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Past Tense Simple

1.Fill in the past form. 1. Mammoths 2. Mammoths 3. Mammoths 4. Mammoths . They big animals, bigger than elephants. (be) 100 years ago. (not live) a long time ago. (live) meat. They grass. (not eat / eat)

t!o large t"s#s abo"t three metres long. (have) in the air an& some in the sea. (fly / s!im)

$. %ome &inosa"rs '. (e ). %he only *. + 10. They

some mil#. (e a po"n&. %he

any !ater. (&rin# / not &rin#) 3 po"n&s. (spen& / not spen&) any lions. (see / not see) in the la#e. (s!im / not s!im)

some elephants. + in the sea, b"t

2.Tell the story , fill in the past simple tense -n Fri&ay, the .hil&ren morning, they an& 1ave (tal#) abo"t a &ay o"t together in the .o"ntry. The ne/t (play) together. 0en (be) not there. %o they

(go) to the .o"ntry !ith their t!o &ogs an& (have) some #ites. %ome time later the &ogs

(.all) them an& (fin&) them an& again. 2t l"n.h time 4i.#

(loo#) for them in the forest. 2fter half an ho"r the .hil&ren (ta#e) them ba.#. 3harlie (go) to the bi#es an& (be) very happy to see them (fet.h) the bas#et !ith some

meat san&!i.hes. Then they they (ri&e) home.

(play) football. 4i.# an& 1ave

(!in). +n the evening

3.5"t the into past tense. 1. %he !ins the money. %he 2. They .an eat. They 3. %he m"st go. %he 4. 6e go shopping. 6e . %he r"ns to s.hool. %he $. + .an !al#. + !al#. a ne! .ar. the party. .oins. allo!e& to eat. a hamb"rger. eat. go. shopping. to s.hool. the money.

'. 6e b"y a ne! .ar. 6e ). They leave the party. They *. 6e .olle.t .oins. 6e 10. 7o" are allo!e& to eat. 7o"

11. 5eter eats a hamb"rger. 5eter 12. %he has to !ash it. %he 13. They !ant to go home. They 14. + .lose the !in&o!s. + 1 . %he st"&ies for a test. %he

to !ash it. to go home. the !in&o!s. for a test.

1$. They .an &rive. They 1'. %am li#es to la"gh. %am 1). Mary goes home. Mary 1*. 6e !rite a letter. 6e 20. %he opens the !in&o!. %he

&rive. to la"gh. home. a letter. the !in&o!.

4.Fill in the .orre.t simple past forms. The p"pils of .lass )0 (&o) a pro8e.t last !ee#. First the p"pils (.hoose) !hat

they !ante& to &o. Then they

(get) information from boo#s an& bro.h"res an& they (fin&) some interesting photos in the library. (as#) her. Then they (ma#e) a

(tal#) to a lot of people. They Their tea.her

(help) them !hen they

poster an& a vi&eo an&

(tell) the other gro"ps abo"t their pro8e.t.

.2 pro8e.t abo"t 3orn!all 9 Fill in the .orre.t simple past form.

arrange : bring : .hoose : &e.i&e : fin& : get : go : say : start ;ast month <enny, 4i.# an& 0en <enny to a travel agen.y an& to &o a pro8e.t together. They some bro.h"res. 4i.# an& 0en !or#. 2 !ee# later they 3orn!all. First some all their Miss

interesting boo#s in the library. Then they material to s.hool an& ("nt.

it on a poster. =7o"r presentation is interesting>,

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