suita9le ite.. &s there an$ settin# in custo.iPation where $ou can .onitor and use that function. &n an effort for $ou to successfull$ use the ;ransaction +ode M155 to auto.aticall$ con'ert the current PR into PO4 then the followin# criteria should 9e .et% 13 &n the Purchasin# View of the .aterial .aster data4 the F"uto.. POF field .ust 9e clic(edM 23 &n the Purchasin# View of the Vendor Master *ata4 the F"uto.atic Purchase OrderF field .ust 9e clic(edM 33 ;he Outline "#ree.ent or Purchasin# &nfo Record shall 9e .aintained which will allow the auto.atic cop$in# of unit price and other conditions into POM 43 ;he Source Dist shall 9e .aintained for the no.inated 'endor which was shown in either the Outline "#ree.ent or Purchasin# &nfo Record. or it .i#ht 9e PR su9Cect to release strate#$ and not $et released or &f $ouHre not usin# a source list or auto.atic creation of PO4 $ou .a$ need to assi#n the requisition to a purchase infor.ation record usin# transaction M15 . ;hen it should appear in M15-. =ast l.!4s$


Release P-,#e5*-e 0,- P*-#9ase Re;*.s.t.,!s

/$% Kisan ),? #a! I #-eate t9e -elease p-,#e5*-e 0,- PRB S"P 'ersion used for this post% S"P 1++ 01RP +entral +o.ponent3 5.A Sett.!/ *p s.2ple Release P-,#e5*-e 0,- P*-#9ase Re;*.s.t.,!s % Release Procedures 0appro'al3 can 9e used for Purchase Requisitions 0PR34 Purchase Orders 0PO34 R78Hs4 Outline "#ree.ents and Ser'ice 1ntr$ Sheets. ;he principle is e:actl$ the sa.e for all. &f $ou can .aster one4 $ou will (now the. all. Dets set up release procedures for PR for the followin# e:a.ple% Our co.pan$ ha'e #ot 2 plants% Plant 31AA 0Dondon3 and plant 3 AA 02ew Bor(3. - 7or 2ew Bor( 0plant 31AA34 if PR ite. 'alue is 9etween A - 1AAA dollars4 then PR needs to 9e released 9$ one person 0person /3 - 7or 2ew Bor( 0plant 31AA34 if PR ite. 'alue is 9i##er than 1AAA dollars4 then PR needs to 9e released 9$ two people 0first 9$ person /4 then person +3 - 7or Dondon 0plant 3 AA34 if PR ite. 'alue is 9i##er than 1AAA dollars4 then PR needs to 9e released 9$ two people 0first 9$ person "4 then person +3. Ke$ ter.inolo#$% - Release +odes - ;he different le'els that the appro'al will #o throu#h. - Release !roups - !roupin# of strate#ies. - Release Strate#$ - @nique4 set of condition4 sequence and le'els of releases. 1'er$ line in dia#ra. is a Strate#$ 0so we ha'e 33. - Release &ndicator ) Status - ;he status of PR as it .o'es throu#h the strate#$. 1:a.ple H/loc(H 0canHt create PO $et3 or H7inal ReleaseH 0can create PO fro. PR3 <ere is a$ of the steps to follow to set up our e:a.ple% - +reate +haracteristics G lin( to co... structure 0+1/"2 for PR3 - +reate +lass G lin( to characteristic - +reate Release !roups G lin( to class - +reate Release +odes - Release &ndicator - Set up strate#ies - Strate#ies G +odes - Pre require.ents - Status - "ssi#n 'alues for strate#ies X Set o'erall ) ite. for doc t$pe 0PR onl$3 X +reate and allocate authoriPation profiles


--------------- *1;"&DS O7 S1;;&2! &; @P --------------C-eate 8 l.!4 t, #,22*!.#at.,! st-*#t*-e 6CEBAN 0,- PR7 <ere we define which fields are used to deter.ine the strate#$ that will (ic( in. &n our case we used HPlantH and H&te. 'alueH. 2ot all fields in the PR can 9e used. 7or a full list of fields that can 9e used to deter.ine the release strate#$4 see tcode se12 ta9le +1/"2. So the two fields that will 9e used is% 7ield +1/"2->1RKS for Plant 7ield +1/"2-!S>R; for &te. Value >e need to create a characteristic for e'er$ field. ;code +;A4 "n$ characteristic na.e can 9e used. Keep so.ethin# descripti'e to a'oid confusion. 7or &te. Value -- lets create characteristic QT!S>R; 7irst #o to "dditional *ata ta9 and enter the ta9le)field 0and 1nter3 1nter currenc$ to 9e used in the /asic data ta9. "lso select .ultiple 'alues and &nter'als allowed ;he &nter'als allowed will allow us to assi#n a ran#e of 'alues4 e:a.ple% &f PR 'alue is A - 1AAA @S* ..... Sa'e the characteristic 7or Plant -- characteristic QT>1RKS "#ain4 the ta9le)field na.e in "dditional *ata to enter ta9le)field "#ain set .ultiple 'alues and sa'e the characteristic ;he .ultiple 'alues is to assi#n .ore than one plant to strate#$4 e:a.ple% &f PR for plant 31AA and plant 3 AA is ... +reate +lass G lin( to characteristic +reate a class$ to #roup the characteristics3. "#ain an$ na.e can 9e used. ;code +DA1 -- +reate +lass. ;he +lass ;$pe .ust 9e A32. +onfi#ure Release Procedures "9o'e actions was all .aster data. >e now need to do so.e confi#uration. Menu% &M! N Materials Mana#e.ent N Purchasin# N Purchase Requisition N Release Procedure N Procedure with classification N Set up procedure -- 0tcode OM!8 in older S"P 'ersions3 +reate Release !roups G lin( to class

>e ha'e two #roups to create "" and "/. >e need to indicate the class we are wor(in# with4 in out case QTPR. +reate Release +odes +reate all the release code ) #roup co.9inations. ;his is all the dots in dia#ra. a9o'e. So we ha'e 4. Dater on4 authoriPation profiles will 9e lin(ed to these code ) #roup co.9inations. Release &ndicator 7irst we create the different statuses that the PR can 9e in throu#hout it lifec$cle. Dater on 09elow34 we will 9e lin(in# usin# these statuses. <ere are the standard S"P indicatorsM we pro9a9l$ wouldnHt need to add an$. >e will 9e usin# two of these -- L 0/loc(3 and 2 0Released3 @nder the *etails section4 $ou can indicate which docu.ents can 9e created fro. this PR. 7or &ndicator 24 one can create POHs and R78Hs. >ith 7ield Selection $ou can define which fields can 9e chan#ed. ;his is the sa.e indicator that #ets used with docu.ent t$pe confi#uration to .a(e so.e fields read onl$4 .andator$4 hidden. Set up strate#ies - Strate#$ G +odes 1'er$ line in our dia#ra. a9o'e is a strate#$. So >e ha'e three Dets call the.% !roup "" ) Strate#$ S1 -- +ode D1 0for plant AAA13 !roup "" ) Strate#$ S2 -- +ode D1 G D2 0for plant AAA13 !roup "" ) Strate#$ S2 -- +ode D1 G D2 0for plant AAA23 <ere are the settin#s for "" ) S2 Set up strate#ies - Prerequisites 7ir e'er$ strate#$4 we need to define a release prerequisites. ;his indicates if one code needs to ta(e place 9efore the other. &n this case4 le'el 2 0D23 can onl$ ta(e place if le'el 1 0D13 has 9een released. Set up strate#ies - Status this is also done for e'er$ strate#$. ;he screen is dependant on what #roups were lin(ed to the strate#$ as well as prerequisites that was set up. &n this e:a.ple%


- if no9od$ releases it then PR is 9loc(. - if D1 release the PR4 the PR is still 9loc(ed - if D1 and D2 release the PR4 the PR can 9e con'erted to R78)PO Out of interest4 the reason wh$ there is not a D2 onl$ option is 9ecause of the settin# in the prerequisites. Set up strate#ies - Values for strate#ies ;he 'alues lin(ed to strate#ies are .aster data 0not confi#uration3 and can 9e set in two places. 1ither within the confi#uration itself -- selectin# the classification 9utton Or4 in classification4 e:a.ple +D242 /oth .ethods wor(4 the ad'anta#e of +D242 is that all the strate#ies can 9e 'iewed easier. Set o'erall ) ite. for doc t$pe 0PR onl$3 7or Purchase Requisitions4 there is an option to release either on ite. le'el or on docu.ent le'el. 7or PO ) R78 ) +ontracts4 one can onl$ release on header le'el. /ac( to the PR4 it is hi#hl$ reco..ended to use ite. release. ;his can 9e done in two places. 7irstl$ where the #roups were created On the docu.ent t$pe confi#uration for PR +onfi# .enu% Materials Mana#e.ent N Purchasin# N PR N *efine docu.ent t$pes +reate and allocate authoriPation profiles &n our e:a.ple we will ha'e three people releasin#4 so three profiles will need to 9e created. "uthoriPation profiles can 9e created usin# tcode P7+!. @sa#es of P7+! are not 9ein# discussed here4 9ut see 9elow for rele'ant screen where the profile was created. --------------- @S&2! R1D1"S1 PRO+1*@R1S --------------C-eate a P*-#9ase Re;*.s.t.,! Dets create a PR4 and see if the release procedure (ic(s in. &n our case we will create it for plant 3 AA and an$ 'alue. So we will e:pect Strate#$ "/ ) S2 to (ic( in. +reate PR -- .e51n &f no HRelease strate#$H ta94 then it didnHt wor(. &n this case all is fine. ;he user can see the Release !roup 0"/34 Strate#$ 0S23 and release indicator 0L3.


0S"V13 Release a Purchase Requisition Releasin# can 9e done per PR or collecti'e. DetsH use the collecti'e release. S"P Menu% Do#istics N Material Mana#e.ent N Purchasin# N Purchasin# Requisition N Release N +ollecti'e Release -- M155 Select all the ite.s to 9e released and then hit Sa'e. Bou will see the status of the ite. chan#e to the ne:t Release &ndicator. ;his is the a9solute 9asics of settin# up Release Procedures for Purchase Requisitions.

(9at a-e t9e T"pes ,0 I!0,-e#,-5sB

Bou can create purchasin# info records for different procure.ent t$pes as follows% Standard4 Su9contractin#4 Pipeline4 +onsi#n.ent Bou use this co.ponent if $ou wish to store infor.ation on a 'endor and a .aterial as .aster data at purchasin# or#aniPation or plant le'el. Standard ------------" standard info record contains infor.ation for standard purchase orders. ;he info records can 9e created for .aterials and ser'ices with and without .aster records. Su9contractin# ------------------" su9contractor info record contains orderin# infor.ation for su9contract orders. 7or e:a.ple4 if $ou su9contract the asse.9l$ of a co.ponent4 the su9contractor info record would include the 'endorHs 0su9contractorHs3 price for asse.9lin# the co.ponent. Pipeline ------------" pipeline info record contains infor.ation on a 'endorHs co..odit$ that is supplied throu#h a pipeline or pipes 0oil or water3 or 9$ si.ilar .eans 0electricit$ throu#h the .ains3. ;he info record contains the 'endorHs price for the consu.ption of such co..odities 9$ the 9u$er 0Fpipeline withdrawalsF3. Bou can store withdrawal)usa#e prices for different 'alidit$ periods. +onsi#n.ent ----------------35

" consi#n.ent info record contains infor.ation on a .aterial that 'endors (eep a'aila9le at their own cost on the ordererHs pre.ises. ;he info record contains the 'endorHs price for withdrawals 9$ the orderer fro. consi#n.ent stoc(. "s in the case of the pipeline info record4 $ou can store prices for different 'alidit$ periods.

A+,*t t9e S,*-#e %ete-2.!at.,!

(9e! ?e #-eate .!0, 8 Ma.!ta.! H*,tat.,!3 +" ;*,ta ?e a-e 5ete-2.!.!/ t9e s,*-#e< Als, .! &e!5,- E1al*at.,!3 ?e a-e e1al*at.,!/ 1e!5,-< (9e! ?e a-e #-eat.!/ PO3 0-,2 ?9e-e t9e 1e!5,- ?.ll #,2e 0-,2B Is .t 0-,2 H*,ta ,- &e!5,E1al*at.,!B Bou define source list require.ents at plant le'el. &f a source list require.ent e:ists4 $ou .ust .aintain the source list for each .aterial 9efore $ou can order it. ;he source list ser'es% ;o define a source of suppl$ as Ffi:edF. Such sources count as preferred sources o'er a certain period of ti.e. 7or e:a.ple4 the fi:ed 'endor LLLL for .aterial 1AALL is "S" +o.pan$ for the first quarter and /S/ +o. for the second quarter of the $ear. Select the plants for which $ou wish to specif$ a source list require.ent Bou use the source list to deter.ine the 'alid source of suppl$ at a certain point in ti.e. ;he source list contains all the sources of suppl$ defined for a .aterial and the periods durin# which procure.ent fro. these sources is possi9le 7ollowin# ;)+ode acti'ities in Material Mana#e.ent .odule. Maintain source list - M1A1 *ispla$ source list - M1A3 *ispla$ chan#es to source list - M1A4 "nal$Pe source list - M1A Reor#aniPe source list - M1A, !enerate source list - M1A5 *ispla$ source list for .aterial- M1AM $ou .a(e the s$ste. settin#s that are necessar$ for purchasin# operations carried out usin# source lists. Source list require.ent for .aterials4 &t .a$ 9e necessar$ to include possi9le 'endors of a .aterial in the source list 9efore the .aterial can 9e ordered.


;he Source list require.ent field in the purchasin# data of the .aterial .aster record indicates whether a source list require.ent e:ists for a .aterial. Bou can define the Source list require.ent at plant le'el in &M!. Do#istics --NMaterials .ana#e.ent --N Purchasin# --N Source list. <ere $ou can see the plants for which a source list require.ent e:ists.

PRICE %ETERMINATION PROCESS ,- PRICING PROCE%URE +O2*&;&O2S OR PR&+&2! PRO+1*@R1 or PR&+1 *1;1RM&2";&O2 PRO+1SS >e deal with the Pricin# Procedure for 'endors. PB00 G-,ss P-.#e 6.!0, -e#,-53 #,!t-a#t3 s#9e5*le5 A/-ee2e!t7 PBJJ G-,ss P-.#e 6PO7 =RA1 =-e./9t RA00 %.s#,*!t ,! !et RA01 %.s#,*!t ,! G-,ss KA00 S*-#9a-/e ,! !et SKT0 S*-#9a-/e : 5.s#,*!t KPB0 Re+ates M(&S I!p*t Ta@ M(AS O*tp*t Ta@ BASB Base A2,*!t RM0000 Cal#*lat.,! S#9e2a ,- P-.#.!/ P-,#e5*-e 6PB00 8 PBJJ7 RM000 Cal#*lat.,! S#9e2a ,- P-.#.!/ P-,#e5*-e 6PB007 PB00 --D AB00 C,p" t9e Sta!5a-5 ,!e a!5 #-eate !e? ,!e 6,*-s7 RM0000 #,!ta.!s all t9e #,!5.t.,! t"pes P-.#.!/ P-,#e5*-e 6PP7 >e define the pricin# procedure to define condition supple.ent for the .aterial price. ;he condition supple.ent specifies the discount4 surchar#e4 frei#ht etc that we want a s$ste. e'er$ ti.e to access .aterial price condition records. ;he total 'alue of the .aterial is calculated or 9ased on all addition and su9traction i.e. discounts4 surchar#e4 ta: frei#ht etc C,!5.t.,! Ta+le &t is a ta9le4 which defines the structure of condition record (e$. C,!5.t.,! Re#,-5 &t is a data record used to store conditions or condition supple.ents4 i.e. condition li(e4


discount4 frei#ht4 and surchar#e4 ;a: etc. C,!5.t.,! T"pe &t is used for different functions. &n Pricin# the condition t$pes leads $ou to differentiate different t$pes of discounts4 in output deter.ination4 9atch deter.ination4 difference 9etween two output t$pes4 such as deli'er$ note or order confir.ation4 9etween different strate#$ t$pes A##ess Se;*e!#e &t specifies the order in which s$ste. searches or access the condition records fro. condition ta9le %.00e-e!#e +et?ee! PB00 8 PBJJ 1. +ondition .aintained in P/AA is t.2e 5epe!5e!t whereas P/LL is t.2e .!5epe!5e!t. 2. +ondition t$pe PB00 ? used for IR3 R=H3 C,!t-a#t3 S#9e5*le A/-ee2e!t +ondition t$pe PBJJ ? used for PO. Cal#*lat.,! S#9e2a ;he .ain function of calculation sche.a is to pro'ide fra.ewor( of steps for the price deter.ination process to specif$ the discounts4 surchar#e4 frei#ht re9ate etc. &t also deter.ines the sequence of conditions that are to 9e followed and in which sequence. S#9e2a G-,*p &e!5,;he .ain function of it is to identif$ or to pic( the ri#ht process and conditions for a particular 'endor. S#9e2a G-,*p P*-#9as.!/ O-/a!.Aat.,! Ke$ that deter.ines which calculation sche.a 0pricin# procedure3 is to 9e used in purchasin# docu.ents assi#ned to the rele'ant purchasin# or#aniPation. S#9e2a G-,*p &t allows to #roup to#ether the purchasin# or#aniPations4 which uses the sa.e calculation sche.a. Steps% 1. +reate "ccess sequence 2. +reate condition t$pes 3. +reate pricin# procedure or calculation sche.a 4. Din( pricin# procedure G access sequence to condition t$pe 5. +reate sche.a #roup for 'endor . +reate sche.a #roup for purchase or#aniPation ,. "ssi#n sche.a #roup 'endor-to-'endor .aster record in purchasin# data 'iew -. "ssi#n sche.a #roup purchase or#aniPation to our purchase or#aniPation 5. &n info record purchase or#aniPation data enter condition t$pes and pricin# or calculation procedure


+@S;OM&Q1 S1;;&2!S% SPRO --N &M!--NMM--NP@R--N+onditions --N*efine price deter.ination Process 1. *efine access sequence 2. *efine +ondition t$pe 3. *efine cal. Sche.a 4. *efine sche.a #roup o Sche.a #roup 'endor o Sche.a #roup purchasin# #roup 5. "ssi#n.ent of sche.a #roup to P@R or# . *efine sche.a deter.ination Y deter.ine cal sche.a for standard PO.
!ou can start "ith the follo"ing se#uence. a$ %efinition of Condition tables & in case standard condition tables does not suffice the re#uirement $ ' ()* b$ Creation of Access se#uence to include the condition types created in step a ' ()+ c$ Creation of condition types "ith Access se#uence created in step b ' (), d$ Setting up of calculation schema "ith the se#uence of condition types created in step c ' ()e$ Creation of Vendor schema ' O ./ f$ Assignment of Vendor schema to your 0endors 12)3 g$ Creation of Purchasing organi4ation schema ' O . h$ Assignment of Purchasing organi4ation schema to your o"n purchasing organi4ation O .P i $ 5inking Vendor schema6 Purchasing organi4ation schema and Calculation schema. O .O

MM ;a9les EINA EINE Purchasin# &nfo Record- !eneral *ata Purchasin# &nfo Record- Purchasin# Or#aniPation *ata

MAKT Material *escriptions M"R" !eneral Material *ata M"R+ Plant *ata for Material M"R* Stora#e Docation *ata for Material


MAST Material to /OM Din( M/1> Material Valuation MKP7 <eader- Material *ocu.ent MSEG *ocu.ent Se#.ent- Material M&ER Material +onsu.ption M&KE Sales *ata for .aterials RKP= *ocu.ent <eader- Reser'ation T0 > T0 4 T15C Mat. #roups Purchasin# !roups Mo'e.ent ;$pe

T157) <elp ;e:ts for Mo'e.ent ;$pes O'01- C,*!t-" O'04 %e#.2al sett.!/s SU01 - SU01 SCC4 SCC4 5.spla" #l.e!ts SE11 Ta+les %.spla" SE71 - =,-2 C9a!/e SE17 Ta+les C,!te!t SE1L3 19- Ta+les C,!te!t SE>L - P-,/-a2 E@e#*t.,! SA>L P-,/-a2 E@e#*t.,! SE09 - T-a!sp,-t Re;*est SE10 - T-a!sp,-t Re;*est NACE - C,!5.t.,! 0,- ,*tp*t C,!t-,l 44

SE1C - %ata B-,?seOM(% 1al*at.,! /-,*p.!/ #,5e OMS' - pe-.,5s OMS - #ate/, 5e0.!e att-.+*tes ,0 2at OB'C AA%et< OBBG Ta@ Ass./!2e!t =TJP - Ta@ #,5e C-eat.,! OB40 - A:C ass./!2e!t OBCN A:C 4e"s Se91 - 2s/ 2a.!te!a!#e O2-0 st,#9ast.# +l,#4 s2 1 l,/ a!al"s.s seL0 ,+Ge#t !a1a/at,se>0 ABAP -*! t.2e a!al"s.s s*01 *se- 2a.!te!a!#e SCC1 #l.e!t #,p" t-a!sp,-t P9"s.#al I!1e!t,-" 1. +reate ph$sical in'entor$ doc ? M&A1 2. Set Postin# /loc( for Ph$sical &n'entor$ ? in the a9o'e doc 3. 1nter the Ph$sical &n'entor$ ? M&A4 4. Post the differences-M&A, "hat are Tickets in S#P$
"hat are Tickets in S#P Tickets in S% can be considered as the problems "hich the end user or the employee in the company face "hile "orking on 7(*. Tickets usually occur during the implementation or after theimplementation of the pro8ect. There can be numerous problem "hich can occur in the production support and a person "ho is "orking in the support has to resol0e those tickets in the limited duration6 e0ery ticket has the particular deadline alert so your responsibility is to finish it before that deadline. To begin "ith 6 "e should gi0e 9TIC2:T; to you for not kno"ing it. <ere is an eg of a ticket raise: :nd user is not able to =. Create Sales order for a customer from a /e" plant 6 since shipping point determination is not happened . & >ithout Shipping point the document becomes I/CO P5:T: and he "ill not be able to proceed further like %:5IV:7!6 ?I55I/@$. <e raises a ticket and the priority is set in one of the belo": =. 5o" 3. edium *. <igh.


/o" you need to sol0e this ticket. !ou "ould analy4e the problem and identify that the SP configuration has to be done for the ne" plant. !ou "ould re#uest a transport for %:V C5I:/T to ?ASIS. !ou do the change and 7e#uest one more Transport to ?ASIS for AA client. The :nd user "ill test the same by creating a sales order for the ne" plant and appro0e it. .inally6 you re#uest a transport to mo0e the changes to P7O%BCTIO/. Once the change is deployed in production the TIC2:T is closed. >hat I ha0e gi0en is a small eCample. !ou "ould get some real issues "ith se0erity <I@< in your day'day support. <andling tickets is called Issue Tracking system. The errors or bugs for"arded by the end user to the support team are prioriti4ed under three se0iority <igh6 edium and 5o". :ach and e0ery se0iority as got its time limits before that "e ha0e to fiC the error. The main 8ob of the supporting consultant is to pro0ide assistance on line to the customer or the organisation "here SAP is already implemented for "hich the person should be 0ery strong in the sub8ect and the process "hich are implemented in SAP at the client side to understand6to analyse6to actuate and to gi0e the right solution in right time.This is the 8ob of the support consultant. The issues or the tickets&problems$ "hich are arised is taken care of on priority basis by the support team consultants. The "ork process in support pro8ects are gi0en belo" for your reference. =. The customer or the end user logs a call through any tool or by mail &7A%I1$. 3. :ach one of the support team is a part of support group. *. >hene0er a customer logs a call he (she has to mention to "hich "ork group &by name$. D. Once the calls came to the "ork group the support consultant or the team need to send an I7 &Initial 7esponse$ to the user depending upon the priority of the calls. &Top6<igh6 ed65o"6/one$ E. Then the error is fiCed6 debugged by the support consultant or the team. Then after testing properly by generating T7&Transport 7e#uest through the basis admin$ ,. Then it is informed to the end user(customer(super user about the changes "hich ha0e mo0ed to the production ser0er by CTS process. These are the process. In summary6 "hat I understand is that if any configuration or customi4ation is re#uired to sol0e the issue6 then the consultant ha0e to "ork on %:V Client6 then the end user "ill test it in the AA client and after appro0al the ?ASIS consultant has to transport it to the P7O%BCTIO/

%or Import P ' !ou should ha0e different Pricing Procedure 6"ith all the %uties conditions defined. ' Import Vendor 6 "ith import currency ' %ifferent %ocument type for import PO6 in the PO for the Customs conditions gi0e the Customs Vendor code. ' In PO taC code to be Fero or /il G ' %o I7O for Customs Vendor before doing I@O ' Aftre doing I7O do @7 for the Item & in I@O you "ill get popup for the I7O document done6 eCcise details from this is populated in to the PO $

TOTA5 I PO7T CO/.I@B7ATIO/ A/% C!C5: in ur pricing u ha0e to create follo"ing HC%? I/: ?asic Custom %uty HCV= I/ : CV% H:CV I/ : :d Cess on CV% H=CV I/ : <IS:Cess on CV% H:%? I/ : :d Cess on ?C% HS%? I/ : <IS:Cess on ?C% HA%C Additional %uty of Custom HCV=6 H:CV6 H=CV and HA%C "ill go to :Ccise "ill get loaded on in0entory. In O%VAT Accounts and HC%?6 H:%? and HS%?

(),6 for all abo0e conditions6 keep follo"ing controlsJ

Cond. class A &%iscount or surcharge$ Plus(minus A &Positi0e$ Calculat.type A &Percentage$ Cond.category ? &%eli0ery costs$ Acti0ate KCurrency Con0ersionK and KAccrualK /o" for setoff maintain the follo"ing conditions in eCcise default settings. HCV=6 H:CV6 HA%C path: sproLlogistic general LtaC on goods mo0ementsLIndia Lbasic settingsLdetermination of eCcise duty Lmaintain eCcise defaults L along "ith ur taC procedure maintain these conditions in the specified fields HCV= in CV% condition field. H:CV in :CS condition field. HA%C in AC% condition field. in case of S:Cess on CV%6 no need to maintain. it is hardcode in the standard Vendor in @7 3 &:ntry al"ays possible$ Import scenario =.Create material master of import goods. 3. Create 0endor master record of import 0endor and Customs clearing 0endor. *. aintain CI/ settings. D. aintain H=id. E. aintain Pricing procedure SAP standard HI PO7..6 maintain re#uired conditions..HC%?6 HCV=... ,.Assign the schema to respecti0e import 0endor in purchasing 0ie" of V 7. +. Create import PO6 F:7O taC code 6check in conditions of HC%?6 HCV= the customs clearing 0endor&Indian 0endor$ and percentage is assigned. This can be done by In condition tab select condtion then click on display6 then enter. Sa0e the PO. -. I7O ''Capture ?ill Of :ntry.&Commercial In0oice /o.6$.Customs clearing first .<ere CV% "ill b con0erted to ?:%. M. Capture :Ccises in0oice''8=ieC. =). I@O. here system "ill ask u for the commertial in0oice no 6gi0e no gen in step=3.Post :Ccise In0oice. =*. I7O...Payment to 0endor&import 0endor$


In case of /ormal Import Purchase6 you "ill be a"are of maintaining the Vendor Code of Customs Office against the follo"ing condition typesJ &'D( I/:?asic Custom %uty &'V) I/ : CV% &*'V I/ : :d Cess on CV% &)'V I/ : <IS:Cess on CV% &*D( I/ : :d Cess on ?C% &SD( I/ : <IS:Cess on ?C% &#D' Addnl %uty of Custom Bse abo0e conditions and Customs Office Vendor "hen you ha0e to pay duty to Customs Office. In case of #dvance +icense, <ere in this case6 create follo"ing condition types in addition to abo0e conditions and assign in the Import PricingJ -'V) I/ : CV% &Ad0 5ic$ -*') I/ : :d Cess on CV% -)'V I/ : <IS:Cess on CV% -#D' Addl %uty of Custom And create Vendor Code for each Ad0ance 5icense /o and assign this Vendor Code against the follo"ing condition types in Import POJ &'D( I/:?asic Custom %uty -'V) I/ : CV% &Ad0 5ic$ -*') I/ : :d Cess on CV% -)'V I/ : <IS:Cess on CV% -*(' :% Cess on ?C% -SD( <IS:Cess on ?C% -#D' Addl %uty of Custom And do the rest of process similar as you do in case of Import Purchase In case of Import PurchaseJ =. .irst you create Import PO and input all the Import duties in PO. 3.Then you do 5IV for Customs Office &<ere you enter all the Import duties as per ?ill of :ntry$ and follo"ing A(c entry get generatedJ Customs Office A(c ' Cr &Vendor 7econ A(c$ Customs %uty Clearing A(c ' %r &O?!C ' FCC$ CV% Clearing A(c ' %r &O?!C ' FCV$ *. Then Capture ?ill of :ntry in H=I:1. D. Then you do @7 ".r.t. Import PO & I@O$6 Accounting :ntry "ill come as follo"ingJ Stock A(c ' %r &O?!C ' ?S1$ @7(I7 Clearing A(c ' Cr &O?!C ' >71$ Customs Clearing A(c ' Cr &O?!C ' FCC$


E. Post ?ill of :ntry in H=I:16 and Accounting :ntry "ill come as follo"ingJ C:/VAT 7ecei0able A(c &?:%6 :CS6 S:Cess and A%C$ ' %r &.rom Account %etmn of @7PO "ith Sub Trans Type ' IP$ CV% Clearing A(c ' Cr &.rom Compnay Code Settings of :Ccise$ ,. I7O ' .or Import Vendor

Import Vendor ' Cr &7econ A(c$ @7(I7 Clearing A(c ' %r &>71$ +. I7O ' .or Clearing Agent

Out of follo"ing conditionsJ HC%? I/:?asic Custom %uty HCV= I/ : CV% H:CV I/ : :d Cess on CV% H=CV I/ : <IS:Cess on CV% H:%? I/ : :d Cess on ?C% HS%? I/ : <IS:Cess on ?C% HA%C Addnl %uty of Custom HC%?6 H:%?6 HS%? "ill get loaded to Stock and HCV=6 H:CV6 H=CV and HA%C "ill get posted to C:/VAT 7ecei0able A(c In ()-6 assign A(c 2ey FCC to HC%?6 H:%?6 HS%? conditions and Customs Clearing A(c in O?!C and A(c 2ey FCV to HCV=6 H:CV6 H=CV and HA%C conditions and CV% Clearing in O?!C. .ote: / <ere you donNt ha0e to use TaC Procedure Accounting &O?D)$ in case of Imports. Only maintain a Fero G TaC Code in Import PO. Also check follo"ingJ SP7O L 5ogistics ' @eneral L TaC on @oods o0ements L India L ?asic Settings L %etermination of :Ccise %uty L aintain :Ccise %efaults L <ere assign follo"ing for TaC ProcedureJ CV% cond. ' CV= :CS cond. ' H:CV A%C cond. ' HA%C And H=CV need not be assigned since it is hard'coded in SAP Standard program. Also do account determination in O?!C as your ha0e already done for I7O of Customs In0oice.

Also check in SP7O L 5ogistics ' @eneral L TaC on @oods o0ements L India L ?asic Settings L aintain Company Code Settings L <ere Assign CV% Clearing A(c in your Company Cod


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