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How to Build Attraction No Gravatar In your interactions with women it is important to build attraction, otherwise t he girl will reject

your sexual advances. You must practice the ability to think quickly for your interactions to be effective while maintaining a confident com posure. To do this, we must assess the main components of attraction in order to make that memorable first impression when out in the field. photo attraction_zpsbf86d5cb.jpg So how do we build attraction? There are many ways to build attraction in your conversations with women. Here i s what I found to be most effective. - Lead It is important to be leading the conversation and not be waiting on the woman t o tell you when or what you should be talking about. A beta male waits until he is told what to do. An alpha male is confident in his ability and trusts his ins tincts. This is why you must take the lead otherwise your chances drop dramatica lly. Take things to where you want it to go. A girl isn t going to make all the mo ves for you. - Tease Have you ever been talking to a woman and the conversation has suddenly dried up ? Then you haven t been demonstrating your fun and playful side. By teasing a girl it helps pump the girls buying temperature, making her horny and more likely to fuck. Teasing a girl is attractive instead of supplicating like every other guy usually does. Using push and pull techniques help create this effect, an exampl e would be I like you, you re trouble . It throws the girl off keeps her excited and wanting more.

- Don t compliment Its common for women to receive lots of compliments from average guys. They know they are hot and don t need to be told. It conveys neediness and inexperience. Do you think a guy who is banging 9s and 10s is complimenting every girl he comes across? Its okay to compliment ONCE in the opener from a direct approach as it s hows confidence. But after you must demonstrate that her personality is the deci ding factor. Do this by getting to know the girl and showing genuine interest in her and then complimenting her for things she has actually achieved, not just h er looks. - Statements not questions Ask questions that give the girl something to work with. An example would be You re not from round here are you? instead of where are you from? . You want to avoid any interview style questions as they are boring and off putting. An open ended que

stion will allow the conversation more smoothly and increases the chances of the girl opening up. Keep making statements until you receive big IOIs (playing wit h hair, legs crossed, touching self e.t.c) before you go for the close. This wil l prevent the number of flakes and therefore increase your conversion rate.

- Emotions not logic Women are emotional creatures and are not logical in the way men are. Its import ant to talk about passions rather than typical everyday chores. Getting a girl i nto an emotional mood increases your chance of laying her dramatically, you want to avoid logic at all costs. By bringing up her emotions it will turn her on me ntally as you have illustrated the attractive qualities that women look for when choosing a mate. Its common for men to have very closed ended conversations whe n discussing the football down at the pub. What was the score? 2-1? Want another dr ink? Sure . This is the very conversation you want to be avoiding. Ask a woman how something makes her feel, an example would be if she got into an argument with s omeone. In this case you would want to explore the emotions with her, an example would be and then she said that if I didnt that she wouldnt call him Aww thats terr ible! How does that make you feel? I know I wouldnt be happy. See the difference in the two, the later has more emotion.

Hope that has cleared things up on the topic of attraction. Remember to stay pos itive and keep approaching, success is only round the corner. Its up to you to r each out for it and push through the barriers. Peace and love, Cieran -------------IM COOLER THAN YOU! What is cool?we have all seen high school movies like greese etc. In these movie s there is always a character that stands out, everybody loves them and they mig ht even be described as being popular. When i think of cool, a few words spring to mind; leader, strong, trend setter. This person seems to have a strong sense of who they are, what they like what th ey do not like, who they are and who they are not. Am I cool? This a good question to ask yourself, well think of it this way. Tomorrow you wi lll wake up and go into the bathroom and you'll look in the mirror and you will see someone looking back at you. Ask yourself this, is tjis person, someone you like, someone who you can respect. Does this person have standards for himself and others? If the answer is yes, then this might be an indicator that you are someone who w e might be able to call cool.

-----------------What can we learn from tennis? I LOVE TENNIS I have always enjoyed playing tennis, I first started to play tennis when I was around 10 or 11 years old. I find tennis very therapeutic and meditative. I en joy the rhythmic movement required to prepare to hit the ball, and I love the e xecution of a good shot. The thing I enjoy most in tennis is learning a new shot , not purposefully learning, I mean discovery-learning i.e learnings aquired thr ough mindless trial and error. As I have read from another site called "tennismindgame", tennis is a sport that gives you instant feedback. What this means is that once you have mastered your strokes, or you have a rough idea of what you are doing, the main source of any errors you make is your state of mind. The game of tennis will give you feedbac k straight away on the effect that your mental state has on the results you get. This means that tennis is quite efective at allowing you to see yourself and le arn more about your personality and how it reacts to different situations. An in crease in your own awareness of yourself offers you an oppourtunity for growth. I remember reading a qoute by a professor which went something like this "real l earning occurs when information is accurately transmitted and recieved an then c onverted into a meaningful experience that improves performance". The statement is quite self explanatory, I translate this as turning an idea (idea or straterg ie) into an unconcious action, something which your body (unconcious processing) executes in a given situation after you have conciously programmed it through r epetition. LEARNING HOW TO LEARN The most important thing that I have learned from playing tennis is how to learn . I have reached a level of skill that many people get trained up to by instruct ors, solely by going out and playing and enjoying it, the only reason why I aqui red this level of skill is because I enjoy the activity, everything has stemmed from that one fact. So this is the first thing that tennis has taught me, to bec ome skilled in anything requires alot of repetition, this allows your mind to bu ild a model of what is going on. Although you must remember that " the map is no t the teritory" and holes can be poked in that model at any time and you might e ven have to take leaps of faith here and there because you can't always just rel y on what you already know. The second thing that it taught me is that learning something well is easiest when you fully apprecite the value that it offers you , in my case it was just bliss. I have come to realise that like any other sport tennis is just a movement, a se ries of well timed movement that the body can learn all by itself, through selfcorrection. All you have to do is to provide it with the situations that will te ach it. Your brain needs a massive supply of data and that comes from patient re petition of the actions involved, being your strokes in the case of tennis. YOUR BRAIN IS A COMPUTOR When you are learning tennis your mind can be compared to a computor , and the s ituations that you put yourself in is the data that you are putting in to the co mputor. When learning tennis you should be patient (not hurried) clear of min d (no thinking) and non-judemental (no critisisng), this stops you dirsupting th e learning process. This specifcally stops you reducing the quality and quantity of the data that you are inputing to your own personal harddrive. Complaining a nd whining while you learn tennis draws your awareness out of your body, where i t needs to be for the quality of the input data to be maximised. To explain these ideas further I shall give an example: imagine a beginner tenni s player being fed balls on a tennis court while practising their tennis forehan d, high quality data is a situation which has core elements which get repeated a gain and again, in other words inputing alot of high quality data will allow you to learn faster. so for example if a coach feeds a ball perfectly to a student who is paying attention and is relaxed in body and mind this data is high quali ty, becuase the mental state of the player and movment of the ball is repeatable

and thus easily comparable to other similar tennis situations. on the otherhand a situation where the ball is curling around due to a crosswind and the player is only partailly aware of the balls prescence is low quality data, since the p layers awareness is low, which means that his body may be slow to react so his b ody may not be positioned in the manner it would naturally be and the ball traje ctory is highly uncommon, this situation is an uncommon situation. The reason wh y you need to have repeatable/common tennis situations is because the brain lear ns by comparinng a massive array of similar situations to extract patterns and t hus create a modelof what it is experienceing mapping your body movement the tra jecotory of the oncoming ball, theimpact of the ball and the racket to the traje ctory of the ball leaving the racket. THE PROCESS OF LEARNING So in my opinion all the learning that takes place when you are learning tennis is subconcious and the concious mind just directs your awareness to control the content, quality and quantity of what is being learnt. I see the process of learning as like a sculptor. A scultor will look at a slab of stone and wil,l using his imagination, see what lies beneth. Its potential, t he statue that it will become. He sees the stone as a mixture of what it wont be and what it will be, the cutter then cuts out what it is not so he is left with what he wants it to be. He has complete patience knowing that with every stoke of his carving knife he taking him closer to his statue that he desires. I think of learning a skill in the same way, the end result is the skill that you accui re and the the cutting refers to the attempts or actions that you take to accuir e that skill. learning is just a waiting game, you put in the time making mistakes learning ho w something doesn't work to accuire an understaning of how it does. Some say tha t you have to make mistakes to learn, I shall go a step further and say that tho se mistakes is the learning! EGO I have also learned that your ego will slow or prevent your learning if you let it, attaching what you learn, how you learn or what you learn to your personalit y or identity will remove any objectivity to the process of learning. You will start to interpret situations in a way that you shouldn't, i.e taking things per sonally. Tennis is just some game and has no intrinsic value, it is just hitting a ball over a net with two funny looking sticks, its only value is in the joy i t brings and the things you learn about yourself in the process of playing it, s o my advice to anyone recreational player who is desperately "trying" to learn i t and struggling is to go do something else, you can't truely struggle learning the things you really enjoy because you are too busy enjoying them. LEARN THE BASICS FIRST Another lesson that I have learned is that learning has a natural path and it is just like networking when you network you meet people that intrduce you to othe rs. In order to move yourself in the right direction, so that you are eventually surrounded by the people you want in your life selected group of people, it is helpful if you start off with meeting the "right" people to begin with. In this way the right doors will open leading you to the right places. In the same way learning the basics will automatically lead you on to learning other things that you wouldn't have learnt had you not mastered the basics, so in the long run yo u will see less gaps in what you have learnt. LONG TERM MINDSET VERSUS SHORT TERM MINDSET The last thing I shall share is an exmaple of a mindset thats useful for learnin g in general. I recall having a hit on a tennis court not too far from me with a tennis player who kept avoiding his backhand stroke. When I hit the tennis ball to his backhand side he swung his body out of the way to turn the shot into a forhand shot. He brought it up in conversation later and hinted at me giving him tips to help him do it. My first thought was, that's not how you learn, you can 't just jump from not knowing something to knowing it. You actually have to TRY, there is no point in me showing you how you could be doing it unless you are ac

tually experimenting with how to do it in the first place. By shortterm mindset, I mean that sometimes people are in a rush to aquire a skill and are turned off by the idea that it might take them time to learn it. I say try everything (wit hin reason) with the faith that over time, in the long run you will eventually a quire the skill.

--------------PERFECTION WHAT IS A PERFECTIONIST? I see a perfectionist, as someone who has very high standards on the execution o f tasks at hand, the end result must be a certain way and in order to get that r esult you must do a certain number of things "perfectly" to get there. WHY DO WE LIKE TO BE PERFECTIONIST? when we value a certain outcome we tend to try to control the process that is be ing used to aquire that outcome. We may do this out of fear or we might just be misinformed. AM I A PERFECTIONIST? In order for a perfectionist to be able to control what happens they usually be lieve that there is a right way to approach certain tasks, they can be quite rig id in their trajectory and quite well prepared and less able to handle chaos, t hey may take thier time in making decisions. This may be beneficial in some area nas and detrimental in others, especially the ones which require a little more c reativity, exploration and discovery. WHAT THE PERFECTIONIST MUST REALISE When we are carring out a task or executing a chosen process. We may take too mu ch responsibility for the outcome or effectivity of the process. Most of what ha ppens has nothing to do with us, our decisions and the way we make them offers d irection to the flow of the events which come after. so we clearly have some inf luence on what happens because of this, but we must not forget how much of what happens has come about abitrarily. CHAOS OVER ORDER A reason why a perfectionist avoid chaos, is because Choatic situations rely mo re on your autopilot responses and is less micro-managable. Bad traits like: lac k of self trust, the need to see the process instead of feeling it, or just havi ng faith in it are less of a problem in chaotic situations. The reason for this is alot of the time your concious mind is not being used to serve you but just t o protect you, mainly by keeping you stuck in that comfort zone of yours and it will use YOU to trip YOU up, afterall you are all it has right? The nature of mo re chaotic situations can sometimes bring out the best in us because we find it hard to self sabotage and we can react to them in a more honest and less egotist ical way. STATIC MIND VERSUS THE PROGRESSIVE MIND I like to first explain the subtitle by defining the two terms used. I define t he static mind as what you perseive the world when you are just static, not doin g anything. The progressive mind set, your perception when you are moving in som e direction, by doing something. I remember when I was a kid and I would get droped off to the swimming pool by m y best friends grandfather on a foggy morning. I always found it amazing when y ou would look into the distance and not see a thing and as you started to ventur e towards the foggy mist, things would start to apear out of nowwhere one by one until you could see everything. I think life is the same in many ways, when you are moving you can often see alot more than if you are static. Thats why I alwa ys used to say to my students, "something is better than nothing", "start to gai n momentum and it will all begin to flow". I can't remember any of them ever as king me my this was the case, but if they did ask I would have told them the fol

lowing; "You can devide information into two cateogeries, things you know and things you don't know, and when you move things foward, things that are in the unknown ca tegoere move into the known, as you gain information your percpection of the si tuation changes, and new perceptions may lead to a change in your course of acti on, this is how you end up on paths that you never ever would expected yourself to be on" . ----------------------------------------Failure stories #3 The African minx

NOVEMBER 13, 2013 8 COMMENTS I m walking along sunny Oxford Street in July with Bodi, my mind on video games an d specifically whether I should get Dead Space 3 now or wait until I ve completed Crysis 3 first. It s a tough choice. One constant in my life is wanting more. I ge t a buzz from buying a new game and booting it up, familiarising myself to new c ontrols and new eye candy in the visual design. Usually the novelty wears off ab out three hours in and I get into the zone where the controller merges seamlessl y with my hands, the TV screen no longer seperates me from the game world and I m now fully immersed in the game. This flow state is immensely rewarding. Usually by the 50% complete mark (for a typical AAA game that s about seven hours in) I ge t restless. I m so far in that I m compelled to complete the game (I hate to leave a nything unfinished in life) but the enjoyment is subject to diminishing returns due to overfamiliarity. Thus the constant tension between completing games I m >50 % through (Crysis 3) or buying a new one for the novelty buzz (Dead Space 3). Ad d in series loyalty from me having completed all previous games in both franchis es and then reviews saying Dead Space 3 is a staggering twenty hours long double normal AAA games and I m torn. Such are the things which torment me. Real beauty, better than any Russian model Real beauty, better than any Russian model Smarter readers will have distilled from this preamble the tension I have in Gam e. I want the buzz of new girls but I also enjoy the progressively deeper attach ments with girls I like. It s a constant tension. So while thinking about video ga mes I look behind us and see a hot African girl walking along. She s a little minx with big wide eyes, great curves, slim and dressed in an unexpected chic 60s Pa ris style. I double take and open. My vibe is great. She sounds smart and classy so within ten minutes we ve hit it off well and I take a number. Texting is preci se, so on-point from both of us that I use sections for my new book s Text Game ch apter. We meet a few days later. It s an excellent date. We have tea then move on to a couple of pubs. She s delightf ul company and full of confidence in her femininity. I ve realised the differences between British black, American black and African black girls are like an abyss . Put crudely: British black: Insufferable princesses full of false bravado and hollow aggressi ve sexuality. Hot black women immediately ditch their own race and try to date r ich white professional guys. American black: I have little experience of these. They appear to be thick as sh it and talk like drunken sailors. The few I ve met professionally in the banking i ndustry are basically men with braided hair. Think Condeleeza Rice. African black: Very nice cultured manner and speech patterns, pretty good educat ion and a traditional vibe. I like them alot. Does this make me racisss? Don t care. Perhaps it s just a self-selected sample beca use I m never in the ghetto and I avoid the girls with vulgar street fashion. Who knows, who cares. This girl was nice. So in the third venue I decide I need to be escalating. All the attraction and r apport has gone well. She s a graduate student from a nice neighbourhood in Ghana and she s constantly hammering me with the I m a good girl. No sex before marriage sto ry which I don t believe for a moment. African girls always give you that spiel. I

move in to kiss. She rebuffs a few times then the barriers are down. I m still th inking this one will move slowly so at about 10pm we re leaving the last venue and I m going to drop her off home (she lives very centrally). Add 5kg Add 5kg As we walk along the back alley by Revolution bar in Soho I push her against a w all and make-out. She s way hornier than I expected and the hindbrain is very exci ted. She s gasping, moaning, grabbing me. I put her hand on my dick and she s rubbin g it hard. This girl is gagging for it. So I walk her all the way to her front d oor and try to get inside. She s holding me off on the pavement desperately trying to regain forebrain control. I get her into the hallway and there s more frantic making out. Then we re upstairs inside her apartment but unfortunately she shares with two flatmates so it s not a done deal. More making out and the forebrain shut ters keep slamming down. She s genuinely torn between a raging horniness for fucki ng and a sensible good girl forebrain control. I get a real No and we re back in t he hallway making out again. She s rubbing my dick so I try to get my hands down h er pants for skin-on-skin. I ll happily fuck her there and then, it s reasonably pri vate. The moment she feels the skin-on-skin she shuts down. I have to bid her ad ieur. Next week is Day 3 and it s the same again. A civilised date, she asks me to walk her home and the forebrain shuts down again while we re in her hallway with her ha nd on my dick. It s achingly close. The contrast between her good girl vibe and su dden wanton abandon is extreme. By Day 4 I decide I need to try a different tack probably she needs more comfort so we just have tea and walk through the park. I don t escalate beyond light kissing. I m hopeful and then outside intervention bus ts it all. I have a few foreign trips, she has family visiting, and we go three weeks witho ut meeting. I sense distraction in her texts. She s not engaged to the same level but I get her to meet me near my house and after a couple of drinks we are on my sofa. I still sense reticence on her part but different to earlier. On the firs t few dates she was free to fuck but decided to slow down, this time I sense she s conflicted by outside forces. I push anyway. She s topless with her ample breasts in my mouth, straddling me and grinding on my dick but she s reticent to touch it with her hands and resists all efforts to unburden her of her jeans. She tells me she s not comfortable having sex today. Perhaps she s on the rag. How bizarre How bizarre Another week of indifferent texts follow then she invites me out for a coffee. T hat s when I get the Speech. Her ex-boyfriend has asked if they can make it offici al again with proper monogamous dating. She knows I just want a casual fling so she ll take the surer bet. I don t have a counter-offer of monogamy, telling her ins tead that I like her and if she s single again to look me up. Next day her whatsap p profile photo is updated to show her with the guy. Typical good-looking profes sionally-competent African nice guy. They seem a good match. The Ghana flag must wait. I think I played it as well as I could but the real wo rld conspired against me. -------------About YOU From: ATTRACT, DATE, SEDUCE, CONNECT BODY LANGUAGE DATING TIPS HOW TO TALK TO WOMEN HOW YOU CAN AVOID THE FRIEND ZONE THE TYPE OF MAN WOMEN WANT WHAT WOMEN WANT FROM MEN October 24, 2013

inShare 1 dream-guy-2_1 You ve heard me talk over and over again about how women need to FEEL YOU through conversations And the other day I randomly thought of a conversation I had with a guy who was TOTALLY not my type (physically at least) but all I kept thinking throughout was h ow BADLY I wanted him. It was a few years back and I was being set up on a blind date (back before you could actually really Facebook or Google anyone). I was about 23 or 24 at the time and I was meeting this guy at a coffee shop Mind you I really had NO idea what he looked like all my friend told me was that h e was tall, had a GREAT smile, and was absolutely HYSTERICAL OK fine I ll take it. So anyway, I got to the coffee shop and took my seat down in the far corner, tha t way I could see EVERY GUY who walked in. That s when HE (my date) showed up He was about 10 years older than me (which I d never done before), was beyond bald ing with maybe 3 strands of hair left on his shiny head, and he had a mini beer belly protruding from beneath his tight white t-shirt. At first I thought, HOW COULD MY FRIEND DO THIS TO ME?! but as soon as he walked ove r he said, Marni right?! and gave me the BIGGEST, happiest hug I d ever received. So then I thought, OK great maybe he and I can just be FRIENDS! a new friend wouldn t hurt I was new to LA so

We both sat down and started talking and, my friend was right, he was HILARIOUS! But then something strange started happening Soon enough I couldn t take my eyes off him I was laughing and giggling and BLUSHING (what the hell, how?) and before I knew it we d been at the coffee shop for THREE HOU RS And I didn t want our date to end! I caught myself twirling my hair, wondering what my friends would think about hi m, if my PARENTS would like him, if we could grab dinner later, if he d kiss me by the end of the night, what kind of kisser he would be IT WAS INSANE! Now what s interesting about this interaction is that, to this day, I could not ev en TELL YOU what our conversation was about because all I remember are the FEELING S I had when we talked I don t know if he did OSA I don t know if he did LCA (which you know are my tried and trusted methods for connecting with women) but I do know that he got me wanting h im so badly that I really did everything in my power to make him MINE (and I eve

ntually did haha). So this was about 10 years ago and because I don t remember what he even SAID I ca n t explain it BUT, what made me think of this story was that I recently met somebody who can tel l you EXACTLY how to create that kind of chemistry through conversation The kind where it doesn t matter if you re bald, fat, her type or not, or if you hav e the right tips and techniques. Now I m not easily impressed at this point in my career, but this video is incredibl y eye-opening and extremely accurate in explaining what happened to me that day at the coffee shop. And you ll discover how to create arouse the same chemistry and attraction in a wo man to become the guy she fantasizes about Watch this video and learn how to make her fantasize about YOU I ll admit it IS one of those videos that s a bit lengthy and what not but honestly you know I only share the good stuff with you. ;-) So do what you want by the end of the video whatever you choose is on you But if you ve ever wished you were the kind of guy that women chase after The kind of guy who women can t stop thinking about The kind of guy she can t keep her hands off Then I highly recommend you go ahead and watch this video right now, don t miss th is!

inShare 1 MORE ARTICLES ------------------------------------------How I Learned to Work a Room, and You Can Too I did it. I went to a cocktail party where I didn t know anyone, and successfully chit-chatted for two hours. (Not to myself. I actually spoke with other people.) I have never been good at the kind of networking where you re supposed to walk int o a room full of strangers and walk out with connections. The very idea makes me c ringe. But as a writer and reporter, I get invited to more than my fair share of meet-and-greets. Every now and then, I read an invite and think, Eeek. I really should go. But I won t know anyone. Sometimes I go, sometimes I don t. Some of these events are better than others. They are rarely fun. But now I m actually looking forward to them. It s as if all these networking recept ions are part of a big game, and I finally figured out how to play. Here s how I l earned. Last month, as I was heading to a work-related cocktail hour with some colleague s, I groaned that I hated having to introduce myself to a room full of strangers

. Even though my co-workers were coming with me to this particular event, the wh ole point was for us to talk to people we hadn t met. Then one of my colleagues told me the trick he uses: When he walks into a room a lone, he looks for pairs of people who are talking, and introduces himself to ea ch person in the pair. I thought you were supposed to approach people who were by themselves. If two pe ople are talking already, why would you interrupt them? Because everyone else is there to meet other people, too, he explained. So if yo u see a pair of people, the chances are that they arrived together and know they should be mingling. Or else they ve just met and are, in the back of their minds, worried that they re going to end up talking to this one person all night. (One o f these people may be trying to get out of the conversation; you ve just made it e asier for them to exit.) Either way, they re relieved to see you. And your chances of having a decent conversation are better, because now you re talking to two peo ple, not just one. Consider the alternatives: Approaching one person makes it harder to eventually extricate yourself. And if you can find absolutely nothing in common with that o ne person, you re sort of stuck, at least for a while. Plus, it s becoming more awkw ard to go up to just one person, because self-conscious people who don t have anyo ne to talk to will increasingly stare into their phones and give off the I m so bus y vibe -- even if they want to mingle. Breaking into a knot of four or more peopl e is really hard, at least for me. So twos are the best bet, and after that, threes. Here s the bizarre thing. It works. It really, really works. The next time I walke d into a totally intimidating cocktail party, I had met only one person there be fore. Since she was with the company that was hosting the event, I knew she woul dn t have time to talk to me. I took a deep breath, got a glass of wine, and looke d for groups of two. I probably had a dozen conversations that night, some more comfortable than others. About half the people I spoke with offered me their car d, which, in the age of LinkedIn, is becoming more rare. Then I went home, flopp ed on my bed, and thought, I can t believe that worked. Game on. -- Kimberly Weisul (11/13/2013) ------------------------

Ups and downs NOVEMBER 17, 2013 18 COMMENTS This blog represents my ideas as I formulate them. As I continue along my path o f self-improvement I encounter new problems and new ideas. Sometimes I ll look bac k at an old idea and realise it was really a self-serving justification to feed my ego what it required at that time. We live our lives trapped in webs of selfdeceit. Breaking free of those webs is an uncertain process. Sometimes we don t kn ow where we re going, just that wherever we are now isn t the right place. Summer.... Summer . For the past two summers I ve had long periods of feeling invincible. In 2012 I ca me back from Yugoslavia having knocked over four girls in four weeks, three of w hom were great scores, plus a bunch of dates and makeouts with girls of a calibr e to make the typical man whimper. I felt I could do no wrong. Just walking down the street I had my chin up, chest forward and a spring in my step. Then came t

he inevitible downswing as I lost interest in approaching and relied on closing off existing leads for the rest of the year. 2013 has been a good run too. The h ighlight would have to be knocking over seven girls in fourteen days with really good quality. My Invincibility Upswing lasted longer this year but the seeds of destruction had been sown. As summer wore on I could feel my motivation flaggin g, suppressed self-doubts surfacing and my vibe deteriorating. ... autumn autumn For the past two months I ve been atrocious. I had a week or two of dismal failure on the streets, dragging myself out through forebrain-willpower and then having a series of flat sets and flaky numbers. A few dates I couldn t concentrate on an d finally I decided to go off the clock entirely for three weeks. Last weekend I gave it another try. 25 sets and no solid leads. My periods of good vibe were s hort and it seemed inevitable that when I did rattle off five great sets in a ro w on Saturday evening every single girl had a long term boyfriend. Bah! Naturally I ve tried to self-diagnose the problem. Why is it that at my peak this year (April) I dated twenty-one new girls in ten days and kissed almost all of t hem (and banged six) whereas the same number of opens in the past month netted m e just three dates and no lays? It took a while to break through my own layers o f self-deceit but I think I figured it out. I m not happy. I don t mean woe-is-me-my-life-sucks unhappy. More that I m relatively unhappy. Allow me to explain. I believe our moods naturally follow a wave-pattern of upswings and downswings. Anyone who tells you he s happy 100% of the time is lying to you whether he be a b uddhist claiming nirvana or a player claiming self-actualisation. The human mind is not designed to be happy. It s designed to strive for more, doling out intermi ttent happiness as a reward for moving forwards. The precise timing and shape of the waves depends on many factors, such as: Health Family Abundance Problems What confused me this year is that on paper I ve had far and away the best year of my life. I ve banged 26 new girls with an average quality higher than any previou s year. I ve travelled to Spain, Brazil, Russia, Romania, Latvia, Lithuania, Eston ia, Czech Republic and Serbia. I ll only work a total of three months with the oth er nine devoted to my own pursuits. I ve written a new book (well 100,000 words of it so far). I ve stayed in good shape. I see my family plenty and have some good friends. I completed Grand Theft Auto V. Meh! I'll let you open her Meh! I ll let you open her So on paper all is great. Yet the past two months I ve been miserable and lacking any desire to do things. My usual hobbies of video games and reading fail to sti mulate me. I ve had little love for daygame and found dates too boring to engage m yself. I ve started tippling whiskey every night. I m lacking conviction. So what s th e problem? I ve become bored with the New Normal. I m restless. I achieved the lifestyle I wanted and have been living it for about two years. T he human brain responds to relative changes and thus tiny variations in success/ failure are spun all out of proportion. It s in our nature to experience an upswin g when achieveing goals and then to level out, take it for granted, and become r estless about the next goal. Happiness isn t about getting what you want, it s about enjoying what you get. That s elusive. So I ve been meeting girls when my own head isn t straight. I ve dragged myself out on to the streets against my hindbrain s inclination and I must be eminating miserabl e vibes. Why should I expect a woman to respond well to me when I m disatisfied wi th my life? I m inviting her to enter a reality I don t enjoy myself so of course sh e ll be reticent. Subtle changes in happiness are magnified through your vibe to c reate their impact on the girl. That s why when you feel great you catch more IOIs and hook more girls. And when you suck, you suck balls.

Perhaps you re wondering why I ve written such a long self-absorbed ramble so here s t he point: everyone has these downswings. Game increases the volatility of your w ave pattern with higher highs and lower lows (in emotional terms that is, the ob jective reality is higher highs and higher lows but it just doesn t feel that way) . Don t be too hard on yourself when the struggle appears hopeless or just plain b oring. So long as you are balancing work on your value (anabolic) with work on t he streets (catabolic) you ll eventually hit the next upswing. Emotional control is the foundation of Game. Don t let a downswing hand the reigns to avoidance weasel. Self-diagnose and figure out your action plan. Perhaps you need to push through more sets or perhaps you need to step away from the street s for a while. So long as you are implementing your Plan you can accept the down swing as a necessary purgatory while also not letting your upswings fool you int o hubris. * since writing this a week ago I can feel myself beginning an upswing --------------------------------e Badass Buddha Uniting the contradictions of game

NOVEMBER 15, 2013 20 COMMENTS For regular readers, Tom Torero needs no introduction. So I shan t give him one. T ake it away, fella The amount of cognitive dissonance for someone new to Game is seemingly overwhel ming. It s a nightmarish clashing of conflicting ideas from so many sources where you can t see the wood for the trees. This confusion does nothing to help a guy who s getting into the swing of things a nd doing his first cold approaches trying to get the reference experiences under his belt. He s probably watched dozens of online infields, browsed hundreds of fo rum posts and amassed an impressive collection of books, PDFs and products that he hopes will make his journey easier. Badass Buddha (2) And then the mind-fuck begins: should he be doing day or night game? Is indirect or direct better? Should he try pre-prepared material or attempt to be natural? Should he approach as much as possible or wait for the girls he really likes? I s verbal or non-verbal more important? Is it essential to be the bad boy or the good guy? Should he make girls laugh or keep a poker face? Is attraction or comf ort more important? Should he go for Same Day / Night Lays or master dating? Whe n should he pull the trigger quickly or slowly? Is it better to immerse himself in Game for a long period or balance it with other interests? Should he take up kick-boxing or meditation to help him on his quest? Should he buy Krauser s Daygame Nitro or Tom Torero s Daygame book?! It all comes down to being confused about knowing how to reconcile wanting the g irl (the pull ) with not needing the girl (the push ). How to walk the fine line betwe en persistence and neediness. This forwards and backwards seductive dance is clu msy to begin with, but over time with massive amounts of repetition and practice , a balance begins to be struck. Conscious incompetency becomes conscious compet ency. The infield action taken internalises the theory, and out of structure com es freedom. Finally a Flow State is reached (unconscious competency) as the skil lset is mastered. The sweet spot between pull (Badass) and push (Buddha) has bee n found. It s a razor s edge between the two that only a few will strike consistentl y, a narrow road between the traps of either extreme. This table shows the components of both sides of the Badass Buddha: BADASS (pull) BUDDHA (push) Persistence, pulling the trigger Backing off, non-neediness Direct Indirect Verbal Non-verbal Fast (SDL / SNL) Slow (Dating model) Bad boy (seduction) traits Nice guy (rapport) traits

A sexual threat Master of comfort Punishing bad behaviour (maintaining the hand ) Non-reactive (losing the battle to win the war) Cockiness, arrogance, solipsism Connection, dropping the ego, vulnerability Logistics, planning, detail In the moment, letting go Hedonistic, hitting it hard Reflective, balanced life Open everything, don t be picky Open the 9s and 10s Full immersion. Other pursuits and hobbies Finding that sweet spot into a Flow State is what musicians call freedom in the g roove. It s what mountaineers talk about when they re climbing on the razor s edge betw een life and death. It s what Ayrton Senna meant when he described his tunnel visio n in Formula One. Having such a sensitivity to the sweet spot is what is meant by calibration, achieved through thousands of hours of refinement of the skill set through errors and corrections. The Badass Buddha might sound like some New Age, Self-Help, Life Coaching bullsh it but it s quite the opposite. In fact, my aim with the concept is to ridicule an d spotlight such mumbo-jumbo bollocks, internet marketing scams and chakra clean sing nonsense. I m making the point that it s ACTION that has to come first to achie ve any kind of personal / psychological change. Not just action, but relentless action*. You can t have the Buddha before the Badass. It s like trying to put the ca rt before the horse. Therein lies the spiritualist crap. A fluffy motivational q uote you post on Facebook means nothing. Logging off, leaving your house and fac ing your fears (such as talking to girls through cold approach) is everything. To a beginner or an intermediate daygamer reading this, I d therefore stress that you need to go through the Badass stage first, taking on all the alpha-like trai ts that feel alien right now. Go too far, be massively persistent, be direct, be sexual, escalate fast, pull the trigger hard. Over time you ll calibrate yourself back towards the Buddha, with abundance in your dating life giving you the free dom from outcome that is so key. You ll learn the importance of non-verbal game, o f slowing down, of mastering dating, of letting go in the wider sense. Karmic rebalancing, yesterday Karmic rebalancing, yesterday Fuck self help. Get help from the girls right in front of you that will show you the way much faster than any Tony Robbins seminar. Earlier this year I reached 150 lays (144 of them in the last four years). An eg otistical notch count hyena statistic on one level, but massive deep level persona l changes on another level. In the last month alone I ve had 5 new lays with the t op-tier of girls around the world from London, Spain, the Baltics and Russia. 20 13 was the year of really leaning into my edge, finding flow and hitting that sw eet spot consistently. I know Krauser s had an outstanding year too, as I ve had to listen to a lot of his escapades through rattling apartment walls we ve shared. With dedication and practice, the cognitive dissonance becomes clarity, the conf licting ideas distill into essences. The narrow road is there, hidden underneath the brambles and weeds of procrastination and confusion. Cut a path for yoursel f using the razor sharp blade of action, which alone will provide the answers yo u re looking for. * Could those of you planning to take relentless action please not do so anywher e along the route from Primark at Marble Arch, along Oxford Street down Regent S treet and ending at Trafalgar Square. Thanks - K. ------------------------------------What Is It Like To Date A Woman Way Out Of Your League? November 14, 2013 by CH Have you ever banged a woman you thought was impossibly hot, too hot for a mere peasant boy like yourself? Chances are, you haven t. Most men don t reach for the as s ring. Fear and sometimes experience cultivates an exquisite sense for one s sexu al rank, and an avoidance mentality that preempts rejection by sultry specimens thought to be out of one s league .

But most men are not all men. A few warriors of the whiskered wound have banged out of their league, and lived to tell of the tail. Men with game will occasiona lly, maybe even often, bang women considered by the general population to be too beautiful for them. Other men will luck into an amazing fling with a superb hot tie. Usually, some combination of fortuitous circumstance and seduction skill is the backdrop to a stunning mismatch between a regular guy and a boner fried bom bshell. In before the trick-less trolls and baffled haters hijack the substance of this post to nasalize their belief that men s sexual value is judged by the same looks metric as women s sexual value, let it be hammered into their blocklike skulls (ag ain) that women judge a man s mate worthiness by many measures, not least of which is his social value and his seductive savviness. So when we say that a man is s hooting out of his league , we don t necessarily mean the spectacle of a very ugly ma n with a beautiful woman (though it could mean that). We could also mean a man w ho compares favorably in the looks department with the woman he is dating, but w ho falls short in other equally important criteria. A good-looking but socially awkward nerd with a hottie is one such mismatch that strikes a discordant note o n observers pattern-recognition tuning forks. With that anti-hater disclaimer out of the way, we can move on to the meat and p otatoes. Kai Peter Chang, a self-professed informal dating coach and boffer of b eautiful babies, describes his experience dating what he figured (that s the impor tant qualifier) was a woman way out of his league. Have you ever had the experience of getting a taste of a life light-years above your social class/station? Perhaps it s being a guest at an extravagant $200,000 wedding thrown by a distant relative you barely know. All you can do is marvel at the gorgeous decor and dec adent food you can never afford on your own. Perhaps it s a wealthy uncle/friend-of-a-friend who inexplicably allowed you take his $120,000 sports car for a spin around the neighborhood. All you can do is pr ay you don t crash the car, or pop the clutch and embarrass yourself. Perhaps you were summoned to an urgent work meeting that requires your presence thousands of miles away, and your employer authorized you to fly on the company jet (ordinarily reserved for its top executives). All you can do is fantasize ab out the day you re powerful/rich enough to use a private jet for all your travel. TL;DR: it s like that but involving the deepest part of sexuality and romance. out of my league for almost

[A] number of years ago, I dated someone substantially a year.

Her: a former Miss Hong Kong pageant gal, B-list actress/model/TVB television pe rsonality. In her prime, she was courted and pursued by the super-Alpha kings of Hong Kong: A-list movie stars, million-record-selling musicians, property tycoo ns, CEOs and power brokers at the apex of Hong Kong society. Me: At the time, a Mergers & Acquisitions Analyst at an investment-banking firm an easily-replacable cog in a financial behemoth, four years her junior. During that period, I commanded a low five-digit net worth, and no status to speak of. A nobody. She told me afterward that she gave me her number because she was amused by the fact that I clearly didn t recognize her; in Hong Kong, the only strangers who app roach her are autograph-seekers and those who want to pose with her for a photo

and I was utterly oblivious to her stature when I was flirting with her. Nice neg. It is also helpful to note that during this time, I was at still in first blush of youth a few years out of college, filled with brazen and unrealistic cocky am bition of what I can accomplish, arrogant to the point of delusion, and impervio us to feedback/advice. I was also insecure as hell, and in complete denial about it. With all that backdrop, the question was how did it feel as the It was flattering, thrilling and unnerving all at once. The more beautiful women you bed, the less unnerving (and thrilling, sadly) it b ecomes. You start to internalize the belief that you deserve them. This is the a sshole s secret of success. Dating far above my station gave me a glimpse of the life that exists at a compl etely different strata of society. Growing up a son of broke-ass immigrant paren ts and attending public schools my entire life surrounded by others of modest im migrant socioeconomic background, the first thing that stood out was her nearlyunlimited access to favors and accouterments of her elevated station. When you socialize with people who own spare yachts, faraway luxury properties a nd infrequently-used personal jets, you can cobble together an impromptu exotic vacation with a few phone calls. It will end up costing you little more than the price of a full tank of jet/yacht fuel and the promise of reciprocity of access to your own toys/properties at some unspecified future date. I, of course, had nothing to offer in these types of trades and that knowledge w as a source of gnawing insecurity; while I was stupidly confident that I was jus t a few years/career moves away from joining the company of Hong Kong aristocrac y on my own, my immediate financial circumstances were far more modest and I fle w Coach to visit her, while she flew First Class or via private jet to rendezvou s with me. If you doubt your worth to a woman, she will feel compelled to agree with you. I f you don t doubt, neither will she. The clandestine nature of our relationship (officially, she was the spoken-for c onsort of a powerful Hong Kong property tycoon two decades her senior and her li festyle was bankrolled by his largesse) added a further element of illicit excit ement; it was thrilling to be checking into hotels under fake names, arriving to locations at staggered times to avoid being seen together in public. The sneaky fucker MO. It s exciting because you know you re getting something for fr ee (outstanding pussy), that other men have to pay for in yachts and high societ y access. In retrospect, I now understand what she meant when, right before the first time we slept together, she whispered in my ear Please don t fall in love with me. She was wiser and more pragmatic than I; she knew, better than I did at the time , the ephemeral nature of our doomed fling. After several months of our relationship which consisted writing letters to each other (she has a gorgeous, calligraphic handwriting and a wry playful prose tha t was a delight to read) and time-zone-spanning international phone calls, inter lesser partner?

spersed with week-long face-to-face rendezvous where we exhausted ourselves in h otel rooms in various locations along the Pacific rim, she tearfully confessed Do you remember what I said to you that first night? I m having a hard time followin g my own advice. It was as close as she could get to tell me she loved me, but it was clear that whatever we had would end someday. Better to have loved a hottie and lost her, than to love a fug and keep her. No doubt losing a pathway to high grade pussy is a blow to a man s pleasure center , if not also his ego. But it was more dangerous for her to fall in love, becaus e the nature of woman doesn t allow for shared love between disparate men who offe r her competing comforts beyond the wildest dreams of the average representative of her sex. She risked discovery, and the concomitant loss of feminine prestige and resources from her richer suitors. Truly beautiful women possess a degree o f pragmatism that those who have little to lose can barely comprehend. Although if your charm is mesmerizing and your confidence imperturbable her love can bond her so tightly even the baubles of princes won t steal her from your embrace. --------------------------------Are You A Hunter Or A Waiter With Women? Posted by David Wygant - November 18, 2013 0 When it comes to dating, I ve noticed two main types of men. There s the hunter. Every Friday night the hunter heads out with his friends in to w. He ll go into a bar, and look at every woman there as a target. The hunter lite rally walks over to a woman, makes love to her with his eyes, and claims her. Wi thin minutes he s pulled her away from all the other guys trying to talk to her, a nd leaves them wondering what the hell he did. How did he do that? They ask.

Hunters like to seek out women. If there are no women where they are, they ll gath er their friends and go somewhere else. Hunters have little patience. They re in t he malls on a Saturday hunting women like pray. They re out walking in the streets looking for women. Everywhere they go they re seeking their next target. It s the h unter s natural instinct. Hunters never relax. There s nothing zen about them whatsoever. They re going to kee p going until they get laid. It doesn t matter how many women they have to go thro ugh. They ll try one after another until they find one that says Yes. That s the hunter. The waiters of the dating world are more Zen. They re going to head to one place, and they ll hang out. Maybe they ll sit at a coffee shop on a Saturday, and they ll si t in the best location to catch a woman s eye. I used to do that a lot when I was living over in Brentwood. The waiter sits and waits patiently. They know it s only a matter of time until th e right woman is going to walk in. Then they ll make their move and try to connect . Waiters prefer delivery. They like women to come to them. You know a woman is going to walk by you at some point. You know because you ve st aked out that corner so many times. You know there s a hot blonde that comes in ev ery Wednesday at 5PM. You wait, and you re ready because you ve been practicing your

conversation and approach skills. You relax and strike a pose. There s always a certain type of pose too. You have a certain look of calmness about you, but women notice you because you have attit ude. You look like some sort of character in a movie. Just waiting. You have a twinkl e in your eye, because you know any moment the woman you want to connect with wi ll walk right by. When she does walk by, you look directly at her. Almost as if you re eating her before you even talk to her. I always call it the Yummy look. You use the same approach as you use over and ove r again. It could be the You look lost, or the Are you my blind date? You always have an opener that relates to the moment because you have the killer instinct, but you re a waiter. You know exactly how to slay this woman because you ve been waiting for this moment and you know what it takes. As she walks over, you lay it on her as if she s the most delicious woman you ve seen all day. Now you re going to have her and you re not going to let her go. You re going to flirt with her, and you re going to make sure she knows you re flirting with her. The wai ter is really a passive hunter. You ve carefully talked to and connected with so m any women, you re good at this now. You ve done every exercise I show you in my programs. You ve been over and chatted t o that little old lady, and the women you re not attracted to. You know exactly ho w to look, and exactly how to deliver the first Hello. Maybe you ve practiced in the mirror, or recorded yourself as I suggest in a lot o f programs. You ve listened to the way you sound, and you ve worked on your tonality . You ve read all the latest magazines so you know what s going on in the world. You ve watched some reality television so you can talk about what people are watching. You ve learned a little about things women relate to. Now you can talk to them abo ut anything. But it hasn t always been like this. You failed miserably day after day standing o n that street corner, or sitting in that coffee shop. You failed, just like the hunter used to when he went into bars on a Friday night looking for women. But y ou didn t quit. You didn t listen to an audio program and then quit three days later because you didn t want to do the work. You weren t looking for a shortcut. You knew there was no such thing as a magic pill. You ve worked on yourself. You r ealized to become successful at anything you have to put in the work. You ve been blown off by women in public and you didn t care. You developed a thicker skin. You got some wrong phone numbers, and you were flaked on plenty of times, but yo u kept learning until you perfected it. Now you know what women you re attracted t o, and you know how to approach them. Just like any good marketer knows his market, a successful hunter or waiter know s what type of woman is going to respond to him, and he leads an abundant life. You truly believe there are plenty of women out there for you. You re not trying t o force women to like you, because you like and respect women, and you don t care if you don t connect with someone. You know certain women don t dig you, and you don t beat yourself up about it. You ve been out with friends, and women have liked them over you. You don t get upset. Yo u bow to your friends and congratulate them on a good night. That s what a man doe

s. That s what a real man is. A real man allows life to happen around him, but takes full control and lives life to the fullest. But you don t get there overnight. You don t get there by deciding to become success ful with women. You don t get there just by downloading programs. You have to foll ow through with the exercises they give you. When you re looking for a guru to fol low (and thank you for reading my stuff) think about their lifestyle. Are they living the lifestyle you want? Is he someone with proven results? Has h e done the work himself? No man flies through his Mom s birth canal into the nurse s arms and says, I ll meet you in the nursery. Hey Sugar.

You re not born a master communicator. It takes time and practice. And some people develop faster than others do. Nobody is born with the gift of the gab. Everyon e had to learn, and everyone had to define who they are. You can t become a hunter or waiter until you define who you are as a man. I remem ber taking a client out to a clothing store to see him talk to women. There was one woman he spoke to who reacted badly to him. Within seconds, he started turni ng on the pickup style lines. You don t know what you re missing Babe, he said. It was nuts. Not every woman is going to want to connect with you whether you re a hunter OR a waiter. If I talk to a woman and she doesn t want to connect with me, who cares? Now I can tell almost instantly whether a woman s going to respond to me before I speak to her. I can tell by her energy and the way she carries herself. Its year s of experience that has got me to this point. When you do the work, you can go out and meet women, you can have sexual encounters, and you can date with suprem e confidence. You can date the women you REALLY want to date. And you know exactly what I m talking about guys. The relationships where you ve cho sen the woman, not the other way round. When you re with a woman you re attracted to , not just some woman that picked you up. You don t find her sexy but she s better t han nothing kind of thing. Go out there and define your style. Are you a hunter or a waiter? Do you go out looking for women, or do you wait for them to come to you? Meet women. They re everywhere. Learn about yourself through relationships. Be hon est with every woman you meet. Hone your communications skills and be open, hone st, and authentic at all times. I was just in New York City playing around. I was doing some work, and hanging o ut with my Brother. And you know what? We just went out flirting and talking to people all day long. We made some great videos, and had some fun. Do you know why it was so much fun? Because I enjoy connecting with people. It doesn t matter to me if I sleep with th em. It s fun getting to know someone new. It s nice to share a piece of yourself wit h others and get some of them in return. That s what living an authentic, amazing life is all about. It doesn t matter if you re a hunter or a waiter. Do the work, and define your style

. -----------------------------------

Avoid First Date Disasters Posted by David Wygant - November 17, 2013 0 Do you always feel anxious after a date? Do you analyze every little thing you said and did? Does she like me? Did I say something wrong? Will she want to see me again? All night the questions run through your head. You lay there counting the minute s until you get to speak to the girl you went out with, and find out the truth. If you re anything like most insecure daters, you re still not sure they liked you, even when they tell you they do. She tells you, You re amazing, but you think she s just being nice. But you re just waiting for her to f

She says, I like you. When can I see you again? lake on you.

Do you feel like you never believe women s real motives? Do feel like women are al ways lying to you? Are you a serial self-destructor? Do you know why you keep feeling like this? It s because you re not in control of your dates. You re an insecure dater! What do I mean? You re someone who blames the woman when a date hasn t gone well. You assume they sa w fault in you, so they ve caused the date to fall flat. Insecure daters always bl ame the other person on the date in one way or another. Either they didn t make yo u feel relaxed, or they didn t talk enough. Every date you go on ends the same way. No matter how many woman you meet, you s till end up without a girlfriend. Do you want to know the real problem? You may not like it, but here it is. The real problem is YOU. Most the time you re the reason the date doesn t work out, not the woman. You re so concerned about what she thinks of you, or what to say next, you re not enjoying the moment. A woman w rote to me the other day, asking why men never listen to what women say on a dat e. Women notice you re not paying attention to what they re saying. Stop worrying about what you re going to say and LISTEN to the conversation. That way you can listen and react to what she says. You don t need to think of anything clever to say. Jus t flow with the conversation. When you re on date you need to be 100% present and in the moment. You have to con centrate on enjoying the connection and being YOU. In other words, stop trying s o hard and enjoy the date. Dating is all about two people on a journey of exploration. You re there trying to work out if you have any chemistry. You re there to see if the two of you connect . If you re feeling anxious and insecure after every date you go on, you need to d

o some work on yourself. You have to remind yourself, you re the gift. You re more than enough. There are hun dreds of women who d love to date you. You just need to meet them. If you don t beli eve you re an amazing man, I m telling you, no woman will. It s not about faking confidence. It s about being comfortable in your own skin. If you re not getting second dates, it s because women are noticing your negativity, an d it puts them off. Women like confidence, strength, and security in a man. So h ere s what you need to do. Try to understand why you feel insecure. You need to accept and understand yourself, and then work on your insecurities. Most insecurity is based on bad experiences in the past. You need to remember, t he past doesn t equal the future, especially when it comes to dating. Think of the old Michael Jackson song, Man in the Mirror. You have to make the change in your mindset. Work on yourself. Figure out why yo u don t accept yourself. Find out why you don t believe women like you, and change y our attitude. Once you get your mindset right, your dating life will improve dra matically. You have to take control of yourself, before you can take control of your dates. Now The next step after fixing your mindset is learning how to become a closer. Lear ning how to close women so from the moment they meet you, through to your first date, and beyond, they re intrigued, excited, and attracted to you. In my Art of Cl ose program I show you how to take control of your dating life, so you can take w omen on the romantic journey they ALL crave, from first meeting to becoming your girlfriend! -------------------------------------The Secret To Asking A Girl Out REVEALED! Posted by David Wygant - November 14, 2013 0 how to ask a girl outI m about to share with you the greatest secret mankind has e ver heard. That s right; I m going to finally reveal the answer to a question that s b een driving men mad for decades. How do I ask a woman out? How should I ask a gir l on a date? So many of you get so tight about talking to women, or asking them out, you lite rally freeze up when you meet them and don t know what to say. If that s you, you re g oing to want to pay close attention to this. The next time you run into a beautiful woman, you ll know exactly what to say. Eve n if she s the girl of your dreams! This could literally be the answer to all your communication and approach problems. Ready for it? Here s why you find it hard to talk to women and ask them on a date You think too much! I think too much? That s all you have for me David? Actually, yes it is. Think about it. When you talk to someone in your family, do you spend ages thinking about what to say? Probably not. When you phone your friends to ask whether they want to hang out and watch footb

all, do you rehearse what you re going to say on the phone? Do you write out a lis t of topics to discuss with them? Probably not. So why is it when you speak to a woman you always wonder what to say next? Why do you feel like you need some sort of script to guide you through the conve rsation? It s weird when you think about it. You can t have a proper conversation with someon e if you re constantly trying to think of what to say next. You won t listen to what she s saying, you ll look like you re not paying attention, and it makes you look cre epy. You need to start talking to women as if they re human beings, not some kind of fa ntasy creature you made up in your imagination. You don t do it when you talk to t he guy at the gas station. You don t do it when you talk to the guy making your sa ndwich or coffee. You don t say, Right, I m going to order my sandwich first. Then I m going to ask for a coffee, and ask for extra milk. I might even make a joke abou t that. Then I ll use my line about whether I have to pay this time. That always g oes down well. Yet, this is exactly what you do when you meet a woman, and it s what you do when you try to work out how to ask them out. You need to stop thinking about it. Sto p worrying about what to say next. No conversation is pre-planned. No conversati on presently going on in the world was thought out beforehand. Life isn t a movie script! You re going to have to start learning how to listen to a woman as if she s a real, living individual. When you listen to what she says, you can react to it and the conversation flows. Just imagine she s someone you talk to on a regular basis. If you want to hang out with your friends, you just ask them to! If you want to ask a girl out, stop thinking, and just ask her! ------------------------Stop Procrastination Posted by David Wygant - November 7, 2013 14 Are you Mr. One Day? You have a great idea and say to yourself, that ONE DAY. That s great. I m going to make sure I do

Do you ever sit around on a Friday night and think to yourself, I should really g o to that party tonight. Maybe I ll go out tomorrow night instead. Are you Mr. One Day or Mr. Tomorrow? We ve all done it at some point in our lives. Years ago you had a business plan al l mapped out, but you didn t do anything about it. Suddenly you read in the newspa per about some guy that had the same idea and turned it into a Billion Dollar en terprise. How many times have you seen a stock, and realized it was massively undervalued but didn t buy any. You thought, I ll buy some next month. Maybe one day I ll invest in that company. What happens?

You don t do anything and three months later, the stock tripled in value. You look for reasons not to take action. You can t afford that leather jacket that makes y ou look amazing. You don t think it s the right time to buy the dream home you ve seen go up for sale. The truth is, you ll never take action when you re thinking like this. You re procrast inating and Mr. One Day is who you ve become. How s that working out for you? How does it feel living the life of Mr. One Day? It s frustrating isn t it? You sit around; you have all these goals and ambitions, but never do anything ab out them. The thing you need to realize is, procrastination can be dangerous. Th ink about this You re overweight, and you say to yourself, e day I m going to feel good about myself. One day I m going to lose this weight. On

The next thing you know you find yourself in hospital, old, broken down, and plu gged into a heart monitor. The doctor tells you, you only have months to live. W hen the hell are you going to start living guys, because eventually you re going t o start running out of one days. If you don t think I m right about the dangers of procrastination, spend a week talk ing to a bunch of old people. Ask them how many of them have lived life to the f ullest. Ask them, whether there are things they wish they d have done when they we re younger. It will break your heart! Here s what I want you to do RIGHT NOW . I want you to make a list of all the things you want to do one day. A lot of peopl e did this after the movie The Bucket List came out. They made a list of everythin g they wanted to do after they watched the movie. So let s call this our One day list.

Write everything down. Whatever it might be. Have sex in an airplane, make $1M, drive a sports car, travel the world. Anything you d love to do. It doesn t matter h ow big your dreams and aspirations are. Start listing them from the smallest to the largest. Then I want you to start scratching something off this list at leas t once a week. Even if it s something as simple as, Practice approaching 5 women this week.

It s time to stop procrastinating, and kill off Mr. One Day. He s no good for you, a nd he can actually be pretty damn nasty. You need to become Mr. Right Now. You s ee, Mr. Right Now is the guy who gets the girls, Mr. Right Now is the guy that g oes on vacations around the world, and Mr. Right Now is the one who lives the am azing lifestyle. It s time to start living, not one day, but TODAY! -----------------------------------[VIDEO] How To Make Her Fantasize About YOU From: ATTRACT, DATE, SEDUCE, CONNECT BODY LANGUAGE DATING TIPS

HOW TO TALK TO WOMEN HOW YOU CAN AVOID THE FRIEND ZONE THE TYPE OF MAN WOMEN WANT WHAT WOMEN WANT FROM MEN October 24, 2013 inShare 1 dream-guy-2_1 You ve heard me talk over and over again about how women need to FEEL YOU through conversations And the other day I randomly thought of a conversation I had with a guy who was TOTALLY not my type (physically at least) but all I kept thinking throughout was h ow BADLY I wanted him. It was a few years back and I was being set up on a blind date (back before you could actually really Facebook or Google anyone). I was about 23 or 24 at the time and I was meeting this guy at a coffee shop Mind you I really had NO idea what he looked like all my friend told me was that h e was tall, had a GREAT smile, and was absolutely HYSTERICAL OK fine I ll take it. So anyway, I got to the coffee shop and took my seat down in the far corner, tha t way I could see EVERY GUY who walked in. That s when HE (my date) showed up He was about 10 years older than me (which I d never done before), was beyond bald ing with maybe 3 strands of hair left on his shiny head, and he had a mini beer belly protruding from beneath his tight white t-shirt. At first I thought, HOW COULD MY FRIEND DO THIS TO ME?! but as soon as he walked ove r he said, Marni right?! and gave me the BIGGEST, happiest hug I d ever received. So then I thought, OK great maybe he and I can just be FRIENDS! a new friend wouldn t hurt I was new to LA so

We both sat down and started talking and, my friend was right, he was HILARIOUS! But then something strange started happening Soon enough I couldn t take my eyes off him I was laughing and giggling and BLUSHING (what the hell, how?) and before I knew it we d been at the coffee shop for THREE HOU RS And I didn t want our date to end! I caught myself twirling my hair, wondering what my friends would think about hi m, if my PARENTS would like him, if we could grab dinner later, if he d kiss me by the end of the night, what kind of kisser he would be IT WAS INSANE! Now what s interesting about this interaction is that, to this day, I could not ev en TELL YOU what our conversation was about because all I remember are the FEELING

S I had when we talked I don t know if he did OSA I don t know if he did LCA (which you know are my tried and trusted methods for connecting with women) but I do know that he got me wanting h im so badly that I really did everything in my power to make him MINE (and I eve ntually did haha). So this was about 10 years ago and because I don t remember what he even SAID I ca n t explain it BUT, what made me think of this story was that I recently met somebody who can tel l you EXACTLY how to create that kind of chemistry through conversation The kind where it doesn t matter if you re bald, fat, her type or not, or if you hav e the right tips and techniques. Now I m not easily impressed at this point in my career, but this video is incredibl y eye-opening and extremely accurate in explaining what happened to me that day at the coffee shop. And you ll discover how to create arouse the same chemistry and attraction in a wo man to become the guy she fantasizes about Watch this video and learn how to make her fantasize about YOU I ll admit it IS one of those videos that s a bit lengthy and what not but honestly you know I only share the good stuff with you. ;-) So do what you want by the end of the video whatever you choose is on you But if you ve ever wished you were the kind of guy that women chase after The kind of guy who women can t stop thinking about The kind of guy she can t keep her hands off Then I highly recommend you go ahead and watch this video right now, don t miss th is! -----------------------------TruthTheory Featured Articles Movies Gallery Media Shop Contact Advertise Submit an article USING MEDITATION TO OVERCOME EGO ArticlesSpirituality 23 October 2013

erhrtyjby Debbie West

In order to combat the harmful illusion of self that is created by our ideals of who we are based on past experiences and judgments of ourselves and others, we must overcome the ego. The ego-self is created by a complex and powerful overlay of our mind that is designed as a shield to protect us from harm and suffering. The ego unchecked over time expands, falsifying our idea of true self. The resu lt is an unbalanced, disconnected, external self focused solely on safety and at tachments with narcissistic concerns about appearance and position, yearning for admiration and superiority and bogging us down with negative and false fear-bas ed thoughts of judgment, anger and resentment. In the quest to overcome the fals e self or ego self, many have turned to meditation practices which detoxify our minds, cleanse the soul, and reactivate our higher self connection to a universa l and compassionate consciousness. It has been proven that positive thoughts and a joyful outlook, combined with a forgiving nature filled with love and gratitu de, have the capacity to heal our minds and bodies. Using meditation ignites the spiritual connection within us so frequently manipulated by our ego s desire to b e in charge. Connecting to Soul Self thru Meditation One of the primary benefits of meditation is creating a sense of stillness and c alm that is present throughout one s entire life. This stillness and inner peace i s one of the most attractive aspects of making meditation a daily practice. Medi tation is clearing the mind, and in clearing the mind it silences the ego. Durin g meditation, a sense of peace is created with the universe, allowing the experi ence of true identity, also known as cosmic ego. There are multiple layers to the mind, and meditation assists in breaking thru the outer ego-defense layer to rea ch the inner self. Often, we do not realize what is missing in our human experie nce, but a sense of emptiness or being overcome by psychological traumas such as depression, anxiety, bipolar may lead to seeking treatment. Finding a spiritual connection using meditation relieves mental anguish, develops a healthy mind an d body, and promotes overall health and well-being. Religions Agree on the Philosophy of No-Ego Seemingly, all traditions agree that no great spiritual attainment is possible w ithout conquest ofegocentricity. And while a healthy dose of self-esteem and sel f-confidence are valuable traits, one must replace conceit with modesty and arro gance with humility. This is where meditation can help us tremendously. The trut h lies within and is an internal connection to the eternal soul. Which practice we choose or what skills we use, whether we are religious or not, are not signif icant. Atman, a term commonly used in the Hindu and eastern traditions, describe s the connection to higher self and someone who has reached a state of no-ego. A tman means the individual soul or essence. A person who is entirely in touch wit h their spiritual side is an example of someone deeply connected to atman.

Chung Hyun Kyung, Professor of Ecumenical Theology and Interfaith Engagement at Union Theological Seminary and a Buddhist Dharma teacher, states: In a way, the Christian notion of being in Christ and Buddhist notion of no-self and true self have something in common. That commonality is, you are free from t his binding ego. You step outside of ego and are then open to receive love of Go d and open to act as a good Christian disciple or a good Buddhist. So whatever n eeds arise around you, you respond to it freely without clinging to your old unc hanging self. In Tibetan practices, it is taught that our true self is eternal and is the God

force within us. The way of our higher self is to reflect our inner reality rath er than the outer illusion. The description given by Sogyal Rinpoche in The Tibe tan Book of Living and Dying is a wonderful explanation of this discovery: Two people have been living in you all of your life. One is the ego, garrulous, d emanding, hysterical, calculating; the other is the hidden spiritual being, whos e still voice of wisdom you have only rarely heard or attended to. He refers to this hidden spiritual being as our wise guide. When we learn to tra nscend the illusions sponsored by the ego, we can access this wise guide. We can invite in the higher aspects of ourselves to function in their natural, loving and integrated design. Identifying EGO Eckart Tolle was asked, How do you know whether a feeling you have is coming from your Ego, or from a deeper source? His response: Sometimes it s not so easy to tell. One criterion you can use is to know, if there is any negativity involved, anger, resentment, irritation, then Ego is present t here. If there is no negativity but there is an underlying field of peace, then it arises from a deeper place that is not the Ego. When we view the world in competition and judgment and others as less than, ofte n our Ego is driving our behavior and our thoughts. This means the Ego is fulfil ling its need to be right, self-important and drives us away from our true natur e as loving beings. Negativity is the key, explains Tolle. Knowing whether or not that is present in yo u. You need to be present to know whether it s there or not. If you are identifie d with negativity, then you won t even know that there is negativity. To the Ego, a negative feeling is something good. The Ego loves to be angry. It strengthens itself with that. Sigmond Freud (1923), known as the founding father of psychoanalysis, coined the terms id, ego and superego, the three parts of his psychoanalytic personality t heory stating that they work together in creating human behavior. According to t he Freud terminology, the id is irrational and creates demands, the ego adds the needs of reality in meeting the demands of the id, and the superego adds morali ty to the action which is taken. The superego can punish the ego with feelings o f guilt. These concepts do not contradict the current views on the human persona lity and ego based vs. cosmic consciousness. Overcoming Ego using Meditation in the Mainstream The rise in great spiritual leaders of this decade who have inspired millions in a non-religious pursuit of spiritual fulfillment has increased the wide spread use of meditation practices in the West. Respected authors such as Dr. Wayne Dye r, Eckert Tolle, and Deepak Chopra have transcended religious doctrines with a n ew message of finding joy and purpose by identifying with the soul self. When as ked about ego, Dr. Wayne Dyer says: No one has ever seen the face of ego. It is like a ghost that we accept as a cont rolling influence in our lives. I look upon the ego as nothing more than an idea that each of us has about ourselves. The ego is only an illusion, but a very in fluential one. Letting the ego-illusion become your identity can prevent you fro m knowing your true self and is a backwards way of assessing and living life. Losing the identity to ego-self transcends religious beliefs and acknowledges th at the internal spirit of an individual s higher self is the connection to God con

sciousness, uplifting the soul in peace and unity of both ourselves and others. Dr. Susan Dillbeck, president of the International Foundation of Consciousness-B ased Education, says that meditation is very important and encourages everyone t o practice it often. When we meditate, we begin to feel the touch of our spirit we sense our vibration increasing in an internal, eternal, melding of self with our soul. A quiet mind hears the voice of the angels more easily. The more you relax your mind, the ea sier it is for you to hear the answer. Open our heart and mind, this abundant lo ve has no boundaries. Dr. Susan Dillbeck Using daily meditation, results from brain scans now reveal an increase in graymatter density in areas of the brain associated with memory, self-awareness, com passion and introspection, and a decrease in density of gray matter in areas ass ociated with stress and anxiety. As society reaches new levels of awareness, seeking solutions to overcoming the limiting beliefs placed on us by ego-based thinking, meditation is becoming more popular amongst mainstream thought leaders in science, psychology and religion. Knowing that we control our thoughtsand that we are not our minds, but in reali ty we are our spiritual essence or soul, science and spirituality continue to he lp society grasp a more advanced knowledge of the science of the mind.

Read the first 2 articles of 3-part series: Ego Overcoming the Limitations of Personality While in Search of the Cosmic Self The Rise of Futuristic Medicine From An Ageless Practice


About the Author Deborah West worked in corporate public relations and media for over 20 years an d is currently a freelancer, reporting on a wide variety of topics including dis closure, ancient and multidimensional civilizations, the the shift in humanity s c onsciousness and brings truthful reporting to topics ranging from healthcare to energy. She writes a column called Lost Knowledge at The New Era Times and has a weekly radio show called Lost Knowledge on Tuesdays 3-5pm CST. To see her artic les go to: Source: Waking Times Image Credit


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