Aspire A5 Flyer FINAL

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How do I Find out more? more?

Come alon to one of our information sessions. These are free to attend and details are below. You can re ister by oin to: www.aspirepro and submittin a contact form.
Crown Plaza Hotel, Dundalk Guest Speaker Local Employer from Aspire Pro ramme Si nal Centre, Ban or Guest Speaker Local Employer from Aspire Pro ramme

Information Session 1

26 Nov 2013 5:00pm 6.30pm 28 Nov 2013 5:00pm 6.30pm

Information Session 2

What happens next? next?

The key dates for the pro ramme are as follows
This must be emailed to info@aspirepro by close of business 5/12/13 Arma h City Hotel, Arma h Applications to be submitted to: info@aspirepro Expression Of Interest Deadline Application Masterclass A Guide to Completin your ASPIRE Application Application Deadline 5 Dec 2013 5:00pm 19 Dec 2013 9.30am 1.30pm 17 Jan 2014 5:00pm

Make raduates the future of your business with Aspire

What do I need to do now? now

REGISTER for one of our free information sessions VISIT www.aspirepro for pro ramme details CALL Conor Boylan on: (028) 9069 1027 / (048) from ROI

This project is part nanced by the European Unions INTERREG IVA Cross Border Pro ramme mana ed by the special EU Pro rammes Body

What is the Aspire Pro ramme?

The ASPIRE Pro ramme offers a unique and substantial support packa e to help you undertake a 12 month project in the areas of product development, service development or process improvement. You will be partnered with a hi h calibre raduate who will be employed by you and is based in your company throu hout the project. You will also receive mentorin and consultancy support from the ASPIRE team, as well as the followin nancial support:

How Aspire works

Complete an Expression of Interest form and nd out if ASPIRE can help you. If you are eli ible for support, an ASPIRE consultant will contact you to discuss your needs in more detail.

Location Graduate Salary 17,500 20,750 NI/PRSI Costs 1,575 2,230 Total Salary Cost 19,075 22,980 ASPIRE Support Packa e (1) 15,475 18,780

N.I. R.O.I.

With help from your ASPIRE mentor, you will submit a formal application for support. The application will set out your project plan and objectives and the support needed. You will also scope the raduate skills/experience required to help mana e the project.

Financial Assessment
Typically your ASPIRE project could help you to: Develop or improve products, processes or services Introduce cost eective systems and procedures Streamline business processes to increase eciency Develop and implement a new marketing strategy Reduce Costs Increase sales, either locally, cross border or internationally Each application will be subject to a nancial assessment carried out to establish that you meet the requirement to be nancially viable for the course of the ASPIRE project. This will be considered as part of your application.

Your application will be scored and if approved by the ASPIRE Steerin Group, you will be notied immediately and will receive a Letter of Offer detailin your support packa e.

Am I Eli ible?
To qualify for support throu h the ASPIRE Pro ramme your business must be: Located within one of the following council areas: North Down, Ards, Down, Crai avon, Arma h, Newry & Mourne, Banbrid e or in County Louth or County Mona han A micro business employing fewer than 10 people Able to demonstrate the need for ASPIRE support Able to demonstrate the capacity and commitment to support an ASPIRE Project at Senior Mana ement level

Graduate Recruitment
You will nalise a job description and personnel specication for the raduate position which we will advertise on your behalf. The ASPIRE team will assist with shortlistin and interviewin to enable you to select the most suitable candidate.

Project Delivery
Throu hout the 12 month project, your company will work in partnership with the raduate and the ASPIRE mentor to deliver the project objectives with re ular review meetin s to track pro ress.

Assessed as nancially viable for the purposes of the ASPIRE Programme

(1) (2)

Excludes businesses from the Retail and Hospitality Sectors Subject to additional fundin bein secured.

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