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P. O. BOX 18863 CoRpUS CHRISTI, TEXAS 78480 361/949-1670 361/949-1677 FAX WWW.FOSTERANGELSSTX.ORG

Dear Friend, On a hectic weekday morning, eight years ago, two baby girls were born at a hospital in South Texas. These two girls were very similar. Both had moms who were in their late twenties, both arrived on their expected delivery dates and both as newborn babies often do cried their rst cries with the slap to their baby bottoms. Recently, these young girls started the third grade. They were still very much alike. Both had the same height and weight. Both had long, curly hair, and both, it turned out, attended the same school. But there was a dierence. One was a very happy child with good grades and lots of friends. The other was always in trouble and had failing grades.

What Made the Dierence?

Have you ever considered what makes this kind of dierence in childrens lives? It isnt always intelligence or being born that way. It isnt that kids choose to be or have less than their true potential. The dierence is something that we often take for granted a loving family and a stable home. What happens when children lose their families and are denied a stable home environment? They become wards of the state where they are passed through the foster care system. Their fate is virtually sealed: more than half of all foster care children do not complete high school a third will be arrested at least once fewer than 1 in 5 will be completely self-supporting four years after leaving the child welfare system (that means more than 80% of them wind up needing long term support!) more than a third suffer emotional disturbances and the behavioral problems that accompany them 1 out of 4 will be homeless

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And that is why I am writing to you and to people like you about Foster Angels of South Texas. Of the over 400,000 children in foster care throughout the United States, over 30,000 of them are located right here in Texas. As you can imagine, there isnt enough money and resources to go around. Foster Angels of South Texas is committed to helping improve the lives of children in foster care. To ensure that each child has his or her basic needs (clothing, food, beds, medical attention, etc.) met. Moreover, to provide those simple opportunities that frame a childs life like the ability to play a game, participate in a sport, or express themselves in an art. Foster Angels is already making an impact, but we need your helpthese children need your help.

Together WE Can Make a Dierence

With your help, Foster Angels of South Texas will be able to respond to even more requests we receive for babies, toddlers, children and youth in South Texas foster care. Please make a contribution today using your enclosed, Foster Angel Support Donation form and return it in the attached pre-addressed envelope. Many of these children have already experienced years of waitingwaiting for a family, for safety, and for joy. Dont make them wait any longer. It will only take a minute or two, so please take care of this right now while it is fresh on your mind. Your gift will make a dierence in a childs life! Sincerely, Jennifer Starr Executive Director PS This is important 100% of your money goes directly to helping the children. Foster Angels of South Texas operating expenses are covered through private donors.

A moment of caring, a lifetime of


Foster Angels of South Texas

Did you know?

There are over children in foster care in the United States. ____________________________ Over


do not complete high school


30,000 of those children are

located in Texas.


39% have average earnings below the

poverty level after leaving foster care. ____________________________ Nearly children leave foster care each year with no family and little to no support. ____________________________ Innocent childrens futures are being jeopardized every day due to abuse and neglect right in our own backyard. But you can make a difference! Let me show you how simple it is to put a foster child on the path to success.


have been arrested at least once experience homelessness at least once


Foster Angels of South Texas

oster Angels of South Texas was founded in the summer of 1999 to address the growing need for assistance to foster children. Unfortunately, this population of children is most often left unseen and unheard. But the fact is that thousands of children are removed from their homes each year due to neglect and physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. These children often have little more than the clothes on their backs. It is easy to understand why foster children often grow up to have low self-esteem and self-worth, leading to a higher rate of incarceration and homelessness as adults. Foster Angels provides these children with what they need to build condence and put them on a path to lifelong success. Every child deserves the opportunity to be great. We are a reputable and accountable agency with over a decade of success. Our guiding principles include low overhead costs, consistent program efciency and one simple mission: to provide foster children with the things they need to live happy and successful lives.

Board of Directors
CoRPus CHRisti Marty Berry Reagan Brown David Engel Dr. Humberto Garcia Dos Gates Melanie Hauglum Christina Hawn Barbara Head Mark J. Hulings Susan Karp Melissa LaMantia Sheila Lawrence Matt Layton Richard L. Leshin Susan Lewis Nelda Martinez Leslie McClanahan Dr. Mike McNeil Caroline Nudelman Alice Oakley Ted Oakley James Pettus Iii Will Pettus Butch Pool Jaime Rangel Gregg Robertson Phyllis Stephenson Richard R. Valls, Jr. LaRedo Diane Gates Mcallen Dr. David Adame Kathy Collins Ex-Ofcio Georgina Morales Tara OConnell Executive Director Jennifer Starr

aycee, a bubbly 9-year-old, was taken into care after her parents home was judged to not be a safe place. Luckily, she was placed in a foster home that had a bed just for her. Many children in Kaycees situation are placed in homes where they have to share a bed with a child they dont know or sleep on the oor. Kaycees bed was comfortable, but the bare white sheets and haze from the uorescent lamp made her miss her old room which expressed Kaycees love for all things pink and girlie. After Kaycee expressed how her new room made her feel, Kaycees caseworker contacted Foster Angels. Within 48 hours, Kaycee had a new hot pink comforter set, light pink sheets and pillows, a lamp that warmed her room and a new stuffed animal, which was also pink. These small changes made that small room Kaycees sanctuary, a place where she could go when she was having a bad day or feeling sad. Being in that room always reminded Kaycee that there was someone who cared about her.

achelle, 16, grew up in an abusive environment and experienced living life on the streets. She suffered from low self-esteem, even saying that when she looked in the mirror she saw someone who looked worn out and has had a rough life. Lachelle would be celebrating her 17th birthday soon and although she had no family to celebrate with, she knew exactly what she wanted: a fresh start. Lachelles caseworker knew where to turn to make sure that Lachelle had the birthday of her dreams; she turned to Foster Angels. On Lachelles 17th birthday, she was treated to a shopping spree at the mall, received a manicure and even a haircut and color! This birthday celebration gave Lachelle a giant self-esteem boost and made her feel special. When Lachelle looks in the mirror now, she says she sees a normal teenager who doesnt have a care in the world.

Ellen, a very sweet and bright 13-year-old girl, entered foster care very withdrawn
and shy, which made going to school each morning even more challenging. When she was placed in Band as an elective class, she was introduced to the guitar. Immediately she fell in love with the instrument and with music. She found playing the guitar very comforting, a creative outlet for the challenges that come with adjusting to foster care life. Her foster parents and siblings also took notice of Ellens newfound passion, as she slowly began to break out of her shell. The guitar gave her the courage to perform for her foster siblings each day. Ellen showed tremendous natural talent and the will to learn more. For the rst time, she even found herself looking forward to school. While Ellen was allowed to take the schools guitar home to practice, she was forced to return it when the school year came to an end. The following semester she wasnt able to take the Band course again due to scheduling conicts. Ellens caseworker contacted Foster Angels and requested help in purchasing a guitar. Foster Angels was happy to meet the need by providing Ellen a brand-new acoustic guitar. As a result, Ellen has continued to practice and progress as both a musician and a student.

James, 12, was taken into foster care after experiencing abuse and neglect in his home.
But his early life experiences did not compromise his compassion for others. James is a very good child, makes good grades and does community service to help others by working alongside his sister at their church. James also loves sports and teamwork, especially baseball. He dreamed of playing on a Little League team with his friends, but his caregivers were unable to nancially afford the baseball registration and uniform costs.

Foster Angels was more than willing to give James this opportunity and gladly covered the costs for his baseball league. James thrived at the game and even hit a home run! This experience not only allowed James to play baseball, it showed him that the community he loves and works so hard for loves him right back.

Thank you for your support!

Foster Angels of South Texas Foundation P.O. Box 18863 Corpus Christi, TX 78480 (361) 949-1670 Your gift to Foster Angels of South Texas is tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.

Foster Angels Support Donation

Yes, I am committed to the Foster Angels mission ensuring children are not forgotten.
I would like to make a monetary donation of:





Other ____________

Name:_______________________________________ Phone:_______________________________ Address:____________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip:_______________________________________________________________________ Make my gift: In Honor of:__________________________ In Memory of: __________________________ Send acknowledgement to:____________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip:_________________________________________________________________

Simply mail this form along with a check made payable to Foster Angels. You can also donate by credit card online at

Foster Angels of South Texas P.O. Box 18863 Corpus Christi, TX 78480 (361) 949-1670 ThanK yoU foR yoUR sUppoRt!
Your gift to Foster Angels of South Texas is tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.

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