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Reading Skill Builders Contents

Sounds All about Words

1 Blend Two Consonants 2 13 Compound Words 50
2 Blend Three Consonants 8 14 Contractions 54
3 End with a Blend 10 15 Beat It! 56
4 Consonant Combos 14 16 Prefix Power 60
5 Hard or Soft? 18 17 Suffix City 64
6 Shh! Silent Consonants 22 Reading Comprehension
7 Final “E”—Finally! 24 18 What’s It About? 68
8 Get a Long, Li’l Vowel 26 19 Support Crew 72
9 Because “R” Says So! 36 20 Step by Step 76
10 Going for a Glide 42 21 Make a Prediction 80
11 Oo, Goo, Good 46 22 What Do You See? 84
12 “Aw”-some! 48 23 Classify This! 88
24 As a Matter of Fact 92
25 Book Basics 96
Review 100
Answers 103

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Spelling Games & Activities Contents
1 Spell Short Vowels 108 16 The New, True Long “U” 158
2 Spell Final E Long Vowels 110 17 You Old Soft “C”! 162
3 Beginning Consonant Combos 112 18 Gee Whiz! 164
4 Ending Consonant Combos 116 19 Spell Special Words 166
5 Spell Clothing 120 20 The Edge of “J” 168
6 Beginning Consonant Blends 122 21 Very “V” 170
7 Ending Consonant Blends 126 22 Silent as a Lamb 172
8 Spell Food 130 23 Commonly Misspelled Words 1 74
9 Vowels with “R” 132 24 “-Ed” Added 178
10 More Vowels with “R” 136 25 The “-Ing” Thing 182
11 What’s the Weather? 140 26 “S” Is More 186
12 The Long “A” Way 142 27 Odd Men Out 190
13 Free with Long “E” 146 28 “-Er” and “-Est” 192
14 Try Long “I” 150 Review 198
15 The Long “O” Show 154 Answers 201

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Vocabulary Puzzles Contents
1 Look It Up 206 11 Animals 266
2 Same and Opposite 212 12 Bugs 272
3 Compound Words 218 13 What’s That Sound? 278
4 Parts of the Body 224 14 Nature 284
5 Get Moving! 230 15 In the City 290
6 People 236 16 Whole Wide World 294
7 People Actions 242 Review 300
8 Family 248 i Index 304
9 At Home 254 Answers 307
10 Let’s Eat! 260

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2nd Grade
Reading Skill Builders

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Blend Two Consonants

Sort It Out
What do you call a blend of two consonants? A consonant blend, of course! Each
letter makes its own sound but also blends with its buddy’s sound, as in words like fly,
plate, and train.
SORT the words. PUT the words into the lists. WRITE them on the blanks.

flip break cloud black grape clam blue green

clock block bring flower brave ground floppy

br cl fl

gr bl

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Blend Two Consonants

Herd That Word

Yee-haw! Cowgirl Kris has to round up words with the right consonant blends. Help
her find them!
LOOK at the blend next to each fence. READ the words inside the fence. CIRCLE
the word that starts with the correct blend.

1. bl

plane blaze bring

2. cr
crab grin clip

3. fr

treat float frown

4. pl

please glow blue

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Blend Two Consonants

Blender Blunder
Uh-oh! Somebody spilled words into the blender. They got chopped up. Can you put
them back together?
LOOK at the consonant blends in the blender. MATCH each blend with the right
ending. FILL IN the blanks with the correct blends.

1. ouse
2. oud
3. ave
br dr
4. ive
fl tr
5. oor
bl 6. iangle

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2nd Grade Spelling
Games & Activities

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Spell Short Vowels

Puzzle Pairs
FILL IN the two different missing vowels in
the word pairs to finish the riddles.

1. This beetle was not small.

He was a b g b g.
2. When I left my cap on the stove, I had a h t h t.
3. I did not sleep well last night. I was on a b d b d.
4. To get pecans out of the tree,
I used a n t n t.
5. The rabbit went h p h p all
the way up the hill.


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Look It Up

Words in a dictionary go in alphabetical order. That means words that start with “A”
go before words that start with “B.”
READ the words in the word box. Then WRITE them in alphabetical order.

machine octopus jelly whisper

balloon trouble angry learn

1. angry









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Spell Short Vowels

Criss Cross
READ the clues. FILL IN the boxes with the right word for each clue.

Across Down
1. This says “meow.” 2. The highest spot
3. You clean the floor 4. A young dog
with this. 5. You a ball
6. My cat or my dog with a bat.
is my . 7. Wash up in the
8. A hole in the ground bath .
10. “You are it!” in the 9. One after nine.
game of
11. You sleep here.

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9

10 11


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Spell Final E Long Vowels

Puzzle Pairs
FILL IN the missing vowels in the word pairs to finish
the sentences. Listen for how the final “-e” changes
the vowel sound.

1. When it’s my turn,

I h p I can h p.
2. My sister broke my toy. It m d me m d.
3. Pete is my dog. If you want, you can p t P t .
4. Maya went to the salon and got a c t c t.
5. The shark was a star.
He had a f n f n.


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2nd Grade
Vocabulary Puzzles

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Look It Up

c t i v e
Word List
Ad j e D e fi
READ the words and their meanings.
D e s c r i b Dictio
M e a n in g nary
ad•jec•tive—AJ-ihk-tihv noun
a word that describes Noun
something, like pretty or blue
def•i•ni•tion—dehf-uh-NIHSH-uhn noun
the meaning of a word
de•scribe—dih-SKRIB verb to make a picture with
words, like “a pretty girl in a blue dress”
dic•tion•ar•y—DIHK-shuh-nehr-ee noun a book filled
with definitions of words
mean•ing—MEE-nihng noun the idea of a word, what
it means
noun—nown noun a word that stands for a person,
place, or thing
verb—verb noun a word that stands for an action,
like run


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Look It Up

Match the Meaning

WRITE the words next to their definitions. LOOK at the word box for help.

adjective definition dictionary meaning

noun describe verb

1. describe to make a word picture

2. the idea of a word
3. an action word
4. a word for a person, place, or
5. a word that describes something
6. a book filled with definitions
7. the meaning of a word


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Copyright © 2009 by Sylvan Learning, Inc.

All rights reserved.

Published in the United States by Random House, Inc., New York, and in Canada by Random House of
Canada Limited, Toronto.

Created by Smarterville Productions LLC

Producer: TJ Trochlil McGreevy
Producer & Editorial Direction: The Linguistic Edge
Writers: Christina Wilsdon (Reading Skill Builders), Michael Artin (Spelling Games & Activities),
Margaret Crocker (Vocabulary Puzzles)
Cover and Interior Illustrations: Duendes del Sur, Delfin Barral, and Shawn Finley
Layout and Art Direction: SunDried Penguin
Art Manager: Adina Ficano

First Edition

ISBN: 978-0-375-43031-2

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data available upon request.

This book is available at special discounts for bulk purchases for sales promotions or premiums.
For more information, write to Special Markets/Premium Sales, 1745 Broadway, MD 6-2,
New York, New York 10019 or e-mail


10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

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