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No belief is right or wrong. It is either empowering or limiting Ever heard the story of the four-minute mile?

For years people believed that it is impossible for a human being to run a mile in less than four minutes until Roger Banister proved it wrong in 1954 !ithin one year" #$ runners bro%e the belief barrier &nd the year after that" #'' other runners did the same thing !hat happens if you put an animal in a pond? &ny animal" big or small" will swim its way through !hat happens when someone" who does not %now how to swim" falls in deep waters? (ou drown )f an animal who has not learned swimming *ould es*ape by swimming" why not you? Be*ause you believe you will drown while the animal does not (ou have used a *omputer %eyboard or a typewriter Ever wondered why the alphabets are organi+ed in a parti*ular order in your %eyboard? (ou might have thought it is to in*rease the typing speed ,ost people never -uestion it But the fa*t is that this system was developed to redu*e the typing speed at a time when typewriter parts would .am if the operator typed too fast /hese three *ases show the power of our beliefs /here is no other more powerful dire*ting for*e in human behavior than belief (our beliefs have the power to *reate and to destroy & belief delivers a dire*t *ommand to your nervous system 0ave you heard about the pla*ebo effe*t? 1eople who are told a drug will have a *ertain effe*t will many times e2perien*e that effe*t even when given a pill without those properties

) use a sna%e in my wor%shops for *hildren to show them how unrealisti* some of their beliefs are 3tudents of a s*hool in 4ew 5elhi" )ndia" said sna%es are slippery" slimy and poisonous &fter doing an e2er*ise for *hanging beliefs" they handled my sna%e and found it to be dry and *lean /hey also remembered that only three types of poisonous sna%es e2ist in )ndia 0ave you ever s*anned the 6to-let6 advertisements in newspapers? ,any say 63outh )ndians preferred6 !hy? ,any house owners told me that it is easier to get 3outh )ndians to va*ate /he belief was that 3outh )ndians do not have the guts to fight 4ow you figure out the impa*t of 7//E supremo 1rabha%aran and 3outhern sandalwood smuggler 8eerappan in *hanging this belief9 )t is also our belief that determines how mu*h of our potential we will be able to tap 3o you better e2amine some of your beliefs minutely For e2ample" do you believe that you *an e2*el in whatever you do? 5o you believe you are bad in mathemati*s? 5o you believe that other people don6t li%e you? 5o you believe life is full of problems? !hat are your beliefs about people? 4o belief is right or wrong )t is either empowering or limiting & belief is nothing but the generali+ation of a past in*ident &s a %id if a dog bit you" you believed all dogs to be dangerous /o *hange a parti*ular behavior pattern" identify the beliefs asso*iated with it :hange those beliefs and a new pattern is automati*ally *reated ) read this in*ident in a 4ew (or% newspaper ;3he met him in a singles6 bar and they tal%ed for a while 0e offered her a drin% and she en.oyed his *ompany /hen he offered to drop her ba*% home !hile driving ba*%" she reali+ed that they were moving through narrow and strange roads 6<h =od where is he ta%ing me?6 she thought but did not have the guts to as% 3he *ursed her de*ision to get into his *ar &ll of a sudden she saw him ta%ing a turn ba*% into the highway .ust near her house 3miling" he said> 6) too% a short *ut6 ; 5id this story end the way you thought? Review your beliefs now and find out whi*h ones are empowering and whi*h ones you need to *hange If you want to live longer, be happy, healthy and successful, all you have to do is tell

yourself that you can do it by tapping the healing forces within /here is no greater .oy than a healthy" positive life (ou feel e2hilarated" energeti*" happy and on top of the world & sense of total well being permeates your mind /he future loo%s bright (ou feel good to be alive =reat" but how do we get out of our innumerable worries" tensions and fears that the in*reasingly *ompetitive life burdens us with? 3imple9 /ell yourself that you are good" healthy and *apable /hat is the power of positive affirmations 3u*h affirmations are also *alled self-suggestions )t is a powerful tool for transforming your inner self into an ama+ing health generating" self-healing entity (ou *an re*ord these affirmations on a tape syn*hroni+ed with pleasant instrumental musi* and replay them often to ma%e them more effe*tive and permanent SELF-IN !"#$IN%#I!N 1sy*hology says that our mind *ontrols our body 3o" ta%ing *harge of your mind be*omes a vital fa*tor in %eeping your body healthy (ou *an do this through affirmations that establish the power of your mind /ry> ;!ith the power of positive thin%ing ) now ta%e *harge of my body to maintain perfe*t health" strength and happiness un*onditionally" now and always" so be it ; !hen you repeat this" the misleading programs of your mind will be erased )t is said that we are never given a wish without the power to fulfill it Ea*h person is *apable of programming his own mind to a*hieve what he desires (ou *an tap this *apability by following a few simple steps But before you begin" ma%e yourself totally rela2ed and be *ons*iously willing to adopt the method &ttuning yourself with nature guarantees an overall healthy life /o modify this statement into an affirmation" say> ;) attune myself with nature to stay healthy now and forever ; (ou *an have the right %ind of food by affirming> ;) *an attra*t healthy food to %eep myself fit" healthy and strong" everyday ; (ou *an develop the habit of e2er*ising your body and mind by affirming> ;) *an easily get up early in the morning everyday to e2er*ise and %eep fit and *heerful ; )n *ase you are an insomnia*" all you have to do is repeat> ;) *an rela2 into sound sleep now and wa%e up revitali+ed" alert" bright and *heerful early in the morning )t is done 3o be it ; 3ometimes" so*ial influen*es play their part in either indu*ing or en*ouraging negative thin%ing /his is the stage where most do*tors give up the *ase as in*urable 3o" to find the right do*tor" suggest mentally to yourself> ;) will lo*ate the right do*tor who *an *ure me *ompletely in a simple" easy and positive way" now and always ; (our health problems *an be dissolved by affirming> ;) *an now dissolve all my health problems" worries and fears easily" -ui*%ly and su**essfully in simple" easy and positive ways 3o be it ; &%'NE#I" $EL%(%#I!N ?nli%e sleeping" magneti* rela2ation re-uires you to be physi*ally at rest but sub*ons*iously alert !hen your *ons*ious mind is rela2ed" the positive suggestions seep into your sub*ons*ious /o a*hieve ma2imum benefit from rela2ation> 3it in a *omfortable *hair or lie down on a bed 7et go of all the tension by repeating to yourself> ;) *an now rela2 *omfortably ) *an now rela2 my body ) *an now rela2 my mind Easily" -ui*%ly and positively 4ow ) *an en.oy the state of alert rela2ation pea*efully ;

7et a feeling of soothing *omfort ta%e over 7et go of yourself totally Feel a universal healing energy surrounding you and getting absorbed into your body and mind Feel a *ool bree+e around your body 8isuali+e a white spar%ling light pouring through your head down your body and seeping deep within you /hin% that soothing and healing for*es are vibrating within and radiating from you ,aintain a positive and pea*eful state of mind during the session &lso" ta%e pre*autions that you are not disturbed ,entally repeat to yourself> ;5ay by day in every way )6m getting better and better and better ;

/his is a general formula that will heal you of all si*%ness Emile :oue" a Fren*h do*tor" re*ommended it for physi*al" mental and emotional well-being )t *an be mentally repeated as many times as possible

&%'NE#I" %)S!$*#I!N /he sub*ons*ious has the %nowledge" power" wisdom and understanding to heal and maintain perfe*t health )t is the interferen*e of negative suggestions that *auses ill health and wea%ness 3o" whenever you feel that something is not right" use affirmations to get ba*% on the right tra*% 0ere is a simple one that *an be absorbed into your sub*ons*ious to %eep your body fit> ;&ttuned with universal healing powers and the sour*e of life" all my body organs are now be*oming normal and fit" and they will fun*tion perfe*tly to maintain e2*ellent health" strength and vitality up to a great age ; +SIN' #,E S+)"!NS"I!+S /he sub*ons*ious mind is perfe*tly programmed with a survival pa*%age in the form of universal instin*ts that *an be syn*hroni+ed with *ons*ious programs to live in harmony &**epting your sub*ons*ious instin*ts relieves you of half of your health problems /he sub*ons*ious is always re*eptive to suggestions that transpire from your *ons*ious mind 3o %eep your *ons*ious mind filled with *reative" positive" pleasant" pea*eful and produ*tive thoughts !hen you repeat an affirmation in a rela2ed state of mind" it wor%s wonders /o retain these suggestions" repeat them often" till you feel *onfident that they have be*ome a permanent habit /he sub*ons*ious mind is an all-powerful" omnipresent and omnis*ient gift 1ea*e will prevail in your life when these *onditions are maintained 3o" affirm often> ;) most willingly a**ept healthy" happy and self-healing su**ess programs of my sub*ons*ious mind *ons*iously for total fitness" now and always ; )t is easy to program your sub*ons*ious to integrate your inner healing power into a self-healing for*e &ll that you aspire for will *ome to pass 4ew friends" new relationships" new ideas" new thoughts and new plans *an motivate you to be*ome a powerful optimist 3o affirm> ;/oday ) am a new" dynami*" and optimisti* futurist flooded with positive thoughts of su**essful self-healing ;

-I#%L LIFE ENE$'. ,agneti* energy plays a vital role in self-healing /he more energy you generate through eating" breathing and e2er*ising" the longer you will live with health and happiness )t is said that man does not live by bread alone but by every word that *omes out of his mouth !hen we spea% to ourselves in positive terms" we tend towards self-healing !e *an build up positive statements li%e> ) am healing myself positively

1ositive energy is %eeping me healthy 0ealing myself and others is easy for me ) have the positive habit of deep breathing /oday ) am feeling better than ever before

/omorrow ) am going to be perfe*tly all right FEEL .!+N', LI-E L!N'E$ &ge is an attitude of the mind !hen you thin% youthful" you feel youthful Energy *an also be enhan*ed by being a*tive" alert and awa%e most of the time )n my e2perimentation with autosuggestion" ) feel that new frontiers *an be e2plored in the pro*ess of evolution 3ome of them are> &ssert firmly to reverse aging /a%e it as a *hallenge ?se the *ountdown method to feel young and energeti* after 5' 3ubtra*t the number of years that you are over 5' from 5' and affirm that age *onstantly For e2ample" if you are 55" all that you have to do is to *ount downwards the years of your age by subtra*ting five from 5' and imagine that you are 45 4ow build up positive magneti* statement li%e> ;/oday ) am 45 years young ; /he se*ond phase is to regain the natural *olor and abundan*e of youthful hair on your head But *onsistent pra*ti*e *oupled with firm determination is re-uired on your part (ou *an begin the pra*ti*e right now by affirming> ;) am determined to regain all the hair on my head with its natural youthful *olor as soon as possible ; ,entally repeat it @1 times .ust before you go to sleep at night SELF-,E%LIN' IN SE-EN %.S /he magneti* self-healing s*hedule that follows is an invin*ible method that *an ta%e you to the height of perfe*t health" strength and happiness &fter pra*ti*ing it for a period of seven days you will find that all your past health problems automati*ally disappear /he wat*hword here is *onsisten*y &ll that you have to do is read the affirmations as soon as you get up in the morning and before going to sleep )t has *ured me )t *an do the same for you 4ow read the following> )6m rela2ed" my body is rela2ed ,y mind is rela2ed" my emotions are rela2ed ) am now totally rela2ed ) am getting better" stronger and happier forever 4ow ma%e yourself *omfortable Read the affirmation given below fo*using your eyes in a half*losed manner as if you are reading it half asleep 0old your breath *omfortably and read ea*h statement twi*e Rela2 after reading it 5on6t hurry 5on6t worry (ou will see the differen*e from the very first day &fter you pra*ti*e the magneti* affirmations for seven days" let go of it (ou *an always *ome ba*% to the seven-day program whenever you feel the need (ou *an mentally repeat ea*h affirmation for the whole day but remember to hold your breath while doing so 4ow repeat> ,y body and mind are *lean and energeti* ) love my body /oday ) am be*oming strong" powerful" dynami*" happy-go-lu*%y and attra*tive /oday ) *an *hoose to ta%e total interest in regaining perfe*t health su**essfully /oday ) assert" affirm and rela2 with total freedom to heal myself with the power of thought /oday ) am on the way to re*overy easily" -ui*%ly and su**essfully to be*ome healthy" happy and free /oday ) have regained normal*y with the power of positive thought su**essfully

/oday health and energy are vibrating and radiating from me

5o it for seven days at a stret*h and dis*over the new" optimisti* you who *an ta%e anything in his stride )t only ta%es a little belief and a little determination to *hange your life ,ave you ever thought about the fact that there is never a moment when you are not thin/ing0that whatever happens in this world begins with a thought1 ,ere are five simple steps to help you manage your thoughts and achieve success and happiness in life )E %2%$E !F .!+$ #,!+',#S 3tart wat*hing your thoughts" without identifying with them !at*h them as a deta*hed observer (ou may even get *arried away by your thoughts 4ever mind )t is naturalAespe*ially for a beginner !hat you need to do" whenever you dete*t this" is to ta%e yourself out of your thoughts immediately and get ba*% to the pro*ess of thought-wat*hing on*e again as a deta*hed observer 5o not get perturbed by your thoughts 5on6t *ondemn or .ustify them 5on6t try to *ontrol them Bust wat*h them &fter some time" you will *ome to %now what your negative thoughts are about 4ow *on*entrate on all the positive thoughts that you *an repla*e these thoughts with" in order to swit*h over to a more positive attitude towards them <ur attempt should be to *ut down the -uantity of unne*essary thoughts and to improve the -uality of the ne*essary ones Ceep yourself busy 3imple food" deep breathing and rela2ation e2er*ises also help manage your thoughts easily E2pe*t less from others I EN#IF. NE'%#I-E #,!+',#S Ceep a logboo% Bot down your thoughts !rite down happenings of the day !ere they positive" appropriate and ade-uate or were they *onfused" superfluous and negative? :ould you noti*e the interval between the happening and your response? )f yes" *ould your foresee your negative thoughts? )f not" what *an" you do to noti*e this interval? !as there any dis*repan*y between words and thoughts? )f yes" was it .ustifiedA*ould you find a better way of harmoni+ing your words and thoughts? !as the verbal response ne*essary" appropriate and ade-uate? 3ometimes we tal% to others" or simply to ourselves" or thin% about something .ust li%e that &s% yourself what provo%ed you to ta%e the initiative to start a *onversation !as it essential? !hat was the purpose? 5id it serve the purpose? )f no" then why not? 5id it use any unne*essary and emotionally *harged negative words? !ere the words used in thin%ing" inner dialogue or in tal%ing to the other person" pre*ise" appropriate" ade-uate and positive? 5id you feel happy or satisfied after the intera*tion with the other person or with your inner self? :an you find ways of improving your performan*e as a thin%er or a spea%er? Ceep in mind that logboo%s are meant to get you started and ma%e you aware of your negative thoughts )t is far more important" however" to be aware of these thoughts when they are .ust ta%ing birth" rather than leave them for later analysis Be *ons*ious of the interval that separates the event from thoughts with whi*h you respond to the event NE'%#I-E #,!+',#S )magine a strong sun radiating a powerful light ?se this mental sunshine to %ill your negative" undesirable thoughts" emotions and images as and when these are dete*ted /a%e this sun as a mighty weapon whi*h is always on the alert and whi*h automati*ally *hases any negative thought and %ills it with a flash and then withdraws 5on6t forget to imagine that this sun is your faithful friend and is e2tremely %ind to you

Ceep a note of how many times you need to *all the sun for its servi*es /here will be a gradual in*rease" followed by a drasti* fall /his is so be*ause initially the number of times you *all on your mental sunshine in*reases gradually as your awareness of your thoughts grows /he drasti* fall is be*ause what we do not use Dthe negative thoughts" in this *aseE" we tend to lose $E*L%"E 2l#, *!SI#I-E #,!+',#S & vital step in this pro*ess is the immediate repla*ement of all negative thoughts by the positive ones /he shorter the interval between the disinfe*ting and the repla*ing stage" the better it is 7onger intervals between these two events wea%en the impa*t of the positive thoughts <ur su**ess and happiness depend on identifying our goals pre*isely and *hasing them effe*tively" both of whi*h" in turn" depend on how well we manage our thoughts /he -uality of our thoughts de*ides the -uality of the out*omes we land up with /houghts have the power to materiali+e themselves be*ause they are instrumental in *hanneling energy towards the physi*al or mental *ondition they are about E2ternal situations and the remar%s of others *an harm us through our thoughtsAbut only to the e2tent our thoughts allow them to 3o thin% positive /al% positive Read positive -uotable -uotes of great people 3urround yourself with posters and *ards bearing positive messages Ceep them on your table 0ang them on the walls 1aste them near the bathroom mirror and on the doors 3ti*% them on your wat*hstrap Ceep them on the refrigerator 0ave them on the dashboard of the *ar 3lip them under the glass of the table in front of you 3lide them in the inner side of the brief*ase you *arry Find other suitable pla*es where you are bound to loo% at them every day

Remember that these messages will stale with prolonged use 3o %eep *hanging their position and *ontents 5o not let the momentum of these thoughts get wea%er ?se them appropriately in response to spe*ifi* negative thoughts /he repla*ing thought must be positive in every sense &part from being inspiring and assuring" it should also be suggestive For e2ample" if you *onfront a negative thought" ;) *an never su**eed;" it will not suffi*e if you repla*e it with ;3un9 &tta*%9 ) *an su**eed; /his %ind of repla*ement may not be effe*tive" for it sounds li%e wishful thin%ing and la*%s assuran*e" depth and penetrating *ertainty )t is better to brea% your repla*ing thought down into more definite and spe*ifi* steps or instru*tions /he repla*ing thought in this *ase may be> ;) *an su**eed By earlier failures ) have be*ome ri*h in e2perien*e and have *ome to %now spe*ifi* areas that re-uire spe*ial attention ) will .ot them down and systemati*ally thin% of the ways in whi*h ) *an improve ) shall plan &nd then sti*% to it /here is absolutely no reason why ) should not su**eed ) will assess" plan" e2e*ute" monitor" modify and *arryon with the plan" and finally su**eed )n fa*t" ) thin% that su**ess has already been a*hieved and only time separates my thought of su**ess and its transformation into reality ) am *ommitting myself to all that is re-uired to a*hieve su**ess ) am a river that %nows no obsta*les ) shall find my way anyhowAand if there is none ) shall ma%e one ;

$EINF!$"E /houghts li%e these *an be further reinfor*ed with emotions and images &ll this may ta%e longer than one single repla*ing thought" but these are far more effe*tive sin*e they allow you to divide the desired target into wor%able units Fo*us on a pleasant event that too% pla*e in the past /his way your thoughts will turn positive and your emotions and images will reinfor*e ea*h other" resulting in an overall positive attitude

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